[79813] trunk/dports/devel/fossil

ciserlohn at macports.org ciserlohn at macports.org
Sun Jun 26 14:10:46 PDT 2011

Revision: 79813
Author:   ciserlohn at macports.org
Date:     2011-06-26 14:10:46 -0700 (Sun, 26 Jun 2011)
Log Message:
fossil: update to version 20110528185122, do not create windows specific makefiles - fixes #29591, #29622

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/fossil/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/fossil/Portfile	2011-06-26 21:10:26 UTC (rev 79812)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/fossil/Portfile	2011-06-26 21:10:46 UTC (rev 79813)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                fossil
-version             20110523151112
+version             20110528185122
 categories          devel
 platforms           darwin
 license             BSD
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 master_sites        ${homepage}download/
 distname            ${name}-src-${version}
-checksums           sha1    23f9f988c2a71166fc4c6120999af5347331ebf3  \
-                    rmd160  a972c5401aa0336342cb7bcd366660d9ecba7b14
+checksums           sha1    3225080b4e9a8542fced48d8797a8eaef26ef17d \
+                    rmd160  3301f3e962c9b9a3304b135de03342ad0ba0da79
 test.run            yes
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
 depends_lib         port:zlib \
-patchfiles          patch-Makefile.diff
+patchfiles          patch-Makefile.diff \
+                    patch-src-makemake.tcl.diff
 post-extract {
     reinplace s|\$\(INSTALLDIR\)|\$(DESTDIR)/${prefix}/bin|g ${worksrcpath}/src/makemake.tcl

Added: trunk/dports/devel/fossil/files/patch-src-makemake.tcl.diff
--- trunk/dports/devel/fossil/files/patch-src-makemake.tcl.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/fossil/files/patch-src-makemake.tcl.diff	2011-06-26 21:10:46 UTC (rev 79813)
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+--- src/makemake.tcl.orig	2011-06-26 22:44:14.000000000 +0200
++++ src/makemake.tcl	2011-06-26 22:48:29.000000000 +0200
+@@ -266,677 +266,3 @@
+ ##############################################################################
+ ##############################################################################
+ ##############################################################################
+-# Begin win/Makefile.mingw
+-puts "building ../win/Makefile.mingw"
+-set output_file [open ../win/Makefile.mingw w]
+-fconfigure $output_file -translation binary
+-writeln {#!/usr/bin/make
+-# This is a makefile for us on windows using mingw.
+-#### The toplevel directory of the source tree.  Fossil can be built
+-#    in a directory that is separate from the source tree.  Just change
+-#    the following to point from the build directory to the src/ folder.
+-SRCDIR = src
+-#### The directory into which object code files should be written.
+-OBJDIR = wbld
+-#### C Compiler and options for use in building executables that
+-#    will run on the platform that is doing the build.  This is used
+-#    to compile code-generator programs as part of the build process.
+-#    See TCC below for the C compiler for building the finished binary.
+-BCC = gcc
+-#### Enable HTTPS support via OpenSSL (links to libssl and libcrypto)
+-#### The directory in which the zlib compression library is installed.
+-ZLIBDIR = /programs/gnuwin32
+-#### C Compile and options for use in building executables that 
+-#    will run on the target platform.  This is usually the same
+-#    as BCC, unless you are cross-compiling.  This C compiler builds
+-#    the finished binary for fossil.  The BCC compiler above is used
+-#    for building intermediate code-generator tools.
+-TCC = gcc -Os -Wall -L$(ZLIBDIR)/lib -I$(ZLIBDIR)/include
+-# With HTTPS support
+-TCC += -static -DFOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL=1
+-#### Extra arguments for linking the finished binary.  Fossil needs
+-#    to link against the Z-Lib compression library.  There are no
+-#    other dependencies.  We sometimes add the -static option here
+-#    so that we can build a static executable that will run in a
+-#    chroot jail.
+-#LIB = -lz -lws2_32
+-# OpenSSL:
+-LIB += -lssl -lcrypto -lgdi32
+-LIB += -lmingwex -lz -lws2_32
+-#### Tcl shell for use in running the fossil testsuite.  This is only
+-#    used for testing.  If you do not run
+-TCLSH = tclsh
+-#### Nullsoft installer makensis location
+-MAKENSIS = "c:\Program Files\NSIS\makensis.exe"
+-#### Include a configuration file that can override any one of these settings.
+--include config.w32
+-# You should not need to change anything below this line
+-writeln -nonewline "SRC ="
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline " \\\n  \$(SRCDIR)/$s.c"
+-writeln "\n"
+-writeln -nonewline "TRANS_SRC ="
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline " \\\n  \$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c"
+-writeln "\n"
+-writeln -nonewline "OBJ ="
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline " \\\n \$(OBJDIR)/$s.o"
+-writeln "\n"
+-writeln "APPNAME = ${name}.exe"
+-writeln {TRANSLATE   = $(subst /,\\,$(OBJDIR)/translate.exe)
+-MAKEHEADERS = $(subst /,\\,$(OBJDIR)/makeheaders.exe)
+-MKINDEX     = $(subst /,\\,$(OBJDIR)/mkindex.exe)
+-VERSION     = $(subst /,\\,$(OBJDIR)/version.exe)
+-writeln {
+-all:	$(OBJDIR) $(APPNAME)
+-$(OBJDIR)/icon.o:	$(SRCDIR)/../win/icon.rc
+-	cp $(SRCDIR)/../win/icon.rc $(OBJDIR)
+-	windres $(OBJDIR)/icon.rc -o $(OBJDIR)/icon.o
+-install:	$(APPNAME)
+-	mv $(APPNAME) $(DESTDIR)//opt/local/bin
+-	mkdir $(OBJDIR)
+-$(OBJDIR)/translate:	$(SRCDIR)/translate.c
+-	$(BCC) -o $(OBJDIR)/translate $(SRCDIR)/translate.c
+-$(OBJDIR)/makeheaders:	$(SRCDIR)/makeheaders.c
+-	$(BCC) -o $(OBJDIR)/makeheaders $(SRCDIR)/makeheaders.c
+-$(OBJDIR)/mkindex:	$(SRCDIR)/mkindex.c
+-	$(BCC) -o $(OBJDIR)/mkindex $(SRCDIR)/mkindex.c
+-$(VERSION): $(SRCDIR)/../win/version.c
+-	$(BCC) -o $(OBJDIR)/version $(SRCDIR)/../win/version.c
+-# WARNING. DANGER. Running the testsuite modifies the repository the
+-# build is done from, i.e. the checkout belongs to. Do not sync/push
+-# the repository after running the tests.
+-test:	$(APPNAME)
+-	$(TCLSH) test/tester.tcl $(APPNAME)
+-$(OBJDIR)/VERSION.h:	$(SRCDIR)/../manifest.uuid $(SRCDIR)/../manifest $(VERSION)
+-	$(VERSION) $(SRCDIR)/../manifest.uuid $(SRCDIR)/../manifest >$(OBJDIR)/VERSION.h
+-  $(OBJDIR)/sqlite3.o \
+-  $(OBJDIR)/shell.o \
+-  $(OBJDIR)/th.o \
+-  $(OBJDIR)/th_lang.o
+-$(APPNAME):	$(OBJDIR)/headers $(OBJ) $(EXTRAOBJ) $(OBJDIR)/icon.o
+-	$(TCC) -o $(APPNAME) $(OBJ) $(EXTRAOBJ) $(LIB) $(OBJDIR)/icon.o
+-# This rule prevents make from using its default rules to try build
+-# an executable named "manifest" out of the file named "manifest.c"
+-	# noop
+-# Requires msys to be installed in addition to the mingw, for the "rm"
+-# command.  "del" will not work here because it is not a separate command
+-# but a MSDOS-shell builtin.
+-	rm -rf $(OBJDIR) $(APPNAME)
+-setup: $(OBJDIR) $(APPNAME)
+-	$(MAKENSIS) ./fossil.nsi
+-set mhargs {}
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  append mhargs " \$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c:\$(OBJDIR)/$s.h"
+-  set extra_h($s) {}
+-append mhargs " \$(SRCDIR)/sqlite3.h"
+-append mhargs " \$(SRCDIR)/th.h"
+-append mhargs " \$(OBJDIR)/VERSION.h"
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/page_index.h: \$(TRANS_SRC) \$(OBJDIR)/mkindex"
+-writeln "\t\$(MKINDEX) \$(TRANS_SRC) >$@"
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/headers:\t\$(OBJDIR)/page_index.h \$(OBJDIR)/makeheaders \$(OBJDIR)/VERSION.h"
+-writeln "\t\$(MAKEHEADERS) $mhargs"
+-writeln "\techo Done >\$(OBJDIR)/headers"
+-writeln ""
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/headers: Makefile"
+-writeln "Makefile:"
+-set extra_h(main) \$(OBJDIR)/page_index.h
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c:\t\$(SRCDIR)/$s.c \$(OBJDIR)/translate"
+-  writeln "\t\$(TRANSLATE) \$(SRCDIR)/$s.c >\$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c\n"
+-  writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/$s.o:\t\$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c \$(OBJDIR)/$s.h $extra_h($s) \$(SRCDIR)/config.h"
+-  writeln "\t\$(XTCC) -o \$(OBJDIR)/$s.o -c \$(OBJDIR)/${s}_.c\n"
+-  writeln "$s.h:\t\$(OBJDIR)/headers"
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/sqlite3.o:\t\$(SRCDIR)/sqlite3.c"
+-writeln "\t\$(XTCC) $opt -c \$(SRCDIR)/sqlite3.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/sqlite3.o\n"
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/shell.o:\t\$(SRCDIR)/shell.c"
+-set opt {-Dmain=sqlite3_shell}
+-writeln "\t\$(XTCC) $opt -c \$(SRCDIR)/shell.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/shell.o\n"
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/th.o:\t\$(SRCDIR)/th.c"
+-writeln "\t\$(XTCC) -I\$(SRCDIR) -c \$(SRCDIR)/th.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/th.o\n"
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)/th_lang.o:\t\$(SRCDIR)/th_lang.c"
+-writeln "\t\$(XTCC) -I\$(SRCDIR) -c \$(SRCDIR)/th_lang.c -o \$(OBJDIR)/th_lang.o\n"
+-close $output_file
+-# End of the main.mk output
+-# Begin win/Makefile.dmc
+-puts "building ../win/Makefile.dmc"
+-set output_file [open ../win/Makefile.dmc w]
+-fconfigure $output_file -translation binary
+-writeln {# DO NOT EDIT
+-# This file is automatically generated.  Instead of editing this
+-# file, edit "makemake.tcl" then run "tclsh src/makemake.tcl"
+-# to regenerate this file.
+-B      = ..
+-SRCDIR = $B\src
+-OBJDIR = .
+-O      = .obj
+-E      = .exe
+-# Maybe DMDIR, SSL or INCL needs adjustment
+-DMDIR  = c:\DM
+-INCL   = -I. -I$(SRCDIR) -I$B\win\include -I$(DMDIR)\extra\include
+-SSL    =
+-CFLAGS = -o
+-BCC    = $(DMDIR)\bin\dmc $(CFLAGS)
+-TCC    = $(DMDIR)\bin\dmc $(CFLAGS) $(DMCDEF) $(SSL) $(INCL)
+-LIBS   = $(DMDIR)\extra\lib\ zlib wsock32
+-writeln -nonewline "SRC   = "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "${s}_.c "
+-writeln "\n"
+-writeln -nonewline "OBJ   = "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "\$(OBJDIR)\\$s\$O "
+-writeln "\$(OBJDIR)\\shell\$O \$(OBJDIR)\\sqlite3\$O \$(OBJDIR)\\th\$O \$(OBJDIR)\\th_lang\$O "
+-writeln {
+-RCFLAGS=-32 -w1 -I$(SRCDIR) /D__DMC__
+-APPNAME = $(OBJDIR)\fossil$(E)
+-all: $(APPNAME)
+-$(APPNAME) : translate$E mkindex$E headers  $(OBJ) $(OBJDIR)\link
+-	cd $(OBJDIR) 
+-	$(DMDIR)\bin\link @link
+-$(OBJDIR)\fossil.res:	$B\win\fossil.rc
+-	$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -o$@ $**
+-$(OBJDIR)\link: $B\win\Makefile.dmc $(OBJDIR)\fossil.res}
+-writeln -nonewline "\t+echo "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "$s "
+-writeln "shell sqlite3 th th_lang > \$@"
+-writeln "\t+echo fossil >> \$@"
+-writeln "\t+echo fossil >> \$@"
+-writeln "\t+echo \$(LIBS) >> \$@"
+-writeln "\t+echo. >> \$@"
+-writeln "\t+echo fossil >> \$@"
+-writeln {
+-translate$E: $(SRCDIR)\translate.c
+-	$(BCC) -o$@ $**
+-makeheaders$E: $(SRCDIR)\makeheaders.c
+-	$(BCC) -o$@ $**
+-mkindex$E: $(SRCDIR)\mkindex.c
+-	$(BCC) -o$@ $**
+-version$E: $B\win\version.c
+-	$(BCC) -o$@ $**
+-$(OBJDIR)\shell$O : $(SRCDIR)\shell.c
+-	$(TCC) -o$@ -c -Dmain=sqlite3_shell $(SQLITE_OPTIONS) $**
+-$(OBJDIR)\sqlite3$O : $(SRCDIR)\sqlite3.c
+-	$(TCC) -o$@ -c $(SQLITE_OPTIONS) $**
+-$(OBJDIR)\th$O : $(SRCDIR)\th.c
+-	$(TCC) -o$@ -c $**
+-$(OBJDIR)\th_lang$O : $(SRCDIR)\th_lang.c
+-	$(TCC) -o$@ -c $**
+-VERSION.h : version$E $B\manifest.uuid $B\manifest
+-	+$** > $@
+-page_index.h: mkindex$E $(SRC) 
+-	+$** > $@
+-	-del $(OBJDIR)\*.obj
+-	-del *.obj *_.c *.h *.map
+-	-del $(APPNAME) translate$E mkindex$E makeheaders$E version$E
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln "\$(OBJDIR)\\$s\$O : ${s}_.c ${s}.h"
+-  writeln "\t\$(TCC) -o\$@ -c ${s}_.c\n"
+-  writeln "${s}_.c : \$(SRCDIR)\\$s.c"
+-  writeln "\t+translate\$E \$** > \$@\n"
+-writeln -nonewline "headers: makeheaders\$E page_index.h VERSION.h\n\t +makeheaders\$E "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "${s}_.c:$s.h "
+-writeln "\$(SRCDIR)\\sqlite3.h \$(SRCDIR)\\th.h VERSION.h"
+-writeln "\t at copy /Y nul: headers"
+-close $output_file
+-# End of the win/Makefile.dmc output
+-# Begin win/Makefile.msc
+-puts "building ../win/Makefile.msc"
+-set output_file [open ../win/Makefile.msc w]
+-fconfigure $output_file -translation binary
+-writeln {# DO NOT EDIT
+-# This file is automatically generated.  Instead of editing this
+-# file, edit "makemake.tcl" then run "tclsh src/makemake.tcl"
+-# to regenerate this file.
+-B      = ..
+-SRCDIR = $B\src
+-OBJDIR = .
+-OX     = .
+-O      = .obj
+-E      = .exe
+-# Maybe MSCDIR, SSL, ZLIB, or INCL needs adjustment
+-MSCDIR = c:\msc
+-# Uncomment below for SSL support
+-SSL =
+-#SSLLIB  = ssleay32.lib libeay32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib
+-# zlib options
+-# When using precompiled from http://zlib.net/zlib125-dll.zip
+-#ZINCDIR = C:\zlib125-dll\include
+-#ZLIBDIR = C:\zlib125-dll\lib
+-#ZLIB    = zdll.lib
+-ZINCDIR = $(MSCDIR)\extra\include
+-ZLIBDIR = $(MSCDIR)\extra\lib
+-ZLIB    = zlib.lib
+-INCL   = -I. -I$(SRCDIR) -I$B\win\include -I$(MSCDIR)\extra\include -I$(ZINCDIR)
+-CFLAGS = -nologo -MT -O2
+-BCC    = $(CC) $(CFLAGS)
+-TCC    = $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(MSCDEF) $(SSL) $(INCL)
+-LIBS   = $(ZLIB) ws2_32.lib $(SSLLIB)
+-writeln -nonewline "SRC   = "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "${s}_.c "
+-writeln "\n"
+-writeln -nonewline "OBJ   = "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "\$(OX)\\$s\$O "
+-writeln "\$(OX)\\shell\$O \$(OX)\\sqlite3\$O \$(OX)\\th\$O \$(OX)\\th_lang\$O "
+-writeln {
+-APPNAME = $(OX)\fossil$(E)
+-all: $(OX) $(APPNAME)
+-$(APPNAME) : translate$E mkindex$E headers $(OBJ) $(OX)\linkopts
+-	cd $(OX) 
+-	link -LINK -OUT:$@ $(LIBDIR) @linkopts
+-$(OX)\linkopts: $B\win\Makefile.msc}
+-writeln -nonewline "\techo "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "$s "
+-writeln "sqlite3 th th_lang > \$@"
+-writeln "\techo \$(LIBS) >> \$@\n\n"
+-writeln {
+-	@-mkdir $@
+-translate$E: $(SRCDIR)\translate.c
+-	$(BCC) $**
+-makeheaders$E: $(SRCDIR)\makeheaders.c
+-	$(BCC) $**
+-mkindex$E: $(SRCDIR)\mkindex.c
+-	$(BCC) $**
+-version$E: $B\win\version.c
+-	$(BCC) $**
+-$(OX)\shell$O : $(SRCDIR)\shell.c
+-	$(TCC) /Fo$@ /Dmain=sqlite3_shell $(SQLITE_OPTIONS) -c shell_.c
+-$(OX)\sqlite3$O : $(SRCDIR)\sqlite3.c
+-	$(TCC) /Fo$@ -c $(SQLITE_OPTIONS) $**
+-$(OX)\th$O : $(SRCDIR)\th.c
+-	$(TCC) /Fo$@ -c $**
+-$(OX)\th_lang$O : $(SRCDIR)\th_lang.c
+-	$(TCC) /Fo$@ -c $**
+-VERSION.h : version$E $B\manifest.uuid $B\manifest
+-	$** > $@
+-page_index.h: mkindex$E $(SRC) 
+-	$** > $@
+-	-del $(OX)\*.obj
+-	-del *.obj *_.c *.h *.map
+-	-del headers linkopts
+-	-del $(APPNAME) translate$E mkindex$E makeheaders$E version$E
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln "\$(OX)\\$s\$O : ${s}_.c ${s}.h"
+-  writeln "\t\$(TCC) /Fo\$@ -c ${s}_.c\n"
+-  writeln "${s}_.c : \$(SRCDIR)\\$s.c"
+-  writeln "\ttranslate\$E \$** > \$@\n"
+-writeln -nonewline "headers: makeheaders\$E page_index.h VERSION.h\n\tmakeheaders\$E "
+-foreach s [lsort $src] {
+-  writeln -nonewline "${s}_.c:$s.h "
+-writeln "\$(SRCDIR)\\sqlite3.h \$(SRCDIR)\\th.h VERSION.h"
+-writeln "\t at copy /Y nul: headers"
+-close $output_file
+-# End of the win/Makefile.msc output
+-# Begin win/Makefile.PellesCGMake
+-puts "building ../win/Makefile.PellesCGMake"
+-set output_file [open ../win/Makefile.PellesCGMake w]
+-fconfigure $output_file -translation binary
+-writeln {# DO NOT EDIT
+-# This file is automatically generated.  Instead of editing this
+-# file, edit "makemake.tcl" then run "tclsh src/makemake.tcl"
+-# to regenerate this file.
+-# HowTo
+-# -----
+-# This is a Makefile to compile fossil with PellesC from
+-#  http://www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc/index.htm
+-# In addition to the Compiler envrionment, you need
+-#  gmake from http://sourceforge.net/projects/unxutils/, Pelles make version
+-#        couldn't handle the complex dependencies in this build
+-#  zlib sources
+-# Then you do
+-# 1. create a directory PellesC in the project root directory
+-# 2. Change the variables PellesCDir/ZLIBSRCDIR to the path of your installation
+-# 3. open a dos prompt window and change working directory into PellesC (step 1)
+-# 4. run gmake -f ..\win\Makefile.PellesCGMake
+-# this file is tested with
+-#   PellesC         5.00.13
+-#   gmake           3.80
+-#   zlib sources    1.2.5
+-#   Windows XP SP 2
+-# and
+-#   PellesC         6.00.4
+-#   gmake           3.80
+-#   zlib sources    1.2.5
+-#   Windows 7 Home Premium
+-# Select between 32/64 bit code, default is 32 bit
+-ifeq ($(TARGETVERSION),64)
+-# 64 bit version
+-# 32 bit version
+-# define the project directories
+-# define linker command and options
+-LINKFLAGS=-subsystem:console -machine:$(TARGETMACHINE_LN) /LIBPATH:$(PellesCDir)\lib\win$(TARGETEXTEND) /LIBPATH:$(PellesCDir)\lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib delayimp$(TARGETEXTEND).lib Wsock32.lib Crtmt$(TARGETEXTEND).lib
+-# define standard C-compiler and flags, used to compile
+-# the fossil binary. Some special definitions follow for
+-# special files follow
+-INCLUDE=/I $(PellesCDir)\Include\Win /I $(PellesCDir)\Include /I $(ZLIBSRCDIR) /I $(SRCDIR)
+-# define commands for building the windows resource files
+-# define the special utilities files, needed to generate
+-# the automatically generated source files
+-UTILS=translate.exe mkindex.exe makeheaders.exe
+-UTILS_SRC=$(foreach uf,$(UTILS),$(SRCDIR)$(uf:.exe=.c))
+-# define the sqlite files, which need special flags on compile
+-ORIGSQLITESRC=$(foreach sf,$(SQLITESRC),$(SRCDIR)$(sf))
+-SQLITEOBJ=$(foreach sf,$(SQLITESRC),$(sf:.c=.obj))
+-# define the sqlite shell files, which need special flags on compile
+-SQLITESHELLOBJ=$(foreach sf,$(SQLITESHELLSRC),$(sf:.c=.obj))
+-# define the th scripting files, which need special flags on compile
+-THSRC=th.c th_lang.c
+-ORIGTHSRC=$(foreach sf,$(THSRC),$(SRCDIR)$(sf))
+-THOBJ=$(foreach sf,$(THSRC),$(sf:.c=.obj))
+-# define the zlib files, needed by this compile
+-ZLIBSRC=adler32.c compress.c crc32.c deflate.c gzclose.c gzlib.c gzread.c gzwrite.c infback.c inffast.c inflate.c inftrees.c trees.c uncompr.c zutil.c
+-ORIGZLIBSRC=$(foreach sf,$(ZLIBSRC),$(ZLIBSRCDIR)$(sf))
+-ZLIBOBJ=$(foreach sf,$(ZLIBSRC),$(sf:.c=.obj))
+-# define all fossil sources, using the standard compile and
+-# source generation. These are all files in SRCDIR, which are not
+-# mentioned as special files above:
+-SRC=$(subst $(SRCDIR),,$(ORIGSRC))
+-# main target file is the application
+-# define the standard make target
+-.PHONY:	default
+-default:	page_index.h headers $(APPLICATION)
+-# symbolic target to generate the source generate utils
+-.PHONY:	utils
+-utils:	$(UTILS)
+-# link utils
+-$(UTILS) version.exe:	%.exe:	%.obj
+-	$(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -out:"$@" $<
+-# compiling standard fossil utils
+-$(UTILS_OBJ):	%.obj:	$(SRCDIR)%.c
+-	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) "$<" -Fo"$@"
+-# compile special windows utils
+-version.obj:	$(WINDIR)version.c
+-	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) "$<" -Fo"$@"
+-# generate the translated c-source files
+-$(TRANSLATEDSRC):	%_.c:	$(SRCDIR)%.c translate.exe
+-	translate.exe $< >$@
+-# generate the index source, containing all web references,..
+-page_index.h:	$(TRANSLATEDSRC) mkindex.exe
+-	mkindex.exe $(TRANSLATEDSRC) >$@
+-# extracting version info from manifest
+-VERSION.h:	version.exe ..\manifest.uuid ..\manifest
+-	version.exe ..\manifest.uuid ..\manifest  > $@
+-# generate the simplified headers
+-headers: makeheaders.exe page_index.h VERSION.h ../src/sqlite3.h ../src/th.h VERSION.h
+-	makeheaders.exe $(foreach ts,$(TRANSLATEDSRC),$(ts):$(ts:_.c=.h)) ../src/sqlite3.h ../src/th.h VERSION.h
+-	echo Done >$@
+-# compile C sources with relevant options
+-$(TRANSLATEDOBJ):	%_.obj:	%_.c %.h
+-	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) "$<" -Fo"$@"
+-$(SQLITEOBJ):	%.obj:	$(SRCDIR)%.c $(SRCDIR)%.h
+-	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SQLITEDEFINES) $(INCLUDE) "$<" -Fo"$@"
+-$(SQLITESHELLOBJ):	%.obj:	$(SRCDIR)%.c
+-$(THOBJ):	%.obj:	$(SRCDIR)%.c $(SRCDIR)th.h
+-	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) "$<" -Fo"$@"
+-$(ZLIBOBJ):	%.obj:	$(ZLIBSRCDIR)%.c
+-	$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) "$<" -Fo"$@"
+-# create the windows resource with icon and version info
+-$(RESOURCE):	%.res:	../win/%.rc ../win/*.ico
+-	$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) $< -Fo"$@"
+-# link the application
+-# cleanup
+-.PHONY: clean
+-	del /F *.h headers
+-	del /F $(RESOURCE)
+-.PHONY: clobber
+-clobber: clean
+-	del /F *.exe
-------------- next part --------------
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