[81855] branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/ index.html.erb

derek at macports.org derek at macports.org
Fri Aug 5 22:30:43 PDT 2011

Revision: 81855
Author:   derek at macports.org
Date:     2011-08-05 22:30:42 -0700 (Fri, 05 Aug 2011)
Log Message:
 Refactored chart drawing code. Chart data is encoded in json by the controller  and accessed here through the @chartjson hash
 - Added charts array which holds hashes that have info needed to draw a chart
 - Each chart hash has a key into @chartjson, a title, and a div
 - Added drawPieChart JS function which draws a pie chart with a given title, at a given div from a JSON object
 - drawAllCharts now iterates over the charts array and generates calls to the JS function drawPieChart

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/index.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/index.html.erb	2011-08-06 05:24:53 UTC (rev 81854)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/index.html.erb	2011-08-06 05:30:42 UTC (rev 81855)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+<%# title: Title of the chart %>
+<%# key: key into chartjson hash table %>
+<%# div: div where chart should be drawn %>
+<% charts = [] %>
+<% charts << {:title => 'MacPorts Versions', :key => 'macports_version',  :div => 'macports_versions_div'} %>
+<% charts << {:title => 'OSX Versions', :key => 'osx_version', :div => 'osx_versions_div'} %>
+<% charts << {:title => 'OS Arch', :key => 'os_arch', :div => 'os_arch_div'} %>
+<% charts << {:title => 'OS Platform', :key => 'os_platform', :div => 'os_platform_div'} %>
+<% charts << {:title => 'Build Arch', :key => 'build_arch', :div => 'build_arch_div'} %>
+<% charts << {:title => 'gcc Version', :key => 'gcc_version', :div => 'gcc_version_div'} %>
+<% charts << {:title => 'XCode Version', :key => 'xcode_version', :div => 'xcode_version_div'} %>
 <!--Load the AJAX API-->
 <script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
@@ -8,103 +20,21 @@
 // Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
-function drawChart(chart_title, chart_div, chart_data) {
-// Create our data table.
-var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
-data.addColumn('string', 'Version');
-data.addColumn('number', 'Frequency');
-// Add rows
-//Draw chart
-var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById(chart_div));
-chart.draw(data, {width: 450, height: 300, title: chart_title});
+function drawPieChart(json, title, div) {
+  var data  = new google.visualization.DataTable(json);
+  var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById(div));
+  chart.draw(data, {width: 450, height: 300, title: title});
-function drawMacPortsVersions() {
-	var data = [
-		<% @macports_version.each do |key, value| %>
-		['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
-		<% end %>
-	];
-	drawChart('MacPorts Versions', 'macports_versions_div', data);
-function drawOSXVersions() {
-	var data = [
-		<% @osx_version.each do |key, value| %>
-		['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
-		<% end %>
-	];
-	drawChart('OSX Versions', 'osx_versions_div', data);
-function drawOSArch() {
-	var data = [
-		<% @os_arch.each do |key, value| %>
-		['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
-		<% end %>
-	];
-	drawChart('OS Arch', 'os_arch_div', data);
-function drawOSPlatform() {
-	var data = [
-		<% @os_platform.each do |key, value| %>
-		['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
-		<% end %>
-	];
-	drawChart('OS Platform', 'os_platform_div', data);
-function drawBuildArch() {
-	var data = [
-		<% @build_arch.each do |key, value| %>
-		['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
-		<% end %>
-	];
-	drawChart('Build Arch', 'build_arch_div', data);
-function drawGccVersion() {
-	var data = [
-		<% @gcc_version.each do |key, value| %>
-		['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
-		<% end %>
-	];
-	drawChart('gcc Version', 'gcc_version_div', data);
-function drawXCodeVersion() {
-	var data = [
-		<% @xcode_version.each do |key, value| %>
-		['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
-		<% end %>
-	];
-	drawChart('XCode Version', 'xcode_version_div', data);
 function drawAllCharts() {
-	drawMacPortsVersions();
-	drawOSXVersions();
-	drawOSArch();
-	drawOSPlatform();
-	drawBuildArch();
-	drawGccVersion();
-	drawXCodeVersion();
+  <% charts.each do |hash|%>
+  json = <%= raw @chartjson[hash[:key]] %>;
+  drawPieChart(json, '<%= hash[:title] %>', '<%= hash[:div] %>');
+  <% end %>
-<!--Div that will hold the pie chart-->
 <div id="macports_versions_div"></div>
 <div id="osx_versions_div"></div>
 <div id="os_arch_div"></div>
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