[80511] branches/gsoc11-statistics
derek at macports.org
derek at macports.org
Wed Jul 13 21:48:10 PDT 2011
Revision: 80511
Author: derek at macports.org
Date: 2011-07-13 21:48:08 -0700 (Wed, 13 Jul 2011)
Log Message:
Initial commit of statistics collection Ruby on Rails app.
What is implemented as of this commit:
- Accepts and stores submitted data (system information, installed ports)
- Integrated ports and categories from mpwa along with port browsing and search
- Seed database with all ports and categories (seeds.rb) - data comes from mpwa script
- Displays charts regarding system information using google charts api
- Raw dump of submitted active ports table - no charts yet
Added Paths:
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/.gitignore
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/.gitignore (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/.gitignore 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Gemfile
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Gemfile (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Gemfile 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+source 'http://rubygems.org'
+gem 'rails', '3.0.9'
+# Bundle edge Rails instead:
+# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
+gem "rake", "0.8.7"
+gem 'sqlite3'
+gem 'json'
+gem 'googlecharts'
+gem 'will_paginate', '>= 3.0.pre2'
+# Use unicorn as the web server
+# gem 'unicorn'
+# Deploy with Capistrano
+# gem 'capistrano'
+# To use debugger (ruby-debug for Ruby 1.8.7+, ruby-debug19 for Ruby 1.9.2+)
+# gem 'ruby-debug'
+# gem 'ruby-debug19', :require => 'ruby-debug'
+# Bundle the extra gems:
+# gem 'bj'
+# gem 'nokogiri'
+# gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
+# gem 'aws-s3', :require => 'aws/s3'
+# Bundle gems for the local environment. Make sure to
+# put test-only gems in this group so their generators
+# and rake tasks are available in development mode:
+# group :development, :test do
+# gem 'webrat'
+# end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Gemfile.lock
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Gemfile.lock (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Gemfile.lock 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ remote: http://rubygems.org/
+ specs:
+ abstract (1.0.0)
+ actionmailer (3.0.9)
+ actionpack (= 3.0.9)
+ mail (~> 2.2.19)
+ actionpack (3.0.9)
+ activemodel (= 3.0.9)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.9)
+ builder (~> 2.1.2)
+ erubis (~> 2.6.6)
+ i18n (~> 0.5.0)
+ rack (~> 1.2.1)
+ rack-mount (~> 0.6.14)
+ rack-test (~> 0.5.7)
+ tzinfo (~> 0.3.23)
+ activemodel (3.0.9)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.9)
+ builder (~> 2.1.2)
+ i18n (~> 0.5.0)
+ activerecord (3.0.9)
+ activemodel (= 3.0.9)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.9)
+ arel (~> 2.0.10)
+ tzinfo (~> 0.3.23)
+ activeresource (3.0.9)
+ activemodel (= 3.0.9)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.9)
+ activesupport (3.0.9)
+ arel (2.0.10)
+ builder (2.1.2)
+ erubis (2.6.6)
+ abstract (>= 1.0.0)
+ googlecharts (1.6.7)
+ i18n (0.5.0)
+ json (1.5.3)
+ mail (2.2.19)
+ activesupport (>= 2.3.6)
+ i18n (>= 0.4.0)
+ mime-types (~> 1.16)
+ treetop (~> 1.4.8)
+ mime-types (1.16)
+ polyglot (0.3.1)
+ rack (1.2.3)
+ rack-mount (0.6.14)
+ rack (>= 1.0.0)
+ rack-test (0.5.7)
+ rack (>= 1.0)
+ rails (3.0.9)
+ actionmailer (= 3.0.9)
+ actionpack (= 3.0.9)
+ activerecord (= 3.0.9)
+ activeresource (= 3.0.9)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.9)
+ bundler (~> 1.0)
+ railties (= 3.0.9)
+ railties (3.0.9)
+ actionpack (= 3.0.9)
+ activesupport (= 3.0.9)
+ rake (>= 0.8.7)
+ rdoc (~> 3.4)
+ thor (~> 0.14.4)
+ rake (0.8.7)
+ rdoc (3.6.1)
+ sqlite3 (1.3.3)
+ thor (0.14.6)
+ treetop (1.4.9)
+ polyglot (>= 0.3.1)
+ tzinfo (0.3.28)
+ will_paginate (3.0.pre2)
+ ruby
+ googlecharts
+ json
+ rails (= 3.0.9)
+ rake (= 0.8.7)
+ sqlite3
+ will_paginate (>= 3.0.pre2)
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/README
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/README (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/README 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+== Welcome to Rails
+Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create
+database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
+This pattern splits the view (also called the presentation) into "dumb"
+templates that are primarily responsible for inserting pre-built data in between
+HTML tags. The model contains the "smart" domain objects (such as Account,
+Product, Person, Post) that holds all the business logic and knows how to
+persist themselves to a database. The controller handles the incoming requests
+(such as Save New Account, Update Product, Show Post) by manipulating the model
+and directing data to the view.
+In Rails, the model is handled by what's called an object-relational mapping
+layer entitled Active Record. This layer allows you to present the data from
+database rows as objects and embellish these data objects with business logic
+methods. You can read more about Active Record in
+The controller and view are handled by the Action Pack, which handles both
+layers by its two parts: Action View and Action Controller. These two layers
+are bundled in a single package due to their heavy interdependence. This is
+unlike the relationship between the Active Record and Action Pack that is much
+more separate. Each of these packages can be used independently outside of
+Rails. You can read more about Action Pack in
+== Getting Started
+1. At the command prompt, create a new Rails application:
+ <tt>rails new myapp</tt> (where <tt>myapp</tt> is the application name)
+2. Change directory to <tt>myapp</tt> and start the web server:
+ <tt>cd myapp; rails server</tt> (run with --help for options)
+3. Go to http://localhost:3000/ and you'll see:
+ "Welcome aboard: You're riding Ruby on Rails!"
+4. Follow the guidelines to start developing your application. You can find
+the following resources handy:
+* The Getting Started Guide: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html
+* Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book: http://www.railstutorial.org/
+== Debugging Rails
+Sometimes your application goes wrong. Fortunately there are a lot of tools that
+will help you debug it and get it back on the rails.
+First area to check is the application log files. Have "tail -f" commands
+running on the server.log and development.log. Rails will automatically display
+debugging and runtime information to these files. Debugging info will also be
+shown in the browser on requests from
+You can also log your own messages directly into the log file from your code
+using the Ruby logger class from inside your controllers. Example:
+ class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
+ def destroy
+ @weblog = Weblog.find(params[:id])
+ @weblog.destroy
+ logger.info("#{Time.now} Destroyed Weblog ID ##{@weblog.id}!")
+ end
+ end
+The result will be a message in your log file along the lines of:
+ Mon Oct 08 14:22:29 +1000 2007 Destroyed Weblog ID #1!
+More information on how to use the logger is at http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/
+Also, Ruby documentation can be found at http://www.ruby-lang.org/. There are
+several books available online as well:
+* Programming Ruby: http://www.ruby-doc.org/docs/ProgrammingRuby/ (Pickaxe)
+* Learn to Program: http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/ (a beginners guide)
+These two books will bring you up to speed on the Ruby language and also on
+programming in general.
+== Debugger
+Debugger support is available through the debugger command when you start your
+Mongrel or WEBrick server with --debugger. This means that you can break out of
+execution at any point in the code, investigate and change the model, and then,
+resume execution! You need to install ruby-debug to run the server in debugging
+mode. With gems, use <tt>sudo gem install ruby-debug</tt>. Example:
+ class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ @posts = Post.find(:all)
+ debugger
+ end
+ end
+So the controller will accept the action, run the first line, then present you
+with a IRB prompt in the server window. Here you can do things like:
+ >> @posts.inspect
+ => "[#<Post:0x14a6be8
+ @attributes={"title"=>nil, "body"=>nil, "id"=>"1"}>,
+ #<Post:0x14a6620
+ @attributes={"title"=>"Rails", "body"=>"Only ten..", "id"=>"2"}>]"
+ >> @posts.first.title = "hello from a debugger"
+ => "hello from a debugger"
+...and even better, you can examine how your runtime objects actually work:
+ >> f = @posts.first
+ => #<Post:0x13630c4 @attributes={"title"=>nil, "body"=>nil, "id"=>"1"}>
+ >> f.
+ Display all 152 possibilities? (y or n)
+Finally, when you're ready to resume execution, you can enter "cont".
+== Console
+The console is a Ruby shell, which allows you to interact with your
+application's domain model. Here you'll have all parts of the application
+configured, just like it is when the application is running. You can inspect
+domain models, change values, and save to the database. Starting the script
+without arguments will launch it in the development environment.
+To start the console, run <tt>rails console</tt> from the application
+* Passing the <tt>-s, --sandbox</tt> argument will rollback any modifications
+ made to the database.
+* Passing an environment name as an argument will load the corresponding
+ environment. Example: <tt>rails console production</tt>.
+To reload your controllers and models after launching the console run
+More information about irb can be found at:
+== dbconsole
+You can go to the command line of your database directly through <tt>rails
+dbconsole</tt>. You would be connected to the database with the credentials
+defined in database.yml. Starting the script without arguments will connect you
+to the development database. Passing an argument will connect you to a different
+database, like <tt>rails dbconsole production</tt>. Currently works for MySQL,
+PostgreSQL and SQLite 3.
+== Description of Contents
+The default directory structure of a generated Ruby on Rails application:
+ |-- app
+ | |-- controllers
+ | |-- helpers
+ | |-- mailers
+ | |-- models
+ | `-- views
+ | `-- layouts
+ |-- config
+ | |-- environments
+ | |-- initializers
+ | `-- locales
+ |-- db
+ |-- doc
+ |-- lib
+ | `-- tasks
+ |-- log
+ |-- public
+ | |-- images
+ | |-- javascripts
+ | `-- stylesheets
+ |-- script
+ |-- test
+ | |-- fixtures
+ | |-- functional
+ | |-- integration
+ | |-- performance
+ | `-- unit
+ |-- tmp
+ | |-- cache
+ | |-- pids
+ | |-- sessions
+ | `-- sockets
+ `-- vendor
+ `-- plugins
+ Holds all the code that's specific to this particular application.
+ Holds controllers that should be named like weblogs_controller.rb for
+ automated URL mapping. All controllers should descend from
+ ApplicationController which itself descends from ActionController::Base.
+ Holds models that should be named like post.rb. Models descend from
+ ActiveRecord::Base by default.
+ Holds the template files for the view that should be named like
+ weblogs/index.html.erb for the WeblogsController#index action. All views use
+ eRuby syntax by default.
+ Holds the template files for layouts to be used with views. This models the
+ common header/footer method of wrapping views. In your views, define a layout
+ using the <tt>layout :default</tt> and create a file named default.html.erb.
+ Inside default.html.erb, call <% yield %> to render the view using this
+ layout.
+ Holds view helpers that should be named like weblogs_helper.rb. These are
+ generated for you automatically when using generators for controllers.
+ Helpers can be used to wrap functionality for your views into methods.
+ Configuration files for the Rails environment, the routing map, the database,
+ and other dependencies.
+ Contains the database schema in schema.rb. db/migrate contains all the
+ sequence of Migrations for your schema.
+ This directory is where your application documentation will be stored when
+ generated using <tt>rake doc:app</tt>
+ Application specific libraries. Basically, any kind of custom code that
+ doesn't belong under controllers, models, or helpers. This directory is in
+ the load path.
+ The directory available for the web server. Contains subdirectories for
+ images, stylesheets, and javascripts. Also contains the dispatchers and the
+ default HTML files. This should be set as the DOCUMENT_ROOT of your web
+ server.
+ Helper scripts for automation and generation.
+ Unit and functional tests along with fixtures. When using the rails generate
+ command, template test files will be generated for you and placed in this
+ directory.
+ External libraries that the application depends on. Also includes the plugins
+ subdirectory. If the app has frozen rails, those gems also go here, under
+ vendor/rails/. This directory is in the load path.
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Rakefile
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Rakefile (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/Rakefile 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
+# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.
+require File.expand_path('../config/application', __FILE__)
+require 'rake'
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/application_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/application_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/application_controller.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ protect_from_forgery
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/categories_controller.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
+ caches_page :index
+ cache_sweeper :category_sweeper, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ def index
+ @categories = Category.all(:order => 'name ASC')
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/home_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/home_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/home_controller.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class HomeController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/installed_ports_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/installed_ports_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/installed_ports_controller.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+class InstalledPortsController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ @ports = InstalledPort.all
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # index.html.erb
+ end
+ end
+ def show
+ @port = InstalledPort.find(params[:id])
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/os_statistics_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/os_statistics_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/os_statistics_controller.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+class OsStatisticsController < ApplicationController
+ def gather_frequencies(stats)
+ @macports_version = Hash.new(0)
+ @osx_version = Hash.new(0)
+ @os_arch = Hash.new(0)
+ @os_platform = Hash.new(0)
+ @build_arch = Hash.new(0)
+ @gcc_version = Hash.new(0)
+ @xcode_version = Hash.new(0)
+ stats.each do |row|
+ key = row.macports_version.to_sym
+ @macports_version[key] = @macports_version[key] + 1
+ key = row.osx_version.to_sym
+ @osx_version[key] = @osx_version[key] + 1
+ key = row.os_arch.to_sym
+ @os_arch[key] = @os_arch[key] + 1
+ key = row.os_platform.to_sym
+ @os_platform[key] = @os_platform[key] + 1
+ key = row.build_arch.to_sym
+ @build_arch[key] = @build_arch[key] + 1
+ key = row.gcc_version.to_sym
+ @gcc_version[key] = @gcc_version[key] + 1
+ key = row.xcode_version.to_sym
+ @xcode_version[key] = @xcode_version[key] + 1
+ end
+ end
+ def index
+ @stats = OsStatistic.all
+ gather_frequencies(@stats)
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # index.html.erb
+ end
+ end
+ def show
+ @os_stats = OsStatistic.find(params[:id])
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/ports_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/ports_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/ports_controller.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+class PortsController < ApplicationController
+ caches_page :index, :show
+ cache_sweeper :port_sweeper, :only => [:create, :update, :destroy]
+ def index
+ unless params[:category_id].nil?
+ @ports = Category.find(params[:category_id]).ports.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => 'name ASC', :per_page => 50
+ else
+ @ports = Port.paginate :page => params[:page], :order => 'name ASC', :per_page => 50
+ end
+ @page = params[:page] || 1
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html
+ end
+ end
+ def show
+ @port = Category.find(params[:category_id]).ports.find(params[:id])
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html
+ end
+ end
+ def search
+ @ports = Port.search(params[:criteria], params[:val], params[:page])
+ @page = params[:page] || 1
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html { render :action => :index }
+ end
+ end
+ def search_generate
+ redirect_to "/ports/search/#{params[:criteria]}/#{params[:val]}"
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/submissions_controller.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/submissions_controller.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/controllers/submissions_controller.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+class SubmissionsController < ApplicationController
+ # GET /submissions
+ # GET /submissions.xml
+ def index
+ @submissions = Submission.all
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # index.html.erb
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /submissions/1
+ # GET /submissions/1.xml
+ def show
+ @submission = Submission.find(params[:id])
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # show.html.erb
+ end
+ end
+ # Populate an OsStatistics row based on submitted JSON data
+ def add_os_data(uuid, os)
+ logger.debug "In add_os_data"
+ if os.nil?
+ return
+ end
+ macports_version = os['macports_version']
+ osx_version = os['osx_version']
+ os_arch = os['os_arch']
+ os_platform = os['os_platform']
+ build_arch = os['build_arch']
+ gcc_version = os['gcc_version']
+ xcode_version = os['xcode_version']
+ @os_stats = OsStatistic.new(:uuid => uuid,
+ :macports_version => macports_version,
+ :osx_version => osx_version,
+ :os_arch => os_arch,
+ :os_platform => os_platform,
+ :build_arch => build_arch,
+ :gcc_version => gcc_version,
+ :xcode_version => xcode_version)
+ if not @os_stats.save
+ logger.debug "Unable to save os_stats"
+ logger.debug "Error message: #{@os_stats.errors.full_messages}"
+ end
+ end
+ def add_port_data(uuid, ports)
+ logger.debug "In add_port_data"
+ if ports.nil?
+ return
+ end
+ current_time = Time.now
+ month = current_time.month
+ year = current_time.year
+ ports.each do |port|
+ logger.debug {"Adding port #{port}"}
+ port_id = 5
+ portEntry = InstalledPort.new(:uuid => uuid,
+ :port_id => port_id,
+ :version => port['version'],
+ :variants => port['variants'],
+ :month => month,
+ :year => year)
+ if not portEntry.save
+ logger.debug "Unable to save port #{port['name']}"
+ logger.debug "Error message: #{portEntry.errors.full_messages}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # POST /submissions
+ def create
+ @submission = Submission.new(params[:submission])
+ json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@submission.data)
+ os = json['os']
+ active_ports = json['active_ports']
+ add_os_data(json['id'], os)
+ add_port_data(json['id'], active_ports)
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html { redirect_to(@submission, :notice => 'Submission was successfully created.') }
+ end
+ end
+ # GET /submits/new
+ # GET /submits/new.xml
+ def new
+ @submit = Submission.new
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html # new.html.erb
+ format.xml { render :xml => @submit }
+ end
+ end
+ def destroy
+ @submit = Submission.find(params[:id])
+ @submit.destroy
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html { redirect_to(submissions_url) }
+ format.xml { head :ok }
+ end
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/application_helper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/application_helper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module ApplicationHelper
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/categories_helper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/categories_helper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/categories_helper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module CategoriesHelper
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/home_helper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/home_helper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/home_helper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module HomeHelper
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/ports_helper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/ports_helper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/ports_helper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module PortsHelper
+ def print_search_links(port, member)
+ links = String.new
+ vals = port[member.to_sym]
+ unless vals.nil?
+ vals.split(" ").each do |val|
+ links += "#{link_to val, search_path(member, val)} "
+ end
+ return raw(links)
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/submissions_helper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/submissions_helper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/helpers/submissions_helper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+module SubmissionsHelper
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/category.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/category.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/category.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :ports
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/installed_port.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/installed_port.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/installed_port.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+class InstalledPort < ActiveRecord::Base
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/os_statistic.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/os_statistic.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/os_statistic.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+class OsStatistic < ActiveRecord::Base
+ attr_accessible :uuid
+ attr_accessible :macports_version
+ attr_accessible :osx_version
+ attr_accessible :os_arch
+ attr_accessible :os_platform
+ attr_accessible :build_arch
+ attr_accessible :gcc_version
+ attr_accessible :xcode_version
+ validates :uuid, :presence => true
+ validates :macports_version, :presence => true
+ validates :osx_version, :presence => true
+ validates :os_arch, :presence => true
+ validates :os_platform, :presence => true
+ validates :build_arch, :presence => true
+ validates :gcc_version, :presence => true
+ validates :xcode_version, :presence => true
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/port.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/port.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/port.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+class Port < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_one :category
+ belongs_to :category
+ def self.search(criteria, val, page)
+ paginate :per_page => 50, :page => page, :conditions => ["#{self.columns_hash[criteria].name} like ?", "%#{val}%"], :order => 'name ASC'
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/submission.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/submission.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/models/submission.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+class Submission < ActiveRecord::Base
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/sweepers/category_sweeper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/sweepers/category_sweeper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/sweepers/category_sweeper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class CategorySweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
+ observe Category
+ def after_create(category)
+ expire_cache_for category
+ end
+ def after_update(category)
+ expire_cache_for category
+ end
+ def after_destroy(category)
+ expire_cache_for category
+ end
+ def expire_cache_for(category)
+ expire_page categories_path
+ expire_page category_path(category)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/sweepers/port_sweeper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/sweepers/port_sweeper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/sweepers/port_sweeper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+class PortSweeper < ActionController::Caching::Sweeper
+ observe Port
+ def after_create(port)
+ expire_cache_for port
+ end
+ def after_update(port)
+ expire_cache_for port
+ end
+ def after_destroy(port)
+ expire_cache_for port
+ end
+ def expire_cache_for(port)
+ expire_page category_ports_path(port.category)
+ expire_page category_port_path(port.category, port)
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/categories/index.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/categories/index.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/categories/index.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<div id="content">
+ <%= render :partial => '/partials/port_search' %>
+ <h3>Port Categories</h3>
+ <div id="categories">
+ <% unless @categories.empty? %>
+ <ul>
+ <% @categories.each do |category| %>
+ <li><%= link_to category.name, category_ports_path(category.id) %></li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ <% else %>
+ <p>No Categories found.</p>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/home/index.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/home/index.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/home/index.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<h1>MacPorts Statistics</h1>
+ <li> <%= link_to "User System Information", os_statistics_path %> </li>
+ <li> <%= link_to "User Installed Ports", installed_ports_path %> </li>
+<%= render :partial => '/partials/port_search' %>
+<%= link_to "Browse By Category", categories_path %> </li>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/installed_ports/index.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/installed_ports/index.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/installed_ports/index.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<h1>All Installed Ports</h1>
+<table border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th> ID </th>
+ <th> UUID </th>
+ <th> Port ID </th>
+ <th> Version </th>
+ <th> Variants </th>
+ <th> Month </th>
+ <th> Year </th>
+ <th> Details </th>
+ </tr>
+<% @ports.each do |row| %>
+ <tr>
+ <td> <%= row.id %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.uuid %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.port_id %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.version %></td>
+ <td> <%= row.variants %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.month %></td>
+ <td> <%= row.year %></td>
+ <td> <%= link_to 'Show', row %></td>
+ </tr>
+<% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/installed_ports/show.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/installed_ports/show.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/installed_ports/show.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <title>StatsServer</title>
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag :all %>
+ <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
+ <%= csrf_meta_tag %>
+<%= yield %>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/index.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/index.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/index.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+<!--Load the AJAX API-->
+<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// Load the Visualization API and the piechart package.
+google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});
+// Set a callback to run when the Google Visualization API is loaded.
+function drawChart(chart_title, chart_div, chart_data) {
+// Create our data table.
+var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
+data.addColumn('string', 'Version');
+data.addColumn('number', 'Frequency');
+// Add rows
+//Draw chart
+var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById(chart_div));
+chart.draw(data, {width: 450, height: 300, title: chart_title});
+function drawMacPortsVersions() {
+ var data = [
+ <% @macports_version.each do |key, value| %>
+ ['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
+ <% end %>
+ ];
+ drawChart('MacPorts Versions', 'macports_versions_div', data);
+function drawOSXVersions() {
+ var data = [
+ <% @osx_version.each do |key, value| %>
+ ['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
+ <% end %>
+ ];
+ drawChart('OSX Versions', 'osx_versions_div', data);
+function drawOSArch() {
+ var data = [
+ <% @os_arch.each do |key, value| %>
+ ['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
+ <% end %>
+ ];
+ drawChart('OS Arch', 'os_arch_div', data);
+function drawOSPlatform() {
+ var data = [
+ <% @os_platform.each do |key, value| %>
+ ['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
+ <% end %>
+ ];
+ drawChart('OS Platform', 'os_platform_div', data);
+function drawBuildArch() {
+ var data = [
+ <% @build_arch.each do |key, value| %>
+ ['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
+ <% end %>
+ ];
+ drawChart('Build Arch', 'build_arch_div', data);
+function drawGccVersion() {
+ var data = [
+ <% @gcc_version.each do |key, value| %>
+ ['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
+ <% end %>
+ ];
+ drawChart('gcc Version', 'gcc_version_div', data);
+function drawXCodeVersion() {
+ var data = [
+ <% @xcode_version.each do |key, value| %>
+ ['<%= key %>', <%= value %>],
+ <% end %>
+ ];
+ drawChart('XCode Version', 'xcode_version_div', data);
+function drawAllCharts() {
+ drawMacPortsVersions();
+ drawOSXVersions();
+ drawOSArch();
+ drawOSPlatform();
+ drawBuildArch();
+ drawGccVersion();
+ drawXCodeVersion();
+<!--Div that will hold the pie chart-->
+<div id="macports_versions_div"></div>
+<div id="osx_versions_div"></div>
+<div id="os_arch_div"></div>
+<div id="os_platform_div"></div>
+<div id="build_arch_div"></div>
+<div id="gcc_version_div"></div>
+<div id="xcode_version_div"></div>
+<br />
+<h1>All Stats</h1>
+<table border=1>
+ <tr>
+ <th> ID </th>
+ <th> UUID </th>
+ <th> MacPorts Version</th>
+ <th> OSX Version</th>
+ <th> OS Arch </th>
+ <th> Platform </th>
+ <th> Build Arch</th>
+ <th> gcc Version</th>
+ <th> XCode Version</th>
+ <th> Details </th>
+ </tr>
+<% @stats.each do |row| %>
+ <tr>
+ <td> <%= row.id %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.uuid %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.macports_version %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.osx_version %></td>
+ <td> <%= row.os_arch %> </td>
+ <td> <%= row.os_platform %></td>
+ <td> <%= row.build_arch %></td>
+ <td> <%= row.gcc_version %></td>
+ <td> <%= row.xcode_version %></td>
+ <td> <%= link_to 'Show', row %></td>
+ </tr>
+<% end %>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/show.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/show.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/os_statistics/show.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<p>UUID: <%= @os_stats.uuid %></p>
+<p> macports_version: <%= @os_stats.macports_version %> </p>
+<p> osx_version: <%= @os_stats.osx_version %></p>
+<p> os_arch: <%= @os_stats.os_arch %> </p>
+<p> os_platform: <%= @os_stats.os_platform %></p>
+<p> build_arch: <%= @os_stats.build_arch %></p>
+<p> gcc_version: <%= @os_stats.gcc_version %></p>
+<p> xcode_version: <%= @os_stats.xcode_version %></p>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/partials/_nav.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/partials/_nav.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/partials/_nav.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<div id="navigation">
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Getting Started</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Home', root_path %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Installing MacPorts', install_path %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Available Ports', categories_path %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Documentation', $guide_url %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Support & Development', $trac_url %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Contact Us', contact_path %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'News', "#{$trac_url}news" %></li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>Shortcuts</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <ul>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Available Downloads', $downloads_url %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'MacPorts FAQ', "#{$trac_url}wiki/FAQ" %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Report a Bug', "#{$trac_url}newticket" %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Bug reporting Guidelines', "#{$trac_url}#project.tickets" %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Subversion Repository', $svn_url %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'MacPorts Team', "#{$trac_url}wiki/MacPortsDevelopers" %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Becoming a Member', "#{$guide_url}#project.membership" %></li>
+ <li><%= link_to 'Mac OS Forge', 'http://www.macosforge.org' %></li>
+ </ul>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/partials/_port_search.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/partials/_port_search.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/partials/_port_search.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<h2 class="hdr">MacPorts Portfiles</h2>
+<br />
+ <%= form_tag(search_generate_path, {:method => :get}) do %>
+ <%= select_tag :criteria, options_for_select({"Software Title" => "name", "Category" => "categories", "Maintainer" => "maintainers", "variant" => "variants", "Platform" => "platforms"}) %>
+ <%= text_field_tag :val, "", {:size => 40} %>
+ <%= submit_tag "Search" %>
+ <% end %>
+<p>Or view the complete <%= link_to "ports list (#{Port.count} ports)", ports_path %>.</p>
+<br />
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/ports/index.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/ports/index.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/ports/index.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<div id="content">
+ <%= render :partial => '/partials/port_search' %>
+ <h3>Query Results</h3>
+<% unless @ports.empty? %>
+ <p>
+ <%= ((@page.to_i - 1) * 50) + 1 %> - <%= @page.to_i * 50 %> of <%= Port.count %> Portfiles Selected
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <%= will_paginate @ports %>
+ </p>
+ <% @ports.each do |port| %>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><b><%= link_to port.name, category_port_path(port.category, port) %></b> <%= port.version %></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <% unless port.description.nil? %>
+ <%= port.description %><br />
+ <% end %>
+ <% unless port.maintainers.nil? %>
+ <i>Maintained by:</i> <b><span class="email"><%= port.maintainers %></span></b><br>
+ <% end %>
+ <% unless port.categories.nil? %>
+ <i>Categories:</i> <%= print_search_links(port, "categories") %><br />
+ <% end %>
+ <% unless port.platforms.nil? %>
+ <i>Platforms:</i> <%= print_search_links(port, "platforms") %><br />
+ <% end %>
+ <% unless port.variants.nil? %>
+ <i>Variants:</i> <%= print_search_links(port, "variants") %>
+ <% end %>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <% end %>
+<% else %>
+ <p>No ports found.</p>
+<% end %>
+ <p>
+ <%= will_paginate @ports %>
+ </p>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/ports/show.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/ports/show.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/ports/show.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+<div id="content">
+ <p>
+ <strong>Name:</strong> <%= @port.name %>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Current Version:</strong> <%= @port.version %>
+ </p>
+ <% unless @port.description.nil? %>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Description:</strong> <%= @port.description %>
+ </p>
+ <% end %>
+ <% unless @port.licenses.nil? %>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Licenses:</strong> <%= @port.licenses %>
+ </p>
+ <% end %>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Categories</strong>
+ <%=h @port.categories %>
+ </p>
+ <% unless @port.variants.nil? %>
+ <p>
+ <strong>Variants:</strong> <%=h @port.variants %>
+ </p>
+ <% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/_form.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/_form.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/_form.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<%= form_for(@submission) do |f| %>
+ <% if @submission.errors.any? %>
+ <div id="error_explanation">
+ <h2><%= pluralize(@submission.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this submission from being saved:</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <% @submission.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
+ <li><%= msg %></li>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
+ <div class="field">
+ <%= f.label :data %><br />
+ <%= f.text_field :data %>
+ </div>
+ <div class="actions">
+ <%= f.submit %>
+ </div>
+<% end %>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/edit.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/edit.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/edit.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+<h1>Editing submission</h1>
+<%= render 'form' %>
+<%= link_to 'Show', @submission %> |
+<%= link_to 'Back', submissions_path %>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/index.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/index.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/index.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<h1>Listing submissions</h1>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Data</th>
+ <th></th>
+ <th></th>
+ <th></th>
+ </tr>
+<% @submissions.each do |submission| %>
+ <tr>
+ <td><%= submission.data %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to 'Show', submission %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_submission_path(submission) %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to 'Destroy', submission, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %></td>
+ </tr>
+<% end %>
+<br />
+<%= link_to 'New Submission', new_submission_path %>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/new.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/new.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/new.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<h1>New submission</h1>
+<%= render 'form' %>
+<%= link_to 'Back', submissions_path %>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/show.html.erb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/show.html.erb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/app/views/submissions/show.html.erb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
+ json = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(@submission.data)
+ os = json['os']
+ ""
+<p>UUID: <%= json['id'] %></p>
+<p> macports_version: <%= os['macports_version'] %> </p>
+<p> osx_version: <%= os['osx_version'] %></p>
+<p> os_arch: <%= os['os_arch'] %> </p>
+<p> os_platform: <%= os['os_platform'] %></p>
+<p> build_arch: <%= os['build_arch'] %></p>
+<p> gcc_version: <%= os['gcc_version'] %></p>
+<p> xcode_version: <%= os['xcode_version'] %></p>
+<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_submission_path(@submission) %> |
+<%= link_to 'Back', submissions_path %>
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/application.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/application.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/application.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+require File.expand_path('../boot', __FILE__)
+require 'rails/all'
+# If you have a Gemfile, require the gems listed there, including any gems
+# you've limited to :test, :development, or :production.
+Bundler.require(:default, Rails.env) if defined?(Bundler)
+module StatsServer
+ class Application < Rails::Application
+ # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
+ # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers
+ # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded.
+ # Custom directories with classes and modules you want to be autoloadable.
+ # config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)
+ # Only load the plugins named here, in the order given (default is alphabetical).
+ # :all can be used as a placeholder for all plugins not explicitly named.
+ # config.plugins = [ :exception_notification, :ssl_requirement, :all ]
+ # Activate observers that should always be running.
+ # config.active_record.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector, :forum_observer
+ # Set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone.
+ # Run "rake -D time" for a list of tasks for finding time zone names. Default is UTC.
+ # config.time_zone = 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
+ # The default locale is :en and all translations from config/locales/*.rb,yml are auto loaded.
+ # config.i18n.load_path += Dir[Rails.root.join('my', 'locales', '*.{rb,yml}').to_s]
+ # config.i18n.default_locale = :de
+ # JavaScript files you want as :defaults (application.js is always included).
+ # config.action_view.javascript_expansions[:defaults] = %w(jquery rails)
+ # Configure the default encoding used in templates for Ruby 1.9.
+ config.encoding = "utf-8"
+ # Configure sensitive parameters which will be filtered from the log file.
+ config.filter_parameters += [:password]
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/boot.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/boot.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/boot.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+# Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
+ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
+require 'bundler/setup' if File.exists?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/database.yml
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/database.yml (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/database.yml 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# SQLite version 3.x
+# gem install sqlite3
+ adapter: sqlite3
+ database: db/development.sqlite3
+ pool: 5
+ timeout: 5000
+# Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and
+# re-generated from your development database when you run "rake".
+# Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
+ adapter: sqlite3
+ database: db/test.sqlite3
+ pool: 5
+ timeout: 5000
+ adapter: sqlite3
+ database: db/production.sqlite3
+ pool: 5
+ timeout: 5000
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environment.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environment.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environment.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Load the rails application
+require File.expand_path('../application', __FILE__)
+# Initialize the rails application
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/development.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/development.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/development.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+StatsServer::Application.configure do
+ # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
+ # In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on
+ # every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development
+ # since you don't have to restart the webserver when you make code changes.
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ # Log error messages when you accidentally call methods on nil.
+ config.whiny_nils = true
+ # Show full error reports and disable caching
+ config.consider_all_requests_local = true
+ config.action_view.debug_rjs = true
+ config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
+ # Don't care if the mailer can't send
+ config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false
+ # Print deprecation notices to the Rails logger
+ config.active_support.deprecation = :log
+ # Only use best-standards-support built into browsers
+ config.action_dispatch.best_standards_support = :builtin
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/production.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/production.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/production.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+StatsServer::Application.configure do
+ # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
+ # The production environment is meant for finished, "live" apps.
+ # Code is not reloaded between requests
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ # Full error reports are disabled and caching is turned on
+ config.consider_all_requests_local = false
+ config.action_controller.perform_caching = true
+ # Specifies the header that your server uses for sending files
+ config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"
+ # For nginx:
+ # config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Accel-Redirect'
+ # If you have no front-end server that supports something like X-Sendfile,
+ # just comment this out and Rails will serve the files
+ # See everything in the log (default is :info)
+ # config.log_level = :debug
+ # Use a different logger for distributed setups
+ # config.logger = SyslogLogger.new
+ # Use a different cache store in production
+ # config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
+ # Disable Rails's static asset server
+ # In production, Apache or nginx will already do this
+ config.serve_static_assets = false
+ # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and javascripts from an asset server
+ # config.action_controller.asset_host = "http://assets.example.com"
+ # Disable delivery errors, bad email addresses will be ignored
+ # config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false
+ # Enable threaded mode
+ # config.threadsafe!
+ # Enable locale fallbacks for I18n (makes lookups for any locale fall back to
+ # the I18n.default_locale when a translation can not be found)
+ config.i18n.fallbacks = true
+ # Send deprecation notices to registered listeners
+ config.active_support.deprecation = :notify
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/environments/test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+StatsServer::Application.configure do
+ # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
+ # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's
+ # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that
+ # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped
+ # and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there!
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ # Log error messages when you accidentally call methods on nil.
+ config.whiny_nils = true
+ # Show full error reports and disable caching
+ config.consider_all_requests_local = true
+ config.action_controller.perform_caching = false
+ # Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates
+ config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false
+ # Disable request forgery protection in test environment
+ config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false
+ # Tell Action Mailer not to deliver emails to the real world.
+ # The :test delivery method accumulates sent emails in the
+ # ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array.
+ config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
+ # Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the test database.
+ # This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper,
+ # like if you have constraints or database-specific column types
+ # config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
+ # Print deprecation notices to the stderr
+ config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but don't wish to see in your backtraces.
+# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /my_noisy_library/ }
+# You can also remove all the silencers if you're trying to debug a problem that might stem from framework code.
+# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers!
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/inflections.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/inflections.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/inflections.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# Add new inflection rules using the following format
+# (all these examples are active by default):
+# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
+# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en'
+# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
+# inflect.irregular 'person', 'people'
+# inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep )
+# end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/mime_types.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/mime_types.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/mime_types.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# Add new mime types for use in respond_to blocks:
+# Mime::Type.register "text/richtext", :rtf
+# Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :iphone
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/secret_token.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/secret_token.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/secret_token.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+# Your secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
+# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid!
+# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
+# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
+StatsServer::Application.config.secret_token = 'e65825777b7b55de269048ee2f82ffa7b7606707bdee4f3e672e36f65200a5863e6f112cfa6a54fb0be24d1e962561285360a82911a7a09254b415494df76511'
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/session_store.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/session_store.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/initializers/session_store.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
+StatsServer::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_stats-server_session'
+# Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default,
+# which shouldn't be used to store highly confidential information
+# (create the session table with "rails generate session_migration")
+# StatsServer::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/locales/en.yml
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/locales/en.yml (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/locales/en.yml 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
+# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
+ hello: "Hello world"
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/routes.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/routes.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config/routes.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+StatsServer::Application.routes.draw do
+ get "home/index"
+ resources :submissions
+ resources :os_statistics
+ resources :installed_ports
+ resources :categories, :only => [:index] do
+ match '/ports/page/:page', :to => 'ports#index', :page => :page
+ resources :ports, :only => [:index, :show]
+ end
+ match '/ports/page/:page', :to => 'ports#index', :page => :page
+ resources :ports, :only => [:index, :search]
+ match '/ports/search', :to => 'ports#search_generate', :as => :search_generate
+ match '/ports/search/:criteria/:val/page/:page', :to => 'ports#search', :criteria => :criteria, :val => :val, :page => :page
+ match '/ports/search/:criteria/:val', :to => 'ports#search', :criteria => :criteria, :val => :val, :as => :search
+ root :to => 'home#index'
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config.ru
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config.ru (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/config.ru 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application.
+require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
+run StatsServer::Application
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110711224239_create_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110711224239_create_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110711224239_create_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+class CreateOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ create_table :os_statistics do |t|
+ t.string :uuid
+ t.string :osversion
+ t.string :machine
+ t.string :gccversion
+ t.boolean :x11installed
+ t.timestamps
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ drop_table :os_statistics
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110711234237_create_submissions.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110711234237_create_submissions.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110711234237_create_submissions.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class CreateSubmissions < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ create_table :submissions do |t|
+ t.string :data
+ t.timestamps
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ drop_table :submissions
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712205901_add_mac_ports_version_to_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712205901_add_mac_ports_version_to_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712205901_add_mac_ports_version_to_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddMacPortsVersionToOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ add_column :os_statistics, :macports_version, :string
+ end
+ def self.down
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :macports_version
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210009_add_osx_version_to_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210009_add_osx_version_to_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210009_add_osx_version_to_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddOsxVersionToOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ add_column :os_statistics, :osx_version, :string
+ end
+ def self.down
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :osx_version
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210027_add_os_arch_to_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210027_add_os_arch_to_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210027_add_os_arch_to_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddOsArchToOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ add_column :os_statistics, :os_arch, :string
+ end
+ def self.down
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :os_arch
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210045_add_os_platform_to_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210045_add_os_platform_to_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210045_add_os_platform_to_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddOsPlatformToOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ add_column :os_statistics, :os_platform, :string
+ end
+ def self.down
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :os_platform
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210112_add_build_arch_to_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210112_add_build_arch_to_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210112_add_build_arch_to_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddBuildArchToOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ add_column :os_statistics, :build_arch, :string
+ end
+ def self.down
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :build_arch
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210134_add_x_code_version_to_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210134_add_x_code_version_to_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210134_add_x_code_version_to_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddXCodeVersionToOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ add_column :os_statistics, :xcode_version, :string
+ end
+ def self.down
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :xcode_version
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210349_remove_os_version_from_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210349_remove_os_version_from_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210349_remove_os_version_from_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class RemoveOsVersionFromOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :osversion
+ end
+ def self.down
+ add_column :os_statistics, :osversion, :string
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210408_remove_machine_from_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210408_remove_machine_from_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210408_remove_machine_from_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class RemoveMachineFromOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :machine
+ end
+ def self.down
+ add_column :os_statistics, :machine, :string
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210431_remove_gcc_version_from_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210431_remove_gcc_version_from_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210431_remove_gcc_version_from_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class RemoveGccVersionFromOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :gccversion
+ end
+ def self.down
+ add_column :os_statistics, :gccversion, :string
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210452_remove_x11_installed_from_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210452_remove_x11_installed_from_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210452_remove_x11_installed_from_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class RemoveX11InstalledFromOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :x11installed
+ end
+ def self.down
+ add_column :os_statistics, :x11installed, :string
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210505_add_gcc_version_to_os_statistics.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210505_add_gcc_version_to_os_statistics.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110712210505_add_gcc_version_to_os_statistics.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+class AddGccVersionToOsStatistics < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ add_column :os_statistics, :gcc_version, :string
+ end
+ def self.down
+ remove_column :os_statistics, :gcc_version
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713172056_create_categories.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713172056_create_categories.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713172056_create_categories.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class CreateCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ create_table :categories do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.timestamps
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ drop_table :categories
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713172322_create_ports.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713172322_create_ports.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713172322_create_ports.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+class CreatePorts < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ create_table :ports do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.string :path
+ t.string :version
+ t.text :description
+ t.string :licenses
+ t.integer :category_id
+ t.string :variants
+ t.string :maintainers
+ t.string :platforms
+ t.string :categories
+ t.timestamps
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ drop_table :ports
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713200021_create_installed_ports.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713200021_create_installed_ports.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713200021_create_installed_ports.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+class CreateInstalledPorts < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ create_table :installed_ports do |t|
+ t.string :uuid
+ t.integer :port_id
+ t.string :version
+ t.string :variants
+ t.string :month
+ t.string :year
+ t.timestamps
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ drop_table :installed_ports
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713220505_change_data_type_for_port_variants.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713220505_change_data_type_for_port_variants.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713220505_change_data_type_for_port_variants.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class ChangeDataTypeForPortVariants < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ change_table :ports do |t|
+ t.change :variants, :text, :limit => nil
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ change_table :ports do |t|
+ t.change :variants, :string
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713220512_change_data_type_for_installed_port_variants.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713220512_change_data_type_for_installed_port_variants.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/migrate/20110713220512_change_data_type_for_installed_port_variants.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class ChangeDataTypeForInstalledPortVariants < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def self.up
+ change_table :installed_ports do |t|
+ t.change :variants, :text, :limit => nil
+ end
+ end
+ def self.down
+ change_table :installed_ports do |t|
+ t.change :variants, :string
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/schema.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/schema.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/schema.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead
+# of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to
+# incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition.
+# Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your
+# database schema. If you need to create the application database on another
+# system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations
+# from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations
+# you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues).
+# It's strongly recommended to check this file into your version control system.
+ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20110713220512) do
+ create_table "categories", :force => true do |t|
+ t.string "name"
+ t.datetime "created_at"
+ t.datetime "updated_at"
+ end
+ create_table "installed_ports", :force => true do |t|
+ t.string "uuid"
+ t.integer "port_id"
+ t.string "version"
+ t.text "variants"
+ t.string "month"
+ t.string "year"
+ t.datetime "created_at"
+ t.datetime "updated_at"
+ end
+ create_table "os_statistics", :force => true do |t|
+ t.string "uuid"
+ t.datetime "created_at"
+ t.datetime "updated_at"
+ t.string "macports_version"
+ t.string "osx_version"
+ t.string "os_arch"
+ t.string "os_platform"
+ t.string "build_arch"
+ t.string "xcode_version"
+ t.string "gcc_version"
+ end
+ create_table "ports", :force => true do |t|
+ t.string "name"
+ t.string "path"
+ t.string "version"
+ t.text "description"
+ t.string "licenses"
+ t.integer "category_id"
+ t.text "variants"
+ t.string "maintainers"
+ t.string "platforms"
+ t.string "categories"
+ t.datetime "created_at"
+ t.datetime "updated_at"
+ end
+ create_table "submissions", :force => true do |t|
+ t.string "data"
+ t.datetime "created_at"
+ t.datetime "updated_at"
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/seeds.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/seeds.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/db/seeds.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,98422 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+category = Category.new({:name => 'aqua'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AppHack'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/AppHack'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Program for hacking application bundles.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AppKiDo'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/AppKiDo'
+port[:version] = '0.985'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a powerful interface to Apple\'s Cocoa documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AquaLess'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/AquaLess'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Cocoa pager similar to less'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ArpSpyX'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/ArpSpyX'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'ArpSpyX displays ARP packets received by your computer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AssignmentTrackerX'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/AssignmentTrackerX'
+port[:version] = '2.0beta3.1'
+port[:description] = 'School assignment tracker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:adamw'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'BigSQL'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/BigSQL'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'postgresql psql-like client in cocoa'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'BiggerSQL'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/BiggerSQL'
+port[:version] = '1.3.9'
+port[:description] = 'SQL front-end to the postgresql DBMS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Books'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Books'
+port[:version] = '3.2.5c'
+port[:description] = 'Books provides a virtual card catalog for your personal library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'BwanaDik'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/BwanaDik'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'IP address (WAN and LAN) reporter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Cenon'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Cenon'
+port[:version] = '3.83'
+port[:description] = 'Modular Graphics Application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Chmox'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Chmox'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Read CHM documents on your Mac'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'CocoaDialog'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/CocoaDialog'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'common GUI controls for command-line application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:tsupplis'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'CosmicDebris'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/CosmicDebris'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Aurora Borealis monitor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'CronniX'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/CronniX'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'graphical frontend for scheduling cronjobs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'DateLine'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/DateLine'
+port[:version] = '0.61'
+port[:description] = 'displays linear calendar on desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua amusements'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'DesktopManager'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/DesktopManager'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Desktops for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'FFView'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/FFView'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'fast OpenGL-powered picture viewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'FScript'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/FScript'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Open-source interactive Cocoa scripting environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'ib_plugin injection_service universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ciserlohn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Fluid'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Fluid'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'create site-specific-browsers to run favorite web apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Fonzy'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Fonzy'
+port[:version] = 'development'
+port[:description] = 'MacOS X network status tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Freecell'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Freecell'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'classic solitaire game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GPGAppKit'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/GPGAppKit'
+port[:version] = 'A1'
+port[:description] = 'A framework that provides GPG-type panels'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GetPoints'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/GetPoints'
+port[:version] = 'development'
+port[:description] = 'A MacOS Cocoa Program to put a coordinate system over a picture and read of coordinates of specified points.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Growl'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Growl'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'global notification system for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'HandBrake'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/HandBrake'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'DVD to MPEG4 converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'HandBrake71'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/HandBrake71'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'DVD to MPEG4 converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'HideSysFiles'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/HideSysFiles'
+port[:version] = 'development'
+port[:description] = 'Small MacOS X App to show or hide system files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'IcyJuice'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/IcyJuice'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Cocoa ICQ client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'JHymn'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/JHymn'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'iTMS DRM removal utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'freeshell.org:dms'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Lingon'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Lingon'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical interface for creating launchd configurations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'LyX'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/LyX'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'WYSIWYM document processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'LyX1'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/LyX1'
+port[:version] = '1.6.10'
+port[:description] = 'WYSIWYM document processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MacBiff'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/MacBiff'
+port[:version] = '1.1.15'
+port[:description] = 'IMAP email checker'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MailtoMutt'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/MailtoMutt'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'MailtoMutt is a very simple application which handles mailto URLs, and hands them off to the Mutt MUA.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ManOpen'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/ManOpen'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'GUI application for viewing Unix manual pages,'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MenuMeters'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/MenuMeters'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MyLoss'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/MyLoss'
+port[:version] = 'development'
+port[:description] = 'MacOS test project, trying to make a calorie and weight tracker.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'NicePlayer'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/NicePlayer'
+port[:version] = '0.95'
+port[:description] = 'Multi-engine Fullscreen Video Player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jay+macports at tuley.name'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'NotificationWatcher'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/NotificationWatcher'
+port[:version] = '20090907'
+port[:description] = 'monitors distributed and workspace notifications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'OSXPal'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/OSXPal'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Useless dock-only fortune application for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PRICE-aqua'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/PRICE-aqua'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Image filtering, enhancing and manipulation application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Platypus'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Platypus'
+port[:version] = '4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Program for creating application wrappers around scripts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:tsupplis'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PsyncX'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/PsyncX'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X wrapper around psync and crontab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'QMK-Groundstation'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/QMK-Groundstation'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Configuration and Debugging Utility for the MikroKopter Project'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'qwt qwt52 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lilalinux.net:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Quicksilver'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Quicksilver'
+port[:version] = 'B60'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X at your fingertips'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SIDPLAY'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/SIDPLAY'
+port[:version] = '4.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'C64 music player for the Mac'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua audio multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SSHKeychain'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/SSHKeychain'
+port[:version] = '0.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'SSHKeychain is a graphical front-end to ssh-add'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ShiftIt'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/ShiftIt'
+port[:version] = 'development'
+port[:description] = 'Managing windows size and position in OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Shiira2'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Shiira2'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Webbrowser with unique features using Cocoa and Web Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SleepTight'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/SleepTight'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'provides a simple way to lock machine when it goes to sleep'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Smultron'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/Smultron'
+port[:version] = '3.6b1'
+port[:description] = 'Cocoa text editor with syntax colouring'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TOra'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/TOra'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'GUI tool for Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'psql83 psql84 psql90 psql91 no_oracle debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'scribus.info:petr'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TeXShop'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/TeXShop'
+port[:version] = '2.37'
+port[:description] = 'TeX previewer for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TrailBlazer'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/TrailBlazer'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'TrailBlazer is a browser with an experimental history'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:papabean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'X-MasTree'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/X-MasTree'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Christmas tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua amusements'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ZopeEditManager'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/ZopeEditManager'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'Zope Edit Manager for External Editing support on Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua zope www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aquaterm'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/aquaterm'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'AquaTerm is a viewer that displays vector graphics on Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arrsync'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/arrsync'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'The rsync GUI of Pirates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'binclocken'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/binclocken'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'useless floating binary LED clock for your desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cotvnc'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/cotvnc'
+port[:version] = '2.0b4'
+port[:description] = 'Chicken of the VNC is a VNC client for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua vnc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'djview'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/djview'
+port[:version] = '4.7'
+port[:description] = 'DjVu files viewer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnsupdate'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/dnsupdate'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'a Mac OS X client for dynamic DNS services'
+port[:licenses] = 'Restrictive/Distributable'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emacs-app'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/emacs-app'
+port[:version] = '23.3'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Emacs text editor (Cocoa version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'fullscreen universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emacs-app-devel'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/emacs-app-devel'
+port[:version] = '20091101'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Emacs text editor, recent CVS development version'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fltk'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/fltk'
+port[:version] = '1.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Fast Light Tool Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fltk-devel'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/fltk-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.3.x-r8635'
+port[:description] = 'Fast Light Tool Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fugu'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/fugu'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Mac OS X SFTP, SCP and SSH Frontend.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp-app'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/gimp-app'
+port[:version] = '2.6.11'
+port[:description] = 'GIMP.app application bundle'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'huevos'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/huevos'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'customizable search engine helper for OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iTerm'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/iTerm'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'Enhanced terminal emulator program for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iTerm2'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/iTerm2'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Enhanced terminal emulator program, successor to iTerm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ihook'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/ihook'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A graphical interface frontend for commandline executables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'istumbler'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/istumbler'
+port[:version] = '99'
+port[:description] = 'iStumbler is an Aqua GUI for finding wireless networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'use_binary use_source universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'launch'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/launch'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'command-line launcher for Mac OS X in the spirit of open'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macclipboard-gimp'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/macclipboard-gimp'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Gimp <-> Mac clipboard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macfile-gimp'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/macfile-gimp'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = '"Show} in Finder\" Gimp plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macsword'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/macsword'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Aqua application based on the Sword project for Bible reading'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mkconsole'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/mkconsole'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'application that displays logfiles on your desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mumble'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/mumble'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'low-latency voice chat for gaming'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'debug dbus universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'namebench'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/namebench'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'DNS speed benchmark tool (GUI)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache 2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvanilla'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/openvanilla'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'package of popular Chinese input methods'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openvanilla.org:ovadmin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'osx2x'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/osx2x'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'small Aqua application to control X11 servers from Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgAdmin3'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/pgAdmin3'
+port[:version] = '1.12.3'
+port[:description] = 'An administration program to PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'with_postgresql82 with_postgresql83 with_postgresql84 debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pixen'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/pixen'
+port[:version] = '2v2'
+port[:description] = 'A mature pixelart drawing tool for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qlipper'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/qlipper'
+port[:version] = '1.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight & cross-platform clipboard history applet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pvanek openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua office textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt3-mac'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/qt3-mac'
+port[:version] = '3.3.8b'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Tool Kit (Native Aqua Version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt4-mac'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/qt4-mac'
+port[:version] = '4.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Tool Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'framework mysql odbc psql83 psql84 psql90 psql91 sqlite2 raster demos examples debug quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt4-mac-devel'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/qt4-mac-devel'
+port[:version] = '4.7.0-beta2'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Tool Kit (Native Aqua Version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'mysql odbc psql sqlite2 raster demos examples debug no_framework universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtiplot'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/qtiplot'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Data Analysis and Scientific Plotting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'origin python25 python26'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jonas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtoctave-mac'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/qtoctave-mac'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'QtOctave is a front-end for Octave'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtpfsgui'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/qtpfsgui'
+port[:version] = '1.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'GUI for HDR imaging workflow'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:clubjuggler openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'radassist'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/radassist'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'An Aqua wrapper for the radmind command-line clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sloth'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/sloth'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Program that displays a list of open files by applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vineserver'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/vineserver'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'a full-featured VNC server (formerly OSXvnc)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua vnc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wtf-x'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/wtf-x'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Mac OS X program to translate common Internet acronyms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xrg'
+port[:path] = 'aqua/xrg'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'XRG is an open source system monitor for Mac OS X.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 1
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'aqua sysutils'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'archivers'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = '9e'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/9e'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Plan 9 unarchiver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'advancecomp'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/advancecomp'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'recompression utilities for .PNG, .MNG, .ZIP and .GZ files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'advancescan'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/advancescan'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'command line rom manager for many emulators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'afio'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/afio'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Archiver & backup program with builtin compression'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arc'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/arc'
+port[:version] = '5.21o'
+port[:description] = 'create and extract files from dos .arc archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'crazic.ru:jc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arj'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/arj'
+port[:version] = '3.10.22'
+port[:description] = 'create and extract files from dos .arj archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'atool'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/atool'
+port[:version] = '0.37.0'
+port[:description] = 'An archival front-end'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devils.com:expiation'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzip2'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/bzip2'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'compression library and tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cabextract'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/cabextract'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extract files from Microsoft cabinet files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers compression sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cpio'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/cpio'
+port[:version] = '2.10'
+port[:description] = 'copies files into or out of a cpio or tar archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dact'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/dact'
+port[:version] = '0.8.42'
+port[:description] = 'dynamic adaptive compression tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dar'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/dar'
+port[:version] = '2.3.9'
+port[:description] = 'Disk Archiver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'deb2targz'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/deb2targz'
+port[:version] = '20021217'
+port[:description] = 'converts .deb packages to .tar.gz archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dtrx'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/dtrx'
+port[:version] = '7.0'
+port[:description] = 'extracts archives in a number of different formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dynamite'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/dynamite'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'decompress data compressed with the PKWARE library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/dzip'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'file compression tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ecm'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/ecm'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'CD image file error code modeler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'edelta'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/edelta'
+port[:version] = '0.10b'
+port[:description] = 'EDelta is a fast XDelta-style binary differ'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fastjar'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/fastjar'
+port[:version] = '0.94'
+port[:description] = 'fast implementation of Sun\'s jar utility in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnutar'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/gnutar'
+port[:version] = '1.26'
+port[:description] = 'tar version of the GNU project'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/gzip'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'gnu replacement utility for unix compress'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gzrecover'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/gzrecover'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'attempts to extract bad gzip archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ha'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/ha'
+port[:version] = '0.999'
+port[:description] = 'The {"HA"} archiver, based on arithmetic/Markov coder.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'crazic.ru:jc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hffzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/hffzip'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'HFFzip is a file compressor based upon Huffman coding.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hfstar'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/hfstar'
+port[:version] = '1.13.19'
+port[:description] = 'gnutar with HFS+ support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'keka'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/keka'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = '7-Zip GUI for Mac'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lcab'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/lcab'
+port[:version] = '1.0b12'
+port[:description] = 'Linux CABinet file creator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lha'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/lha'
+port[:version] = '1.14i-ac20050924p1'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for creating and opening lzh archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libarchive'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/libarchive'
+port[:version] = '2.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'functions for reading and writing streaming archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'lzma universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libarxx'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/libarxx'
+port[:version] = '0.7.9'
+port[:description] = 'C++ library for using ARX archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpar2'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/libpar2'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'libpar2 is a library for par2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'alum.wpi.edu:arno+macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libunrar'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/libunrar'
+port[:version] = '3.9.10'
+port[:description] = 'Extract, view & test RAR archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/libzip'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'libzip is a C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libzzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/libzzip'
+port[:version] = '0.13.60'
+port[:description] = 'library providing read access on ZIP-archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'sdl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lrzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/lrzip'
+port[:version] = '0.43'
+port[:description] = 'Compression program optimized for large files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jlaurila'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/lzip'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'Compression program based on LZMA similar to gzip or bzip2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lzma'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/lzma'
+port[:version] = '4.63'
+port[:description] = 'high compression ratio archiver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lzmautils'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/lzmautils'
+port[:version] = '4.32.7'
+port[:description] = 'LZMA Utils'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lzo2'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/lzo2'
+port[:version] = '2.05'
+port[:description] = 'Real-time data compression library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:yunzheng.hu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'makeself'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/makeself'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'A small shell script that generates a self-extractable archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mgzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/mgzip'
+port[:version] = '1.2c'
+port[:description] = 'a multi-processor capable .gz file creator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p7zip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/p7zip'
+port[:version] = '9.20.1'
+port[:description] = '7-Zip implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'packddir'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/packddir'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6-1'
+port[:description] = 'creates and unpacks PackdDir archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'paq8'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/paq8'
+port[:version] = '8p'
+port[:description] = 'PAQ8, a tight but slow compressor'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'par2'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/par2'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Parchive: Parity Archive Volume Set for data recovery'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jabber.org:julian'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pbzip2'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/pbzip2'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'parallel bzip2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pigz'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/pigz'
+port[:version] = '2.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'parallel gzip'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:danchr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ppmd'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/ppmd'
+port[:version] = '20050811'
+port[:description] = 'A fast archiver with a good compression ratio'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/rzip'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Compression program similar to gzip or bzip2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sharutils'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/sharutils'
+port[:version] = '4.10'
+port[:description] = 'Shell archiver utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slimdata'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/slimdata'
+port[:version] = '2.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Fast data compression for scientific data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'snappy'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/snappy'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'a fast compressor/decompressor'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perlhacker.org:sepp'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'star'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/star'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'fast and POSIX 1003.1 conformant tar implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'szip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/szip'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Szip is an implementation of the extended-Rice lossless compression algorithm.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'encoder universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ucl'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/ucl'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'A data compression library with low memory usage'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unalz'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/unalz'
+port[:version] = '0.61'
+port[:description] = 'unarchiver for the AlZip format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bawi.org:minskim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unarj'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/unarj'
+port[:version] = '2.63a'
+port[:description] = 'extract files from dos .arj archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'crazic.ru:jc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unnks'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/unnks'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'nks and nkx archive unpacker'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vexillium.org:unavowed'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unrar'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/unrar'
+port[:version] = '4.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Extract, view & test RAR archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unshield'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/unshield'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Extract files from InstallShield cabinet files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers compression sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unzip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/unzip'
+port[:version] = '6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Decompression compatible with pkunzip'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unzoo'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/unzoo'
+port[:version] = '4.4'
+port[:description] = 'A zoo archive extractor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'upx'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/upx'
+port[:version] = '3.07'
+port[:description] = 'compress or expand executable files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'lzma'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webdec'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/webdec'
+port[:version] = '0.46.2'
+port[:description] = 'Extract webshots pictures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'verizon.net:izmir'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xar'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/xar'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'xar is the eXtensible ARchiver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xar-devel'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/xar-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'xar is the eXtensible ARchiver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdelta'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/xdelta'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'open-source binary diff, differential compression tools, VCDIFF (RFC 3284) delta compression'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xz'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/xz'
+port[:version] = '5.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'XZ Utils'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xz-devel'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/xz-devel'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'XZ Utils'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zip'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/zip'
+port[:version] = '3.00'
+port[:description] = 'compression utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zlib'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/zlib'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'zlib lossless data-compression library'
+port[:licenses] = 'zlib'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zoo'
+port[:path] = 'archivers/zoo'
+port[:version] = '2.10pl1'
+port[:description] = 'Manipulate archives of files in compressed form'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 2
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'archivers'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'audio'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ID3'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ID3'
+port[:version] = '0.98'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for reading and writing ID3Tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'a52dec'
+port[:path] = 'audio/a52dec'
+port[:version] = '0.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aacgain'
+port[:path] = 'audio/aacgain'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'AAC/MP3 normalisation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cs.dartmouth.edu:tristan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abcMIDI'
+port[:path] = 'audio/abcMIDI'
+port[:version] = '2011-04-29'
+port[:description] = 'ABC to midi and vice versa converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abcde'
+port[:path] = 'audio/abcde'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Better CD Encoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alac_decoder'
+port[:path] = 'audio/alac_decoder'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Basic decoder for Apple Lossless Audio Codec files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ample'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ample'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'AMPLE is short for {"An} MP3 LEnder\"'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ardour2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ardour2'
+port[:version] = '2.8.11'
+port[:description] = 'Ardour is a digital audio workstation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'lv2 gcc43 gcc44'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aubio'
+port[:path] = 'audio/aubio'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'audio labeling library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'python universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'audiofile'
+port[:path] = 'audio/audiofile'
+port[:version] = '0.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Library for dealing with SGI audio files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bladeenc'
+port[:path] = 'audio/bladeenc'
+port[:version] = '0.94.2'
+port[:description] = 'Blade\'s MP3 Encoder (BladeEnc), a freeware MP3 encoder.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccaudio'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ccaudio'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library and software for manipulating audio data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cd-discid'
+port[:path] = 'audio/cd-discid'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'read CD and get CDDB discid information'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdparanoia'
+port[:path] = 'audio/cdparanoia'
+port[:version] = '10.2'
+port[:description] = 'An audio extraction tool for sampling CDs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cfxr'
+port[:path] = 'audio/cfxr'
+port[:version] = '0.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'A generator for simple sound effects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'orthogonalspace.ca:reid'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmuclmtk'
+port[:path] = 'audio/cmuclmtk'
+port[:version] = '3alpha'
+port[:description] = 'CMU-Cambridge Language Modeling Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmus'
+port[:path] = 'audio/cmus'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'ncurses based music player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'aac flac mikmod mpc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'csound'
+port[:path] = 'audio/csound'
+port[:version] = '4.23f13gbs.0'
+port[:description] = 'A language that is used to describe sound synthesizers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'daapd'
+port[:path] = 'audio/daapd'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4b'
+port[:description] = 'A DAAP server emulating an iTunes server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darkice'
+port[:path] = 'audio/darkice'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'live audio encoder and streamer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'jack lame twolame faac vorbis samplerate universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'syndicat.com:nd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drumsxx'
+port[:path] = 'audio/drumsxx'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'language designed for sequencing music through drum machines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'easytag'
+port[:path] = 'audio/easytag'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for editing tags of audio files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'easytag-devel'
+port[:path] = 'audio/easytag-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for editing tags of audio files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'ogg flac mp4 mp3 wavpack universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:bytestorm'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'esound'
+port[:path] = 'audio/esound'
+port[:version] = '0.2.41'
+port[:description] = 'Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'etree-scripts'
+port[:path] = 'audio/etree-scripts'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'utilities useful to people who use the etree network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ezstream'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ezstream'
+port[:version] = '0.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'command line source client for Icecast media streaming servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'faac'
+port[:path] = 'audio/faac'
+port[:version] = '1.28'
+port[:description] = 'ISO AAC audio encoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'faad2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/faad2'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Fastest ISO AAC audio decoder.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'faust'
+port[:path] = 'audio/faust'
+port[:version] = '0.9.30'
+port[:description] = 'functional programming language for realtime audio'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flac'
+port[:path] = 'audio/flac'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Free Lossless Audio Codec'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+ BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'xmms_plugin universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flac2mp3'
+port[:path] = 'audio/flac2mp3'
+port[:version] = '20041223'
+port[:description] = 'Script to convert flac to mp3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmpc'
+port[:path] = 'audio/gmpc'
+port[:version] = '0.20.0'
+port[:description] = 'GMPC is a GTK2 client for MPD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'herrie'
+port[:path] = 'audio/herrie'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Small command line interface music player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug http modplug mp3 scrobbler sndfile vorbis xspf universal'
+port[:maintainers] = '80386.nl:ed'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hts_engine_API'
+port[:path] = 'audio/hts_engine_API'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hydrogen'
+port[:path] = 'audio/hydrogen'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'jack lrdf'
+port[:maintainers] = 'xenith.org:xenith'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hymn'
+port[:path] = 'audio/hymn'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for removing DRM on AAC files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'cocoa universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icecast'
+port[:path] = 'audio/icecast'
+port[:version] = '1.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'A streaming mp3 audio server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icecast2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/icecast2'
+port[:version] = '2.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'A streaming mp3 audio server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ices0'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ices0'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Stream audio to an icecast server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'python perl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ices2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ices2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Stream audio to an icecast server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'id3lib'
+port[:path] = 'audio/id3lib'
+port[:version] = '3.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'ID3 tag manipulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'id3tool'
+port[:path] = 'audio/id3tool'
+port[:version] = '1.2a'
+port[:description] = 'ID3 editing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'id3v2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/id3v2'
+port[:version] = '0.1.12'
+port[:description] = 'ID3v2 editing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nordist.net:brent openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jack'
+port[:path] = 'audio/jack'
+port[:version] = '0.118.0'
+port[:description] = 'Jack Audio Connection Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'martinvazquez.net:eu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'julius'
+port[:path] = 'audio/julius'
+port[:version] = '4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'words_int kit universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lame'
+port[:path] = 'audio/lame'
+port[:version] = '3.98.4'
+port[:description] = 'Lame Aint an MP3 Encoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lastfmlib'
+port[:path] = 'audio/lastfmlib'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'C/C++ library to scrobble your tracks on Last.fm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'scribus.info:petr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lastfmsubmitd'
+port[:path] = 'audio/lastfmsubmitd'
+port[:version] = '0.35'
+port[:description] = 'LastFM Music Submitter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lastmp'
+port[:path] = 'audio/lastmp'
+port[:version] = '0.35'
+port[:description] = 'LastFM Music Submitter for MPD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libao'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libao'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Cross-platform Audio Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'esd universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcanberra'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libcanberra'
+port[:version] = '0.26'
+port[:description] = 'XDG sound theme and naming implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdca'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libdca'
+port[:version] = '0.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'libdca is a free library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdts'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libdts'
+port[:version] = '0.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'libdts has been replaced by libdca'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libid3tag'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libid3tag'
+port[:version] = '0.15.1b'
+port[:description] = 'id3 tag manipulation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblastfm'
+port[:path] = 'audio/liblastfm'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A set of libraries allowing use of the Last.fm site services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblo'
+port[:path] = 'audio/liblo'
+port[:version] = '0.26'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight Open Sound Control implementation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmad'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmad'
+port[:version] = '0.15.1b'
+port[:description] = 'MPEG Audio Decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmikmod'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmikmod'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0-beta2'
+port[:description] = 'portable sound library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal esound'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmodplug'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmodplug'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'MOD audio library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmp3splt'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmp3splt'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7a'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for mp3 and ogg splitting without decoding'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmpcdec'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmpcdec'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Musepack Decoder Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmpd'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmpd'
+port[:version] = '0.20.0'
+port[:description] = 'libmpd provides higher level access to MPD functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmpdclient'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmpdclient'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'libmpdclient is a stable, documented, asynchronous API library for interfacing MPD in the C, C++ & Objective C languages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmusicbrainz'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmusicbrainz'
+port[:version] = '3.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'stub package, use the libmusicbrainz3 port instead'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmusicbrainz2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmusicbrainz2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'libmusicbrainz (also known as mb_client or MusicBrainz Client Library)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmusicbrainz3'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libmusicbrainz3'
+port[:version] = '3.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'libmusicbrainz (also known as mb_client or MusicBrainz Client Library)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libofa'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libofa'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Open Fingerprint Architecture'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libopendaap'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libopendaap'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'library for connecting to iTunes shares'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liboss'
+port[:path] = 'audio/liboss'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'OSS emulation for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsamplerate'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libsamplerate'
+port[:version] = '0.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'libsamplerate (also known as Secret Rabbit Code) is a library for performing sample rate conversion of audio data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_mixer'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libsdl_mixer'
+port[:version] = '1.2.11'
+port[:description] = 'Audio mixer library for SDL'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_mixer-framework'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libsdl_mixer-framework'
+port[:version] = '20110119'
+port[:description] = 'Framework version of libsdl_mixer'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_sound'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libsdl_sound'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'handles decoding of several popular sound file formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_sound-framework'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libsdl_sound-framework'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'handles decoding of several popular sound file formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libshout'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libshout'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Data and connectivity lib for the icecast server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libshout2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libshout2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Data and connectivity lib for the icecast server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsndfile'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libsndfile'
+port[:version] = '1.0.24'
+port[:description] = 'libsndfile is a C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound (such as MS Windows WAV and the Apple/SGI AIFF format) through one standard library interface.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'no_external_libs octave sqlite universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtagedit'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libtagedit'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ interface to music file tag editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libvorbis'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libvorbis'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxtract'
+port[:path] = 'audio/libxtract'
+port[:version] = '0.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'a simple, portable, lightweight library of audio feature extraction functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'fft universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'christophbuente.de:info'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lv2core'
+port[:path] = 'audio/lv2core'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'LV2 Audio Plugin Standard and Package'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+ BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'madplay'
+port[:path] = 'audio/madplay'
+port[:version] = '0.15.2b'
+port[:description] = 'MPEG Audio Decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'midi_patchbay'
+port[:path] = 'audio/midi_patchbay'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Pass MIDI data between inputs/outputs and apply filters.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mikmod'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mikmod'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2-beta1'
+port[:description] = 'audio player using libmikmod'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3_check'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mp3_check'
+port[:version] = '1.98'
+port[:description] = 'mp3 format validator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3blaster'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mp3blaster'
+port[:version] = '3.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Full-screen console mp3 and Ogg Vorbis player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'web.de:marioscheel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3cue'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mp3cue'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'MP3 cue file parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3info'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mp3info'
+port[:version] = '0.8.5a'
+port[:description] = 'MP3 information tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3splt'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mp3splt'
+port[:version] = '2.2.6a'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for mp3 and ogg splitting without decoding'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3splt-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mp3splt-gtk'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7a'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for mp3 and ogg splitting without decoding'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3wrap'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mp3wrap'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for mp3 wrapping'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpc'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mpc'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'a command line tool for MPD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpd'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mpd'
+port[:version] = '0.16.3'
+port[:description] = 'Music Player Daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'ffmpeg mod modplug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpd-devel'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mpd-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.13.2'
+port[:description] = 'Music Player Daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'aac flac universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpeg4ip'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mpeg4ip'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Mpeg4 library and tools from mpeg4ip'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'orthogonalspace.ca:reid'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpg123'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mpg123'
+port[:version] = '1.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'fast mp3 player for linux and unix systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmx.at:astifter openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpg321'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mpg321'
+port[:version] = '0.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Free replacement for mpg123'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mt-daapd'
+port[:path] = 'audio/mt-daapd'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A multi-threaded DAAP server emulating an iTunes server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncmpc'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ncmpc'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'curses Music Player Daemon (MPD) client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:phirince rmstonecipher'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncmpcpp'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ncmpcpp'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'an ncurses mpd client inspired by ncmpc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'normalize'
+port[:path] = 'audio/normalize'
+port[:version] = '0.7.7'
+port[:description] = 'A tool to normalize WAV and MP3 audio'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'mad xmms universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oggsplit'
+port[:path] = 'audio/oggsplit'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Split multiplexed (grouped or chained) Ogg files into separate streams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'open_jtalk'
+port[:path] = 'audio/open_jtalk'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Japanese text-to-speech synthesis system'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'voice universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openal'
+port[:path] = 'audio/openal'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'OpenAL is a cross-platform 3D audio API'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phonon'
+port[:path] = 'audio/phonon'
+port[:version] = '4.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Cross Platform Multimedia API used by KDE4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pianobar'
+port[:path] = 'audio/pianobar'
+port[:version] = '2011.04.27'
+port[:description] = 'Console-based pandora.com player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:aguynamedryan+pianobar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'portaudio'
+port[:path] = 'audio/portaudio'
+port[:version] = '19.20110326'
+port[:description] = 'PortAudio is a free, cross platform, open-source, audio I/O library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'portmidi'
+port[:path] = 'audio/portmidi'
+port[:version] = '217'
+port[:description] = 'Free, cross platform, open-source, real-time MIDI I/O library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-audio'
+port[:path] = 'audio/pure-audio'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'a digital audio interface for the Pure programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-faust'
+port[:path] = 'audio/pure-faust'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'a module which lets you load and run Faust-generated signal processing modules in Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-liblo'
+port[:path] = 'audio/pure-liblo'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to liblo, which implements Berkeley\'s Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-midi'
+port[:path] = 'audio/pure-midi'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'a MIDI interface for the Pure programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qjackctl'
+port[:path] = 'audio/qjackctl'
+port[:version] = '0.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'QjackCtl is a simple Qt application to control the JACK sound server daemon.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug portaudio stacktrace dbus'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainter'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtplay'
+port[:path] = 'audio/qtplay'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'a command line utility to play Audio CDs and music files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scmpc'
+port[:path] = 'audio/scmpc'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Scrobbler for mpd'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sctk'
+port[:path] = 'audio/sctk'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Speech Recognition Scoring Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shntool'
+port[:path] = 'audio/shntool'
+port[:version] = '3.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Multi-purpose .wav/.shn processing utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shorten'
+port[:path] = 'audio/shorten'
+port[:version] = '3.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast compression for waveform files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slv2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/slv2'
+port[:version] = '0.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'SLV2 is a library to make the use of LV2 plugins as simple as possible for applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'solfege'
+port[:path] = 'audio/solfege'
+port[:version] = '3.19.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ear training software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:allencmcbride'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio education python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'soundtouch'
+port[:path] = 'audio/soundtouch'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Audio processing application and library for changing the Tempo, Pitch and Playback Rates of audio streams or files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sox'
+port[:path] = 'audio/sox'
+port[:version] = '14.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidfavor.com:david'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'speex'
+port[:path] = 'audio/speex'
+port[:version] = '1.2rc1'
+port[:description] = 'audio codec designed for speech'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'billitch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'speex-devel'
+port[:path] = 'audio/speex-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.2rc1'
+port[:description] = 'audio codec designed for speech'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'billitch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sphinx3'
+port[:path] = 'audio/sphinx3'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Speech recognition package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sphinx4'
+port[:path] = 'audio/sphinx4'
+port[:version] = '1.0beta5'
+port[:description] = 'Speech recognition package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sphinxbase'
+port[:path] = 'audio/sphinxbase'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Support library for CMU Sphinx'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sphinxtrain'
+port[:path] = 'audio/sphinxtrain'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Acoustic model training tools for Sphinx'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ssrc'
+port[:path] = 'audio/ssrc'
+port[:version] = '1.30'
+port[:description] = 'A fast and high quality sampling rate converter SSRC'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'streamripper'
+port[:path] = 'audio/streamripper'
+port[:version] = '1.64.6'
+port[:description] = 'separate tracks via Shoutcasts title-streaming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'taglib'
+port[:path] = 'audio/taglib'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'taglib-devel'
+port[:path] = 'audio/taglib-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.5-svn'
+port[:description] = 'TagLib Audio Meta-Data Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'taglib-extras'
+port[:path] = 'audio/taglib-extras'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Taglib plugins for various filetypes supported by Amarok, the KDE music manager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'taglib-sharp'
+port[:path] = 'audio/taglib-sharp'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'C# implementation of TagLib.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tagtool'
+port[:path] = 'audio/tagtool'
+port[:version] = '0.12.3'
+port[:description] = 'Audio Tag Tool is a program to manage the information fields in MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files, commonly called tags.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'twolame'
+port[:path] = 'audio/twolame'
+port[:version] = '0.3.13'
+port[:description] = 'TwoLAME is an optimized MPEG Audio Layer 2 encoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uade2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/uade2'
+port[:version] = '2.13'
+port[:description] = 'Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'uadefs xmms universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:mlund'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vorbis-tools'
+port[:path] = 'audio/vorbis-tools'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Ogg Vorbis CODEC tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'flac speex universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vorbisgain'
+port[:path] = 'audio/vorbisgain'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'corrects the volume of an Ogg Vorbis file to a predefined standardized loudness'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wavpack'
+port[:path] = 'audio/wavpack'
+port[:version] = '4.60.1'
+port[:description] = 'Hybrid lossless audio compression'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmms'
+port[:path] = 'audio/xmms'
+port[:version] = '1.2.11'
+port[:description] = 'X11 MultiMedia System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmms2'
+port[:path] = 'audio/xmms2'
+port[:version] = '0.5DrLecter'
+port[:description] = 'CrossPlatform Music Multiplexer System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'benchmarks'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bonnie'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/bonnie'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Disk I/O benchmark utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:lomion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bonniexx'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/bonniexx'
+port[:version] = '1.93c'
+port[:description] = 'Disk and FS performance tester'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:lomion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'forkbomb'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/forkbomb'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'System stress testing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iozone'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/iozone'
+port[:version] = '3_397'
+port[:description] = 'Performance Test of File I/O'
+port[:licenses] = 'Restrictive/Distributable GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nbench-byte'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/nbench-byte'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Linux/Unix port of BYTEmark'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pipebench'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/pipebench'
+port[:version] = '0.40'
+port[:description] = 'benchmark the throughput of a pipe'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'polygraph'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/polygraph'
+port[:version] = '4.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Web Polygraph is a performance testing tool for caching proxies and other Web intermediaries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:fclaire'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ubench'
+port[:path] = 'benchmarks/ubench'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Unix Benchmark Utility for CPU(s) and memory'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 4
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'benchmarks'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'cad'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gerbv'
+port[:path] = 'cad/gerbv'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Gerber Viewer (gerbv) is a viewer for Gerber files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 5
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'zonque.org:darwinports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cad science electronics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkwave'
+port[:path] = 'cad/gtkwave'
+port[:version] = '3.3.15'
+port[:description] = 'A viewer for common electronic CAD waveform files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 5
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cad'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xgsch2pcb'
+port[:path] = 'cad/xgsch2pcb'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'intuitive and user-friendly graphical interface to gsch2pcb'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 5
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cad science electronics'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'comms'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cutecom-qt4-mac'
+port[:path] = 'comms/cutecom-qt4-mac'
+port[:version] = '0.20.0'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical serial terminal'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwbacon at tds.net'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dgpsip'
+port[:path] = 'comms/dgpsip'
+port[:version] = '1.35'
+port[:description] = 'Differential GPS over IP communication device'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'farsight2'
+port[:path] = 'comms/farsight2'
+port[:version] = '0.0.26'
+port[:description] = 'Farsight - Audio/Video Communications Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'python universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnokii'
+port[:path] = 'comms/gnokii'
+port[:version] = '0.6.27'
+port[:description] = 'Tools to manipulate Nokia and other mobile phones.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mpal1+bugzilla at ieee.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'heyu'
+port[:path] = 'comms/heyu'
+port[:version] = '2.0beta.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'HEYU is a text-based console program for remotely controlling lights and appliances in the home or office.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'nocm17a noext0 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'keithws.net:heyu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jerm'
+port[:path] = 'comms/jerm'
+port[:version] = '8095'
+port[:description] = 'communication terminal through serial and TCP/IP interfaces'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kermit'
+port[:path] = 'comms/kermit'
+port[:version] = '8.0.211'
+port[:description] = 'Serial and network communications package.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libinfinity'
+port[:path] = 'comms/libinfinity'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'libinfinity is an implementation of the Infinote protocol written in GObject-based C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnfc'
+port[:path] = 'comms/libnfc'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Nearfield Communications Library (RFID)'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = '9600.org:al-libnfcport'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtelepathy'
+port[:path] = 'comms/libtelepathy'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'The libtelepathy component of Telepathy - a Flexible Communications Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lrzsz'
+port[:path] = 'comms/lrzsz'
+port[:version] = '0.12.20'
+port[:description] = 'free x/y/zmodem implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'malsync'
+port[:path] = 'comms/malsync'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'AvantGo.com palm pilot synchronization utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'minicom'
+port[:path] = 'comms/minicom'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Menu driven communications program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'picocom'
+port[:path] = 'comms/picocom'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Minimal dump-terminal emulation program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ranauei'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rgm3800'
+port[:path] = 'comms/rgm3800'
+port[:version] = '1'
+port[:description] = 'A gui for the rgm3800py Script to access Royaltek RGM-3800 and compatible GPS datalogger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms aqua python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rgm3800py'
+port[:path] = 'comms/rgm3800py'
+port[:version] = '25'
+port[:description] = 'Access Royaltek RGM-3800 and compatible GPS datalogger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 's710'
+port[:path] = 'comms/s710'
+port[:version] = '0.21'
+port[:description] = 'communicate to a Polar S710 heart rate monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'usb universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gadzarts.org:philippe.barthelemy_DARWINPORTS'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scud'
+port[:path] = 'comms/scud'
+port[:version] = '1.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Tell your CID capable modem to answer those annoying calls'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slirp'
+port[:path] = 'comms/slirp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Slirp emulates a PPP or SLIP connection over a normal terminal.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sofia-sip'
+port[:path] = 'comms/sofia-sip'
+port[:version] = '1.12.11'
+port[:description] = 'Sofia-Sip is a RFC3261 compliant SIP User-Agent library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spandsp-devel'
+port[:path] = 'comms/spandsp-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6pre17'
+port[:description] = 'library of DSP functions for telephony'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'db.org:aeh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'telepathy-farsight'
+port[:path] = 'comms/telepathy-farsight'
+port[:version] = '0.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'The telepathy-farsight component of Telepathy - a Flexible Communications Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'python universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'telepathy-gabble'
+port[:path] = 'comms/telepathy-gabble'
+port[:version] = '0.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'The telepathy-gabble component of Telepathy - a Flexible Communications Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'telepathy-glib'
+port[:path] = 'comms/telepathy-glib'
+port[:version] = '0.14.5'
+port[:description] = 'The telepathy-glib component of Telepathy - a Flexible Communications Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'telepathy-haze'
+port[:path] = 'comms/telepathy-haze'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'The telepathy-haze component of Telepathy - a Flexible Communications Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'telepathy-idle'
+port[:path] = 'comms/telepathy-idle'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'The telepathy-idle IRC connection manager component of Telepathy - a Flexible Communications Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'telepathy-mission-control'
+port[:path] = 'comms/telepathy-mission-control'
+port[:version] = '5.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'The telepathy-mission-control component of Telepathy - a Flexible Communications Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'telepathy-sofiasip'
+port[:path] = 'comms/telepathy-sofiasip'
+port[:version] = '0.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'Telepathy-SofiaSIP is a SIP connection manager (protocol plugin) for the Telepathy framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uucp'
+port[:path] = 'comms/uucp'
+port[:version] = '1.07'
+port[:description] = 'Taylor UUCP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'six-two.net:gunter'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zssh'
+port[:path] = 'comms/zssh'
+port[:version] = '1.5c'
+port[:description] = 'Program for transferring files using SSH'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 6
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'comms security'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'cross'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-aout-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-aout-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.17'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for arm-aout cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-aout-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-aout-gcc'
+port[:version] = '3.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for arm-aout, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-elf-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-elf-binutils'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for arm-elf cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-elf-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-elf-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for arm-elf, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'be ep9312 fpu interwork under nofmult'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-elf-gcc3'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-elf-gcc3'
+port[:version] = '3.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'gcc 3.x cross-compilers for arm-elf, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'java'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-elf-gdb'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-elf-gdb'
+port[:version] = '7.1'
+port[:description] = 'GDB for the ARM processors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'koostech.com:billy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-none-linux-gnueabi-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2005q3-2'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for arm-none-linux-gnueabi cross development, with Code Sourcery patches (for Nokia Internet Tablet)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc'
+port[:version] = '2005q3-2'
+port[:description] = 'gcc 3.x cross-compilers for arm-none-linux-gnueabi.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'java universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-none-linux-gnueabi-runtime'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-runtime'
+port[:version] = 'cs2005q3.2'
+port[:description] = 'headers and precompiled libraries arm-none-linux-gnueabi (Nokia Internet Tablet), obtained from scratchbox.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for arm-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arm-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/arm-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for arm-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avarice'
+port[:path] = 'cross/avarice'
+port[:version] = '2.10'
+port[:description] = 'AVR JTAG-ICE control software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avr-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/avr-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.20'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for avr cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:metamagix'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avr-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/avr-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for avr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:metamagix'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avr-gdb'
+port[:path] = 'cross/avr-gdb'
+port[:version] = '6.8'
+port[:description] = 'GDB for the AVR processors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avr-libc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/avr-libc'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'C library for the AVR microcontroller.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'v9g.de:tvb377'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avrdude'
+port[:path] = 'cross/avrdude'
+port[:version] = '5.10'
+port[:description] = 'an Atmel AVR MCU programmer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'serjtag universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bdmicro.com:bsd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dfu-programmer'
+port[:path] = 'cross/dfu-programmer'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'dfu-programmer is a Device Firmware Update based USB programmer for Atmel chips with a USB bootloader.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vogelgsang.org:chris'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-elf-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-elf-binutils'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for i386-elf cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jinksys'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-elf-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-elf-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for i386-elf, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coresystems.de:stepan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-mingw32-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-mingw32-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.21-3'
+port[:description] = 'Mingw32 Binutils for i386-mingw32 cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-mingw32-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-mingw32-gcc'
+port[:version] = '3.4.5-20060117-2'
+port[:description] = 'Mingw32 cross-compiler for i386-Win32'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-mingw32-libunicows'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-mingw32-libunicows'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'makes writing Unicode-enabled applications for Win 9x a bit easier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-mingw32-runtime'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-mingw32-runtime'
+port[:version] = '3.15.2'
+port[:description] = 'Free Microsoft C runtime, headers and import libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-mingw32-w32api'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-mingw32-w32api'
+port[:version] = '3.13'
+port[:description] = 'Mingw32 Win32 headers and import libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for i386-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i386-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i386-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for i386-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i960-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i960-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.16.1'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for i960-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'i960-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/i960-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '3.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for i960-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lm32-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/lm32-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.20.90'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for lm32-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:yann.sionneau'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lpc21isp'
+port[:path] = 'cross/lpc21isp'
+port[:version] = '1.79'
+port[:description] = 'a NXP MCU programmer'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'm68k-elf-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/m68k-elf-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.17'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for m68k-elf cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'm68k-elf-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/m68k-elf-gcc'
+port[:version] = '3.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for m68k-elf, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'java universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'm68k-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/m68k-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for m68k-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'm68k-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/m68k-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for m68k-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mips-elf-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mips-elf-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.17'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for mips-elf cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mips-elf-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mips-elf-gcc'
+port[:version] = '3.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for mips-elf, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'java universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mips-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mips-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for mips-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mips-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mips-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for mips-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mipsel-linux-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mipsel-linux-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.16.1'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for mipsel-linux cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mipsel-linux-gcc34'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mipsel-linux-gcc34'
+port[:version] = '3.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross compiler for mips-linux with uClib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mipsel-linux-kernel-headers'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mipsel-linux-kernel-headers'
+port[:version] = '2.4.30'
+port[:description] = 'Linux kernel headers for mips-linux cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mipsel-linux-uclib'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mipsel-linux-uclib'
+port[:version] = '0.9.27'
+port[:description] = 'uClib library for mipsel-linux cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mipsel-linux-uclib-headers'
+port[:path] = 'cross/mipsel-linux-uclib-headers'
+port[:version] = '0.9.27'
+port[:description] = 'uClib headers for mipsel-linux cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openocd'
+port[:path] = 'cross/openocd'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Open On-Chip Debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'powerpc-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/powerpc-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for powerpc-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'powerpc-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/powerpc-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for powerpc-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ppc-linux-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/ppc-linux-binutils'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for ppc-linux cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sh-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/sh-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for sh-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sh-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/sh-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for sh-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sparc-rtems-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/sparc-rtems-binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for sparc-rtems cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sparc-rtems-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'cross/sparc-rtems-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'gcc cross-compilers for sparc-rtems, with newlib runtime library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spu-binutils'
+port[:path] = 'cross/spu-binutils'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for spu cross development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'upslug2'
+port[:path] = 'cross/upslug2'
+port[:version] = '12-r41'
+port[:description] = 'A tool to flash your NSLU2 from a computer on the same network'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'flashmod16 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ranauei'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'urjtag'
+port[:path] = 'cross/urjtag'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Universal JTAG library and tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'usbprog'
+port[:path] = 'cross/usbprog'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for uploading and downloading firmwares to the usbprog device'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lilalinux.net:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxmsw'
+port[:path] = 'cross/wxmsw'
+port[:version] = '2.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with Win32 bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 7
+port[:variants] = 'opengl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'cross'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'databases'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GeoLiteCity'
+port[:path] = 'databases/GeoLiteCity'
+port[:version] = '20110501'
+port[:description] = 'GeoIP Lite City database (libgeoip)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MyODBC'
+port[:path] = 'databases/MyODBC'
+port[:version] = '3.51.11'
+port[:description] = 'MySQL Connector/ODBC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'samples debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cotsworth.com:simon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'adodb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/adodb'
+port[:version] = '5.09a'
+port[:description] = 'Database library for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cassandra'
+port[:path] = 'databases/cassandra'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'A highly scalable, eventually consistent, distributed, structured key-value store.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'no_deps'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/cdb'
+port[:version] = '0.75'
+port[:description] = 'A fast, reliable, simple package for constant databases.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'couchdb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/couchdb'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'CouchDB is a document database server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'couchdb-devel'
+port[:path] = 'databases/couchdb-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0a1025573'
+port[:description] = 'CouchDB is a document database server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'db44'
+port[:path] = 'databases/db44'
+port[:version] = '4.4.20'
+port[:description] = 'The Berkeley DB package, version 4.4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'java tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'db46'
+port[:path] = 'databases/db46'
+port[:version] = '4.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'The Berkeley DB package, version 4.6'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_java tcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'db47'
+port[:path] = 'databases/db47'
+port[:version] = '4.7.25'
+port[:description] = 'The Berkeley DB package, version 4.7'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_java tcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'db48'
+port[:path] = 'databases/db48'
+port[:version] = '4.8.30'
+port[:description] = 'The Berkeley DB package, version 4.8'
+port[:licenses] = 'Sleepycat'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal java no_java tcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'db51'
+port[:path] = 'databases/db51'
+port[:version] = '5.1.25'
+port[:description] = 'The Berkeley DB package, version 5.1'
+port[:licenses] = 'Sleepycat'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_java no_sql tcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'db52'
+port[:path] = 'databases/db52'
+port[:version] = '5.2.28'
+port[:description] = 'The Berkeley DB package, version 5.2'
+port[:licenses] = 'Sleepycat'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_java no_sql tcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbh'
+port[:path] = 'databases/dbh'
+port[:version] = '1.0.24'
+port[:description] = 'Disk based hash library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbslayer'
+port[:path] = 'databases/dbslayer'
+port[:version] = 'beta-12'
+port[:description] = 'The DBacesslayer aka DBSlayer is a lightweight database abstraction layer suitable for high-load websites where you need the scalable advantages of connection pooling.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases lang www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbtool'
+port[:path] = 'databases/dbtool'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Store and retrieve data in a key/value format in a hash database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'edb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/edb'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Edb is a database library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fastdb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/fastdb'
+port[:version] = '3.05'
+port[:description] = 'Main Memory Relational Database Management System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freetds'
+port[:path] = 'databases/freetds'
+port[:version] = '0.82'
+port[:description] = 'A set of libraries for Unix and Linux that allows your programs to natively talk to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'mssql odbc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gauche-dbd-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'databases/gauche-dbd-mysql'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Gauche database driver for MySQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gauche-dbd-pg'
+port[:path] = 'databases/gauche-dbd-pg'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Gauche database driver for PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql7 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdbm'
+port[:path] = 'databases/gdbm'
+port[:version] = '1.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU database manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gigabase'
+port[:path] = 'databases/gigabase'
+port[:version] = '3.15'
+port[:description] = 'Main Memory Relational Database Management System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iplike'
+port[:path] = 'databases/iplike'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'PostgreSQL IP address query interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kyotocabinet'
+port[:path] = 'databases/kyotocabinet'
+port[:version] = '1.2.64'
+port[:description] = 'Kyoto Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'debug devel profile lzo lzma'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kyototycoon'
+port[:path] = 'databases/kyototycoon'
+port[:version] = '0.9.48'
+port[:description] = 'Kyoto Tycoon is a lightweight database server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'debug devel profile lua'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdbi'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libdbi'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'Database independent abstraction layer for C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'docs debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'umich.edu:mta'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdbi-drivers'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libdbi-drivers'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3-1'
+port[:description] = 'Drivers for libdbi'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 postgresql83 sqlite2 sqlite3 docs debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'umich.edu:mta'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdrizzle'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libdrizzle'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Drizzle client and protocol library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'andyfowler.com:andy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgda3'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libgda3'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'GDA provides uniform access to diffent kinds of data sources.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'with_mysql4 with_mysql5 with_postgresql82 with_postgresql83 with_bdb46 without_bdb universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgda4'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libgda4'
+port[:version] = '4.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'GDA provides uniform access to diffent kinds of data sources.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'with_mysql5 with_postgresql83 with_postgresql84 with_postgresql90 without_bdb universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpqxx'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libpqxx'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Official C++ client API for PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'pq83 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpqxx26'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libpqxx26'
+port[:version] = '2.6.9'
+port[:description] = 'Official C++ client API for PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/libsdb'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Simple database library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mdbtools'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mdbtools'
+port[:version] = '0.6pre1'
+port[:description] = 'libraries and programs to help using MSAccess databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metakit'
+port[:path] = 'databases/metakit'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'an efficient embedded database library with a small footprint'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mongodb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mongodb'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database'
+port[:licenses] = 'AGPL-3.0'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql-connector-odbc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql-connector-odbc'
+port[:version] = '5.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'The MySQL Connector/ODBC'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql-proxy'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql-proxy'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Proxy for MySQL-Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'naegler.org:michael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql-zrm'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql-zrm'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bitwrangler.com:kmayer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql4'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql4'
+port[:version] = '4.1.22'
+port[:description] = 'Multithreaded SQL database server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql5'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql5'
+port[:version] = '5.1.57'
+port[:description] = 'Multithreaded SQL database server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql5-devel'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql5-devel'
+port[:version] = '5.5.2-m2'
+port[:description] = 'Multithreaded SQL database server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql5-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql5-server'
+port[:version] = '5.1.57'
+port[:description] = 'Multithreaded SQL database server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql5-server-devel'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysql5-server-devel'
+port[:version] = '5.5.2-m2'
+port[:description] = 'Multithreaded SQL database server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysqltcl'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysqltcl'
+port[:version] = '3.02'
+port[:description] = 'Simple API for Mysql-Database and Tcl scripting language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysqlxx'
+port[:path] = 'databases/mysqlxx'
+port[:version] = '3.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrapper for MySQL\'s C API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'genetikayos.com:kayos'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openldap'
+port[:path] = 'databases/openldap'
+port[:version] = '2.4.21'
+port[:description] = 'OpenLDAP Software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal aci overlays'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oracle-instantclient'
+port[:path] = 'databases/oracle-instantclient'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Oracle database connection libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pazpar2'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pazpar2'
+port[:version] = '1.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'metasearch daemon and server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coateconnection.com:dlc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases net www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pg2xbase'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pg2xbase'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Convert data between PostgreSQL and DBF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:seanasy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgbouncer'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pgbouncer'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:giorgio_v'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgintcl'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pgintcl'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pure Tcl PostgreSQL interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:giorgio_v'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgpool'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pgpool'
+port[:version] = '3.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'PostgreSQL connection pool server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgpool-II'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pgpool-II'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'PostgreSQL connection pool server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:giorgio_v'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgsqlclient'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pgsqlclient'
+port[:version] = '1.0-Beta6'
+port[:description] = 'ADO.NET adapter for PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgtcl'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pgtcl'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Tcl PostgreSQL interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:giorgio_v'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgis'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgis'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql-devel'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql-devel'
+port[:version] = '9.1alpha'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:chepra'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql-server-devel'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql-server-devel'
+port[:version] = '9.1alpha'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql-devel as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:chepra'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql-unaccent'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql-unaccent'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'PostgreSQL extension that provides a function to remove accents from characters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 postgresql91'
+port[:maintainers] = 'od-eon.com:stefan.talpalaru'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql7'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql7'
+port[:version] = '7.4.24'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'perl java tcltk server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql80'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql80'
+port[:version] = '8.0.26'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'python krb5 perl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql80-doc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql80-doc'
+port[:version] = '8.0.26'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the postgresql database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql80-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql80-server'
+port[:version] = '8.0.26'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql80 as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql81'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql81'
+port[:version] = '8.1.23'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'python krb5 perl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql81-doc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql81-doc'
+port[:version] = '8.1.23'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the postgresql database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql81-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql81-server'
+port[:version] = '8.1.23'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql81 as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql82'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql82'
+port[:version] = '8.2.21'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'python krb5 perl tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql82-doc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql82-doc'
+port[:version] = '8.2.21'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the postgresql database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql82-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql82-server'
+port[:version] = '8.2.21'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql82 as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql83'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql83'
+port[:version] = '8.3.15'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'python krb5 perl tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql83-doc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql83-doc'
+port[:version] = '8.3.15'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the postgresql database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql83-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql83-server'
+port[:version] = '8.3.15'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql83 as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql84'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql84'
+port[:version] = '8.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'python krb5 perl tcl earthdistance universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql84-doc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql84-doc'
+port[:version] = '8.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the postgresql database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql84-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql84-server'
+port[:version] = '8.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql84 as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql90'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql90'
+port[:version] = '9.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'python krb5 perl tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql90-doc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql90-doc'
+port[:version] = '9.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the postgresql database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql90-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql90-server'
+port[:version] = '9.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql90 as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql91'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql91'
+port[:version] = '9.1beta2'
+port[:description] = 'The most advanced open-source database available anywhere. ALPHA release!'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'python krb5 perl tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql91-doc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql91-doc'
+port[:version] = '9.1beta2'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the postgresql database ALPHA release.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql91-server'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql91-server'
+port[:version] = '9.1beta2'
+port[:description] = 'run postgresql91 as server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql_autodoc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql_autodoc'
+port[:version] = '1.31'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic documentation generator for postgresql databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql_select'
+port[:path] = 'databases/postgresql_select'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'common files for selecting default PostgreSQL version'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pqa'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pqa'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'pqa is a PostgreSQL SQL analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-odbc'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pure-odbc'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'a simple ODBC interface for the Pure programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-sql3'
+port[:path] = 'databases/pure-sql3'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'an SQLite interface for the Pure programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qdbm'
+port[:path] = 'databases/qdbm'
+port[:version] = '1.8.78'
+port[:description] = 'QDBM is a library of routines for managing a database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'debug bzip2 lzo universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711 nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'redis'
+port[:path] = 'databases/redis'
+port[:version] = '2.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Redis is an open source, advanced key-value store.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:brianjlandau openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shsql'
+port[:path] = 'databases/shsql'
+port[:version] = '1.28'
+port[:description] = 'standalone SQL database that stores data in ascii text files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'simplevoc-open'
+port[:path] = 'databases/simplevoc-open'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Versatile object cache'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'triagens.de:f.celler triagens.de:k.salewski triagens.de:w.helisch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slony1'
+port[:path] = 'databases/slony1'
+port[:version] = '2.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A replication system for PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:wreese jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spatialite'
+port[:path] = 'databases/spatialite'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Spatial extensions for SQLite 3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spatialite-devel'
+port[:path] = 'databases/spatialite-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Spatial extensions for SQLite 3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sqlite2'
+port[:path] = 'databases/sqlite2'
+port[:version] = '2.8.17'
+port[:description] = 'an embedded SQL database engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sqlite3'
+port[:path] = 'databases/sqlite3'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'an embedded SQL database engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sqliteman'
+port[:path] = 'databases/sqliteman'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'GUI tool for Sqlite3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sqlitewrapped'
+port[:path] = 'databases/sqlitewrapped'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'a C++ wrapper for the Sqlite database C API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcl-sqlite3'
+port[:path] = 'databases/tcl-sqlite3'
+port[:version] = '3.6.22'
+port[:description] = 'Tcl bindings for SQLite3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tdb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/tdb'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'TDB is a Trivial Database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tinycdb'
+port[:path] = 'databases/tinycdb'
+port[:version] = '0.77'
+port[:description] = 'TinyCDB is a very fast and simple package for creating and reading cdb.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'soraneko.com:nel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tokyocabinet'
+port[:path] = 'databases/tokyocabinet'
+port[:version] = '1.4.47'
+port[:description] = 'Tokyo Cabinet is a library of routines for managing a database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'devel profile fastest off64 swap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tokyocabinet-clj'
+port[:path] = 'databases/tokyocabinet-clj'
+port[:version] = '20090505'
+port[:description] = 'Java API for Tokyo Cabinet, a modern DBM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ieure'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tokyocabinet-java'
+port[:path] = 'databases/tokyocabinet-java'
+port[:version] = '1.18'
+port[:description] = 'Java API for Tokyo Cabinet, a modern DBM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ieure'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tokyotyrant'
+port[:path] = 'databases/tokyotyrant'
+port[:version] = '1.1.41'
+port[:description] = 'Tokyo Cabinet remote server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'lua universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unixODBC'
+port[:path] = 'databases/unixODBC'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Provides ODBC 3 connectivity for Unix'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cotsworth.com:simon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xbase'
+port[:path] = 'databases/xbase'
+port[:version] = '3.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'XBase compatible C++ class library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zebra'
+port[:path] = 'databases/zebra'
+port[:version] = '2.0.47'
+port[:description] = 'information management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 8
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coateconnection.com:dlc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'databases net www devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'devel'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'BWToolkit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/BWToolkit'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'UI elements for Interface Builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'CImg'
+port[:path] = 'devel/CImg'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'C++ Template Image Processing Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL-C CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'workisfun.ru:ivan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Djinn'
+port[:path] = 'devel/Djinn'
+port[:version] = '2006-07-21'
+port[:description] = 'Haskell Theorem Prover'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Drizzle'
+port[:path] = 'devel/Drizzle'
+port[:version] = '29'
+port[:description] = 'tools related to the Myst game franchise'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GitX'
+port[:path] = 'devel/GitX'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'GitX is a git GUI specifically for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'HaXml'
+port[:path] = 'devel/HaXml'
+port[:version] = '1.20.2'
+port[:description] = 'XML utilities for haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'LibVNCServer'
+port[:path] = 'devel/LibVNCServer'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'library for writing VNC servers and clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MacPorts_Framework'
+port[:path] = 'devel/MacPorts_Framework'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Cocoa framework for MacPorts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'juanger armahg'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel macports framework'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PIDA'
+port[:path] = 'devel/PIDA'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Python Integrated Development Application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PlasmaShop'
+port[:path] = 'devel/PlasmaShop'
+port[:version] = '3.0-127'
+port[:description] = 'tool for inspecting and manipulating Plasma game files'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aap'
+port[:path] = 'devel/aap'
+port[:version] = '1.091'
+port[:description] = 'A-A-P helps you with distributed development of software.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com.au:mail_ben_schmidt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'acpica'
+port[:path] = 'devel/acpica'
+port[:version] = '20101209'
+port[:description] = 'ACPI compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'coresystems.de:stepan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'activewire'
+port[:path] = 'devel/activewire'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Driver for the ActiveWire board'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'awdriver awconfig doc dev universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aegis'
+port[:path] = 'devel/aegis'
+port[:version] = '4.24'
+port[:description] = 'Aegis is a SCM/CASE tool with a difference'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'agprocess'
+port[:path] = 'devel/agprocess'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'framework class for reporting Unix process statistics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel framework'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'akonadi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/akonadi'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'A personal information management storage service.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'allegro'
+port[:path] = 'devel/allegro'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A game programming library for C/C++ developers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ant-contrib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ant-contrib'
+port[:version] = '1.0b3'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of tasks for Apache Ant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'hibnet.org:hibou'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apache-ant'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apache-ant'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'Java opensource build system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'source'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apache-ivy'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apache-ivy'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Dependency manager for Apache Ant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apiextractor'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apiextractor'
+port[:version] = '0.10.4'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for developing bindings of Qt-based libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apr'
+port[:version] = '1.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'The apache group\'s portability library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apr-util'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apr-util'
+port[:version] = '1.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'utilities built with the apache group\'s portability library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_sqlite openldap postgresql84 postgresql83 postgresql82 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apr-util0'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apr-util0'
+port[:version] = '0.9.19'
+port[:description] = 'utilities built with the apache group\'s portability library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb openldap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apr0'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apr0'
+port[:version] = '0.9.19'
+port[:description] = 'The apache group\'s portability library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apr_memcache'
+port[:path] = 'devel/apr_memcache'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'memcached client in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aqbanking'
+port[:path] = 'devel/aqbanking'
+port[:version] = '4.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'a generic online banking interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'python24 enable_local_install'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aqbanking5'
+port[:path] = 'devel/aqbanking5'
+port[:version] = '5.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'a generic online banking interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'enable_local_install debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arabica'
+port[:path] = 'devel/arabica'
+port[:version] = 'Oct2007'
+port[:description] = 'Arabica, an XML toolkit written in C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'noboost expat universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hypergene.com:isak'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arch'
+port[:path] = 'devel/arch'
+port[:version] = '1.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'GNU arch - revision control system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'archway'
+port[:path] = 'devel/archway'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'an advanced GUI for GNU Arch'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'argp-standalone'
+port[:path] = 'devel/argp-standalone'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Standalone version of arguments parsing functions from GLIBC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'argtable'
+port[:path] = 'devel/argtable'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'ANSI C library for parsing GNU style command line arguments'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asdf-binary-locations'
+port[:path] = 'devel/asdf-binary-locations'
+port[:version] = '0.3.9'
+port[:description] = 'keep asdf-compiled lisp files in their places'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'ignore_lisp_version'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pobox.com:rlonstein'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asmotor'
+port[:path] = 'devel/asmotor'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A cross assembler, linker and librarian for several CPUs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:csoren'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'astyle'
+port[:path] = 'devel/astyle'
+port[:version] = '2.01'
+port[:description] = 'source code beautifier for the C, C++, C# and Java programming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'lib java'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wyuenho openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'atf'
+port[:path] = 'devel/atf'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'The Automated Testing Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rambiusparkisanius'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'atk'
+port[:path] = 'devel/atk'
+port[:version] = '1.32.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME accessibility toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autobook'
+port[:path] = 'devel/autobook'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'A tutorial covering the gnu autotools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autobuild'
+port[:path] = 'devel/autobuild'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'processes output from building software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autoconf'
+port[:path] = 'devel/autoconf'
+port[:version] = '2.68'
+port[:description] = 'Automatically configures software for compilation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autoconf-archive'
+port[:path] = 'devel/autoconf-archive'
+port[:version] = '2008-08-25'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of over 500 reusable Autoconf macros'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fernandes.org:andrew'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autoconf213'
+port[:path] = 'devel/autoconf213'
+port[:version] = '2.13'
+port[:description] = 'Automatically configures software for compilation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autoconf263'
+port[:path] = 'devel/autoconf263'
+port[:version] = '2.63'
+port[:description] = 'Automatically configures software for compilation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autogen'
+port[:path] = 'devel/autogen'
+port[:version] = '5.11.5'
+port[:description] = 'tool to simplify the creation and maintenance of programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'automake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/automake'
+port[:version] = '1.11.1'
+port[:description] = 'the gnu automake utility for generating Makefile.in'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'automake17'
+port[:path] = 'devel/automake17'
+port[:version] = '1.7.9'
+port[:description] = 'the gnu automake utility for generating Makefile.in'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:springer.jonathan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'automoc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/automoc'
+port[:version] = '0.9.88'
+port[:description] = 'A tool which automatically creates .moc files and compiles them in.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bakefile'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bakefile'
+port[:version] = '0.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Bakefile is cross-platform, cross-compiler native makefiles generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takatsuka.org:masa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bam'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bam'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'A fast and flexible build system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bashdb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bashdb'
+port[:version] = '4.2-0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Debugger for scripts written in BASH'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bazaar'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bazaar'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'baz (Bazaar 1), a GNU Arch client'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bcpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bcpp'
+port[:version] = '20090630'
+port[:description] = 'C(++) Beautifier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'beecrypt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/beecrypt'
+port[:version] = '4.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'cryptography toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'binutils'
+port[:path] = 'devel/binutils'
+port[:version] = '2.21'
+port[:description] = 'FSF Binutils for native development.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bison'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bison'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'general-purpose parser generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'yacc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bison1'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bison1'
+port[:version] = '1.875'
+port[:description] = 'general-purpose parser generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bmake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bmake'
+port[:version] = '20060728'
+port[:description] = 'Portable NetBSD make'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:tdflavius'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boehmgc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/boehmgc'
+port[:version] = '7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'redirect universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boehmgc-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/boehmgc-devel'
+port[:version] = '7.2alpha2'
+port[:description] = 'Boehm-Demers-Weiser conservative garbage collector (devel version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'redirect universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boost'
+port[:path] = 'devel/boost'
+port[:version] = '1.46.1'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of portable C++ source libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'Boost-1.0'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'python24 python25 python26 python27 python31 python32 debug no_static no_single openmpi regex_match_extra universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boost-build'
+port[:path] = 'devel/boost-build'
+port[:version] = '2.0-m12'
+port[:description] = 'Build system for large project software construction'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boost-gil-numeric'
+port[:path] = 'devel/boost-gil-numeric'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An algorithm extension to boost-gil.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sanchom'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boost-jam'
+port[:path] = 'devel/boost-jam'
+port[:version] = '3.1.18'
+port[:description] = 'Boost.Jam (BJam) is a build tool based on FTJam'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jon.olsson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'box2d'
+port[:path] = 'devel/box2d'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Box2D Physics Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bsdiff'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bsdiff'
+port[:version] = '4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Generates and applies patches to binary files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'buddha'
+port[:path] = 'devel/buddha'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A declarative debugger for Haskell 98 programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bugzilla'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bugzilla'
+port[:version] = '2.22.3'
+port[:description] = 'popular and extensive bug-tracking system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'build'
+port[:path] = 'devel/build'
+port[:version] = '0.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Massively-parallel software build system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ieee.org:cardi openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'buildbot'
+port[:path] = 'devel/buildbot'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4p1'
+port[:description] = 'compile/test cycle automation system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'buildbot-slave'
+port[:path] = 'devel/buildbot-slave'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'buildslave for buildbot continuous integration system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bullet'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bullet'
+port[:version] = '2.77-2218'
+port[:description] = 'Bullet Physics Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'byacc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/byacc'
+port[:version] = '20101229'
+port[:description] = 'Berkeley Yacc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'byaccj'
+port[:path] = 'devel/byaccj'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'yacc compatible parser generator with Java extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'The next-generation distributed version control system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'bash_completion'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-explorer'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-explorer'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A graphical frontend for using bzr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-fastimport'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-fastimport'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'Fast-import/fast-export plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-git'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-git'
+port[:version] = '0.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Plugin that adds support for git repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-gtk'
+port[:version] = '0.100.0'
+port[:description] = 'Various GTK+ frontends for bzr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-pager'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-pager'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'run bzr commands in a pager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-rebase'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-rebase'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Rebase plugin for bzr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-rewrite'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-rewrite'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'History rewriting for bzr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-svn'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-svn'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Plugin that allows direct access to Subversion repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzr-xmloutput'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzr-xmloutput'
+port[:version] = '0.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'Bazaar plugin to generate XML output for builtin commands'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzrtools'
+port[:path] = 'devel/bzrtools'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of plugins bzr.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_graphviz'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'c2hs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/c2hs'
+port[:version] = '0.15.1'
+port[:description] = 'Yet Another Interface Generator for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'c_count'
+port[:path] = 'devel/c_count'
+port[:version] = '7.12'
+port[:description] = 'counts C-language source statements'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cableswig'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cableswig'
+port[:version] = '20090521'
+port[:description] = 'CableSwig creates interfaces to interpreted languages such as Tcl and Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'examples testing gccxml universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ancient'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ancient'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mark objects as \'ancient\' so they are taken out of the OCaml heap'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ansicolor'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ansicolor'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for ANSI colors and cursor movements'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-batteries'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-batteries'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A new O\'Caml standard library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-bin-prot'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-bin-prot'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'A binary protocol generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-calendar'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-calendar'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml interface for calendar functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-camlzip'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-camlzip'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'read and write ZIP, JAR and GZIP files from OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-camomile'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-camomile'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml module to convert strings to and from various encodings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'toots at rastageeks.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-core'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-core'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Jane Street\'s alternative to the standard OCaml library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-csv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-csv'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'CSV file parser for OCaml.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-extlib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-extlib'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Extended Standard Library for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-fieldslib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-fieldslib'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Syntax support for folding over record fields in OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-findlib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-findlib'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml library management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'toolbox'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-getopt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-getopt'
+port[:version] = '20040811'
+port[:description] = 'getopt command line parser for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-graph'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-graph'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'a graph library for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'labri.fr:fh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-heredoc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-heredoc'
+port[:version] = '20060107'
+port[:description] = 'Heredoc: syntactic sugar for text producing applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-hydro'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-hydro'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Hydro is an implementation of ICE, the object-oriented RPC protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-inifiles'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-inifiles'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'ini file parser for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-json-static'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-json-static'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'JSON validator and type converter for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-json-wheel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-json-wheel'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'JSON parsing library for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-lwt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-lwt'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Cooperative threading library for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-menhir'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-menhir'
+port[:version] = '20110201'
+port[:description] = 'Menhir is a LR(1) parser generator for the Objective Caml programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ocamldbi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ocamldbi'
+port[:version] = '0.9.11'
+port[:description] = 'DBI library for simple database access.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ocaml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ocamldsort'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ocamldsort'
+port[:version] = '0.14.4'
+port[:description] = 'Build dependency generator for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ocamlmakefile'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ocamlmakefile'
+port[:version] = '6.29.3'
+port[:description] = 'Automated compilation of complex OCaml-projects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ocamlnet'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ocamlnet'
+port[:version] = '2.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Internet protocols and helper data structures for OCaml.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ounit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ounit'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Unit test framework for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-pcre'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-pcre'
+port[:version] = '6.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Perl compatibility regular expressions for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doc examples'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-pgocaml'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-pgocaml'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Type-safe OCaml-interface to the PostgreSQL-database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ocaml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-postgresql'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-postgresql'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml-interface to the PostgreSQL-database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-pxp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-pxp'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'streaming XML input/output module for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-react'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-react'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'Functional reactive progreamming for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-res'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-res'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml library for automatically resizing contiguous memory (arrays and strings)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-sexplib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-sexplib'
+port[:version] = '5.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Automated code generation for converting OCaml-values to S-expressions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-sqlite3'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-sqlite3'
+port[:version] = '1.5.9'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for SQLite 3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ssl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ssl'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'SSL bindings for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-text'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-text'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'library for Unicode text in OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-type-conv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-type-conv'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mini library required for some other preprocessing libraries (OCaml 3.10 and newer)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-ulex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-ulex'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'lexer generator for Unicode and OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel textproc ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-uuidm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-uuidm'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'RFC 4122-compliant UUID library for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-xmlm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/caml-xmlm'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'streaming XML input/output module for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'camlimages'
+port[:path] = 'devel/camlimages'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml interface to image manipulation functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'lablgtk lablgl lablgtk2'
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccache'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ccache'
+port[:version] = '3.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'object-file caching compiler wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cextract'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cextract'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'C prototype extractor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cflow'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cflow'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A program for generating call graphs from C code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:gnn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cgdb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cgdb'
+port[:version] = '0.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'A curses-based interface to the GNU Debugger (GDB).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jfrederich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'check'
+port[:path] = 'devel/check'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'C unit testing framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chipmunk'
+port[:path] = 'devel/chipmunk'
+port[:version] = '5.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Fast and lightweight 2D rigid body physics library in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug demos ruby universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fs.ei.tum.de:jonas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chromium-tabs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/chromium-tabs'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for Chromium tabs'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cl-ppcre'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cl-ppcre'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Portable Perl-compatible regular expressions for Common Lisp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'asdf_binary_locations sbcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pobox.com:rlonstein'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'class-dump'
+port[:path] = 'devel/class-dump'
+port[:version] = '3.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for examining the Objective-C segment of Mach-O files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clog'
+port[:path] = 'devel/clog'
+port[:version] = '20030825'
+port[:description] = 'cLog is a cross-platform C logging library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cloog'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cloog'
+port[:version] = '0.16.2'
+port[:description] = 'The CLooG Code Generator in the Polyhedral Model\'s Home'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer adfernandes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cloog-ppl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cloog-ppl'
+port[:version] = '0.15.11'
+port[:description] = 'The CLooG Code Generator in the Polyhedral Model\'s Home'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer adfernandes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clucene'
+port[:path] = 'devel/clucene'
+port[:version] = '0.9.21b'
+port[:description] = 'Clucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in Java.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:dinh.viet.hoa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clucene-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/clucene-devel'
+port[:version] = '3025'
+port[:description] = 'the open-source, C++ search engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cmake'
+port[:version] = '2.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'Cross-platform make'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal gui'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmockery'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cmockery'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'unit testing and mocking library for C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'shifteleven.com:pope'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmunge'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cmunge'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'tool for encrypting and compacting C source code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cocoa-sharp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cocoa-sharp'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Cocoa bindings for the Mono .NET Development Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'codeblocks'
+port[:path] = 'devel/codeblocks'
+port[:version] = '10.05'
+port[:description] = 'Open Source, Cross-platform, Free C/C++/D IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'aqua x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel aqua x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commoncpp2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/commoncpp2'
+port[:version] = '1.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Common C++ 2 Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cook'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cook'
+port[:version] = '2.34'
+port[:description] = 'Cook is a replacement for the traditional make(1) tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar boeyms'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cosmoplayer'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cosmoplayer'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Java classes to support VRML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cppcheck'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cppcheck'
+port[:version] = '1.48'
+port[:description] = 'Static analysis of C and C++ code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'johnsy.com:paj-macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cpphs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cpphs'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'cpp implemented in Haskell.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cppunit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cppunit'
+port[:version] = '1.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'unit testing framework for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cproto'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cproto'
+port[:version] = '4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Generate C prototypes from source code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tds.net:jwbacon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cryptlib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cryptlib'
+port[:version] = '3.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'cryptlib is a powerful security toolkit (library)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cryptokit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cryptokit'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml interface to cryptographic functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cscope'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cscope'
+port[:version] = '15.7a'
+port[:description] = 'development tool for browsing source code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cssc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cssc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'SCCS replacement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ctags'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ctags'
+port[:version] = '5.8'
+port[:description] = 'Reimplementation of ctags(1)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cunit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cunit'
+port[:version] = '2.1-2'
+port[:description] = 'Unit testing library for C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'curlhandle'
+port[:path] = 'devel/curlhandle'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'CURLHandle is a framework wrapper around a CURL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel framework'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cut'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cut'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'C unit testing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvs'
+port[:version] = '1.11.23'
+port[:description] = 'Concurrent Versions System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'gssapi proxy universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvs2svn'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvs2svn'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for converting from CVS to subversion'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsdelta'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvsdelta'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Cvsdelta summarizes differences between local and in-cvs files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsdiff2patch'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvsdiff2patch'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Turn cvs diff output into patch input.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsgrab'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvsgrab'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'CVSGrab reads a repository via its web interface (ViewCVS or CvsWeb)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsgraph'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvsgraph'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'utility for graphical representation of CVS/RCS revision tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvslock'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvslock'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Locks a CVS repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'noos.fr:ocheron'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsps'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvsps'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Create patchset information from CVS.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsweb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cvsweb'
+port[:version] = '3.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'WWW interface for CVS repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'macports_apache2'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cxref'
+port[:path] = 'devel/cxref'
+port[:version] = '1.6c'
+port[:description] = 'C program cross-referencing & documentation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'd52'
+port[:path] = 'devel/d52'
+port[:version] = '3.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Disassembler for a variety of microprocessors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'daaplib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/daaplib'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1a'
+port[:description] = 'small library for reading and writingg DAAP streams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darcs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/darcs'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'A distributed, interactive, smart revision control system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darcs-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/darcs-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0pre4'
+port[:description] = 'David\'s Advanced Revision Control System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darts'
+port[:path] = 'devel/darts'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Double-ARray Trie System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darwinbuild'
+port[:path] = 'devel/darwinbuild'
+port[:version] = '24.1'
+port[:description] = 'Darwinbuild is a set of tools that facilitate building the sources released by Apple.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wms'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darwinbuild-legacy'
+port[:path] = 'devel/darwinbuild-legacy'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Darwinbuild is a set of tools that facilitate building the sources released by Apple.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'wms'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbow'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbow'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'database compiler-compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus'
+port[:version] = '1.4.12'
+port[:description] = 'A message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal test no_startupitem no_root'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'A message bus system, a simple way for applications to talk to one another. (Development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_startupitem'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-glib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-glib'
+port[:version] = '0.94'
+port[:description] = 'Glib bindings for the dbus message bus system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'test universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-glib-sharp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-glib-sharp'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'C# implementation of D-Bus-Glib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-python24'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-python24'
+port[:version] = '0.83.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the dbus message bus system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-python25'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-python25'
+port[:version] = '0.83.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the dbus message bus system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-python26'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-python26'
+port[:version] = '0.83.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the dbus message bus system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-python27'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-python27'
+port[:version] = '0.83.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the dbus message bus system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbus-sharp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbus-sharp'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'C# implementation of D-Bus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbusmenu-qt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dbusmenu-qt'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'expose menus on DBus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel kde4 kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ddd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ddd'
+port[:version] = '3.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'Data Display Debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dejagnu'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dejagnu'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'A framework for testing programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'depot_tools'
+port[:path] = 'devel/depot_tools'
+port[:version] = '91651'
+port[:description] = 'Manages interaction with the Chromium development process'
+port[:licenses] = 'multiple'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'devtodo'
+port[:path] = 'devel/devtodo'
+port[:version] = '0.1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Command line application for maintaining lists of tasks.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dia2code'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dia2code'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'Dia2Code is a small utility used to generate code from a Dia diagram.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dialog'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dialog'
+port[:version] = '1.1-20110630'
+port[:description] = 'A utility to create nice user interfaces to shell scripts, or other scripting languages, such as perl.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'diffball'
+port[:path] = 'devel/diffball'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'binary patch utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'diffstat'
+port[:path] = 'devel/diffstat'
+port[:version] = '1.54'
+port[:description] = 'Make histogram from diff-output'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'diffuse'
+port[:path] = 'devel/diffuse'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'diffuse is a graphical diffing and merging tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'python24 python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'distcc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/distcc'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Distributed C compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'distract'
+port[:path] = 'devel/distract'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A distributed bug tracking system based on monotone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dmalloc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dmalloc'
+port[:version] = '5.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Debug Malloc Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dotconf'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dotconf'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'C-based configuration parser for .conf files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'theonelab.com:june'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dparser'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dparser'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'general-purpose parser generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dylibbundler'
+port[:path] = 'devel/dylibbundler'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'terminal utility for Mac OS X that eases bundling dynamic libraries (.dylib) inside app bundles'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'strasweb.fr:rudloff openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'e_dbus'
+port[:path] = 'devel/e_dbus'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'convenience wrappers around dbus to ease integrating dbus with EFL-based applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ebnf2yacc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ebnf2yacc'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'tool to help write yacc parsers/compilers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ecore'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ecore'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ecore is a core event abstraction layer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eet'
+port[:path] = 'devel/eet'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'EET is a library for writing sets of data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eggdbus'
+port[:path] = 'devel/eggdbus'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'GObject bindings for D-Bus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eina'
+port[:path] = 'devel/eina'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'multi-platform data type library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'electric-fence'
+port[:path] = 'devel/electric-fence'
+port[:version] = '2.1.13-0.1'
+port[:description] = 'a library to detect memory buffers over- and underruns'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'embryo'
+port[:path] = 'devel/embryo'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A C like scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/epm'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'A free UNIX software/file packaging program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eric4'
+port[:path] = 'devel/eric4'
+port[:version] = '4.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'Eric is a full featured Python and Ruby editor and IDE, written in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'evas'
+port[:path] = 'devel/evas'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Evas is a hardware-accelerated canvas API for X11.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eventlog'
+port[:path] = 'devel/eventlog'
+port[:version] = '0.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for syslog API providing structure to messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'expect'
+port[:path] = 'devel/expect'
+port[:version] = '5.45'
+port[:description] = 'An automating and testing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fairthreads'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fairthreads'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Fair Threads in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fbopenssl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fbopenssl'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'SPNEGO library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fbuild'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fbuild'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Software build system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ffcall'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ffcall'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Foreign function call libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flagpoll'
+port[:path] = 'devel/flagpoll'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'a python based replacement for pkgconfig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'iastate.edu:mccdo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flashbake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/flashbake'
+port[:version] = '0.26.3'
+port[:description] = 'A seamless source control tool for ordinary people'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flasm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/flasm'
+port[:version] = '1.63'
+port[:description] = 'Flash command-line assembler and disassembler'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flawfinder'
+port[:path] = 'devel/flawfinder'
+port[:version] = '1.27'
+port[:description] = 'Examines C/C++ source code for security flaw'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/flex'
+port[:version] = '2.5.35'
+port[:description] = 'Fast lexical analyser generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flickcurl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/flickcurl'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'C library for the Flickr API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flusspferd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/flusspferd'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'provides Javascript bindings for C++.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'test readline sqlite gmp'
+port[:maintainers] = 'flusspferd.org:team'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fnv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fnv'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'FNV hash implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fossil'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fossil'
+port[:version] = '20110528185122'
+port[:description] = 'Simple, high-reliability, distributed software configuration management'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ciserlohn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fpp'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fortran preprocessor for FORTRAN 77 and Fortran 90 programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freeride'
+port[:path] = 'devel/freeride'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby IDE for the Ruby programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fsplib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fsplib'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'fsplib is an independent implementation of the FSP protocol written in C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ftjam'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ftjam'
+port[:version] = '2.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'a software build tool like make'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fuzz'
+port[:path] = 'devel/fuzz'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'software security checking tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gauche-readline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gauche-readline'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'gauche-readline adds input line editing feature to Gauche'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gazpacho'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gazpacho'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'A GUI builder for the GTK+ toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gc-utils'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gc-utils'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'scripts for interacting with CVS repositories using git'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gdb'
+port[:version] = '7.2'
+port[:description] = 'GDB: The GNU Project Debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geany'
+port[:path] = 'devel/geany'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'A fast and lightweight GTK+ IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gecko-sharp2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gecko-sharp2'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'GeckoSharp is a wrapper for the GtkEmbedMoz widget.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'generatorrunner'
+port[:path] = 'devel/generatorrunner'
+port[:version] = '0.6.11'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for development of binding generators for C++ and Qt-based libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gengetopt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gengetopt'
+port[:version] = '2.22.4'
+port[:description] = 'Generates a C function that uses getopt_long function'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gettext'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gettext'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'GNU internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gettext-lint'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gettext-lint'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'gettext lint tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'giggle'
+port[:path] = 'devel/giggle'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Git gtk frontend'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'git-core'
+port[:path] = 'devel/git-core'
+port[:version] = '1.7.6'
+port[:description] = 'A fast version control system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal python26 python27 doc gitweb svn bash_completion'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:maccheck openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'git-flow'
+port[:path] = 'devel/git-flow'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Git extensions for Vincent Driessen branching.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'maiar.org:jason-macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glade'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glade'
+port[:version] = '2.12.2'
+port[:description] = 'Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glade3'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glade3'
+port[:version] = '3.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2 GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 disable_gnome universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glade3-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glade3-devel'
+port[:version] = '3.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glademm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glademm'
+port[:version] = '2.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrapper for glade2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'procaptura.com:toralf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glib1'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glib1'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Library with data structure functions and other constructs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glib2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glib2'
+port[:version] = '2.28.8'
+port[:description] = 'Library with data structure functions and other constructs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glib2-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glib2-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.29.10'
+port[:description] = 'Library with data structure functions and other constructs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glibmm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/glibmm'
+port[:version] = '2.28.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ interface to glib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'global'
+port[:path] = 'devel/global'
+port[:version] = '5.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'source code tag system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3/LGPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gmake'
+port[:version] = '3.82'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Make'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmock'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gmock'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Google C++ Mocking Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'josephholsten.com:joseph'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gmp'
+port[:version] = '5.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'GNU multiple precision arithmetic library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmp-cxx-wrappers'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gmp-cxx-wrappers'
+port[:version] = '4.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrappers for the GNU multiple precision arithmetic library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmsl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gmsl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Make Standard Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnat-booch95'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnat-booch95'
+port[:version] = '20090629'
+port[:description] = 'The Ada 95 Booch Components'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnat-charles'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnat-charles'
+port[:version] = '20050913'
+port[:description] = 'Charles is a container and algorithms library for Ada.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnat-gprbuild'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnat-gprbuild'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'GPRbuild automates the construction of multi-language systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnat-gtkada'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnat-gtkada'
+port[:version] = '2.14.2'
+port[:description] = 'GtkAda: a complete Ada graphical toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnat-xmlada'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnat-xmlada'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'XML/Ada: a full XML suite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnats'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnats'
+port[:version] = '4.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'bug-tracking tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnet'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnet'
+port[:version] = '1.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Simple network library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'glib1 glib2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnet2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnet2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Simple network library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-bindings-cxx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnome-bindings-cxx'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME bindings for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-bindings-perl5'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnome-bindings-perl5'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME bindings for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-bindings-python'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnome-bindings-python'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME bindings for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-bindings-suite'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnome-bindings-suite'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME Bindings for C#, C++, Perl and Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnutls'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gnutls'
+port[:version] = '2.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Transport Layer Security Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+ GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gob1'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gob1'
+port[:version] = '1.0.12'
+port[:description] = 'preprocessor for making GTK+ 1 objects with inline C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gob2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gob2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'google-ctemplate'
+port[:path] = 'devel/google-ctemplate'
+port[:version] = '0.95'
+port[:description] = 'A simple but powerful template language for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'piu.fm:a'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'google-perftools'
+port[:path] = 'devel/google-perftools'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, multi-threaded malloc() and nifty performance analysis tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'New BSD License'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'google-sparsehash'
+port[:path] = 'devel/google-sparsehash'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'An extremely memory-efficient hash_map implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'piu.fm:a'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'google-test'
+port[:path] = 'devel/google-test'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Google\'s framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gource'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gource'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Version Control Visualization Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpatch'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gpatch'
+port[:version] = '2.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNU patch, for applying diffs to files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gperf'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gperf'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'GNU perfect hash generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpgme'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gpgme'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A library for easy acces to GnuPG.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'smime universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpgme-objc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gpgme-objc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'GnuPG Made Easy is an Objective-C framework wrapping libgpgme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gputils'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gputils'
+port[:version] = '0.13.7'
+port[:description] = 'GNU PIC Utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:r.goyet openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gradle'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gradle'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'An open-source build system that is based on the Groovy language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java groovy'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gradle-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gradle-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.0-milestone-3'
+port[:description] = 'An open-source build system that is based on the Groovy language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java groovy'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grails'
+port[:path] = 'devel/grails'
+port[:version] = '1.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'An open-source web application framework that leverages the Groovy language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grails-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/grails-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0.M1'
+port[:description] = 'An open-source web application framework that leverages the Groovy language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grantlee'
+port[:path] = 'devel/grantlee'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'string template engine based on the Django template system'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'griffon'
+port[:path] = 'devel/griffon'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'Griffon is a Grails like application framework for developing desktop applications in Groovy.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'griffon-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/griffon-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3-beta-2'
+port[:description] = 'Griffon is a Grails like application framework for developing desktop applications in Groovy.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'groovyserv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/groovyserv'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'GroovyServ makes Groovy startup time quicker, by pre-invoking groovy as a TCP/IP server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel groovy'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gsoap'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gsoap'
+port[:version] = '2.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'offers an XML to C/C++ language binding to ease the development of SOAP/XML Web services in C and C/C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtgt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gtgt'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'General (or GNU) template generation tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-osx-application'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gtk-osx-application'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X menu bar integration library for GTK2 quartz'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk2hs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gtk2hs'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'Portable and native GUI library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkglext'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gtkglext'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL Extension to GTK'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal quartz'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lifehertz.com:jd'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkglextmm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gtkglextmm'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL Extension to GTK, C++ bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'billitch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkimageview'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gtkimageview'
+port[:version] = '1.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'GtkImageView is a simple image viewer widget for GTK.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvfs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gvfs'
+port[:version] = '1.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Gnome Virtual File System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_gnome universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gwenhywfar'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gwenhywfar'
+port[:version] = '3.11.3'
+port[:description] = 'a utility library required by aqbanking and related software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'enable_local_install universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gwenhywfar4'
+port[:path] = 'devel/gwenhywfar4'
+port[:version] = '4.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'a utility library required by aqbanking and related software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'enable_local_install debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haddock'
+port[:path] = 'devel/haddock'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Stub for the moved haddock port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'halloc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/halloc'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'hierarchical alloc is an extension to standard malloc/free'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haskell-chunks'
+port[:path] = 'devel/haskell-chunks'
+port[:version] = '2007.4.18'
+port[:description] = 'The chunks library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'thomaskeller.biz:me'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haskell-hinstaller'
+port[:path] = 'devel/haskell-hinstaller'
+port[:version] = '2007.5.13'
+port[:description] = 'The hinstaller library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'thomaskeller.biz:me'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haskell-parsedate'
+port[:path] = 'devel/haskell-parsedate'
+port[:version] = '2006.11.10'
+port[:description] = 'The parsedate library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'thomaskeller.biz:me'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haskell-platform'
+port[:path] = 'devel/haskell-platform'
+port[:version] = '2009.2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Meta port for the haskell platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hat'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hat'
+port[:version] = '2.05'
+port[:description] = 'hat is the Haskell Tracer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'headerbrowser'
+port[:path] = 'devel/headerbrowser'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'simple, efficient tool for creating doc from C/C++ source'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hg-forest'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hg-forest'
+port[:version] = '20101118'
+port[:description] = 'Mercurial extension for nested repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel mercurial'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hmake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hmake'
+port[:version] = '3.14'
+port[:description] = 'A Make Tool for Haskell Programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'ghc nhc98 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hoard'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hoard'
+port[:version] = '3.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A drop-in replacement for malloc that is very fast on multiprocessor machines.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-Boolean'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-Boolean'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Generalized booleans'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-Crypto'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-Crypto'
+port[:version] = '4.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Haskell Cryptographic Library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-Diff'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-Diff'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Basic implementation of the standard diff algorithm.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-Edison'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-Edison'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A library of purely functional data structures for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-EdisonAPI'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-EdisonAPI'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'A library of purely functional data structures for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-HOC'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HOC'
+port[:version] = '0.7-r413'
+port[:description] = 'A Haskell to Objective-C binding'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-4'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-HOC-AppKit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HOC-AppKit'
+port[:version] = '0.7-r413'
+port[:description] = 'AppKit framework bindings for HOC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-HOC-Cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HOC-Cocoa'
+port[:version] = '0.7-r413'
+port[:description] = 'Cocoa framework bindings for HOC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-HOC-CoreData'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HOC-CoreData'
+port[:version] = '0.7-r413'
+port[:description] = 'CoreData framework bindings for HOC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-HOC-Foundation'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HOC-Foundation'
+port[:version] = '0.7-r413'
+port[:description] = 'Foundation framework bindings for HOC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-HOC-QuartzCore'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HOC-QuartzCore'
+port[:version] = '0.7-r413'
+port[:description] = 'QuartzCore framework bindings for HOC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-http'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HTTP'
+port[:version] = '4000.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'client-side web programming in Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-HUnit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-HUnit'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A unit testing framework for Haskell (development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-MemoTrie'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-MemoTrie'
+port[:version] = '0.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'Trie-based memo functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-NewBinary'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-NewBinary'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'A binary I/O library for haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-QuickCheck'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-QuickCheck'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Automatic testing of Haskell programs (development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-alex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-alex'
+port[:version] = '2.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Lexical Analyzer Generator for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-binary'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-binary'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Binary serialization for haskell values'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-bytestring-csv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-bytestring-csv'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Parse CSV formatted data efficiently'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-bytestring-lexing'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-bytestring-lexing'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Parse literals efficiently from ByteStrings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-cabal'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-cabal'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'User interface to Haskell\'s Cabal build system (development version).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-cereal'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-cereal'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A binary serialization library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-chunks'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-chunks'
+port[:version] = '2007.4.18'
+port[:description] = 'The chunks library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-citeproc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-citeproc'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'citeproc-hs is a library for rendering bibliographic reference citations'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-data-accessor'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-data-accessor'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-data-accessor-monads-fd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-data-accessor-monads-fd'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Use Accessor to access state in monads-fd State monad class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-data-accessor-template'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-data-accessor-template'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-dataenc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-dataenc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Data encoding library for haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-derive'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-derive'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A program and library to derive instances for data types'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-digest'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-digest'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Cryptographic hash implementations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-dlist'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-dlist'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Differences lists: a list-like type supporting O(1) append'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-fingertree'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-fingertree'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-ghc-paths'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-ghc-paths'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Locate ghc\'s installation directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-haddock'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-haddock'
+port[:version] = '2.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Haskell Documentation Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-happy'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-happy'
+port[:version] = '1.18.5'
+port[:description] = 'The Parser Generator for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-hashed-storage'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-hashed-storage'
+port[:version] = '0.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'Hashed file storage support code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-hashed-storage-04'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-hashed-storage-04'
+port[:version] = '0.4.11'
+port[:description] = 'Hashed file storage support, version 0.4.11 for darcs 2.4.1.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-haskeline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-haskeline'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-haskell-src-exts'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-haskell-src-exts'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-haskell-src-exts-1.6'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-haskell-src-exts-1.6'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-hinstaller'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-hinstaller'
+port[:version] = '2008.2.16'
+port[:description] = 'The hinstaller library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-hslogger'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-hslogger'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Versatile logging framework for haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-json'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-json'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'JSON library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-language-c'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-language-c'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'C99 parser and pretty-printer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-libcabal'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-libcabal'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Library for Haskell\'s Cabal build system (development version).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-mmap'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-mmap'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-mmap-04'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-mmap-04'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Memory mapped files, version 0.4.1 for darcs 2.4.1.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-monads-fd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-monads-fd'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Monad classes, using functional dependencies'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-pandoc-types'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-pandoc-types'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'definitions for the Pandoc data structure in Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-parsec'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-parsec'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Monadic parser combinators for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-parsedate'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-parsedate'
+port[:version] = '3000.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Data and time parsing for haskell\'s CalendarTime'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-GLUT'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-GLUT'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-HTTP'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-HTTP'
+port[:version] = '4000.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Haskell client side HTTP library (platform version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-HUnit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-HUnit'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A unit testing framework for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-OpenGL'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-OpenGL'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A binding for the OpenGL graphics system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-QuickCheck'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-QuickCheck'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Automatic testing of Haskell programs (platform version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-alex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-alex'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Lexical Analyzer Generator for Haskell (platform version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-cabal'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-cabal'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'User interface to the Cabal build system (platform version).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-cgi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-cgi'
+port[:version] = '3001.1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A library for writing CGI programs (platform version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-editline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-editline'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Bindings to the editline library (libedit).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-fgl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-fgl'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Martin Erwig\'s Functional Graph Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-happy'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-happy'
+port[:version] = '1.18.4'
+port[:description] = 'The Parser Generator for Haskell (platform version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-haskell-src'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-haskell-src'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Manipulating Haskell source code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-html'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-html'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'HTML combinator library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-mtl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-mtl'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A monad transformer library (platform version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-network'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-network'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Networking related facilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-parallel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-parallel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'parallel programmming library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-parsec'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-parsec'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Monadic parser combinators for Haskell (platform version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-regex-base'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-regex-base'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A replacement for Haskell\'s Text.Regex'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-regex-compat'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-regex-compat'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A replacement for Haskell\'s Text.Regex'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-regex-posix'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-regex-posix'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A replacement for Haskell\'s Text.Regex'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-stm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-stm'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Software transactional memory'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-time'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-time'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A time library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-xhtml'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-xhtml'
+port[:version] = '3000.2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'An XHTML combinator library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-platform-zlib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-platform-zlib'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The Haskell Zlib Binding'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-plugins'
+port[:version] = '20050407'
+port[:description] = 'A plugin library for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-pointedlist'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-pointedlist'
+port[:version] = '0.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'A zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-polyparse'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-polyparse'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'a variety of alternative parser combinator libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-primitive'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-primitive'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Wrappers for primitive operations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-process'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-process'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Process library for haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-pureMD5'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-pureMD5'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'An unrolled implementation of MD5 purely in Haskell.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-random'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-random'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A random number library for Haskell.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-readline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-readline'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A Haskell interface to GNU readline'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-regex-base'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-regex-base'
+port[:version] = '0.93.1'
+port[:description] = 'Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-regex-tdfa'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-regex-tdfa'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A new all Haskell tagged DFA regex engine, inspired by libtre'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-rosezipper'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-rosezipper'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Generic zipper implementation for Data.Tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-split'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-split'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Combinator library for splitting lists.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-storable-complex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-storable-complex'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Storable instance for Complex'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-tagsoup'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-tagsoup'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Haskell library for parsing HTML/XML'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-terminfo'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-terminfo'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Haskell bindings to the terminfo library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-texmath'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-texmath'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'functions to convert LaTeX math formulas to presentation MathML.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-transformers'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-transformers'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Concrete monad transformers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-type-level'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-type-level'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Type-level programming library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-typenats'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-typenats'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Type level natural numbers for haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-uniplate'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-uniplate'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-utf8-string'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-utf8-string'
+port[:version] = '0.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'UTF8 layer for IO and Strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-utility-ht'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-utility-ht'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Various helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-vector'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-vector'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Efficient arrays for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-vector-space'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-vector-space'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-vty'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-vty'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A simple terminal access library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-vty-3'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-vty-3'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A simple terminal access library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-xml'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-xml'
+port[:version] = '1.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'A simple XML library for Haskell.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-zip-archive'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-zip-archive'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Zip archive access for Haskell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hs-zlib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hs-zlib'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The Haskell Zlib Binding (development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hsshellscript'
+port[:path] = 'devel/hsshellscript'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Haskell for Unix Shell Scripting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ht'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ht'
+port[:version] = '2.0.14'
+port[:description] = 'HT is a file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice-cpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice-cpp'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice-java'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice-java'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice-python'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice-python'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice-python25'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice-python25'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice-python26'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice-python26'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice-python27'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice-python27'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice33-cpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice33-cpp'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice33-java'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice33-java'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice33-python25'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice33-python25'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ice33-python26'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ice33-python26'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, object-oriented RPC for C++, Java, Python, Ruby, PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'demo_source_code'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icompile'
+port[:path] = 'devel/icompile'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'icompile is an autocompile tool for C++ projects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icu'
+port[:path] = 'devel/icu'
+port[:version] = '4.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'International Components for Unicode'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal doc doxygen'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'idutils'
+port[:path] = 'devel/idutils'
+port[:version] = '4.2'
+port[:description] = 'The classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hotmail.com:yanjingfeng'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ige-mac-bundler'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ige-mac-bundler'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X application bundle utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'flyn.org:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ige-mac-integration'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ige-mac-integration'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X menu bar integration library for GTK2 quartz'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'flyn.org:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'indent'
+port[:path] = 'devel/indent'
+port[:version] = '2.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'C language source code formatting program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'inform'
+port[:path] = 'devel/inform'
+port[:version] = '6.31.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Z-Code (Infocom Text Adventures) compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tritarget.com:vim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'inventor'
+port[:path] = 'devel/inventor'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5-10'
+port[:description] = 'SGI Open InventorTM graphics toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug imagelib'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iso-codes'
+port[:path] = 'devel/iso-codes'
+port[:version] = '3.27'
+port[:description] = 'ISO country, language and currency codes and translations'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jam'
+port[:path] = 'devel/jam'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'a software build tool like make'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'mw debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jansson'
+port[:path] = 'devel/jansson'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'A library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jflex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/jflex'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'JFlex - The Fast Scanner Generator for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:marc.schlaich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/jline'
+port[:version] = '0.9.94'
+port[:description] = 'A library for handling console input'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cs.wm.edu:mpd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jscoverage'
+port[:path] = 'devel/jscoverage'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'A code coverage tool for JavaScript.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmx.com:zaraki'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'json-glib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/json-glib'
+port[:version] = '0.12.4'
+port[:description] = 'provides JSON support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'otherware.org:nefar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'json_spirit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/json_spirit'
+port[:version] = '4.03'
+port[:description] = 'JSON Spirit is a C++ library that reads and writes JSON files or streams.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'judy'
+port[:path] = 'devel/judy'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'general purpose dynamic array as a C callable library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jwsmtp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/jwsmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.32.15'
+port[:description] = 'C++ library for sending mail via SMTP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kcachegrind'
+port[:path] = 'devel/kcachegrind'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'KCachegrind - Profiling Visualization'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdiff3'
+port[:path] = 'devel/kdiff3'
+port[:version] = '0.9.92'
+port[:description] = 'kdiff3 is a file comparing and merging tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kiwi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/kiwi'
+port[:version] = '1.9.26'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for Python applications with GUIs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kmm_banking'
+port[:path] = 'devel/kmm_banking'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'an online banking external plugin for KMyMoney'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net kde finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ktoblzcheck'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ktoblzcheck'
+port[:version] = '1.33'
+port[:description] = 'a library to check bank account numbers and bank codes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lcov'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lcov'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'LCOV is a graphical front-end for GCC\'s coverage testing tool gcov.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ld64'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ld64'
+port[:version] = '123.2'
+port[:description] = 'ld64 is the new mach-o linker'
+port[:licenses] = 'APSL-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mfeiri'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'leiningen'
+port[:path] = 'devel/leiningen'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'A build tool for Clojure designed to not set your hair on fire.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ian.eure'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libACE'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libACE'
+port[:version] = '6.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'ACE is an object-oriented framework that implements many core patterns for concurrent communication software.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:enrique.fernandez.perdomo pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libassuan'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libassuan'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Assuan IPC Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+ GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libast'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libast'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'LibAST is the Library of Assorted Spiffy Things.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libaterm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libaterm'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'ATerm libraries in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libbuffers'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libbuffers'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ library for handling buffers of various kinds'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcddb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libcddb'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'library to access data on a CDDB server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcdio'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libcdio'
+port[:version] = '0.82'
+port[:description] = 'Compact Disc Input and Control Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcipher'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libcipher'
+port[:version] = '4.7-RELEASE'
+port[:description] = 'Cipher routines from FreeBSD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libconfig'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libconfig'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'configuration file processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libconfig-hr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libconfig-hr'
+port[:version] = '1.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'A new libconfig implementation with both C and C++ bindings.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libconfuse'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libconfuse'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'libConfuse is a configuration file parser library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcryptopp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libcryptopp'
+port[:version] = '5.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'C++ class library of cryptographic schemes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcudd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libcudd'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'An efficient library for manipulating decision diagrams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bitchx.it:mij'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdaemon'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdaemon'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'C library that eases writing UNIX daemons'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdatrie'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdatrie'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'An Implementation of Double-Array Trie.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doxygen universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdc1394'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdc1394'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Library for Firewire IIDC Cameras'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdevil'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdevil'
+port[:version] = '1.7.8'
+port[:description] = 'Library to develop applications with powerful image loading capabilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal sdl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdiscid'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdiscid'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'libdiscid is a C library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdlna'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdlna'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of DLNA standards'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdmapsharing'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdmapsharing'
+port[:version] = '2.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'A DMAP client and server library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'flyn.org:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libds'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libds'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'provides interfaces for data structures, simple threading'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdvbpsi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdvbpsi'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'library to decode / generate MPEG TS & DVB PSI tables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdvdcss'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdvdcss'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'portable abstraction library for DVD decryption'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdvdnav'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdvdnav'
+port[:version] = '4.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'DVD navigation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdvdplay'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdvdplay'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'simple library designed for DVD navigation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdvdread'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libdvdread'
+port[:version] = '4.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'simple foundation for reading DVD-Video images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'libdvdcss universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libedit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libedit'
+port[:version] = '20090923-3.0'
+port[:description] = 'command line editing and history library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libelf'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libelf'
+port[:version] = '0.8.10'
+port[:description] = 'ELF object file access library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vexate.net:jstrine'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libev'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libev'
+port[:version] = '3.9'
+port[:description] = 'asynchronous event library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libevent'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libevent'
+port[:version] = '2.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'asynchronous event library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libevent1'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libevent1'
+port[:version] = '1.4.14b'
+port[:description] = 'asynchronous event library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libexo'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libexo'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'libexo is the extension library to Xfce.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libextractor'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libextractor'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'A library for extraction af meta-data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'vorbis flac mpeg2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libffi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libffi'
+port[:version] = '3.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'libffi provides a high level api to various calling conventions'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libfreespace'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libfreespace'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'library for developing applications using Hillcrest Labs Freespace Devices'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hillcrestlabs.com:jt.burgess'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libftd2xx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libftd2xx'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'FTDI D2XX Driver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ranauei'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libftdi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libftdi'
+port[:version] = '0.19'
+port[:description] = 'A library to talk to FTDI chips'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgcrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Crypto library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgdiplus'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgdiplus'
+port[:version] = '2.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'pango universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgee'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgee'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Collection library providing GObject-based interfaces'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgeoip'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgeoip'
+port[:version] = '1.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'Gets country code by IP address'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libghash'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libghash'
+port[:version] = '0.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'General Purpose Hash Function Algorithm library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgii'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgii'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'General Input Interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgiigic'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgiigic'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'General Input Configurator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnugetopt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgnugetopt'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'GNU getopt library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfarc.net:sean mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgpg-error'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgpg-error'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Common error values for all GnuPG components'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgphoto2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libgphoto2'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The gphoto2 digital camera library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'without_libexif doxygen universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libhsplasma'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libhsplasma'
+port[:version] = '0.0-798'
+port[:description] = 'library for reading Plasma game engine files'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug commdebug commdebug2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libhttpd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libhttpd'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'provides basic web server capabilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libical'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libical'
+port[:version] = '0.43'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of iCalendar protocols and data formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fs.ei.tum.de:jonas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libidl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libidl'
+port[:version] = '0.8.14'
+port[:description] = 'libIDL is a library for creating CORBA IDL files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libinchi-1'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libinchi-1'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'IUPAC InChI identifier generation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'netatonce.net:petri openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libiodbc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libiodbc'
+port[:version] = '3.52.7'
+port[:description] = 'Independent Open DataBase Connectivity'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libjit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libjit'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Just-In-Time library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LPGL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libksba'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libksba'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'X.509 and CMS library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblinebreak'
+port[:path] = 'devel/liblinebreak'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Unicode linebreak library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblzma'
+port[:path] = 'devel/liblzma'
+port[:version] = '5.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'LZMA encoder/decoder library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmba'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmba'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of C modules potentially useful to any project'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmcrypt'
+port[:version] = '2.5.8'
+port[:description] = 'The encryption library used by mcrypt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmcs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmcs'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A library and set of tools which abstract the storage of configuration settings away from userland applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal gconf'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodetwo.com:jdunn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmd'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Libmd is a cryptographic message digest library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmemcache'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmemcache'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0.rc2'
+port[:description] = 'C library for memcached.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmemcached'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmemcached'
+port[:version] = '0.43'
+port[:description] = 'libmemcached is a C and C++ client library to the memcached server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'dtrace hsieh universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmoney'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmoney'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'A library that keeps track of finances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmowgli'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmowgli'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'class library for C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmpc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libmpc'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'C library for the arithmetic of complex numbers with arbitrarily high precision and correct rounding of the result'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnewt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libnewt'
+port[:version] = '0.52.13'
+port[:description] = 'text-mode widget-based user interface library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnotify'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libnotify'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'pop-up notification library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libofx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libofx'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'A parser and an API designed to allow applications to very easily support OFX command responses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liboil'
+port[:path] = 'devel/liboil'
+port[:version] = '0.3.17'
+port[:description] = 'A library of simple functions that are optimized for various CPUs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liboop'
+port[:path] = 'devel/liboop'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'low-level event loop management library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libopensync'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libopensync'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'obsolete {port;} use opensync port instead'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libowfat'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libowfat'
+port[:version] = '0.28'
+port[:description] = 'reimplementation of the libdjb under GPL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yoobay.net:daniel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpdel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libpdel'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Packet Design multi-purpose C library for embedded applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libproplist'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libproplist'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'Property library for GNOME and Window Maker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpst'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libpst'
+port[:version] = '0.6.49'
+port[:description] = 'library to convert pst files to mbox and other formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libptp2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libptp2'
+port[:version] = '1.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'libptp2 is a library used to communicate with PTP devices like digital cameras.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpub'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libpub'
+port[:version] = '0.35'
+port[:description] = 'library of C functions for various purposes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'librets'
+port[:path] = 'devel/librets'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'RETS client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'java perl php5 python ruby sql2dmql universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'josephholsten.com:joseph'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl'
+port[:version] = '1.2.14'
+port[:description] = 'Cross-platform multi-media development API'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'x11 no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0-5552'
+port[:description] = 'Cross-platform multi-media development API'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl-framework'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl-framework'
+port[:version] = '20110119'
+port[:description] = 'Framework version of libsdl'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_gfx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_gfx'
+port[:version] = '2.0.22'
+port[:description] = 'graphics primitives SDL extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_gfx-framework'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_gfx-framework'
+port[:version] = '20110120'
+port[:description] = 'Framework version of libsdl_gfx'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_image'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_image'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Add on library for libSDL handling several image formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_image-framework'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_image-framework'
+port[:version] = '20110119'
+port[:description] = 'Framework version of libsdl_image'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_net'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_net'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'cross-platform networking library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_net-framework'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_net-framework'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'cross-platform networking library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_pango'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_pango'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'SDL_Pango connects Pango to SDL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_ttf'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_ttf'
+port[:version] = '2.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'add on library for libSDL for rendering TrueType fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsdl_ttf-framework'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsdl_ttf-framework'
+port[:version] = '20110120'
+port[:description] = 'Framework version of libsdl_ttf'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsigcxx2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsigcxx2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'C++ signal callback system'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsigsegv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsigsegv'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Library for handling page faults in user mode.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsl'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'yet another generic linked list C-library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsockets'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libsockets'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'C++ Sockets is a C++ wrapper for BSD-style sockets.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libspiff'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libspiff'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library for reading and writing XSPF playlists'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = '80386.nl:ed'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libssh'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libssh'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'an SSH library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libssh01'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libssh01'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'an SSH library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libssh2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libssh2'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'libssh2 is a library implementing the SSH2 protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtar'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libtar'
+port[:version] = '1.2.11'
+port[:description] = 'library for manipulating POSIX tar files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtasn1'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libtasn1'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'ASN.1 structure parser library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'sysutils'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtemplate'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libtemplate'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'HTML templating engine in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtool'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libtool'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Libtool - The GNU Portable Library Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtool-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libtool-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.3a'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Portable Library Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libuninameslist'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libuninameslist'
+port[:version] = '20091231'
+port[:description] = 'A Library of Unicode annotation data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel textproc unicode'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libupnp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libupnp'
+port[:version] = '1.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'A portable open source UPnP development kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libusb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libusb'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'library for USB device access'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wilcoxd.com:rwilcox toby brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libusb-compat'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libusb-compat'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'library for USB device access'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libusb-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libusb-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'library for USB device access'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libusb-legacy'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libusb-legacy'
+port[:version] = '0.1.12'
+port[:description] = 'Library providing access to USB devices'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libut'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libut'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'library for writing Unix servers or daemon processes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxdg-basedir'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libxdg-basedir'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kpricorn.org:macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libyaml'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libyaml'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A YAML Parser.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libzookeeper'
+port[:path] = 'devel/libzookeeper'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'C bindings for ZooKeeper, the high-performance coordination service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lightning'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lightning'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Generates assembly language code at run-time'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'linc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/linc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'linc is a library for writing networked servers/clients.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'localizer'
+port[:path] = 'devel/localizer'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'library to provide location-based content'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log4c'
+port[:path] = 'devel/log4c'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Log4c C logging library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:skroll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log4cplus'
+port[:path] = 'devel/log4cplus'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Logging library for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'randomhacks.net:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log4cpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/log4cpp'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'configurable logging for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log4cxx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/log4cxx'
+port[:version] = '0.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'log4cxx is a port to C++ of the log4j project'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lpeg'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lpeg'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'Parsing Expression Grammars for Lua'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:andremm'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-copas'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-copas'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Coroutine Oriented Portable Asynchronous Services for Lua'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-coxpcall'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-coxpcall'
+port[:version] = '1.13.0'
+port[:description] = 'Coroutine-safe xpcall and pcall versions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-glut'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-glut'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL and GLUT bindings for the Lua programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-lua-gd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-lua-gd'
+port[:version] = '2.0.33r2'
+port[:description] = 'Lua interface to the gd library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-luaexpat'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-luaexpat'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'SAX XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-luafilesystem'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-luafilesystem'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'File System Library for the Lua Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-luahpdf'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-luahpdf'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Lua module that lets you programmatically create PDF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-luasec'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-luasec'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'LuaSec is a binding for OpenSSL library to provide TLS/SSL communication'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-luasocket'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-luasocket'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'The luasocket library extends lua with tcp, udp, and dns'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:emmett.shear'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-luazip'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-luazip'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'LuaZip is a Lua extension library used to read files stored inside zip files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-lunit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-lunit'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'The lunit library extends lua with a simple unit testing framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:emmett.shear'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-numlua'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-numlua'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Numerical package for the Lua programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-wsapi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-wsapi'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Lua Web Server API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua-xavante'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lua-xavante'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Lua Web Server with WSAPI support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'luarocks'
+port[:path] = 'devel/luarocks'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Manager for rocks, lua extensions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'md5 openssl wget curl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lzo'
+port[:path] = 'devel/lzo'
+port[:version] = '1.08'
+port[:description] = 'Real-time data compression library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel compression'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'm4'
+port[:path] = 'devel/m4'
+port[:version] = '1.4.16'
+port[:description] = 'GNU macro processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macstl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/macstl'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'C++ header library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maven-ant-tasks'
+port[:path] = 'devel/maven-ant-tasks'
+port[:version] = '2.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Use many of Maven\'s artifact handling features from Ant.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ian.eure'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mcpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mcpp'
+port[:version] = '2.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Alternative C/C++ preprocessor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mercurial'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mercurial'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'A fast, lightweight, distributed SCM system written in Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'bash_completion zsh_completion universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mhash'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mhash'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'provides easy access strong hashes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mico'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mico'
+port[:version] = '2.3.13'
+port[:description] = 'Fully compliant CORBA implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann schiebel.us:darrell openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'midgard2-core'
+port[:path] = 'devel/midgard2-core'
+port[:version] = '10.05.4'
+port[:description] = 'A content repository system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mimetic'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mimetic'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'Email library (MIME) written in C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'missingh'
+port[:path] = 'devel/missingh'
+port[:version] = '0.16.3'
+port[:description] = 'Haskell utility functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'modglue'
+port[:path] = 'devel/modglue'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'A Plan9-inspired extension of the Unix pipe concept'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mono'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mono'
+port[:version] = '2.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of the .NET Development Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2 LGPLv2 MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang mono'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mono-addins'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mono-addins'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Mono.Addins is a framework for creating extensible applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mono-basic'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mono-basic'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Visual Basic .NET compiler for mono'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang mono'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'monotone'
+port[:path] = 'devel/monotone'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A distributed version control system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'monotone-viz'
+port[:path] = 'devel/monotone-viz'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Graph visualization for the monotone VCS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpfr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mpfr'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1-p3'
+port[:description] = 'C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'msgpack'
+port[:path] = 'devel/msgpack'
+port[:version] = '0.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Library for a binary-based efficient data interchange format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:naoya.n'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mtn-browse'
+port[:path] = 'devel/mtn-browse'
+port[:version] = '0.72'
+port[:description] = 'A GTK+ based browser for version control system monotone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nant'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nant'
+port[:version] = '0.85'
+port[:description] = '.NET build tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel mono'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncurses'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ncurses'
+port[:version] = '5.9'
+port[:description] = 'emulation of curses in System V Release 4.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncursesw'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ncursesw'
+port[:version] = '5.8'
+port[:description] = 'stub port, use ncurses instead'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ndesk-dbus'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ndesk-dbus'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1a'
+port[:description] = 'CLI implementation of D-Bus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'web.de:marioscheel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel mono'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nettle'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nettle'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'low-level cryptographic library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmx.de:exodusd uni-paderborn.de:nicke openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nodejs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nodejs'
+port[:version] = '0.4.9'
+port[:description] = 'Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'ssl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ciserlohn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nodejs-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nodejs-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Evented I/O for V8 JavaScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'ssl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ciserlohn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'noweb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/noweb'
+port[:version] = '2.11b'
+port[:description] = 'A Simple, Extensible Tool for Literate Programming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'laposte.net:michael.grunewald'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nsis'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nsis'
+port[:version] = '2.45'
+port[:description] = 'NSIS is a tool for creating win32 installers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel win32'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nspr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nspr'
+port[:version] = '4.8.8'
+port[:description] = 'A platform-neutral API for system level and libc like functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nu'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nu'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Nu is an interpreted object-oriented lisp-like language written in Objective-C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nusmv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nusmv'
+port[:version] = '2.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'The NuSMV model checker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nuweb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/nuweb'
+port[:version] = '1.0b1'
+port[:description] = 'a literate programming system compatible with any language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'andrewkish.name:kobold'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel tex textproc print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-ao'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-ao'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the libao audio output library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-bitstring'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-bitstring'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'bitstrings and bitstring matching for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ocaml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-bjack'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-bjack'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml blocking API to jack'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-dtools'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-dtools'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'library for writing daemons in OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-duppy'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-duppy'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Advanced scheduler for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-faac'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-faac'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the AAC encoding library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-faad'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-faad'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the AAC decoding library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-lame'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-lame'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the lame MPEG encoding library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-mad'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-mad'
+port[:version] = '0.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for libmad MPEG audio decoding library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-magic'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-magic'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the libmagic file MIME detection library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-ogg'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-ogg'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the libogg multimedia library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-portaudio'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-portaudio'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml binding for the I/O portable library portaudio'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-shout'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-shout'
+port[:version] = '0.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the libshout broadcasting library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-soundtouch'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-soundtouch'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the soundtouch library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-taglib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-taglib'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for taglib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-vorbis'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocaml-vorbis'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for the vorbis audio library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rastageeks.org:toots'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ml audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocamlsdl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ocamlsdl'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml bindings for SDL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'odcctools'
+port[:path] = 'devel/odcctools'
+port[:version] = '20090808'
+port[:description] = 'Darwin cctools build system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'apsl-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ode'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ode'
+port[:version] = '0.11.1'
+port[:description] = 'library for simulating articulated rigid body dynamics'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'omake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/omake'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'OMake is a build system designed for scalability and portability'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'menhir'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'omniEvents'
+port[:path] = 'devel/omniEvents'
+port[:version] = '2.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'CORBA EventService implementation for omniORB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'omniORB'
+port[:path] = 'devel/omniORB'
+port[:version] = '4.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'high performance CORBA ORB for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'ssl python24 python25 python26 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oniguruma'
+port[:path] = 'devel/oniguruma'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'A regular expressions library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oniguruma4'
+port[:path] = 'devel/oniguruma4'
+port[:version] = '4.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A regular expressions library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oniguruma5'
+port[:path] = 'devel/oniguruma5'
+port[:version] = '5.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'A regular expressions library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opal'
+port[:path] = 'devel/opal'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'A high-level interface for low-level physics engines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opencdk'
+port[:path] = 'devel/opencdk'
+port[:version] = '0.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'Open Crypto Development Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opendx-java40'
+port[:path] = 'devel/opendx-java40'
+port[:version] = '1999.11.15'
+port[:description] = 'Java classes used by OpenDX'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openfst'
+port[:path] = 'devel/openfst'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'C++ finite-state transducers library'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openslp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/openslp'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Open source implementation of SLP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openssl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/openssl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0d'
+port[:description] = 'OpenSSL SSL/TLS cryptography library'
+port[:licenses] = 'OpenSSL SSLeay'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal rfc3779'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openssl97'
+port[:path] = 'devel/openssl97'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7m'
+port[:description] = 'OpenSSL SSL/TLS cryptography library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opensync'
+port[:path] = 'devel/opensync'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'Synchronization framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orbit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/orbit'
+port[:version] = '0.5.17'
+port[:description] = 'High-performance CORBA ORB with C lang support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orbit2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/orbit2'
+port[:version] = '2.14.19'
+port[:description] = 'Code for an ORB written in C will spontaneously evolve here.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/orc'
+port[:version] = '0.4.14'
+port[:description] = 'Orc - The Oil Runtime Compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orocos-kdl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/orocos-kdl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Orocos Kinematics and Dynamics'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug python26 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orocos-rtt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/orocos-rtt'
+port[:version] = '1.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'Orocos Real-Time Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug corba universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'osc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/osc'
+port[:version] = '0.130.1'
+port[:description] = 'A command line client for the openSUSE build service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-al'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-al'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'an abstract type of buffer that can move data without copying'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-cfg'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-cfg'
+port[:version] = '0.9.11'
+port[:description] = 'ISO-C library for parsing C/C++-style configuration files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-ex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-ex'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'ISO-C++ style exception handling library for the ISO-C language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-fsl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-fsl'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'syslog API compatible wrapper for ossp-l2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-l2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-l2'
+port[:version] = '0.9.11'
+port[:description] = 'C library for a flexible and sophisticated Unix logging facility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-mm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-mm'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Shared Memory Allocation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-sa'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-sa'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'An abstraction library for the Unix socket API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-sio'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-sio'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'I/O abstraction library for layered stream communication'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-str'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-str'
+port[:version] = '0.9.12'
+port[:description] = 'generic string library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-svs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-svs'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'simple versioning system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-uuid'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-uuid'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'ISO-C API and CLI for generating Universally Unique Identifiers'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-val'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-val'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'flexible name to value mapping library for C variables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-var'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-var'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A flexible, full-featured and fast variable expansion library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ossp-xds'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ossp-xds'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'generic encoding and decoding serialization framework for ISO C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ott'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ott'
+port[:version] = '0.10.16'
+port[:description] = 'tool for writing definitions of programming languages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'otx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/otx'
+port[:version] = '0.16b'
+port[:description] = 'otool\'s bastard son'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p4delta'
+port[:path] = 'devel/p4delta'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Summarizes and manages differences between local files and Perforce'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsdcluster.org:mich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pamtester'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pamtester'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for testing pluggable authentication modules (PAM) facility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'patcher'
+port[:path] = 'devel/patcher'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A tool for quick creation of patches against a project source tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'patchutils'
+port[:path] = 'devel/patchutils'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'small collection of programs that operate on patch files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pb2make'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pb2make'
+port[:version] = '3'
+port[:description] = 'Project Builder pbproj file to standard Makefile converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pccts'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pccts'
+port[:version] = '1.33'
+port[:description] = 'Purdue Compiler-Construction Tool Set (parser-generator)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pcre'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pcre'
+port[:version] = '8.12'
+port[:description] = 'Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pcre++'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pcre++'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrapper for the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pcrexx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pcrexx'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrapper for the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perforce'
+port[:path] = 'devel/perforce'
+port[:version] = '2010.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast source code management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rambiusparkisanius'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'physfs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/physfs'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'PhysicsFS is a library providing abstract archive access'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:luiji'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'piklab'
+port[:path] = 'devel/piklab'
+port[:version] = '0.15.4'
+port[:description] = 'PIC Microcontroller IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tds.net:jwbacon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pkgconfig'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pkgconfig'
+port[:version] = '0.26'
+port[:description] = 'pkg-config, a system for managing library compile and link flags'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'play'
+port[:path] = 'devel/play'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Rapid webapplication development framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ciserlohn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'plib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/plib'
+port[:version] = '1.8.5'
+port[:description] = 'A Suite of Portable Game Libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pmk'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pmk'
+port[:version] = '0.10.4'
+port[:description] = 'An alternative to GNU autoconf, GNU libtool and pkg-config.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wyuenho'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pnet'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pnet'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Portable Net C# compiler and runtime engine.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poco'
+port[:path] = 'devel/poco'
+port[:version] = '1.3.6p2'
+port[:description] = 'POCO C++ Libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'ssl odbc mysql doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poedit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/poedit'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'poEdit is a cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'transmem spellcheck'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poll-emulator'
+port[:path] = 'devel/poll-emulator'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Library to provide poll(2) functionality'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'polylib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/polylib'
+port[:version] = '5.22.5'
+port[:description] = 'PolyLib - A library of polyhedral functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer adfernandes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'popt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/popt'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'A getopt(3) like library with a number of enhancements'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ppl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ppl'
+port[:version] = '0.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'A modern C++ library providing numerical abstractions'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'premake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/premake'
+port[:version] = '3.7'
+port[:description] = 'Premake is a build script generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'bsd'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'wyuenho openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'premake4'
+port[:path] = 'devel/premake4'
+port[:version] = '4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Premake is a build script generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'bsd'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'wyuenho openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'protobuf-c'
+port[:path] = 'devel/protobuf-c'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Pure C code generator and runtime libraries for Protocol Buffers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'protobuf-cpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/protobuf-cpp'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Encode data in an efficient yet extensible format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'protobuf-java'
+port[:path] = 'devel/protobuf-java'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Encode data in an efficient yet extensible format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'protobuf-python'
+port[:path] = 'devel/protobuf-python'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Encode data in an efficient yet extensible format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'protobuf-python25'
+port[:path] = 'devel/protobuf-python25'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Encode data in an efficient yet extensible format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'protobuf-python26'
+port[:path] = 'devel/protobuf-python26'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Encode data in an efficient yet extensible format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'protobuf-python27'
+port[:path] = 'devel/protobuf-python27'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Encode data in an efficient yet extensible format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pth'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pth'
+port[:version] = '2.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Portable Threads'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pthsem'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pthsem'
+port[:version] = '2.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'pthsem is an extend version of GNU pth, with support for semaphores'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-csv'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pure-csv'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to read and write comma separated value files in Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-ffi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pure-ffi'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to libffi which enables you to call C functions from Pure and vice versa'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-gen'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pure-gen'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'a Pure C bindings generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-readline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/pure-readline'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to use readline from Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ige-mac-integration'
+port[:path] = 'devel/py26-ige-mac-integration'
+port[:version] = '0.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'ige-mac-integration has been replaced by gtk-osx-application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qbzr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qbzr'
+port[:version] = '0.20.0'
+port[:description] = 'QBzr is a GUI front end for bzr, based on Qt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qca'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qca'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Cryptographic Architecture'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug examples universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel crypto security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qca-cyrus-sasl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qca-cyrus-sasl'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0-beta3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Cryptographic Architecture - cyrus-sasl plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel crypto security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qca-gnupg'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qca-gnupg'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0-beta3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Cryptographic Architecture - gnupg plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal gnupg1 gnupg2'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel crypto security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qca-ossl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qca-ossl'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0-beta3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Cryptographic Architecture - openssl plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel crypto security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qca-tls'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qca-tls'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'TLS plugin for Qt Cryptographic Architecture'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel crypto security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qd'
+port[:version] = '2.3.11'
+port[:description] = 'C++/Fortran-90 double-double and quad-double package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:brad.froehle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qgit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qgit'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A QT graphical interface to git repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:ocroquette openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qjson'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qjson'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'map JSON data to QVariant objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel kde4 kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qscintilla'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qscintilla'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'QScintilla is a port to Qt of Neil Hodgson\'s Scintilla C++ editor control.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt-assistant'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qt-assistant'
+port[:version] = '4.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Assistant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'devel aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt4-creator-mac'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qt4-creator-mac'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) tailored to the needs of Qt developers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtc-qtsharp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qtc-qtsharp'
+port[:version] = '0.7a'
+port[:description] = 'Intermediate C++ glue for Qt C# bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtmobility'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qtmobility'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Mobility APIs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sharky openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtscriptgenerator'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qtscriptgenerator'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'QtScript bindings generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qtsharp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/qtsharp'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Qt bindings for C#'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quickfix'
+port[:path] = 'devel/quickfix'
+port[:version] = '1.13.3'
+port[:description] = 'FIX engine implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'python postgresql84 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quilt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/quilt'
+port[:version] = '0.48'
+port[:description] = 'patch management scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'radlib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/radlib'
+port[:version] = '2.11.0'
+port[:description] = 'Rapid Application Development Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 sqlite3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:mbrooksclark'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rdesktop-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/rdesktop-devel'
+port[:version] = 'cvs'
+port[:description] = 'Windows Terminal Server Client CVS Version'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'w2k_license_hack universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'reiffert openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 're2c'
+port[:path] = 'devel/re2c'
+port[:version] = '0.13.5'
+port[:description] = 'A tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'readline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/readline'
+port[:version] = '6.2.000'
+port[:description] = 'Library that provides command line editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'readline-4'
+port[:path] = 'devel/readline-4'
+port[:version] = '4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Library that provides command line editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'readline-5'
+port[:path] = 'devel/readline-5'
+port[:version] = '5.2.014'
+port[:description] = 'Library that provides command line editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'redo'
+port[:path] = 'devel/redo'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Smaller, easier, more powerful, and more reliable than make.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doc bash_completion python27 python_select'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'reinteract'
+port[:path] = 'devel/reinteract'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'a system for interactive experimentation with python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'quartz x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'remake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/remake'
+port[:version] = '3.82-dbg-0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Debugger for GNU Makefiles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rlog'
+port[:path] = 'devel/rlog'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'A flexible message logging facility for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'roboctl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/roboctl'
+port[:version] = '0.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'Communication tools for Lego and VEX robots'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tds.net:jwbacon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'robodoc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/robodoc'
+port[:version] = '4.99.40'
+port[:description] = 'Bot used to document source code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'safestr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/safestr'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sbt'
+port[:path] = 'devel/sbt'
+port[:version] = '0.7.7'
+port[:description] = 'Simple build tool (sbt) is designed to simplify building Scala projects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jon.buffington.name:me'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scald'
+port[:path] = 'devel/scald'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Markup language for generating source code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'flyn.org:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scons'
+port[:path] = 'devel/scons'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Software construction tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scriptix'
+port[:path] = 'devel/scriptix'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'scripting system coded in C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sdf2-bundle'
+port[:path] = 'devel/sdf2-bundle'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Package related to the SDF2 syntax defintion formalism.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sdlconsole'
+port[:path] = 'devel/sdlconsole'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'a Quake-style console for SDL programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sglib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/sglib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'useful macros for manipulating common data structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shared-mime-info'
+port[:path] = 'devel/shared-mime-info'
+port[:version] = '0.90'
+port[:description] = 'Database of common types.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sid'
+port[:path] = 'devel/sid'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Syntax Improving Device: a LL(1) parser generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:tdflavius openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sigh'
+port[:path] = 'devel/sigh'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'lib for handling UNIX signals in a simple, sane, and safe manner'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SilverCity'
+port[:path] = 'devel/silvercity'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'SilverCity is a lexing package for over 20 programming and markup langauges.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/slib'
+port[:version] = '3b2'
+port[:description] = 'A portable scheme library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slib-guile'
+port[:path] = 'devel/slib-guile'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Wrapper port to properly set up slib and guile together'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slib-guile16'
+port[:path] = 'devel/slib-guile16'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Wrapper port to properly set up slib and guile16 together'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/smake'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'highly portable make program with automake features'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'soprano'
+port[:path] = 'devel/soprano'
+port[:version] = '2.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Qt-based RDF framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spatialindex'
+port[:path] = 'devel/spatialindex'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'spatialindex provides a general framework for developing spatial indices.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spin'
+port[:path] = 'devel/spin'
+port[:version] = '6.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Spin model checker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'splint'
+port[:path] = 'devel/splint'
+port[:version] = '3.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Secure Programming Lint'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spread'
+port[:path] = 'devel/spread'
+port[:version] = '3.17.3'
+port[:description] = 'configurable logging for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'srecord'
+port[:path] = 'devel/srecord'
+port[:version] = '1.36'
+port[:description] = 'The srecord package is a collection of powerful tools for manipulating EPROM load files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:aconchillo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sstrings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/sstrings'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'C library that handles C strings in a safe way.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'statcvs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/statcvs'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'generates tables and charts about a CVS repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stfl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/stfl'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lutz.horn at fastmail.fm'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stgit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/stgit'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Push/pop utility on top of GIT'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'html_man_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'strigi'
+port[:path] = 'devel/strigi'
+port[:version] = '0.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Fastest and smallest desktop searching program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug qt4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:clubjuggler openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion'
+port[:version] = '1.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'subversion (svn) -- a version control system designed to be a better cvs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'mod_dav_svn no_neon no_bdb mac_os_x_server_mod_dav_svn tools unicode_path bash_completion disable_keychain universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion-javahlbindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion-javahlbindings'
+port[:version] = '1.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'Java (javahl) bindings for the subversion version control system (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_neon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion-perlbindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion-perlbindings'
+port[:version] = '1.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'Perl bindings for the subversion version control system (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_neon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion-python24bindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion-python24bindings'
+port[:version] = '1.6.16'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the subversion version control system (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_neon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion-python25bindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion-python25bindings'
+port[:version] = '1.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the subversion version control system (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_neon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion-python26bindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion-python26bindings'
+port[:version] = '1.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the subversion version control system (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_neon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion-python27bindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion-python27bindings'
+port[:version] = '1.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the subversion version control system (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_neon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subversion-rubybindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/subversion-rubybindings'
+port[:version] = '1.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby bindings for the subversion version control system (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'no_bdb no_neon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'svk'
+port[:path] = 'devel/svk'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A distributed version control system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'svn2cl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/svn2cl'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Subversion log to GNU-style ChangeLog'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'svndigest'
+port[:path] = 'devel/svndigest'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'Create statistics of a subversion repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:pj31042'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'svndumptool'
+port[:path] = 'devel/svndumptool'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'tool for processing Subversion dumpfiles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Tool to wrap C/C++ libraries in high-level languages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kevin jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-allegro'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-allegro'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Allegro binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-chicken'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-chicken'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Chicken binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-clisp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-clisp'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'CLISP binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-csharp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-csharp'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'C# binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-gcj'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-gcj'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'GCJ binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-go'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-go'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Go binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-guile'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-guile'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Guile binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-java'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-java'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Java binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-lua'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-lua'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Lua binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-mzscheme'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-mzscheme'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'MzScheme binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-ocaml'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-ocaml'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml} binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-octave'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-octave'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Octave binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-perl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-perl'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Perl binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-php5'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-php5'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'PHP 5} binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-pike'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-pike'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Pike binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-python'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-python'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-r'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-r'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'R binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-ruby'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-ruby'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swig-tcl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/swig-tcl'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Tcl binding for swig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 't1lib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/t1lib'
+port[:version] = '5.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Library for generating glyphs from Type 1 fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel graphics fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 't4k_common'
+port[:path] = 'devel/t4k_common'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'shared code for Tux4Kids apps TuxMath and {Tux Typing}'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:davidstuartbruce'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tailor'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tailor'
+port[:version] = '0.9.35'
+port[:description] = 'Tailor is a tool to migrate changesets between different source control management systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'talloc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/talloc'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Hierarchical memory allocation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tbb'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tbb'
+port[:version] = '3.0-20110315'
+port[:description] = 'Intel Threading Building Blocks offers a rich and complete approach to parallelism in C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcl-tls'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tcl-tls'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'TLS OpenSSL extension to TCL.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tclap'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tclap'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Templatized C++ Command Line Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'v9g.de:tvb377'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tclcurl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tclcurl'
+port[:version] = '7.17.1'
+port[:description] = 'Tcl binding for libcurl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcllib'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tcllib'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'tcllib standardized library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tclreadline'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tclreadline'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An interactive readline for tcl shells.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dons.net.au:darius'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tclsqlite2'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tclsqlite2'
+port[:version] = '2.8.17'
+port[:description] = 'TCL bindings for the SQLite embedded database engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel databases tcl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'thrift'
+port[:path] = 'devel/thrift'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'framework for scalable cross-language services development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'java csharp python haskell perl php erlang universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:naoya.n'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tig'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tig'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'A text interface to git repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'html_doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tkcvs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tkcvs'
+port[:version] = '7.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Tk-based GUI for CVS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tortoisehg'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tortoisehg'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'A set of graphical tools for Mercurial'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'superquadratic.net:guido openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tpasm'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tpasm'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'A cross assembler for a variety of common microprocessors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'trac'
+port[:path] = 'devel/trac'
+port[:version] = '0.12.2'
+port[:description] = 'Wiki and issue tracking system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'postgres mysql universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tre'
+port[:path] = 'devel/tre'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'TRE is a lightweight POSIX compliant regular expression library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'treecc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/treecc'
+port[:version] = '0.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'Manages generation of code to handle syntax trees.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'trio'
+port[:path] = 'devel/trio'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'trio is a set of printf and string functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'udis86'
+port[:path] = 'devel/udis86'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Minimalistic disassembler library for x86 and AMD64 (x86-64)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:leeharple'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uisp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/uisp'
+port[:version] = '20050207'
+port[:description] = 'AVR In-System Programmer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'developer.bg:evgeni_dobrev'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'umem'
+port[:path] = 'devel/umem'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'userland slab allocator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uncrustify'
+port[:path] = 'devel/uncrustify'
+port[:version] = '0.58'
+port[:description] = 'Source code beautifier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unittest-cpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/unittest-cpp'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'lightweight unit testing framework for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uni-koblenz.de:guidolorenz openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unsermake'
+port[:path] = 'devel/unsermake'
+port[:version] = '0.4-20070824'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for automake'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'upower'
+port[:path] = 'devel/upower'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'UPower is an abstraction for enumerating power devices, listening to device events and querying history and statistics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uriparser'
+port[:path] = 'devel/uriparser'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'a strictly RFC 3986 compliant parsing library for URIs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = '80386.nl:ed'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'usbmuxd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/usbmuxd'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'USB Multiplex Daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ustl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/ustl'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'micro-STL is a partial implementation of the STL specification'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uthash'
+port[:path] = 'devel/uthash'
+port[:version] = '1.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'easy-to-use hash implementation for C programmers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'valgrind'
+port[:path] = 'devel/valgrind'
+port[:version] = '3.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful open-source memory debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal mpich2 openmpi'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'valgrind-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/valgrind-devel'
+port[:version] = '3.7.0-r11863'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful open-source memory debugger.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal mpich2 openmpi'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vcheck'
+port[:path] = 'devel/vcheck'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'latest program package version checker and auto-downloader'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vexus-cdk'
+port[:path] = 'devel/vexus-cdk'
+port[:version] = '4.9.13'
+port[:description] = 'Curses Development Kit -- widgets for curses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'theonelab.com:june'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'viewcvs'
+port[:path] = 'devel/viewcvs'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'View CVS repo content with a Webbrowser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'virtuoso'
+port[:path] = 'devel/virtuoso'
+port[:version] = '6.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'a high-performance object-relational SQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vstr'
+port[:path] = 'devel/vstr'
+port[:version] = '1.0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Vstr string library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vttest'
+port[:path] = 'devel/vttest'
+port[:version] = '20091231'
+port[:description] = 'VT100/VT220/XTerm test utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vxl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/vxl'
+port[:version] = '1.14.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ libraries for computer vision'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'maeth.com:wiking'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wsdlpull'
+port[:path] = 'devel/wsdlpull'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'C++ Web services library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxd'
+port[:path] = 'devel/wxd'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'wxWidgets bindings for the D programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'doxygen'
+port[:maintainers] = 'usami-k'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxstedit'
+port[:path] = 'devel/wxstedit'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'styled text editor component for wxWidgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'aqua x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xapian-bindings'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xapian-bindings'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Xapian bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'ruby php python26 python27 java universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:dcolish'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xapian-core'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xapian-core'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Xapian search library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:dcolish'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xcc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xcc'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'parser generator for XML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xml-light'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xml-light'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml interface for XML parsing and printing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlrpc-c'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xmlrpc-c'
+port[:version] = '1.16.34'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight RPC library based on XML and HTTP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlrpcxx'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xmlrpcxx'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlwrapp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xmlwrapp'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'xmlwrapp is a modern style C++ library for working with XML data'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xplc'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xplc'
+port[:version] = '0.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'Cross-Platform Lightweight Components.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xsp'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'a small web server that hosts the Mono System.Web classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel www mono'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xulrunner'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xulrunner'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug gnome internal_dependencies'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xulrunner-devel'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xulrunner-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mozilla.org\'s runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug gnome internal_dependencies'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xxdiff'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xxdiff'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'xxdiff is a graphical merging tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xxl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/xxl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'C/C++ library for exception handling and asset management'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yajl'
+port[:path] = 'devel/yajl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Yet Another JSON Library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:benjaminlyu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yaml-cpp'
+port[:path] = 'devel/yaml-cpp'
+port[:version] = '0.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'yaml-cpp is a YAML parser and emitter in C++ written around the YAML 1.2 spec'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zeromq'
+port[:path] = 'devel/zeromq'
+port[:version] = '2.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'duplicate port -- please install zmq instead'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'editors'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MacVim'
+port[:path] = 'editors/MacVim'
+port[:version] = '7.3.snapshot57'
+port[:description] = 'MacVim is a GUI version of vim for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'big huge xim perl python python25 python26 python27 python31 ruby tcl cscope nls universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'NERD_tree'
+port[:path] = 'editors/NERD_tree'
+port[:version] = '4.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'File system explorer for Vim'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TECO'
+port[:path] = 'editors/TECO'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of TECO in portable C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'THE'
+port[:path] = 'editors/THE'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Hessling Editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'deadpixi.com:jking'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TeXmacs'
+port[:path] = 'editors/TeXmacs'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'GNU TeXmacs: A Scientific Text Editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abiword'
+port[:path] = 'editors/abiword'
+port[:version] = '2.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'A word processor with gnome support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'use_binary use_source universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors textproc aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abiword-x11'
+port[:path] = 'editors/abiword-x11'
+port[:version] = '2.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'A word processor with gnome support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors textproc gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ackmate'
+port[:path] = 'editors/ackmate'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'AckMate is a TextMate plugin for running Ack in a Cocoa window.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aee'
+port[:path] = 'editors/aee'
+port[:version] = '2.2.15b'
+port[:description] = 'easy to use text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aewan'
+port[:path] = 'editors/aewan'
+port[:version] = '1.0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Curses-based program for the creation and editing of ascii art'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'auctex'
+port[:path] = 'editors/auctex'
+port[:version] = '11.86'
+port[:description] = 'A major emacs mode for editing TeX files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'emacs_app mactex universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bbe'
+port[:path] = 'editors/bbe'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'bbe is a sed-like editor for binary files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bean'
+port[:path] = 'editors/bean'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A small, simple rich text editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'editors aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bluefish'
+port[:path] = 'editors/bluefish'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful editor for web designers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'nosplash no_spellcheck tidy'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bluefish-devel'
+port[:path] = 'editors/bluefish-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0-rc3'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful editor for web designers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'nosplash no_spellcheck tidy'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bvi'
+port[:path] = 'editors/bvi'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'A vi-like binary file (hex)editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kruschwitz.biz:max'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cedet'
+port[:path] = 'editors/cedet'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Infrastructure for parser based text analysis in Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cedet-devel'
+port[:path] = 'editors/cedet-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Infrastructure for parser based text analysis in Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'color-theme-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'editors/color-theme-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '6.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'color-theme is an emacs-lisp mode for skinning your emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'wjlr.org.uk:macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cssed'
+port[:path] = 'editors/cssed'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'small graphical CSS editor and validator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors x11 www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dte'
+port[:path] = 'editors/dte'
+port[:version] = '6.12'
+port[:description] = 'text editor which uses many of the shortcuts used in MSDOS EDIT'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ecb'
+port[:path] = 'editors/ecb'
+port[:version] = '2.40'
+port[:description] = 'Emacs Code Browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ed'
+port[:path] = 'editors/ed'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'ed is a line-oriented text editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fastmail.fm:lutz.horn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ee'
+port[:path] = 'editors/ee'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'easy to use text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'efte'
+port[:path] = 'editors/efte'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'configurable programmers editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'reiffert openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'elvis'
+port[:path] = 'editors/elvis'
+port[:version] = '2.2_0'
+port[:description] = 'A vi/ex clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emacs'
+port[:path] = 'editors/emacs'
+port[:version] = '23.3'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Emacs text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal x11 motif gtk'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emacs-snapshot'
+port[:path] = 'editors/emacs-snapshot'
+port[:version] = '20110705'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Emacs text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal x11 motif gtk'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports saispo openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emacs22'
+port[:path] = 'editors/emacs22'
+port[:version] = '22.3'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Emacs text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal x11 motif gtk'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ex-vi'
+port[:path] = 'editors/ex-vi'
+port[:version] = '050325'
+port[:description] = 'the traditional ex/vi editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hexfiend'
+port[:path] = 'editors/hexfiend'
+port[:version] = '17'
+port[:description] = 'HexFiend is a fast and clever hex editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'editors aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hnb'
+port[:path] = 'editors/hnb'
+port[:version] = '1.9.18'
+port[:description] = 'command-line outliner'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jed'
+port[:path] = 'editors/jed'
+port[:version] = '0.99-19'
+port[:description] = 'JED is a powerful editor for programmers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'joe'
+port[:path] = 'editors/joe'
+port[:version] = '3.7'
+port[:description] = 'Joe\'s Own Editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'noses.com:noses'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jove'
+port[:path] = 'editors/jove'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Jonathan\'s Own Version of Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'khera.org:vivek'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'le'
+port[:path] = 'editors/le'
+port[:version] = '1.14.5'
+port[:description] = 'Terminal based text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'v9g.de:tvb377'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'leafpad'
+port[:path] = 'editors/leafpad'
+port[:version] = '0.8.17'
+port[:description] = 'A simple GTK texteditor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ledit'
+port[:path] = 'editors/ledit'
+port[:version] = '2.00'
+port[:description] = 'A line editor to be used with interactive commands.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mg'
+port[:path] = 'editors/mg'
+port[:version] = '20090107'
+port[:description] = 'small Emacs-like editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kerbit.net:lfk'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'minimumprofit'
+port[:path] = 'editors/minimumprofit'
+port[:version] = '3.3.18b'
+port[:description] = 'Programmer Text Editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nano'
+port[:path] = 'editors/nano'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Nano\'s ANOther editor - enhanced free Pico Clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:theo.studer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ne'
+port[:path] = 'editors/ne'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'ne - nice editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nedit'
+port[:path] = 'editors/nedit'
+port[:version] = '5.5'
+port[:description] = 'A multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nvi'
+port[:path] = 'editors/nvi'
+port[:version] = '1.81.6'
+port[:description] = 'A vi/ex clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nxml-mode'
+port[:path] = 'editors/nxml-mode'
+port[:version] = '20041004'
+port[:description] = 'An Emacs mode for editing XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'panix.com:evenson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'org-mode'
+port[:path] = 'editors/org-mode'
+port[:version] = '7.6'
+port[:description] = 'an Emacs Mode for Notes, Project Planning, and Authoring'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'org-mode-devel'
+port[:path] = 'editors/org-mode-devel'
+port[:version] = 'devel'
+port[:description] = 'the development version of an Emacs Mode for Notes, Project Planning, and Authoring'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'po-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'editors/po-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'The \'po\' file mode for Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors devel emacs'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'psgml'
+port[:path] = 'editors/psgml'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'XML/SGML editing mode for emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:arankine'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rails.vim'
+port[:path] = 'editors/rails.vim'
+port[:version] = '4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Vim plugin for Ruby on Rails development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'salasaga'
+port[:path] = 'editors/salasaga'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0.dev-200803251321'
+port[:description] = 'An Integrated Development Environment for producing eLearning'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scite'
+port[:path] = 'editors/scite'
+port[:version] = '2.27'
+port[:description] = 'SciTE is a SCIntilla based Text Editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sigil'
+port[:path] = 'editors/sigil'
+port[:version] = '0.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Sigil, the ePub editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spe'
+port[:path] = 'editors/spe'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4.h'
+port[:description] = 'spe - Stani\'s Python Editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tea'
+port[:path] = 'editors/tea'
+port[:version] = '25.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'TEA is the powerful text editor for GNU/Linux and *BSD.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vigor'
+port[:path] = 'editors/vigor'
+port[:version] = '0.016'
+port[:description] = 'vigor is a vi clone that comes with a personal assistant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vile'
+port[:path] = 'editors/vile'
+port[:version] = '9.8'
+port[:description] = 'Vi Like Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vim'
+port[:path] = 'editors/vim'
+port[:version] = '7.3.237'
+port[:description] = 'Vi {"workalike"} with many additional features'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'x11 athena gtk1 gtk2 motif tiny small big huge xim perl python python25 python26 python27 python31 ruby tcl cscope nls universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vim-app'
+port[:path] = 'editors/vim-app'
+port[:version] = '7.3.237'
+port[:description] = 'Vim.app is a GUI version of the famous editor vim.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'big huge xim perl python python25 python26 python27 python31 ruby tcl cscope nls universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wordgrinder'
+port[:path] = 'editors/wordgrinder'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'WordGrinder, lightweight character-cell word processor designed for the console'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xemacs'
+port[:path] = 'editors/xemacs'
+port[:version] = '21.4.22'
+port[:description] = 'A highly customizable open source text editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'no_sumo universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xwpe'
+port[:path] = 'editors/xwpe'
+port[:version] = '1.5.30a'
+port[:description] = 'Programming/debugging environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yaml-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'editors/yaml-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '0.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'An emacs major mode for editing yaml files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:michael.dagitses'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yi'
+port[:path] = 'editors/yi'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'the extensible Yi text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yudit'
+port[:path] = 'editors/yudit'
+port[:version] = '2.7.6'
+port[:description] = 'unicode text editor for X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zile'
+port[:path] = 'editors/zile'
+port[:version] = '2.3.23'
+port[:description] = 'Zile Is Lossy Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zim'
+port[:path] = 'editors/zim'
+port[:version] = '0.28'
+port[:description] = 'Desktop-based wiki'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 11
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'editors'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'emulators'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'VisualBoyAdvance'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/VisualBoyAdvance'
+port[:version] = '1.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'An emulator for Gameboy and GameboyAdvance systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:jtonio'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'adtpro'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/adtpro'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'transfers disks and disk images between Apple IIs and modern computers'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'advancemame'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/advancemame'
+port[:version] = '0.106.1'
+port[:description] = 'unofficial MAME version with advanced video support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'atari800'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/atari800'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Atari 800 emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'basiliskii'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/basiliskii'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Opensource 68k Mac emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'basiliskii-devel'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/basiliskii-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.0-20060314'
+port[:description] = '68k Mac emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vercruesse.de:opendarwin.nospam'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bochs'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/bochs'
+port[:version] = '2.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'cross platform ia-32 emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'smp gdbstub universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dosbox'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/dosbox'
+port[:version] = '0.74'
+port[:description] = 'DOS emulator featuring 386 realmode, filesystem, XMS, EMS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'free42'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/free42'
+port[:version] = '1.4.44'
+port[:description] = 'a HP-42s Simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik:macports.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freesci'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/freesci'
+port[:version] = '0.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Interpreter for SCI (old Sierra Online) games'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'sdl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gelide'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/gelide'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'configurable user interface for managing emulated systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eldamar.se:samuel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gxemul'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/gxemul'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A simulator for ARM, MIPS, Motorola 88K, PowerPC, and SuperH.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:tsupplis'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hatari'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/hatari'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Atari ST/STe/STfm emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:christer.solskogen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hercules'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/hercules'
+port[:version] = '3.07'
+port[:description] = 'The Hercules IBM Large Systems Emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'deadpixi.com:jking'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lisaem'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/lisaem'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Apple Lisa emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mednafen'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/mednafen'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'Super-fast and super-compatible emulator for many video game systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:adamw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'minivmac'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/minivmac'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'an emulator of the Macintosh Plus and other early Macintosh models'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'unsupported universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'minivmac-devel'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/minivmac-devel'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'an emulator of the Macintosh Plus and other early Macintosh models'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'unsupported universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nonpareil'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/nonpareil'
+port[:version] = '0.79'
+port[:description] = 'a high-fidelity simulator for calculators.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'voyager debugger hpil'
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qemu'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/qemu'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'Emulator for various architectures'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'target_arm target_cris target_m68k target_mips target_mipsel target_mips64 target_mips64el target_ppcemb target_sh4 target_sh4eb target_sparc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qemu-usermode'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/qemu-usermode'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'x86 and PowerPC Emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scummvm'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/scummvm'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'cross-platform interpreter for several adventure engines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sheepshaver'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/sheepshaver'
+port[:version] = '2.3-20110101'
+port[:description] = 'PowerPC Mac OS run-time environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vercruesse.de:opendarwin.nospam'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'simh'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/simh'
+port[:version] = 'v38-1'
+port[:description] = 'A highly portable, multi-system simulator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spim'
+port[:path] = 'emulators/spim'
+port[:version] = '7.4'
+port[:description] = 'an assembly language MIPS R2000/R3000 simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 12
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'emulators devel lang x11'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'erlang'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'erlsom'
+port[:path] = 'erlang/erlsom'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'An Erlang libary for XML parsing.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 13
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'erlang textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log4erl'
+port[:path] = 'erlang/log4erl'
+port[:version] = '0.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'A logger for erlang.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 13
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'erlang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mochiweb'
+port[:path] = 'erlang/mochiweb'
+port[:version] = '16f560'
+port[:description] = 'MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 13
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'erlang www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tsung'
+port[:path] = 'erlang/tsung'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Load test tool for HTTP, PostgreSQL, Jabber and others.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 13
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'erlang devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'finance'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bitcoin'
+port[:path] = 'finance/bitcoin'
+port[:version] = '0.3.22'
+port[:description] = 'a peer-to-peer digital currency'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 14
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'finance crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ledger'
+port[:path] = 'finance/ledger'
+port[:version] = '2.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'A command-line, double-entry accounting tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 14
+port[:variants] = 'ofx debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'newartisans.com:johnw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgeier'
+port[:path] = 'finance/libgeier'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'A transmission library for German tax reports'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 14
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ta-lib'
+port[:path] = 'finance/ta-lib'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'TA-Lib is a financial technical analysis library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 14
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedstrom'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'taxbird'
+port[:path] = 'finance/taxbird'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'A GUI to record and send German tax reports'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 14
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'finance'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'fuse'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bindfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/bindfs'
+port[:version] = '1.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'mirrors or overlays a local directory with altered permissions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'curlftpfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/curlftpfs'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'CurlFtpFS is a filesystem for acessing FTP hosts based on FUSE and libcurl.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:darenzana'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'encfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/encfs'
+port[:version] = '1.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'An encrypted pass-through FUSE filesystem'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:Markus.Ueberall'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ext2fuse'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/ext2fuse'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'ext2 filesystem in user space'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fuse-bindings-python'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/fuse-bindings-python'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface for FUSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fuse-bindings-python25'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/fuse-bindings-python25'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python 2.5 interface for FUSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmailfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/gmailfs'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'GmailFS provides a mountable filesystem'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macfuse'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/macfuse'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'A FUSE-Compliant File System Implementation Mechanism for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mhddfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/mhddfs'
+port[:version] = '0.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'FUSE-based filesystem for combined mountpoints'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mellon85'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp3fs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/mp3fs'
+port[:version] = '0.30'
+port[:description] = 'A flac to mp3 (read-only) filesystem for FUSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ntfs-3g'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/ntfs-3g'
+port[:version] = '2011.1.15'
+port[:description] = 'Safe read/write NTFS driver for FUSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'netatonce.net:petri openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'procfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/procfs'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'procfs filesystem for FUSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spotlightfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/spotlightfs'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Spotlight File System for MacFUSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sshfs'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/sshfs'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'SSH filesystem for FUSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sshfs-gui'
+port[:path] = 'fuse/sshfs-gui'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'OS X GUI for sshfs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 15
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'fuse'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'games'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = '2Pong'
+port[:path] = 'games/2Pong'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Pong game with 2 balls, 2 and 4 player support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = '54321'
+port[:path] = 'games/54321'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2001.11.16'
+port[:description] = '5 games in 4, 3, or 2 dimensions for 1 player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'CrimsonFields'
+port[:path] = 'games/CrimsonFields'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Gomoku'
+port[:path] = 'games/Gomoku'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'extended TicTacToe game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'games aqua gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Gridlock'
+port[:path] = 'games/Gridlock'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Grid-based board games collection, including AI and network play'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'games aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PCLauncher'
+port[:path] = 'games/PCLauncher'
+port[:version] = '0.0.3-75358'
+port[:description] = 'launcher for PlasmaClient'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PlasmaClient'
+port[:path] = 'games/PlasmaClient'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4a-434'
+port[:description] = 'open-source Plasma engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'debug chatlog universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SDLInvaders'
+port[:path] = 'games/SDLInvaders'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'simple clone of the famous Space Invaders game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abgx360'
+port[:path] = 'games/abgx360'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Xbox 360 disc checker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:r.goyet'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'advancemenu'
+port[:path] = 'games/advancemenu'
+port[:version] = '2.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'advanced frontend for many emulators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alienarena'
+port[:path] = 'games/alienarena'
+port[:version] = '7.45-20100726'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alienarena-data'
+port[:path] = 'games/alienarena-data'
+port[:version] = '7.45-20100726'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alienblaster'
+port[:path] = 'games/alienblaster'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'action loaded 2D arcade shooter for up to two players'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'angband'
+port[:path] = 'games/angband'
+port[:version] = '3.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'a rogue-like dungeon exploration game (curses-based)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aop'
+port[:path] = 'games/aop'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Curses based arcade game for UNIX with only 64 lines of sourcecode.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'atanks'
+port[:path] = 'games/atanks'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'atanks is a multi-platform Scorched Earth clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'awemud'
+port[:path] = 'games/awemud'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) game server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'barrage'
+port[:path] = 'games/barrage'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Action game with objective to destroy tanks, jeeps, etc.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bastet'
+port[:path] = 'games/bastet'
+port[:version] = '0.41'
+port[:description] = 'Bastard Tetris is an antagonistic Tetris clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blobwars'
+port[:path] = 'games/blobwars'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'jump and run game featuring a Blob as main character'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bluemoon'
+port[:path] = 'games/bluemoon'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = '52-card solitaire game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bomberclone'
+port[:path] = 'games/bomberclone'
+port[:version] = '0.11.9'
+port[:description] = 'AtomicBomberman clone incl. networking and AI players'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boswars'
+port[:path] = 'games/boswars'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Bos Wars is a futuristic real time strategy game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bs'
+port[:path] = 'games/bs'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'ncurses version of Battleship'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bzflag'
+port[:path] = 'games/bzflag'
+port[:version] = '2.0.16'
+port[:description] = '3D tank game, multiplayer and internet gaming available'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cannonsmash'
+port[:path] = 'games/cannonsmash'
+port[:version] = '0.6.6'
+port[:description] = '3D tabletennis game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cheops'
+port[:path] = 'games/cheops'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'CHEss OPponent Simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chromium'
+port[:path] = 'games/chromium'
+port[:version] = '0.9.14'
+port[:description] = 'fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chromium-bsu'
+port[:path] = 'games/chromium-bsu'
+port[:version] = '0.9.15'
+port[:description] = 'fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'circuslinux'
+port[:path] = 'games/circuslinux'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Circus Atari clone, similar to Breakout and Arkanoid'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmatrix'
+port[:path] = 'games/cmatrix'
+port[:version] = '1.2a'
+port[:description] = 'Console Matrix'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'crack-attack'
+port[:path] = 'games/crack-attack'
+port[:version] = '1.1.14'
+port[:description] = 'Fast-paced puzzle game'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'crafty'
+port[:path] = 'games/crafty'
+port[:version] = '20.14'
+port[:description] = 'Crafty is a chess program, that can be interfaced with xboard.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'criticalmass'
+port[:path] = 'games/criticalmass'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Critical Mass is an SDL/OpenGL space shoot\'em up game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ctris'
+port[:path] = 'games/ctris'
+port[:version] = '0.42'
+port[:description] = 'Ncurses based tetris clone written in C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cursive'
+port[:path] = 'games/cursive'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Create ASCII character cursive handwriting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'defendguin'
+port[:path] = 'games/defendguin'
+port[:version] = '0.0.12'
+port[:description] = 'clone of the classic arcade game Defender'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'digger'
+port[:path] = 'games/digger'
+port[:version] = '20020314'
+port[:description] = 'the Digger game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dominion'
+port[:path] = 'games/dominion'
+port[:version] = '2.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'world simulation RPG'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dopewars'
+port[:path] = 'games/dopewars'
+port[:version] = '1.5.12'
+port[:description] = 'Rewrite of a game originally based on {"Drug} Wars\"'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'duke3d'
+port[:path] = 'games/duke3d'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Runtime for FPS Duke Nukem 3D'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvorakng'
+port[:path] = 'games/dvorakng'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0rc1'
+port[:description] = 'A Dvorak typing tutor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stereo.lu:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eboard'
+port[:path] = 'games/eboard'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'eboard is a chess interface just like xboard.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'euchre'
+port[:path] = 'games/euchre'
+port[:version] = '0.7c'
+port[:description] = 'euchre, a common card game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:abender'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fbg'
+port[:path] = 'games/fbg'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Puzzle game similar to Tetris but with improved graphics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fife'
+port[:path] = 'games/fife'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'The FIFE game engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fizmo'
+port[:path] = 'games/fizmo'
+port[:version] = '0.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'Console-based Z-Machine interpreter for Infocom games.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'spellbreaker.org:Christoph.Ender'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flobopuyo'
+port[:path] = 'games/flobopuyo'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'FloboPuyo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fortune'
+port[:path] = 'games/fortune'
+port[:version] = '6.2.0-RELEASE'
+port[:description] = 'Infamous electronic fortune-cookie generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freecell-solver'
+port[:path] = 'games/freecell-solver'
+port[:version] = '3.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Freecell Solver solves automatically layouts of Freecell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freeciv'
+port[:path] = 'games/freeciv'
+port[:version] = '2.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'An empire-building strategy game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freeciv-x11'
+port[:path] = 'games/freeciv-x11'
+port[:version] = '2.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A civilisation clone for X11 (with sound support)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freedink'
+port[:path] = 'games/freedink'
+port[:version] = '1.08.20090120'
+port[:description] = 'FreeDink is a portable and enhanced version of the Dink Smallwood game engine.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:verginegiovanni'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freedink-data'
+port[:path] = 'games/freedink-data'
+port[:version] = '1.08.20081130'
+port[:description] = 'FreeDink data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:verginegiovanni'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freedroidclassic'
+port[:path] = 'games/freedroidclassic'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Freedoid Classic is a Paradroid clone.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'frobtads'
+port[:path] = 'games/frobtads'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'FrobTADS is a new version of TADS for Unix'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'tads3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'josephholsten.com:joseph'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'frotz'
+port[:path] = 'games/frotz'
+port[:version] = '2.43'
+port[:description] = 'an interpreter for Infocom Z-Code games'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pack-darwinports at rattus.net'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'frozenbubble2'
+port[:path] = 'games/frozenbubble2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Frozen Bubble 2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'galaxis'
+port[:path] = 'games/galaxis'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'UNIX clone of the Mac game Galaxis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gav'
+port[:path] = 'games/gav'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'gav is an arcade volleyball game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcs-java'
+port[:path] = 'games/gcs-java'
+port[:version] = '2011.01.02.1054'
+port[:description] = 'GURPS Character Sheet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geekcode'
+port[:path] = 'games/geekcode'
+port[:version] = '1.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'geekcode generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ggz-client-libs'
+port[:path] = 'games/ggz-client-libs'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The GGZ Gaming Zone - Core Client Libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glob2'
+port[:path] = 'games/glob2'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Globulation 2 - a free and innovative strategy game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glpong'
+port[:path] = 'games/glpong'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of pong using OpenGL, playable vs. AI.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnubg'
+port[:path] = 'games/gnubg'
+port[:version] = '0.14.3'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Backgammon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'gdbm guile python universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuchess'
+port[:path] = 'games/gnuchess'
+port[:version] = '5.07'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU chess program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnugo'
+port[:path] = 'games/gnugo'
+port[:version] = '3.8'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Go'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3+'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnushogi'
+port[:path] = 'games/gnushogi'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'GNU version of Shogi, a game of Japanese chess.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'greed'
+port[:path] = 'games/greed'
+port[:version] = '3.6'
+port[:description] = 'strategy game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtetrinet'
+port[:path] = 'games/gtetrinet'
+port[:version] = '0.7.11'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME based tetrinet client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'warp-opendarwin at spin.de'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkevemon'
+port[:path] = 'games/gtkevemon'
+port[:version] = '99'
+port[:description] = 'GTK Eve-Online monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mellon85'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtypist'
+port[:path] = 'games/gtypist'
+port[:version] = '2.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'A universal typing tutor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'josephholsten.com:joseph'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jnethack'
+port[:path] = 'games/jnethack'
+port[:version] = '3.4.3-0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Classic dungeon adventure game, translated in Japanese.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rutiler.net:kyut takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kanatest'
+port[:path] = 'games/kanatest'
+port[:version] = '0.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'Kanatest is a Japanese kana (Hiragana and Katakana) simple flashcard tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games education'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'klavaro'
+port[:path] = 'games/klavaro'
+port[:version] = '1.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'A clean, full-featured typing tutor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'larn'
+port[:path] = 'games/larn'
+port[:version] = '12'
+port[:description] = 'Text-based cavern exploring game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'singleuser universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aschenke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lbreakout2'
+port[:path] = 'games/lbreakout2'
+port[:version] = '2.6beta-7'
+port[:description] = 'Breakout clone, that won the No Starch Press SDL Game Contest.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ldmud'
+port[:path] = 'games/ldmud'
+port[:version] = '3.3.719'
+port[:description] = 'modern LPMud gamedriver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lgeneral'
+port[:path] = 'games/lgeneral'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Turn-based strategy engine heavily inspired by Panzer General'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libggz'
+port[:path] = 'games/libggz'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The GGZ Gaming Zone - Base Library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lincity'
+port[:path] = 'games/lincity'
+port[:version] = '1.13.0'
+port[:description] = 'city simulation game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lincity-ng'
+port[:path] = 'games/lincity-ng'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = '3D city simulation game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liquidwar'
+port[:path] = 'games/liquidwar'
+port[:version] = '5.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Liquid War is a unique multiplayer wargame. You control an army of liquid and have to try and eat your opponents.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lmarbles'
+port[:path] = 'games/lmarbles'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Atomix clone with slight change in concept.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lpairs'
+port[:path] = 'games/lpairs'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Classical memory game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ltris'
+port[:path] = 'games/ltris'
+port[:version] = '1.0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Tetris clone with multiplayer and AI support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mindless'
+port[:path] = 'games/mindless'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Play collectable card games against other player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'poste.it:marco.bonetti'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moria'
+port[:path] = 'games/moria'
+port[:version] = '5.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Moria is a Rogue-like dungeon exploration game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'singleuser'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aschenke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mystonline-bootstrap'
+port[:path] = 'games/mystonline-bootstrap'
+port[:version] = '2010'
+port[:description] = 'Myst Online: URU Live Again'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mystonline-cider'
+port[:path] = 'games/mystonline-cider'
+port[:version] = '2010'
+port[:description] = 'Myst Online: URU Live Again'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mystonline-wine'
+port[:path] = 'games/mystonline-wine'
+port[:version] = '2010'
+port[:description] = 'Myst Online: URU Live Again'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nethack'
+port[:path] = 'games/nethack'
+port[:version] = '3.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Classic dungeon adventure game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'x11 autopickup_exceptions menucolors universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yeled'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netpanzer'
+port[:path] = 'games/netpanzer'
+port[:version] = '0.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'netPanzer is an online multiplayer tactical warfare game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netris'
+port[:path] = 'games/netris'
+port[:version] = '0.52'
+port[:description] = 'networked tetris on the console'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'neverball'
+port[:path] = 'games/neverball'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mvitocruz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nwntools'
+port[:path] = 'games/nwntools'
+port[:version] = '2.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for the game Neverwinter Nights'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sf.net:sumpfork'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oilwar'
+port[:path] = 'games/oilwar'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'protect your oil from the evil invading army'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openmortal'
+port[:path] = 'games/openmortal'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Mortal Szombat is a parody of the coin-up game Mortal Kombat'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'othello'
+port[:path] = 'games/othello'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Clone of Othello played in the terminal'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adelphia.net:zizban'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pennmush'
+port[:path] = 'games/pennmush'
+port[:version] = '1.8.3p9'
+port[:description] = 'The PennMUSH mud server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 postgresql83 sqlite3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pioneers'
+port[:path] = 'games/pioneers'
+port[:version] = '0.12.4'
+port[:description] = 'Multiplayer strategy board game for GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc gmail.com:jweede'
+port[:platforms] = 'freebsd darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poker-eval'
+port[:path] = 'games/poker-eval'
+port[:version] = '136.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library for poker hand evaluation, dev files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pyfa'
+port[:path] = 'games/pyfa'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python fitting assistant for EVE-Online'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:yacoob'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qstat'
+port[:path] = 'games/qstat'
+port[:version] = '2.11'
+port[:description] = 'Gather statistics from game servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qthello'
+port[:path] = 'games/qthello'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Othello program written in Qt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'raceintospace'
+port[:path] = 'games/raceintospace'
+port[:version] = '0.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'Open Source version of old MS-DOS game Buzz Aldrin\'s Race Into Space'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raceintospace.org:mkmccarty'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'robotfindskitten'
+port[:path] = 'games/robotfindskitten'
+port[:version] = '1.4142135.349'
+port[:description] = 'Find kitten'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rocksndiamonds'
+port[:path] = 'games/rocksndiamonds'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Arcade style game Boulderdash or Emerald Mine clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rogue'
+port[:path] = 'games/rogue'
+port[:version] = '5.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Rogue is a popular dungeon exploring adventure game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'singleuser universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aschenke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'roll'
+port[:path] = 'games/roll'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Dice roller'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:matteo.corti'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rott'
+port[:path] = 'games/rott'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Rise of the Triard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rrgbis'
+port[:path] = 'games/rrgbis'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'Real time strategy game with fleets of spaceships.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scare'
+port[:path] = 'games/scare'
+port[:version] = '1.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'SCARE is a GPL C-based interpreter for ADRIFT games'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sdl_sopwith'
+port[:path] = 'games/sdl_sopwith'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Classic biplane shooter'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ship84'
+port[:path] = 'games/ship84'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'space invaders clone using SDL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'simutrans'
+port[:path] = 'games/simutrans'
+port[:version] = '99-17-1'
+port[:description] = 'Simutrans is a freeware transport simulation game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'enable_music'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ski'
+port[:path] = 'games/ski'
+port[:version] = '6.5'
+port[:description] = 'ASCII downhill skiing game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sl'
+port[:path] = 'games/sl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'The infamous sl command'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:pierreetienne.meunier'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'snoopy'
+port[:path] = 'games/snoopy'
+port[:version] = '2.9.95'
+port[:description] = 'Warcraft III Hosting Utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'gcc44 gcc43 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:pandagoat'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sounddecompress'
+port[:path] = 'games/sounddecompress'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'decompresses Myst Online: URU Live sounds'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games audio sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spacehulk'
+port[:path] = 'games/spacehulk'
+port[:version] = '1.5-beta1'
+port[:description] = 'Space Hulk is a great board game of Games Workshop in the world of Warhammer 40000.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'starfighter'
+port[:path] = 'games/starfighter'
+port[:version] = '1.1-1'
+port[:description] = '2D Space Shooter'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'supertux'
+port[:path] = 'games/supertux'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'classic 2D jump and run sidescroller SuperMario clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:adamw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'supertuxkart'
+port[:path] = 'games/supertuxkart'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Tux racing game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'svinepalsen'
+port[:path] = 'games/svinepalsen'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Space Invaders style arcade game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'teg'
+port[:path] = 'games/teg'
+port[:version] = '0.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'Tenes Empanadas Graciela - A risk clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'toppler'
+port[:path] = 'games/toppler'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Reimplementation of the old Tower Topler or Nebulus game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tuxmath'
+port[:path] = 'games/tuxmath'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Kids math game - help Tux, the Linux Penguin shoot down attacking math questions!'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:davidstuartbruce'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games education'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tuxtype'
+port[:path] = 'games/tuxtype'
+port[:version] = '1.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Learn to type with Tux, the Linux Penguin!'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'sdlpango universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:davidstuartbruce'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games education'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vectoroids'
+port[:path] = 'games/vectoroids'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Vector-based rock-shooting Asteroids clone game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vms-empire'
+port[:path] = 'games/vms-empire'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'war simulation game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wesnoth'
+port[:path] = 'games/wesnoth'
+port[:version] = '1.8.5'
+port[:description] = 'A fantasy turn-based strategy game'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodetwo.com:jordan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wordplay'
+port[:path] = 'games/wordplay'
+port[:version] = '7.22'
+port[:description] = 'Simple program to generate anagrams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wtf'
+port[:path] = 'games/wtf'
+port[:version] = '20080926'
+port[:description] = 'translates common Internet acronyms'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wump'
+port[:path] = 'games/wump'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2-RELEASE'
+port[:description] = 'Text-based cave exploring and wumpus hunting game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wumpus'
+port[:path] = 'games/wumpus'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Hunt The Wumpus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xbill'
+port[:path] = 'games/xbill'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Save your computers from the evil clutches of Bill'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xboard'
+port[:path] = 'games/xboard'
+port[:version] = '4.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'X frontend for Crafty, GNUChess, Internet Chess Servers, or e-mail chess'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xgalaga'
+port[:path] = 'games/xgalaga'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'xgalaga is a rework of the Galaga shooting game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xjump'
+port[:path] = 'games/xjump'
+port[:version] = '2.7.5'
+port[:description] = 'xjump'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:pierreetienne.meunier'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmahjongg'
+port[:path] = 'games/xmahjongg'
+port[:version] = '3.7'
+port[:description] = 'X graphical mahjongg solitaire game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmj'
+port[:path] = 'games/xmj'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'X graphical mahjong multi-player game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmoto'
+port[:path] = 'games/xmoto'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'X-Moto is a challenging 2D motocross platform game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xqf'
+port[:path] = 'games/xqf'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+ Front-end to Qstat'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'gtk2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xscorch'
+port[:path] = 'games/xscorch'
+port[:version] = '0.1.15'
+port[:description] = 'multiplayer tank shoot-em-up game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xskat'
+port[:path] = 'games/xskat'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'X graphical skat card game'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xtet42'
+port[:path] = 'games/xtet42'
+port[:version] = '2.21'
+port[:description] = 'one or two player version of Tetris'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 16
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'games x11'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'genealogy'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geneweb'
+port[:path] = 'genealogy/geneweb'
+port[:version] = '5.02'
+port[:description] = 'Sophisticated Genealogy System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 17
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'genealogy'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lifelines'
+port[:path] = 'genealogy/lifelines'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Genealogy software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 17
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nordist.net:brent'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'genealogy'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'gis'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cgal'
+port[:path] = 'gis/cgal'
+port[:version] = '3.8'
+port[:description] = 'Computational Geometry Algorithm Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1 QPL Commercial'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'debug demos universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vince'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdal'
+port[:path] = 'gis/gdal'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'lzma geos curl mrsid hdf4 hdf5 netcdf jasper openjpeg xerces expat python24 python25 python26 python27 postgresql81 postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 mysql5 sqlite3 spatialite odbc opencl framework universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:seanasy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdal-grass'
+port[:path] = 'gis/gdal-grass'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'This plugin allows GDAL to read GRASS files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vince'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grass'
+port[:path] = 'gis/grass'
+port[:version] = '6.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'GRASS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 sqlite3 ffmpeg universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libkml'
+port[:path] = 'gis/libkml'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'library to parse, generate and operate on KML'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libproj4'
+port[:path] = 'gis/libproj4'
+port[:version] = '3_20081120'
+port[:description] = 'Cartographic projections C libary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mapserver'
+port[:path] = 'gis/mapserver'
+port[:version] = '5.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'mapserver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'gdalogr proj apache apache2 apache_apple universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:mbarchfe'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgRouting'
+port[:path] = 'gis/pgRouting'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Routing algorithms for PostGIS'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql83 postgresql82 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vince'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'proj'
+port[:path] = 'gis/proj'
+port[:version] = '4.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'PROJ.4 - Cartographic Projections Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:seanasy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qgis'
+port[:path] = 'gis/qgis'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'QGIS is a user-friendly GIS based on Qt 4'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'debug python25 python26 python27 python30 python31 postgis grass universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vince'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qlandkarte'
+port[:path] = 'gis/qlandkarte'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'Use your Garmin GPS with Linux/Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 18
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gis'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'gnome'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alacarte'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/alacarte'
+port[:version] = '0.13.2'
+port[:description] = 'A simple freedesktop.org compliant menu editor for use with GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'anjuta'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/anjuta'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME/GTK IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal devhelp sourceview subversion'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'at-spi'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/at-spi'
+port[:version] = '1.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'Gnome Accesibility Technology Service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'atkmm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/atkmm'
+port[:version] = '2.22.5'
+port[:description] = 'atkmm is the C++ binding for the ATK library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bakery'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/bakery'
+port[:version] = '2.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Bakery is a C++ Framework for creating GNOME applications using gtkmm.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'balsa'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/balsa'
+port[:version] = '2.4.9'
+port[:description] = 'Gnome email client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bug-buddy'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/bug-buddy'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'A graphical bug reporting tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'eds_mail universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cog'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/cog'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'A program for editing advanced GNOME settings in an easy way.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'conglomerate'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/conglomerate'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'Conglomerate aims to be an XML editor that everyone can use.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dasher'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/dasher'
+port[:version] = '4.11'
+port[:description] = 'Zooming text entry system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'speech gvfs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'desktop-file-utils'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/desktop-file-utils'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Command line utilities for working with desktop entries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'devhelp'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/devhelp'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'Devhelp is an API documentation browser for GTK+ and GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dia'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/dia'
+port[:version] = '0.97.1'
+port[:description] = 'A diagram program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drivel'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/drivel'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Drivel is a GNOME client for working with online journals, weblogs or just blogs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drwright'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/drwright'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME break reminder!'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'empathy'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/empathy'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'Empathy is an instant-messaging(chat) program for GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eog'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/eog'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'An image viewing program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epiphany'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/epiphany'
+port[:version] = '2.30.6'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME Web browser.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epiphany-extensions'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/epiphany-extensions'
+port[:version] = '2.28.1'
+port[:description] = 'Extensions for epiphany, the GNOME web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'opensp'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'evince'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/evince'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'Evince is a document viewer for multiple document formats like pdf, and many others.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'djvu universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'evolution-data-server'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/evolution-data-server'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'Addressbook and calender libs for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'gtk_doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geekdaily.org:jim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'file-roller'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/file-roller'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'An archive manager for GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'folks'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/folks'
+port[:version] = '0.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A library that aggregates people from multiple sources to create metacontacts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gal'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gal'
+port[:version] = '2.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME Application Libs (GAL).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'galeon'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/galeon'
+port[:version] = '2.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME web browser.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcalctool'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gcalctool'
+port[:version] = '5.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'a GNOME 2 desktop calculator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gconf'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gconf'
+port[:version] = '2.28.1'
+port[:description] = 'GConf is a configuration database system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal openldap'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gconf-editor'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gconf-editor'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'gconf-editor is a gconf database editor for GNOME 2.0.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gconfmm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gconfmm'
+port[:version] = '2.28.2'
+port[:description] = 'gconfmm provides C++ wrappers for gconf.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdl'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gdl'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME development library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gdm'
+port[:version] = '2.30.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Gnome Display Manager is a re-implementation of the well known xdm program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gedit'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gedit'
+port[:version] = '2.30.4'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gedit-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gedit-plugins'
+port[:version] = '2.26.3'
+port[:description] = 'Plug-ins for GEdit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'genius'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/genius'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Genius is a calculator program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'without_gnome universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ggv'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/ggv'
+port[:version] = '2.12.0'
+port[:description] = 'GGV, Gnome GhostView, is a Gnome PostScript document previewer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ghex'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/ghex'
+port[:version] = '2.24.0'
+port[:description] = 'GHex - a binary editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glabels'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/glabels'
+port[:version] = '2.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'print labels and business cards'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'eds universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:craig.cottingham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glib-networking'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/glib-networking'
+port[:version] = '2.28.7'
+port[:description] = 'Network-related giomodules for glib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glom'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/glom'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Glom is an easy-to-use database designer and user interface.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnochm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnochm'
+port[:version] = '0.9.11'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME viewer for CHM files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnofract4d'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnofract4d'
+port[:version] = '3.13'
+port[:description] = 'Gnofract4D is a descendant of gnofract.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome math python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME Desktop mega-port.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'office graphics bindings tools admin'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-applets'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-applets'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME panel applets.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-audio'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-audio'
+port[:version] = '2.22.2'
+port[:description] = 'Audio files for GNOME events'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-backgrounds'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-backgrounds'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of backgrounds for GNOME 2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-common'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-common'
+port[:version] = '2.28.0'
+port[:description] = 'Files that should be in pretty much every GNOME application.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-control-center'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-control-center'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'Control center for GNOME 2.0 project.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-desktop'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-desktop'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Additional UI API for GNOME 2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-desktop-suite'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-desktop-suite'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME desktop environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'broken python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-devel-docs'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-devel-docs'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME Developer Documentation Package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-developer-tools'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-developer-tools'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME Developer Tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-doc-utils'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-doc-utils'
+port[:version] = '0.20.6'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME document utils.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-games'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-games'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of small but addictive games for GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-icon-theme'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-icon-theme'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of icons for the GNOME 2 desktop.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-keyring'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-keyring'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME program for storing passwords.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'test universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-libs'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-libs'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'These are the GNOME libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-mag'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-mag'
+port[:version] = '0.16.3'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME magnifier.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'colorblind universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-media'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-media'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of utilities for simple multimedia handling.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 FDL-1.1'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'deprecated universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-menus'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-menus'
+port[:version] = '2.30.5'
+port[:description] = 'Menu component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-mime-data'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-mime-data'
+port[:version] = '2.18.0'
+port[:description] = 'This module contains the base MIME and Application database for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-mud'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-mud'
+port[:version] = '0.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME-Mud is a mudclient for the GNOME platform.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-netstatus'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-netstatus'
+port[:version] = '2.28.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME Network Monitor Applet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-panel'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-panel'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-photo-print'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-photo-print'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Gnome Photo Printer is intended for printing photos in an easy way.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-platform-suite'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-platform-suite'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME Developer Platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-python-desktop'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-python-desktop'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-python-extras'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-python-extras'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-python26-extras'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-python26-extras'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-python27-extras'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-python27-extras'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-session'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-session'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Session component for the GNOME 2 desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-settings-daemon'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-settings-daemon'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Gnome 2 settings daemon.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-sharp2'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-sharp2'
+port[:version] = '2.20.0'
+port[:description] = 'Gtk bindings for the Mono .NET Development Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-speech'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-speech'
+port[:version] = '0.4.25'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME speech API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-system-monitor'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-system-monitor'
+port[:version] = '2.28.2'
+port[:description] = 'A system monitor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-terminal'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-terminal'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Terminal component for the GNOME 2 Desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-themes'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-themes'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2 designed for accessibility.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-turtle'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-turtle'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A turtle and lsys drawing program for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-user-docs'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-user-docs'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'End-user documentation for GNOME2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-utils'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-utils'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-vfs'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-vfs'
+port[:version] = '2.24.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is the GNOME Virtual File System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal avahi'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-vfs-monikers'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-vfs-monikers'
+port[:version] = '2.15.3'
+port[:description] = 'Bonobo components for gnome-vfs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnome-vfsmm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnome-vfsmm'
+port[:version] = '2.26.0'
+port[:description] = 'gnome-vfsmm provides C++ wrappers for gnome-vfs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnomeicu'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnomeicu'
+port[:version] = '0.99.14'
+port[:description] = 'GnomeICU is one of the most popular ICQ programs in the world.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnomesu'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnomesu'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME frontend to su.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnonlin'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnonlin'
+port[:version] = '0.10.17'
+port[:description] = 'A set of non-linear editing plugins for GStreamer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnopernicus'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnopernicus'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of accessibility apps for GNOME 2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnotify'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnotify'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Gnotify is a notification-service daemon.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnotime'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnotime'
+port[:version] = '2.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME project manager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnucash'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnucash'
+port[:version] = '2.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'a personal and small-business financial-accounting software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'gtkhtml without_hbci without_ofx dbi no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnucash-devel'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnucash-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'a personal and small-business financial-accounting software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'gtkhtml without_hbci without_ofx dbi no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnucash-docs'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnucash-docs'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'docs for gnucash'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnumeric'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gnumeric'
+port[:version] = '1.10.12'
+port[:description] = 'A spreadsheet with gnome support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gobject-introspection'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gobject-introspection'
+port[:version] = '0.10.6'
+port[:description] = 'GObject Introspection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'goffice'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/goffice'
+port[:version] = '0.8.12'
+port[:description] = 'GOffice is a library of document-centric objects and utilities.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'goffice03'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/goffice03'
+port[:version] = '0.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'GOffice is a library of document-centric objects and utilities.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'goocanvas'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/goocanvas'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'a Cairo Canvas Widget for GTK+'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'goocanvasmm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/goocanvasmm'
+port[:version] = '0.15.4'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrappers for goocanvas'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpodder'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gpodder'
+port[:version] = '2.16'
+port[:description] = 'A media aggregator and podcast client'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 quartz html_notes'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gramps'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gramps'
+port[:version] = '3.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'GRAMPS is a genealogy program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome science python genealogy'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grisbi'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/grisbi'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Easy Personnal Finance Manager for All.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_ofx'
+port[:maintainers] = 'grisbi.org:gerald'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst-ffmpeg'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gst-ffmpeg'
+port[:version] = '0.10.11'
+port[:description] = 'This is gst-ffmpeg, a set of plug-ins for GStreamer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst-plugins-bad'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gst-plugins-bad'
+port[:version] = '0.10.22'
+port[:description] = 'A set of plug-ins for GStreamer that need more quality.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 jack universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst-plugins-base'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gst-plugins-base'
+port[:version] = '0.10.35'
+port[:description] = 'This is gst-plugins, a set of plug-ins for GStreamer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 examples no_gnome_vfs no_ogg cdparanoia universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst-plugins-gl'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gst-plugins-gl'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'This is gst-plugins, a set of plug-ins for GStreamer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst-plugins-good'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gst-plugins-good'
+port[:version] = '0.10.30'
+port[:description] = 'A set of good-quality plug-ins for GStreamer under GStreamer\'s preferred license, LGPL.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst-plugins-ugly'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gst-plugins-ugly'
+port[:version] = '0.10.18'
+port[:description] = 'A set of good-quality plug-ins for GStreamer that might pose distribution problems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gstreamer'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gstreamer'
+port[:version] = '0.10.35'
+port[:description] = 'GStreamer is a development framework for creating multimedia applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gthumb'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gthumb'
+port[:version] = '2.12.2'
+port[:description] = 'Image viewer and browser for the gnome desktop.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-doc'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtk-doc'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+/GNOME API documentation generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk2'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtk2'
+port[:version] = '2.24.4'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+ widget toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_x11 quartz x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk2-aurora'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtk2-aurora'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Aurora Gtk Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11 gtk'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk2-murrine'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtk2-murrine'
+port[:version] = '0.90.3'
+port[:description] = 'Murrine is a GTK2 engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11 gtk'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk3'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtk3'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+ widget toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_x11 quartz x11 introspection'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtksourceview'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtksourceview'
+port[:version] = '1.8.5'
+port[:description] = 'GtkSourceView is a text widget'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtksourceview-sharp2'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtksourceview-sharp2'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'C# Bindings for GtkSourceView.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtksourceview2'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gtksourceview2'
+port[:version] = '2.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'GtkSourceView is a text widget'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:micah.lerner openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gucharmap'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gucharmap'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'gucharmap is a featureful unicode character map.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gwget'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/gwget'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Gwget is a Download Manager for Gnome 2. It uses wget as a backend.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hicolor-icon-theme'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/hicolor-icon-theme'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'A default fallback theme.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icon-naming-utils'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/icon-naming-utils'
+port[:version] = '0.8.90'
+port[:description] = 'A default fallback theme.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libbonobo'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libbonobo'
+port[:version] = '2.24.3'
+port[:description] = 'A library for creating reusable components'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libbonoboui'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libbonoboui'
+port[:version] = '2.24.5'
+port[:description] = 'GUI frontend to the libbonobo component of GNOME 2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libchamplain'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libchamplain'
+port[:version] = '0.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'A Clutter based widget to display rich, interactive maps.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcroco'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libcroco'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'A CSS parsing and manipulation toolkit for GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libepc'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libepc'
+port[:version] = '0.3.11'
+port[:description] = 'The Easy Publish and Consume Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgail-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgail-gnome'
+port[:version] = '1.20.4'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GNOME widgets.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgda'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgda'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'GDA provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 postgresql8 db4 sqlite universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgdamm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgdamm'
+port[:version] = '1.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrappers for libgda.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgdamm4'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgdamm4'
+port[:version] = '4.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrappers for libgda4.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgdata'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgdata'
+port[:version] = '0.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'libgdata is a GLib-based library for accessing online service APIs using the GData protocol --- most notably, Google\'s services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libghttp'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libghttp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME http client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libglade2'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libglade2'
+port[:version] = '2.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME glade library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libglademm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libglademm'
+port[:version] = '2.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wrapper for libglade2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnome'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnome'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'This is the non-gui part of the library formerly known as gnome-libs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnome-keyring'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnome-keyring'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME compatibility library for accessing secrets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomecanvas'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomecanvas'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'A graphics library for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomecanvasmm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomecanvasmm'
+port[:version] = '2.26.0'
+port[:description] = 'libgnomecanvasmm provides C++ wrappers for libgnomecanvas.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomecups'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomecups'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'This is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomedb'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomedb'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Data access architecture for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomekbd'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomekbd'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Libgnomekbd is something new.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomemm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomemm'
+port[:version] = '2.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'libgnomemm provides C++ wrappers for libgnome.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomeprint'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomeprint'
+port[:version] = '2.18.8'
+port[:description] = 'This is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomeprintui'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomeprintui'
+port[:version] = '2.18.6'
+port[:description] = 'This is an implementation of the Gnome Printing Architecture'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomeui'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomeui'
+port[:version] = '2.24.5'
+port[:description] = 'Libraries for the GNOME GUI, a GNU desktop environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgnomeuimm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgnomeuimm'
+port[:version] = '2.28.0'
+port[:description] = 'libgnomemm provides C++ wrappers for libgnomeui.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgsf'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgsf'
+port[:version] = '1.14.20'
+port[:description] = 'An I/O abstraction library for dealing with file formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_gnome universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgtkhtml'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgtkhtml'
+port[:version] = '2.11.1'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgtkhtml3'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgtkhtml3'
+port[:version] = '3.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'GTK HTML rendering engine.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgtksourceviewmm'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgtksourceviewmm'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'gtksourceviewmm provides C++ wrappers for gtksourceview.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgtop'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libgtop'
+port[:version] = '2.28.3'
+port[:description] = 'A library for portably obtaining information about processes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liboobs'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/liboobs'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library that provides an interface to system-tools-backends'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsoup'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libsoup'
+port[:version] = '2.34.2'
+port[:description] = 'Soup is an HTTP library implementation in C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_gnome universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libunique'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libunique'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Unique is a library for writing single instance applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libwnck'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libwnck'
+port[:version] = '2.30.6'
+port[:description] = 'Library used for writing pagers and taskslists.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxklavier'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libxklavier'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'libxklavier - utility library to make XKB stuff easier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libzvt'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/libzvt'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A library backend of zterm.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liferea'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/liferea'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'A feed aggregator for GTK+/GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'lua universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'linsmith'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/linsmith'
+port[:version] = '0.99.21'
+port[:description] = 'linSmith is a Smith Charting program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mergeant'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/mergeant'
+port[:version] = '0.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME SQL database admin tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metacity'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/metacity'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'A window manager for the adult in you.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mlview'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/mlview'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'XML-editor for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mm-common'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/mm-common'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'The mm-common module provides the build infrastructure and utilities shared among the GNOME C++ binding libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'monster-masher'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/monster-masher'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Monster Masher is an action game for the Gnome desktop environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nautilus'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/nautilus'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'The GNOME filemanager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nfoview'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/nfoview'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple viewer for NFO files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oaf'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/oaf'
+port[:version] = '0.6.10'
+port[:description] = 'Object Activation Framework for GNOME1'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oregano'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/oregano'
+port[:version] = '0.69.0'
+port[:description] = 'A graphical software application for schematic capture and simulation of electrical circuits.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pessulus'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/pessulus'
+port[:version] = '2.30.4'
+port[:description] = 'A lockdown editor for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'planner'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/planner'
+port[:version] = '0.14.4'
+port[:description] = 'Project management application for GNOME 2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'billitch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'policykit-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/policykit-gnome'
+port[:version] = '0.101'
+port[:description] = 'Provides convenience functions for using PolicyKit from GTK+ and GNOME applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-eggtrayicon'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py26-eggtrayicon'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gda'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py26-gda'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gdl'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py26-gdl'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gtkhtml2'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py26-gtkhtml2'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gtkspell'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py26-gtkspell'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-eggtrayicon'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py27-eggtrayicon'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gda'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py27-gda'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gdl'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py27-gdl'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gtkhtml2'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py27-gtkhtml2'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gtkspell'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/py27-gtkspell'
+port[:version] = '2.25.3'
+port[:description] = 'Extra Python modules for some GNOME Desktop libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'regexxer'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/regexxer'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'A search and replace tool for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'seahorse'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/seahorse'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'Seahorse is a GNOME application for managing encryption keys.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'seahorse-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/seahorse-plugins'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'Seahorse plugins.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sodipodi'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/sodipodi'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'Sodipodi is a vector-based drawing program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'startup-notification'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/startup-notification'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Library that supports startup notification specs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kpricorn.org:macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'system-tools-backends'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/system-tools-backends'
+port[:version] = '2.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'Tools aimed to ease computer administration.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'totem'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/totem'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Official movie player of the GNOME desktop environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'totem-pl-parser'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/totem-pl-parser'
+port[:version] = '2.30.4'
+port[:description] = 'Gnome Playlist parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vino'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/vino'
+port[:version] = '2.28.2'
+port[:description] = 'Vino is a VNC server for the current GNOME user'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vte'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/vte'
+port[:version] = '0.28.0'
+port[:description] = 'Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'python27 python26 without_python universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xchat-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/xchat-gnome'
+port[:version] = '0.26.1'
+port[:description] = 'xchat-gnome is a new frontend to X-Chat.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yelp'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/yelp'
+port[:version] = '2.30.2'
+port[:description] = 'Help browser for GNOME.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zenity'
+port[:path] = 'gnome/zenity'
+port[:version] = '2.32.1'
+port[:description] = 'zenity allows you to display dialog boxes from the commandline.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 19
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnome'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'gnustep'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ArtResources'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/ArtResources'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'FreeFonts and Vera fonts for gnustep art backend.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Etoile'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/Etoile'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep based user environnement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Etoile-devel'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/Etoile-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep based user environnement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GMastermind'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/GMastermind'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'The well-known mastermind game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GMines'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/GMines'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'The well-known minesweeper game.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GNUMail'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/GNUMail'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0pre3'
+port[:description] = 'Fully featured mail application using GNUStep or Cocoa.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'HighlighterKit'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/HighlighterKit'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Syntax highlighting framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Jigsaw'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/Jigsaw'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Simulates a jigsaw puzzle.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'KeyArcher'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/KeyArcher'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'An interactive keyed-archive explorer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PRICE'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/PRICE'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'A high-quality image manipulation and enhancement application.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Pantomime'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/Pantomime'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0pre3'
+port[:description] = 'a framework for supporing POP, IMAP3, and SMTP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Performance'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/Performance'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Performance measuring classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PreferencePanes'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/PreferencePanes'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep\'s PreferencePanes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ProjectCenter'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/ProjectCenter'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep\'s integrated developement environment (IDE).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ProjectManager'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/ProjectManager'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for GNUstep'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Renaissance'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/Renaissance'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'create user interfaces via XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SQLClient'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/SQLClient'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Simple OO Interface to SQL databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TalkSoup'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/TalkSoup'
+port[:version] = '1.0alpha'
+port[:description] = 'IRC client for GNUstep.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'WizardKit'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/WizardKit'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Wizard-style setup framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Yap.app'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/Yap.app'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Yap.app PostScript/PDF previewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep'
+port[:version] = '0.18.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep meta port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs dev_tools'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-back'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-back'
+port[:version] = '0.17.0'
+port[:description] = 'A back-end component for the GNUstep GUI Library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs quartzwm cairo universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-base'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-base'
+port[:version] = '1.19.1'
+port[:description] = 'A library of general-purpose Objective C objects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs ffi ffcall'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-core'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-core'
+port[:version] = '0.18.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep core / Startup package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs dev_tools'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-dl2'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-dl2'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep Database Library 2 (GDL2)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-gui'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-gui'
+port[:version] = '0.17.0'
+port[:description] = 'A library of graphical user interface Objective C classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-make'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-make'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep makefile package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'fhs_layout gnustep_layout'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep devel cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-make-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-make-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '1.13.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep makefile package for the Cocoa API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep aqua devel cross'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnustep-make-docs'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gnustep-make-docs'
+port[:version] = '1.13.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep makefile documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gorm'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gorm'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical Object Relationship Modeller'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gworkspace'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/gworkspace'
+port[:version] = '0.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep\'s Workspace Manager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs with_pdfkit universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netclasses'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/netclasses'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'Asynchronous networking library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdfkit'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/pdfkit'
+port[:version] = '062906'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep framework for PDF rendering'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'plconv'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/plconv'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Convert between different property list formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'system-preferences'
+port[:path] = 'gnustep/system-preferences'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNUstep\'s System Preferences.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 20
+port[:variants] = 'with_docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'gnustep'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'graphics'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AntTweakBar'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/AntTweakBar'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'Graphics Library for graphical user interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'karcaw at gmail.com'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Coin'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/Coin'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'cross platform C++ OpenGL scene graph library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'aqua devel manpages threadsafe universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ETL'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ETL'
+port[:version] = '0.04.13'
+port[:description] = 'multi-platform class and template library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GLC_lib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/GLC_lib'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ class library that enables the quick creation of an OpenGL application based on QT4.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lilalinux.net:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GraphicsMagick'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/GraphicsMagick'
+port[:version] = '1.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'image processing tools collection'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'q8 q16 q32 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ImageMagick'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ImageMagick'
+port[:version] = '6.7.1-0'
+port[:description] = 'Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'ImageMagick'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'graphviz hdri jbig jpeg2 lqr mpeg no_plus_plus no_x11 perl q8 q16 q32 rsvg wmf universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'InsightToolkit'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/InsightToolkit'
+port[:version] = '3.16.0'
+port[:description] = 'Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'doc brainweb shared examples testing wrap python24 python25'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics math science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'InsightToolkit312'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/InsightToolkit312'
+port[:version] = '3.12.0'
+port[:description] = 'Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'doc brainweb shared examples testing wrap python24 python25 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics math science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'InsightToolkit314'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/InsightToolkit314'
+port[:version] = '3.14.0'
+port[:description] = 'Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'doc brainweb shared examples testing wrap python24 python25 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics math science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MyPaint'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/MyPaint'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'a fast and easy graphics application for digital painters'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'OpenSceneGraph'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/OpenSceneGraph'
+port[:version] = '2.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'high-performance 3D graphics toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'OpenSceneGraph-0.0 wxWindows-3 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'OpenSceneGraph-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/OpenSceneGraph-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'high-performance 3D graphics toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'OpenSceneGraph-0.0 wxWindows-3 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Paintbrush'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/Paintbrush'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Cocoa-based image editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:gordon.child'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Quarter'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/Quarter'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'integrates Coin and Qt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Renaissance-Framework'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/Renaissance-Framework'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'create user interfaces via XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics gnustep cross devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SimGear'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/SimGear'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'building blocks for quickly assembling 3d simulations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'VirtualPlanetBuilder'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/VirtualPlanetBuilder'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'terrain database creation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'OpenSceneGraph-0.0 wxWindows-3 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aalib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/aalib'
+port[:version] = '1.4rc5'
+port[:description] = 'Portable ascii art GFX library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'agave'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/agave'
+port[:version] = '0.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'Generate a variety of colorschemes from a single starting color.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ale'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ale'
+port[:version] = '0.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'antilamenessing engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'antigraingeometry'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/antigraingeometry'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A high quality rendering engine for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'sdl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'argyll'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/argyll'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Argyll Color Management System'
+port[:licenses] = 'gpl'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'assimp'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/assimp'
+port[:version] = '2.0.863'
+port[:description] = 'library to import 3D model formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asymptote'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/asymptote'
+port[:version] = '2.08'
+port[:description] = 'a vector graphics language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:loshea'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autopano-sift-c'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/autopano-sift-c'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Detects control points in photos using SIFT algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'auckland.ac.nz:p.schmiedeskamp gmail.com:hvdwolf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autotrace'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/autotrace'
+port[:version] = '0.31.1'
+port[:description] = 'Convert bitmap to vector graphics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'babl'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/babl'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Babl is a library for dynamically handling pixel formats and managing conversions between them.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bitstream-vera'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/bitstream-vera'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Bitstream Vera Fonts for use with Freetype/Fontconfig'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:jbenninghoff'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blccc'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/blccc'
+port[:version] = '1.999'
+port[:description] = 'Blinkenlights Chaos Control Center'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics blinkenlights'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/blib'
+port[:version] = '1.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Library of useful things to hack the Blinkenlights'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'gtk aa universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics blinkenlights'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blinkensim'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/blinkensim'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Blinkenlights simulator and blinkenproxy interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics blinkenlights'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blinkenthemes'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/blinkenthemes'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Blinkenlights simulator themes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics blinkenlights'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blinkentools'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/blinkentools'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Blinkenlights command line tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'oldtools mng universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics blinkenlights'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cairo'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/cairo'
+port[:version] = '1.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'a vector graphics library with cross-device output support'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1 MPL-1.1'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal opengl quartz no_x11 x11 x11_xcb'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cairo-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/cairo-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'a vector graphics library with cross-device output support'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1 MPL-1.1'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal opengl quartz no_x11 x11 x11_xcb'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cairomm'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/cairomm'
+port[:version] = '1.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'Cairo is a vector graphics library with cross-device output support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cairomm-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/cairomm-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'This library provides a C++ interface to cairo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cal3d'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/cal3d'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'skeletal based 3d character animation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clutter'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/clutter'
+port[:version] = '1.6.14'
+port[:description] = 'A generic high-level canvas library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clutter-gst'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/clutter-gst'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Clutter GStreamer integration library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clutter-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/clutter-gtk'
+port[:version] = '0.10.8'
+port[:description] = 'Clutter GTK integration library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'comix'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/comix'
+port[:version] = '4.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Comix is a user-friendly, customizable image viewer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'compface'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/compface'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to convert to and from the X-Face format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darktable'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/darktable'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'quartz x11 no_x11 gcc44 gcc45 gcc46 gconf gnome_keyring universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:julians37'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dcmtk'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/dcmtk'
+port[:version] = '3.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The DICOM Toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = '{BSD} {Apache-2.0}}'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal llvm private doc png ssl tiff xml'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dcraw'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/dcraw'
+port[:version] = '9.08-20110511010600'
+port[:description] = 'Digital camera raw photo decoding software supporting hundreds of cameras'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'djvu2pdf'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/djvu2pdf'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'converts Djvu files to PDF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'djvulibre'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/djvulibre'
+port[:version] = '3.5.24'
+port[:description] = 'Web centric format and software platform for distributing documents and images.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'djview3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvi2bitmap'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/dvi2bitmap'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to convert TeX DVI files directly to bitmaps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'edje'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/edje'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A library for graphical layout and animation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'electric'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/electric'
+port[:version] = '8.11'
+port[:description] = 'CAD system for VLSI circuit design'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics electronics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'enblend'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/enblend'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'a tool to composite images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:hvdwolf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epeg'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/epeg'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'An IMMENSELY FAST JPEG thumbnailer library API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'esdl'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/esdl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Erlang OpenGL/SDL API and Utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel erlang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exact-image'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/exact-image'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'a fast, modern and generic image processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tobias-elze.de:macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exempi'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/exempi'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Exempi is an implementation of XMP.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'unit_test universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exif'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/exif'
+port[:version] = '0.6.19'
+port[:description] = 'Command line tool to read, write, modify and display EXIF data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exiftags'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/exiftags'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Utility spits out Exif tags from a digital camera JPEG file'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exiv2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/exiv2'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'EXIF and IPTC metadata manipulation library and tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vafer.org:tcurdt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'feh'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/feh'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Fast lightweight image viewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cs.dartmouth.edu:tristan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fig2ps'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/fig2ps'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'converts xfig files to PostScript or PDF, processing text with LaTeX'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flam3'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/flam3'
+port[:version] = '2.7.18'
+port[:description] = 'Cosmic Recursive Fractal Flames'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'oxymoronical.com:dtownsend'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fnlib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/fnlib'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fonts and font libraries necessary for Enlightenment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fontconfig'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/fontconfig'
+port[:version] = '2.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows'
+port[:licenses] = 'fontconfig'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fontforge'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/fontforge'
+port[:version] = '20110222'
+port[:description] = 'Outline and bitmap font editor/converter for many formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'with_freetype_bytecode universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freeimage'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/freeimage'
+port[:version] = '3.15.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library for FreeImage, a dependency-less graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'FreeImage-1.0 GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ftgl'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ftgl'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3-rc5'
+port[:description] = 'Freetype / OpenGL bridge'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'krugazor at free.fr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'g2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/g2'
+port[:version] = '0.72'
+port[:description] = 'simple 2-D graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'g3data'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/g3data'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'g3data is a program to extract data from published graphs, when the raw data is not available.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'thphys.ox.ac.uk:eyre'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11 science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gd2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gd2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.35'
+port[:description] = 'GD creates PNG and JPEG images, among other formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'gd'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdchart'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gdchart'
+port[:version] = '0.11.5'
+port[:description] = 'Easy to use C API, high performance library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdk-pixbuf'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gdk-pixbuf'
+port[:version] = '0.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'generic image handling library for Gtk+ programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdk-pixbuf2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gdk-pixbuf2'
+port[:version] = '2.22.1'
+port[:description] = 'The gdk-pixbuf-2.0 library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdsreader'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gdsreader'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Calma (GDSii) reader/parser/print tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics cad'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gegl'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gegl'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'GEGL is a graph based image processing framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'html_doc workshop'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'giblib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/giblib'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Utility library for lists, strings and imlib2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cs.dartmouth.edu:tristan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'giflib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/giflib'
+port[:version] = '4.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'GIF library using patented LZW algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gifsicle'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gifsicle'
+port[:version] = '1.42'
+port[:description] = 'GIF image/animation creator/editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cofa.unsw.edu.au:nigel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp'
+port[:version] = '2.6.11'
+port[:description] = 'The Gimp - Batteries Included'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'animation manual quartz'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp-gap'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp-gap'
+port[:version] = '2.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Gimp Animation Package.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp-gap-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp-gap-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Gimp Animation Package.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp-jp2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp-jp2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'GIMP Wavelet/JPEG 2000 plug-in.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp-lqr-plugin'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp-lqr-plugin'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Liquid Rescale Gimp plug-in.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp-user-manual'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp-user-manual'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A multilingual user manual for GIMP (out of date).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'without_gimp cs de en es fr hr it ko nl no ru sv zh_CN universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp2'
+port[:version] = '2.6.11'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Image Manipulation Program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 no_python gvfs remote help_browser debug quartz x11 no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp2-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gimp2-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Image Manipulation Program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'no_python gvfs remote help_browser debug quartz x11 no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gl2ps'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gl2ps'
+port[:version] = '1.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'an OpenGL to PostScript printing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GL2PS-2 LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug bibtex latex universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glew'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/glew'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+ BSD MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glitz'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/glitz'
+port[:version] = '0.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'Glitz is an OpenGL image compositing library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gliv'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gliv'
+port[:version] = '1.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'GLiv is an OpenGL image viewer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glpng'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/glpng'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL library for loading PNG images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glut'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/glut'
+port[:version] = '3.7'
+port[:description] = 'stub package. glut is now installed with the mesa port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gocr'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gocr'
+port[:version] = '0.48'
+port[:description] = 'Optical Character Recognition, converts images back to text'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gphoto2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gphoto2'
+port[:version] = '2.4.10'
+port[:description] = 'command line interface to libgphoto2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gqview'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gqview'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'GQview image browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mvitocruz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'graphviz'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/graphviz'
+port[:version] = '2.28.0'
+port[:description] = 'Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs'
+port[:licenses] = 'EPL-1.0'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'guile lua ocaml perl php python24 python25 python26 ruby tcl java smyrna r rsvg gdk_pixbuf glitz ming no_pangocairo no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'graphviz-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/graphviz-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.29.20110710.0445'
+port[:description] = 'Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs'
+port[:licenses] = 'EPL-1.0'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'guile lua ocaml perl php python24 python25 python26 ruby tcl java smyrna r rsvg gdk_pixbuf glitz ming no_pangocairo no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'graphviz-gui'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/graphviz-gui'
+port[:version] = '2.28.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X Aqua GUI for viewing and exporting Graphviz graphs'
+port[:licenses] = 'EPL-1.0'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'graphviz-gui-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/graphviz-gui-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.29.20110710.0445'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X Aqua GUI for viewing and exporting Graphviz graphs'
+port[:licenses] = 'EPL-1.0'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'graphviz-oldgui'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/graphviz-oldgui'
+port[:version] = '16'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X Aqua GUI for viewing and exporting Graphviz graphs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'greycstoration'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/greycstoration'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Open source algorithm for image denoising and interpolation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:julien.lusson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtksee'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/gtksee'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0b-1'
+port[:description] = 'A simple image viewer based on GTK+ 1.2.x and running on X Window System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hugin-app'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/hugin-app'
+port[:version] = '2011.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Panorama photo stitcher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:hvdwolf auckland.ac.nz:p.schmiedeskamp'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icns-gimp'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/icns-gimp'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Gimp file format plug-in for Macintosh icon files (.icns)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icoconvert'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/icoconvert'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'convert Windows .ico icon files into .xpm and .png files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ilmbase'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ilmbase'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'OpenEXR ILM Base libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imageindex'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/imageindex'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'generates static HTML galleries of images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imecho'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/imecho'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'command line utility to display images in an xterm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imlib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/imlib'
+port[:version] = '1.9.15'
+port[:description] = 'Graphics library related to the enlightenment window manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imlib2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/imlib2'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Image loading and rendering library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'inkscape'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/inkscape'
+port[:version] = '0.48.1'
+port[:description] = 'Inkscape is an open source SVG editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'disable_debugging enable_debugging'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'inkscape-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/inkscape-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Unstable development version of Inkscape from recent BZR leading up to release of version 0.49.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'disable_debugging enable_debugging'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipe'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ipe'
+port[:version] = '7.0.14'
+port[:description] = 'The Ipe extensible drawing editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jacobs-university.de:m.thon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipe-tools'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ipe-tools'
+port[:version] = '20110116'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for the Ipe extensible drawing editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jacobs-university.de:m.thon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iulib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/iulib'
+port[:version] = '0.4-d9b9406fac75'
+port[:description] = 'C++ library of image understanding-related algorithms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ivtools'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ivtools'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'X11 based drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, web graphics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jasper'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jasper'
+port[:version] = '1.900.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 images'
+port[:licenses] = 'JasPer-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'jiv universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jbigkit'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jbigkit'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Data compression algorithm for bi-level high-res images'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jgraph'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jgraph'
+port[:version] = '8.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Filter for Plotting Graphs in PostScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cs.ucsd.edu:s'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jhead'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jhead'
+port[:version] = '2.87'
+port[:description] = 'Program for extracting Digicam setting information from Exif Jpeg headers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cotsworth.com:simon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jp2a'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jp2a'
+port[:version] = '0.9.19'
+port[:description] = 'converts JPEG images to ASCII'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sublevel3.org:csl'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jpeg'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jpeg'
+port[:version] = '8c'
+port[:description] = 'Library for manipulating JPEG images'
+port[:licenses] = 'IJG'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jpeg2ps'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jpeg2ps'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to convert JPEG to PostScript fileS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jpeg6b'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jpeg6b'
+port[:version] = '6b'
+port[:description] = 'Library for manipulating JPEG images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jpegpixi'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/jpegpixi'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'JPEG Pixel Interpolator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lablgl'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lablgl'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml interface to OpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lcms'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lcms'
+port[:version] = '1.19'
+port[:description] = 'Little Color Management System, a color matching method library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lcms2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lcms2'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Little Color Management System, a color matching method library (version 2)'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lensfun'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lensfun'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Library for fixing lens geometry distortion'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3 LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:julians37'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'leptonica'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/leptonica'
+port[:version] = '1.67'
+port[:description] = 'Leptonica is a image processing and image analysis library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lib2geom'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lib2geom'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'lib2geom is a library providing a robust 2D computational geometry framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lib3ds'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lib3ds'
+port[:version] = '20080909'
+port[:description] = 'Overall software library for managing 3D-Studio Release 3 and 4 .3DS files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lilalinux.net:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lib3ds13'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lib3ds13'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Overall software library for managing 3D-Studio Release 3 and 4 .3DS files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lilalinux.net:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libQGLViewer'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libQGLViewer'
+port[:version] = '2.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'A C++ library based on Qt that eases the creation of OpenGL 3D viewers'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+ Commercial'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libart_lgpl'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libart_lgpl'
+port[:version] = '2.3.21'
+port[:description] = 'fast 2D image manipulation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcaca'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libcaca'
+port[:version] = '0.99.beta17'
+port[:description] = 'Colour AsCii Art library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcolorblind'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libcolorblind'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Libcolorblind is a pixel filter for colorblind accessibility.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdmtx'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libdmtx'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Data Matrix library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mr_bond openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libemf'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libemf'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Enhanced Metafile Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libexif'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libexif'
+port[:version] = '0.6.20'
+port[:description] = 'EXIF parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgeotiff'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libgeotiff'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library and tools for dealing with GeoTIFF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libggi'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libggi'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'General Graphics Interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libggigcp'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libggigcp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'GGI Generic Color & Palette'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libggimisc'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libggimisc'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'GGI Miscellaneous'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libggiwmh'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libggiwmh'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'GGI extension for windowed targets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libguichan'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libguichan'
+port[:version] = '0.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'portable C++ GUI library designed for games using SDL'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libhermes'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libhermes'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Hermes is a pixel conversion library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libicns'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libicns'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'libicns is a library for manipulation of the Mac OS icns resource format and includes the icns2png converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libiptcdata'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libiptcdata'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'IPTC parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'technokracy.net:grrr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblqr'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/liblqr'
+port[:version] = '1-0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Liquid Rescale library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:myschizobuddy devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmng'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libmng'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Library for read MNG, an extension to PNG.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libopenraw'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libopenraw'
+port[:version] = '0.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'libopenraw is an ongoing project to provide a free software implementation for camera RAW files decoding.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'no_gnome'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpano13'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libpano13'
+port[:version] = '2.9.18'
+port[:description] = 'The cross-platform library behind Panorama Tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freespace+macforge at gmail.com'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpixman'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libpixman'
+port[:version] = '0.22.2'
+port[:description] = 'Pixel region Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'pixman'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpixman-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libpixman-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.23.2'
+port[:description] = 'Pixel region Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'pixman'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpng'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libpng'
+port[:version] = '1.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'Library for manipulating PNG images'
+port[:licenses] = 'libpng'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign waqar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin openbsd freebsd sunos linux'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'librsvg'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/librsvg'
+port[:version] = '2.34.0'
+port[:description] = 'Gnome implementation of rsvg.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libspiro'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libspiro'
+port[:version] = '20071029'
+port[:description] = 'Raph Levien\'s Spiro package as a library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsvg'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libsvg'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'SVG Rendering library using cairo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsvg-cairo'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libsvg-cairo'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'SVG Rendering library using cairo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libungif'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libungif'
+port[:version] = '4.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Tools and library routines for working with GIF images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'doc x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libwmf'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libwmf'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Library for converting WMF (Window Metafile Format) files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'x11 xml2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libwpg'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libwpg'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Libwpg is a C++ library for reading and parsing graphics in WPG (Word Perfect Graphics) format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxmi'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/libxmi'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'GNU rasterizing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lprof'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/lprof'
+port[:version] = '20090113'
+port[:description] = 'LProf open source ICC profiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'magicpoint'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/magicpoint'
+port[:version] = '1.10a'
+port[:description] = 'An X11 based presentation tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'makeicns'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/makeicns'
+port[:version] = '1.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'This program lets you convert all kinds of images to Apple icns format on the command line.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metapixel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/metapixel'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Photomosaic Generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:fclaire'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mftrace'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/mftrace'
+port[:version] = '1.2.16'
+port[:description] = 'Trace TeX bitmap font to PFA, PFB, or TTF font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autotrace universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'minidjvu'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/minidjvu'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'A bitonal DjVu encoder/decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mkhexgrid'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/mkhexgrid'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Generates hexagonal grids often used for strategy games.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'freebsd darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print games textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpg2ppm'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/mpg2ppm'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'mpg2ppm is a MPEG-VStream decoder based on mpeg2decode'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mscgen'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/mscgen'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'Message Sequence Chart image generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mtpaint'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/mtpaint'
+port[:version] = '3.31'
+port[:description] = 'Mark Tyler\'s Painting Program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'gtk1'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netpbm'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/netpbm'
+port[:version] = '10.47.26'
+port[:description] = 'Image manipulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nifticlib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/nifticlib'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'niftilib is a collection of i/o routines for the nifti1 neuroimage data format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nip2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/nip2'
+port[:version] = '7.20.5'
+port[:description] = 'nip2 is a user-interface to the VIPS image processing library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jcupitt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'objectmarker'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/objectmarker'
+port[:version] = '20070501'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for opencv to learn to recognize objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocrad'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ocrad'
+port[:version] = '0.21'
+port[:description] = 'ocrad is an optical character recognition program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openclipart'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/openclipart'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'This is a collection of clipart.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opencv'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/opencv'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Intel(R) Open Source Computer Vision Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug dc1394 qt4 python26 python27 tbb'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openexr'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/openexr'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'OpenEXR Graphics Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openjpeg'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/openjpeg'
+port[:version] = '1.4-r697'
+port[:description] = 'Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvrml'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/openvrml'
+port[:version] = '0.18.8'
+port[:description] = 'a cross-platform VRML and X3D browser and C++ runtime library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3 GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'js_mozilla js_spidermonkey no_opengl xembed player mozilla_plugin no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'optipng'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/optipng'
+port[:version] = '0.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'PNG file optimizer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'osgswig-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/osgswig-devel'
+port[:version] = '222'
+port[:description] = 'SWIG based bindings for OpenSceneGraph'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdf2djvu'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pdf2djvu'
+port[:version] = '0.7.7'
+port[:description] = 'Convert PDF to DjVu'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdf2svg'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pdf2svg'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'pdf to svg converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgplot'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pgplot'
+port[:version] = '5.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'C/Fortran graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 aquaterm gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pict2pdf'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pict2pdf'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Vector-to-vector conversion of PICT files to PDF'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bme.ogi.edu:prahl'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'plotutils'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/plotutils'
+port[:version] = '2.6'
+port[:description] = 'GNU plotting utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'png2ico'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/png2ico'
+port[:version] = '2002-12-08'
+port[:description] = 'Converts PNG files to Windows icon resource files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pngcrush'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pngcrush'
+port[:version] = '1.7.16'
+port[:description] = 'optimizer for PNG files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pngmeta'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pngmeta'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Pngmeta is a tool for extracting metadata from PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pngpp'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pngpp'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A simplified input/output library for PNG files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'podofo'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/podofo'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'PoDoFo is a library to work with the PDF file format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poppler'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/poppler'
+port[:version] = '0.16.6'
+port[:description] = 'Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal quartz qt4 docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poppler-data'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/poppler-data'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Poppler encoding data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'potrace'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/potrace'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Transform bitmaps into vector graphics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'metric_default a4_default universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'povray'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/povray'
+port[:version] = '3.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Persistence Of Vision RAYtracer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pstoedit'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pstoedit'
+port[:version] = '3.50'
+port[:description] = 'Translate PostScript and PDF to other vector formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-g2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pure-g2'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to the g2 graphics library for Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-gl'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/pure-gl'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to access OpenGL functions from Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qimageblitz'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qimageblitz'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical effects library for KDE4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qiv'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qiv'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A very small and pretty fast gdk/Imlib image viewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hilaiel.com:lloyd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qrencode'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qrencode'
+port[:version] = '3.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'QR Code generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quesoglc'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/quesoglc'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'QuesoGLC is a free implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer (GLC).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qwt'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qwt'
+port[:version] = '5.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Widgets for Technical Applications, version 5.1'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'qt3 qt4 debug examples universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qwt-60'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qwt-60'
+port[:version] = '6.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Widgets for Technical Applications, version 6.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'qt3 qt4 debug examples universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qwt-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qwt-devel'
+port[:version] = '6.0.0-rc3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Widgets for Technical Applications, version 6.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'qt3 qt4 debug examples universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qwt52'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qwt52'
+port[:version] = '5.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Widgets for Technical Applications, version 5.2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'qt3 qt4 debug examples universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qwtplot3d'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/qwtplot3d'
+port[:version] = '0.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Qt-based 3D-widgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'qt3 qt4 debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rawstudio'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/rawstudio'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Raw-image converter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rt-volume-rendering'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/rt-volume-rendering'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Real-Time Volume Renderer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:bugcutt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sane-backends'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/sane-backends'
+port[:version] = '1.0.22'
+port[:description] = 'Backends for scanner access'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'disable_localbackends enable_pnmbackend with_gphoto2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:aguynamedryan+sane'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sane-frontends'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/sane-frontends'
+port[:version] = '1.0.15git'
+port[:description] = 'Frontends for scanner access'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:aguynamedryan+sane'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scale2x'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/scale2x'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'utility to increase the size of small bitmaps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scantailor'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/scantailor'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'An interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shapelib'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/shapelib'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Library and tools for dealing with ESRI ShapeFiles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'simage'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/simage'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'library for loading and saving images, sound and video'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'quicktime universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squish'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/squish'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'DXT Compression Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:julian9'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'svg2pdf'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/svg2pdf'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Render an SVG image to a PDF file (using cairo)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swftools'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/swftools'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'SWF manipulation and generation tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'synfig'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/synfig'
+port[:version] = '0.62.02'
+port[:description] = 'vector-based 2-D animation package'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'synfigstudio'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/synfigstudio'
+port[:version] = '0.62.02'
+port[:description] = 'synfig animation studio'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 't1utils'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/t1utils'
+port[:version] = '1.36'
+port[:description] = 'Command line tools for dealing with Type 1 fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tgif'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/tgif'
+port[:version] = '4.1.42'
+port[:description] = 'Basic vector drawing package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:mdales'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tiff'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/tiff'
+port[:version] = '3.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Library and tools for dealing with Tag Image File Format'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'jbig universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'toilet'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/toilet'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'toilet - colour based alternative to figlet using libcaca'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmainteiner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'twain-sane'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/twain-sane'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'TWAIN datasource for SANE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ufraw'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/ufraw'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'Unidentified Flying Raw (UFRaw)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unpaper'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/unpaper'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Post-processing scanned and photocopied book pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pd.infn.it:cristiano.fontana'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vigra'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/vigra'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Generic Image Processing Library for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'docs valgrind universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:benjamin.seppke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vips'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/vips'
+port[:version] = '7.24.2'
+port[:description] = 'VIPS is an image processing library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jcupitt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vlfeat'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/vlfeat'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of SIFT, MSER and other CV algorithms.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'VTK'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/vtk'
+port[:version] = '4.4.2'
+port[:description] = '3D visualization toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vtk-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/vtk-devel'
+port[:version] = '5.4.2'
+port[:description] = '3D visualization toolkit (www.vtk.org)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'huge core wrap database debug release shared carbon cocoa x11 data doc examples testing java python25 python26 tcl tcl_apple mysql5 pgsql83 pgsql84 odbc mpi boost universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics math science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vtk44'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/vtk44'
+port[:version] = '4.4.2'
+port[:description] = '3D visualization toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vtk5'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/vtk5'
+port[:version] = '5.6.1'
+port[:description] = '3D visualization toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug x11 tcltk carbon python python25 python26 python27 qt4_mac mysql data universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webp'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/webp'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'image format library providing lossy compression for photographic images'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'whirlgif'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/whirlgif'
+port[:version] = '3.04'
+port[:description] = 'produces an animated GIF file composed of a series of GIF images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wings'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/wings'
+port[:version] = '0.99.04a'
+port[:description] = 'Erlang 3D Modeler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics erlang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxLua'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/wxLua'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Lua bindings for wxWidgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'aqua x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxWidgets'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/wxWidgets'
+port[:version] = '2.8.12'
+port[:description] = 'mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'nonmonolithic debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxWidgets-devel'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/wxWidgets-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'nonmonolithic debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxWidgets-python'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/wxWidgets-python'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'carbon gtk nonmonolithic debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxWidgets26'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/wxWidgets26'
+port[:version] = '2.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'mature cross-platform C++ GUI framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xaos'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xaos'
+port[:version] = '3.5'
+port[:description] = 'real-time interactive fractal zoomer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfig'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xfig'
+port[:version] = '3.2.5b'
+port[:description] = 'Facility for Interactive Generation of figures under X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf'
+port[:version] = '3.02pl5'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf is a viewer for PDF files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'a4 drm no_mangle_names t1lib universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-arabic'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-arabic'
+port[:version] = '2003-feb-16'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Arabic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-chinese-simplified'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-chinese-simplified'
+port[:version] = '2004-jul-27'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for simplified Chinese'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-chinese-traditional'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-chinese-traditional'
+port[:version] = '2004-jul-27'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for traditional Chinese'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-cyrillic'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-cyrillic'
+port[:version] = '2003-jun-28'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Cyrillic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-greek'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-greek'
+port[:version] = '2003-jun-28'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Greek'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-hebrew'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-hebrew'
+port[:version] = '2003-feb-16'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Hebrew'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-japanese'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-japanese'
+port[:version] = '2004-jul-27'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Japanese'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-korean'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-korean'
+port[:version] = '2005-jul-07'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Korean'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-latin2'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-latin2'
+port[:version] = '2002-oct-22'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for latin2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-thai'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-thai'
+port[:version] = '2002-jan-16'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Thai'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-tools'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-tools'
+port[:version] = '3.02'
+port[:description] = 'Wrapper port for xpdf CLI tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpdf-turkish'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xpdf-turkish'
+port[:version] = '2002-apr-10'
+port[:description] = 'Xpdf character mapping for Turkish'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'autoactivate'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsane'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xsane'
+port[:version] = '0.998'
+port[:description] = 'X11 frontend for SANE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'disable_gimp'
+port[:maintainers] = 'puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xv'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/xv'
+port[:version] = '3.10a'
+port[:description] = 'xv is an interactive image manipulation program for the X Window System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yafray'
+port[:path] = 'graphics/yafray'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6-2'
+port[:description] = '3D raytracer / renderer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 21
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:krugazor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'graphics'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'irc'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bahamut'
+port[:path] = 'irc/bahamut'
+port[:version] = '1.8.9'
+port[:description] = 'Bahamut is an Internet Relay Chat Daemon (IRCd) designed for DALnet.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bitchx'
+port[:path] = 'irc/bitchx'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'BitchX - An IRC Client based on ircII w/ ANSI color and much much more.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fuzzymagic.com:sean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bitlbee'
+port[:path] = 'irc/bitlbee'
+port[:version] = '3.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'An IRC to other chat networks gateway'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'otr universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yeled'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bnc'
+port[:path] = 'irc/bnc'
+port[:version] = '2.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'irc bouncer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dircproxy'
+port[:path] = 'irc/dircproxy'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'an IRC proxy server, a.k.a, bouncer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kastenbalg.org:darwin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dircproxy-devel'
+port[:path] = 'irc/dircproxy-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0-RC1'
+port[:description] = 'an IRC proxy server, a.k.a, bouncer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eggdrop'
+port[:path] = 'irc/eggdrop'
+port[:version] = '1.6.20'
+port[:description] = 'Eggdrop is the world\'s most popular Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:dre'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epic4'
+port[:path] = 'irc/epic4'
+port[:version] = '2.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'The (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epic5'
+port[:path] = 'irc/epic5'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = '(E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient 5'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'erc'
+port[:path] = 'irc/erc'
+port[:version] = '5.3'
+port[:description] = 'An irc client for emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fisg'
+port[:path] = 'irc/fisg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'creates HTML pages with statistics about IRC logs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ii'
+port[:path] = 'irc/ii'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'minimalist FIFO and filesystem-based IRC client'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'infobot'
+port[:path] = 'irc/infobot'
+port[:version] = '0.45.3'
+port[:description] = 'IRC Bot written in Perl with a rabid AI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'insub'
+port[:path] = 'irc/insub'
+port[:version] = '13.0'
+port[:description] = 'extra cowsay cows and irssi script'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ircii'
+port[:path] = 'irc/ircii'
+port[:version] = '20110228'
+port[:description] = 'an IRC and ICB client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ircii-classic'
+port[:path] = 'irc/ircii-classic'
+port[:version] = '2.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'a text-based IRC and ICB client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'irctree'
+port[:path] = 'irc/irctree'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'show a tree representing the structure of an IRC network in ASCII'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'irssi'
+port[:path] = 'irc/irssi'
+port[:version] = '0.8.15'
+port[:description] = 'modular IRC client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'perl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'irssi-devel'
+port[:path] = 'irc/irssi-devel'
+port[:version] = '5205'
+port[:description] = 'modular IRC client'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'irssistats'
+port[:path] = 'irc/irssistats'
+port[:version] = '0.75'
+port[:description] = 'generate IRC statistics from irssi logs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lostirc'
+port[:path] = 'irc/lostirc'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'simple GTK+ IRC client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netwalker-ircc'
+port[:path] = 'irc/netwalker-ircc'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'A simple, fast IRC client with an ncurses UI.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ngircd'
+port[:path] = 'irc/ngircd'
+port[:version] = '16'
+port[:description] = 'next generation IRC daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'gnutls openssl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scrollz'
+port[:path] = 'irc/scrollz'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'ircII-based irc client'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sic'
+port[:path] = 'irc/sic'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'extremely fast, small and simple irc client'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'silc-client'
+port[:path] = 'irc/silc-client'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'client for the silc-network.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'silc-server'
+port[:path] = 'irc/silc-server'
+port[:version] = '1.1.11'
+port[:description] = 'server for the silc-network.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'supybot'
+port[:path] = 'irc/supybot'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'IRC bot framework in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'thirdeye'
+port[:path] = 'irc/thirdeye'
+port[:version] = '1.72'
+port[:description] = 'Colorful and effective script for the epic irc client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tkirc'
+port[:path] = 'irc/tkirc'
+port[:version] = '2.46'
+port[:description] = 'A Tk-based GUI for the ircII Internet Relay Chat client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'weechat'
+port[:path] = 'irc/weechat'
+port[:version] = '0.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, light & extensible IRC client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'aspell lua perl python ruby tls universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xchat'
+port[:path] = 'irc/xchat'
+port[:version] = '1.8.11'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+ IRC client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xchat2'
+port[:path] = 'irc/xchat2'
+port[:version] = '2.8.8'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+2 IRC client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = 'xft ssl quartz'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'znc'
+port[:path] = 'irc/znc'
+port[:version] = '0.098'
+port[:description] = 'An advanced IRC bouncer'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 22
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mfeiri openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'irc'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'java'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'android'
+port[:path] = 'java/android'
+port[:version] = '10'
+port[:description] = 'Android SDK'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'antenna'
+port[:path] = 'java/antenna'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1-beta'
+port[:description] = 'Antenna provides a set of Ant tasks suitable for developing mobile applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apache-solr'
+port[:path] = 'java/apache-solr'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'The open source enterprise search platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:haya10.ito openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java search'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspectj'
+port[:path] = 'java/aspectj'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'batik'
+port[:path] = 'java/batik'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Java SVG Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'beanshell'
+port[:path] = 'java/beanshell'
+port[:version] = '2.0b4'
+port[:description] = 'BeanShell Scripting Language, JSR-274, Java source interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blojsom'
+port[:path] = 'java/blojsom'
+port[:version] = '2.24'
+port[:description] = 'A blogging package written in Java.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'tomcat5'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'castor'
+port[:path] = 'java/castor'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'data binding framework for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccl-util'
+port[:path] = 'java/ccl-util'
+port[:version] = '32.69'
+port[:description] = 'Chr. Clemens Lee\'s Java utility classes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'glowacki.org:dave'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cglib'
+port[:path] = 'java/cglib'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'cglib - a code generation library for java byte code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'checkstyle'
+port[:path] = 'java/checkstyle'
+port[:version] = '4.3'
+port[:description] = 'CheckStyle is a Java source code analyzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'icecube.wisc.edu:dglo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cobertura'
+port[:path] = 'java/cobertura'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Java code coverage tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'icecube.wisc.edu:dglo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-beanutils'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-beanutils'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-BeanUtils'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-cli'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-cli'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-CLI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-codec'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-codec'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Codec'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-collections'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-collections'
+port[:version] = '3.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Collections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-daemon'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-daemon'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-dbcp'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-dbcp'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-DBCP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-digester'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-digester'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Digester'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-el'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-el'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Expression Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-fileupload'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-fileupload'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-FileUpload'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-httpclient'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-httpclient'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-HttpClient'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-io'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-io'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-IO'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-lang'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-lang'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Lang'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-launcher'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-launcher'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Launcher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-logging'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-logging'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Logging'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-modeler'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-modeler'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Modeler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-pool'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-pool'
+port[:version] = '1.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Pool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'commons-validator'
+port[:path] = 'java/commons-validator'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Commons-Validator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'crimson'
+port[:path] = 'java/crimson'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Crimson is a Java XML parser which supports XML 1.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'derby'
+port[:path] = 'java/derby'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Relational database implemented entirely in Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'derby-server'
+port[:path] = 'java/derby-server'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Relational database implemented entirely in Java (incl. server components)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'symlinks'
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ditaa'
+port[:path] = 'java/ditaa'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'ditaa is a small command-line utility written in Java that can convert diagrams drawn using ascii art'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'emacs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java editor'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dom4j'
+port[:path] = 'java/dom4j'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'XML, XPATH, and XSLT support for Java.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eclipse-ecj32'
+port[:path] = 'java/eclipse-ecj32'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2-200702121330'
+port[:description] = 'Eclipse java bytecode compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mvfranz openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ehcache'
+port[:path] = 'java/ehcache'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ehcache is a pure Java, in-process object cache.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fantom'
+port[:path] = 'java/fantom'
+port[:version] = '1.0.57'
+port[:description] = 'The Language Formerly Known as Fan.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'hum.ph:m'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fast-md5'
+port[:path] = 'java/fast-md5'
+port[:version] = '2.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast MD5 Implementation in Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gant'
+port[:path] = 'java/gant'
+port[:version] = '1.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'A groovy based tool for scripting ant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel groovy'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gjdb'
+port[:path] = 'java/gjdb'
+port[:version] = '6.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'GJDB is a modification of JDB, a debugger that comes with the public JDK (Java Development Kit) from Sun.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glassfishv3'
+port[:path] = 'java/glassfishv3'
+port[:version] = '3'
+port[:description] = 'An open source application server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnu-classpath'
+port[:path] = 'java/gnu-classpath'
+port[:version] = '0.98'
+port[:description] = 'Essential libraries for Java.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnu-classpath-inetlib'
+port[:path] = 'java/gnu-classpath-inetlib'
+port[:version] = '20050328'
+port[:description] = 'Java extended net API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnu-classpathx-activation'
+port[:path] = 'java/gnu-classpathx-activation'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Java Activation Framework implementation of JAF 1.0.2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnu-classpathx-comm'
+port[:path] = 'java/gnu-classpathx-comm'
+port[:version] = '20050328'
+port[:description] = 'implementation of the Java Communications API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnu-classpathx-javamail'
+port[:path] = 'java/gnu-classpathx-javamail'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'free implementation of the JavaMail API specification v1.3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnu-crypto'
+port[:path] = 'java/gnu-crypto'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'cryptographic primitives and tools for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'google-collections'
+port[:path] = 'java/google-collections'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Suite of new collections and collection-related classes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'google-guava'
+port[:path] = 'java/google-guava'
+port[:version] = '0.beta.09'
+port[:description] = 'Google\'s core libraries for Java 1.5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'groovy'
+port[:path] = 'java/groovy'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Groovy -- a Java-based scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'groovy-devel'
+port[:path] = 'java/groovy-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0-rc-4'
+port[:description] = 'Groovy -- a Java-based scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'breskeby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hadoop'
+port[:path] = 'java/hadoop'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'pseudo'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:hiroshi.umemoto openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hamcrest-core'
+port[:path] = 'java/hamcrest-core'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'library of matchers for building test expressions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hamcrest-library'
+port[:path] = 'java/hamcrest-library'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'library of matchers for building test expressions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hibernate2'
+port[:path] = 'java/hibernate2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Hibernate ORM for Java.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hibernate3'
+port[:path] = 'java/hibernate3'
+port[:version] = '3.6.1.Final'
+port[:description] = 'Hibernate ORM for Java.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icedtea6-plugs'
+port[:path] = 'java/icedtea6-plugs'
+port[:version] = '1.6b'
+port[:description] = 'GPL-licensed replacements for Sun\'s Java binary plugs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'itext'
+port[:path] = 'java/itext'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Java library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jakarta-bcel'
+port[:path] = 'java/jakarta-bcel'
+port[:version] = '5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta BCEL -- Java Byte Code Engineering Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jakarta-log4j'
+port[:path] = 'java/jakarta-log4j'
+port[:version] = '1.2.16'
+port[:description] = 'Java logging API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jakarta-oro'
+port[:path] = 'java/jakarta-oro'
+port[:version] = '2.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta ORO'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jakarta-regexp'
+port[:path] = 'java/jakarta-regexp'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Regular Expressions Parser.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jakarta-taglibs-standard-11'
+port[:path] = 'java/jakarta-taglibs-standard-11'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) v1.1'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jakarta-taglibs-string'
+port[:path] = 'java/jakarta-taglibs-string'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Jakarta Strings Taglib -- taglib for manipulating Java strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jarbundler'
+port[:path] = 'java/jarbundler'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'JarBundler is a ant task that creates a Mac OS X app bundle from jar files and a main class'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'java_memcached'
+port[:path] = 'java/java_memcached'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A high performance, distributed object caching system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'built_in_logger'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'javacc'
+port[:path] = 'java/javacc'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Java Compiler Compiler, a parser generator for use with Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'javancss'
+port[:path] = 'java/javancss'
+port[:version] = '28.49'
+port[:description] = 'Java Source Measurement Suite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'glowacki.org:dave'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'javasqlite'
+port[:path] = 'java/javasqlite'
+port[:version] = '20100131'
+port[:description] = 'Java wrapper for sqlite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'javatar'
+port[:path] = 'java/javatar'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'java package that allows you to create and extract tar archives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jaxen'
+port[:path] = 'java/jaxen'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Java XPath engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jdom'
+port[:path] = 'java/jdom'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'JDOM is a Java API for manipulating XML the Java way.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jessie'
+port[:path] = 'java/jessie'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'free implementation of the Java Secure Sockets Extension, JSSE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jfreechart'
+port[:path] = 'java/jfreechart'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0-pre2'
+port[:description] = 'JFreeChart is a free Java class library for generating charts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jgoodies-common'
+port[:path] = 'java/jgoodies-common'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Helper classes for other jgoodies-* packages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jgoodies-forms'
+port[:path] = 'java/jgoodies-forms'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Framework to lay out and implement Swing panels.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jgoodies-looks'
+port[:path] = 'java/jgoodies-looks'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'High-fidelity Windows and multi-platform appearance.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jicmp'
+port[:path] = 'java/jicmp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Java ICMP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jmock1'
+port[:path] = 'java/jmock1'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library for testing Java code using mock objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jmock2'
+port[:path] = 'java/jmock2'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library for testing Java code using mock objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jna'
+port[:path] = 'java/jna'
+port[:version] = '3.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Access to native shared libraries with pure Java code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jrrd'
+port[:path] = 'java/jrrd'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Java interface to RRDTool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jsch'
+port[:path] = 'java/jsch'
+port[:version] = '0.1.42'
+port[:description] = 'JSch is a pure Java implementation of SSH2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jsr305'
+port[:path] = 'java/jsr305'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'JSR 305: annotations for software defect detection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jtidy'
+port[:path] = 'java/jtidy'
+port[:version] = '04aug2000r7'
+port[:description] = 'Java library for syntax checking and pretty printing HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jump'
+port[:path] = 'java/jump'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'high-precision math package for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'junit'
+port[:path] = 'java/junit'
+port[:version] = '4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Java framework for repeatable tests'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'launch4j'
+port[:path] = 'java/launch4j'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Cross-platform Java executable wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'panayotis.com:panayotis'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lcrypto'
+port[:path] = 'java/lcrypto'
+port[:version] = '1.28'
+port[:description] = 'Java cryptographic library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log4jdbc'
+port[:path] = 'java/log4jdbc'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'JDBC driver that can log SQL and/or JDBC calls'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mahout'
+port[:path] = 'java/mahout'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'A scalable machine learning library that supports large data sets'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gamil.com:hiroshi.umemoto openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maven'
+port[:path] = 'java/maven'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A java-based build and project management environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'devel'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:jendave'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maven2'
+port[:path] = 'java/maven2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'A java-based build and project management environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair kickstyle.net:gk5885'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maven3'
+port[:path] = 'java/maven3'
+port[:version] = '3.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'A java-based build and project management environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair kickstyle.net:gk5885'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'microemu'
+port[:path] = 'java/microemu'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'MicroEmulator is a pure Java implementation of Java ME in Java SE.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel emulators'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'msv'
+port[:path] = 'java/msv'
+port[:version] = '20081113'
+port[:description] = 'Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator (MSV) validates XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mx4j'
+port[:path] = 'java/mx4j'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Open Source JMX for Enterprise Computing.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mysql-connector-java'
+port[:path] = 'java/mysql-connector-java'
+port[:version] = '5.1.12'
+port[:description] = 'MySQL Official JDBC connector for MySQL database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'objectweb-anttasks'
+port[:path] = 'java/objectweb-anttasks'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'ObjectWeb ant tasks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'glowacki.org:dave'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'objectweb-asm'
+port[:path] = 'java/objectweb-asm'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Java bytecode manipulation framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'glowacki.org:dave'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'objenesis'
+port[:path] = 'java/objenesis'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library for instantiating Java objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openjdk6'
+port[:path] = 'java/openjdk6'
+port[:version] = 'b20'
+port[:description] = 'Oracle\'s Java 6 virtual machine release under the GPL v2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'fastdebug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openjdk6_bootstrap'
+port[:path] = 'java/openjdk6_bootstrap'
+port[:version] = 'b16-r1'
+port[:description] = 'A binary build of OpenJDK6 to be used for bootstrapping the OpenJDK6 port.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdfbox'
+port[:path] = 'java/pdfbox'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'PDFBox is a Java PDF Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pircbot'
+port[:path] = 'java/pircbot'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'PircBot is a Java framework for writing IRC bots'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pmd'
+port[:path] = 'java/pmd'
+port[:version] = '3.9'
+port[:description] = 'PMD is a Java source code analyzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgresql-jdbc'
+port[:path] = 'java/postgresql-jdbc'
+port[:version] = '8.4-701'
+port[:description] = 'PostgreSQL JDBC driver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'decibel.org:decibel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'proguard'
+port[:path] = 'java/proguard'
+port[:version] = '4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Java bytecode shrinker, optimizer, and obfuscator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pulse'
+port[:path] = 'java/pulse'
+port[:version] = '1.2.18'
+port[:description] = 'Pulse automated build server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'redhillconsulting.com.au:simon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'saxpath'
+port[:path] = 'java/saxpath'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'simple Java API for XPath'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scala-migrations'
+port[:path] = 'java/scala-migrations'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Database migrations written in Scala'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scalaz'
+port[:path] = 'java/scalaz'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'General utility library that extends the Scala core API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'servlet23-api'
+port[:path] = 'java/servlet23-api'
+port[:version] = '1'
+port[:description] = 'Java Servlet API 2.3 and JSP 1.2 API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'servlet24-api'
+port[:path] = 'java/servlet24-api'
+port[:version] = '5.5.28'
+port[:description] = 'Java Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 APIs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'servlet25-api'
+port[:path] = 'java/servlet25-api'
+port[:version] = '6.0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Java Servlet 2.5 and JSP 2.1 APIs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slf4j'
+port[:path] = 'java/slf4j'
+port[:version] = '1.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spring-framework'
+port[:path] = 'java/spring-framework'
+port[:version] = '2.5.6.SEC01'
+port[:description] = 'Spring application framework for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spring-framework25'
+port[:path] = 'java/spring-framework25'
+port[:version] = '2.5.6.SEC01'
+port[:description] = 'Spring application framework for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'with_libs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spring-framework3'
+port[:path] = 'java/spring-framework3'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Spring application framework for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spring-framework30'
+port[:path] = 'java/spring-framework30'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Spring application framework for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spring-framework31'
+port[:path] = 'java/spring-framework31'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Spring application framework for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spring-javaconfig'
+port[:path] = 'java/spring-javaconfig'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Type-safe, pure-Java way to configure applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spyjar'
+port[:path] = 'java/spyjar'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Utility library for Dustin Sallings\'s projects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spymemcached'
+port[:path] = 'java/spymemcached'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A high performance, distributed object caching system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'struts'
+port[:path] = 'java/struts'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Apache Struts Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tomcat-native'
+port[:path] = 'java/tomcat-native'
+port[:version] = '1.1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Tomcat 5 HTTP Server native library support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tomcat5'
+port[:path] = 'java/tomcat5'
+port[:version] = '5.5.25'
+port[:description] = 'Tomcat 5 HTTP Server and Java Servlet Container.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = 'nocompat'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tomcat6'
+port[:path] = 'java/tomcat6'
+port[:version] = '6.0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Tomcat 6 HTTP Server and Java Servlet Container.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'trove4j'
+port[:path] = 'java/trove4j'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'high performance collections for Java objects and primitive types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ttk'
+port[:path] = 'java/ttk'
+port[:version] = '2011.01.02.1054'
+port[:description] = 'Trollworks Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unicodeconverter-java'
+port[:path] = 'java/unicodeconverter-java'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Convert various encodings to UTF-8'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java textproc unicode'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'woodstox'
+port[:path] = 'java/woodstox'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Woodstox StAX XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xalanj'
+port[:path] = 'java/xalanj'
+port[:version] = '2.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Apache Xerces 2 Java XML Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdoclet'
+port[:path] = 'java/xdoclet'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'XDoclet is an open source code generation engine.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xercesj'
+port[:path] = 'java/xercesj'
+port[:version] = '2.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'Apache Xerces 2 Java XML Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xml-commons-resolver'
+port[:path] = 'java/xml-commons-resolver'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Java library for XML entity resolution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:arankine'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlenc'
+port[:path] = 'java/xmlenc'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'fast stream-based XML output library for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlgraphics-commons'
+port[:path] = 'java/xmlgraphics-commons'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'XML Graphics Commons'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlpull'
+port[:path] = 'java/xmlpull'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'XML pullparser API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xom'
+port[:path] = 'java/xom'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A tree-based API for XML processing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 23
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'java devel textproc'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'kde'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'amarok'
+port[:path] = 'kde/amarok'
+port[:version] = '2.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Amarok, the world-renowned media player.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'illogic-al openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'amarok-devel'
+port[:path] = 'kde/amarok-devel'
+port[:version] = 'git-20090927'
+port[:description] = 'Amarok, the world-renowned media player.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'illogic-al openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'attica'
+port[:path] = 'kde/attica'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Qt library for Open Collaboration Services API 1.4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'choqok'
+port[:path] = 'kde/choqok'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'A Free/Open Source micro-blogging client for KDE.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dictconv'
+port[:path] = 'kde/dictconv'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'converts dictionary file types'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'digikam'
+port[:path] = 'kde/digikam'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Photo Management Program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs geoloc kipi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hyper-world.de:jan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'filelight'
+port[:path] = 'kde/filelight'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Visualise disk usage with concentric, segmented rings.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmx.de:zweistein12'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE Desktop bundle'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'accessibility dev_tools fun graphics all'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-afrikaans'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-afrikaans'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE afrikaans language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-arabic'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-arabic'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE arabic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-azerbaijani'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-azerbaijani'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE azerbaijani language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-basque'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-basque'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE basque language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-belarusian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-belarusian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE belarusian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-bengali'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-bengali'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE bengali language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-bosnian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-bosnian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE bosnian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-brazilian-portugese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-brazilian-portugese'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE brazilian-portugese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-breton'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-breton'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE breton language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-bulgarian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-bulgarian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE bulgarian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-catalan'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-catalan'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE catalan language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-chinese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-chinese'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE chinese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-chinese-simplified'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-chinese-simplified'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE chinese-simplified language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-croatian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-croatian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE croatian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-czech'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-czech'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE czech language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-danish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-danish'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE danish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-dutch'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-dutch'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE dutch language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-esperanto'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-esperanto'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE esperanto language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-estonian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-estonian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE estonian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-farsi'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-farsi'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE farsi language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-finnish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-finnish'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE finnish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-french'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-french'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE french language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-frisian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-frisian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE frisian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-galician'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-galician'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE galician language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-german'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-german'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE german language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-greek'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-greek'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE greek language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-hebrew'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-hebrew'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE hebrew language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-hindi'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-hindi'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE hindi language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-hungarian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-hungarian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE hungarian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-icelandic'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-icelandic'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE icelandic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-irish-gaelic'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-irish-gaelic'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE irish-gaelic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-italian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-italian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE italian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-japanese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-japanese'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE japanese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-kashubian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-kashubian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE kashubian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-kazakh'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-kazakh'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE kazakh language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-khmer'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-khmer'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE khmer language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-kinyarwanda'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-kinyarwanda'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE kinyarwanda language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-korean'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-korean'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE korean language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-latvian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-latvian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE latvian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-lithuanian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-lithuanian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE lithuanian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-low-saxon'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-low-saxon'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE low-saxon language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-macedonian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-macedonian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE macedonian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-malay'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-malay'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE malay language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-mongolian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-mongolian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE mongolian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-northern-sami'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-northern-sami'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE northern-sami language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-norwegian-bokmaal'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-norwegian-bokmaal'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE norwegian-bokmaal language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-norwegian-nynorsk'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-norwegian-nynorsk'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE norwegian-nynorsk language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-polish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-polish'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE polish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-portugese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-portugese'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE portugese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-punjabi'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-punjabi'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE punjabi language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-romanian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-romanian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE romanian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-russian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-russian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE russian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-serbian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-serbian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE serbian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-serbian-latin-script'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-serbian-latin-script'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE serbian-latin-script language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-slovak'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-slovak'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE slovak language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-slovenian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-slovenian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE slovenian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-spanish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-spanish'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE spanish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-swati'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-swati'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE swati language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-swedish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-swedish'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE swedish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-tajik'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-tajik'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE tajik language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-tamil'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-tamil'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE tamil language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-telugu'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-telugu'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE telugu language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-thai'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-thai'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE thai language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-turkish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-turkish'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE turkish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-uk-english'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-uk-english'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE uk-english language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-ukranian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-ukranian'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE ukranian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-upper-sorbian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-upper-sorbian'
+port[:version] = '3.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'KDE upper-sorbian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-uzbek'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-uzbek'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE uzbek language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-uzbek-cyrillic'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-uzbek-cyrillic'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE uzbek-cyrillic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-vietnamese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-vietnamese'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE vietnamese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-walloon'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-walloon'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE walloon language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-i18n-welsh'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-i18n-welsh'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE welsh language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-ar'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-ar'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE arabic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-bg'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-bg'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE bulgarian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-ca'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-ca'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE catalan language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-cs'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-cs'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE czech language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-da'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-da'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE danish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-de'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-de'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE german language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-el'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-el'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE greek language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-en_GB'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-en_GB'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE uk-english language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-eo'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-eo'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE esperanto language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-es'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-es'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE spanish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-et'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-et'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE estonian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-eu'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-eu'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE basque language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-fi'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-fi'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE finnish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-fr'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-fr'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE french language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-fy'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-fy'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE frisian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-ga'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-ga'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE irish-gaelic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-gl'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-gl'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE galician language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-he'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-he'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE hebrew language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-hi'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-hi'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE hindi language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-hr'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-hr'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE croatian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-hu'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-hu'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE hungarian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-is'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-is'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE icelandic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-it'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-it'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE italian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-ja'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-ja'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE japanese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-kk'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-kk'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE kazakh language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-km'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-km'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE khmer language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-ko'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-ko'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE korean language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-lt'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-lt'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE lithuanian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kde-l10n-lv'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kde-l10n-lv'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE latvian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdeaccessibility3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdeaccessibility3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE accessibility tools. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdeaddons3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdeaddons3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE addons. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdeartwork3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdeartwork3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE additional artwork. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdebase3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdebase3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'Base KDE programs -- e.g. kicker (taskbar). NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'doxygen'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdebase4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdebase4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 applications and libraries from the base package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdebase4-runtime'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdebase4-runtime'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Shared data needed by KDE4 programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs xine universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdeedu3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdeedu3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE educational games and software. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdeedu4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdeedu4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Education based applications for the KDE4 platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdegames3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdegames3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE games. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdegames4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdegames4'
+port[:version] = '4.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'A variety of games made with the KDE4 development platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdegraphics3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdegraphics3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE graphics. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'imlib'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdegraphics4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdegraphics4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 graphics applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdelibs3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdelibs3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'Essential libraries for KDE applications. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'doxygen libthai'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdelibs4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdelibs4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 core libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdelibs4-experimental'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdelibs4-experimental'
+port[:version] = '4.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 experimental libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdemultimedia4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdemultimedia4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 multimedia applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdenetwork3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdenetwork3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE network tools. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdenetwork4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdenetwork4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 networking applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4 network'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdepim3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdepim3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE personal information management tools. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdepim4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdepim4'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 groupware suite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky intevation.de:bjoern.ricks'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdepim4-runtime'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdepim4-runtime'
+port[:version] = '4.4.9'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 groupware suite runtime libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'intevation.de:bjoern.ricks'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdepimlibs4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdepimlibs4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 core PIM libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdesdk3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdesdk3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE SDK. NB No KDE sound support. No SVN support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdesdk4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdesdk4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities to ease development with the KDE4 platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdesvn'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdesvn'
+port[:version] = '1.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 subversion frontend'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdetoys3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdetoys3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE toys. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdetoys4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdetoys4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KDE\'s fun stuff'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdeutils3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdeutils3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE utilities. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdeutils4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdeutils4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Useful utilities provided by KDE4.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdewebdev3'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kdewebdev3'
+port[:version] = '3.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'KDE web development tools. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kipi-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kipi-plugins'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'KDE Image Plugin Interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs no_ipod_export universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hyper-world.de:jan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kmymoney'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kmymoney'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'a personal finance manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL2'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'no_ofx'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kmymoney4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kmymoney4'
+port[:version] = '4.5.96'
+port[:description] = 'kmymoney version 4 (THIS IS STILL AN EXPERIMENTAL PORT.)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs no_x11 no_gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kmymoney4-devel'
+port[:path] = 'kde/kmymoney4-devel'
+port[:version] = '4.5-1238045'
+port[:description] = 'kmymoney version 4 following SVN HEAD as close as possible (THIS IS STILL AN EXPERIMENTAL PORT.)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs no_x11 no_gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KDE office suite. NB KDE sound does not work.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-afrikaans'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-afrikaans'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice afrikaans language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-arabic'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-arabic'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice arabic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-basque'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-basque'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice basque language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-bosnian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-bosnian'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice bosnian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-brazilian-portugese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-brazilian-portugese'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice brazilian-portugese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-breton'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-breton'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice breton language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-bulgarian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-bulgarian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice bulgarian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-catalan'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-catalan'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice catalan language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-chinese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-chinese'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice chinese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-chinese-simplified'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-chinese-simplified'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice chinese-simplified language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-czech'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-czech'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice czech language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-danish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-danish'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice danish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-dutch'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-dutch'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice dutch language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-esperanto'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-esperanto'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice esperanto language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-estonian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-estonian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice estonian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-farsi'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-farsi'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice farsi language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-finnish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-finnish'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice finnish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-french'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-french'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice french language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-galician'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-galician'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice galician language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-german'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-german'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice german language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-greek'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-greek'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice greek language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-hebrew'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-hebrew'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice hebrew language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-hindi'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-hindi'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice hindi language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-hungarian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-hungarian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice hungarian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-icelandic'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-icelandic'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice icelandic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-irish-gaelic'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-irish-gaelic'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice irish-gaelic language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-italian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-italian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice italian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-japanese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-japanese'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice japanese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-khmer'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-khmer'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice khmer language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-latvian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-latvian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice latvian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-lithuanian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-lithuanian'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice lithuanian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-low-saxon'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-low-saxon'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice low-saxon language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-macedonian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-macedonian'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice macedonian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-malay'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-malay'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice malay language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-nepali'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-nepali'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice nepali language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-northern-sami'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-northern-sami'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice northern-sami language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-norwegian-bokmaal'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-norwegian-bokmaal'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice norwegian-bokmaal language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-norwegian-nynorsk'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-norwegian-nynorsk'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice norwegian-nynorsk language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-polish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-polish'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice polish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-portugese'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-portugese'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice portugese language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-romanian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-romanian'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice romanian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-russian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-russian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice russian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-serbian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-serbian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice serbian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-serbian-latin-script'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-serbian-latin-script'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice serbian-latin-script language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-slovak'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-slovak'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice slovak language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-slovenian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-slovenian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice slovenian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-spanish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-spanish'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice spanish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-swedish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-swedish'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice swedish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-tajik'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-tajik'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice tajik language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-tamil'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-tamil'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice tamil language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-turkish'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-turkish'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice turkish language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-uk-english'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-uk-english'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice uk-english language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-ukranian'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-ukranian'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice ukranian language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-uzbek'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-uzbek'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice uzbek language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice-i18n-welsh'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice-i18n-welsh'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'KOffice welsh language files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'koffice2-devel'
+port[:path] = 'kde/koffice2-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The KDE Office suite. KOffice is built on the KDE4 platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'konversation'
+port[:path] = 'kde/konversation'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'KDE IRC client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'konversation11'
+port[:path] = 'kde/konversation11'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'KDE IRC client. NB No KDE sound support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'krusader'
+port[:path] = 'kde/krusader'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Advanced twin panel (commander style) file manager for KDE.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jonas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ktorrent'
+port[:path] = 'kde/ktorrent'
+port[:version] = '3.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 bittorrent client, version 3.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ktorrent4'
+port[:path] = 'kde/ktorrent4'
+port[:version] = '4.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 bittorrent client, version 4.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libalkimia'
+port[:path] = 'kde/libalkimia'
+port[:version] = '4.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Common Alkimia classes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libktorrent'
+port[:path] = 'kde/libktorrent'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'KDE4 bittorrent client library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nepomuk'
+port[:path] = 'kde/nepomuk'
+port[:version] = '20100303'
+port[:description] = 'Extend the personal desktop into a collaboration environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oxygen-icons'
+port[:path] = 'kde/oxygen-icons'
+port[:version] = '4.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Oxygen icon theme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'polkit-qt'
+port[:path] = 'kde/polkit-qt'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt PolicyKit wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4 security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shared-desktop-ontologies'
+port[:path] = 'kde/shared-desktop-ontologies'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Open Semantic Collaboration Architecture Foundation (OSCAF) ontologies and reference code development.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc sharky openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde kde4 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'skrooge'
+port[:path] = 'kde/skrooge'
+port[:version] = '0.9.93'
+port[:description] = 'Skrooge'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde finance'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'skrooge-devel'
+port[:path] = 'kde/skrooge-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0-1215845'
+port[:description] = 'Skrooge'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 24
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mk pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'kde finance'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'lang'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = '4th'
+port[:path] = 'lang/4th'
+port[:version] = '3.61.0'
+port[:description] = 'very small Forth compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Io'
+port[:path] = 'lang/Io'
+port[:version] = '2009-11-04'
+port[:description] = 'Io is small prototype-based programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Maude'
+port[:path] = 'lang/Maude'
+port[:version] = '2.6'
+port[:description] = 'high-performance reflective language and system supporting both equational and rewriting logic specification and programming'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:dcolish'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Omega'
+port[:path] = 'lang/Omega'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'An interpreted, functional language with an expressive type system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ggreif'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'QiII'
+port[:path] = 'lang/QiII'
+port[:version] = '1.07'
+port[:description] = 'Qi is a functional programming language developed by Dr Mark Tarver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:quest'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/abcl'
+port[:version] = '0.25.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Common Lisp implementation that runs on the JVM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'easieste'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'adaptor'
+port[:path] = 'lang/adaptor'
+port[:version] = '12.0'
+port[:description] = 'Parallel Fortran compiliation system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'antlr'
+port[:path] = 'lang/antlr'
+port[:version] = '2.7.7'
+port[:description] = 'antlr is ANother Tool for Language Recognition'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'antlr3'
+port[:path] = 'lang/antlr3'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'antlr is ANother Tool for Language Recognition'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apple-gcc33'
+port[:path] = 'lang/apple-gcc33'
+port[:version] = '1823'
+port[:description] = 'Apple\'s version of gcc 3.3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apple-gcc40'
+port[:path] = 'lang/apple-gcc40'
+port[:version] = '5493'
+port[:description] = 'Apple\'s version of gcc 4.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apple-gcc42'
+port[:path] = 'lang/apple-gcc42'
+port[:version] = '5666.3'
+port[:description] = 'Apple\'s version of gcc 4.2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apple-gcc42-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/apple-gcc42-devel'
+port[:version] = '5666.3'
+port[:description] = 'Updated version of Apple\'s version of gcc 4.2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'argh'
+port[:path] = 'lang/argh'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'an interpreter for the GOTO languages Argh! and Aargh!'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asn1c'
+port[:path] = 'lang/asn1c'
+port[:version] = '0.9.21'
+port[:description] = 'ASN.1 to C compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bashforth'
+port[:path] = 'lang/bashforth'
+port[:version] = '0.56a'
+port[:description] = 'BashForth is a ForthInterpreter, written entirely in the bash scripting language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'reiffert'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bf2c'
+port[:path] = 'lang/bf2c'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'optimizing BrainF*ck to C compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bigloo'
+port[:path] = 'lang/bigloo'
+port[:version] = '3.2a-2'
+port[:description] = 'Bigloo is a fast Scheme implementation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blassic'
+port[:path] = 'lang/blassic'
+port[:version] = '0.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'Blassic is a classic Basic interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boo'
+port[:path] = 'lang/boo'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'object oriented statically typed programming language for CLI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang mono'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-dypgen'
+port[:path] = 'lang/caml-dypgen'
+port[:version] = '20091118'
+port[:description] = 'Self-extensible parsers and lexers for the Objective Caml programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'camlp5'
+port[:path] = 'lang/camlp5'
+port[:version] = '6.02.3'
+port[:description] = 'Camlp5 is a preprocessor-pretty-printer of OCaml.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cbmbasic'
+port[:path] = 'lang/cbmbasic'
+port[:version] = '2'
+port[:description] = 'Commodore BASIC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cc65'
+port[:path] = 'lang/cc65'
+port[:version] = '2.13.2'
+port[:description] = '6502 C compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:trashgod'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cccc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/cccc'
+port[:version] = '3.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'tool for measurement of source code related metrics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ccl'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Clozure Common Lisp Implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright easieste openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chicken'
+port[:path] = 'lang/chicken'
+port[:version] = '4.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Compiler for the Scheme programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:arto.bendiken waqar gmail.com:ivan.g.raikov'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clang'
+port[:path] = 'lang/clang'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'C, C++, Objective C and Objective C++ compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'UIUC/NCSA'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'analyzer'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mfeiri'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clisp'
+port[:path] = 'lang/clisp'
+port[:version] = '2.49'
+port[:description] = 'The Clisp Common Lisp Implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar easieste'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clojure'
+port[:path] = 'lang/clojure'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Clojure programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'rlwrap'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clojure-contrib'
+port[:path] = 'lang/clojure-contrib'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Clojure programming language - Contrib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ian.eure'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clojure-contrib-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/clojure-contrib-devel'
+port[:version] = 'git-20100220'
+port[:description] = 'The Clojure programming language (development) - Contrib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ian.eure'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clojure-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/clojure-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0-rc2'
+port[:description] = 'The Clojure programming language (development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'readline rlwrap'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ian.eure'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cm3'
+port[:path] = 'lang/cm3'
+port[:version] = '5.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Critical Mass Modula-3 Compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'coffee-script'
+port[:path] = 'lang/coffee-script'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'a language that compiles into JavaScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'coq'
+port[:path] = 'lang/coq'
+port[:version] = '8.2pl1'
+port[:description] = 'Proof assistant for higher-order logic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'doc coqide'
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cupl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/cupl'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'CUPL/CORC interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cyclone'
+port[:path] = 'lang/cyclone'
+port[:version] = '20070323'
+port[:description] = 'safe programming language based on C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'd-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/d-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'D Programming Language mode for (X)Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'billitch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ecl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ecl'
+port[:version] = '11.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Embeddable Common Lisp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar easieste openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eiffelstudio64'
+port[:path] = 'lang/eiffelstudio64'
+port[:version] = '6.4.79451'
+port[:description] = 'The ISE Eiffel Compiler and IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann ethz.ch:dfurrer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eiffelstudio65'
+port[:path] = 'lang/eiffelstudio65'
+port[:version] = '6.5.81777'
+port[:description] = 'The ISE Eiffel Compiler and IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann ethz.ch:dfurrer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eiffelstudio66'
+port[:path] = 'lang/eiffelstudio66'
+port[:version] = '6.6.83873'
+port[:description] = 'The ISE Eiffel Compiler and IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann ethz.ch:dfurrer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eiffelstudio67'
+port[:path] = 'lang/eiffelstudio67'
+port[:version] = '6.7.85123'
+port[:description] = 'The ISE Eiffel Compiler and IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann ethz.ch:dfurrer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eiffelstudio68'
+port[:path] = 'lang/eiffelstudio68'
+port[:version] = '6.8.86454'
+port[:description] = 'The ISE Eiffel Compiler and IDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann ethz.ch:dfurrer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'elk'
+port[:path] = 'lang/elk'
+port[:version] = '3.99.7'
+port[:description] = 'Scheme Extension Language Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'erlang'
+port[:path] = 'lang/erlang'
+port[:version] = 'R14B03'
+port[:description] = 'The Erlang Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'wxwidgets ssl nohipe odbc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang erlang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ferite'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ferite'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'embeddable scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ficl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ficl'
+port[:version] = '4.0.31'
+port[:description] = 'Ficl is an acronym for Forth Inspired Command Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fscript-cli'
+port[:path] = 'lang/fscript-cli'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line interface to the F-Script interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'lang sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fsharp'
+port[:path] = 'lang/fsharp'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'F# is a typed functional programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ftidy'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ftidy'
+port[:version] = '7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fortran Tidy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'gcc40 gcc41 gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'g-wrap'
+port[:path] = 'lang/g-wrap'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'A tool for autogenerating scheme bindings for C language functions, structures & enums.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'g-wrap16'
+port[:path] = 'lang/g-wrap16'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'A tool for autogenerating scheme bindings for C language functions, structures & enums.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'g95'
+port[:path] = 'lang/g95'
+port[:version] = '0.92'
+port[:description] = 'Another GNU Fortran 95 compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'gcc42'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gambit-c'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gambit-c'
+port[:version] = '4.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Gambit-C is a fast Scheme implementation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'optimized profile universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gauche'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gauche'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'A script interpreter based on Scheme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'euc_jp sjis no_multibyte no_iconv no_gdbm no_slib no_threads no_ipv6'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gauche-c-wrapper'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gauche-c-wrapper'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'c-wrapper is a FFI (Foreign Function Interface) for Gauche.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gauche-gl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gauche-gl'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL binding for the Gauche'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gauche-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gauche-gtk'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Gauche extension module to use GTK'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gawk'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gawk'
+port[:version] = '4.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU awk utility.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mschamschula openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc40'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcc40'
+port[:version] = '4.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc41'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcc41'
+port[:version] = '4.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'odcctools'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc42'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcc42'
+port[:version] = '4.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'odcctools'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc43'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcc43'
+port[:version] = '4.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc44'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcc44'
+port[:version] = '4.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'odcctools universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc45'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcc45'
+port[:version] = '4.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc46'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcc46'
+port[:version] = '4.6-20110325'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection, prerelease BETA'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'gfortran java universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gccxml'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gccxml'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'generates XML description of C++ code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gccxml-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gccxml-devel'
+port[:version] = '20101014'
+port[:description] = 'generates XML description of C++ code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcj34'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcj34'
+port[:version] = '3.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Java compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gcl'
+port[:version] = '2.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Common Lisp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gdc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gdc'
+port[:version] = '0.24'
+port[:description] = 'D language compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gf'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gf'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Grammatical Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'upc.edu:jordi.saludes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gforth'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gforth'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:arto.bendiken'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ghc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ghc'
+port[:version] = '6.10.4'
+port[:description] = 'The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'maintainer_debug cabal_configure_debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ghc-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ghc-devel'
+port[:version] = '6.11'
+port[:description] = 'The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System (development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'test no_opengl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnat-gcc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gnat-gcc'
+port[:version] = '4.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU compiler collection with GNAT'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'odcctools macada gnatgpl gnuada ada'
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'go'
+port[:path] = 'lang/go'
+port[:version] = '57.1'
+port[:description] = 'compiled, garbage-collected, concurrent programming language developed by Google Inc.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'go-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/go-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'stub package, use go port instead'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpc34'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gpc34'
+port[:version] = '20050331'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Pascal compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpp'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gpp'
+port[:version] = '2.24'
+port[:description] = 'general-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gprolog'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gprolog'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Prolog compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gprolog-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gprolog-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Prolog compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gst'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Free implementation of Smalltalk-80'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'gtk tcltk nox universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saispo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gst-dev'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gst-dev'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Free implementation of Smalltalk-80'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'guile'
+port[:path] = 'lang/guile'
+port[:version] = '1.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'GNU\'s Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (guile)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'guile16'
+port[:path] = 'lang/guile16'
+port[:version] = '1.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'GNU\'s Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (guile)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gwydion-dylan'
+port[:path] = 'lang/gwydion-dylan'
+port[:version] = '2.3.11'
+port[:description] = 'The Gwydion Dylan Compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'gtk mindy_bootstrap mindy_only universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haskell-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/haskell-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'An emacs major mode for editing haskell programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hugs98'
+port[:path] = 'lang/hugs98'
+port[:version] = 'plus-Sep2006'
+port[:description] = 'The HUGS Haskell Interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ici'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ici'
+port[:version] = '4.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'C-like, high level language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icon'
+port[:path] = 'lang/icon'
+port[:version] = '9.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'The Icon Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'laposte.net:michael.grunewald'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ikarus-scheme-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ikarus-scheme-devel'
+port[:version] = 'r1870'
+port[:description] = 'ikarus-scheme is a R6RS Scheme implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'itcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/itcl'
+port[:version] = '3.4b1'
+port[:description] = 'Object oriented extension to Tcl.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jamvm'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jamvm'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'compact Java 2 Virtual Machine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'javascript-lint'
+port[:path] = 'lang/javascript-lint'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Lint program for JavaScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'wilcoxd.com:rwilcox'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jekyll'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jekyll'
+port[:version] = '0.30a'
+port[:description] = 'a high level language translatable to or from C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'andrewkish.name:kobold'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jikes'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jikes'
+port[:version] = '1.22'
+port[:description] = 'High performance Java compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jikespg'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jikespg'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Jikes Parser Generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jikesrvm'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jikesrvm'
+port[:version] = '2.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'the Jikes (Java) Research Virtual Machine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jlint'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jlint'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'Java code verifier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jruby'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jruby'
+port[:version] = '1.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'JRuby is an 100% pure-Java implementation of the Ruby programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'apidocs nailgun default_ruby'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ameingast'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jslint'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jslint'
+port[:version] = '2011-05-10'
+port[:description] = 'The JavaScript Code Quality Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'strasweb.fr:rudloff openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jython'
+port[:path] = 'lang/jython'
+port[:version] = '2.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python implementation in pure Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'installer'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang python java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kaffe'
+port[:path] = 'lang/kaffe'
+port[:version] = '1.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'A complete java VM and class library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kelbt'
+port[:path] = 'lang/kelbt'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Backtracking LALR(1) parser generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hhhh.org:wiml'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lemon'
+port[:path] = 'lang/lemon'
+port[:version] = '1.39'
+port[:description] = 'An LALR(1) parser generator like yacc or bison.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'librep'
+port[:path] = 'lang/librep'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'A shared library implementing a Lisp dialect'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hilaiel.com:lloyd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lisp-hyperspec'
+port[:path] = 'lang/lisp-hyperspec'
+port[:version] = '7.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Common Lisp HyperSpec'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'llvm'
+port[:path] = 'lang/llvm'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'llvm is a next generation compiler infrastructure'
+port[:licenses] = 'UIUC/NCSA'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'ocaml'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt mfeiri'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'llvm-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/llvm-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'llvm is a next generation compiler infrastructure'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'llvm-gcc42'
+port[:path] = 'lang/llvm-gcc42'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'llvm-gcc42 is a gcc compiler frontend for llvm'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt mfeiri'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'logtalk'
+port[:path] = 'lang/logtalk'
+port[:version] = '2.42.3'
+port[:description] = 'Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua'
+port[:path] = 'lang/lua'
+port[:version] = '5.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'powerful, lightweight programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lua50'
+port[:path] = 'lang/lua50'
+port[:version] = '5.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'powerful, light-weight programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'luajit'
+port[:path] = 'lang/luajit'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0-beta6'
+port[:description] = 'a Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mawk'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mawk'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4-20100625'
+port[:description] = 'mawk is an interpreter for the AWK Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mdk'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mdk'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A set of utilities for developing programs using MIX and MIXAL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'gui universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:aconchillo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mercury'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mercury'
+port[:version] = '11.01'
+port[:description] = 'The Mercury Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mercury-extras'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mercury-extras'
+port[:version] = '0.13.1'
+port[:description] = 'Extra packages for the Mercury Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mit-scheme'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mit-scheme'
+port[:version] = '9.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'MIT/GNU Scheme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mosml'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mosml'
+port[:version] = '2.01'
+port[:description] = 'Moscow ML is an implementation of Standard ML (SML)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rift.dk:cso'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mosml-dynlibs'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mosml-dynlibs'
+port[:version] = '2.01_0'
+port[:description] = 'Moscow ML dynamic libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mozart'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mozart'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mozart-Oz multiparadigms programming language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mozart-doc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mozart-doc'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mozart-Oz documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mozart-stdlib'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mozart-stdlib'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mozart-Oz standard libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mzscheme'
+port[:path] = 'lang/mzscheme'
+port[:version] = '4.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'MzScheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nagelfar'
+port[:path] = 'lang/nagelfar'
+port[:version] = '1.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'A Tcl Syntax checker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nasm'
+port[:path] = 'lang/nasm'
+port[:version] = '2.09.04'
+port[:description] = 'NASM, the Netwide Assembler, is an 80x86 assembler'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mfeiri openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nawk'
+port[:path] = 'lang/nawk'
+port[:version] = '20110506'
+port[:description] = 'the one true awk'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nesc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/nesc'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Compiler for the nesC language.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'musaloiu.com:razvan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang wsn'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'newt0'
+port[:path] = 'lang/newt0'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Newt/0 is a NewtonScript compiler and interpreter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'compat universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nhc98'
+port[:path] = 'lang/nhc98'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'The nhc98 Haskell Compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nice'
+port[:path] = 'lang/nice'
+port[:version] = '0.9.13'
+port[:description] = 'The Nice programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mvitocruz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nqc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/nqc'
+port[:version] = '3.1.r6'
+port[:description] = 'Not-Quite-C Lego RCX Compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'obc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/obc'
+port[:version] = '2.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'Oxford Oberon 2 Compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'deadpixi.com:jking'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'objc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/objc'
+port[:version] = '3.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'The Portable Object Compiler is an Objective-C compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ocaml'
+port[:version] = '3.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml is an implementation of the ML language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'profile labltk'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-doc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ocaml-doc'
+port[:version] = '3.12'
+port[:description] = 'The Objective Caml reference manual'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocaml-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ocaml-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '3.05'
+port[:description] = 'An EMACS major mode for editing OCaml programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocamlduce'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ocamlduce'
+port[:version] = '3.08.4pl3'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml extensions for manipulating XML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oorexx'
+port[:path] = 'lang/oorexx'
+port[:version] = '4.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Open Object Rexx is an interpreter for the Rexx language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opensaml'
+port[:path] = 'lang/opensaml'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'OpenSAML 2 library for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc scantor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang shibboleth security xml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'otcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/otcl'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'MIT Object Tcl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'parrot'
+port[:path] = 'lang/parrot'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Open source virtual machine (for Perl6 et al.)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham coleda.com:will l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pcc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pcc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'the portable C compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perl5'
+port[:path] = 'lang/perl5'
+port[:version] = '5.12.3'
+port[:description] = 'Wrapper port for perl 5.x'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'perl5_8 perl5_10 perl5_12 perl5_14'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci mcalhoun'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perl5.10'
+port[:path] = 'lang/perl5.10'
+port[:version] = '5.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5.10.x - Practical Extraction and Report Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'threads shared dtrace universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perl5.12'
+port[:path] = 'lang/perl5.12'
+port[:version] = '5.12.3'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5.12.x - Practical Extraction and Report Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'threads shared dtrace universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perl5.14'
+port[:path] = 'lang/perl5.14'
+port[:version] = '5.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5.14.x - Practical Extraction and Report Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'threads shared dtrace universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perl5.8'
+port[:path] = 'lang/perl5.8'
+port[:version] = '5.8.9'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5.8.x - Practical Extraction and Report Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'threads multiplicity shared gdbm db universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pfe'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pfe'
+port[:version] = '0.33.71'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of ANSI Forth'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/php-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'PHP mode for Emacs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'billitch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php4'
+port[:path] = 'lang/php4'
+port[:version] = '4.4.9'
+port[:description] = 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'no_web apache apache2 apache20 fastcgi mysql4 mysql5 postgresql8 postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 ldap gmp dbase imap pspell xslt readline t1lib pdflib suhosin universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'lang php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5'
+port[:path] = 'lang/php5'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP-3.01'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'no_web apache apache2 fastcgi ipc pear suhosin debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'lang php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/php5-devel'
+port[:version] = '5.3.7RC2'
+port[:description] = 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP-3.01'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'no_web apache apache2 fastcgi ipc pear suhosin debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'lang php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-web'
+port[:path] = 'lang/php5-web'
+port[:version] = '5.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Meta-port for PHP web server support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php52'
+port[:path] = 'lang/php52'
+port[:version] = '5.2.17'
+port[:description] = 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'no_web apache apache2 fastcgi gmp dbase imap pspell tidy mssql snmp macports_snmp mysql4 mysql5 oracle postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 sqlite ipc pcntl pear readline sockets t1lib suhosin debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'lang php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phpstylist'
+port[:path] = 'lang/phpstylist'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'PHP indenter'
+port[:licenses] = 'RPL-1.1'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'strasweb.fr:rudloff openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pike'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pike'
+port[:version] = '7.6.112'
+port[:description] = 'dynamic programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'image ttf pcre gdbm mysql odbc postgresql gtk opengl sane sdl svg doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmx.de:exodusd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'polyml'
+port[:path] = 'lang/polyml'
+port[:version] = '5.4'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of Standard ML.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'processing'
+port[:path] = 'lang/processing'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'prolog-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/prolog-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '1.22'
+port[:description] = 'An emacs major mode for editing prolog programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'prothon'
+port[:path] = 'lang/prothon'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2-b711'
+port[:description] = 'industrial-strength alternative to Python and Self'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pure'
+port[:version] = '0.47'
+port[:description] = 'functional programming language based on term rewriting'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3 GPL-3 BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pure-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.47'
+port[:description] = 'functional programming language based on term rewriting'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3 GPL-3 BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-docs'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pure-docs'
+port[:version] = '0.47'
+port[:description] = 'documentation for the Pure programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pure-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '0.47'
+port[:description] = 'Emacs mode for editing Pure files'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pyobfuscate'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pyobfuscate'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'python source code obfuscator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pypy'
+port[:path] = 'lang/pypy'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'implementation of Python in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'opt1'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'python-mode is an X/Emacs major mode for editing Python source code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang python editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python24'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python24'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'An interpreted, object-oriented programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fourdigits.nl:roel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python24-doc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python24-doc'
+port[:version] = '2.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'HTML documentation for Python 2.4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python25'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python25'
+port[:version] = '2.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'An interpreted, object-oriented programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python25-doc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python25-doc'
+port[:version] = '2.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'HTML documentation for Python 2.5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python26'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python26'
+port[:version] = '2.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'An interpreted, object-oriented programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal ucs4'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python26-doc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python26-doc'
+port[:version] = '2.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'HTML documentation for Python 2.6'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python27'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python27'
+port[:version] = '2.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'An interpreted, object-oriented programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal ucs4'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python27-doc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python27-doc'
+port[:version] = '2.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'HTML documentation for Python 2.7.2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python31'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python31'
+port[:version] = '3.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'An interpreted, object-oriented programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal ucs4'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python32'
+port[:path] = 'lang/python32'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'An interpreted, object-oriented programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal ucs4 no_tkinter'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'q'
+port[:path] = 'lang/q'
+port[:version] = '7.11'
+port[:description] = 'extensible scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore'
+port[:version] = '0.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'dynamically-typed programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-asn1-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-asn1-module'
+port[:version] = '0.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'ASN.1 module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-freetds-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-freetds-module'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'FreeTDS module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-glut-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-glut-module'
+port[:version] = '0.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-json-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-json-module'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'json module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-mysql-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-mysql-module'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'MySQL module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-ncurses-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-ncurses-module'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'ASN.1 module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-opengl-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-opengl-module'
+port[:version] = '0.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-oracle-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-oracle-module'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Oracle module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-pgsql-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-pgsql-module'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'PostgreSQL module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-qt4-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-qt4-module'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Qt4 module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'scribus.info:petr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-sqlite3-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-sqlite3-module'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'SQLite3 module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-ssh2-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-ssh2-module'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'ssh2 module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-uuid-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-uuid-module'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'uuid module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-xml-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-xml-module'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'xml module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-xmlsec-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-xmlsec-module'
+port[:version] = '0.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'xmlsec module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qore-yaml-module'
+port[:path] = 'lang/qore-yaml-module'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'YAML module for Qore'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidnichols'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ragel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ragel'
+port[:version] = '6.7'
+port[:description] = 'ragel is a state machine compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rexx'
+port[:path] = 'lang/rexx'
+port[:version] = '3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Regina Rexx is an interpreter for the Rexx language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rhino'
+port[:path] = 'lang/rhino'
+port[:version] = '1.7R2'
+port[:description] = 'Mozilla JavaScript engine for Java'
+port[:licenses] = 'MPL-1.1 GPL-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ouarz.net:franck.cassedanne'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ruby'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ruby'
+port[:version] = '1.8.7-p352'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and clean object-oriented scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby/GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal tk mactk thread_hooks no_doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ruby186'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ruby186'
+port[:version] = '1.8.6-p399'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and clean object-oriented scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby/GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'tk mactk thread_hooks universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ruby19'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ruby19'
+port[:version] = '1.9.2-p180'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and clean object-oriented scripting language'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby/GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'nosuffix c_api_docs tk mactk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sbcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/sbcl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.49'
+port[:description] = 'The Steel Bank Common Lisp system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'html pdf threads'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer easieste gwright waqar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scala'
+port[:path] = 'lang/scala'
+port[:version] = '2.7.7'
+port[:description] = 'The Scala Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scala-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/scala-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.8.0.Beta1-prerelease'
+port[:description] = 'The Scala Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer brett blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scala27'
+port[:path] = 'lang/scala27'
+port[:version] = '2.7.7'
+port[:description] = 'The Scala Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scala28'
+port[:path] = 'lang/scala28'
+port[:version] = '2.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Scala Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer brett blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scala29'
+port[:path] = 'lang/scala29'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The Scala Programming Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer brett blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scheme48'
+port[:path] = 'lang/scheme48'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Scheme byte-code interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scsh'
+port[:path] = 'lang/scsh'
+port[:version] = '0.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'Scheme shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'astro.gla.ac.uk:norman'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sdcc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/sdcc'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'ANSI C compiler targeting Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sdcc29'
+port[:path] = 'lang/sdcc29'
+port[:version] = '2.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'ANSI C compiler targeting Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390, Zilog Z80'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'see'
+port[:path] = 'lang/see'
+port[:version] = '3.1.1424'
+port[:description] = 'Simple ECMAScript Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shakespeare'
+port[:path] = 'lang/shakespeare'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Shakespeare programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sicp'
+port[:path] = 'lang/sicp'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Lytha Ayth\'s texinfo version of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -- 2nd ed. (Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman, with Julie Sussman)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sisc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/sisc'
+port[:version] = '1.16.6'
+port[:description] = 'Second Interpreter of Scheme Code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mvitocruz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang java scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sketchy'
+port[:path] = 'lang/sketchy'
+port[:version] = '20060305'
+port[:description] = 'interpreter for a purely applicative dialect of Scheme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang scheme'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slang'
+port[:path] = 'lang/slang'
+port[:version] = '1.4.9'
+port[:description] = 'library that includes a powerful scripting language with a C-like syntax'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'foellinger.de:olaf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slang2'
+port[:path] = 'lang/slang2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'multi-platform programmer\'s library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slime'
+port[:path] = 'lang/slime'
+port[:version] = '20110417'
+port[:description] = 'An Emacs mode for unifying Common Lisp development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'app sbcl clisp abcl ccl ecl openmcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'easieste openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sml-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/sml-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'An EMACS major mode for editing Standard ML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smlnj'
+port[:path] = 'lang/smlnj'
+port[:version] = '110.72'
+port[:description] = 'Standard ML of New Jersey'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'snobol4'
+port[:path] = 'lang/snobol4'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'SNOBOL4 programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spidermonkey'
+port[:path] = 'lang/spidermonkey'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'JavaScript-C Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal fileobject'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squeak'
+port[:path] = 'lang/squeak'
+port[:version] = '3.9'
+port[:description] = 'Full, portable, Smalltalk-80 system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang squeak'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squirrel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/squirrel'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'high level imperative/OO programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stklos'
+port[:path] = 'lang/stklos'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'free Scheme system supporting most language features from R5RS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'strategoxt'
+port[:path] = 'lang/strategoxt'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Stratego language with the XT bundle.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swi-prolog'
+port[:path] = 'lang/swi-prolog'
+port[:version] = '5.10.4'
+port[:description] = 'SWI-Prolog compiler plus extra packages (stable version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'st mt'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uva.nl:J.Wielemaker logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swi-prolog-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/swi-prolog-devel'
+port[:version] = '5.11.24'
+port[:description] = 'SWI-Prolog compiler plus extra packages (development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'st mt'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uva.nl:J.Wielemaker logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swi-prolog-lite'
+port[:path] = 'lang/swi-prolog-lite'
+port[:version] = '5.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'SWI-Prolog compiler (without extra packages)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'st mt universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uva.nl:J.Wielemaker logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/tcl'
+port[:version] = '8.5.9'
+port[:description] = 'Tool Command Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'threads memdebug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tclcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/tclcl'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'TclCL (Tcl with classes)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcldoc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/tcldoc'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Generates HTML pages of API documentation from Tcl source files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tclx'
+port[:path] = 'lang/tclx'
+port[:version] = '8.4'
+port[:description] = 'API for parsing XML documents using Tcl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tclxml'
+port[:path] = 'lang/tclxml'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'This package provides XML parsers, DOM scripting and XSL Transformations for Tcl.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:giorgio_v'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang tcl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tom'
+port[:path] = 'lang/tom'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Tom is a pattern matching compiler developed at INRIA.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tuareg-mode.el'
+port[:path] = 'lang/tuareg-mode.el'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A GNU Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing Caml and OCaml programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ucblogo'
+port[:path] = 'lang/ucblogo'
+port[:version] = '6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Berkeley Logo'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'upc'
+port[:path] = 'lang/upc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Unified Parallel C'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang parallel science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vala'
+port[:path] = 'lang/vala'
+port[:version] = '0.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'Compiler for the GObject type system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlgen'
+port[:path] = 'lang/xmlgen'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'The Tcl package xmlgen allows to write Tcl code which translates itself into XML.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:giorgio_v'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang tcl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xotcl'
+port[:path] = 'lang/xotcl'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Extended Object Tool Command Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yabasic'
+port[:path] = 'lang/yabasic'
+port[:version] = '2.763'
+port[:description] = 'yet another basic language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yap'
+port[:path] = 'lang/yap'
+port[:version] = '6.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'YAP Prolog compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'tabling java condor threads debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yap-devel'
+port[:path] = 'lang/yap-devel'
+port[:version] = '6.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'YAP Prolog compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'tabling java condor threads debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'logtalk.org:pmoura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yasm'
+port[:path] = 'lang/yasm'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'yasm - a modular bsd reimplementation of NASM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 25
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'acho'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'lang'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'mail'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GNUMail-Aqua'
+port[:path] = 'mail/GNUMail-Aqua'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0pre1'
+port[:description] = 'Fully featured mail application using GNUStep or Cocoa.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Pantomime-Framework'
+port[:path] = 'mail/Pantomime-Framework'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0pre1'
+port[:description] = 'a framework for supporing POP, IMAP3, and SMTP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abook'
+port[:path] = 'mail/abook'
+port[:version] = '0.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'Address book with mutt support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sbranzo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alpine'
+port[:path] = 'mail/alpine'
+port[:version] = '2.00'
+port[:description] = 'alpine - a Program for Internet News and Email'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'without_krb5 without_ldap without_ssl without_tcl passfile universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'altermime'
+port[:path] = 'mail/altermime'
+port[:version] = '0.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'integrated email manipulation utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'amavisd-new'
+port[:path] = 'mail/amavisd-new'
+port[:version] = '2.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'amavisd-new is a high-performance interface between mailer (MTA) and content checkers: virus scanners, and/or SpamAssassin.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'anubis'
+port[:path] = 'mail/anubis'
+port[:version] = '4.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Anubis is an outgoing mail processor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'archivemail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/archivemail'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'archive and compress old email'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'archmbox'
+port[:path] = 'mail/archmbox'
+port[:version] = '4.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'simple email archiver for the mbox format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'assp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/assp'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'base-64'
+port[:path] = 'mail/base-64'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'command line RFC 3548-compliant base 64 encoder and decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'base64'
+port[:path] = 'mail/base64'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Encode and decode base64 files'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'base91'
+port[:path] = 'mail/base91'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Encode and decode base91 files'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'polyphase.ca:alan.macports.sp'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'biabam'
+port[:path] = 'mail/biabam'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'biabam is a bash attachment mailer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bincimap'
+port[:path] = 'mail/bincimap'
+port[:version] = '1.2.13final'
+port[:description] = 'modular, secure, stable, and fast IMAP server for Maildir'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'djb no_ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bmf'
+port[:path] = 'mail/bmf'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'Bayesian Mail Filter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bogofilter'
+port[:path] = 'mail/bogofilter'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast Bayesian Spam Filter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:chenggao'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cclient'
+port[:path] = 'mail/cclient'
+port[:version] = '2007e'
+port[:description] = 'UW IMAP c-client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'ssl_plaintext universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clamsmtp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/clamsmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'SMTP filter checking for viruses using the ClamAV anti-virus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'claws-mail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/claws-mail'
+port[:version] = '3.7.9'
+port[:description] = 'A lightweight and very featureful GTK+ based e-mail and news client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vlado-do.de:rechner openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'courier-imap'
+port[:path] = 'mail/courier-imap'
+port[:version] = '4.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'IMAP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cyrus-imapd'
+port[:path] = 'mail/cyrus-imapd'
+port[:version] = '2.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'The Cyrus IMAP Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'murder snmp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'deletemail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/deletemail'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'non-interactive tool for removing mail from IMAP4 mailboxes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dovecot'
+port[:path] = 'mail/dovecot'
+port[:version] = '1.2.17'
+port[:description] = 'Secure, fast imap and pop3 server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'postgres postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 mysql5 ldap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jberry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dovecot2'
+port[:path] = 'mail/dovecot2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Secure, fast imap and pop3 server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 mysql5 ldap no_startupitem universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dovecot2-antispam'
+port[:path] = 'mail/dovecot2-antispam'
+port[:version] = 'hg.43880985e3dd'
+port[:description] = 'Anti-spam plugin for dovecot2'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dovecot2-sieve'
+port[:path] = 'mail/dovecot2-sieve'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Pigeonhole sieve and managesieve plugins for dovecot'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dspam'
+port[:path] = 'mail/dspam'
+port[:version] = '3.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'Scalable, open-source statistical anti-spam filter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'vpopmail mysql5 sqlite postgres universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'mail net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'esmtp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/esmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'relay-only Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'etpan'
+port[:path] = 'mail/etpan'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'etPan is a console mail user agent based on libEtPan'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eudora2unix'
+port[:path] = 'mail/eudora2unix'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'set of python scripts to convert Eudora mailboxes to Unix mbox'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exim'
+port[:path] = 'mail/exim'
+port[:version] = '4.71'
+port[:description] = 'complete replacement for sendmail'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 ldap macports_ldap'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fetchmail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/fetchmail'
+port[:version] = '6.3.17'
+port[:description] = 'Batch mail retrieval utility for IMAP, POP2, POP3, APOP, KPOP, ETRN, or ODMR'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'ssl fetchmailconf ntlm universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freepops'
+port[:path] = 'mail/freepops'
+port[:version] = '0.0.18'
+port[:description] = 'extensible program for webmail access via POP3 protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gbuffy'
+port[:path] = 'mail/gbuffy'
+port[:version] = '0.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'A multiple mailbox biff program written in GTK'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gensig'
+port[:path] = 'mail/gensig'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A random .signature generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'andrea+darwinports at webcom.it'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'getmail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/getmail'
+port[:version] = '4.20.0'
+port[:description] = 'extensible mail retrieval system with POP3, IMAP4, SSL support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmime'
+port[:path] = 'mail/gmime'
+port[:version] = '2.4.23'
+port[:description] = 'MIME mail utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnupg'
+port[:path] = 'mail/gnupg'
+port[:version] = '1.4.11'
+port[:description] = 'GNU pretty-good-privacy package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'idea universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'mail security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnupg12'
+port[:path] = 'mail/gnupg12'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Privacy Guard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'nls bzip2 tiger newtiger sha512 memoryguard idea universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freeshell.org:dms'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnupg2'
+port[:path] = 'mail/gnupg2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'GNU pretty-good-privacy package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'dirmngr universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar boeyms'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'mail security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hello'
+port[:path] = 'mail/hello'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'utility for saying hello and reading email'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hypermail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/hypermail'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Hypermail, mail to cross-referenced HTML converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'gdbm universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imap-uw'
+port[:path] = 'mail/imap-uw'
+port[:version] = '2007e'
+port[:description] = 'University of Washington IMAP daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apachev2'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'ssl_plain ssl_pam mbx mix subdir'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imapcp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/imapcp'
+port[:version] = '0.97'
+port[:description] = 'imapcp is a simple tool to copy mailbox accounts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imapfilter'
+port[:path] = 'mail/imapfilter'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'IMAP message processor/filter'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imapsync'
+port[:path] = 'mail/imapsync'
+port[:version] = '1.411'
+port[:description] = 'imapsync is an IMAP synchronization, copy or migration tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'WTFPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'isync'
+port[:path] = 'mail/isync'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Synchronize a maildir with an imap server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lamson'
+port[:path] = 'mail/lamson'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Modern Pythonic mail server built like a web application server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lbdb'
+port[:path] = 'mail/lbdb'
+port[:version] = '0.36'
+port[:description] = 'The little brother\'s database for the mutt mail reader.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'gpg gpg2 ldap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libb64'
+port[:path] = 'mail/libb64'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'C library for fast encoding/decoding into and from base64'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libesmtp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/libesmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'ESMTP library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'noses.com:noses'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libetpan'
+port[:path] = 'mail/libetpan'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'mail purpose library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libidn'
+port[:path] = 'mail/libidn'
+port[:version] = '1.22'
+port[:description] = 'international domain name library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'foellinger.de:olaf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmilter'
+port[:path] = 'mail/libmilter'
+port[:version] = '8.14.5'
+port[:description] = 'libmilter library from Sendmail'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'librfc822'
+port[:path] = 'mail/librfc822'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'complete parser for RFC822 addresses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsieve'
+port[:path] = 'mail/libsieve'
+port[:version] = '2.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A library for parsing, sorting and filtering your mail'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libvmime'
+port[:path] = 'mail/libvmime'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'library for dealing with RFC-822, 2822, MIME messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'listat'
+port[:path] = 'mail/listat'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'generates interesting statistics on mailing list demographics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lmtp2nntp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/lmtp2nntp'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'LMTP service for use in conjunction with an MTA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lurker'
+port[:path] = 'mail/lurker'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Not just another mailing list archiver.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maildrop'
+port[:path] = 'mail/maildrop'
+port[:version] = '2.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mail delivery agent (MDA) with filtering abilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'vpopmail qmail universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tnpi.biz:matt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mailman'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mailman'
+port[:version] = '2.1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Mailman, the GNU Mailing List Manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mailqfmt'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mailqfmt'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Postfix mailq file reformatter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'apple_postfix'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mailsync'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mailsync'
+port[:version] = '5.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'keeps collection of mailboxes in sync'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mailx'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mailx'
+port[:version] = '12.4'
+port[:description] = 'Heirloom mailx'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mairix'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mairix'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'Email index and search tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mb2md'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mb2md'
+port[:version] = '3.20'
+port[:description] = 'Script for converting Mbox mailboxes to Maildir format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'milter-greylist'
+port[:path] = 'mail/milter-greylist'
+port[:version] = '4.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'milter-greylist standalone greylist milter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'postfix universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mixminion'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mixminion'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'implementation of the Type III Anonymous Remailer protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpack'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mpack'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'mime mail packing and unpacking'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpop'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mpop'
+port[:version] = '1.0.23'
+port[:description] = 'small and fast POP3 client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'msmtp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/msmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.4.23'
+port[:description] = 'SMTP client that can be used as an SMTP plugin for Mutt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mu'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mu'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line tools to index and search email (aka maildir-utils)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mutt'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mutt'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Mongrel of Mail User Agents (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'pop imap ssl debug buffy compress nntp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mutt-devel'
+port[:path] = 'mail/mutt-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.5.21'
+port[:description] = 'Mongrel of Mail User Agents (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'idn pop imap ssl sasl debug gnuregex compress headercache qdbm gdbm db4 tokyocabinet nntp deepif date_conditional xlabel smtp sidebar trash gpgme universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'muttils'
+port[:path] = 'mail/muttils'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities for console mail clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'muttprint'
+port[:path] = 'mail/muttprint'
+port[:version] = '0.72d'
+port[:description] = 'pretty printing of your mails'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nbsmtp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/nbsmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'simple command line smtp client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'newmail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/newmail'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to check for new mail in multiple mailboxes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'offlineimap'
+port[:path] = 'mail/offlineimap'
+port[:version] = '6.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pemail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/pemail'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'pop3 email client for the command line'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perfect_maildir'
+port[:path] = 'mail/perfect_maildir'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Simple but Perfect mbox to Maildir converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pflogsumm'
+port[:path] = 'mail/pflogsumm'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Produce Postfix MTA logfile summary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pine'
+port[:path] = 'mail/pine'
+port[:version] = '4.64'
+port[:description] = 'Pine - a Program for Internet News and Email'
+port[:licenses] = 'UW\'s Pine License}'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'ssl_plain'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pop3proxy'
+port[:path] = 'mail/pop3proxy'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0-beta8'
+port[:description] = 'application level gateway for the POP3 protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postal'
+port[:path] = 'mail/postal'
+port[:version] = '0.62'
+port[:description] = 'Benchmark SMTP/POP servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postfix'
+port[:path] = 'mail/postfix'
+port[:version] = '2.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'Fast and robust mail transfer agent'
+port[:licenses] = 'IBMPL-1.0'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'pcre tls sasl ldap mysql5 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 dovecot_sasl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'postgrey'
+port[:path] = 'mail/postgrey'
+port[:version] = '1.32'
+port[:description] = 'Postfix policy server implementing greylisting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'procmail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/procmail'
+port[:version] = '3.22'
+port[:description] = 'A local mail delivery agent'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'proxsmtp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/proxsmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'ProxSMTP is a filtering SMTP proxy daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'putmail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/putmail'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'putmail is a very lightweight MTA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qmail-spamcontrol'
+port[:path] = 'mail/qmail-spamcontrol'
+port[:version] = '2.5.19'
+port[:description] = 'Qmail, enhanced Spamcontrol version'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'relaymailfrom noreqbrackets noverp moreipme bigtodo'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qpopper'
+port[:path] = 'mail/qpopper'
+port[:version] = '4.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Eudora POP3 mail server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'ssl pam universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qprint'
+port[:path] = 'mail/qprint'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'qprint encodes and decodes Quoted-Printable files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ripmime'
+port[:path] = 'mail/ripmime'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'ripmime is for extracting attached files out of a MIME package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sendemail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/sendemail'
+port[:version] = '1.56'
+port[:description] = 'lightweight, completly command line based SMTP email agent'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'signing-party'
+port[:path] = 'mail/signing-party'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Various OpenPGP related tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smtpproxy'
+port[:path] = 'mail/smtpproxy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'smtp.proxy is a proxy server for the SMTP protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spambnc'
+port[:path] = 'mail/spambnc'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Set of procmail recipies which handle known/suspected spam'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'andrea+darwinports at webcom.it'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spamprobe'
+port[:path] = 'mail/spamprobe'
+port[:version] = '1.2a'
+port[:description] = 'Spam detector that uses Bayesian analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spellutils'
+port[:path] = 'mail/spellutils'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Spellutils provides the newsbody and pospell programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sqlgrey'
+port[:path] = 'mail/sqlgrey'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0-rc2'
+port[:description] = 'SQLgrey is a postfix policy service implementing a grey-listing policy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'mysql sqlite postgresql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ssmtp'
+port[:path] = 'mail/ssmtp'
+port[:version] = '2.64'
+port[:description] = 'Sendmail alternative for small routers (outgoing mail only)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'ruby'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sup'
+port[:path] = 'mail/sup'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'Console-based email client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sylpheed'
+port[:path] = 'mail/sylpheed'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, lightweight GTK+ mail client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'ssl gpg gdk ldap gtkspell compface universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sylpheed-devel'
+port[:path] = 'mail/sylpheed-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0beta7'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, lightweight GTK+ mail client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'ssl gpg gdk ldap gtkspell compface universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sympa'
+port[:path] = 'mail/sympa'
+port[:version] = '5.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'Sympa - Mailing List Manager with LDAP support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 't-prot'
+port[:path] = 'mail/t-prot'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'TOFU protection script (MUA display filter)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'thunderbird-x11'
+port[:path] = 'mail/thunderbird-x11'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Mozilla.org\'s popular stand-alone mail/news client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tpop3d'
+port[:path] = 'mail/tpop3d'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'tpop3d is a fast, extensible, secure UNIX POP3 server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uagen'
+port[:path] = 'mail/uagen'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'A Firefox-User-Agent generator for Privoxy and Mozilla browsers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uudeview'
+port[:path] = 'mail/uudeview'
+port[:version] = '0.5.20'
+port[:description] = 'UUDeview is a particularly powerful encoder and decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'tcltk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vm-pop3d'
+port[:path] = 'mail/vm-pop3d'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'POP3 server for Postfix that supports virtual domains and mailboxes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vpopmail'
+port[:path] = 'mail/vpopmail'
+port[:version] = '5.4.25'
+port[:description] = 'Manage multiple virtual domains with Qmail'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 26
+port[:variants] = 'onchange mysql5 roaming noclearpasswords learnpasswords spamassassin maildrop logverbose logpwds logall universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'mail'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'math'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'DSDP'
+port[:path] = 'math/DSDP'
+port[:version] = '5.8'
+port[:description] = 'DSDP is a open source implementation of an interior-point method for semidefinite programming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'octave'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'DoCon'
+port[:path] = 'math/DoCon'
+port[:version] = '2.11'
+port[:description] = 'DoCon is the Algebraic Domain Constructor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'printable_doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GiNaC'
+port[:path] = 'math/GiNaC'
+port[:version] = '1.5.8'
+port[:description] = 'GiNaC is Not a Computer algebra system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'test universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'LiE'
+port[:path] = 'math/LiE'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'A computer algebra program for Lie group calculations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ProofGeneral'
+port[:path] = 'math/ProofGeneral'
+port[:version] = '3.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'An emacs mode for interactive prooving'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'R'
+port[:path] = 'math/R'
+port[:version] = '2.13.0'
+port[:description] = 'R is GNU S - an interpreted language for statistical computing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'recommended gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 aqua'
+port[:maintainers] = 'epfl.ch:kjell.konis'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SuiteSparse'
+port[:path] = 'math/SuiteSparse'
+port[:version] = '3.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Sparse matrix routines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aamath'
+port[:path] = 'math/aamath'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'renders ASCII art from mathematical expressions'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'acl2'
+port[:path] = 'math/acl2'
+port[:version] = '3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Applicative Common Lisp / A Computational Logic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'emacs ccl certify regression nonstd'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'add'
+port[:path] = 'math/add'
+port[:version] = '20070214'
+port[:description] = 'Fixed-point, full screen calculator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arpack'
+port[:path] = 'math/arpack'
+port[:version] = '1'
+port[:description] = 'Package for solving large scale eigenvalue problems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 mpi'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'atlas'
+port[:path] = 'math/atlas'
+port[:version] = '3.9.37'
+port[:description] = 'Portable optimal linear algebra software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal gcc45 gcc44 gcc43 gcc42'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bc'
+port[:path] = 'math/bc'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'arbitrary precision numeric processing language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bcv'
+port[:path] = 'math/bcv'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'command line number converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blitz'
+port[:path] = 'math/blitz'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'a C++ class library for scientific computing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blitzwave'
+port[:path] = 'math/blitzwave'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'C++ wavelet mini-library building on the blitz++ array template library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'buddy'
+port[:path] = 'math/buddy'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'binary decision diagram package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cadabra'
+port[:path] = 'math/cadabra'
+port[:version] = '1.29'
+port[:description] = 'A field theory approach to symbolic computer algebra'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'texmacs maintainer_tests no_gui universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'calc'
+port[:path] = 'math/calc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Arbitrary precision calculator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-gsl'
+port[:path] = 'math/caml-gsl'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'ocamlgsl is the GNU scientific library for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cln'
+port[:path] = 'math/cln'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Class Library for Numbers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmsvlib'
+port[:path] = 'math/cmsvlib'
+port[:version] = '20101118'
+port[:description] = 'Read and Write IDL SAVE files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi igf.fuw.edu.pl:slayoo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dap'
+port[:path] = 'math/dap'
+port[:version] = '3.7'
+port[:description] = 'small statistics and graphics package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'diehard'
+port[:path] = 'math/diehard'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Marsaglia\'s Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'djbfft'
+port[:path] = 'math/djbfft'
+port[:version] = '0.76'
+port[:description] = 'D.J. Bernstein\'s fast fourier transform library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dotwrp'
+port[:path] = 'math/dotwrp'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A wrapper for *dot* functions in Accelerate framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'g95 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'e'
+port[:path] = 'math/e'
+port[:version] = '0.02718'
+port[:description] = 'e is a command line expression evaluator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eigen'
+port[:path] = 'math/eigen'
+port[:version] = '2.0.15'
+port[:description] = 'A C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+ LGPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eigen3'
+port[:path] = 'math/eigen3'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A C++ template library for linear algebra: vectors, matrices, and related algorithms.'
+port[:licenses] = '{GPL-2+} {LGPL-3+}}'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'gcc44 gcc45 doc blas cmake universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ent'
+port[:path] = 'math/ent'
+port[:version] = '20080128'
+port[:description] = 'Entropy calculator'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'entropy'
+port[:path] = 'math/entropy'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'calculate the entropy of a given file/stream'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fftw'
+port[:path] = 'math/fftw'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'fortran g95 gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 mpi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fftw-3'
+port[:path] = 'math/fftw-3'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fftw-3-long'
+port[:path] = 'math/fftw-3-long'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fftw-3-single'
+port[:path] = 'math/fftw-3-single'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast C routines to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fftw-single'
+port[:path] = 'math/fftw-single'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Single precision version of fftw'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'g95 gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 mpi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fgsl'
+port[:path] = 'math/fgsl'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fityk'
+port[:path] = 'math/fityk'
+port[:version] = '0.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'fityk is for peak fitting.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fyre'
+port[:path] = 'math/fyre'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fyre is a tool for producing computational artwork.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gaul-devel'
+port[:path] = 'math/gaul-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.1850'
+port[:description] = 'Genetic algorithms library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'mpi slang universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vince'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gexpr'
+port[:path] = 'math/gexpr'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A shell calculator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glpk'
+port[:path] = 'math/glpk'
+port[:version] = '4.45'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Linear Programming Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal odbc mysql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fastmail.fm:lutz.horn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmp-ecm'
+port[:path] = 'math/gmp-ecm'
+port[:version] = '6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Factor integers using the Elliptic Curve Method'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmtl'
+port[:path] = 'math/gmtl'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'a lightweight math library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'iastate.edu:mccdo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnudatalanguage'
+port[:path] = 'math/gnudatalanguage'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'a free IDL combatible incremental compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'mpich wxWidgets python openmp gshhs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi igf.fuw.edu.pl:slayoo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuplot'
+port[:path] = 'math/gnuplot'
+port[:version] = '4.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'A command-driven interactive function plotting program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 wxwidgets luaterm tutorial universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gsl'
+port[:path] = 'math/gsl'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'A numerical library for C and C++ programmers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'doc gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 optimize universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer jochen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gsl-devel'
+port[:path] = 'math/gsl-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.14.91'
+port[:description] = 'A numerical library for C and C++ programmers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkdatabox'
+port[:path] = 'math/gtkdatabox'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Data Display Widget'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'libglade glade3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:james.r.haigh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math gtk graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gts'
+port[:path] = 'math/gts'
+port[:version] = '0.7.6'
+port[:description] = 'The GNU Triangulated Surface library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gunits'
+port[:path] = 'math/gunits'
+port[:version] = '1.88'
+port[:description] = 'Unit conversion and calculation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'igraph'
+port[:path] = 'math/igraph'
+port[:version] = '0.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'high performance graph library for C'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'itl'
+port[:path] = 'math/itl'
+port[:version] = '4.0.0-1'
+port[:description] = 'Iterative Template Library (based on MTL)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'k3dsurf'
+port[:path] = 'math/k3dsurf'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Multidimensional surface visualizer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math graphics science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lambda'
+port[:path] = 'math/lambda'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'A lambda calculus interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'laspack'
+port[:path] = 'math/laspack'
+port[:version] = '1.12.2'
+port[:description] = 'Package for solving large sparse systems of linear equations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblinear'
+port[:path] = 'math/liblinear'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'A simple package for solving large-scale regularized linear classification.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmatheval'
+port[:path] = 'math/libmatheval'
+port[:version] = '1.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'in-memory tree representations of mathematical functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libqalculate'
+port[:path] = 'math/libqalculate'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'libqalculate is math libary for expression evaluation with units, variables and functions support and CAS functionality.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libranlib'
+port[:path] = 'math/libranlib'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library of Routines for Random Number Generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsvm'
+port[:path] = 'math/libsvm'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'A free Support Vector Machine implementation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'java'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libticables2'
+port[:path] = 'math/libticables2'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'TILibs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libticalcs2'
+port[:path] = 'math/libticalcs2'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'TILibs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libticonv'
+port[:path] = 'math/libticonv'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'TILibs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtifiles2'
+port[:path] = 'math/libtifiles2'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'TILibs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtommath'
+port[:path] = 'math/libtommath'
+port[:version] = '0.42.0'
+port[:description] = 'Comprehensive, modular and portable mathematical routines'
+port[:licenses] = 'Public-Domain'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lp_solve'
+port[:path] = 'math/lp_solve'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Linear Programming Solver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mapm'
+port[:path] = 'math/mapm'
+port[:version] = '4.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'A Portable Arbitrary Precision Math Library in C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mathomatic'
+port[:path] = 'math/mathomatic'
+port[:version] = '15.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'small, portable symbolic math program'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'matio'
+port[:path] = 'math/matio'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Matio is a library for working with Matlab save files'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maxima'
+port[:path] = 'math/maxima'
+port[:version] = '5.24.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Maxima computer algebra system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'abcl printable_doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'meschach'
+port[:path] = 'math/meschach'
+port[:version] = '1.2b'
+port[:description] = 'Calculations on matrices and vectors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metis'
+port[:path] = 'math/metis'
+port[:version] = '4.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'A package for unstructured graph partitioning'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'msieve'
+port[:path] = 'math/msieve'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'A library for factoring large integers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mtl'
+port[:path] = 'math/mtl'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2-22'
+port[:description] = 'The Matrix Template Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'muparser'
+port[:path] = 'math/muparser'
+port[:version] = '1.32'
+port[:description] = 'extensible high performance math parser library in C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nauty'
+port[:path] = 'math/nauty'
+port[:version] = '2.4b7'
+port[:description] = 'nauty is a program for computing automorphism groups of graphs and digraphs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ndiff'
+port[:path] = 'math/ndiff'
+port[:version] = '2.00'
+port[:description] = 'compare putatively similar files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nestedsums'
+port[:path] = 'math/nestedsums'
+port[:version] = '1.4.12'
+port[:description] = 'nestedsums library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'newmat'
+port[:path] = 'math/newmat'
+port[:version] = '10'
+port[:description] = 'This C++ library is intended for scientists and engineers who need to manipulate a variety of types of matrices using standard matrix operations.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'newran'
+port[:path] = 'math/newran'
+port[:version] = '02'
+port[:description] = 'This is a C++ library for generating sequences of random numbers from a wide variety of distributions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ntl'
+port[:path] = 'math/ntl'
+port[:version] = '5.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'gmp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fimaluka.org:ralf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocamlgsl'
+port[:path] = 'math/ocamlgsl'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'ocamlgsl is the GNU scientific library for OCaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave'
+port[:version] = '3.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'a Matlab-like environment for numerical analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'atlas accelerate gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-ad'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-ad'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic Forward Differentiation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-ann'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-ann'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Octave-forge ANN package wraps the ANN library, which provides data structures and functions for computing exact and approximate nearest neighbors on an arbitrarily high dimensional point set.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-arpack'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-arpack'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Octave bindings to ARPACK, including the eigs and svds function.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-audio'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-audio'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Audio recording, processing and playing tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-benchmark'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-benchmark'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'The package contains code used to benchmark speed of Octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-bim'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-bim'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Package for solving Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equaltions based on the Finite Volume Scharfetter-Gummel (FVSG) method a.k.a Box Integration Method (BIM)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-bioinfo'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-bioinfo'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Bioinformatics manipulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-civil-engineering'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-civil-engineering'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Functions to solution some ODE\'s in Civil Engineering.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-combinatorics'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-combinatorics'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Combinatorics functions, incuding partitioning.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-communications'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-communications'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Digital Communications, Error Correcting Codes (Channel Code), Source Code functions, Modulation and Galois Fields'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-control'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-control'
+port[:version] = '1.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Additional Octave Control tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-data-smoothing'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-data-smoothing'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Algorithms for smoothing noisy data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-database'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-database'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'These are bindings that allow SQL queries and other database operations on postgres, mysql, sqlite, and standard ODBC databases from within Octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-devel'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-devel'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'a Matlab-like environment for numerical analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 docs x11 debug fltk'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-econometrics'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-econometrics'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Econometrics functions including MLE and GMM based techniques.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-engine'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-engine'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'An external interface library for Octave'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-financial'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-financial'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Financial manipulation and plotting functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-fpl'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-fpl'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of routines to plot data on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-ga'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-ga'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'Genetic optimization code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-general'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-general'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'General tools for octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-graceplot'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-graceplot'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Graceplot bindings for octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-gsl'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-gsl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Octave bindings to the GNU Scientific Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-ident'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-ident'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Addition System Indentification Control functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-image'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-image'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'The Octave-forge Image package provides functions for reading, writing, and processing images. The package supports almost all image formats through the use of ImageMagick. The package also provides functions for feature extraction, image statistics, spatial and geometric transformations, morphological operations, linear filtering, and much more.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-informationtheory'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-informationtheory'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Functions and routines for basic Information Theory definitions, and source coding.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-integration'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-integration'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Toolbox for 1-D, 2-D, and n-D Numerical Integration'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-io'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-io'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Input/Output in external formats.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-irsa'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-irsa'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Irregular sampling analysis.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-java'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-java'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Provides Java interface with OO-like Java objects manipulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-linear-algebra'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-linear-algebra'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Additional linear algebra code, including general SVD and matrix functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-mapping'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-mapping'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Mapping functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-miscellaneous'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-miscellaneous'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Miscellaneous tools including waitbar, xml tools, etc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-missing-functions'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-missing-functions'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Find functions that are in Matlab but not in Octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-msh'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-msh'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Package for creating and managing triangular and tetrahedral meshes for Finite Element or Finite Volume PDE solvers. Uses a mesh data structure compatible with pdetool. Relies on gmsh for unstructured mesh generation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-multicore'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-multicore'
+port[:version] = '0.2.15'
+port[:description] = 'An Octave-forge package providing functions for parallel processing on multiple cores.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-nan'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-nan'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Missing value statistical toolbox'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-nnet'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-nnet'
+port[:version] = '0.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'A feed forward multi-layer neural network.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-ocs'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-ocs'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Package for solving DC and transient MNA equation stemming from electrical circuit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-octcdf'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-octcdf'
+port[:version] = '1.0.13'
+port[:description] = 'A NetCDF interface for octave'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-odebvp'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-odebvp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'To approximate the solution of the boundary-value problem y\'\'=p(x)*y\' + q(x)*y + r(x), a<=x<=b, y(a)=alpha, y(b)=beta by the linear finite-diffence method.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-odepkg'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-odepkg'
+port[:version] = '0.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'An octave package for solving ordinary differential equations and more.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-optim'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-optim'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Unconstrained Non-linear Optimization toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-optiminterp'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-optiminterp'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'An optimal interpolation toolbox for octave. This package provides functions to perform a n-dimensional optimal interpolations of arbitrarily distributed data points.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-outliers'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-outliers'
+port[:version] = '0.13.9'
+port[:description] = 'Grubbs, Dixon and Cochran tests for outlier detection and p-value approximating routines.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-parallel'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-parallel'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Parallel execution package for cluster computers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-pdb'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-pdb'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Reads and display PDB-files from the Brookhaven protein databank'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-physicalconstants'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-physicalconstants'
+port[:version] = '0.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Physical Constants from Atomic & Molecular Physics, taken from NIST database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-plot'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-plot'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Additional ploting tools for Octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-pt_br'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-pt_br'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Brazilian Portuguese translations of the help strings of the Octave functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-secs1d'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-secs1d'
+port[:version] = '0.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'A Drift-Diffusion simulator for 1d semiconductor devices'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-signal'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-signal'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Signal processing tools, including filtering, windowing and display functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-sockets'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-sockets'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Socket functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-specfun'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-specfun'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Special functions including ellipitic functions, etc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-special-matrix'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-special-matrix'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Additional Special Matrices for Octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-spline-gcvspl'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-spline-gcvspl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'B-spline data smoothing using generalized cross-validation and mean squared prediction or explicit user smoothing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-splines'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-splines'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Additional Cubic spline functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-statistics'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-statistics'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Additional statistics functions for Octave.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-strings'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-strings'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Additional manipulation functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-struct'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-struct'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Additional Structure manipulations functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-symband'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-symband'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Linear Algebra for Symmetric Banded Matrices.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-tcl-octave'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-tcl-octave'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'socket implementation of a tcl-octave connection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-time'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-time'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Additional date manipulation tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-triangular'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-triangular'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Simple example of a user type implementing a simple matrix type for triangular matrices.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-tsa'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-tsa'
+port[:version] = '4.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Stochastic concepts and maximum entropy methods for time series analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-vrml'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-vrml'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = '3D graphics using VRML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-windows'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-windows'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Provides COM interface and additional functionality on Windows'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'octave-zenity'
+port[:path] = 'math/octave-zenity'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'A set of functions for creating simple graphical user interfaces. It is currently possible to create calendar windows, text entries, file selection dialogs, lists, message windows, icons in the notification area, and windows for large amount of text.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'optpp'
+port[:path] = 'math/optpp'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'C++ library for non-linear optimization'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'mpi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orpie'
+port[:path] = 'math/orpie'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'fullscreen RPN calculator for the console'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'moduli.net:snb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pari'
+port[:path] = 'math/pari'
+port[:version] = '2.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'PARI/GP computer algebra system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal doc x11 fltk'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdc'
+port[:path] = 'math/pdc'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'programmers desktop caclulator in bc style'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'petsc'
+port[:path] = 'math/petsc'
+port[:version] = '3.1-p7'
+port[:description] = 'Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'hdf5 triangle debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ploticus'
+port[:path] = 'math/ploticus'
+port[:version] = '2.41'
+port[:description] = 'plot generation program'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pspp'
+port[:path] = 'math/pspp'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Statistical analysis of sampled data (free replacement for SPSS).'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'help ncurses doc postgres no_graph no_gui universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pspp-devel'
+port[:path] = 'math/pspp-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.7.8'
+port[:description] = 'Statistical analysis of sampled data (free replacement for SPSS).'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'help ncurses doc postgres no_graph no_gui universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-glpk'
+port[:path] = 'math/pure-glpk'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) for the Pure programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-gsl'
+port[:path] = 'math/pure-gsl'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'a wrapper to call GNU Scientific Library functions from Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-octave'
+port[:path] = 'math/pure-octave'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to run Octave commands from Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-rational'
+port[:path] = 'math/pure-rational'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'a Pure port of Q+Q, Rob Hubbard\'s rational number library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qalculate-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'math/qalculate-gtk'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qalculate-kde'
+port[:path] = 'math/qalculate-kde'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'Qalculate! is a multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math kde kde3'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qhull'
+port[:path] = 'math/qhull'
+port[:version] = '2010.1'
+port[:description] = 'Programs and library for computing convex hulls.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qrupdate'
+port[:path] = 'math/qrupdate'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_atlas accelerate g95 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scalc'
+port[:path] = 'math/scalc'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'tool for simple integer calculations or for converting numbers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shogun'
+port[:path] = 'math/shogun'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'The machine learning toolbox\'s focus is on large scale kernel methods'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'elwms python25 hmm_parallel no_python26 r octave no_glpk gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slepc'
+port[:path] = 'math/slepc'
+port[:version] = '3.1-p6'
+port[:description] = 'Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'arpack'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stp'
+port[:path] = 'math/stp'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'STP (Simple Theorem Provider)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'surf'
+port[:path] = 'math/surf'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Visualization of real algebraic geometry.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:shreevatsa.public openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'svdlibc'
+port[:path] = 'math/svdlibc'
+port[:version] = '1.34'
+port[:description] = 'SVDLIBC is a C library to perform singular value decomposition'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tablix'
+port[:path] = 'math/tablix'
+port[:version] = '0.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Kernel for solving general timetabling problems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tablix.org:tomaz.solc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tiemu3'
+port[:path] = 'math/tiemu3'
+port[:version] = '3.02'
+port[:description] = 'TI89 /Titanium/92/92+/V200 multi-platform emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tilp2'
+port[:path] = 'math/tilp2'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'TI Linkinf Program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxMaxima'
+port[:path] = 'math/wxMaxima'
+port[:version] = '0.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical user interface for Maxima'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'usami-k'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xgraph'
+port[:path] = 'math/xgraph'
+port[:version] = '12.1'
+port[:description] = 'VINT xgraph'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmfract'
+port[:path] = 'math/xmfract'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'UNIX clone of the DOS baed Fractint'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmgr'
+port[:path] = 'math/xmgr'
+port[:version] = '4.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'ACE/gr 2D plotting tool (Ancestor to Grace)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'netcdf universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:mlund'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xplot'
+port[:path] = 'math/xplot'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'xplot was written in the late 1980s to support the analysis of TCP packet traces.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yacas'
+port[:path] = 'math/yacas'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Yet Another Computer Algebra System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 28
+port[:variants] = 'server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'math'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'multimedia'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AtomicParsley'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/AtomicParsley'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'MPEG-4 command line tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AtomicParsley-devel'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/AtomicParsley-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2-r110'
+port[:description] = 'MPEG-4 command line tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MPlayer'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/MPlayer'
+port[:version] = '1.0rc4'
+port[:description] = 'The Unix movie player'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'man_all_lang osd fribidi noappleremote lirc nodvd smb mencoder_extras xvid x264 faac dv twolame speex dts live sdl aa caca x11 esd glx'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'VLC'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/VLC'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'VLC is a cross-platform media player and streaming server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'jack auhal qtcapture x264 theora twolame speex svg shout vcd mod mpc dvb osd fribidi bonjour sdl smb no_dvd no_ffmpeg x11 qt4 minimal huge full'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'VLC09'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/VLC09'
+port[:version] = '0.9.10'
+port[:description] = 'VLC is a cross-platform media player and streaming server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'x264 theora twolame live555 speex svg shout vcd mod mpc dvb osd fribidi bonjour sdl smb no_dvd no_ffmpeg x11 qt4 minimal huge full'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'XBMC'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/XBMC'
+port[:version] = '8.10bf1'
+port[:description] = 'XBMC Multimedia Center'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'XviD'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/XviD'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'High performance and high quality MPEG-4 video library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avidemux'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/avidemux'
+port[:version] = '2.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Avidemux is a free video editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'debug esd jack aac dts lame ogg x264 xvid universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cfourcc'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/cfourcc'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'change avi fourcc codes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'avc-cvut.cz:petr.vacek'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cws2fws'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/cws2fws'
+port[:version] = '0'
+port[:description] = 'This utility converts compressed Macromedia Flash files to uncompressed ones.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cws2fws-pl'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/cws2fws-pl'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Flash format 6+ decompressor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'despotify'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/despotify'
+port[:version] = '20090307'
+port[:description] = 'Open source Spotify client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'carljohancrafoord.se:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dirac'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/dirac'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Dirac is a general-purpose video codec aimed at resolutions from QCIF (176x144) to HDTV (1920x1080) progressive or interlaced.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dmapd'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/dmapd'
+port[:version] = '0.0.39'
+port[:description] = 'A server that provides DAAP and DPAP shares.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'flyn.org:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvdauthor'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/dvdauthor'
+port[:version] = '0.6.14'
+port[:description] = 'A simple set of tools to help author a DVD.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:meissnem'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvdrip'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/dvdrip'
+port[:version] = '0.98.8'
+port[:description] = 'perl front end for transcode'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'web.de:marioscheel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ffmpeg'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/ffmpeg'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'FFmpeg is a complete solution to play, record, convert and stream audio and video.'
+port[:licenses] = 'nonfree GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'no_mmx no_gpl no_nonfree jack'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ffmpeg-devel'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/ffmpeg-devel'
+port[:version] = '20110628'
+port[:description] = 'FFmpeg is a complete solution to play, record, convert and stream audio and video.'
+port[:licenses] = 'nonfree GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'no_mmx no_gpl no_nonfree jack'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fluidsynth'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/fluidsynth'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'FluidSynth is a real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'frei0r-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/frei0r-plugins'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Plugin API for video sources and filters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dennedy.org:dan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gavl'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/gavl'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Gavl (Gmerlin Audio Video Library) is a low level library, upon which multimedia APIs can be built.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnupod'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/gnupod'
+port[:version] = '0.99.7'
+port[:description] = 'GNUpod is a collection of tools which allow you to use your iPod with UNIX-like operating systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'flac vorbis aac artwork universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkpod'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/gtkpod'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'gtkpod is a platform independent Graphical User Interface for Apple\'s iPod using GTK2.gpod is a library to access the contents of an iPod.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hdhomerun_gui'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/hdhomerun_gui'
+port[:version] = '20110323'
+port[:description] = 'HDHomeRun GTK GUI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kdenlive'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/kdenlive'
+port[:version] = '0.7.8'
+port[:description] = 'A non-linear video editing suite.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dennedy.org:dan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libartnet'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libartnet'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'implementation of the ArtNet protocol designed for POSIX systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdv'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libdv'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Quasar DV codec (libdv): software codec for DV video encoding format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'sdl pal universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:filippo.natali'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgpod'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libgpod'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'libgpod is a library to access the contents of an iPod.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'python27 python26 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmatroska'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libmatroska'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Matroska is an extensible open standard audio/video container format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmms'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libmms'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// network streams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmpeg2'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libmpeg2'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'A free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'no_sdl no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmtp'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libmtp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'libmtp is an implementation of Microsoft\'s Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libogg'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libogg'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ogg Bitstream Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libquicktime'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libquicktime'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'library for reading and writing quicktime files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtheora'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libtheora'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Xiph.org Foundation\'s open video codec'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libvpx'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/libvpx'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'VP8 video codec'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'live555'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/live555'
+port[:version] = '2010.12.14'
+port[:description] = 'LIVE555 Streaming Media'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lmms'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/lmms'
+port[:version] = '0.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'Linux Multimedia Studio'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mimms'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mimms'
+port[:version] = '3.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'MiMMS isn\'t an MMS Message Sender, it\'s an MMS (e.g. mms://) stream downloader.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms gmail.com:cedric.luthi openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ming'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/ming'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'an SWF output library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mjpegtools'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mjpegtools'
+port[:version] = '1.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'Set of tools to record/playback/edit videos in MPEG format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:filippo.natali'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mkvtoolnix'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mkvtoolnix'
+port[:version] = '4.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Matroska media files manipulation tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'wxwidgets'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:kona8lend'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mlt'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mlt'
+port[:version] = '0.5.10'
+port[:description] = 'Open source multimedia framework - core libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dennedy.org:dan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moc'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/moc'
+port[:version] = '2.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'MOC (music on console) is a console audio player for LINUX/UNIX'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'autojack vorbis without_ffmpeg universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'martinvazquez.net:eu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp4v2'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mp4v2'
+port[:version] = '1.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'Read, create, and modify mp4 files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mp4v2-dev'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mp4v2-dev'
+port[:version] = 'r355'
+port[:description] = 'Read, create, and modify mp4 files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpeg2vidcodec'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mpeg2vidcodec'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'MPEG-2 Video Encoder / Decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpgtx'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mpgtx'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mplayer-devel'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/mplayer-devel'
+port[:version] = '33766'
+port[:description] = 'The MPlayer movie player built from SVN.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'man_all_lang osd fribidi noappleremote lirc live nodvd samba mencoder_extras xvid x264 faac dv twolame speex dts mng dirac a52 sdl aa caca x11 esd glx debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'acho openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ogmtools'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/ogmtools'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'OGG media streams manipulation tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pHash'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/pHash'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Perceptual hash library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'workisfun.ru:ivan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'photopc'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/photopc'
+port[:version] = '3.05'
+port[:description] = 'Download photos from some older digital cameras'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mpal1+bugzilla at ieee.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quickascii'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/quickascii'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'a movie player and picture viewer for the command line'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'replex'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/replex'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Remultiplex an MPEG2 TS into a PS for DVD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:emyr.thomas'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'schroedinger'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/schroedinger'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Schroedinger is a high-speed implementation in C of the Dirac codec.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smpeg'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/smpeg'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'a general purpose MPEG video/audio player/library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subdownloader'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/subdownloader'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Automatically download and upload subtitles for videos'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'subtitleripper'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/subtitleripper'
+port[:version] = '0.3-4'
+port[:description] = 'DVD subtitle ripper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'shortround.net:stephen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swfdec'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/swfdec'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'Decoder/renderer for Flash animations.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swfdec-devel'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/swfdec-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Decoder/renderer for Flash animations.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swfdec-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/swfdec-gnome'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'Tools to play SWF files (Macromedia Flash) on GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:k.pranas'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tablet-encode'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/tablet-encode'
+port[:version] = '2.30'
+port[:description] = 'Transcoding video files for Nokia Internet Tablets'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'gui'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tivodecode'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/tivodecode'
+port[:version] = '0.2pre4'
+port[:description] = 'utility to convert .tivo files into mpeg'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tovid'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/tovid'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'a collection of GPL video disc authoring tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'shah.co.nz:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'transcode'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/transcode'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Video and audio processing tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'mmx full a52dec faac freetype imagemagick libdv libogg libpostproc libquicktime libtheora libvorbis libxml2 lzo mjpegtools x264 xvid experimental deprecated libsdl no_x11'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cogweb.net:lionteeth devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vcdimager'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/vcdimager'
+port[:version] = '0.7.23'
+port[:description] = 'Free software (Super) video CD authoring solution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vobcopy'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/vobcopy'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'copies DVD .vob files to hard disk'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sneakemail.com:0booo5b02'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'x264'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/x264'
+port[:version] = '20110628'
+port[:description] = 'x264 - a free h264/avc encoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = 'universal asm'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'x264transcode'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/x264transcode'
+port[:version] = '0.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Automated DVD/VOB/M2TS to MKV system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:stefan.van.der.eijk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xine-lib'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/xine-lib'
+port[:version] = '1.1.19'
+port[:description] = 'xine-lib is a free multimedia engine, released under the GPL.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xine-ui'
+port[:path] = 'multimedia/xine-ui'
+port[:version] = '0.99.5'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 29
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'multimedia'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'net'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = '3proxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/3proxy'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'tiny free proxy server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mail.ru:nano103'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ASFRecorder'
+port[:path] = 'net/ASFRecorder'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'WindowsMedia Streaming client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'GTorrentViewer'
+port[:path] = 'net/GTorrentViewer'
+port[:version] = '0.2b'
+port[:description] = 'GTK2 based viewer for .torrent files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'adium'
+port[:path] = 'net/adium'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'a multiple protocol instant messaging client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'net aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'adns'
+port[:path] = 'net/adns'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'asynchronous DNS client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aget'
+port[:path] = 'net/aget'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'multithreaded HTTP download accelerator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aiccu'
+port[:path] = 'net/aiccu'
+port[:version] = '20070115'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Configuration Utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gnutls'
+port[:maintainers] = '23bit.net:cr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net ipv6'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'airctl'
+port[:path] = 'net/airctl'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'tool to trigger connection, get status of Airport Base Stations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'airport'
+port[:path] = 'net/airport'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'wireless card utility by ragge at nada.kth.se'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'noses.com:noses'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'angst'
+port[:path] = 'net/angst'
+port[:version] = '0.4b'
+port[:description] = 'an active sniffer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'antinat'
+port[:path] = 'net/antinat'
+port[:version] = '0.90'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful, configurable and flexible SOCKS server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ap-utils'
+port[:path] = 'net/ap-utils'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities for AMTEL, NWN, ME102 wireless access points'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apan'
+port[:path] = 'net/apan'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0-sql'
+port[:description] = 'apan plugin for nagios'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'argus'
+port[:path] = 'net/argus'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'the network Audit Record Generation and Utilization System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ncircle.com:tk'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'argus-clients'
+port[:path] = 'net/argus-clients'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Network Audit Record Generation and Utilization System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_ragraph universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:usx303 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'argus-monitor'
+port[:path] = 'net/argus-monitor'
+port[:version] = '3.5'
+port[:description] = 'The All Seeing System and Network Monitoring Software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'apple_postfix universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aria2'
+port[:path] = 'net/aria2'
+port[:version] = '1.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'download utility with resuming and segmented downloading'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arla'
+port[:path] = 'net/arla'
+port[:version] = '0.35.11'
+port[:description] = 'free AFS implementation from KTH'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'krbafs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/arpd'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'user space ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arping'
+port[:path] = 'net/arping'
+port[:version] = '2.09'
+port[:description] = 'utility to find out if a MAC address is already taken on a LAN'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arpwatch'
+port[:path] = 'net/arpwatch'
+port[:version] = '2.1a15'
+port[:description] = 'Monitor ARP & RARP requests'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asterisk'
+port[:path] = 'net/asterisk'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'An Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'jabber'
+port[:maintainers] = 'viagente.ca:marc.blanchet mr_bond openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asterisknow'
+port[:path] = 'net/asterisknow'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'GUI for configuring Asterisk'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:stefan.van.der.eijk'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asused'
+port[:path] = 'net/asused'
+port[:version] = '3.72'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line tool to run a check on the usage of the RIPE Whois DB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:fclaire'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autossh'
+port[:path] = 'net/autossh'
+port[:version] = '1.4b'
+port[:description] = 'tool to restart terminated ssh sessions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'avahi'
+port[:path] = 'net/avahi'
+port[:version] = '0.6.30'
+port[:description] = 'A system which facilitates service discovery on a local network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 mono test no_gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'axel'
+port[:path] = 'net/axel'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'A light Unix download accelerator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'balance'
+port[:path] = 'net/balance'
+port[:version] = '3.52'
+port[:description] = 'simple but powerful generic TCP proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'baresip'
+port[:path] = 'net/baresip'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'bare-bones SIP useragent'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'db.org:aeh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bind9'
+port[:path] = 'net/bind9'
+port[:version] = '9.8.0-P4'
+port[:description] = 'Domain Name System server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'dlz_mysql5'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bing'
+port[:path] = 'net/bing'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Bandwidth measurement tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'binkd'
+port[:path] = 'net/binkd'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'binkd FidoNET mailer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'iname.com:bk532'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bittornado'
+port[:path] = 'net/bittornado'
+port[:version] = '0.3.18'
+port[:description] = 'bittorrent client and python module with enhancements'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bittorrent'
+port[:path] = 'net/bittorrent'
+port[:version] = '5.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'peer-to-peer tool for distributing files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bittwist'
+port[:path] = 'net/bittwist'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple yet powerful libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blackbag'
+port[:path] = 'net/blackbag'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'A miscelleny of network testing tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bmon'
+port[:path] = 'net/bmon'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An interface bandwidth monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:lomion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bnbt'
+port[:path] = 'net/bnbt'
+port[:version] = '8.1r3'
+port[:description] = 'C++ BitTorrent tracker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bnetd'
+port[:path] = 'net/bnetd'
+port[:version] = '0.4.25'
+port[:description] = 'daemon that emulates Blizzards Battle.net service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bro'
+port[:path] = 'net/bro'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'BRO is a Network Intrusion Detection System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bsflite'
+port[:path] = 'net/bsflite'
+port[:version] = '0.85'
+port[:description] = 'The Minimalist AIM Client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bwm-ng'
+port[:path] = 'net/bwm-ng'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A small and simple bandwidth monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'c-ares'
+port[:path] = 'net/c-ares'
+port[:version] = '1.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'asynchronous DNS library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cacti'
+port[:path] = 'net/cacti'
+port[:version] = '0.8.7g'
+port[:description] = 'Cacti is a complete RRDtool network graphing solution.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'plugins'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'canto'
+port[:path] = 'net/canto'
+port[:version] = '0.6.13'
+port[:description] = 'flexible ncurses Atom/RSS newsreader for the console'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jack at codezen.org brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cclive'
+port[:path] = 'net/cclive'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A command line video extraction utility.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer snc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccxstream'
+port[:path] = 'net/ccxstream'
+port[:version] = '1.0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Stream media files to XBox Media Center via XBMSP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:yunzheng.hu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/cdpd'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Sends Cisco Discovery Protocol announcements'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ugh.net.au:andrew'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdpr'
+port[:path] = 'net/cdpr'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Cisco Discovery Protocol Reporter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'centerim'
+port[:path] = 'net/centerim'
+port[:version] = '4.22.9'
+port[:description] = 'Console multi-IM client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'msn allproto universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'centerim-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/centerim-devel'
+port[:version] = '4.22.7-36-g6ba0'
+port[:description] = 'Console multi-IM client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'msn universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/cftp'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'full-screen ftp client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chaosreader'
+port[:path] = 'net/chaosreader'
+port[:version] = '0.94'
+port[:description] = 'freeware tool to trace TCP/UDP/... sessions and fetch application data from snoop or tcpdump logs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'checkdns'
+port[:path] = 'net/checkdns'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'A domain name server analysis and reporting tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cidr'
+port[:path] = 'net/cidr'
+port[:version] = '2.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'RFC 1878 subnet helper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clive'
+port[:path] = 'net/clive'
+port[:version] = '0.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'A console line client for livejournal.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clusterit'
+port[:path] = 'net/clusterit'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for running tasks on many machines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ged'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmdftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/cmdftp'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'command line shell-like ftp client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'coherence'
+port[:path] = 'net/coherence'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Coherence, a Python UPnP and DLNA media framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net multimedia python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'corkscrew'
+port[:path] = 'net/corkscrew'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Tunnel SSH through HTTP proxies.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cryptcat'
+port[:path] = 'net/cryptcat'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'lightweight netcat with integrated transport encryption'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'csshX'
+port[:path] = 'net/csshX'
+port[:version] = '0.73'
+port[:description] = 'Cluster ssh tool for Terminal.app'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'csup'
+port[:path] = 'net/csup'
+port[:version] = '20060318'
+port[:description] = 'Csup is a rewrite of CVSup in C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ctorrent'
+port[:path] = 'net/ctorrent'
+port[:version] = '3.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'command line BitTorrent client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rene openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'curl'
+port[:path] = 'net/curl'
+port[:version] = '7.21.7'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for transferring files with URL syntax'
+port[:licenses] = 'curl'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal ssl ares spnego gnutls gss openldap sftp_scp'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'curl-ca-bundle'
+port[:path] = 'net/curl-ca-bundle'
+port[:version] = '7.21.7'
+port[:description] = 'CA certificate bundle for curl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsup'
+port[:path] = 'net/cvsup'
+port[:version] = '16.1h'
+port[:description] = 'General network file distribution system optimized for CVS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cvsync'
+port[:path] = 'net/cvsync'
+port[:version] = '0.24.18'
+port[:description] = 'cvsync is a portable CVS repository synchronization utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dansguardian'
+port[:path] = 'net/dansguardian'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'web content filter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'clamav ntlm universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dante'
+port[:path] = 'net/dante'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'A circuit-level firewall/proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'daq'
+port[:path] = 'net/daq'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'A Data Acquisition library, for packet I/O'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'darkstat'
+port[:path] = 'net/darkstat'
+port[:version] = '3.0.707'
+port[:description] = 'network traffic analyzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'foellinger.de:olaf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dcd'
+port[:path] = 'net/dcd'
+port[:version] = '0.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Direct Connect Hub clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ddclient'
+port[:path] = 'net/ddclient'
+port[:version] = '3.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Update dynamic DNS entries'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ddnsu'
+port[:path] = 'net/ddnsu'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'simple, reliable and small updating client for dynamic DNS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'deluge'
+port[:path] = 'net/deluge'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME BitTorrent client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3 OpenSSL SSLeay'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net gnome python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'desproxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/desproxy'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0-pre2'
+port[:description] = 'tunnels tcp, as socks, etc. through an http-proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dhcp'
+port[:path] = 'net/dhcp'
+port[:version] = '3.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'ISC dhcpd server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dhcping'
+port[:path] = 'net/dhcping'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Send DHCP request to DHCP server for monitoring purposes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'djbdns'
+port[:path] = 'net/djbdns'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'D.J. Bernstein\'s DNS tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'ipv6 dumpcache ignoreip persistmmap'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnetc'
+port[:path] = 'net/dnetc'
+port[:version] = '2.9105.511b'
+port[:description] = 'distributed.net client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mfeiri'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnrd'
+port[:path] = 'net/dnrd'
+port[:version] = '2.20.3'
+port[:description] = 'A proxy DNS daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dns2tcp'
+port[:path] = 'net/dns2tcp'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'TCP over DNS tunnel'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coderpunks.org:ralf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnsa'
+port[:path] = 'net/dnsa'
+port[:version] = '0.5-beta'
+port[:description] = 'DNS Auditing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnsmasq'
+port[:path] = 'net/dnsmasq'
+port[:version] = '2.57'
+port[:description] = 'lightweight DNS forwarder and DHCP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_dhcp no_tftp no_ipv6'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnstop'
+port[:path] = 'net/dnstop'
+port[:version] = '20110502'
+port[:description] = 'dnstop is a libpcap application that displays tables of DNS traffic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnstracer'
+port[:path] = 'net/dnstracer'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'trace a chain of DNS servers to the source'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'driftnet'
+port[:path] = 'net/driftnet'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Watch the pictures go by on your net'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drill'
+port[:path] = 'net/drill'
+port[:version] = '1.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'A dig-style dnssec-aware dns debugging tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'durchmesser.ch:marius.rieder'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dsh'
+port[:path] = 'net/dsh'
+port[:version] = '0.25.9'
+port[:description] = 'Distributed shell: runs a command through rsh or ssh on a cluster of machines.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'exoweb.net:bjorn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dsniff'
+port[:path] = 'net/dsniff'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'network auditing and penetration testing tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dsniff-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/dsniff-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.4b1'
+port[:description] = 'network auditing and penetration testing tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dsocks'
+port[:path] = 'net/dsocks'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'SOCKS client wrapper for *BSD / Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'tor'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dynamips'
+port[:path] = 'net/dynamips'
+port[:version] = '0.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Cisco router emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_pcap idle_pcs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vexate.net:jstrine'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dynamips-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/dynamips-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.2.8-RC2'
+port[:description] = 'Cisco router emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_pcap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mr_bond openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'echoping'
+port[:path] = 'net/echoping'
+port[:version] = '6.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'small program to test approximate network performance'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gnutls ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eibd'
+port[:path] = 'net/eibd'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'eibd provides an interface to the EIB / KNX bus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uwe-arzt.de:mail'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ejabberd'
+port[:path] = 'net/ejabberd'
+port[:version] = '2.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'ejabberd is an XMPP application server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ciserlohn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'elhttp'
+port[:path] = 'net/elhttp'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'the extra-light http proxy server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'esniper'
+port[:path] = 'net/esniper'
+port[:version] = '2.25.0'
+port[:description] = 'esniper is a simple, lightweight tool for sniping ebay auctions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:dhaines'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'etherape'
+port[:path] = 'net/etherape'
+port[:version] = '0.9.10'
+port[:description] = 'graphical network monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ethereal'
+port[:path] = 'net/ethereal'
+port[:version] = '0.99.0'
+port[:description] = '(NB: wireshark is the maintained version) Graphical network analyzer and capture tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'adns net_snmp pcre no_ssl no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ettercap'
+port[:path] = 'net/ettercap'
+port[:version] = '0.6.b'
+port[:description] = 'multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gtk enable_devel ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ettercap-ng'
+port[:path] = 'net/ettercap-ng'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gtk plugins'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ultrix'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ez-ipupdate'
+port[:path] = 'net/ez-ipupdate'
+port[:version] = '3.0.11b7'
+port[:description] = 'dynamic dns client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fauxident'
+port[:path] = 'net/fauxident'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'small extremely naive ident server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fetch'
+port[:path] = 'net/fetch'
+port[:version] = '7.3.0-RELEASE'
+port[:description] = 'FreeBSD file fetching utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ffp'
+port[:path] = 'net/ffp'
+port[:version] = '0.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'generates fuzzy fingerprints to facilitate MiM attacks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'finch'
+port[:path] = 'net/finch'
+port[:version] = '2.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Multi-protocol Instant Messaging client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flow-tools'
+port[:path] = 'net/flow-tools'
+port[:version] = '0.68'
+port[:description] = 'Suite of tools and library to work with netflow data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flowd'
+port[:path] = 'net/flowd'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'flowd is a small, fast and secure NetFlow collector.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fping'
+port[:path] = 'net/fping'
+port[:version] = '2.4b2'
+port[:description] = 'A scriptable ping program to check if multiple hosts are up'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fprobe'
+port[:path] = 'net/fprobe'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'collects network traffic data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fragroute'
+port[:path] = 'net/fragroute'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'intercept, modify, and rewrite egress traffic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fragrouter'
+port[:path] = 'net/fragrouter'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for testing network IDS implementations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fsh'
+port[:path] = 'net/fsh'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Fast remote command execution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fsp'
+port[:path] = 'net/fsp'
+port[:version] = '2.8.1b24'
+port[:description] = 'udp based alternate protocol for ftp, server and tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fspclient'
+port[:path] = 'net/fspclient'
+port[:version] = '0.90.0'
+port[:description] = 'command line client for the fsp protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ftpmap'
+port[:path] = 'net/ftpmap'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Scans remote FTP servers to see what ftpd is used'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ftpsync'
+port[:path] = 'net/ftpsync'
+port[:version] = '1.2.34'
+port[:description] = 'Synchronizes a local and a remote ftp directory tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fwknop'
+port[:path] = 'net/fwknop'
+port[:version] = '1.9.12'
+port[:description] = '\'FireWall KNock OPerator\': a port knocker to Linux servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gajim'
+port[:path] = 'net/gajim'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A full featured and easy to use Jabber client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gnome zeroconf trayicon noidle remote nonls gtkspell universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rene openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net chat x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gajim-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/gajim-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.12-alpha1-r10268'
+port[:description] = 'A full featured and easy to use Jabber client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 dbus remote universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rene'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net chat'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ganglia'
+port[:path] = 'net/ganglia'
+port[:version] = '3.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Ganglia monitoring client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uni-osnabrueck.de:uwaechte'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/gftp'
+port[:version] = '2.0.18'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+ FTP client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gibberish'
+port[:path] = 'net/gibberish'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'sends gibberish to a given host, port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gift'
+port[:path] = 'net/gift'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Colletion of various software components geared towards peer-to-peer file sharing networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gkrellm_snmp'
+port[:path] = 'net/gkrellm_snmp'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A gkrellm SNMP Monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gkwebmon'
+port[:path] = 'net/gkwebmon'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Web monitor plugin for GKrellM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gloox'
+port[:path] = 'net/gloox'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ Jabber/XMPP library taking care of the low-level protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnetcat'
+port[:path] = 'net/gnetcat'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A rewrite of the well-known networking tool, but more portable, with new features and fully GNU compliant.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'alum.wpi.edu:arno+macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpsd'
+port[:path] = 'net/gpsd'
+port[:version] = '2.95'
+port[:description] = 'gps multiplexor daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'qt libusb dbus python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gq'
+port[:path] = 'net/gq'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'GQ is a GTK-based LDAP client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:syzdek'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-gnutella'
+port[:path] = 'net/gtk-gnutella'
+port[:version] = '0.96.6'
+port[:description] = 'GTK-based Gnutella client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvpe'
+port[:path] = 'net/gvpe'
+port[:version] = '2.22'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Virtual Private Ethernet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haproxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/haproxy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.20'
+port[:description] = 'The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'samgranieri.com:sam'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hdhomerun'
+port[:path] = 'net/hdhomerun'
+port[:version] = '20110323'
+port[:description] = 'HDHomeRun Software and Firmware'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'heimdal'
+port[:path] = 'net/heimdal'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Kerberos is a network authentication protocol.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'x11 openldap sqlite3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'honeyd'
+port[:path] = 'net/honeyd'
+port[:version] = '1.5c'
+port[:description] = 'A small daemon that creates virtual hosts appearing to run various operating systems and services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'rrdtool universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'howl'
+port[:path] = 'net/howl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Howl is a cross-platform implementation of Zeroconf networking.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hping2'
+port[:path] = 'net/hping2'
+port[:version] = 'rc3'
+port[:description] = 'a network tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hping3'
+port[:path] = 'net/hping3'
+port[:version] = '20051105'
+port[:description] = 'hping is a command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hsftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/hsftp'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'ftp emulator that uses ssh to transport commands and data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'htpdate'
+port[:path] = 'net/htpdate'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'network time synchronization over http protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'http-replicator'
+port[:path] = 'net/http-replicator'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'replicating HTTP proxy server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'http_ping'
+port[:path] = 'net/http_ping'
+port[:version] = '29jun2005'
+port[:description] = 'Sends HTTP requests every few seconds and times how long they take'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'httping'
+port[:path] = 'net/httping'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ping-like tool for http-requests'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'httrack'
+port[:path] = 'net/httrack'
+port[:version] = '3.44.1'
+port[:description] = 'Website Copier/Offline Browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ross at ross-williams.net'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icmpmonitor'
+port[:path] = 'net/icmpmonitor'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'simple network monitor using icmp to check for hosts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icpld'
+port[:path] = 'net/icpld'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'network connection performance tracking monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iftop'
+port[:path] = 'net/iftop'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'display bandwidth usage on an interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iodine'
+port[:path] = 'net/iodine'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0-rc1'
+port[:description] = 'IPv4 over DNS'
+port[:licenses] = 'ISC'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:tomhennigan'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipcalc'
+port[:path] = 'net/ipcalc'
+port[:version] = '0.41'
+port[:description] = 'calculates various network masks etc. from given ip-address'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipcheck'
+port[:path] = 'net/ipcheck'
+port[:version] = '0.242'
+port[:description] = 'dynamic dns client written in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iperf'
+port[:path] = 'net/iperf'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'A tool to measure maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipsvd'
+port[:path] = 'net/ipsvd'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'internet protocol service daemons'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipv6calc'
+port[:path] = 'net/ipv6calc'
+port[:version] = '0.71.0'
+port[:description] = 'A small utility to manipulate (not only) IPv6 addresses.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'irrtoolset'
+port[:path] = 'net/irrtoolset'
+port[:version] = '5.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'a set of tools to work with Internet routing policies'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:fclaire'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jabber'
+port[:path] = 'net/jabber'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Online presence and instant messaging server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jabberd'
+port[:path] = 'net/jabberd'
+port[:version] = '2.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Jabber messaging (XMPP) server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jigdo'
+port[:path] = 'net/jigdo'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'A tool designed to ease the distribution of very large files'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jlj'
+port[:path] = 'net/jlj'
+port[:version] = '2.12'
+port[:description] = 'A livejournal client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'junkbuster'
+port[:path] = 'net/junkbuster'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2p1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Internet Junkbuster Proxy with zlib compression support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kerberos5'
+port[:path] = 'net/kerberos5'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Kerberos is a network authentication protocol.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kismet'
+port[:path] = 'net/kismet'
+port[:version] = '2011-01-R1'
+port[:description] = 'Wireless network detector and sniffer'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kumofs'
+port[:path] = 'net/kumofs'
+port[:version] = '0.4.12'
+port[:description] = 'A scalable and highly available distributed key-value store.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:naoya.n'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lam'
+port[:path] = 'net/lam'
+port[:version] = '7.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Local Area Multicomputer MPI implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net science parallel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lambdamoo'
+port[:path] = 'net/lambdamoo'
+port[:version] = '1.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'The most commonly used program to run MOOs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'latd'
+port[:path] = 'net/latd'
+port[:version] = '1.29'
+port[:description] = 'Local Area Terminal (LAT) protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ldapvi'
+port[:path] = 'net/ldapvi'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'using ldapvi you can update LDAP entries with a text editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dreamind.de:dreamind'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ldns'
+port[:path] = 'net/ldns'
+port[:version] = '1.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'DNS library in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'durchmesser.ch:marius.rieder'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ldns-tools'
+port[:path] = 'net/ldns-tools'
+port[:version] = '1.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for working with dns and dnssec.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'durchmesser.ch:marius.rieder'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lft'
+port[:path] = 'net/lft'
+port[:version] = '3.32'
+port[:description] = 'Layer Four Traceroute - advanced traceroute tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal gtod'
+port[:maintainers] = 'victor at macports.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/lftp'
+port[:version] = '4.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Sophisticated file transfer program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'tls universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdnet'
+port[:path] = 'net/libdnet'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'portable low-level networking library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdnsres'
+port[:path] = 'net/libdnsres'
+port[:version] = '0.1a'
+port[:description] = 'A non-blocking DNS resolver library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdshconfig'
+port[:path] = 'net/libdshconfig'
+port[:version] = '0.20.13'
+port[:description] = 'Dsh config file parser for general use, split out from dsh sources'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'exoweb.net:bjorn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libeXosip2'
+port[:path] = 'net/libeXosip2'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'The eXtended osip library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libenet'
+port[:path] = 'net/libenet'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'ENet is a library for reliable communication on top of UDP.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer gmail.com:olsner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libfetch'
+port[:path] = 'net/libfetch'
+port[:version] = '7.3.0-RELEASE'
+port[:description] = 'FreeBSD file fetching library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgweather'
+port[:path] = 'net/libgweather'
+port[:version] = '2.30.3'
+port[:description] = 'Library to accessing online weather informations.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libipgeo'
+port[:path] = 'net/libipgeo'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A small library written on top of the IP2LOCATION database allowing the user to do geo-targeting of IP addresses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmsn'
+port[:path] = 'net/libmsn'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'MSN Messenger library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnasl'
+port[:path] = 'net/libnasl'
+port[:version] = '2.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Nessus security scanner'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnet'
+port[:path] = 'net/libnet'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2a'
+port[:description] = 'A C library for creating IP packets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geovedi.com:jim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnet11'
+port[:path] = 'net/libnet11'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'A C library for creating IP packets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnetdude'
+port[:path] = 'net/libnetdude'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'a library for manipulating libpcap/tcpdump trace files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnice'
+port[:path] = 'net/libnice'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Libnice is an implementation of the IETF\'s draft Interactice Connectivity Establishment standard (ICE).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnids'
+port[:path] = 'net/libnids'
+port[:version] = '1.23'
+port[:description] = 'E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'libnet libnet11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libntlm'
+port[:path] = 'net/libntlm'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Implement Microsoft\'s NTLM authentication'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liboauth'
+port[:path] = 'net/liboauth'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'collection of POSIX-c functions implementing the OAuth Core RFC 5849 standard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libopennet'
+port[:path] = 'net/libopennet'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'open_net(), similar to open()'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libosip2'
+port[:path] = 'net/libosip2'
+port[:version] = '3.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNU oSIP library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpcap'
+port[:path] = 'net/libpcap'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Packet Capture library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpcapnav'
+port[:path] = 'net/libpcapnav'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'A tcpdump tracefile navigation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/libpftp'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'ftp library capable of FTP, FXP, Auth TLS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpftputil'
+port[:path] = 'net/libpftputil'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'pftp utility library capable of queues, host saving etc.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpnet6'
+port[:path] = 'net/libpnet6'
+port[:version] = '0.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'library for writing cross-platform network applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libproxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/libproxy'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'A library that provides automatic proxy configuration management.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'debug python27 python26 no_gnome kde universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libre'
+port[:path] = 'net/libre'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'generic library for real-time communications with async I/O support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'db.org:aeh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'librsync'
+port[:path] = 'net/librsync'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'library that implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsmi'
+port[:path] = 'net/libsmi'
+port[:version] = '0.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'Library to Access SMI MIB Information'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtorrent'
+port[:path] = 'net/libtorrent'
+port[:version] = '0.12.6'
+port[:description] = 'BitTorrent library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:gardnermj'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtorrent-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/libtorrent-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.12.8'
+port[:description] = 'BitTorrent library (unstable release)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:gardnermj'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtorrent-rasterbar'
+port[:path] = 'net/libtorrent-rasterbar'
+port[:version] = '0.15.6'
+port[:description] = 'A C++ bittorrent library (not the same as port libtorrent)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libudns'
+port[:path] = 'net/libudns'
+port[:version] = '0.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'DNS resolver library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'linphone'
+port[:path] = 'net/linphone'
+port[:version] = '3.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'voice over IP sip phone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'linphone.org:jehan.monnier'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'linphone-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/linphone-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'voice over IP sip phone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'linphone.org:simon.morlat'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'logjam'
+port[:path] = 'net/logjam'
+port[:version] = '4.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'GTK2 client for livejournal.com'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lopster'
+port[:path] = 'net/lopster'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'GTK+ Open Napster client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mellon85'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'loudmouth'
+port[:path] = 'net/loudmouth'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'A lightweight C library for the jabber protocol.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lsh'
+port[:path] = 'net/lsh'
+port[:version] = '1.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'A GNU implementation of the Secure Shell protocols'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'madflute'
+port[:path] = 'net/madflute'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of FLUTE - File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'makuosan'
+port[:path] = 'net/makuosan'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Makuosan(MAKUO for short) is a software which transfer files to multiple servers simultaneously using UDP multicast.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:naoya.n'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maradns'
+port[:path] = 'net/maradns'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'DNS server supporting authoritative, recursive and caching DNS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'authonly universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mcabber'
+port[:path] = 'net/mcabber'
+port[:version] = '0.9.10'
+port[:description] = 'Console Jabber client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gnutls ssl aspell universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hitzemann.org:simon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mdnsd'
+port[:path] = 'net/mdnsd'
+port[:version] = '0.7G'
+port[:description] = 'embeddable Multicast DNS Daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'meanwhile'
+port[:path] = 'net/meanwhile'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Open Source implementation of the Lotus Sametime protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mediaserv'
+port[:path] = 'net/mediaserv'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'On-demand transcoding server for videos, targetting the Nokia Internet Tablets.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mediatomb'
+port[:path] = 'net/mediatomb'
+port[:version] = '0.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'Open source (GPL) UPnP MediaServer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'sqlite3 mysql4 mysql5 taglib id3lib ffmpeg libextractor'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:yattenator'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metaproxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/metaproxy'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Z39.50 proxy and router utilizing Yaz toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coateconnection.com:dlc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'micq'
+port[:path] = 'net/micq'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'portable text-mode ICQ clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'microdc2'
+port[:path] = 'net/microdc2'
+port[:version] = '0.15.6'
+port[:description] = 'A command line Direct Connect client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'buffalo.edu:arm39'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'miniupnpc'
+port[:path] = 'net/miniupnpc'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight client for UPnP protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'miredo'
+port[:path] = 'net/miredo'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Miredo is an open-source Teredo IPv6 tunneling software'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mktorrent'
+port[:path] = 'net/mktorrent'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'mktorrent is a simple command line utility to create BitTorrent metainfo files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'freebsd darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mldonkey'
+port[:path] = 'net/mldonkey'
+port[:version] = '3.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml/GTK client for the eDonkey p2p network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moftpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/moftpd'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'moftpd is a FTP server supporting IPv6, virtual hosts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'monarch'
+port[:path] = 'net/monarch'
+port[:version] = '2.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'A GUI configuration tool for Nagios written in perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'server'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moodss'
+port[:path] = 'net/moodss'
+port[:version] = '21.5'
+port[:description] = 'Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Spreadsheet - A graphical monitoring application that supports external modules including Nagios plugins. It supports SNMP when used with the Scotty Tcl extensions package.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'nagios_plugins mysqltcl rproject'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moomps'
+port[:path] = 'net/moomps'
+port[:version] = '5.8'
+port[:description] = 'Modular Object Oriented Multi-Purpose Service - A monitoring daemon that uses configuration files created by moodss.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'sqlite3 mysqltcl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mrtg'
+port[:path] = 'net/mrtg'
+port[:version] = '2.17.2'
+port[:description] = 'The multi-router traffic grapher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci jberry'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mrtg-ping-probe'
+port[:path] = 'net/mrtg-ping-probe'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A ping probe adapter for mrtg'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jberry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mtr'
+port[:path] = 'net/mtr'
+port[:version] = '0.80'
+port[:description] = '\'traceroute\' and \'ping\' in a single tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mr_bond'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mudix'
+port[:path] = 'net/mudix'
+port[:version] = '4.3'
+port[:description] = 'ncurses-based MUD client with triggers, aliases, colors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'munin'
+port[:path] = 'net/munin'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Extensible system monitoring tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'server'
+port[:maintainers] = 'alpha'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'murmur'
+port[:path] = 'net/murmur'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'server for mumble - low latency voice chat for gaming'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal ice'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'net audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mutella'
+port[:path] = 'net/mutella'
+port[:version] = '0.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'A command line Gnutella client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'clarksys.com:max'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'n2n'
+port[:path] = 'net/n2n'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'a layer 2 p2p vpn'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lavabit.com:msmk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nagios'
+port[:path] = 'net/nagios'
+port[:version] = '3.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Nagios is a host and service monitoring program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nagios-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'net/nagios-plugins'
+port[:version] = '1.4.15'
+port[:description] = 'Nagios plugins for the Nagios host and service monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 mysql4 qstat universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'naim'
+port[:path] = 'net/naim'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'ncurses-based client for multiple messenger systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nbtstat'
+port[:path] = 'net/nbtstat'
+port[:version] = '20041203'
+port[:description] = 'grabs NetBIOS name table from a remote machine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nc6'
+port[:path] = 'net/nc6'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Netcat clone with IPv6 support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:filippo.natali'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/ncftp'
+port[:version] = '3.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'FTP client with an advanced user interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncid'
+port[:path] = 'net/ncid'
+port[:version] = '0.82.1'
+port[:description] = 'Network Caller ID system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'davidlaporte.org:david ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncp'
+port[:path] = 'net/ncp'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'a fast file copy tool for LANs (including ncp, npush, npoll)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yoobay.net:daniel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nedi'
+port[:path] = 'net/nedi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Network Discovery Suite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'cacti'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nefu'
+port[:path] = 'net/nefu'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'A network monitoring daemon.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nemesis'
+port[:path] = 'net/nemesis'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Nemesis packet injection utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nessus-core'
+port[:path] = 'net/nessus-core'
+port[:version] = '2.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Nessus security scanner'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nessus-libraries'
+port[:path] = 'net/nessus-libraries'
+port[:version] = '2.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Nessus security scanner'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_ssl bpf_sharing universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nessus-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'net/nessus-plugins'
+port[:version] = '2.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Nessus security scanner'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'licensed universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'net-snmp'
+port[:path] = 'net/net-snmp'
+port[:version] = '5.7'
+port[:description] = 'An extendable SNMP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_ssl server ksm universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'net6'
+port[:path] = 'net/net6'
+port[:version] = '1.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'Network access framework for IPv4/IPv6'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netatalk'
+port[:path] = 'net/netatalk'
+port[:version] = '2.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'file and printer server for Apple Macintosh clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'noat universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rsrc.de:ralph'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netcat'
+port[:path] = 'net/netcat'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for managing network connections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netclasses-framework'
+port[:path] = 'net/netclasses-framework'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Asynchronous networking library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bfulgham'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netdude'
+port[:path] = 'net/netdude'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'NETwork DUmp data Displayer and Editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netmrg'
+port[:path] = 'net/netmrg'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'An RRDtool frontend for network monitoring, reporting, and graphing that generates day/week/month MRTG style graphs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netperf'
+port[:path] = 'net/netperf'
+port[:version] = '2.2pl5'
+port[:description] = 'a network performance benchmark'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netpipes'
+port[:path] = 'net/netpipes'
+port[:version] = '4.2'
+port[:description] = 'utilities that provide the functionality of pipes over a network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netselect'
+port[:path] = 'net/netselect'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'an ultrafast intelligent parallelizing binary-search implementation of ping.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netstrain'
+port[:path] = 'net/netstrain'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Nestrain messures the throughput on a TCP connection.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nettee'
+port[:path] = 'net/nettee'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'nettee is a network tee-style program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netwag'
+port[:path] = 'net/netwag'
+port[:version] = '5.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical front end for the netwox toolkbox.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netwib'
+port[:path] = 'net/netwib'
+port[:version] = '5.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'A network library oriented towards developers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'network-weathermap'
+port[:path] = 'net/network-weathermap'
+port[:version] = '0.95b'
+port[:description] = 'Weathermap is a network visualisation tool, to take graphs you already have and display an overview of your network as a map. It supports RRD, MRTG (RRD and old log-format), and tab-delimited text files. Other sources are via plugins or external scripts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'plugins'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netwox'
+port[:path] = 'net/netwox'
+port[:version] = '5.30.0'
+port[:description] = 'Toolbox with several features to test an Ethernet/IP network.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nfdump'
+port[:path] = 'net/nfdump'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Part of the NfSen project, the nfdump tools are command-line programs to collect and process netflow data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'flowtools universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nfsen'
+port[:path] = 'net/nfsen'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Web based frontend to nfdump netflow collector'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ngrep'
+port[:path] = 'net/ngrep'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'Network grep'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'flipt.com:grace'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nload'
+port[:path] = 'net/nload'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'A console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nmap'
+port[:path] = 'net/nmap'
+port[:version] = '5.51'
+port[:description] = 'Port scanning utility for large networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_ssl no_pcre zenmap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nrg'
+port[:path] = 'net/nrg'
+port[:version] = '0.99.27'
+port[:description] = 'Network Resource Grapher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'pingd_server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nrpe'
+port[:path] = 'net/nrpe'
+port[:version] = '2.12'
+port[:description] = 'Nagios Remote Plugin Executor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nsca'
+port[:path] = 'net/nsca'
+port[:version] = '2.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Nagios Service Check Acceptor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nsd'
+port[:path] = 'net/nsd'
+port[:version] = '3.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'Authoritative only, high performance, simple name server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'stats rootserver universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:arhbkb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nslint'
+port[:path] = 'net/nslint'
+port[:version] = '2.1a9'
+port[:description] = 'Lint program for dns files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nsping'
+port[:path] = 'net/nsping'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'DNS ping'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nss'
+port[:path] = 'net/nss'
+port[:version] = '3.12.10'
+port[:description] = 'Network Security Service libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ntop'
+port[:path] = 'net/ntop'
+port[:version] = '3.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'network traffic probe'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nylon'
+port[:path] = 'net/nylon'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'A Unix SOCKS 4, 4a and 5 proxy server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nzbget'
+port[:path] = 'net/nzbget'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'binary newsgrabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'obby'
+port[:path] = 'net/obby'
+port[:version] = '0.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'Synced document buffers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oftpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/oftpd'
+port[:version] = '0.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'Secure anonymous FTP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ola'
+port[:path] = 'net/ola'
+port[:version] = '0.8.11'
+port[:description] = 'An open framework for DMX512 lighting control'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'python26 python27 http libusb universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:nomis52 p3k.org:interface'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ola-examples'
+port[:path] = 'net/ola-examples'
+port[:version] = '0.8.11'
+port[:description] = 'tools for OLA, the open framework for DMX512 lighting control'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:nomis52 p3k.org:interface'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openconnect'
+port[:path] = 'net/openconnect'
+port[:version] = '2.26'
+port[:description] = 'OpenConnect is a client for Cisco\'s AnyConnect SSL VPN'
+port[:licenses] = 'LPGL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openload'
+port[:path] = 'net/openload'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Load testing of web applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:smibrahim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openntpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/openntpd'
+port[:version] = '3.9p1'
+port[:description] = 'free, easy to use implementation of the Network Time Protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openradius'
+port[:path] = 'net/openradius'
+port[:version] = '0.9.10'
+port[:description] = 'RADIUS server with various back ends'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openssh'
+port[:path] = 'net/openssh'
+port[:version] = '5.8p1'
+port[:description] = 'OpenSSH secure login server'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 hpn mute_fake_xauth universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvpn'
+port[:path] = 'net/openvpn'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'no_lzo universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'touche.fr.st:julien.touche'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvpn2'
+port[:path] = 'net/openvpn2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p0f'
+port[:path] = 'net/p0f'
+port[:version] = '2.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'versatile passive OS fingerprinting, masquerade detection tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'packetforward'
+port[:path] = 'net/packetforward'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'An IP packet capture/forward application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'packit'
+port[:path] = 'net/packit'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'network injection and capture'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pads'
+port[:path] = 'net/pads'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'network sniffer with a rule-based detection engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pastebinit'
+port[:path] = 'net/pastebinit'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'pastebinit is a command-line tool to send data to a pastebin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pavuk'
+port[:path] = 'net/pavuk'
+port[:version] = '0.9.35'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP, FTP and Gopher mirroring tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdnsd'
+port[:path] = 'net/pdnsd'
+port[:version] = '1.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'proxy dns server with permanent caching'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pen'
+port[:path] = 'net/pen'
+port[:version] = '0.17.1'
+port[:description] = 'load balancer for simple tcp based protocols'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pftp'
+port[:path] = 'net/pftp'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'ftp client with FXP, SSL, and TLS support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pidgin'
+port[:path] = 'net/pidgin'
+port[:version] = '2.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'Multi-protocol Instant Messaging client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'finch_only finch no_x11 quartz spellcheck'
+port[:maintainers] = 'otherware.org:nefar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pidgin-bot-sentry'
+port[:path] = 'net/pidgin-bot-sentry'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pidgin plugin to prevent spam.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'otherware.org:nefar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net chat'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pidgin-encryption'
+port[:path] = 'net/pidgin-encryption'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pidgin encryption plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'reifferscheid.org:rsync'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pork'
+port[:path] = 'net/pork'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'console AIM client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'proftpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/proftpd'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3c'
+port[:description] = 'Highly configurable ftp-server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 postgresql84 quotatab universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jinhyung.org:jenix'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'proxytunnel'
+port[:path] = 'net/proxytunnel'
+port[:version] = '1.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'ProxyTunnel is a program that connects stdin and stdout to a server somewhere on the network, through a standard HTTPS proxy. This will allow you for example to access SSH servers when you normally only have http(s) access.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'prtunnel'
+port[:path] = 'net/prtunnel'
+port[:version] = '0.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'tunnel TCP/IP through HTTP and SOCKS5 proxy servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'psi'
+port[:path] = 'net/psi'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'jabber-based instant messaging client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'externalqca plugins universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net chat'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'psi-otr'
+port[:path] = 'net/psi-otr'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'otr-plugin for psi - for plugin-enabled psi'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net chat'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ptunnel'
+port[:path] = 'net/ptunnel'
+port[:version] = '0.71'
+port[:description] = 'tunnel over ICMP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-ftpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/pure-ftpd'
+port[:version] = '1.0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standard-conformant FTP (SSL/TLS) server, based upon Troll-FTPd.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'uploadscript mysql5 postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 tls lang_brazilian lang_czech lang_danish lang_dutch lang_french lang_french_funny lang_german lang_italian lang_korean lang_norwegian lang_polish lang_romanian lang_russian lang_simplified_chinese lang_slovak lang_spanish lang_swedish lang_trad_chinese universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-sockets'
+port[:path] = 'net/pure-sockets'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to the Berkeley socket functions for Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pwlib'
+port[:path] = 'net/pwlib'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'PWLib libraries for openh323'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scapy'
+port[:path] = 'net/py26-scapy'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful packet manipulation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quagga'
+port[:path] = 'net/quagga'
+port[:version] = '0.99.16'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of Routing daemons for OSPF BGP and RIP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nzbox.com:mike openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quvi'
+port[:path] = 'net/quvi'
+port[:version] = '0.2.17'
+port[:description] = 'A command line tool for parsing video download links.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer snc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rabbitmq-server'
+port[:path] = 'net/rabbitmq-server'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'The RabbitMQ AMQP Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'paperplanes.de:meyer openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'radmind'
+port[:path] = 'net/radmind'
+port[:version] = '1.11.1'
+port[:description] = 'Remotely administer the file systems of multiple unix machines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'radvd'
+port[:path] = 'net/radvd'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'router advertisement daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sics.se:lars.rasmusson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rancid'
+port[:path] = 'net/rancid'
+port[:version] = '2.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rbldnsd'
+port[:path] = 'net/rbldnsd'
+port[:version] = '0.996b'
+port[:description] = 'rbldnsd is a small and fast DNS daemon which is especially made to serve DNSBL zone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rdesktop'
+port[:path] = 'net/rdesktop'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Windows Terminal Server Client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'w2k_license_hack smartcard'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cshbell'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ripe-whois'
+port[:path] = 'net/ripe-whois'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Special RIPE version of the whois client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:fclaire'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'roadrunner'
+port[:path] = 'net/roadrunner'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'implementation of the BEEP protocol (RFC 3080) in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rrdtool'
+port[:path] = 'net/rrdtool'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Round Robin Database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'python universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rsync'
+port[:path] = 'net/rsync'
+port[:version] = '3.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Tool that provides fast incremental file transfer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'rsyncd universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rsync-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/rsync-devel'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0pre10'
+port[:description] = 'tool that provides fast incremental file transfer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'reiffert'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rsync-lart'
+port[:path] = 'net/rsync-lart'
+port[:version] = '2.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'rsync with LART extended attributes support patches'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rtorrent'
+port[:path] = 'net/rtorrent'
+port[:version] = '0.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'console-based BitTorrent client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'xmlrpc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:gardnermj'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rtorrent-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/rtorrent-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.8.8'
+port[:description] = 'console-based BitTorrent client (unstable release)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'xmlrpc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:gardnermj'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 's3cmd'
+port[:path] = 'net/s3cmd'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'Command line tool for managing Amazon S3 service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'alpha'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'samba3'
+port[:path] = 'net/samba3'
+port[:version] = '3.2.15'
+port[:description] = 'SMB/CIFS implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'samba4'
+port[:path] = 'net/samba4'
+port[:version] = '4.0.0tp5'
+port[:description] = 'SMB/CIFS server and client, ALPHA release'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sbd'
+port[:path] = 'net/sbd'
+port[:version] = '1.37'
+port[:description] = 'netcat clone supporting strong encryption.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scanssh'
+port[:path] = 'net/scanssh'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'scanner for finding ssh servers and their software version'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scapy'
+port[:path] = 'net/scapy'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful packet manipulation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sclj'
+port[:path] = 'net/sclj'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'A livejournal client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'genetikayos.com:kayos'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scotty'
+port[:path] = 'net/scotty'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Network management extensions to Tcl that enables TCP/UDP connections, DNS queries, and SNMP. The graphical network mapper tkined is also included.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sendfile'
+port[:path] = 'net/sendfile'
+port[:version] = '2.1b-20091007'
+port[:description] = 'A saft suite for asynchronous transfers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sendpage'
+port[:path] = 'net/sendpage'
+port[:version] = '1.000003'
+port[:description] = 'Sendpage sends alphanumeric pages via a modem, receives via SNPP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'server'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shelldap'
+port[:path] = 'net/shelldap'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'a handy shell-like interface for browsing and editing LDAP entries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ged'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sipcalc'
+port[:path] = 'net/sipcalc'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'An advanced IP subnet calculator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'noos.fr:ocheron'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slurm'
+port[:path] = 'net/slurm'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'generic network load monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wormulon.net:hscholz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smokeping'
+port[:path] = 'net/smokeping'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A deluxe latency logging and graphing system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'apple_apache'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'snarf'
+port[:path] = 'net/snarf'
+port[:version] = '7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Non-interactive All-purpose Resource Fetcher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'snmptt'
+port[:path] = 'net/snmptt'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'An SNMP trap handler written in Perl for use with the Net-SNMP / UCD-SNMP snmptrapd program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'snort'
+port[:path] = 'net/snort'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 mysql4 server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'snownews'
+port[:path] = 'net/snownews'
+port[:version] = '1.5.11'
+port[:description] = 'Text mode RSS newsreader for Linux and Unix.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sobby'
+port[:path] = 'net/sobby'
+port[:version] = '0.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'Dedicated server for collaborative editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'socket'
+port[:path] = 'net/socket'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to TCP sockets at shell level'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'splat'
+port[:path] = 'net/splat'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Splat: Scalable Periodic LDAP Attribute Transmogrifier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squid'
+port[:path] = 'net/squid'
+port[:version] = '2.7.STABLE9'
+port[:description] = 'advanced proxy caching server for http, https, ftp, gopher'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squid3'
+port[:path] = 'net/squid3'
+port[:version] = '3.1.12'
+port[:description] = 'advanced proxy caching server for http, https, ftp, gopher'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'openssl kqueue ipfw_transparent universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squid3-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/squid3-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'advanced proxy caching server for http, https, ftp, gopher'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'kqueue ipfw_transparent https universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'srtp'
+port[:path] = 'net/srtp'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'db.org:aeh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sshguard-ipfw'
+port[:path] = 'net/sshguard-ipfw'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Protects hosts from brute force attacks against ssh and other services using ipfw'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nefar at otherware.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ssldump'
+port[:path] = 'net/ssldump'
+port[:version] = '0.9b3'
+port[:description] = 'SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sslh'
+port[:path] = 'net/sslh'
+port[:version] = '1.8-rc5'
+port[:description] = 'ssl/ssh multiplexer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'madlon-kay.com:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sslscan'
+port[:path] = 'net/sslscan'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'SSL port scanner'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'suck'
+port[:path] = 'net/suck'
+port[:version] = '4.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'grab news from a remote NNTP news server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:springer.jonathan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'surfraw'
+port[:path] = 'net/surfraw'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Shell Users\' Revolutionary Front Rage Against the Web'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'acuityph.com:alistair.israel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sysmon'
+port[:path] = 'net/sysmon'
+port[:version] = '0.92.2'
+port[:description] = 'sysmon network monitoring software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcp_wrappers'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcp_wrappers'
+port[:version] = '7.6'
+port[:description] = 'Security wrappers for TCP services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'suncc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpdstat'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcpdstat'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'network traffic pattern analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpdump'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcpdump'
+port[:version] = '4.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'dump traffic on a network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'smb universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpflow'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcpflow'
+port[:version] = '0.21'
+port[:description] = 'TCP flow recorder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpick'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcpick'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'a tcp stream sniffer, tracker and capturer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcping'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcping'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'ping on TCP-level'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpproxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcpproxy'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0-beta15'
+port[:description] = 'proxy (tunnel, redirector) for TCP/IP protocols'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpreplay'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcpreplay'
+port[:version] = '3.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Replay pcap files at arbitrary speeds onto the network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcptrace'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcptrace'
+port[:version] = '6.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'A TCP dump file analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcptraceroute'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcptraceroute'
+port[:version] = '1.5beta7'
+port[:description] = 'a traceroute implementation using TCP packets'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpxtract'
+port[:path] = 'net/tcpxtract'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'tool for extracting files from network traffic based on file signatures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tf'
+port[:path] = 'net/tf'
+port[:version] = '5.0b8'
+port[:description] = 'popular and powerful MUD client'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:darren.bane'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux'
+port[:categories] = 'net games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tftp-hpa'
+port[:path] = 'net/tftp-hpa'
+port[:version] = '0.48'
+port[:description] = 'Enhanced port of the BSD TFTP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'enable_upload server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'throttled'
+port[:path] = 'net/throttled'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'network bandwidth throttle daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tinc'
+port[:path] = 'net/tinc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Private Network Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'goodlook.com.au:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tintinxx'
+port[:path] = 'net/tintinxx'
+port[:version] = '1.99.8'
+port[:description] = 'ncurses-based MUD client with triggers, aliases, colors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'otherware.org:nefar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tinyproxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/tinyproxy'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'fast, lightweight HTTP proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tlswrap'
+port[:path] = 'net/tlswrap'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'TLS/SSL FTP wrapper/proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tnftpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/tnftpd'
+port[:version] = '20100324'
+port[:description] = 'Internet File Transfer Protocol server'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'torrentsniff'
+port[:path] = 'net/torrentsniff'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'torrent status program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'traceroute'
+port[:path] = 'net/traceroute'
+port[:version] = '1.4a12'
+port[:description] = 'a traceroute implementation using ICMP packets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'trafshow'
+port[:path] = 'net/trafshow'
+port[:version] = '5.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'continuous network traffic display'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'noses.com:noses'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'transmission'
+port[:path] = 'net/transmission'
+port[:version] = '2.22'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight BitTorrent client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'net aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'transmission-x11'
+port[:path] = 'net/transmission-x11'
+port[:version] = '1.73'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight BitTorrent client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gtk aqua universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tsclient'
+port[:path] = 'net/tsclient'
+port[:version] = '0.150'
+port[:description] = 'A GNOME/GTK+ frontend for rdesktop and other remote desktop tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gtk2_only universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tsocks'
+port[:path] = 'net/tsocks'
+port[:version] = '1.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'Transparent SOCKS proxying library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ttcp'
+port[:path] = 'net/ttcp'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Benchmarking tool for analysing TCP and UDP performance'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tuntaposx'
+port[:path] = 'net/tuntaposx'
+port[:version] = '20090913'
+port[:description] = 'Tun and tap virtual devices.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ucarp'
+port[:path] = 'net/ucarp'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'userland implementation of the CARP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ucspi-tcp'
+port[:path] = 'net/ucspi-tcp'
+port[:version] = '0.88'
+port[:description] = 'command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'greetdelay limits universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'umit'
+port[:path] = 'net/umit'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'A graphical tool to scanner networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:luis.kop'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unbound'
+port[:path] = 'net/unbound'
+port[:version] = '1.4.11'
+port[:description] = 'Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:snc macports.org:deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unfs3'
+port[:path] = 'net/unfs3'
+port[:version] = '0.9.22'
+port[:description] = 'User-space implementation of the NFSv3 server specification'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unison'
+port[:path] = 'net/unison'
+port[:version] = '2.32.52'
+port[:description] = 'Unison File Synchronizer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'x11 aqua'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'upclient'
+port[:path] = 'net/upclient'
+port[:version] = '5.0b8'
+port[:description] = 'uptime sharing utility.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uplog'
+port[:path] = 'net/uplog'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'A UDP based ping program that can give an ASCII-graphical log of the packet losses.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'upnp-inspector'
+port[:path] = 'net/upnp-inspector'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'UPnP-Inspector is an UPnP Device and Service analyzer, based on the Coherence DLNA/UPnP framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net multimedia python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ushare'
+port[:path] = 'net/ushare'
+port[:version] = '1.1a'
+port[:description] = 'a UPnP (TM) A/V & DLNA Media Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vantages'
+port[:path] = 'net/vantages'
+port[:version] = '0.8.8b'
+port[:description] = 'A suite of services and tools to make adoption of DNSSEC easier.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vde2'
+port[:path] = 'net/vde2'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'ethernet compliant virtual network'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 BSD-old'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'tuntap pcap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vnstat'
+port[:path] = 'net/vnstat'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'console-based network traffic monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vpnc'
+port[:path] = 'net/vpnc'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'client for cisco vpn concentrator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'hybrid_cert'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vrpn'
+port[:path] = 'net/vrpn'
+port[:version] = '07_26'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual-Reality Peripheral Network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'node99.org:sean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net devel multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vsftpd'
+port[:path] = 'net/vsftpd'
+port[:version] = '2.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Secure FTP server for UNIX systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vtun'
+port[:path] = 'net/vtun'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'vtun is for creating encrypted network links'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wakeonlan'
+port[:path] = 'net/wakeonlan'
+port[:version] = '0.41'
+port[:description] = 'wakeonlan sends magic packets for network-devices to wake up'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'walker'
+port[:path] = 'net/walker'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'matches remote sites to local copy using ftp or scp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wap11gui'
+port[:path] = 'net/wap11gui'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Linksys WAP11 Unix Configuration Utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'weplab'
+port[:path] = 'net/weplab'
+port[:version] = '0.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'WEP encryption security review tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wget'
+port[:path] = 'net/wget'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'internet file retriever'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal test ssl no_ssl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wgetpro'
+port[:path] = 'net/wgetpro'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'advanced internet file retriever'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'whatmask'
+port[:path] = 'net/whatmask'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Easily convert between three common subnet mask notations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsdcluster.org:mich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'whois'
+port[:path] = 'net/whois'
+port[:version] = '5.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'A replacement whois client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wireshark'
+port[:path] = 'net/wireshark'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical network analyzer and capture tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'adns gnutls libgcrypt ipv6 lua libsmi pcre python25 python26 python27 rtp no_ssl no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wireshark-devel'
+port[:path] = 'net/wireshark-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical network analyzer and capture tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'adns gnutls libgcrypt ipv6 lua pcre rtp no_ssl no_gui libsmi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:hsivank'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wol'
+port[:path] = 'net/wol'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Wake-On-Lan command line application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wput'
+port[:path] = 'net/wput'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'wput is like wget but is for uploading files to ftp-servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xinetd'
+port[:path] = 'net/xinetd'
+port[:version] = '2.3.14'
+port[:description] = 'xinetd is a secure replacement for inetd'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xprobe2'
+port[:path] = 'net/xprobe2'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Remote, active OS fingerprinting tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xymon'
+port[:path] = 'net/xymon'
+port[:version] = '4.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Xymon network monitor Client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:fclaire'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xymon-server'
+port[:path] = 'net/xymon-server'
+port[:version] = '4.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Xymon network monitor Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'snmp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:fclaire'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yafc'
+port[:path] = 'net/yafc'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'yafc is yet another ftp client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'heimdal universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yardradius'
+port[:path] = 'net/yardradius'
+port[:version] = '1.0.21'
+port[:description] = 'yardradius is yet another radius server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yaz'
+port[:path] = 'net/yaz'
+port[:version] = '4.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'toolkit for Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coateconnection.com:dlc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yazpp'
+port[:path] = 'net/yazpp'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'C++ API for Yaz toolkit for Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coateconnection.com:dlc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yazproxy'
+port[:path] = 'net/yazproxy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'Proxy server for Z39.50/SRW/SRU clients and servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coateconnection.com:dlc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yersinia'
+port[:path] = 'net/yersinia'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Solid framework for analyzing and testing the deployed networks and systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.org:hsivank'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ytalk'
+port[:path] = 'net/ytalk'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'multi-user talk client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zabbix'
+port[:path] = 'net/zabbix'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'An open source application and network monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'mysql5 pgsql81 pgsql82 pgsql83 pgsql84 sqlite3 agent_only universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zsync'
+port[:path] = 'net/zsync'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'file transfer program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 30
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'coateconnection.com:dlc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'net'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'news'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'PlopFolio'
+port[:path] = 'news/PlopFolio'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'PlopFolio is a free KlipFolio clone that supports Klips'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'news aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cleanscore'
+port[:path] = 'news/cleanscore'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'removes obsolete entries from slrn\'s score file'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'foellinger.de:olaf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hellanzb'
+port[:path] = 'news/hellanzb'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Nzb downloader and post processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'no_ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'groovie.org:pjenvey'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'klibido'
+port[:path] = 'news/klibido'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'KDE Linux Binaries Downloader'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'leafnode'
+port[:path] = 'news/leafnode'
+port[:version] = '1.11.8'
+port[:description] = 'Leafnode is a store & forward NNTP proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nget'
+port[:path] = 'news/nget'
+port[:version] = '0.27.1'
+port[:description] = 'nget is a command line nntp file grabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nnap'
+port[:path] = 'news/nnap'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Nnap is a lightweight NNTP authentication proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsdcluster.org:mich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pan2'
+port[:path] = 'news/pan2'
+port[:version] = '0.134'
+port[:description] = 'News reader for gtk2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slrn'
+port[:path] = 'news/slrn'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9p1'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful console-based newsreader'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'pull ssl uudeview universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'foellinger.de:olaf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slrn-devel'
+port[:path] = 'news/slrn-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0pre18'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful console-based newsreader'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'pull ssl uudeview universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sbranzo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tin'
+port[:path] = 'news/tin'
+port[:version] = '1.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'A threaded NNTP and spool based UseNet newsreader'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'gpg pgp5 ncurses ispell universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tin-devel'
+port[:path] = 'news/tin-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.7.10'
+port[:description] = 'A threaded NNTP and spool based UseNet newsreader'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'gpg pgp5 ncurses ispell universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tin-recent'
+port[:path] = 'news/tin-recent'
+port[:version] = '1.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'A Usenet newsreader'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'gpg pgp5 ispell universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpn'
+port[:path] = 'news/xpn'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical newsreader written in PyGtk.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yencode'
+port[:path] = 'news/yencode'
+port[:version] = '0.46'
+port[:description] = 'yENC encoder/decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 31
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'news sysutils'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'office'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bournal'
+port[:path] = 'office/bournal'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'bash script journal'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'perlhacker.org:sepp'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcalcli'
+port[:path] = 'office/gcalcli'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Google Calendar Command Line Interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kitlist'
+port[:path] = 'office/kitlist'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'A list manager for managing kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'smartpixie.com:frank.dean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office pim'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pal'
+port[:path] = 'office/pal'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'pal is a command-line calendar program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'alpha'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office pim'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rednotebook'
+port[:path] = 'office/rednotebook'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Diary and journal application'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'task'
+port[:path] = 'office/task'
+port[:version] = '1.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'Taskwarrior is an ambitious project to supercharge task management'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = 'debug bash_completion zsh_completion universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'taskjuggler'
+port[:path] = 'office/taskjuggler'
+port[:version] = '2.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'A powerful project management tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = 'qt3mac nokde docs debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rene'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office pim'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'time-track-cli'
+port[:path] = 'office/time-track-cli'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Simple time tracking application using the CLI, in the spirit of todo.txt.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'the-blair.com:blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office tcl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'todotxt'
+port[:path] = 'office/todotxt'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Simple, extensible shell script to manage your todo file.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'treeline'
+port[:path] = 'office/treeline'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Advanced outliner and personal information manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 32
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'alpha'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'office pim python'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'palm'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hrsh2csv'
+port[:path] = 'palm/hrsh2csv'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'converts Hours pdb files into CSV text files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jpilot'
+port[:path] = 'palm/jpilot'
+port[:version] = '0.99.9'
+port[:description] = 'A Palm Pilot desktop for Unix'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = 'gtk1 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'korseby.net:kristian.peters'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'makeztxt'
+port[:path] = 'palm/makeztxt'
+port[:version] = '1.60'
+port[:description] = 'converts text files into Palm zTXT databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mdbconv'
+port[:path] = 'palm/mdbconv'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'converts CSV text files to Palm MobileDB databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'palm-db-tools'
+port[:path] = 'palm/palm-db-tools'
+port[:version] = '0.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'convert between CSV text files and Palm databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = 'mobiledb4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pilot-link'
+port[:path] = 'palm/pilot-link'
+port[:version] = '0.12.5'
+port[:description] = 'palm-pilot libraries and tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pilrc'
+port[:path] = 'palm/pilrc'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Palm OS resource compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = 'gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'prc-tools'
+port[:path] = 'palm/prc-tools'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'C and C++ programming tools for Palm OS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 33
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'palm devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'perl'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-acme-lolcat'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-acme-lolcat'
+port[:version] = '0.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'SPEEK LIEK A LOLCATZ'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-algorithm-annotate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-algorithm-annotate'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for representing a series of changes in annotate form.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-algorithm-c3'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-algorithm-c3'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'A module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-algorithm-dependency'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-algorithm-dependency'
+port[:version] = '1.110'
+port[:description] = 'Base class for implementing various dependency trees'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-algorithm-diff'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-algorithm-diff'
+port[:version] = '1.1902'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for computing intelligent differences between two files / lists.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-algorithm-munkres'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-algorithm-munkres'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for Munkres\' solution to classical Assignment problem for square and rectangular matrices'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bioperl.org:jason'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-aliased'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-aliased'
+port[:version] = '0.30'
+port[:description] = 'Use shorter versions of class names.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-amazon-s3'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-amazon-s3'
+port[:version] = '0.45'
+port[:description] = 'A portable client library for working with and managing Amazon S3 buckets and keys.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-any-moose'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-any-moose'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'use Moose or Mouse modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-anyevent'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-anyevent'
+port[:version] = '5.34'
+port[:description] = 'AnyEvent - the DBI of event loop programming'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-apache-authcookie'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-apache-authcookie'
+port[:version] = '3.18'
+port[:description] = 'perl interface to cookies in apache'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-apache-session'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-apache-session'
+port[:version] = '1.89'
+port[:description] = 'A persistence framework for session data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-apache-session-wrapper'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-apache-session-wrapper'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'A simple wrapper around Apache::Session'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-apache-test'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-apache-test'
+port[:version] = '1.36'
+port[:description] = 'Facilitates testing of Apache::* modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-app-ack'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-app-ack'
+port[:version] = '1.94'
+port[:description] = 'A grep replacement that ignores .svn/CVS/blib directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gkg.net:mschout openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-app-cli'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-app-cli'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Dispatcher module for command line interface programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-app-rad'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-app-rad'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Rapid (and easy!) creation of command line applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-appconfig'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-appconfig'
+port[:version] = '1.66'
+port[:description] = 'Module for manage application configuration information'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-appconfig-std'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-appconfig-std'
+port[:version] = '1.07'
+port[:description] = 'Perl class providing standard command-line arguments'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-archive-tar'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-archive-tar'
+port[:version] = '1.76'
+port[:description] = 'Creation and in-memory manipulation of tar files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-archive-zip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-archive-zip'
+port[:version] = '1.23'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to zip archive files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-array-compare'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-array-compare'
+port[:version] = '2.01'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module which allows you to compare two arrays'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-astro'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-astro'
+port[:version] = '0.71'
+port[:description] = 'Assorted astronomical routines for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-astro-fits-cfitsio'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-astro-fits-cfitsio'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to William Pence s cfitsio subroutine library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-astro-fits-header'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-astro-fits-header'
+port[:version] = '3.03'
+port[:description] = 'Module to work with FITS header blocks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-astro-satpass'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-astro-satpass'
+port[:version] = '0.039'
+port[:description] = 'Astro-satpass - Predict satellite passes over an observer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-attribute-handlers'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-attribute-handlers'
+port[:version] = '0.88'
+port[:description] = 'Simpler definition of attribute handlers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-audio-flac-header'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-audio-flac-header'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to FLAC header metadata'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-audio-m4p'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-audio-m4p'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'QuickTime/MP4/iTunes Music Store audio/video file tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-auth-yubikey_webclient'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-auth-yubikey_webclient'
+port[:version] = '2.00'
+port[:description] = 'Authenticating the Yubikey against the Yubico Web API'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-authen-sasl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-authen-sasl'
+port[:version] = '2.14'
+port[:description] = 'Perl5 module for SASL authentication.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-authen-smb'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-authen-smb'
+port[:version] = '0.91'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension to authenticate against an Samba server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'oaf.dk:mni'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-autobox'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-autobox'
+port[:version] = '2.72'
+port[:description] = 'Call methods on native types'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic/GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-autodia'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-autodia'
+port[:version] = '2.03'
+port[:description] = 'Create XML diagrams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'graphviz'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-autoxs-header'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-autoxs-header'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Container for the AutoXS header files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-b-hooks-endofscope'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-b-hooks-endofscope'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'Execute code after a scope finished compilation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-b-hooks-op-check'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-b-hooks-op-check'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'Wrap OP check callbacks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-b-hooks-op-check-stashchange'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-b-hooks-op-check-stashchange'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Invoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-b-keywords'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-b-keywords'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-berkeleydb'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-berkeleydb'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for Berkeley DB version 2, 3, 4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-bit-vector'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-bit-vector'
+port[:version] = '7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Efficient bit vector, set of integers and {big int} math library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-bsd-resource'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-bsd-resource'
+port[:version] = '1.28'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for BSD process resource limit and priority functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-business-isbn'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-business-isbn'
+port[:version] = '2.05'
+port[:description] = 'work with International Standard Book Numbers'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-business-isbn-data'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-business-isbn-data'
+port[:version] = '20081208'
+port[:description] = 'ISBN data required for use of Business::ISBN'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cache-cache'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cache-cache'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'Cache::Cache, the Cache interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cache-fastmmap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cache-fastmmap'
+port[:version] = '1.35'
+port[:description] = 'Uses an mmap\'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cache-memcached'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cache-memcached'
+port[:version] = '1.29'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5 client library for memcached'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'costite.com:ron'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cache-simple-timedexpiry'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cache-simple-timedexpiry'
+port[:version] = '0.27'
+port[:description] = 'A lightweight cache with timed expiration'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cairo'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cairo'
+port[:version] = '1.061'
+port[:description] = 'Perl bindings to the cairo library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-calendar-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-calendar-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension to create simple calendar'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cam-pdf'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cam-pdf'
+port[:version] = '1.52'
+port[:description] = 'Reads and writes any document that conforms to PDF v1.4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-captcha-recaptcha'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-captcha-recaptcha'
+port[:version] = '0.94'
+port[:description] = 'A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-capture-tiny'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-capture-tiny'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Capture::Tiny - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-carp-assert'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-carp-assert'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'executable comments'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-carp-assert-more'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-carp-assert-more'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'Convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-carp-clan'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-carp-clan'
+port[:version] = '6.04'
+port[:description] = 'Report errors from perspective of caller of a clan of modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-action-renderview'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-action-renderview'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Sensible default end action.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-authentication-credential-http'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-authentication-credential-http'
+port[:version] = '1.012'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-authentication-store-dbix-class'
+port[:version] = '0.1401'
+port[:description] = 'A storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-component-instancepercontext'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-component-instancepercontext'
+port[:version] = '0.001001'
+port[:description] = 'Return a new instance a component on each request'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-controller-formbuilder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-controller-formbuilder'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-devel'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.31'
+port[:description] = 'Catalyst Development Tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-engine-apache'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-engine-apache'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'Catalyst Apache Engines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-helper-authdbic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-helper-authdbic'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Helper to provide a simple authentication scaffold for a Catalyst application.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-log-log4perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-log-log4perl'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Log::Log4perl logging for Catalyst'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-model-adaptor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-model-adaptor'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'helper for the incredibly lazy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-model-dbic-schema'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-model-dbic-schema'
+port[:version] = '0.48'
+port[:description] = 'Helper for DBIC Schema Models'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-authentication'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-authentication'
+port[:version] = '0.10017'
+port[:description] = 'Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-authentication-store-dbic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-authentication-store-dbic'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Authentication against a DBIx::Class or Class::DBI model.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'class_dbi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-authorization-acl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-authorization-acl'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'ACL support for Catalyst applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-authorization-roles'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-authorization-roles'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Role based authorization for Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-captcha'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-captcha'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'create and validate Captcha for Catalyst'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-configloader'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-configloader'
+port[:version] = '0.30'
+port[:description] = 'Load config files of various types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-datetime'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-datetime'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'DateTime plugin for Catalyst.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-session'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-session'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'Generic Session plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-session-state-cookie'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-session-state-cookie'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Maintain session IDs using cookies.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-dbi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-dbi'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Store your sessions in a database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-dbic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-dbic'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Store your sessions via DBIx::Class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-delegate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-delegate'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Delegate session storage to an application model object.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'FastMmap session storage backend.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-stacktrace'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-stacktrace'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Display a stack trace on the debug screen'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-static-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-static-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.29'
+port[:description] = 'Make serving static pages painless.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-plugin-unicode-encoding'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-plugin-unicode-encoding'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Unicode aware Catalyst'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-runtime'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-runtime'
+port[:version] = '5.80031'
+port[:description] = 'The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-view-html-template'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-view-html-template'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::Template View Class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-view-json'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-view-json'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'JSON view for your data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-view-tt'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-view-tt'
+port[:version] = '0.36'
+port[:description] = 'Helper for TT view which builds a skeleton web site'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalyst-view-xslt'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalyst-view-xslt'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Helper for XSLT Views'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-catalystx-component-traits'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-catalystx-component-traits'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Catalyst Components'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cgi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cgi'
+port[:version] = '3.55'
+port[:description] = 'An easy-to-use Perl5 library for writing World Wide Web CGI scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cgi-ajax'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cgi-ajax'
+port[:version] = '0.707'
+port[:description] = 'A module for writing AJAX/DHTML-based web apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cgi-formbuilder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cgi-formbuilder'
+port[:version] = '3.0501'
+port[:description] = 'Easily generate and process stateful forms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cgi-session'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cgi-session'
+port[:version] = '4.43'
+port[:description] = 'Persistent session data in CGI applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cgi-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cgi-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.113'
+port[:description] = 'A Simple totally OO CGI interface that is CGI.pm compliant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cgi-speedycgi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cgi-speedycgi'
+port[:version] = '2.22'
+port[:description] = 'Speed up perl CGI scripts by running them persistently'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'apple_apache universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-chart'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-chart'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Create png/jpeg images with charts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-accessor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-accessor'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'Automated accessor generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-accessor-chained'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-accessor-chained'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'make chained accessors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-accessor-grouped'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-accessor-grouped'
+port[:version] = '0.10002'
+port[:description] = 'Lets you build groups of accessors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-autouse'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-autouse'
+port[:version] = '1.29'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for run-time class loading on first method call.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-base'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-base'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'useful base class for deriving other modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-c3'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-c3'
+port[:version] = '0.23'
+port[:description] = 'A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-c3-adopt-next'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-c3-adopt-next'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'make NEXT suck less'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-c3-componentised'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-c3-componentised'
+port[:version] = '1.0006'
+port[:description] = 'Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-c3-xs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-c3-xs'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'XS speedups for Class::C3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-container'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-container'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Glues object frameworks together transparently'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'FreeBSD.org:mat'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-csv'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-csv'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Class based CSV parser/writer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-data-accessor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-data-accessor'
+port[:version] = '0.04004'
+port[:description] = 'Inheritable, overridable class and instance data accessor creation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-data-inheritable'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-data-inheritable'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Inheritable, overridable class data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi'
+port[:version] = '3.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Database Abstraction'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi-abstractsearch'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi-abstractsearch'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Abstract Class::DBI\'s SQL with SQL::Abstract::Limit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi-mysql'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'Extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi-pg'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi-pg'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Class::DBI extension for Postgres'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi-plugin'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi-plugin'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi-plugin-abstractcount'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi-plugin-abstractcount'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'get COUNT(*) results with abstract SQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi-plugin-pager'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi-plugin-pager'
+port[:version] = '0.561'
+port[:description] = 'paged queries for CDBI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-dbi-uuid'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-dbi-uuid'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Provide Globally Unique Column Values'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-errorhandler'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-errorhandler'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Base class for error handling'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-factory-util'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-factory-util'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Provide utility methods for factory classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-generate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-generate'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Generate Perl class hierarchies'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-gomor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-gomor'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'yet another class builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-insideout'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-insideout'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'Class::InsideOut is a safe, simple inside-out object construction kit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-inspector'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-inspector'
+port[:version] = '1.25'
+port[:description] = 'Get information about a class and its structure'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-load'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-load'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'a working (require {"Class::Name")} and more'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-loader'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-loader'
+port[:version] = '2.03'
+port[:description] = 'Load modules and create objects on demand'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-makemethods'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-makemethods'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Generate common types of methods'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-method-modifiers'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-method-modifiers'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'provides Moose-like method modifiers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-methodmaker'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-methodmaker'
+port[:version] = '2.15'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for creating generic methods'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-mop'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-mop'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'A Meta Object Protocol for Perl 5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-returnvalue'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-returnvalue'
+port[:version] = '0.55'
+port[:description] = 'A return-value object that lets you treat it as as a boolean, array or object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-singleton'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-singleton'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of a Singleton class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-throwable'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-throwable'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'A minimal lightweight exception class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-trigger'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-trigger'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-unload'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-unload'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Unload a class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-whitehole'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-whitehole'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'FreeBSD.org:mat'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-class-xsaccessor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-class-xsaccessor'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-clone'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-clone'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for recursively copying Perl datatypes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-common-sense'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-common-sense'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'common::sense - best-practice strictures and pragmas condensed into a single \'use\''
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-compress-bzip2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-compress-bzip2'
+port[:version] = '2.09'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the bzip2 compression algorithms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-compress-raw-bzip2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-compress-raw-bzip2'
+port[:version] = '2.037'
+port[:description] = 'Perl low-level interface to bzip2 compression library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-compress-raw-zlib'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-compress-raw-zlib'
+port[:version] = '2.035'
+port[:description] = 'The Compress::Raw::Zlib module provides a Perl interface to the zlib compression library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-config-any'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-config-any'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'Load configuration from different file formats, transparently'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-config-general'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-config-general'
+port[:version] = '2.50'
+port[:description] = 'Generic Config Module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-config-inifiles'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-config-inifiles'
+port[:version] = '2.57'
+port[:description] = 'A module for reading .ini-style configuration files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-config-json'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-config-json'
+port[:version] = '1.5100'
+port[:description] = 'A JSON-based config file system'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-config-properties'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-config-properties'
+port[:version] = '1.71'
+port[:description] = 'Configuration using Java style properties'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-config-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-config-simple'
+port[:version] = '4.58'
+port[:description] = 'simple configuration file class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-config-tiny'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-config-tiny'
+port[:version] = '2.12'
+port[:description] = 'Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-context-preserve'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-context-preserve'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'run code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine would have seen if it were the last statement in the caller'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-ascii-armour'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-ascii-armour'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-asn1'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-asn1'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'ASN1 Encode / Decode Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-bencode'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-bencode'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Functions for converting to/from bencoded strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-binary-c'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-binary-c'
+port[:version] = '0.74'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for Binary Data Conversion using C Types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bioperl.org:jason'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-binhex'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-binhex'
+port[:version] = '1.119'
+port[:description] = 'Module for converting to and from BinHex encoded files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-pem'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-pem'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-tnef'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-tnef'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module to read TNEF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-convert-uulib'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-convert-uulib'
+port[:version] = '1.34'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the uulib library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'designvox.com:borys'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-cpan-meta-yaml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-cpan-meta-yaml'
+port[:version] = '0.003'
+port[:description] = 'Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-appletwofish'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-appletwofish'
+port[:version] = '0.051'
+port[:description] = 'two Apple iTMS/iTunes key descrambling algorithms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-blowfish'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-blowfish'
+port[:version] = '2.12'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of the blowfish-crypto algorithm for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-cast5'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-cast5'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'CAST5 block cipher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-cbc'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-cbc'
+port[:version] = '2.29'
+port[:description] = 'Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-ciphersaber'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-ciphersaber'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'CipherSaber-1 and CipherSaber-2 encryption'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-des'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-des'
+port[:version] = '2.05'
+port[:description] = 'Perl DES encryption module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-des_ede3'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-des_ede3'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'perl implementation of Triple-DES EDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-dh'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-dh'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Perl5 interface to a Diffie-Hellman key exchange system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-dsa'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-dsa'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'perl implementation of DSA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-gcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-gcrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.24'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the GNU Cryptographic library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-idea'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-idea'
+port[:version] = '1.08'
+port[:description] = 'perl implementation of IDEA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-openpgp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-openpgp'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-openssl-bignum'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-openssl-bignum'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'OpenSSL\'s multiprecision integer arithmetic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-openssl-random'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-openssl-random'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'RSA encoding and decoding, using the openSSL libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-openssl-rsa'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-openssl-rsa'
+port[:version] = '0.25'
+port[:description] = 'RSA encoding and decoding, using the openSSL libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-openssl-x509'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-openssl-x509'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension to OpenSSL\'s X509 API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-passwdmd5'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-passwdmd5'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'provides interoperable MD5-based crypt() functions for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ooburai'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-primes'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-primes'
+port[:version] = '0.50'
+port[:description] = 'Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-random'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-random'
+port[:version] = '1.25'
+port[:description] = 'Cryptographically Secure, True Random Number Generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-random-source'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-random-source'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Get weak or strong random data from pluggable sources'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl crypt'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-rc4'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-rc4'
+port[:version] = '2.02'
+port[:description] = 'Perl implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-rijndael'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-rijndael'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of the Rijndel-crypto algorithm for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-ripemd160'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-ripemd160'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'perl implementation of RIPEMD-160'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-rsa'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-rsa'
+port[:version] = '1.98'
+port[:description] = 'perl implementation of RSA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-ssleay'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-ssleay'
+port[:version] = '0.58'
+port[:description] = 'module to add SSL support to LWP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-crypt-twofish'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-crypt-twofish'
+port[:version] = '2.14'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of the twofish-crypto algorithm for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-csp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-csp'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'A Perl tool for managing Certificate Authorities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-css'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-css'
+port[:version] = '1.08'
+port[:description] = 'Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic/GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-curses'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-curses'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'terminal screen handling and optimization'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-curses-ui'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-curses-ui'
+port[:version] = '0.95'
+port[:description] = 'A curses based OO user interface framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dancer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dancer'
+port[:version] = '1.3051'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight yet powerful web application framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'perl'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'di.uminho.pt:jpo openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dancer-plugin-database'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dancer-plugin-database'
+port[:version] = '1.40'
+port[:description] = 'Easy database connections for Dancer applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'perl'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'di.uminho.pt:jpo openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-danga-socket'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-danga-socket'
+port[:version] = '1.61'
+port[:description] = 'Event loop and event-driven async socket base class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-alias'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-alias'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Comprehensive set of aliasing operations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-buffer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-buffer'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'binary buffers for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-dump'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-dump'
+port[:version] = '1.19'
+port[:description] = 'Pretty printing of data structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-dumper'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-dumper'
+port[:version] = '2.131'
+port[:description] = 'Stringified Perl data structures, suitable for both printing and eval'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-dumper-concise'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-dumper-concise'
+port[:version] = '2.020'
+port[:description] = 'Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-hexify'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-hexify'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-hierarchy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-hierarchy'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for handling data in a hierarchical structure.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-ical'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-ical'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-optlist'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-optlist'
+port[:version] = '0.106'
+port[:description] = 'parse and validate simple name/value option pairs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-page'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-page'
+port[:version] = '2.02'
+port[:description] = 'help when paging through sets of results'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-phrasebook'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-phrasebook'
+port[:version] = '0.29'
+port[:description] = 'Abstract your queries!'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-phrasebook-loader-yaml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-phrasebook-loader-yaml'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'Abstract your queries ... with YAML!'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-stag'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-stag'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for manipulating data as hierarchical tag/value pairs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'tonym.us:tonym openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-uuid'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-uuid'
+port[:version] = '1.149'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for generating Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs/UUIDs).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-data-visitor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-data-visitor'
+port[:version] = '0.27'
+port[:description] = 'Visitor style traversal of Perl data structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-date-calc'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-date-calc'
+port[:version] = '6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Gregorian calendar date calculations'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-date-holidays-de'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-date-holidays-de'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Perl Module to get German holidays'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datemanip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datemanip'
+port[:version] = '5.54'
+port[:description] = 'Perl Module for manipulating date and time.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime'
+port[:version] = '0.70'
+port[:description] = 'A date and time object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-builder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-builder'
+port[:version] = '0.80'
+port[:description] = 'Create DateTime parser classes and objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-iso8601'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-iso8601'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Parses ISO8601 formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'FreeBSD.org:mat'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-mail'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-mail'
+port[:version] = '0.3001'
+port[:description] = 'Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-mysql'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Parse and format MySQL dates and times'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-pg'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-pg'
+port[:version] = '0.16006'
+port[:description] = 'Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-sqlite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-sqlite'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Parse and format SQLite dates and times'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-strptime'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-strptime'
+port[:version] = '1.5000'
+port[:description] = 'Parse and format strp and strf time patterns'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-format-w3cdtf'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-format-w3cdtf'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-locale'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-locale'
+port[:version] = '0.45'
+port[:description] = 'Localization support for DateTime'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-datetime-timezone'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-datetime-timezone'
+port[:version] = '1.34'
+port[:description] = 'Time zone object base class and factory'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbd-mock'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbd-mock'
+port[:version] = '1.41'
+port[:description] = 'DBD::Mock - Mock database driver for testing'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbd-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbd-mysql'
+port[:version] = '4.018'
+port[:description] = 'Perl5 Database Interface to the MySQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbd-pg'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbd-pg'
+port[:version] = '2.17.2'
+port[:description] = 'Perl DBI module to provide access to PostgreSQL databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql7 postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 postgresql91 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbd-sqlite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbd-sqlite'
+port[:version] = '1.31'
+port[:description] = 'perl dbd interface to SQLite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbd-sqlite2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbd-sqlite2'
+port[:version] = '0.33'
+port[:description] = 'perl dbd interface to SQLite (old version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic/GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbi'
+port[:version] = '1.616'
+port[:description] = 'Abstract database access module for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbicx-testdatabase'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbicx-testdatabase'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-class'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-class'
+port[:version] = '0.08127'
+port[:description] = 'Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-class-cursor-cached'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-class-cursor-cached'
+port[:version] = '1.001000'
+port[:description] = 'cursor class with built-in caching support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-class-dynamicdefault'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-class-dynamicdefault'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Automatically set and update fields'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-class-encodedcolumn'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-class-encodedcolumn'
+port[:version] = '0.00006'
+port[:description] = 'Automatically encode columns'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-class-schema-loader'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-class-schema-loader'
+port[:version] = '0.07007'
+port[:description] = 'Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-class-timestamp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-class-timestamp'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'DBIx::Class extension to update and create date and time based fields'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-contextualfetch'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-contextualfetch'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Add contextual fetches to DBI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-dbschema'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-dbschema'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'Database-independent schema objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-searchbuilder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-searchbuilder'
+port[:version] = '1.59'
+port[:description] = 'Deal with multiple SearchBuilder result sets as one'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbix-sqlcrosstab'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbix-sqlcrosstab'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'creates a server-side cross tabulation from a database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'centosprime.com:face'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dbm-deep'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dbm-deep'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'A pure perl persistent multi-level hash/array DBM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-caller'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-caller'
+port[:version] = '2.05'
+port[:description] = 'meatier versions of caller'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-cover'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-cover'
+port[:version] = '0.78'
+port[:description] = 'Code coverage metrics for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-cycle'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-cycle'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Find memory cycles in objects and other references'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-globaldestruction'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-globaldestruction'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Expose PL_dirty, the flag which marks global destruction.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-nytprof'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-nytprof'
+port[:version] = '2.09'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michael at naegler.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-ppport'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-ppport'
+port[:version] = '3.19'
+port[:description] = 'Perl/Pollution/Portability'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-size'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-size'
+port[:version] = '0.69'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for finding the memory usage of Perl variables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-stacktrace'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-stacktrace'
+port[:version] = '1.27'
+port[:description] = 'Stack trace and stack trace frame objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-devel-symdump'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-devel-symdump'
+port[:version] = '2.08'
+port[:description] = 'Inspect the symbol table and class hierarchy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-device-serialport'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-device-serialport'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'A POSIX-based version of the Win32::Serialport module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'A simple frontend module for autoloading of various Digest:: modules.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-bubblebabble'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-bubblebabble'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Create bubble-babble fingerprints'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-crc'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-crc'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Generic CRC functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-hmac'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-hmac'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-md2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-md2'
+port[:version] = '2.03'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-md4'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-md4'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the MD4 Algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-md5'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-md5'
+port[:version] = '2.51'
+port[:description] = 'RSA MD5 implementation for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-md5-file'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-md5-file'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for getting MD5 sums for files and urls.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-nilsimsa'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-nilsimsa'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Perl version of Nilsimsa code'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-perl-md5'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-perl-md5'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Perl implementation of Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-sha'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-sha'
+port[:version] = '5.48'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for SHA-1 through SHA-512'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-digest-sha1'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-digest-sha1'
+port[:version] = '2.13'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the SHA-1 Algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-directory-scratch'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-directory-scratch'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Easy-to-use self-cleaning scratch space.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-dist-checkconflicts'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-dist-checkconflicts'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'declare version conflicts for your dist'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-address'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-address'
+port[:version] = '1.892'
+port[:description] = 'perl rfc email address formatting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-date'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-date'
+port[:version] = '1.103'
+port[:description] = 'perl rfc email date parsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-date-format'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-date-format'
+port[:version] = '1.002'
+port[:description] = 'generates RFC 2822-compliant datetime strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-messageid'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-messageid'
+port[:version] = '1.400'
+port[:description] = 'Generate world unique message-ids'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-mime'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-mime'
+port[:version] = '1.861'
+port[:description] = 'Easy MIME message parsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-mime-contenttype'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-mime-contenttype'
+port[:version] = '1.015'
+port[:description] = 'Parse a MIME Content-Type Header'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-mime-encodings'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-mime-encodings'
+port[:version] = '1.313'
+port[:description] = 'A unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-mime-modifier'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-mime-modifier'
+port[:version] = '1.442'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a number of useful methods for manipulating MIME messages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-send'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-send'
+port[:version] = '2.192'
+port[:description] = 'This module provides a very simple, very clean, very specific interface to multiple Email mailers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-simple'
+port[:version] = '2.100'
+port[:description] = 'simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-email-valid'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-email-valid'
+port[:version] = '0.184'
+port[:description] = 'Check validity of Internet email addresses'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic/GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-encode'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-encode'
+port[:version] = '2.26'
+port[:description] = 'Character encoding module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-encode-detect'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-encode-detect'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Encode-Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-encode-hanextra'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-encode-hanextra'
+port[:version] = '0.23'
+port[:description] = 'Extra sets of Chinese encodings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-encode-jis2k'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-encode-jis2k'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) Encodings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-encode-locale'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-encode-locale'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Encode::Locale - Determine the locale encoding'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-enum'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-enum'
+port[:version] = '1.016'
+port[:description] = 'C style enumerated types and bitmask flags in Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-error'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-error'
+port[:version] = '0.17016'
+port[:description] = 'Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-eval'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-eval'
+port[:version] = '2.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for parameter estimation with hidden Markov models.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cse.wustl.edu:rpz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl biology'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-event'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-event'
+port[:version] = '1.18'
+port[:description] = 'A Generic Perl Event Loop'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL}'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-exception-class'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-exception-class'
+port[:version] = '1.32'
+port[:description] = 'A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-expect'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-expect'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Perl version of the TCL expect tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-expect-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-expect-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Wrapper around the Expect module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-cbuilder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-cbuilder'
+port[:version] = '0.280202'
+port[:description] = 'Compile and link C code for Perl modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-depends'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-depends'
+port[:version] = '0.302'
+port[:description] = 'Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-f77'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-f77'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'Helper for linking C with Fortran subroutines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-install'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-install'
+port[:version] = '1.54'
+port[:description] = 'install files from here to there'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-makemaker'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-makemaker'
+port[:version] = '6.56'
+port[:description] = 'Create a module Makefile'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-parsexs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-parsexs'
+port[:version] = '2.2206'
+port[:description] = 'Converts Perl XS code into C code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-pkgconfig'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-pkgconfig'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'Simplistic interface to pkg-config'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-extutils-xsbuilder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-extutils-xsbuilder'
+port[:version] = '0.28'
+port[:description] = 'ExtUtils::XSBuilder - Automatic Perl XS glue code generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-fcgi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-fcgi'
+port[:version] = '0.67'
+port[:description] = 'Fast CGI Module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-feed-find'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-feed-find'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Autodiscovery of syndication feeds'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-fey'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-fey'
+port[:version] = '0.40'
+port[:description] = 'Fey - Better SQL Generation Through Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-fey-dbimanager'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-fey-dbimanager'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Fey::DBIManager - Manage a set of DBI handles'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-fey-loader'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-fey-loader'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Fey::Loader (no description available)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-fey-orm'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-fey-orm'
+port[:version] = '0.43'
+port[:description] = 'A Fey-based ORM (If you like SQL, you might like Fey::ORM)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-fey-test'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-fey-test'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'Fey::Test - test libraries for Fey distros'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-basedir'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-basedir'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'This module can be used to find directories and files as specified by the Freedesktop.org Base Directory Specification.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-changenotify'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-changenotify'
+port[:version] = '0.19'
+port[:description] = 'Watch for changes to files, cross-platform style'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-chdir'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-chdir'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'a more sensible way to change directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-comments'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-comments'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Recognizes file formats and extracts format-specific comments'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-copy-recursive'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-copy-recursive'
+port[:version] = '0.38'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-desktopentry'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-desktopentry'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for Freedesktop .desktop files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-find-rule'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-find-rule'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'a friendlier interface to File::Find'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-flat'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-flat'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Implements a flat filesystem'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-homedir'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-homedir'
+port[:version] = '0.95'
+port[:description] = 'Find your home and other directories, on any platform.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-libmagic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-libmagic'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'Perl wrapper for libmagic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-listing'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-listing'
+port[:version] = '6.02'
+port[:description] = 'File::Listing - parse directory listing'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-mimeinfo'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-mimeinfo'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'This module can be used to determine the mime type of a file. It tries to implement the freedesktop specification for a shared MIME database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-mmagic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-mmagic'
+port[:version] = '1.27'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for determining file types.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-modified'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-modified'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'checks intelligently if files have changed'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-mork'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-mork'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module to read Mozilla URL history files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-ncopy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-ncopy'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'Copy file, file Copy {file[s]} | {dir[s],} dir'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-next'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-next'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'File-finding iterator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gkg.net:mschout openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-path'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-path'
+port[:version] = '2.08'
+port[:description] = 'Create or remove directory trees'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-pushd'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-pushd'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'change directory temporarily for a limited scope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-readbackwards'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-readbackwards'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'This module reads a file backwards line by line.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-remove'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-remove'
+port[:version] = '1.46'
+port[:description] = 'Remove files and directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-rsyncp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-rsyncp'
+port[:version] = '0.70'
+port[:description] = 'A Perl implementation of an Rsync client.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-sharedir'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-sharedir'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Locate per-dist and per-module shared files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-slurp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-slurp'
+port[:version] = '9999.13'
+port[:description] = 'Efficient reading/writing of complete files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:matteo.corti'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-tail'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-tail'
+port[:version] = '0.99.3'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for reading from continously updated files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-temp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-temp'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'return name and handle of a temporary file safely'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-tempdir'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-tempdir'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Provides an object interface to tempdir() from File::Temp.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-type'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-type'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for determining file types.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-file-which'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-file-which'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'Portable implementation of the `which\' utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-filesys-diskspace'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-filesys-diskspace'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'Perl df'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-filter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-filter'
+port[:version] = '1.37'
+port[:description] = 'A number of Source Filters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-finance-quote'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-finance-quote'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module that allows for grabbing stock quotes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-finance-quotehist'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-finance-quotehist'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for fetching historical stock quotes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-flickr-api'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-flickr-api'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the Flickr API'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-flickr-upload'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-flickr-upload'
+port[:version] = '1.32'
+port[:description] = 'Upload images to Flickr.com'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-font-afm'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-font-afm'
+port[:version] = '1.19'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-font-ttf'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-font-ttf'
+port[:version] = '0.48'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for TrueType Font hacking'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-freezethaw'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-freezethaw'
+port[:version] = '0.5001'
+port[:description] = 'FreezeThaw - convertin Perl structures to strings and back.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-fusioninventory-agent'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-fusioninventory-agent'
+port[:version] = '2.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'FusionInventory::Agent'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gd'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gd'
+port[:version] = '2.45'
+port[:description] = 'Module interface to libgd'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gd-barcode'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gd-barcode'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'Create barcode image with GD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gd-graph3d'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gd-graph3d'
+port[:version] = '0.63'
+port[:description] = 'Create 3D Graphs with GD and GD::Graph'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gd-securityimage'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gd-securityimage'
+port[:version] = '1.70'
+port[:description] = 'Security image (captcha) generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gd-svg'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gd-svg'
+port[:version] = '0.33'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for Seamlessly enabling SVG output from scripts written using GD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bioperl.org:jason'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gdgraph'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gdgraph'
+port[:version] = '1.44'
+port[:description] = 'Graph Plotting Module for Perl 5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gdtextutil'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gdtextutil'
+port[:version] = '0.86'
+port[:description] = 'Text utilities for use with GD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gearman'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gearman'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Gearman client library for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gearman-client-async'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gearman-client-async'
+port[:version] = '0.94'
+port[:description] = 'Asynchronous client module for Gearman for Danga::Socket applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gearman-server'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gearman-server'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Function call router and load balancer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gedcom'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gedcom'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'A module to manipulate Gedcom genealogy files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'worldnet.att.net:james.toth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl genealogy'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-geo-ip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-geo-ip'
+port[:version] = '1.35'
+port[:description] = 'Look up location and network information by IP Address'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-getopt-long'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-getopt-long'
+port[:version] = '2.38'
+port[:description] = 'module implementing an extended getopt function'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL-2+}'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-getopt-long-descriptive'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-getopt-long-descriptive'
+port[:version] = '0.089'
+port[:description] = 'Getopt::Long with usage text'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-getopt-mixed'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-getopt-mixed'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'alternate module supports both long and short options'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-getopt-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-getopt-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.52'
+port[:description] = 'provides a simple wrapper around Getopt::Long'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gimp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gimp'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Gimp Extensions/Plug-ins/Load and Save-Handlers in perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-glib'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-glib'
+port[:version] = '1.223'
+port[:description] = 'Access to GLib and GObject'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gmail-imapd'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gmail-imapd'
+port[:version] = '0.94'
+port[:description] = 'An IMAP4 gateway to Google\'s webmail service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gnome2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gnome2'
+port[:version] = '1.042'
+port[:description] = 'Bindings to Gtk+ library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gnome2-canvas'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gnome2-canvas'
+port[:version] = '1.002'
+port[:description] = 'Bindings to Gtk+ library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gnome2-gconf'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gnome2-gconf'
+port[:version] = '1.044'
+port[:description] = 'Bindings to Gtk+ library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gnome2-print'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gnome2-print'
+port[:version] = '1.000'
+port[:description] = 'Perl wrappers for the Gnome Print utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gnome2-vfs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gnome2-vfs'
+port[:version] = '1.081'
+port[:description] = 'Bindings to Gtk+ library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gnome2-wnck'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gnome2-wnck'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'libwnck perl module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gnupg-interface'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gnupg-interface'
+port[:version] = '0.33'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to GnuPG'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gps'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gps'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to GPS receivers using Garmin or NMEA protocols'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-graph'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-graph'
+port[:version] = '0.94'
+port[:description] = 'graph operations for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-graphviz'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-graphviz'
+port[:version] = '2.04'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to the GraphViz graphing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gssapi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gssapi'
+port[:version] = '0.28'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gtk2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gtk2'
+port[:version] = '1.222'
+port[:description] = 'Bindings to Gtk+ library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gtk2-gladexml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gtk2-gladexml'
+port[:version] = '1.007'
+port[:description] = 'Bindings to Gtk+ library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-gtk2-sourceview'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-gtk2-sourceview'
+port[:version] = '1.000'
+port[:description] = 'Perl wrappers for the GtkSourceView widget'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-hash-fieldhash'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-hash-fieldhash'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Hash::FieldHash - A lightweight field hash implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-hash-merge'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-hash-merge'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Merges arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-heap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-heap'
+port[:version] = '0.80'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of routines for managing a heap data structure'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-hook-lexwrap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-hook-lexwrap'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-encoding'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-encoding'
+port[:version] = '0.61'
+port[:description] = 'Determine the encoding of HTML/XML/XHTML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-extract'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-extract'
+port[:version] = '0.25'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for getting text and HTML snippets out of HTML pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-fillinform'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-fillinform'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'module for automatically filling HTML forms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-form'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-form'
+port[:version] = '6.00'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::Form - Class that represents an HTML form element'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-format'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-format'
+port[:version] = '2.04'
+port[:description] = 'Perl modules that format HTML as plaintext, PostScript or RTF.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-lint'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-lint'
+port[:version] = '2.06'
+port[:description] = 'a pure-Perl HTML parser and checker for syntactic legitmacy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-mason'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-mason'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'mod_perl mod_perl2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-parser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-parser'
+port[:version] = '3.68'
+port[:description] = 'HTML parsing and extraction modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-scrubber'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-scrubber'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-strip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-strip'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for stripping HTML markup from text.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-stripscripts'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-stripscripts'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Strip scripting constructs out of HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-stripscripts-parser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-stripscripts-parser'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'XSS filter using HTML::Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-tableextract'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-tableextract'
+port[:version] = '2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Perl Module that extracts information from tables.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-tagfilter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-tagfilter'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'a fine-grained html-filter, xss-blocker and mailto-obfuscator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-tagset'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-tagset'
+port[:version] = '3.20'
+port[:description] = 'data tables useful in parsing HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-template'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-template'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-template-compiled'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-template-compiled'
+port[:version] = '0.93'
+port[:description] = 'Compiles HTML::Template files to Perl code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-tiny'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-tiny'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-tokeparser-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-tokeparser-simple'
+port[:version] = '3.15'
+port[:description] = 'a simpler interface to HTML::TokeParser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-tree'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-tree'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Perl parser that can build HTML syntax trees.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter'
+port[:version] = '0.68'
+port[:description] = 'Convert HTML to wiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-confluence'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-confluence'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::Confluence - Convert Confluence wiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-dokuwiki'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-dokuwiki'
+port[:version] = '0.53'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWiki - Convert DokuWiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-googlecode'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-googlecode'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::GoogleCode - Convert Google Code wiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-kwiki'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-kwiki'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::Kwiki - Convert Kwiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-markdown'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-markdown'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::Markdown - Convert Markdown markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-mediawiki'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-mediawiki'
+port[:version] = '0.59'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki - Convert MediaWiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-moinmoin'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-moinmoin'
+port[:version] = '0.54'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::MoinMoin - Convert MoinMoin wiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-multimarkdown'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-multimarkdown'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::MultiMarkdown - Convert MultiMarkdown markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-oddmuse'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-oddmuse'
+port[:version] = '0.52'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::Oddmuse - Convert Oddmuse wiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-pbwiki'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-pbwiki'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::PbWiki - Convert PbWiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-phpwiki'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-phpwiki'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::PhpWiki - Convert PhpWiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-pmwiki'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-pmwiki'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::PmWiki - Convert PmWiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-snipsnap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-snipsnap'
+port[:version] = '0.50'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::SnipSnap - Convert SnipSnap wiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-html-wikiconverter-xwiki'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-html-wikiconverter-xwiki'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'HTML::WikiConverter::XWiki - Convert XWiki markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ejshamow'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-body'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-body'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP Body Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-cookies'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-cookies'
+port[:version] = '6.00'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP::Cookies - HTTP cookie jars'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-daemon'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-daemon'
+port[:version] = '6.00'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP::Daemon - a simple HTTP server class'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-daemon-ssl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-daemon-ssl'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'A simple http server class with SSL support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-date'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-date'
+port[:version] = '6.00'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP::Date - date conversion for HTTP date formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-lite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-lite'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5 modules for lightweight HTTP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-message'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-message'
+port[:version] = '6.02'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP::Message - Representation of HTTP messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-negotiate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-negotiate'
+port[:version] = '6.00'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP content negotiation'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-recorder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-recorder'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'Record interaction with websites'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-request-ascgi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-request-ascgi'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Setup a CGI enviroment from a HTTP::Request'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-response-encoding'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-response-encoding'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Adds encoding() to HTTP::Response'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-server-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-server-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.43'
+port[:description] = 'A very simple standalone HTTP daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-server-simple-mason'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-server-simple-mason'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'An abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-http-server-simple-psgi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-http-server-simple-psgi'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple'
+port[:licenses] = 'perl'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'di.uminho.pt:jpo openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ima-dbi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ima-dbi'
+port[:version] = '0.35'
+port[:description] = 'Database connection caching and organization'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-image-exiftool'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-image-exiftool'
+port[:version] = '8.59'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to EXIF metadata'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-image-imlib2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-image-imlib2'
+port[:version] = '2.02'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the Imlib2 image library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-image-info'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-image-info'
+port[:version] = '1.31'
+port[:description] = 'Extract meta information from image files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-image-metadata-jpeg'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-image-metadata-jpeg'
+port[:version] = '0.153'
+port[:description] = 'Access to and modification of JPEG meta-data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-image-size'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-image-size'
+port[:version] = '3.220'
+port[:description] = 'Extract size information from image files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-imap-bodystructure'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-imap-bodystructure'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'IMAP4-compatible BODYSTRUCTURE and ENVELOPE parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-inline'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-inline'
+port[:version] = '0.46'
+port[:description] = 'Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-inline-python'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-inline-python'
+port[:version] = '0.36'
+port[:description] = 'Write inline python in perl scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-innotop'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-innotop'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'A MySQL and InnoDB monitor program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-internals'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-internals'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for write protecting variables and manipulating refcounts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io'
+port[:version] = '1.25'
+port[:description] = 'IO - load various IO modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-aio'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-aio'
+port[:version] = '3.71'
+port[:description] = 'Asynchronous Input/Output'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-captureoutput'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-captureoutput'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Capture STDOUT/STDERR from subprocesses and XS/C modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-compress'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-compress'
+port[:version] = '2.035'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to allow reading and writing of compressed data created with the zlib and bzip2 libraries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-digest'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-digest'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for calculating digests while reading or writing (used by svk).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-kqueue'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-kqueue'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-multiplex'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-multiplex'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Manage IO on many file handles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-pager'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-pager'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'IO-Pager perl module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-pty-easy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-pty-easy'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Easy interface to IO::Pty'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-socket-inet6'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-socket-inet6'
+port[:version] = '2.67'
+port[:description] = 'IO::Socket::INET6 object interface to IPv6'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-socket-ssl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-socket-ssl'
+port[:version] = '1.44'
+port[:description] = 'Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-string'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-string'
+port[:version] = '1.08'
+port[:description] = 'Emulate file interface for in-core strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-stringy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-stringy'
+port[:version] = '2.110'
+port[:description] = 'I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-stty'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-stty'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Provide an interface to TTYs and PTYs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-tee'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-tee'
+port[:version] = '0.64'
+port[:description] = 'Multiplex output to multiple output handles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-tty'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-tty'
+port[:version] = '1.07'
+port[:description] = 'Provide an interface to TTYs and PTYs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-io-zlib'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-io-zlib'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'IO::-style interface to Compress::Zlib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ip-country'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ip-country'
+port[:version] = '2.26'
+port[:description] = 'Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ipc-cmd'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ipc-cmd'
+port[:version] = '0.70'
+port[:description] = 'finding and running system commands made easy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ipc-run'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ipc-run'
+port[:version] = '0.89'
+port[:description] = 'system() and background procs w/ piping, redirs, ptys'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ipc-run3'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ipc-run3'
+port[:version] = '0.034'
+port[:description] = 'Run a subprocess in batch mode (a la system) on Unix, Win32, etc.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ipe'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ipe'
+port[:version] = '0.1.48'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for parameter estimation with hidden Markov models.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cse.wustl.edu:rpz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl biology'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-iterator'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-iterator'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of iterators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-iterator-util'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-iterator-util'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Essential utilities for the Iterator class.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-java'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-java'
+port[:version] = '4.7'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for accessing a JVM remotely or locally'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-javascript-spidermonkey'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-javascript-spidermonkey'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the JavaScript Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-json'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-json'
+port[:version] = '2.53'
+port[:description] = 'parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'xs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-json-any'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-json-any'
+port[:version] = '1.22'
+port[:description] = 'Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-json-xs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-json-xs'
+port[:version] = '2.23'
+port[:description] = 'JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nottwo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-libapreq'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-libapreq'
+port[:version] = '1.34'
+port[:description] = 'Methods for dealing with client request data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-libapreq2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-libapreq2'
+port[:version] = '2.13'
+port[:description] = 'Methods for dealing with client request data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-libintl-perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-libintl-perl'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'Perl internationalization library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-libvorbis-perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-libvorbis-perl'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for Ogg Vorbis streams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-libwww-perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-libwww-perl'
+port[:version] = '6.02'
+port[:description] = 'The World-Wide Web library for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'ssl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-libxml-enno'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-libxml-enno'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'libxml-enno contains the modules XML::DOM, XML::XQL, XML::Checker and several other packages that are no longer distributed separately.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-libxml-perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-libxml-perl'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of Perl modules for working with XML.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-en-inflect'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-en-inflect'
+port[:version] = '1.893'
+port[:description] = 'Convert singular to plural. Select a or an'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-en-inflect-number'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-en-inflect-number'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Force number of words to singular or plural'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-en-inflect-phrase'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-en-inflect-phrase'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Inflect short English Phrases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-en-tagger'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-en-tagger'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-pt-stemmer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-pt-stemmer'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Portuguese language stemming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-stem'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-stem'
+port[:version] = '0.84'
+port[:description] = 'Stemming of words'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-stem-fr'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-stem-fr'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Perl French Stemming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-stem-it'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-stem-it'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Porter\'s stemming algorithm for Italian'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-stem-ru'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-stem-ru'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Porter\'s stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lingua-stem-snowball-da'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lingua-stem-snowball-da'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-list-allutils'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-list-allutils'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'List::AllUtils - mixes List::Utils and List::MoreUtils'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-list-moreutils'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-list-moreutils'
+port[:version] = '0.30'
+port[:description] = 'Provide the stuff missing in List::Util'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lj-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lj-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Simple perl module for managing your LiveJournal account'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'genetikayos.com:kayos'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-locale-gettext'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-locale-gettext'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to GNU gettext'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-locale-maketext-fuzzy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-locale-maketext-fuzzy'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Maketext from already interpolated strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-locale-maketext-lexicon'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-locale-maketext-lexicon'
+port[:version] = '0.62'
+port[:description] = 'Use other catalog formats in Maketext.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-locale-maketext-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-locale-maketext-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lockfile-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lockfile-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Simple file locking scheme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-log-any'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-log-any'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Bringing loggers and listeners together'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-log-dispatch'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-log-dispatch'
+port[:version] = '2.28'
+port[:description] = 'Dispatches messages to one or more outputs'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'di.uminho.pt:jpo openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-log-log4perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-log-log4perl'
+port[:version] = '1.32'
+port[:description] = 'Log4j implementation for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lwp-attic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lwp-attic'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'LWP-attic, and old and deprecated distribution now included in libwww-perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lwp-authen-wsse'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lwp-authen-wsse'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cyberscript.net:ryan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lwp-mediatypes'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lwp-mediatypes'
+port[:version] = '6.01'
+port[:description] = 'Media types and mailcap processing'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lwp-protocol-http10'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lwp-protocol-http10'
+port[:version] = '6.02'
+port[:description] = 'Deprecated support for HTTP/1.0 in libwww-perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lwp-protocol-https'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lwp-protocol-https'
+port[:version] = '6.02'
+port[:description] = 'LWP::Protocol::https - SSL support for libwww-perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-lwp-useragent-determined'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-lwp-useragent-determined'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'a virtual browser that retries errors'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-appleevents-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-appleevents-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.18'
+port[:description] = 'Simple interface to Mac::AppleEvents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-applescript'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-applescript'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension to execute applescript commands on OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-applescript-glue'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-applescript-glue'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Glue to use AppleScript to communicate with Mac apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-applesingledouble'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-applesingledouble'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Read Mac files in AppleSingle or AppleDouble format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-apps-launch'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-apps-launch'
+port[:version] = '1.93'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to launching and quitting apps on Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-carbon'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-carbon'
+port[:version] = '0.82'
+port[:description] = 'Access to Mac OS Carbon API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-errors'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-errors'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Constants for Mac error codes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-glue'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-glue'
+port[:version] = '1.30'
+port[:description] = 'Glue to use Apple events with Applescript vocabulary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-growl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-growl'
+port[:version] = '0.67'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to the Growl framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-osa-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-osa-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'Simple interface to Mac::OSA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-pasteboard'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-pasteboard'
+port[:version] = '0.002'
+port[:description] = 'manipulate Mac OS X pasteboards/clipboards'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-propertylist'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-propertylist'
+port[:version] = '1.33'
+port[:description] = 'Mac::PropertyList - work with Mac plists at a low level'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-sysprofile'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-sysprofile'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Mac::SysProfile'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mac-systemdirectory'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mac-systemdirectory'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module to locate Mac OS X standard system directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-macosx-file'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-macosx-file'
+port[:version] = '0.71'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of Perl modules to manipulate files on Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-audit'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-audit'
+port[:version] = '2.223'
+port[:description] = 'Library for creating easy mail filters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-box'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-box'
+port[:version] = '2.070'
+port[:description] = 'Mail::Box - manage a mailbox, a folder with messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-clamav'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-clamav'
+port[:version] = '0.29'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the clamav virus scanner'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-dkim'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-dkim'
+port[:version] = '0.39'
+port[:description] = 'Signs or verifies mail with DKIM, Domainkey signature'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-imapclient'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-imapclient'
+port[:version] = '3.19'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5 module to talk to an IMAP server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-mboxparser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-mboxparser'
+port[:version] = '0.55'
+port[:description] = 'read-only access to UNIX-mailboxes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-pop3client'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-pop3client'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'Perl 5 module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1939) server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-sender'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-sender'
+port[:version] = '0.8.16'
+port[:description] = 'Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-sendmail'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-sendmail'
+port[:version] = '0.79'
+port[:description] = 'Simple platform independent e-mail from perl scripts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'DFSG-Approved'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-spamassassin'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-spamassassin'
+port[:version] = '3.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'mail filter to identify spam'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'razor ssl vpopmail universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-spf'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-spf'
+port[:version] = '2.007'
+port[:description] = 'Object oriented implementation of SPF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-spf-query'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-spf-query'
+port[:version] = '1.999.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mail::SPF::Query - query Sender Policy Framework for an IP,email,helo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-srs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-srs'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'Mail::SRS - Interface to Sender Rewriting Scheme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mail-webmail-gmail'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mail-webmail-gmail'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'An interface to Google\'s webmail service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mailtools'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mailtools'
+port[:version] = '2.08'
+port[:description] = 'Mail-related Perl modules (recommended legacy use only)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-marc-record'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-marc-record'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'MARC record implementation for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic/GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-masonx-request-withapachesession'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-masonx-request-withapachesession'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'Add a session to the Mason Request object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-base85'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-base85'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'handles numbers in base 85'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-bezier'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-bezier'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Solution of Bezier Curves'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-bigint'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-bigint'
+port[:version] = '1.89'
+port[:description] = 'Arbitrary size integer math package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-bigrat'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-bigrat'
+port[:version] = '0.24'
+port[:description] = 'Arbitrary size rational numbers math package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-gmp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-gmp'
+port[:version] = '2.06'
+port[:description] = 'high speed arbitrary size integer math'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-mpfr'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-mpfr'
+port[:version] = '3.02'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the MPFR library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-pari'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-pari'
+port[:version] = '2.01080604'
+port[:description] = 'perl interface to pari.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-random'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-random'
+port[:version] = '0.71'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for Random Number Generators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bioperl.org:jason'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-random-isaac'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-random-isaac'
+port[:version] = '1.002'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-random-secure'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-random-secure'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'Cryptographically-secure, cross-platform replacement for rand()'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-math-round'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-math-round'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for rounding numbers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mecab'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mecab'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'a Perl module for MeCab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-memoize-expirelru'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-memoize-expirelru'
+port[:version] = '0.55'
+port[:description] = 'Expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mhonarc'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mhonarc'
+port[:version] = '2.6.16'
+port[:description] = 'MHonArc - mail and news munging'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mime-base32'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mime-base32'
+port[:version] = '1.02a'
+port[:description] = 'base32 encoder/decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mime-base64'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mime-base64'
+port[:version] = '3.13'
+port[:description] = 'base64 encoder/decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mime-charset'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mime-charset'
+port[:version] = '1.006.2'
+port[:description] = 'Charset Information for MIME'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mime-encwords'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mime-encwords'
+port[:version] = '1.010.101'
+port[:description] = 'Deal with RFC 2047 encoded words'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mime-lite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mime-lite'
+port[:version] = '3.027'
+port[:description] = 'a low-calorie MIME generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mime-tools'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mime-tools'
+port[:version] = '5.428'
+port[:description] = 'modules for parsing (and creating!) MIME entities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'doBinHex allow_no_trailing_boundary'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mime-types'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mime-types'
+port[:version] = '1.26'
+port[:description] = 'Definition of MIME types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mldbm'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mldbm'
+port[:version] = '2.01'
+port[:description] = 'Store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-build'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-build'
+port[:version] = '0.3800'
+port[:description] = 'Build and install perl modules (MakeMaker replacement)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-corelist'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-corelist'
+port[:version] = '2.44'
+port[:description] = 'what modules shipped with versions of perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-depends'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-depends'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'identify the dependencies of a distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-find'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-find'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-install'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-install'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Standalone, extensible Perl module installer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-load'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-load'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'runtime require of both modules and files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-load-conditional'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-load-conditional'
+port[:version] = '0.44'
+port[:description] = 'Looking up module information / loading at runtime'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-metadata'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-metadata'
+port[:version] = '1.000004'
+port[:description] = 'Gather package and POD information from perl module files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-pluggable'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-pluggable'
+port[:version] = '3.9'
+port[:description] = 'automatically give your module the ability to have plugins'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-refresh'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-refresh'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'Refresh %INC files when updated on disk'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-scandeps'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-scandeps'
+port[:version] = '0.98'
+port[:description] = 'Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-signature'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-signature'
+port[:version] = '0.66'
+port[:description] = 'Module signature file manipulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-starter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-starter'
+port[:version] = '1.50'
+port[:description] = 'Module::Starter is a simple starter kit for any module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devclue.com:blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-module-versions-report'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-module-versions-report'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Report versions of all modules in memory'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mogilefs-client'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mogilefs-client'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'Client library for the MogileFS distributed file system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mogilefs-server'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mogilefs-server'
+port[:version] = '2.32'
+port[:description] = 'MogileFS (distributed filesystem) server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mogilefs-utils'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mogilefs-utils'
+port[:version] = '2.14'
+port[:description] = 'MogileFS tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mojolicious'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mojolicious'
+port[:version] = '1.60'
+port[:description] = 'An MVC web framework emphasizing minimalism and simplicity'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2+ CC-SA-3.0 MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-monotone-automatestdio'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-monotone-automatestdio'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to Monotone via automate stdio'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moose'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moose'
+port[:version] = '1.23'
+port[:description] = 'A postmodern object system for Perl 5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moose-autobox'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moose-autobox'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Autoboxed wrappers for Native Perl datatypes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moose-policy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moose-policy'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'Moose-mounted police'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-classattribute'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-classattribute'
+port[:version] = '0.26'
+port[:description] = 'MooseX::ClassAttribute - Declare class attributes Moose-style'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-emulate-class-accessor-fast'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-emulate-class-accessor-fast'
+port[:version] = '0.00903'
+port[:description] = 'Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-getopt'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-getopt'
+port[:version] = '0.35'
+port[:description] = 'A Moose role for processing command line options'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-methodattributes'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-methodattributes'
+port[:version] = '0.24'
+port[:description] = 'code attribute introspection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-multiinitarg'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-multiinitarg'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Attributes with aliases for constructor arguments'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-nonmoose'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-nonmoose'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'easy subclassing of non-Moose classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-params-validate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-params-validate'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'an extension of Params::Validate for using Moose\'s types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-role-parameterized'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-role-parameterized'
+port[:version] = '0.26'
+port[:description] = 'MooseX::Role::Parameterized - roles with composition parameters'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-role-strict'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-role-strict'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'MooseX::Role::Strict - use strict \'roles\''
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-role-withoverloading'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-role-withoverloading'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'Roles which support overloading'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-semiaffordanceaccessor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-semiaffordanceaccessor'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'Name your accessors foo() and set_foo()'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-singleton'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-singleton'
+port[:version] = '0.27'
+port[:description] = 'MooseX::Singleton - turn your Moose class into a singleton'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-strictconstructor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-strictconstructor'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'MooseX::StrictConstructor - Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-traits-pluggable'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-traits-pluggable'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'an extension to MooseX::Traits'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-types'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-types'
+port[:version] = '0.25'
+port[:description] = 'Organise your Moose types in libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-moosex-types-common'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-moosex-types-common'
+port[:version] = '0.001002'
+port[:description] = 'A set of commonly-used type constraints that do not ship with Moose by default.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mouse'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mouse'
+port[:version] = '0.89'
+port[:description] = 'Moose minus the antlers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mozilla-ca'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mozilla-ca'
+port[:version] = '20110409'
+port[:description] = 'Mozilla::CA - Mozilla\'s CA cert bundle in PEM format'
+port[:licenses] = 'MPL-1.1 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mp3-info'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mp3-info'
+port[:version] = '1.24'
+port[:description] = 'Manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mro-compat'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mro-compat'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-mytop'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-mytop'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'display MySQL server performance info like `top\''
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-namespace-autoclean'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-namespace-autoclean'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Keep imports out of your namespace'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-namespace-clean'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-namespace-clean'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'Keep imports and functions out of your namespace'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net'
+port[:version] = '1.22'
+port[:description] = 'Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols. Also known as libnet.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-appliance-phrasebook'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-appliance-phrasebook'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Network appliance command-line phrasebook'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-appliance-session'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-appliance-session'
+port[:version] = '1.24'
+port[:description] = 'Run command-line sessions to network appliances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-cidr'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-cidr'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'The Net::CIDR perl module manipulates IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-cidr-lite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-cidr-lite'
+port[:version] = '0.21'
+port[:description] = 'Net::CIDR::Lite - There is no data on this'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-cups'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-cups'
+port[:version] = '0.61'
+port[:description] = 'Common Unix Printing System Interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'Perl (Artistic and GPL1+)'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'univ-lyon1.fr:clot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-daemon'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-daemon'
+port[:version] = '0.48'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for portable daemons'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-dbus'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-dbus'
+port[:version] = '0.33.6'
+port[:description] = 'Net::DBus - Perl extension for the DBus message system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-dict'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-dict'
+port[:version] = '2.07'
+port[:description] = 'Simple client API for the DICT protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'dict_altname'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-dns'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-dns'
+port[:version] = '0.66'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the DNS resolver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-dns-resolver-programmable'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-dns-resolver-programmable'
+port[:version] = '0.003'
+port[:description] = 'allows a virtual DNS to be emulated instead of querying the real DNS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-dns-sec'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-dns-sec'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface for DNSSEC resource records'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-frame'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-frame'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'framework for crafting network packets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-frame-dump'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-frame-dump'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'tcpdump like implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-frame-layer-icmpv6'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-frame-layer-icmpv6'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Internet Control Message Protocol v6 layer object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-frame-layer-ipv6'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-frame-layer-ipv6'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Internet Protocol v6 layer object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-frame-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-frame-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'network frame crafting made easy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ftpserver'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ftpserver'
+port[:version] = '1.122'
+port[:description] = 'A secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-growl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-growl'
+port[:version] = '0.99'
+port[:description] = 'Growl Notifications over the network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-http'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-http'
+port[:version] = '6.01'
+port[:description] = 'Low-level HTTP connection (client)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ident'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ident'
+port[:version] = '1.23'
+port[:description] = 'Look up the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ip'
+port[:version] = '1.25'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ip-match-regexp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ip-match-regexp'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Net::IP::Match::Regexp - Efficiently match IP addresses against ranges'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ipv4addr'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ipv4addr'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Parse IPv4 addresses in traditional and CIDR formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ipv6addr'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ipv6addr'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'functions for parsing IPv6 addresses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-libidn'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-libidn'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Perl bindings for GNU Libidn'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'oaf.dk:mni'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-netmask'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-netmask'
+port[:version] = '1.9015'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module to parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-nslookup'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-nslookup'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'Provide nslookup(1)-like capabilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-oauth'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-oauth'
+port[:version] = '0.27'
+port[:description] = 'OAuth protocol support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-pcap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-pcap'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ping-external'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ping-external'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Cross-platform interface to ICMP \'ping\' utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-radius'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-radius'
+port[:version] = '1.56'
+port[:description] = 'An interface to the RADIUS protocol.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-rawip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-rawip'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module to manipulate raw IP packets.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-senderbase'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-senderbase'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Net::SenderBase - Query the senderbase service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-server'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-server'
+port[:version] = '0.99'
+port[:description] = 'Extensible, general Perl server engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-sms'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-sms'
+port[:version] = '2.64'
+port[:description] = 'Sends wireless messages to any carrier including text messages and SMS (Short Message Service)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-smtp_auth'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-smtp_auth'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Perl5 SMTP client with AUTHentication'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-snmp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-snmp'
+port[:version] = '5.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Object oriented interface to SNMP'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL}'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-snpp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-snpp'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP) module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ssh-perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ssh-perl'
+port[:version] = '1.34'
+port[:description] = 'pure perl SSH interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ssh2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ssh2'
+port[:version] = '0.33'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for the SSH 2 protocol via libSSH2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'oaf.dk:mni'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-ssleay'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-ssleay'
+port[:version] = '1.36'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for using OpenSSL'
+port[:licenses] = 'OpenSSL SSLeay'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-syslog'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-syslog'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Net::Syslog - Perl extension for sending syslog messages directly to a remote syslogd.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-telnet'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-telnet'
+port[:version] = '3.03'
+port[:description] = 'Interact with TELNET port or other TCP ports'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-telnet-cisco'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-telnet-cisco'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'A perl module for Cisco telnet support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-twitter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-twitter'
+port[:version] = '3.17001'
+port[:description] = 'A Perl interface to the Twitter API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-twitter-lite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-twitter-lite'
+port[:version] = '0.10002'
+port[:description] = 'A perl interface to the Twitter API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-net-z3950-zoom'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-net-z3950-zoom'
+port[:version] = '1.28'
+port[:description] = 'Perl implementation of the ZOOM API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-netaddr-ip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-netaddr-ip'
+port[:version] = '4.024'
+port[:description] = 'Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-netpacket'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-netpacket'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Modules to assemble/disassemble network packets at the protocol level'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'di.uminho.pt:jpo openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-news-nntpclient'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-news-nntpclient'
+port[:version] = '0.37'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module to talk to NNTP servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl news'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-next'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-next'
+port[:version] = '0.65'
+port[:description] = 'Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-nkf'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-nkf'
+port[:version] = '2.11'
+port[:description] = 'A perl extension module to use nkf.'
+port[:licenses] = 'zlib/libpng'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nifty.com:pelopor takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-nmap-scanner'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-nmap-scanner'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Perform and manipulate nmap scans using perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-number-compare'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-number-compare'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'numeric comparisons'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-number-format'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-number-format'
+port[:version] = '1.52'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for formatting numbers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'FreeBSD.org:mat'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-object-destroyer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-object-destroyer'
+port[:version] = '2.00'
+port[:description] = 'Make objects with circular references DESTROY normally'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-object-id'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-object-id'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Object::ID - A unique identifier for any object'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-object-signature'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-object-signature'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Generate cryptographic signatures for objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-object-tiny'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-object-tiny'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'A data object with as little code as possible'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ogg-vorbis-header-pureperl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ogg-vorbis-header-pureperl'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ole-storage_lite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ole-storage_lite'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Class for OLE document interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-opengl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-opengl'
+port[:version] = '0.62'
+port[:description] = 'Perl OpenGL: a.k.a. POGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-openoffice-oodoc'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-openoffice-oodoc'
+port[:version] = '2.125'
+port[:description] = 'The Open OpenDocument Connector'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'univ-lyon1.fr:clot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-package-constants'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-package-constants'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'List all constants declared in a package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-package-deprecationmanager'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-package-deprecationmanager'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-package-stash'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-package-stash'
+port[:version] = '0.25'
+port[:description] = 'routines for manipulating stashes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-package-stash-xs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-package-stash-xs'
+port[:version] = '0.21'
+port[:description] = 'faster and more correct implementation of Package::Stash'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-padwalker'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-padwalker'
+port[:version] = '1.92'
+port[:description] = 'play with other peoples\' lexical variables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-palm'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-palm'
+port[:version] = '1.009'
+port[:description] = 'Palm OS utility functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'all_tests'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pango'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pango'
+port[:version] = '1.221'
+port[:description] = 'Perl bindings to Pango'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-panotools-script'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-panotools-script'
+port[:version] = '0.25'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for manipulating Hugin script files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-par-dist'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-par-dist'
+port[:version] = '0.47'
+port[:description] = 'Create and manipulate PAR distributions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-params-check'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-params-check'
+port[:version] = '0.28'
+port[:description] = 'A generic input parsing/checking mechanism'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-params-util'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-params-util'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Simple, compact and correct param-checking functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-params-validate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-params-validate'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'Validate method/function parameters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-parent'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-parent'
+port[:version] = '0.224'
+port[:description] = 'Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-parse-cpan-meta'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-parse-cpan-meta'
+port[:version] = '1.40'
+port[:description] = 'Parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-parse-mediawikidump'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-parse-mediawikidump'
+port[:version] = '0.55'
+port[:description] = 'Access various MediaWiki dump files in perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-parse-recdescent'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-parse-recdescent'
+port[:version] = '1.965001'
+port[:description] = 'Generate Recursive-Descent Parsers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-parse-win32registry'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-parse-win32registry'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'Perl Module to parse Windows Registry'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-parse-yapp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-parse-yapp'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-patchreader'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-patchreader'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-path-class'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-path-class'
+port[:version] = '0.23'
+port[:description] = 'This Perl extension provides cross-platform path specification manipulation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pathtools'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pathtools'
+port[:version] = '3.33'
+port[:description] = 'PathTools contains path building and modification classes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pdf-api2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pdf-api2'
+port[:version] = '2.016'
+port[:description] = 'create and manipulate PDF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pdf-reuse'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pdf-reuse'
+port[:version] = '0.33'
+port[:description] = 'Reuse and mass produce PDF documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pdl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pdl'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Perl Data Language - scientific computing capability for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perl-critic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perl-critic'
+port[:version] = '1.106'
+port[:description] = 'Critique Perl source code for best-practices.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perl-ldap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perl-ldap'
+port[:version] = '0.36'
+port[:description] = 'A client interface to LDAP servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perl-ostype'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perl-ostype'
+port[:version] = '1.002'
+port[:description] = 'Map Perl operating system names to generic types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perl-tidy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perl-tidy'
+port[:version] = '20101217'
+port[:description] = 'Parses and beautifies perl source'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perl6-junction'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perl6-junction'
+port[:version] = '1.40000'
+port[:description] = 'Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perlbal'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perlbal'
+port[:version] = '1.73'
+port[:description] = 'Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perlio-eol'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perlio-eol'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for normalizing line endings (used by svk).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perlio-gzip'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perlio-gzip'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'PerlIO::gzip provides a PerlIO layer that manipulates files in the format used by the gzip program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perlio-via-bzip2'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perlio-via-bzip2'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'This is a PerlIO layer for handling bzip2 compressed files (used by svk).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perlio-via-dynamic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perlio-via-dynamic'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for dynamic perlIO layers (used by svk).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perlio-via-symlink'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perlio-via-symlink'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'This is a PerlIO layer for creating symlinks (used by svk).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-perlmagick'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-perlmagick'
+port[:version] = '6.59'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for calling ImageMagick\'s libMagick methods'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'futurelab.ch:astricker'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pgplot'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pgplot'
+port[:version] = '2.20'
+port[:description] = 'PGPlot interface for perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pgtop'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pgtop'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'display PostgreSQL performance info like `top\''
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-php-serialization'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-php-serialization'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation of PHP-Serialization'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-plrpc'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-plrpc'
+port[:version] = '0.2020'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for writing PlRPC clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pmtools'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pmtools'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'A suite of small programs to help manage Perl modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'di.uminho.pt:jpo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pod-coverage'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pod-coverage'
+port[:version] = '0.21'
+port[:description] = 'Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pod-escapes'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pod-escapes'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'for resolving Pod E<...> sequences'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pod-readme'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pod-readme'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Convert POD to README file'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pod-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pod-simple'
+port[:version] = '3.07'
+port[:description] = 'framework for parsing Pod'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pod-spell'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pod-spell'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'a formatter for spellchecking Pod'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-pod-tests'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-pod-tests'
+port[:version] = '1.19'
+port[:description] = 'Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-podlators'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-podlators'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'podlators contains Pod::Man and Pod::Text modules.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-podtohtml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-podtohtml'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Deprecated program convert POD documentation to HTML.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-postscript-font'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-postscript-font'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Module to fetch data from PostScript fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-postscript-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-postscript-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Produce PostScript files from Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ppi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ppi'
+port[:version] = '1.215'
+port[:description] = 'Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl (without perl)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-ppix-utilities'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-ppix-utilities'
+port[:version] = '1.001000'
+port[:description] = 'PPIx::Utilities - Extensions to PPI'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-prefork'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-prefork'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Optimized module loading for forking or non-forking processes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-probe-perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-probe-perl'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Information about the currently running perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-razor-agents'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-razor-agents'
+port[:version] = '2.84'
+port[:description] = 'A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filter network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-readonly'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-readonly'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-readonly-xs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-readonly-xs'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Readonly::XS is a companion module for Readonly. It speeds up read-only scalar variables.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-regexp-assemble'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-regexp-assemble'
+port[:version] = '0.28'
+port[:description] = 'Combine several regular expressions into one'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-regexp-common'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-regexp-common'
+port[:version] = '2011041701'
+port[:description] = 'Provide commonly requested regular expressions'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-regexp-parser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-regexp-parser'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'base class for parsing regexes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-regexp-shellish'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-regexp-shellish'
+port[:version] = '0.93'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for shell-like regular expressions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-return-value'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-return-value'
+port[:version] = '1.302'
+port[:description] = 'Polymorphic Return Values'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-roman'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-roman'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Convert between Arabic and Roman numerals'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'worldnet.att.net:james.toth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-rpc-xml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-rpc-xml'
+port[:version] = '0.64'
+port[:description] = 'A set of classes for core data, message and XML handling.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-rtf-parser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-rtf-parser'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'An event-driven RTF Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-rtf-tokenizer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-rtf-tokenizer'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'A tokenizer for RTF data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-scalar-list-utils'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-scalar-list-utils'
+port[:version] = '1.23'
+port[:description] = 'Perl subroutines that would be nice to have in the perl core'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-scope-guard'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-scope-guard'
+port[:version] = '0.20'
+port[:description] = 'lexically scoped resource management'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sdl_perl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sdl_perl'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Perl bindings for the Simple DirectMedia Layer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'image mixer net ttf gfx universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'meowfishies.com:sethk'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-set-object'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-set-object'
+port[:version] = '1.28'
+port[:description] = 'set of objects and strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-set-scalar'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-set-scalar'
+port[:version] = '1.25'
+port[:description] = 'Basic set operations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'di.uminho.pt:jpo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sgml-parser-opensp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sgml-parser-opensp'
+port[:version] = '0.994'
+port[:description] = 'Provides an interface to the OpenSP SGML parser.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-shell-parser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-shell-parser'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Simple shell script parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-smart-comments'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-smart-comments'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Smart::Comments - Turn comments into debugging messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-snmp_session'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-snmp_session'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'A perl5 module providing rudimentary access to SNMPv1 and v2 agents.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic-2.0+'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-snowball-norwegian'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-snowball-norwegian'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Porters stemming algorithm for Norwegian'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-snowball-swedish'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-snowball-swedish'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-soap-lite'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-soap-lite'
+port[:version] = '0.712'
+port[:description] = 'A simple interface to the Simple Object Access Protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-socket6'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-socket6'
+port[:version] = '0.19'
+port[:description] = 'IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sort-naturally'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sort-naturally'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension to sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bioperl.org:jason'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sort-versions'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sort-versions'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'A perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-spiffy'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-spiffy'
+port[:version] = '0.30'
+port[:description] = 'Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-spreadsheet-parseexcel'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-spreadsheet-parseexcel'
+port[:version] = '0.57'
+port[:description] = 'Get information from Excel file'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-spreadsheet-writeexcel'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-spreadsheet-writeexcel'
+port[:version] = '2.14'
+port[:description] = 'Write cross-platform Excel binary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:kykim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl perl databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sql-abstract'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sql-abstract'
+port[:version] = '1.72'
+port[:description] = 'Generate SQL from Perl data structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sql-abstract-limit'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sql-abstract-limit'
+port[:version] = '0.141'
+port[:description] = 'portable LIMIT emulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sql-statement'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sql-statement'
+port[:version] = '1.33'
+port[:description] = 'SQL parsing and processing engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sql-translator'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sql-translator'
+port[:version] = '0.11007'
+port[:description] = 'manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'gd graph graphviz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-crc32'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-crc32'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface for cyclic redundency check generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-ediff'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-ediff'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Produce common sub-string indices for two strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-escape'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-escape'
+port[:version] = '2010.002'
+port[:description] = 'Backslash escapes, quoted phrase, word elision, etc.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-format'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-format'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-rewriteprefix'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-rewriteprefix'
+port[:version] = '0.006'
+port[:description] = 'rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-shellquote'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-shellquote'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Quote strings for passing through the shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-tokenizer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-tokenizer'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'A simple string tokenizer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-string-truncate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-string-truncate'
+port[:version] = '1.100570'
+port[:description] = 'a module for when strings are too long to be displayed in...'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sub-exporter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sub-exporter'
+port[:version] = '0.982'
+port[:description] = 'a sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sub-identify'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sub-identify'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Retrieve names of code references'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sub-install'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sub-install'
+port[:version] = '0.925'
+port[:description] = 'install subroutines into packages easily'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sub-name'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sub-name'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = '(re)name a sub'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sub-uplevel'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sub-uplevel'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'Apparently run a function in a higher stack frame'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-svg'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-svg'
+port[:version] = '2.50'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for generating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bioperl.org:jason'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-svn-dump'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-svn-dump'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'A Perl interface to Subversion dumps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-svn-mirror'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-svn-mirror'
+port[:version] = '0.74'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for mirroring a remote repository to a local subversion one.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-svn-notify'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-svn-notify'
+port[:version] = '2.80'
+port[:description] = 'Subversion activity notification'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-svn-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-svn-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.28'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for driving svn delta editors (used by svk).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sys-filesystem'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sys-filesystem'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sys-hostname-long'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sys-hostname-long'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Sys::Hostname::Long - Try every conceivable way to get full hostname'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sys-syscall'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sys-syscall'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'Access system calls that Perl doesn\'t provide access to'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sys-syslog'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sys-syslog'
+port[:version] = '0.27'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-sysadm-install'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-sysadm-install'
+port[:version] = '0.35'
+port[:description] = 'Typical installation tasks for system administrators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-task-weaken'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-task-weaken'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Ensure that a platform has weaken support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-template-gd'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-template-gd'
+port[:version] = '2.66'
+port[:description] = 'Template Toolkit plugin to interface with GD modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-template-plugin-class'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-template-plugin-class'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-template-timer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-template-timer'
+port[:version] = '1.00'
+port[:description] = 'Rudimentary profiling for Template Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-template-toolkit'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-template-toolkit'
+port[:version] = '2.22'
+port[:description] = 'Template processing system modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-term-gnuplot'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-term-gnuplot'
+port[:version] = '0.90380905'
+port[:description] = 'Low-level graphics using Gnuplot drawing routines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-term-progressbar'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-term-progressbar'
+port[:version] = '2.09'
+port[:description] = 'Term::ProgressBar provides a progress meter on a standard terminal.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-term-prompt'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-term-prompt'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for prompting a user for information'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-term-readkey'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-term-readkey'
+port[:version] = '2.30'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for simple terminal control'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'warp-darwinports at spin.de'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-term-readline-gnu'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-term-readline-gnu'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for the GNU Readline/History library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'spin.de:warp-darwinports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-term-shell'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-term-shell'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'A simple command-line shell framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'FaerieMUD.org:ged'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-base'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-base'
+port[:version] = '0.59'
+port[:description] = 'A Data Driven Testing Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-classapi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-classapi'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'Provides basic first-pass API testing for large class trees'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-command'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-command'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Test routines for external commands'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-deep'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-deep'
+port[:version] = '0.108'
+port[:description] = 'Provides lots of flexibility when testing deep structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-differences'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-differences'
+port[:version] = '0.61'
+port[:description] = 'Test strings and data structures and show differences if not ok'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-exception'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-exception'
+port[:version] = '0.31'
+port[:description] = 'Convenience methods for testing exception-based code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-expect'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-expect'
+port[:version] = '0.30'
+port[:description] = 'Automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-fatal'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-fatal'
+port[:version] = '0.003'
+port[:description] = 'incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-harness'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-harness'
+port[:version] = '3.23'
+port[:description] = 'Run perl standard test scripts with statistics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-inline'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-inline'
+port[:version] = '2.105'
+port[:description] = 'Inlining your tests next to the code being tested'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-inter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-inter'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Test::Inter - framework for more readable interactive test scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-leaktrace'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-leaktrace'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Traces memory leaks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-longstring'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-longstring'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Tests strings for equality, with more helpful failures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-manifest'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-manifest'
+port[:version] = '1.23'
+port[:description] = 'interact with a t/test_manifest file'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-memory-cycle'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-memory-cycle'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Check for memory leaks and circular memory references'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-mockobject'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-mockobject'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-nowarnings'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-nowarnings'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Make sure you didn\'t emit any warnings while testing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-object'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-object'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-output'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-output'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-perl-critic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-perl-critic'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Use Perl::Critic in test programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-pod'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-pod'
+port[:version] = '1.44'
+port[:description] = 'check for POD errors in files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-pod-coverage'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-pod-coverage'
+port[:version] = '1.08'
+port[:description] = 'Check for pod coverage in a distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-portability-files'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-portability-files'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'Check file names portability'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-requires'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-requires'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Checks to see if the module can be loaded'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-script'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-script'
+port[:version] = '1.07'
+port[:description] = 'Basic cross-platform tests for scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-sharedfork'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-sharedfork'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Test::SharedFork - use fork() safely in test code'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-simple'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'Basic utilities for writing perl tests'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-subcalls'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-subcalls'
+port[:version] = '1.09'
+port[:description] = 'Track the number of times subs are called'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-taint'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-taint'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'tools to test taintedness'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-tcp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-tcp'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Test::TCP - for testing TCP/IP programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-tester'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-tester'
+port[:version] = '0.107'
+port[:description] = 'Ease testing test modules built with Test::Builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-use-ok'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-use-ok'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Alternative to Test::More::use_ok'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-warn'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-warn'
+port[:version] = '0.22'
+port[:description] = 'A few convenience methods for testing warning-based code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-www-mechanize'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-www-mechanize'
+port[:version] = '1.30'
+port[:description] = 'Testing-specific WWW::Mechanize subclass'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-www-mechanize-catalyst'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-www-mechanize-catalyst'
+port[:version] = '0.53'
+port[:description] = 'Test::WWW::Mechanize for Catalyst'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-yaml-meta'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-yaml-meta'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Validation of the META.yml file in a distribution.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-test-yaml-valid'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-test-yaml-valid'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Test for valid YAML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-aspell'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-aspell'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'perl interface to GNU aspell.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-autoformat'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-autoformat'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic text wrapping and reformatting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-balanced'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-balanced'
+port[:version] = '2.02'
+port[:description] = 'Extract delimited text sequences from strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-chasen'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-chasen'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'ChaSen library module for Perl5.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-csv'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-csv'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'Text::CSV - comma-separated values manipulation routines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-csv_xs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-csv_xs'
+port[:version] = '0.79'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module containing comma-separated values manipulation routines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'oaf.dk:mni'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-diff'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-diff'
+port[:version] = '1.37'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for performing diffs on files and record sets.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-german'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-german'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'German grundform reduction'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-glob'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-glob'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'match globbing patterns against text'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-iconv'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-iconv'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-kakasi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-kakasi'
+port[:version] = '2.04'
+port[:description] = 'This module provides interface to kakasi.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-levenshteinxs'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-levenshteinxs'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'An XS implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-markdown'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-markdown'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Markdown text-to-HTML filter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:paul.totterman'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-multimarkdown'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-multimarkdown'
+port[:version] = '1.000032'
+port[:description] = 'Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-parsewords'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-parsewords'
+port[:version] = '3.27'
+port[:description] = 'parse text into an array of tokens or array of arrays'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-pdf'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-pdf'
+port[:version] = '0.29'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for creating and manipulating PDF files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-quoted'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-quoted'
+port[:version] = '2.05'
+port[:description] = 'Extract the structure of a quoted mail message'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-recordparser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-recordparser'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'read record-oriented files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-reform'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-reform'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Manual text wrapping and reformatting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-simpletable'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-simpletable'
+port[:version] = '2.03'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Eyecandy ASCII Tables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-spellchecker'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-spellchecker'
+port[:version] = '0.05'
+port[:description] = 'OO interface for spell-checking a block of text'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-tabsxwrap'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-tabsxwrap'
+port[:version] = '2009.0305'
+port[:description] = 'Line wrapping to form simple paragraphs'
+port[:licenses] = 'OSI-Approved'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-tabulardisplay'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-tabulardisplay'
+port[:version] = '1.22'
+port[:description] = 'Display text in formatted table output'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-template'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-template'
+port[:version] = '1.44'
+port[:description] = 'Expand template text with embedded Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-trac'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-trac'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for formatting text with Trac Wiki Style.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-vfile-asdata'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-vfile-asdata'
+port[:version] = '0.07'
+port[:description] = 'Reads vFile format files, such as vCard (RFC 2426) and vCalendar (RFC 2445)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-vimcolor'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-vimcolor'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'syntax color text in HTML or XML using Vim.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-wikiformat'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-wikiformat'
+port[:version] = '0.78'
+port[:description] = 'Module for translating Wiki formatted text into other formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-text-wrapper'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-text-wrapper'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Simple word wrapping routine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tie-dbi'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tie-dbi'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'Nie:DBI This distribution contains Tie::DBI and Tie::RDBM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tie-encryptedhash'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tie-encryptedhash'
+port[:version] = '1.24'
+port[:description] = 'Hashes (and objects based on hashes) with encrypting fields.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tie-ixhash'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tie-ixhash'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'Module that preserves order in perl associative arrays.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tie-refhash'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tie-refhash'
+port[:version] = '1.38'
+port[:description] = 'use references as hash keys'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tie-toobject'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tie-toobject'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Tie to an existing object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-duration'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-duration'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'Rounded or exact English expression of durations'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-epoch'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-epoch'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'Convert times in one epoch to times in another epoch'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-format'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-format'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Easy-to-use date/time formatting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-hires'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-hires'
+port[:version] = '1.9721'
+port[:description] = 'perl5 module implementing High resolution time, sleep, and alarm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-modules'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-modules'
+port[:version] = '2006.0814'
+port[:description] = 'Set of modules for time manipulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-period'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-period'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Determine if a time is within the next specified period.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'behanna.org:chris'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-piece'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-piece'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Object-oriented time objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-progress'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-progress'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Elapsed and estimated finish time reporting'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-warp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-warp'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'control over the flow of time'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fpassera.com:dev openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-time-y2038'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-time-y2038'
+port[:version] = '20100403'
+port[:description] = 'Versions of Perl\'s time functions which work beyond 2038'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-timedate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-timedate'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Time and date parsing routines'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tk'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tk'
+port[:version] = '804.029'
+port[:description] = 'p5-tk is a Perl interface to Tk'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tree-dag_node'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tree-dag_node'
+port[:version] = '1.06'
+port[:description] = 'A (super)class for representing nodes in a tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tree-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tree-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.18'
+port[:description] = 'A simple tree object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tree-simple-view'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tree-simple-view'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'A set of classes for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-tree-simple-visitorfactory'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-tree-simple-visitorfactory'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'A factory object for dispensing Visitor objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-try-tiny'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-try-tiny'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'minimal try/catch with proper localization of {$@}'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-unicode-collate'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-unicode-collate'
+port[:version] = '0.53'
+port[:description] = 'Unicode Collation Algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-unicode-string'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-unicode-string'
+port[:version] = '2.09'
+port[:description] = 'String of Unicode characters (UCS2/UTF16)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-universal-can'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-universal-can'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'Hack around people calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-universal-isa'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-universal-isa'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Attempt to recover from people calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-universal-moniker'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-universal-moniker'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'Class names in Perl often don\'t sound great when spoken'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'FreeBSD.org:mat'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-universal-require'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-universal-require'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'require() modules from a variable'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-unix-syslog'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-unix-syslog'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Access to the Unix system logger via Perl\'s XSUBs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-uri'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-uri'
+port[:version] = '1.58'
+port[:description] = 'Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-uri-fetch'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-uri-fetch'
+port[:version] = '0.08'
+port[:description] = 'URI::Fetch module for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-uuid'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-uuid'
+port[:version] = '0.04'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for using UUID interfaces.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-variable-magic'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-variable-magic'
+port[:version] = '0.46'
+port[:description] = 'Associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-vcp-autrijus-snapshot'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-vcp-autrijus-snapshot'
+port[:version] = '0.9-20050110'
+port[:description] = 'Copy versions of files between repositories and/or RevML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-vcp-dest-svk'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-vcp-dest-svk'
+port[:version] = '0.29'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for using VCP with svk.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-vcp-source-cvsbk'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-vcp-source-cvsbk'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for using VCP with cvsbk repositories.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-version'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-version'
+port[:version] = '0.88'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for Version Objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-vonage-click2call'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-vonage-click2call'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for using the Vonage Click2Call service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-want'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-want'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'A generalisation of wantarray'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-www-curl'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-www-curl'
+port[:version] = '4.09'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension interface for libcurl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'alum.wpi.edu:arno+macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-www-mechanize'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-www-mechanize'
+port[:version] = '1.66'
+port[:description] = 'Handy web browsing in a Perl object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-www-robotrules'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-www-robotrules'
+port[:version] = '6.01'
+port[:description] = 'Parse /robots.txt file'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-www-search'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-www-search'
+port[:version] = '2.508'
+port[:description] = 'WWW::Search provides access to search engines'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-www-shorten'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-www-shorten'
+port[:version] = '2.04'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to URL shortening sites'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-www-urltoys'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-www-urltoys'
+port[:version] = '1.28'
+port[:description] = 'WWW::URLToys - gather and download URLs from URLs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-www-wolframalpha'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-www-wolframalpha'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'WWW::WolframAlpha API - Interface to Wolfram|Alpha API'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-x11-protocol'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-x11-protocol'
+port[:version] = '0.53'
+port[:description] = 'Perl module for the X Window System Protocol, version 11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-apachefop'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-apachefop'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Access Apache FOP from Perl to create PDF files using XSL-FO'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-atom'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-atom'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Perl5 modules for Atom feed and API implementation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cyberscript.net:ryan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-autowriter'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-autowriter'
+port[:version] = '0.39'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension for DOCTYPE driven valid XML output.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-dom'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-dom'
+port[:version] = '1.44'
+port[:description] = 'A perl module for building DOM Level 1 compliant document structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-dom-xpath'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-dom-xpath'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Adds XPath support to XML::DOM, using XML::XPath engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-entities'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-entities'
+port[:version] = '1.0000'
+port[:description] = 'Decode strings with XML entities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-feed'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-feed'
+port[:version] = '0.43'
+port[:description] = 'Syndication feed parser and auto-discovery'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-filter-buffertext'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-filter-buffertext'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Simple text filter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:kykim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-libxml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-libxml'
+port[:version] = '1.74'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to libxml2'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-libxml-common'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-libxml-common'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extensions for common items of various XML modules.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-libxslt'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-libxslt'
+port[:version] = '1.70'
+port[:description] = 'Perl interface to libxslt.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cyberscript.net:ryan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-namespacesupport'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-namespacesupport'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Simple generic namespace support class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-parser'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-parser'
+port[:version] = '2.40'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Perl extension interface to expat.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phoenixtrap.com:mjg'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-parser-easytree'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-parser-easytree'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Easier tree style for xml-parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-parser-lite-tree'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-parser-lite-tree'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight XML tree builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-regexp'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-regexp'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Regular expressions for XML tokens'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-rss'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-rss'
+port[:version] = '1.48'
+port[:description] = 'module to manage RDF Site Summary (RSS) files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-sax'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-sax'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for SAX XML parsers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-sax-base'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-sax-base'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'Base class SAX Drivers and Filters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-sax-expat'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-sax-expat'
+port[:version] = '0.40'
+port[:description] = 'SAX2 Driver for Expat (XML::Parser)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-sax-writer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-sax-writer'
+port[:version] = '0.50'
+port[:description] = 'SAX2 XML Writer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-simple'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-simple'
+port[:version] = '2.18'
+port[:description] = 'Easy API to read/write XML (esp config files)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-treebuilder'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-treebuilder'
+port[:version] = '3.09'
+port[:description] = 'Parser that builds a tree of XML::Element objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-twig'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-twig'
+port[:version] = '3.32'
+port[:description] = 'A perl module to process efficiently XML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'janusresearch.com:frank.mcpherson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-validator-schema'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-validator-schema'
+port[:version] = '1.08'
+port[:description] = 'validate XML against a subset of W3C XML Schema'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-writer'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-writer'
+port[:version] = '0.606'
+port[:description] = 'Perl extension for writing XML documents.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-xpath'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-xpath'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'set of modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statements'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-xml-xpathengine'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-xml-xpathengine'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'a re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-yaml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-yaml'
+port[:version] = '0.68'
+port[:description] = 'YAML loader/dumper module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-yaml-libyaml'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-yaml-libyaml'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'Perl YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-yaml-syck'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-yaml-syck'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'A fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ged'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-yaml-tiny'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-yaml-tiny'
+port[:version] = '1.41'
+port[:description] = 'Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'narf_tm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'p5-zeromq'
+port[:path] = 'perl/p5-zeromq'
+port[:version] = '0.15'
+port[:description] = 'Perl wrapper for the 0MQ messaging/IPC framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 34
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'perl devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'php'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-FreeImage'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-FreeImage'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a wrapper to the FreeImage library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-SPL_Types'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-SPL_Types'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Standard PHP Library, Types Addon'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-amf'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-amf'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'ActionScript Message Format extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-apc'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-apc'
+port[:version] = '3.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Alternative PHP Cache'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-bbcode'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-bbcode'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'BBCode parsing Extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-big_int'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-big_int'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'big_int library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-cairo'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-cairo'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Cairo Graphics Library Extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-cairo_wrapper'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-cairo_wrapper'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Cairo Wrapper Extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-calendar'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-calendar'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP extension for converting between different calendar formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-code-coverage'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-code-coverage'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'code coverage information for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-colorer'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-colorer'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Syntax highlighting'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-crack'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-crack'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = '"Good} Password\" Checking Utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-curl'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-curl'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the curl library, which lets you download files from servers with a variety of protocols'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-dba'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-dba'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface for accessing DBM databases such as BerkeleyDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug gdbm qdbm universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-dbase'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-dbase'
+port[:version] = '5.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface for accessing dBase databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php database'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-eaccelerator'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-eaccelerator'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'php5 extension for PHP acceleration, optimization, and dynamic content caching'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug shared_memory disassembler universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-enchant'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-enchant'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'libenchant binder, support near all spelling tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-esmtp'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-esmtp'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'ESMTP client extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-exif'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-exif'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the EXIF image metadata functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-file-iterator'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-file-iterator'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'file iterator for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-ftp'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-ftp'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP extension for accessing file servers using the File Transfer Protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-gd'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-gd'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the gd library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug t1lib universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-gdchart'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-gdchart'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'GDChart Based Graphing Interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-gearman'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-gearman'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library to provide API for communicating with gearmand, using libgearman.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'medialize.de:rodney.rehm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-geoip'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-geoip'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Map IP address to geographic places'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-gettext'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-gettext'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the gettext natural language support functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-gmagick'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-gmagick'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9b1'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-gmp'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-gmp'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to GMP, the GNU multiprocessing library through which you can work with arbitrary-length integers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-gtk'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'PHP-GTK: Gtk+ bindings for PHP 5.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'extra html libsexy sourceview spell universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kix.in:anant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-hidef'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-hidef'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Constants for real'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-html_parse'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-html_parse'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'HTML parser extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-htscanner'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-htscanner'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP extension to enable the use of per-directory htaccess-like PHP configuration files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-http'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-http'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Extended HTTP Support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-iconv'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-iconv'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the libiconv character encoding conversion functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-igbinary'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-igbinary'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'PHP serializer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-imagick'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-imagick'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'PHP extension to create and modify images with ImageMagick'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-imap'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-imap'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the IMAP protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-imlib2'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-imlib2'
+port[:version] = '0.1.00'
+port[:description] = 'Provides an image manipulation interface using libimlib2'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-inclued'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-inclued'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Clued-in about your inclueds'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-intl'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-intl'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'Internationalization extension for PHP 5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-ldap'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-ldap'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to LDAP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-lzf'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-lzf'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Handles LZF compression / decompression.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-mailparse'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-mailparse'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Email message manipulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-markdown'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-markdown'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A fast Markdown parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-mbstring'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-mbstring'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP extension for manipulating strings in multibyte encodings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-mcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-mcrypt'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the mcrypt library, which offers a wide variety of algorithms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-memcache'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-memcache'
+port[:version] = '2.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'PHP5 bindings for memcache'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-memcached'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-memcached'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'PHP5 bindings for memcache'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP-3.0'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug igbinary universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-midgard2'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-midgard2'
+port[:version] = '10.05.4'
+port[:description] = 'A content management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-ming'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-ming'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface for generating Flash SWF files with Ming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php multimedia graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-mongo'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-mongo'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Mongo Database Driver'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-mssql'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-mssql'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to MSSQL using FreeTDS, including the mssql and pdo_dblib extensions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-mysql'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to MySQL databases, including the mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug mysqlnd mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-oauth'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-oauth'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'oauth consumer extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-odbc'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-odbc'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface for accessing databases via Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug iodbc unixodbc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-openssl'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-openssl'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to OpenSSL signature-generation and -verification and data-encryption and -decryption functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-oracle'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-oracle'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to Oracle, including the oci8 and pdo_oci extensions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-pcntl'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-pcntl'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to Unix-style process creation, program execution, signal handling and process termination functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-pdflib'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-pdflib'
+port[:version] = '2.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'PHP5 bindings for pdflib'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php print textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-peb'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-peb'
+port[:version] = '0.20b'
+port[:description] = 'PHP-Erlang Bridge'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-pop3'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-pop3'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'POP3 Client Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php mail devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-posix'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-posix'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to additional POSIX functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-postgresql'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-postgresql'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to PostgreSQL, including the pgsql and pdo_pgsql extensions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-pspell'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-pspell'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the aspell library, which lets you check spelling and offer spelling suggestions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-rar'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-rar'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A PECL extension to create and read rar files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-redis'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-redis'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'an API for communicating with a Redis database from PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php database'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-rrdtool'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-rrdtool'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'PHP 5 glue for rrdtool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-simpletest'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-simpletest'
+port[:version] = '1.1alpha3'
+port[:description] = 'unit testing for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL2'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-snmp'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-snmp'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-soap'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-soap'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP extension for writing SOAP clients and servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-sockets'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-sockets'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to BSD socket communication functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-solr'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-solr'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to Apache Solr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-spidermonkey'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-spidermonkey'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'JavaScript engine for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ouarz.net:franck.cassedanne'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-sqlite'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-sqlite'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to SQLite, including the sqlite and pdo_sqlite extensions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-sqlite3'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-sqlite3'
+port[:version] = '5.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'obsolete port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-ssh2'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-ssh2'
+port[:version] = '0.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'PHP5 bindings for libssh2'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-suhosin'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-suhosin'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Advanced protection extension for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP-3.01'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php security www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-svn'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-svn'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'PHP bindings for Subversion'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-syck'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-syck'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'PHP5 bindings for syck'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-text-template'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-text-template'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'simple template engine for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-tidy'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-tidy'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to tidy, the HTML cleaning and repair utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-timer'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-timer'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'utility class for timing in PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-token-stream'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-token-stream'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'wrapper around PHP\'s tokenizer extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-unit'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-unit'
+port[:version] = '3.5.13'
+port[:description] = 'unit testing for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-unit-db'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-unit-db'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'DbUnit for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-unit-mock-objects'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-unit-mock-objects'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Mock Object library for PHPUnit'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-unit-selenium'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-unit-selenium'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Selenium RC integration for PHPUnit'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-uploadprogress'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-uploadprogress'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'An extension to track progress of a file upload.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-uuid'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-uuid'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A wrapper around libuuid from the ext2utils project.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-wddx'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-wddx'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to Web Distributed Data Exchange'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-xcache'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-xcache'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'fast, stable PHP opcode cacher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-xdebug'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-xdebug'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'php5 extension for php debugging'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-xhprof'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-xhprof'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug graphviz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-xmlrpc'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-xmlrpc'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP extension for writing XML-RPC clients and servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-xrange'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-xrange'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Numeric iterator primitives'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-xsl'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-xsl'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP interface to libxslt, which implements the XSL standard and lets you perform XSL transformations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-xslcache'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-xslcache'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A modification of PHP\'s standard XSL extension that caches the parsed XSL stylesheet representation'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-yaz'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-yaz'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'PHP/PECL extension for the Z39.50 protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php net databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-zip'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-zip'
+port[:version] = '5.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'PHP zip functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-zorba'
+port[:path] = 'php/php5-zorba'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'PHP support for XQuery'
+port[:licenses] = 'PHP'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phpsh'
+port[:path] = 'php/phpsh'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'PHP read-eval-print-loop'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 35
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'php devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'print'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'a2ps'
+port[:path] = 'print/a2ps'
+port[:version] = '4.14'
+port[:description] = 'an Any to PostScript filter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pentangle.net:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'a2ps-j'
+port[:path] = 'print/a2ps-j'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'Text file to PostScript converter (with Japanese support)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abcm2ps'
+port[:path] = 'print/abcm2ps'
+port[:version] = '5.9.23'
+port[:description] = 'abcm2ps converts abc music tunes to PostScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cups-pdf'
+port[:path] = 'print/cups-pdf'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a print-to-PDF feature through CUPS'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'denemo'
+port[:path] = 'print/denemo'
+port[:version] = '0.8.10'
+port[:description] = 'Denemo is a unique score editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'csound universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print audio x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'enscript'
+port[:path] = 'print/enscript'
+port[:version] = '1.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for Adobe\'s \'enscript\' program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'mediaA4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epdfview'
+port[:path] = 'print/epdfview'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'ePDFview is a light weight PDF viewer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aero.org:scottm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epstool'
+port[:path] = 'print/epstool'
+port[:version] = '3.08'
+port[:description] = 'create or extract preview images in EPS files, fix bounding boxes and convert to bitmaps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'iaas.msu.ru:master'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'espgs'
+port[:path] = 'print/espgs'
+port[:version] = '7.07.1'
+port[:description] = 'Interpreter for PostScript and PDF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fondu'
+port[:path] = 'print/fondu'
+port[:version] = '060102'
+port[:description] = 'A set of programs to interconvert between Mac font formats and pfb, ttf, otf and bdf files on UNIX.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fonttools'
+port[:path] = 'print/fonttools'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'XML<->TrueType/OpenType Converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freetype'
+port[:path] = 'print/freetype'
+port[:version] = '2.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'A software font engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'FreeType GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ghostscript'
+port[:path] = 'print/ghostscript'
+port[:version] = '9.02'
+port[:description] = 'GPL Ghostscript, An interpreter for PostScript and PDF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_x11 cups'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ghostscript-fonts-hiragino'
+port[:path] = 'print/ghostscript-fonts-hiragino'
+port[:version] = '9.02'
+port[:description] = 'Hiragino font for ghostscript 9.02'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'no_alias'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'print japanese chinese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gimp-print'
+port[:path] = 'print/gimp-print'
+port[:version] = '4.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Print Plugin & Ghostscript (and CUPS) Driver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gutenprint'
+port[:path] = 'print/gutenprint'
+port[:version] = '5.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Gimp Print Plugin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gv'
+port[:path] = 'print/gv'
+port[:version] = '3.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'PostScript and PDF previewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'letter'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'latex-mk'
+port[:path] = 'print/latex-mk'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'makefile fragments and shell scripts to manage LaTeX documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'rossbeyer.net:rbeyer openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'latex2html'
+port[:path] = 'print/latex2html'
+port[:version] = '2008'
+port[:description] = 'Convert LaTeX into HTML.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lcdf-typetools'
+port[:path] = 'print/lcdf-typetools'
+port[:version] = '2.88'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for manipulating fonts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'without_kpathsea ptex universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libLASi'
+port[:path] = 'print/libLASi'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'unicode PostScript printing engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libharu'
+port[:path] = 'print/libharu'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'a free, cross platform, open source library for generating PDF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libotf'
+port[:path] = 'print/libotf'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Library for handling OpenType fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpaper'
+port[:path] = 'print/libpaper'
+port[:version] = '1.1.24'
+port[:description] = 'A library providing routines for paper size management'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libspectre'
+port[:path] = 'print/libspectre'
+port[:version] = '0.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Libspectre is a small library for rendering PostScript documents.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpage'
+port[:path] = 'print/mpage'
+port[:version] = '2.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Print several pages on a single sheet of paper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'mediaA4'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pcal'
+port[:path] = 'print/pcal'
+port[:version] = '4.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'PostScript calendar program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'a4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sam.falkner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdflib'
+port[:path] = 'print/pdflib'
+port[:version] = '7.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'PDFlib Lite (Source Code) is a subset of PDFlib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'java perl python24 python25 python26 python27 tcl ruby universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdfposter'
+port[:path] = 'print/pdfposter'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'scale and tile PDF images/pages to print on multiple pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poster'
+port[:path] = 'print/poster'
+port[:version] = '20060221'
+port[:description] = 'Small PostScript utility to allow large poster printing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ppmtomd'
+port[:path] = 'print/ppmtomd'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'driver for the Alps Micro-Dry series of printers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ps2eps'
+port[:path] = 'print/ps2eps'
+port[:version] = '1.68'
+port[:description] = 'PostScript to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) conversion utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aschenke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pscal'
+port[:path] = 'print/pscal'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'produces simple, nice-looking PostScript calendars'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'psutils'
+port[:path] = 'print/psutils'
+port[:version] = 'p17'
+port[:description] = 'Useful utilities for manipulating PostScript documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rlpr'
+port[:path] = 'print/rlpr'
+port[:version] = '2.06'
+port[:description] = 'Tools to spool to remote printers without modifying printcap'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scribus'
+port[:path] = 'print/scribus'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0.rc3'
+port[:description] = 'qt4-based WYSIWYG desktop publishing application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'debug python26 python27 podofo universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'teTeX'
+port[:path] = 'print/teTeX'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'TeX and METAFONT'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'transfig'
+port[:path] = 'print/transfig'
+port[:version] = '3.2.5d'
+port[:description] = 'Tools to convert Xfig\'s .fig files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'trueprint'
+port[:path] = 'print/trueprint'
+port[:version] = '5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Prettyprinter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ttf2eot'
+port[:path] = 'print/ttf2eot'
+port[:version] = '0.0.2-2'
+port[:description] = 'TrueType font (ttf) to Embeddable OpenType font (eot) converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ttf2pt1'
+port[:path] = 'print/ttf2pt1'
+port[:version] = '3.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'TrueType Font to PostScript Type 1 Converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 36
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'print'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'python'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dot2tex'
+port[:path] = 'python/dot2tex'
+port[:version] = '2.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'Convert graphs generated by Graphviz to LaTeX friendly formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipython_select'
+port[:path] = 'python/ipython_select'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'common files for selecting default ipython version'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-4suite-xml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-4suite-xml'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'suite of python modules for XML and RDF processing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-airconf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-airconf'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Airport Basestation configuration tool and python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-albatross'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-albatross'
+port[:version] = '1.36'
+port[:description] = 'Python web application development toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-altgraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-altgraph'
+port[:version] = '0.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python graph (network) package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ana'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ana'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'python module for using Apache Xalan XSLT engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ansistyle'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ansistyle'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python module adding ANSI color capability to the output stream'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ao'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ao'
+port[:version] = '0.81'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to libao, an audio device abstraction library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-appscript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-appscript'
+port[:version] = '0.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-level application scripting package for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arsptr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-apsw'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-apsw'
+port[:version] = '3.3.5-r1'
+port[:description] = 'Very thin SQLite 3 wrapper for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-apycot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-apycot'
+port[:version] = '0.12.3'
+port[:description] = 'automated pythonic code tester.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-archmage'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-archmage'
+port[:version] = '0.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Extensible reader/decompiler of files in CHM format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:guido.soranzio'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-async'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-async'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'asynchronous TCP server python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-atox'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-atox'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'python-based framework for automated markup'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Builds Mac OS X installer packages from distutils'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-beaker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-beaker'
+port[:version] = '1.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Session WSGI Middleware'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-beautifulsoup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-beautifulsoup'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python HTML/XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-beepy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-beepy'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'python library implementing BEEP (RFC3080)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-biggles'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-biggles'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Creates 2D scientific plots'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-biopython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-biopython'
+port[:version] = '1.57'
+port[:description] = 'python tools for computational molecular biology'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-bison'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-bison'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python-based parsing at the speed of C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-bitbuffer'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-bitbuffer'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'StringIO a-like where you can save bits instead of bytes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-bitdecoder'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-bitdecoder'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module and program to decode bits to human readable text'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-blosxom'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-blosxom'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'python weblog engine using standard text files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-boto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-boto'
+port[:version] = '1.8d'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to Amazon Web Services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-bsddb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-bsddb'
+port[:version] = '2.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the db4 and db3 library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-bzip2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-bzip2'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to bzip2 library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cairo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cairo'
+port[:version] = '1.4.12'
+port[:description] = 'Pycairo is set of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cdb'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'python module for using the constant database package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cddb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cddb'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for accessing CDDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-celementtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-celementtree'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5-20051216'
+port[:description] = 'C implementation of the ElementTree API, py-elementtree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cfgparse'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cfgparse'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'ConfigParser compatible python module providing ini-files access'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cgipm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cgipm'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'CGI interface tool for use as python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cgkit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cgkit'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module with basic types and functions for 3D graphics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-chart'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-chart'
+port[:version] = '1.37'
+port[:description] = 'python library for creating EPS, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-checker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-checker'
+port[:version] = '0.8.18'
+port[:description] = 'python source code checker for finding bugs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cheetah'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cheetah'
+port[:version] = '2.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cherrypy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cherrypy'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Oriented HTTP framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cherrypy3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cherrypy3'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Oriented HTTP framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-chm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-chm'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'PyCHM is a set of Python bindings for Jed Wing\'s chmlib.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-clamav'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-clamav'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to the clamav antivirus'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-clientcookie'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-clientcookie'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling HTTP cookies'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-clientform'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-clientform'
+port[:version] = '0.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling HTML forms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-clienttable'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-clienttable'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1a'
+port[:description] = 'python module for generic HTML table parsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cmdsyntax'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cmdsyntax'
+port[:version] = '0.91'
+port[:description] = 'python module for matching command line arguments'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-config'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-config'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'alternative ConfigParser module for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-config-reddove'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-config-reddove'
+port[:version] = '0.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'A hierarchical, easy-to-use, powerful configuration module for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-configobj'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-configobj'
+port[:version] = '4.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Config file reading, writing and validation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-configsaver'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-configsaver'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'synchronize files using a gmail account'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-constraint'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-constraint'
+port[:version] = '0.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'python module for solving constraint satisfaction problems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-construct'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-construct'
+port[:version] = '2.00'
+port[:description] = 'python module for parsing and building binary or textual data structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macfreek.nl:software openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-contract'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-contract'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'programming by contract for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-coordsys'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-coordsys'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'transformation of points between cartesian coordinate systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-crack'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-crack'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to the cracklib password sanity library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-crash'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-crash'
+port[:version] = '0.4-pre3'
+port[:description] = 'Python crash handler that handles uncaught exceptions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-crypto'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cssutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cssutils'
+port[:version] = '0.53'
+port[:description] = 'Parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ctags'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ctags'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Exuberant Ctags indexing python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ahkdiep'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ctypes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ctypes'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'create and manipulate C data types in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-curl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-curl'
+port[:version] = '7.19.0'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to libcurl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cxx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cxx'
+port[:version] = '5.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'PyCXX is designed to make it easier to extend Python with C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-cython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-cython'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing C extension modules for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-daemon'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-daemon'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Module to daemonize the calling process'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dap'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python implementation of the Data Access Protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dateutil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dateutil'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'powerful extensions to the standard python datetime module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dbo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dbo'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python module to reflect database tables into Python objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dbrow'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dbrow'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'provides flexible access to positional, named attributes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-decoratortools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-decoratortools'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Class, Function, and Assignment Decorators, Metaclasses, and Related Tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-des'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-des'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'DES and triple DES algorithm implementation in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-discord'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-discord'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'conversion from gregorian to discordian dates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dispatcher'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dispatcher'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'python dispatcher mechanism for creating event models'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-django'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-django'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Django is a high-level Python Web framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'bash_completion'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dns'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dns'
+port[:version] = '2.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'module for performing DNS queries from python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dnspython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dnspython'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'DNS toolkit for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-do'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-do'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyDO is a Object-Relational database access tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-docutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-docutils'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'a set of tools for processing plaintext documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dot'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'python module for creating graphs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dpkt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dpkt'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'python packet creation and parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-dsv'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-dsv'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module to import/export DSV files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'wx'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ebay'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ebay'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python library encapsulating the eBay API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-elementtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-elementtree'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6-20050316'
+port[:description] = 'flexible container object for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-elixir'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-elixir'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Declarative layer on top of sqlalchemy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-empy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-empy'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'powerful and robust templating system for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-enca'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-enca'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to the enca library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-enum'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-enum'
+port[:version] = '0.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Robust enumerated type support in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-epydoc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-epydoc'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'API documentation generator for Python modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-exif'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-exif'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the EXIF meta-data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-eyed3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-eyed3'
+port[:version] = '0.6.14'
+port[:description] = 'python module and program for processing ID3 tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ezpycrypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ezpycrypto'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'high-level encryption python module building upon py-crypto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-f2py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-f2py'
+port[:version] = '2.43.239_1831'
+port[:description] = 'Fortran to Python Interface Generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-fchksum'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-fchksum'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python module to find the checksum of files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-fcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-fcrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'python implementation of the Unix DES password crypt function'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-feedparser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-feedparser'
+port[:version] = '5.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'RSS and Atom parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-flatdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-flatdb'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'flatfile database module for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-flup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-flup'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3.dev-20100525'
+port[:description] = 'Flup is a random collection of WSGI servers and middleware.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-fnorb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-fnorb'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'py-fnorb is a pure Python CORBA 2.0 ORB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-formbuild'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-formbuild'
+port[:version] = '0.1.5b'
+port[:description] = 'Form generation tools to complement FormEncode'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-formencode'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-formencode'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'FormEncode is a validation and form generation package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mtintouch.net:Will akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-fpconst'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-fpconst'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'IEEE 754 floating point special handling for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ftputil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ftputil'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'high level Python interface to the ftplib module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gadfly'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gadfly'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Simple relational SQL database system implemented in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-game'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-game'
+port[:version] = '1.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'pygame, python modules for writing games'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel multimedia graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gd'
+port[:version] = '0.56'
+port[:description] = 'py-gd is a python wrapper for the GD library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gdata'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gdata'
+port[:version] = '2.0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Google Data API Python Client Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gdbm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gdbm'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the GNU dbm library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-geoip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-geoip'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for accessing the GeoIP C library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-geotypes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-geotypes'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'python library for geometry types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-getargs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-getargs'
+port[:version] = '2.14'
+port[:description] = 'command line parser for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ggy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ggy'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'parser and lexer generator for python, in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-glewpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-glewpy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GLEW (OpenGL Extension Wrangler)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gmpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gmpy'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'general MultiPrecision arithmetic module for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gnome'
+port[:version] = '2.18.2'
+port[:description] = 'gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gnupg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gnupg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gnuplot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gnuplot'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'A Python interface to the gnuplot plotting program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gobject'
+port[:version] = '2.18.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GObject.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-google'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-google'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python module to talk to Google through SOAP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-graphpath'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-graphpath'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'small language for ananlysing graph-structured data in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gsl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gsl'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the GNU Scientific Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'numarray Numeric numpy'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gtk2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gtk2'
+port[:version] = '2.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'PyGTK is the Python binding to GTK+ 2.x'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-gtkmvc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-gtkmvc'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'Model-View-Controller for PyGTK2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-harvestman'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-harvestman'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Web crawler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-hgsvn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-hgsvn'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'hgsvn is a set of scripts for Subversion and Mercurial'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saispo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-htmlcalendar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-htmlcalendar'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for creating calendars in HTML format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-htmlgen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-htmlgen'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'python class library for the generation of HTML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-htmloo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-htmloo'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'python module allowing usage of html code like python objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-htmltemplate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-htmltemplate'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'HTML template engine for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-httplib2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-httplib2'
+port[:version] = '2-0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-hyperestraier'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-hyperestraier'
+port[:version] = '0.0.15'
+port[:description] = 'a Python module for Hyper Estraier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-icalendar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-icalendar'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'The iCalendar package is a parser/generator of RFC 2445 iCalendar files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-id3lib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-id3lib'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for reading and writing id3v2 tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'liqui.org:rjkroege'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-imdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-imdb'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module providing access to the IMDb movie database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-importchecker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-importchecker'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module/script to find unused imports in python code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-iniparse'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-iniparse'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-iplib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-iplib'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'converter amongst notations in the CIDR notation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ipy'
+port[:version] = '0.70'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saispo at macports.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ipython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ipython'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'An enhanced Interactive Python shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'scientific'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-irclib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-irclib'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'python module that encapsulates the IRC protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-jabber'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-jabber'
+port[:version] = '0.5-0'
+port[:description] = 'python module for the jabber instant messaging protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-jinja2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-jinja2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-kid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-kid'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'A simple and pythonic XML template language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-kjbuckets'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-kjbuckets'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python module that defines graph, set and dict datatypes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-kqueue'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-kqueue'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'This is a kqueue package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ldap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ldap'
+port[:version] = '2.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'object-oriented api for python to access LDAP directory servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-levenshtein'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-levenshtein'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for fast computation of Levensthein distances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-libdnet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-libdnet'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'A python module for the libdnet low-level networking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'consault.com:chris.owen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-libgmail'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-libgmail'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python binding for accessing Gmail'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-libxml2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-libxml2'
+port[:version] = '2.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libxml2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-libxslt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-libxslt'
+port[:version] = '2.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libxslt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-linda'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-linda'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'simple implementation of a linda system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-lint'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-lint'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'Error (and style) checking for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-log4py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-log4py'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'log4py is a python logging module similar to log4j.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-logilab-astng'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-logilab-astng'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-logilab-common'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-logilab-common'
+port[:version] = '0.55.1'
+port[:description] = 'A number of modules used by various projects from Logilab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-lrucache'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-lrucache'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'least-recently-used cache module for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-lupy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-lupy'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'full-text indexer and search engine in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-lxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-lxml'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-lzma'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-lzma'
+port[:version] = '0.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the LZMA compression library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-m2crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-m2crypto'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'M2Crypto is a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-macfile'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-macfile'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrappers for Carbon.File\'s various alias and file reference objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arsptr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-macholib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-macholib'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mach-O header analysis and editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mad'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mad'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to the MPEG Audio Decoder library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-magic'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-magic'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for determining a files or streams magic number'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mailbox-reader'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mailbox-reader'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'python module for reading Unix mailboxes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-make'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-make'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'make replacement for use with python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mako'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mako'
+port[:version] = '0.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-managesieve'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-managesieve'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gboyce'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-markdown'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-markdown'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'python implementation of markdown'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mathdom'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mathdom'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'DOM library for Content MathML written in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-matplotlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-matplotlib'
+port[:version] = '0.99.0'
+port[:description] = 'matlab-like syntax for creating plots in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cairo gtk2 tkinter wxpython qt4 latex ghostscript'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:version] = '0.99.4'
+port[:description] = 'matplotlib toolkit for plotting data on map projections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mecab'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mecab'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'a Python module for MeCab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mechanize'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mechanize'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Stateful programmatic web browsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mechanoid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mechanoid'
+port[:version] = '0.5.22'
+port[:description] = 'programmatic browser python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-medusa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-medusa'
+port[:version] = '0.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for asynchronous socket-based servers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:roger.hoover'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-meld3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-meld3'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'SGML template system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:roger.hoover'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-memcached'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-memcached'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'Pure python memcached client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-metar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-metar'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to the weather reports of the NOAA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mhash'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mhash'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to the mhash library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-migrate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-migrate'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in SQLAlchemy projects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-modulegraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-modulegraph'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python module dependency analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-modulegraph-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-modulegraph-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python module dependency analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mongoose'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mongoose'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'advanced python exception handler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mpservlets'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mpservlets'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'python servlet handler for mod_python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-msnp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-msnp'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'MSN messaging in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mssql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mssql'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'A simple database interface to MS-SQL for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mutagen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mutagen'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'A Python module to handle audio metadata'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mx'
+port[:version] = '2.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'python extensions for database, date/time processing and other'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-myghty'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-myghty'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Myghty is a Python based templating framework originally based on HTML::Mason.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-myghtyutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-myghtyutils'
+port[:version] = '0.52'
+port[:description] = 'Container and Utility Functions from the Myghty Template Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-mysql'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to mysql'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wilcoxd.com:rwilcox'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-netdevicelib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-netdevicelib'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for interacting with network devices like routers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-nevow'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-nevow'
+port[:version] = '0.9.33'
+port[:description] = 'A Web Application Construction Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-nltk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-nltk'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1rc1'
+port[:description] = 'Natural Language Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:stevenbird1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-nose'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-nose'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python unittest extension.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-numarray'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-numarray'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'array manipulation and computational library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'smp'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-numeric'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-numeric'
+port[:version] = '24.2'
+port[:description] = 'fast numerical array language for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-numpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-numpy'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ogg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ogg'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for the ogg multimedia interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-omniORBpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-omniORBpy'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for omniORB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-opengl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-opengl'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1b2'
+port[:description] = 'PyOpenGL is a Python binding to OpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-openssl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-openssl'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'python wrapper around the OpenSSL library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-optik'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-optik'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'flexible, easy-to-use command-line parsing library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-orbit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-orbit'
+port[:version] = '2.24.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB - Default branch.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-orq'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-orq'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'object relational bridge for Python objects using a RDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-otp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-otp'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'RFC2289 implementation for python (one-time password)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-par'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-par'
+port[:version] = '1.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'Parallel Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-paramiko'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-paramiko'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'python library for making SSH2 connections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-parsing'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-parsing'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'alternative approach to creating parsers in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-paste'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-paste'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Bringing consistency to Python web development.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pastedeploy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pastedeploy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Paste Deployment is a system for finding and configuring WSGI applications and servers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pastescript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pastescript'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Paste Script is a pluggable command-line frontend, to the Paste system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pastewebkit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pastewebkit'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A port/reimplementation of Webware WebKit in WSGI and Paste.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-paver'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-paver'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Easy build, distribution and deployment scripting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pcapy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pcapy'
+port[:version] = '0.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to libpcap'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-peak'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-peak'
+port[:version] = '0.5a3'
+port[:description] = 'PEAK is the Python Enterprise Application Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pedal'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pedal'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0a7'
+port[:description] = 'python module for pedigree analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pexpect'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pexpect'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'python module for better controlling other applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pgasync'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pgasync'
+port[:version] = '1.15b'
+port[:description] = 'twisted-based, DB API 2.0 compliant PostgreSQL client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pgsql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pgsql'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to postgresql (8.2)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-piddle'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-piddle'
+port[:version] = '1.0.15'
+port[:description] = 'python module for creating two-dimensional graphics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pil'
+port[:version] = '1.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python Imaging Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_tk'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pip'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'An easy_install replacement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pipedream'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pipedream'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module for easy communication over pipes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-plex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-plex'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'lexical analysis module for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-plistservices'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-plistservices'
+port[:version] = '2'
+port[:description] = 'reads and writes CoreFoundation XML Property List'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ply'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ply'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'lex and yacc implementation for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pmock'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pmock'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'pMock is a Python module for testing Python code using mock objects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pmw'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pmw'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'high-level compound widget toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-poly'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-poly'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'framework for rapidly developing distributed applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-posixtimezone'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-posixtimezone'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'tzinfo implementation for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-postgresql-exception'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-postgresql-exception'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'exceptions for the py-postgresql modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-postgresql-greentrunk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-postgresql-greentrunk'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'greentrunk interface to postgresql'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-postgresql-layout'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-postgresql-layout'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'layout for the py-postgresql modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-postgresql-pqueue'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-postgresql-pqueue'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'pure python implementation of the pq protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-postgresql-proboscis'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-postgresql-proboscis'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'postgresql database connector in pure python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pow'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pow'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python OpenSSL Wrappers is an interface to the openssl library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ppy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ppy'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'package that lets you create Python callables in PPC assembly'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-probstat'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-probstat'
+port[:version] = '0.912'
+port[:description] = 'Probability And Statistics for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-processing'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-processing'
+port[:version] = '0.52'
+port[:description] = 'Using processes which mimics the threading module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-psyco'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-psyco'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'a python specializing compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-psycopg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-psycopg'
+port[:version] = '1.1.21'
+port[:description] = 'a python DBAPI-2.0 ompliant database adapter for postgresql'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql82 postgresql83 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-psycopg2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-psycopg2'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A python DBAPI-2.0 ompliant database adapter for postgresql'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ptypes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ptypes'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'persistent versions of dictionary and list types'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pullparser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pullparser'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'python module providing a simple pull API for HTML parsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-py'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'py lib: agile development and test support library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-py2app'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-py2app'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-py2app-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-py2app-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT/PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyb'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'python-based ant-like build tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pycluster'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pycluster'
+port[:version] = '1.50'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for clustering'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyflakes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyflakes'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'passive checker of Python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pygments'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pygments'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python syntax highlighter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pygpgme'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pygpgme'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for working with OpenPGP messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pygresql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pygresql'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pylibpcap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pylibpcap'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for the libpcap packet capture library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pylons'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pylons'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Pylons is a lightweight web framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyobjc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyobjc'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'bidirectional bridge between python and Objective C'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyobjc2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyobjc2'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'bidirectional bridge between python and Objective C'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyobjc2-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyobjc2-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'cocoa wrappers for py-pyobjc2'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyprotocols'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyprotocols'
+port[:version] = '1.0a0dev-r2302'
+port[:description] = 'Protocol Definition, Declaration, and Adaptation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyqt4'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyqt4'
+port[:version] = '4.7.7'
+port[:description] = 'PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:tim.stoop'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyqwt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyqwt'
+port[:version] = '5.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyQwt is a set of Python bindings for the Qwt toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'numpy qwt qwt52 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyrex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyrex'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing Python extension modules.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyrexdoc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyrexdoc'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A documentation generator for Pyrex-created modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyrxp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyrxp'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Fast validating XML parser for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cern.ch:jerome.caffaro openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyx'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'PyX is a TeX/LaTeX interface for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-pyxg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-pyxg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyXG provides a Python interface to Apple\'s Xgrid'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-quixote'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-quixote'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Quixote is a framework for developing Web applications in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-rad'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-rad'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'python RADIUS module implementing RFC2865'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-radix'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-radix'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'radix tree data structure implementation for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-rdflib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-rdflib'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with RDF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'eikeon.com:eikeon openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-readline'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-readline'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'readline extension for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-repl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-repl'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'readline-like module for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-reportlab'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-reportlab'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'python library for creating pdf files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-reverend'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-reverend'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Reverend is a general purpose Bayesian classifier.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-rijndael'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-rijndael'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Rijndael encryption algorithm for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ro'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ro'
+port[:version] = '3.7'
+port[:description] = 'advanced Distributed Object Technology for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-roundup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-roundup'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Issue-tracking system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-routes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-routes'
+port[:version] = '1.10.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Routing package for Python that matches URLs to dicts and vice versa.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-rt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-rt'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Routeing Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ruledispatch'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ruledispatch'
+port[:version] = '0.5a0.dev-r2306'
+port[:description] = 'Rule-based Dispatching and Generic Functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-scanf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-scanf'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'formatted input from standard input similar to scanf from C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'freebsd darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-scientific'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-scientific'
+port[:version] = '2.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Scientific Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mpi'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-scipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-scipy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'An opensource library of scientific tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_atlas gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sclapp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sclapp'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'framework for writing command-line applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-serial'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-serial'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python Serial Port Extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vercruesse.de:opendarwin.nospam'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-setuptools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-setuptools'
+port[:version] = '0.6c11'
+port[:description] = 'distutils enhancement for build and distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sgmlop'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sgmlop'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1-20040207'
+port[:description] = 'Optimized SGML/XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-shellwords'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-shellwords'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Parse strings into words like a POSIX shell does.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-simplejson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-simplejson'
+port[:version] = '2.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'simplejson is a JSON encoder and decoder.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-simpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-simpy'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'python based simulation language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sip'
+port[:version] = '4.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sisynala'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sisynala'
+port[:version] = '0.9.18'
+port[:description] = 'Sisynala is a web log file analyser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sisyphus'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sisyphus'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for running python stuff as cron jobs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-smb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-smb'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'SMB/CIFS library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-smisk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-smisk'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'High performance web service framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'minimal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rasmus'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-snmp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-snmp'
+port[:version] = '3.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'SNMP v.1 engine for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-soappy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-soappy'
+port[:version] = '0.11.3'
+port[:description] = 'SOAP library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-souk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-souk'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'framework implementing the Liberty Alliance specifications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-spark'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-spark'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'spark is the little language compiler framework for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-spf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-spf'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'python module for SPF (Sender Permitted From)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sphinx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sphinx'
+port[:version] = '0.1.61950'
+port[:description] = 'Python documentation generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:michel.sylvan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-spreadmodule'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-spreadmodule'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'This is a Python extension module wrapping the C API for Spread.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-spyce'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-spyce'
+port[:version] = '1.3.13-1'
+port[:description] = 'pythonic server side dynamic html generation, PSP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sql'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for creating simple SQL statements'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sqlalchemy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sqlalchemy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python SQL ORM'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cextensions universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:version] = '0.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sqlite'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sqlite'
+port[:version] = '2.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'python database extension for sqlite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sqlobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sqlobject'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'object-relational mapper for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-srs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-srs'
+port[:version] = '0.30.9'
+port[:description] = 'Sender Rewriting Scheme in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-ssh'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-ssh'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'python module for programmatically controlling ssh and scp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-stablesort'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-stablesort'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'stable, natural mergesort for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-stemmer'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-stemmer'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for Snowball stemmer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cern.ch:jerome.caffaro openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-subvertpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-subvertpy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Alternative Python bindings for Subversion (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:danchr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-supervisor'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-supervisor'
+port[:version] = '3.0a3'
+port[:description] = 'Process manager for UNIX-like OSs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:roger.hoover'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-svn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-svn'
+port[:version] = '1.7.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Subversion Extension (pysvn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:yunzheng.hu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-svnreporter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-svnreporter'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Svn commit hook to generate reports'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-swishe'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-swishe'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'python binding for swish-e'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-sympy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-sympy'
+port[:version] = '0.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for symbolic mathematics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tables'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tables'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for users to organize scientific data tables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tahchee'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tahchee'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'build static web sites with the Cheetah template system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tarfile'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tarfile'
+port[:version] = '0.7.5'
+port[:description] = 'implementation of the tar format as modules for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-taskplan'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-taskplan'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple task planner capable of resource allocation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tconfpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tconfpy'
+port[:version] = '1.185'
+port[:description] = 'Configuration file parser/validator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-textile'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-textile'
+port[:version] = '2.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'python implementation of Textile'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'katatechnen.net:francisga'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-texttable'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-texttable'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module for creating simple ASCII tables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tiff'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tiff'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'pytiff provides tiff handling and advanced imaging for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-timeformat'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-timeformat'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Flexible alternative to time.strftime'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tkinter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tkinter'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the Tk widget set'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tlslite'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tlslite'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for TLSv1 and SSLv3 operations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-toc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-toc'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'python module for accessing the AIM network'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tpg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tpg'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'lexical and syntactic parser generator for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-traits'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-traits'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traits package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jann openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-turbocheetah'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-turbocheetah'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'TurboGears plugin to support use of Cheetah templates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-turbogears'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-turbogears'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'front-to-back rapid web development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-turbojson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-turbojson'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python template plugin that supports JSON'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-turbokid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-turbokid'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'TurboGears plugin to support use of Kid templates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-twisted'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-twisted'
+port[:version] = '8.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'An event-based Python framework for internet applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:olv.bonnet akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-twisted-web2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-twisted-web2'
+port[:version] = '8.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Twisted.Web2 is the next generation Web Server Framework built with Twisted.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-twistedsnmp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-twistedsnmp'
+port[:version] = '0.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'Python SNMP Manager, Agent Protocols and APIs for Twisted Matrix'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-twitter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-twitter'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Interface for the Twitter API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-tz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-tz'
+port[:version] = '2009a'
+port[:description] = 'World Timezone Definitions for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'threerings.net:landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-uid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-uid'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'unique ID generator python module and program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-umlgraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-umlgraph'
+port[:version] = '0.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'debugger that produces UML by inspecting running python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-unit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-unit'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'python testing framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-unum'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-unum'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module for using numbers with units, like volts, meters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-url'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-url'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'RFC2396 compliant Python implementation of URLs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-urlgrabber'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-urlgrabber'
+port[:version] = '3.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-level cross-protocol url-grabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-urwid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-urwid'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'curses-based UI/widget library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-utidylib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-utidylib'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to html tidy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-virtualenv'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-virtualenv'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Python Environment builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-virtualenvwrapper'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-virtualenvwrapper'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Enhancements to virtualenv.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-vobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-vobject'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1c'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for parsing and generating vCard and vCalendar files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-vorbis'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-vorbis'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for Ogg Vorbis audio encoding and decoding'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-WebHelpers'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-webhelpers'
+port[:version] = '0.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Web Helpers is a library of helper functions intended to make writing templates in web applications easier.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-weblib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-weblib'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python web application library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-webstack'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-webstack'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module providing a simple, common API for web applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-werkzeug'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-werkzeug'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Swiss Army knife of Python web development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-wordnet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-wordnet'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the (included) WordNet database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-work'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-work'
+port[:version] = '0.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'object oriented python web framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-workerpool'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-workerpool'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'Module for distributing jobs to a pool of worker threads.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-wxpython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-wxpython'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the wxWindows cross platform GUI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-wxpython26'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-wxpython26'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the wxWindows cross platform GUI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xar'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for xar'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xattr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xattr'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'xattr is a Python wrapper for Darwin\'s extended filesystem attributes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'optusnet.com.au:arsptr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xist'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xist'
+port[:version] = '2.13'
+port[:description] = 'XML based HTML generator in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xlib'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'python module for the X protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xlrd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xlrd'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'stub project. py-xlwriter is now installed by py25-xlrd'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xlwriter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xlwriter'
+port[:version] = '0.4a3'
+port[:description] = 'stub package. py-xlwriter is now installed with py25-xlwrt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xml'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'XML Tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:ryanwilcox'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xmldiff'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xmldiff'
+port[:version] = '0.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'diff for xml files as command line tool and python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xmlsec'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xmlsec'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'a set of Python bindings for the XML Security Library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python security textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xmltramp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xmltramp'
+port[:version] = '2.16'
+port[:description] = 'easy-to-use python API for XML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xmpppy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xmpppy'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'python library providing easy scripting with jabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gboyce'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-xtemplate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-xtemplate'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'python port for PHP XTemplate'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-yaml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-yaml'
+port[:version] = '3.05'
+port[:description] = 'YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-yenc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-yenc'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'provides raw yEnc encoding/decoding with crc32 calculation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-yolk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-yolk'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line tool querying PyPI and Python packages installed on your system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-yum-metadata-parser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-yum-metadata-parser'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Yum metadata parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-zconfig'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-zconfig'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python configuration library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-zodb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-zodb'
+port[:version] = '3.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Zope Object Database from the Zope Application Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python zope databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-zopeinterface'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-zopeinterface'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'interfaces for zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python zope'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py-zsi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py-zsi'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Zolera SOAP Infrastructure is a Python implementation of SOAP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-MMTK'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-MMTK'
+port[:version] = '2.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Molecular Modelling Toolkit is a library for molecular simulations with a focus on biomolecular systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-WebHelpers'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-WebHelpers'
+port[:version] = '0.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Web Helpers is a library of helper functions intended to make writing templates in web applications easier.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-altgraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-altgraph'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python graph (network) package'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-anyjson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-anyjson'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Wrap the best available JSON implementation in a common API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-aplpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-aplpy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'rgb avm ds9 montage universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-appscript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-appscript'
+port[:version] = '0.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-level application scripting package for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arsptr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-apptools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-apptools'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought apptools package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-asciitable'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-asciitable'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'An extensible ASCII table reader and writer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-asn1'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-asn1'
+port[:version] = '0.0.9a'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-aspects'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-aspects'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Light-weight Approach to Aspect Oriented Programming in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-atpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-atpy'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'ATpy: Astronomical Tables in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'fits hdf5 vo ascii sql all universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-authkit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-authkit'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0pre5'
+port[:description] = 'An authentication and authorization toolkit for WSGI applications and frameworks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-baz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-baz'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the Baz revision control system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Builds Mac OS X installer packages from distutils'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-beaker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-beaker'
+port[:version] = '1.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Session WSGI Middleware'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-beautifulsoup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-beautifulsoup'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python HTML/XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-biggles'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-biggles'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Creates 2D scientific plots'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-biopython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-biopython'
+port[:version] = '1.57'
+port[:description] = 'python tools for computational molecular biology'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-boto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-boto'
+port[:version] = '1.8d'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to Amazon Web Services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-bpython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-bpython'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'fancy interface to the Python interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-bsddb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-bsddb'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. bsddb is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-buzhug'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-buzhug'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-python database engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-bz2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-bz2'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. bz2 is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cairo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cairo'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'Pycairo is set of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-celementtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-celementtree'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5-20051216'
+port[:description] = 'C implementation of the ElementTree API, py-elementtree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-chardet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-chardet'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Universal character encoding detector'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-chart'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-chart'
+port[:version] = '1.39'
+port[:description] = 'python library for creating EPS, PDF, PNG, or SVG charts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-checker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-checker'
+port[:version] = '0.8.18'
+port[:description] = 'python source code checker for finding bugs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cheetah'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cheetah'
+port[:version] = '2.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cherrypy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cherrypy'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Oriented HTTP framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cherrypy3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cherrypy3'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Oriented HTTP framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-chm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-chm'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'PyCHM is a set of Python bindings for Jed Wing\'s chmlib.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cjson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cjson'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:michael.dagitses'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-clientcookie'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-clientcookie'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling HTTP cookies'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-clientform'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-clientform'
+port[:version] = '0.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling HTML forms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-clonedigger'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-clonedigger'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3-beta'
+port[:description] = 'Clone Digger aimed to detect similar code in Python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-colormath'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-colormath'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Simplify color math operations in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cometd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cometd'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Cometd is a scalable HTTP-based event routing bus that uses a push technology pattern known as Comet.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-configobj'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-configobj'
+port[:version] = '4.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Config file reading, writing and validation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-construct'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-construct'
+port[:version] = '2.00'
+port[:description] = 'python module for parsing and building binary or textual data structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dckd.nl:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-couchdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-couchdb'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with CouchDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-couchdbkit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-couchdbkit'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with CouchDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-coverage'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-coverage'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Code coverage tool for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-crypto'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cssutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cssutils'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'CSS parser and library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:billitch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ctags'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ctags'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Exuberant Ctags indexing python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ahkdiep'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-curl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-curl'
+port[:version] = '7.19.0'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to libcurl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-curses'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-curses'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. curses is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cvxopt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cvxopt'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for convex optimization'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gsl fftw glpk dsdp'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-cython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-cython'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing C extension modules for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-daemon'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-daemon'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Module to daemonize the calling process'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-dap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-dap'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python implementation of the Data Access Protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-dateutil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-dateutil'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'powerful extensions to the standard python datetime module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-decorator'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-decorator'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a decorator factory that makes creating signature preserving decorators dead simple.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-decoratortools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-decoratortools'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Class, Function, and Assignment Decorators, Metaclasses, and Related Tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-demjson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-demjson'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'encoder, decoder, and validator for JSON compliant with RFC 4627'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-dice3ds'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-dice3ds'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Read, write, and manipulate 3DS files'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-distribute'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-distribute'
+port[:version] = '0.6.19'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for setuptools'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF ZPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-distutils-extra'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-distutils-extra'
+port[:version] = '1.91.2'
+port[:description] = 'enhancements to the Python build system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-django'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-django'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Django is a high-level Python Web framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'bash_completion universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-dns'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-dns'
+port[:version] = '2.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'module for performing DNS queries from python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-dnspython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-dnspython'
+port[:version] = '1.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'DNS toolkit for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-docutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-docutils'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'A set of tools for processing plaintext documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'alexnicksay.com:alex'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-dot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-dot'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'python module for creating graphs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-dpkt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-dpkt'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'python packet creation and parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'node99.org:sean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-elementtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-elementtree'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6-20050316'
+port[:description] = 'flexible container object for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-elixir'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-elixir'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Declarative layer on top of sqlalchemy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-enchant'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-enchant'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'A python interface to the enchant spell-checking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-enthoughtbase'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-enthoughtbase'
+port[:version] = '3.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought base package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-envisagecore'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-envisagecore'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought envisage package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-envisageplugins'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-envisageplugins'
+port[:version] = '3.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Enthought envisage plugins'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-epydoc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-epydoc'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'API documentation generator for Python modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-exif'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-exif'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the EXIF meta-data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-eyed3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-eyed3'
+port[:version] = '0.6.14'
+port[:description] = 'python module and program for processing ID3 tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-fabric'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-fabric'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fabric is a simple pythonic remote deployment tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-feedparser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-feedparser'
+port[:version] = '5.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'RSS and Atom parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-fipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-fipy'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'FiPy: A Finite Volume PDE Solver Using Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-fixture'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-fixture'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for loading and referencing test data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-flup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-flup'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3.dev-20100525'
+port[:description] = 'Flup is a random collection of WSGI servers and middleware.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-formencode'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-formencode'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'FormEncode is a validation and form generation package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-freebase'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-freebase'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to freebase.com API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-game'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-game'
+port[:version] = '1.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'pygame, python modules for writing games'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'portmidi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel multimedia graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gd'
+port[:version] = '0.56'
+port[:description] = 'py-gd is a python wrapper for the GD library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gdata'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gdata'
+port[:version] = '2.0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Google Data API Python Client Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gdbm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gdbm'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. gdbm is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-genshi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-genshi'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python toolkit for generation of output for the web'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-geoip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-geoip'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for accessing the GeoIP C library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-geopy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-geopy'
+port[:version] = '0.93'
+port[:description] = 'Network geocoding toolbox for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gnome'
+port[:version] = '2.28.1'
+port[:description] = 'gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gnupg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gnupg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gnuplot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gnuplot'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'A Python interface to the gnuplot plotting program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gobject'
+port[:version] = '2.26.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GObject.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-goocanvas'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-goocanvas'
+port[:version] = '0.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'GooCanvas python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-googleappengine'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-googleappengine'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Google App Engine Python SDK'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:newlix.yang openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gsl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gsl'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the GNU Scientific Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'numarray Numeric numpy'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gst-python'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gst-python'
+port[:version] = '0.10.21'
+port[:description] = 'GStreamer python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gtk'
+port[:version] = '2.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyGTK is the Python binding to GTK+ 2.x'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-gtkglext'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-gtkglext'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GtkGLExt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+category = Category.new({:name => ''})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-h5py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-h5py'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for working with HDF5 files'
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-hashlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-hashlib'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. hashlib is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-hcluster'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-hcluster'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'This library provides Python functions for agglomerative clustering.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-hgsvn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-hgsvn'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'hgsvn is a set of scripts for Subversion and Mercurial'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saispo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-htmlcalendar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-htmlcalendar'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for creating calendars in HTML format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-htmltemplate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-htmltemplate'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'HTML template engine for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-htmltmpl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-htmltmpl'
+port[:version] = '1.22'
+port[:description] = 'A Python templating engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-httplib2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-httplib2'
+port[:version] = '2-0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-hypy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-hypy'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'Fulltext search interface for Python applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-icalendar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-icalendar'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'The iCalendar package is a parser/generator of RFC 2445 iCalendar files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-id3lib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-id3lib'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for reading and writing id3v2 tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'maubi.net:waterson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-idlsave'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-idlsave'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'IDLSave - a python module to read IDL \'save\' files'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-igraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-igraph'
+port[:version] = '0.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the igraph library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-imdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-imdb'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module providing access to the IMDb movie database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-iniparse'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-iniparse'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ipy'
+port[:version] = '0.70'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saispo at macports.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ipython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ipython'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'An enhanced Interactive Python shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'scientific'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-jinja'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-jinja'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python based sandboxed template engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'rickvanderzwet.nl:info'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-jinja2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-jinja2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-keyczar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-keyczar'
+port[:version] = '0.6b'
+port[:description] = 'Easy to use cryptographic toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-kid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-kid'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'A simple and pythonic XML template language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-kqueue'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-kqueue'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'This is a kqueue package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ldap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ldap'
+port[:version] = '2.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'object-oriented api for python to access LDAP directory servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-lepton'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-lepton'
+port[:version] = '1.0b2'
+port[:description] = 'Pluggable particle engine and API for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-levenshtein'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-levenshtein'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for fast computation of Levensthein distances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-libdnet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-libdnet'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'A python module for the libdnet low-level networking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nzbox.com:msavory'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-libgmail'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-libgmail'
+port[:version] = '0.1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding for accessing Gmail'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-liblzma'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-liblzma'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the XZ Utils compression library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-libmemcached'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-libmemcached'
+port[:version] = '0.13.1'
+port[:description] = 'python memcached client wrapped on libmemcached'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-libxml2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-libxml2'
+port[:version] = '2.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libxml2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-libxslt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-libxslt'
+port[:version] = '2.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libxslt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-lint'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-lint'
+port[:version] = '0.23.0'
+port[:description] = 'Error (and style) checking for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-llvm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-llvm'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for LLVM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-logilab-astng'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-logilab-astng'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-logilab-common'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-logilab-common'
+port[:version] = '0.55.1'
+port[:description] = 'A number of modules used by various projects from Logilab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-logilab-constraint'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-logilab-constraint'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for solving constraint satisfaction problems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-lxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-lxml'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-m2crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-m2crypto'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'M2Crypto is a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-macholib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-macholib'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mach-O header analysis and editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-macholib-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-macholib-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mach-O header analysis and editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-magic'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-magic'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for determining a files or streams magic number'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mako'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mako'
+port[:version] = '0.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-markdown'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-markdown'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'python implementation of markdown'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-matplotlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-matplotlib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'matlab-like syntax for creating plots in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cairo gtk2 tkinter wxpython qt4 latex ghostscript universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'matplotlib toolkit for plotting data on map projections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mayavi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mayavi'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought mayavi package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mdp-toolkit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mdp-toolkit'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Modular toolkit for Data Processing.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mecab'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mecab'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'a Python module for MeCab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mechanize'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mechanize'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Stateful programmatic web browsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-memcached'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-memcached'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'Pure python memcached client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-metar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-metar'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to the weather reports of the NOAA'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-midgard2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-midgard2'
+port[:version] = '10.05.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the Midgard content repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-modulegraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-modulegraph'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python module dependency analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-modulegraph-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-modulegraph-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python module dependency analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-montage'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-montage'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Montage python wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-morbid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-morbid'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A Twisted-based publish/subscribe messaging server that uses the STOMP protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mpdclient2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mpdclient2'
+port[:version] = '0.48'
+port[:description] = 'Python MPD client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 3
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mpmath'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mpmath'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Arbitrary-precision floating-point library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mssql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mssql'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'A simple database interface to MS-SQL for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mutagen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mutagen'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'A Python module to handle audio metadata'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mx-base'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mx-base'
+port[:version] = '3.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'eGenix.com mx Extensions for Python - base package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mx-experimental'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mx-experimental'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'eGenix.com mx Extensions for Python - EXPERIMENTAL Package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-myghty'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-myghty'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Myghty is a Python based templating framework originally based on HTML::Mason.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-myghtyutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-myghtyutils'
+port[:version] = '0.52'
+port[:description] = 'Container and Utility Functions from the Myghty Template Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mygpoclient'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mygpoclient'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'python module and program for interacting with my.gpodder.org web services}'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-mysql'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to mysql'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-networkx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-networkx'
+port[:version] = '0.99'
+port[:description] = 'NetworkX in a Python package for graph manpulation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-nevow'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-nevow'
+port[:version] = '0.9.33'
+port[:description] = 'A Web Application Construction Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-nltk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-nltk'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1rc1'
+port[:description] = 'Natural Language Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:stevenbird1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-nose'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-nose'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python unittest extension.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-numarray'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-numarray'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'array manipulation and computational library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'smp'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-numeric'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-numeric'
+port[:version] = '24.2'
+port[:description] = 'fast numerical array language for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-numexpr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-numexpr'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Multiple-operator array expression evaluator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-numpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-numpy'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ode'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ode'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-omniORBpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-omniORBpy'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for omniORB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-opengl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-opengl'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1b2'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding to OpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-openid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-openid'
+port[:version] = '2.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python OpenID Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-openopt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-openopt'
+port[:version] = '0.29'
+port[:description] = 'Numerical optimization framework for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-openssl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-openssl'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'python wrapper around the OpenSSL library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-optik'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-optik'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'flexible, easy-to-use command-line parsing library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-orbit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-orbit'
+port[:version] = '2.24.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB - Default branch.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-orbited'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-orbited'
+port[:version] = '0.7.10'
+port[:description] = 'Orbited provides a pure JavaScript/HTML socket in the browser.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-paramiko'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-paramiko'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'python library for making SSH2 connections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-parsing'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-parsing'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'alternative approach to creating parsers in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-paste'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-paste'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Bringing consistency to Python web development.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pastedeploy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pastedeploy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Paste Deployment is a system for finding and configuring WSGI applications and servers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pastescript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pastescript'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Paste Script is a pluggable command-line frontend, to the Paste system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-paver'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-paver'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Easy build, distribution and deployment scripting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pcapy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pcapy'
+port[:version] = '0.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to libpcap'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pexpect'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pexpect'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'python module for better controlling other applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pgsql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pgsql'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to postgresql (8.3)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pil'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python Imaging Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pip'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'An easy_install replacement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ply'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ply'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'lex and yacc implementation for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pmw'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pmw'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'high-level compound widget toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pp'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'parallel python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-processing'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-processing'
+port[:version] = '0.52'
+port[:description] = 'Using processes which mimics the threading module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-psychopy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-psychopy'
+port[:version] = '1.51.01'
+port[:description] = 'PsychoPy is an open-source package for creating psychology stimuli in Python (A real and free alternative to Matlab).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-psyco'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-psyco'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'a python specializing compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-psycopg2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-psycopg2'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A python DBAPI-2.0 ompliant database adapter for postgresql'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-py'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'py lib: agile development and test support library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-py2app'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-py2app'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT/PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-py2app-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-py2app-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT/PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyavm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyavm'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Python AVM library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pybtex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pybtex'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor in Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pycluster'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pycluster'
+port[:version] = '1.50'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for clustering'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyclutter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyclutter'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for Clutter 1.0.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pydb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pydb'
+port[:version] = '1.25'
+port[:description] = 'Extended Python debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macfreek.nl:software dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pydicom'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pydicom'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for working with DICOM files'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyfits'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyfits'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to FITS formatted files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sebastien.maret robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyflakes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyflakes'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'passive checker of Python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyglet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyglet'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'A cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pygments'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pygments'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python syntax highlighter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pygpgme'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pygpgme'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for working with OpenPGP messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pygraphviz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pygraphviz'
+port[:version] = '0.99.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Python wrapper for the Graphviz Agraph data structure.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pygresql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pygresql'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pygtksourceview'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pygtksourceview'
+port[:version] = '2.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GtkSourceView2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyicu'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyicu'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python extension wrapping IBM\'s International Components for Unicode C++ library (ICU)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pylibmc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pylibmc'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'python memcached client wrapped on libmemcached'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'voldmar.ru:voldmar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pylibpcap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pylibpcap'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for the libpcap packet capture library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pylons'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pylons'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Pylons is a lightweight web framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pymc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pymc'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Bayesian statistical models and fitting algorithms for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pymongo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pymongo'
+port[:version] = '0.15.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python access to mongodb'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pymtp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pymtp'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrapper for libmtp'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pynifti'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pynifti'
+port[:version] = '0.20090303.1'
+port[:description] = 'PyNIfTI aims to provide easy access to NIfTI images from within Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyobjc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyobjc'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'bidirectional bridge between python and Objective C'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'cocoa wrappers for py25-pyobjc'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyobjc2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyobjc2'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'stub port, replaced by py25-pyobjc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyobjc2-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyobjc2-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'stub port, replaced by py25-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pypdf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pypdf'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'A Pure-Python PDF toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyproj'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyproj'
+port[:version] = '1.8.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python interfaces to PROJ.4 (http://proj.maptools.org) functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyprotocols'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyprotocols'
+port[:version] = '1.0a0dev-r2302'
+port[:description] = 'Protocol Definition, Declaration, and Adaptation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyqt4'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyqt4'
+port[:version] = '4.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyqwt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyqwt'
+port[:version] = '5.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyQwt is a set of Python bindings for the Qwt toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'qwt qwt52 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyregion'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyregion'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'pyregion is a Python module to parse ds9 region files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyrex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyrex'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing Python extension modules.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyrxp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyrxp'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Fast validating XML parser for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pysparse'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pysparse'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'a fast sparse matrix library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pythonutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pythonutils'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'General utility modules that simplify common programming in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pywavelets'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pywavelets'
+port[:version] = '0.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'PyWavelets is a Python wavelet transforms module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pywcs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pywcs'
+port[:version] = '1.10-4.7'
+port[:description] = 'pywcs is a set of routines for handling the FITS WCS standard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyx'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'PyX is a TeX/LaTeX interface for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyxg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyxg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyXG provides a Python interface to Apple\'s Xgrid'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-pyxmpp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-pyxmpp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Jabber/XMPP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-quadtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-quadtree'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Quadtree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-quodlibet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-quodlibet'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'py25-quodlibet has been replaced by quodlibet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-rdflib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-rdflib'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with RDF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-readline'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-readline'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. readline is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-recaptcha'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-recaptcha'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python recaptcha client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-reportlab'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-reportlab'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'python library for creating pdf files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-rope'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-rope'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'python refactoring library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-routes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-routes'
+port[:version] = '1.10.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Routing package for Python that matches URLs to dicts and vice versa.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-rpy2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-rpy2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'A simple and efficient access to R from Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jonas openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ruledispatch'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ruledispatch'
+port[:version] = '0.5a0.dev-r2306'
+port[:description] = 'Rule-based Dispatching and Generic Functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-scientific'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-scientific'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'Scientific Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mpi'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-scipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-scipy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'An opensource library of scientific tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_atlas gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sclapp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sclapp'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'framework for writing command-line applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-serial'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-serial'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python Serial Port Extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vercruesse.de:opendarwin.nospam'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-setupdocs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-setupdocs'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'setuptools plugin that automates building of docs from ReST source'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-setuptools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-setuptools'
+port[:version] = '0.6c11'
+port[:description] = 'distutils enhancement for build and distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-shapely'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-shapely'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Shapely is a Python package for manipulation and analysis of 2D geospatial geometries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-simplejson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-simplejson'
+port[:version] = '2.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'simplejson is a JSON encoder and decoder.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-simpletal'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-simpletal'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'A standalone Python HTML & XML template library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-simpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-simpy'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'python based simulation language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sip'
+port[:version] = '4.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-smisk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-smisk'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'High performance web service framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'minimal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rasmus'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-soaplib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-soaplib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0-beta8'
+port[:description] = 'A simple library for writing soap web services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-socket-ssl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-socket-ssl'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. socket-ssl is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sphinx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sphinx'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python documentation generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:michel.sylvan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sqlalchemy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sqlalchemy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python SQL ORM'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cextensions universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:version] = '0.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sqlite3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sqlite3'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. sqlite3 is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sqlobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sqlobject'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'object-relational mapper for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-ssl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-ssl'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'SSL wrapper for socket objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-stomper'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-stomper'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'A transport neutral client implementation of the STOMP protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-subvertpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-subvertpy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Alternative Python bindings for Subversion (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:danchr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-suds'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-suds'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Suds is a lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-symeig'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-symeig'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Symeig - Symmetrical eigenvalue routines for NumPy.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-sympy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-sympy'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for symbolic mathematics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-tables'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-tables'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for HDF5 file access.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-tc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-tc'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the tokyocabinet library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'rasmus'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-tclink'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-tclink'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'TCLink is an LGPL\'d thin client API which can run credit card transactions over TCP/IP.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-textile'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-textile'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'This is Textile. A Humane Web Text Generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-tkinter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-tkinter'
+port[:version] = '2.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python 2.5 bindings to the Tk widget set'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-toscawidgets'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-toscawidgets'
+port[:version] = '0.1a2'
+port[:description] = 'Web widget toolkit based on Turbogears Widgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-traits'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-traits'
+port[:version] = '3.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traits package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-traitsbackendwx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-traitsbackendwx'
+port[:version] = '3.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traitsgui WX backend'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-traitsgui'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-traitsgui'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traitsgui package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-turbocheetah'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-turbocheetah'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'TurboGears plugin to support use of Cheetah templates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-turbogears'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-turbogears'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'front-to-back rapid web development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-turbojson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-turbojson'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python template plugin that supports JSON'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-turbokid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-turbokid'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'TurboGears plugin to support use of Kid templates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-twforms'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-twforms'
+port[:version] = '0.1a2dev-r3091'
+port[:description] = 'Web Widgets for building and validating forms.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-twisted'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-twisted'
+port[:version] = '10.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An event-based Python framework for internet applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-twisted-web2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-twisted-web2'
+port[:version] = '8.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Twisted.Web2 is the next generation Web Server Framework built with Twisted.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-twitter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-twitter'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Interface for the Twitter API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-tz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-tz'
+port[:version] = '2011g'
+port[:description] = 'World Timezone Definitions for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-urlgrabber'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-urlgrabber'
+port[:version] = '3.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-level cross-protocol url-grabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-utidylib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-utidylib'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to html tidy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'amln.net:dima openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-uuid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-uuid'
+port[:version] = '1.30'
+port[:description] = 'UUID objects (universally unique identifiers) according to RFC 4122.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-virtualenv'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-virtualenv'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Python Environment builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-virtualenvwrapper'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-virtualenvwrapper'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Enhancements to virtualenv.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-vo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-vo'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A Python library to parse, validate and generate VOTable XML files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-vobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-vobject'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1c'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for parsing and generating vCard and vCalendar files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-webkitgtk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-webkitgtk'
+port[:version] = '1.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for thw WebKit GTK+ port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-webob'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-webob'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'WSGI request and response object.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-webtest'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-webtest'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Helper to test WSGI applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-werkzeug'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-werkzeug'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Swiss Army knife of Python web development'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-workerpool'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-workerpool'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'Module for distributing jobs to a pool of worker threads.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-wxpython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-wxpython'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the wxWindows cross platform GUI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-xattr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-xattr'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'xattr is a Python wrapper for Darwin\'s extended filesystem attributes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-xdg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-xdg'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Python module implementing various freedesktop.org standards'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-xlrd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-xlrd'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'module to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-xlwt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-xlwt'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'python module for writing Excel spreadsheets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-xml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-xml'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'XML Tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:ryanwilcox'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-xmpppy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-xmpppy'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'python library providing easy scripting with jabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gboyce'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-yaml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-yaml'
+port[:version] = '3.08'
+port[:description] = 'YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'libyaml'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-yolk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-yolk'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line tool querying PyPI and Python packages installed on your system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-yum-metadata-parser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-yum-metadata-parser'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Yum metadata parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-zlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-zlib'
+port[:version] = '2.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a stub. zlib is now built with python25'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-zopeinterface'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-zopeinterface'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python interfaces for Zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python zope'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py25-zsi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py25-zsi'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Zolera SOAP Infrastructure is a Python implementation of SOAP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-FlexGet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-FlexGet'
+port[:version] = '1.0-r1368'
+port[:description] = 'FlexGet is a multipurpose automation tool for content like torrents, nzbs, podcasts, comics, etc.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-MMTK'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-MMTK'
+port[:version] = '2.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'The Molecular Modelling Toolkit is a library for molecular simulations with a focus on biomolecular systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-PyRSS2Gen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-PyRSS2Gen'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-altgraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-altgraph'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python graph (network) package'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-amqplib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-amqplib'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple non-threaded Python client library for AMQP.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-antlr3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-antlr3'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python runtime package for ANTLR3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-anyjson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-anyjson'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Wrap the best available JSON implementation in a common API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-aplpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-aplpy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'rgb avm ds9 montage universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-appscript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-appscript'
+port[:version] = '0.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-level application scripting package for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-apptools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-apptools'
+port[:version] = '3.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought apptools package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-argparse'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-argparse'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python command-line parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-asciitable'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-asciitable'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'An extensible ASCII table reader and writer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-asn1'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-asn1'
+port[:version] = '0.0.13b'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-astrolibcoords'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-astrolibcoords'
+port[:version] = '0.37'
+port[:description] = 'A library for manipulation of astronomical coordinates, such as working with catalogs, preparing proposals, and preparing for observing runs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stsci.edu:mperrin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-atpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-atpy'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'ATpy: Astronomical Tables in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'fits hdf5 vo ascii sql all universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-atspi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-atspi'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to AT-SPI on GNOME'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-babel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-babel'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Builds Mac OS X installer packages from distutils'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-beaker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-beaker'
+port[:version] = '1.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Session WSGI Middleware'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-beautifulsoup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-beautifulsoup'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python HTML/XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-biggles'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-biggles'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Creates 2D scientific plots'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-biopython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-biopython'
+port[:version] = '1.57'
+port[:description] = 'python tools for computational molecular biology'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-bitstring'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-bitstring'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Module to simplify handling of binary data'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-blist'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-blist'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'a list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-boto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-boto'
+port[:version] = '2.0b3'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to Amazon Web Services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-bpython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-bpython'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'fancy interface to the Python interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-buzhug'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-buzhug'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-python database engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-bzr-git'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-bzr-git'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'A plugin for bzr to work with git trees.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cairo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cairo'
+port[:version] = '1.8.10'
+port[:description] = 'Pycairo is set of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-carrot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-carrot'
+port[:version] = '0.10.7'
+port[:description] = 'AMQP Messaging Framework for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cdb'
+port[:version] = '0.34'
+port[:description] = 'python module for using the constant database package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-celementtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-celementtree'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5-20051216'
+port[:description] = 'C implementation of the ElementTree API, py-elementtree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-celery'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-celery'
+port[:version] = '2.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Distributed Task Queue'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-chaco'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-chaco'
+port[:version] = '3.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought chaco package for 2-D plotting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-chardet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-chardet'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Universal character encoding detector'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-checker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-checker'
+port[:version] = '0.8.18'
+port[:description] = 'python source code checker for finding bugs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cheetah'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cheetah'
+port[:version] = '2.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cherrypy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cherrypy'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Oriented HTTP framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:freespace openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cherrypy3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cherrypy3'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Oriented HTTP framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-chm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-chm'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'PyCHM is a set of Python bindings for Jed Wing\'s chmlib.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-chm2pdf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-chm2pdf'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'chm2pdf is a convenient wrapper around chmlib and htmldoc for quickly converting chm files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cjson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cjson'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-clientform'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-clientform'
+port[:version] = '0.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling HTML forms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-clnum'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-clnum'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'a Python interface to the Class Library for Numbers (CLN)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-clonedigger'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-clonedigger'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3-beta'
+port[:description] = 'Clone Digger aimed to detect similar code in Python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cog'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cog'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Cog is a code generation tool. It lets you use pieces of Python code as generators in your source files to generate whatever code you need.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cogen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cogen'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library for network oriented, coroutine based programming.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-colander'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-colander'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'System for validating and deserializing data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-colormath'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-colormath'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Simplify color math operations in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-configobj'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-configobj'
+port[:version] = '4.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Config file reading, writing and validation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-couchdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-couchdb'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with CouchDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-couchdbkit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-couchdbkit'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with CouchDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-country'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-country'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-coverage'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-coverage'
+port[:version] = '3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Code coverage measurement for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-crypto'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ctags'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ctags'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Exuberant Ctags indexing python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ahkdiep'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-curl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-curl'
+port[:version] = '7.19.0'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to libcurl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cvxmod'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cvxmod'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for convex optimization'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cvxopt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cvxopt'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for convex optimization'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gsl fftw glpk dsdp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cx_Freeze'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cx_Freeze'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts into executables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-cython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-cython'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing C extension modules for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dap'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python implementation of the Data Access Protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dateutil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dateutil'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'powerful extensions to the standard python datetime module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-decorator'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-decorator'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a decorator factory that makes creating signature preserving decorators dead simple.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-decoratortools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-decoratortools'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Class, Function, and Assignment Decorators, Metaclasses, and Related Tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dice3ds'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dice3ds'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Read, write, and manipulate 3DS files'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dispatcher'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dispatcher'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'python dispatcher mechanism for creating event models'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-distribute'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-distribute'
+port[:version] = '0.6.19'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for setuptools'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF ZPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-distutils-extra'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-distutils-extra'
+port[:version] = '1.91.2'
+port[:description] = 'enhancements to the Python build system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-django'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-django'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Django is a high-level Python Web framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'bash_completion universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-django-debug-toolbar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-django-debug-toolbar'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'Configurable debug information for the Django Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-django-extensions'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-django-extensions'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Global custom management extensions for the Django Framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dns'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dns'
+port[:version] = '2.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'module for performing DNS queries from python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dnspython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dnspython'
+port[:version] = '1.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'DNS toolkit for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-docutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-docutils'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'A set of tools for processing plaintext documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+ PSF-2.1.1 BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dpkt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dpkt'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'python packet creation and parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'node99.org:sean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-dulwich'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-dulwich'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Python Git Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com.au:mail_ben_schmidt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-elementtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-elementtree'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6-20050316'
+port[:description] = 'flexible container object for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-elixir'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-elixir'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Declarative layer on top of sqlalchemy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-empy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-empy'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'powerful and robust templating system for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-enable'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-enable'
+port[:version] = '3.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought enable package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-enchant'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-enchant'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'A python interface to the enchant spell-checking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-enthoughtbase'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-enthoughtbase'
+port[:version] = '3.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought base package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-enum'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-enum'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Robust enumerated type support in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-envisagecore'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-envisagecore'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought envisage package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-envisageplugins'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-envisageplugins'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Enthought envisage plugins'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-epydoc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-epydoc'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'API documentation generator for Python modules'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ete2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ete2'
+port[:version] = '2.0rev90'
+port[:description] = 'Python Environment for Tree Exploration (ETE)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sopo.dev'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python biology science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-eventlet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-eventlet'
+port[:version] = '0.9.10'
+port[:description] = 'Coroutine-based networking library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-exif'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-exif'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the EXIF meta-data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-eyed3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-eyed3'
+port[:version] = '0.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'python module and program for processing ID3 tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-fabric'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-fabric'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'Fabric is a simple pythonic remote deployment tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-facebook-sdk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-facebook-sdk'
+port[:version] = '20110427'
+port[:description] = 'This client library is designed to support the Facebook Graph API and the official Facebook JavaScript SDK, which is the canonical way to implement Facebook authentication.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-feedparser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-feedparser'
+port[:version] = '5.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'RSS and Atom parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-fipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-fipy'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'FiPy: A Finite Volume PDE Solver Using Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-flask'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-flask'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja2'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-flup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-flup'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3.dev-20100525'
+port[:description] = 'Flup is a random collection of WSGI servers and middleware.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-formalchemy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-formalchemy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'FormAlchemy greatly speeds development with SQLAlchemy mapped classes (models) in a HTML forms environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-formencode'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-formencode'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'FormEncode validates and converts nested structures.'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-freebase'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-freebase'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to freebase.com API'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-game'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-game'
+port[:version] = '1.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'pygame, python modules for writing games'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'portmidi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel multimedia graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gchartwrapper'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gchartwrapper'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Easily create Google charts using Python syntax and data objects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gd'
+port[:version] = '0.56'
+port[:description] = 'py-gd is a python wrapper for the GD library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gdata'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gdata'
+port[:version] = '2.0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Google Data API Python Client Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-genshi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-genshi'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python toolkit for generation of output for the web'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-geoip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-geoip'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for accessing the GeoIP C library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gevent'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gevent'
+port[:version] = '0.13.6'
+port[:description] = 'Coroutine-based Python networking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gnome'
+port[:version] = '2.28.1'
+port[:description] = 'gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gnupg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gnupg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gnuplot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gnuplot'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'A Python interface to the gnuplot plotting program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gobject'
+port[:version] = '2.26.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GObject.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-goocanvas'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-goocanvas'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'GooCanvas python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'herbiet.net:guillaume-jean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-googleappengine'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-googleappengine'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Google App Engine Python SDK'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-graphy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-graphy'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Python library for generating charts'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache 2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-greenlet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-greenlet'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight in-process concurrent programming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gst-python'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gst-python'
+port[:version] = '0.10.21'
+port[:description] = 'GStreamer python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-gtk'
+port[:version] = '2.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyGTK is the Python binding to GTK+ 2.x'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-h5py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-h5py'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for working with HDF5 files'
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-hcluster'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-hcluster'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'This library provides Python functions for agglomerative clustering.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ucla.edu:jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-hggit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-hggit'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Push to and pull from a Git server repository from Mercurial.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'easieste openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-hgsubversion'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-hgsubversion'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1.e30ff6d5feff'
+port[:description] = 'hgsubversion is a Mercurial extension for working with Subversion (svn) repositories.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-hgsvn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-hgsvn'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'hgsvn is a set of scripts for Subversion and Mercurial'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-html5lib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-html5lib'
+port[:version] = '0.90'
+port[:description] = 'Library for working with HTML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-htmlcalendar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-htmlcalendar'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for creating calendars in HTML format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-htmlgen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-htmlgen'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'python class library for the generation of HTML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-htmltemplate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-htmltemplate'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'HTML template engine for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-httplib2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-httplib2'
+port[:version] = '2-0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-hypy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-hypy'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'Fulltext search interface for Python applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-icalendar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-icalendar'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'The iCalendar package is a parser/generator of RFC 2445 iCalendar files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-id3lib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-id3lib'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for reading and writing id3v2 tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-idlsave'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-idlsave'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'IDLSave - a python module to read IDL \'save\' files'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-igraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-igraph'
+port[:version] = '0.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the igraph library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-imdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-imdb'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module providing access to the IMDb movie database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-impressive'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-impressive'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'slide presentation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-iniparse'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-iniparse'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ipaddr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ipaddr'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ipy'
+port[:version] = '0.70'
+port[:description] = 'python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saispo at macports.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ipython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ipython'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'An enhanced Interactive Python shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'scientific'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-iso8601'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-iso8601'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Simple module to parse ISO 8601 dates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-jinja'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-jinja'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python based sandboxed template engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-jinja2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-jinja2'
+port[:version] = '2.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python based sandboxed template engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-keyczar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-keyczar'
+port[:version] = '0.6b'
+port[:description] = 'Easy to use cryptographic toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-keyring'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-keyring'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to access the system keyring service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-kid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-kid'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'A simple and pythonic XML template language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-kombu'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-kombu'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'AMQP Messaging Framework for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-kombu-sqlalchemy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-kombu-sqlalchemy'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Kombu transport using SQLAlchemy as the message store.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-kqueue'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-kqueue'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'This is a kqueue package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-kyotocabinet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-kyotocabinet'
+port[:version] = '1.15'
+port[:description] = 'Python 2.x Binding of Kyoto Cabinet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ldap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ldap'
+port[:version] = '2.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'object-oriented api for python to access LDAP directory servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-lepl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-lepl'
+port[:version] = '5.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Parser Library for Python 2.6+.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-lepton'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-lepton'
+port[:version] = '1.0b2'
+port[:description] = 'Pluggable particle engine and API for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-levenshtein'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-levenshtein'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for fast computation of Levensthein distances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-libdnet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-libdnet'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'A python module for the libdnet low-level networking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nzbox.com:msavory'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-liblzma'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-liblzma'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the XZ Utils compression library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-libnamebench'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-libnamebench'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'DNS speed benchmark tool (CLI)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache 2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-libxml2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-libxml2'
+port[:version] = '2.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libxml2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-libxslt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-libxslt'
+port[:version] = '2.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libxslt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-lint'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-lint'
+port[:version] = '0.23.0'
+port[:description] = 'Error (and style) checking for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-llvm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-llvm'
+port[:version] = 'r105'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for LLVM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-logbook'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-logbook'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python logging replacement module.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-logilab-astng'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-logilab-astng'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-logilab-common'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-logilab-common'
+port[:version] = '0.55.1'
+port[:description] = 'A number of modules used by various projects from Logilab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-logilab-constraint'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-logilab-constraint'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'python module for solving constraint satisfaction problems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-logilab-hmm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-logilab-hmm'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python Hidden Markov model implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc42 gcc43 gcc44'
+port[:maintainers] = 'minimoog.org:sb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-lxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-lxml'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:dbraband openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-m2crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-m2crypto'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'M2Crypto is a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-macfsevents'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-macfsevents'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Thread-based interface to file system observation primitives.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-macholib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-macholib'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mach-O header analysis and editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mahotas'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mahotas'
+port[:version] = '0.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Image Processing Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mako'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mako'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-managesieve'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-managesieve'
+port[:version] = '0.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Protocol for remotely managing Sieve scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mapnik'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mapnik'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Open Source C++/Python mapping toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cairo postgis gdal sqlite'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:dbsgeo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gis'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-markdown'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-markdown'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python implementation of Markdown'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-markupsafe'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-markupsafe'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-matplotlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-matplotlib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'matlab-like syntax for creating plots in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cairo gtk2 tkinter wxpython qt4 latex ghostscript universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'matplotlib toolkit for plotting data on map projections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mayavi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mayavi'
+port[:version] = '3.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought mayavi package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mcrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'a comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mdp-toolkit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mdp-toolkit'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Modular toolkit for Data Processing.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mechanize'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mechanize'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Stateful programmatic web browsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-memcached'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-memcached'
+port[:version] = '1.45'
+port[:description] = 'Pure python memcached client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mercurial_keyring'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mercurial_keyring'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Mercurial extension used to securely save passwords'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'use_setuptools universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mhash'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mhash'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'A comprehensive Python interface to the mhash library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-midgard2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-midgard2'
+port[:version] = '10.05.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the Midgard content repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-milk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-milk'
+port[:version] = '0.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'Machine Learning Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-minfx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-minfx'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'The minfx optimisation library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mingus'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mingus'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Music package for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mlpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mlpy'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for predictive modeling'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:marc.schlaich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-modulegraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-modulegraph'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python module dependency analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-modulegraph-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-modulegraph-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python module dependency analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-montage'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-montage'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Montage python wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mox'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mox'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'An object-mocking framework for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mpi4py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mpi4py'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'MPI for Python - Python bindings for MPI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'openmpi interpreter'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mpmath'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mpmath'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Arbitrary-precision floating-point library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-msgpack'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-msgpack'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'MessagePack (de)serializer for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mssql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mssql'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A simple database interface to MS-SQL for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ruseel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mustache'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mustache'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Logic-less templates, implemented in Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mutagen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mutagen'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'A Python module to handle audio metadata'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mx-base'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mx-base'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'eGenix.com mx Extensions for Python - base package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mygpoclient'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mygpoclient'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'python module for interacting with my.gpodder.org web services}'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-mysql'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to MySQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-networkx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-networkx'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'NetworkX in a Python package for graph manpulation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ngl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ngl'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0b1'
+port[:description] = 'module to visualize scientific data'
+port[:licenses] = 'PyNGL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-nio'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-nio'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0b1'
+port[:description] = 'I/O library for scientific data formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'PyNIO'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-nltk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-nltk'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1rc1'
+port[:description] = 'Natural Language Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:stevenbird1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-nmrglue'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-nmrglue'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A module for working with NMR data in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer gmail:michelle.lynn.gill'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-nose'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-nose'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python unittest extension.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-notify-python'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-notify-python'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'libnotify python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-numarray'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-numarray'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'array manipulation and computational library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'smp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-numeric'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-numeric'
+port[:version] = '24.2'
+port[:description] = 'fast numerical array language for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-numexpr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-numexpr'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Multiple-operator array expression evaluator'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-numpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-numpy'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram vince openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-odbc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-odbc'
+port[:version] = '2.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python DB API 2 module for ODBC'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ode'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ode'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for The Open Dynamics Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-omniORBpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-omniORBpy'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for omniORB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-openbabel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-openbabel'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python 2.6 interface to OpenBabel'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-opengl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-opengl'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding to OpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-opengl-accelerate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-opengl-accelerate'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Acceleration code for PyOpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-openopt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-openopt'
+port[:version] = '0.29'
+port[:description] = 'Numerical optimization framework for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-openssl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-openssl'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'python wrapper around the OpenSSL library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-orbit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-orbit'
+port[:version] = '2.24.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB - Default branch.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-oursql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-oursql'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python driver for MySQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:habnabit'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-paramiko'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-paramiko'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'python library for making SSH2 connections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-parsing'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-parsing'
+port[:version] = '1.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'alternative approach to creating parsers in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-paste'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-paste'
+port[:version] = '1.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Bringing consistency to Python web development.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pastedeploy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pastedeploy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Paste Deployment is a system for finding and configuring WSGI applications and servers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pastescript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pastescript'
+port[:version] = '1.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'Paste Script is a pluggable command-line frontend, to the Paste system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-paver'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-paver'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Easy build, distribution and deployment scripting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pcapy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pcapy'
+port[:version] = '0.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to libpcap'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pdfminer'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pdfminer'
+port[:version] = '20100424'
+port[:description] = 'Python pdf extraction package'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pebl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pebl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Pebl is a python library and application for learning the structure of a Bayesian network.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pexpect'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pexpect'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'python module for better controlling other applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pgsql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pgsql'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to postgresql'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pika'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pika'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Python implementation of the AMQP 0-8 protocol.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pil'
+port[:version] = '1.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python Imaging Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_tk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pip'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'An easy_install replacement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-ply'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-ply'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'lex and yacc implementation for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pmw'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pmw'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'high-level compound widget toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-polygon'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-polygon'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for General Polygon Clipping Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'numpy universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pp'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'parallel python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-progressbar'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-progressbar'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Text progressbar library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-psychopy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-psychopy'
+port[:version] = '1.51.01'
+port[:description] = 'PsychoPy is an open-source package for creating psychology stimuli in Python (A real and free alternative to Matlab).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-psyco'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-psyco'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'a python specializing compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-psycopg2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-psycopg2'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A python DBAPI-2.0 ompliant database adapter for postgresql'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-py'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'py lib: agile development and test support library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-py2app'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-py2app'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT/PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-py2app-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-py2app-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT/PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyavm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyavm'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Python AVM library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pybonjour'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pybonjour'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'pybonjour provides a pure-Python interface to Apple Bonjour and compatible DNS-SD libraries (such as Avahi).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pybox2d'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pybox2d'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2b2'
+port[:description] = 'Python Box2D Bindings - 2D Physics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pybtex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pybtex'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor in Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pycallgraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pycallgraph'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Python module that creates call graphs for Python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pycluster'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pycluster'
+port[:version] = '1.50'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for clustering'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyclutter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyclutter'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for Clutter 1.0.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pydb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pydb'
+port[:version] = '1.25'
+port[:description] = 'Extended Python Debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dweber openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pydicom'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pydicom'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for working with DICOM files'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pydot'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pydot'
+port[:version] = '1.0.25'
+port[:description] = 'a Python interface to the Graphviz DOT language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyepl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyepl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.29'
+port[:description] = 'PyEPL (the Python Experiment-Programming Library) is a library for coding psychology experiments in Python. (awcard support disabled)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyfftw3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyfftw3'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to FFTW3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyfits'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyfits'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to FITS formatted files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sebastien.maret'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyflakes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyflakes'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'passive checker of Python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyfsevents'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyfsevents'
+port[:version] = '0.2b1'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to Mac OS X\'s FSEvents'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygccxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygccxml'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'pygccxml is a python interface to gcc-xml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygccxml-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygccxml-devel'
+port[:version] = '20101014'
+port[:description] = 'pygccxml is a python interface to gcc-xml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyglet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyglet'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'A cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygments'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygments'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python syntax highlighter'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer erickt'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygooglechart'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygooglechart'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'pygooglechart is a complete Python wrapper for the Google Chart API'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygpgme'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygpgme'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for working with OpenPGP messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygraphviz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygraphviz'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python wrapper for the Graphviz Agraph data structure.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygresql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygresql'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pygtksourceview'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pygtksourceview'
+port[:version] = '2.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GtkSourceView2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyhyphen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyhyphen'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrapper for the Mozilla hyphenation library hyphen-2.4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyicu'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyicu'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python extension wrapping IBM\'s International Components for Unicode C++ library (ICU)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyke'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyke'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Knowledge Engine (PyKE)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mahergamal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pykerberos'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pykerberos'
+port[:version] = '1.1-4895'
+port[:description] = 'A GSSAPI interface module for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pylibmc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pylibmc'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'python memcached client wrapped on libmemcached'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer voldmar.ru:voldmar'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pylibpcap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pylibpcap'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for the libpcap packet capture library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pylons'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pylons'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pylons is a lightweight web framework emphasizing flexibility and rapid development.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pylzma'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pylzma'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the LZMA compression library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymacs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymacs'
+port[:version] = '0.23'
+port[:description] = 'python/emacs integration'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymc'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Bayesian statistical models and fitting algorithms for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymca'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymca'
+port[:version] = '4.4.1p1'
+port[:description] = 'Mapping and X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:Tom.Schoonjans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymodels'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymodels'
+port[:version] = '0.18.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python models for schema-less databases.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymongo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymongo'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Python access to mongodb'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymorph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymorph'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'Image morphology library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymtp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymtp'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrapper for libmtp'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymunk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymunk'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrapper around the 2d physics library Chipmunk'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pymvpa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pymvpa'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'PyMVPA is a Python module intended to ease pattern classification analyses of large datasets.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_shogun gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pynifti'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pynifti'
+port[:version] = '0.20090303.1'
+port[:description] = 'PyNIfTI aims to provide easy access to NIfTI images from within Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pynzb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pynzb'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Text progressbar library for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyobjc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyobjc'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'bidirectional bridge between python and Objective C'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'cocoa wrappers for py26-pyobjc'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyobjc2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyobjc2'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'stub port, replaced by py26-pyobjc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyobjc2-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyobjc2-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'stub port, replaced by py26-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyopencl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyopencl'
+port[:version] = '2011.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrapper for OpenCL.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pypdf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pypdf'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'A Pure-Python PDF toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyphant'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyphant'
+port[:version] = '0.8a1'
+port[:description] = 'python framework for analysing and managing scientific data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'carbon universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fmf.uni-freiburg.de:klaus.zimmermann rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyphant-fmf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyphant-fmf'
+port[:version] = '0.8a1'
+port[:description] = 'Full-Metadata Format toolbox for py26-pyphant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fmf.uni-freiburg.de:klaus.zimmermann rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyphant-imageprocessing'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyphant-imageprocessing'
+port[:version] = '0.8a1'
+port[:description] = 'imageprocessing toolbox for py26-pyphant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fmf.uni-freiburg.de:klaus.zimmermann rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyphant-osc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyphant-osc'
+port[:version] = '0.8a1'
+port[:description] = 'organic solar cells toolbox for py26-pyphant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fmf.uni-freiburg.de:klaus.zimmermann rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyphant-statistics'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyphant-statistics'
+port[:version] = '0.8a1'
+port[:description] = 'statistics toolbox for py26-pyphant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fmf.uni-freiburg.de:klaus.zimmermann rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyphant-tools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyphant-tools'
+port[:version] = '0.8a1'
+port[:description] = 'tools toolbox for py26-pyphant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fmf.uni-freiburg.de:klaus.zimmermann rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyplusplus'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyplusplus'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Py++ is an framework for creating a code generator for Boost.Python library and ctypes package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyplusplus-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyplusplus-devel'
+port[:version] = '20101014'
+port[:description] = 'Py++ is an framework for creating a code generator for Boost.Python library and ctypes package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyproj'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyproj'
+port[:version] = '1.8.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python interfaces to PROJ.4 functions.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyprotocols'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyprotocols'
+port[:version] = '1.0a0dev-r2302'
+port[:description] = 'Protocol Definition, Declaration, and Adaptation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyqt3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyqt3'
+port[:version] = '3.17.4'
+port[:description] = 'PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyqt4'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyqt4'
+port[:version] = '4.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyqwt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyqwt'
+port[:version] = '5.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyQwt is a set of Python bindings for the Qwt toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'qwt qwt52 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000 michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyrant'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyrant'
+port[:version] = '0.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Pyrant is a Python wrapper around Tokyo Tyrant.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyregion'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyregion'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'pyregion is a Python module to parse ds9 region files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyrex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyrex'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing Python extension modules.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyro'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyro'
+port[:version] = '3.10'
+port[:description] = 'PYthon Remote Objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'node99.org:sean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyrxp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyrxp'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Fast validating XML parser for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyside'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyside'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'LGPL-licensed Python bindings for Qt'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyside-tools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyside-tools'
+port[:version] = '0.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for developing PySide applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pysparse'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pysparse'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'a fast sparse matrix library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000 vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pythonutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pythonutils'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'General utility modules that simplify common programming in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pytidylib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pytidylib'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrapper for tidylib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyusb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyusb'
+port[:version] = '0.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python library to provide easy USB device access'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyusb-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyusb-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0-a1'
+port[:description] = 'Python library to provide easy USB device access'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pywavelets'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pywavelets'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyWavelets is a Python wavelet transforms module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pywcs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pywcs'
+port[:version] = '1.10-4.7'
+port[:description] = 'pywcs is a set of routines for handling the FITS WCS standard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyx'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'PyX is a TeX/LaTeX interface for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyxb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyxb'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'PyXB: Python XML Schema Bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyxg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyxg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyXG provides a Python interface to Apple\'s Xgrid'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:beatrupp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-pyxmpp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-pyxmpp'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python Jabber/XMPP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-qscintilla'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-qscintilla'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for QScintilla'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-quadtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-quadtree'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Quadtree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-rabbyt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-rabbyt'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'A fast 2D sprite engine using OpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-rdflib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-rdflib'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with RDF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-recaptcha-client'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-recaptcha-client'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a CAPTCHA for Python using the reCAPTCHA service.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT/X11'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-redis'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-redis'
+port[:version] = '2.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python client for Redis key-value store'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-reportlab'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-reportlab'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'python library for creating pdf files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.what'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.what'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'repoze.what is an authorization framework for WSGI applications, based on repoze.who (which deals with authentication and identification).'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.what-pylons'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.what-pylons'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'This is an extras plugin for repoze.what which provides optional and handy utilities for Pylons applications using this authorization framework.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.what-quickstart'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.what-quickstart'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'This plugin allows you to take advantage of a rather simple, and usual, authentication and authorization setup, in which the users\' data, the groups and the permissions used in the application are all stored in a SQLAlchemy or Elixir-managed database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.what.plugins.sql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.what.plugins.sql'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'The SQL plugin makes repoze.what support sources defined in SQLAlchemy-managed databases by providing one group adapter, one permission adapter and one utility to configure both in one go.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.who'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.who'
+port[:version] = '1.0.18'
+port[:description] = 'repoze.who is an identification and authentication framework for WSGI.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.who-friendlyform'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.who-friendlyform'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'repoze.who-friendlyform is a repoze.who plugin which provides a collection of developer-friendly form plugins, although for the time being such a collection has only one item.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.who-testutil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.who-testutil'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'repoze.who-testutil is a repoze.who plugin which modifies repoze.who\'s original middleware to make it easier to forge authentication, without bypassing identification (this is, running the metadata providers).'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-repoze.who.plugins.sa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-repoze.who.plugins.sa'
+port[:version] = '1.0rc2'
+port[:description] = 'This plugin provides one repoze.who authenticator and one metadata provider which works with SQLAlchemy or Elixir-based models.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-robotframework'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-robotframework'
+port[:version] = '2.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'ATDD framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-robotframework-ride'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-robotframework-ride'
+port[:version] = '0.22.1'
+port[:description] = 'Robot Framework test case editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-robotframework-seleniumlibrary'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-robotframework-seleniumlibrary'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Robot Framework library to run web-based tests'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-robotframework-sshlibrary'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-robotframework-sshlibrary'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Robot Framework library to handle ssh'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-roman'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-roman'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Integer to Roman numerals converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF-2.1.1'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-rope'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-rope'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'python refactoring library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-routes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-routes'
+port[:version] = '1.12.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Routing package for Python that matches URLs to dicts and vice versa.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-rpncalc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-rpncalc'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'an interpreter for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) that easily integrates with the standard Python interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-rpy2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-rpy2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'A simple and efficient access to R from Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-rtree'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-rtree'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scgi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scgi'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'A Python package for implementing SCGI servers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'DFSG-Approved'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scientific'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scientific'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'Scientific Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mpi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scikits-ann'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scikits-ann'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'scikits.ann is a SWIG python wrapper for the Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scikits-audiolab'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scikits-audiolab'
+port[:version] = '0.11.0'
+port[:description] = 'Audiolab is a python toolbox to read/write audio files from numpy arrays'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scikits-learn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scikits-learn'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Easy-to-use and general-purpose machine learning in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintaner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scikits-module'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scikits-module'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'provides the files common to all scikits'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scikits-talkbox'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scikits-talkbox'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Talkbox, a set of python modules for speech/signal processing'
+port[:licenses] = 'OSI-Approved'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scikits-timeseries'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scikits-timeseries'
+port[:version] = '0.91.1'
+port[:description] = 'Classes and functions for manipulating, reporting, and plotting time series'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scikits-umfpack'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scikits-umfpack'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Classes and functions for solving unsymmetric sparse linear systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scipy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'An opensource library of scientific tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_atlas gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-scrapy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-scrapy'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Scrapy is a high level scraping and web crawling framework for writing spiders to crawl and parse web pages for all kinds of purposes, from information retrieval to monitoring or testing web sites.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-serial'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-serial'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Serial Port Extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'Python'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-setuptools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-setuptools'
+port[:version] = '0.6c11'
+port[:description] = 'distutils enhancement for build and distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sfepy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sfepy'
+port[:version] = '2011.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple finite elements in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mascsforever2000 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-shapely'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-shapely'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Shapely is a Python package for manipulation and analysis of 2D geospatial geometries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-shiboken'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-shiboken'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Plugin for generatorrunner that generates python bindings for C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-simplejson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-simplejson'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'simplejson is a JSON encoder and decoder.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-simpletal'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-simpletal'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'A standalone Python HTML & XML template library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-simpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-simpy'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'python based simulation language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sip'
+port[:version] = '4.12.2'
+port[:description] = 'create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sip-qt3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sip-qt3'
+port[:version] = '4.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-smisk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-smisk'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'High performance web service framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'minimal universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rasmus'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-soaplib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-soaplib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0-beta8'
+port[:description] = 'A simple library for writing soap web services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sogl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sogl'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'slightly modified version of the object graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fmf.uni-freiburg.de:klaus.zimmermann rowue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-south'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-south'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'South provides intelligent schema migrations for Django apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sphinx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sphinx'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python documentation generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-spyder'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-spyder'
+port[:version] = '2.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'development environment with advanced editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection features.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sqlalchemy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sqlalchemy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python SQL ORM'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cextensions universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sqlite'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sqlite'
+port[:version] = '2.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'python database extension for sqlite'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-storm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-storm'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'Storm is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python developed at Canonical'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-subvertpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-subvertpy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Alternative Python bindings for Subversion (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:danchr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-suds'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-suds'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Suds is a lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-svn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-svn'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python Subversion Extension (pysvn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-sympy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-sympy'
+port[:version] = '0.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for symbolic mathematics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tables'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tables'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for HDF5 file access.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tahchee'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tahchee'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'build static web sites with the Cheetah template system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmx.net:alex_a_bordeaux'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tc'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the tokyocabinet library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rasmus'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tempita'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tempita'
+port[:version] = '0.5dev'
+port[:description] = 'Tempita is a small templating language for text substitution.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tesser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tesser'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Optical Character Recognition module for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-textile'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-textile'
+port[:version] = '2.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'This is Textile. A Humane Web Text Generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tkinter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tkinter'
+port[:version] = '2.6.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the Tk widget set'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tornado'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tornado'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Scalable, non-blocking web server and related tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache 2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-traits'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-traits'
+port[:version] = '3.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traits package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-traitsbackendqt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-traitsbackendqt'
+port[:version] = '3.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traitsgui Qt backend'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-traitsbackendwx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-traitsbackendwx'
+port[:version] = '3.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traitsgui WX backend'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-traitsgui'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-traitsgui'
+port[:version] = '3.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Enthought traitsgui package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'wx qt4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-translationstring'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-translationstring'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Utility library for i18n.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tre'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tre'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libtre'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tvdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tvdb'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'An easy to use API interface to TheTVDB.com'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tvnamer'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tvnamer'
+port[:version] = 'master'
+port[:description] = 'Renames files in a standard way that\'s easily parsable For example, foo.bar.s02e03.m4v becomes {"foo} bar {[02x03].m4v}'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tweepy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tweepy'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A python library for the Twitter API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-twill'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-twill'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'A simple scripting language for web browsing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mahergamal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-twisted'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-twisted'
+port[:version] = '10.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An event-based Python framework for internet applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-twisted-web2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-twisted-web2'
+port[:version] = '8.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Twisted.Web2 is the next generation Web Server Framework built with Twisted.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-twitter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-twitter'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A python wrapper around the Twitter API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:aeppert'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-tz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-tz'
+port[:version] = '2011h'
+port[:description] = 'World Timezone Definitions for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-urlgrabber'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-urlgrabber'
+port[:version] = '3.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'High-level cross-protocol url-grabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-urlwatch'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-urlwatch'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'a tool for monitoring webpages for updates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-urwid'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-urwid'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'curses-based UI/widget library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-usadel1'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-usadel1'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Usadel equation solver'
+port[:licenses] = 'gpl'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-utidylib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-utidylib'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to html tidy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'amln.net:dima openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-virtualenv'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-virtualenv'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Python Environment builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-virtualenvwrapper'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-virtualenvwrapper'
+port[:version] = '2.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Enhancements to virtualenv.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-vo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-vo'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A Python library to parse, validate and generate VOTable XML files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-vobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-vobject'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1c'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for parsing and generating vCard and vCalendar files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-wbxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-wbxml'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the WBXML library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-weberror'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-weberror'
+port[:version] = '0.10.3'
+port[:description] = 'Web Error handling and exception catching'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-webhelpers'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-webhelpers'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Web Helpers is a library of helper functions intended to make writing web applications easier.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-webkitgtk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-webkitgtk'
+port[:version] = '1.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+ port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-webob'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-webob'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'WSGI request and response object.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-webtest'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-webtest'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Helper to test WSGI applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-werkzeug'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-werkzeug'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Swiss Army knife of Python web development.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-wordaxe'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-wordaxe'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for hyphenation by decomposition of compound words'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-wxpython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-wxpython'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the wxWindows cross platform GUI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'carbon gtk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xattr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xattr'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'xattr is a Python wrapper for Darwin, Linux, and FreeBSD extended filesystem attributes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xdg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xdg'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Python module implementing various freedesktop.org standards'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xlrd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xlrd'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'module to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xlutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xlutils'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities for working with Excel files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xlwt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xlwt'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'python module for writing Excel spreadsheets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xml'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'XML Tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xmlsec'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xmlsec'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'a set of Python bindings for the XML Security Library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python security textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-xmpppy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-xmpppy'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'python library providing easy scripting with jabber'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'csh.rit.edu:mfisher'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-yaml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-yaml'
+port[:version] = '3.09'
+port[:description] = 'YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'libyaml universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-yolk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-yolk'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line tool querying PyPI and Python packages installed on your system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-yum-metadata-parser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-yum-metadata-parser'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Yum metadata parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-zmq'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-zmq'
+port[:version] = '2.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for ØMQ'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jrjsmrtn openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-zopeinterface'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-zopeinterface'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python interfaces for Zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python zope'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py26-zsi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py26-zsi'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Zolera SOAP Infrastructure is a Python implementation of SOAP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-MMTK'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-MMTK'
+port[:version] = '2.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'The Molecular Modelling Toolkit is a library for molecular simulations with a focus on biomolecular systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-altgraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-altgraph'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python graph (network) package'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-amqplib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-amqplib'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple non-threaded Python client library for AMQP.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-antlr3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-antlr3'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python runtime package for ANTLR3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:marc.schlaich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-anyjson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-anyjson'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Wrap the best available JSON implementation in a common API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-aplpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-aplpy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'rgb avm ds9 montage universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-appscript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-appscript'
+port[:version] = '0.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-level application scripting package for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-asciitable'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-asciitable'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'An extensible ASCII table reader and writer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-asn1'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-asn1'
+port[:version] = '0.0.13b'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-atpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-atpy'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'ATpy: Astronomical Tables in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'fits hdf5 vo ascii sql all universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-babel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-babel'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-bdist_mpkg'
+port[:version] = '0.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Builds Mac OS X installer packages from distutils'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-beaker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-beaker'
+port[:version] = '1.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Session WSGI Middleware'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-beautifulsoup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-beautifulsoup'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python HTML/XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-biopython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-biopython'
+port[:version] = '1.57'
+port[:description] = 'python tools for computational molecular biology'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-bitstring'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-bitstring'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Module to simplify handling of binary data'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-blinker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-blinker'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-blist'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-blist'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'a list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-boto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-boto'
+port[:version] = '1.9b'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to Amazon Web Services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-cairo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-cairo'
+port[:version] = '1.8.10'
+port[:description] = 'Pycairo is set of Python bindings for the cairo graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-celery'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-celery'
+port[:version] = '2.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Distributed Task Queue'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-chardet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-chardet'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Universal character encoding detector'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-cheetah'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-cheetah'
+port[:version] = '2.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Cheetah is a Python-powered template engine and code generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-cjson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-cjson'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast JSON encoder/decoder for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-configobj'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-configobj'
+port[:version] = '4.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Config file reading, writing and validation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-couchdb'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-couchdb'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python library for working with CouchDB'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-coverage'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-coverage'
+port[:version] = '3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Code coverage measurement for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-crypto'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'collection of cryptographic algorithms and protocols for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-curl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-curl'
+port[:version] = '7.19.0'
+port[:description] = 'python interface to libcurl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-cx_Freeze'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-cx_Freeze'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Scripts and modules for freezing Python scripts into executables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-cython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-cython'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing C extension modules for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-daemon'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-daemon'
+port[:version] = '1.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process.'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-dap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-dap'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python implementation of the Data Access Protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-dateutil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-dateutil'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'powerful extensions to the standard python datetime module'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-decorator'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-decorator'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a decorator factory that makes creating signature preserving decorators dead simple.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-dice3ds'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-dice3ds'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Read, write, and manipulate 3DS files'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-distribute'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-distribute'
+port[:version] = '0.6.19'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for setuptools'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF ZPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-django'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-django'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Django is a high-level Python Web framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'bash_completion universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'deric'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-dns'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-dns'
+port[:version] = '2.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'module for performing DNS queries from python'
+port[:licenses] = 'Python'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-dnspython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-dnspython'
+port[:version] = '1.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'DNS toolkit for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-docutils'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-docutils'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'A set of tools for processing plaintext documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+ PSF-2.1.1 BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-dulwich'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-dulwich'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Python Git Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-enchant'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-enchant'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'A python interface to the enchant spell-checking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-eventlet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-eventlet'
+port[:version] = '0.9.10'
+port[:description] = 'Coroutine-based networking library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-eyed3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-eyed3'
+port[:version] = '0.6.17'
+port[:description] = 'python module and program for processing ID3 tags'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-feedparser'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-feedparser'
+port[:version] = '5.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'RSS and Atom parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-fixture'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-fixture'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for loading and referencing test data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-fixtures'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-fixtures'
+port[:version] = '0.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'Fixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-flup'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-flup'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3.dev-20100525'
+port[:description] = 'Flup is a random collection of WSGI servers and middleware.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-freebase'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-freebase'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to freebase.com API'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-game'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-game'
+port[:version] = '1.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'pygame, python modules for writing games'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'portmidi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel multimedia graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gdal'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gdal'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'GDAL: Geospatial Data Abstraction Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gdata'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gdata'
+port[:version] = '2.0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Google Data API Python Client Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-genshi'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-genshi'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python toolkit for generation of output for the web'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-geoip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-geoip'
+port[:version] = '1.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for accessing the GeoIP C library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gevent'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gevent'
+port[:version] = '0.13.6'
+port[:description] = 'Coroutine-based Python networking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gnome'
+port[:version] = '2.28.1'
+port[:description] = 'gnome-python is a set of python interfaces to gnome-libs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gnupg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gnupg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'GnuPGInterface is a Python module to interface with GnuPG'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gobject'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gobject'
+port[:version] = '2.26.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GObject.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-googleappengine'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-googleappengine'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Google App Engine Python SDK'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-greenlet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-greenlet'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight in-process concurrent programming'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-growl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-growl'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the Growl notification system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gst-python'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gst-python'
+port[:version] = '0.10.21'
+port[:description] = 'GStreamer python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gtfs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gtfs'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'General Transit Feed Specification library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-gtk'
+port[:version] = '2.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyGTK is the Python binding to GTK+ 2.x'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-h5py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-h5py'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for working with HDF5 files'
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-hgsvn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-hgsvn'
+port[:version] = '0.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'hgsvn is a set of scripts for Subversion and Mercurial'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-html5lib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-html5lib'
+port[:version] = '0.90'
+port[:description] = 'Library for working with HTML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-httplib2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-httplib2'
+port[:version] = '2-0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-idlsave'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-idlsave'
+port[:version] = '0.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'IDLSave - a python module to read IDL \'save\' files'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-igraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-igraph'
+port[:version] = '0.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the igraph library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-instapaperlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-instapaperlib'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python API for instapaper.com'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-ipython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-ipython'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'An enhanced Interactive Python shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'scientific'
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-jinja2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-jinja2'
+port[:version] = '2.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python based sandboxed template engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-kombu'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-kombu'
+port[:version] = '1.1.6'
+port[:description] = 'AMQP Messaging Framework for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-kombu-sqlalchemy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-kombu-sqlalchemy'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Kombu transport using SQLAlchemy as the message store.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-kqueue'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-kqueue'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'This is a kqueue package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-kyotocabinet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-kyotocabinet'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'Python 2.x Binding of Kyoto Cabinet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-ldap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-ldap'
+port[:version] = '2.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'object-oriented api for python to access LDAP directory servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-lepl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-lepl'
+port[:version] = '5.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Parser Library for Python 2.6+.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-levenshtein'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-levenshtein'
+port[:version] = '0.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'python module for fast computation of Levensthein distances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-libdnet'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-libdnet'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'A python module for the libdnet low-level networking library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nzbox.com:msavory'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-libxml2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-libxml2'
+port[:version] = '2.6.21'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libxml2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-lint'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-lint'
+port[:version] = '0.23.0'
+port[:description] = 'Error (and style) checking for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-llvm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-llvm'
+port[:version] = 'r105'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for LLVM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-lockfile'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-lockfile'
+port[:version] = '0.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'Platform-independent file locking module'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-logilab-astng'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-logilab-astng'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-logilab-common'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-logilab-common'
+port[:version] = '0.55.1'
+port[:description] = 'A number of modules used by various projects from Logilab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-lxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-lxml'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-m2crypto'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-m2crypto'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'M2Crypto is a crypto and SSL toolkit for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-macholib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-macholib'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mach-O header analysis and editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mako'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mako'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'A super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-markdown'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-markdown'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python implementation of Markdown'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer singingwolfboy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-markupsafe'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-markupsafe'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-matplotlib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-matplotlib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'matlab-like syntax for creating plots in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cairo gtk2 tkinter wxpython qt4 latex ghostscript universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-matplotlib-basemap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'matplotlib toolkit for plotting data on map projections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mcrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'a comprehensive Python interface to the mcrypt library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-midgard2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-midgard2'
+port[:version] = '10.05.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the Midgard content repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-milk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-milk'
+port[:version] = '0.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'Machine Learning Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mlpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mlpy'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for predictive modeling'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:marc.schlaich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mock'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mock'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0rc1'
+port[:description] = 'A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-modulegraph'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-modulegraph'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Python module dependency analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-montage'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-montage'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Montage python wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mpi4py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mpi4py'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'MPI for Python - Python bindings for MPI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'openmpi interpreter'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mpmath'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mpmath'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Arbitrary-precision floating-point library for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-msgpack'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-msgpack'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'MessagePack (de)serializer for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mustache'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mustache'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Logic-less templates, implemented in Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc gmail.com:jweede+macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mutagen'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mutagen'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'A Python module to handle audio metadata'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mx-base'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mx-base'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'eGenix.com mx Extensions for Python - base package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mygpoclient'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mygpoclient'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'python module for interacting with my.gpodder.org web services}'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-mysql'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to mysql'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-networkx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-networkx'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'NetworkX in a Python package for graph manpulation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-nltk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-nltk'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1rc1'
+port[:description] = 'Natural Language Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:stevenbird1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-nose'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-nose'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python unittest extension.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-notify-python'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-notify-python'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'libnotify python bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-numeric'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-numeric'
+port[:version] = '24.2'
+port[:description] = 'fast numerical array language for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-numexpr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-numexpr'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Multiple-operator array expression evaluator'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-numpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-numpy'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-odbc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-odbc'
+port[:version] = '2.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python DB API 2 module for ODBC'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-opengl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-opengl'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding to OpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-opengl-accelerate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-opengl-accelerate'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Acceleration code for PyOpenGL'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-orbit'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-orbit'
+port[:version] = '2.24.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python binding for the ORBit2 CORBA ORB - Default branch.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-paramiko'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-paramiko'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'python library for making SSH2 connections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-parsing'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-parsing'
+port[:version] = '1.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'alternative approach to creating parsers in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pdfminer'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pdfminer'
+port[:version] = '20110227'
+port[:description] = 'Python pdf extraction package'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pika'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pika'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Python implementation of the AMQP 0-8 protocol.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pil'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pil'
+port[:version] = '1.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python Imaging Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_tk universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pip'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'An easy_install replacement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-ply'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-ply'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'lex and yacc implementation for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pmw'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pmw'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'high-level compound widget toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pp'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'parallel python module'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-psyco'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-psyco'
+port[:version] = 'dev'
+port[:description] = 'a python specializing compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-psycopg2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-psycopg2'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A python DBAPI-2.0 ompliant database adapter for postgresql'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-py'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-py'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'py lib: agile development and test support library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-py2app'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-py2app'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'converts python scripts into executable Mac OS X apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT/PSF'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyavm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyavm'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-Python AVM library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pybonjour'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pybonjour'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'pybonjour provides a pure-Python interface to Apple Bonjour and compatible DNS-SD libraries (such as Avahi).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pybtex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pybtex'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A BibTeX-compatible bibliography processor in Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pychecker'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pychecker'
+port[:version] = '0.8.19'
+port[:description] = 'python source code checker for finding bugs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pycluster'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pycluster'
+port[:version] = '1.50'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for clustering'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pydicom'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pydicom'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Module for working with DICOM files'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyfftw3'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyfftw3'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to FFTW3'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyfits'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyfits'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to FITS formatted files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sebastien.maret'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyflakes'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyflakes'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'passive checker of Python programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pygccxml-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pygccxml-devel'
+port[:version] = '20101014'
+port[:description] = 'pygccxml is a python interface to gcc-xml'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pygments'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pygments'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python syntax highlighter'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pygraphviz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pygraphviz'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python wrapper for the Graphviz Agraph data structure.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pygresql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pygresql'
+port[:version] = '4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module that interfaces to a PostgreSQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pygtksourceview'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pygtksourceview'
+port[:version] = '2.10.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for GtkSourceView2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pykerberos'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pykerberos'
+port[:version] = '1.1-4895'
+port[:description] = 'A GSSAPI interface module for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pymacs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pymacs'
+port[:version] = '0.23'
+port[:description] = 'python/emacs integration'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pymc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pymc'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Bayesian statistical models and fitting algorithms for python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyobjc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyobjc'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'bidirectional bridge between python and Objective C'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyobjc-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'cocoa wrappers for py27-pyobjc'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyopencl'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyopencl'
+port[:version] = '2011.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python wrapper for OpenCL.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pypdf'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pypdf'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'A Pure-Python PDF toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyplusplus-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyplusplus-devel'
+port[:version] = '20101014'
+port[:description] = 'Py++ is an framework for creating a code generator for Boost.Python library and ctypes package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyqt4'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyqt4'
+port[:version] = '4.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyqwt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyqwt'
+port[:version] = '5.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyQwt is a set of Python bindings for the Qwt toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'qwt qwt52 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000 michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyregion'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyregion'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'pyregion is a Python module to parse ds9 region files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyrex'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyrex'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing Python extension modules.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyside'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyside'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'LGPL-licensed Python bindings for Qt'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyside-tools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyside-tools'
+port[:version] = '0.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for developing PySide applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyusb-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyusb-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0-a1'
+port[:description] = 'Python library to provide easy USB device access'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pywcs'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pywcs'
+port[:version] = '1.10-4.7'
+port[:description] = 'pywcs is a set of routines for handling the FITS WCS standard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille stsci.edu:mperrin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyx'
+port[:version] = '0.10'
+port[:description] = 'PyX is a TeX/LaTeX interface for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyxg'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyxg'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'PyXG provides a Python interface to Apple\'s Xgrid'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-pyxmpp'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-pyxmpp'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python Jabber/XMPP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python crypto devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-qscintilla'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-qscintilla'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for QScintilla'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-rbtools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-rbtools'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for Review Board integration'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-redis'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-redis'
+port[:version] = '2.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python client for Redis key-value store'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-reportlab'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-reportlab'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'python library for creating pdf files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-robotframework'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-robotframework'
+port[:version] = '2.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'ATDD framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-robotframework-ride'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-robotframework-ride'
+port[:version] = '0.35.1'
+port[:description] = 'Robot Framework test case editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-robotframework-seleniumlibrary'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-robotframework-seleniumlibrary'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Robot Framework library to run web-based tests'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-robotframework-sshlibrary'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-robotframework-sshlibrary'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Robot Framework library to handle ssh'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-roman'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-roman'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Integer to Roman numerals converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF-2.1.1'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-rope'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-rope'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'python refactoring library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-rpy2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-rpy2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'A simple and efficient access to R from Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-scientific'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-scientific'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'Scientific Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'mpi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-scipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-scipy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'An opensource library of scientific tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_atlas gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-scss'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-scss'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'SCSS compiler for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-selenium'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-selenium'
+port[:version] = '2.0rc3'
+port[:description] = 'Python language binding for Selenium Remote Control'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-serial'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-serial'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'Python Serial Port Extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'Python'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-setuptools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-setuptools'
+port[:version] = '0.6c11'
+port[:description] = 'distutils enhancement for build and distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-shapely'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-shapely'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Shapely is a Python package for manipulation and analysis of 2D geospatial geometries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-shiboken'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-shiboken'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Plugin for generatorrunner that generates python bindings for C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-simplejson'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-simplejson'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'simplejson is a JSON encoder and decoder.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-sip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-sip'
+port[:version] = '4.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-soaplib'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-soaplib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0-beta8'
+port[:description] = 'A simple library for writing soap web services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-sphinx'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-sphinx'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python documentation generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-sqlalchemy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-sqlalchemy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python SQL ORM'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'cextensions universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-sqlalchemy-migrate'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-sqlite'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-sqlite'
+port[:version] = '2.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'python database extension for sqlite'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-storm'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-storm'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'Storm is an object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python developed at Canonical'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-subvertpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-subvertpy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Alternative Python bindings for Subversion (svn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:danchr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-suds'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-suds'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Suds is a lightweight SOAP python client for consuming Web Services.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-svn'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-svn'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python Subversion Extension (pysvn)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-sympy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-sympy'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for symbolic mathematics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'stromnov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-tables'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-tables'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Python package for HDF5 file access.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-tail'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-tail'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple implementation of GNU tail and head in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-tempita'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-tempita'
+port[:version] = '0.5dev'
+port[:description] = 'Tempita is a small templating language for text substitution.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-termcolor'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-termcolor'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-testtools'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-testtools'
+port[:version] = '0.9.11'
+port[:description] = 'Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-tkinter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-tkinter'
+port[:version] = '2.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the Tk widget set'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-tornado'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-tornado'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Scalable, non-blocking web server and related tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache 2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-tre'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-tre'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for libtre'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mdippery'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-twilio'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-twilio'
+port[:version] = '2.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Twilio SDK'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-twisted'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-twisted'
+port[:version] = '11.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'An event-based Python framework for internet applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-twisted-web2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-twisted-web2'
+port[:version] = '8.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Twisted.Web2 is the next generation Web Server Framework built with Twisted.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-tz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-tz'
+port[:version] = '2011h'
+port[:description] = 'World Timezone Definitions for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-virtualenv'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-virtualenv'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Python Environment builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-vo'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-vo'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A Python library to parse, validate and generate VOTable XML files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-webkitgtk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-webkitgtk'
+port[:version] = '1.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for the WebKit GTK+ port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nodamage.com:nodamage elelay openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-wtforms'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-wtforms'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Forms validation and rendering library for Python web development'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-wxpython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-wxpython'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to the wxWindows cross platform GUI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-xattr'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-xattr'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'xattr is a Python wrapper for Darwin, Linux, and FreeBSD extended filesystem attributes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-xlrd'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-xlrd'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'module to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-xlwt'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-xlwt'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'python module for writing Excel spreadsheets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-yaml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-yaml'
+port[:version] = '3.09'
+port[:description] = 'YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'libyaml universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lightnin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-yolk'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-yolk'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line tool querying PyPI and Python packages installed on your system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-zmq'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-zmq'
+port[:version] = '2.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings for ØMQ'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jrjsmrtn openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py27-zopeinterface'
+port[:path] = 'python/py27-zopeinterface'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Python interfaces for Zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python zope'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-appscript'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-appscript'
+port[:version] = '0.22.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-level application scripting package for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-bitstring'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-bitstring'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Module to simplify handling of binary data'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-blist'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-blist'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'a list-like type with better asymptotic performance and similar performance on small lists'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-crcmod'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-crcmod'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Python module for creating functions computing the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-cython'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-cython'
+port[:version] = '0.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'A language for writing C extension modules for Python.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-distribute'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-distribute'
+port[:version] = '0.6.19'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for setuptools'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF ZPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmr openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-djvubind'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-djvubind'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A tool to create highly compressed djvu files with positional ocr, metadata, and bookmarks'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-httplib2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-httplib2'
+port[:version] = '2-0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-lxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-lxml'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-nose'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-nose'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python unittest extension.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-numpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-numpy'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-ply'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-ply'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'PLY is an implementation of lex and yacc parsing tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-postgresql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-postgresql'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-pyqt4'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-pyqt4'
+port[:version] = '4.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-scipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-scipy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'An opensource library of scientific tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_atlas gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-sip'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-sip'
+port[:version] = '4.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-tc'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-tc'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the tokyocabinet library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rasmus'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-tkinter'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-tkinter'
+port[:version] = '3.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python bindings to the Tk widget set'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-tz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-tz'
+port[:version] = '2011h'
+port[:description] = 'World Timezone Definitions for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py31-virtualenv'
+port[:path] = 'python/py31-virtualenv'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Python Environment builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-bitstring'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-bitstring'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Module to simplify handling of binary data'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-distribute'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-distribute'
+port[:version] = '0.6.19'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for setuptools'
+port[:licenses] = 'PSF/ZPL'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-httplib2'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-httplib2'
+port[:version] = '2-0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A comprehensive HTTP client library in Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-lxml'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-lxml'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful and Pythonic XML processing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-nose'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-nose'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Python unittest extension.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-numpy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-numpy'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'atlas gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-postgresql'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-postgresql'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Python interface to PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-pygments'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-pygments'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Python syntax highlighter'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-scipy'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-scipy'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'An opensource library of scientific tools for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'no_atlas gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-tz'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-tz'
+port[:version] = '2011h'
+port[:description] = 'World Timezone Definitions for Python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'py32-virtualenv'
+port[:path] = 'python/py32-virtualenv'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Virtual Python Environment builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python-musicbrainz2'
+port[:path] = 'python/python-musicbrainz2'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'python-based library to access the MusicBrainz Database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quodlibet'
+port[:path] = 'python/quodlibet'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'audio library manager and player for GTK+'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python audio gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rdiff-backup'
+port[:path] = 'python/rdiff-backup'
+port[:version] = '1.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'rdiff-backup backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rdiff-backup-devel'
+port[:path] = 'python/rdiff-backup-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.1.15'
+port[:description] = 'Backs up to remote directories using librsync'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'repo'
+port[:path] = 'python/repo'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'tool that helps to manage Android Git repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 37
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-acl'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-acl'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Access Control List'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-actionmailer'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-actionmailer'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Simplifies the creation of mail service classes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-actionpack'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-actionpack'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Eases web-request routing, handling, and response.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-actionwebservice'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-actionwebservice'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'Simple support for publishing Web Service APIs for Rails applications.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-activeldap'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-activeldap'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'an ActiveRecord inspired way of accessing LDAP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'basen.net:kajtzu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-activerecord'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-activerecord'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Implements the ActiveRecord pattern (Fowler, PoEAA) for ORM.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-activeresource'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-activeresource'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Object-oriented REST services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-activesupport'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-activesupport'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby utility classes and extension to the standard library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-acts_as_taggable'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-acts_as_taggable'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'An acts-as Mixin for easy applying and searching tags/folksnomies on Active Record objects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-aes'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-aes'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'An AES encryption algorithm for ruby, using the AESCrypt library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-algorithm-diff'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-algorithm-diff'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'diff algorithm for arrays in Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-archive-tar-minitar'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-archive-tar-minitar'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby library and command line utility to deal with POSIX tar archive files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-arrayfields'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-arrayfields'
+port[:version] = '3.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby module for keyword access to arrays'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-aspectr'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-aspectr'
+port[:version] = '0.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Simple aspect-oriented programming in Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-atk'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-atk'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/ATK is a Ruby binding of ATK-1.0.x or later.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-audiofile'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-audiofile'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'A binding to the audofile library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-bdb'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-bdb'
+port[:version] = '0.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby interface to the embedded Berkeley DB'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby GPL-2}'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-bee'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-bee'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Bee is a build tool running YAML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-bioruby'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-bioruby'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Integrated environment for bioinformatics.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'mysql postgres universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-bitset'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-bitset'
+port[:version] = '0.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'BitSet Library for boolean operation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-bluecloth'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-bluecloth'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0fc3'
+port[:description] = 'a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-bones'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-bones'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mr Bones is a handy tool that builds a skeleton for your new Ruby projects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-builder'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-builder'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Builders for MarkUp.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-bz2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-bz2'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'An extension to use libbzip2 from ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cache'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cache'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Simple cache library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-calendar'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-calendar'
+port[:version] = '1.11r'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby library for calendrical calculations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-capistrano'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-capistrano'
+port[:version] = '2.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple remote machines, via SSH.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-captcha'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-captcha'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/CAPTCHA is an implementation of the \'Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart\'.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cgen'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cgen'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for generating C extensions from Ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cgi_multipart_eof_fix'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cgi_multipart_eof_fix'
+port[:version] = '2.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Fix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing which affects Ruby <= 1.8.5 when multipart boundary attribute contains a non-halting regular expression string. This port is required by rb-mongrel port (mongrel gem), even if the ruby version is > 1.8.5.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cgikit'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cgikit'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Component-based web application framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cheat'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cheat'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Cheat is a simple command line utility reference program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cmdparse'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cmdparse'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'cmdparse - advanced command line parser supporting commands'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cocoa'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cocoa'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby bindings for writing cocoa programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL/Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'xcode universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-compass'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-compass'
+port[:version] = '0.10.6'
+port[:description] = 'Stylesheet authoring frameworking'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-configuration'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-configuration'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pure ruby scoped configuration files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cri'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cri'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Cri is a library for building easy-to-use commandline tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-crypt-isaac'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-crypt-isaac'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of the ISAAC psuedo random number generator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-csbattery'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-csbattery'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'A unit testing framework for ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cstemplate'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cstemplate'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'A fast text templating engine for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cucumber'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cucumber'
+port[:version] = '0.3.103'
+port[:description] = 'Lets software development teams describe how software should behave in plain text.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-cvs'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-cvs'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'High level interface to a CVS repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'otierney.net:dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-daemons'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-daemons'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A toolkit to create and control daemons in different ways'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-dbdbd'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-dbdbd'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'a tool for creating and manipulating plain-text, flat-file data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-dbi'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-dbi'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Ruby port of DBI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'dbd_mysql dbd_odbc dbd_pg dbd_proxy universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-devel-logger'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-devel-logger'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight logging utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-devel-which'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-devel-which'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Locates a symbol/library in the user\'s namespace/path'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-diff-lcs'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-diff-lcs'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Diff::LCS is a port of Algorithm::Diff.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-div'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-div'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Div can write Web application like GUI programming. This package provides Div::Div and Tofu.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-dnssd'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-dnssd'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour) API for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-drb'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-drb'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'distributed ruby (DRb)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-easyjour'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-easyjour'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Super simple access to service announcing and discovery using Bonjour aka DNSSD.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-echoe'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-echoe'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension compiling, testing, and deployment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-entrycache'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-entrycache'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'A size limited hash class for ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-enum'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-enum'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'Enumerable tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-erubis'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-erubis'
+port[:version] = '2.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Erubis is a fast, secure, and very extensible implementation of eRuby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-eventmachine'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-eventmachine'
+port[:version] = '0.12.10'
+port[:description] = 'fast, simple event-processing library for Ruby programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-fastthread'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-fastthread'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Optimized replacement for thread.rb primitives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-fcgi'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-fcgi'
+port[:version] = '0.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'The Ruby interface to FastCGI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'icongarden.com:jstetser'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ferret'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ferret'
+port[:version] = '0.11.6'
+port[:description] = 'Text search engine library for ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-flexmock'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-flexmock'
+port[:version] = '0.8.9'
+port[:description] = 'FlexMock is a flexible mocking library for use in unit testing and behavior specification.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arpstr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-flexo'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-flexo'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Method naming style shim'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-flickr'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-flickr'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'An insanely easy interface to the Flickr photo-sharing service. By Scott Raymond.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-fxruby'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-fxruby'
+port[:version] = '1.6.19'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby bindings for the FOX GUI Toolkit.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lylejohnson.name:lyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gconf'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gconf'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Gconf libraries for ruby (a part of Ruby-Gnome2)'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gd'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gd'
+port[:version] = '0.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'GD library for ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gd2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gd2'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Bindings for gd2 graphics library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gem_plugin'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gem_plugin'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A plugin system based only on rubygems that uses dependencies only.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-getopt-declare'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-getopt-declare'
+port[:version] = '1.09.7'
+port[:description] = 'Declaratively Expressed Command-Line Arguments via RegExp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gettext'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gettext'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'a Localization library and tools which modeled GNU gettext.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-glib2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-glib2'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GLib2 is a Ruby binding of GLib-2.x.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gnome'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gnome'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby-GNOME2 meta port. Ruby-GNOME2 is a set of Ruby language bindings for the GNOME 2.0 development environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gnomecanvas'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gnomecanvas'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GnomeCanvas2 is a Ruby binding of GnomeCanvas-2.x.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gnomeprint'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gnomeprint'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GnomePrint is a Ruby binding of libgnomeprint.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gnomeprintui'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gnomeprintui'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GnomePrintUI is a Ruby binding of libgnomeprintui.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gnomevfs'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gnomevfs'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GnomeVFS is a Ruby binding of GnomeVFS-2.0.x.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-google'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-google'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby interface to Google\'s SOAP-driven Web API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gpgme'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gpgme'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby interface to GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gsl'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gsl'
+port[:version] = '1.14.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby interface to the GSL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'narray universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gstreamer'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gstreamer'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GStreamer is a Ruby binding for GStreamer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gtk2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gtk2'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GTK2 is a Ruby binding of GTK+-2.0.x. Ruby/GdkPixbuf2 is a Ruby binding of GdkPixbuf-2.x.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gtkglext'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gtkglext'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GtkGLExt is a Ruby binding of GtkGLExt.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gtkhtml'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gtkhtml'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GtkHtml2 is a Ruby binding of GtkHtml2'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-gtksourceview2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-gtksourceview2'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GtkSourceView2 is a Ruby binding of gtksourceview-2.x. (a part of Ruby-Gnome2)'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-haml'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-haml'
+port[:version] = '3.0.25'
+port[:description] = 'Haml and Sass: markup languages for HTML and CSS'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-haml-edge'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-haml-edge'
+port[:version] = '2.3.251'
+port[:description] = 'Haml and Sass: markup languages for HTML and CSS (bleeding edge)'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-heroku'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-heroku'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Client library and CLI to deploy Rails apps on Heroku.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-highline'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-highline'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'A high-level IO library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-hikidoc'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-hikidoc'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'HikiDoc is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-hmac'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-hmac'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Provides a common interface to HMAC functionality.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-hoe'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-hoe'
+port[:version] = '2.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Hoe is a way to write Rakefiles much easier and cleaner.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-hpricot'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-hpricot'
+port[:version] = '0.6.161'
+port[:description] = 'a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-htaccess'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-htaccess'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to Apache .htaccess and htpasswd files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-htree'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-htree'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'htree provides a tree data structre which represent HTML and XML data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-http-access2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-http-access2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'libwww-perl like web library for ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-hyperestraier'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-hyperestraier'
+port[:version] = '1.4.10'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby binding of Hyper Estraier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'p2p universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ifconfig'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ifconfig'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby wrapper around the ifconfig command on many platforms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-image_science'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-image_science'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby library that generates thumbnails'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-innate'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-innate'
+port[:version] = '2009.10'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful web-framework wrapper for Rack.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-io-reactor'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-io-reactor'
+port[:version] = '0.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Pure-ruby implementation of asynchronous multiplexed IO Reactor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-iterator'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-iterator'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'bidirectional iterator classes inspired by GoF iterator pattern'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-jabber4r'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-jabber4r'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Library allowing Ruby apps to talk to a Jabber IM system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-json'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-json'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-json_pure'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-json_pure'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'This is a JSON implementation in pure Ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-kansas'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-kansas'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Kansas is an Object-Relational mapping layer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-kramdown'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-kramdown'
+port[:version] = '0.12.0'
+port[:description] = 'fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-kwartz'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-kwartz'
+port[:version] = '2004-05-09'
+port[:description] = 'A fast, clean, multi-language template system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-lafcadio'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-lafcadio'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Lafcadio is an object-relational mapping layer for Ruby and MySQL.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-launchy'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-launchy'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'cross-platform application launcher class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-lazylist'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-lazylist'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Implementation of lazy lists for ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ldap'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ldap'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'An extension library for accessing the LDAP API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-libart'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-libart'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/Libart2 is a Ruby binding of Libart_lgpl.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-libglade2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-libglade2'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/Libglade2 is a Ruby bindings of Libglade2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-libgnome'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-libgnome'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/GNOME2 is a Ruby binding of libgnome/libgnomeui-2.x.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-libxml2'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-libxml2'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby bindings for libxml2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'comcast.net:lharple'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-locale'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-locale'
+port[:version] = '2.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Pure ruby library which provides basic APIs for localization'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-lockfile'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-lockfile'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'A ruby library for creating NFS safe lockfiles.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-log4r'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-log4r'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'a comprehensive and flexible logging library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-madeleine'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-madeleine'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A ruby implementation of Object Prevalence.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mecab'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mecab'
+port[:version] = '0.96'
+port[:description] = 'a Ruby module for MeCab'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mechanize'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mechanize'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'WWW::Mechanize, a handy web browsing ruby object.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'basen.net:kajtzu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-memcache'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-memcache'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is a client library for memcached'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mime-types'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mime-types'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'Manages a MIME Content-Type that will return the Content-Type for a given filename.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mindi'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mindi'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Minimalist dependency injection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-minitest'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-minitest'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'minitest/unit is a small and fast replacement for ruby\'s huge and slow test/unit'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mocha'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mocha'
+port[:version] = '0.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'Mocha is a library for mocking and stubbing using a syntax like that of JMock, and SchMock.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arpstr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mofo'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mofo'
+port[:version] = '0.2.16'
+port[:description] = 'A ruby microformat parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mongrel'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mongrel'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast HTTP Library and server for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mongrel_cluster'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mongrel_cluster'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Mongrel plugin that provides commands and Capistrano tasks for managing multiple Mongrel processes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mp3taglib'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mp3taglib'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'mp3taglib is an id3v1/id3v2 tagging library for ruby based on id3lib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-msgpack'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-msgpack'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API for msgpack'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:naoya.n'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-multiton'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-multiton'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Multiton Design Pattern'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-musicbrainz'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-musicbrainz'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'MusicBrainz bindings for ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mustache'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mustache'
+port[:version] = '0.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'Logic-less templates, implemented in Ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-mysql'
+port[:version] = '2.7.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API for the Mysql database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:roberto'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-nanoc'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-nanoc'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby site compiler that produces static HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-nanoc3'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-nanoc3'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby site compiler that produces static HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-narray'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-narray'
+port[:version] = '0.5.9'
+port[:description] = 'Numerical array package for ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ncurses-ruby'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ncurses-ruby'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby access to ncurses functionality'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-geoip'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-geoip'
+port[:version] = '0.06'
+port[:description] = 'Net::Geoip'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:kykim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-irc'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-irc'
+port[:version] = '0.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'IRC library. This is mostly conform to RFC1459 but partly not for convenience.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-pingsimple'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-pingsimple'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A simple Ruby interface to the \'ping\' command'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-scp'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-scp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A pure-Ruby implementation of the SCP client protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-sftp'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-sftp'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A pure Ruby implementation of the SFTP client protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-ssh'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-ssh'
+port[:version] = '2.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'A pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-ssh-gateway'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-ssh-gateway'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A simple library to assist in establishing tunneled Net::SSH connection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-net-yail'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-net-yail'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'a ruby IRC library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby irc net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-nfsstore'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-nfsstore'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'A ruby library for creating NFS safe PStores.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-nitpick'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-nitpick'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A lint-like static code analyzer for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-nokogiri'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-nokogiri'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Nokogiri is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-notificationcenter'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-notificationcenter'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A notification center implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-observable'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-observable'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Mechanism for notifying obervers of state changes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-odbc'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-odbc'
+port[:version] = '0.9995'
+port[:description] = 'An extension library for ODBC from ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'utf8 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-og'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-og'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Og provides transparent serialization of object graphs to a RDBMS backend'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-opengl'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-opengl'
+port[:version] = '0.32g'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL bindings for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-pango'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-pango'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/Pango is a Ruby binding of pango-1.x.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-parsetree'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-parsetree'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Extract and enumerate ruby parse trees.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-password'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-password'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'password manipulation methods for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-pcap'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-pcap'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby interface to LBL Packet Capture library (libpcap).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'atnan.com:nathan nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-pdumpfs'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-pdumpfs'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'simply daily backup system similar to Plan9\'s dumpfs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-piston'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-piston'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby utility to manage local copies of remote repository locations.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'basen.net:kajtzu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-pkg-config'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-pkg-config'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A pkg-config implmenetation by Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-plruby'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-plruby'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'PL/Ruby for PostgreSQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'safe_level0 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-pluginfactory'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-pluginfactory'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mixin for making dynamically-loadable plugin classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-polyglot'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-polyglot'
+port[:version] = '0.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Allows custom language loaders for file extensions to be hooked into require'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-poppler'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-poppler'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/Poppler is a Ruby binding of poppler-glib.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-postgres'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-postgres'
+port[:version] = '0.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API for the PostgreSQL database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'postgresql83 postgresql82 postgresql81 postgresql80 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-preferences'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-preferences'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Persistent preferences for applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-product'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-product'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Direct product class for enumerables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-purple'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-purple'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Purple implements a main memory database for ruby objects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rabbit'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rabbit'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'An application to do presentation with RD document.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rack'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rack'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Rack provides a common API for connecting web frameworks, web servers and layers of software inbetween.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rails'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rails'
+port[:version] = '2.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby web-application framework for the MVC pattern.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rake'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rake'
+port[:version] = '0.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby make-like utility using standard Ruby syntax'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ramaze'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ramaze'
+port[:version] = '2009.10'
+port[:description] = 'a simple and modular web framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rbot'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rbot'
+port[:version] = '0.9.14'
+port[:description] = 'a ruby IRC bot'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT GPL-2}'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby irc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rbtree'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rbtree'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Red-black tree for ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rcairo'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rcairo'
+port[:version] = '1.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby bindings for cairo'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rcov'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rcov'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Coverage tool for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rdtool'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rdtool'
+port[:version] = '0.6.22'
+port[:description] = 'RDtool is RD formatter and utilities. (RD is Ruby\'s POD)'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby/GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-redcloth'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-redcloth'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Textile for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-regexp'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-regexp'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'regular expression engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rest-client'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rest-client'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Simple REST client for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rexml'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rexml'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'XML processor for the language Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rflickr'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rflickr'
+port[:version] = '2006.02.01'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby interface to the Flickr API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rgl'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rgl'
+port[:version] = '0.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'RGL Ruby Graph Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rio'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rio'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Rio - Ruby I/O Facilitator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ripper'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ripper'
+port[:version] = '0.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby parser extention module.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rjab-connection'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rjab-connection'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library allowing Ruby apps to talk to a Jabber IM system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'comcast.net:jdputsch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rmagick'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rmagick'
+port[:version] = '2.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Ruby interface to ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rmail'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rmail'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby mail handling library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-roauth'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-roauth'
+port[:version] = '0.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Ruby OAuth library'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rrb'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rrb'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'RRB is a refactoring browser for a ruby script.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rspec'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rspec'
+port[:version] = '1.1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rspec-rails'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rspec-rails'
+port[:version] = '1.1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby on Rails'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rss'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rss'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'RSS Parser in Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lathi.net:doug'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rsvg'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rsvg'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/RSVG is a Ruby binding of librsvg.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rttool'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rttool'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Simple table generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ruby-debug'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ruby-debug'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby CLI debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arpstr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ruby-debug-base'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ruby-debug-base'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby debugger base core C API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arpstr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-ruby-openid'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-ruby-openid'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A robust library for verifying and serving OpenID identities.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rubycon'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rubycon'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Toolkit for building concept processing and reasoning systems.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rubyforge'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rubyforge'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'A simplistic script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rubygems'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rubygems'
+port[:version] = '1.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'a package management framework for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'ruby ruby186 ruby19'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mr_bond openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rubyinline'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rubyinline'
+port[:version] = '3.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Multi-language extension coding within ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rubyosa'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rubyosa'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'RubyOSA provides a bridge from Ruby to the Apple Event Manager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'disable_ruby_libxml2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-rubytoc'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-rubytoc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Ruby (subset) to C translator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-runt'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-runt'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API for scheduling recurring/occuring events'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-sds'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-sds'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Database access library based on Apple EOF.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-session'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-session'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'drive Sh, Bash, IDL easily from scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-shout'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-shout'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Send streaming MP3/Vorbis to an icecase server with libshout'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-slave'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-slave'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby class to fork processes and starting a DRb server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-snmp'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-snmp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'SNMP library implemented in ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'basen.net:kajtzu'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-sprockets'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-sprockets'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'JavaScript dependency management and concatenation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'futurelab.ch:astricker'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-sqlite'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-sqlite'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to the SQLite DB engine from Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-sqlite3'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-sqlite3'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to the SQLite3 DB engine from Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-stomp'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-stomp'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby bindings for the stomp messaging protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-stream'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-stream'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Extended External Iterators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-superhash'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-superhash'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'A hash which can inherit entries from parent hashes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-sys-host'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-sys-host'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'hostname and ip address info via Ruby - C extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-sys-uname'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-sys-uname'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'C extension to the unix \'uname\' command'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-sys-uptime'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-sys-uptime'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1'
+port[:description] = '\'uptime\' information via Ruby - C extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-tapkit'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-tapkit'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Relational Bridge Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-technorati-ruby'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-technorati-ruby'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Technorati(http://technorati.com/) bindings for Ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-term-ansicolor'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-term-ansicolor'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Small Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-termios'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-termios'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'simple wrapper for termios(3)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-test-spec'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-test-spec'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby unit testing library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 9
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'internode.on.net:arpstr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-test-unit-mock'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-test-unit-mock'
+port[:version] = '0.03'
+port[:description] = 'Mock objects for Test::Unit in Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-text-format'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-text-format'
+port[:version] = '0.64'
+port[:description] = 'Text::Format for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-tokyocabinet-ruby'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-tokyocabinet-ruby'
+port[:version] = '1.30'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API to Tokyo Cabinet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:naoya.n'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-treetop'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-treetop'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Treetop is a Ruby-based DSL for text parsing and interpretation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-trollop'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-trollop'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'Commandline argument processing library for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-tweetstream'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-tweetstream'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'A RubyGem to access the Twitter Streaming API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-twitter'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-twitter'
+port[:version] = '0.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'a command line interface for twitter, also a library which wraps the twitter api'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-twitter-stream'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-twitter-stream'
+port[:version] = '0.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Ruby client library for twitter streaming API.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-uconv'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-uconv'
+port[:version] = '0.4.12'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API to convert Unicode characters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-uuidtools'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-uuidtools'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Generate UUIDs (or GUIDs) with Ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'devclue.com:blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-vorbisfile'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-vorbisfile'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby extension wrapper for libvorbisfile'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-vte'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-vte'
+port[:version] = '0.90.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby/VTE is a Ruby bindings of VTE'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-webfetcher'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-webfetcher'
+port[:version] = '0.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby library for fetching documents and images from the web'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'otierney.net:darwin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-webgen'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-webgen'
+port[:version] = '0.5.11'
+port[:description] = 'Templated based static website generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-webunit'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-webunit'
+port[:version] = '20040429'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API for testing html/cgi without a browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-xml-simple'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-xml-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'A very simple API for XML processing.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-xml-xpath'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-xml-xpath'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'A simple XPath class for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-xmlparser'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-xmlparser'
+port[:version] = '0.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby extension allowing use of James Clark\'s XML Parser (expat).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-xslt'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-xslt'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby class for processing XSLT'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-zentest'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-zentest'
+port[:version] = '3.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'Automated test scaffolding for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb-zip'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb-zip'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-abstract'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-abstract'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'define abstract methods in Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown/none'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-actionmailer'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-actionmailer'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Email on Rails'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-actionpack'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-actionpack'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Web apps on Rails'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-activemodel'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-activemodel'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'toolkit for building modeling frameworks'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-activerecord'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-activerecord'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby ORM'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-activeresource'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-activeresource'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'REST on Rails'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-activesupport'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-activesupport'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Rails utility library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-archive-tar-minitar'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-archive-tar-minitar'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby library and utility for POSIX tar(1) archive files'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby or GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-arel'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-arel'
+port[:version] = '2.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Relational Algebra for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-arrayfields'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-arrayfields'
+port[:version] = '4.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'allow keyword access to array instances'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-authlogic'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-authlogic'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'A clean, simple, and unobtrusive Ruby authentication solution.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-bcat'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-bcat'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'pipe to browser utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-builder'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-builder'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Builder provides a number of builder objects that make creating structured data simple to do.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-bundler'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-bundler'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby application dependency manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-capybara'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-capybara'
+port[:version] = '0.3.9'
+port[:description] = 'Integration testing tool for Rack-based web applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-cheat'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-cheat'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Cheat sheets in your terminal'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-chronic'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-chronic'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Natural language date/time parser written in pure Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-churn'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-churn'
+port[:version] = '0.0.12'
+port[:description] = 'View code changes'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-columnize'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-columnize'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'align values in columns'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-compass'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-compass'
+port[:version] = '0.10.2'
+port[:description] = 'Stylesheet authoring frameworking'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-configuration'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-configuration'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pure ruby scoped configuration files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-core_source'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-core_source'
+port[:version] = '0.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Retrieve Ruby core source files'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-crack'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-crack'
+port[:version] = '0.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Really simple JSON and XML parsing, ripped from Merb and Rails.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-cri'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-cri'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Cri is a library for building easy-to-use commandline tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-cucumber'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-cucumber'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-cucumber-rails'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-cucumber-rails'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Cucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-culerity'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-culerity'
+port[:version] = '0.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Integrates Cucumber and Celerity in order to test your application\'s full stack.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-daemons'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-daemons'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A toolkit to create and control daemons in different ways'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-database_cleaner'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-database_cleaner'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-debug'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-debug'
+port[:version] = '0.11.6'
+port[:description] = 'command line interface for ruby-debug'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-debug-base'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-debug-base'
+port[:version] = '0.11.24'
+port[:description] = 'fast implementation of the standard Ruby debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-diff-lcs'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-diff-lcs'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby port of Algorithm::Diff using longest common subsequence'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-erubis'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-erubis'
+port[:version] = '2.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'fast, secure, and very extensible implementation of eRuby'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-eventmachine'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-eventmachine'
+port[:version] = '0.12.10'
+port[:description] = 'fast, simple event-processing library for Ruby programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL or Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-factory_girl'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-factory_girl'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Framework and DSL for defining and using factories'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-ffi'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-ffi'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Programmatically load dynamic libraries, bind functions within them, and call those functions from Ruby code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'modified MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-flay'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-flay'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Analyzes Ruby code for structural similarities'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-flog'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-flog'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby code pain reports'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-gherkin'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-gherkin'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A fast Gherkin lexer/parser based on the Ragel State Machine Compiler.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-gli'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-gli'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Git-Like Interface Command Line Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-haml'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-haml'
+port[:version] = '3.0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Haml and Sass: markup languages for HTML and CSS'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-hassle'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-hassle'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Makes SASS less of a hassle on read-only filesystems'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-heroku'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-heroku'
+port[:version] = '1.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'Client library and CLI to deploy Rails apps on Heroku.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-hirb'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-hirb'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'A mini view framework for console/irb that\'s easy to use'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-hoe'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-hoe'
+port[:version] = '2.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-hoptoad_notifier'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-hoptoad_notifier'
+port[:version] = '2.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Send your application errors to our hosted service and reclaim your inbox.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-hpricot'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-hpricot'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-httparty'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-httparty'
+port[:version] = '0.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-i18n'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-i18n'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Internationalization (i18n) library for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-json'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-json'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'JSON implementation as a Ruby extension in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-launchy'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-launchy'
+port[:version] = '0.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'cross-platform application launcher class'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-linecache'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-linecache'
+port[:version] = '0.5.11'
+port[:description] = 'read and cache lines'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-mail'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-mail'
+port[:version] = '2.2.15'
+port[:description] = 'A Really Ruby Mail Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-main'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-main'
+port[:version] = '4.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Class factory and DSL for generating command line programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-mechanize'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-mechanize'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'automated website interaction'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-metric_fu'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-metric_fu'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails\' stats task and Rails Best Practices'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-mime-types'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-mime-types'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'MIME::Types for Ruby based on MIME::Types for Perl'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby Artistic GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-mocha'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-mocha'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'Library for mocking and stubbing using a syntax like that of JMock'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-mp3info'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-mp3info'
+port[:version] = '0.6.13'
+port[:description] = 'manipulate MP3 tags in Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-mustache'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-mustache'
+port[:version] = '0.11.2'
+port[:description] = 'Logic-less templates, implemented in Ruby.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-mysql'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-mysql'
+port[:version] = '2.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby client library for MySQL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-nanoc'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-nanoc'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby site compiler that produces static HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-nanoc3'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-nanoc3'
+port[:version] = '3.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby site compiler that produces static HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-nokogiri'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-nokogiri'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'HTML, XML, SAX, & Reader parser with XPath/CSS3 selector searching'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby xml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-parser'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-parser'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'ruby_parser: a parser written in pure Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-parsetree'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-parsetree'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Extracts parse trees into Ruby sexps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-pkg-config'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-pkg-config'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A pkg-config implmenetation by Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-polyglot'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-polyglot'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'File type registry for Ruby \'require\''
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-racc'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-racc'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'a LALR(1) parser generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rack'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rack'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby Webserver Interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rack-mount'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rack-mount'
+port[:version] = '0.6.13'
+port[:description] = 'Stackable dynamic tree based Rack router'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rack-test'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rack-test'
+port[:version] = '0.5.7'
+port[:description] = 'small, simple testing API for Rack apps'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rails'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rails'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby web-application framework for the MVC pattern.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rails_best_practices'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rails_best_practices'
+port[:version] = '0.3.21'
+port[:description] = 'check rails files according to ihower\'s presentation \'rails best practices\''
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-railties'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-railties'
+port[:version] = '3.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Railties glues the Rails frameworks together'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rainbow'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rainbow'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Rainbow extends ruby String class adding methods to wrap the string with ANSI escape codes'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rcairo'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rcairo'
+port[:version] = '1.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby bindings for cairo'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rcov'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rcov'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'Code coverage tool for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rdiscount'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rdiscount'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast Implementation of Gruber\'s Markdown in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-redcloth'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-redcloth'
+port[:version] = '4.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Textile for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-reek'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-reek'
+port[:version] = '1.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby code-smell tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rest-client'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rest-client'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple REST client for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:blair.christensen singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-ronn'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-ronn'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ronn builds manuals'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-roodi'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-roodi'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby Object Oriented Design Inferometer'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rr'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rr'
+port[:version] = '0.10.11'
+port[:description] = 'test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rspec'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rspec'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'the original Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-ruby2ruby'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-ruby2ruby'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'A means of generating pure ruby code easily from RubyParser compatible Sexps.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-rufus-mnemo'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-rufus-mnemo'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'turns (large) integers into japanese sounding words and vice versa'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-saikuro'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-saikuro'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby cyclomatic complexity analyzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-selenium-webdriver'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-selenium-webdriver'
+port[:version] = '0.0.24'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for writing automated tests of websites.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-sequel'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-sequel'
+port[:version] = '3.12.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Database Toolkit for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-sexp_processor'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-sexp_processor'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'S-expression branch of ParseTree'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-shoulda'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-shoulda'
+port[:version] = '2.11.0'
+port[:description] = 'Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-sinatra'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-sinatra'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Classy web-development dressed in a DSL'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-sqlite3'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-sqlite3'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Interface to the SQLite3 DB engine from Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-taps'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-taps'
+port[:version] = '0.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'A simple database-agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-term-ansicolor'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-term-ansicolor'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-thin'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-thin'
+port[:version] = '1.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'the most secure, stable, fast and extensible Ruby web server'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-thor'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-thor'
+port[:version] = '0.14.6'
+port[:description] = 'A scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-trac4r'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-trac4r'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby wrapper for the Trac XML-RPC API'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-treetop'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-treetop'
+port[:version] = '1.4.9'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-trollop'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-trollop'
+port[:version] = '1.16.2'
+port[:description] = 'commandline option parser for Ruby that just gets out of your way'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-tzinfo'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-tzinfo'
+port[:version] = '0.3.25'
+port[:description] = 'Daylight Savings Time library for Ruby'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-uconv'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-uconv'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby API to convert Unicode characters'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kimuraw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-unicorn'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-unicorn'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'HTTP server for Rack applications designed for Unix'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2 Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-will_paginate'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-will_paginate'
+port[:version] = '2.3.14'
+port[:description] = 'Adaptive pagination plugin for web frameworks and other applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-wirble'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-wirble'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Handful of common Irb features, made easy.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-xml-simple'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-xml-simple'
+port[:version] = '1.0.12'
+port[:description] = 'A simple API for XML processing'
+port[:licenses] = 'Ruby'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-yahoo_weatherman'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-yahoo_weatherman'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'A Ruby wrapper to the Yahoo! Weather feed with i18n support.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rb19-yajl'
+port[:path] = 'ruby/rb19-yajl'
+port[:version] = '0.7.6'
+port[:description] = 'Ruby C bindings to the Yajl JSON stream-based parser library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 27
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'ruby textproc'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'science'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'EMBOSS'
+port[:path] = 'science/EMBOSS'
+port[:version] = '6.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Molecular Biology software analysis package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mike.thon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'FreeSOLID'
+port[:path] = 'science/FreeSOLID'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library for collision detection of three-dimensional objects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TinySVM'
+port[:path] = 'science/TinySVM'
+port[:version] = '0.09'
+port[:description] = 'Support Vector Machines (SVMs)'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'afni'
+port[:path] = 'science/afni'
+port[:version] = '2010_10_19_1028'
+port[:description] = 'Analysis of Functional Neuro Images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aida'
+port[:path] = 'science/aida'
+port[:version] = '3.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'AIDA -- Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pd.infn.it:cristiano.fontana'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alliance'
+port[:path] = 'science/alliance'
+port[:version] = '5.0-20090901'
+port[:description] = 'Alliance, CAD and libraries for VLSI design'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'alps'
+port[:path] = 'science/alps'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Parallel Algorithms for Lattice Models'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:gamperl'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apbs'
+port[:path] = 'science/apbs'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'APBS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apbs-mpi'
+port[:path] = 'science/apbs-mpi'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'APBS mpi version'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arb'
+port[:path] = 'science/arb'
+port[:version] = '5.2'
+port[:description] = 'ARB graphical DNA, RNA and amino acid sequence analysis tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:matt.cottrell'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'archimedes'
+port[:path] = 'science/archimedes'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'semiconductor design tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asco'
+port[:path] = 'science/asco'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'A SPICE Circuit Optimizer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rowue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bact'
+port[:path] = 'science/bact'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'a Boosting Algorithm for Classification of Trees'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bali-phy'
+port[:path] = 'science/bali-phy'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Bayesian Alignment and Phylogeny estimation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'no_cairo openmpi gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bkchem'
+port[:path] = 'science/bkchem'
+port[:version] = '0.13.0'
+port[:description] = 'Free chemical drawing program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bowtie'
+port[:path] = 'science/bowtie'
+port[:version] = '0.12.7'
+port[:description] = 'an ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner'
+port[:licenses] = 'Artistic'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:haroldpimentel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science biology'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-camlmpi'
+port[:path] = 'science/caml-camlmpi'
+port[:version] = '1.01'
+port[:description] = 'Caml bindings for a large subset of MPI functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccpnmr'
+port[:path] = 'science/ccpnmr'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'CCPNMR'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdf'
+port[:path] = 'science/cdf'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'CDF: Common Data Format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdf-to-fits'
+port[:path] = 'science/cdf-to-fits'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'CDF to FITS converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:doc.aronnax'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdo'
+port[:path] = 'science/cdo'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Climate Data Operators'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'grib2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdsclient'
+port[:path] = 'science/cdsclient'
+port[:version] = '3.4'
+port[:description] = 'tools for querying various online astronomical databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science databases net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ce'
+port[:path] = 'science/ce'
+port[:version] = '2004-07-06'
+port[:description] = 'Combinatorial Extension (CE) Method for 3D protein structure comparison and alignment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cfitsio'
+port[:path] = 'science/cfitsio'
+port[:version] = '3.280'
+port[:description] = 'C access to FITS data files with optional Fortran wrappers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cgnslib'
+port[:path] = 'science/cgnslib'
+port[:version] = '2.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Computational fluid dynamics data container.'
+port[:licenses] = 'zlib'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cerfacs.fr:dechaume'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chemtool'
+port[:path] = 'science/chemtool'
+port[:version] = '1.6.12'
+port[:description] = 'Chemtool is a small program for drawing chemical structures'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clhep'
+port[:path] = 'science/clhep'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A Class Library for High Energy Physics'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pd.infn.it:cristiano.fontana'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clustalx'
+port[:path] = 'science/clustalx'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'An interface for the ClustalW multiple sequence alignment program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'collada-dom'
+port[:path] = 'science/collada-dom'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'crfpp'
+port[:path] = 'science/crfpp'
+port[:version] = '0.54'
+port[:description] = 'Yet Another CRF toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cufflinks'
+port[:path] = 'science/cufflinks'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Cufflinks assembles transcripts, estimates their abundances, and tests for differential expression and regulation in RNA-Seq samples.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Boost'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:haroldpimentel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science biology'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dineroIV'
+port[:path] = 'science/dineroIV'
+port[:version] = '7'
+port[:description] = 'cache simulator for memory reference traces'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drc-fir'
+port[:path] = 'science/drc-fir'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'DRC is a program used to generate correction filters for acoustic compensation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science multimedia math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emergent'
+port[:path] = 'science/emergent'
+port[:version] = '5.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Neural network simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emos'
+port[:path] = 'science/emos'
+port[:version] = '000382'
+port[:description] = 'Interpolation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eo'
+port[:path] = 'science/eo'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'an evolutionary computation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'applications gnuplot tutorial gcc43 gcc44 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer jochen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eye'
+port[:path] = 'science/eye'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'software for training SExtractor\'s retina'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fastcap-wr'
+port[:path] = 'science/fastcap-wr'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A multipole-accelerated capacitance analysis program'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science electronics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fasthenry-wr'
+port[:path] = 'science/fasthenry-wr'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science electronics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fastlink'
+port[:path] = 'science/fastlink'
+port[:version] = '4.1P'
+port[:description] = 'Genetic Analysis Software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flann'
+port[:path] = 'science/flann'
+port[:version] = '1.6.11'
+port[:description] = 'Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug python26 python27 python31 python32 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flashdot'
+port[:path] = 'science/flashdot'
+port[:version] = '0.7.8'
+port[:description] = 'FlashDot is a generator for psychophysical experiments.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports at tobias-elze.de'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freehdl'
+port[:path] = 'science/freehdl'
+port[:version] = '0.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'A free VHDL simulator used for digital simulations by qucs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'digitalis.org:rowue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'funtools'
+port[:path] = 'science/funtools'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'a minimal buy-in FITS library and utility package'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gadap'
+port[:path] = 'science/gadap'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'support library to enable OPeNDAP in GrADS2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geant4'
+port[:path] = 'science/geant4'
+port[:version] = '4.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles through matter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Geant4'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug global granular shared static aida no_ui motif athena raytracerx gdml'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pd.infn.it:cristiano.fontana'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geda-gaf'
+port[:path] = 'science/geda-gaf'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'GEDA EDA Suite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'enable_xdg universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'emer.net:emer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science electronics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geoexpress-sdk'
+port[:path] = 'science/geoexpress-sdk'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'LizardTech\'s SDK for reading MrSID and JPEG 2000 imagery'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geomview'
+port[:path] = 'science/geomview'
+port[:version] = '1.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'interactive 3D viewing program'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'no_zlib no_opengl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geos'
+port[:path] = 'science/geos'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GEOS Geometry Engine - Open Source'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gaige.net:opendarwin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'geos2'
+port[:path] = 'science/geos2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'GEOS Geometry Engine - Open Source'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gaige.net:opendarwin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gerris'
+port[:path] = 'science/gerris'
+port[:version] = '0.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Gerris Flow Solver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ggobi'
+port[:path] = 'science/ggobi'
+port[:version] = '2.1.8'
+port[:description] = 'An open source visualization program for exploring high-dimensional data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ghemical'
+port[:path] = 'science/ghemical'
+port[:version] = '2.99.2'
+port[:description] = 'Ghemical is computational chemistry package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glue'
+port[:path] = 'science/glue'
+port[:version] = '1.32'
+port[:description] = 'Grid LSC User Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmsh'
+port[:path] = 'science/gmsh'
+port[:version] = '2.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Finite element mesh generator in 1D, 2D and 3D'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ujf-grenoble.fr:Christophe.Prudhomme'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gmt'
+port[:path] = 'science/gmt'
+port[:version] = '4.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'the generic mapping tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gshhs doc octave triangle universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnucap'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnucap'
+port[:version] = '2009-12-07'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Circuit Analysis Package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Radio META-port installer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-atsc'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-atsc'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'ATSC Component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-audio-jack'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-audio-jack'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'JACK component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-audio-osx'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-audio-osx'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X Audio component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-audio-portaudio'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-audio-portaudio'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'PortAudio component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-companion'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-companion'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GRC component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'docs python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-core'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-core'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Radio Core component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-cvsd-vocoder'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-cvsd-vocoder'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'CVSD Vocoder component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-examples'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-examples'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Examples component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-gpio'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-gpio'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GPIO component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-grc'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-grc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'GRC component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-gruel'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-gruel'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GRUEL component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-gsm-fr-vocoder'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-gsm-fr-vocoder'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GSM FR Vocoder Component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-mblock'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-mblock'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Message block GNU Radio component.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-msdd6000'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-msdd6000'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'MSDD6000 Component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-noaa'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-noaa'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'NOAA Component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-omnithread'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-omnithread'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Omnithread component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-pager'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-pager'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pager Component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-pmt'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-pmt'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'PMT component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-qtgui'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-qtgui'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Qt GUI component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-radar-mono'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-radar-mono'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Radar Mono Component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-radio-astronomy'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-radio-astronomy'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Radio Astronomy component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-sounder'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-sounder'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Sounder component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-trellis'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-trellis'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Trellis component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-usrp'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-usrp'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'USRP component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-utils'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-utils'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GR Utils component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'docs python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-video-sdl'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-video-sdl'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Video SDL component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuradio-wxgui'
+port[:path] = 'science/gnuradio-wxgui'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'WX GUI component of GNU Radio.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'docs python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gplcver'
+port[:path] = 'science/gplcver'
+port[:version] = '2.12a'
+port[:description] = 'GPL Cver is an open-source, interpreted Verilog simulator by Pragmatic C Software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpredict'
+port[:path] = 'science/gpredict'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'GNOME-based satellite tracking program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:zapman'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grads'
+port[:path] = 'science/grads'
+port[:version] = '1.9b4'
+port[:description] = 'interactive visualization tool for earth science data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grads2'
+port[:path] = 'science/grads2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.a9.oga.1'
+port[:description] = 'interactive visualization tool for earth science data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gri'
+port[:path] = 'science/gri'
+port[:version] = '2.12.18'
+port[:description] = 'A scientific graphics programming language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dal.ca:dan.kelley'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grib_api'
+port[:path] = 'science/grib_api'
+port[:version] = '1.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'GRIB decoder'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'emos gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gromacs'
+port[:path] = 'science/gromacs'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'The World\'s fastest Molecular Dynamics package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_x11 gsl openmpi gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gromacs-double'
+port[:path] = 'science/gromacs-double'
+port[:version] = '4.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'The World\'s fastest Molecular Dynamics package (double-precision)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal no_x11 gsl openmpi gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvemod-cplxview'
+port[:path] = 'science/gvemod-cplxview'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'a Geomview plugin for the visualisation of complex functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvemod-crayola'
+port[:path] = 'science/gvemod-crayola'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'An interactive tool for colouring faces of geometric objects within Geomview'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvemod-labeler'
+port[:path] = 'science/gvemod-labeler'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'An interactive tool for generating short texts as vector objects inside Geomview'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvemod-ndview'
+port[:path] = 'science/gvemod-ndview'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Geomview emodule for displaying projections of higher dimensional objects.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvemod-xforms-example'
+port[:path] = 'science/gvemod-xforms-example'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'The example emodule defined in the Geomview manual'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gvemodules-xforms'
+port[:path] = 'science/gvemodules-xforms'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'XForms based emodules of the original Geomview distribution'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gwyddion'
+port[:path] = 'science/gwyddion'
+port[:version] = '2.25'
+port[:description] = 'Software for SPM Analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rowue gwyddion.net:yeti'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'h4h5tools'
+port[:path] = 'science/h4h5tools'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'HDF4 to HDF5 conversion tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dal.ca:tom.duck openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'h5utils'
+port[:path] = 'science/h5utils'
+port[:version] = '1.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'visualization of HDF5 data files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ece.pdx.edu:higginja'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hamlib'
+port[:path] = 'science/hamlib'
+port[:version] = '1.2.12'
+port[:description] = 'Ham Radio Control Libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:zapman'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hdf4'
+port[:path] = 'science/hdf4'
+port[:version] = '4.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'file format for storing scientific data and utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'g95 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hdf5'
+port[:path] = 'science/hdf5'
+port[:version] = '1.6.9'
+port[:description] = 'HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'fortran szip threadsafe gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 g95 optimized mpich2'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hdf5-18'
+port[:path] = 'science/hdf5-18'
+port[:version] = '1.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'HDF5 general purpose library and file format for storing scientific data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal threadsafe openmpi gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hdfeos'
+port[:path] = 'science/hdfeos'
+port[:version] = '2.17v1.00'
+port[:description] = 'HDF-EOS library built on HDF4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hdfeos5'
+port[:path] = 'science/hdfeos5'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'HDF-EOS library built on HDF5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hmmer'
+port[:path] = 'science/hmmer'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'HMMER searches biological sequence databases for homologous sequences.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iAIDA'
+port[:path] = 'science/iAIDA'
+port[:version] = '1.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'An implementation in C++ of the AIDA Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pd.infn.it:cristiano.fontana'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'inchi-1'
+port[:path] = 'science/inchi-1'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'IUPAC InChI identifier generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'netatonce.net:petri openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'indi'
+port[:path] = 'science/indi'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'distributed control protocol for astronomical instrumentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jtomshine'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'irsim'
+port[:path] = 'science/irsim'
+port[:version] = '9.7.71'
+port[:description] = 'IRSIM, a switch level simulator for digital circuits'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iverilog'
+port[:path] = 'science/iverilog'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'Icarus Verilog'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jags'
+port[:path] = 'science/jags'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Just Another Gibbs Sampler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'uchicago.edu:dmeliza'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jmol'
+port[:path] = 'science/jmol'
+port[:version] = '12.0.41'
+port[:description] = 'An open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kst'
+port[:path] = 'science/kst'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Plots scientific data'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lal'
+port[:path] = 'science/lal'
+port[:version] = '6.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalapps'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalapps'
+port[:version] = '6.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library Applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalburst'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalburst'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library - Burst'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalframe'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalframe'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library - Frame'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalinspiral'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalinspiral'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library - Inspiral'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalmetaio'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalmetaio'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library - MetaIO'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalpulsar'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalpulsar'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library - Pulsar'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'lalxml universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalstochastic'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalstochastic'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library - Stochastic'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lalxml'
+port[:path] = 'science/lalxml'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'LSC Algorithm Library - XML'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lammpi'
+port[:path] = 'science/lammpi'
+port[:version] = '7.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'MPI implementation for parallel computing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lanHEP'
+port[:path] = 'science/lanHEP'
+port[:version] = '3.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic Feynman rule generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'Restrictive/nondistributable'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libANN'
+port[:path] = 'science/libANN'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libdap'
+port[:path] = 'science/libdap'
+port[:version] = '3.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'A C++ SDK which contains an implementation of DAP 2.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libframe'
+port[:path] = 'science/libframe'
+port[:version] = '8.14'
+port[:description] = 'LIGO/VIRGO Frame Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libghemical'
+port[:path] = 'science/libghemical'
+port[:version] = '2.99.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library for the ghemical port.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnc-dap'
+port[:path] = 'science/libnc-dap'
+port[:version] = '3.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'an alternative implementation of Unidata\'s netCDF 3.6 API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnova'
+port[:path] = 'science/libnova'
+port[:version] = '0.13.0'
+port[:description] = 'Celestial Mechanics, Astrometry and Astrodynamics Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jtomshine'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liboglappth'
+port[:path] = 'science/liboglappth'
+port[:version] = '0.98'
+port[:description] = 'Library for the ghemical port.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libquantum'
+port[:path] = 'science/libquantum'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'library for the simulation of a quantum computer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libstree'
+port[:path] = 'science/libstree'
+port[:version] = '0.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'generic suffix tree implementation, written in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtcd'
+port[:path] = 'science/libtcd'
+port[:version] = '2.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'API for using Tide Constituent Database files'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxc'
+port[:path] = 'science/libxc'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'exchange-correlation functionals for DFT'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:fabian.renn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lparse'
+port[:path] = 'science/lparse'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'prepare variable-free programs for smodels'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lscsoft-deps'
+port[:path] = 'science/lscsoft-deps'
+port[:version] = '20100821'
+port[:description] = 'LSCSoft dependencies meta-port'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'magic'
+port[:path] = 'science/magic'
+port[:version] = '7.5.180'
+port[:description] = 'A VLSI Layout System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'magic-exttools'
+port[:path] = 'science/magic-exttools'
+port[:version] = '7.5.134'
+port[:description] = 'extracted files conversion tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'magicspp'
+port[:path] = 'science/magicspp'
+port[:version] = '2.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'ECMWF\'s Meteorological plotting software'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maniview'
+port[:path] = 'science/maniview'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'a Geomview module for viewing 3D manifolds'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mapm3'
+port[:path] = 'science/mapm3'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'cli tool for calculating Quantitative Trait Loci'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'large_datasets'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mcl'
+port[:path] = 'science/mcl'
+port[:version] = '08-312'
+port[:description] = 'MCL - a cluster algorithm for graphs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mike.thon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mddisplay'
+port[:path] = 'science/mddisplay'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'A 3D Stereo Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Visualization Package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:mjhsieh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metaio'
+port[:path] = 'science/metaio'
+port[:version] = '8.2'
+port[:description] = 'LIGO Light-Weight XML Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'minc'
+port[:path] = 'science/minc'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'This package contains tools to manipulate MINC files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:mhough'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'miriad'
+port[:path] = 'science/miriad'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'MIRIAD, an analysis package for radio astronomical data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'ata carma wsrt gcc44 gcc45 gcc_select debug docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'newton.cx:peter'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'missfits'
+port[:path] = 'science/missfits'
+port[:version] = '2.2.11'
+port[:description] = 'MissFITS is a program that performs basic maintenance and packaging tasks on FITS files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'molden'
+port[:path] = 'science/molden'
+port[:version] = '5.0-20110704121200'
+port[:description] = 'Molecular graphics visualisation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 opengl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer jochen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'molmol'
+port[:path] = 'science/molmol'
+port[:version] = '2k.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Molecular graphics display program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'montage'
+port[:path] = 'science/montage'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Montage - Image Mosaic Software for Astronomers'
+port[:licenses] = 'http://montage.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/download.html'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'robitaille'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpich'
+port[:path] = 'science/mpich'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7p1'
+port[:description] = 'Message Passing Interface (MPI) Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science parallel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mpich2'
+port[:path] = 'science/mpich2'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Message Passing Interface (MPI) Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc45 gcc44 gcc43 gcc42 llvm gforker default_mpi'
+port[:maintainers] = 'eborisch openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science parallel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncarg'
+port[:path] = 'science/ncarg'
+port[:version] = '6.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'language for scientific data processing and visualization'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'g95 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncbi_tools'
+port[:path] = 'science/ncbi_tools'
+port[:version] = '20080302'
+port[:description] = 'blast is a set of tools for doing nucleotide and protein searches'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mike.thon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nco'
+port[:path] = 'science/nco'
+port[:version] = '4.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'The netCDF Operators'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'mpich2 openmpi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncview'
+port[:path] = 'science/ncview'
+port[:version] = '1.93g'
+port[:description] = 'X windows point\'n\'click NetCDF viewer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nds2-client'
+port[:path] = 'science/nds2-client'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Network Data Server Client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netcdf'
+port[:path] = 'science/netcdf'
+port[:version] = '4.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'libraries for array-oriented scientific data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 openmpi mpich2 netcdf4 hdf4 dap static universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netcdf-devel'
+port[:path] = 'science/netcdf-devel'
+port[:version] = '4.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'libraries for array-oriented scientific data with netcdf-4 features'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ng-spice'
+port[:path] = 'science/ng-spice'
+port[:version] = '21'
+port[:description] = 'Circuit simulator based on Spice 3f5'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science cad'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nightshade'
+port[:path] = 'science/nightshade'
+port[:version] = '10.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Nightshade Anstronomy Simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lists.launchpad.net:nightshade'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science education'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'numdiff'
+port[:path] = 'science/numdiff'
+port[:version] = '5.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Compare files containing numerical fields.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cerfacs.fr:dechaume'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ompl'
+port[:path] = 'science/ompl'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL)'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug app python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openbabel'
+port[:path] = 'science/openbabel'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A chemistry file translation program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:beatrupp'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opendx'
+port[:path] = 'science/opendx'
+port[:version] = '4.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'IBM\'s Open Visualization Data Explorer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'no_java universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opendx-samples'
+port[:path] = 'science/opendx-samples'
+port[:version] = '4.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'IBM\'s Open Visualization Data Explorer (Data Samples)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openmpi'
+port[:path] = 'science/openmpi'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'A High Performance Message Passing Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'threads progressthreads gcc42 gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science parallel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orrery'
+port[:path] = 'science/orrery'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'A digital model of the solar system within Geomview'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'palmkit'
+port[:path] = 'science/palmkit'
+port[:version] = '1.0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Publicly Available Language Modeling toolKIT'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdb2pqr'
+port[:path] = 'science/pdb2pqr'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'automate Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics calculations'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pecco'
+port[:path] = 'science/pecco'
+port[:version] = '2011-01-10'
+port[:description] = 'simple C++ library for linear classification with conjunctive features'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'peekabot'
+port[:path] = 'science/peekabot'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'peekabot meta-package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gimaker.se:staffan openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'peekabot-client'
+port[:path] = 'science/peekabot-client'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'The peekabot client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gimaker.se:staffan openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'peekabot-server'
+port[:path] = 'science/peekabot-server'
+port[:version] = '0.8.4'
+port[:description] = 'The peekabot visualization server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gimaker.se:staffan openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'perlprimer'
+port[:path] = 'science/perlprimer'
+port[:version] = '1.1.20'
+port[:description] = 'Perl-based primer designer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'playerstage-player'
+port[:path] = 'science/playerstage-player'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Player/Stage robotic platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ai.sri.com:vincent'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'playerstage-stage'
+port[:path] = 'science/playerstage-stage'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Player/Stage robotic platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ai.sri.com:vincent'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'plplot'
+port[:path] = 'science/plplot'
+port[:version] = '5.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'Scientific plotting package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 g95 octave java python25 gdc aquaterm no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pqp'
+port[:path] = 'science/pqp'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A library for performing proximity queries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mmoll openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pvm'
+port[:path] = 'science/pvm'
+port[:version] = '3.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'pvm permits a network of computers to act as a cluster'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science parallel net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pymol'
+port[:path] = 'science/pymol'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Molecular graphics system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pymol-devel'
+port[:path] = 'science/pymol-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3937'
+port[:description] = 'Molecular graphics system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gcc43 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'adfernandes openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pynmr'
+port[:path] = 'science/pynmr'
+port[:version] = '0.37f'
+port[:description] = 'NMR plugin for pymol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pythia'
+port[:path] = 'science/pythia'
+port[:version] = '8.135'
+port[:description] = 'Generator of high-energy physics events'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mattiafrancescomoro'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qfsm'
+port[:path] = 'science/qfsm'
+port[:version] = '0.52.0'
+port[:description] = 'A graphical tool for designing finite state machines'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug qt_mac qt_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qucs'
+port[:path] = 'science/qucs'
+port[:version] = '0.0.16'
+port[:description] = 'an integrated circuit simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rowue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science electronics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rasmol'
+port[:path] = 'science/rasmol'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Molecular graphics visualisation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2/RASLIC'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'relax'
+port[:path] = 'science/relax'
+port[:version] = '1.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'Protein dynamics by NMR relax. data analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'root'
+port[:path] = 'science/root'
+port[:version] = '5.30.00'
+port[:description] = 'Root cern data analysis framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'fftw3 kerberos5 odbc ldap roofit opengl python26 ssl builtin_ftgl ftgl xml qt_x11 qt_mac mysql pythia gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mattiafrancescomoro hep.phy.cam.ac.uk:jonesc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'samtools'
+port[:path] = 'science/samtools'
+port[:version] = '0.1.12a'
+port[:description] = 'Tools for alignments in the SAM format'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:haroldpimentel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sbsat'
+port[:path] = 'science/sbsat'
+port[:version] = '2.7b'
+port[:description] = 'A state-based Satisfiability solver.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'jeremy universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc'
+port[:platforms] = 'freebsd darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scamp'
+port[:path] = 'science/scamp'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'computes astrometric and photometric solutions from SExtractor catalogs'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'setiathome'
+port[:path] = 'science/setiathome'
+port[:version] = '3.03'
+port[:description] = 'UNIX version of the Seti at home client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sextractor'
+port[:path] = 'science/sextractor'
+port[:version] = '2.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'tool to make catalogs of sources from astronomical images'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'silo'
+port[:path] = 'science/silo'
+port[:version] = '4.8'
+port[:description] = 'mesh and field I/O library and scientific database'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'hdf5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'skymaker'
+port[:path] = 'science/skymaker'
+port[:version] = '3.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'SkyMaker is a program that simulates astronomical images.'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smodels'
+port[:path] = 'science/smodels'
+port[:version] = '2.34'
+port[:description] = 'stable model semantics for logic programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sparky'
+port[:path] = 'science/sparky'
+port[:version] = '3.115'
+port[:description] = 'NMR Assignment and Integration Software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'splash'
+port[:path] = 'science/splash'
+port[:version] = '1.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics visualisation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'pgplot gcc46 gcc45 gcc44 gcc43 gcc42 read_hdf5formats read_extraformats1 read_extraformats2'
+port[:maintainers] = 'monash.edu:daniel.price'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stdinchi-1'
+port[:path] = 'science/stdinchi-1'
+port[:version] = '1.02'
+port[:description] = 'IUPAC InChI for standard InChI'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'netatonce.net:petri openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stellarium'
+port[:path] = 'science/stellarium'
+port[:version] = '0.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stiff'
+port[:path] = 'science/stiff'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'STIFF is a program to convert FITS images to TIFF format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stuff'
+port[:path] = 'science/stuff'
+port[:version] = '1.19'
+port[:description] = 'Generates artifical astronomical source catalogs'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sumo'
+port[:path] = 'science/sumo'
+port[:version] = '0.11.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug double_precision subseconds messages no_internal_lanes no_traci universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:jens.fahnenbruck herbiet.net:guillaume-jean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sumo-devel'
+port[:path] = 'science/sumo-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.11.1-r8004'
+port[:description] = 'Development version of Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO)'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug double_precision subseconds messages no_internal_lanes no_traci universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:jens.fahnenbruck herbiet.net:guillaume-jean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swarm'
+port[:path] = 'science/swarm'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Swarm is a platform for agent-based models (ABMs).'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pd.infn.it:cristiano.fontana'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swarp'
+port[:path] = 'science/swarp'
+port[:version] = '2.17.6'
+port[:description] = 'Program that resample and co-adds FITS images'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tempo'
+port[:path] = 'science/tempo'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'TEMPO (Topographic Eeg Mapping PrOgram)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lifehertz.com:jd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'thccalc'
+port[:path] = 'science/thccalc'
+port[:version] = '0.23'
+port[:description] = 'thccacl calculates the THC content in a person\'s blood'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tophat'
+port[:path] = 'science/tophat'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:haroldpimentel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science biology'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tree-puzzle'
+port[:path] = 'science/tree-puzzle'
+port[:version] = '5.2'
+port[:description] = 'a computer program to reconstruct phylogenetic trees from molecular sequence data by maximum likelihood'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:mrt5'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'treehh'
+port[:path] = 'science/treehh'
+port[:version] = '2.65'
+port[:description] = 'Data Analysis and Scientific Plotting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'triangle'
+port[:path] = 'science/triangle'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uclatools'
+port[:path] = 'science/uclatools'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Set of utilities for converting, analysing, and manipulating MRI image data.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ucla.edu:jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'udunits'
+port[:path] = 'science/udunits'
+port[:version] = '1.12.9'
+port[:description] = 'Unidata unit conversion libraray'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'udunits2'
+port[:path] = 'science/udunits2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.22'
+port[:description] = 'Improved Unidata unit conversion libraray'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uhd'
+port[:path] = 'science/uhd'
+port[:version] = '003.001.000'
+port[:description] = 'Universal Hardware Driver for Ettus Research products'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'debug tests examples libusb python26 python27 docs manual universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'usrp'
+port[:path] = 'science/usrp'
+port[:version] = '3.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'USRP user-space driver / interface via USB.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal docs python25 python26 python27 libusb_legacy libusb_1'
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vapor'
+port[:path] = 'science/vapor'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'interactive 3D scientific visualization environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vbpp'
+port[:path] = 'science/vbpp'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Verilog preprocessor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vbs'
+port[:path] = 'science/vbs'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Verilog Behavioral Simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'veriwell'
+port[:path] = 'science/veriwell'
+port[:version] = '2.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'VeriWell Verilog Simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'viking'
+port[:path] = 'science/viking'
+port[:version] = '0.9.93'
+port[:description] = 'GTK2 GPS Program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'chimeric.de:chi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vis5d'
+port[:path] = 'science/vis5d'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0-beta'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL-based scientific visualization program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'weightwatcher'
+port[:path] = 'science/weightwatcher'
+port[:version] = '1.8.10'
+port[:description] = 'Astronomical software that produces control maps.'
+port[:licenses] = 'CeCILL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'weka'
+port[:path] = 'science/weka'
+port[:version] = '3.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks implemented in java'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wgrib2'
+port[:path] = 'science/wgrib2'
+port[:version] = '1.9.3a'
+port[:description] = 'program to read atmospheric data files in GRIB2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'g95 gcc44 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'whatcheck'
+port[:path] = 'science/whatcheck'
+port[:version] = '8.1'
+port[:description] = 'Protein verification tools from WhatIf'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'bromo.med.uc.edu:howarth'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wview'
+port[:path] = 'science/wview'
+port[:version] = '5.19.0'
+port[:description] = 'unix weather application that generates web sites'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macports.org:mbclark'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xastir'
+port[:path] = 'science/xastir'
+port[:version] = '1.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'Amateur Radio APRS tracking software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xephem'
+port[:path] = 'science/xephem'
+port[:version] = '3.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'interactive astronomical ephemeris program'
+port[:licenses] = 'Restrictive/Distributable'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xloops'
+port[:path] = 'science/xloops'
+port[:version] = 'current'
+port[:description] = 'A Program for Calculating Feynman Diagrams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'test universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmedcon'
+port[:path] = 'science/xmedcon'
+port[:version] = '0.10.6'
+port[:description] = 'an open source toolkit for medical image conversion'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'gtk2 gtk1 gcc43 gcc44 sysgcc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpa'
+port[:path] = 'science/xpa'
+port[:version] = '2.1.11'
+port[:description] = 'The XPA messaging system provides seamless communication between many kinds of Unix programs, including X programs and Tcl/Tk programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saao.ac.za:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xraylib'
+port[:path] = 'science/xraylib'
+port[:version] = '2.15.0'
+port[:description] = 'A library for X-ray matter interaction cross sections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'perl python java gcc43 gcc44 gcc45 g95 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'me.com:Tom.Schoonjans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yamcha'
+port[:path] = 'science/yamcha'
+port[:version] = '0.33'
+port[:description] = 'Yet Another Multipurpose CHunk Annotator'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yorick'
+port[:path] = 'science/yorick'
+port[:version] = '2.1.06'
+port[:description] = 'Interpreted language and scientific graphics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:paumard'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yorick-gl'
+port[:path] = 'science/yorick-gl'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0.cvs20100504'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL 3D graphics support for the Yorick language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:paumard'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yorick-imutil'
+port[:path] = 'science/yorick-imutil'
+port[:version] = '0.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Fast image manipulation routines for the Yorick language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:paumard'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yorick-spydr'
+port[:path] = 'science/yorick-spydr'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'FITS image display and simple analysis'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:paumard'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yorick-yao'
+port[:path] = 'science/yorick-yao'
+port[:version] = '4.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Yorick-based adaptive optics system simulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:paumard'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yorick-yutils'
+port[:path] = 'science/yorick-yutils'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Various utilities for the Yorick language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:paumard'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yorick-z'
+port[:path] = 'science/yorick-z'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0.cvs20100504'
+port[:description] = 'zlib, jpeg and png support for the Yorick language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 39
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:paumard'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'science'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'security'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Vidalia'
+port[:path] = 'security/Vidalia'
+port[:version] = '0.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Vidalia is a controller GUI for the Tor software'
+port[:licenses] = 'OSI-Approved'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'debug qt_mac qt_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aescrypt'
+port[:path] = 'security/aescrypt'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'A program for encryption/decryption.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aesutil'
+port[:path] = 'security/aesutil'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'command line program to encrypt and decrypt data via AES'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'afflib'
+port[:path] = 'security/afflib'
+port[:version] = '3.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'The Advanced Forensic Format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 's3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aide'
+port[:path] = 'security/aide'
+port[:version] = '0.15.1'
+port[:description] = 'Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aimage'
+port[:path] = 'security/aimage'
+port[:version] = '3.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Advanced Disk Imager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aircrack-ng'
+port[:path] = 'security/aircrack-ng'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Aircrack-ng is the next generation of aircrack with lots of new features'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apg'
+port[:path] = 'security/apg'
+port[:version] = '2.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'tool set for random password generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'authforce'
+port[:path] = 'security/authforce'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'A HTTP authentication brute forcer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'base'
+port[:path] = 'security/base'
+port[:version] = '1.3.9'
+port[:description] = 'Basic Analysis and Security Engine - Snort web frontend'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'botan'
+port[:path] = 'security/botan'
+port[:version] = '1.8.10'
+port[:description] = 'cryptographic algorithms and formats library in C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'calife'
+port[:path] = 'security/calife'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Provides super user privileges to specific users'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'sky.fr:cbellot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccrypt'
+port[:path] = 'security/ccrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Encrypt and decrypt files and streams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cfv'
+port[:path] = 'security/cfv'
+port[:version] = '1.18.3'
+port[:description] = 'cfv is a utility to both test and create .sfv, .csv, .crc, .md5(sfv-like), md5sum, bsd md5, sha1sum, and .torrent files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'checkpassword-pam'
+port[:path] = 'security/checkpassword-pam'
+port[:version] = '0.99'
+port[:description] = 'implementation of checkpassword-compatible auth program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'courier-authlib'
+port[:path] = 'security/courier-authlib'
+port[:version] = '0.61.0'
+port[:description] = 'Courier Authentication Library is a generic authentication API'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cpabe'
+port[:path] = 'security/cpabe'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:jgilab openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cracklib'
+port[:path] = 'security/cracklib'
+port[:version] = '2.8.15'
+port[:description] = 'A ProActive Password Sanity Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'theonelab.com:june'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cracklib-words'
+port[:path] = 'security/cracklib-words'
+port[:version] = '20080507'
+port[:description] = 'Wordlists for cracklib'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'theonelab.com:june'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ctool'
+port[:path] = 'security/ctool'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'ctool is a checksumming application.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cyrus-sasl2'
+port[:path] = 'security/cyrus-sasl2'
+port[:version] = '2.1.23'
+port[:description] = 'SASL is an authentication library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal kerberos sql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'denyhosts'
+port[:path] = 'security/denyhosts'
+port[:version] = '2.6'
+port[:description] = 'DenyHosts is a utility to help sys admins thwart ssh hackers'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'security sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dirmngr'
+port[:path] = 'security/dirmngr'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.509 certificate directory manager for GnuPG'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fcrackzip'
+port[:path] = 'security/fcrackzip'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Portable, fast and featureful ZIP password cracker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fusil'
+port[:path] = 'security/fusil'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'A tool to fuzz various software'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpg-agent'
+port[:path] = 'security/gpg-agent'
+port[:version] = '2.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'GPG key agent'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'no_pinentry universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'security mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gss'
+port[:path] = 'security/gss'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Generic Security Service Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hydra'
+port[:path] = 'security/hydra'
+port[:version] = '5.4'
+port[:description] = 'A very fast network logon cracker which support many services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'xhydra universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ike-scan'
+port[:path] = 'security/ike-scan'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'ike-scan can discover and identify IPsec VPN systems running IKE.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jailkit'
+port[:path] = 'security/jailkit'
+port[:version] = '2.11'
+port[:description] = 'utilities to create limited user accounts in a chroot jail'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kedpm'
+port[:path] = 'security/kedpm'
+port[:version] = '0.4.1-cvs'
+port[:description] = 'Python GTK2 Password Manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security python x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libbswabe'
+port[:path] = 'security/libbswabe'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption toolkit library'
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:jgilab openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libewf'
+port[:path] = 'security/libewf'
+port[:version] = '20100226'
+port[:description] = 'Libewf is a library for support of the Expert Witness Compression Format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgsasl'
+port[:path] = 'security/libgsasl'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNU SASL: an authentication library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'gssapi_mit universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libident'
+port[:path] = 'security/libident'
+port[:version] = '0.32'
+port[:description] = 'Ident protocol library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libotr'
+port[:path] = 'security/libotr'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Off-the-Record Messaging Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'reifferscheid.org:rsync openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libprelude'
+port[:path] = 'security/libprelude'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Prelude Universal SIM - framework library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'python24 python25 perl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:usx303 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libpreludedb'
+port[:path] = 'security/libpreludedb'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Prelude Universal SIM - database wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'python24 python25 perl sqlite3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:usx303 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtomcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'security/libtomcrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'cryptographic toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libyubikey'
+port[:path] = 'security/libyubikey'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Low-level library for decrypting and parsing Yubikey One-Time Passwords (OTP) in C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log2timeline'
+port[:path] = 'security/log2timeline'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'framework for automatic creation of a super timeline'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'logsentry'
+port[:path] = 'security/logsentry'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'logfile auditing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'touche.fr.st:julien.touche'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'logsurfer'
+port[:path] = 'security/logsurfer'
+port[:version] = '1.6b'
+port[:description] = 'monitors system logs in real-time and reports on the occurrence of events'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phpconsulting.com:mat jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'logwatch'
+port[:path] = 'security/logwatch'
+port[:version] = '7.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'system log analyzer and reporter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'cern.ch:lassi.tuura'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'makepasswd'
+port[:path] = 'security/makepasswd'
+port[:version] = '1.10-3'
+port[:description] = 'generate and encrypt passwords'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ooburai'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'md5deep'
+port[:path] = 'security/md5deep'
+port[:version] = '3.9.1'
+port[:description] = 'Recursively compute digests on files/directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jessekornblum'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'medusa'
+port[:path] = 'security/medusa'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Medusa is a speedy, massively parallel, modular, login brute-forcer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'subversion postgresql universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metasploit2'
+port[:path] = 'security/metasploit2'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Tools and information for security research and pentesting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'metasploit3'
+port[:path] = 'security/metasploit3'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Tools and information for security research and pentesting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'murk'
+port[:path] = 'security/murk'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'rsync friendly encryption tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nasty'
+port[:path] = 'security/nasty'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'passphrase revovery helper for PGP and GPG keys'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nbtscan'
+port[:path] = 'security/nbtscan'
+port[:version] = '1.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'NBTscan'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:usx303'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oath-toolkit'
+port[:path] = 'security/oath-toolkit'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'The OATH Toolkit contains a shared library, command line tool, and PAM module for one-time password authentication.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'alum.wpi.edu:arno+macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openfpc'
+port[:path] = 'security/openfpc'
+port[:version] = '0.1a'
+port[:description] = 'lightweight full-packet network traffic recorder & buffering tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openpgpsdk'
+port[:path] = 'security/openpgpsdk'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'OpenPGP library SDK'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvas-client'
+port[:path] = 'security/openvas-client'
+port[:version] = '2.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Open Vulnerability Assessment System client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvas-libnasl'
+port[:path] = 'security/openvas-libnasl'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Open Vulnerability Assessment System NASL library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvas-libraries'
+port[:path] = 'security/openvas-libraries'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Open Vulnerability Assessment System libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvas-plugins'
+port[:path] = 'security/openvas-plugins'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Open Vulnerability Assessment System plugins'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openvas-server'
+port[:path] = 'security/openvas-server'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Open Vulnerability Assessment System server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ophcrack'
+port[:path] = 'security/ophcrack'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Microsoft Windows password cracker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'gui tables universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'otrproxy'
+port[:path] = 'security/otrproxy'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'OTR localhost AIM proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'outguess'
+port[:path] = 'security/outguess'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'steganographic tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'paperkey'
+port[:path] = 'security/paperkey'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Paperkey - an OpenPGP key archiver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pbc'
+port[:path] = 'security/pbc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The Pairing-Based Cryptography Library'
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = ''
+port[:category_id] = 38
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = ''
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = ''
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = ''
+port[:path] = ''
+port[:version] = '0.5.11'
+port[:description] = ''
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:jgilab openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = ''
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgp'
+port[:path] = 'security/pgp'
+port[:version] = '50i'
+port[:description] = 'Public-Key encryption for the masses'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgpdump'
+port[:path] = 'security/pgpdump'
+port[:version] = '0.25'
+port[:description] = 'PGP packet visualizer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pidgin-otr'
+port[:path] = 'security/pidgin-otr'
+port[:version] = '3.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Off-the-Record Plugin for Pidgin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'reifferscheid.org:rsync openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net chat'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pinentry'
+port[:path] = 'security/pinentry'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Passphrase entry dialog utilizing the Assuan protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'gtk1 gtk2 qt3 qt4 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'policykit'
+port[:path] = 'security/policykit'
+port[:version] = '0.101'
+port[:description] = 'PolicyKit is an application-level toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'portsentry'
+port[:path] = 'security/portsentry'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'port scan detection and active defense'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'touche.fr.st:julien.touche'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'prelude-lml'
+port[:path] = 'security/prelude-lml'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Prelude Network Intrusion Detection System Log Monitoring Lackey'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:usx303 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'prelude-manager'
+port[:path] = 'security/prelude-manager'
+port[:version] = '0.9.14'
+port[:description] = 'Prelude Universal SIM - manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:usx303 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'putty'
+port[:path] = 'security/putty'
+port[:version] = '0.60'
+port[:description] = 'a free implementation of Telnet and SSH, along with an xterm terminal emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pwman'
+port[:path] = 'security/pwman'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'curses based password management program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'oaf.dk:mni'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pwsafe'
+port[:path] = 'security/pwsafe'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'manage encrypted password databases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rats'
+port[:path] = 'security/rats'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Rough Auditing Tool for Security'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rsyncrypto'
+port[:path] = 'security/rsyncrypto'
+port[:version] = '1.12'
+port[:description] = 'rsync friendly file encryption'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'JustinLove.name:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sancp'
+port[:path] = 'security/sancp'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Security Analyst Network Connection Profiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scponly'
+port[:path] = 'security/scponly'
+port[:version] = '4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Limited shell which wraps scp/sftp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'noWildcards noWinscpCompat rsyncCompat chroot scpCompat universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scrub'
+port[:path] = 'security/scrub'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Scrub writes patterns on special files (i.e. raw disk devices) or regular files to make retrieving the data more difficult.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scrypt'
+port[:path] = 'security/scrypt'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'key derivation function'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'secpwgen'
+port[:path] = 'security/secpwgen'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'An utility for generating secure passphrases'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sguil-client'
+port[:path] = 'security/sguil-client'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'GUI Console for Sguil Network Security Monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shibboleth'
+port[:path] = 'security/shibboleth'
+port[:version] = '2.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Shibboleth Native Service Provider'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'odbc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc scantor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security www shibboleth'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sign'
+port[:path] = 'security/sign'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'sign is a file signing and signature verification utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'skipfish'
+port[:path] = 'security/skipfish'
+port[:version] = '2.02b'
+port[:description] = 'web application security scanner'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stegdetect'
+port[:path] = 'security/stegdetect'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'tool for detecting steganographic content in jpeg images.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'steghide'
+port[:path] = 'security/steghide'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Steghide is a steganography program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cforkin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stunnel'
+port[:path] = 'security/stunnel'
+port[:version] = '4.35'
+port[:description] = 'SSL tunneling program'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'libwrap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'suhosin'
+port[:path] = 'security/suhosin'
+port[:version] = '0.9.27'
+port[:description] = 'stub package: please use php5-suhosin instead.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'security www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcpcrypt-devel'
+port[:path] = 'security/tcpcrypt-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'encrypt (almost) all of your network traffic'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'security www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tinyca2'
+port[:path] = 'security/tinyca2'
+port[:version] = '0.7.5'
+port[:description] = 'GUI Certificate Authority tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tor'
+port[:path] = 'security/tor'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'anonymizing overlay network for TCP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tor-devel'
+port[:path] = 'security/tor-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'anonymizing overlay network for TCP'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tripwire'
+port[:path] = 'security/tripwire'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'integrity assurance and intrusion detection tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unhash'
+port[:path] = 'security/unhash'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'brute force attack against MD5 or SHA1 hashes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'volatility'
+port[:path] = 'security/volatility'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'collection of tools for the extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.fr:jul_bsd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xml-security-c'
+port[:path] = 'security/xml-security-c'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'XML Signing/Encryption for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc scantor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security xml textproc shibboleth'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlsec'
+port[:path] = 'security/xmlsec'
+port[:version] = '1.2.18'
+port[:description] = 'XML Security Library is a C library based on LibXML2.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmltooling'
+port[:path] = 'security/xmltooling'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'XMLTooling library for C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc scantor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security textproc xml shibboleth'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ykpers'
+port[:path] = 'security/ykpers'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Easily personalize Yubico\'s USB keys.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zzuf'
+port[:path] = 'security/zzuf'
+port[:version] = '0.13'
+port[:description] = 'zzuf is a transparent application input fuzzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 40
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'security'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'shells'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bash'
+port[:path] = 'shells/bash'
+port[:version] = '4.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Bash (bourne-again shell) is a UNIX command interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dash'
+port[:path] = 'shells/dash'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'DASH is a direct descendant of the NetBSD version of ash (the Almquist SHell) and is POSIX compliant'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:Mathias.Laurin+macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fish'
+port[:path] = 'shells/fish'
+port[:version] = '1.23.1'
+port[:description] = 'user friendly command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'xsel universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ksh93'
+port[:path] = 'shells/ksh93'
+port[:version] = '2010-06-21'
+port[:description] = 'The AT&T Korn shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'luash'
+port[:path] = 'shells/luash'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'shell written in Lua/C++'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells lua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'osh'
+port[:path] = 'shells/osh'
+port[:version] = '20100430'
+port[:description] = 'Ports of the Sixth Edition (V6) UNIX Thompson shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'v6shell.org:jan+mp'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdksh'
+port[:path] = 'shells/pdksh'
+port[:version] = '5.2.14'
+port[:description] = 'A Public Domain clone of ksh'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wilcoxd.com:rwilcox'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'psh'
+port[:path] = 'shells/psh'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'The Perl Shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rc'
+port[:path] = 'shells/rc'
+port[:version] = '1.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Plan 9 shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'readline editline universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rootsh'
+port[:path] = 'shells/rootsh'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'logging wrapper for shells'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sudosh'
+port[:path] = 'shells/sudosh'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'sudo shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcsh'
+port[:path] = 'shells/tcsh'
+port[:version] = '6.17.00'
+port[:description] = 'C shell with file name completion and command line editing'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zsh'
+port[:path] = 'shells/zsh'
+port[:version] = '4.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'mp_completion dp_completion doc universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zsh-devel'
+port[:path] = 'shells/zsh-devel'
+port[:version] = '4.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 41
+port[:variants] = 'mp_completion pcre doc examples universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'FDclone'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/FDclone'
+port[:version] = '3.00j'
+port[:description] = 'File & Directory Maintenance Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal nojpnmes emacs vim lv less jless autosort'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils shells'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'MacPorts'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/MacPorts'
+port[:version] = '1.9.2'
+port[:description] = 'The MacPorts Infrastructure'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'keep_prefix universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lists.macosforge.org:macports-mgr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Pallet'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/Pallet'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Aqua application to control a MacPorts installation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'juanger'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils aqua macports'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'afsctool'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/afsctool'
+port[:version] = '1.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Utility for manipulating HFS+ compressed files'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'agrep'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/agrep'
+port[:version] = '2.04'
+port[:description] = 'agrep is similar to egrep.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'am-utils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/am-utils'
+port[:version] = '6.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'The Berkeley Automounter Suite of Utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'anacron'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/anacron'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Schedules periodic jobs on systems that are not permanently up'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'anno'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/anno'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'ncurses based calendar'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apachetop'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/apachetop'
+port[:version] = '0.12.6'
+port[:description] = 'Top-like display of Apache logs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:dre'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apparix'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/apparix'
+port[:version] = '08-331'
+port[:description] = 'File system navigation on steroids'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:matias.piipari'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apt'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/apt'
+port[:version] = '0.5.27'
+port[:description] = 'Advanced front-end for dpkg'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apt-rpm'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/apt-rpm'
+port[:version] = '0.5.15lorg3.93'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic updater and package installer/remover for RPM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arq_restore'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/arq_restore'
+port[:version] = '0.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line utility for restoring from backups created by Arq.'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asprint'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/asprint'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'prints out the contents of a compiled AppleScript file'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'perlhacker.org:sepp'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'augeas'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/augeas'
+port[:version] = '0.7.3'
+port[:description] = 'configuration editing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autojump'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/autojump'
+port[:version] = '15'
+port[:description] = 'a cd command that learns'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:johnny.kuan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autopsy'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/autopsy'
+port[:version] = '2.21'
+port[:description] = 'Autopsy Forensic Browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'b5i2iso'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/b5i2iso'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'BlindWrite image to ISO image file converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'backuppc'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/backuppc'
+port[:version] = '3.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'BackupPC is a high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux, WinXX and Mac OS X PCs and laptops to a server\'s disk.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jameskyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bacula'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bacula'
+port[:version] = '5.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'network based backup program'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'client_only mysql5 postgresql83 postgresql84 sqlite2 sqlite3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'macsforever2000'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bash-completion'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bash-completion'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Programmable bash completions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bashish'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bashish'
+port[:version] = '2.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Bashish is a theming utility for text environments.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'deadpixi.com:jking'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bbcolors'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bbcolors'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'a tool for saving and loading text color preference schemes for BBEdit and TextWrangler.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-1+ Artistic'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bcfg2'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bcfg2'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Bcfg2 configuration management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sol.jerome'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bchunk'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bchunk'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Converts a CD image in a .bin/.cue format to .iso or .cdr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bcwipe'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bcwipe'
+port[:version] = '1.7-7'
+port[:description] = 'Securely erase data from magnetic and solid-state memory.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bdes'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bdes'
+port[:version] = '4.7-RELEASE'
+port[:description] = 'Block-based DES cipher utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bdump'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bdump'
+port[:version] = '3.5'
+port[:description] = 'allows viwing hex and ASCII formats side by side'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'beanstalkd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/beanstalkd'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'a fast, distributed, in-memory workqueue service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bool'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bool'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'find files that match a boolean expression'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boxbackup'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/boxbackup'
+port[:version] = '0.11rc5'
+port[:description] = 'completely automatic on-line backup system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'bdb server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bsdsfv'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/bsdsfv'
+port[:version] = '1.18'
+port[:description] = 'BSD-licensed simple file verification utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'soy.se:simmel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'btrfs-progs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/btrfs-progs'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'Btrfs utility programs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'googlemail.com:0xffea'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'buffer'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/buffer'
+port[:version] = '1.19'
+port[:description] = 'Reblocking buffer for tape writes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'v9g.de:tvb377'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'burn-app'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/burn-app'
+port[:version] = '2.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Burn.app is a burning application for Mac OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'c-hey'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/c-hey'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'unix terminal based Instant Messaging Utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'calcurse'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/calcurse'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'text-based personal organizer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccal'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ccal'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'ccal'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ccd2iso'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ccd2iso'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'CloneCD image to ISO image file converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'osafoundation.org:mikeal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdargs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cdargs'
+port[:version] = '1.35'
+port[:description] = 'Bookmarks for the shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'entropy.ch:reg.macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdrdao'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cdrdao'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Disk-At-Once Recording of Audio and Data CD-Rs/CD-RWs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'lame universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cdrtools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cdrtools'
+port[:version] = '3.00'
+port[:description] = 'ISO 9660 filesystem and CD creation tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:bytestorm openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cfengine'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cfengine'
+port[:version] = '2.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'a tool for setting up and maintaining computer systems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'psdocs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cfengine3'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cfengine3'
+port[:version] = '3.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'network configuration-management tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ged'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chgrep'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/chgrep'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Fast string substitution across multiple files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chkrootkit'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/chkrootkit'
+port[:version] = '0.49'
+port[:description] = 'chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chsuf'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/chsuf'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'tool to change suffix of files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cksfv'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cksfv'
+port[:version] = '1.3.14'
+port[:description] = 'simple file verification utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clamav'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/clamav'
+port[:version] = '0.97.1'
+port[:description] = 'clamav antivirus software'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal clamav_milter'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clamav-server'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/clamav-server'
+port[:version] = '0.97'
+port[:description] = 'launchdaemons for clamav antivirus software'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clex'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/clex'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'file manager with curses interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cliclick'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cliclick'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'a command-line utility for simulating mouse clicks'
+port[:licenses] = 'freeware'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clpbar'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/clpbar'
+port[:version] = '1.11.0'
+port[:description] = 'tool to copy a stream of data and print a progress bar'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'compare'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/compare'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'fast replacement for cmp'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'contacts'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/contacts'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'command line tool to access Mac OS X\'s Address Book'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'convmv'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/convmv'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'Convert filenames from one encoding to another'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'coreutils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/coreutils'
+port[:version] = '8.12'
+port[:description] = 'GNU File, Shell, and Text utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'count'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/count'
+port[:version] = '1.20'
+port[:description] = 'fast replacement for the standard wc utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'createrepo'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/createrepo'
+port[:version] = '0.4.11'
+port[:description] = 'generates common metadata for package repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'createtorrent'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/createtorrent'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'command line utility to create BitTorrent files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cronolog'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cronolog'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'cronolog is a web log rotation program'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cronolog-devel'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cronolog-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.7.0-beta'
+port[:description] = 'cronolog is a web log rotation program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jberry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'crswallow'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/crswallow'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'filter or rate-limit text lines containing CR'
+port[:licenses] = 'MPL-1.1 GPL-2.0+ LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:stefan.van.der.eijk openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cssh'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cssh'
+port[:version] = '3.22'
+port[:description] = 'Cluster Admin via SSH'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cuetools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/cuetools'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'utilities for working with cue and toc files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'daemon'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/daemon'
+port[:version] = '0.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Daemon turns other process into daemons'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'daemontools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/daemontools'
+port[:version] = '0.76'
+port[:description] = 'collection of tools for managing UNIX services'
+port[:licenses] = 'public-domain'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dc3dd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dc3dd'
+port[:version] = '7.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Enhanced GNU dd'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ricci'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dcfldd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dcfldd'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4-1'
+port[:description] = 'Enhanced dd with md5 checksums'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'darkart.com:opendarwin.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dd_rescue'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dd_rescue'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'copy data from one file or block device to another'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'hudora.de:md'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ddrescue'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ddrescue'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'detach'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/detach'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'detach a program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'detox'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/detox'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Utility designed to clean up filenames'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'di'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/di'
+port[:version] = '4.27'
+port[:description] = 'disk information utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'diffutils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/diffutils'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'GNU diff utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dirvish'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dirvish'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Client/server rsync- and hard-link-based snapshot backup system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'behanna.org:chris'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'disktype'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/disktype'
+port[:version] = '9'
+port[:description] = 'Detects the content format of a disk or disk image'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dmg2img'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dmg2img'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Converts Apple DMG files to standard HFS+ images'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'puredarwin.org:probono openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dnuos'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dnuos'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Console program that creates lists of music collections'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'doodle'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/doodle'
+port[:version] = '0.6.6'
+port[:description] = 'Doodle is a tool to quickly search the documents on a computer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dpkg'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dpkg'
+port[:version] = '1.14.29'
+port[:description] = 'Debian package maintenance system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dtach'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dtach'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'program that emulates the detach feature of screen'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mr_bond'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'duff'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/duff'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Unix command-line utility for quickly finding duplicates in a given set of files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'duplicity'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/duplicity'
+port[:version] = '0.6.14'
+port[:description] = 'Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'duply'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/duply'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Duply is a shell front end for the duplicity backup tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'technokracy.net:grrr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvdisaster'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dvdisaster'
+port[:version] = '0.72.2'
+port[:description] = 'Additional error correction for CD, DVD and BD media.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvdrtools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dvdrtools'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'a fork of cdrtools DVD writer support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvdrw-tools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dvdrw-tools'
+port[:version] = '7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for mastering DVD media, including +R/RW and -R/RW'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dvtm'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dvtm'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Dynamic Virtual Terminal Manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'leboulanger.org:harold'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dwatch'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/dwatch'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'A daemon watcher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'zenspider.com:ryand-macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'e2fsprogs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/e2fsprogs'
+port[:version] = '1.41.12'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities for use with the ext2, ext3 and ext4 filesystems'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'endian'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/endian'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Report endianness of a system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tds.net:jwbacon'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'erni'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/erni'
+port[:version] = '0.50.0'
+port[:description] = 'replacement for su that works on accounts without login shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'etch'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/etch'
+port[:version] = '3.17.0'
+port[:description] = 'Etch is a system configuration management tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'aput.net:jheiss openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exec-wrapper'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/exec-wrapper'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'script that creates setuid-wrappers for scripts and other executables'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'facter'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/facter'
+port[:version] = '1.5.8'
+port[:description] = 'A cross-platform library for describing OS attributes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'explanatorygap.net:nigel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'faubackup'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/faubackup'
+port[:version] = '0.5.9'
+port[:description] = 'FauBackup - simple incremental backup utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ccc.de:tim'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fcron'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/fcron'
+port[:version] = '3.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'fcron is an alternative scheduler aka cron daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:compconsultant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fdupes'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/fdupes'
+port[:version] = '1.40'
+port[:description] = 'identify and/or delete duplicate files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fhist'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/fhist'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'FHist: file history, comparison and merging tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'file'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/file'
+port[:version] = '5.07'
+port[:description] = 'File - determine file type'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'with_text_magic_file universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jay.fm:jay-macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'findutils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/findutils'
+port[:version] = '4.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'findutils contains GNU find, xargs, and locate'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'foremost'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/foremost'
+port[:version] = '1.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'a console program to recover files based on their headers and footers.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'hudora.de:md'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freeradius'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/freeradius'
+port[:version] = '2.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Free Radius Implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'kerberos universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fs-check'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/fs-check'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'checks filesystem if they are getting too full'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcc_select'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/gcc_select'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'common files for selecting default gcc version'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gearmand'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/gearmand'
+port[:version] = '0.14'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for distributed computation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'dtrace no_sqlite drizzle postgres memcached tokyocabinet universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'medialize.de:rodney.rehm andyfowler.com:andy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'genext2fs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/genext2fs'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ext2 filesystem image generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'free.fr:revol'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'getabspath'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/getabspath'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'getabspath converts relative POSIX pathes to absolute ones.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'getopt'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/getopt'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement getopt for shell script use'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gkrellm'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/gkrellm'
+port[:version] = '2.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'A GTK based system monitor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gnuregex'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/gnuregex'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'GNU regex library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grep'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/grep'
+port[:version] = '2.9'
+port[:description] = 'GNU grep, the {"fastest} grep in the west\" (we hope).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'groff'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/groff'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Troff (Groff)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grok'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/grok'
+port[:version] = '20090928'
+port[:description] = 'Easily parse logs and other files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'org.geekdaily:jim openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtime'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/gtime'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'GNU implementation of time(1)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gwhich'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/gwhich'
+port[:version] = '2.20'
+port[:description] = 'GNU Which - Everything you never wanted in a which'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hem'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/hem'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'persistent ssh connection and tunnel manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hexedit'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/hexedit'
+port[:version] = '1.2.12'
+port[:description] = 'A hexeditor for the console.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'korseby.net:kristian.peters'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin linux sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'highlnk'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/highlnk'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'searches identical files to hardlink them to save space'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'htop'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/htop'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'an interactive process viewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hyperic-sigar'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/hyperic-sigar'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Hardware/OS information gathering tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nefar at hotmail.com openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iRecovery'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/iRecovery'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'Console client for iBoot/iBSS iPhone, iPod touch and iPad'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ifstat'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ifstat'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'ifstat is a tool to report network interface bandwidth'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'snmp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iguanaIR'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/iguanaIR'
+port[:version] = '1.0pre2'
+port[:description] = 'Driver for IguanaWorks USB IR Transceiver'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPLv2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'verizon.net:tomldavis'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'interceptty'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/interceptty'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'port interceptor for serial ports'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipcs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ipcs'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'ipcs / ipcrm commands for os x'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ipmitool'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ipmitool'
+port[:version] = '1.8.11'
+port[:description] = 'Intelligent Platform Management Interface management utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'isightcapture'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/isightcapture'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'a command-line utility to capture a frame from an iSight camera'
+port[:licenses] = 'freeware'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jobpool'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/jobpool'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Jobpool is a shell script utility for running jobs in parallel'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'john'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/john'
+port[:version] = '1.7.6'
+port[:description] = 'Featureful Unix password cracker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'john-devel'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/john-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Featureful Unix password cracker'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'altivec'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kcd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/kcd'
+port[:version] = '7.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'kcd is a directory change utility similar to NCD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'keep'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/keep'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'tool that deletes everything in a directory but a selection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kernel-tools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/kernel-tools'
+port[:version] = '8J2135'
+port[:description] = 'Tools required to build xnu for Intel'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'keychain'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/keychain'
+port[:version] = '2.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'A user-friendly front-end to ssh-agent(1)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'krbafs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/krbafs'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'AFS library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libfwbuilder'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/libfwbuilder'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'library for a GUI firewall builder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gongloo at charlies-server.no-ip.com'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lirc'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/lirc'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'Linux Infrared Remote Control'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'iguanaIR universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'log4shib'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/log4shib'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'configurable logging for C++, fork of log4cpp'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc scantor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils shibboleth devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'logrotate'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/logrotate'
+port[:version] = '3.7.1'
+port[:description] = 'Rotates, compresses, and mails system logs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lookat'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/lookat'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'A program to view textfiles and man-pages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lsdvd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/lsdvd'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'lsdvd is a console application that displays the content of a dvd.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lzop'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/lzop'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'Fast file compressor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils compression'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macports-notifier'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/macports-notifier'
+port[:version] = '0.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'A menubar notifier for MacPorts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils aqua macports'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macportsscripts'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/macportsscripts'
+port[:version] = 'dev'
+port[:description] = 'Various scripts to work with macports'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'macutil'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/macutil'
+port[:version] = '2.0b3'
+port[:description] = 'Several *nix-based utilities for working with classic Mac files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'man'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/man'
+port[:version] = '1.6g'
+port[:description] = 'The man page suite containing man, apropos, whatis, man2html'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'man_all_lang'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maven_select'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/maven_select'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'common files for selecting default Maven version'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'maxwell'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/maxwell'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mac OS X SMART disk monitoring/reporting tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mc'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/mc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'GNU Midnight Commander'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'slang2 ncurses universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mcrypt'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/mcrypt'
+port[:version] = '2.6.8'
+port[:description] = 'A replacement for the old crypt package and crypt(1) command'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'md5sha1sum'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/md5sha1sum'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Hash utilites'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'flyn.org:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mdate'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/mdate'
+port[:version] = '1.5.6'
+port[:description] = 'utility that converts Gregorian dates to Mayan Long Count dates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mdf2iso'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/mdf2iso'
+port[:version] = '0.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Tool to convert mdf (Alcohol 120% images) images to iso images.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mellon85'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'memcached'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/memcached'
+port[:version] = '1.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'A high performance, distributed memory object caching system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal sasl umem'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'memcachedb'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/memcachedb'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A distributed key-value storage system designed for persistent.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cofyc.jackson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'memcacheq'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/memcacheq'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Simple Queue Service over Memcache.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cofyc.jackson'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'memtester'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/memtester'
+port[:version] = '4.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'A userspace utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mkpwd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/mkpwd'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'mkpwd is a scalable password generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mmv'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/mmv'
+port[:version] = '1.01b-14'
+port[:description] = 'Move/Copy/Append/Link multiple files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'monit'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/monit'
+port[:version] = '5.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'monit is a utility for managing and monitoring, processes, files, directories and devices on a UNIX system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moreutils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/moreutils'
+port[:version] = '0.39'
+port[:description] = 'a collection of the unix tools that nobody thought to write thirty years ago.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'doc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mtools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/mtools'
+port[:version] = '3.9.11'
+port[:description] = 'MS-DOS disk access utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'goudal.net:francois'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'multitail'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/multitail'
+port[:version] = '5.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Tail multiple files in one terminal at once'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'honk-honk.com:luc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'natsort'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/natsort'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Martin Pool\'s Natural Order String Comparison Sorting Utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'natemurray.com:nate'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ncdu'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ncdu'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'NCurses Disk Usage'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nrg2iso'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/nrg2iso'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'converts Nero Burning Rom images to ISO images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nrg4iso'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/nrg4iso'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'nrg4iso extracts data from a Nero Burning ROM image file (.nrg).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ntfsprogs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/ntfsprogs'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'a collection of utilities for doing stuff with NTFS volumes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'crypto ntfsmount gnome_vfs extra universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'num-utils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/num-utils'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'set of programs for dealing with numbers from the command line'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils math'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nut'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/nut'
+port[:version] = '2.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Network based UPS monitoring tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openbrowser'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/openbrowser'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'opens files and URLs into the default web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openupsd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/openupsd'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'UPS daemon for Belkin serial-connected UPSs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'osxutils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/osxutils'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'Command line utilities for Finder commands'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'parallel'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/parallel'
+port[:version] = '20110622'
+port[:description] = 'GNU parallel: Shell command parallelization utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'passogva'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/passogva'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'automated password generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdi2iso'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/pdi2iso'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'converts instant copy bin image to standard ISO-9660'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'poldek'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/poldek'
+port[:version] = '0.30-cvs20080225.00'
+port[:description] = 'A full-featured frontend to RPM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'port_cutleaves'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/port_cutleaves'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Uninstall leaves.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'perry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'proctools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/proctools'
+port[:version] = '0.4pre1'
+port[:description] = 'pgrep, pkill and pfind for OpenBSD and Darwin (Mac OS X)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'akitada'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pssh'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/pssh'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'parallel versions of ssh tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pstree'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/pstree'
+port[:version] = '2.33'
+port[:description] = 'pstree shows the output of the ps command as a tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'puppet'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/puppet'
+port[:version] = '2.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'Puppet is a configuration management solution.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'explanatorygap.net:nigel puppetlabs.com:nigel openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pv'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/pv'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'monitor the progress of data through a pipe'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:meissnem'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pwgen'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/pwgen'
+port[:version] = '2.06'
+port[:description] = 'password generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'python_select'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/python_select'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'common files for selecting default python version'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt4_select'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/qt4_select'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Switch the default qt4 interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'michaelld'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'renameutils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/renameutils'
+port[:version] = '0.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'renameutils is a set of programs designed to make renaming files faster and less cumbersome'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:evangoldenberg openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'repoview'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/repoview'
+port[:version] = '0.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'make common metadata package repositories browseable'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rlwrap'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rlwrap'
+port[:version] = '0.37'
+port[:description] = 'rlwrap is a readline wrapper.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:lomion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rmtrash'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rmtrash'
+port[:version] = '0.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'move the file to OS X\'s Trash'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'usami-k'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rpm'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rpm'
+port[:version] = '4.4.9'
+port[:description] = 'The RPM package management system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rpm2html'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rpm2html'
+port[:version] = '1.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'Translates an RPM database and dependency information into HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'template universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rpm45'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rpm45'
+port[:version] = '4.5'
+port[:description] = 'The RPM package management system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rpm50'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rpm50'
+port[:version] = '5.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'The RPM package management system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rpm51'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rpm51'
+port[:version] = '5.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'The RPM package management system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rpm52'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rpm52'
+port[:version] = '5.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'The RPM package management system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'docs python26 python27 perl5_10 perl5_12 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rsnapshot'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rsnapshot'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'runit'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/runit'
+port[:version] = '2.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'collection of tools for managing UNIX services'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sanityinc.com:macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rvm'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rvm'
+port[:version] = '1.05'
+port[:description] = 'archive manager to manage backups of multiple clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rx'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/rx'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Replacement for the GNU regex library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takeshi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'scala_select'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/scala_select'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Switch the default scala compiler'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer krischik'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'screen'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/screen'
+port[:version] = '4.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'vertical_split universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sdd'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sdd'
+port[:version] = '1.52'
+port[:description] = 'fast replacement for dd'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sfind'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sfind'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'POSIX.1-2001 compliant implementation of find'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'shmux'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/shmux'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'utility for executing the command on many hosts in parallel'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yeled'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'showkey'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/showkey'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'echo raw keystrokes back at you in a printable form'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:phillipao'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sispmctl'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sispmctl'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'tool for usingthe GEMBIRD SiS-PM device family'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'skey'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/skey'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'OpenBSD One Time Passwords (OTP)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd netbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sleepnow'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sleepnow'
+port[:version] = '20070603'
+port[:description] = 'put your Mac to sleep from the command-line'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sleepwatcher'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sleepwatcher'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'monitors sleep, wakeup and idleness of a Mac'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sleuthkit'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sleuthkit'
+port[:version] = '3.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Forensic toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jessekornblum'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slocate'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/slocate'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Secure Locate is a replacement for locate.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smart'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/smart'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic updater and package installer/remover'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'rpm5'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smartmontools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/smartmontools'
+port[:version] = '5.41'
+port[:description] = 'SMART hard drive monitoring'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'socat'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/socat'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'netcat on steroids'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hudora.de:md'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spinner'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/spinner'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Keep ssh and telnet connections from dropping due to inactivity'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsdcluster.org:mich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sqsh'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sqsh'
+port[:version] = '2.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'A Sybase Shell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils database'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'srm'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/srm'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'srm is a secure replacement for rm(1).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sshpass'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sshpass'
+port[:version] = '1.04'
+port[:description] = 'Non-interactive ssh password authentication'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stow'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/stow'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'perl utility to manage the installation of software packages.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sudo'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sudo'
+port[:version] = '1.7.4p2'
+port[:description] = 'Allow users to run programs as other users, eg, root'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'insults openldap universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ged'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sunwait'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sunwait'
+port[:version] = '20041208'
+port[:description] = 'calculates sunrise, sunset, twilight'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'synergy'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/synergy'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'a client/server for sharing a single mouse and keyboard'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ascarter'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'syslog-ng'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/syslog-ng'
+port[:version] = '3.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Highly configurable syslog replacement.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sysvbanner'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/sysvbanner'
+port[:version] = '1.0.15'
+port[:description] = 'System V banner clone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tarsnap'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/tarsnap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.28'
+port[:description] = 'Online encrypted backup service (client)'
+port[:licenses] = 'custom'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:gunnar.helgason'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'terminator'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/terminator'
+port[:version] = '0.95'
+port[:description] = 'multiple terminal emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'testdisk'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/testdisk'
+port[:version] = '6.11.3'
+port[:description] = 'TestDisk is a powerful free data recovery utility.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'timedrive'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/timedrive'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'incremental backup across networks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'timeout'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/timeout'
+port[:version] = '1.19'
+port[:description] = 'tct timeout'
+port[:licenses] = 'IPL-1.0'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'timespan'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/timespan'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'calculates time between two specified dates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tmpreaper'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/tmpreaper'
+port[:version] = '1.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'A utility for removing files based on last access time'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'genetikayos.com:kayos'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tmux'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/tmux'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'terminal multiplexer'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'screen universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tpkg'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/tpkg'
+port[:version] = '2.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'Tpkg is an application packaging and deployment tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'aput.net:jheiss openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tree'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/tree'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'display tree-view of directories with optional color/HTML output'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'truncate'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/truncate'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'truncates a file to a given size'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'txt2regex'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/txt2regex'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Converts human sentences to regexes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'technokracy.net:grrr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uif2iso'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/uif2iso'
+port[:version] = '0.1.7c'
+port[:description] = 'converts UIF images to ISO images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'billitch'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'update-fonts-utils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/update-fonts-utils'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Compiles fonts.alias, fonts.dir, fonts.scale files for X font directories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uptimec'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/uptimec'
+port[:version] = '0.2p5'
+port[:description] = 'tiny daemon for participation in the uptime project'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uptimed'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/uptimed'
+port[:version] = '0.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'uptime record daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'userinfo'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/userinfo'
+port[:version] = '1.10a'
+port[:description] = 'Userinfo displays information about a local user.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:thomasv'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'utimer'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/utimer'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'multifunction command-line timer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vbindiff'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/vbindiff'
+port[:version] = '3.0_beta4'
+port[:description] = 'Visual Binary Diff'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:wickedguitar6'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vcp'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/vcp'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'vcp copies files and directories in a curses interface.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vifm'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/vifm'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'larre-borges.com:matias'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wait_on'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/wait_on'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'waits until a file or directory is changed'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'webfinish.com:kirk'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'waitfor'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/waitfor'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'waits until a url is available, a port is being listened to, etc.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'watch'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/watch'
+port[:version] = '3.2.8'
+port[:description] = 'watch executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'yahoo.com:mjhsieh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webjob'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/webjob'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Download and run applications over http/https.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmcpuload'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/wmcpuload'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'An lcd dockapp that displays the current cpuload'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmmemmon'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/wmmemmon'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A lcd dockapp that displays the current memory/swap usage'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xattr'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/xattr'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Display and edit extended attributes on Darwin 8'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdg-utils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/xdg-utils'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'basic desktop integration functions'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xjobs'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/xjobs'
+port[:version] = '20100311'
+port[:description] = 'Execute Jobs in parallel'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ingo.richter+macports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpkg'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/xpkg'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3a'
+port[:description] = 'xpkg package manager alpha release'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xserve-raid-tools'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/xserve-raid-tools'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'The xserve-raid-tools package provides command line tools and a daemon for monitoring Apple Xserve RAIDs. It also contains a Nagios plugin to monitor Apple Xserve RAIDs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'nagios_plugin server universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xtail'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/xtail'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'like \'tail -f\' on a bunch of files at once'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yafic'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/yafic'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Yet Another File Integrity Checker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lifehertz.com:jd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yum'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/yum'
+port[:version] = '3.2.28'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic updater and package installer/remover for RPM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:n3npq afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils archivers'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yum-arch'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/yum-arch'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Extract headers from rpm in a old yum repository'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yum-createrepo'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/yum-createrepo'
+port[:version] = '0.9.8'
+port[:description] = 'generates common metadata for package repositories'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yum-utils'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/yum-utils'
+port[:version] = '1.1.17'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities based around the yum package manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'plugins'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yydecode'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/yydecode'
+port[:version] = '0.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Highly portable decoder for yEnc encoded binaries'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zeroinstall-injector'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/zeroinstall-injector'
+port[:version] = '0.54'
+port[:description] = 'The Zero Install Injector (0launch)'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zmq'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/zmq'
+port[:version] = '2.1.7'
+port[:description] = 'ØMQ lightweight messaging kernel'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'pgm universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer brett'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zmq20'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/zmq20'
+port[:version] = '2.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'ØMQ lightweight messaging kernel, 2.0.x branch'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = 'pgm'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zsh-templates-osx'
+port[:path] = 'sysutils/zsh-templates-osx'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Customization of the zsh shell for OS X'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 10
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'sysutils shells'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'tex'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'BibTool'
+port[:path] = 'tex/BibTool'
+port[:version] = '2.52'
+port[:description] = 'Tool for manipulating BibTeX databases.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cs.dartmouth.edu:tristan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'LaTeXML'
+port[:path] = 'tex/LaTeXML'
+port[:version] = '0.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'LaTeXML converts TeX to XML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'bruce.miller at nist.gov adfernandes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'LaTeXiT'
+port[:path] = 'tex/LaTeXiT'
+port[:version] = '2.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Drag-and-drop LaTeX support for Mac applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'mactex universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bibutils'
+port[:path] = 'tex/bibutils'
+port[:version] = '4.12'
+port[:description] = 'bibliography conversion utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer jochen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'breqn'
+port[:path] = 'tex/breqn'
+port[:version] = '094'
+port[:description] = 'Automatic equation breaking in TeX.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'detex'
+port[:path] = 'tex/detex'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'removes TeX constructs from a text file'
+port[:licenses] = 'NCSA/University of Illinois Open Source License'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'disvf'
+port[:path] = 'tex/disvf'
+port[:version] = '0'
+port[:description] = 'A perl script to convert Japanese Virtual Font files to Virtual Property Lists.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dot2texi'
+port[:path] = 'tex/dot2texi'
+port[:version] = '3-0-0'
+port[:description] = 'Allows you to embed DOT descriptions in your TeX document'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kile'
+port[:path] = 'tex/kile'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmx.de:zweistein12'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kile-devel'
+port[:path] = 'tex/kile-devel'
+port[:version] = '2.1b5'
+port[:description] = 'KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'debug docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:nicos_pavlov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex kde kde4'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'latex2rtf'
+port[:path] = 'tex/latex2rtf'
+port[:version] = '1.9.19'
+port[:description] = 'Translator program intended to translate a LaTeX document into RTF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'latexdiff'
+port[:path] = 'tex/latexdiff'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'determine and mark up significant differences between latex files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'aschenke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'latexmk'
+port[:path] = 'tex/latexmk'
+port[:version] = '4.25'
+port[:description] = 'Automates the process of generating a LaTeX document'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'luatex'
+port[:path] = 'tex/luatex'
+port[:version] = '0.65.0'
+port[:description] = 'TeX system programmable in Lua'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gundla.ch:patrick'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'makejvf'
+port[:path] = 'tex/makejvf'
+port[:version] = '1.1a'
+port[:description] = 'Japanese Virtual Font file maker.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pTeX'
+port[:path] = 'tex/pTeX'
+port[:version] = '20110314'
+port[:description] = 'Japanese TeX (pTeX) processing environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'no_hiragino no_otf euc sjis utf8 no_x11 motif xaw xaw3d nextaw'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgf'
+port[:path] = 'tex/pgf'
+port[:version] = '2.10'
+port[:description] = 'PGF and TikZ -- Graphic systems for TeX'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pgf-devel'
+port[:path] = 'tex/pgf-devel'
+port[:version] = '2010-02-23'
+port[:description] = 'PGF and TikZ -- Graphic systems for TeX (development version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'alum.wpi.edu:arno+macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ptex-sfmacros'
+port[:path] = 'tex/ptex-sfmacros'
+port[:version] = '0'
+port[:description] = 'Tategumi/Tateyoko/Kunten packages written by Shinsaku Fujita.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'revtex'
+port[:path] = 'tex/revtex'
+port[:version] = '4.1'
+port[:description] = 'The American Physical Society\'s TeX macros'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rtf2latex'
+port[:path] = 'tex/rtf2latex'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Filter to convert RTF text into LaTeX code'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rtf2latex2e'
+port[:path] = 'tex/rtf2latex2e'
+port[:version] = '1.0fc1'
+port[:description] = 'Filter to convert rtf files into LaTeX2e code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jmpp openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rubber'
+port[:path] = 'tex/rubber'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'An automated system for building LaTeX documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'python24 python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sketch'
+port[:path] = 'tex/sketch'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = '2D and 3D drawings with LaTeX output.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tetex-frogg'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tetex-frogg'
+port[:version] = '0.4-3'
+port[:description] = 'Little collection of French LaTeX/BiBTeX styles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tetex-rechnung'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tetex-rechnung'
+port[:version] = '3.10'
+port[:description] = 'tetex package for creating invoices (german Rechnungen)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-beamerposter'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-beamerposter'
+port[:version] = '112'
+port[:description] = 'tetex package for creating widescreen beamer presentations and posters'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-cm-super'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-cm-super'
+port[:version] = '0.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'CM-Super font package.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-f7u12'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-f7u12'
+port[:version] = 'dev'
+port[:description] = 'Latex package for using ragefaces'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-fourier-gutenberg'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-fourier-gutenberg'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'Fourier-GUTenberg provides all complementary typefaces needed to allow Utopia based TeX typesetting.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-gantt'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-gantt'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'tetex package for creating gantt diagrams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-mh'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-mh'
+port[:version] = '1'
+port[:description] = 'The mh bundle'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-songs'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-songs'
+port[:version] = '2.12'
+port[:description] = 'tex package for creating songbooks'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-tipa'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-tipa'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-utopia'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-utopia'
+port[:version] = '1'
+port[:description] = 'Utopia Type1 fonts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tex-whizzytex'
+port[:path] = 'tex/tex-whizzytex'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'An emacs minor mode for incremental viewing of LaTeX documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintiner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive'
+port[:version] = '2010'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live metaport'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'minimal basic medium full letter doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-basic'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-basic'
+port[:version] = '19496'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Essential programs and files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-bibtex-extra'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-bibtex-extra'
+port[:version] = '19523'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Extra BibTeX styles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-bin'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-bin'
+port[:version] = '2010'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live Binaries.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'atsui no_x11 motif xaw xaw3d nextaw'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-bin-extra'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-bin-extra'
+port[:version] = '19536'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: TeX auxiliary programs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-common'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-common'
+port[:version] = '2010'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live common infrastructure.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-context'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-context'
+port[:version] = '19477'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: ConTeXt format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-documentation-arabic'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-documentation-arabic'
+port[:version] = '15878'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Arabic documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-documentation-base'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-documentation-base'
+port[:version] = '19544'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: TeX Live documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-documentation-bulgarian'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-documentation-bulgarian'
+port[:version] = '19296'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Bulgarian documentation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
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+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texlive-lang-swedish'
+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-lang-swedish'
+port[:version] = '18673'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Swedish'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
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+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-lang-tibetan'
+port[:version] = '15878'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Tibetan'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = 'doc src'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
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+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Turkmen'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
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+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-lang-ukenglish'
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+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: UK English'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
+port[:variants] = ''
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
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+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 42
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Basic LaTeX packages'
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+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-latex-recommended'
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+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: LaTeX recommended packages'
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+port[:category_id] = 42
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+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
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+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-math-extra'
+port[:version] = '19459'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Advanced math typesetting'
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+port[:category_id] = 42
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+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
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+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Music typesetting'
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
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+port[:description] = 'TeX Live: Graphics packages and programs'
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+port[:maintainers] = 'dports'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-plain-extra'
+port[:version] = '19362'
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+port[:category_id] = 42
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive-science'
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive_base'
+port[:version] = '2007'
+port[:description] = 'TeX Live Binaries.'
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+port[:version] = '2007'
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
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+port[:path] = 'tex/texlive_texmf-minimal'
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'tex'
+port = Port.new
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+port[:path] = 'tex/xindy'
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+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
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+category = Category.new({:name => 'textproc'})
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+port[:name] = 'agree'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/agree'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'command line tool that agrees on any opinion'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
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+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'antiword'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/antiword'
+port[:version] = '0.37'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to read Microsoft Word (.doc) files'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
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+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apertium'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/apertium'
+port[:version] = '3.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'machine translation platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:p.ixiemotion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ascii'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ascii'
+port[:version] = '3.8'
+port[:description] = 'provides conversion between ASCII character tables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ajwitte'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'asciidoc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/asciidoc'
+port[:version] = '8.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Formatter/translator for text files to numerous formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
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+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell'
+port[:version] = '0.60.6'
+port[:description] = 'Spell checker with better logic than ispell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'nls nonls ispell universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'openmaintainer jochen'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-af'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-af'
+port[:version] = '0.50-0'
+port[:description] = 'af dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-ar'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-ar'
+port[:version] = '1.2-0'
+port[:description] = 'ar dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-az'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-az'
+port[:version] = '0.02-0'
+port[:description] = 'az dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-be'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-be'
+port[:version] = '0.01'
+port[:description] = 'be dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-bg'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-bg'
+port[:version] = '4.1-0'
+port[:description] = 'Bulgarian dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:sava.chankov'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-bn'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-bn'
+port[:version] = '0.01.1-1'
+port[:description] = 'bn dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-ca'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-ca'
+port[:version] = '2.1.5-1'
+port[:description] = 'ca dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-cs'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-cs'
+port[:version] = '20040614-1'
+port[:description] = 'cs dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-da'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-da'
+port[:version] = '1.4.42-1'
+port[:description] = 'da dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-de'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-de'
+port[:version] = '20030222-1'
+port[:description] = 'German dictionary for aspell (current spelling rules)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-de-alt'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-de-alt'
+port[:version] = '2.1-1'
+port[:description] = 'German dictionary for aspell (old spelling rules)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-el'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-el'
+port[:version] = '0.50-3'
+port[:description] = 'el dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-en'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-en'
+port[:version] = '7.1'
+port[:description] = 'English dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'l2g openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-eo'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-eo'
+port[:version] = '2.1.20000225a-2'
+port[:description] = 'eo dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-es'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-es'
+port[:version] = '1.11-2'
+port[:description] = 'es dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-et'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-et'
+port[:version] = '0.1.21-1'
+port[:description] = 'et dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-fa'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-fa'
+port[:version] = '0.11-0'
+port[:description] = 'fa dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-fi'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-fi'
+port[:version] = '0.7-0'
+port[:description] = 'fi dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-fr'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-fr'
+port[:version] = '0.50'
+port[:description] = 'French dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-he'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-he'
+port[:version] = '1.0-0'
+port[:description] = 'he dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-hi'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-hi'
+port[:version] = '0.02-0'
+port[:description] = 'hi dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-hr'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-hr'
+port[:version] = '0.51-0'
+port[:description] = 'hr dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-hu'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-hu'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'hu dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-id'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-id'
+port[:version] = '1.2-0'
+port[:description] = 'id dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-is'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-is'
+port[:version] = '0.51.1-0'
+port[:description] = 'is dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-it'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-it'
+port[:version] = '2.2_20050523-0'
+port[:description] = 'it dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-lt'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-lt'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1-0'
+port[:description] = 'lt dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-lv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-lv'
+port[:version] = '0.5.5-1'
+port[:description] = 'lv dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-mg'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-mg'
+port[:version] = '0.03-0'
+port[:description] = 'mg dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-mk'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-mk'
+port[:version] = '0.50-0'
+port[:description] = 'mk dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-mr'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-mr'
+port[:version] = '0.10-0'
+port[:description] = 'mr dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-ms'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-ms'
+port[:version] = '0.50-0'
+port[:description] = 'ms dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-nb'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-nb'
+port[:version] = '0.50.1-0'
+port[:description] = 'nb dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-nl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-nl'
+port[:version] = '0.50-2'
+port[:description] = 'nl dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-pl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-pl'
+port[:version] = '6.0_20061121-0'
+port[:description] = 'pl dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-pt_BR'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-pt_BR'
+port[:version] = '20090702-0'
+port[:description] = 'pt_BR dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-pt_PT'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-pt_PT'
+port[:version] = '20070510-0'
+port[:description] = 'pt_PT dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-ro'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-ro'
+port[:version] = '3.3-2'
+port[:description] = 'ro dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-ru'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-ru'
+port[:version] = '0.99f7-1'
+port[:description] = 'ru dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-rw'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-rw'
+port[:version] = '0.50-0'
+port[:description] = 'rw dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-sk'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-sk'
+port[:version] = '2.01-2'
+port[:description] = 'sk dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-sr'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-sr'
+port[:version] = '0.02'
+port[:description] = 'sr dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-sv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-sv'
+port[:version] = '0.51'
+port[:description] = 'Swedish dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rfc.se:jakob'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-sw'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-sw'
+port[:version] = '0.50-0'
+port[:description] = 'sw dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-ta'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-ta'
+port[:version] = '20040424-1'
+port[:description] = 'ta dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-tl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-tl'
+port[:version] = '0.02-1'
+port[:description] = 'tl dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-tr'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-tr'
+port[:version] = '0.50-0'
+port[:description] = 'tr dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-uk'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-uk'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0-0'
+port[:description] = 'uk dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-uz'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-uz'
+port[:version] = '0.6-0'
+port[:description] = 'uz dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aspell-dict-vi'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/aspell-dict-vi'
+port[:version] = '0.01.1-1'
+port[:description] = 'vi dictionary for aspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'backward'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/backward'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'command line tool that reverses lineorder of stdin or any given file(s)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc amusements'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'barcode'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/barcode'
+port[:version] = '0.98'
+port[:description] = 'convert text strings to printed barcodes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bibledit'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/bibledit'
+port[:version] = '4.2'
+port[:description] = 'A USFM text editor for Bible translators using Linux and Mac OS X.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bibtex2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/bibtex2html'
+port[:version] = '1.96'
+port[:description] = 'Bibtex to HTML translator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'boxes'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/boxes'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'draws boxes around text'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'emacs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:wgrzemski'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'brs'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/brs'
+port[:version] = '4.03'
+port[:description] = 'An interactive King James Bible'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'c2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/c2html'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'c2html converts C source files to highlighted html'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cabocha'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/cabocha'
+port[:version] = '0.53'
+port[:description] = 'Yet Another Japanese Dependency Structure Analyzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'chasen mecab universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'canna'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/canna'
+port[:version] = '3.7p3'
+port[:description] = 'Kana-Kanji conversion system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal inet pdfdoc'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'catdoc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/catdoc'
+port[:version] = '0.94.2'
+port[:description] = 'Convert MS Word/Excel documents to plain ASCII or TeX.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'julian at hal-9k.de'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chasen'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/chasen'
+port[:version] = '2.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Japanese morphological analysis system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'ipadic universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chef'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/chef'
+port[:version] = '19930426'
+port[:description] = 'trunsletes inpoot text intu sveedeesh'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc amusements'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chmdump'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/chmdump'
+port[:version] = '20030521'
+port[:description] = 'a Microsoft HTML Help (.CHM) file dumper.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chmlib'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/chmlib'
+port[:version] = '0.40'
+port[:description] = 'A library for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cmconvert'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/cmconvert'
+port[:version] = '1.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'Converts GPX files with GPS coordinates into into CacheMate PDB files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'thomas+darwinports at stromberg.org'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cocot'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/cocot'
+port[:version] = '20080315'
+port[:description] = 'COde COnverter on Tty'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'colordiff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/colordiff'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'Color-highlighted diff(1) output'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'colorer'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/colorer'
+port[:version] = 'take5.be5'
+port[:description] = 'A library that provides source text syntax highlighting services'
+port[:licenses] = 'MPL-1.1 GPL-2.0 LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'consodoc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/consodoc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Consodoc publishing server: XML to beautiful documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'xmlhack.ru:olpa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'convertlit'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/convertlit'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'converts Microsoft Reader eBooks into open format'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cowsay'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/cowsay'
+port[:version] = '3.03'
+port[:description] = 'Configurable talking characters in ASCII art'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc amusements games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'csv2xml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/csv2xml'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'A simple csv to xml converter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cuneiform'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/cuneiform'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Cuneiform is an OCR system with layout analysis.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'daisydiff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/daisydiff'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Daisy Diff compares HTML files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dbacl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/dbacl'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'dbacl is a digramic Bayesian text classifier'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dblatex'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/dblatex'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'DocBook to LaTeX Converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dict'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/dict'
+port[:version] = '1.9.7'
+port[:description] = 'Dictionary Server Protocol (RFC2229) client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc spelling'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'diction'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/diction'
+port[:version] = '1.11'
+port[:description] = 'GNU diction and style'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-dsssl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-dsssl'
+port[:version] = '1.79'
+port[:description] = 'the docbook dsssl stylesheets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'decibel.org:decibel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xml'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Install all of the versioned docbook-xml-* ports'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xml-4.1.2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xml-4.1.2'
+port[:version] = '4.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Version 4.1.2 of the DocBook XML DTDs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xml-4.2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xml-4.2'
+port[:version] = '4.2'
+port[:description] = 'Version 4.2 of the DocBook XML DTDs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xml-4.3'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xml-4.3'
+port[:version] = '4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Version 4.3 of the DocBook XML DTDs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xml-4.4'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xml-4.4'
+port[:version] = '4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Version 4.4 of the DocBook XML DTDs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xml-4.5'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xml-4.5'
+port[:version] = '4.5'
+port[:description] = 'Version 4.5 of the DocBook XML DTDs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xml-5.0'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xml-5.0'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Version 5.0 of the DocBook XML DTDs'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook-xsl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook-xsl'
+port[:version] = '1.76.1'
+port[:description] = 'The docbook xsl stylesheets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'docbook2X'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/docbook2X'
+port[:version] = '0.8.8'
+port[:description] = 'Converts DocBook documents into the traditional Unix man page format and the GNU Texinfo format.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'doclifter'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/doclifter'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'troff macro to DocBook translater.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dos2unix'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/dos2unix'
+port[:version] = '5.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Convert text between dos, unix, and mac formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'FreeBSD'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dosmacux'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/dosmacux'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'convert text file line endings between DOS, Mac and UNIX standards'
+port[:licenses] = 'public domain'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'doxygen'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/doxygen'
+port[:version] = '1.7.4'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation system for several programming languages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'docs wizard tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dumpasn1'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/dumpasn1'
+port[:version] = '20060622'
+port[:description] = 'an ASN.1 decoder and pretty-printer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cjr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dwdiff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/dwdiff'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'diff program that operates at the word level'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eb'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/eb'
+port[:version] = '4.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'C library for accessing CD-ROM books of EB, EBG, EBXA and EPWING formats.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eblook'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/eblook'
+port[:version] = '1.6.1-media-20101027'
+port[:description] = 'Interactive EB interface command for searching words in CD-ROM books.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ebook-tools'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ebook-tools'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Access and convert various ebook file formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ekhtml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ekhtml'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'El-Kabong is a speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-style HTML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'FreeBSD'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'enca'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/enca'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'character set analyser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'enchant'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/enchant'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Spellchecker wrapping library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kix.in:anant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'epubcheck'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/epubcheck'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'ePub Validator to validate ePub documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'expat'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/expat'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'XML 1.0 parser written in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'figlet'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/figlet'
+port[:version] = '2.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'banner-like program prints strings as ASCII art'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc amusements'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'firemime'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/firemime'
+port[:version] = '0.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'callback-based interface for parsing MIME-encoded messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flip'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/flip'
+port[:version] = '20050821'
+port[:description] = 'convert text file line endings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fmt-ptrn'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/fmt-ptrn'
+port[:version] = '1.3.19'
+port[:description] = 'A simple template system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'flyn.org:mike'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fop'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/fop'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Apache FOP Java XSL-FO Print Formatter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fop-0.20'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/fop-0.20'
+port[:version] = '0.20.5'
+port[:description] = 'Apache FOP Java XSL-FO Print Formatter, 0.20 branch'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fribidi'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/fribidi'
+port[:version] = '0.10.9'
+port[:description] = 'Free Implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glark'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/glark'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Search text files for complex regular expressions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsdcluster.org:mich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glimpse'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/glimpse'
+port[:version] = '4.18.5'
+port[:description] = 'A text search engine. Free for personal use.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gpsbabel'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/gpsbabel'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'GPSBabel converts/uploads GPS waypoints, tracks, and routes'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc comms'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/grc'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Generic Colouriser for colourising logfiles and output of commands.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'aecollins1'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grutatxt'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/grutatxt'
+port[:version] = '2.0.15'
+port[:description] = 'plain text to html converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gsed'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/gsed'
+port[:version] = '4.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'GNU version of the stream editor, sed'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'help2man'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/help2man'
+port[:version] = '1.39.3'
+port[:description] = 'automatically generate simple man pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hevea'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hevea'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'HEVEA is a quite complete and fast LATEX to HTML translator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'loria.fr:reilles'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc www tex'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hexdiff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hexdiff'
+port[:version] = '0.0.50'
+port[:description] = 'displays differences between two binary files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'highlight'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/highlight'
+port[:version] = '2.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'converts source code to formatted text with syntax highlighting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'groovie.org:pjenvey'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/html'
+port[:version] = '4.01'
+port[:description] = 'All W3C published SGML DTDs for HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'google.com:mstokely'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'html-xml-utils'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/html-xml-utils'
+port[:version] = '6.0'
+port[:description] = 'A number of simple utilties for manipulating HTML and XML files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'html2text'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/html2text'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2a'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to convert HTML documents into plain text.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'htmldoc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/htmldoc'
+port[:version] = '1.8.27'
+port[:description] = 'Converts HTML files to PDF or PostScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'ssl gnutls cdsassl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'htp'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/htp'
+port[:version] = '1.16'
+port[:description] = 'an HTML pre-processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'hibnet.org:hibou'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Spell checker and morphological analyzer'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2.0+ LGPL-2.1+ MPL-1.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-af_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-af_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-17'
+port[:description] = 'Afrikaans (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ca_ES'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ca_ES'
+port[:version] = '2002-10-15'
+port[:description] = 'Catalan dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-cs_CZ'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-cs_CZ'
+port[:version] = '2003-01-01'
+port[:description] = 'Czech (Czech Republic) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-cy_GB'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-cy_GB'
+port[:version] = '2004-04-25'
+port[:description] = 'Welsh (Wales) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-de_DE'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-de_DE'
+port[:version] = '2006-02-07'
+port[:description] = 'German (Germany) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-el_GR'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-el_GR'
+port[:version] = '2004-12-20'
+port[:description] = 'Greek (Greece) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-en_CA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-en_CA'
+port[:version] = '2002-03-15'
+port[:description] = 'English (Canada) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-en_NZ'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-en_NZ'
+port[:version] = '2002-05-18'
+port[:description] = 'English (New Zealand) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-en_US'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-en_US'
+port[:version] = '2006-02-07'
+port[:description] = 'English (United States) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-en_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-en_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-20'
+port[:description] = 'English (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-eo_EO'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-eo_EO'
+port[:version] = '2005-07-10'
+port[:description] = 'Esperanto dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:Damien.Pollet openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-es_ES'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-es_ES'
+port[:version] = '2005-05-10'
+port[:description] = 'Spanish (Spain-etal) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-es_MX'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-es_MX'
+port[:version] = '2005-05-05'
+port[:description] = 'Spanish (Mexico) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-fo_FO'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-fo_FO'
+port[:version] = '2005-03-07'
+port[:description] = 'Faroese (Faroe Islands) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-fy_NL'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-fy_NL'
+port[:version] = '2007-11-28'
+port[:description] = 'Frisian (Netherlands) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ga_IE'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ga_IE'
+port[:version] = '2007-10-29'
+port[:description] = 'Irish (Ireland) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-gd_GB'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-gd_GB'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-08'
+port[:description] = 'Scottish Gaelic (Scotland) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-gsc_FR'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-gsc_FR'
+port[:version] = '2007-08-16'
+port[:description] = 'Gascon (France) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-gu_IN'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-gu_IN'
+port[:version] = '2006-10-15'
+port[:description] = 'Gujarati (India) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-he_IL'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-he_IL'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-12'
+port[:description] = 'Hebrew (Israel) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-hi_IN'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-hi_IN'
+port[:version] = '2007-02-19'
+port[:description] = 'Hindi (India) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-hr_HR'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-hr_HR'
+port[:version] = '2006-06-07'
+port[:description] = 'Croatian (Croatia) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-id_ID'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-id_ID'
+port[:version] = '2004-08-12'
+port[:description] = 'Indonesian (Indonesia) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ku_TR'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ku_TR'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-21'
+port[:description] = 'Kurdish (Turkey, Syria) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-lt_LT'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-lt_LT'
+port[:version] = '2003-12-31'
+port[:description] = 'Lithuanian (Lithuania) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-mg_MG'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-mg_MG'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-09'
+port[:description] = 'Malagasy (Madagascar) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-mk_MK'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-mk_MK'
+port[:version] = '2005-11-26'
+port[:description] = 'Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ms_MY'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ms_MY'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-17'
+port[:description] = 'Malay (Malaysia) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-nb_NO'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-nb_NO'
+port[:version] = '2006-05-08'
+port[:description] = 'Norwegian Bokmål (Norway) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-nl_NL'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-nl_NL'
+port[:version] = '2007-06-07'
+port[:description] = 'Dutch (Netherlands) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-nn_NO'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-nn_NO'
+port[:version] = '2006-05-08'
+port[:description] = 'Norwegian Nynorsk (Norway) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-nr_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-nr_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-20'
+port[:description] = 'Ndebele (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ns_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ns_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-20'
+port[:description] = 'Northern Sotho (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ny_MW'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ny_MW'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-08'
+port[:description] = 'Chichewa (Malawi) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-oc_FR'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-oc_FR'
+port[:version] = '2006-09-22'
+port[:description] = 'Occitan (France) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-rw_RW'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-rw_RW'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-08'
+port[:description] = 'Kinyarwanda (Rwanda) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-sl_SI'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-sl_SI'
+port[:version] = '2007-01-27'
+port[:description] = 'Slovenian (Slovenia) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ss_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ss_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-07-05'
+port[:description] = 'Swazi/Swati (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-st_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-st_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-20'
+port[:description] = 'Southern Sotho (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-sw_KE'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-sw_KE'
+port[:version] = '2004-05-16'
+port[:description] = 'Kiswahili (East Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-tet_ID'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-tet_ID'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-08'
+port[:description] = 'Tetum (Indonesia) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-th_TH'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-th_TH'
+port[:version] = '2006-12-12'
+port[:description] = 'Thai (Thailand) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-tl_PH'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-tl_PH'
+port[:version] = '2005-01-08'
+port[:description] = 'Tagalog (Philippines) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-tn_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-tn_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2004-05-16'
+port[:description] = 'Setswana (Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ts_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ts_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-23'
+port[:description] = 'Tsonga (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-uk_UA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-uk_UA'
+port[:version] = '2009-01-25'
+port[:description] = 'Ukrainian (Ukraine) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-ve_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-ve_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-07-06'
+port[:description] = 'Venda (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-xh_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-xh_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-23'
+port[:description] = 'Xhosa (South Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hunspell-dict-zu_ZA'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hunspell-dict-zu_ZA'
+port[:version] = '2006-01-20'
+port[:description] = 'Zulu (Africa) dictionary for hunspell'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'hyperestraier'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/hyperestraier'
+port[:version] = '1.4.13'
+port[:description] = 'Hyper Estraier is a full-text search system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'mecab no_zlib lzo bzip2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711 nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'idnits'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/idnits'
+port[:version] = '2.08.04'
+port[:description] = 'Looks for problems in internet draft formatting'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iksemel'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/iksemel'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'XML parser library for Jabber applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'intltool'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/intltool'
+port[:version] = '0.40.6'
+port[:description] = 'a string tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iso8879'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/iso8879'
+port[:version] = '1986'
+port[:description] = 'Character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ispell'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ispell'
+port[:version] = '3.3.02'
+port[:description] = 'An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc spelling'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ispell-dict-it'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ispell-dict-it'
+port[:version] = '2001'
+port[:description] = 'Italian dictionary for ispell.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:bardellie'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jive'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/jive'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Convert English text to Jive'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'json-c'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/json-c'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'A JSON parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'comcast.net:lharple'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'juman'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/juman'
+port[:version] = '6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Japanese Morphological Analysis System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kakasi'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/kakasi'
+port[:version] = '2.3.5pre1-cvs20101217'
+port[:description] = 'Program that converts Kanji text to other scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'knp'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/knp'
+port[:version] = '3.01'
+port[:description] = 'KN parser (Kurohashi-Nagao parser) which detects dependency of Japanese sentences.'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'bunruidb universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kytea'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/kytea'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Kyoto Text Analysis Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2.0'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'latex2man'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/latex2man'
+port[:version] = '1.23'
+port[:description] = 'Translator program intended to translate a LaTeX document into man'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'less'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/less'
+port[:version] = '444'
+port[:description] = 'Less is a program similar to more, which allows backward movement.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lesspipe'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/lesspipe'
+port[:version] = '1.71'
+port[:description] = 'lesspipe is an input filter for the pager less.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ingmarstein'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lhs2tex'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/lhs2tex'
+port[:version] = '1.13'
+port[:description] = 'Literate Haskell to LaTeX convertor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc haskell'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libcue'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libcue'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'CUE Sheet Parser Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libebml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libebml'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'EBML (Extensible Binary Meta Language), sort of binary version of XML.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libiconv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libiconv'
+port[:version] = '1.13.1'
+port[:description] = 'Character set conversion library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal enable_cp932fix'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblouis'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/liblouis'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'A Braille translation and back-translation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3 LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:boris.dusek'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblouisxml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/liblouisxml'
+port[:version] = '2.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Braille transcription services for xml documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3 LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:boris.dusek'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'liblrdf'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/liblrdf'
+port[:version] = '0.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'A lightweight RDF library with special support for LADSPA plugins.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmrss'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libmrss'
+port[:version] = '0.19.1'
+port[:description] = 'C library for parsing, writing, and creating RSS streams'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libnxml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libnxml'
+port[:version] = '0.18.2'
+port[:description] = 'C library for parsing, writing, and creating XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libots'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libots'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Open Text Summarizer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedstrom'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libplist'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libplist'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Library for working with Apple Binary and XML Property Lists'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rmstonecipher openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc multimedia'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsgml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libsgml'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'SGML parsing library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libthai'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libthai'
+port[:version] = '0.1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Thai language support library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'doxygen universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libtranslate'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libtranslate'
+port[:version] = '0.99'
+port[:description] = 'A natural language translation library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libuninum'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libuninum'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'library for converting Unicode strings to numbers and vice versa'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libunistring'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libunistring'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'library for manipulating Unicode strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libutf8proc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libutf8proc'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'library for processing UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libwpd'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libwpd'
+port[:version] = '0.8.14'
+port[:description] = 'A general purpose library for reading WordPerfect files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'doxygen universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxls'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libxls'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'libxls is a C library which can read Excel (xls) files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'users.sourceforge.net:nicos_pavlov openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libxml'
+port[:version] = '1.8.17'
+port[:description] = 'XML parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxml2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libxml2'
+port[:version] = '2.7.8'
+port[:description] = 'gnome xml library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxmldiff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libxmldiff'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5'
+port[:description] = 'libxmldiff aims at providing efficient diff on XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxmlxx'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libxmlxx'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'libxml++ is a C++ interface for working with XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxmlxx2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libxmlxx2'
+port[:version] = '2.30.1'
+port[:description] = 'libxml++ is a C++ interface for working with XML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxslt'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/libxslt'
+port[:version] = '1.1.26'
+port[:description] = 'gnome xslt library and xsltproc'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'doc debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lilypond'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/lilypond'
+port[:version] = '2.12.3'
+port[:description] = 'An automated engraving system for typesetting sheet music.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 docs gui universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'link-grammar'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/link-grammar'
+port[:version] = '4.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Link Grammar Parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'no_track_space_usage universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'linuxdoc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/linuxdoc'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Linuxdoc SGML DTD'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'linuxdoc-tools'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/linuxdoc-tools'
+port[:version] = '0.9.66'
+port[:description] = 'convert LinuxDoc SGML source into other formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lookup'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/lookup'
+port[:version] = '1.4-media-20110207'
+port[:description] = 'Dictionary search interface for Emacs, including the media patch'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'with_carbon_emacs_package with_ptex'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lout'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/lout'
+port[:version] = '3.38'
+port[:description] = 'A text formatting system similar to TeX, but simpler'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ggreif'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lttoolbox'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/lttoolbox'
+port[:version] = '3.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'toolbox for lexical processing, morphological analysis and generation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/lv'
+port[:version] = '4.51'
+port[:description] = 'Powerful Multilingual File Viewer / Grep'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'lesslikeslash with_xz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'man2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/man2html'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Convert nroff man pages to HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mdocml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mdocml'
+port[:version] = '1.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'BSD.lv\'s mldoc - a groff replacement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc sysutil'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mecab'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mecab'
+port[:version] = '0.98'
+port[:description] = 'MeCab is a yet another part-of-speech and morphological analyzer.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'sjis utf8 utf8only universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mecab-ipadic-eucjp'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mecab-ipadic-eucjp'
+port[:version] = '2.7.0-20070610'
+port[:description] = 'Alternate dictionary for MeCab (ipadic/euc-jp)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mecab-ipadic-sjis'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mecab-ipadic-sjis'
+port[:version] = '2.7.0-20070610'
+port[:description] = 'Alternate dictionary for MeCab (ipadic/shift_jis)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mecab-ipadic-utf8'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mecab-ipadic-utf8'
+port[:version] = '2.7.0-20070610'
+port[:description] = 'Alternate dictionary for MeCab (ipadic/utf8)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mecab-jumandic-eucjp'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mecab-jumandic-eucjp'
+port[:version] = '5.1-20070304'
+port[:description] = 'Alternate dictionary for MeCab (jumandic/euc-jp)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mecab-jumandic-sjis'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mecab-jumandic-sjis'
+port[:version] = '5.1-20070304'
+port[:description] = 'Alternate dictionary for MeCab (jumandic/shift_jis)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mecab-jumandic-utf8'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mecab-jumandic-utf8'
+port[:version] = '5.1-20070304'
+port[:description] = 'Alternate dictionary for MeCab (jumandic/utf8)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rsky0711'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'meld'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/meld'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Visual diff and merge tool.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mime'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mime'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'library for decoding mime messages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mkcatalog'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mkcatalog'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Maintenance utility for SGML catalog files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mmencode'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/mmencode'
+port[:version] = '2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'most'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/most'
+port[:version] = '5.0.0a'
+port[:description] = 'powerful paging program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'msort'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/msort'
+port[:version] = '8.52'
+port[:description] = 'program for sorting files in sophisticated ways'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv3'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'multimarkdown'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/multimarkdown'
+port[:version] = '3.0b11'
+port[:description] = 'turn minimally marked-up plain text into well formatted documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+ MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'naturaldocs'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/naturaldocs'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation system for several programming languages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nkf'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/nkf'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Network Kanji code conversion Filter'
+port[:licenses] = 'zlib/libpng'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ocropus'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ocropus'
+port[:version] = '0.4-62bdc7b8be62'
+port[:description] = 'The OCRopus open source document analysis and OCR system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'odt2txt'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/odt2txt'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'converts OpenOffice.org ODF text documents (.odt files) to plain text files (.txt files)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ohcount'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ohcount'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Ohcount is a source code line counter.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openjade'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/openjade'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'James Clark\'s implementation of DSSSL'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'opensp'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/opensp'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'Collection of SGML/XML tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pandoc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pandoc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'General markup converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pangoxsl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pangoxsl'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Extends Pango with additional XSL properties.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'par'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/par'
+port[:version] = '1.52'
+port[:description] = 'paragraph reflow for email'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:qbarnes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdfjam'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pdfjam'
+port[:version] = '2.06'
+port[:description] = 'A few PDF manipulation tools.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vcn.com:jjstickel'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc pdf'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdftk'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pdftk'
+port[:version] = '1.44'
+port[:description] = 'pdftk - PDF Toolkit, for various operations on PDF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'with_gcc41 gcc41 with_gcc42 gcc42 gcc45'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc graphics pdf'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pdftohtml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pdftohtml'
+port[:version] = '0.40a'
+port[:description] = 'pdf to html converter based on xpdf.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pinfo'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pinfo'
+port[:version] = '0.6.9'
+port[:description] = 'Pinfo - Ncurses based info documentation browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'iaas.msu.ru:master'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pmw'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pmw'
+port[:version] = '4.12'
+port[:description] = 'music typesetting processor generating PostScript'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc audio'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'psbind'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/psbind'
+port[:version] = '20030617'
+port[:description] = 'psbind is a smarter psnup'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pstotext'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pstotext'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = 'Extract ASCII text from a PostScript or PDF file'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-doc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pure-doc'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'a utility for literate programming and documenting source code in Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-xml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pure-xml'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to libxml2 and libxslt for Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pxsl-tools'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pxsl-tools'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A convenient shorthand for writing markup-heavy XML documents.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pylize'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/pylize'
+port[:version] = '1.3b'
+port[:description] = 'pylize is a presentation generation tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qpdf'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/qpdf'
+port[:version] = '2.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'content-preserving PDF transformation system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'masterleep.com:dojo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc pdf'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rarian'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rarian'
+port[:version] = '0.8.1'
+port[:description] = 'OMF help system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rbmake'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rbmake'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Book maker} for the Rocket eBook.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'recode'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/recode'
+port[:version] = '3.6'
+port[:description] = 'charset conversion program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'recoll'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/recoll'
+port[:version] = '1.15.9'
+port[:description] = 'Desktop full text search'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'dockes.org:jf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'relames'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/relames'
+port[:version] = '20060319'
+port[:description] = 'Multi-Schema XML Validator to validate XML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'remind'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/remind'
+port[:version] = '03.01.09'
+port[:description] = 'Remind is a sophisticated calendar and alarm program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc pim'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rfcdiff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rfcdiff'
+port[:version] = '1.34'
+port[:description] = 'compare Internet Draft versions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rfksay'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rfksay'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Generates a kitten finding robot with a text bubble'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsdcluster.org:mich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc amusements'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rman'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rman'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Man page format converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:lomion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rpl'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rpl'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'Rpl is a Unix replacement utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsdcluster.org:mich'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rst2pdf'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rst2pdf'
+port[:version] = '0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Create PDF from reStructuredText'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rtf2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rtf2html'
+port[:version] = '1.1beta'
+port[:description] = 'rtf to html converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rtfreader'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rtfreader'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to read Microsoft RTF files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rxp'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/rxp'
+port[:version] = '1.4.8'
+port[:description] = 'Validating XML parser written in C.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sablotron'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sablotron'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'XSLT, DOM and XPath processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'apidocs debugger universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sand'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sand'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'sand is a tool to help you keep your diary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'saxon'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/saxon'
+port[:version] = '8.9'
+port[:description] = 'saxon basic - collection of tools to process XML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'senna'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/senna'
+port[:version] = '1.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'embeddable fulltext search engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hryk.info:hello'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sgrep'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sgrep'
+port[:version] = '0.99'
+port[:description] = 'structured grep is a tool for searching SGML, XML and HTML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sgrep2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sgrep2'
+port[:version] = '1.94a'
+port[:description] = 'structured grep is a tool for searching SGML, XML and HTML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sloccount'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sloccount'
+port[:version] = '2.26'
+port[:description] = 'program for counting lines of code in a large number of languages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'source-highlight'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/source-highlight'
+port[:version] = '3.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'source-code syntax highlighter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sphinx'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sphinx'
+port[:version] = '0.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'Sphinx is a full-text search engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'postgres postgresql83 postgresql84 postgresql90 mysql5 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'brett openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ssed'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/ssed'
+port[:version] = '3.62'
+port[:description] = 'Super-sed - a heavily enhanced version of sed'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stardict'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/stardict'
+port[:version] = '3.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A full featured gtk2 dictionary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'gnome universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:alexandernx'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'stardict-xmlittre'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/stardict-xmlittre'
+port[:version] = '2.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'XMLittré dictionary for stardict'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'string_replace'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/string_replace'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'searches and replaces a text string or regular expression'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword'
+port[:version] = '1.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'cross-platform API/library for Bible software'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-bible-akjv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-bible-akjv'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'American King James Version'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-bible-asv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-bible-asv'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'American Standard Version (1901), includes footnotes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-bible-darby'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-bible-darby'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Darby Bible (1889)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-bible-kjv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-bible-kjv'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'King James Version (1769) with Strongs Numbers and Morphology'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-bible-web'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-bible-web'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'World English Bible, includes footnotes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-book-finney'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-book-finney'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Sermons on Gospel Themes by Charles G. Finney (1792-1875)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-book-pilgrim'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-book-pilgrim'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'The Pilgrim\'s Progress by John Bunyan (1628-1688)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-commentary-dtn'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-commentary-dtn'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Darby Translation Notes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-commentary-jfb'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-commentary-jfb'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Jamieson Fausset Brown Bible Commentary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-commentary-tsk'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-commentary-tsk'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Commentary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-devotional-daily'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-devotional-daily'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Jonathan Bagster\'s Daily Light on the Daily Path'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-devotional-dbd'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-devotional-dbd'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Day By Day By Grace - Bob Hoekstra'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-devotional-sme'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-devotional-sme'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'C. H. Spurgeon\'s Morning and Evening: Daily Readins'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-dictionary-nave'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-dictionary-nave'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Nave\'s Topical Bible'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-dictionary-strongsgreek'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-dictionary-strongsgreek'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Strong\'s Greek Bible Dictionary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-dictionary-strongshebrew'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-dictionary-strongshebrew'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Strong\'s Hebrew Bible Dictionary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-glossary-eren_el'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-glossary-eren_el'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ergane English to Greek Glossary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-glossary-eren_grc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-glossary-eren_grc'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ergane English to Ancient Greek Glossary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sword-glossary-eren_he'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/sword-glossary-eren_he'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Ergane English to Hebrew Glossary'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'syck'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/syck'
+port[:version] = '0.70'
+port[:description] = 'An extension for reading and writing YAML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'comcast.net:lharple'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcLex'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/tcLex'
+port[:version] = '1.2a1'
+port[:description] = 'TCL Lexer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tcl-dox'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/tcl-dox'
+port[:version] = '0.8.3'
+port[:description] = 'Tcl-Dox is a filter that you can use with Doxygen for documenting Tcl source code.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raimue'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tesseract'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/tesseract'
+port[:version] = '3.00'
+port[:description] = 'Open source OCR engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'chi_tra chi_sim ind swe ron slv srp tgl tur hun fin ita nld nor jpn vie spa ukr fra slk kor ell rus por bul lav lit pol deu dan ces cat eng universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'emer.net:emer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc graphics pdf'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texi2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/texi2html'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Perl script which converts Texinfo source files to HTML output.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texinfo'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/texinfo'
+port[:version] = '4.13'
+port[:description] = 'Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'texml'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/texml'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'XML syntax for TeX'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'xmlhack.ru:olpa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tnef'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/tnef'
+port[:version] = '1.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Microsoft MS-TNEF attachment unpacker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'email.arc.nasa.gov:sal'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tnef2txt'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/tnef2txt'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Converts Microsoft TNEF attachments to ASCII text'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tth'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/tth'
+port[:version] = '4.00'
+port[:description] = 'a TeX to HTML transaltor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'txt2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/txt2html'
+port[:version] = '1.35'
+port[:description] = 'Convert ASCII text to HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'txt2man'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/txt2man'
+port[:version] = '1.5.5'
+port[:description] = 'Converts flat ASCII text to man page format'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'txt2pdbdoc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/txt2pdbdoc'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Text-to-Doc file conversion program.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'txt2tags'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/txt2tags'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A document generator: ONE source, MULTI targets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unac'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/unac'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'library that removes accents from characters'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'od-eon.com:stefan.talpalaru'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uni2ascii'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/uni2ascii'
+port[:version] = '4.18'
+port[:description] = 'converts between UTF-8 Unicode and 7-bit ASCII equivalents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'uni2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/uni2html'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'converts UTF-8 to corresponding HTML hexadecimal entities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unix2dos'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/unix2dos'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Convert text from unix to dos format'
+port[:licenses] = 'FreeBSD'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fernandes.org:andrew'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unrtf'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/unrtf'
+port[:version] = '0.21.1'
+port[:description] = 'RTF converter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unsort'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/unsort'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'randomize the lines from a textfile'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vim2html'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/vim2html'
+port[:version] = '1.46'
+port[:description] = 'vim2html converts any Vim-editable file into well-formed HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vislcg3'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/vislcg3'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Constraint Grammar parser for the VISL CG-3 formalism'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:p.ixiemotion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wbxml2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/wbxml2'
+port[:version] = '0.10.9'
+port[:description] = 'converts between XML and Wireless Binary XML (WBXML)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wdiff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/wdiff'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Display word differences between text files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wordnet'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/wordnet'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Lexical database for the English language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/wv'
+port[:version] = '1.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'A library for reading Microsoft Word files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wv2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/wv2'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'A library for reading Microsoft Word files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wyrd'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/wyrd'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'an ncurses based front-end for remind.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hjst.org:henry'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc pim'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xalanc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xalanc'
+port[:version] = '1.10.0'
+port[:description] = 'XSLT processor in C++ for transforming XML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xercesc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xercesc'
+port[:version] = '2.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'an XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'isode.com:chris.ridd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xercesc3'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xercesc3'
+port[:version] = '3.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'an XML parser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc scantor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc xml shibboleth'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xhtml1'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xhtml1'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A reformulation of HTML 4 in XML 1.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'redhat.com:jclift'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xlsx2csv'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xlsx2csv'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Convert MS Word/Excel openspreadsheetML to plain CSV.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'webfinish.com:kirk'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xml2'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xml2'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Convert between XML/HTML and a shell-friendly format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = '23bit.net:cr'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc xml html'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xml2rfc'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xml2rfc'
+port[:version] = '1.35'
+port[:description] = 'RFC formatting utility using XML source'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'fenner'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlcatmgr'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xmlcatmgr'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'SGML and XML catalog manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlformat'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xmlformat'
+port[:version] = '1.03'
+port[:description] = 'formatter for XML documents'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'ruby universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc perl ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlindent'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xmlindent'
+port[:version] = '0.2.17'
+port[:description] = 'xml indentation utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:cedric.luthi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlresume2x'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xmlresume2x'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'converts XML resume format to various output formats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlroff'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xmlroff'
+port[:version] = '0.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'An XSL formatter producing PDF and PostScript.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlstarlet'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xmlstarlet'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'xml command line utilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmlto'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/xmlto'
+port[:version] = '0.0.23'
+port[:description] = 'Convert an XML document to another format based on XSL or other tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zorba'
+port[:path] = 'textproc/zorba'
+port[:version] = '1.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'The XQuery Processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 43
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'textproc devel'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'www'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ZendFramework'
+port[:path] = 'www/ZendFramework'
+port[:version] = '1.11.8'
+port[:description] = 'A framework for developing PHP web applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'manual_extensions'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abyss'
+port[:path] = 'www/abyss'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Light HTTP/1.1 compliant web server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ajp-wsgi'
+port[:path] = 'www/ajp-wsgi'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'WSGI server/gateway implementing AJP'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'analog'
+port[:path] = 'www/analog'
+port[:version] = '6.0'
+port[:description] = 'A program which analyses logfiles from WWW servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aolserver'
+port[:path] = 'www/aolserver'
+port[:version] = '4.5.1'
+port[:description] = 'America Online\'s open-source web server'
+port[:licenses] = 'AOLserver Public License'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apache'
+port[:path] = 'www/apache'
+port[:version] = '1.3.41'
+port[:description] = 'The extremely popular Apache http server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'apache_layout universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apache2'
+port[:path] = 'www/apache2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.19'
+port[:description] = 'The extremely popular second version of the Apache http server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'openldap preforkmpm workermpm eventmpm no_startupitem universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'apache20'
+port[:path] = 'www/apache20'
+port[:version] = '2.0.64'
+port[:description] = 'The extremely popular second version of the Apache http server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'openldap preforkmpm workermpm no_startupitem universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd openbsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'arora'
+port[:path] = 'www/arora'
+port[:version] = '0.11.0'
+port[:description] = 'cross-platform QtWebKit web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'strasweb.fr:rudloff openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www aqua'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'autobench'
+port[:path] = 'www/autobench'
+port[:version] = '2.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'automatic webserver benchmark tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'awstats'
+port[:path] = 'www/awstats'
+port[:version] = '6.9'
+port[:description] = 'Free real-time logfile analyzer to get advanced web statistics'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'apache'
+port[:maintainers] = 'guydavis.ca:davis'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cadaver'
+port[:path] = 'www/cadaver'
+port[:version] = '0.23.2'
+port[:description] = 'Commandline client for DAV'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'caml-cgi'
+port[:path] = 'www/caml-cgi'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'OCaml CGI Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www devel ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cgilib'
+port[:path] = 'www/cgilib'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'CGI Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cgit'
+port[:path] = 'www/cgit'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A fast web interface for the git source code management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'sfiera openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cheetah'
+port[:path] = 'www/cheetah'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'very minimal web server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cherokee'
+port[:path] = 'www/cherokee'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Cherokee web server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'no_startupitem ssl no_ipv6 no_pam trace no_epoll no_pthread no_readdir_r no_admin universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'clearsilver'
+port[:path] = 'www/clearsilver'
+port[:version] = '0.10.5'
+port[:description] = 'Language-neutral template system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'cloudwiki'
+port[:path] = 'www/cloudwiki'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'stand-alone wiki engine written in python'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dillo'
+port[:path] = 'www/dillo'
+port[:version] = '0.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'Simple but very fast web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dokuwiki'
+port[:path] = 'www/dokuwiki'
+port[:version] = '2009-12-25'
+port[:description] = 'simple to use wiki aimed at documentation projects'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drupal5'
+port[:path] = 'www/drupal5'
+port[:version] = '5.21'
+port[:description] = 'Drupal Open Source enterprise content management platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'apache1 php4 mysql4 postgresql postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84'
+port[:maintainers] = 'acm.org:c_dantonio'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drupal6'
+port[:path] = 'www/drupal6'
+port[:version] = '6.15'
+port[:description] = 'Drupal Open Source enterprise content management platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'apache1 php4 mysql4 postgresql postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82 postgresql83 postgresql84'
+port[:maintainers] = 'acm.org:c_dantonio'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drupal7'
+port[:path] = 'www/drupal7'
+port[:version] = '7.0'
+port[:description] = 'Drupal Open Source enterprise content management platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'apache1 sqlite postgresql postgresql83'
+port[:maintainers] = 'acm.org:c_dantonio'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'drush'
+port[:path] = 'www/drush'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'The DRUpal SHell'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'drupal5 drupal6'
+port[:maintainers] = 'acm.org:c_dantonio'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'duckytool'
+port[:path] = 'www/duckytool'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'ducky is ... well, the web\'s command line.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'links'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ecronin'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www net python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'edbrowse'
+port[:path] = 'www/edbrowse'
+port[:version] = '3.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'A combination editor, browser, and mail client that is 100% text based.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc email.uc.edu:obrienj'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'elinks'
+port[:path] = 'www/elinks'
+port[:version] = '0.11.7'
+port[:description] = 'text mode web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'col256 lua perl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'elinks-devel'
+port[:path] = 'www/elinks-devel'
+port[:version] = '0.12pre5'
+port[:description] = 'Full-Featured Text WWW Browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'colors debug fsp gnutls guile lua perl python ruby samba see universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emacs-w3m'
+port[:path] = 'www/emacs-w3m'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Use the w3m web browser inside emacs.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gwright'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eruby'
+port[:path] = 'www/eruby'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Ruby embedded into text (HTML) pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fcgi'
+port[:path] = 'www/fcgi'
+port[:version] = '2.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'The FastCGI development kit in C'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'firefox-x11'
+port[:path] = 'www/firefox-x11'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mozilla.org\'s popular stand-alone web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'debug gnome official_branding'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'firefox-x11-devel'
+port[:path] = 'www/firefox-x11-devel'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Mozilla.org\'s popular stand-alone web browser, Beta and Release Candidates'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'debug gnome official_branding'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'flood'
+port[:path] = 'www/flood'
+port[:version] = '20041105'
+port[:description] = 'profile-driven HTTP load tester'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'furl'
+port[:path] = 'www/furl'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'display the HTTP headers returned by web-servers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gallery'
+port[:path] = 'www/gallery'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Gallery is a web based photo album written using PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'mysql postgresql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ckieffer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'googlecl'
+port[:path] = 'www/googlecl'
+port[:version] = '0.9.13'
+port[:description] = 'Command line tools for the Google Data APIs'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ram openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gwee'
+port[:path] = 'www/gwee'
+port[:version] = '1.36'
+port[:description] = 'tool to exploit command execution vulnerabilities in web scripts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'haserl'
+port[:path] = 'www/haserl'
+port[:version] = '0.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'tiny CGI wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mas'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'http-fetcher'
+port[:path] = 'www/http-fetcher'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'small, robust, flexible library for HTTP downloads'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'httperf'
+port[:path] = 'www/httperf'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'tool for measuring webserver performance'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ikiwiki'
+port[:path] = 'www/ikiwiki'
+port[:version] = '3.20110608'
+port[:description] = 'A wiki compiler.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'tommyd openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www perl'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'jetty'
+port[:path] = 'www/jetty'
+port[:version] = '5.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'Java HTTP Servlet Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libhtmlparse'
+port[:path] = 'www/libhtmlparse'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'lightweight HTML parsing library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libmicrohttpd'
+port[:path] = 'www/libmicrohttpd'
+port[:version] = '0.9.12'
+port[:description] = 'Light HTTP/1.1 server library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libwww'
+port[:path] = 'www/libwww'
+port[:version] = '5.4.0'
+port[:description] = 'The W3C WWW Reference Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'expat universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lighttpd'
+port[:path] = 'www/lighttpd'
+port[:version] = '1.4.28'
+port[:description] = 'A secure, fast, compliant and flexible web-server'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 ssl cml davprops universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lighttpd-devel'
+port[:path] = 'www/lighttpd-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0-r1691'
+port[:description] = 'A secure, fast, compliant and flexible web-server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 ssl cml davprops bzip2 attr universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'linkchecker'
+port[:path] = 'www/linkchecker'
+port[:version] = '5.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'linkchecker for html pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'links'
+port[:path] = 'www/links'
+port[:version] = '2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Lynx-like WWW browser that supports tables, menus, etc'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'landonf blb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'links1'
+port[:path] = 'www/links1'
+port[:version] = '1.00pre14'
+port[:description] = 'text WWW browser with tables'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'ssl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'litmus'
+port[:path] = 'www/litmus'
+port[:version] = '0.12.1'
+port[:description] = 'WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:arto.bendiken'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'loggerhead'
+port[:path] = 'www/loggerhead'
+port[:version] = '1.17'
+port[:description] = 'Web viewer for projects in Bazaar'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2+'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:jlaurila'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lws'
+port[:path] = 'www/lws'
+port[:version] = '0.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'The Lil\' Web Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lynx'
+port[:path] = 'www/lynx'
+port[:version] = '2.8.7rel.1'
+port[:description] = 'Text-based web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'ssl gnutls universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mathopd'
+port[:path] = 'www/mathopd'
+port[:version] = '1.5p4'
+port[:description] = 'small, yet very fast HTTP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mediawiki'
+port[:path] = 'www/mediawiki'
+port[:version] = '1.17.0'
+port[:description] = 'The wiki engine used by Wikipedia'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 postgresql83 postgresql84 mysql postgresql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'midgard-apache2'
+port[:path] = 'www/midgard-apache2'
+port[:version] = '8.09.9'
+port[:description] = 'A content management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'midgard-core'
+port[:path] = 'www/midgard-core'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A content management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'check dbus universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'midgard-data'
+port[:path] = 'www/midgard-data'
+port[:version] = '8.09.9'
+port[:description] = 'A content management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'midori'
+port[:path] = 'www/midori'
+port[:version] = '0.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Midori is a lightweight web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'no_x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mnogosearch'
+port[:path] = 'www/mnogosearch'
+port[:version] = '3.3.9'
+port[:description] = 'Full-featured SQL-based web search engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'mysql4 mysql5 postgresql7 postgresql81 postgresql83 postgresql84 nosyslog universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:dbraband openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_antispam'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_antispam'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'mod_antispam is an apache2 module that can control spam access'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_cband'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_cband'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'bandwidth limiting module for apache2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_chroot'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_chroot'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'module for running apache2 in a secure chroot environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_dnssd'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_dnssd'
+port[:version] = '0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Apache module to add Zeroconf support via DNS-SD using Avahi'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_dosevasive'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_dosevasive'
+port[:version] = '1.8'
+port[:description] = 'apache module against DDoS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'apache2'
+port[:maintainers] = 'touche.fr.st:julien.touche'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_fastcgi'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_fastcgi'
+port[:version] = '2.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'An Apache module that implements the FastCGI protocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_fcgid'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_fcgid'
+port[:version] = '2.3.5'
+port[:description] = 'An alternative FastCGI module for Apache2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_gnutls'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_gnutls'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'SSL/TLS support for Apache using GnuTLS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'memcache universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www security crypto'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_jk'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_jk'
+port[:version] = '1.2.27'
+port[:description] = 'Apache mod_jk remote server connector'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'jni apache20 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jberry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_jk2'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_jk2'
+port[:version] = '5.5.4'
+port[:description] = 'Apache mod_jk2 remote server connector (from Tomcat).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www java'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_mono'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_mono'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'an Apache plug-in for hosting the Mono System.Web classes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www mono'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_perl'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_perl'
+port[:version] = '1.30'
+port[:description] = 'Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache 1.3 server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_perl2'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_perl2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Embeds a Perl interpreter in the Apache2 server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'cyberscript.net:ryan'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_proxy_html'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_proxy_html'
+port[:version] = '3.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'apache output filter to rewrite HTML'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_python'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_python'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Apache2 module that embeds Python within the server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_python25'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_python25'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Apache2 module that embeds Python within the server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_python26'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_python26'
+port[:version] = '3.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Apache2 module that embeds Python within the server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache-2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_ruby'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_ruby'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'apache2 module embedding the Ruby interpreter'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www ruby'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_security'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_security'
+port[:version] = '1.8.6'
+port[:description] = 'intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'touche.fr.st:julien.touche'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_security2'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_security2'
+port[:version] = '2.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Apache 2 intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pixilla openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_ssi_func'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_ssi_func'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'advanced SSI modules for apache2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mod_wsgi'
+port[:path] = 'www/mod_wsgi'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = 'Python WSGI adapter module for Apache.'
+port[:licenses] = 'Apache'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'python24 python25 python26 python27 python31 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moin'
+port[:path] = 'www/moin'
+port[:version] = '1.8.2'
+port[:description] = 'a Python-based WikiEngine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mongoose'
+port[:path] = 'www/mongoose'
+port[:version] = '2.11'
+port[:description] = 'easy to use web server'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'toby'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mongrel2'
+port[:path] = 'www/mongrel2'
+port[:version] = '1.5'
+port[:description] = 'The Language Agnostic Web Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'and.damore openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'monkeyd'
+port[:path] = 'www/monkeyd'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'fast, efficient, small and easy to configure web server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'moodle'
+port[:path] = 'www/moodle'
+port[:version] = '1.9.9'
+port[:description] = 'Course management system based on social constructionism'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'mysql postgresql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mozplugger'
+port[:path] = 'www/mozplugger'
+port[:version] = '1.14.2'
+port[:description] = 'Use popular X11 applications as plugins for firefox'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mybb'
+port[:path] = 'www/mybb'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'neon'
+port[:path] = 'www/neon'
+port[:version] = '0.29.5'
+port[:description] = 'An HTTP and WebDAV client library with a C interface'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'geeklair.net:dluke'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'netrik'
+port[:path] = 'www/netrik'
+port[:version] = '1.15.3'
+port[:description] = 'netrik is a fast text mode web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nginx'
+port[:path] = 'www/nginx'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'High-performance HTTP(S) server, HTTP(S) reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'dav flv mail ssl status perl5 realip addition substitution gzip_static google_perftools upload secure_download zip redis geoip debug'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nodejuice'
+port[:path] = 'www/nodejuice'
+port[:version] = '1.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'A web development tool to autorefesh the browser on changes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nostromo'
+port[:path] = 'www/nostromo'
+port[:version] = '1.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'nhttpd is a simple, fast and secure HTTP server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pathalizer'
+port[:path] = 'www/pathalizer'
+port[:version] = '0.7'
+port[:description] = 'visualize the paths most users take when browsing a website'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phantomjs'
+port[:path] = 'www/phantomjs'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'minimalistic headless WebKit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'singingwolfboy openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'php5-midgard'
+port[:path] = 'www/php5-midgard'
+port[:version] = '8.09.9'
+port[:description] = 'A content management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jwa'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phpbb'
+port[:path] = 'www/phpbb'
+port[:version] = '3.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'A PHP-based bulletin board / discussion forum system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'mysql postgresql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phpicalendar'
+port[:path] = 'www/phpicalendar'
+port[:version] = '2.31'
+port[:description] = 'web-based iCal viewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phpmyadmin'
+port[:path] = 'www/phpmyadmin'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www php databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phppgadmin'
+port[:path] = 'www/phppgadmin'
+port[:version] = '5.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'phpPgAdmin is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'phpsymon'
+port[:path] = 'www/phpsymon'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'a PHP script to read & display symon stats'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc gmail.com:ryan.flannery+macports openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'freebsd darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'polipo'
+port[:path] = 'www/polipo'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'small and fast web caching proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pound'
+port[:path] = 'www/pound'
+port[:version] = '2.5'
+port[:description] = 'A reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web server(s)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:rcavanaugh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'privoxy'
+port[:path] = 'www/privoxy'
+port[:version] = '3.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Advanced filtering web proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www security net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pserv'
+port[:path] = 'www/pserv'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Pico Server is a small web server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-fastcgi'
+port[:path] = 'www/pure-fastcgi'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'an interface to the FastCGI library in Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'raptor'
+port[:path] = 'www/raptor'
+port[:version] = '1.4.21'
+port[:description] = 'Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'raptor2'
+port[:path] = 'www/raptor2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Raptor RDF Parser Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rasqal'
+port[:path] = 'www/rasqal'
+port[:version] = '0.9.26'
+port[:description] = 'Raptor RDF Query Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'redland'
+port[:path] = 'www/redland'
+port[:version] = '1.0.13'
+port[:description] = 'Redland RDF Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'db44 db46 db47 mysql4 mysql5 postgresql7 postgresql80 postgresql81 postgresql82 postgresql83 sqlite3 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'redland-bindings'
+port[:path] = 'www/redland-bindings'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Redland RDF Language Bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'perl5 php5 python24 python25 python26 ruby tcl universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:arto.bendiken'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'retawq'
+port[:path] = 'www/retawq'
+port[:version] = '0.2.6b'
+port[:description] = 'text-based web browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rtmpdump'
+port[:path] = 'www/rtmpdump'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'a tool for downloading RTMP streaming media'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:captsolo openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sahana2'
+port[:path] = 'www/sahana2'
+port[:version] = '0.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Sahana is a web based disaster management system'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'serf'
+port[:path] = 'www/serf'
+port[:version] = '0.7.2'
+port[:description] = 'C-based HTTP client library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'blair'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sgwi'
+port[:path] = 'www/sgwi'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'web-interface to SQLGrey'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mathiesen.info:macintosh'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www mail php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'siege'
+port[:path] = 'www/siege'
+port[:version] = '2.70'
+port[:description] = 'http regression testing and benchmarking utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www benchmarks'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sitecopy'
+port[:path] = 'www/sitecopy'
+port[:version] = '0.16.6'
+port[:description] = 'sitecopy website maintenance utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'julian at hal-9k.de'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sitemap_gen'
+port[:path] = 'www/sitemap_gen'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'sitecopy website maintenance utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'google.com:mstokely'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spawn-fcgi'
+port[:path] = 'www/spawn-fcgi'
+port[:version] = '1.6.3'
+port[:description] = 'Program to spawn fast-cgi processes'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'spidereyeballs'
+port[:path] = 'www/spidereyeballs'
+port[:version] = '0.21'
+port[:description] = 'an image gallery generator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squirrelmail'
+port[:path] = 'www/squirrelmail'
+port[:version] = '1.4.21'
+port[:description] = 'A webmail system which accesses mail over IMAP'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www mail php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'swish-e'
+port[:path] = 'www/swish-e'
+port[:version] = '2.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'system for indexing collections of Web pages'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tidy'
+port[:path] = 'www/tidy'
+port[:version] = '20090325'
+port[:description] = 'Fixes and tidies up HTML files'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tiki'
+port[:path] = 'www/tiki'
+port[:version] = '3.8'
+port[:description] = 'php based wiki with lots of extra features'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'snc openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'urlview'
+port[:path] = 'www/urlview'
+port[:version] = '0.9-19'
+port[:description] = 'URL extractor/launcher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'vinc17 openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'varnish'
+port[:path] = 'www/varnish'
+port[:version] = '3.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Varnish is a state-of-the-art, high-performance HTTP accelerator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'w3m'
+port[:path] = 'www/w3m'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'pager/text based browser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'inline_image_gtk2 inline_image_imlib2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mnick openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webalizer'
+port[:path] = 'www/webalizer'
+port[:version] = '2.21-02'
+port[:description] = 'The Webalizer is a fast, free web server log file analysis program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'static debug no_largefile no_dns with_bz2 with_geoip universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pobox.com:mike.mclean'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webarchiver'
+port[:path] = 'www/webarchiver'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Command-line tool to create Safari-style webarchives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webcleaner'
+port[:path] = 'www/webcleaner'
+port[:version] = '2.31'
+port[:description] = 'webcleaner is a powerful filtering http proxy'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webcrawl'
+port[:path] = 'www/webcrawl'
+port[:version] = '1.10'
+port[:description] = 'webcrawl is a program which downloads entire web sites, following links in HTML documents.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:lomion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webdot'
+port[:path] = 'www/webdot'
+port[:version] = '2.26'
+port[:description] = 'Graphviz web service'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'apache_apple'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webfs'
+port[:path] = 'www/webfs'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'simple http server for purely static content'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webkit-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'www/webkit-gtk'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Apple\'s WebKit HTML rendering library for GTK+'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'quartz no_video gnome_keyring filters no_svg universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:myschizobuddy devans'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webpublish'
+port[:path] = 'www/webpublish'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'web file publishing tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'webredirect'
+port[:path] = 'www/webredirect'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'small webserver which redirects all requests'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'websvn'
+port[:path] = 'www/websvn'
+port[:version] = '2.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'web-based Subversion repository viewer in PHP'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wikkawiki'
+port[:path] = 'www/wikkawiki'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'WikkaWiki is a flexible, standards-compliant and lightweight wiki engine.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'php5 mysql5 nodeps use_osx_docroot'
+port[:maintainers] = 'wikkawiki.org:brian'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www php'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wml'
+port[:path] = 'www/wml'
+port[:version] = '2.0.11'
+port[:description] = 'Website META Language'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www lang'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wordpress'
+port[:path] = 'www/wordpress'
+port[:version] = '3.2'
+port[:description] = 'A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'freebsd.org:miwi'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'yaws'
+port[:path] = 'www/yaws'
+port[:version] = '1.90'
+port[:description] = 'Webserver for dynamic content written in Erlang'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'yapp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ciserlohn'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'www'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope'
+port[:path] = 'www/zope'
+port[:version] = '2.8.7'
+port[:description] = 'Object-Oriented Python Web Application Server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zopeedit'
+port[:path] = 'www/zopeedit'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Client helper application for Zope ExternalEditor support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'x11'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'AfterStep'
+port[:path] = 'x11/AfterStep'
+port[:version] = '2.2.9'
+port[:description] = 'Window Manager based on NeXTStep interface.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'waqar openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Eterm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/Eterm'
+port[:version] = '0.9.5'
+port[:description] = 'Eterm is a color terminal emulator.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'SoXt'
+port[:path] = 'x11/SoXt'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Xt/Motif glue library for Coin'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'TkPasMan'
+port[:path] = 'x11/TkPasMan'
+port[:version] = '2.2a'
+port[:description] = 'Manager for usernames and passwords'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'lip6.fr:christian.queinnec'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 security'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'XFree86'
+port[:path] = 'x11/XFree86'
+port[:version] = '4.7.0'
+port[:description] = 'X11R6 windowing system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Xaw3d'
+port[:path] = 'x11/Xaw3d'
+port[:version] = '1.5E'
+port[:description] = 'The Three-D Athena Toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'XawM'
+port[:path] = 'x11/XawM'
+port[:version] = '1.5u'
+port[:description] = 'This is Ed Falk\'s XawM (M for Modern).'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Xft2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/Xft2'
+port[:version] = '2.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'client-side font API for X applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'abclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/abclock'
+port[:version] = '1.0d'
+port[:description] = 'analog clock for X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'advi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/advi'
+port[:version] = '1.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'TeX DVI previewer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aewm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/aewm'
+port[:version] = '1.3.12'
+port[:description] = 'aewm is a minimalist window manager for X11.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'appres'
+port[:path] = 'x11/appres'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Show resources seen by an X11 application'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'aterm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/aterm'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Color vt102 terminal emu w/transparency support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'afterstep international barebones universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'auto-multiple-choice'
+port[:path] = 'x11/auto-multiple-choice'
+port[:version] = '0.491'
+port[:description] = 'Auto Multiple Choice - Multiple Choice Papers Management'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'latex'
+port[:maintainers] = 'univ-lyon1.fr:clot'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 tex education'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'awesome'
+port[:path] = 'x11/awesome'
+port[:version] = '3.4.10'
+port[:description] = 'awesome is a tiling window manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'doc x11_xcb'
+port[:maintainers] = 'milosh openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bdftopcf'
+port[:path] = 'x11/bdftopcf'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X11 bdftopcf'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'bitmap'
+port[:path] = 'x11/bitmap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Bitmap editor and converter utilities for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blackbox'
+port[:path] = 'x11/blackbox'
+port[:version] = '0.70.1'
+port[:description] = 'Blackbox is a fast, light window manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'blt'
+port[:path] = 'x11/blt'
+port[:version] = '2.4z'
+port[:description] = 'BLT is an extension to the Tk toolkit, adding new widgets, geometry managers, and miscellaneous commands.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'chmsee'
+port[:path] = 'x11/chmsee'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Viewer for CHM files.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dejavu-fonts'
+port[:path] = 'x11/dejavu-fonts'
+port[:version] = '2.33'
+port[:description] = 'The DejaVu fonts are a font family based on the Vera Fonts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'desklaunch'
+port[:path] = 'x11/desklaunch'
+port[:version] = '1.1.5'
+port[:description] = 'DeskLaunch is a small utility for creating desktop icons.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'dlume'
+port[:path] = 'x11/dlume'
+port[:version] = '0.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'A gtk2-based addressbook.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 databases'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'e16menuedit'
+port[:path] = 'x11/e16menuedit'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Enlightenment menu editor.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'e17'
+port[:path] = 'x11/e17'
+port[:version] = '0.16.999.55225'
+port[:description] = 'Enlightenment windowmanager DR17'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'editres'
+port[:path] = 'x11/editres'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Dynamic resource editor for X11 Toolkit applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'efont-unicode'
+port[:path] = 'x11/efont-unicode'
+port[:version] = '0.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'efont Unicode Bitmap Fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'efreet'
+port[:path] = 'x11/efreet'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'an implementation of several specifications from freedesktop.org intended for use in Enlightenment DR17'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'emiclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/emiclock'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Hyper-animated face analog clock for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'enlightenment'
+port[:path] = 'x11/enlightenment'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Enlightenment is a highly configurable windowmanager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'enlightenment-docs'
+port[:path] = 'x11/enlightenment-docs'
+port[:version] = '0.16.7'
+port[:description] = 'Documentation for the Enlightenment windowmanager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'evilwm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/evilwm'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'A minimalist window manager for the X Window System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'eyeclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/eyeclock'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A clock with eyes following the mouse pointer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fireworkx'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fireworkx'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'pyrotechnic simulation eye-candy for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fluxbox'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fluxbox'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight window manager based on Blackbox 0.61.1'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-adobe-100dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-adobe-100dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Adobe 100 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-adobe-75dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-adobe-75dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Adobe 75 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-adobe-utopia-100dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-adobe-utopia-100dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Adobe Utopia 100 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-adobe-utopia-75dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-adobe-utopia-75dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Adobe Utopia 75 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-adobe-utopia-type1'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-adobe-utopia-type1'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Adobe Type1 Utopia fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-alias'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-alias'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org default fonts.alias files'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-arabic-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-arabic-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Arabic font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bh-100dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bh-100dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bigelow & Holmes 100 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bh-75dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bh-75dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bigelow & Holmes 75 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-100dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bigelow & Holmes Lucida Typewriter 100 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bh-lucidatypewriter-75dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bigelow & Holmes Lucida Typewriter 75 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bh-ttf'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bh-ttf'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bigelow & Holmes TrueType fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bh-type1'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bh-type1'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bigelow & Holmes Type1 fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bitstream-100dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bitstream-100dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bitstream 100 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bitstream-75dpi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bitstream-75dpi'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bitstream 75 DPI font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bitstream-speedo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bitstream-speedo'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bitstream Speedo fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-bitstream-type1'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-bitstream-type1'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Bitstream Type1 fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-cronyx-cyrillic'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-cronyx-cyrillic'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Cronyx Cyrillic font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-cursor-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-cursor-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Cursor font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-daewoo-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-daewoo-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Daewoo miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-dec-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-dec-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org DEC/Compaq/HP miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-ibm-type1'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-ibm-type1'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org IBM Type1 fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-isas-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-isas-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org ISAS miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-jis-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-jis-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org JIS miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-micro-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-micro-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Micro miscellaneous font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-misc-cyrillic'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-misc-cyrillic'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Miscellaneous Cyrillic font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-misc-ethiopic'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-misc-ethiopic'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Ethiopic TrueType fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-misc-meltho'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-misc-meltho'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Meltho TrueType fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-misc-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-misc-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org various miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-mutt-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-mutt-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Mutt miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-schumacher-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-schumacher-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Schumacher miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-screen-cyrillic'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-screen-cyrillic'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Cronyx screen Cyrillic font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-sony-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-sony-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Sony miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-sun-misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-sun-misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Sun miscellaneous fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-winitzki-cyrillic'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-winitzki-cyrillic'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org Winitzki Cyrillic font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'font-xfree86-type1'
+port[:path] = 'x11/font-xfree86-type1'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org XFree86 Type1 font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fonttosfnt'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fonttosfnt'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Wrap a bitmap font in a sfnt (TrueType) wrapper'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fox'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fox'
+port[:version] = '1.6.36'
+port[:description] = 'The FOX GUI toolkit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lylejohnson.name:lyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'freefont-ttf'
+port[:path] = 'x11/freefont-ttf'
+port[:version] = '20060126'
+port[:description] = 'Free UCS Outline Fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fslsfonts'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fslsfonts'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'List fonts served by X11 font server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fstobdf'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fstobdf'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Convert font from X11 server to BDF'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fsv'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fsv'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'A clone of the SGI filesystem visualizer from Jurassic Park.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:edmundrhudy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 amusements'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fvwm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fvwm'
+port[:version] = '1.24r'
+port[:description] = 'A very simple window manager supporting a pager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fvwm2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fvwm2'
+port[:version] = '2.5.31'
+port[:description] = 'Version 2.x of FVWM, an X11 window manager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'gtk gnome bidi universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'fxscintilla'
+port[:path] = 'x11/fxscintilla'
+port[:version] = '1.78.0'
+port[:description] = 'FOX wrapper for the Scintilla source code library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'lylejohnson.name:lyle'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gccmakedep'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gccmakedep'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Create dependencies in makefiles using \'gcc -M\''
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gcin'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gcin'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'a Chinese input method server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:candyz0416'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gecko-sharp'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gecko-sharp'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Gecko bindings for the Mono .NET Development Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'macosx_framework universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'comcast.net:pat2man'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gfontsampler'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gfontsampler'
+port[:version] = '0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Browse and compare all of your installed fonts.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gkrellm-gtodo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gkrellm-gtodo'
+port[:version] = '0.2.5a'
+port[:description] = 'GKrellM2 plugin that tracks tasks and to-do items'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gksu'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gksu'
+port[:version] = '1.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical frontend to su and sudo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glui'
+port[:path] = 'x11/glui'
+port[:version] = '2.36'
+port[:description] = 'A GLUT-based C++ user interface library.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glw'
+port[:path] = 'x11/glw'
+port[:version] = '7.2'
+port[:description] = 'Mesa OpenGL widget library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'css'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glxgears'
+port[:path] = 'x11/glxgears'
+port[:version] = '8.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Show information about GLX capabilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'glxinfo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/glxinfo'
+port[:version] = '8.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Show information about GLX capabilities'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gobby'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gobby'
+port[:version] = '0.4.92'
+port[:description] = 'Realtime collaborative editor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'phw openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 net'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'grace'
+port[:path] = 'x11/grace'
+port[:version] = '5.1.22'
+port[:description] = 'WYSIWYG tool to make two-dimensional plots of numerical data'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'netcdf universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 math science print'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtimelog'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtimelog'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'A Gtk+ time tracking application.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:shreevatsa.public openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-canvas'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-canvas'
+port[:version] = '0.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Straight backport of the GNOME canvas'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'erickt openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-chtheme'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-chtheme'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'gtk-2 theme switcher'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:alexandernx'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-engines'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-engines'
+port[:version] = '0.12'
+port[:description] = 'Theme engine for GTK+'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-engines2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-engines2'
+port[:version] = '2.20.2'
+port[:description] = 'Theme engine for gtk2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'lua universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-extra'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-extra'
+port[:version] = '0.99.17'
+port[:description] = 'Extra GTK+1 Widgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rogers.com:matthew.c'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-nodoka-engine'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-nodoka-engine'
+port[:version] = '0.7.5'
+port[:description] = 'Nodoka GTK2 Theme Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-sharp'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-sharp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.10'
+port[:description] = 'Gtk bindings for the Mono .NET Development Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'gnomedb universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-sharp2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-sharp2'
+port[:version] = '2.12.9'
+port[:description] = 'Gtk bindings for the Mono .NET Development Framework'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'debug universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-smooth-engine'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-smooth-engine'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Smooth GTK2 Theme Engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:ultrix'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-theme-switch'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-theme-switch'
+port[:version] = '2.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'command-line theme switcher for gtk2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:jbenninghoff'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-thinice-engine'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk-thinice-engine'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A simple, clean theme engine'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk1'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk1'
+port[:version] = '1.2.10'
+port[:description] = 'Gimp ToolKit version 1'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd sunos'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk2-extra'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk2-extra'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Extra GTK+2 Widgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kix.in:anant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk2-industrial'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk2-industrial'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Industrial GTK 1 & 2 theme engine from the Ximian Artwork package.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:jbenninghoff'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk2-murrine-configurator'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtk2-murrine-configurator'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'The definitive tool for the Murrine lovers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 gtk'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkglarea'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtkglarea'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL widget to GTK+'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkglarea2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtkglarea2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'OpenGL widget to GTK+'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkmm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtkmm'
+port[:version] = '2.24.0'
+port[:description] = 'C++ interface to GTK+.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtkspell2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtkspell2'
+port[:version] = '2.0.16'
+port[:description] = 'Library for highlighting and replacement of misspelled words'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 gnome textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtktalog'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gtktalog'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'X11 catalog cd dvd'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'comcast.net:terry.droeger'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gxmessage'
+port[:path] = 'x11/gxmessage'
+port[:version] = '2.12.4'
+port[:description] = 'a GTK-based xmessage clone.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'homebank'
+port[:path] = 'x11/homebank'
+port[:version] = '4.4'
+port[:description] = 'Software to manage personal accounts, light and simple.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iceauth'
+port[:path] = 'x11/iceauth'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'ICE authority file utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'icewm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/icewm'
+port[:version] = '1.2.37'
+port[:description] = 'Lightweight window manager with a Windows or OS/2 look and feel'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'lite imlib nls debug esound gnome1 gnome2 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'saispo'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ico'
+port[:path] = 'x11/ico'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'imake'
+port[:path] = 'x11/imake'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Discontinued imake build system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ion3'
+port[:path] = 'x11/ion3'
+port[:version] = '3rc-20071109'
+port[:description] = 'A tiling window manager for keyboard users'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'itk'
+port[:path] = 'x11/itk'
+port[:version] = '3.3'
+port[:description] = '[incr} Tk\] A.K.A. {"itk".} Object oriented extension to Tk.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 tk'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'iwidgets'
+port[:path] = 'x11/iwidgets'
+port[:version] = '4.0.1'
+port[:description] = '[incr} Widgets\] A.K.A. {"iwidgets".} Widget collection for incrTcl/incrTk'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 tk'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kchmviewer'
+port[:path] = 'x11/kchmviewer'
+port[:version] = '3.1-2'
+port[:description] = 'A CHM (Winhelp) files viewer written on Qt/KDE.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'kde universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'keylaunch'
+port[:path] = 'x11/keylaunch'
+port[:version] = '1.3.6'
+port[:description] = 'KeyLaunch is a small utility for binding commands to a hot key.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kinput2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/kinput2'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Input server of Japanese text'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal canna'
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 japanese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kochi-substitute'
+port[:path] = 'x11/kochi-substitute'
+port[:version] = '20030809'
+port[:description] = 'Free Japanese TrueType fonts named \'Kochi Mincho\' and \'Kochi Gothic\''
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'kxterm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/kxterm'
+port[:version] = '5.0pl3'
+port[:description] = 'Chinese-capable xterm with dictionary-lookup capability'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 chinese'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lablgtk'
+port[:path] = 'x11/lablgtk'
+port[:version] = '1.2.7'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml interface to gtk+'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lablgtk2'
+port[:path] = 'x11/lablgtk2'
+port[:version] = '2.14.2'
+port[:description] = 'Objective Caml interface to gtk+ 2.x'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'rsvg gtksourceview'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 ml'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lesstif'
+port[:path] = 'x11/lesstif'
+port[:version] = '0.95.2'
+port[:description] = 'An Open Source implementation of OSF/Motif.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'motif12 motif20 xdnd universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:lomion'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgksu12'
+port[:path] = 'x11/libgksu12'
+port[:version] = '1.3.7'
+port[:description] = 'Simple API for su and sudo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libgksuui10'
+port[:path] = 'x11/libgksuui10'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'Shows dialogs for asking passwords'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libhangul'
+port[:path] = 'x11/libhangul'
+port[:version] = '0.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'A library for hangul processing.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libsexy'
+port[:path] = 'x11/libsexy'
+port[:version] = '0.1.11'
+port[:description] = 'Doing naughty things to good Gtk+ widgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'kix.in:anant'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'listres'
+port[:path] = 'x11/listres'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'List resources in X11 widgets'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'lndir'
+port[:path] = 'x11/lndir'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Create shadow dir of symbolic links to another tree'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'luit'
+port[:path] = 'x11/luit'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org luit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'makedepend'
+port[:path] = 'x11/makedepend'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Create dependencies in makefiles'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mesa'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mesa'
+port[:version] = '7.10.3'
+port[:description] = 'Mesa 3D Graphics Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal iglx python26 python27'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mikachanfont'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mikachanfont'
+port[:version] = '8.9'
+port[:description] = 'Mikachan-font is Japanese font written by Mikachan'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mkfontdir'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mkfontdir'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'X11 mkfontdir'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mkfontscale'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mkfontscale'
+port[:version] = '1.0.8'
+port[:description] = 'X11 mkfontscale'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mlterm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mlterm'
+port[:version] = '2.9.4'
+port[:description] = 'Multi-lingual X11 terminal emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'antialias bidi bgImages gtk2'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'monafont'
+port[:path] = 'x11/monafont'
+port[:version] = '2.90'
+port[:description] = 'Japanese proportional font to show Japanese text arts correctly'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mowitz'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mowitz'
+port[:version] = '0.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Library of widgets for X applications to use.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mplus-fonts'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mplus-fonts'
+port[:version] = '2.2.4'
+port[:description] = 'simple and highly readable bitmap Japanese fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mrxvt'
+port[:path] = 'x11/mrxvt'
+port[:version] = '0.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'A multi-tabbed terminal emulator for the X Window System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'cjk greek minimal universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'boeyms openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nabi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/nabi'
+port[:version] = '0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Korean Input Method for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'rogers.com:matthew.c'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'neXtaw'
+port[:path] = 'x11/neXtaw'
+port[:version] = '0.15.1'
+port[:description] = 'A replacement library for the Athena (libXaw) widget set.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'nimbus'
+port[:path] = 'x11/nimbus'
+port[:version] = '0.0.17'
+port[:description] = 'Default GNOME theme from Sun Microsystem'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 gnome'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/oclock'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Round X11 clock'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openbox'
+port[:path] = 'x11/openbox'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A highly configurable and standards-compliant window manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'openmotif'
+port[:path] = 'x11/openmotif'
+port[:version] = '2.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'The Open Motif toolkit for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'oroborus'
+port[:path] = 'x11/oroborus'
+port[:version] = '2.0.18'
+port[:description] = 'Oroborus basically is a really minimalistic window manager.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'dreamind.de:dreamind'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pango'
+port[:path] = 'x11/pango'
+port[:version] = '1.28.4'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for the layout and rendering of i18n text'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'quartz no_x11 x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pango-devel'
+port[:path] = 'x11/pango-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.29.3'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for the layout and rendering of i18n text'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'quartz no_x11 x11 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pangomm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/pangomm'
+port[:version] = '2.28.2'
+port[:description] = 'C++ interface to Pango.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'devans openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pcb'
+port[:path] = 'x11/pcb'
+port[:version] = '20091103'
+port[:description] = 'Printed Circuit Board Layout Tool'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'megacz.com:adam'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'pure-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'x11/pure-gtk'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'a collection of bindings to use the GTK+ GUI toolkit version 2.x with Pure'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-3'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt3'
+port[:path] = 'x11/qt3'
+port[:version] = '3.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Tool Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'mysql odbc psql'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'qt4-x11'
+port[:path] = 'x11/qt4-x11'
+port[:version] = '4.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Qt Tool Kit (X11 Version)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'webkit'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'quartz-wm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/quartz-wm'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Apple\'s Window Manager for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ratpoison'
+port[:path] = 'x11/ratpoison'
+port[:version] = '1.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'Ratpoison is a simple Window Manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pmq openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rep-gtk'
+port[:path] = 'x11/rep-gtk'
+port[:version] = '0.18'
+port[:description] = 'GTK bindings for the librep LISP implementation'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hilaiel.com:lloyd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rgb'
+port[:path] = 'x11/rgb'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Display a color name database'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 sysutils'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rox-all'
+port[:path] = 'x11/rox-all'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'a single archive containing launchers for most of the ROX applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 rox'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rox-filer'
+port[:path] = 'x11/rox-filer'
+port[:version] = '2.8'
+port[:description] = 'fast and powerful file manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd linux'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 rox'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rxvt'
+port[:path] = 'x11/rxvt'
+port[:version] = '2.7.10'
+port[:description] = 'Low memory usage colour xterm replacement'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'ml universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'rxvt-unicode'
+port[:path] = 'x11/rxvt-unicode'
+port[:version] = '9.11'
+port[:description] = 'Unicode-aware rxvt clone.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'lite universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:evangoldenberg openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sawfish'
+port[:path] = 'x11/sawfish'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'A lisp-based extensible window manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'hilaiel.com:lloyd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sazanami-font'
+port[:path] = 'x11/sazanami-font'
+port[:version] = '20040629'
+port[:description] = 'Japanese proportional TrueType font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nifty.com:pelopor'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sessreg'
+port[:path] = 'x11/sessreg'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'setxkbmap'
+port[:path] = 'x11/setxkbmap'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Set the keyboard using the X11 keyboard extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'showfont'
+port[:path] = 'x11/showfont'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Font dumper for X11 font server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'siag'
+port[:path] = 'x11/siag'
+port[:version] = '3.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Siag Office is a tightly integrated, free office package.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'slicker'
+port[:path] = 'x11/slicker'
+port[:version] = '0.0'
+port[:description] = 'an experimental new desktop metaphor for KDE'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'smproxy'
+port[:path] = 'x11/smproxy'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'X11 Session Manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'sunclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/sunclock'
+port[:version] = '3.50pre1'
+port[:description] = 'shows Earth\'s surface illuminated by the Sun'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tango-icon-theme'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tango-icon-theme'
+port[:version] = '0.8.90'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of icons from the Tango Desktop Project.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'big_icons'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tango-icon-theme-extras'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tango-icon-theme-extras'
+port[:version] = '0.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of extra icons for the Tango theme.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'big_icons'
+port[:maintainers] = 'elelay openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'terminus-font'
+port[:path] = 'x11/terminus-font'
+port[:version] = '4.28'
+port[:description] = 'A clean monospaced font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'pobox.com:rlonstein'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tigervnc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tigervnc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Advanced VNC implementation.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 vnc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tightvnc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tightvnc'
+port[:version] = '1.3.10'
+port[:description] = 'Enhanced version of VNC'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'no_server'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 vnc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tk'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tk'
+port[:version] = '8.5.9'
+port[:description] = 'Tcl Tool Kit'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'quartz universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tkdiff'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tkdiff'
+port[:version] = '4.1.4'
+port[:description] = 'graphical front end to the diff program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tkregexp'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tkregexp'
+port[:version] = '3.0'
+port[:description] = 'Design and debug regular expressions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'tktable'
+port[:path] = 'x11/tktable'
+port[:version] = '2.10'
+port[:description] = 'A table/matrix widget extension to Tk/Tcl'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'twm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/twm'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'Tab Window Manager for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'unclutter'
+port[:path] = 'x11/unclutter'
+port[:version] = '8'
+port[:description] = 'Hides the cursor in X after a period of inactivity'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'urw-fonts'
+port[:path] = 'x11/urw-fonts'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7pre44'
+port[:description] = 'Cyrillized free URW fonts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'takanori openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 fonts'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'viewres'
+port[:path] = 'x11/viewres'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Graphical class browser for Xt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vnc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/vnc'
+port[:version] = '4.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Remote display system for X11 applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPLv2'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 vnc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'vtwm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/vtwm'
+port[:version] = '5.4.6b'
+port[:description] = 'Twm with a virtual desktop and optional Motif-like features'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mac.com:mdales'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'windowmaker'
+port[:path] = 'x11/windowmaker'
+port[:version] = '0.92.0'
+port[:description] = 'Window Maker is a X11 window manager supporting GNUstep'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'candy'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wine'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wine'
+port[:version] = '1.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Wine Is Not an Emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wine-crossover'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wine-crossover'
+port[:version] = '10.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Wine Is Not an Emulator (1.3.9 with CodeWeavers modifications for CrossOver)'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wine-crossover-games'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wine-crossover-games'
+port[:version] = '10.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Wine Is Not an Emulator (1.3.9 with CodeWeavers modifications for CrossOver Games)'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wine-devel'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wine-devel'
+port[:version] = '1.3.24'
+port[:description] = 'Wine Is Not an Emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1+'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign jwa openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'winetricks'
+port[:path] = 'x11/winetricks'
+port[:version] = '20110629'
+port[:description] = 'downloads and installs various redistributable runtime libraries'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2+'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wm-extra'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wm-extra'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Extra themes for WindowMaker'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmbinclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wmbinclock'
+port[:version] = '0.1'
+port[:description] = 'a binary clock windowmaker applet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmcalclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wmcalclock'
+port[:version] = '1.26'
+port[:description] = 'WindowMaker clock docklet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wmclock'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'A dockable clock applet'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmctrl'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wmctrl'
+port[:version] = '1.07'
+port[:description] = 'interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmcube'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wmcube'
+port[:version] = '0.98'
+port[:description] = '3D objects tumbling about representing CPU load.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wmii'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wmii'
+port[:version] = '3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Window Manager Improved is a dynamic window manager for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-wm'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'worker'
+port[:path] = 'x11/worker'
+port[:version] = '2.17.4'
+port[:description] = 'highly configurable two-paned file manager for X'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'wxgtk'
+port[:path] = 'x11/wxgtk'
+port[:version] = '2.8.12'
+port[:description] = 'The wxWidgets GUI toolkit with GTK+ bindings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'opengl'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'x11perf'
+port[:path] = 'x11/x11perf'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'X11 server performance test program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'x3270'
+port[:path] = 'x11/x3270'
+port[:version] = '3.3.11ga6'
+port[:description] = 'x3270 is an IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mark.church'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xarchiver'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xarchiver'
+port[:version] = '0.4.6'
+port[:description] = 'Xarchiver is a desktop-agnostic GTK+2 frontend to various command line archiving tools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xauth'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xauth'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'X11 authority file utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xbacklight'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xbacklight'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Control an LCD backlight through RandR'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xbitmaps'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xbitmaps'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Bitmaps that are shared between X applications'
+port[:licenses] = 'MIT'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xcalc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xcalc'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'Scientific calculator for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 math science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xcb'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xcb'
+port[:version] = '2.4'
+port[:description] = 'tool for managing X11 cut-buffers'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:qbarnes'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xchm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xchm'
+port[:version] = '1.14'
+port[:description] = 'A cross-platform GUI front-end to chmlib.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'markd'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xcircuit'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xcircuit'
+port[:version] = '3.4.30'
+port[:description] = 'circuit-drawing program'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xclipboard'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xclipboard'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X11 clipboard client'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xclock'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Analog/digital clock for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xconsole'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xconsole'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Monitor system console messages with X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xcursorgen'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xcursorgen'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Create an X11 cursor file from a collection of PNG images'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdaliclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xdaliclock'
+port[:version] = '2.35'
+port[:description] = 'morphing animated clock'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdialog'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xdialog'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'X11 drop in replacement for dialog or cdialog'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdiskusage'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xdiskusage'
+port[:version] = '1.48'
+port[:description] = 'program to show you what is using up all your disk space'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xditview'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xditview'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Display ditroff output on an X11 display'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xdm'
+port[:version] = '1.1.10'
+port[:description] = 'X11 display manager with support for XDMCP, host chooser'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdotool'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xdotool'
+port[:version] = '2.20110530.1'
+port[:description] = 'X11 keyboard and mouse simulation utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'BSD'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xdpyinfo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xdpyinfo'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Display information utility for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xearth'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xearth'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Draws the planet Earth in the root window'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xedit'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xedit'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Simple text editor for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 editors'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xev'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xev'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Print contents of X11 events'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xeyes'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xeyes'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X11 xeyes demo app'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfd'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xfd'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Display all the characters in an X11 font'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfe'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xfe'
+port[:version] = '1.19.2'
+port[:description] = 'X File Explorer (Xfe) is an MS-Explorer like file manager for X.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfontsel'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xfontsel'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Point and click selection of X11 font names'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xforms'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xforms'
+port[:version] = '1.0.93sp1'
+port[:description] = 'A graphical user interface toolkit for X based on the X11 Xlib library'
+port[:licenses] = 'LGPL-2.1'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'raphael openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfs'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xfs'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X11 font server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfsinfo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xfsinfo'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X11 font server information utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xgc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xgc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Demonstrates various features of the X11 graphics primitives'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xglobe'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xglobe'
+port[:version] = '0.5p2'
+port[:description] = 'XGlobe displays the earth as seen from space on your X desktop.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xhost'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xhost'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Server access control program for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xinit'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xinit'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'X11 startup script processor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xinput'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xinput'
+port[:version] = '1.5.3'
+port[:description] = 'Utility to configure and test XInput devices'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xkbcomp'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xkbcomp'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'Compile XKB keyboard description'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xkbevd'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xkbevd'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'XKB event daemon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xkbprint'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xkbprint'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Print an XKB keyboard description'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xkbutils'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xkbutils'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'XKB utilities xkbbell, xkbvleds, and xkbwatch'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xkeyboard-config'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xkeyboard-config'
+port[:version] = '2.0'
+port[:description] = 'X11 XKB keyboard descriptions'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xkill'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xkill'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Kill a client by its X11 resource'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xload'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xload'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'System load average display for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xlogo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xlogo'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X11 Window System logo'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xlsatoms'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xlsatoms'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'List interned atoms defined on an X11 server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xlsclients'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xlsclients'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'List client applications running on an X11 display'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xlsfonts'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xlsfonts'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'List available fonts on an X11 server'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmag'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xmag'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Magnify parts of the X11 screen'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xman'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xman'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Manual page display program for the X11 Window System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmessage'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xmessage'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Display a message or query in a window (X11-based /bin/echo)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmh'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xmh'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Send and read mail with an X11 interface to MH'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmodmap'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xmodmap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'Modify keymaps and pointer button mappings in X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmore'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xmore'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Plain text display program for the X11 Window System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xmove'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xmove'
+port[:version] = '2.0beta2'
+port[:description] = 'An X11 pseudoserver for moving windows between displays'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xnee'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xnee'
+port[:version] = '2.01'
+port[:description] = 'Xnee\'s Not an Event Emulator'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xonclock'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xonclock'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'X on-screen analog clock displayer with assignable skins'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg'
+port[:version] = '20090316'
+port[:description] = 'The X Window System'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-applewmproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-applewmproto'
+port[:version] = '1.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org applewmproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-apps'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-apps'
+port[:version] = '20101213'
+port[:description] = 'X.org apps meta-package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-bigreqsproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-bigreqsproto'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org bigreqsproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-cf-files'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-cf-files'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Build files for discontinued imake build system.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'mcalhoun openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-compositeproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-compositeproto'
+port[:version] = '0.4.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org compositeproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-damageproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-damageproto'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org damageproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-dmxproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-dmxproto'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org dmxproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-dri2proto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-dri2proto'
+port[:version] = '2.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org dri2proto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-encodings'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-encodings'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'X.org font encodings'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 x11-font graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-evieproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-evieproto'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org evieproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-fixesproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-fixesproto'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org fixesproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-font-util'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-font-util'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org font utilities bdftruncate and ucs2any'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-fontcacheproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-fontcacheproto'
+port[:version] = '0.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org fontcacheproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-fonts'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-fonts'
+port[:version] = '20090102'
+port[:description] = 'X.org fonts meta-package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-fontsproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-fontsproto'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org fontsproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-glproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-glproto'
+port[:version] = '1.4.12'
+port[:description] = 'X.org glproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-inputproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-inputproto'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org inputproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-kbproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-kbproto'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'X.org kbproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libAppleWM'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libAppleWM'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libAppleWM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libFS'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libFS'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libFS'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libX11'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libX11'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libX11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXScrnSaver'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXScrnSaver'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXScrnSaver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXTrap'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXTrap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXTrap'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXau'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXau'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXau'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXaw'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXaw'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXaw'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXcomposite'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXcomposite'
+port[:version] = '0.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXcomposite'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXcursor'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXcursor'
+port[:version] = '1.1.11'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXcursor'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXdamage'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXdamage'
+port[:version] = '1.1.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXdamage'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXdmcp'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXdmcp'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXdmcp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXevie'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXevie'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org llibXevie'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXext'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXext'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXext'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXfixes'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXfixes'
+port[:version] = '5.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXfixes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXfont'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXfont'
+port[:version] = '1.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXfont'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXfontcache'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXfontcache'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXfontcache'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXi'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXi'
+port[:version] = '1.4.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXi'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXinerama'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXinerama'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXinerama'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXmu'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXmu'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXmu'
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+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXp'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXp'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXp'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXrandr'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXrandr'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXrandr'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXres'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXres'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXres'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXt'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXt'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXtst'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXtst'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXt'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXv'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXv'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXv'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXvMC'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXvMC'
+port[:version] = '1.0.6'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXvMC'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXxf86dga'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXxf86dga'
+port[:version] = '1.1.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXxf86dga'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXxf86misc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXxf86misc'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXxf86misc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libXxf86vm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libXxf86vm'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libXxf86vm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libdmx'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libdmx'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libdmx'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libfontenc'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libfontenc'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libfontenc'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libice'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libice'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libice'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libpthread-stubs'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libpthread-stubs'
+port[:version] = '0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org/Xcb libpthread stubs'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libsm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libsm'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libSM'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:mvfranz'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libxcb'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libxcb'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libxcb'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 python31 python32 universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libxkbfile'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libxkbfile'
+port[:version] = '1.0.7'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libxbfile'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-libxkbui'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-libxkbui'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org libxbui'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-printproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-printproto'
+port[:version] = '1.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'X.org printproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-proto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-proto'
+port[:version] = '20081229'
+port[:description] = 'X.org proto meta-package'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-randrproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-randrproto'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'X.org randrproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-recordproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-recordproto'
+port[:version] = '1.14.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org recordproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-renderproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-renderproto'
+port[:version] = '0.11.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org renderproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-resourceproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-resourceproto'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org resourceproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-scripts'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-scripts'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Several useful X11 scripts: fontname.sh, fontprop.sh, xon'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-scrnsaverproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-scrnsaverproto'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org scrnsaverproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-server'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-server'
+port[:version] = '1.10.3'
+port[:description] = 'The X.org / Xquartz X server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-server-devel'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-server-devel'
+port[:version] = ''
+port[:description] = 'The X.org / Xquartz X server.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-sgml-doctools'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-sgml-doctools'
+port[:version] = '1.7'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xorg-sgml-doctools'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 textproc'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-trapproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-trapproto'
+port[:version] = '3.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org trapproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-util-macros'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-util-macros'
+port[:version] = '1.14.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org util-macros'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-videoproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-videoproto'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org videoproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xcb-proto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xcb-proto'
+port[:version] = '1.6'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xcb-proto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'python25 python26 python27 python31 python32'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xcb-util'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xcb-util'
+port[:version] = '0.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xcb-util'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xcb-util-image'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xcb-util-image'
+port[:version] = '0.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xcb-util-image'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xcb-util-keysyms'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xcb-util-keysyms'
+port[:version] = '0.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xcb-util-keysyms'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xcb-util-renderutil'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xcb-util-renderutil'
+port[:version] = '0.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xcb-util-renderutil'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xcb-util-wm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xcb-util-wm'
+port[:version] = '0.3.8'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xcb-util-wm'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xcmiscproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xcmiscproto'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xcmiscproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xextproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xextproto'
+port[:version] = '7.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xextproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xf86bigfontproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xf86bigfontproto'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xf86bigfontproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'gmail.com:myschizobuddy'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xf86dgaproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xf86dgaproto'
+port[:version] = '2.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xf86dgaproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xf86driproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xf86driproto'
+port[:version] = '2.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xf86driproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xf86miscproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xf86miscproto'
+port[:version] = '0.9.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xf86miscproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xf86vidmodeproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xf86vidmodeproto'
+port[:version] = '2.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xf86vidmodeproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xineramaproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xineramaproto'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xineramaproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xproto'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xproto'
+port[:version] = '7.0.22'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xproto'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xproxymanagementprotocol'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xproxymanagementprotocol'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xproxymanagementprotocol'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xorg-xtrans'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xorg-xtrans'
+port[:version] = '1.2.6'
+port[:description] = 'X.org xtrans'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'docs'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xournal'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xournal'
+port[:version] = '0.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'notetaking, sketching and journal app for use with a stylus'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-2'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xping'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xping'
+port[:version] = '1.9'
+port[:description] = '\'ping\' an Xserver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xplanet'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xplanet'
+port[:version] = '1.2.2'
+port[:description] = 'Render an image of a planet into an X window or file'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'freetype gif pango aqua pnm universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xpm'
+port[:version] = '3.5.9'
+port[:description] = 'The X Pixmap Library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin macosx'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 devel graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xpr'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xpr'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Print an X11 window dump'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xprop'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xprop'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'Property displayer for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xrandr'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xrandr'
+port[:version] = '1.3.4'
+port[:description] = 'Primitive command line interface to RandR X11 extension'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xrdb'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xrdb'
+port[:version] = '1.0.9'
+port[:description] = 'X11 server resource database utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xrefresh'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xrefresh'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Refresh all or part of an X11 screen'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xrender'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xrender'
+port[:version] = '0.9.6'
+port[:description] = 'X Render Extension library'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xroot'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xroot'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'A small X -root window'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xruskb'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xruskb'
+port[:version] = '1.15.3'
+port[:description] = 'program for switching two keyboard layouts'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'motif universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'crazic.ru:jc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 russian'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xscope'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xscope'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'X11 protocol debugger'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xscreensaver'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xscreensaver'
+port[:version] = '5.10'
+port[:description] = 'X11 screen saver'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'mww openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsel'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xsel'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'command-line program for getting and setting the contents of the X selection'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'ryandesign'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xset'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xset'
+port[:version] = '1.2.1'
+port[:description] = 'User preference utility for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsetmode'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xsetmode'
+port[:version] = '1.0.0'
+port[:description] = 'Set the mode for an X11 input device'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsetpointer'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xsetpointer'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Set an X11 input device as the main pointer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsetroot'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xsetroot'
+port[:version] = '1.1.0'
+port[:description] = 'Root window parameter setting utility for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xsm'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X11 session manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xsnow'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xsnow'
+port[:version] = '1.42'
+port[:description] = 'Create a snowy and Santa-y desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xspringies'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xspringies'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'A mass and spring simulation system'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 games'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xstdcmap'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xstdcmap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'X11 standard colormap utility'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xteddy'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xteddy'
+port[:version] = '2.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'A cuddlesome teddy for the X desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xterm'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xterm'
+port[:version] = '270'
+port[:description] = 'the ubiquitous X terminal emulator, stand-alone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'utmp universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xtide'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xtide'
+port[:version] = '2.11'
+port[:description] = 'Tide prediction software, with a large database of locations.'
+port[:licenses] = 'GPL-3+'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jberry openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 science'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xtrap'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xtrap'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'XTrap sample clients'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xtu'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xtu'
+port[:version] = '1.2'
+port[:description] = 'Transparent analog clock for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xvinfo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xvinfo'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Print out X-Video extension adaptor information'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xwd'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xwd'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'Dump an image of an X11 window'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xwininfo'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xwininfo'
+port[:version] = '1.1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Window information utility for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xwud'
+port[:path] = 'x11/xwud'
+port[:version] = '1.0.3'
+port[:description] = 'Image displayer for X11'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 45
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'jeremyhu openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'x11 graphics'
+category = Category.new({:name => 'xfce'})
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Terminal'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/Terminal'
+port[:version] = '0.4.5'
+port[:description] = 'Terminal is a modern terminal emulator for the Unix/Linux desktop.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'Thunar'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/Thunar'
+port[:version] = '1.0.2'
+port[:description] = 'Thunar is a modern file manager for the Unix/Linux desktop'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'exo'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/exo'
+port[:version] = '0.3.107'
+port[:description] = 'libexo is targeted at application development for Xfce'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'gtk-xfce-engine'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/gtk-xfce-engine'
+port[:version] = '2.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Port of xfce engine to GTK+-2.0'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxfce4menu'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/libxfce4menu'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'a freedesktop.org compliant menu implementation for Xfce'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxfce4util'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/libxfce4util'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Utility library for the Xfce4 desktop environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'libxfcegui4'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/libxfcegui4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'various gtk widgets for xfce'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'mousepad'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/mousepad'
+port[:version] = '0.2.16'
+port[:description] = 'A text editor for Xfce based on Leafpad'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'orage'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/orage'
+port[:version] = '4.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Time-managing application for the Xfce desktop environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'ristretto'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/ristretto'
+port[:version] = '0.0.22'
+port[:description] = 'Ristretto is a fast and lightweight picture-viewer for the Xfce desktop environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'squeeze'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/squeeze'
+port[:version] = '0.2.3'
+port[:description] = 'Squeeze is a modern and advanced archive manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Xfce Desktop Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce-utils'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce-utils'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Utilities for the Xfce Desktop Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-appfinder'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-appfinder'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Software to find every application supporting Desktop entry format'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-axiom-theme'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-axiom-theme'
+port[:version] = '4.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Additional theme for xfwm4/gtk2'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb openmaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-corner-plugin'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-corner-plugin'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Mac-style menubar corner plugin for xfce panel (4.4+)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-dev-tools'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-dev-tools'
+port[:version] = '4.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'A collection of tools and macros for Xfce developer'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce devel'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-icon-theme'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-icon-theme'
+port[:version] = '4.4.3'
+port[:description] = 'Rodent vector icon theme'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-panel'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-panel'
+port[:version] = '4.6.4'
+port[:description] = 'The panel of the Xfce Desktop Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-session'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-session'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'Session manager for the Xfce desktop environment.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-settings'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-settings'
+port[:version] = '4.6.5'
+port[:description] = 'Settings Manager that replaces the previous xfce-mcs-manager'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfce4-xkb-plugin'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfce4-xkb-plugin'
+port[:version] = '0.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'This plugin displays the current keyboard layout, and refreshes when layout changes.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'crazic.ru:jc'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce russian'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfconf'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfconf'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'easy-to-use configuration system for xfce'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfdesktop'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfdesktop'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'A desktop manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfprint'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfprint'
+port[:version] = '4.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Print dialog and printer manager for Xfce 4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfwm4'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfwm4'
+port[:version] = '4.6.2'
+port[:description] = 'The window manager for Xfce'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'xfwm4-themes'
+port[:path] = 'xfce/xfwm4-themes'
+port[:version] = '4.6.0'
+port[:description] = 'Additional themes for xfwm4'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 46
+port[:variants] = 'universal'
+port[:maintainers] = 'afb'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin'
+port[:categories] = 'xfce'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-archetypes'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-archetypes'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'Framework for the dev of new Content Types in Zope CMF/Plone.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-btreefolder2'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-btreefolder2'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Zope folder that can contain many more objects efficiently'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmf'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmf'
+port[:version] = '1.4.7'
+port[:description] = 'The Zope Content Management Framework (CMF)'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfactionicons'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfactionicons'
+port[:version] = '0.9'
+port[:description] = 'CMFActionIcons product for use with Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfformcontroller'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfformcontroller'
+port[:version] = '1.0.4'
+port[:description] = 'CMFFormController product for Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfmessage'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfmessage'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'Simple InstantMessaging tool for Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfphoto'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfphoto'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Zope CMF based Photo object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfphotoalbum'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfphotoalbum'
+port[:version] = '0.5.0'
+port[:description] = 'Zope CMF based Photo Album object'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfplone'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfplone'
+port[:version] = '2.0.5'
+port[:description] = 'A user friendly implementation of the CMF written on top of Zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfquickinstallertool'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfquickinstallertool'
+port[:version] = '1.5.2'
+port[:description] = 'CMFQuickInstallerTool for Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cmfusertracktool'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cmfusertracktool'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'User tracking product for CMF Zope sites'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-cvsfile'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-cvsfile'
+port[:version] = '0.9.0'
+port[:description] = 'This is the CVSFile Zope Product.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-emil_email_client'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-emil_email_client'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Emil Email Client is an email client for Zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-externaleditor'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-externaleditor'
+port[:version] = '0.8'
+port[:description] = 'Zope ExternalEditor Product'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-externalfile'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-externalfile'
+port[:version] = '1.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'This is the ExternalFile Zope Product.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-extfile'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-extfile'
+port[:version] = '1.4.4'
+port[:description] = 'This is the ExtFile/ExtImage Zope Product.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-formulator'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-formulator'
+port[:version] = '1.8.0'
+port[:description] = 'Formulator product for web form creation in Zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-generator'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-generator'
+port[:version] = '1.3.0-13'
+port[:description] = 'Widget generator for Archetypes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-groupuserfolder'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-groupuserfolder'
+port[:version] = '2.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'GroupUserFolder product for Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-localfs'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-localfs'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Zope Local File System folder'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-localizer'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-localizer'
+port[:version] = '1.0.1'
+port[:description] = 'Localizer product for Zope for multilingual web support'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-mimetypesregistry'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-mimetypesregistry'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'handle mime types information'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-placelesstranslationservice'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-placelesstranslationservice'
+port[:version] = '1.0'
+port[:description] = 'PlacelessTranslationService product for Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-ploneerrorreporting'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-ploneerrorreporting'
+port[:version] = '0.11'
+port[:description] = 'PloneErrorReporting product for Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-plonekeywordmanager'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-plonekeywordmanager'
+port[:version] = '0.2'
+port[:description] = 'PloneKeywordManager product for use with Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-ploneloginhistory'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-ploneloginhistory'
+port[:version] = '0.2.0'
+port[:description] = 'login history product for Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-plonewebmail'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-plonewebmail'
+port[:version] = '1.0final'
+port[:description] = 'Plone web email product'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python mail'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-portaltransforms'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-portaltransforms'
+port[:version] = '1.3.3'
+port[:description] = 'PortalTransforms product for Zope CMF/Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-revisionmanager'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-revisionmanager'
+port[:version] = '1.3.2'
+port[:description] = 'RevisionManager is a CVS frontend for Zope.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-stripogram'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-stripogram'
+port[:version] = '1.4'
+port[:description] = 'Strip-o-Gram HTML Conversion Library for Zope'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-usersniffer'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-usersniffer'
+port[:version] = '1.21'
+port[:description] = 'Zope extension that returns remote client info'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-usertrack'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-usertrack'
+port[:version] = '1.1'
+port[:description] = 'User tracking product for standard Zope sites'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-validation'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-validation'
+port[:version] = '1.3.1'
+port[:description] = 'Some generic validators originaly defined for Archetypes'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-zopetree'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-zopetree'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'This is the ZopeTree Zope Product.'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-zopezen'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-zopezen'
+port[:version] = '0.5'
+port[:description] = 'ZopeZen skin for Plone'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-zphotoslides'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-zphotoslides'
+port[:version] = '1.3'
+port[:description] = 'Zope web photo gallery product'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python graphics'
+port = Port.new
+port[:name] = 'zope-zsyncer'
+port[:path] = 'zope/zope-zsyncer'
+port[:version] = '0.6.1'
+port[:description] = 'Zope object synchronization product'
+port[:licenses] = 'unknown'
+port[:category_id] = 44
+port[:variants] = ''
+port[:maintainers] = 'nomaintainer'
+port[:platforms] = 'darwin freebsd'
+port[:categories] = 'www zope python'
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/doc/README_FOR_APP
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/doc/README_FOR_APP (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/doc/README_FOR_APP 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Use this README file to introduce your application and point to useful places in the API for learning more.
+Run "rake doc:app" to generate API documentation for your models, controllers, helpers, and libraries.
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/lib/tasks/.gitkeep
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/404.html
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/404.html (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/404.html 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <title>The page you were looking for doesn't exist (404)</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ body { background-color: #fff; color: #666; text-align: center; font-family: arial, sans-serif; }
+ div.dialog {
+ width: 25em;
+ padding: 0 4em;
+ margin: 4em auto 0 auto;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-right-color: #999;
+ border-bottom-color: #999;
+ }
+ h1 { font-size: 100%; color: #f00; line-height: 1.5em; }
+ </style>
+ <!-- This file lives in public/404.html -->
+ <div class="dialog">
+ <h1>The page you were looking for doesn't exist.</h1>
+ <p>You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved.</p>
+ </div>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/422.html
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/422.html (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/422.html 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <title>The change you wanted was rejected (422)</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ body { background-color: #fff; color: #666; text-align: center; font-family: arial, sans-serif; }
+ div.dialog {
+ width: 25em;
+ padding: 0 4em;
+ margin: 4em auto 0 auto;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-right-color: #999;
+ border-bottom-color: #999;
+ }
+ h1 { font-size: 100%; color: #f00; line-height: 1.5em; }
+ </style>
+ <!-- This file lives in public/422.html -->
+ <div class="dialog">
+ <h1>The change you wanted was rejected.</h1>
+ <p>Maybe you tried to change something you didn't have access to.</p>
+ </div>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/500.html
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/500.html (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/500.html 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+ <title>We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ body { background-color: #fff; color: #666; text-align: center; font-family: arial, sans-serif; }
+ div.dialog {
+ width: 25em;
+ padding: 0 4em;
+ margin: 4em auto 0 auto;
+ border: 1px solid #ccc;
+ border-right-color: #999;
+ border-bottom-color: #999;
+ }
+ h1 { font-size: 100%; color: #f00; line-height: 1.5em; }
+ </style>
+ <!-- This file lives in public/500.html -->
+ <div class="dialog">
+ <h1>We're sorry, but something went wrong.</h1>
+ <p>We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.</p>
+ </div>
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/favicon.ico
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/images/rails.png
(Binary files differ)
Property changes on: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/images/rails.png
Added: svn:mime-type
+ application/octet-stream
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/application.js
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/application.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/application.js 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// Place your application-specific JavaScript functions and classes here
+// This file is automatically included by javascript_include_tag :defaults
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/controls.js
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/controls.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/controls.js 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,965 @@
+// script.aculo.us controls.js v1.8.3, Thu Oct 08 11:23:33 +0200 2009
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us)
+// (c) 2005-2009 Ivan Krstic (http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ivan)
+// (c) 2005-2009 Jon Tirsen (http://www.tirsen.com)
+// Contributors:
+// Richard Livsey
+// Rahul Bhargava
+// Rob Wills
+// script.aculo.us is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
+// For details, see the script.aculo.us web site: http://script.aculo.us/
+// Autocompleter.Base handles all the autocompletion functionality
+// that's independent of the data source for autocompletion. This
+// includes drawing the autocompletion menu, observing keyboard
+// and mouse events, and similar.
+// Specific autocompleters need to provide, at the very least,
+// a getUpdatedChoices function that will be invoked every time
+// the text inside the monitored textbox changes. This method
+// should get the text for which to provide autocompletion by
+// invoking this.getToken(), NOT by directly accessing
+// this.element.value. This is to allow incremental tokenized
+// autocompletion. Specific auto-completion logic (AJAX, etc)
+// belongs in getUpdatedChoices.
+// Tokenized incremental autocompletion is enabled automatically
+// when an autocompleter is instantiated with the 'tokens' option
+// in the options parameter, e.g.:
+// new Ajax.Autocompleter('id','upd', '/url/', { tokens: ',' });
+// will incrementally autocomplete with a comma as the token.
+// Additionally, ',' in the above example can be replaced with
+// a token array, e.g. { tokens: [',', '\n'] } which
+// enables autocompletion on multiple tokens. This is most
+// useful when one of the tokens is \n (a newline), as it
+// allows smart autocompletion after linebreaks.
+if(typeof Effect == 'undefined')
+ throw("controls.js requires including script.aculo.us' effects.js library");
+var Autocompleter = { };
+Autocompleter.Base = Class.create({
+ baseInitialize: function(element, update, options) {
+ element = $(element);
+ this.element = element;
+ this.update = $(update);
+ this.hasFocus = false;
+ this.changed = false;
+ this.active = false;
+ this.index = 0;
+ this.entryCount = 0;
+ this.oldElementValue = this.element.value;
+ if(this.setOptions)
+ this.setOptions(options);
+ else
+ this.options = options || { };
+ this.options.paramName = this.options.paramName || this.element.name;
+ this.options.tokens = this.options.tokens || [];
+ this.options.frequency = this.options.frequency || 0.4;
+ this.options.minChars = this.options.minChars || 1;
+ this.options.onShow = this.options.onShow ||
+ function(element, update){
+ if(!update.style.position || update.style.position=='absolute') {
+ update.style.position = 'absolute';
+ Position.clone(element, update, {
+ setHeight: false,
+ offsetTop: element.offsetHeight
+ });
+ }
+ Effect.Appear(update,{duration:0.15});
+ };
+ this.options.onHide = this.options.onHide ||
+ function(element, update){ new Effect.Fade(update,{duration:0.15}) };
+ if(typeof(this.options.tokens) == 'string')
+ this.options.tokens = new Array(this.options.tokens);
+ // Force carriage returns as token delimiters anyway
+ if (!this.options.tokens.include('\n'))
+ this.options.tokens.push('\n');
+ this.observer = null;
+ this.element.setAttribute('autocomplete','off');
+ Element.hide(this.update);
+ Event.observe(this.element, 'blur', this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this));
+ Event.observe(this.element, 'keydown', this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this));
+ },
+ show: function() {
+ if(Element.getStyle(this.update, 'display')=='none') this.options.onShow(this.element, this.update);
+ if(!this.iefix &&
+ (Prototype.Browser.IE) &&
+ (Element.getStyle(this.update, 'position')=='absolute')) {
+ new Insertion.After(this.update,
+ '<iframe id="' + this.update.id + '_iefix" '+
+ 'style="display:none;position:absolute;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);" ' +
+ 'src="javascript:false;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>');
+ this.iefix = $(this.update.id+'_iefix');
+ }
+ if(this.iefix) setTimeout(this.fixIEOverlapping.bind(this), 50);
+ },
+ fixIEOverlapping: function() {
+ Position.clone(this.update, this.iefix, {setTop:(!this.update.style.height)});
+ this.iefix.style.zIndex = 1;
+ this.update.style.zIndex = 2;
+ Element.show(this.iefix);
+ },
+ hide: function() {
+ this.stopIndicator();
+ if(Element.getStyle(this.update, 'display')!='none') this.options.onHide(this.element, this.update);
+ if(this.iefix) Element.hide(this.iefix);
+ },
+ startIndicator: function() {
+ if(this.options.indicator) Element.show(this.options.indicator);
+ },
+ stopIndicator: function() {
+ if(this.options.indicator) Element.hide(this.options.indicator);
+ },
+ onKeyPress: function(event) {
+ if(this.active)
+ switch(event.keyCode) {
+ case Event.KEY_TAB:
+ case Event.KEY_RETURN:
+ this.selectEntry();
+ Event.stop(event);
+ case Event.KEY_ESC:
+ this.hide();
+ this.active = false;
+ Event.stop(event);
+ return;
+ case Event.KEY_LEFT:
+ case Event.KEY_RIGHT:
+ return;
+ case Event.KEY_UP:
+ this.markPrevious();
+ this.render();
+ Event.stop(event);
+ return;
+ case Event.KEY_DOWN:
+ this.markNext();
+ this.render();
+ Event.stop(event);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ if(event.keyCode==Event.KEY_TAB || event.keyCode==Event.KEY_RETURN ||
+ (Prototype.Browser.WebKit > 0 && event.keyCode == 0)) return;
+ this.changed = true;
+ this.hasFocus = true;
+ if(this.observer) clearTimeout(this.observer);
+ this.observer =
+ setTimeout(this.onObserverEvent.bind(this), this.options.frequency*1000);
+ },
+ activate: function() {
+ this.changed = false;
+ this.hasFocus = true;
+ this.getUpdatedChoices();
+ },
+ onHover: function(event) {
+ var element = Event.findElement(event, 'LI');
+ if(this.index != element.autocompleteIndex)
+ {
+ this.index = element.autocompleteIndex;
+ this.render();
+ }
+ Event.stop(event);
+ },
+ onClick: function(event) {
+ var element = Event.findElement(event, 'LI');
+ this.index = element.autocompleteIndex;
+ this.selectEntry();
+ this.hide();
+ },
+ onBlur: function(event) {
+ // needed to make click events working
+ setTimeout(this.hide.bind(this), 250);
+ this.hasFocus = false;
+ this.active = false;
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ if(this.entryCount > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.entryCount; i++)
+ this.index==i ?
+ Element.addClassName(this.getEntry(i),"selected") :
+ Element.removeClassName(this.getEntry(i),"selected");
+ if(this.hasFocus) {
+ this.show();
+ this.active = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ },
+ markPrevious: function() {
+ if(this.index > 0) this.index--;
+ else this.index = this.entryCount-1;
+ this.getEntry(this.index).scrollIntoView(true);
+ },
+ markNext: function() {
+ if(this.index < this.entryCount-1) this.index++;
+ else this.index = 0;
+ this.getEntry(this.index).scrollIntoView(false);
+ },
+ getEntry: function(index) {
+ return this.update.firstChild.childNodes[index];
+ },
+ getCurrentEntry: function() {
+ return this.getEntry(this.index);
+ },
+ selectEntry: function() {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.updateElement(this.getCurrentEntry());
+ },
+ updateElement: function(selectedElement) {
+ if (this.options.updateElement) {
+ this.options.updateElement(selectedElement);
+ return;
+ }
+ var value = '';
+ if (this.options.select) {
+ var nodes = $(selectedElement).select('.' + this.options.select) || [];
+ if(nodes.length>0) value = Element.collectTextNodes(nodes[0], this.options.select);
+ } else
+ value = Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(selectedElement, 'informal');
+ var bounds = this.getTokenBounds();
+ if (bounds[0] != -1) {
+ var newValue = this.element.value.substr(0, bounds[0]);
+ var whitespace = this.element.value.substr(bounds[0]).match(/^\s+/);
+ if (whitespace)
+ newValue += whitespace[0];
+ this.element.value = newValue + value + this.element.value.substr(bounds[1]);
+ } else {
+ this.element.value = value;
+ }
+ this.oldElementValue = this.element.value;
+ this.element.focus();
+ if (this.options.afterUpdateElement)
+ this.options.afterUpdateElement(this.element, selectedElement);
+ },
+ updateChoices: function(choices) {
+ if(!this.changed && this.hasFocus) {
+ this.update.innerHTML = choices;
+ Element.cleanWhitespace(this.update);
+ Element.cleanWhitespace(this.update.down());
+ if(this.update.firstChild && this.update.down().childNodes) {
+ this.entryCount =
+ this.update.down().childNodes.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.entryCount; i++) {
+ var entry = this.getEntry(i);
+ entry.autocompleteIndex = i;
+ this.addObservers(entry);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.entryCount = 0;
+ }
+ this.stopIndicator();
+ this.index = 0;
+ if(this.entryCount==1 && this.options.autoSelect) {
+ this.selectEntry();
+ this.hide();
+ } else {
+ this.render();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ addObservers: function(element) {
+ Event.observe(element, "mouseover", this.onHover.bindAsEventListener(this));
+ Event.observe(element, "click", this.onClick.bindAsEventListener(this));
+ },
+ onObserverEvent: function() {
+ this.changed = false;
+ this.tokenBounds = null;
+ if(this.getToken().length>=this.options.minChars) {
+ this.getUpdatedChoices();
+ } else {
+ this.active = false;
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ this.oldElementValue = this.element.value;
+ },
+ getToken: function() {
+ var bounds = this.getTokenBounds();
+ return this.element.value.substring(bounds[0], bounds[1]).strip();
+ },
+ getTokenBounds: function() {
+ if (null != this.tokenBounds) return this.tokenBounds;
+ var value = this.element.value;
+ if (value.strip().empty()) return [-1, 0];
+ var diff = arguments.callee.getFirstDifferencePos(value, this.oldElementValue);
+ var offset = (diff == this.oldElementValue.length ? 1 : 0);
+ var prevTokenPos = -1, nextTokenPos = value.length;
+ var tp;
+ for (var index = 0, l = this.options.tokens.length; index < l; ++index) {
+ tp = value.lastIndexOf(this.options.tokens[index], diff + offset - 1);
+ if (tp > prevTokenPos) prevTokenPos = tp;
+ tp = value.indexOf(this.options.tokens[index], diff + offset);
+ if (-1 != tp && tp < nextTokenPos) nextTokenPos = tp;
+ }
+ return (this.tokenBounds = [prevTokenPos + 1, nextTokenPos]);
+ }
+Autocompleter.Base.prototype.getTokenBounds.getFirstDifferencePos = function(newS, oldS) {
+ var boundary = Math.min(newS.length, oldS.length);
+ for (var index = 0; index < boundary; ++index)
+ if (newS[index] != oldS[index])
+ return index;
+ return boundary;
+Ajax.Autocompleter = Class.create(Autocompleter.Base, {
+ initialize: function(element, update, url, options) {
+ this.baseInitialize(element, update, options);
+ this.options.asynchronous = true;
+ this.options.onComplete = this.onComplete.bind(this);
+ this.options.defaultParams = this.options.parameters || null;
+ this.url = url;
+ },
+ getUpdatedChoices: function() {
+ this.startIndicator();
+ var entry = encodeURIComponent(this.options.paramName) + '=' +
+ encodeURIComponent(this.getToken());
+ this.options.parameters = this.options.callback ?
+ this.options.callback(this.element, entry) : entry;
+ if(this.options.defaultParams)
+ this.options.parameters += '&' + this.options.defaultParams;
+ new Ajax.Request(this.url, this.options);
+ },
+ onComplete: function(request) {
+ this.updateChoices(request.responseText);
+ }
+// The local array autocompleter. Used when you'd prefer to
+// inject an array of autocompletion options into the page, rather
+// than sending out Ajax queries, which can be quite slow sometimes.
+// The constructor takes four parameters. The first two are, as usual,
+// the id of the monitored textbox, and id of the autocompletion menu.
+// The third is the array you want to autocomplete from, and the fourth
+// is the options block.
+// Extra local autocompletion options:
+// - choices - How many autocompletion choices to offer
+// - partialSearch - If false, the autocompleter will match entered
+// text only at the beginning of strings in the
+// autocomplete array. Defaults to true, which will
+// match text at the beginning of any *word* in the
+// strings in the autocomplete array. If you want to
+// search anywhere in the string, additionally set
+// the option fullSearch to true (default: off).
+// - fullSsearch - Search anywhere in autocomplete array strings.
+// - partialChars - How many characters to enter before triggering
+// a partial match (unlike minChars, which defines
+// how many characters are required to do any match
+// at all). Defaults to 2.
+// - ignoreCase - Whether to ignore case when autocompleting.
+// Defaults to true.
+// It's possible to pass in a custom function as the 'selector'
+// option, if you prefer to write your own autocompletion logic.
+// In that case, the other options above will not apply unless
+// you support them.
+Autocompleter.Local = Class.create(Autocompleter.Base, {
+ initialize: function(element, update, array, options) {
+ this.baseInitialize(element, update, options);
+ this.options.array = array;
+ },
+ getUpdatedChoices: function() {
+ this.updateChoices(this.options.selector(this));
+ },
+ setOptions: function(options) {
+ this.options = Object.extend({
+ choices: 10,
+ partialSearch: true,
+ partialChars: 2,
+ ignoreCase: true,
+ fullSearch: false,
+ selector: function(instance) {
+ var ret = []; // Beginning matches
+ var partial = []; // Inside matches
+ var entry = instance.getToken();
+ var count = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < instance.options.array.length &&
+ ret.length < instance.options.choices ; i++) {
+ var elem = instance.options.array[i];
+ var foundPos = instance.options.ignoreCase ?
+ elem.toLowerCase().indexOf(entry.toLowerCase()) :
+ elem.indexOf(entry);
+ while (foundPos != -1) {
+ if (foundPos == 0 && elem.length != entry.length) {
+ ret.push("<li><strong>" + elem.substr(0, entry.length) + "</strong>" +
+ elem.substr(entry.length) + "</li>");
+ break;
+ } else if (entry.length >= instance.options.partialChars &&
+ instance.options.partialSearch && foundPos != -1) {
+ if (instance.options.fullSearch || /\s/.test(elem.substr(foundPos-1,1))) {
+ partial.push("<li>" + elem.substr(0, foundPos) + "<strong>" +
+ elem.substr(foundPos, entry.length) + "</strong>" + elem.substr(
+ foundPos + entry.length) + "</li>");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ foundPos = instance.options.ignoreCase ?
+ elem.toLowerCase().indexOf(entry.toLowerCase(), foundPos + 1) :
+ elem.indexOf(entry, foundPos + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (partial.length)
+ ret = ret.concat(partial.slice(0, instance.options.choices - ret.length));
+ return "<ul>" + ret.join('') + "</ul>";
+ }
+ }, options || { });
+ }
+// AJAX in-place editor and collection editor
+// Full rewrite by Christophe Porteneuve <tdd at tddsworld.com> (April 2007).
+// Use this if you notice weird scrolling problems on some browsers,
+// the DOM might be a bit confused when this gets called so do this
+// waits 1 ms (with setTimeout) until it does the activation
+Field.scrollFreeActivate = function(field) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ Field.activate(field);
+ }, 1);
+Ajax.InPlaceEditor = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(element, url, options) {
+ this.url = url;
+ this.element = element = $(element);
+ this.prepareOptions();
+ this._controls = { };
+ arguments.callee.dealWithDeprecatedOptions(options); // DEPRECATION LAYER!!!
+ Object.extend(this.options, options || { });
+ if (!this.options.formId && this.element.id) {
+ this.options.formId = this.element.id + '-inplaceeditor';
+ if ($(this.options.formId))
+ this.options.formId = '';
+ }
+ if (this.options.externalControl)
+ this.options.externalControl = $(this.options.externalControl);
+ if (!this.options.externalControl)
+ this.options.externalControlOnly = false;
+ this._originalBackground = this.element.getStyle('background-color') || 'transparent';
+ this.element.title = this.options.clickToEditText;
+ this._boundCancelHandler = this.handleFormCancellation.bind(this);
+ this._boundComplete = (this.options.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).bind(this);
+ this._boundFailureHandler = this.handleAJAXFailure.bind(this);
+ this._boundSubmitHandler = this.handleFormSubmission.bind(this);
+ this._boundWrapperHandler = this.wrapUp.bind(this);
+ this.registerListeners();
+ },
+ checkForEscapeOrReturn: function(e) {
+ if (!this._editing || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey) return;
+ if (Event.KEY_ESC == e.keyCode)
+ this.handleFormCancellation(e);
+ else if (Event.KEY_RETURN == e.keyCode)
+ this.handleFormSubmission(e);
+ },
+ createControl: function(mode, handler, extraClasses) {
+ var control = this.options[mode + 'Control'];
+ var text = this.options[mode + 'Text'];
+ if ('button' == control) {
+ var btn = document.createElement('input');
+ btn.type = 'submit';
+ btn.value = text;
+ btn.className = 'editor_' + mode + '_button';
+ if ('cancel' == mode)
+ btn.onclick = this._boundCancelHandler;
+ this._form.appendChild(btn);
+ this._controls[mode] = btn;
+ } else if ('link' == control) {
+ var link = document.createElement('a');
+ link.href = '#';
+ link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ link.onclick = 'cancel' == mode ? this._boundCancelHandler : this._boundSubmitHandler;
+ link.className = 'editor_' + mode + '_link';
+ if (extraClasses)
+ link.className += ' ' + extraClasses;
+ this._form.appendChild(link);
+ this._controls[mode] = link;
+ }
+ },
+ createEditField: function() {
+ var text = (this.options.loadTextURL ? this.options.loadingText : this.getText());
+ var fld;
+ if (1 >= this.options.rows && !/\r|\n/.test(this.getText())) {
+ fld = document.createElement('input');
+ fld.type = 'text';
+ var size = this.options.size || this.options.cols || 0;
+ if (0 < size) fld.size = size;
+ } else {
+ fld = document.createElement('textarea');
+ fld.rows = (1 >= this.options.rows ? this.options.autoRows : this.options.rows);
+ fld.cols = this.options.cols || 40;
+ }
+ fld.name = this.options.paramName;
+ fld.value = text; // No HTML breaks conversion anymore
+ fld.className = 'editor_field';
+ if (this.options.submitOnBlur)
+ fld.onblur = this._boundSubmitHandler;
+ this._controls.editor = fld;
+ if (this.options.loadTextURL)
+ this.loadExternalText();
+ this._form.appendChild(this._controls.editor);
+ },
+ createForm: function() {
+ var ipe = this;
+ function addText(mode, condition) {
+ var text = ipe.options['text' + mode + 'Controls'];
+ if (!text || condition === false) return;
+ ipe._form.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text));
+ };
+ this._form = $(document.createElement('form'));
+ this._form.id = this.options.formId;
+ this._form.addClassName(this.options.formClassName);
+ this._form.onsubmit = this._boundSubmitHandler;
+ this.createEditField();
+ if ('textarea' == this._controls.editor.tagName.toLowerCase())
+ this._form.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+ if (this.options.onFormCustomization)
+ this.options.onFormCustomization(this, this._form);
+ addText('Before', this.options.okControl || this.options.cancelControl);
+ this.createControl('ok', this._boundSubmitHandler);
+ addText('Between', this.options.okControl && this.options.cancelControl);
+ this.createControl('cancel', this._boundCancelHandler, 'editor_cancel');
+ addText('After', this.options.okControl || this.options.cancelControl);
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this._oldInnerHTML)
+ this.element.innerHTML = this._oldInnerHTML;
+ this.leaveEditMode();
+ this.unregisterListeners();
+ },
+ enterEditMode: function(e) {
+ if (this._saving || this._editing) return;
+ this._editing = true;
+ this.triggerCallback('onEnterEditMode');
+ if (this.options.externalControl)
+ this.options.externalControl.hide();
+ this.element.hide();
+ this.createForm();
+ this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this._form, this.element);
+ if (!this.options.loadTextURL)
+ this.postProcessEditField();
+ if (e) Event.stop(e);
+ },
+ enterHover: function(e) {
+ if (this.options.hoverClassName)
+ this.element.addClassName(this.options.hoverClassName);
+ if (this._saving) return;
+ this.triggerCallback('onEnterHover');
+ },
+ getText: function() {
+ return this.element.innerHTML.unescapeHTML();
+ },
+ handleAJAXFailure: function(transport) {
+ this.triggerCallback('onFailure', transport);
+ if (this._oldInnerHTML) {
+ this.element.innerHTML = this._oldInnerHTML;
+ this._oldInnerHTML = null;
+ }
+ },
+ handleFormCancellation: function(e) {
+ this.wrapUp();
+ if (e) Event.stop(e);
+ },
+ handleFormSubmission: function(e) {
+ var form = this._form;
+ var value = $F(this._controls.editor);
+ this.prepareSubmission();
+ var params = this.options.callback(form, value) || '';
+ if (Object.isString(params))
+ params = params.toQueryParams();
+ params.editorId = this.element.id;
+ if (this.options.htmlResponse) {
+ var options = Object.extend({ evalScripts: true }, this.options.ajaxOptions);
+ Object.extend(options, {
+ parameters: params,
+ onComplete: this._boundWrapperHandler,
+ onFailure: this._boundFailureHandler
+ });
+ new Ajax.Updater({ success: this.element }, this.url, options);
+ } else {
+ var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions);
+ Object.extend(options, {
+ parameters: params,
+ onComplete: this._boundWrapperHandler,
+ onFailure: this._boundFailureHandler
+ });
+ new Ajax.Request(this.url, options);
+ }
+ if (e) Event.stop(e);
+ },
+ leaveEditMode: function() {
+ this.element.removeClassName(this.options.savingClassName);
+ this.removeForm();
+ this.leaveHover();
+ this.element.style.backgroundColor = this._originalBackground;
+ this.element.show();
+ if (this.options.externalControl)
+ this.options.externalControl.show();
+ this._saving = false;
+ this._editing = false;
+ this._oldInnerHTML = null;
+ this.triggerCallback('onLeaveEditMode');
+ },
+ leaveHover: function(e) {
+ if (this.options.hoverClassName)
+ this.element.removeClassName(this.options.hoverClassName);
+ if (this._saving) return;
+ this.triggerCallback('onLeaveHover');
+ },
+ loadExternalText: function() {
+ this._form.addClassName(this.options.loadingClassName);
+ this._controls.editor.disabled = true;
+ var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions);
+ Object.extend(options, {
+ parameters: 'editorId=' + encodeURIComponent(this.element.id),
+ onComplete: Prototype.emptyFunction,
+ onSuccess: function(transport) {
+ this._form.removeClassName(this.options.loadingClassName);
+ var text = transport.responseText;
+ if (this.options.stripLoadedTextTags)
+ text = text.stripTags();
+ this._controls.editor.value = text;
+ this._controls.editor.disabled = false;
+ this.postProcessEditField();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: this._boundFailureHandler
+ });
+ new Ajax.Request(this.options.loadTextURL, options);
+ },
+ postProcessEditField: function() {
+ var fpc = this.options.fieldPostCreation;
+ if (fpc)
+ $(this._controls.editor)['focus' == fpc ? 'focus' : 'activate']();
+ },
+ prepareOptions: function() {
+ this.options = Object.clone(Ajax.InPlaceEditor.DefaultOptions);
+ Object.extend(this.options, Ajax.InPlaceEditor.DefaultCallbacks);
+ [this._extraDefaultOptions].flatten().compact().each(function(defs) {
+ Object.extend(this.options, defs);
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ prepareSubmission: function() {
+ this._saving = true;
+ this.removeForm();
+ this.leaveHover();
+ this.showSaving();
+ },
+ registerListeners: function() {
+ this._listeners = { };
+ var listener;
+ $H(Ajax.InPlaceEditor.Listeners).each(function(pair) {
+ listener = this[pair.value].bind(this);
+ this._listeners[pair.key] = listener;
+ if (!this.options.externalControlOnly)
+ this.element.observe(pair.key, listener);
+ if (this.options.externalControl)
+ this.options.externalControl.observe(pair.key, listener);
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ removeForm: function() {
+ if (!this._form) return;
+ this._form.remove();
+ this._form = null;
+ this._controls = { };
+ },
+ showSaving: function() {
+ this._oldInnerHTML = this.element.innerHTML;
+ this.element.innerHTML = this.options.savingText;
+ this.element.addClassName(this.options.savingClassName);
+ this.element.style.backgroundColor = this._originalBackground;
+ this.element.show();
+ },
+ triggerCallback: function(cbName, arg) {
+ if ('function' == typeof this.options[cbName]) {
+ this.options[cbName](this, arg);
+ }
+ },
+ unregisterListeners: function() {
+ $H(this._listeners).each(function(pair) {
+ if (!this.options.externalControlOnly)
+ this.element.stopObserving(pair.key, pair.value);
+ if (this.options.externalControl)
+ this.options.externalControl.stopObserving(pair.key, pair.value);
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ wrapUp: function(transport) {
+ this.leaveEditMode();
+ // Can't use triggerCallback due to backward compatibility: requires
+ // binding + direct element
+ this._boundComplete(transport, this.element);
+ }
+Object.extend(Ajax.InPlaceEditor.prototype, {
+ dispose: Ajax.InPlaceEditor.prototype.destroy
+Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor = Class.create(Ajax.InPlaceEditor, {
+ initialize: function($super, element, url, options) {
+ this._extraDefaultOptions = Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor.DefaultOptions;
+ $super(element, url, options);
+ },
+ createEditField: function() {
+ var list = document.createElement('select');
+ list.name = this.options.paramName;
+ list.size = 1;
+ this._controls.editor = list;
+ this._collection = this.options.collection || [];
+ if (this.options.loadCollectionURL)
+ this.loadCollection();
+ else
+ this.checkForExternalText();
+ this._form.appendChild(this._controls.editor);
+ },
+ loadCollection: function() {
+ this._form.addClassName(this.options.loadingClassName);
+ this.showLoadingText(this.options.loadingCollectionText);
+ var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions);
+ Object.extend(options, {
+ parameters: 'editorId=' + encodeURIComponent(this.element.id),
+ onComplete: Prototype.emptyFunction,
+ onSuccess: function(transport) {
+ var js = transport.responseText.strip();
+ if (!/^\[.*\]$/.test(js)) // TODO: improve sanity check
+ throw('Server returned an invalid collection representation.');
+ this._collection = eval(js);
+ this.checkForExternalText();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: this.onFailure
+ });
+ new Ajax.Request(this.options.loadCollectionURL, options);
+ },
+ showLoadingText: function(text) {
+ this._controls.editor.disabled = true;
+ var tempOption = this._controls.editor.firstChild;
+ if (!tempOption) {
+ tempOption = document.createElement('option');
+ tempOption.value = '';
+ this._controls.editor.appendChild(tempOption);
+ tempOption.selected = true;
+ }
+ tempOption.update((text || '').stripScripts().stripTags());
+ },
+ checkForExternalText: function() {
+ this._text = this.getText();
+ if (this.options.loadTextURL)
+ this.loadExternalText();
+ else
+ this.buildOptionList();
+ },
+ loadExternalText: function() {
+ this.showLoadingText(this.options.loadingText);
+ var options = Object.extend({ method: 'get' }, this.options.ajaxOptions);
+ Object.extend(options, {
+ parameters: 'editorId=' + encodeURIComponent(this.element.id),
+ onComplete: Prototype.emptyFunction,
+ onSuccess: function(transport) {
+ this._text = transport.responseText.strip();
+ this.buildOptionList();
+ }.bind(this),
+ onFailure: this.onFailure
+ });
+ new Ajax.Request(this.options.loadTextURL, options);
+ },
+ buildOptionList: function() {
+ this._form.removeClassName(this.options.loadingClassName);
+ this._collection = this._collection.map(function(entry) {
+ return 2 === entry.length ? entry : [entry, entry].flatten();
+ });
+ var marker = ('value' in this.options) ? this.options.value : this._text;
+ var textFound = this._collection.any(function(entry) {
+ return entry[0] == marker;
+ }.bind(this));
+ this._controls.editor.update('');
+ var option;
+ this._collection.each(function(entry, index) {
+ option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = entry[0];
+ option.selected = textFound ? entry[0] == marker : 0 == index;
+ option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(entry[1]));
+ this._controls.editor.appendChild(option);
+ }.bind(this));
+ this._controls.editor.disabled = false;
+ Field.scrollFreeActivate(this._controls.editor);
+ }
+//**** DEPRECATION LAYER FOR InPlace[Collection]Editor! ****
+//**** This only exists for a while, in order to let ****
+//**** users adapt to the new API. Read up on the new ****
+//**** API and convert your code to it ASAP! ****
+Ajax.InPlaceEditor.prototype.initialize.dealWithDeprecatedOptions = function(options) {
+ if (!options) return;
+ function fallback(name, expr) {
+ if (name in options || expr === undefined) return;
+ options[name] = expr;
+ };
+ fallback('cancelControl', (options.cancelLink ? 'link' : (options.cancelButton ? 'button' :
+ options.cancelLink == options.cancelButton == false ? false : undefined)));
+ fallback('okControl', (options.okLink ? 'link' : (options.okButton ? 'button' :
+ options.okLink == options.okButton == false ? false : undefined)));
+ fallback('highlightColor', options.highlightcolor);
+ fallback('highlightEndColor', options.highlightendcolor);
+Object.extend(Ajax.InPlaceEditor, {
+ DefaultOptions: {
+ ajaxOptions: { },
+ autoRows: 3, // Use when multi-line w/ rows == 1
+ cancelControl: 'link', // 'link'|'button'|false
+ cancelText: 'cancel',
+ clickToEditText: 'Click to edit',
+ externalControl: null, // id|elt
+ externalControlOnly: false,
+ fieldPostCreation: 'activate', // 'activate'|'focus'|false
+ formClassName: 'inplaceeditor-form',
+ formId: null, // id|elt
+ highlightColor: '#ffff99',
+ highlightEndColor: '#ffffff',
+ hoverClassName: '',
+ htmlResponse: true,
+ loadingClassName: 'inplaceeditor-loading',
+ loadingText: 'Loading...',
+ okControl: 'button', // 'link'|'button'|false
+ okText: 'ok',
+ paramName: 'value',
+ rows: 1, // If 1 and multi-line, uses autoRows
+ savingClassName: 'inplaceeditor-saving',
+ savingText: 'Saving...',
+ size: 0,
+ stripLoadedTextTags: false,
+ submitOnBlur: false,
+ textAfterControls: '',
+ textBeforeControls: '',
+ textBetweenControls: ''
+ },
+ DefaultCallbacks: {
+ callback: function(form) {
+ return Form.serialize(form);
+ },
+ onComplete: function(transport, element) {
+ // For backward compatibility, this one is bound to the IPE, and passes
+ // the element directly. It was too often customized, so we don't break it.
+ new Effect.Highlight(element, {
+ startcolor: this.options.highlightColor, keepBackgroundImage: true });
+ },
+ onEnterEditMode: null,
+ onEnterHover: function(ipe) {
+ ipe.element.style.backgroundColor = ipe.options.highlightColor;
+ if (ipe._effect)
+ ipe._effect.cancel();
+ },
+ onFailure: function(transport, ipe) {
+ alert('Error communication with the server: ' + transport.responseText.stripTags());
+ },
+ onFormCustomization: null, // Takes the IPE and its generated form, after editor, before controls.
+ onLeaveEditMode: null,
+ onLeaveHover: function(ipe) {
+ ipe._effect = new Effect.Highlight(ipe.element, {
+ startcolor: ipe.options.highlightColor, endcolor: ipe.options.highlightEndColor,
+ restorecolor: ipe._originalBackground, keepBackgroundImage: true
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ Listeners: {
+ click: 'enterEditMode',
+ keydown: 'checkForEscapeOrReturn',
+ mouseover: 'enterHover',
+ mouseout: 'leaveHover'
+ }
+Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor.DefaultOptions = {
+ loadingCollectionText: 'Loading options...'
+// Delayed observer, like Form.Element.Observer,
+// but waits for delay after last key input
+// Ideal for live-search fields
+Form.Element.DelayedObserver = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(element, delay, callback) {
+ this.delay = delay || 0.5;
+ this.element = $(element);
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.timer = null;
+ this.lastValue = $F(this.element);
+ Event.observe(this.element,'keyup',this.delayedListener.bindAsEventListener(this));
+ },
+ delayedListener: function(event) {
+ if(this.lastValue == $F(this.element)) return;
+ if(this.timer) clearTimeout(this.timer);
+ this.timer = setTimeout(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.delay * 1000);
+ this.lastValue = $F(this.element);
+ },
+ onTimerEvent: function() {
+ this.timer = null;
+ this.callback(this.element, $F(this.element));
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+// script.aculo.us dragdrop.js v1.8.3, Thu Oct 08 11:23:33 +0200 2009
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us)
+// script.aculo.us is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
+// For details, see the script.aculo.us web site: http://script.aculo.us/
+ throw("dragdrop.js requires including script.aculo.us' effects.js library");
+var Droppables = {
+ drops: [],
+ remove: function(element) {
+ this.drops = this.drops.reject(function(d) { return d.element==$(element) });
+ },
+ add: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ greedy: true,
+ hoverclass: null,
+ tree: false
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ // cache containers
+ if(options.containment) {
+ options._containers = [];
+ var containment = options.containment;
+ if(Object.isArray(containment)) {
+ containment.each( function(c) { options._containers.push($(c)) });
+ } else {
+ options._containers.push($(containment));
+ }
+ }
+ if(options.accept) options.accept = [options.accept].flatten();
+ Element.makePositioned(element); // fix IE
+ options.element = element;
+ this.drops.push(options);
+ },
+ findDeepestChild: function(drops) {
+ deepest = drops[0];
+ for (i = 1; i < drops.length; ++i)
+ if (Element.isParent(drops[i].element, deepest.element))
+ deepest = drops[i];
+ return deepest;
+ },
+ isContained: function(element, drop) {
+ var containmentNode;
+ if(drop.tree) {
+ containmentNode = element.treeNode;
+ } else {
+ containmentNode = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ return drop._containers.detect(function(c) { return containmentNode == c });
+ },
+ isAffected: function(point, element, drop) {
+ return (
+ (drop.element!=element) &&
+ ((!drop._containers) ||
+ this.isContained(element, drop)) &&
+ ((!drop.accept) ||
+ (Element.classNames(element).detect(
+ function(v) { return drop.accept.include(v) } ) )) &&
+ Position.within(drop.element, point[0], point[1]) );
+ },
+ deactivate: function(drop) {
+ if(drop.hoverclass)
+ Element.removeClassName(drop.element, drop.hoverclass);
+ this.last_active = null;
+ },
+ activate: function(drop) {
+ if(drop.hoverclass)
+ Element.addClassName(drop.element, drop.hoverclass);
+ this.last_active = drop;
+ },
+ show: function(point, element) {
+ if(!this.drops.length) return;
+ var drop, affected = [];
+ this.drops.each( function(drop) {
+ if(Droppables.isAffected(point, element, drop))
+ affected.push(drop);
+ });
+ if(affected.length>0)
+ drop = Droppables.findDeepestChild(affected);
+ if(this.last_active && this.last_active != drop) this.deactivate(this.last_active);
+ if (drop) {
+ Position.within(drop.element, point[0], point[1]);
+ if(drop.onHover)
+ drop.onHover(element, drop.element, Position.overlap(drop.overlap, drop.element));
+ if (drop != this.last_active) Droppables.activate(drop);
+ }
+ },
+ fire: function(event, element) {
+ if(!this.last_active) return;
+ Position.prepare();
+ if (this.isAffected([Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)], element, this.last_active))
+ if (this.last_active.onDrop) {
+ this.last_active.onDrop(element, this.last_active.element, event);
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ reset: function() {
+ if(this.last_active)
+ this.deactivate(this.last_active);
+ }
+var Draggables = {
+ drags: [],
+ observers: [],
+ register: function(draggable) {
+ if(this.drags.length == 0) {
+ this.eventMouseUp = this.endDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
+ this.eventMouseMove = this.updateDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
+ this.eventKeypress = this.keyPress.bindAsEventListener(this);
+ Event.observe(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp);
+ Event.observe(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove);
+ Event.observe(document, "keypress", this.eventKeypress);
+ }
+ this.drags.push(draggable);
+ },
+ unregister: function(draggable) {
+ this.drags = this.drags.reject(function(d) { return d==draggable });
+ if(this.drags.length == 0) {
+ Event.stopObserving(document, "mouseup", this.eventMouseUp);
+ Event.stopObserving(document, "mousemove", this.eventMouseMove);
+ Event.stopObserving(document, "keypress", this.eventKeypress);
+ }
+ },
+ activate: function(draggable) {
+ if(draggable.options.delay) {
+ this._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
+ Draggables._timeout = null;
+ window.focus();
+ Draggables.activeDraggable = draggable;
+ }.bind(this), draggable.options.delay);
+ } else {
+ window.focus(); // allows keypress events if window isn't currently focused, fails for Safari
+ this.activeDraggable = draggable;
+ }
+ },
+ deactivate: function() {
+ this.activeDraggable = null;
+ },
+ updateDrag: function(event) {
+ if(!this.activeDraggable) return;
+ var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)];
+ // Mozilla-based browsers fire successive mousemove events with
+ // the same coordinates, prevent needless redrawing (moz bug?)
+ if(this._lastPointer && (this._lastPointer.inspect() == pointer.inspect())) return;
+ this._lastPointer = pointer;
+ this.activeDraggable.updateDrag(event, pointer);
+ },
+ endDrag: function(event) {
+ if(this._timeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this._timeout);
+ this._timeout = null;
+ }
+ if(!this.activeDraggable) return;
+ this._lastPointer = null;
+ this.activeDraggable.endDrag(event);
+ this.activeDraggable = null;
+ },
+ keyPress: function(event) {
+ if(this.activeDraggable)
+ this.activeDraggable.keyPress(event);
+ },
+ addObserver: function(observer) {
+ this.observers.push(observer);
+ this._cacheObserverCallbacks();
+ },
+ removeObserver: function(element) { // element instead of observer fixes mem leaks
+ this.observers = this.observers.reject( function(o) { return o.element==element });
+ this._cacheObserverCallbacks();
+ },
+ notify: function(eventName, draggable, event) { // 'onStart', 'onEnd', 'onDrag'
+ if(this[eventName+'Count'] > 0)
+ this.observers.each( function(o) {
+ if(o[eventName]) o[eventName](eventName, draggable, event);
+ });
+ if(draggable.options[eventName]) draggable.options[eventName](draggable, event);
+ },
+ _cacheObserverCallbacks: function() {
+ ['onStart','onEnd','onDrag'].each( function(eventName) {
+ Draggables[eventName+'Count'] = Draggables.observers.select(
+ function(o) { return o[eventName]; }
+ ).length;
+ });
+ }
+var Draggable = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(element) {
+ var defaults = {
+ handle: false,
+ reverteffect: function(element, top_offset, left_offset) {
+ var dur = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(top_offset^2)+Math.abs(left_offset^2))*0.02;
+ new Effect.Move(element, { x: -left_offset, y: -top_offset, duration: dur,
+ queue: {scope:'_draggable', position:'end'}
+ });
+ },
+ endeffect: function(element) {
+ var toOpacity = Object.isNumber(element._opacity) ? element._opacity : 1.0;
+ new Effect.Opacity(element, {duration:0.2, from:0.7, to:toOpacity,
+ queue: {scope:'_draggable', position:'end'},
+ afterFinish: function(){
+ Draggable._dragging[element] = false
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ zindex: 1000,
+ revert: false,
+ quiet: false,
+ scroll: false,
+ scrollSensitivity: 20,
+ scrollSpeed: 15,
+ snap: false, // false, or xy or [x,y] or function(x,y){ return [x,y] }
+ delay: 0
+ };
+ if(!arguments[1] || Object.isUndefined(arguments[1].endeffect))
+ Object.extend(defaults, {
+ starteffect: function(element) {
+ element._opacity = Element.getOpacity(element);
+ Draggable._dragging[element] = true;
+ new Effect.Opacity(element, {duration:0.2, from:element._opacity, to:0.7});
+ }
+ });
+ var options = Object.extend(defaults, arguments[1] || { });
+ this.element = $(element);
+ if(options.handle && Object.isString(options.handle))
+ this.handle = this.element.down('.'+options.handle, 0);
+ if(!this.handle) this.handle = $(options.handle);
+ if(!this.handle) this.handle = this.element;
+ if(options.scroll && !options.scroll.scrollTo && !options.scroll.outerHTML) {
+ options.scroll = $(options.scroll);
+ this._isScrollChild = Element.childOf(this.element, options.scroll);
+ }
+ Element.makePositioned(this.element); // fix IE
+ this.options = options;
+ this.dragging = false;
+ this.eventMouseDown = this.initDrag.bindAsEventListener(this);
+ Event.observe(this.handle, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown);
+ Draggables.register(this);
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ Event.stopObserving(this.handle, "mousedown", this.eventMouseDown);
+ Draggables.unregister(this);
+ },
+ currentDelta: function() {
+ return([
+ parseInt(Element.getStyle(this.element,'left') || '0'),
+ parseInt(Element.getStyle(this.element,'top') || '0')]);
+ },
+ initDrag: function(event) {
+ if(!Object.isUndefined(Draggable._dragging[this.element]) &&
+ Draggable._dragging[this.element]) return;
+ if(Event.isLeftClick(event)) {
+ // abort on form elements, fixes a Firefox issue
+ var src = Event.element(event);
+ if((tag_name = src.tagName.toUpperCase()) && (
+ tag_name=='INPUT' ||
+ tag_name=='SELECT' ||
+ tag_name=='OPTION' ||
+ tag_name=='BUTTON' ||
+ tag_name=='TEXTAREA')) return;
+ var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)];
+ var pos = this.element.cumulativeOffset();
+ this.offset = [0,1].map( function(i) { return (pointer[i] - pos[i]) });
+ Draggables.activate(this);
+ Event.stop(event);
+ }
+ },
+ startDrag: function(event) {
+ this.dragging = true;
+ if(!this.delta)
+ this.delta = this.currentDelta();
+ if(this.options.zindex) {
+ this.originalZ = parseInt(Element.getStyle(this.element,'z-index') || 0);
+ this.element.style.zIndex = this.options.zindex;
+ }
+ if(this.options.ghosting) {
+ this._clone = this.element.cloneNode(true);
+ this._originallyAbsolute = (this.element.getStyle('position') == 'absolute');
+ if (!this._originallyAbsolute)
+ Position.absolutize(this.element);
+ this.element.parentNode.insertBefore(this._clone, this.element);
+ }
+ if(this.options.scroll) {
+ if (this.options.scroll == window) {
+ var where = this._getWindowScroll(this.options.scroll);
+ this.originalScrollLeft = where.left;
+ this.originalScrollTop = where.top;
+ } else {
+ this.originalScrollLeft = this.options.scroll.scrollLeft;
+ this.originalScrollTop = this.options.scroll.scrollTop;
+ }
+ }
+ Draggables.notify('onStart', this, event);
+ if(this.options.starteffect) this.options.starteffect(this.element);
+ },
+ updateDrag: function(event, pointer) {
+ if(!this.dragging) this.startDrag(event);
+ if(!this.options.quiet){
+ Position.prepare();
+ Droppables.show(pointer, this.element);
+ }
+ Draggables.notify('onDrag', this, event);
+ this.draw(pointer);
+ if(this.options.change) this.options.change(this);
+ if(this.options.scroll) {
+ this.stopScrolling();
+ var p;
+ if (this.options.scroll == window) {
+ with(this._getWindowScroll(this.options.scroll)) { p = [ left, top, left+width, top+height ]; }
+ } else {
+ p = Position.page(this.options.scroll);
+ p[0] += this.options.scroll.scrollLeft + Position.deltaX;
+ p[1] += this.options.scroll.scrollTop + Position.deltaY;
+ p.push(p[0]+this.options.scroll.offsetWidth);
+ p.push(p[1]+this.options.scroll.offsetHeight);
+ }
+ var speed = [0,0];
+ if(pointer[0] < (p[0]+this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[0] = pointer[0]-(p[0]+this.options.scrollSensitivity);
+ if(pointer[1] < (p[1]+this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[1] = pointer[1]-(p[1]+this.options.scrollSensitivity);
+ if(pointer[0] > (p[2]-this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[0] = pointer[0]-(p[2]-this.options.scrollSensitivity);
+ if(pointer[1] > (p[3]-this.options.scrollSensitivity)) speed[1] = pointer[1]-(p[3]-this.options.scrollSensitivity);
+ this.startScrolling(speed);
+ }
+ // fix AppleWebKit rendering
+ if(Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.scrollBy(0,0);
+ Event.stop(event);
+ },
+ finishDrag: function(event, success) {
+ this.dragging = false;
+ if(this.options.quiet){
+ Position.prepare();
+ var pointer = [Event.pointerX(event), Event.pointerY(event)];
+ Droppables.show(pointer, this.element);
+ }
+ if(this.options.ghosting) {
+ if (!this._originallyAbsolute)
+ Position.relativize(this.element);
+ delete this._originallyAbsolute;
+ Element.remove(this._clone);
+ this._clone = null;
+ }
+ var dropped = false;
+ if(success) {
+ dropped = Droppables.fire(event, this.element);
+ if (!dropped) dropped = false;
+ }
+ if(dropped && this.options.onDropped) this.options.onDropped(this.element);
+ Draggables.notify('onEnd', this, event);
+ var revert = this.options.revert;
+ if(revert && Object.isFunction(revert)) revert = revert(this.element);
+ var d = this.currentDelta();
+ if(revert && this.options.reverteffect) {
+ if (dropped == 0 || revert != 'failure')
+ this.options.reverteffect(this.element,
+ d[1]-this.delta[1], d[0]-this.delta[0]);
+ } else {
+ this.delta = d;
+ }
+ if(this.options.zindex)
+ this.element.style.zIndex = this.originalZ;
+ if(this.options.endeffect)
+ this.options.endeffect(this.element);
+ Draggables.deactivate(this);
+ Droppables.reset();
+ },
+ keyPress: function(event) {
+ if(event.keyCode!=Event.KEY_ESC) return;
+ this.finishDrag(event, false);
+ Event.stop(event);
+ },
+ endDrag: function(event) {
+ if(!this.dragging) return;
+ this.stopScrolling();
+ this.finishDrag(event, true);
+ Event.stop(event);
+ },
+ draw: function(point) {
+ var pos = this.element.cumulativeOffset();
+ if(this.options.ghosting) {
+ var r = Position.realOffset(this.element);
+ pos[0] += r[0] - Position.deltaX; pos[1] += r[1] - Position.deltaY;
+ }
+ var d = this.currentDelta();
+ pos[0] -= d[0]; pos[1] -= d[1];
+ if(this.options.scroll && (this.options.scroll != window && this._isScrollChild)) {
+ pos[0] -= this.options.scroll.scrollLeft-this.originalScrollLeft;
+ pos[1] -= this.options.scroll.scrollTop-this.originalScrollTop;
+ }
+ var p = [0,1].map(function(i){
+ return (point[i]-pos[i]-this.offset[i])
+ }.bind(this));
+ if(this.options.snap) {
+ if(Object.isFunction(this.options.snap)) {
+ p = this.options.snap(p[0],p[1],this);
+ } else {
+ if(Object.isArray(this.options.snap)) {
+ p = p.map( function(v, i) {
+ return (v/this.options.snap[i]).round()*this.options.snap[i] }.bind(this));
+ } else {
+ p = p.map( function(v) {
+ return (v/this.options.snap).round()*this.options.snap }.bind(this));
+ }
+ }}
+ var style = this.element.style;
+ if((!this.options.constraint) || (this.options.constraint=='horizontal'))
+ style.left = p[0] + "px";
+ if((!this.options.constraint) || (this.options.constraint=='vertical'))
+ style.top = p[1] + "px";
+ if(style.visibility=="hidden") style.visibility = ""; // fix gecko rendering
+ },
+ stopScrolling: function() {
+ if(this.scrollInterval) {
+ clearInterval(this.scrollInterval);
+ this.scrollInterval = null;
+ Draggables._lastScrollPointer = null;
+ }
+ },
+ startScrolling: function(speed) {
+ if(!(speed[0] || speed[1])) return;
+ this.scrollSpeed = [speed[0]*this.options.scrollSpeed,speed[1]*this.options.scrollSpeed];
+ this.lastScrolled = new Date();
+ this.scrollInterval = setInterval(this.scroll.bind(this), 10);
+ },
+ scroll: function() {
+ var current = new Date();
+ var delta = current - this.lastScrolled;
+ this.lastScrolled = current;
+ if(this.options.scroll == window) {
+ with (this._getWindowScroll(this.options.scroll)) {
+ if (this.scrollSpeed[0] || this.scrollSpeed[1]) {
+ var d = delta / 1000;
+ this.options.scroll.scrollTo( left + d*this.scrollSpeed[0], top + d*this.scrollSpeed[1] );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.options.scroll.scrollLeft += this.scrollSpeed[0] * delta / 1000;
+ this.options.scroll.scrollTop += this.scrollSpeed[1] * delta / 1000;
+ }
+ Position.prepare();
+ Droppables.show(Draggables._lastPointer, this.element);
+ Draggables.notify('onDrag', this);
+ if (this._isScrollChild) {
+ Draggables._lastScrollPointer = Draggables._lastScrollPointer || $A(Draggables._lastPointer);
+ Draggables._lastScrollPointer[0] += this.scrollSpeed[0] * delta / 1000;
+ Draggables._lastScrollPointer[1] += this.scrollSpeed[1] * delta / 1000;
+ if (Draggables._lastScrollPointer[0] < 0)
+ Draggables._lastScrollPointer[0] = 0;
+ if (Draggables._lastScrollPointer[1] < 0)
+ Draggables._lastScrollPointer[1] = 0;
+ this.draw(Draggables._lastScrollPointer);
+ }
+ if(this.options.change) this.options.change(this);
+ },
+ _getWindowScroll: function(w) {
+ var T, L, W, H;
+ with (w.document) {
+ if (w.document.documentElement && documentElement.scrollTop) {
+ T = documentElement.scrollTop;
+ L = documentElement.scrollLeft;
+ } else if (w.document.body) {
+ T = body.scrollTop;
+ L = body.scrollLeft;
+ }
+ if (w.innerWidth) {
+ W = w.innerWidth;
+ H = w.innerHeight;
+ } else if (w.document.documentElement && documentElement.clientWidth) {
+ W = documentElement.clientWidth;
+ H = documentElement.clientHeight;
+ } else {
+ W = body.offsetWidth;
+ H = body.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ return { top: T, left: L, width: W, height: H };
+ }
+Draggable._dragging = { };
+var SortableObserver = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(element, observer) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ this.observer = observer;
+ this.lastValue = Sortable.serialize(this.element);
+ },
+ onStart: function() {
+ this.lastValue = Sortable.serialize(this.element);
+ },
+ onEnd: function() {
+ Sortable.unmark();
+ if(this.lastValue != Sortable.serialize(this.element))
+ this.observer(this.element)
+ }
+var Sortable = {
+ SERIALIZE_RULE: /^[^_\-](?:[A-Za-z0-9\-\_]*)[_](.*)$/,
+ sortables: { },
+ _findRootElement: function(element) {
+ while (element.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") {
+ if(element.id && Sortable.sortables[element.id]) return element;
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ },
+ options: function(element) {
+ element = Sortable._findRootElement($(element));
+ if(!element) return;
+ return Sortable.sortables[element.id];
+ },
+ destroy: function(element){
+ element = $(element);
+ var s = Sortable.sortables[element.id];
+ if(s) {
+ Draggables.removeObserver(s.element);
+ s.droppables.each(function(d){ Droppables.remove(d) });
+ s.draggables.invoke('destroy');
+ delete Sortable.sortables[s.element.id];
+ }
+ },
+ create: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ element: element,
+ tag: 'li', // assumes li children, override with tag: 'tagname'
+ dropOnEmpty: false,
+ tree: false,
+ treeTag: 'ul',
+ overlap: 'vertical', // one of 'vertical', 'horizontal'
+ constraint: 'vertical', // one of 'vertical', 'horizontal', false
+ containment: element, // also takes array of elements (or id's); or false
+ handle: false, // or a CSS class
+ only: false,
+ delay: 0,
+ hoverclass: null,
+ ghosting: false,
+ quiet: false,
+ scroll: false,
+ scrollSensitivity: 20,
+ scrollSpeed: 15,
+ format: this.SERIALIZE_RULE,
+ // these take arrays of elements or ids and can be
+ // used for better initialization performance
+ elements: false,
+ handles: false,
+ onChange: Prototype.emptyFunction,
+ onUpdate: Prototype.emptyFunction
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ // clear any old sortable with same element
+ this.destroy(element);
+ // build options for the draggables
+ var options_for_draggable = {
+ revert: true,
+ quiet: options.quiet,
+ scroll: options.scroll,
+ scrollSpeed: options.scrollSpeed,
+ scrollSensitivity: options.scrollSensitivity,
+ delay: options.delay,
+ ghosting: options.ghosting,
+ constraint: options.constraint,
+ handle: options.handle };
+ if(options.starteffect)
+ options_for_draggable.starteffect = options.starteffect;
+ if(options.reverteffect)
+ options_for_draggable.reverteffect = options.reverteffect;
+ else
+ if(options.ghosting) options_for_draggable.reverteffect = function(element) {
+ element.style.top = 0;
+ element.style.left = 0;
+ };
+ if(options.endeffect)
+ options_for_draggable.endeffect = options.endeffect;
+ if(options.zindex)
+ options_for_draggable.zindex = options.zindex;
+ // build options for the droppables
+ var options_for_droppable = {
+ overlap: options.overlap,
+ containment: options.containment,
+ tree: options.tree,
+ hoverclass: options.hoverclass,
+ onHover: Sortable.onHover
+ };
+ var options_for_tree = {
+ onHover: Sortable.onEmptyHover,
+ overlap: options.overlap,
+ containment: options.containment,
+ hoverclass: options.hoverclass
+ };
+ // fix for gecko engine
+ Element.cleanWhitespace(element);
+ options.draggables = [];
+ options.droppables = [];
+ // drop on empty handling
+ if(options.dropOnEmpty || options.tree) {
+ Droppables.add(element, options_for_tree);
+ options.droppables.push(element);
+ }
+ (options.elements || this.findElements(element, options) || []).each( function(e,i) {
+ var handle = options.handles ? $(options.handles[i]) :
+ (options.handle ? $(e).select('.' + options.handle)[0] : e);
+ options.draggables.push(
+ new Draggable(e, Object.extend(options_for_draggable, { handle: handle })));
+ Droppables.add(e, options_for_droppable);
+ if(options.tree) e.treeNode = element;
+ options.droppables.push(e);
+ });
+ if(options.tree) {
+ (Sortable.findTreeElements(element, options) || []).each( function(e) {
+ Droppables.add(e, options_for_tree);
+ e.treeNode = element;
+ options.droppables.push(e);
+ });
+ }
+ // keep reference
+ this.sortables[element.identify()] = options;
+ // for onupdate
+ Draggables.addObserver(new SortableObserver(element, options.onUpdate));
+ },
+ // return all suitable-for-sortable elements in a guaranteed order
+ findElements: function(element, options) {
+ return Element.findChildren(
+ element, options.only, options.tree ? true : false, options.tag);
+ },
+ findTreeElements: function(element, options) {
+ return Element.findChildren(
+ element, options.only, options.tree ? true : false, options.treeTag);
+ },
+ onHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) {
+ if(Element.isParent(dropon, element)) return;
+ if(overlap > .33 && overlap < .66 && Sortable.options(dropon).tree) {
+ return;
+ } else if(overlap>0.5) {
+ Sortable.mark(dropon, 'before');
+ if(dropon.previousSibling != element) {
+ var oldParentNode = element.parentNode;
+ element.style.visibility = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering
+ dropon.parentNode.insertBefore(element, dropon);
+ if(dropon.parentNode!=oldParentNode)
+ Sortable.options(oldParentNode).onChange(element);
+ Sortable.options(dropon.parentNode).onChange(element);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Sortable.mark(dropon, 'after');
+ var nextElement = dropon.nextSibling || null;
+ if(nextElement != element) {
+ var oldParentNode = element.parentNode;
+ element.style.visibility = "hidden"; // fix gecko rendering
+ dropon.parentNode.insertBefore(element, nextElement);
+ if(dropon.parentNode!=oldParentNode)
+ Sortable.options(oldParentNode).onChange(element);
+ Sortable.options(dropon.parentNode).onChange(element);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ onEmptyHover: function(element, dropon, overlap) {
+ var oldParentNode = element.parentNode;
+ var droponOptions = Sortable.options(dropon);
+ if(!Element.isParent(dropon, element)) {
+ var index;
+ var children = Sortable.findElements(dropon, {tag: droponOptions.tag, only: droponOptions.only});
+ var child = null;
+ if(children) {
+ var offset = Element.offsetSize(dropon, droponOptions.overlap) * (1.0 - overlap);
+ for (index = 0; index < children.length; index += 1) {
+ if (offset - Element.offsetSize (children[index], droponOptions.overlap) >= 0) {
+ offset -= Element.offsetSize (children[index], droponOptions.overlap);
+ } else if (offset - (Element.offsetSize (children[index], droponOptions.overlap) / 2) >= 0) {
+ child = index + 1 < children.length ? children[index + 1] : null;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ child = children[index];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dropon.insertBefore(element, child);
+ Sortable.options(oldParentNode).onChange(element);
+ droponOptions.onChange(element);
+ }
+ },
+ unmark: function() {
+ if(Sortable._marker) Sortable._marker.hide();
+ },
+ mark: function(dropon, position) {
+ // mark on ghosting only
+ var sortable = Sortable.options(dropon.parentNode);
+ if(sortable && !sortable.ghosting) return;
+ if(!Sortable._marker) {
+ Sortable._marker =
+ ($('dropmarker') || Element.extend(document.createElement('DIV'))).
+ hide().addClassName('dropmarker').setStyle({position:'absolute'});
+ document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild(Sortable._marker);
+ }
+ var offsets = dropon.cumulativeOffset();
+ Sortable._marker.setStyle({left: offsets[0]+'px', top: offsets[1] + 'px'});
+ if(position=='after')
+ if(sortable.overlap == 'horizontal')
+ Sortable._marker.setStyle({left: (offsets[0]+dropon.clientWidth) + 'px'});
+ else
+ Sortable._marker.setStyle({top: (offsets[1]+dropon.clientHeight) + 'px'});
+ Sortable._marker.show();
+ },
+ _tree: function(element, options, parent) {
+ var children = Sortable.findElements(element, options) || [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
+ var match = children[i].id.match(options.format);
+ if (!match) continue;
+ var child = {
+ id: encodeURIComponent(match ? match[1] : null),
+ element: element,
+ parent: parent,
+ children: [],
+ position: parent.children.length,
+ container: $(children[i]).down(options.treeTag)
+ };
+ /* Get the element containing the children and recurse over it */
+ if (child.container)
+ this._tree(child.container, options, child);
+ parent.children.push (child);
+ }
+ return parent;
+ },
+ tree: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var sortableOptions = this.options(element);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ tag: sortableOptions.tag,
+ treeTag: sortableOptions.treeTag,
+ only: sortableOptions.only,
+ name: element.id,
+ format: sortableOptions.format
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ var root = {
+ id: null,
+ parent: null,
+ children: [],
+ container: element,
+ position: 0
+ };
+ return Sortable._tree(element, options, root);
+ },
+ /* Construct a [i] index for a particular node */
+ _constructIndex: function(node) {
+ var index = '';
+ do {
+ if (node.id) index = '[' + node.position + ']' + index;
+ } while ((node = node.parent) != null);
+ return index;
+ },
+ sequence: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend(this.options(element), arguments[1] || { });
+ return $(this.findElements(element, options) || []).map( function(item) {
+ return item.id.match(options.format) ? item.id.match(options.format)[1] : '';
+ });
+ },
+ setSequence: function(element, new_sequence) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend(this.options(element), arguments[2] || { });
+ var nodeMap = { };
+ this.findElements(element, options).each( function(n) {
+ if (n.id.match(options.format))
+ nodeMap[n.id.match(options.format)[1]] = [n, n.parentNode];
+ n.parentNode.removeChild(n);
+ });
+ new_sequence.each(function(ident) {
+ var n = nodeMap[ident];
+ if (n) {
+ n[1].appendChild(n[0]);
+ delete nodeMap[ident];
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ serialize: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend(Sortable.options(element), arguments[1] || { });
+ var name = encodeURIComponent(
+ (arguments[1] && arguments[1].name) ? arguments[1].name : element.id);
+ if (options.tree) {
+ return Sortable.tree(element, arguments[1]).children.map( function (item) {
+ return [name + Sortable._constructIndex(item) + "[id]=" +
+ encodeURIComponent(item.id)].concat(item.children.map(arguments.callee));
+ }).flatten().join('&');
+ } else {
+ return Sortable.sequence(element, arguments[1]).map( function(item) {
+ return name + "[]=" + encodeURIComponent(item);
+ }).join('&');
+ }
+ }
+// Returns true if child is contained within element
+Element.isParent = function(child, element) {
+ if (!child.parentNode || child == element) return false;
+ if (child.parentNode == element) return true;
+ return Element.isParent(child.parentNode, element);
+Element.findChildren = function(element, only, recursive, tagName) {
+ if(!element.hasChildNodes()) return null;
+ tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
+ if(only) only = [only].flatten();
+ var elements = [];
+ $A(element.childNodes).each( function(e) {
+ if(e.tagName && e.tagName.toUpperCase()==tagName &&
+ (!only || (Element.classNames(e).detect(function(v) { return only.include(v) }))))
+ elements.push(e);
+ if(recursive) {
+ var grandchildren = Element.findChildren(e, only, recursive, tagName);
+ if(grandchildren) elements.push(grandchildren);
+ }
+ });
+ return (elements.length>0 ? elements.flatten() : []);
+Element.offsetSize = function (element, type) {
+ return element['offset' + ((type=='vertical' || type=='height') ? 'Height' : 'Width')];
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/effects.js
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/effects.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/effects.js 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+// script.aculo.us effects.js v1.8.3, Thu Oct 08 11:23:33 +0200 2009
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Thomas Fuchs (http://script.aculo.us, http://mir.aculo.us)
+// Contributors:
+// Justin Palmer (http://encytemedia.com/)
+// Mark Pilgrim (http://diveintomark.org/)
+// Martin Bialasinki
+// script.aculo.us is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
+// For details, see the script.aculo.us web site: http://script.aculo.us/
+// converts rgb() and #xxx to #xxxxxx format,
+// returns self (or first argument) if not convertable
+String.prototype.parseColor = function() {
+ var color = '#';
+ if (this.slice(0,4) == 'rgb(') {
+ var cols = this.slice(4,this.length-1).split(',');
+ var i=0; do { color += parseInt(cols[i]).toColorPart() } while (++i<3);
+ } else {
+ if (this.slice(0,1) == '#') {
+ if (this.length==4) for(var i=1;i<4;i++) color += (this.charAt(i) + this.charAt(i)).toLowerCase();
+ if (this.length==7) color = this.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ }
+ return (color.length==7 ? color : (arguments[0] || this));
+Element.collectTextNodes = function(element) {
+ return $A($(element).childNodes).collect( function(node) {
+ return (node.nodeType==3 ? node.nodeValue :
+ (node.hasChildNodes() ? Element.collectTextNodes(node) : ''));
+ }).flatten().join('');
+Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass = function(element, className) {
+ return $A($(element).childNodes).collect( function(node) {
+ return (node.nodeType==3 ? node.nodeValue :
+ ((node.hasChildNodes() && !Element.hasClassName(node,className)) ?
+ Element.collectTextNodesIgnoreClass(node, className) : ''));
+ }).flatten().join('');
+Element.setContentZoom = function(element, percent) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.setStyle({fontSize: (percent/100) + 'em'});
+ if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) window.scrollBy(0,0);
+ return element;
+Element.getInlineOpacity = function(element){
+ return $(element).style.opacity || '';
+Element.forceRerendering = function(element) {
+ try {
+ element = $(element);
+ var n = document.createTextNode(' ');
+ element.appendChild(n);
+ element.removeChild(n);
+ } catch(e) { }
+var Effect = {
+ _elementDoesNotExistError: {
+ name: 'ElementDoesNotExistError',
+ message: 'The specified DOM element does not exist, but is required for this effect to operate'
+ },
+ Transitions: {
+ linear: Prototype.K,
+ sinoidal: function(pos) {
+ return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/2) + .5;
+ },
+ reverse: function(pos) {
+ return 1-pos;
+ },
+ flicker: function(pos) {
+ var pos = ((-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI)/4) + .75) + Math.random()/4;
+ return pos > 1 ? 1 : pos;
+ },
+ wobble: function(pos) {
+ return (-Math.cos(pos*Math.PI*(9*pos))/2) + .5;
+ },
+ pulse: function(pos, pulses) {
+ return (-Math.cos((pos*((pulses||5)-.5)*2)*Math.PI)/2) + .5;
+ },
+ spring: function(pos) {
+ return 1 - (Math.cos(pos * 4.5 * Math.PI) * Math.exp(-pos * 6));
+ },
+ none: function(pos) {
+ return 0;
+ },
+ full: function(pos) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ },
+ DefaultOptions: {
+ duration: 1.0, // seconds
+ fps: 100, // 100= assume 66fps max.
+ sync: false, // true for combining
+ from: 0.0,
+ to: 1.0,
+ delay: 0.0,
+ queue: 'parallel'
+ },
+ tagifyText: function(element) {
+ var tagifyStyle = 'position:relative';
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE) tagifyStyle += ';zoom:1';
+ element = $(element);
+ $A(element.childNodes).each( function(child) {
+ if (child.nodeType==3) {
+ child.nodeValue.toArray().each( function(character) {
+ element.insertBefore(
+ new Element('span', {style: tagifyStyle}).update(
+ character == ' ' ? String.fromCharCode(160) : character),
+ child);
+ });
+ Element.remove(child);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ multiple: function(element, effect) {
+ var elements;
+ if (((typeof element == 'object') ||
+ Object.isFunction(element)) &&
+ (element.length))
+ elements = element;
+ else
+ elements = $(element).childNodes;
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ speed: 0.1,
+ delay: 0.0
+ }, arguments[2] || { });
+ var masterDelay = options.delay;
+ $A(elements).each( function(element, index) {
+ new effect(element, Object.extend(options, { delay: index * options.speed + masterDelay }));
+ });
+ },
+ PAIRS: {
+ 'slide': ['SlideDown','SlideUp'],
+ 'blind': ['BlindDown','BlindUp'],
+ 'appear': ['Appear','Fade']
+ },
+ toggle: function(element, effect, options) {
+ element = $(element);
+ effect = (effect || 'appear').toLowerCase();
+ return Effect[ Effect.PAIRS[ effect ][ element.visible() ? 1 : 0 ] ](element, Object.extend({
+ queue: { position:'end', scope:(element.id || 'global'), limit: 1 }
+ }, options || {}));
+ }
+Effect.DefaultOptions.transition = Effect.Transitions.sinoidal;
+/* ------------- core effects ------------- */
+Effect.ScopedQueue = Class.create(Enumerable, {
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.effects = [];
+ this.interval = null;
+ },
+ _each: function(iterator) {
+ this.effects._each(iterator);
+ },
+ add: function(effect) {
+ var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
+ var position = Object.isString(effect.options.queue) ?
+ effect.options.queue : effect.options.queue.position;
+ switch(position) {
+ case 'front':
+ // move unstarted effects after this effect
+ this.effects.findAll(function(e){ return e.state=='idle' }).each( function(e) {
+ e.startOn += effect.finishOn;
+ e.finishOn += effect.finishOn;
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'with-last':
+ timestamp = this.effects.pluck('startOn').max() || timestamp;
+ break;
+ case 'end':
+ // start effect after last queued effect has finished
+ timestamp = this.effects.pluck('finishOn').max() || timestamp;
+ break;
+ }
+ effect.startOn += timestamp;
+ effect.finishOn += timestamp;
+ if (!effect.options.queue.limit || (this.effects.length < effect.options.queue.limit))
+ this.effects.push(effect);
+ if (!this.interval)
+ this.interval = setInterval(this.loop.bind(this), 15);
+ },
+ remove: function(effect) {
+ this.effects = this.effects.reject(function(e) { return e==effect });
+ if (this.effects.length == 0) {
+ clearInterval(this.interval);
+ this.interval = null;
+ }
+ },
+ loop: function() {
+ var timePos = new Date().getTime();
+ for(var i=0, len=this.effects.length;i<len;i++)
+ this.effects[i] && this.effects[i].loop(timePos);
+ }
+Effect.Queues = {
+ instances: $H(),
+ get: function(queueName) {
+ if (!Object.isString(queueName)) return queueName;
+ return this.instances.get(queueName) ||
+ this.instances.set(queueName, new Effect.ScopedQueue());
+ }
+Effect.Queue = Effect.Queues.get('global');
+Effect.Base = Class.create({
+ position: null,
+ start: function(options) {
+ if (options && options.transition === false) options.transition = Effect.Transitions.linear;
+ this.options = Object.extend(Object.extend({ },Effect.DefaultOptions), options || { });
+ this.currentFrame = 0;
+ this.state = 'idle';
+ this.startOn = this.options.delay*1000;
+ this.finishOn = this.startOn+(this.options.duration*1000);
+ this.fromToDelta = this.options.to-this.options.from;
+ this.totalTime = this.finishOn-this.startOn;
+ this.totalFrames = this.options.fps*this.options.duration;
+ this.render = (function() {
+ function dispatch(effect, eventName) {
+ if (effect.options[eventName + 'Internal'])
+ effect.options[eventName + 'Internal'](effect);
+ if (effect.options[eventName])
+ effect.options[eventName](effect);
+ }
+ return function(pos) {
+ if (this.state === "idle") {
+ this.state = "running";
+ dispatch(this, 'beforeSetup');
+ if (this.setup) this.setup();
+ dispatch(this, 'afterSetup');
+ }
+ if (this.state === "running") {
+ pos = (this.options.transition(pos) * this.fromToDelta) + this.options.from;
+ this.position = pos;
+ dispatch(this, 'beforeUpdate');
+ if (this.update) this.update(pos);
+ dispatch(this, 'afterUpdate');
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ this.event('beforeStart');
+ if (!this.options.sync)
+ Effect.Queues.get(Object.isString(this.options.queue) ?
+ 'global' : this.options.queue.scope).add(this);
+ },
+ loop: function(timePos) {
+ if (timePos >= this.startOn) {
+ if (timePos >= this.finishOn) {
+ this.render(1.0);
+ this.cancel();
+ this.event('beforeFinish');
+ if (this.finish) this.finish();
+ this.event('afterFinish');
+ return;
+ }
+ var pos = (timePos - this.startOn) / this.totalTime,
+ frame = (pos * this.totalFrames).round();
+ if (frame > this.currentFrame) {
+ this.render(pos);
+ this.currentFrame = frame;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ cancel: function() {
+ if (!this.options.sync)
+ Effect.Queues.get(Object.isString(this.options.queue) ?
+ 'global' : this.options.queue.scope).remove(this);
+ this.state = 'finished';
+ },
+ event: function(eventName) {
+ if (this.options[eventName + 'Internal']) this.options[eventName + 'Internal'](this);
+ if (this.options[eventName]) this.options[eventName](this);
+ },
+ inspect: function() {
+ var data = $H();
+ for(property in this)
+ if (!Object.isFunction(this[property])) data.set(property, this[property]);
+ return '#<Effect:' + data.inspect() + ',options:' + $H(this.options).inspect() + '>';
+ }
+Effect.Parallel = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function(effects) {
+ this.effects = effects || [];
+ this.start(arguments[1]);
+ },
+ update: function(position) {
+ this.effects.invoke('render', position);
+ },
+ finish: function(position) {
+ this.effects.each( function(effect) {
+ effect.render(1.0);
+ effect.cancel();
+ effect.event('beforeFinish');
+ if (effect.finish) effect.finish(position);
+ effect.event('afterFinish');
+ });
+ }
+Effect.Tween = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function(object, from, to) {
+ object = Object.isString(object) ? $(object) : object;
+ var args = $A(arguments), method = args.last(),
+ options = args.length == 5 ? args[3] : null;
+ this.method = Object.isFunction(method) ? method.bind(object) :
+ Object.isFunction(object[method]) ? object[method].bind(object) :
+ function(value) { object[method] = value };
+ this.start(Object.extend({ from: from, to: to }, options || { }));
+ },
+ update: function(position) {
+ this.method(position);
+ }
+Effect.Event = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.start(Object.extend({ duration: 0 }, arguments[0] || { }));
+ },
+ update: Prototype.emptyFunction
+Effect.Opacity = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function(element) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError);
+ // make this work on IE on elements without 'layout'
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE && (!this.element.currentStyle.hasLayout))
+ this.element.setStyle({zoom: 1});
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ from: this.element.getOpacity() || 0.0,
+ to: 1.0
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ this.start(options);
+ },
+ update: function(position) {
+ this.element.setOpacity(position);
+ }
+Effect.Move = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function(element) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ mode: 'relative'
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ this.start(options);
+ },
+ setup: function() {
+ this.element.makePositioned();
+ this.originalLeft = parseFloat(this.element.getStyle('left') || '0');
+ this.originalTop = parseFloat(this.element.getStyle('top') || '0');
+ if (this.options.mode == 'absolute') {
+ this.options.x = this.options.x - this.originalLeft;
+ this.options.y = this.options.y - this.originalTop;
+ }
+ },
+ update: function(position) {
+ this.element.setStyle({
+ left: (this.options.x * position + this.originalLeft).round() + 'px',
+ top: (this.options.y * position + this.originalTop).round() + 'px'
+ });
+ }
+// for backwards compatibility
+Effect.MoveBy = function(element, toTop, toLeft) {
+ return new Effect.Move(element,
+ Object.extend({ x: toLeft, y: toTop }, arguments[3] || { }));
+Effect.Scale = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function(element, percent) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ scaleX: true,
+ scaleY: true,
+ scaleContent: true,
+ scaleFromCenter: false,
+ scaleMode: 'box', // 'box' or 'contents' or { } with provided values
+ scaleFrom: 100.0,
+ scaleTo: percent
+ }, arguments[2] || { });
+ this.start(options);
+ },
+ setup: function() {
+ this.restoreAfterFinish = this.options.restoreAfterFinish || false;
+ this.elementPositioning = this.element.getStyle('position');
+ this.originalStyle = { };
+ ['top','left','width','height','fontSize'].each( function(k) {
+ this.originalStyle[k] = this.element.style[k];
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.originalTop = this.element.offsetTop;
+ this.originalLeft = this.element.offsetLeft;
+ var fontSize = this.element.getStyle('font-size') || '100%';
+ ['em','px','%','pt'].each( function(fontSizeType) {
+ if (fontSize.indexOf(fontSizeType)>0) {
+ this.fontSize = parseFloat(fontSize);
+ this.fontSizeType = fontSizeType;
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.factor = (this.options.scaleTo - this.options.scaleFrom)/100;
+ this.dims = null;
+ if (this.options.scaleMode=='box')
+ this.dims = [this.element.offsetHeight, this.element.offsetWidth];
+ if (/^content/.test(this.options.scaleMode))
+ this.dims = [this.element.scrollHeight, this.element.scrollWidth];
+ if (!this.dims)
+ this.dims = [this.options.scaleMode.originalHeight,
+ this.options.scaleMode.originalWidth];
+ },
+ update: function(position) {
+ var currentScale = (this.options.scaleFrom/100.0) + (this.factor * position);
+ if (this.options.scaleContent && this.fontSize)
+ this.element.setStyle({fontSize: this.fontSize * currentScale + this.fontSizeType });
+ this.setDimensions(this.dims[0] * currentScale, this.dims[1] * currentScale);
+ },
+ finish: function(position) {
+ if (this.restoreAfterFinish) this.element.setStyle(this.originalStyle);
+ },
+ setDimensions: function(height, width) {
+ var d = { };
+ if (this.options.scaleX) d.width = width.round() + 'px';
+ if (this.options.scaleY) d.height = height.round() + 'px';
+ if (this.options.scaleFromCenter) {
+ var topd = (height - this.dims[0])/2;
+ var leftd = (width - this.dims[1])/2;
+ if (this.elementPositioning == 'absolute') {
+ if (this.options.scaleY) d.top = this.originalTop-topd + 'px';
+ if (this.options.scaleX) d.left = this.originalLeft-leftd + 'px';
+ } else {
+ if (this.options.scaleY) d.top = -topd + 'px';
+ if (this.options.scaleX) d.left = -leftd + 'px';
+ }
+ }
+ this.element.setStyle(d);
+ }
+Effect.Highlight = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function(element) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError);
+ var options = Object.extend({ startcolor: '#ffff99' }, arguments[1] || { });
+ this.start(options);
+ },
+ setup: function() {
+ // Prevent executing on elements not in the layout flow
+ if (this.element.getStyle('display')=='none') { this.cancel(); return; }
+ // Disable background image during the effect
+ this.oldStyle = { };
+ if (!this.options.keepBackgroundImage) {
+ this.oldStyle.backgroundImage = this.element.getStyle('background-image');
+ this.element.setStyle({backgroundImage: 'none'});
+ }
+ if (!this.options.endcolor)
+ this.options.endcolor = this.element.getStyle('background-color').parseColor('#ffffff');
+ if (!this.options.restorecolor)
+ this.options.restorecolor = this.element.getStyle('background-color');
+ // init color calculations
+ this._base = $R(0,2).map(function(i){ return parseInt(this.options.startcolor.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16) }.bind(this));
+ this._delta = $R(0,2).map(function(i){ return parseInt(this.options.endcolor.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3),16)-this._base[i] }.bind(this));
+ },
+ update: function(position) {
+ this.element.setStyle({backgroundColor: $R(0,2).inject('#',function(m,v,i){
+ return m+((this._base[i]+(this._delta[i]*position)).round().toColorPart()); }.bind(this)) });
+ },
+ finish: function() {
+ this.element.setStyle(Object.extend(this.oldStyle, {
+ backgroundColor: this.options.restorecolor
+ }));
+ }
+Effect.ScrollTo = function(element) {
+ var options = arguments[1] || { },
+ scrollOffsets = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets(),
+ elementOffsets = $(element).cumulativeOffset();
+ if (options.offset) elementOffsets[1] += options.offset;
+ return new Effect.Tween(null,
+ scrollOffsets.top,
+ elementOffsets[1],
+ options,
+ function(p){ scrollTo(scrollOffsets.left, p.round()); }
+ );
+/* ------------- combination effects ------------- */
+Effect.Fade = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity();
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ from: element.getOpacity() || 1.0,
+ to: 0.0,
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ if (effect.options.to!=0) return;
+ effect.element.hide().setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity});
+ }
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ return new Effect.Opacity(element,options);
+Effect.Appear = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ from: (element.getStyle('display') == 'none' ? 0.0 : element.getOpacity() || 0.0),
+ to: 1.0,
+ // force Safari to render floated elements properly
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.forceRerendering();
+ },
+ beforeSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.setOpacity(effect.options.from).show();
+ }}, arguments[1] || { });
+ return new Effect.Opacity(element,options);
+Effect.Puff = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var oldStyle = {
+ opacity: element.getInlineOpacity(),
+ position: element.getStyle('position'),
+ top: element.style.top,
+ left: element.style.left,
+ width: element.style.width,
+ height: element.style.height
+ };
+ return new Effect.Parallel(
+ [ new Effect.Scale(element, 200,
+ { sync: true, scaleFromCenter: true, scaleContent: true, restoreAfterFinish: true }),
+ new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0 } ) ],
+ Object.extend({ duration: 1.0,
+ beforeSetupInternal: function(effect) {
+ Position.absolutize(effect.effects[0].element);
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.effects[0].element.hide().setStyle(oldStyle); }
+ }, arguments[1] || { })
+ );
+Effect.BlindUp = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.makeClipping();
+ return new Effect.Scale(element, 0,
+ Object.extend({ scaleContent: false,
+ scaleX: false,
+ restoreAfterFinish: true,
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.hide().undoClipping();
+ }
+ }, arguments[1] || { })
+ );
+Effect.BlindDown = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions();
+ return new Effect.Scale(element, 100, Object.extend({
+ scaleContent: false,
+ scaleX: false,
+ scaleFrom: 0,
+ scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width},
+ restoreAfterFinish: true,
+ afterSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.makeClipping().setStyle({height: '0px'}).show();
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.undoClipping();
+ }
+ }, arguments[1] || { }));
+Effect.SwitchOff = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity();
+ return new Effect.Appear(element, Object.extend({
+ duration: 0.4,
+ from: 0,
+ transition: Effect.Transitions.flicker,
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Scale(effect.element, 1, {
+ duration: 0.3, scaleFromCenter: true,
+ scaleX: false, scaleContent: false, restoreAfterFinish: true,
+ beforeSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.makePositioned().makeClipping();
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity});
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }, arguments[1] || { }));
+Effect.DropOut = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var oldStyle = {
+ top: element.getStyle('top'),
+ left: element.getStyle('left'),
+ opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() };
+ return new Effect.Parallel(
+ [ new Effect.Move(element, {x: 0, y: 100, sync: true }),
+ new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0 }) ],
+ Object.extend(
+ { duration: 0.5,
+ beforeSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.effects[0].element.makePositioned();
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.effects[0].element.hide().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle);
+ }
+ }, arguments[1] || { }));
+Effect.Shake = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ distance: 20,
+ duration: 0.5
+ }, arguments[1] || {});
+ var distance = parseFloat(options.distance);
+ var split = parseFloat(options.duration) / 10.0;
+ var oldStyle = {
+ top: element.getStyle('top'),
+ left: element.getStyle('left') };
+ return new Effect.Move(element,
+ { x: distance, y: 0, duration: split, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Move(effect.element,
+ { x: -distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Move(effect.element,
+ { x: distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Move(effect.element,
+ { x: -distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Move(effect.element,
+ { x: distance*2, y: 0, duration: split*2, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Move(effect.element,
+ { x: -distance, y: 0, duration: split, afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle);
+ }}); }}); }}); }}); }}); }});
+Effect.SlideDown = function(element) {
+ element = $(element).cleanWhitespace();
+ // SlideDown need to have the content of the element wrapped in a container element with fixed height!
+ var oldInnerBottom = element.down().getStyle('bottom');
+ var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions();
+ return new Effect.Scale(element, 100, Object.extend({
+ scaleContent: false,
+ scaleX: false,
+ scaleFrom: window.opera ? 0 : 1,
+ scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width},
+ restoreAfterFinish: true,
+ afterSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.makePositioned();
+ effect.element.down().makePositioned();
+ if (window.opera) effect.element.setStyle({top: ''});
+ effect.element.makeClipping().setStyle({height: '0px'}).show();
+ },
+ afterUpdateInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.down().setStyle({bottom:
+ (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px' });
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.undoClipping().undoPositioned();
+ effect.element.down().undoPositioned().setStyle({bottom: oldInnerBottom}); }
+ }, arguments[1] || { })
+ );
+Effect.SlideUp = function(element) {
+ element = $(element).cleanWhitespace();
+ var oldInnerBottom = element.down().getStyle('bottom');
+ var elementDimensions = element.getDimensions();
+ return new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 0 : 1,
+ Object.extend({ scaleContent: false,
+ scaleX: false,
+ scaleMode: 'box',
+ scaleFrom: 100,
+ scaleMode: {originalHeight: elementDimensions.height, originalWidth: elementDimensions.width},
+ restoreAfterFinish: true,
+ afterSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.makePositioned();
+ effect.element.down().makePositioned();
+ if (window.opera) effect.element.setStyle({top: ''});
+ effect.element.makeClipping().show();
+ },
+ afterUpdateInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.down().setStyle({bottom:
+ (effect.dims[0] - effect.element.clientHeight) + 'px' });
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned();
+ effect.element.down().undoPositioned().setStyle({bottom: oldInnerBottom});
+ }
+ }, arguments[1] || { })
+ );
+// Bug in opera makes the TD containing this element expand for a instance after finish
+Effect.Squish = function(element) {
+ return new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 1 : 0, {
+ restoreAfterFinish: true,
+ beforeSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.makeClipping();
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.hide().undoClipping();
+ }
+ });
+Effect.Grow = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ direction: 'center',
+ moveTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal,
+ scaleTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal,
+ opacityTransition: Effect.Transitions.full
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ var oldStyle = {
+ top: element.style.top,
+ left: element.style.left,
+ height: element.style.height,
+ width: element.style.width,
+ opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() };
+ var dims = element.getDimensions();
+ var initialMoveX, initialMoveY;
+ var moveX, moveY;
+ switch (options.direction) {
+ case 'top-left':
+ initialMoveX = initialMoveY = moveX = moveY = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'top-right':
+ initialMoveX = dims.width;
+ initialMoveY = moveY = 0;
+ moveX = -dims.width;
+ break;
+ case 'bottom-left':
+ initialMoveX = moveX = 0;
+ initialMoveY = dims.height;
+ moveY = -dims.height;
+ break;
+ case 'bottom-right':
+ initialMoveX = dims.width;
+ initialMoveY = dims.height;
+ moveX = -dims.width;
+ moveY = -dims.height;
+ break;
+ case 'center':
+ initialMoveX = dims.width / 2;
+ initialMoveY = dims.height / 2;
+ moveX = -dims.width / 2;
+ moveY = -dims.height / 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ return new Effect.Move(element, {
+ x: initialMoveX,
+ y: initialMoveY,
+ duration: 0.01,
+ beforeSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.hide().makeClipping().makePositioned();
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Parallel(
+ [ new Effect.Opacity(effect.element, { sync: true, to: 1.0, from: 0.0, transition: options.opacityTransition }),
+ new Effect.Move(effect.element, { x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true, transition: options.moveTransition }),
+ new Effect.Scale(effect.element, 100, {
+ scaleMode: { originalHeight: dims.height, originalWidth: dims.width },
+ sync: true, scaleFrom: window.opera ? 1 : 0, transition: options.scaleTransition, restoreAfterFinish: true})
+ ], Object.extend({
+ beforeSetup: function(effect) {
+ effect.effects[0].element.setStyle({height: '0px'}).show();
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.effects[0].element.undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle);
+ }
+ }, options)
+ );
+ }
+ });
+Effect.Shrink = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ direction: 'center',
+ moveTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal,
+ scaleTransition: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal,
+ opacityTransition: Effect.Transitions.none
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ var oldStyle = {
+ top: element.style.top,
+ left: element.style.left,
+ height: element.style.height,
+ width: element.style.width,
+ opacity: element.getInlineOpacity() };
+ var dims = element.getDimensions();
+ var moveX, moveY;
+ switch (options.direction) {
+ case 'top-left':
+ moveX = moveY = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'top-right':
+ moveX = dims.width;
+ moveY = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'bottom-left':
+ moveX = 0;
+ moveY = dims.height;
+ break;
+ case 'bottom-right':
+ moveX = dims.width;
+ moveY = dims.height;
+ break;
+ case 'center':
+ moveX = dims.width / 2;
+ moveY = dims.height / 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ return new Effect.Parallel(
+ [ new Effect.Opacity(element, { sync: true, to: 0.0, from: 1.0, transition: options.opacityTransition }),
+ new Effect.Scale(element, window.opera ? 1 : 0, { sync: true, transition: options.scaleTransition, restoreAfterFinish: true}),
+ new Effect.Move(element, { x: moveX, y: moveY, sync: true, transition: options.moveTransition })
+ ], Object.extend({
+ beforeStartInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.effects[0].element.makePositioned().makeClipping();
+ },
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.effects[0].element.hide().undoClipping().undoPositioned().setStyle(oldStyle); }
+ }, options)
+ );
+Effect.Pulsate = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var options = arguments[1] || { },
+ oldOpacity = element.getInlineOpacity(),
+ transition = options.transition || Effect.Transitions.linear,
+ reverser = function(pos){
+ return 1 - transition((-Math.cos((pos*(options.pulses||5)*2)*Math.PI)/2) + .5);
+ };
+ return new Effect.Opacity(element,
+ Object.extend(Object.extend({ duration: 2.0, from: 0,
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) { effect.element.setStyle({opacity: oldOpacity}); }
+ }, options), {transition: reverser}));
+Effect.Fold = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var oldStyle = {
+ top: element.style.top,
+ left: element.style.left,
+ width: element.style.width,
+ height: element.style.height };
+ element.makeClipping();
+ return new Effect.Scale(element, 5, Object.extend({
+ scaleContent: false,
+ scaleX: false,
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ new Effect.Scale(element, 1, {
+ scaleContent: false,
+ scaleY: false,
+ afterFinishInternal: function(effect) {
+ effect.element.hide().undoClipping().setStyle(oldStyle);
+ } });
+ }}, arguments[1] || { }));
+Effect.Morph = Class.create(Effect.Base, {
+ initialize: function(element) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ if (!this.element) throw(Effect._elementDoesNotExistError);
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ style: { }
+ }, arguments[1] || { });
+ if (!Object.isString(options.style)) this.style = $H(options.style);
+ else {
+ if (options.style.include(':'))
+ this.style = options.style.parseStyle();
+ else {
+ this.element.addClassName(options.style);
+ this.style = $H(this.element.getStyles());
+ this.element.removeClassName(options.style);
+ var css = this.element.getStyles();
+ this.style = this.style.reject(function(style) {
+ return style.value == css[style.key];
+ });
+ options.afterFinishInternal = function(effect) {
+ effect.element.addClassName(effect.options.style);
+ effect.transforms.each(function(transform) {
+ effect.element.style[transform.style] = '';
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ this.start(options);
+ },
+ setup: function(){
+ function parseColor(color){
+ if (!color || ['rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)','transparent'].include(color)) color = '#ffffff';
+ color = color.parseColor();
+ return $R(0,2).map(function(i){
+ return parseInt( color.slice(i*2+1,i*2+3), 16 );
+ });
+ }
+ this.transforms = this.style.map(function(pair){
+ var property = pair[0], value = pair[1], unit = null;
+ if (value.parseColor('#zzzzzz') != '#zzzzzz') {
+ value = value.parseColor();
+ unit = 'color';
+ } else if (property == 'opacity') {
+ value = parseFloat(value);
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE && (!this.element.currentStyle.hasLayout))
+ this.element.setStyle({zoom: 1});
+ } else if (Element.CSS_LENGTH.test(value)) {
+ var components = value.match(/^([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(.*)$/);
+ value = parseFloat(components[1]);
+ unit = (components.length == 3) ? components[2] : null;
+ }
+ var originalValue = this.element.getStyle(property);
+ return {
+ style: property.camelize(),
+ originalValue: unit=='color' ? parseColor(originalValue) : parseFloat(originalValue || 0),
+ targetValue: unit=='color' ? parseColor(value) : value,
+ unit: unit
+ };
+ }.bind(this)).reject(function(transform){
+ return (
+ (transform.originalValue == transform.targetValue) ||
+ (
+ transform.unit != 'color' &&
+ (isNaN(transform.originalValue) || isNaN(transform.targetValue))
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ update: function(position) {
+ var style = { }, transform, i = this.transforms.length;
+ while(i--)
+ style[(transform = this.transforms[i]).style] =
+ transform.unit=='color' ? '#'+
+ (Math.round(transform.originalValue[0]+
+ (transform.targetValue[0]-transform.originalValue[0])*position)).toColorPart() +
+ (Math.round(transform.originalValue[1]+
+ (transform.targetValue[1]-transform.originalValue[1])*position)).toColorPart() +
+ (Math.round(transform.originalValue[2]+
+ (transform.targetValue[2]-transform.originalValue[2])*position)).toColorPart() :
+ (transform.originalValue +
+ (transform.targetValue - transform.originalValue) * position).toFixed(3) +
+ (transform.unit === null ? '' : transform.unit);
+ this.element.setStyle(style, true);
+ }
+Effect.Transform = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(tracks){
+ this.tracks = [];
+ this.options = arguments[1] || { };
+ this.addTracks(tracks);
+ },
+ addTracks: function(tracks){
+ tracks.each(function(track){
+ track = $H(track);
+ var data = track.values().first();
+ this.tracks.push($H({
+ ids: track.keys().first(),
+ effect: Effect.Morph,
+ options: { style: data }
+ }));
+ }.bind(this));
+ return this;
+ },
+ play: function(){
+ return new Effect.Parallel(
+ this.tracks.map(function(track){
+ var ids = track.get('ids'), effect = track.get('effect'), options = track.get('options');
+ var elements = [$(ids) || $$(ids)].flatten();
+ return elements.map(function(e){ return new effect(e, Object.extend({ sync:true }, options)) });
+ }).flatten(),
+ this.options
+ );
+ }
+Element.CSS_PROPERTIES = $w(
+ 'backgroundColor backgroundPosition borderBottomColor borderBottomStyle ' +
+ 'borderBottomWidth borderLeftColor borderLeftStyle borderLeftWidth ' +
+ 'borderRightColor borderRightStyle borderRightWidth borderSpacing ' +
+ 'borderTopColor borderTopStyle borderTopWidth bottom clip color ' +
+ 'fontSize fontWeight height left letterSpacing lineHeight ' +
+ 'marginBottom marginLeft marginRight marginTop markerOffset maxHeight '+
+ 'maxWidth minHeight minWidth opacity outlineColor outlineOffset ' +
+ 'outlineWidth paddingBottom paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop ' +
+ 'right textIndent top width wordSpacing zIndex');
+Element.CSS_LENGTH = /^(([\+\-]?[0-9\.]+)(em|ex|px|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|\%))|0$/;
+String.__parseStyleElement = document.createElement('div');
+String.prototype.parseStyle = function(){
+ var style, styleRules = $H();
+ if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit)
+ style = new Element('div',{style:this}).style;
+ else {
+ String.__parseStyleElement.innerHTML = '<div style="' + this + '"></div>';
+ style = String.__parseStyleElement.childNodes[0].style;
+ }
+ Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.each(function(property){
+ if (style[property]) styleRules.set(property, style[property]);
+ });
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE && this.include('opacity'))
+ styleRules.set('opacity', this.match(/opacity:\s*((?:0|1)?(?:\.\d*)?)/)[1]);
+ return styleRules;
+if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
+ Element.getStyles = function(element) {
+ var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($(element), null);
+ return Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.inject({ }, function(styles, property) {
+ styles[property] = css[property];
+ return styles;
+ });
+ };
+} else {
+ Element.getStyles = function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var css = element.currentStyle, styles;
+ styles = Element.CSS_PROPERTIES.inject({ }, function(results, property) {
+ results[property] = css[property];
+ return results;
+ });
+ if (!styles.opacity) styles.opacity = element.getOpacity();
+ return styles;
+ };
+Effect.Methods = {
+ morph: function(element, style) {
+ element = $(element);
+ new Effect.Morph(element, Object.extend({ style: style }, arguments[2] || { }));
+ return element;
+ },
+ visualEffect: function(element, effect, options) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var s = effect.dasherize().camelize(), klass = s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1);
+ new Effect[klass](element, options);
+ return element;
+ },
+ highlight: function(element, options) {
+ element = $(element);
+ new Effect.Highlight(element, options);
+ return element;
+ }
+$w('fade appear grow shrink fold blindUp blindDown slideUp slideDown '+
+ 'pulsate shake puff squish switchOff dropOut').each(
+ function(effect) {
+ Effect.Methods[effect] = function(element, options){
+ element = $(element);
+ Effect[effect.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + effect.substring(1)](element, options);
+ return element;
+ };
+ }
+$w('getInlineOpacity forceRerendering setContentZoom collectTextNodes collectTextNodesIgnoreClass getStyles').each(
+ function(f) { Effect.Methods[f] = Element[f]; }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/prototype.js
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/prototype.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/prototype.js 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,6001 @@
+/* Prototype JavaScript framework, version 1.7_rc2
+ * (c) 2005-2010 Sam Stephenson
+ *
+ * Prototype is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
+ * For details, see the Prototype web site: http://www.prototypejs.org/
+ *
+ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+var Prototype = {
+ Version: '1.7_rc2',
+ Browser: (function(){
+ var ua = navigator.userAgent;
+ var isOpera = Object.prototype.toString.call(window.opera) == '[object Opera]';
+ return {
+ IE: !!window.attachEvent && !isOpera,
+ Opera: isOpera,
+ WebKit: ua.indexOf('AppleWebKit/') > -1,
+ Gecko: ua.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 && ua.indexOf('KHTML') === -1,
+ MobileSafari: /Apple.*Mobile/.test(ua)
+ }
+ })(),
+ BrowserFeatures: {
+ XPath: !!document.evaluate,
+ SelectorsAPI: !!document.querySelector,
+ ElementExtensions: (function() {
+ var constructor = window.Element || window.HTMLElement;
+ return !!(constructor && constructor.prototype);
+ })(),
+ SpecificElementExtensions: (function() {
+ if (typeof window.HTMLDivElement !== 'undefined')
+ return true;
+ var div = document.createElement('div'),
+ form = document.createElement('form'),
+ isSupported = false;
+ if (div['__proto__'] && (div['__proto__'] !== form['__proto__'])) {
+ isSupported = true;
+ }
+ div = form = null;
+ return isSupported;
+ })()
+ },
+ ScriptFragment: '<script[^>]*>([\\S\\s]*?)<\/script>',
+ JSONFilter: /^\/\*-secure-([\s\S]*)\*\/\s*$/,
+ emptyFunction: function() { },
+ K: function(x) { return x }
+if (Prototype.Browser.MobileSafari)
+ Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions = false;
+var Abstract = { };
+var Try = {
+ these: function() {
+ var returnValue;
+ for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var lambda = arguments[i];
+ try {
+ returnValue = lambda();
+ break;
+ } catch (e) { }
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+ }
+/* Based on Alex Arnell's inheritance implementation. */
+var Class = (function() {
+ var IS_DONTENUM_BUGGY = (function(){
+ for (var p in { toString: 1 }) {
+ if (p === 'toString') return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ })();
+ function subclass() {};
+ function create() {
+ var parent = null, properties = $A(arguments);
+ if (Object.isFunction(properties[0]))
+ parent = properties.shift();
+ function klass() {
+ this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ Object.extend(klass, Class.Methods);
+ klass.superclass = parent;
+ klass.subclasses = [];
+ if (parent) {
+ subclass.prototype = parent.prototype;
+ klass.prototype = new subclass;
+ parent.subclasses.push(klass);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++)
+ klass.addMethods(properties[i]);
+ if (!klass.prototype.initialize)
+ klass.prototype.initialize = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ klass.prototype.constructor = klass;
+ return klass;
+ }
+ function addMethods(source) {
+ var ancestor = this.superclass && this.superclass.prototype,
+ properties = Object.keys(source);
+ if (source.toString != Object.prototype.toString)
+ properties.push("toString");
+ if (source.valueOf != Object.prototype.valueOf)
+ properties.push("valueOf");
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var property = properties[i], value = source[property];
+ if (ancestor && Object.isFunction(value) &&
+ value.argumentNames()[0] == "$super") {
+ var method = value;
+ value = (function(m) {
+ return function() { return ancestor[m].apply(this, arguments); };
+ })(property).wrap(method);
+ value.valueOf = method.valueOf.bind(method);
+ value.toString = method.toString.bind(method);
+ }
+ this.prototype[property] = value;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ return {
+ create: create,
+ Methods: {
+ addMethods: addMethods
+ }
+ };
+(function() {
+ var _toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ NULL_TYPE = 'Null',
+ UNDEFINED_TYPE = 'Undefined',
+ BOOLEAN_TYPE = 'Boolean',
+ NUMBER_TYPE = 'Number',
+ STRING_TYPE = 'String',
+ OBJECT_TYPE = 'Object',
+ BOOLEAN_CLASS = '[object Boolean]',
+ NUMBER_CLASS = '[object Number]',
+ STRING_CLASS = '[object String]',
+ ARRAY_CLASS = '[object Array]',
+ typeof JSON.stringify === 'function' &&
+ JSON.stringify(0) === '0' &&
+ typeof JSON.stringify(Prototype.K) === 'undefined';
+ function Type(o) {
+ switch(o) {
+ case null: return NULL_TYPE;
+ case (void 0): return UNDEFINED_TYPE;
+ }
+ var type = typeof o;
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'boolean': return BOOLEAN_TYPE;
+ case 'number': return NUMBER_TYPE;
+ case 'string': return STRING_TYPE;
+ }
+ return OBJECT_TYPE;
+ }
+ function extend(destination, source) {
+ for (var property in source)
+ destination[property] = source[property];
+ return destination;
+ }
+ function inspect(object) {
+ try {
+ if (isUndefined(object)) return 'undefined';
+ if (object === null) return 'null';
+ return object.inspect ? object.inspect() : String(object);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof RangeError) return '...';
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ function toJSON(value) {
+ return Str('', { '': value }, []);
+ }
+ function Str(key, holder, stack) {
+ var value = holder[key],
+ type = typeof value;
+ if (Type(value) === OBJECT_TYPE && typeof value.toJSON === 'function') {
+ value = value.toJSON(key);
+ }
+ var _class = _toString.call(value);
+ switch (_class) {
+ value = value.valueOf();
+ }
+ switch (value) {
+ case null: return 'null';
+ case true: return 'true';
+ case false: return 'false';
+ }
+ type = typeof value;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'string':
+ return value.inspect(true);
+ case 'number':
+ return isFinite(value) ? String(value) : 'null';
+ case 'object':
+ for (var i = 0, length = stack.length; i < length; i++) {
+ if (stack[i] === value) { throw new TypeError(); }
+ }
+ stack.push(value);
+ var partial = [];
+ if (_class === ARRAY_CLASS) {
+ for (var i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var str = Str(i, value, stack);
+ partial.push(typeof str === 'undefined' ? 'null' : str);
+ }
+ partial = '[' + partial.join(',') + ']';
+ } else {
+ var keys = Object.keys(value);
+ for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var key = keys[i], str = Str(key, value, stack);
+ if (typeof str !== "undefined") {
+ partial.push(key.inspect(true)+ ':' + str);
+ }
+ }
+ partial = '{' + partial.join(',') + '}';
+ }
+ stack.pop();
+ return partial;
+ }
+ }
+ function stringify(object) {
+ return JSON.stringify(object);
+ }
+ function toQueryString(object) {
+ return $H(object).toQueryString();
+ }
+ function toHTML(object) {
+ return object && object.toHTML ? object.toHTML() : String.interpret(object);
+ }
+ function keys(object) {
+ if (Type(object) !== OBJECT_TYPE) { throw new TypeError(); }
+ var results = [];
+ for (var property in object) {
+ if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
+ results.push(property);
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ function values(object) {
+ var results = [];
+ for (var property in object)
+ results.push(object[property]);
+ return results;
+ }
+ function clone(object) {
+ return extend({ }, object);
+ }
+ function isElement(object) {
+ return !!(object && object.nodeType == 1);
+ }
+ function isArray(object) {
+ return _toString.call(object) === ARRAY_CLASS;
+ }
+ var hasNativeIsArray = (typeof Array.isArray == 'function')
+ && Array.isArray([]) && !Array.isArray({});
+ if (hasNativeIsArray) {
+ isArray = Array.isArray;
+ }
+ function isHash(object) {
+ return object instanceof Hash;
+ }
+ function isFunction(object) {
+ return typeof object === "function";
+ }
+ function isString(object) {
+ return _toString.call(object) === STRING_CLASS;
+ }
+ function isNumber(object) {
+ return _toString.call(object) === NUMBER_CLASS;
+ }
+ function isUndefined(object) {
+ return typeof object === "undefined";
+ }
+ extend(Object, {
+ extend: extend,
+ inspect: inspect,
+ toQueryString: toQueryString,
+ toHTML: toHTML,
+ keys: Object.keys || keys,
+ values: values,
+ clone: clone,
+ isElement: isElement,
+ isArray: isArray,
+ isHash: isHash,
+ isFunction: isFunction,
+ isString: isString,
+ isNumber: isNumber,
+ isUndefined: isUndefined
+ });
+Object.extend(Function.prototype, (function() {
+ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ function update(array, args) {
+ var arrayLength = array.length, length = args.length;
+ while (length--) array[arrayLength + length] = args[length];
+ return array;
+ }
+ function merge(array, args) {
+ array = slice.call(array, 0);
+ return update(array, args);
+ }
+ function argumentNames() {
+ var names = this.toString().match(/^[\s\(]*function[^(]*\(([^)]*)\)/)[1]
+ .replace(/\/\/.*?[\r\n]|\/\*(?:.|[\r\n])*?\*\//g, '')
+ .replace(/\s+/g, '').split(',');
+ return names.length == 1 && !names[0] ? [] : names;
+ }
+ function bind(context) {
+ if (arguments.length < 2 && Object.isUndefined(arguments[0])) return this;
+ var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return function() {
+ var a = merge(args, arguments);
+ return __method.apply(context, a);
+ }
+ }
+ function bindAsEventListener(context) {
+ var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ return function(event) {
+ var a = update([event || window.event], args);
+ return __method.apply(context, a);
+ }
+ }
+ function curry() {
+ if (!arguments.length) return this;
+ var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 0);
+ return function() {
+ var a = merge(args, arguments);
+ return __method.apply(this, a);
+ }
+ }
+ function delay(timeout) {
+ var __method = this, args = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ timeout = timeout * 1000;
+ return window.setTimeout(function() {
+ return __method.apply(__method, args);
+ }, timeout);
+ }
+ function defer() {
+ var args = update([0.01], arguments);
+ return this.delay.apply(this, args);
+ }
+ function wrap(wrapper) {
+ var __method = this;
+ return function() {
+ var a = update([__method.bind(this)], arguments);
+ return wrapper.apply(this, a);
+ }
+ }
+ function methodize() {
+ if (this._methodized) return this._methodized;
+ var __method = this;
+ return this._methodized = function() {
+ var a = update([this], arguments);
+ return __method.apply(null, a);
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ argumentNames: argumentNames,
+ bind: bind,
+ bindAsEventListener: bindAsEventListener,
+ curry: curry,
+ delay: delay,
+ defer: defer,
+ wrap: wrap,
+ methodize: methodize
+ }
+(function(proto) {
+ function toISOString() {
+ return this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
+ (this.getUTCMonth() + 1).toPaddedString(2) + '-' +
+ this.getUTCDate().toPaddedString(2) + 'T' +
+ this.getUTCHours().toPaddedString(2) + ':' +
+ this.getUTCMinutes().toPaddedString(2) + ':' +
+ this.getUTCSeconds().toPaddedString(2) + 'Z';
+ }
+ function toJSON() {
+ return this.toISOString();
+ }
+ if (!proto.toISOString) proto.toISOString = toISOString;
+ if (!proto.toJSON) proto.toJSON = toJSON;
+RegExp.prototype.match = RegExp.prototype.test;
+RegExp.escape = function(str) {
+ return String(str).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
+var PeriodicalExecuter = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(callback, frequency) {
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.frequency = frequency;
+ this.currentlyExecuting = false;
+ this.registerCallback();
+ },
+ registerCallback: function() {
+ this.timer = setInterval(this.onTimerEvent.bind(this), this.frequency * 1000);
+ },
+ execute: function() {
+ this.callback(this);
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ if (!this.timer) return;
+ clearInterval(this.timer);
+ this.timer = null;
+ },
+ onTimerEvent: function() {
+ if (!this.currentlyExecuting) {
+ try {
+ this.currentlyExecuting = true;
+ this.execute();
+ this.currentlyExecuting = false;
+ } catch(e) {
+ this.currentlyExecuting = false;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Object.extend(String, {
+ interpret: function(value) {
+ return value == null ? '' : String(value);
+ },
+ specialChar: {
+ '\b': '\\b',
+ '\t': '\\t',
+ '\n': '\\n',
+ '\f': '\\f',
+ '\r': '\\r',
+ '\\': '\\\\'
+ }
+Object.extend(String.prototype, (function() {
+ typeof JSON.parse === 'function' &&
+ JSON.parse('{"test": true}').test;
+ function prepareReplacement(replacement) {
+ if (Object.isFunction(replacement)) return replacement;
+ var template = new Template(replacement);
+ return function(match) { return template.evaluate(match) };
+ }
+ function gsub(pattern, replacement) {
+ var result = '', source = this, match;
+ replacement = prepareReplacement(replacement);
+ if (Object.isString(pattern))
+ pattern = RegExp.escape(pattern);
+ if (!(pattern.length || pattern.source)) {
+ replacement = replacement('');
+ return replacement + source.split('').join(replacement) + replacement;
+ }
+ while (source.length > 0) {
+ if (match = source.match(pattern)) {
+ result += source.slice(0, match.index);
+ result += String.interpret(replacement(match));
+ source = source.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
+ } else {
+ result += source, source = '';
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function sub(pattern, replacement, count) {
+ replacement = prepareReplacement(replacement);
+ count = Object.isUndefined(count) ? 1 : count;
+ return this.gsub(pattern, function(match) {
+ if (--count < 0) return match[0];
+ return replacement(match);
+ });
+ }
+ function scan(pattern, iterator) {
+ this.gsub(pattern, iterator);
+ return String(this);
+ }
+ function truncate(length, truncation) {
+ length = length || 30;
+ truncation = Object.isUndefined(truncation) ? '...' : truncation;
+ return this.length > length ?
+ this.slice(0, length - truncation.length) + truncation : String(this);
+ }
+ function strip() {
+ return this.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
+ }
+ function stripTags() {
+ return this.replace(/<\w+(\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^>])+)?>|<\/\w+>/gi, '');
+ }
+ function stripScripts() {
+ return this.replace(new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'), '');
+ }
+ function extractScripts() {
+ var matchAll = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'img'),
+ matchOne = new RegExp(Prototype.ScriptFragment, 'im');
+ return (this.match(matchAll) || []).map(function(scriptTag) {
+ return (scriptTag.match(matchOne) || ['', ''])[1];
+ });
+ }
+ function evalScripts() {
+ return this.extractScripts().map(function(script) { return eval(script) });
+ }
+ function escapeHTML() {
+ return this.replace(/&/g,'&').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>');
+ }
+ function unescapeHTML() {
+ return this.stripTags().replace(/</g,'<').replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/&/g,'&');
+ }
+ function toQueryParams(separator) {
+ var match = this.strip().match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/);
+ if (!match) return { };
+ return match[1].split(separator || '&').inject({ }, function(hash, pair) {
+ if ((pair = pair.split('='))[0]) {
+ var key = decodeURIComponent(pair.shift()),
+ value = pair.length > 1 ? pair.join('=') : pair[0];
+ if (value != undefined) value = decodeURIComponent(value);
+ if (key in hash) {
+ if (!Object.isArray(hash[key])) hash[key] = [hash[key]];
+ hash[key].push(value);
+ }
+ else hash[key] = value;
+ }
+ return hash;
+ });
+ }
+ function toArray() {
+ return this.split('');
+ }
+ function succ() {
+ return this.slice(0, this.length - 1) +
+ String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeAt(this.length - 1) + 1);
+ }
+ function times(count) {
+ return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count + 1).join(this);
+ }
+ function camelize() {
+ return this.replace(/-+(.)?/g, function(match, chr) {
+ return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
+ });
+ }
+ function capitalize() {
+ return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substring(1).toLowerCase();
+ }
+ function underscore() {
+ return this.replace(/::/g, '/')
+ .replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')
+ .replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2')
+ .replace(/-/g, '_')
+ .toLowerCase();
+ }
+ function dasherize() {
+ return this.replace(/_/g, '-');
+ }
+ function inspect(useDoubleQuotes) {
+ var escapedString = this.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\]/g, function(character) {
+ if (character in String.specialChar) {
+ return String.specialChar[character];
+ }
+ return '\\u00' + character.charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16);
+ });
+ if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' + escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '"';
+ return "'" + escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\\\'') + "'";
+ }
+ function unfilterJSON(filter) {
+ return this.replace(filter || Prototype.JSONFilter, '$1');
+ }
+ function isJSON() {
+ var str = this;
+ if (str.blank()) return false;
+ str = str.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, '@');
+ str = str.replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ']');
+ str = str.replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, '');
+ return (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/).test(str);
+ }
+ function evalJSON(sanitize) {
+ var json = this.unfilterJSON(),
+ cx = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g;
+ if (cx.test(json)) {
+ json = json.replace(cx, function (a) {
+ return '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4);
+ });
+ }
+ try {
+ if (!sanitize || json.isJSON()) return eval('(' + json + ')');
+ } catch (e) { }
+ throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string: ' + this.inspect());
+ }
+ function parseJSON() {
+ var json = this.unfilterJSON();
+ return JSON.parse(json);
+ }
+ function include(pattern) {
+ return this.indexOf(pattern) > -1;
+ }
+ function startsWith(pattern) {
+ return this.lastIndexOf(pattern, 0) === 0;
+ }
+ function endsWith(pattern) {
+ var d = this.length - pattern.length;
+ return d >= 0 && this.indexOf(pattern, d) === d;
+ }
+ function empty() {
+ return this == '';
+ }
+ function blank() {
+ return /^\s*$/.test(this);
+ }
+ function interpolate(object, pattern) {
+ return new Template(this, pattern).evaluate(object);
+ }
+ return {
+ gsub: gsub,
+ sub: sub,
+ scan: scan,
+ truncate: truncate,
+ strip: String.prototype.trim || strip,
+ stripTags: stripTags,
+ stripScripts: stripScripts,
+ extractScripts: extractScripts,
+ evalScripts: evalScripts,
+ escapeHTML: escapeHTML,
+ unescapeHTML: unescapeHTML,
+ toQueryParams: toQueryParams,
+ parseQuery: toQueryParams,
+ toArray: toArray,
+ succ: succ,
+ times: times,
+ camelize: camelize,
+ capitalize: capitalize,
+ underscore: underscore,
+ dasherize: dasherize,
+ inspect: inspect,
+ unfilterJSON: unfilterJSON,
+ isJSON: isJSON,
+ include: include,
+ startsWith: startsWith,
+ endsWith: endsWith,
+ empty: empty,
+ blank: blank,
+ interpolate: interpolate
+ };
+var Template = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(template, pattern) {
+ this.template = template.toString();
+ this.pattern = pattern || Template.Pattern;
+ },
+ evaluate: function(object) {
+ if (object && Object.isFunction(object.toTemplateReplacements))
+ object = object.toTemplateReplacements();
+ return this.template.gsub(this.pattern, function(match) {
+ if (object == null) return (match[1] + '');
+ var before = match[1] || '';
+ if (before == '\\') return match[2];
+ var ctx = object, expr = match[3],
+ pattern = /^([^.[]+|\[((?:.*?[^\\])?)\])(\.|\[|$)/;
+ match = pattern.exec(expr);
+ if (match == null) return before;
+ while (match != null) {
+ var comp = match[1].startsWith('[') ? match[2].replace(/\\\\]/g, ']') : match[1];
+ ctx = ctx[comp];
+ if (null == ctx || '' == match[3]) break;
+ expr = expr.substring('[' == match[3] ? match[1].length : match[0].length);
+ match = pattern.exec(expr);
+ }
+ return before + String.interpret(ctx);
+ });
+ }
+Template.Pattern = /(^|.|\r|\n)(#\{(.*?)\})/;
+var $break = { };
+var Enumerable = (function() {
+ function each(iterator, context) {
+ var index = 0;
+ try {
+ this._each(function(value) {
+ iterator.call(context, value, index++);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e != $break) throw e;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ function eachSlice(number, iterator, context) {
+ var index = -number, slices = [], array = this.toArray();
+ if (number < 1) return array;
+ while ((index += number) < array.length)
+ slices.push(array.slice(index, index+number));
+ return slices.collect(iterator, context);
+ }
+ function all(iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
+ var result = true;
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ result = result && !!iterator.call(context, value, index);
+ if (!result) throw $break;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ function any(iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
+ var result = false;
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ if (result = !!iterator.call(context, value, index))
+ throw $break;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ function collect(iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
+ var results = [];
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ results.push(iterator.call(context, value, index));
+ });
+ return results;
+ }
+ function detect(iterator, context) {
+ var result;
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ if (iterator.call(context, value, index)) {
+ result = value;
+ throw $break;
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ function findAll(iterator, context) {
+ var results = [];
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ if (iterator.call(context, value, index))
+ results.push(value);
+ });
+ return results;
+ }
+ function grep(filter, iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
+ var results = [];
+ if (Object.isString(filter))
+ filter = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(filter));
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ if (filter.match(value))
+ results.push(iterator.call(context, value, index));
+ });
+ return results;
+ }
+ function include(object) {
+ if (Object.isFunction(this.indexOf))
+ if (this.indexOf(object) != -1) return true;
+ var found = false;
+ this.each(function(value) {
+ if (value == object) {
+ found = true;
+ throw $break;
+ }
+ });
+ return found;
+ }
+ function inGroupsOf(number, fillWith) {
+ fillWith = Object.isUndefined(fillWith) ? null : fillWith;
+ return this.eachSlice(number, function(slice) {
+ while(slice.length < number) slice.push(fillWith);
+ return slice;
+ });
+ }
+ function inject(memo, iterator, context) {
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ memo = iterator.call(context, memo, value, index);
+ });
+ return memo;
+ }
+ function invoke(method) {
+ var args = $A(arguments).slice(1);
+ return this.map(function(value) {
+ return value[method].apply(value, args);
+ });
+ }
+ function max(iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
+ var result;
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ value = iterator.call(context, value, index);
+ if (result == null || value >= result)
+ result = value;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ function min(iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
+ var result;
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ value = iterator.call(context, value, index);
+ if (result == null || value < result)
+ result = value;
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ function partition(iterator, context) {
+ iterator = iterator || Prototype.K;
+ var trues = [], falses = [];
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ (iterator.call(context, value, index) ?
+ trues : falses).push(value);
+ });
+ return [trues, falses];
+ }
+ function pluck(property) {
+ var results = [];
+ this.each(function(value) {
+ results.push(value[property]);
+ });
+ return results;
+ }
+ function reject(iterator, context) {
+ var results = [];
+ this.each(function(value, index) {
+ if (!iterator.call(context, value, index))
+ results.push(value);
+ });
+ return results;
+ }
+ function sortBy(iterator, context) {
+ return this.map(function(value, index) {
+ return {
+ value: value,
+ criteria: iterator.call(context, value, index)
+ };
+ }).sort(function(left, right) {
+ var a = left.criteria, b = right.criteria;
+ return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0;
+ }).pluck('value');
+ }
+ function toArray() {
+ return this.map();
+ }
+ function zip() {
+ var iterator = Prototype.K, args = $A(arguments);
+ if (Object.isFunction(args.last()))
+ iterator = args.pop();
+ var collections = [this].concat(args).map($A);
+ return this.map(function(value, index) {
+ return iterator(collections.pluck(index));
+ });
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return this.toArray().length;
+ }
+ function inspect() {
+ return '#<Enumerable:' + this.toArray().inspect() + '>';
+ }
+ return {
+ each: each,
+ eachSlice: eachSlice,
+ all: all,
+ every: all,
+ any: any,
+ some: any,
+ collect: collect,
+ map: collect,
+ detect: detect,
+ findAll: findAll,
+ select: findAll,
+ filter: findAll,
+ grep: grep,
+ include: include,
+ member: include,
+ inGroupsOf: inGroupsOf,
+ inject: inject,
+ invoke: invoke,
+ max: max,
+ min: min,
+ partition: partition,
+ pluck: pluck,
+ reject: reject,
+ sortBy: sortBy,
+ toArray: toArray,
+ entries: toArray,
+ zip: zip,
+ size: size,
+ inspect: inspect,
+ find: detect
+ };
+function $A(iterable) {
+ if (!iterable) return [];
+ if ('toArray' in Object(iterable)) return iterable.toArray();
+ var length = iterable.length || 0, results = new Array(length);
+ while (length--) results[length] = iterable[length];
+ return results;
+function $w(string) {
+ if (!Object.isString(string)) return [];
+ string = string.strip();
+ return string ? string.split(/\s+/) : [];
+Array.from = $A;
+(function() {
+ var arrayProto = Array.prototype,
+ slice = arrayProto.slice,
+ _each = arrayProto.forEach; // use native browser JS 1.6 implementation if available
+ function each(iterator) {
+ for (var i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; i++)
+ iterator(this[i]);
+ }
+ if (!_each) _each = each;
+ function clear() {
+ this.length = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ function first() {
+ return this[0];
+ }
+ function last() {
+ return this[this.length - 1];
+ }
+ function compact() {
+ return this.select(function(value) {
+ return value != null;
+ });
+ }
+ function flatten() {
+ return this.inject([], function(array, value) {
+ if (Object.isArray(value))
+ return array.concat(value.flatten());
+ array.push(value);
+ return array;
+ });
+ }
+ function without() {
+ var values = slice.call(arguments, 0);
+ return this.select(function(value) {
+ return !values.include(value);
+ });
+ }
+ function reverse(inline) {
+ return (inline === false ? this.toArray() : this)._reverse();
+ }
+ function uniq(sorted) {
+ return this.inject([], function(array, value, index) {
+ if (0 == index || (sorted ? array.last() != value : !array.include(value)))
+ array.push(value);
+ return array;
+ });
+ }
+ function intersect(array) {
+ return this.uniq().findAll(function(item) {
+ return array.detect(function(value) { return item === value });
+ });
+ }
+ function clone() {
+ return slice.call(this, 0);
+ }
+ function size() {
+ return this.length;
+ }
+ function inspect() {
+ return '[' + this.map(Object.inspect).join(', ') + ']';
+ }
+ function indexOf(item, i) {
+ i || (i = 0);
+ var length = this.length;
+ if (i < 0) i = length + i;
+ for (; i < length; i++)
+ if (this[i] === item) return i;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ function lastIndexOf(item, i) {
+ i = isNaN(i) ? this.length : (i < 0 ? this.length + i : i) + 1;
+ var n = this.slice(0, i).reverse().indexOf(item);
+ return (n < 0) ? n : i - n - 1;
+ }
+ function concat() {
+ var array = slice.call(this, 0), item;
+ for (var i = 0, length = arguments.length; i < length; i++) {
+ item = arguments[i];
+ if (Object.isArray(item) && !('callee' in item)) {
+ for (var j = 0, arrayLength = item.length; j < arrayLength; j++)
+ array.push(item[j]);
+ } else {
+ array.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ Object.extend(arrayProto, Enumerable);
+ if (!arrayProto._reverse)
+ arrayProto._reverse = arrayProto.reverse;
+ Object.extend(arrayProto, {
+ _each: _each,
+ clear: clear,
+ first: first,
+ last: last,
+ compact: compact,
+ flatten: flatten,
+ without: without,
+ reverse: reverse,
+ uniq: uniq,
+ intersect: intersect,
+ clone: clone,
+ toArray: clone,
+ size: size,
+ inspect: inspect
+ });
+ var CONCAT_ARGUMENTS_BUGGY = (function() {
+ return [].concat(arguments)[0][0] !== 1;
+ })(1,2)
+ if (CONCAT_ARGUMENTS_BUGGY) arrayProto.concat = concat;
+ if (!arrayProto.indexOf) arrayProto.indexOf = indexOf;
+ if (!arrayProto.lastIndexOf) arrayProto.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;
+function $H(object) {
+ return new Hash(object);
+var Hash = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() {
+ function initialize(object) {
+ this._object = Object.isHash(object) ? object.toObject() : Object.clone(object);
+ }
+ function _each(iterator) {
+ for (var key in this._object) {
+ var value = this._object[key], pair = [key, value];
+ pair.key = key;
+ pair.value = value;
+ iterator(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ function set(key, value) {
+ return this._object[key] = value;
+ }
+ function get(key) {
+ if (this._object[key] !== Object.prototype[key])
+ return this._object[key];
+ }
+ function unset(key) {
+ var value = this._object[key];
+ delete this._object[key];
+ return value;
+ }
+ function toObject() {
+ return Object.clone(this._object);
+ }
+ function keys() {
+ return this.pluck('key');
+ }
+ function values() {
+ return this.pluck('value');
+ }
+ function index(value) {
+ var match = this.detect(function(pair) {
+ return pair.value === value;
+ });
+ return match && match.key;
+ }
+ function merge(object) {
+ return this.clone().update(object);
+ }
+ function update(object) {
+ return new Hash(object).inject(this, function(result, pair) {
+ result.set(pair.key, pair.value);
+ return result;
+ });
+ }
+ function toQueryPair(key, value) {
+ if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return key;
+ return key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(String.interpret(value));
+ }
+ function toQueryString() {
+ return this.inject([], function(results, pair) {
+ var key = encodeURIComponent(pair.key), values = pair.value;
+ if (values && typeof values == 'object') {
+ if (Object.isArray(values))
+ return results.concat(values.map(toQueryPair.curry(key)));
+ } else results.push(toQueryPair(key, values));
+ return results;
+ }).join('&');
+ }
+ function inspect() {
+ return '#<Hash:{' + this.map(function(pair) {
+ return pair.map(Object.inspect).join(': ');
+ }).join(', ') + '}>';
+ }
+ function clone() {
+ return new Hash(this);
+ }
+ return {
+ initialize: initialize,
+ _each: _each,
+ set: set,
+ get: get,
+ unset: unset,
+ toObject: toObject,
+ toTemplateReplacements: toObject,
+ keys: keys,
+ values: values,
+ index: index,
+ merge: merge,
+ update: update,
+ toQueryString: toQueryString,
+ inspect: inspect,
+ toJSON: toObject,
+ clone: clone
+ };
+Hash.from = $H;
+Object.extend(Number.prototype, (function() {
+ function toColorPart() {
+ return this.toPaddedString(2, 16);
+ }
+ function succ() {
+ return this + 1;
+ }
+ function times(iterator, context) {
+ $R(0, this, true).each(iterator, context);
+ return this;
+ }
+ function toPaddedString(length, radix) {
+ var string = this.toString(radix || 10);
+ return '0'.times(length - string.length) + string;
+ }
+ function abs() {
+ return Math.abs(this);
+ }
+ function round() {
+ return Math.round(this);
+ }
+ function ceil() {
+ return Math.ceil(this);
+ }
+ function floor() {
+ return Math.floor(this);
+ }
+ return {
+ toColorPart: toColorPart,
+ succ: succ,
+ times: times,
+ toPaddedString: toPaddedString,
+ abs: abs,
+ round: round,
+ ceil: ceil,
+ floor: floor
+ };
+function $R(start, end, exclusive) {
+ return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive);
+var ObjectRange = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() {
+ function initialize(start, end, exclusive) {
+ this.start = start;
+ this.end = end;
+ this.exclusive = exclusive;
+ }
+ function _each(iterator) {
+ var value = this.start;
+ while (this.include(value)) {
+ iterator(value);
+ value = value.succ();
+ }
+ }
+ function include(value) {
+ if (value < this.start)
+ return false;
+ if (this.exclusive)
+ return value < this.end;
+ return value <= this.end;
+ }
+ return {
+ initialize: initialize,
+ _each: _each,
+ include: include
+ };
+var Ajax = {
+ getTransport: function() {
+ return Try.these(
+ function() {return new XMLHttpRequest()},
+ function() {return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')},
+ function() {return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}
+ ) || false;
+ },
+ activeRequestCount: 0
+Ajax.Responders = {
+ responders: [],
+ _each: function(iterator) {
+ this.responders._each(iterator);
+ },
+ register: function(responder) {
+ if (!this.include(responder))
+ this.responders.push(responder);
+ },
+ unregister: function(responder) {
+ this.responders = this.responders.without(responder);
+ },
+ dispatch: function(callback, request, transport, json) {
+ this.each(function(responder) {
+ if (Object.isFunction(responder[callback])) {
+ try {
+ responder[callback].apply(responder, [request, transport, json]);
+ } catch (e) { }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+Object.extend(Ajax.Responders, Enumerable);
+ onCreate: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount++ },
+ onComplete: function() { Ajax.activeRequestCount-- }
+Ajax.Base = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(options) {
+ this.options = {
+ method: 'post',
+ asynchronous: true,
+ contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ encoding: 'UTF-8',
+ parameters: '',
+ evalJSON: true,
+ evalJS: true
+ };
+ Object.extend(this.options, options || { });
+ this.options.method = this.options.method.toLowerCase();
+ if (Object.isString(this.options.parameters))
+ this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toQueryParams();
+ else if (Object.isHash(this.options.parameters))
+ this.options.parameters = this.options.parameters.toObject();
+ }
+Ajax.Request = Class.create(Ajax.Base, {
+ _complete: false,
+ initialize: function($super, url, options) {
+ $super(options);
+ this.transport = Ajax.getTransport();
+ this.request(url);
+ },
+ request: function(url) {
+ this.url = url;
+ this.method = this.options.method;
+ var params = Object.clone(this.options.parameters);
+ if (!['get', 'post'].include(this.method)) {
+ params['_method'] = this.method;
+ this.method = 'post';
+ }
+ this.parameters = params;
+ if (params = Object.toQueryString(params)) {
+ if (this.method == 'get')
+ this.url += (this.url.include('?') ? '&' : '?') + params;
+ else if (/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent))
+ params += '&_=';
+ }
+ try {
+ var response = new Ajax.Response(this);
+ if (this.options.onCreate) this.options.onCreate(response);
+ Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onCreate', this, response);
+ this.transport.open(this.method.toUpperCase(), this.url,
+ this.options.asynchronous);
+ if (this.options.asynchronous) this.respondToReadyState.bind(this).defer(1);
+ this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this);
+ this.setRequestHeaders();
+ this.body = this.method == 'post' ? (this.options.postBody || params) : null;
+ this.transport.send(this.body);
+ /* Force Firefox to handle ready state 4 for synchronous requests */
+ if (!this.options.asynchronous && this.transport.overrideMimeType)
+ this.onStateChange();
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ this.dispatchException(e);
+ }
+ },
+ onStateChange: function() {
+ var readyState = this.transport.readyState;
+ if (readyState > 1 && !((readyState == 4) && this._complete))
+ this.respondToReadyState(this.transport.readyState);
+ },
+ setRequestHeaders: function() {
+ var headers = {
+ 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
+ 'X-Prototype-Version': Prototype.Version,
+ 'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
+ };
+ if (this.method == 'post') {
+ headers['Content-type'] = this.options.contentType +
+ (this.options.encoding ? '; charset=' + this.options.encoding : '');
+ /* Force "Connection: close" for older Mozilla browsers to work
+ * around a bug where XMLHttpRequest sends an incorrect
+ * Content-length header. See Mozilla Bugzilla #246651.
+ */
+ if (this.transport.overrideMimeType &&
+ (navigator.userAgent.match(/Gecko\/(\d{4})/) || [0,2005])[1] < 2005)
+ headers['Connection'] = 'close';
+ }
+ if (typeof this.options.requestHeaders == 'object') {
+ var extras = this.options.requestHeaders;
+ if (Object.isFunction(extras.push))
+ for (var i = 0, length = extras.length; i < length; i += 2)
+ headers[extras[i]] = extras[i+1];
+ else
+ $H(extras).each(function(pair) { headers[pair.key] = pair.value });
+ }
+ for (var name in headers)
+ this.transport.setRequestHeader(name, headers[name]);
+ },
+ success: function() {
+ var status = this.getStatus();
+ return !status || (status >= 200 && status < 300);
+ },
+ getStatus: function() {
+ try {
+ return this.transport.status || 0;
+ } catch (e) { return 0 }
+ },
+ respondToReadyState: function(readyState) {
+ var state = Ajax.Request.Events[readyState], response = new Ajax.Response(this);
+ if (state == 'Complete') {
+ try {
+ this._complete = true;
+ (this.options['on' + response.status]
+ || this.options['on' + (this.success() ? 'Success' : 'Failure')]
+ || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.dispatchException(e);
+ }
+ var contentType = response.getHeader('Content-type');
+ if (this.options.evalJS == 'force'
+ || (this.options.evalJS && this.isSameOrigin() && contentType
+ && contentType.match(/^\s*(text|application)\/(x-)?(java|ecma)script(;.*)?\s*$/i)))
+ this.evalResponse();
+ }
+ try {
+ (this.options['on' + state] || Prototype.emptyFunction)(response, response.headerJSON);
+ Ajax.Responders.dispatch('on' + state, this, response, response.headerJSON);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.dispatchException(e);
+ }
+ if (state == 'Complete') {
+ this.transport.onreadystatechange = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ }
+ },
+ isSameOrigin: function() {
+ var m = this.url.match(/^\s*https?:\/\/[^\/]*/);
+ return !m || (m[0] == '#{protocol}//#{domain}#{port}'.interpolate({
+ protocol: location.protocol,
+ domain: document.domain,
+ port: location.port ? ':' + location.port : ''
+ }));
+ },
+ getHeader: function(name) {
+ try {
+ return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name) || null;
+ } catch (e) { return null; }
+ },
+ evalResponse: function() {
+ try {
+ return eval((this.transport.responseText || '').unfilterJSON());
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.dispatchException(e);
+ }
+ },
+ dispatchException: function(exception) {
+ (this.options.onException || Prototype.emptyFunction)(this, exception);
+ Ajax.Responders.dispatch('onException', this, exception);
+ }
+Ajax.Request.Events =
+ ['Uninitialized', 'Loading', 'Loaded', 'Interactive', 'Complete'];
+Ajax.Response = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(request){
+ this.request = request;
+ var transport = this.transport = request.transport,
+ readyState = this.readyState = transport.readyState;
+ if ((readyState > 2 && !Prototype.Browser.IE) || readyState == 4) {
+ this.status = this.getStatus();
+ this.statusText = this.getStatusText();
+ this.responseText = String.interpret(transport.responseText);
+ this.headerJSON = this._getHeaderJSON();
+ }
+ if (readyState == 4) {
+ var xml = transport.responseXML;
+ this.responseXML = Object.isUndefined(xml) ? null : xml;
+ this.responseJSON = this._getResponseJSON();
+ }
+ },
+ status: 0,
+ statusText: '',
+ getStatus: Ajax.Request.prototype.getStatus,
+ getStatusText: function() {
+ try {
+ return this.transport.statusText || '';
+ } catch (e) { return '' }
+ },
+ getHeader: Ajax.Request.prototype.getHeader,
+ getAllHeaders: function() {
+ try {
+ return this.getAllResponseHeaders();
+ } catch (e) { return null }
+ },
+ getResponseHeader: function(name) {
+ return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name);
+ },
+ getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
+ return this.transport.getAllResponseHeaders();
+ },
+ _getHeaderJSON: function() {
+ var json = this.getHeader('X-JSON');
+ if (!json) return null;
+ json = decodeURIComponent(escape(json));
+ try {
+ return json.evalJSON(this.request.options.sanitizeJSON ||
+ !this.request.isSameOrigin());
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.request.dispatchException(e);
+ }
+ },
+ _getResponseJSON: function() {
+ var options = this.request.options;
+ if (!options.evalJSON || (options.evalJSON != 'force' &&
+ !(this.getHeader('Content-type') || '').include('application/json')) ||
+ this.responseText.blank())
+ return null;
+ try {
+ return this.responseText.evalJSON(options.sanitizeJSON ||
+ !this.request.isSameOrigin());
+ } catch (e) {
+ this.request.dispatchException(e);
+ }
+ }
+Ajax.Updater = Class.create(Ajax.Request, {
+ initialize: function($super, container, url, options) {
+ this.container = {
+ success: (container.success || container),
+ failure: (container.failure || (container.success ? null : container))
+ };
+ options = Object.clone(options);
+ var onComplete = options.onComplete;
+ options.onComplete = (function(response, json) {
+ this.updateContent(response.responseText);
+ if (Object.isFunction(onComplete)) onComplete(response, json);
+ }).bind(this);
+ $super(url, options);
+ },
+ updateContent: function(responseText) {
+ var receiver = this.container[this.success() ? 'success' : 'failure'],
+ options = this.options;
+ if (!options.evalScripts) responseText = responseText.stripScripts();
+ if (receiver = $(receiver)) {
+ if (options.insertion) {
+ if (Object.isString(options.insertion)) {
+ var insertion = { }; insertion[options.insertion] = responseText;
+ receiver.insert(insertion);
+ }
+ else options.insertion(receiver, responseText);
+ }
+ else receiver.update(responseText);
+ }
+ }
+Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater = Class.create(Ajax.Base, {
+ initialize: function($super, container, url, options) {
+ $super(options);
+ this.onComplete = this.options.onComplete;
+ this.frequency = (this.options.frequency || 2);
+ this.decay = (this.options.decay || 1);
+ this.updater = { };
+ this.container = container;
+ this.url = url;
+ this.start();
+ },
+ start: function() {
+ this.options.onComplete = this.updateComplete.bind(this);
+ this.onTimerEvent();
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ this.updater.options.onComplete = undefined;
+ clearTimeout(this.timer);
+ (this.onComplete || Prototype.emptyFunction).apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ updateComplete: function(response) {
+ if (this.options.decay) {
+ this.decay = (response.responseText == this.lastText ?
+ this.decay * this.options.decay : 1);
+ this.lastText = response.responseText;
+ }
+ this.timer = this.onTimerEvent.bind(this).delay(this.decay * this.frequency);
+ },
+ onTimerEvent: function() {
+ this.updater = new Ajax.Updater(this.container, this.url, this.options);
+ }
+function $(element) {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ for (var i = 0, elements = [], length = arguments.length; i < length; i++)
+ elements.push($(arguments[i]));
+ return elements;
+ }
+ if (Object.isString(element))
+ element = document.getElementById(element);
+ return Element.extend(element);
+if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath) {
+ document._getElementsByXPath = function(expression, parentElement) {
+ var results = [];
+ var query = document.evaluate(expression, $(parentElement) || document,
+ null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
+ for (var i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; i++)
+ results.push(Element.extend(query.snapshotItem(i)));
+ return results;
+ };
+if (!Node) var Node = { };
+if (!Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ Object.extend(Node, {
+ });
+(function(global) {
+ try {
+ var el = document.createElement('<input name="x">');
+ return el.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input' && el.name === 'x';
+ }
+ catch(err) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ })();
+ var element = global.Element;
+ global.Element = function(tagName, attributes) {
+ attributes = attributes || { };
+ tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
+ var cache = Element.cache;
+ if (HAS_EXTENDED_CREATE_ELEMENT_SYNTAX && attributes.name) {
+ tagName = '<' + tagName + ' name="' + attributes.name + '">';
+ delete attributes.name;
+ return Element.writeAttribute(document.createElement(tagName), attributes);
+ }
+ if (!cache[tagName]) cache[tagName] = Element.extend(document.createElement(tagName));
+ return Element.writeAttribute(cache[tagName].cloneNode(false), attributes);
+ };
+ Object.extend(global.Element, element || { });
+ if (element) global.Element.prototype = element.prototype;
+Element.idCounter = 1;
+Element.cache = { };
+function purgeElement(element) {
+ var uid = element._prototypeUID;
+ if (uid) {
+ Element.stopObserving(element);
+ element._prototypeUID = void 0;
+ delete Element.Storage[uid];
+ }
+Element.Methods = {
+ visible: function(element) {
+ return $(element).style.display != 'none';
+ },
+ toggle: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ Element[Element.visible(element) ? 'hide' : 'show'](element);
+ return element;
+ },
+ hide: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.style.display = 'none';
+ return element;
+ },
+ show: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.style.display = '';
+ return element;
+ },
+ remove: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+ return element;
+ },
+ update: (function(){
+ var el = document.createElement("select"),
+ isBuggy = true;
+ el.innerHTML = "<option value=\"test\">test</option>";
+ if (el.options && el.options[0]) {
+ isBuggy = el.options[0].nodeName.toUpperCase() !== "OPTION";
+ }
+ el = null;
+ return isBuggy;
+ })();
+ try {
+ var el = document.createElement("table");
+ if (el && el.tBodies) {
+ el.innerHTML = "<tbody><tr><td>test</td></tr></tbody>";
+ var isBuggy = typeof el.tBodies[0] == "undefined";
+ el = null;
+ return isBuggy;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ })();
+ var s = document.createElement("script"),
+ isBuggy = false;
+ try {
+ s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(""));
+ isBuggy = !s.firstChild ||
+ s.firstChild && s.firstChild.nodeType !== 3;
+ } catch (e) {
+ isBuggy = true;
+ }
+ s = null;
+ return isBuggy;
+ })();
+ function update(element, content) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var descendants = element.getElementsByTagName('*'),
+ i = descendants.length;
+ while (i--) purgeElement(descendants[i]);
+ if (content && content.toElement)
+ content = content.toElement();
+ if (Object.isElement(content))
+ return element.update().insert(content);
+ content = Object.toHTML(content);
+ var tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase();
+ element.text = content;
+ return element;
+ }
+ if (tagName in Element._insertionTranslations.tags) {
+ while (element.firstChild) {
+ element.removeChild(element.firstChild);
+ }
+ Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts())
+ .each(function(node) {
+ element.appendChild(node)
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ element.innerHTML = content.stripScripts();
+ }
+ content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer();
+ return element;
+ }
+ return update;
+ })(),
+ replace: function(element, content) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement();
+ else if (!Object.isElement(content)) {
+ content = Object.toHTML(content);
+ var range = element.ownerDocument.createRange();
+ range.selectNode(element);
+ content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer();
+ content = range.createContextualFragment(content.stripScripts());
+ }
+ element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element);
+ return element;
+ },
+ insert: function(element, insertions) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Object.isString(insertions) || Object.isNumber(insertions) ||
+ Object.isElement(insertions) || (insertions && (insertions.toElement || insertions.toHTML)))
+ insertions = {bottom:insertions};
+ var content, insert, tagName, childNodes;
+ for (var position in insertions) {
+ content = insertions[position];
+ position = position.toLowerCase();
+ insert = Element._insertionTranslations[position];
+ if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement();
+ if (Object.isElement(content)) {
+ insert(element, content);
+ continue;
+ }
+ content = Object.toHTML(content);
+ tagName = ((position == 'before' || position == 'after')
+ ? element.parentNode : element).tagName.toUpperCase();
+ childNodes = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts());
+ if (position == 'top' || position == 'after') childNodes.reverse();
+ childNodes.each(insert.curry(element));
+ content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer();
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ wrap: function(element, wrapper, attributes) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Object.isElement(wrapper))
+ $(wrapper).writeAttribute(attributes || { });
+ else if (Object.isString(wrapper)) wrapper = new Element(wrapper, attributes);
+ else wrapper = new Element('div', wrapper);
+ if (element.parentNode)
+ element.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapper, element);
+ wrapper.appendChild(element);
+ return wrapper;
+ },
+ inspect: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var result = '<' + element.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ $H({'id': 'id', 'className': 'class'}).each(function(pair) {
+ var property = pair.first(),
+ attribute = pair.last(),
+ value = (element[property] || '').toString();
+ if (value) result += ' ' + attribute + '=' + value.inspect(true);
+ });
+ return result + '>';
+ },
+ recursivelyCollect: function(element, property, maximumLength) {
+ element = $(element);
+ maximumLength = maximumLength || -1;
+ var elements = [];
+ while (element = element[property]) {
+ if (element.nodeType == 1)
+ elements.push(Element.extend(element));
+ if (elements.length == maximumLength)
+ break;
+ }
+ return elements;
+ },
+ ancestors: function(element) {
+ return Element.recursivelyCollect(element, 'parentNode');
+ },
+ descendants: function(element) {
+ return Element.select(element, "*");
+ },
+ firstDescendant: function(element) {
+ element = $(element).firstChild;
+ while (element && element.nodeType != 1) element = element.nextSibling;
+ return $(element);
+ },
+ immediateDescendants: function(element) {
+ var results = [], child = $(element).firstChild;
+ while (child) {
+ if (child.nodeType === 1) {
+ results.push(Element.extend(child));
+ }
+ child = child.nextSibling;
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ previousSiblings: function(element, maximumLength) {
+ return Element.recursivelyCollect(element, 'previousSibling');
+ },
+ nextSiblings: function(element) {
+ return Element.recursivelyCollect(element, 'nextSibling');
+ },
+ siblings: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ return Element.previousSiblings(element).reverse()
+ .concat(Element.nextSiblings(element));
+ },
+ match: function(element, selector) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Object.isString(selector))
+ return Prototype.Selector.match(element, selector);
+ return selector.match(element);
+ },
+ up: function(element, expression, index) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (arguments.length == 1) return $(element.parentNode);
+ var ancestors = Element.ancestors(element);
+ return Object.isNumber(expression) ? ancestors[expression] :
+ Prototype.Selector.find(ancestors, expression, index);
+ },
+ down: function(element, expression, index) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (arguments.length == 1) return Element.firstDescendant(element);
+ return Object.isNumber(expression) ? Element.descendants(element)[expression] :
+ Element.select(element, expression)[index || 0];
+ },
+ previous: function(element, expression, index) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Object.isNumber(expression)) index = expression, expression = false;
+ if (!Object.isNumber(index)) index = 0;
+ if (expression) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.find(element.previousSiblings(), expression, index);
+ } else {
+ return element.recursivelyCollect("previousSibling", index + 1)[index];
+ }
+ },
+ next: function(element, expression, index) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Object.isNumber(expression)) index = expression, expression = false;
+ if (!Object.isNumber(index)) index = 0;
+ if (expression) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.find(element.nextSiblings(), expression, index);
+ } else {
+ var maximumLength = Object.isNumber(index) ? index + 1 : 1;
+ return element.recursivelyCollect("nextSibling", index + 1)[index];
+ }
+ },
+ select: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var expressions = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(expressions, element);
+ },
+ adjacent: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var expressions = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(expressions, element.parentNode).without(element);
+ },
+ identify: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var id = Element.readAttribute(element, 'id');
+ if (id) return id;
+ do { id = 'anonymous_element_' + Element.idCounter++ } while ($(id));
+ Element.writeAttribute(element, 'id', id);
+ return id;
+ },
+ readAttribute: function(element, name) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
+ var t = Element._attributeTranslations.read;
+ if (t.values[name]) return t.values[name](element, name);
+ if (t.names[name]) name = t.names[name];
+ if (name.include(':')) {
+ return (!element.attributes || !element.attributes[name]) ? null :
+ element.attributes[name].value;
+ }
+ }
+ return element.getAttribute(name);
+ },
+ writeAttribute: function(element, name, value) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var attributes = { }, t = Element._attributeTranslations.write;
+ if (typeof name == 'object') attributes = name;
+ else attributes[name] = Object.isUndefined(value) ? true : value;
+ for (var attr in attributes) {
+ name = t.names[attr] || attr;
+ value = attributes[attr];
+ if (t.values[attr]) name = t.values[attr](element, value);
+ if (value === false || value === null)
+ element.removeAttribute(name);
+ else if (value === true)
+ element.setAttribute(name, name);
+ else element.setAttribute(name, value);
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ getHeight: function(element) {
+ return Element.getDimensions(element).height;
+ },
+ getWidth: function(element) {
+ return Element.getDimensions(element).width;
+ },
+ classNames: function(element) {
+ return new Element.ClassNames(element);
+ },
+ hasClassName: function(element, className) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ var elementClassName = element.className;
+ return (elementClassName.length > 0 && (elementClassName == className ||
+ new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(elementClassName)));
+ },
+ addClassName: function(element, className) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ if (!Element.hasClassName(element, className))
+ element.className += (element.className ? ' ' : '') + className;
+ return element;
+ },
+ removeClassName: function(element, className) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ element.className = element.className.replace(
+ new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + className + "(\\s+|$)"), ' ').strip();
+ return element;
+ },
+ toggleClassName: function(element, className) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ return Element[Element.hasClassName(element, className) ?
+ 'removeClassName' : 'addClassName'](element, className);
+ },
+ cleanWhitespace: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var node = element.firstChild;
+ while (node) {
+ var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
+ if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue))
+ element.removeChild(node);
+ node = nextNode;
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ empty: function(element) {
+ return $(element).innerHTML.blank();
+ },
+ descendantOf: function(element, ancestor) {
+ element = $(element), ancestor = $(ancestor);
+ if (element.compareDocumentPosition)
+ return (element.compareDocumentPosition(ancestor) & 8) === 8;
+ if (ancestor.contains)
+ return ancestor.contains(element) && ancestor !== element;
+ while (element = element.parentNode)
+ if (element == ancestor) return true;
+ return false;
+ },
+ scrollTo: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var pos = Element.cumulativeOffset(element);
+ window.scrollTo(pos[0], pos[1]);
+ return element;
+ },
+ getStyle: function(element, style) {
+ element = $(element);
+ style = style == 'float' ? 'cssFloat' : style.camelize();
+ var value = element.style[style];
+ if (!value || value == 'auto') {
+ var css = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null);
+ value = css ? css[style] : null;
+ }
+ if (style == 'opacity') return value ? parseFloat(value) : 1.0;
+ return value == 'auto' ? null : value;
+ },
+ getOpacity: function(element) {
+ return $(element).getStyle('opacity');
+ },
+ setStyle: function(element, styles) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var elementStyle = element.style, match;
+ if (Object.isString(styles)) {
+ element.style.cssText += ';' + styles;
+ return styles.include('opacity') ?
+ element.setOpacity(styles.match(/opacity:\s*(\d?\.?\d*)/)[1]) : element;
+ }
+ for (var property in styles)
+ if (property == 'opacity') element.setOpacity(styles[property]);
+ else
+ elementStyle[(property == 'float' || property == 'cssFloat') ?
+ (Object.isUndefined(elementStyle.styleFloat) ? 'cssFloat' : 'styleFloat') :
+ property] = styles[property];
+ return element;
+ },
+ setOpacity: function(element, value) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.style.opacity = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' :
+ (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value;
+ return element;
+ },
+ makePositioned: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var pos = Element.getStyle(element, 'position');
+ if (pos == 'static' || !pos) {
+ element._madePositioned = true;
+ element.style.position = 'relative';
+ if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) {
+ element.style.top = 0;
+ element.style.left = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ undoPositioned: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (element._madePositioned) {
+ element._madePositioned = undefined;
+ element.style.position =
+ element.style.top =
+ element.style.left =
+ element.style.bottom =
+ element.style.right = '';
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ makeClipping: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (element._overflow) return element;
+ element._overflow = Element.getStyle(element, 'overflow') || 'auto';
+ if (element._overflow !== 'hidden')
+ element.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ return element;
+ },
+ undoClipping: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (!element._overflow) return element;
+ element.style.overflow = element._overflow == 'auto' ? '' : element._overflow;
+ element._overflow = null;
+ return element;
+ },
+ cumulativeOffset: function(element) {
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+ if (element.parentNode) {
+ do {
+ valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ element = element.offsetParent;
+ } while (element);
+ }
+ return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT);
+ },
+ positionedOffset: function(element) {
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ element = element.offsetParent;
+ if (element) {
+ if (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY') break;
+ var p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position');
+ if (p !== 'static') break;
+ }
+ } while (element);
+ return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT);
+ },
+ absolutize: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') return element;
+ var offsets = Element.positionedOffset(element),
+ top = offsets[1],
+ left = offsets[0],
+ width = element.clientWidth,
+ height = element.clientHeight;
+ element._originalLeft = left - parseFloat(element.style.left || 0);
+ element._originalTop = top - parseFloat(element.style.top || 0);
+ element._originalWidth = element.style.width;
+ element._originalHeight = element.style.height;
+ element.style.position = 'absolute';
+ element.style.top = top + 'px';
+ element.style.left = left + 'px';
+ element.style.width = width + 'px';
+ element.style.height = height + 'px';
+ return element;
+ },
+ relativize: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'relative') return element;
+ element.style.position = 'relative';
+ var top = parseFloat(element.style.top || 0) - (element._originalTop || 0),
+ left = parseFloat(element.style.left || 0) - (element._originalLeft || 0);
+ element.style.top = top + 'px';
+ element.style.left = left + 'px';
+ element.style.height = element._originalHeight;
+ element.style.width = element._originalWidth;
+ return element;
+ },
+ cumulativeScrollOffset: function(element) {
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.scrollTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0;
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ } while (element);
+ return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT);
+ },
+ getOffsetParent: function(element) {
+ if (element.offsetParent) return $(element.offsetParent);
+ if (element == document.body) return $(element);
+ while ((element = element.parentNode) && element != document.body)
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') != 'static')
+ return $(element);
+ return $(document.body);
+ },
+ viewportOffset: function(forElement) {
+ var valueT = 0,
+ valueL = 0,
+ element = forElement;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ if (element.offsetParent == document.body &&
+ Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break;
+ } while (element = element.offsetParent);
+ element = forElement;
+ do {
+ if (!Prototype.Browser.Opera || (element.tagName && (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY'))) {
+ valueT -= element.scrollTop || 0;
+ valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0;
+ }
+ } while (element = element.parentNode);
+ return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT);
+ },
+ clonePosition: function(element, source) {
+ var options = Object.extend({
+ setLeft: true,
+ setTop: true,
+ setWidth: true,
+ setHeight: true,
+ offsetTop: 0,
+ offsetLeft: 0
+ }, arguments[2] || { });
+ source = $(source);
+ var p = Element.viewportOffset(source), delta = [0, 0], parent = null;
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') {
+ parent = Element.getOffsetParent(element);
+ delta = Element.viewportOffset(parent);
+ }
+ if (parent == document.body) {
+ delta[0] -= document.body.offsetLeft;
+ delta[1] -= document.body.offsetTop;
+ }
+ if (options.setLeft) element.style.left = (p[0] - delta[0] + options.offsetLeft) + 'px';
+ if (options.setTop) element.style.top = (p[1] - delta[1] + options.offsetTop) + 'px';
+ if (options.setWidth) element.style.width = source.offsetWidth + 'px';
+ if (options.setHeight) element.style.height = source.offsetHeight + 'px';
+ return element;
+ }
+Object.extend(Element.Methods, {
+ getElementsBySelector: Element.Methods.select,
+ childElements: Element.Methods.immediateDescendants
+Element._attributeTranslations = {
+ write: {
+ names: {
+ className: 'class',
+ htmlFor: 'for'
+ },
+ values: { }
+ }
+if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) {
+ Element.Methods.getStyle = Element.Methods.getStyle.wrap(
+ function(proceed, element, style) {
+ switch (style) {
+ case 'left': case 'top': case 'right': case 'bottom':
+ if (proceed(element, 'position') === 'static') return null;
+ case 'height': case 'width':
+ if (!Element.visible(element)) return null;
+ var dim = parseInt(proceed(element, style), 10);
+ if (dim !== element['offset' + style.capitalize()])
+ return dim + 'px';
+ var properties;
+ if (style === 'height') {
+ properties = ['border-top-width', 'padding-top',
+ 'padding-bottom', 'border-bottom-width'];
+ }
+ else {
+ properties = ['border-left-width', 'padding-left',
+ 'padding-right', 'border-right-width'];
+ }
+ return properties.inject(dim, function(memo, property) {
+ var val = proceed(element, property);
+ return val === null ? memo : memo - parseInt(val, 10);
+ }) + 'px';
+ default: return proceed(element, style);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ Element.Methods.readAttribute = Element.Methods.readAttribute.wrap(
+ function(proceed, element, attribute) {
+ if (attribute === 'title') return element.title;
+ return proceed(element, attribute);
+ }
+ );
+else if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
+ Element.Methods.getOffsetParent = Element.Methods.getOffsetParent.wrap(
+ function(proceed, element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (!element.parentNode) return $(document.body);
+ var position = element.getStyle('position');
+ if (position !== 'static') return proceed(element);
+ element.setStyle({ position: 'relative' });
+ var value = proceed(element);
+ element.setStyle({ position: position });
+ return value;
+ }
+ );
+ $w('positionedOffset viewportOffset').each(function(method) {
+ Element.Methods[method] = Element.Methods[method].wrap(
+ function(proceed, element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (!element.parentNode) return Element._returnOffset(0, 0);
+ var position = element.getStyle('position');
+ if (position !== 'static') return proceed(element);
+ var offsetParent = element.getOffsetParent();
+ if (offsetParent && offsetParent.getStyle('position') === 'fixed')
+ offsetParent.setStyle({ zoom: 1 });
+ element.setStyle({ position: 'relative' });
+ var value = proceed(element);
+ element.setStyle({ position: position });
+ return value;
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ Element.Methods.getStyle = function(element, style) {
+ element = $(element);
+ style = (style == 'float' || style == 'cssFloat') ? 'styleFloat' : style.camelize();
+ var value = element.style[style];
+ if (!value && element.currentStyle) value = element.currentStyle[style];
+ if (style == 'opacity') {
+ if (value = (element.getStyle('filter') || '').match(/alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/))
+ if (value[1]) return parseFloat(value[1]) / 100;
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ if (value == 'auto') {
+ if ((style == 'width' || style == 'height') && (element.getStyle('display') != 'none'))
+ return element['offset' + style.capitalize()] + 'px';
+ return null;
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) {
+ function stripAlpha(filter){
+ return filter.replace(/alpha\([^\)]*\)/gi,'');
+ }
+ element = $(element);
+ var currentStyle = element.currentStyle;
+ if ((currentStyle && !currentStyle.hasLayout) ||
+ (!currentStyle && element.style.zoom == 'normal'))
+ element.style.zoom = 1;
+ var filter = element.getStyle('filter'), style = element.style;
+ if (value == 1 || value === '') {
+ (filter = stripAlpha(filter)) ?
+ style.filter = filter : style.removeAttribute('filter');
+ return element;
+ } else if (value < 0.00001) value = 0;
+ style.filter = stripAlpha(filter) +
+ 'alpha(opacity=' + (value * 100) + ')';
+ return element;
+ };
+ Element._attributeTranslations = (function(){
+ var classProp = 'className',
+ forProp = 'for',
+ el = document.createElement('div');
+ el.setAttribute(classProp, 'x');
+ if (el.className !== 'x') {
+ el.setAttribute('class', 'x');
+ if (el.className === 'x') {
+ classProp = 'class';
+ }
+ }
+ el = null;
+ el = document.createElement('label');
+ el.setAttribute(forProp, 'x');
+ if (el.htmlFor !== 'x') {
+ el.setAttribute('htmlFor', 'x');
+ if (el.htmlFor === 'x') {
+ forProp = 'htmlFor';
+ }
+ }
+ el = null;
+ return {
+ read: {
+ names: {
+ 'class': classProp,
+ 'className': classProp,
+ 'for': forProp,
+ 'htmlFor': forProp
+ },
+ values: {
+ _getAttr: function(element, attribute) {
+ return element.getAttribute(attribute);
+ },
+ _getAttr2: function(element, attribute) {
+ return element.getAttribute(attribute, 2);
+ },
+ _getAttrNode: function(element, attribute) {
+ var node = element.getAttributeNode(attribute);
+ return node ? node.value : "";
+ },
+ _getEv: (function(){
+ var el = document.createElement('div'), f;
+ el.onclick = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ var value = el.getAttribute('onclick');
+ if (String(value).indexOf('{') > -1) {
+ f = function(element, attribute) {
+ attribute = element.getAttribute(attribute);
+ if (!attribute) return null;
+ attribute = attribute.toString();
+ attribute = attribute.split('{')[1];
+ attribute = attribute.split('}')[0];
+ return attribute.strip();
+ };
+ }
+ else if (value === '') {
+ f = function(element, attribute) {
+ attribute = element.getAttribute(attribute);
+ if (!attribute) return null;
+ return attribute.strip();
+ };
+ }
+ el = null;
+ return f;
+ })(),
+ _flag: function(element, attribute) {
+ return $(element).hasAttribute(attribute) ? attribute : null;
+ },
+ style: function(element) {
+ return element.style.cssText.toLowerCase();
+ },
+ title: function(element) {
+ return element.title;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })();
+ Element._attributeTranslations.write = {
+ names: Object.extend({
+ cellpadding: 'cellPadding',
+ cellspacing: 'cellSpacing'
+ }, Element._attributeTranslations.read.names),
+ values: {
+ checked: function(element, value) {
+ element.checked = !!value;
+ },
+ style: function(element, value) {
+ element.style.cssText = value ? value : '';
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Element._attributeTranslations.has = {};
+ $w('colSpan rowSpan vAlign dateTime accessKey tabIndex ' +
+ 'encType maxLength readOnly longDesc frameBorder').each(function(attr) {
+ Element._attributeTranslations.write.names[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr;
+ Element._attributeTranslations.has[attr.toLowerCase()] = attr;
+ });
+ (function(v) {
+ Object.extend(v, {
+ href: v._getAttr2,
+ src: v._getAttr2,
+ type: v._getAttr,
+ action: v._getAttrNode,
+ disabled: v._flag,
+ checked: v._flag,
+ readonly: v._flag,
+ multiple: v._flag,
+ onload: v._getEv,
+ onunload: v._getEv,
+ onclick: v._getEv,
+ ondblclick: v._getEv,
+ onmousedown: v._getEv,
+ onmouseup: v._getEv,
+ onmouseover: v._getEv,
+ onmousemove: v._getEv,
+ onmouseout: v._getEv,
+ onfocus: v._getEv,
+ onblur: v._getEv,
+ onkeypress: v._getEv,
+ onkeydown: v._getEv,
+ onkeyup: v._getEv,
+ onsubmit: v._getEv,
+ onreset: v._getEv,
+ onselect: v._getEv,
+ onchange: v._getEv
+ });
+ })(Element._attributeTranslations.read.values);
+ if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions) {
+ (function() {
+ function _descendants(element) {
+ var nodes = element.getElementsByTagName('*'), results = [];
+ for (var i = 0, node; node = nodes[i]; i++)
+ if (node.tagName !== "!") // Filter out comment nodes.
+ results.push(node);
+ return results;
+ }
+ Element.Methods.down = function(element, expression, index) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (arguments.length == 1) return element.firstDescendant();
+ return Object.isNumber(expression) ? _descendants(element)[expression] :
+ Element.select(element, expression)[index || 0];
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+else if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko && /rv:1\.8\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+ Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.style.opacity = (value == 1) ? 0.999999 :
+ (value === '') ? '' : (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value;
+ return element;
+ };
+else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) {
+ Element.Methods.setOpacity = function(element, value) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.style.opacity = (value == 1 || value === '') ? '' :
+ (value < 0.00001) ? 0 : value;
+ if (value == 1)
+ if (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'IMG' && element.width) {
+ element.width++; element.width--;
+ } else try {
+ var n = document.createTextNode(' ');
+ element.appendChild(n);
+ element.removeChild(n);
+ } catch (e) { }
+ return element;
+ };
+ Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset = function(element) {
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ if (element.offsetParent == document.body)
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break;
+ element = element.offsetParent;
+ } while (element);
+ return Element._returnOffset(valueL, valueT);
+ };
+if ('outerHTML' in document.documentElement) {
+ Element.Methods.replace = function(element, content) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (content && content.toElement) content = content.toElement();
+ if (Object.isElement(content)) {
+ element.parentNode.replaceChild(content, element);
+ return element;
+ }
+ content = Object.toHTML(content);
+ var parent = element.parentNode, tagName = parent.tagName.toUpperCase();
+ if (Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName]) {
+ var nextSibling = element.next(),
+ fragments = Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement(tagName, content.stripScripts());
+ parent.removeChild(element);
+ if (nextSibling)
+ fragments.each(function(node) { parent.insertBefore(node, nextSibling) });
+ else
+ fragments.each(function(node) { parent.appendChild(node) });
+ }
+ else element.outerHTML = content.stripScripts();
+ content.evalScripts.bind(content).defer();
+ return element;
+ };
+Element._returnOffset = function(l, t) {
+ var result = [l, t];
+ result.left = l;
+ result.top = t;
+ return result;
+Element._getContentFromAnonymousElement = function(tagName, html) {
+ var div = new Element('div'),
+ t = Element._insertionTranslations.tags[tagName];
+ if (t) {
+ div.innerHTML = t[0] + html + t[1];
+ for (var i = t[2]; i--; ) {
+ div = div.firstChild;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ div.innerHTML = html;
+ }
+ return $A(div.childNodes);
+Element._insertionTranslations = {
+ before: function(element, node) {
+ element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element);
+ },
+ top: function(element, node) {
+ element.insertBefore(node, element.firstChild);
+ },
+ bottom: function(element, node) {
+ element.appendChild(node);
+ },
+ after: function(element, node) {
+ element.parentNode.insertBefore(node, element.nextSibling);
+ },
+ tags: {
+ TABLE: ['<table>', '</table>', 1],
+ TBODY: ['<table><tbody>', '</tbody></table>', 2],
+ TR: ['<table><tbody><tr>', '</tr></tbody></table>', 3],
+ TD: ['<table><tbody><tr><td>', '</td></tr></tbody></table>', 4],
+ SELECT: ['<select>', '</select>', 1]
+ }
+(function() {
+ var tags = Element._insertionTranslations.tags;
+ Object.extend(tags, {
+ THEAD: tags.TBODY,
+ TFOOT: tags.TBODY,
+ TH: tags.TD
+ });
+Element.Methods.Simulated = {
+ hasAttribute: function(element, attribute) {
+ attribute = Element._attributeTranslations.has[attribute] || attribute;
+ var node = $(element).getAttributeNode(attribute);
+ return !!(node && node.specified);
+ }
+Element.Methods.ByTag = { };
+Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods);
+(function(div) {
+ if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions && div['__proto__']) {
+ window.HTMLElement = { };
+ window.HTMLElement.prototype = div['__proto__'];
+ Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions = true;
+ }
+ div = null;
+Element.extend = (function() {
+ function checkDeficiency(tagName) {
+ if (typeof window.Element != 'undefined') {
+ var proto = window.Element.prototype;
+ if (proto) {
+ var id = '_' + (Math.random()+'').slice(2),
+ el = document.createElement(tagName);
+ proto[id] = 'x';
+ var isBuggy = (el[id] !== 'x');
+ delete proto[id];
+ el = null;
+ return isBuggy;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ function extendElementWith(element, methods) {
+ for (var property in methods) {
+ var value = methods[property];
+ if (Object.isFunction(value) && !(property in element))
+ element[property] = value.methodize();
+ }
+ }
+ var HTMLOBJECTELEMENT_PROTOTYPE_BUGGY = checkDeficiency('object');
+ if (Prototype.BrowserFeatures.SpecificElementExtensions) {
+ return function(element) {
+ if (element && typeof element._extendedByPrototype == 'undefined') {
+ var t = element.tagName;
+ if (t && (/^(?:object|applet|embed)$/i.test(t))) {
+ extendElementWith(element, Element.Methods);
+ extendElementWith(element, Element.Methods.Simulated);
+ extendElementWith(element, Element.Methods.ByTag[t.toUpperCase()]);
+ }
+ }
+ return element;
+ }
+ }
+ return Prototype.K;
+ }
+ var Methods = { }, ByTag = Element.Methods.ByTag;
+ var extend = Object.extend(function(element) {
+ if (!element || typeof element._extendedByPrototype != 'undefined' ||
+ element.nodeType != 1 || element == window) return element;
+ var methods = Object.clone(Methods),
+ tagName = element.tagName.toUpperCase();
+ if (ByTag[tagName]) Object.extend(methods, ByTag[tagName]);
+ extendElementWith(element, methods);
+ element._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ return element;
+ }, {
+ refresh: function() {
+ if (!Prototype.BrowserFeatures.ElementExtensions) {
+ Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods);
+ Object.extend(Methods, Element.Methods.Simulated);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ extend.refresh();
+ return extend;
+if (document.documentElement.hasAttribute) {
+ Element.hasAttribute = function(element, attribute) {
+ return element.hasAttribute(attribute);
+ };
+else {
+ Element.hasAttribute = Element.Methods.Simulated.hasAttribute;
+Element.addMethods = function(methods) {
+ var F = Prototype.BrowserFeatures, T = Element.Methods.ByTag;
+ if (!methods) {
+ Object.extend(Form, Form.Methods);
+ Object.extend(Form.Element, Form.Element.Methods);
+ Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag, {
+ "FORM": Object.clone(Form.Methods),
+ "INPUT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods),
+ "SELECT": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods),
+ "TEXTAREA": Object.clone(Form.Element.Methods)
+ });
+ }
+ if (arguments.length == 2) {
+ var tagName = methods;
+ methods = arguments[1];
+ }
+ if (!tagName) Object.extend(Element.Methods, methods || { });
+ else {
+ if (Object.isArray(tagName)) tagName.each(extend);
+ else extend(tagName);
+ }
+ function extend(tagName) {
+ tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
+ if (!Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName])
+ Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName] = { };
+ Object.extend(Element.Methods.ByTag[tagName], methods);
+ }
+ function copy(methods, destination, onlyIfAbsent) {
+ onlyIfAbsent = onlyIfAbsent || false;
+ for (var property in methods) {
+ var value = methods[property];
+ if (!Object.isFunction(value)) continue;
+ if (!onlyIfAbsent || !(property in destination))
+ destination[property] = value.methodize();
+ }
+ }
+ function findDOMClass(tagName) {
+ var klass;
+ var trans = {
+ "OPTGROUP": "OptGroup", "TEXTAREA": "TextArea", "P": "Paragraph",
+ "FIELDSET": "FieldSet", "UL": "UList", "OL": "OList", "DL": "DList",
+ "DIR": "Directory", "H1": "Heading", "H2": "Heading", "H3": "Heading",
+ "H4": "Heading", "H5": "Heading", "H6": "Heading", "Q": "Quote",
+ "INS": "Mod", "DEL": "Mod", "A": "Anchor", "IMG": "Image", "CAPTION":
+ "TableCaption", "COL": "TableCol", "COLGROUP": "TableCol", "THEAD":
+ "TableSection", "TFOOT": "TableSection", "TBODY": "TableSection", "TR":
+ "TableRow", "TH": "TableCell", "TD": "TableCell", "FRAMESET":
+ "FrameSet", "IFRAME": "IFrame"
+ };
+ if (trans[tagName]) klass = 'HTML' + trans[tagName] + 'Element';
+ if (window[klass]) return window[klass];
+ klass = 'HTML' + tagName + 'Element';
+ if (window[klass]) return window[klass];
+ klass = 'HTML' + tagName.capitalize() + 'Element';
+ if (window[klass]) return window[klass];
+ var element = document.createElement(tagName),
+ proto = element['__proto__'] || element.constructor.prototype;
+ element = null;
+ return proto;
+ }
+ var elementPrototype = window.HTMLElement ? HTMLElement.prototype :
+ Element.prototype;
+ if (F.ElementExtensions) {
+ copy(Element.Methods, elementPrototype);
+ copy(Element.Methods.Simulated, elementPrototype, true);
+ }
+ if (F.SpecificElementExtensions) {
+ for (var tag in Element.Methods.ByTag) {
+ var klass = findDOMClass(tag);
+ if (Object.isUndefined(klass)) continue;
+ copy(T[tag], klass.prototype);
+ }
+ }
+ Object.extend(Element, Element.Methods);
+ delete Element.ByTag;
+ if (Element.extend.refresh) Element.extend.refresh();
+ Element.cache = { };
+document.viewport = {
+ getDimensions: function() {
+ return { width: this.getWidth(), height: this.getHeight() };
+ },
+ getScrollOffsets: function() {
+ return Element._returnOffset(
+ window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft,
+ window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop);
+ }
+(function(viewport) {
+ var B = Prototype.Browser, doc = document, element, property = {};
+ function getRootElement() {
+ if (B.WebKit && !doc.evaluate)
+ return document;
+ if (B.Opera && window.parseFloat(window.opera.version()) < 9.5)
+ return document.body;
+ return document.documentElement;
+ }
+ function define(D) {
+ if (!element) element = getRootElement();
+ property[D] = 'client' + D;
+ viewport['get' + D] = function() { return element[property[D]] };
+ return viewport['get' + D]();
+ }
+ viewport.getWidth = define.curry('Width');
+ viewport.getHeight = define.curry('Height');
+Element.Storage = {
+ UID: 1
+ getStorage: function(element) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ var uid;
+ if (element === window) {
+ uid = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (typeof element._prototypeUID === "undefined")
+ element._prototypeUID = Element.Storage.UID++;
+ uid = element._prototypeUID;
+ }
+ if (!Element.Storage[uid])
+ Element.Storage[uid] = $H();
+ return Element.Storage[uid];
+ },
+ store: function(element, key, value) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ Element.getStorage(element).update(key);
+ } else {
+ Element.getStorage(element).set(key, value);
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ retrieve: function(element, key, defaultValue) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ var hash = Element.getStorage(element), value = hash.get(key);
+ if (Object.isUndefined(value)) {
+ hash.set(key, defaultValue);
+ value = defaultValue;
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ clone: function(element, deep) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ var clone = element.cloneNode(deep);
+ clone._prototypeUID = void 0;
+ if (deep) {
+ var descendants = Element.select(clone, '*'),
+ i = descendants.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ descendants[i]._prototypeUID = void 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return Element.extend(clone);
+ },
+ purge: function(element) {
+ if (!(element = $(element))) return;
+ purgeElement(element);
+ var descendants = element.getElementsByTagName('*'),
+ i = descendants.length;
+ while (i--) purgeElement(descendants[i]);
+ return null;
+ }
+(function() {
+ function toDecimal(pctString) {
+ var match = pctString.match(/^(\d+)%?$/i);
+ if (!match) return null;
+ return (Number(match[1]) / 100);
+ }
+ function getPixelValue(value, property) {
+ if (Object.isElement(value)) {
+ element = value;
+ value = element.getStyle(property);
+ }
+ if (value === null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ((/^(?:-)?\d+(\.\d+)?(px)?$/i).test(value)) {
+ return window.parseFloat(value);
+ }
+ if (/\d/.test(value) && element.runtimeStyle) {
+ var style = element.style.left, rStyle = element.runtimeStyle.left;
+ element.runtimeStyle.left = element.currentStyle.left;
+ element.style.left = value || 0;
+ value = element.style.pixelLeft;
+ element.style.left = style;
+ element.runtimeStyle.left = rStyle;
+ return value;
+ }
+ if (value.include('%')) {
+ var decimal = toDecimal(value);
+ var whole;
+ if (property.include('left') || property.include('right') ||
+ property.include('width')) {
+ whole = $(element.parentNode).measure('width');
+ } else if (property.include('top') || property.include('bottom') ||
+ property.include('height')) {
+ whole = $(element.parentNode).measure('height');
+ }
+ return whole * decimal;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ function toCSSPixels(number) {
+ if (Object.isString(number) && number.endsWith('px')) {
+ return number;
+ }
+ return number + 'px';
+ }
+ function isDisplayed(element) {
+ var originalElement = element;
+ while (element && element.parentNode) {
+ var display = element.getStyle('display');
+ if (display === 'none') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ element = $(element.parentNode);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var hasLayout = Prototype.K;
+ if ('currentStyle' in document.documentElement) {
+ hasLayout = function(element) {
+ if (!element.currentStyle.hasLayout) {
+ element.style.zoom = 1;
+ }
+ return element;
+ };
+ }
+ function cssNameFor(key) {
+ if (key.include('border')) key = key + '-width';
+ return key.camelize();
+ }
+ Element.Layout = Class.create(Hash, {
+ initialize: function($super, element, preCompute) {
+ $super();
+ this.element = $(element);
+ Element.Layout.PROPERTIES.each( function(property) {
+ this._set(property, null);
+ }, this);
+ if (preCompute) {
+ this._preComputing = true;
+ this._begin();
+ Element.Layout.PROPERTIES.each( this._compute, this );
+ this._end();
+ this._preComputing = false;
+ }
+ },
+ _set: function(property, value) {
+ return Hash.prototype.set.call(this, property, value);
+ },
+ set: function(property, value) {
+ throw "Properties of Element.Layout are read-only.";
+ },
+ get: function($super, property) {
+ var value = $super(property);
+ return value === null ? this._compute(property) : value;
+ },
+ _begin: function() {
+ if (this._prepared) return;
+ var element = this.element;
+ if (isDisplayed(element)) {
+ this._prepared = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ var originalStyles = {
+ position: element.style.position || '',
+ width: element.style.width || '',
+ visibility: element.style.visibility || '',
+ display: element.style.display || ''
+ };
+ element.store('prototype_original_styles', originalStyles);
+ var position = element.getStyle('position'),
+ width = element.getStyle('width');
+ element.setStyle({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ visibility: 'hidden',
+ display: 'block'
+ });
+ var positionedWidth = element.getStyle('width');
+ var newWidth;
+ if (width && (positionedWidth === width)) {
+ newWidth = getPixelValue(width);
+ } else if (width && (position === 'absolute' || position === 'fixed')) {
+ newWidth = getPixelValue(width);
+ } else {
+ var parent = element.parentNode, pLayout = $(parent).getLayout();
+ newWidth = pLayout.get('width') -
+ this.get('margin-left') -
+ this.get('border-left') -
+ this.get('padding-left') -
+ this.get('padding-right') -
+ this.get('border-right') -
+ this.get('margin-right');
+ }
+ element.setStyle({ width: newWidth + 'px' });
+ this._prepared = true;
+ },
+ _end: function() {
+ var element = this.element;
+ var originalStyles = element.retrieve('prototype_original_styles');
+ element.store('prototype_original_styles', null);
+ element.setStyle(originalStyles);
+ this._prepared = false;
+ },
+ _compute: function(property) {
+ if (!(property in COMPUTATIONS)) {
+ throw "Property not found.";
+ }
+ return this._set(property, COMPUTATIONS[property].call(this, this.element));
+ },
+ toObject: function() {
+ var args = $A(arguments);
+ var keys = (args.length === 0) ? Element.Layout.PROPERTIES :
+ args.join(' ').split(' ');
+ var obj = {};
+ keys.each( function(key) {
+ if (!Element.Layout.PROPERTIES.include(key)) return;
+ var value = this.get(key);
+ if (value != null) obj[key] = value;
+ }, this);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ toHash: function() {
+ var obj = this.toObject.apply(this, arguments);
+ return new Hash(obj);
+ },
+ toCSS: function() {
+ var args = $A(arguments);
+ var keys = (args.length === 0) ? Element.Layout.PROPERTIES :
+ args.join(' ').split(' ');
+ var css = {};
+ keys.each( function(key) {
+ if (!Element.Layout.PROPERTIES.include(key)) return;
+ if (Element.Layout.COMPOSITE_PROPERTIES.include(key)) return;
+ var value = this.get(key);
+ if (value != null) css[cssNameFor(key)] = value + 'px';
+ }, this);
+ return css;
+ },
+ inspect: function() {
+ return "#<Element.Layout>";
+ }
+ });
+ Object.extend(Element.Layout, {
+ PROPERTIES: $w('height width top left right bottom border-left border-right border-top border-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top padding-bottom margin-top margin-bottom margin-left margin-right padding-box-width padding-box-height border-box-width border-box-height margin-box-width margin-box-height'),
+ COMPOSITE_PROPERTIES: $w('padding-box-width padding-box-height margin-box-width margin-box-height border-box-width border-box-height'),
+ 'height': function(element) {
+ if (!this._preComputing) this._begin();
+ var bHeight = this.get('border-box-height');
+ if (bHeight <= 0) return 0;
+ var bTop = this.get('border-top'),
+ bBottom = this.get('border-bottom');
+ var pTop = this.get('padding-top'),
+ pBottom = this.get('padding-bottom');
+ if (!this._preComputing) this._end();
+ return bHeight - bTop - bBottom - pTop - pBottom;
+ },
+ 'width': function(element) {
+ if (!this._preComputing) this._begin();
+ var bWidth = this.get('border-box-width');
+ if (bWidth <= 0) return 0;
+ var bLeft = this.get('border-left'),
+ bRight = this.get('border-right');
+ var pLeft = this.get('padding-left'),
+ pRight = this.get('padding-right');
+ if (!this._preComputing) this._end();
+ return bWidth - bLeft - bRight - pLeft - pRight;
+ },
+ 'padding-box-height': function(element) {
+ var height = this.get('height'),
+ pTop = this.get('padding-top'),
+ pBottom = this.get('padding-bottom');
+ return height + pTop + pBottom;
+ },
+ 'padding-box-width': function(element) {
+ var width = this.get('width'),
+ pLeft = this.get('padding-left'),
+ pRight = this.get('padding-right');
+ return width + pLeft + pRight;
+ },
+ 'border-box-height': function(element) {
+ return element.offsetHeight;
+ },
+ 'border-box-width': function(element) {
+ return element.offsetWidth;
+ },
+ 'margin-box-height': function(element) {
+ var bHeight = this.get('border-box-height'),
+ mTop = this.get('margin-top'),
+ mBottom = this.get('margin-bottom');
+ if (bHeight <= 0) return 0;
+ return bHeight + mTop + mBottom;
+ },
+ 'margin-box-width': function(element) {
+ var bWidth = this.get('border-box-width'),
+ mLeft = this.get('margin-left'),
+ mRight = this.get('margin-right');
+ if (bWidth <= 0) return 0;
+ return bWidth + mLeft + mRight;
+ },
+ 'top': function(element) {
+ var offset = element.positionedOffset();
+ return offset.top;
+ },
+ 'bottom': function(element) {
+ var offset = element.positionedOffset(),
+ parent = element.getOffsetParent(),
+ pHeight = parent.measure('height');
+ var mHeight = this.get('border-box-height');
+ return pHeight - mHeight - offset.top;
+ },
+ 'left': function(element) {
+ var offset = element.positionedOffset();
+ return offset.left;
+ },
+ 'right': function(element) {
+ var offset = element.positionedOffset(),
+ parent = element.getOffsetParent(),
+ pWidth = parent.measure('width');
+ var mWidth = this.get('border-box-width');
+ return pWidth - mWidth - offset.left;
+ },
+ 'padding-top': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'paddingTop');
+ },
+ 'padding-bottom': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'paddingBottom');
+ },
+ 'padding-left': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'paddingLeft');
+ },
+ 'padding-right': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'paddingRight');
+ },
+ 'border-top': function(element) {
+ return Object.isNumber(element.clientTop) ? element.clientTop :
+ getPixelValue(element, 'borderTopWidth');
+ },
+ 'border-bottom': function(element) {
+ return Object.isNumber(element.clientBottom) ? element.clientBottom :
+ getPixelValue(element, 'borderBottomWidth');
+ },
+ 'border-left': function(element) {
+ return Object.isNumber(element.clientLeft) ? element.clientLeft :
+ getPixelValue(element, 'borderLeftWidth');
+ },
+ 'border-right': function(element) {
+ return Object.isNumber(element.clientRight) ? element.clientRight :
+ getPixelValue(element, 'borderRightWidth');
+ },
+ 'margin-top': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'marginTop');
+ },
+ 'margin-bottom': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'marginBottom');
+ },
+ 'margin-left': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'marginLeft');
+ },
+ 'margin-right': function(element) {
+ return getPixelValue(element, 'marginRight');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if ('getBoundingClientRect' in document.documentElement) {
+ Object.extend(Element.Layout.COMPUTATIONS, {
+ 'right': function(element) {
+ var parent = hasLayout(element.getOffsetParent());
+ var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ pRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return (pRect.right - rect.right).round();
+ },
+ 'bottom': function(element) {
+ var parent = hasLayout(element.getOffsetParent());
+ var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ pRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return (pRect.bottom - rect.bottom).round();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ Element.Offset = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(left, top) {
+ this.left = left.round();
+ this.top = top.round();
+ this[0] = this.left;
+ this[1] = this.top;
+ },
+ relativeTo: function(offset) {
+ return new Element.Offset(
+ this.left - offset.left,
+ this.top - offset.top
+ );
+ },
+ inspect: function() {
+ return "#<Element.Offset left: #{left} top: #{top}>".interpolate(this);
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return "[#{left}, #{top}]".interpolate(this);
+ },
+ toArray: function() {
+ return [this.left, this.top];
+ }
+ });
+ function getLayout(element, preCompute) {
+ return new Element.Layout(element, preCompute);
+ }
+ function measure(element, property) {
+ return $(element).getLayout().get(property);
+ }
+ function getDimensions(element) {
+ var layout = $(element).getLayout();
+ return {
+ width: layout.get('width'),
+ height: layout.get('height')
+ };
+ }
+ function getOffsetParent(element) {
+ if (isDetached(element)) return $(document.body);
+ var isInline = (Element.getStyle(element, 'display') === 'inline');
+ if (!isInline && element.offsetParent) return $(element.offsetParent);
+ if (element === document.body) return $(element);
+ while ((element = element.parentNode) && element !== document.body) {
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') !== 'static') {
+ return (element.nodeName === 'HTML') ? $(document.body) : $(element);
+ }
+ }
+ return $(document.body);
+ }
+ function cumulativeOffset(element) {
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ element = element.offsetParent;
+ } while (element);
+ return new Element.Offset(valueL, valueT);
+ }
+ function positionedOffset(element) {
+ var layout = element.getLayout();
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ element = element.offsetParent;
+ if (element) {
+ if (isBody(element)) break;
+ var p = Element.getStyle(element, 'position');
+ if (p !== 'static') break;
+ }
+ } while (element);
+ valueL -= layout.get('margin-top');
+ valueT -= layout.get('margin-left');
+ return new Element.Offset(valueL, valueT);
+ }
+ function cumulativeScrollOffset(element) {
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.scrollTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.scrollLeft || 0;
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ } while (element);
+ return new Element.Offset(valueL, valueT);
+ }
+ function viewportOffset(forElement) {
+ var valueT = 0, valueL = 0, docBody = document.body;
+ var element = forElement;
+ do {
+ valueT += element.offsetTop || 0;
+ valueL += element.offsetLeft || 0;
+ if (element.offsetParent == docBody &&
+ Element.getStyle(element, 'position') == 'absolute') break;
+ } while (element = element.offsetParent);
+ element = forElement;
+ do {
+ if (element != docBody) {
+ valueT -= element.scrollTop || 0;
+ valueL -= element.scrollLeft || 0;
+ }
+ } while (element = element.parentNode);
+ return new Element.Offset(valueL, valueT);
+ }
+ function absolutize(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') === 'absolute') {
+ return element;
+ }
+ var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(element);
+ var eOffset = element.viewportOffset(),
+ pOffset = offsetParent.viewportOffset();
+ var offset = eOffset.relativeTo(pOffset);
+ var layout = element.getLayout();
+ element.store('prototype_absolutize_original_styles', {
+ left: element.getStyle('left'),
+ top: element.getStyle('top'),
+ width: element.getStyle('width'),
+ height: element.getStyle('height')
+ });
+ element.setStyle({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: offset.top + 'px',
+ left: offset.left + 'px',
+ width: layout.get('width') + 'px',
+ height: layout.get('height') + 'px'
+ });
+ return element;
+ }
+ function relativize(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Element.getStyle(element, 'position') === 'relative') {
+ return element;
+ }
+ var originalStyles =
+ element.retrieve('prototype_absolutize_original_styles');
+ if (originalStyles) element.setStyle(originalStyles);
+ return element;
+ }
+ Element.addMethods({
+ getLayout: getLayout,
+ measure: measure,
+ getDimensions: getDimensions,
+ getOffsetParent: getOffsetParent,
+ cumulativeOffset: cumulativeOffset,
+ positionedOffset: positionedOffset,
+ cumulativeScrollOffset: cumulativeScrollOffset,
+ viewportOffset: viewportOffset,
+ absolutize: absolutize,
+ relativize: relativize
+ });
+ function isBody(element) {
+ return element.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'BODY';
+ }
+ function isDetached(element) {
+ return element !== document.body &&
+ !Element.descendantOf(element, document.body);
+ }
+ if ('getBoundingClientRect' in document.documentElement) {
+ Element.addMethods({
+ viewportOffset: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (isDetached(element)) return new Element.Offset(0, 0);
+ var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ docEl = document.documentElement;
+ return new Element.Offset(rect.left - docEl.clientLeft,
+ rect.top - docEl.clientTop);
+ },
+ positionedOffset: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var parent = element.getOffsetParent();
+ if (isDetached(element)) return new Element.Offset(0, 0);
+ if (element.offsetParent &&
+ element.offsetParent.nodeName.toUpperCase() === 'HTML') {
+ return positionedOffset(element);
+ }
+ var eOffset = element.viewportOffset(),
+ pOffset = isBody(parent) ? viewportOffset(parent) :
+ parent.viewportOffset();
+ var retOffset = eOffset.relativeTo(pOffset);
+ var layout = element.getLayout();
+ var top = retOffset.top - layout.get('margin-top');
+ var left = retOffset.left - layout.get('margin-left');
+ return new Element.Offset(left, top);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+window.$$ = function() {
+ var expression = $A(arguments).join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(expression, document);
+Prototype.Selector = (function() {
+ function select() {
+ throw new Error('Method "Prototype.Selector.select" must be defined.');
+ }
+ function match() {
+ throw new Error('Method "Prototype.Selector.match" must be defined.');
+ }
+ function find(elements, expression, index) {
+ index = index || 0;
+ var match = Prototype.Selector.match, length = elements.length, matchIndex = 0, i;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (match(elements[i], expression) && index == matchIndex++) {
+ return Element.extend(elements[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function extendElements(elements) {
+ for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
+ Element.extend(elements[i]);
+ }
+ return elements;
+ }
+ var K = Prototype.K;
+ return {
+ select: select,
+ match: match,
+ find: find,
+ extendElements: (Element.extend === K) ? K : extendElements,
+ extendElement: Element.extend
+ };
+Prototype._original_property = window.Sizzle;
+ * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine - v1.0
+ * Copyright 2009, The Dojo Foundation
+ * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
+ * More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
+ */
+var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
+ done = 0,
+ toString = Object.prototype.toString,
+ hasDuplicate = false,
+ baseHasDuplicate = true;
+[0, 0].sort(function(){
+ baseHasDuplicate = false;
+ return 0;
+var Sizzle = function(selector, context, results, seed) {
+ results = results || [];
+ var origContext = context = context || document;
+ if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
+ return results;
+ }
+ var parts = [], m, set, checkSet, check, mode, extra, prune = true, contextXML = isXML(context),
+ soFar = selector;
+ while ( (chunker.exec(""), m = chunker.exec(soFar)) !== null ) {
+ soFar = m[3];
+ parts.push( m[1] );
+ if ( m[2] ) {
+ extra = m[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
+ if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
+ set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context );
+ } else {
+ set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
+ [ context ] :
+ Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ selector = parts.shift();
+ if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] )
+ selector += parts.shift();
+ set = posProcess( selector, set );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
+ Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
+ var ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
+ context = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] : ret.set[0];
+ }
+ if ( context ) {
+ var ret = seed ?
+ { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
+ Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
+ set = ret.expr ? Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) : ret.set;
+ if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
+ checkSet = makeArray(set);
+ } else {
+ prune = false;
+ }
+ while ( parts.length ) {
+ var cur = parts.pop(), pop = cur;
+ if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
+ cur = "";
+ } else {
+ pop = parts.pop();
+ }
+ if ( pop == null ) {
+ pop = context;
+ }
+ Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
+ }
+ } else {
+ checkSet = parts = [];
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ checkSet = set;
+ }
+ if ( !checkSet ) {
+ throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + (cur || selector);
+ }
+ if ( toString.call(checkSet) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ if ( !prune ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
+ } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ results.push( set[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ makeArray( checkSet, results );
+ }
+ if ( extra ) {
+ Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
+ Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.uniqueSort = function(results){
+ if ( sortOrder ) {
+ hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
+ results.sort(sortOrder);
+ if ( hasDuplicate ) {
+ for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i] === results[i-1] ) {
+ results.splice(i--, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+Sizzle.matches = function(expr, set){
+ return Sizzle(expr, null, null, set);
+Sizzle.find = function(expr, context, isXML){
+ var set, match;
+ if ( !expr ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = Expr.order.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var type = Expr.order[i], match;
+ if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
+ var left = match[1];
+ match.splice(1,1);
+ if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
+ match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace(/\\/g, "");
+ set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
+ if ( set != null ) {
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !set ) {
+ set = context.getElementsByTagName("*");
+ }
+ return {set: set, expr: expr};
+Sizzle.filter = function(expr, set, inplace, not){
+ var old = expr, result = [], curLoop = set, match, anyFound,
+ isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && isXML(set[0]);
+ while ( expr && set.length ) {
+ for ( var type in Expr.filter ) {
+ if ( (match = Expr.match[ type ].exec( expr )) != null ) {
+ var filter = Expr.filter[ type ], found, item;
+ anyFound = false;
+ if ( curLoop == result ) {
+ result = [];
+ }
+ if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
+ match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
+ if ( !match ) {
+ anyFound = found = true;
+ } else if ( match === true ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( match ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( item ) {
+ found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
+ var pass = not ^ !!found;
+ if ( inplace && found != null ) {
+ if ( pass ) {
+ anyFound = true;
+ } else {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ } else if ( pass ) {
+ result.push( item );
+ anyFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( found !== undefined ) {
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ curLoop = result;
+ }
+ expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
+ if ( !anyFound ) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( expr == old ) {
+ if ( anyFound == null ) {
+ throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + expr;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ old = expr;
+ }
+ return curLoop;
+var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
+ order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
+ match: {
+ ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)/,
+ NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
+ ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(['"]*)(.*?)\3|)\s*\]/,
+ TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*-]|\\.)+)/,
+ CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\((even|odd|[\dn+-]*)\))?/,
+ POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^-]|$)/,
+ PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]*)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\2\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
+ },
+ leftMatch: {},
+ attrMap: {
+ "class": "className",
+ "for": "htmlFor"
+ },
+ attrHandle: {
+ href: function(elem){
+ return elem.getAttribute("href");
+ }
+ },
+ relative: {
+ "+": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
+ isTag = isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part),
+ isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
+ if ( isTag && !isXML ) {
+ part = part.toUpperCase();
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
+ while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName === part ?
+ elem || false :
+ elem === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ },
+ ">": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var isPartStr = typeof part === "string";
+ if ( isPartStr && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ var parent = elem.parentNode;
+ checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName === part ? parent : false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
+ elem.parentNode :
+ elem.parentNode === part;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( isPartStr ) {
+ Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
+ },
+ "~": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
+ var doneName = done++, checkFn = dirCheck;
+ if ( typeof part === "string" && !/\W/.test(part) ) {
+ var nodeCheck = part = isXML ? part : part.toUpperCase();
+ checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
+ }
+ checkFn("previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML);
+ }
+ },
+ find: {
+ ID: function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? [m] : [];
+ }
+ },
+ NAME: function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
+ var ret = [], results = context.getElementsByName(match[1]);
+ for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
+ ret.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
+ }
+ },
+ TAG: function(match, context){
+ return context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ }
+ },
+ preFilter: {
+ CLASS: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
+ match = " " + match[1].replace(/\\/g, "") + " ";
+ if ( isXML ) {
+ return match;
+ }
+ for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
+ if ( !inplace )
+ result.push( elem );
+ } else if ( inplace ) {
+ curLoop[i] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ ID: function(match){
+ return match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+ },
+ TAG: function(match, curLoop){
+ for ( var i = 0; curLoop[i] === false; i++ ){}
+ return curLoop[i] && isXML(curLoop[i]) ? match[1] : match[1].toUpperCase();
+ },
+ CHILD: function(match){
+ if ( match[1] == "nth" ) {
+ var test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
+ match[2] == "even" && "2n" || match[2] == "odd" && "2n+1" ||
+ !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
+ match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
+ match[3] = test[3] - 0;
+ }
+ match[0] = done++;
+ return match;
+ },
+ ATTR: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML){
+ var name = match[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
+ if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
+ match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
+ }
+ if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
+ match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ PSEUDO: function(match, curLoop, inplace, result, not){
+ if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
+ if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
+ match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
+ } else {
+ var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
+ if ( !inplace ) {
+ result.push.apply( result, ret );
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return match;
+ },
+ POS: function(match){
+ match.unshift( true );
+ return match;
+ }
+ },
+ filters: {
+ enabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
+ },
+ disabled: function(elem){
+ return elem.disabled === true;
+ },
+ checked: function(elem){
+ return elem.checked === true;
+ },
+ selected: function(elem){
+ elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
+ return elem.selected === true;
+ },
+ parent: function(elem){
+ return !!elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ empty: function(elem){
+ return !elem.firstChild;
+ },
+ has: function(elem, i, match){
+ return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
+ },
+ header: function(elem){
+ return /h\d/i.test( elem.nodeName );
+ },
+ text: function(elem){
+ return "text" === elem.type;
+ },
+ radio: function(elem){
+ return "radio" === elem.type;
+ },
+ checkbox: function(elem){
+ return "checkbox" === elem.type;
+ },
+ file: function(elem){
+ return "file" === elem.type;
+ },
+ password: function(elem){
+ return "password" === elem.type;
+ },
+ submit: function(elem){
+ return "submit" === elem.type;
+ },
+ image: function(elem){
+ return "image" === elem.type;
+ },
+ reset: function(elem){
+ return "reset" === elem.type;
+ },
+ button: function(elem){
+ return "button" === elem.type || elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === "BUTTON";
+ },
+ input: function(elem){
+ return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(elem.nodeName);
+ }
+ },
+ setFilters: {
+ first: function(elem, i){
+ return i === 0;
+ },
+ last: function(elem, i, match, array){
+ return i === array.length - 1;
+ },
+ even: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 0;
+ },
+ odd: function(elem, i){
+ return i % 2 === 1;
+ },
+ lt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i < match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ gt: function(elem, i, match){
+ return i > match[3] - 0;
+ },
+ nth: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 == i;
+ },
+ eq: function(elem, i, match){
+ return match[3] - 0 == i;
+ }
+ },
+ filter: {
+ PSEUDO: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[1], filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ } else if ( name === "contains" ) {
+ return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
+ } else if ( name === "not" ) {
+ var not = match[3];
+ for ( var i = 0, l = not.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ if ( not[i] === elem ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ CHILD: function(elem, match){
+ var type = match[1], node = elem;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'only':
+ case 'first':
+ while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) return false;
+ }
+ if ( type == 'first') return true;
+ node = elem;
+ case 'last':
+ while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ case 'nth':
+ var first = match[2], last = match[3];
+ if ( first == 1 && last == 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var doneName = match[0],
+ parent = elem.parentNode;
+ if ( parent && (parent.sizcache !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
+ var count = 0;
+ for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
+ if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ node.nodeIndex = ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ parent.sizcache = doneName;
+ }
+ var diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
+ if ( first == 0 ) {
+ return diff == 0;
+ } else {
+ return ( diff % first == 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ID: function(elem, match){
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
+ },
+ TAG: function(elem, match){
+ return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || elem.nodeName === match;
+ },
+ CLASS: function(elem, match){
+ return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
+ .indexOf( match ) > -1;
+ },
+ ATTR: function(elem, match){
+ var name = match[1],
+ result = Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
+ Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
+ elem[ name ] != null ?
+ elem[ name ] :
+ elem.getAttribute( name ),
+ value = result + "",
+ type = match[2],
+ check = match[4];
+ return result == null ?
+ type === "!=" :
+ type === "=" ?
+ value === check :
+ type === "*=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ type === "~=" ?
+ (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
+ !check ?
+ value && result !== false :
+ type === "!=" ?
+ value != check :
+ type === "^=" ?
+ value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
+ type === "$=" ?
+ value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
+ type === "|=" ?
+ value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
+ false;
+ },
+ POS: function(elem, match, i, array){
+ var name = match[2], filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
+ if ( filter ) {
+ return filter( elem, i, match, array );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var origPOS = Expr.match.POS;
+for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
+ Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source );
+ Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source );
+var makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ array = Array.prototype.slice.call( array, 0 );
+ if ( results ) {
+ results.push.apply( results, array );
+ return results;
+ }
+ return array;
+try {
+ Array.prototype.slice.call( document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 );
+} catch(e){
+ makeArray = function(array, results) {
+ var ret = results || [];
+ if ( toString.call(array) === "[object Array]" ) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
+ } else {
+ if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
+ for ( var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ for ( var i = 0; array[i]; i++ ) {
+ ret.push( array[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+var sortOrder;
+if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var ret = a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1;
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+} else if ( "sourceIndex" in document.documentElement ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.sourceIndex || !b.sourceIndex ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var ret = a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+} else if ( document.createRange ) {
+ sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
+ if ( !a.ownerDocument || !b.ownerDocument ) {
+ if ( a == b ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var aRange = a.ownerDocument.createRange(), bRange = b.ownerDocument.createRange();
+ aRange.setStart(a, 0);
+ aRange.setEnd(a, 0);
+ bRange.setStart(b, 0);
+ bRange.setEnd(b, 0);
+ var ret = aRange.compareBoundaryPoints(Range.START_TO_END, bRange);
+ if ( ret === 0 ) {
+ hasDuplicate = true;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ var form = document.createElement("div"),
+ id = "script" + (new Date).getTime();
+ form.innerHTML = "<a name='" + id + "'/>";
+ var root = document.documentElement;
+ root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
+ if ( !!document.getElementById( id ) ) {
+ Expr.find.ID = function(match, context, isXML){
+ if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
+ return m ? m.id === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ? [m] : undefined : [];
+ }
+ };
+ Expr.filter.ID = function(elem, match){
+ var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
+ return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
+ };
+ }
+ root.removeChild( form );
+ root = form = null; // release memory in IE
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
+ if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
+ Expr.find.TAG = function(match, context){
+ var results = context.getElementsByTagName(match[1]);
+ if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
+ var tmp = [];
+ for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
+ if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
+ tmp.push( results[i] );
+ }
+ }
+ results = tmp;
+ }
+ return results;
+ };
+ }
+ div.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>";
+ if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
+ div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
+ Expr.attrHandle.href = function(elem){
+ return elem.getAttribute("href", 2);
+ };
+ }
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+if ( document.querySelectorAll ) (function(){
+ var oldSizzle = Sizzle, div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>";
+ if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Sizzle = function(query, context, extra, seed){
+ context = context || document;
+ if ( !seed && context.nodeType === 9 && !isXML(context) ) {
+ try {
+ return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
+ } catch(e){}
+ }
+ return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
+ };
+ for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
+ Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
+ }
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+if ( document.getElementsByClassName && document.documentElement.getElementsByClassName ) (function(){
+ var div = document.createElement("div");
+ div.innerHTML = "<div class='test e'></div><div class='test'></div>";
+ if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 )
+ return;
+ div.lastChild.className = "e";
+ if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 )
+ return;
+ Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
+ Expr.find.CLASS = function(match, context, isXML) {
+ if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
+ return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
+ }
+ };
+ div = null; // release memory in IE
+function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ var sibDir = dir == "previousSibling" && !isXML;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( sibDir && elem.nodeType === 1 ){
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeName === cur ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
+ var sibDir = dir == "previousSibling" && !isXML;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ var elem = checkSet[i];
+ if ( elem ) {
+ if ( sibDir && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ var match = false;
+ while ( elem ) {
+ if ( elem.sizcache === doneName ) {
+ match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
+ if ( !isXML ) {
+ elem.sizcache = doneName;
+ elem.sizset = i;
+ }
+ if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
+ if ( elem === cur ) {
+ match = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
+ match = elem;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ elem = elem[dir];
+ }
+ checkSet[i] = match;
+ }
+ }
+var contains = document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a, b){
+ return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16;
+} : function(a, b){
+ return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
+var isXML = function(elem){
+ return elem.nodeType === 9 && elem.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" ||
+ !!elem.ownerDocument && elem.ownerDocument.documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML";
+var posProcess = function(selector, context){
+ var tmpSet = [], later = "", match,
+ root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
+ while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
+ later += match[0];
+ selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
+ }
+ selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
+ for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
+ Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet );
+ }
+ return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
+window.Sizzle = Sizzle;
+;(function(engine) {
+ var extendElements = Prototype.Selector.extendElements;
+ function select(selector, scope) {
+ return extendElements(engine(selector, scope || document));
+ }
+ function match(element, selector) {
+ return engine.matches(selector, [element]).length == 1;
+ }
+ Prototype.Selector.engine = engine;
+ Prototype.Selector.select = select;
+ Prototype.Selector.match = match;
+window.Sizzle = Prototype._original_property;
+delete Prototype._original_property;
+var Form = {
+ reset: function(form) {
+ form = $(form);
+ form.reset();
+ return form;
+ },
+ serializeElements: function(elements, options) {
+ if (typeof options != 'object') options = { hash: !!options };
+ else if (Object.isUndefined(options.hash)) options.hash = true;
+ var key, value, submitted = false, submit = options.submit;
+ var data = elements.inject({ }, function(result, element) {
+ if (!element.disabled && element.name) {
+ key = element.name; value = $(element).getValue();
+ if (value != null && element.type != 'file' && (element.type != 'submit' || (!submitted &&
+ submit !== false && (!submit || key == submit) && (submitted = true)))) {
+ if (key in result) {
+ if (!Object.isArray(result[key])) result[key] = [result[key]];
+ result[key].push(value);
+ }
+ else result[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ });
+ return options.hash ? data : Object.toQueryString(data);
+ }
+Form.Methods = {
+ serialize: function(form, options) {
+ return Form.serializeElements(Form.getElements(form), options);
+ },
+ getElements: function(form) {
+ var elements = $(form).getElementsByTagName('*'),
+ element,
+ arr = [ ],
+ serializers = Form.Element.Serializers;
+ for (var i = 0; element = elements[i]; i++) {
+ arr.push(element);
+ }
+ return arr.inject([], function(elements, child) {
+ if (serializers[child.tagName.toLowerCase()])
+ elements.push(Element.extend(child));
+ return elements;
+ })
+ },
+ getInputs: function(form, typeName, name) {
+ form = $(form);
+ var inputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input');
+ if (!typeName && !name) return $A(inputs).map(Element.extend);
+ for (var i = 0, matchingInputs = [], length = inputs.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var input = inputs[i];
+ if ((typeName && input.type != typeName) || (name && input.name != name))
+ continue;
+ matchingInputs.push(Element.extend(input));
+ }
+ return matchingInputs;
+ },
+ disable: function(form) {
+ form = $(form);
+ Form.getElements(form).invoke('disable');
+ return form;
+ },
+ enable: function(form) {
+ form = $(form);
+ Form.getElements(form).invoke('enable');
+ return form;
+ },
+ findFirstElement: function(form) {
+ var elements = $(form).getElements().findAll(function(element) {
+ return 'hidden' != element.type && !element.disabled;
+ });
+ var firstByIndex = elements.findAll(function(element) {
+ return element.hasAttribute('tabIndex') && element.tabIndex >= 0;
+ }).sortBy(function(element) { return element.tabIndex }).first();
+ return firstByIndex ? firstByIndex : elements.find(function(element) {
+ return /^(?:input|select|textarea)$/i.test(element.tagName);
+ });
+ },
+ focusFirstElement: function(form) {
+ form = $(form);
+ form.findFirstElement().activate();
+ return form;
+ },
+ request: function(form, options) {
+ form = $(form), options = Object.clone(options || { });
+ var params = options.parameters, action = form.readAttribute('action') || '';
+ if (action.blank()) action = window.location.href;
+ options.parameters = form.serialize(true);
+ if (params) {
+ if (Object.isString(params)) params = params.toQueryParams();
+ Object.extend(options.parameters, params);
+ }
+ if (form.hasAttribute('method') && !options.method)
+ options.method = form.method;
+ return new Ajax.Request(action, options);
+ }
+Form.Element = {
+ focus: function(element) {
+ $(element).focus();
+ return element;
+ },
+ select: function(element) {
+ $(element).select();
+ return element;
+ }
+Form.Element.Methods = {
+ serialize: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (!element.disabled && element.name) {
+ var value = element.getValue();
+ if (value != undefined) {
+ var pair = { };
+ pair[element.name] = value;
+ return Object.toQueryString(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ },
+ getValue: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ return Form.Element.Serializers[method](element);
+ },
+ setValue: function(element, value) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var method = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
+ Form.Element.Serializers[method](element, value);
+ return element;
+ },
+ clear: function(element) {
+ $(element).value = '';
+ return element;
+ },
+ present: function(element) {
+ return $(element).value != '';
+ },
+ activate: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ try {
+ element.focus();
+ if (element.select && (element.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'input' ||
+ !(/^(?:button|reset|submit)$/i.test(element.type))))
+ element.select();
+ } catch (e) { }
+ return element;
+ },
+ disable: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.disabled = true;
+ return element;
+ },
+ enable: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.disabled = false;
+ return element;
+ }
+var Field = Form.Element;
+var $F = Form.Element.Methods.getValue;
+Form.Element.Serializers = {
+ input: function(element, value) {
+ switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ case 'radio':
+ return Form.Element.Serializers.inputSelector(element, value);
+ default:
+ return Form.Element.Serializers.textarea(element, value);
+ }
+ },
+ inputSelector: function(element, value) {
+ if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return element.checked ? element.value : null;
+ else element.checked = !!value;
+ },
+ textarea: function(element, value) {
+ if (Object.isUndefined(value)) return element.value;
+ else element.value = value;
+ },
+ select: function(element, value) {
+ if (Object.isUndefined(value))
+ return this[element.type == 'select-one' ?
+ 'selectOne' : 'selectMany'](element);
+ else {
+ var opt, currentValue, single = !Object.isArray(value);
+ for (var i = 0, length = element.length; i < length; i++) {
+ opt = element.options[i];
+ currentValue = this.optionValue(opt);
+ if (single) {
+ if (currentValue == value) {
+ opt.selected = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else opt.selected = value.include(currentValue);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ selectOne: function(element) {
+ var index = element.selectedIndex;
+ return index >= 0 ? this.optionValue(element.options[index]) : null;
+ },
+ selectMany: function(element) {
+ var values, length = element.length;
+ if (!length) return null;
+ for (var i = 0, values = []; i < length; i++) {
+ var opt = element.options[i];
+ if (opt.selected) values.push(this.optionValue(opt));
+ }
+ return values;
+ },
+ optionValue: function(opt) {
+ return Element.extend(opt).hasAttribute('value') ? opt.value : opt.text;
+ }
+Abstract.TimedObserver = Class.create(PeriodicalExecuter, {
+ initialize: function($super, element, frequency, callback) {
+ $super(callback, frequency);
+ this.element = $(element);
+ this.lastValue = this.getValue();
+ },
+ execute: function() {
+ var value = this.getValue();
+ if (Object.isString(this.lastValue) && Object.isString(value) ?
+ this.lastValue != value : String(this.lastValue) != String(value)) {
+ this.callback(this.element, value);
+ this.lastValue = value;
+ }
+ }
+Form.Element.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, {
+ getValue: function() {
+ return Form.Element.getValue(this.element);
+ }
+Form.Observer = Class.create(Abstract.TimedObserver, {
+ getValue: function() {
+ return Form.serialize(this.element);
+ }
+Abstract.EventObserver = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(element, callback) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.lastValue = this.getValue();
+ if (this.element.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form')
+ this.registerFormCallbacks();
+ else
+ this.registerCallback(this.element);
+ },
+ onElementEvent: function() {
+ var value = this.getValue();
+ if (this.lastValue != value) {
+ this.callback(this.element, value);
+ this.lastValue = value;
+ }
+ },
+ registerFormCallbacks: function() {
+ Form.getElements(this.element).each(this.registerCallback, this);
+ },
+ registerCallback: function(element) {
+ if (element.type) {
+ switch (element.type.toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'checkbox':
+ case 'radio':
+ Event.observe(element, 'click', this.onElementEvent.bind(this));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Event.observe(element, 'change', this.onElementEvent.bind(this));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Form.Element.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, {
+ getValue: function() {
+ return Form.Element.getValue(this.element);
+ }
+Form.EventObserver = Class.create(Abstract.EventObserver, {
+ getValue: function() {
+ return Form.serialize(this.element);
+ }
+(function() {
+ var Event = {
+ KEY_TAB: 9,
+ KEY_ESC: 27,
+ KEY_LEFT: 37,
+ KEY_UP: 38,
+ KEY_RIGHT: 39,
+ KEY_DOWN: 40,
+ KEY_HOME: 36,
+ KEY_END: 35,
+ cache: {}
+ };
+ var docEl = document.documentElement;
+ && 'onmouseleave' in docEl;
+ var _isButton;
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
+ var buttonMap = { 0: 1, 1: 4, 2: 2 };
+ _isButton = function(event, code) {
+ return event.button === buttonMap[code];
+ };
+ } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) {
+ _isButton = function(event, code) {
+ switch (code) {
+ case 0: return event.which == 1 && !event.metaKey;
+ case 1: return event.which == 1 && event.metaKey;
+ default: return false;
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ _isButton = function(event, code) {
+ return event.which ? (event.which === code + 1) : (event.button === code);
+ };
+ }
+ function isLeftClick(event) { return _isButton(event, 0) }
+ function isMiddleClick(event) { return _isButton(event, 1) }
+ function isRightClick(event) { return _isButton(event, 2) }
+ function element(event) {
+ event = Event.extend(event);
+ var node = event.target, type = event.type,
+ currentTarget = event.currentTarget;
+ if (currentTarget && currentTarget.tagName) {
+ if (type === 'load' || type === 'error' ||
+ (type === 'click' && currentTarget.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'input'
+ && currentTarget.type === 'radio'))
+ node = currentTarget;
+ }
+ if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ return Element.extend(node);
+ }
+ function findElement(event, expression) {
+ var element = Event.element(event);
+ if (!expression) return element;
+ while (element) {
+ if (Object.isElement(element) && Prototype.Selector.match(element, expression)) {
+ return Element.extend(element);
+ }
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ }
+ function pointer(event) {
+ return { x: pointerX(event), y: pointerY(event) };
+ }
+ function pointerX(event) {
+ var docElement = document.documentElement,
+ body = document.body || { scrollLeft: 0 };
+ return event.pageX || (event.clientX +
+ (docElement.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) -
+ (docElement.clientLeft || 0));
+ }
+ function pointerY(event) {
+ var docElement = document.documentElement,
+ body = document.body || { scrollTop: 0 };
+ return event.pageY || (event.clientY +
+ (docElement.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) -
+ (docElement.clientTop || 0));
+ }
+ function stop(event) {
+ Event.extend(event);
+ event.preventDefault();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.stopped = true;
+ }
+ Event.Methods = {
+ isLeftClick: isLeftClick,
+ isMiddleClick: isMiddleClick,
+ isRightClick: isRightClick,
+ element: element,
+ findElement: findElement,
+ pointer: pointer,
+ pointerX: pointerX,
+ pointerY: pointerY,
+ stop: stop
+ };
+ var methods = Object.keys(Event.Methods).inject({ }, function(m, name) {
+ m[name] = Event.Methods[name].methodize();
+ return m;
+ });
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
+ function _relatedTarget(event) {
+ var element;
+ switch (event.type) {
+ case 'mouseover': element = event.fromElement; break;
+ case 'mouseout': element = event.toElement; break;
+ default: return null;
+ }
+ return Element.extend(element);
+ }
+ Object.extend(methods, {
+ stopPropagation: function() { this.cancelBubble = true },
+ preventDefault: function() { this.returnValue = false },
+ inspect: function() { return '[object Event]' }
+ });
+ Event.extend = function(event, element) {
+ if (!event) return false;
+ if (event._extendedByPrototype) return event;
+ event._extendedByPrototype = Prototype.emptyFunction;
+ var pointer = Event.pointer(event);
+ Object.extend(event, {
+ target: event.srcElement || element,
+ relatedTarget: _relatedTarget(event),
+ pageX: pointer.x,
+ pageY: pointer.y
+ });
+ return Object.extend(event, methods);
+ };
+ } else {
+ Event.prototype = window.Event.prototype || document.createEvent('HTMLEvents').__proto__;
+ Object.extend(Event.prototype, methods);
+ Event.extend = Prototype.K;
+ }
+ function _createResponder(element, eventName, handler) {
+ var registry = Element.retrieve(element, 'prototype_event_registry');
+ if (Object.isUndefined(registry)) {
+ CACHE.push(element);
+ registry = Element.retrieve(element, 'prototype_event_registry', $H());
+ }
+ var respondersForEvent = registry.get(eventName);
+ if (Object.isUndefined(respondersForEvent)) {
+ respondersForEvent = [];
+ registry.set(eventName, respondersForEvent);
+ }
+ if (respondersForEvent.pluck('handler').include(handler)) return false;
+ var responder;
+ if (eventName.include(":")) {
+ responder = function(event) {
+ if (Object.isUndefined(event.eventName))
+ return false;
+ if (event.eventName !== eventName)
+ return false;
+ Event.extend(event, element);
+ handler.call(element, event);
+ };
+ } else {
+ (eventName === "mouseenter" || eventName === "mouseleave")) {
+ if (eventName === "mouseenter" || eventName === "mouseleave") {
+ responder = function(event) {
+ Event.extend(event, element);
+ var parent = event.relatedTarget;
+ while (parent && parent !== element) {
+ try { parent = parent.parentNode; }
+ catch(e) { parent = element; }
+ }
+ if (parent === element) return;
+ handler.call(element, event);
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ responder = function(event) {
+ Event.extend(event, element);
+ handler.call(element, event);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ responder.handler = handler;
+ respondersForEvent.push(responder);
+ return responder;
+ }
+ function _destroyCache() {
+ for (var i = 0, length = CACHE.length; i < length; i++) {
+ Event.stopObserving(CACHE[i]);
+ CACHE[i] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ var CACHE = [];
+ if (Prototype.Browser.IE)
+ window.attachEvent('onunload', _destroyCache);
+ if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit)
+ window.addEventListener('unload', Prototype.emptyFunction, false);
+ var _getDOMEventName = Prototype.K,
+ translations = { mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" };
+ _getDOMEventName = function(eventName) {
+ return (translations[eventName] || eventName);
+ };
+ }
+ function observe(element, eventName, handler) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var responder = _createResponder(element, eventName, handler);
+ if (!responder) return element;
+ if (eventName.include(':')) {
+ if (element.addEventListener)
+ element.addEventListener("dataavailable", responder, false);
+ else {
+ element.attachEvent("ondataavailable", responder);
+ element.attachEvent("onfilterchange", responder);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var actualEventName = _getDOMEventName(eventName);
+ if (element.addEventListener)
+ element.addEventListener(actualEventName, responder, false);
+ else
+ element.attachEvent("on" + actualEventName, responder);
+ }
+ return element;
+ }
+ function stopObserving(element, eventName, handler) {
+ element = $(element);
+ var registry = Element.retrieve(element, 'prototype_event_registry');
+ if (!registry) return element;
+ if (!eventName) {
+ registry.each( function(pair) {
+ var eventName = pair.key;
+ stopObserving(element, eventName);
+ });
+ return element;
+ }
+ var responders = registry.get(eventName);
+ if (!responders) return element;
+ if (!handler) {
+ responders.each(function(r) {
+ stopObserving(element, eventName, r.handler);
+ });
+ return element;
+ }
+ var responder = responders.find( function(r) { return r.handler === handler; });
+ if (!responder) return element;
+ if (eventName.include(':')) {
+ if (element.removeEventListener)
+ element.removeEventListener("dataavailable", responder, false);
+ else {
+ element.detachEvent("ondataavailable", responder);
+ element.detachEvent("onfilterchange", responder);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var actualEventName = _getDOMEventName(eventName);
+ if (element.removeEventListener)
+ element.removeEventListener(actualEventName, responder, false);
+ else
+ element.detachEvent('on' + actualEventName, responder);
+ }
+ registry.set(eventName, responders.without(responder));
+ return element;
+ }
+ function fire(element, eventName, memo, bubble) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Object.isUndefined(bubble))
+ bubble = true;
+ if (element == document && document.createEvent && !element.dispatchEvent)
+ element = document.documentElement;
+ var event;
+ if (document.createEvent) {
+ event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
+ event.initEvent('dataavailable', true, true);
+ } else {
+ event = document.createEventObject();
+ event.eventType = bubble ? 'ondataavailable' : 'onfilterchange';
+ }
+ event.eventName = eventName;
+ event.memo = memo || { };
+ if (document.createEvent)
+ element.dispatchEvent(event);
+ else
+ element.fireEvent(event.eventType, event);
+ return Event.extend(event);
+ }
+ Event.Handler = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(element, eventName, selector, callback) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ this.eventName = eventName;
+ this.selector = selector;
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.handler = this.handleEvent.bind(this);
+ },
+ start: function() {
+ Event.observe(this.element, this.eventName, this.handler);
+ return this;
+ },
+ stop: function() {
+ Event.stopObserving(this.element, this.eventName, this.handler);
+ return this;
+ },
+ handleEvent: function(event) {
+ var element = event.findElement(this.selector);
+ if (element) this.callback.call(this.element, event, element);
+ }
+ });
+ function on(element, eventName, selector, callback) {
+ element = $(element);
+ if (Object.isFunction(selector) && Object.isUndefined(callback)) {
+ callback = selector, selector = null;
+ }
+ return new Event.Handler(element, eventName, selector, callback).start();
+ }
+ Object.extend(Event, Event.Methods);
+ Object.extend(Event, {
+ fire: fire,
+ observe: observe,
+ stopObserving: stopObserving,
+ on: on
+ });
+ Element.addMethods({
+ fire: fire,
+ observe: observe,
+ stopObserving: stopObserving,
+ on: on
+ });
+ Object.extend(document, {
+ fire: fire.methodize(),
+ observe: observe.methodize(),
+ stopObserving: stopObserving.methodize(),
+ on: on.methodize(),
+ loaded: false
+ });
+ if (window.Event) Object.extend(window.Event, Event);
+ else window.Event = Event;
+(function() {
+ /* Support for the DOMContentLoaded event is based on work by Dan Webb,
+ Matthias Miller, Dean Edwards, John Resig, and Diego Perini. */
+ var timer;
+ function fireContentLoadedEvent() {
+ if (document.loaded) return;
+ if (timer) window.clearTimeout(timer);
+ document.loaded = true;
+ document.fire('dom:loaded');
+ }
+ function checkReadyState() {
+ if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
+ document.stopObserving('readystatechange', checkReadyState);
+ fireContentLoadedEvent();
+ }
+ }
+ function pollDoScroll() {
+ try { document.documentElement.doScroll('left'); }
+ catch(e) {
+ timer = pollDoScroll.defer();
+ return;
+ }
+ fireContentLoadedEvent();
+ }
+ if (document.addEventListener) {
+ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fireContentLoadedEvent, false);
+ } else {
+ document.observe('readystatechange', checkReadyState);
+ if (window == top)
+ timer = pollDoScroll.defer();
+ }
+ Event.observe(window, 'load', fireContentLoadedEvent);
+/*------------------------------- DEPRECATED -------------------------------*/
+Hash.toQueryString = Object.toQueryString;
+var Toggle = { display: Element.toggle };
+Element.Methods.childOf = Element.Methods.descendantOf;
+var Insertion = {
+ Before: function(element, content) {
+ return Element.insert(element, {before:content});
+ },
+ Top: function(element, content) {
+ return Element.insert(element, {top:content});
+ },
+ Bottom: function(element, content) {
+ return Element.insert(element, {bottom:content});
+ },
+ After: function(element, content) {
+ return Element.insert(element, {after:content});
+ }
+var $continue = new Error('"throw $continue" is deprecated, use "return" instead');
+var Position = {
+ includeScrollOffsets: false,
+ prepare: function() {
+ this.deltaX = window.pageXOffset
+ || document.documentElement.scrollLeft
+ || document.body.scrollLeft
+ || 0;
+ this.deltaY = window.pageYOffset
+ || document.documentElement.scrollTop
+ || document.body.scrollTop
+ || 0;
+ },
+ within: function(element, x, y) {
+ if (this.includeScrollOffsets)
+ return this.withinIncludingScrolloffsets(element, x, y);
+ this.xcomp = x;
+ this.ycomp = y;
+ this.offset = Element.cumulativeOffset(element);
+ return (y >= this.offset[1] &&
+ y < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight &&
+ x >= this.offset[0] &&
+ x < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth);
+ },
+ withinIncludingScrolloffsets: function(element, x, y) {
+ var offsetcache = Element.cumulativeScrollOffset(element);
+ this.xcomp = x + offsetcache[0] - this.deltaX;
+ this.ycomp = y + offsetcache[1] - this.deltaY;
+ this.offset = Element.cumulativeOffset(element);
+ return (this.ycomp >= this.offset[1] &&
+ this.ycomp < this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight &&
+ this.xcomp >= this.offset[0] &&
+ this.xcomp < this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth);
+ },
+ overlap: function(mode, element) {
+ if (!mode) return 0;
+ if (mode == 'vertical')
+ return ((this.offset[1] + element.offsetHeight) - this.ycomp) /
+ element.offsetHeight;
+ if (mode == 'horizontal')
+ return ((this.offset[0] + element.offsetWidth) - this.xcomp) /
+ element.offsetWidth;
+ },
+ cumulativeOffset: Element.Methods.cumulativeOffset,
+ positionedOffset: Element.Methods.positionedOffset,
+ absolutize: function(element) {
+ Position.prepare();
+ return Element.absolutize(element);
+ },
+ relativize: function(element) {
+ Position.prepare();
+ return Element.relativize(element);
+ },
+ realOffset: Element.Methods.cumulativeScrollOffset,
+ offsetParent: Element.Methods.getOffsetParent,
+ page: Element.Methods.viewportOffset,
+ clone: function(source, target, options) {
+ options = options || { };
+ return Element.clonePosition(target, source, options);
+ }
+if (!document.getElementsByClassName) document.getElementsByClassName = function(instanceMethods){
+ function iter(name) {
+ return name.blank() ? null : "[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + name + " ')]";
+ }
+ instanceMethods.getElementsByClassName = Prototype.BrowserFeatures.XPath ?
+ function(element, className) {
+ className = className.toString().strip();
+ var cond = /\s/.test(className) ? $w(className).map(iter).join('') : iter(className);
+ return cond ? document._getElementsByXPath('.//*' + cond, element) : [];
+ } : function(element, className) {
+ className = className.toString().strip();
+ var elements = [], classNames = (/\s/.test(className) ? $w(className) : null);
+ if (!classNames && !className) return elements;
+ var nodes = $(element).getElementsByTagName('*');
+ className = ' ' + className + ' ';
+ for (var i = 0, child, cn; child = nodes[i]; i++) {
+ if (child.className && (cn = ' ' + child.className + ' ') && (cn.include(className) ||
+ (classNames && classNames.all(function(name) {
+ return !name.toString().blank() && cn.include(' ' + name + ' ');
+ }))))
+ elements.push(Element.extend(child));
+ }
+ return elements;
+ };
+ return function(className, parentElement) {
+ return $(parentElement || document.body).getElementsByClassName(className);
+ };
+Element.ClassNames = Class.create();
+Element.ClassNames.prototype = {
+ initialize: function(element) {
+ this.element = $(element);
+ },
+ _each: function(iterator) {
+ this.element.className.split(/\s+/).select(function(name) {
+ return name.length > 0;
+ })._each(iterator);
+ },
+ set: function(className) {
+ this.element.className = className;
+ },
+ add: function(classNameToAdd) {
+ if (this.include(classNameToAdd)) return;
+ this.set($A(this).concat(classNameToAdd).join(' '));
+ },
+ remove: function(classNameToRemove) {
+ if (!this.include(classNameToRemove)) return;
+ this.set($A(this).without(classNameToRemove).join(' '));
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return $A(this).join(' ');
+ }
+Object.extend(Element.ClassNames.prototype, Enumerable);
+(function() {
+ window.Selector = Class.create({
+ initialize: function(expression) {
+ this.expression = expression.strip();
+ },
+ findElements: function(rootElement) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(this.expression, rootElement);
+ },
+ match: function(element) {
+ return Prototype.Selector.match(element, this.expression);
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return this.expression;
+ },
+ inspect: function() {
+ return "#<Selector: " + this.expression + ">";
+ }
+ });
+ Object.extend(Selector, {
+ matchElements: function(elements, expression) {
+ var match = Prototype.Selector.match,
+ results = [];
+ for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
+ var element = elements[i];
+ if (match(element, expression)) {
+ results.push(Element.extend(element));
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ },
+ findElement: function(elements, expression, index) {
+ index = index || 0;
+ var matchIndex = 0, element;
+ for (var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) {
+ element = elements[i];
+ if (Prototype.Selector.match(element, expression) && index === matchIndex++) {
+ return Element.extend(element);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ findChildElements: function(element, expressions) {
+ var selector = expressions.toArray().join(', ');
+ return Prototype.Selector.select(selector, element || document);
+ }
+ });
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/rails.js
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/rails.js (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/javascripts/rails.js 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+(function() {
+ // Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
+ // http://thinkweb2.com/projects/prototype/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
+ function isEventSupported(eventName) {
+ var el = document.createElement('div');
+ eventName = 'on' + eventName;
+ var isSupported = (eventName in el);
+ if (!isSupported) {
+ el.setAttribute(eventName, 'return;');
+ isSupported = typeof el[eventName] == 'function';
+ }
+ el = null;
+ return isSupported;
+ }
+ function isForm(element) {
+ return Object.isElement(element) && element.nodeName.toUpperCase() == 'FORM'
+ }
+ function isInput(element) {
+ if (Object.isElement(element)) {
+ var name = element.nodeName.toUpperCase()
+ return name == 'INPUT' || name == 'SELECT' || name == 'TEXTAREA'
+ }
+ else return false
+ }
+ var submitBubbles = isEventSupported('submit'),
+ changeBubbles = isEventSupported('change')
+ if (!submitBubbles || !changeBubbles) {
+ // augment the Event.Handler class to observe custom events when needed
+ Event.Handler.prototype.initialize = Event.Handler.prototype.initialize.wrap(
+ function(init, element, eventName, selector, callback) {
+ init(element, eventName, selector, callback)
+ // is the handler being attached to an element that doesn't support this event?
+ if ( (!submitBubbles && this.eventName == 'submit' && !isForm(this.element)) ||
+ (!changeBubbles && this.eventName == 'change' && !isInput(this.element)) ) {
+ // "submit" => "emulated:submit"
+ this.eventName = 'emulated:' + this.eventName
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ }
+ if (!submitBubbles) {
+ // discover forms on the page by observing focus events which always bubble
+ document.on('focusin', 'form', function(focusEvent, form) {
+ // special handler for the real "submit" event (one-time operation)
+ if (!form.retrieve('emulated:submit')) {
+ form.on('submit', function(submitEvent) {
+ var emulated = form.fire('emulated:submit', submitEvent, true)
+ // if custom event received preventDefault, cancel the real one too
+ if (emulated.returnValue === false) submitEvent.preventDefault()
+ })
+ form.store('emulated:submit', true)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ if (!changeBubbles) {
+ // discover form inputs on the page
+ document.on('focusin', 'input, select, texarea', function(focusEvent, input) {
+ // special handler for real "change" events
+ if (!input.retrieve('emulated:change')) {
+ input.on('change', function(changeEvent) {
+ input.fire('emulated:change', changeEvent, true)
+ })
+ input.store('emulated:change', true)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ function handleRemote(element) {
+ var method, url, params;
+ var event = element.fire("ajax:before");
+ if (event.stopped) return false;
+ if (element.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'form') {
+ method = element.readAttribute('method') || 'post';
+ url = element.readAttribute('action');
+ params = element.serialize();
+ } else {
+ method = element.readAttribute('data-method') || 'get';
+ url = element.readAttribute('href');
+ params = {};
+ }
+ new Ajax.Request(url, {
+ method: method,
+ parameters: params,
+ evalScripts: true,
+ onComplete: function(request) { element.fire("ajax:complete", request); },
+ onSuccess: function(request) { element.fire("ajax:success", request); },
+ onFailure: function(request) { element.fire("ajax:failure", request); }
+ });
+ element.fire("ajax:after");
+ }
+ function handleMethod(element) {
+ var method = element.readAttribute('data-method'),
+ url = element.readAttribute('href'),
+ csrf_param = $$('meta[name=csrf-param]')[0],
+ csrf_token = $$('meta[name=csrf-token]')[0];
+ var form = new Element('form', { method: "POST", action: url, style: "display: none;" });
+ element.parentNode.insert(form);
+ if (method !== 'post') {
+ var field = new Element('input', { type: 'hidden', name: '_method', value: method });
+ form.insert(field);
+ }
+ if (csrf_param) {
+ var param = csrf_param.readAttribute('content'),
+ token = csrf_token.readAttribute('content'),
+ field = new Element('input', { type: 'hidden', name: param, value: token });
+ form.insert(field);
+ }
+ form.submit();
+ }
+ document.on("click", "*[data-confirm]", function(event, element) {
+ var message = element.readAttribute('data-confirm');
+ if (!confirm(message)) event.stop();
+ });
+ document.on("click", "a[data-remote]", function(event, element) {
+ if (event.stopped) return;
+ handleRemote(element);
+ event.stop();
+ });
+ document.on("click", "a[data-method]", function(event, element) {
+ if (event.stopped) return;
+ handleMethod(element);
+ event.stop();
+ });
+ document.on("submit", function(event) {
+ var element = event.findElement(),
+ message = element.readAttribute('data-confirm');
+ if (message && !confirm(message)) {
+ event.stop();
+ return false;
+ }
+ var inputs = element.select("input[type=submit][data-disable-with]");
+ inputs.each(function(input) {
+ input.disabled = true;
+ input.writeAttribute('data-original-value', input.value);
+ input.value = input.readAttribute('data-disable-with');
+ });
+ var element = event.findElement("form[data-remote]");
+ if (element) {
+ handleRemote(element);
+ event.stop();
+ }
+ });
+ document.on("ajax:after", "form", function(event, element) {
+ var inputs = element.select("input[type=submit][disabled=true][data-disable-with]");
+ inputs.each(function(input) {
+ input.value = input.readAttribute('data-original-value');
+ input.removeAttribute('data-original-value');
+ input.disabled = false;
+ });
+ });
+ Ajax.Responders.register({
+ onCreate: function(request) {
+ var csrf_meta_tag = $$('meta[name=csrf-token]')[0];
+ if (csrf_meta_tag) {
+ var header = 'X-CSRF-Token',
+ token = csrf_meta_tag.readAttribute('content');
+ if (!request.options.requestHeaders) {
+ request.options.requestHeaders = {};
+ }
+ request.options.requestHeaders[header] = token;
+ }
+ }
+ });
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/robots.txt
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/robots.txt (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/robots.txt 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# See http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/norobots.html for documentation on how to use the robots.txt file
+# To ban all spiders from the entire site uncomment the next two lines:
+# User-Agent: *
+# Disallow: /
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/stylesheets/.gitkeep
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/stylesheets/scaffold.css
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/stylesheets/scaffold.css (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/public/stylesheets/scaffold.css 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+body { background-color: #fff; color: #333; }
+body, p, ol, ul, td {
+ font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
+ font-size: 13px;
+ line-height: 18px;
+pre {
+ background-color: #eee;
+ padding: 10px;
+ font-size: 11px;
+a { color: #000; }
+a:visited { color: #666; }
+a:hover { color: #fff; background-color:#000; }
+div.field, div.actions {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+#notice {
+ color: green;
+.field_with_errors {
+ padding: 2px;
+ background-color: red;
+ display: table;
+#error_explanation {
+ width: 450px;
+ border: 2px solid red;
+ padding: 7px;
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ background-color: #f0f0f0;
+#error_explanation h2 {
+ text-align: left;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ margin: -7px;
+ margin-bottom: 0px;
+ background-color: #c00;
+ color: #fff;
+#error_explanation ul li {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ list-style: square;
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/script/rails
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/script/rails (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/script/rails 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# This command will automatically be run when you run "rails" with Rails 3 gems installed from the root of your application.
+APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../config/application', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../../config/boot', __FILE__)
+require 'rails/commands'
Property changes on: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/script/rails
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/categories.yml
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/categories.yml (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/categories.yml 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Read about fixtures at http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/Fixtures.html
+ name: MyString
+ name: MyString
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/installed_ports.yml
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/installed_ports.yml (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/installed_ports.yml 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Read about fixtures at http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/Fixtures.html
+ uuid: MyString
+ port_id: 1
+ version: MyString
+ variants: MyString
+ month: MyString
+ year: MyString
+ uuid: MyString
+ port_id: 1
+ version: MyString
+ variants: MyString
+ month: MyString
+ year: MyString
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/os_statistics.yml
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/os_statistics.yml (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/os_statistics.yml 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Read about fixtures at http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/Fixtures.html
+ uuid: MyString
+ osversion: MyString
+ machine: MyString
+ gccversion: MyString
+ x11installed: false
+ uuid: MyString
+ osversion: MyString
+ machine: MyString
+ gccversion: MyString
+ x11installed: false
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/ports.yml
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/ports.yml (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/ports.yml 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# Read about fixtures at http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/Fixtures.html
+ name: MyString
+ path: MyString
+ version: MyString
+ description: MyText
+ licenses: MyString
+ category_id: 1
+ variants: MyString
+ maintainers: MyString
+ platforms: MyString
+ categories: MyString
+ name: MyString
+ path: MyString
+ version: MyString
+ description: MyText
+ licenses: MyString
+ category_id: 1
+ variants: MyString
+ maintainers: MyString
+ platforms: MyString
+ categories: MyString
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/submissions.yml
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/submissions.yml (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/fixtures/submissions.yml 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Read about fixtures at http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/Fixtures.html
+ data: MyString
+ data: MyString
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/functional/home_controller_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/functional/home_controller_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/functional/home_controller_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class HomeControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ test "should get index" do
+ get :index
+ assert_response :success
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/functional/submissions_controller_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/functional/submissions_controller_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/functional/submissions_controller_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class SubmissionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
+ setup do
+ @submission = submissions(:one)
+ end
+ test "should get index" do
+ get :index
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:submissions)
+ end
+ test "should get new" do
+ get :new
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ test "should create submission" do
+ assert_difference('Submission.count') do
+ post :create, :submission => @submission.attributes
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to submission_path(assigns(:submission))
+ end
+ test "should show submission" do
+ get :show, :id => @submission.to_param
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ test "should get edit" do
+ get :edit, :id => @submission.to_param
+ assert_response :success
+ end
+ test "should update submission" do
+ put :update, :id => @submission.to_param, :submission => @submission.attributes
+ assert_redirected_to submission_path(assigns(:submission))
+ end
+ test "should destroy submission" do
+ assert_difference('Submission.count', -1) do
+ delete :destroy, :id => @submission.to_param
+ end
+ assert_redirected_to submissions_path
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/performance/browsing_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/performance/browsing_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/performance/browsing_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+require 'rails/performance_test_help'
+# Profiling results for each test method are written to tmp/performance.
+class BrowsingTest < ActionDispatch::PerformanceTest
+ def test_homepage
+ get '/'
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/test_helper.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/test_helper.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/test_helper.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test"
+require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__)
+require 'rails/test_help'
+class ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.(yml|csv) for all tests in alphabetical order.
+ #
+ # Note: You'll currently still have to declare fixtures explicitly in integration tests
+ # -- they do not yet inherit this setting
+ fixtures :all
+ # Add more helper methods to be used by all tests here...
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/category_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/category_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/category_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class CategoryTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # Replace this with your real tests.
+ test "the truth" do
+ assert true
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/helpers/home_helper_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/helpers/home_helper_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/helpers/home_helper_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class HomeHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/helpers/submissions_helper_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/helpers/submissions_helper_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/helpers/submissions_helper_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class SubmissionsHelperTest < ActionView::TestCase
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/installed_port_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/installed_port_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/installed_port_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class InstalledPortTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # Replace this with your real tests.
+ test "the truth" do
+ assert true
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/os_statistic_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/os_statistic_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/os_statistic_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class OsStatisticTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # Replace this with your real tests.
+ test "the truth" do
+ assert true
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/port_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/port_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/port_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class PortTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # Replace this with your real tests.
+ test "the truth" do
+ assert true
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/submission_test.rb
--- branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/submission_test.rb (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/test/unit/submission_test.rb 2011-07-14 04:48:08 UTC (rev 80511)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+class SubmissionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ # Replace this with your real tests.
+ test "the truth" do
+ assert true
+ end
Added: branches/gsoc11-statistics/stats-server/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
-------------- next part --------------
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