[76736] trunk/dports/perl/p5-mail-sender/Portfile

l2g at macports.org l2g at macports.org
Sun Mar 6 22:01:47 PST 2011

Revision: 76736
Author:   l2g at macports.org
Date:     2011-03-06 22:01:46 -0800 (Sun, 06 Mar 2011)
Log Message:
p5-mail-sender: add modeline, adjust whitespace and line breaks

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/perl/p5-mail-sender/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/perl/p5-mail-sender/Portfile	2011-03-07 05:48:16 UTC (rev 76735)
+++ trunk/dports/perl/p5-mail-sender/Portfile	2011-03-07 06:01:46 UTC (rev 76736)
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem      1.0
-PortGroup       perl5 1.0
+PortSystem          1.0
+PortGroup           perl5 1.0
-perl5.setup     Mail-Sender 0.8.13
-revision        1
-name		p5-mail-sender
-maintainers	l2g openmaintainer
-description	Module for sending mails with attachments \
-		through an SMTP server
-long_description  \
-		  Mail-Sender provides an object oriented interface to \
-		  sending mails. It doesn't need any outer program. It \
-		  connects to a mail server directly from Perl, using \
-		  Socket.
+perl5.setup         Mail-Sender 0.8.13
+revision            1
+name                p5-mail-sender
+maintainers         l2g openmaintainer
-homepage	  http://search.cpan.org/~jenda/${distname}/
-platforms	  darwin
+description         Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP \
+                    server
-checksums       md5 a30a7267995f7503724b3195ce9493bd\
-                sha1 02733c51a7a3149df176dc1ae19225580f498b46\
-		rmd160 a25a6b5271167ff3cc7d364b72452948d59b77a7
+long_description    Mail-Sender provides an object oriented interface to \
+                    sending mails. It doesn't need any outer program. It \
+                    connects to a mail server directly from Perl, using \
+                    Socket.
-supported_archs noarch
+homepage            http://search.cpan.org/~jenda/${distname}/
+platforms           darwin
+checksums           md5 a30a7267995f7503724b3195ce9493bd\
+                    sha1 02733c51a7a3149df176dc1ae19225580f498b46\
+                    rmd160 a25a6b5271167ff3cc7d364b72452948d59b77a7
+supported_archs     noarch
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