[81289] branches/gsoc11-rev-upgrade/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl

cal at macports.org cal at macports.org
Thu Jul 28 19:18:25 PDT 2011

Revision: 81289
Author:   cal at macports.org
Date:     2011-07-28 19:18:25 -0700 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011)
Log Message:
rev-upgrade: Implement rebuilding as if one had called port -fn upgrade $broken_port_name

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/gsoc11-rev-upgrade/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl
--- branches/gsoc11-rev-upgrade/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2011-07-29 02:15:17 UTC (rev 81288)
+++ branches/gsoc11-rev-upgrade/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2011-07-29 02:18:25 UTC (rev 81289)
@@ -3751,10 +3751,7 @@
     set run_loop 1
     array set broken_port_counts {}
     while {$run_loop == 1} {
-        if {[catch {revupgrade_scanandrebuild broken_port_counts} run_loop] == 1} {
-            ui_error "An error occured while scanning for broken ports and/or trying to rebuild them"
-            error "An error occured while scanning for broken ports and/or trying to rebuild them"
-        }
+        set run_loop [revupgrade_scanandrebuild broken_port_counts]
     return 0;
@@ -3930,6 +3927,48 @@
             ui_msg "     [$port name] @[$port version] [$port variants][$port negated_variants]"
+        # shared depscache for all ports that are going to be rebuilt
+        array set depscache {}
+        set status 0
+        foreach port $topsort_ports {
+            if {![info exists depscache(port:[$port name])]} {
+                array set variations {}
+                set strindex 0
+                set variantsstr "[$port variants][$port negated_variants]"
+                while {$strindex != [string length $variantsstr]} {
+                        set type [string index $variantsstr $strindex]
+                        if {$type != "+" && $type != "-"} {
+                            # ignore char not starting a variant definition
+                            incr $strindex
+                            continue
+                        }
+                        set endpidx [string first "+" $variantsstr $strindex+1]
+                        set endmidx [string first "-" $variantsstr $strindex+1]
+                        set endidx [expr $endpidx < $endmidx ? $endpidx : $endmidx]
+                        if {$endidx != -1} {
+                            set variantname [string trim [string range $variantsstr $strindex+1 $endidx]]
+                            set strindex $endidx
+                        } else {
+                            # end of string
+                            set variantname [string trim [string range $variantsstr $strindex+1 end]]
+                            set strindex [string length $variantsstr]
+                        }
+                        set variations($variantname) $type
+                }
+                # make macports::upgrade behave like calling port -f -n upgrade [$port name]
+                set status [macports::upgrade [$port name] "port:[$port name]" [array get variations] {ports_upgrade_force yes ports_nodeps yes} depscache]
+                if {$status != 0 && ![macports::ui_isset ports_processall]} {
+                    error "Error rebuilding [$port name]"
+                }
+            }
+        }
         return 1;
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