[71099] trunk/dports/sysutils/cronolog/Portfile

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Sep 1 01:19:58 PDT 2010

Revision: 71099
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2010-09-01 01:19:56 -0700 (Wed, 01 Sep 2010)
Log Message:
cronolog: whitespace changes, add modeline

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/sysutils/cronolog/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/sysutils/cronolog/Portfile	2010-09-01 08:00:20 UTC (rev 71098)
+++ trunk/dports/sysutils/cronolog/Portfile	2010-09-01 08:19:56 UTC (rev 71099)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
 PortSystem          1.0
@@ -8,29 +9,27 @@
 platforms           darwin
 maintainers         ryandesign
 license             GPLv2
+description         cronolog is a web log rotation program
+long_description    cronolog is a simple filter program that reads log file \
+                    entries from standard input and writes each entry to the \
+                    output file specified by a filename template and the \
+                    current date and time. When the expanded filename \
+                    changes, the current file is closed and a new one opened.
 homepage            http://cronolog.org/
 master_sites        ${homepage}download/
-use_parallel_build  yes
-description \
-	cronolog is a web log rotation program
+checksums           md5 a44564fd5a5b061a5691b9a837d04979 \
+                    sha1 6422b7c5e87241eb31d76809a2e0eea77ae4c64e \
+                    rmd160 6181c14e69a419c633950274c3c112f6bd784f9e
-long_description \
-	cronolog is a simple filter program that reads log file \
-	entries from standard input and writes each entry to the \
-	output file specified by a filename template and the current \
-	date and time. When the expanded filename changes, the \
-	current file is closed and a new one opened.
+configure.args      --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
+                    --infodir=${prefix}/share/info
-checksums \
-	md5 a44564fd5a5b061a5691b9a837d04979 \
-	sha1 6422b7c5e87241eb31d76809a2e0eea77ae4c64e \
-	rmd160 6181c14e69a419c633950274c3c112f6bd784f9e
+use_parallel_build  yes
-configure.args \
-	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-	--infodir=${prefix}/share/info
 livecheck.type      regex
 livecheck.url       ${homepage}download/index.html
 livecheck.regex     ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar
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