[82194] trunk/dports/graphics/openvrml
raphael at macports.org
raphael at macports.org
Wed Aug 10 03:13:56 PDT 2011
Revision: 82194
Author: raphael at macports.org
Date: 2011-08-10 03:13:54 -0700 (Wed, 10 Aug 2011)
Log Message:
* fix build with boost 1.47.0 by applying upstream patch; see #30689
* replace no_x11 and no_opengl variant
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/openvrml/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/openvrml/Portfile 2011-08-10 09:17:18 UTC (rev 82193)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/openvrml/Portfile 2011-08-10 10:13:54 UTC (rev 82194)
@@ -28,24 +28,24 @@
port:libpng \
port:jpeg \
port:fontconfig \
- port:mesa \
port:libxml2 \
port:zlib \
port:libiconv \
- path:lib/pkgconfig/sdl.pc:libsdl \
depends_build port:pkgconfig
minimum_xcodeversions {9 3.1}
+patchfiles patch-scopeexit.diff
configure.args --disable-script-node-javascript \
--disable-script-node-java \
--disable-xembed \
--disable-player \
--disable-mozilla-plugin \
- --with-x \
- --x-includes=${prefix}/include \
- --x-libraries=${prefix}/lib
+ --without-x \
+ --disable-gl-renderer \
+ --disable-examples
configure.ldflags-append -lboost_system-mt
post-destroot {
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
-variant js_mozilla conflicts no_x11 description {Enable support for JavaScript in the Script node with Mozilla} {
+variant js_mozilla requires x11 description {Enable support for JavaScript in the Script node with Mozilla} {
depends_lib-append path:lib/xulrunner/libxul.dylib:xulrunner
configure.args-delete --disable-script-node-javascript
configure.args-append --enable-script-node-javascript
@@ -75,15 +75,17 @@
configure.env-append JS_CFLAGS="-DXP_UNIX -DJS_THREADSAFE -I${prefix}/include/js"
-variant no_opengl conflicts xembed description {Do not build the GL renderer} {
+variant opengl conflicts no_opengl description {Build the OpenGL renderer} {
# examples need SDL player which needs OpenGL
- depends_lib-delete port:mesa \
+ depends_lib-append port:mesa \
- configure.args-append --disable-gl-renderer \
+ configure.args-delete --disable-gl-renderer \
-variant xembed conflicts no_opengl no_x11 description {Build the XEmbed control} {
+variant no_opengl conflicts opengl description {Legacy compatibility variant} {}
+variant xembed requires opengl x11 description {Build the XEmbed control} {
depends_lib-append port:gtkglext \
configure.args-delete --disable-xembed
@@ -95,7 +97,7 @@
configure.args-delete --disable-player
-variant mozilla_plugin requires xembed conflicts no_x11 description {Build the Mozilla plug-in} {
+variant mozilla_plugin requires xembed description {Build the Mozilla plug-in} {
depends_lib-append path:lib/xulrunner/libxul.dylib:xulrunner
configure.args-delete --disable-mozilla-plugin
configure.args-append --enable-mozilla-plugin
@@ -103,14 +105,28 @@
destroot.args-append mozpluginsdir=${prefix}/lib/nsplugins
-variant no_x11 conflicts js_mozilla mozilla_plugin {
- depends_lib-delete port:mesa
- configure.args-delete --with-x \
+variant x11 conflicts no_x11 {
+ depends_lib-append port:mesa
+ configure.args-delete --without-x
+ configure.args-append --with-x \
--x-includes=${prefix}/include \
- configure.args-append --without-x
+variant no_x11 conflicts x11 description {Legacy compatibility variant} {}
+if {![variant_isset no_x11]} {
+ if {![variant_isset no_opengl]} {
+ default_variants +x11+opengl
+ } else {
+ default_variants +x11
+ }
+} else {
+ if {![variant_isset no_opengl]} {
+ default_variants +opengl
+ }
livecheck.type regex
livecheck.url http://sourceforge.net/projects/${name}/files/
livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)\\.tar
Added: trunk/dports/graphics/openvrml/files/patch-scopeexit.diff
--- trunk/dports/graphics/openvrml/files/patch-scopeexit.diff (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/openvrml/files/patch-scopeexit.diff 2011-08-10 10:13:54 UTC (rev 82194)
@@ -0,0 +1,2809 @@
+Index: src/mozilla-plugin/openvrml.cpp
+--- src/mozilla-plugin/openvrml.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/mozilla-plugin/openvrml.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML Mozilla plug-in
+ //
+-// Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -25,9 +25,8 @@
+ # include <vector>
+ # include <sys/socket.h>
+ # include <sys/wait.h>
+-# include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+ # include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ref.hpp>
+ # include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+@@ -75,8 +74,6 @@
+ # include "browser-factory-client-glue.h"
+ # include "browser-client-glue.h"
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ namespace {
+ void printerr(const char * str);
+@@ -169,7 +166,9 @@
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ klass->connection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
+ if (!klass->connection) {
+ g_critical("Failed to open connection to bus: %s", error->message);
+@@ -184,8 +183,9 @@
+- scope_guard driver_proxy_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref, driver_proxy);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(driver_proxy_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((driver_proxy)) {
++ g_object_unref(driver_proxy);
+ guint request_ret;
+ if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_request_name(driver_proxy,
+@@ -200,7 +200,6 @@
+ dbus_g_object_type_install_info(
+ &dbus_glib_openvrml_np_browser_host_object_info);
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ }
+ int openvrml_np_browser_host_get_url(OpenvrmlNpBrowserHost * const host,
+@@ -589,12 +588,10 @@
+ return pluginInstance.write(stream, len, buffer);
+ }
+-void NPP_StreamAsFile(const NPP instance,
++void NPP_StreamAsFile(NPP,
+ NPStream *,
+ const char * /* fname */)
+ {
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(instance);
+- assert(instance);
+ }
+ void NPP_Print(const NPP instance, NPPrint * const printInfo)
+@@ -1095,9 +1092,9 @@
+ "/org/openvrml/BrowserFactory",
+ "org.openvrml.BrowserFactory");
+ g_return_val_if_fail(browser_factory, 0);
+- scope_guard browser_factory_guard =
+- make_guard(g_object_unref, G_OBJECT(browser_factory));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(browser_factory_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((browser_factory)) {
++ g_object_unref(browser_factory);
+ char * browser_path = 0;
+ if (!org_openvrml_BrowserFactory_create_control(browser_factory,
+@@ -1140,7 +1137,9 @@
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ this->browser = get_browser(browser_host_class->connection,
+ browser_host_class->host_name,
+@@ -1151,8 +1150,6 @@
+ g_critical("Browser creation failed: %s", error->message);
+ return;
+ }
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ }
+ NPError plugin_instance::new_stream(const NPMIMEType type,
+@@ -1161,7 +1158,9 @@
+ if (!this->browser) { return NPERR_INVALID_INSTANCE_ERROR; }
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ gboolean result = org_openvrml_Browser_new_stream(this->browser,
+ guint64(stream),
+ type,
+@@ -1172,7 +1171,6 @@
+ error->message);
+ }
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ return NPERR_NO_ERROR;
+ }
+Index: src/openvrml-xembed/browser.cpp
+--- src/openvrml-xembed/browser.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/openvrml-xembed/browser.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML XEmbed Control
+ //
+-// Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Braden N. McDaniel
++// Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 Braden N. McDaniel
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
+ // with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ //
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ // Must include before X11 headers.
+ # include <boost/numeric/conversion/converter.hpp>
+ # include <X11/keysym.h>
+@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
+ # include <gtk/gtkdrawingarea.h>
+ # include <dbus/dbus.h>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ GQuark openvrml_xembed_error_quark()
+ {
+ return g_quark_from_static_string("openvrml-xembed-error-quark");
+@@ -321,6 +319,7 @@
+ const gchar * const host_name,
+ const GdkNativeWindow socket_id)
+ {
++ bool succeeded = false;
+ OpenvrmlXembedBrowser * const browser =
+@@ -329,21 +328,22 @@
+ "expect-initial-stream", expect_initial_stream,
+ static_cast<void *>(0)));
+ if (!browser) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard browser_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref, browser);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(browser)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { g_object_unref(browser); }
+ GSource * const browser_ready_source =
+ openvrml_xembed_browser_ready_source_new(browser, socket_id);
+ if (!browser_ready_source) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard browser_ready_source_guard =
+- make_guard(g_object_unref, browser_ready_source);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(browser_ready_source)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { g_object_unref(browser_ready_source); }
+ gdk_threads_enter();
+ g_source_attach(browser_ready_source, gtk_thread_context);
+ gdk_threads_leave();
+- browser_ready_source_guard.dismiss();
+- browser_guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ return browser;
+ }
+@@ -733,8 +733,9 @@
+ NULL);
+ g_assert(browser);
+- scope_guard browser_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref, browser);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(browser_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((browser)) {
++ g_object_unref(browser);
+ browser_plug->priv->drawing_area =
+@@ -1260,12 +1261,6 @@
+ namespace {
+- void cleanup_private_connection(DBusConnection * const connection)
+- {
+- dbus_connection_close(connection);
+- dbus_connection_unref(connection);
+- }
+ int browser_host_proxy::do_get_url(const std::string & url)
+ {
+ //
+@@ -1275,7 +1270,9 @@
+ //
+ DBusError error;
+ dbus_error_init(&error);
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(dbus_error_free, &error);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ dbus_error_free(&error);
+ DBusConnection * const connection =
+ dbus_bus_get_private(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
+ if (!connection) {
+@@ -1283,8 +1280,10 @@
+ error.message);
+ return -1;
+ }
+- scope_guard connection_guard =
+- make_guard(cleanup_private_connection, connection);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((connection)) {
++ dbus_connection_close(connection);
++ dbus_connection_unref(connection);
+ DBusMessage * const get_url_call =
+ dbus_message_new_method_call(
+@@ -1292,8 +1291,9 @@
+ dbus_g_proxy_get_path(this->browser_.priv->control_host),
+ dbus_g_proxy_get_interface(this->browser_.priv->control_host),
+ "GetUrl");
+- scope_guard get_url_call_guard =
+- make_guard(dbus_message_unref, get_url_call);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((get_url_call)) {
++ dbus_message_unref(get_url_call);
+ const char * const url_c_str = url.c_str();
+ bool succeeded =
+@@ -1314,8 +1314,9 @@
+ g_warning("error fetching resource: %s", error.message);
+ return -1;
+ }
+- scope_guard get_url_response_guard =
+- make_guard(dbus_message_unref, get_url_response);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((get_url_response)) {
++ dbus_message_unref(get_url_response);
+ gint get_url_result = -1;
+ succeeded =
+Index: src/openvrml-xembed/main.cpp
+--- src/openvrml-xembed/main.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/openvrml-xembed/main.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -25,10 +25,9 @@
+ # include <gtk/gtk.h>
+ # include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
+ # include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
+-# include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+ # include <boost/function.hpp>
+ # include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ref.hpp>
+ # include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+ # include <boost/thread.hpp>
+@@ -40,8 +39,6 @@
+ # include "config.h"
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ extern "C"
+ gboolean
+@@ -87,8 +84,9 @@
+ void operator()() const
+ {
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard =
+- make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ DBusGConnection * const connection =
+ bus_get(g_main_loop_get_context(&this->dbus_thread_main_),
+@@ -98,9 +96,9 @@
+ g_critical("Failed to get session bus: %s", error->message);
+ return;
+ }
+- scope_guard connection_guard =
+- make_guard(dbus_g_connection_unref, connection);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(connection_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((connection)) {
++ dbus_g_connection_unref(connection);
+ OpenvrmlXembedBrowserFactory * const browser_factory =
+@@ -109,18 +107,18 @@
+ "connection", connection,
+ "main-thread-context", &this->main_thread_context_,
+ static_cast<void *>(0)));
+- scope_guard browser_factory_guard =
+- make_guard(g_object_unref, browser_factory);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(browser_factory_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((browser_factory)) {
++ g_object_unref(browser_factory);
+ DBusGProxy * driver_proxy =
+ dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(connection,
+- scope_guard driver_proxy_guard =
+- make_guard(g_object_unref, driver_proxy);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(driver_proxy_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((driver_proxy)) {
++ g_object_unref(driver_proxy);
+ dbus_g_proxy_add_signal(driver_proxy,
+ "NameOwnerChanged",
+@@ -139,8 +137,6 @@
+ 0);
+ g_main_loop_run(&this->dbus_thread_main_);
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ }
+ private:
+@@ -179,7 +175,9 @@
+ };
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ GOptionContext * const context =
+ g_option_context_new("- render VRML/X3D worlds");
+@@ -194,7 +192,6 @@
+ if (version) {
+ cout << application_name << ' ' << PACKAGE_VERSION << endl;
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }
+@@ -206,13 +203,13 @@
+ using boost::thread;
+ GMainContext * dbus_thread_context = g_main_context_new();
+- scope_guard dbus_thread_context_guard =
+- make_guard(g_main_context_unref, dbus_thread_context);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(dbus_thread_context_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((dbus_thread_context)) {
++ g_main_context_unref(dbus_thread_context);
+ GMainLoop * dbus_thread_main = g_main_loop_new(dbus_thread_context, false);
+- scope_guard dbus_thread_main_guard =
+- make_guard(g_main_loop_unref, dbus_thread_main);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(dbus_thread_main_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((dbus_thread_main)) {
++ g_main_loop_unref(dbus_thread_main);
+ function<void ()> dbus_thread_func = dbus_thread_loop(*main_context,
+ *dbus_thread_main);
+@@ -227,8 +224,6 @@
+ // quit in openvrml_xembed_name_owner_changed.
+ //
+ dbus_thread->join();
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ }
+ //
+Index: src/openvrml-xembed/browserfactory.cpp
+--- src/openvrml-xembed/browserfactory.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/openvrml-xembed/browserfactory.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML XEmbed Control
+ //
+-// Copyright 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
+ // with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ //
+-# include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+ # include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ref.hpp>
+ # include <gtk/gtk.h>
+ # include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
+ # include <dbus/dbus-glib-lowlevel.h>
+ # include <map>
+ # include <memory>
++# include <string>
+ # include <cstring>
+ # include <cstdlib>
+@@ -34,8 +34,6 @@
+ # include "browser-factory-server-glue.h"
+ # include "browser.h"
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ G_DEFINE_TYPE(OpenvrmlXembedBrowserFactory,
+ openvrml_xembed_browser_factory,
+@@ -119,12 +117,14 @@
+- scope_guard driver_proxy_guard =
+- make_guard(g_object_unref, driver_proxy);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(driver_proxy_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((driver_proxy)) {
++ g_object_unref(driver_proxy);
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ guint request_ret;
+ if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_request_name(
+ driver_proxy,
+@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@
+ "failed: %s", error->message);
+ return 0;
+ }
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ } catch (std::bad_alloc &) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -292,7 +291,9 @@
+ DBusGMethodInvocation * const context)
+ {
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ DBusGProxy * host =
+ dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name_owner(
+@@ -330,8 +331,9 @@
+ G_OBJECT(browser));
+ char * const sender = dbus_g_method_get_sender(context);
+- scope_guard sender_guard = make_guard(g_free, sender);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(sender_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((sender)) {
++ g_free(sender);
+ bool succeeded;
+ try {
+ using std::make_pair;
+@@ -373,8 +375,6 @@
+ dbus_g_method_return(context, control_obj_path);
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ return true;
+ }
+Index: src/script/java.cpp
+--- src/script/java.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/script/java.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ // Copyright 1998 Chris Morley
+ // Copyright 2001 Henri Manson
+ // Copyright 2002 Thomas Flynn
+-// Copyright 2007, 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2007, 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
+ # include <private.h>
+ # include <boost/array.hpp>
+ # include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
+ # include <algorithm>
+ # include <iostream>
+@@ -97,8 +97,6 @@
+ # include <config.h>
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ namespace {
+ OPENVRML_JAVA_LOCAL openvrml::local::dl::handle libjvm_handle;
+@@ -354,23 +352,19 @@
+ OPENVRML_JAVA_LOCAL jobject create_url(JNIEnv & env, const char * const url)
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(3) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jstring url_string = env.NewStringUTF(url);
+ if (!url_string) {
+@@ -422,23 +416,19 @@
+ const std::string & url_str)
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(4) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jobject url = create_url(env, url_str.c_str());
+@@ -499,23 +489,19 @@
+ assert(this->browser_);
+ assert(this->script_class_);
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(1) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ //
+ // We call AllocObject to create the Script instance, set the
+@@ -586,23 +572,19 @@
+ assert(this->class_loader_);
+ assert(!class_name.empty());
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jclass result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jclass class_loader_class =
+ env.GetObjectClass(this->class_loader_);
+@@ -662,23 +644,19 @@
+ jobject script::create_browser_obj(JNIEnv & env)
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jclass browser_class = this->find_class(env, "vrml.Browser");
+@@ -733,23 +711,19 @@
+ const bool const_ = false)
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ using std::ostringstream;
+ using openvrml::field_value;
+@@ -800,23 +774,19 @@
+ const bool const_ = false)
+ OPENVRML_THROW1(std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ using std::ostringstream;
+ using openvrml::field_value;
+@@ -865,9 +835,9 @@
+ assert(script_class);
+ assert(script);
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jfieldID fields = env.GetFieldID(script_class,
+ "fields",
+@@ -891,9 +861,9 @@
+ field != field_map.end();
+ ++field) {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(3) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jstring name = env.NewStringUTF(field->first.c_str());
+ const jobject val = clone_Field(env, *field->second);
+@@ -908,23 +878,19 @@
+ const openvrml::field_value & value)
+ OPENVRML_THROW1(std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ using std::ostringstream;
+ using openvrml::field_value;
+@@ -971,9 +937,9 @@
+ assert(script_class);
+ assert(script);
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jfieldID eventouts = env.GetFieldID(script_class,
+ "eventOuts",
+@@ -998,9 +964,9 @@
+ eventout != eventout_map.end();
+ ++eventout) {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(3) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jstring name = env.NewStringUTF(eventout->first.c_str());
+ const jobject val =
+@@ -1068,10 +1034,12 @@
+ source_url.substr(0, last_slash_pos + 1);
+ {
++ bool succeeded = false;
+ if (env->PushLocalFrame(4) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)) {
++ env->PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jobject class_loader_local_ref =
+ create_class_loader(*env, url_path_prefix);
+@@ -1080,9 +1048,9 @@
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to create global reference "
+ "to Java class loader instance");
+ }
+- scope_guard class_loader_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- this->class_loader_);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(env)(&class_loader_)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(class_loader_); }
+ const jobject browser_local_ref = create_browser_obj(*env);
+ this->browser_ = env->NewGlobalRef(browser_local_ref);
+@@ -1090,8 +1058,9 @@
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to create global reference "
+ "to Java vrml.Browser instance");
+ }
+- scope_guard browser_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef, this->browser_);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(env)(&browser_)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(browser_); }
+ const std::string::size_type class_name_start_pos =
+ (last_slash_pos != std::string::npos) ? last_slash_pos + 1
+@@ -1116,9 +1085,9 @@
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to create global reference "
+ "to Java " + class_name + " class");
+ }
+- scope_guard script_class_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- this->script_class_);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(env)(&script_class_)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(script_class_); }
+ const jobject script_local_ref = this->create_script_obj(*env);
+ this->script_ = env->NewGlobalRef(script_local_ref);
+@@ -1127,8 +1096,9 @@
+ "to Java " + class_name
+ + " instance");
+ }
+- scope_guard script_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef, this->script_);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(env)(&script_)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(script_); }
+ this->process_events_ =
+ env->GetMethodID(this->script_class_, "processEvents",
+@@ -1161,8 +1131,9 @@
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to create global reference "
+ "to Java vrml.Event instance");
+ }
+- scope_guard event_class_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef, this->event_class_);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(env)(&event_class_)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(event_class_); }
+ this->event_ctor_ =
+ env->GetMethodID(this->event_class_,
+@@ -1184,11 +1155,7 @@
+ init_script_eventouts(*env, this->script_class_, this->script_,
+ this->node.eventout_map());
+- event_class_global_ref_guard.dismiss();
+- script_global_ref_guard.dismiss();
+- script_class_global_ref_guard.dismiss();
+- browser_global_ref_guard.dismiss();
+- class_loader_global_ref_guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1291,9 +1258,9 @@
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to create local frame when "
+ "processing event");
+ }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)) {
++ env->PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jstring event_name = env->NewStringUTF(id.c_str());
+ if (!event_name) {
+@@ -1321,11 +1288,13 @@
+ const jobject event_global_ref = env->NewGlobalRef(event);
+ if (!event_global_ref) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard event_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef, event_global_ref);
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(env)(&event_global_ref)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(event_global_ref); }
+ this->events_received_.push_back(event_global_ref);
+- event_global_ref_guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ /**
+@@ -1355,9 +1324,9 @@
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to create local frame when "
+ "processing events");
+ }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)) {
++ env->PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jobjectArray events =
+ env->NewObjectArray(this->events_received_.size(),
+@@ -1532,9 +1501,9 @@
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ jclass clazz;
+ # ifndef NDEBUG
+@@ -1570,9 +1539,9 @@
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ jclass clazz;
+ # ifndef NDEBUG
+@@ -1719,26 +1688,22 @@
+ create_Node(JNIEnv & env, const boost::intrusive_ptr<openvrml::node> & node)
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobject result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ using std::auto_ptr;
+ using boost::intrusive_ptr;
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jclass clazz = env.FindClass("vrml/node/NodeImpl");
+ if (!clazz) {
+@@ -1783,25 +1748,21 @@
+ std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<openvrml::node> > & nodes)
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ //
+ // We can safely run DeleteGlobalRef in the scope guard because
+ // calling DeleteGlobalRef with 0 is a no-op.
+ //
+ jobjectArray result_global_ref = 0;
+- scope_guard result_global_ref_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env,
+- &JNIEnv::DeleteGlobalRef,
+- ref(result_global_ref));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(result_global_ref_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)(&result_global_ref)) {
++ env.DeleteGlobalRef(result_global_ref);
+ {
+ using boost::intrusive_ptr;
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jclass clazz = env.FindClass("vrml/BaseNode");
+ if (!clazz) {
+@@ -1816,9 +1777,9 @@
+ i != nodes.size();
+ ++i) {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(1) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ env.SetObjectArrayElement(result, i,
+ create_Node(env, nodes[i]));
+ }
+@@ -1865,10 +1826,9 @@
+ const char * const vrmlSyntax_chars =
+ env->GetStringUTFChars(vrmlSyntax, 0);
+- scope_guard vrmlSyntax_chars_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- vrmlSyntax, vrmlSyntax_chars);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(vrmlSyntax_chars_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(vrmlSyntax)(vrmlSyntax_chars)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(vrmlSyntax, vrmlSyntax_chars);
+ std::istringstream in(vrmlSyntax_chars);
+ try {
+@@ -1917,9 +1877,9 @@
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ # ifndef NDEBUG
+ const jclass script_class = env.FindClass("vrml/node/Script");
+@@ -1951,9 +1911,9 @@
+ OPENVRML_THROW2(std::runtime_error, std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ if (env.PushLocalFrame(2) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&env)) {
++ env.PopLocalFrame(0);
+ # ifndef NDEBUG
+ const jclass base_node_class = env.FindClass("vrml/BaseNode");
+@@ -2014,10 +1974,9 @@
+ const char * const eventout_id =
+ env->GetStringUTFChars(fromEventOut, 0);
+ if (!eventout_id) { return; }
+- scope_guard eventout_id_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- fromEventOut, eventout_id);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(eventout_id_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(fromEventOut)(eventout_id)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(fromEventOut, eventout_id);
+ const intrusive_ptr<openvrml::node> & to =
+ get_BaseNode_peer(*env, toNode);
+@@ -2025,10 +1984,9 @@
+ const char * const eventin_id = env->GetStringUTFChars(toEventIn, 0);
+ if (!eventin_id) { return; }
+- scope_guard eventin_id_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- toEventIn, eventin_id);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(eventin_id_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(toEventIn)(eventin_id)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(toEventIn, eventin_id);
+ openvrml::add_route(*from, eventout_id, *to, eventin_id);
+ } catch (std::logic_error & ex) {
+@@ -2074,10 +2032,9 @@
+ const char * const eventout_id =
+ env->GetStringUTFChars(fromEventOut, 0);
+ if (!eventout_id) { return; }
+- scope_guard eventout_id_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- fromEventOut, eventout_id);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(eventout_id_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(fromEventOut)(eventout_id)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(fromEventOut, eventout_id);
+ const intrusive_ptr<openvrml::node> & to =
+ get_BaseNode_peer(*env, toNode);
+@@ -2085,10 +2042,9 @@
+ const char * const eventin_id = env->GetStringUTFChars(toEventIn, 0);
+ if (!eventin_id) { return; }
+- scope_guard eventin_id_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- toEventIn, eventin_id);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(eventin_id_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(toEventIn)(eventin_id)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(toEventIn, eventin_id);
+ openvrml::delete_route(*from, eventout_id, *to, eventin_id);
+ } catch (openvrml::unsupported_interface & ex) {
+@@ -2141,9 +2097,9 @@
+ }
+ const char * str = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, 0);
+ if (!str) { return; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard str_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars, jstr, str);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(str_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jstr)(str)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, str);
+ url_vec[i] = str; // Throws std::bad_alloc.
+ }
+@@ -2156,9 +2112,9 @@
+ }
+ const char * str = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, 0);
+ if (!str) { return; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard str_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars, jstr, str);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(str_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jstr)(str)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, str);
+ param_vec[i] = str; // Throws std::bad_alloc.
+ }
+@@ -2185,9 +2141,9 @@
+ {
+ const char * desc = env->GetStringUTFChars(description, 0);
+ if (!desc) { return; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard desc_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars, description, desc);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(desc_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(description)(desc)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(description, desc);
+ try {
+ openvrml::browser & browser = get_Browser_peer(*env, obj);
+ browser.description(desc);
+@@ -2258,9 +2214,9 @@
+ {
+ const char * id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(id, 0);
+ if (!id_chars) { return; }
+- scope_guard id_chars_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars, id, id_chars);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(id_chars_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(id)(id_chars)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(id, id_chars);
+ try {
+ using openvrml::field_value;
+@@ -2279,9 +2235,9 @@
+ {
+ const char * id_chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(id, 0);
+ if (!id_chars) { return; }
+- scope_guard id_chars_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars, id, id_chars);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(id_chars_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(id)(id_chars)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(id, id_chars);
+ try {
+ using std::find_if;
+@@ -2876,10 +2832,9 @@
+ try {
+ if (pixels) {
+ jbyte * const elements = env->GetByteArrayElements(pixels, 0);
+- scope_guard elements_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseByteArrayElements,
+- pixels, elements, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(elements_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(pixels)(elements)) {
++ env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(pixels, elements, 0);
+ peer.reset(
+ new sfimage(
+ image(w, h, comp, elements, elements + (w * h * comp))));
+@@ -2969,10 +2924,9 @@
+ sfimage & peer = get_Field_peer<sfimage>(*env, obj);
+ try {
+ jbyte * const elements = env->GetByteArrayElements(pixels, NULL);
+- scope_guard elements_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseByteArrayElements,
+- pixels, elements, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(elements_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(pixels)(elements)) {
++ env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(pixels, elements, 0);
+ peer.value(image(width, height, components,
+ elements,
+ elements + (width * height * components)));
+@@ -3269,12 +3223,9 @@
+ if (jstr) {
+ const char * str = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, 0);
+ if (!str) { return 0; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard str_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env,
+- &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- jstr,
+- str);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(str_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jstr)(str)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, str);
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::sfstring(str));
+ } else {
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::sfstring);
+@@ -3309,9 +3260,9 @@
+ sfstring & sfstr = get_Field_peer<sfstring>(*env, obj);
+ const char * const str = env->GetStringUTFChars(jstr, 0);
+ if (!str) { return; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard str_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars, jstr, str);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(str_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jstr)(str)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jstr, str);
+ sfstr.value(str);
+ } catch (std::exception & ex) {
+@@ -4122,8 +4073,6 @@
+ const jint size,
+ const typename array_type<typename jni_type<typename FieldValue::value_type::value_type>::type>::type array)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ typedef typename jni_type<
+ typename FieldValue::value_type::value_type>::type elem_t;
+@@ -4135,10 +4084,9 @@
+ }
+ elem_t * const elements = get_array_elements<elem_t>(env, array);
+ if (!elements) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard elements_guard =
+- make_guard(release_array_elements<elem_t>,
+- ref(env), array, elements);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(elements_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_TPL((&env)(array)(elements)) {
++ release_array_elements<elem_t>(env, array, elements);
+ std::auto_ptr<FieldValue> peer;
+ try {
+ const typename FieldValue::value_type vec(elements,
+@@ -4682,10 +4630,9 @@
+ }
+ jfloat * c = env->GetFloatArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!c) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard c_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- jarr, c, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(c_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(c)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(jarr, c, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfcolor> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfcolor::value_type vec(size);
+@@ -4724,10 +4671,9 @@
+ // Presumably we raised an OutOfMemoryError.
+ return 0;
+ }
+- scope_guard c_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- element, c, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(c_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(element)(c)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(element, c, 0);
+ vec[i] = openvrml::make_color(c[0], c[1], c[2]);
+ }
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::mfcolor(vec));
+@@ -5465,9 +5411,9 @@
+ try {
+ for (jsize i = 0; i < jsize(mfn->value().size()); ++i) {
+ if (env->PushLocalFrame(1) < 0) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard local_frame_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::PopLocalFrame, jobject(0));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(local_frame_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)) {
++ env->PopLocalFrame(0);
+ const jobject node = create_Node(*env, mfn->value()[i]);
+ env->SetObjectArrayElement(nodes, i, node);
+@@ -5687,10 +5633,9 @@
+ }
+ jfloat * r = env->GetFloatArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!r) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard r_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- jarr, r, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(r_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(r)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(jarr, r, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfrotation> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfrotation::value_type vec(size);
+@@ -5795,10 +5740,9 @@
+ // Presumably we raised an OutOfMemoryError.
+ return 0;
+ }
+- scope_guard r_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- element, r, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(r_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(element)(r)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(element, r, 0);
+ vec[i] = openvrml::make_rotation(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
+ }
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::mfrotation(vec));
+@@ -5823,10 +5767,9 @@
+ }
+ jfloat * r = env->GetFloatArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!r) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard r_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- jarr, r, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(r_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(r)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(jarr, r, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfrotation> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfrotation::value_type vec(size);
+@@ -6075,9 +6018,9 @@
+ if (!el) { return 0; } // ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
+ const char * const temp = env->GetStringUTFChars(el, 0);
+ if (!temp) { return 0; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard temp_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars, el, temp);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(temp_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(el)(temp)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(el, temp);
+ vec[i] = temp;
+ }
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::mfstring(vec));
+@@ -6187,10 +6130,9 @@
+ try {
+ const char * utf8chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(value, 0);
+ if (!utf8chars) { return; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard utf8chars_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- value, utf8chars);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(utf8chars_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(value)(utf8chars)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, utf8chars);
+ mfstring::value_type temp = mfstr.value();
+ temp.at(index) = utf8chars;
+ mfstr.value(temp);
+@@ -6222,10 +6164,9 @@
+ try {
+ const char * utf8chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(value, 0);
+ if (!utf8chars) { return; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard utf8chars_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- value, utf8chars);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(utf8chars_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(value)(utf8chars)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, utf8chars);
+ mfstring::value_type temp = mfstr.value();
+ temp.push_back(utf8chars);
+ mfstr.value(temp);
+@@ -6259,10 +6200,9 @@
+ try {
+ const char * utf8chars = env->GetStringUTFChars(value, 0);
+ if (!utf8chars) { return; } // OutOfMemoryError
+- scope_guard utf8chars_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars,
+- value, utf8chars);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(utf8chars_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(value)(utf8chars)) {
++ env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, utf8chars);
+ mfstring::value_type temp = mfstr.value();
+ temp.insert(temp.begin() + index, utf8chars);
+ mfstr.value(temp);
+@@ -6521,10 +6461,9 @@
+ // Presumably we raised an OutOfMemoryError.
+ return 0;
+ }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- element, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(element)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(element, v, 0);
+ vec[i] = openvrml::make_vec2f(v[0], v[1]);
+ }
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::mfvec2f(vec));
+@@ -6548,10 +6487,9 @@
+ }
+ jfloat * v = env->GetFloatArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!v) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- jarr, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(jarr, v, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfvec2f> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfvec2f::value_type vec(size);
+@@ -6750,10 +6688,9 @@
+ }
+ jdouble * v = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!v) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseDoubleArrayElements,
+- jarr, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jarr, v, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfvec2d> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfvec2d::value_type vec(size);
+@@ -6858,10 +6795,9 @@
+ // Presumably we raised an OutOfMemoryError.
+ return 0;
+ }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseDoubleArrayElements,
+- element, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(element)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(element, v, 0);
+ vec[i] = openvrml::make_vec2d(v[0], v[1]);
+ }
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::mfvec2d(vec));
+@@ -6885,10 +6821,9 @@
+ }
+ jdouble * v = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!v) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseDoubleArrayElements,
+- jarr, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jarr, v, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfvec2d> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfvec2d::value_type vec(size);
+@@ -7164,10 +7099,9 @@
+ // Presumably we raised an OutOfMemoryError.
+ return 0;
+ }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- element, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(element)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(element, v, 0);
+ vec[i] = openvrml::make_vec3f(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ }
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::mfvec3f(vec));
+@@ -7191,10 +7125,9 @@
+ }
+ jfloat * v = env->GetFloatArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!v) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseFloatArrayElements,
+- jarr, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(jarr, v, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfvec3f> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfvec3f::value_type vec(size);
+@@ -7476,10 +7409,9 @@
+ // Presumably we raised an OutOfMemoryError.
+ return 0;
+ }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseDoubleArrayElements,
+- element, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(element)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(element, v, 0);
+ vec[i] = openvrml::make_vec3d(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
+ }
+ peer.reset(new openvrml::mfvec3d(vec));
+@@ -7503,10 +7435,9 @@
+ }
+ jdouble * v = env->GetDoubleArrayElements(jarr, 0);
+ if (!v) { return 0; }
+- scope_guard v_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*env, &JNIEnv::ReleaseDoubleArrayElements,
+- jarr, v, 0);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(v_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((env)(jarr)(v)) {
++ env->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(jarr, v, 0);
+ std::auto_ptr<openvrml::mfvec3d> peer;
+ try {
+ openvrml::mfvec3d::value_type vec(size);
+Index: src/script/javascript.cpp
+--- src/script/javascript.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/script/javascript.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+ // Copyright 1998 Chris Morley
+-// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+ # include <private.h>
+ # include <jsapi.h>
+ # include <boost/array.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <algorithm>
+ # include <iostream>
+ # include <memory>
+@@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
+ # include <config.h>
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ namespace {
+@@ -1139,9 +1137,9 @@
+ JS_SetContextThread(this->cx);
+- scope_guard context_thread_guard =
+- make_guard(&JS_ClearContextThread, this->cx);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(context_thread_guard);
++ JS_ClearContextThread(cx);
+ # endif
+ jsval fval, rval;
+Index: src/node/vrml97/grouping_node_base.h
+--- src/node/vrml97/grouping_node_base.h (revision 4241)
++++ src/node/vrml97/grouping_node_base.h (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+ # include <openvrml/node_impl_util.h>
+ # include <openvrml/viewer.h>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ namespace openvrml_node_vrml97 {
+@@ -167,7 +167,6 @@
+ OPENVRML_THROW1(std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ using namespace openvrml;
+- using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ Derived & group = dynamic_cast<Derived &>(this->node());
+@@ -190,19 +189,21 @@
+ // Throws std::bad_alloc.
+ //
+ children.push_back(*n);
+- scope_guard guard =
+- make_obj_guard(children, &children_t::pop_back);
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_TPL((&succeeded)(&children)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { children.pop_back(); }
+ child_node * const child =
+ node_cast<child_node *>(n->get());
+ if (child) {
+ child->relocate(); // Throws std::bad_alloc.
+ }
+- guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+- group.children_.mfnode::value(children);
++ group.children_.value(children);
+ group.node::modified(true);
+ group.bounding_volume_dirty(true);
+@@ -353,7 +354,6 @@
+ OPENVRML_THROW1(std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ using namespace openvrml;
+- using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ typedef std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<openvrml::node> > children_t;
+ children_t children;
+@@ -367,12 +367,14 @@
+ // least.
+ //
+ children.push_back(*n); // Throws std::bad_alloc.
+- scope_guard guard =
+- make_obj_guard(children, &children_t::pop_back);
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT_TPL((&succeeded)(&children)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { children.pop_back(); }
+ child_node * const child =
+ node_cast<child_node *>(n->get());
+ if (child) { child->relocate(); } // Throws std::bad_alloc.
+- guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ this->children_.mfnode::value(children);
+Index: src/node/vrml97/image_stream_listener.cpp
+--- src/node/vrml97/image_stream_listener.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/node/vrml97/image_stream_listener.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ # include <sstream>
+ # include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include "image_stream_listener.h"
+ openvrml_node_vrml97::image_stream_listener::image_reader::~image_reader()
+@@ -208,14 +208,15 @@
+ stream_listener(stream_listener),
+ gray_palette(false)
+ {
+- using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ this->png_ptr_ =
+ png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!this->png_ptr_) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard guard = make_guard(&png_destroy_read_struct,
+- &this->png_ptr_,
+- &this->info_ptr_,
+- png_infopp(0));
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(&png_ptr_)(&info_ptr_)) {
++ if (!succeeded) {
++ png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr_, &info_ptr_, png_infopp(0));
++ }
+ this->info_ptr_ = png_create_info_struct(this->png_ptr_);
+ if (!this->info_ptr_) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+@@ -225,7 +226,7 @@
+ openvrml_png_info_callback,
+ openvrml_png_row_callback,
+ openvrml_png_end_callback);
+- guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ openvrml_node_vrml97::image_stream_listener::png_reader::~png_reader()
+Index: src/node/vrml97/text.cpp
+--- src/node/vrml97/text.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/node/vrml97/text.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+ // Copyright 1998 Chris Morley
+-// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010
++// Braden McDaniel
+ // Copyright 2002 S. K. Bose
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
+ # endif
+ # endif
+ # include <boost/array.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
+ # ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+@@ -1237,7 +1238,6 @@
+ advance_height_(0)
+ {
+ using std::vector;
+- using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ FT_Error error = FT_Err_Ok;
+ error = FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_NO_SCALE);
+@@ -1245,7 +1245,9 @@
+ FT_Glyph glyph;
+ error = FT_Get_Glyph(face->glyph, &glyph);
+ assert(error == FT_Err_Ok);
+- scope_guard glyph_guard = make_guard(FT_Done_Glyph, glyph);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&glyph)) {
++ FT_Done_Glyph(glyph);
+ static FT_Outline_Funcs outlineFuncs = { moveTo_,
+ lineTo_,
+ conicTo_,
+@@ -2342,8 +2344,6 @@
+ {
+ using std::vector;
+ # ifdef _WIN32
+- using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ lf.lfHeight = 0;
+ lf.lfWidth = 0;
+@@ -2360,7 +2360,9 @@
+ lf.lfPitchAndFamily = VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_ROMAN;
+ HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+- scope_guard hdc_guard = make_guard(&DeleteDC, hdc);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((hdc)) {
++ DeleteDC(hdc);
+ HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
+ SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
+ TCHAR faceName[256] = {};
+@@ -2388,7 +2390,9 @@
+ &fontsKey);
+ if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* bail */ }
+- scope_guard fontsKey_guard = make_guard(&RegCloseKey, fontsKey);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((fontsKey)) {
++ RegCloseKey(fontsKey);
+ DWORD maxValueNameLen, maxValueLen;
+ result = RegQueryInfoKey(fontsKey,
+@@ -2453,7 +2457,6 @@
+ face_index = 0;
+ # else
+ using std::string;
+- using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ string fontName;
+ //
+@@ -2496,9 +2499,9 @@
+ FcNameParse(unsigned_char_string(fontName.begin(),
+ fontName.end()).c_str());
+ if (!initialPattern) { throw std::bad_alloc(); }
+- scope_guard initialPattern_guard =
+- make_guard(&FcPatternDestroy, initialPattern);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(initialPattern_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((initialPattern)) {
++ FcPatternDestroy(initialPattern);
+ //
+ // Set the language.
+@@ -2517,9 +2520,9 @@
+ FcFontMatch(0, initialPattern, &result);
+ if (result != FcResultMatch) { throw FontconfigError(result); }
+ assert(matchedPattern);
+- scope_guard matchedPattern_guard =
+- make_guard(&FcPatternDestroy, matchedPattern);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(matchedPattern_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((matchedPattern)) {
++ FcPatternDestroy(matchedPattern);
+ FcChar8 * filename_c_str = 0;
+ result = FcPatternGetString(matchedPattern,
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/uri.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/uri.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/uri.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@
+ # include <cerrno>
+ # include <cstring>
+ # ifdef _WIN32
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # endif
+ openvrml::local::uri::uri() OPENVRML_THROW1(std::bad_alloc):
+@@ -552,7 +551,9 @@
+ using boost::ref;
+ DWORD error = GetLastError();
+ void * msgBuf = 0;
+- scope_guard msgBuf_guard = make_guard(LocalFree, ref(msgBuf));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&msgBuf)) {
++ LocalFree(msgBuf);
+@@ -578,7 +579,9 @@
+ using boost::ref;
+ DWORD error = GetLastError();
+ void * msgBuf = 0;
+- scope_guard msgBuf_guard = make_guard(LocalFree, ref(msgBuf));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&msgBuf)) {
++ LocalFree(msgBuf);
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/node_metatype_registry_impl.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/node_metatype_registry_impl.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/node_metatype_registry_impl.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@
+ # include "node_metatype_registry_impl.h"
+ # include "conf.h"
+ # include <openvrml/browser.h>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <iostream>
+ # include <sstream>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ const std::string openvrml::local::node_metatype_registry_impl::sym =
+ "openvrml_register_node_metatypes";
+@@ -43,7 +41,10 @@
+ std::cerr << dl::error() << std::endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+- scope_guard handle_guard = make_guard(dl::close, handle);
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(handle)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { dl::close(handle); }
+ //
+ // Make sure the module has what we're looking for.
+@@ -52,9 +53,8 @@
+ dl::sym(handle, openvrml::local::node_metatype_registry_impl::sym);
+ if (!sym) { return 0; } // handle_guard will close the module.
+- const bool succeeded = registry.module_handles_.insert(handle).second;
++ succeeded = registry.module_handles_.insert(handle).second;
+ assert(succeeded);
+- handle_guard.dismiss();
+ return 0;
+ }
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/xml_reader.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/xml_reader.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/xml_reader.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@
+ # include "xml_reader.h"
+ # ifdef _WIN32
+ # include <shlwapi.h>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # endif
+ /**
+@@ -125,31 +124,33 @@
+ {
+ # ifdef _WIN32
++ bool succeeded = false;
+ hr = SHCreateStreamOnFile(filename.c_str(), STGM_READ, &this->input);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(&input)) {
++ if (!succeeded && input) { input->Release(); }
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to open file \"" + filename
+ + '\"');
+ }
+- scope_guard input_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*this->input, &IStream::Release);
+ hr = CreateXmlReader(__uuidof(IXmlReader),
+ reinterpret_cast<void **>(&this->reader),
+ 0);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(&reader)) {
++ if (!succeeded && reader) { reader->Release(); }
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to create XML reader");
+ }
+- scope_guard reader_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*this->reader, &IXmlReader::Release);
+ hr = this->reader->SetInput(this->input);
+ if (FAILED(hr)) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("failed to set input for XML reader");
+ }
+- input_guard.dismiss();
+- reader_guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ # else
+ static const char * const encoding = 0;
+ static const int options = 0;
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/conf.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/conf.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/conf.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2009 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2009, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
+ # include "conf.h"
+ # include "error.h"
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ref.hpp>
+ # include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+ # ifdef _WIN32
+@@ -30,8 +29,6 @@
+ # include <cstdlib>
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ namespace {
+ class OPENVRML_LOCAL no_environment_var : public std::runtime_error {
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/externproto.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/externproto.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/externproto.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2009 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2009, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -25,10 +25,8 @@
+ # include <openvrml/scene.h>
+ # include <boost/function.hpp>
+ # include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ struct OPENVRML_LOCAL openvrml::local::externproto_node_metatype::load_proto {
+ load_proto(externproto_node_metatype & externproto_class,
+ const openvrml::scene & scene,
+@@ -52,12 +50,9 @@
+ using boost::shared_ptr;
+ using local::uri;
+- scope_guard guard =
+- make_obj_guard(
+- *this->externproto_node_metatype_,
+- &externproto_node_metatype::
+- clear_externproto_node_types);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&externproto_node_metatype_)) {
++ externproto_node_metatype_->clear_externproto_node_types();
+ auto_ptr<resource_istream> in =
+ this->scene_->get_resource(this->alt_uris_);
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/error.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/error.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/local/error.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2009 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2009, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -19,21 +19,17 @@
+ //
+ # include "error.h"
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
+-# include <boost/ref.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ # ifdef _WIN32
+ void openvrml::local::throw_runtime_error_from_win32_system_error(LONG result)
+ OPENVRML_THROW1(std::runtime_error)
+ {
+- using boost::ref;
+ static const LPCVOID source;
+ LPTSTR buf = 0;
+- scope_guard buf_guard = make_guard(LocalFree, ref(buf));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&buf)) {
++ LocalFree(buf);
+ source,
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/browser.h
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/browser.h (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/browser.h (revision 4242)
+@@ -215,8 +215,6 @@
+ std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<node> > & nodes,
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> & meta);
+- OPENVRML_LOCAL void send_initialized();
+ boost::scoped_ptr<node_metatype_registry> node_metatype_registry_;
+ const boost::scoped_ptr<null_node_metatype> null_node_metatype_;
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/scene.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/scene.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/scene.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -25,14 +25,12 @@
+ # include <openvrml/local/parse_vrml.h>
+ # include <private.h>
+ # include <boost/function.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
+ # include <config.h>
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ /**
+ * @file openvrml/scene.h
+ *
+@@ -180,8 +178,10 @@
+ //
+ // Ensure that scene_loaded gets called even if parsing throws.
+ //
+- scope_guard scene_loaded_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*this, &scene::scene_loaded);
++ scene & self = *this;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&self)) {
++ self.scene_loaded();
+ {
+ using boost::unique_lock;
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/script.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/script.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/script.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+ // Copyright 1998 Chris Morley
+-// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
++// Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
+ # include <boost/functional.hpp>
+ # include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+ # include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/utility.hpp>
+ # include <algorithm>
+ # include <functional>
+@@ -40,9 +41,6 @@
+ # include <config.h>
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ /**
+ * @file openvrml/script.h
+ *
+@@ -415,7 +413,10 @@
+ const dl::handle handle = dl::open(filename);
+ if (!handle) { return 0; } // Ignore things we can't open.
+- scope_guard handle_guard = make_guard(dl::close, handle);
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(handle)) {
++ if (!succeeded) { dl::close(handle); }
+ //
+ // Make sure the module has what we're looking for.
+@@ -423,9 +424,8 @@
+ const void * sym = dl::sym(handle, "openvrml_script_LTX_register_factory");
+ if (!sym) { return 0; } // handle_guard will close the module.
+- const bool succeeded = registry.module_handles_.insert(handle).second;
++ succeeded = registry.module_handles_.insert(handle).second;
+ assert(succeeded);
+- handle_guard.dismiss();
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -1954,8 +1954,10 @@
+ // nodes.
+ //
+ this->add_ref();
+- scope_guard guard = make_obj_guard(*this, &script_node::remove_ref);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(guard);
++ script_node & self = *this;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&self)) {
++ self.remove_ref();
+ for (node_interface_set::const_iterator interface_ = interfaces.begin();
+ interface_ != interfaces.end();
+Index: src/libopenvrml/openvrml/browser.cpp
+--- src/libopenvrml/openvrml/browser.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/libopenvrml/openvrml/browser.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+ // Copyright 1998 Chris Morley
+-// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
++// Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@
+ # include <boost/function.hpp>
+ # include <boost/functional.hpp>
+ # include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <algorithm>
+ # include <functional>
+ # include <cerrno>
+@@ -48,8 +49,6 @@
+ # include <config.h>
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ /**
+ * @file openvrml/browser.h
+ *
+@@ -1873,18 +1872,6 @@
+ return this->scene_->url(); // Throws std::bad_alloc.
+ }
+-void openvrml::browser::send_initialized()
+- using boost::shared_lock;
+- using boost::shared_mutex;
+- shared_lock<shared_mutex> listeners_lock(this->listeners_mutex_);
+- for_each(this->listeners_.begin(), this->listeners_.end(),
+- boost::bind2nd(
+- boost::mem_fun(&browser_listener::browser_changed),
+- browser_event(*this, browser_event::initialized)));
+ /**
+ * @brief Set the world from a stream.
+ *
+@@ -1903,9 +1890,18 @@
+ //
+ // Ensure that the "initialized" event is sent even if parsing throws.
+ //
+- scope_guard initialized_event_guard =
+- make_obj_guard(*this, &browser::send_initialized);
++ browser & self = *this;
++ shared_mutex & listeners_mutex = this->listeners_mutex_;
++ std::set<browser_listener *> & listeners = this->listeners_;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&self)(&listeners_mutex)(&listeners)) {
++ shared_lock<shared_mutex> listeners_lock(listeners_mutex);
++ for_each(listeners.begin(), listeners.end(),
++ boost::bind2nd(
++ boost::mem_fun(&browser_listener::browser_changed),
++ browser_event(self, browser_event::initialized)));
+ {
+ using std::string;
+ using boost::upgrade_lock;
+Index: src/local/libopenvrml-dl/openvrml/local/dl.cpp
+--- src/local/libopenvrml-dl/openvrml/local/dl.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/local/libopenvrml-dl/openvrml/local/dl.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ //
+ // OpenVRML
+ //
+-// Copyright 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+@@ -21,12 +21,10 @@
+ # include "dl.h"
+ # include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ref.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
+ # include <sstream>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ int openvrml::local::dl::init()
+ {
+ # ifdef _WIN32
+@@ -130,7 +128,9 @@
+ # ifdef _WIN32
+ const DWORD err = GetLastError();
+ char * buf = 0;
+- scope_guard buf_guard = make_guard(LocalFree, boost::ref(buf));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((buf)) {
++ LocalFree(buf);
+ static const LPCVOID source = 0;
+ static const DWORD buf_size = 0;
+ static va_list * const args = 0;
+Index: src/openvrml-player/filechooserdialog.cpp
+--- src/openvrml-player/filechooserdialog.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/openvrml-player/filechooserdialog.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // -*- Mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 78 -*-
+ //
+-// Copyright 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2007, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -17,12 +17,8 @@
+ //
+ # include <gtk/gtk.h>
+-# include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
+ # include "filechooserdialog.h"
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ G_DEFINE_TYPE(OpenvrmlPlayerFileChooserDialog,
+ openvrml_player_file_chooser_dialog,
+@@ -67,26 +63,19 @@
+ GtkFileFilter * const world_filter = gtk_file_filter_new();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(world_filter, 0);
+- scope_guard world_filter_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref,
+- world_filter);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(world_filter_guard);
+ gtk_file_filter_set_name(world_filter, "VRML/X3D worlds");
+ gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type(world_filter, "x-world/x-vrml");
+ gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type(world_filter, "model/vrml");
+ gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type(world_filter, "model/x3d-vrml");
+ gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(obj), world_filter);
+- world_filter_guard.dismiss();
+ GtkFileFilter * const all_filter = gtk_file_filter_new();
+ g_return_val_if_fail(all_filter, 0);
+- scope_guard all_filter_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref, all_filter);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(all_filter_guard);
+ gtk_file_filter_set_name(all_filter, "All files");
+ gtk_file_filter_add_pattern(all_filter, "*");
+ gtk_file_chooser_add_filter(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(obj), all_filter);
+- all_filter_guard.dismiss();
+ return obj;
+ }
+Index: src/openvrml-player/curlbrowserhost.cpp
+--- src/openvrml-player/curlbrowserhost.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/openvrml-player/curlbrowserhost.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ // -*- Mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 78 -*-
+ //
+ // OpenVRML Player
+-// Copyright 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -25,15 +25,12 @@
+ # include <browser-client-glue.h>
+ # include <dbus/dbus-glib-bindings.h>
+ # include <dbus/dbus-protocol.h>
+-# include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ref.hpp>
+ # include <list>
+ # include <vector>
+ # include <string.h>
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_error_quark()
+@@ -153,7 +150,9 @@
+ G_TYPE_NONE, 0);
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ klass->connection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SESSION, &error);
+ if (!klass->connection) {
+ g_critical("Failed to open connection to bus: %s", error->message);
+@@ -168,8 +167,9 @@
+- scope_guard driver_proxy_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref, driver_proxy);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(driver_proxy_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((driver_proxy)) {
++ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(driver_proxy));
+ guint request_ret;
+ if (!org_freedesktop_DBus_request_name(driver_proxy,
+@@ -196,7 +196,6 @@
+ dbus_g_object_type_install_info(
+ &dbus_glib_openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_object_info);
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ }
+ void openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_get_property(GObject * const obj,
+@@ -258,7 +257,9 @@
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ g_assert(browser_host->priv->path);
+ browser_host->priv->browser = get_browser(browser_host_class->connection,
+@@ -283,14 +284,24 @@
+ browser_host->priv->multi_handle = curl_multi_init();
+ g_return_if_fail(browser_host->priv->multi_handle);
+- scope_guard multi_handle_guard =
+- make_guard(curl_multi_cleanup, browser_host->priv->multi_handle);
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(&browser_host)) {
++ if (!succeeded) {
++ curl_multi_cleanup(browser_host->priv->multi_handle);
++ }
+ try {
++ bool succeeded = false;
+ browser_host->priv->curl_source =
+ curl_source_new(browser_host->priv->multi_handle);
+- scope_guard curl_source_guard =
+- make_guard(g_source_unref, browser_host->priv->curl_source);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(&browser_host)) {
++ if (!succeeded && browser_host->priv->curl_source) {
++ g_source_unref(browser_host->priv->curl_source);
++ browser_host->priv->curl_source = 0;
++ }
+ g_source_set_callback(
+ browser_host->priv->curl_source,
+@@ -298,8 +309,9 @@
+ browser_host,
+ 0);
+ guint source_id = g_source_attach(browser_host->priv->curl_source, 0);
+- scope_guard source_attach_guard =
+- make_guard(g_source_remove, source_id);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(source_id)) {
++ if (!succeeded && source_id != 0) { g_source_remove(source_id); }
+ browser_host->priv->stream_data =
+ g_hash_table_new_full(
+@@ -309,14 +321,12 @@
+ openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_delete_curl_stream_data);
+ g_return_if_fail(browser_host->priv->stream_data);
+- source_attach_guard.dismiss();
+- curl_source_guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ } catch (std::bad_alloc & ex) {
+ g_critical("%s", ex.what());
+ }
+- multi_handle_guard.dismiss();
+- error_guard.dismiss();
++ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ void openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_unrealize(GtkWidget * const widget)
+@@ -459,14 +469,20 @@
+ {
+ CURL * const handle = curl_easy_init();
+ try {
+- curl_stream_data * const stream_data =
+- new curl_stream_data(handle, url, host->priv->browser);
+- scope_guard stream_data_guard =
+- make_guard(
+- openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_delete_curl_stream_data,
+- stream_data);
+- g_hash_table_insert(host->priv->stream_data, handle, stream_data);
+- stream_data_guard.dismiss();
++ curl_stream_data * stream_data = 0;
++ {
++ bool succeeded = false;
++ stream_data =
++ new curl_stream_data(handle, url, host->priv->browser);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&succeeded)(stream_data)) {
++ if (!succeeded) {
++ openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_delete_curl_stream_data(
++ stream_data);
++ }
++ g_hash_table_insert(host->priv->stream_data, handle, stream_data);
++ succeeded = true;
++ }
+ CURLcode setopt_result;
+ setopt_result = curl_easy_setopt(handle,
+@@ -860,35 +876,38 @@
+ GError * error = 0;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ GFile * file = 0;
+- scope_guard file_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref, ref(file));
+ GFileInfo * info = 0;
+- scope_guard info_guard = make_guard(g_object_unref, ref(info));
+- if (!type) {
+- file = g_file_new_for_uri(stream_data.url());
+- static GCancellable * const cancellable = 0;
+- info = g_file_query_info(file,
+- cancellable,
+- &error);
+- if (error) {
+- g_warning(error->message);
+- g_error_free(error);
+- error = 0;
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&type)(&file)(&info)) {
++ if (type) {
++ if (file) { g_object_unref(file); }
++ if (info) { g_object_unref(info); }
+ }
+- if (info) {
+- type =
+- g_file_info_get_attribute_string(
+- info,
+- }
+- } else {
+- info_guard.dismiss();
+- file_guard.dismiss();
++ file = g_file_new_for_uri(stream_data.url());
++ static GCancellable * const cancellable = 0;
++ info = g_file_query_info(file,
++ cancellable,
++ &error);
++ if (error) {
++ g_warning(error->message);
++ g_error_free(error);
++ error = 0;
+ }
++ if (info) {
++ type =
++ g_file_info_get_attribute_string(
++ info,
++ }
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, boost::ref(error));
+ gboolean new_stream_result =
+ org_openvrml_Browser_new_stream(
+ stream_data.browser(),
+@@ -903,8 +922,6 @@
+ }
+ stream_data.initialize();
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ }
+ //
+@@ -950,9 +967,9 @@
+ "/org/openvrml/BrowserFactory",
+ "org.openvrml.BrowserFactory");
+ g_return_val_if_fail(browser_factory, 0);
+- scope_guard browser_factory_guard =
+- make_guard(g_object_unref, G_OBJECT(browser_factory));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(browser_factory_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((browser_factory)) {
++ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(browser_factory));
+ char * browser_path = 0;
+ if (!org_openvrml_BrowserFactory_create_control(
+Index: src/openvrml-player/player.cpp
+--- src/openvrml-player/player.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ src/openvrml-player/player.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // -*- Mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 78 -*-
+ //
+-// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
+ # include <curl/curl.h>
+ # include <string>
+ # include <vector>
+-# include <boost/concept_check.hpp>
+ # include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/ref.hpp>
+ # include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
+ # include <libgnomeui/libgnomeui.h>
+@@ -35,8 +34,6 @@
+ # include <config.h>
+ # endif
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ extern "C" {
+ //
+ // GTK+ signal handlers; GtkBuilder needs them to have external linkage in
+@@ -87,8 +84,9 @@
+ g_critical("libcurl initialization failed");
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+- scope_guard curl_global_guard = make_guard(curl_global_cleanup);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(curl_global_guard);
++ curl_global_cleanup();
+ gchar ** remaining_args = 0;
+ GOptionEntry option_entries[] = {
+@@ -123,7 +121,9 @@
+ GError * error = 0;
+- scope_guard error_guard = make_guard(g_error_free, ref(error));
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((&error)) {
++ if (error) { g_error_free(error); }
+ GtkBuilder * const builder = builder_new(*program, &error);
+ if (!builder) {
+ g_critical("Failed to create UI builder: %s", error->message);
+@@ -167,8 +167,6 @@
+ gtk_widget_show_all(app_window);
+ gtk_main();
+- error_guard.dismiss();
+ }
+ namespace {
+@@ -251,8 +249,9 @@
+ gchar * uri =
+ gtk_file_chooser_get_uri(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(data->file_chooser));
+ g_return_if_fail(uri);
+- scope_guard uri_guard = make_guard(g_free, uri);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(uri_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((uri)) {
++ g_free(uri);
+ openvrml_player_curl_browser_host_load_url(data->browser_host, uri);
+ }
+@@ -277,8 +276,9 @@
+ gchar * uri = 0;
+ uri = gtk_file_chooser_get_uri(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog));
+ g_return_if_fail(uri);
+- scope_guard uri_guard = make_guard(g_free, uri);
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(uri_guard);
++ BOOST_SCOPE_EXIT((uri)) {
++ g_free(uri);
+ gtk_entry_set_text(location_entry, uri);
+ }
+ }
+Index: README
+--- README (revision 4241)
++++ README (revision 4242)
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
+ At a minimum, OpenVRML requires these libraries to build:
+- Boost (at least 1.37) <http://boost.org>
++ Boost (at least 1.38) <http://boost.org>
+ libltdl (non-Windows only) <http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/>
+ libxml (non-Windows only) <http://xmlsoft.org>
+Index: tests/browser.cpp
+--- tests/browser.cpp (revision 4241)
++++ tests/browser.cpp (revision 4242)
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ // -*- mode: c++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 78 -*-
+ //
+-// Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 Braden McDaniel
++// Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Braden McDaniel
+ //
+ // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+@@ -23,15 +23,13 @@
+ # include <iostream>
+ # include <sstream>
+ # include <boost/filesystem/operations.hpp>
+-# include <boost/multi_index/detail/scope_guard.hpp>
++# include <boost/scope_exit.hpp>
+ # include <boost/thread.hpp>
+ # include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+ # include "test_resource_fetcher.h"
+ using namespace std;
+ using namespace openvrml;
+-using namespace boost::filesystem;
+-using namespace boost::multi_index::detail; // for scope_guard
+ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(create_vrml_from_stream)
+ {
+@@ -56,10 +54,9 @@
+ file << "#VRML V2.0 utf8" << endl
+ << "PROTO Node [] { Group {} }" << endl;
+ }
+- scope_guard test_file_guard =
+- make_guard(&boost::filesystem::remove<boost::filesystem::path>,
+- boost::filesystem::path("test.wrl"));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(test_file_guard);
++ remove(boost::filesystem::path("test.wrl"));
+ const char vrmlstring[] = "EXTERNPROTO Node [] [ \"test.wrl\" ] Node {}";
+ stringstream vrmlstream(vrmlstring);
+@@ -110,10 +107,9 @@
+ file << "#VRML V2.0 utf8" << endl
+ << "Shape {}" << endl;
+ }
+- scope_guard test_file_guard =
+- make_guard(&boost::filesystem::remove<boost::filesystem::path>,
+- boost::filesystem::path("test.wrl"));
+- boost::ignore_unused_variable_warning(test_file_guard);
++ remove(boost::filesystem::path("test.wrl"));
+ test_resource_fetcher fetcher;
+ browser b(fetcher, std::cout, std::cerr);
-------------- next part --------------
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