[79878] users/jmr/master.cfg

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Tue Jun 28 17:43:02 PDT 2011

Revision: 79878
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2011-06-28 17:43:01 -0700 (Tue, 28 Jun 2011)
Log Message:
WIP buildbot config

Added Paths:

Added: users/jmr/master.cfg
--- users/jmr/master.cfg	                        (rev 0)
+++ users/jmr/master.cfg	2011-06-29 00:43:01 UTC (rev 79878)
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# -*- python -*-
+# ex: set syntax=python:
+# This is a buildmaster config file. It must be installed as
+# 'master.cfg' in your buildmaster's base directory.
+# This is the dictionary that the buildmaster pays attention to. We also use
+# a shorter alias to save typing.
+c = BuildmasterConfig = {}
+# The 'slaves' list defines the set of recognized buildslaves. Each element is
+# a BuildSlave object, specifying a unique slave name and password.  The same
+# slave name and password must be configured on the slave.
+from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
+c['slaves'] = [BuildSlave("snowleopard-x86_64", "pass")]
+# 'slavePortnum' defines the TCP port to listen on for connections from slaves.
+# This must match the value configured into the buildslaves (with their
+# --master option)
+c['slavePortnum'] = 9989
+# the 'change_source' setting tells the buildmaster how it should find out
+# about source code changes.
+# poller is used for local testing but PBChangeSource (which relies on
+# notifications from a post-commit script) should be used in production
+from buildbot.changes.svnpoller import SVNPoller
+c['change_source'] = [SVNPoller(
+        'https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/trunk/base',
+        project='base',
+        svnbin='/opt/local/bin/svn',
+        pollinterval=300),
+    SVNPoller(
+        'https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/trunk/dports',
+        project='ports',
+        svnbin='/opt/local/bin/svn',
+        pollinterval=300)
+    ]
+# from buildbot.changes.pb import PBChangeSource
+# c['change_source'] = PBChangeSource(user='change', passwd='changepw')
+# consider changes to _resources as unimportant
+def ports_check_importance(change):
+    for f in change.files:
+        if f.split('/')[0] != "_resources":
+            return True
+    return False
+# Configure the Schedulers, which decide how to react to incoming changes.
+from buildbot.changes.filter import ChangeFilter
+base_filter = ChangeFilter(project="base")
+ports_filter = ChangeFilter(project="ports")
+from buildbot.schedulers.basic import SingleBranchScheduler
+c['schedulers'] = [SingleBranchScheduler(
+                            name="base",
+                            treeStableTimer=300,
+                            change_filter=base_filter,
+                            builderNames=["buildbase"]),
+                   SingleBranchScheduler(
+                            name="ports",
+                            treeStableTimer=30,
+                            change_filter=ports_filter,
+                            fileIsImportant=ports_check_importance,
+                            builderNames=["buildports"])
+                ]
+####### BUILDERS
+#c['mergeRequests'] = True
+# The 'builders' list defines the Builders, which tell Buildbot how to perform a build:
+# what steps, and which slaves can execute them.  Note that any particular build will
+# only take place on one slave.
+from buildbot.process.factory import BuildFactory, GNUAutoconf
+from buildbot.process.properties import WithProperties
+from buildbot.steps.source import SVN
+from buildbot.steps.shell import ShellCommand, Compile
+base_factory = GNUAutoconf(source=SVN(svnurl='https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/trunk/base', mode="copy"),
+                             configureFlags=["--enable-readline"],
+                             compile=["make", "-j2"],
+                             test=["make", "test"])
+# custom class to make the file list available on the slave...
+class ShellCommandWithPortList(ShellCommand):
+         def setBuild(self, build):
+            ShellCommand.setBuild(self, build)
+            portset = set()
+            # paths should be category/portdir(/...)
+            for f in self.build.allFiles():
+                comps = f.split('/')
+                if len(comps) >= 2 and comps[0] != '_resources':
+                    portset.add(comps[1])
+            portlist = ' '.join(portset)
+            self.setProperty('portlist', portlist)
+ports_factory = BuildFactory()
+# get MPAB itself; we'll do the checkout of base and dports via MPAB's script
+                      mode="update"))
+# XXX can't run with PREFIX/SRC_PREFIX inside the workdir in production,
+# because archives must be built with prefix=/opt/local
+                      env={'PREFIX': WithProperties("%(workdir)s/opt/local"),
+                           'SRC_PREFIX': WithProperties("%(workdir)s/opt/mports")}))
+ports_factory.addStep(ShellCommandWithPortList(command=WithProperties('echo %(portlist)s | tr " " "\n" > portlist')))
+# run MPAB on the port list
+ports_factory.addStep(Compile(command=["./mpab", "buildports", "portlist"],
+                      env={'PREFIX': WithProperties("%(workdir)s/opt/local"),
+                           'SRC_PREFIX': WithProperties("%(workdir)s/opt/mports")}))
+# sign generated binaries and sync to download server (if distributable)
+opensslcmd = '/usr/bin/openssl'
+# FIXME: configure these
+# private key to use for signing
+# download server hostname and path where it keeps archives
+"""for port in `cat portlist`; do
+    if [[ -f logs-*/success/${port}.log ]]; then
+        if ./mpexport/base/portmgr/jobs/port_binary_distributable.tcl ${port}; then
+            echo $port is distributable
+            portversion=$("""+prefix+"""/bin/port info --version ${portName} | awk '{print $2}')
+            portrevision=$("""+prefix+"""/bin/port info --revision ${portName} | awk '{print $2}')
+            for archive in """+prefix+"""/var/macports/software/${portname}/${portname}-${portversion}_${portrevision}[+.]*; do
+                aname=$(basename $archive)
+                echo deploying archive: $aname
+                openssl dgst -ripemd160 -sign """+privkey+""" -out ./${aname}.rmd160 ${archive}
+                ssh """+dlhost+""" mkdir -p """+dlpath+"""/${portname}
+                rsync -av --ignore-existing ./${aname}.rmd160 ${archive} """+dlhost+""":"""+dlpath+"""/${portname}
+                rm ./${aname}.rmd160
+            done
+        fi
+    fi
+# suck in the log files generated for each port
+#ports_factory.addStep(ShellCommand(command=["rm -r ./logs-*"]))
+from buildbot.config import BuilderConfig
+c['builders']= [
+    BuilderConfig(name="buildbase",
+      slavenames=["snowleopard-x86_64"],
+      factory=base_factory),
+    BuilderConfig(name="buildports",
+      slavenames=["snowleopard-x86_64"],
+      factory=ports_factory)
+    ]
+# 'status' is a list of Status Targets. The results of each build will be
+# pushed to these targets. buildbot/status/*.py has a variety to choose from,
+# including web pages, email senders, and IRC bots.
+c['status'] = []
+from buildbot.status import html
+from buildbot.status.web import auth, authz
+    # change any of these to True to enable; see the manual for more
+    # options
+    gracefulShutdown = False,
+    forceBuild = True, # use this to test your slave once it is set up
+    forceAllBuilds = False,
+    pingBuilder = False,
+    stopBuild = False,
+    stopAllBuilds = False,
+    cancelPendingBuild = False,
+c['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010, authz=authz_cfg))
+# the 'title' string will appear at the top of this buildbot
+# installation's html.WebStatus home page (linked to the
+# 'titleURL') and is embedded in the title of the waterfall HTML page.
+c['title'] = "MacPorts"
+c['titleURL'] = "http://www.macports.org/"
+# the 'buildbotURL' string should point to the location where the buildbot's
+# internal web server (usually the html.WebStatus page) is visible. This
+# typically uses the port number set in the Waterfall 'status' entry, but
+# with an externally-visible host name which the buildbot cannot figure out
+# without some help.
+c['buildbotURL'] = "http://localhost:8010/"
+####### DB URL
+# This specifies what database buildbot uses to store change and scheduler
+# state.  You can leave this at its default for all but the largest
+# installations.
+c['db_url'] = "sqlite:///state.sqlite"
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