[80249] trunk/dports/lang/apple-gcc42-devel/Portfile

jeremyhu at macports.org jeremyhu at macports.org
Thu Jul 7 13:08:30 PDT 2011

Revision: 80249
Author:   jeremyhu at macports.org
Date:     2011-07-07 13:08:29 -0700 (Thu, 07 Jul 2011)
Log Message:
apple-gcc42-devel: Obsoleted after discussion with maintainer over email

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/lang/apple-gcc42-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/lang/apple-gcc42-devel/Portfile	2011-07-07 19:56:08 UTC (rev 80248)
+++ trunk/dports/lang/apple-gcc42-devel/Portfile	2011-07-07 20:08:29 UTC (rev 80249)
@@ -6,69 +6,20 @@
 version             5564
 categories          lang
 platforms           darwin
-maintainers         illogic-al
+maintainers         nomaintainer
 description         Updated version of Apple's version of gcc 4.2
 long_description    Apple's version of the GNU compiler collection, \
                     version 4.2. Supports C, C++ and Objective-C.
 homepage            http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/gcc-4.2/gcc/
-master_sites        http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/other/
-distname            gcc_42-${version}
-checksums           md5 cc919b07776db1a209ccaa48b0e19da7
-# The prefix is set to /usr because parts of the script are hardcoded to expect it
-set build_prefix      /usr
+replaced_by         apple-gcc42
-post-extract { 
-    file mkdir ${worksrcpath}/debug
-    file mkdir ${destroot}
-post-patch {
-    reinplace "s|MAKEINFO=\$\(MAKEINFO\) \$\(MAKEINFOFLAGS\)|MAKEINFO=makeinfo \$\(MAKEINFOFLAGS\)|" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.in
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "${name} has been replaced by ${replaced_by}. Please install ${replaced_by} instead."
+    return -code error "obsolete port"
-use_configure   no
-universal_variant yes
-if {[variant_isset universal]} {
-    set archs ${configure.universal_archs}
-} else {
-    set archs ${configure.build_arch}
-# first parameter: space-separated list of archs compiler will run on
-# second parameter: space-separated list of archs compiler will generate code for
-# third parameter: path to the compiler sources
-# fourth parameter: location compiler will be installed to. /usr is expected
-# fifth parameter: place compiler will be copied once it's built
-# sixth parameter: a directory to place information helpful in debugging compiler
-# This build.cmd line will build gcc 4.2 with c++ and obj-c++ support
-build.cmd   ${worksrcpath}/build_gcc \
-            \"${archs}\" \"${archs}\" \
-            ${worksrcpath} ${build_prefix} ${destroot} ${worksrcpath}/debug
-destroot {}
-platform darwin 8 {
-    destroot.violate_mtree yes
-    # Delete docs and not violate_mtree
-    #system "rm -rf ${destroot}/Developer"
-platform darwin 9 {
-    post-destroot {
-        # This documentation is already installed in Xcode for 10.5
-        system "rm -rf ${destroot}/Developer"
-    }
-post-destroot {
-    system "mkdir -p ${destroot}${prefix}"
-    system "rm -rf ${destroot}${prefix}/*"
-    system "mv -f ${destroot}${build_prefix}/* ${destroot}${prefix}"
-    system "rmdir ${destroot}${build_prefix}"
-livecheck.type		moddate
-livecheck.url		${master_sites}
+livecheck.type          none
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