[75780] trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/port_binary_distributable.tcl

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Tue Feb 8 02:22:03 PST 2011

Revision: 75780
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2011-02-08 02:22:02 -0800 (Tue, 08 Feb 2011)
Log Message:
add script to check whether binaries of a port may be distributed

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/port_binary_distributable.tcl
--- trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/port_binary_distributable.tcl	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/port_binary_distributable.tcl	2011-02-08 10:22:02 UTC (rev 75780)
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# Check that binaries of a port are distributable by looking at its license
+# and the licenses of its dependencies.
+# Exit status:
+# 0: distributable
+# 1: non-distributable
+# 2: error
+set MY_VERSION 0.1
+array set portsSeen {}
+set check_deptypes {depends_build depends_lib}
+set good_licenses {agpl apache apsl artistic boost bsd cecill cpl curl \
+                   fontconfig freebsd gfdl gpl ibmpl jasper lgpl libpng mit \
+                   mpl openssl php psf qpl public-domain ruby sleepycat \
+                   ssleay x11 zlib zpl}
+foreach lic $good_licenses {
+    set license_good($lic) 1
+# keep these values sorted
+array set license_conflicts \
+    {agpl {cecill gpl} \
+    apache {cecill gpl} \
+    apsl {cecill gpl} \
+    cpl {cecill gpl} \
+    cecill {agpl apache apsl cpl ibmpl mpl openssl php qpl ssleay zpl-1} \
+    freetype {gpl-2} \
+    gpl {agpl apache apsl cpl ibmpl mpl openssl php qpl ssleay zpl-1} \
+    gpl-2 {freetype} \
+    ibmpl {cecill gpl} \
+    mpl {cecill gpl} \
+    openssl {cecill gpl} \
+    php {cecill gpl} \
+    qpl {cecill gpl} \
+    ssleay {cecill gpl}
+    zpl-1 {cecill gpl}}
+proc printUsage {} {
+    puts "Usage: $::argv0 \[-hvV\] \[-t macports-tcl-path\] port-name \[variants...\]"
+    puts "  -h    This help"
+    puts "  -t    Give a different location for the base MacPorts Tcl"
+    puts "        file (defaults to /Library/Tcl)"
+    puts "  -v    verbose output"
+    puts "  -V    show version and MacPorts version being used"
+    puts ""
+    puts "port-name is the name of a port to check"
+    puts "variants is the list of variants to enable/disable: +one -two..."
+# return deps and license for given port
+proc infoForPort {portName variantInfo} {
+    global check_deptypes
+    set dependencyList {}
+    set portSearchResult [mportlookup $portName]
+    if {[llength $portSearchResult] < 1} {
+        puts "Warning: port \"$portName\" not found"
+        return {}
+    }
+    array set portInfo [lindex $portSearchResult 1]
+    set mport [mportopen $portInfo(porturl) {} $variantInfo]
+    array unset portInfo
+    array set portInfo [mportinfo $mport]
+    mportclose $mport
+    foreach dependencyType $check_deptypes {
+        if {[info exists portInfo($dependencyType)] && [string length $portInfo($dependencyType)] > 0} {
+            foreach dependency $portInfo($dependencyType) {
+                set afterColon [expr {[string last ":" $dependency] + 1}]
+                lappend dependencyList [string range $dependency $afterColon end]
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return [list $dependencyList $portInfo(license)]
+# return license with any trailing dash followed by a number and/or plus sign removed
+proc remove_version {license} {
+    set dash [string last - $license]
+    if {$dash != -1 && [regexp {[0-9.+]+} [string range $license [expr $dash + 1] end]]} {
+        return [string range $license 0 [expr $dash - 1]]
+    } else {
+        return $license
+    }
+proc check_licenses {portName variantInfo verbose} {
+    global license_good license_conflicts
+    array set portSeen {}
+    set top_info [infoForPort $portName $variantInfo]
+    set top_license [lindex $top_info 1]
+    set top_license_names {}
+    # check that top-level port's license(s) are good
+    foreach full_lic $top_license {
+        # chop off any trailing version number
+        set lic [remove_version [string tolower $full_lic]]
+        # add name to the list for later
+        lappend top_license_names $lic
+        if {![info exists license_good($lic)]} {
+            if {$verbose} {
+                puts "'$portName' has license '$lic' which is not known to be distributable"
+            }
+            return 1
+        }
+    }
+    # start with deps of top-level port
+    set portList [lindex $top_info 0]
+    while {[llength $portList] > 0} {
+        set aPort [lindex $portList 0]
+        set aPortInfo [infoForPort $aPort $variantInfo]
+        set aPortLicense [lindex $aPortInfo 1]
+        foreach full_lic $aPortLicense {
+            # check that this dependency's license(s) are good
+            set lic [remove_version [string tolower $full_lic]]
+            if {![info exists license_good($lic)]} {
+                if {$verbose} {
+                    puts "dependency '$aPort' has license '$lic' which is not known to be distributable"
+                }
+                return 1
+            }
+            # ... and that they don't conflict with the top-level port's
+            foreach top_lic [concat $top_license $top_license_names] {
+                if {[info exists license_conflicts([string tolower $top_lic])]
+                    && ([lsearch -sorted $license_conflicts([string tolower $top_lic]) $lic] != -1
+                    || [lsearch -sorted $license_conflicts([string tolower $top_lic]) [string tolower $full_lic]] != -1)} {
+                    if {$verbose} {
+                        puts "dependency '$aPort' has license '$full_lic' which conflicts with license '$top_lic' from '$portName'"
+                    }
+                    return 1
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        # mark it seen and add its deps to the list
+        set portSeen($aPort) 1
+        set portList [lreplace $portList 0 0]
+        foreach possiblyNewPort [lindex $aPortInfo 0] {
+            if {![info exists portSeen($possiblyNewPort)]} {
+                lappend portList $possiblyNewPort
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if {$verbose} {
+        puts "$portName is distributable"
+    }
+    return 0
+# Begin
+set macportsTclPath /Library/Tcl
+set verbose 0
+set showVersion 0
+while {[string index [lindex $::argv 0] 0] == "-" } {
+    switch [string range [lindex $::argv 0] 1 end] {
+        h {
+            printUsage
+            exit 0
+        }
+        t {
+            if {[llength $::argv] < 2} {
+                puts "-t needs a path"
+                printUsage
+                exit 2
+            }
+            set macportsTclPath [lindex $::argv 1]
+            set ::argv [lrange $::argv 1 end]
+        }
+        v {
+             set verbose 1
+        }
+        V {
+            set showVersion 1
+        }
+        default {
+            puts "Unknown option [lindex $::argv 0]"
+            printUsage
+            exit 2
+        }
+    }
+    set ::argv [lrange $::argv 1 end]
+source ${macportsTclPath}/macports1.0/macports_fastload.tcl
+package require macports
+if {$showVersion} {
+    puts "Version $MY_VERSION"
+    puts "MacPorts version [macports::version]"
+    exit 0
+if {[llength $::argv] == 0} {
+    puts "Error: missing port-name"
+    printUsage
+    exit 2
+set portName [lindex $::argv 0]
+set ::argv [lrange $::argv 1 end]
+array set variantInfo {}
+foreach variantSetting $::argv {
+    set flag [string index $variantSetting 0]
+    set variantName [string range $variantSetting 1 end]
+    set variantInfo($variantName) $flag
+exit [check_licenses $portName [array get variantInfo] $verbose]

Property changes on: trunk/base/portmgr/jobs/port_binary_distributable.tcl
Added: svn:executable
   + *
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