[82917] branches/gsoc11-statistics/bin/populate.py

derek at macports.org derek at macports.org
Sun Aug 21 17:47:56 PDT 2011

Revision: 82917
Author:   derek at macports.org
Date:     2011-08-21 17:47:55 -0700 (Sun, 21 Aug 2011)
Log Message:
Added populate.py - A script to submit simulated user data to the statistics rails app

Submits realistic os data as well as installed ports for multiple users.
Can be used to test the submission code (/submissions) as well as populating the db with 
data to test visualizations

Added Paths:

Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/bin/populate.py
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/bin/populate.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/bin/populate.py	2011-08-22 00:47:55 UTC (rev 82917)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# populate.py
+# Simulates multiple users submitting realistic data
+# Uses curl to submit sample data and test rails submission code
+import random
+import string
+import uuid
+import json
+import subprocess
+import time
+from ports import port_list
+max_users = 250
+max_ports_per_user = 500
+url_testdeploy = 'http://statsdeploy.heroku.com/submissions'
+url_dev    = '' 
+macports_versions = ['1.9.2', '1.9.99', '2.0']
+osx_versions = ['10.4', '10.5', '10.6']
+os_archs = ['i386', 'ppc']
+os_platforms = ['darwin']
+build_archs = ['x86_32', 'x86_64']
+gcc_versions = ['4.2.1', '4.3.6', '4.4.6', '4.5.3', '4.6.1']
+xcode_versions = ['2.5', '3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '4.0']
+# Generated user ids
+users = []
+# The probability that a new user will be added starts at prob_new_user
+prob_new_user = 95 # 95 %
+# Randomly choose entries for each category
+def build_os():
+	os = {}
+	os['macports_version'] = random.choice(macports_versions)
+	os['osx_version'] = random.choice(osx_versions)
+	os['os_arch'] = random.choice(os_archs)
+	os['os_platform'] = random.choice(os_platforms)
+	os['build_arch'] = random.choice(build_archs)
+	os['gcc_version'] = random.choice(gcc_versions)
+	os['xcode_version'] = random.choice(xcode_versions)
+	return os
+# Build up a space separated list of variants
+# It selects a random number of variants to include from a list of valid variants
+# for a port
+def build_variants(variants):
+	varlist = variants.split()
+	size = random.randint(0, len(varlist))
+	randomlist = random.sample(varlist, size)
+	return " ".join(randomlist)
+# Generate a list of ports for this user.
+def build_ports():
+	ports = []
+	# Choose a random number between 0 and max_ports_per_user
+	n_ports = random.randint(0, max_ports_per_user)
+	# Generate n_port ports
+	for i in range(n_ports):
+		# Choose a random port from the list of all ports
+		port = random.choice(port_list)
+		# Generate random version strings by appending a digit to the existing version
+		# eg: 2.2 -> 2.2_6
+		# Only append once, check if this port's version has already been modified
+		if not 'mod' in port:
+			append = ''.join(random.choice(string.digits) for i in xrange(1))
+			port['version'] = port['version'] + '_' + append
+			port['mod'] = True # Flag that this port's version has been modified
+		# Build up a list of variants from all valid variants for this port
+		port['variants'] = build_variants(port['variants'])
+		# Append to the list of ports to submit for this user
+		ports.append(port)
+	return ports
+def decay_probability():
+	global prob_new_user
+	# Over time the probability that a new user will be added decreases as more users participate
+	decay_factor = 0.0001
+	n_users = len(users)
+	prob_decay = n_users * decay_factor
+	prob = prob_new_user - prob_decay
+	prob_new_user = prob
+	# Always keep a minimum 5% chance of growth to simulate users new to 
+	# macports users coming in and participating
+	if prob <= 5:
+		prob_new_user = 5
+def generate_uuid():
+	idstr = str(uuid.uuid4())
+	users.append(idstr)
+	return idstr
+def get_uuid():
+	# Check if there are any available uuids
+	if len(users) == 0:
+		return generate_uuid()
+	decay_probability()
+	# Add a new user 'prob_new_user' percent of the time
+	# This simulates a new user deciding to participate
+	x = random.uniform(1,100)
+	print str(prob_new_user) + " n_users = " + str(len(users))
+	if x <= prob_new_user:
+		return generate_uuid()
+	else:
+		# Get a random uuid from the list (simulate an existing user updating their info)
+		uuid = random.choice(users)
+		return uuid
+def submit():
+	#url = url_testdeploy
+	url = url_dev
+	idstr = get_uuid()
+	data = {}
+	data['id'] = idstr
+	data['os'] = build_os()
+	data['active_ports'] = build_ports()
+	json_enc = json.dumps(data)
+	args = "-d \'submission[data]=%s\'" % json_enc
+	pid = subprocess.Popen('curl ' + args + ' ' + url, shell=True)
+	pid.wait()
+def main():
+	random.seed()
+	for x in range(max_users):
+		submit()
+		time.sleep(0.005)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	main()

Property changes on: branches/gsoc11-statistics/bin/populate.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *
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