[80555] users/dports/ports/tex/texlive-bin

dports at macports.org dports at macports.org
Thu Jul 14 16:28:41 PDT 2011

Revision: 80555
Author:   dports at macports.org
Date:     2011-07-14 16:28:41 -0700 (Thu, 14 Jul 2011)
Log Message:
texlive-bin: patch updmap.pl to not depend on the TeXLive perl package
(which we don't install, because large parts of it are
tlmgr-specific); instead, add in the couple functions needed.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: users/dports/ports/tex/texlive-bin/Portfile
--- users/dports/ports/tex/texlive-bin/Portfile	2011-07-14 20:29:46 UTC (rev 80554)
+++ users/dports/ports/tex/texlive-bin/Portfile	2011-07-14 23:28:41 UTC (rev 80555)
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
                 patch-texk_kpathsea_Makefile.in.diff \
                 patch-texk_ptexenc_Makefile.in.diff \
                 patch-texk_tetex_Makefile.in.diff \
+                patch-texk_tetex_updmap.pl.diff \
                 patch-texk_tex4htk_Makefile.in.diff \
                 patch-texk_texlive_linked_scripts_Makefile.in.diff \
                 patch-texk_xdvik_xdvi-sh.in.diff \

Added: users/dports/ports/tex/texlive-bin/files/patch-texk_tetex_updmap.pl.diff
--- users/dports/ports/tex/texlive-bin/files/patch-texk_tetex_updmap.pl.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ users/dports/ports/tex/texlive-bin/files/patch-texk_tetex_updmap.pl.diff	2011-07-14 23:28:41 UTC (rev 80555)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+--- texk/tetex/updmap.pl	2011-06-20 16:47:32.000000000 -0400
++++ texk/tetex/updmap.pl	2011-07-14 17:44:02.000000000 -0400
+@@ -6,16 +6,10 @@
+ # Anyone may freely use, modify, and/or distribute this file, without
+ # limitation.
+-  $^W=1;
+-  chomp($TEXMFROOT = `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFROOT`);
+-  unshift (@INC, "$TEXMFROOT/tlpkg");
+ my $version = '$Id: updmap.pl 23034 2011-06-17 23:44:39Z karl $';
+ use strict;
+-use TeXLive::TLUtils qw(mkdirhier mktexupd win32);
+ use Getopt::Long;
+ $Getopt::Long::autoabbrev=0;
+ Getopt::Long::Configure (qw(ignore_case_always));
+@@ -65,6 +59,100 @@
+ my $cache = 0; # don't change!
+ my $pdftexStripEnc = 0;
++# MacPorts: the following are from TLUtils.pm, part of the TeXLive
++# perl package (which we don't install)
++sub mktexupd {
++  my %files;
++  my $mustexist=0;
++  my $hash={
++    "add" => sub {     
++      foreach my $file (@_) {
++        $file =~ s|\\|/|g;
++        $files{$file}=1;
++      }
++    },
++    # "reset" => sub { 
++    #    %files=();
++    # },
++    "mustexist" => sub {
++      $mustexist=shift;
++    },
++   "exec" => sub {
++      # check whether files exist
++      if ($mustexist) {
++        foreach my $file (keys %files) {
++          die "File \"$file\" doesn't exist.\n" if (! -f $file);
++        }
++      }
++      my $delim= (&win32)? ';' : ':';
++      my $TEXMFDBS;
++      chomp($TEXMFDBS=`kpsewhich --show-path="ls-R"`);
++      my @texmfdbs=split ($delim, "$TEXMFDBS");
++      my %dbs;
++      foreach my $path (keys %files) {
++        foreach my $db (@texmfdbs) {
++          $db=substr($db, -1) if ($db=~m|/$|); # strip leading /
++          if (substr($path, 0, length("$db/")) eq "$db/") {
++            # we appended a / because otherwise "texmf" is recognized as a
++            # substring of "texmf-dist".
++            my $path='./' . substr($path, length("$db/"));
++            my ($dir, $file);
++            $_=$path;
++            ($dir, $file) = m|(.*)/(.*)|;
++            $dbs{$db}{$dir}{$file}=1;
++          }
++        }
++      }
++      foreach my $db (keys %dbs) {
++        if (! -f "$db" || ! -w "$db/ls-R") {
++          &mkdirhier ($db);
++        }
++        open LSR, ">>$db/ls-R";
++        foreach my $dir (keys %{$dbs{$db}}) {
++          print LSR "\n$dir:\n";
++          foreach my $file (keys %{$dbs{$db}{$dir}}) {
++            print LSR "$file\n";
++          }
++        }
++        close LSR;
++      }
++    }
++  };
++  return $hash;
++sub mkdirhier {
++  my ($tree,$mode) = @_;
++  return if (-d "$tree");
++  my $subdir = "";
++  # win32 is special as usual: we need to separate //servername/ part
++  # from the UNC path, since (! -d //servername/) tests true
++  $subdir = $& if ( win32() && ($tree =~ s!^//[^/]+/!!) );
++  my @dirs = split (/\//, $tree);
++  for my $dir (@dirs) {
++    $subdir .= "$dir/";
++    if (! -d $subdir) {
++      if (defined $mode) {
++        mkdir ($subdir, $mode)
++        || die "$0: mkdir($subdir,$mode) failed, goodbye: $!\n";
++      } else {
++        mkdir ($subdir) || die "$0: mkdir($subdir) failed, goodbye: $!\n";
++      }
++    }
++  }
++sub win32
++  return 0;
+ # initialize mktexupd
+ my $updLSR=&mktexupd();
+ $updLSR->{mustexist}(0);
-------------- next part --------------
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