[81473] trunk/dports/kde/kdegames4

mk at macports.org mk at macports.org
Sun Jul 31 06:51:14 PDT 2011

Revision: 81473
Author:   mk at macports.org
Date:     2011-07-31 06:51:14 -0700 (Sun, 31 Jul 2011)
Log Message:
kdegames4: update to 4.7.0 with a patch kindly supplied by Ian Wadham

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/kde/kdegames4/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/kde/kdegames4/Portfile	2011-07-31 13:26:27 UTC (rev 81472)
+++ trunk/dports/kde/kdegames4/Portfile	2011-07-31 13:51:14 UTC (rev 81473)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 PortGroup           kde4   1.1
 name                kdegames4
-version             4.5.5
+version             4.7.0
 categories          kde kde4
 maintainers         snc sharky
 description         A variety of games made with the KDE4 development platform
@@ -15,14 +15,16 @@
 master_sites        kde:stable/${version}/src/
 use_bzip2           yes
 distname            kdegames-${version}
-checksums           rmd160  bbfe2d6c12007dab7291d76bad8128998ecb3a98 \
-                    sha256  247e303d598038c1d913be0f1b55eb949117ba9f4ce27657a1523ad058c15982
+checksums           rmd160  9855a8160a14f51fdb101fc0a0eea5c5bdb84278 \
+                    sha256  6026f7d8dd156bd78e30d555528fa6d369f3346fbb6029d64395e8d3559428d9
-depends_lib-append  port:kdelibs4 port:kdebase4-runtime \
+depends_lib-append  port:kdelibs4 port:kde4-runtime \
                     port:libsndfile port:qhull \
                     port:ggz-client-libs port:py26-twisted
 universal_variant   no
+patchfiles          kgamerenderer_h-patch.diff
 livecheck.url       http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/kde/stable/latest/src/
 livecheck.regex     kdegames-(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)${extract.suffix}

Added: trunk/dports/kde/kdegames4/files/kgamerenderer_h-patch.diff
--- trunk/dports/kde/kdegames4/files/kgamerenderer_h-patch.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/kde/kdegames4/files/kgamerenderer_h-patch.diff	2011-07-31 13:51:14 UTC (rev 81473)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- libkdegames/kgamerenderer.h	2011-07-31 15:09:28.000000000 +0200
++++ libkdegames/kgamerenderer.h.new	2011-07-31 15:23:09.000000000 +0200
+@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
+ 		///@note  For non-animated frames, set @a frame to -1 or omit it.
+ 		///@note  Custom colors increase the rendering time considerably, so use
+ 		///       this feature only if you really need its flexibility.
+-		QPixmap spritePixmap(const QString& key, const QSize& size, int frame = -1, const QHash<QColor, QColor>& customColors = QHash<QColor, QColor>()) const;
++		QPixmap spritePixmap(const QString& key, const QSize& size, int frame = -1, const QHash<QColor, QColor>& customColors = (QHash<QColor, QColor>())) const;
+ 	public Q_SLOTS:
+ 		///Load the given theme and update the pixmaps of all associated
+ 		///KGameRendererClient instances.
+--- libkdegames/kgamerenderer_p.h	2011-07-31 15:09:28.000000000 +0200
++++ libkdegames/kgamerenderer_p.h.new	2011-07-31 15:24:09.000000000 +0200
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+ 	//Describes the state of a KGameRendererClient.
+ 	struct ClientSpec
+ 	{
+-		inline ClientSpec(const QString& spriteKey = QString(), int frame = -1, const QSize& size = QSize(), const QHash<QColor, QColor>& customColors = QHash<QColor, QColor>());
++		inline ClientSpec(const QString& spriteKey = QString(), int frame = -1, const QSize& size = QSize(), const QHash<QColor, QColor>& customColors = (QHash<QColor, QColor>()));
+ 		QString spriteKey;
+ 		int frame;
+ 		QSize size;
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