[75080] trunk/dports/print/teTeX/Portfile

dports at macports.org dports at macports.org
Fri Jan 14 16:28:53 PST 2011

Revision: 75080
Author:   dports at macports.org
Date:     2011-01-14 16:28:41 -0800 (Fri, 14 Jan 2011)
Log Message:
teTeX: replace with texlive (#25579)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/print/teTeX/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/print/teTeX/Portfile	2011-01-15 00:24:21 UTC (rev 75079)
+++ trunk/dports/print/teTeX/Portfile	2011-01-15 00:28:41 UTC (rev 75080)
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
 name			teTeX
 version			3.0
-revision		6
+revision		7
 epoch			20080130
 categories		print textproc
-maintainers		gwright
+maintainers		nomaintainer
 description		TeX and METAFONT
 long_description	teTeX is a TeX distribution for UNIX compatible	\
 			systems.  It contains the latest versions of	\
@@ -15,113 +17,16 @@
 			a look at the lengthy FEATURES file of the	\
 homepage		http://www.tug.org/teTeX/
-platforms		darwin
+platforms               darwin
-set tetex_src		tetex-src-${version}.tar.gz
-set tetex_texmf		tetex-texmf-${version}po.tar.gz
-set tetex_top		${prefix}/share/texmf
-set tetex_texmftree	${destroot}${prefix}/share/texmf-dist
-master_sites		ftp://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/current/distrib/ \
-			ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/current/distrib/ \
-			ftp://dante.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/current/distrib/ 
+replaced_by     texlive
-distfiles		${tetex_src} ${tetex_texmf}
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "${name} has been replaced by ${replaced_by}; please install that port instead"
+    return -code error "obsolete port"
-checksums		${tetex_src}   md5 944a4641e79e61043fdaf8f38ecbb4b3 \
-			${tetex_texmf} md5 ed9d30d9162d16ac8d5065cde6e0f6fa 
+livecheck.type  none
-#user_notes	The layout of the installed files has changed. Now	\
-#		runtime configuration data is stored separately from	\
-#		the main teTeX distribution.
-#bugs		Note that the configuration process for teTeX uses	\
-#		hand-crafted configure and Makefiles, so the whole	\
-#		procedure is quite fragile. In particular, slight	\
-#		misconfigurations can cause the build to silently	\
-#		fail to produce some targets. When changing this	\
-#		Portfile, check carefully to be sure that everything	\
-#		you think should be built was in fact built.
-extract.only		${tetex_src}
-worksrcdir		tetex-src-${version}
-post-extract	{ file mkdir ${tetex_texmftree}
-		  file mkdir ${destroot}${tetex_top}
-		  system "tar vxz -C ${tetex_texmftree} -f ${distpath}/${tetex_texmf}"
-		  # Patch to enable french hyphenation:
-		  system "cd ${tetex_texmftree} && patch -p0 < ${portpath}/${filesdir}/patch-language.dat"
-		  # This fixes a pattern space overflow in BSD sed, which
-		  # can be triggered if MacPorts is installed in a
-		  # nonstandard location:
-		  reinplace "s|sed -f|${prefix}/bin/gsed -f|g" ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/texk/make/man.mk
-		  reinplace "s|sed -n|${prefix}/bin/gsed -n|g" ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/texk/make/man.mk
-		  reinplace "s|sed -e|${prefix}/bin/gsed -e|g" ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/texk/make/man.mk
-		}
-depends_build		port:gawk		\
-			port:gsed
-depends_lib 		port:Xft2 \
-			port:xorg-libXaw \
-			port:xorg-libXmu \
-			port:xorg-libXp \
-			port:xpm \
-			port:libpng
-depends_run		port:ghostscript	\
-			port:texinfo		\
-			port:texi2html \
-			port:gzip
-configure.args		--prefix=${destroot}${prefix}			\
-			--datadir=${destroot}${prefix}/share		\
-			--infodir=${destroot}${prefix}/share/info	\
-			--mandir=${destroot}${prefix}/share/man		\
-			--without-texinfo				\
-			--without-texi2html				\
-			--disable-multiplatform	
-variant no_x11	{ 
-		  depends_lib-delete \
-			port:Xft2 \
-			port:xorg-libXaw \
-			port:xorg-libXmu \
-			port:xorg-libXp \
-			port:xpm \
-			port:libpng
-		  configure.args-append --without-x11 \
-					--without-oxdvik \
-					--without-xdvik \
-					--with-mfw=no
-		}
-post-destroot	{ # Delete the texi2pdf script: it will be provided
-		  # by the texinfo port.
-		  file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/texi2pdf
-		  # Modify mktex.opt to force use of varfonts
-		  reinplace "s|MT_FEATURES=appendonlydir|MT_FEATURES=appendonlydir:varfonts|g" ${destroot}/${tetex_top}/web2c/mktex.opt
-		  # happiness is ranlib.
-		  system "ranlib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/libkpathsea.a"
-		  # Add a directory for local enhancements
-		  file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/texmf-local
-		  system "touch ${destroot}${prefix}/share/texmf-local/.turd"
-		}
-post-activate	{
-		  # can throw errors because latex source is over 5 years old
-		  # ticket #20987
-		  catch {system "fmtutil-sys --all"}
-		  # These are required so that local additions are picked
-		  # up if teTeX is updated:
-		  system "mktexlsr"
-		  system "updmap-sys"
-		}
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