[77964] trunk/dports/lang/slime/Portfile

easieste at macports.org easieste at macports.org
Mon Apr 18 01:15:43 PDT 2011

Revision: 77964
Author:   easieste at macports.org
Date:     2011-04-18 01:15:42 -0700 (Mon, 18 Apr 2011)
Log Message:
Upgrade to slime-20110419. 

Change use of ui_msg to notes mechanism, rewriting the note a bit.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/slime/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/slime/Portfile	2011-04-18 08:02:32 UTC (rev 77963)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/slime/Portfile	2011-04-18 08:15:42 UTC (rev 77964)
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 PortSystem  1.0
 name        slime
-version     20110122
-epoch       20110122
+version     20110417
+epoch       20110417
 revision    0
 categories  lang
 platforms   darwin
@@ -137,36 +137,31 @@
     xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/doc/slime.info ${destroot}${prefix}/share/info
-post-activate   {
-    ui_msg "To use SLIME, you need to have a Common Lisp installed with which"
-    ui_msg "you wish to interact.  At the moment,  'sbcl', 'abcl', 'ccl',"
-    ui_msg "'ecl' and 'clisp' all work.  As a convenience, port variants for SLIME"
-    ui_msg "exist which require the installation of these Lisps."
-    ui_msg ""
-    ui_msg "Then put the following in your ~/.emacs:"
-    ui_msg ""
-    ui_msg "(add-to-list 'load-path \"${prefix}/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime\")"
-    ui_msg "(require 'slime-autoloads)"
-    ui_msg "(setq slime-lisp-implementations"
-    ui_msg "     \`((sbcl (\"${prefix}/bin/sbcl\"))"
-    ui_msg "       (abcl (\"${prefix}/bin/abcl\"))"
-    ui_msg "       (clisp (\"${prefix}/bin/clisp\"))))"
-    ui_msg "(add-hook \'lisp-mode-hook"
-    ui_msg "           (lambda ()"
-    ui_msg "             (cond ((not (featurep \'slime))"
-    ui_msg "                    (require \'slime) "
-	ui_msg "                    (normal-mode)))))"
-    ui_msg ""
-    ui_msg "(eval-after-load \"slime\""
-    ui_msg "   \'(slime-setup '(slime-fancy slime-banner)))"
-    ui_msg ""
-    ui_msg "Populate the initialization list in SLIME-LISP-IMPLEMENTATIONS"
-    ui_msg "with the correct paths to the Common Lisp exectuables you wish to use."
-    ui_msg ""
-    ui_msg "Then, 'M-x slime' from Emacs should connect you to the first"
-    ui_msg "CL implementation in the list. 'C-- M-x slime' will present"
-    ui_msg "an interactive chooser for additional implementations in the list."
-    ui_msg ""
+notes "
+To use SLIME, you need to have a Common Lisp installed with which you
+wish to interact.  At the moment, 'sbcl', 'abcl', 'ccl', 'ecl' and
+'clisp' all work.  As a convenience, port variants for SLIME exist
+which require the installation of these Lisps.
+Then put the following in your ~/.emacs:
+(add-to-list 'load-path \"${prefix}/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime\")
+(setq slime-lisp-implementations
+     \`((sbcl (\"${prefix}/bin/sbcl\"))
+       (abcl (\"${prefix}/bin/abcl\"))
+       (clisp (\"${prefix}/bin/clisp\"))))
+(require \'slime)
+(slime-setup  \'(slime-repl slime-asdf slime-fancy slime-banner))
+Populate the initialization list in SLIME-LISP-IMPLEMENTATIONS with
+the correct paths to the Common Lisp exectuables you wish to use.
+Then, 'M-x slime' from Emacs should connect you to the first Common
+Lisp implementation in the list. 'C-- M-x slime' will present an
+interactive chooser for additional implementations in the list.
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