[77192] trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel

mnick at macports.org mnick at macports.org
Tue Mar 22 04:33:40 PDT 2011

Revision: 77192
Author:   mnick at macports.org
Date:     2011-03-22 04:33:36 -0700 (Tue, 22 Mar 2011)
Log Message:
mutt-devel: add new patches for xlabel and sidebar, reactivate xlabel variant, take maintainership

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/Portfile	2011-03-22 11:04:57 UTC (rev 77191)
+++ trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/Portfile	2011-03-22 11:33:36 UTC (rev 77192)
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                mutt-devel
-version             1.5.21
+version             1.5.21 
 categories          mail
 platforms           darwin
-maintainers         nomaintainer
+license             GPLv2
+maintainers         mnick openmaintainer
 description         Mongrel of Mail User Agents (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc)
 long_description    Mutt -- "The Mongrel of Mail User Agents" (part Elm, \
                     part Pine, part mh, part slrn, part everything else) is \
@@ -141,13 +142,9 @@
-# FIXME: doesn't apply
-#variant xlabel description {Custom message-tagging - X-Label:} {
-#    patch_sites-append      http://home.uchicago.edu/~dgc/sw/mutt/
-#    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.14.dgc.xlabel_ext.9
-#    checksums-append        patch-1.5.14.dgc.xlabel_ext.9 md5 \
-#                                c5badc733020187b6677f31b343195e8
+variant xlabel description {Custom message-tagging - X-Label:} {
+    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.21.mp.xlabel_ext.9
 # patch_site appears to be dead, can re-enable the variant if a working one is found
 #variant checkseen {
@@ -163,10 +160,8 @@
 variant sidebar conflicts nntp description {Add a sidebar with a list of folders} {
     # http://www.lunar-linux.org/index.php/en/component/content/article/44-mutt-sidebar.html
-    patch_sites-append      http://lunar-linux.org/~tchan/mutt/
-    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.20.sidebar.20090619.txt
-    checksums-append        patch-1.5.20.sidebar.20090619.txt md5 \
-                                5786519489877c92e4fff68cf547e869
+    # "official" patch doesn't apply, use debians
+    patchfiles-append       patch-1.5.21.debian.sidebar.diff
 variant trash description {Add a Trash folder} {

Added: trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-1.5.21.debian.sidebar.diff
--- trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-1.5.21.debian.sidebar.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-1.5.21.debian.sidebar.diff	2011-03-22 11:33:36 UTC (rev 77192)
@@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@
+This is the sidebar patch.
+When enabled, mutt will show a list of mailboxes with (new) message counts in a
+separate column on the left side of the screen.
+As this feature is still considered to be unstable, this patch is only applied
+in the "mutt-patched" package.
+* Configuration variables:
+  sidebar_delim (string, default "|")
+    This specifies the delimiter between the sidebar (if visible) and 
+    other screens.
+  sidebar_visible (boolean, default no)
+    This specifies whether or not to show sidebar (left-side list of folders).
+  sidebar_width (integer, default 0)
+    The width of the sidebar.
+* Patch source:
+  - http://www.lunar-linux.org/index.php?page=mutt-sidebar
+  - http://lunar-linux.org/~tchan/mutt/patch-1.5.19.sidebar.20090522.txt
+* Changes made:
+  - 2008-08-02 myon: Refreshed patch using quilt push -f to remove hunks we do
+    not need (Makefile.in).
+--- a/buffy.c
++++ b/buffy.c
+@@ -312,6 +312,10 @@
+     return 0;
+   }
++  mailbox->msgcount = 0;
++  mailbox->msg_unread = 0;
++  mailbox->msg_flagged = 0;
+   while ((de = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
+   {
+     if (*de->d_name == '.')
+@@ -329,7 +333,9 @@
+ 	  continue;
+       }
+       /* one new and undeleted message is enough */
+-      mailbox->new = 1;
++      mailbox->has_new = mailbox->new = 1;
++      mailbox->msgcount++;
++      mailbox->msg_unread++;
+       rc = 1;
+       break;
+     }
+@@ -337,6 +343,32 @@
+   closedir (dirp);
++  /*
++   * count read messages (for folderlist (sidebar) we also need to count
++   * messages in cur so that we the total number of messages
++   */
++  snprintf (path, sizeof (path), "%s/cur", mailbox->path);
++  if ((dirp = opendir (path)) == NULL)
++  {
++    mailbox->magic = 0;
++  }
++  while ((de = readdir (dirp)) != NULL)
++  {
++    char *p;
++    if (*de->d_name != '.') {
++      if ((p = strstr (de->d_name, ":2,"))) {
++        if (!strchr (p + 3, 'T')) {
++          mailbox->msgcount++;
++          if ( !strchr (p + 3, 'S'))
++            mailbox->msg_unread++;
++          if (strchr(p + 3, 'F'))
++            mailbox->msg_flagged++;
++        }
++      } else
++        mailbox->msgcount++;
++    }
++  }
+   return rc;
+ }
+@@ -345,14 +377,33 @@
+ {
+   int rc = 0;
+   int statcheck;
++  CONTEXT *ctx;
+   if (option (OPTCHECKMBOXSIZE))
+     statcheck = sb->st_size > mailbox->size;
+   else
+     statcheck = sb->st_mtime > sb->st_atime
+       || (mailbox->newly_created && sb->st_ctime == sb->st_mtime && sb->st_ctime == sb->st_atime);
+-  if (statcheck)
++  if (statcheck || mailbox->msgcount == 0)
+   {
++	  BUFFY b = *mailbox;
++ 	  int msgcount = 0;
++ 	  int msg_unread = 0;
++ 	  /* parse the mailbox, to see how much mail there is */
++ 	  ctx = mx_open_mailbox( mailbox->path, M_READONLY | M_QUIET | M_NOSORT | M_PEEK, NULL);
++ 	  if(ctx)
++ 	  {
++        msgcount = ctx->msgcount;
++ 	    msg_unread = ctx->unread;
++ 	    mx_close_mailbox(ctx, 0);
++ 	  }
++ 	  *mailbox = b;
++ 	  mailbox->msgcount = msgcount;
++ 	  mailbox->msg_unread = msg_unread;
++ 	  if(statcheck)
++      {
++ 	    mailbox->has_new = mailbox->new = 1;
++      }
+     if (!option(OPTMAILCHECKRECENT) || sb->st_mtime > mailbox->last_visited)
+     {
+       rc = 1;
+@@ -374,9 +425,11 @@
+ int mutt_buffy_check (int force)
+ {
+   BUFFY *tmp;
++  struct dirent *de, *dp;
+   struct stat sb;
+   struct stat contex_sb;
+   time_t t;
++  CONTEXT *ctx;
+   sb.st_size=0;
+   contex_sb.st_dev=0;
+@@ -456,6 +509,20 @@
+       case M_MH:
+ 	if ((tmp->new = mh_buffy (tmp->path)) > 0)
+ 	  BuffyCount++;
++  if ((dp = opendir (tmp->path)) == NULL)
++    break;
++  tmp->msgcount = 0;
++  while ((de = readdir (dp)))
++  {
++    if (mh_valid_message (de->d_name))
++    {
++      tmp->msgcount++;
++      tmp->has_new = tmp->new = 1;
++    }
++  }
++  closedir (dp);
+ 	break;
+       }
+     }
+--- a/buffy.h
++++ b/buffy.h
+@@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
+   char path[_POSIX_PATH_MAX];
+   off_t size;
+   struct buffy_t *next;
++  struct buffy_t *prev;
+   short new;			/* mailbox has new mail */
++  short has_new;		/* set it new if new and not read */
++  int msgcount;			/* total number of messages */
++  int msg_unread;		/* number of unread messages */
++  int msg_flagged;		/* number of flagged messages */
+   short notified;		/* user has been notified */
+   short magic;			/* mailbox type */
+   short newly_created;		/* mbox or mmdf just popped into existence */
+--- a/color.c
++++ b/color.c
+@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@
+   { "bold",		MT_COLOR_BOLD },
+   { "underline",	MT_COLOR_UNDERLINE },
+   { "index",		MT_COLOR_INDEX },
++  { "sidebar_new",	MT_COLOR_NEW },
++  { "sidebar_flagged",	MT_COLOR_FLAGGED },
+   { NULL,		0 }
+ };
+--- a/compose.c
++++ b/compose.c
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+ #define HDR_XOFFSET 10
+ #define TITLE_FMT "%10s" /* Used for Prompts, which are ASCII */
+-#define W (COLS - HDR_XOFFSET)
++#define W (COLS - HDR_XOFFSET - SidebarWidth)
+ static char *Prompts[] =
+ {
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
+ {
+   int off = 0;
+-  mvaddstr (HDR_CRYPT, 0, "Security: ");
++  mvaddstr (HDR_CRYPT, SidebarWidth,     "Security: ");
+   if ((WithCrypto & (APPLICATION_PGP | APPLICATION_SMIME)) == 0)
+   {
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
+   }
+   clrtoeol ();
+-  move (HDR_CRYPTINFO, 0);
++  move (HDR_CRYPTINFO, SidebarWidth);
+   clrtoeol ();
+   if ((WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP)
+@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
+       && (msg->security & ENCRYPT)
+       && SmimeCryptAlg
+       && *SmimeCryptAlg) {
+-      mvprintw (HDR_CRYPTINFO, 40, "%s%s", _("Encrypt with: "),
++      mvprintw (HDR_CRYPTINFO, SidebarWidth + 40, "%s%s", _("Encrypt with: "),
+ 		NONULL(SmimeCryptAlg));
+       off = 20;
+   }
+@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
+   int c;
+   char *t;
+-  mvaddstr (HDR_MIX, 0,     "     Mix: ");
++  mvaddstr (HDR_MIX, SidebarWidth,     "     Mix: ");
+   if (!chain)
+   {
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
+     if (t && t[0] == '0' && t[1] == '\0')
+       t = "<random>";
+-    if (c + mutt_strlen (t) + 2 >= COLS)
++    if (c + mutt_strlen (t) + 2 >= COLS - SidebarWidth)
+       break;
+     addstr (NONULL(t));
+@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
+   buf[0] = 0;
+   rfc822_write_address (buf, sizeof (buf), addr, 1);
+-  mvprintw (line, 0, TITLE_FMT, Prompts[line - 1]);
++  mvprintw (line, SidebarWidth, TITLE_FMT, Prompts[line - 1]);
+   mutt_paddstr (W, buf);
+ }
+@@ -252,10 +252,10 @@
+   draw_envelope_addr (HDR_TO, msg->env->to);
+   draw_envelope_addr (HDR_CC, msg->env->cc);
+   draw_envelope_addr (HDR_BCC, msg->env->bcc);
+-  mvprintw (HDR_SUBJECT, 0, TITLE_FMT, Prompts[HDR_SUBJECT - 1]);
++  mvprintw (HDR_SUBJECT, SidebarWidth, TITLE_FMT, Prompts[HDR_SUBJECT - 1]);
+   mutt_paddstr (W, NONULL (msg->env->subject));
+   draw_envelope_addr (HDR_REPLYTO, msg->env->reply_to);
+-  mvprintw (HDR_FCC, 0, TITLE_FMT, Prompts[HDR_FCC - 1]);
++  mvprintw (HDR_FCC, SidebarWidth, TITLE_FMT, Prompts[HDR_FCC - 1]);
+   mutt_paddstr (W, fcc);
+   if (WithCrypto)
+@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
+ #endif
+-  mvaddstr (HDR_ATTACH - 1, 0, _("-- Attachments"));
++  mvaddstr (HDR_ATTACH - 1, SidebarWidth, _("-- Attachments"));
+   clrtoeol ();
+@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
+   /* redraw the expanded list so the user can see the result */
+   buf[0] = 0;
+   rfc822_write_address (buf, sizeof (buf), *addr, 1);
+-  move (line, HDR_XOFFSET);
++  move (line, HDR_XOFFSET+SidebarWidth);
+   mutt_paddstr (W, buf);
+   return 0;
+@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
+ 	if (mutt_get_field ("Subject: ", buf, sizeof (buf), 0) == 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  mutt_str_replace (&msg->env->subject, buf);
++	  move (HDR_SUBJECT, HDR_XOFFSET + SidebarWidth);
+ 	  clrtoeol ();
+ 	  if (msg->env->subject)
+ 	    mutt_paddstr (W, msg->env->subject);
+@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@
+ 	{
+ 	  strfcpy (fcc, buf, fcclen);
+ 	  mutt_pretty_mailbox (fcc, fcclen);
+-	  move (HDR_FCC, HDR_XOFFSET);
++	  move (HDR_FCC, HDR_XOFFSET + SidebarWidth);
+ 	  mutt_paddstr (W, fcc);
+ 	  fccSet = 1;
+ 	}
+--- a/curs_main.c
++++ b/curs_main.c
+@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
+ #include "mailbox.h"
+ #include "mapping.h"
+ #include "sort.h"
++#include "buffy.h"
+ #include "mx.h"
++#include "sidebar.h"
+ #ifdef USE_POP
+ #include "pop.h"
+@@ -532,8 +534,12 @@
+        menu->redraw |= REDRAW_STATUS;
+      if (do_buffy_notify)
+      {
+-       if (mutt_buffy_notify () && option (OPTBEEPNEW))
+- 	beep ();
++       if (mutt_buffy_notify ())
++       {
++         menu->redraw |= REDRAW_FULL;
++         if (option (OPTBEEPNEW))
++           beep ();
++       }
+      }
+      else
+        do_buffy_notify = 1;
+@@ -545,6 +551,7 @@
+     if (menu->redraw & REDRAW_FULL)
+     {
+       menu_redraw_full (menu);
++      draw_sidebar(menu->menu);
+       mutt_show_error ();
+     }
+@@ -567,10 +574,13 @@
+       if (menu->redraw & REDRAW_STATUS)
+       {
++        DrawFullLine = 1;
+ 	menu_status_line (buf, sizeof (buf), menu, NONULL (Status));
++        DrawFullLine = 0;
++        set_buffystats(Context);
+ 	mutt_paddstr (COLS, buf);
+@@ -591,7 +601,7 @@
+ 	menu->oldcurrent = -1;
+       if (option (OPTARROWCURSOR))
+-	move (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset, 2);
++	move (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset, SidebarWidth + 2);
+       else if (option (OPTBRAILLEFRIENDLY))
+ 	move (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset, 0);
+       else
+@@ -1089,6 +1099,7 @@
+ 	  menu->redraw = REDRAW_FULL;
+ 	break;
++      case OP_SIDEBAR_OPEN:
+@@ -1120,7 +1131,11 @@
+ 	{
+ 	  mutt_buffy (buf, sizeof (buf));
+-	  if (mutt_enter_fname (cp, buf, sizeof (buf), &menu->redraw, 1) == -1)
++          if ( op == OP_SIDEBAR_OPEN ) {
++              if(!CurBuffy)
++                break;
++            strncpy( buf, CurBuffy->path, sizeof(buf) );
++	    } else if (mutt_enter_fname (cp, buf, sizeof (buf), &menu->redraw, 1) == -1)
+ 	  {
+ 	    if (menu->menu == MENU_PAGER)
+ 	    {
+@@ -1138,6 +1153,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	mutt_expand_path (buf, sizeof (buf));
++        set_curbuffy(buf);
+ 	if (mx_get_magic (buf) <= 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  mutt_error (_("%s is not a mailbox."), buf);
+@@ -2241,6 +2257,12 @@
+ 	mutt_what_key();
+ 	break;
++      case OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_UP:
++      case OP_SIDEBAR_NEXT:
++      case OP_SIDEBAR_PREV:
++        scroll_sidebar(op, menu->menu);
++        break;
+       default:
+ 	if (menu->menu == MENU_MAIN)
+ 	  km_error_key (MENU_MAIN);
+--- a/flags.c
++++ b/flags.c
+@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
+ #include "mutt.h"
+ #include "mutt_curses.h"
++#include "mutt_menu.h"
+ #include "sort.h"
+ #include "mx.h"
++#include "sidebar.h"
+ void _mutt_set_flag (CONTEXT *ctx, HEADER *h, int flag, int bf, int upd_ctx)
+ {
+@@ -290,6 +292,7 @@
+    */
+   if (h->searched && (changed != h->changed || deleted != ctx->deleted || tagged != ctx->tagged || flagged != ctx->flagged))
+     h->searched = 0;
++	draw_sidebar(0);
+ }
+ void mutt_tag_set_flag (int flag, int bf)
+--- a/functions.h
++++ b/functions.h
+@@ -170,6 +170,11 @@
+   { "decrypt-save",		OP_DECRYPT_SAVE,		NULL },
++ { "sidebar-scroll-up",	OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_UP, NULL },
++ { "sidebar-scroll-down",	OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_DOWN, NULL },
++ { "sidebar-next",		OP_SIDEBAR_NEXT, NULL },
++ { "sidebar-prev",		OP_SIDEBAR_PREV, NULL },
++ { "sidebar-open",		OP_SIDEBAR_OPEN, NULL },
+   { NULL,			0,				NULL }
+ };
+@@ -274,6 +279,11 @@
+   { "what-key",		OP_WHAT_KEY,		NULL },
++  { "sidebar-scroll-up",	OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_UP, NULL },
++  { "sidebar-scroll-down",	OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_DOWN, NULL },
++  { "sidebar-next",	OP_SIDEBAR_NEXT, NULL },
++  { "sidebar-prev",	OP_SIDEBAR_PREV, NULL },
++  { "sidebar-open", OP_SIDEBAR_OPEN, NULL },
+   { NULL,		0,				NULL }
+ };
+--- a/globals.h
++++ b/globals.h
+@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@
+ WHERE char *SendCharset;
+ WHERE char *Sendmail;
+ WHERE char *Shell;
++WHERE char *SidebarDelim;
+ WHERE char *Signature;
+ WHERE char *SimpleSearch;
+ #if USE_SMTP
+@@ -210,6 +211,9 @@
+ WHERE short ScoreThresholdRead;
+ WHERE short ScoreThresholdFlag;
++WHERE struct buffy_t *CurBuffy INITVAL(0);
++WHERE short DrawFullLine INITVAL(0);
++WHERE short SidebarWidth;
+ #ifdef USE_IMAP
+ WHERE short ImapKeepalive;
+ WHERE short ImapPipelineDepth;
+--- a/init.h
++++ b/init.h
+@@ -1965,6 +1965,22 @@
+   ** not used.
+   ** (PGP only)
+   */
++  {"sidebar_delim", DT_STR, R_BOTH, UL &SidebarDelim, "|"},
++  /*
++  ** .pp
++  ** This specifies the delimiter between the sidebar (if visible) and
++  ** other screens.
++  */
++  { "sidebar_visible", DT_BOOL, R_BOTH, OPTSIDEBAR, 0 },
++  /*
++  ** .pp
++  ** This specifies whether or not to show sidebar (left-side list of folders).
++  */
++  { "sidebar_width", DT_NUM, R_BOTH, UL &SidebarWidth, 0 },
++  /*
++  ** .pp
++  ** The width of the sidebar.
++  */
+   { "pgp_use_gpg_agent", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTUSEGPGAGENT, 0},
+   /*
+   ** .pp
+--- a/mailbox.h
++++ b/mailbox.h
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ #define M_NEWFOLDER	(1<<4) /* create a new folder - same as M_APPEND, but uses
+ 				* safe_fopen() for mbox-style folders.
+ 				*/
++#define M_PEEK		(1<<5) /* revert atime back after taking a look (if applicable) */
+ /* mx_open_new_message() */
+ #define M_ADD_FROM	1	/* add a From_ line */
+--- a/Makefile.am
++++ b/Makefile.am
+@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
+ 	score.c send.c sendlib.c signal.c sort.c \
+ 	status.c system.c thread.c charset.c history.c lib.c \
+ 	muttlib.c editmsg.c mbyte.c \
+-	url.c ascii.c crypt-mod.c crypt-mod.h safe_asprintf.c
++	url.c ascii.c crypt-mod.c crypt-mod.h safe_asprintf.c \
++    sidebar.c
+ nodist_mutt_SOURCES = $(BUILT_SOURCES)
+--- a/mbox.c
++++ b/mbox.c
+@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
+     mutt_perror (ctx->path);
+     return (-1);
+   }
++  ctx->atime = sb.st_atime;
+   ctx->mtime = sb.st_mtime;
+   ctx->size = sb.st_size;
+@@ -255,6 +256,7 @@
+   ctx->size = sb.st_size;
+   ctx->mtime = sb.st_mtime;
++  ctx->atime = sb.st_atime;
+   if (sb.st_mtime > sb.st_atime)
+--- a/menu.c
++++ b/menu.c
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include "mutt_curses.h"
+ #include "mutt_menu.h"
+ #include "mbyte.h"
++#include "sidebar.h"
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@
+ {
+   char *scratch = safe_strdup (s);
+   int shift = option (OPTARROWCURSOR) ? 3 : 0;
+-  int cols = COLS - shift;
++  int cols = COLS - shift - SidebarWidth;
+   mutt_format_string (s, n, cols, cols, FMT_LEFT, ' ', scratch, mutt_strlen (scratch), 1);
+   s[n - 1] = 0;
+@@ -207,6 +208,7 @@
+   char buf[LONG_STRING];
+   int i;
++  draw_sidebar(1);
+   for (i = menu->top; i < menu->top + menu->pagelen; i++)
+   {
+     if (i < menu->max)
+@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@
+       if (option (OPTARROWCURSOR))
+       {
+         attrset (menu->color (i));
+-	CLEARLINE (i - menu->top + menu->offset);
++	CLEARLINE_WIN (i - menu->top + menu->offset);
+ 	if (i == menu->current)
+ 	{
+@@ -246,14 +248,14 @@
+ 	}
+-	CLEARLINE (i - menu->top + menu->offset);
++	CLEARLINE_WIN (i - menu->top + menu->offset);
+ 	print_enriched_string (menu->color(i), (unsigned char *) buf, i != menu->current);
+       }
+     }
+     else
+-      CLEARLINE (i - menu->top + menu->offset);
++      CLEARLINE_WIN (i - menu->top + menu->offset);
+   }
+   menu->redraw = 0;
+ }
+@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@
+     return;
+   }
+-  move (menu->oldcurrent + menu->offset - menu->top, 0);
++  move (menu->oldcurrent + menu->offset - menu->top, SidebarWidth);
+@@ -283,13 +285,13 @@
+       clrtoeol ();
+       menu_make_entry (buf, sizeof (buf), menu, menu->oldcurrent);
+       menu_pad_string (buf, sizeof (buf));
+-      move (menu->oldcurrent + menu->offset - menu->top, 3);
++      move (menu->oldcurrent + menu->offset - menu->top, SidebarWidth + 3);
+       print_enriched_string (menu->color(menu->oldcurrent), (unsigned char *) buf, 1);
+     }
+     /* now draw it in the new location */
+-    move (menu->current + menu->offset - menu->top, 0);
++    move (menu->current + menu->offset - menu->top, SidebarWidth);
+     attrset (menu->color (menu->current));
+     addstr ("->");
+@@ -310,7 +312,7 @@
+     attrset (menu->color (menu->current));
+-    CLEARLINE (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset);
++    CLEARLINE_WIN (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset);
+     print_enriched_string (menu->color(menu->current), (unsigned char *) buf, 0);
+@@ -322,7 +324,7 @@
+ {
+   char buf[LONG_STRING];
+-  move (menu->current + menu->offset - menu->top, 0);
++  move (menu->current + menu->offset - menu->top, SidebarWidth);
+   menu_make_entry (buf, sizeof (buf), menu, menu->current);
+   menu_pad_string (buf, sizeof (buf));
+@@ -884,7 +886,7 @@
+     if (option (OPTARROWCURSOR))
+-      move (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset, 2);
++      move (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset, SidebarWidth + 2);
+     else if (option (OPTBRAILLEFRIENDLY))
+       move (menu->current - menu->top + menu->offset, 0);
+     else
+--- a/mutt_curses.h
++++ b/mutt_curses.h
+@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
+ #undef lines
+ #endif /* lines */
++#define CLEARLINE_WIN(x) move(x,SidebarWidth), clrtoeol()
+ #define CLEARLINE(x) move(x,0), clrtoeol()
+ #define CENTERLINE(x,y) move(y, (COLS-strlen(x))/2), addstr(x)
+ #define BEEP() do { if (option (OPTBEEP)) beep(); } while (0)
+@@ -126,6 +127,8 @@
+ };
+--- a/mutt.h
++++ b/mutt.h
+@@ -431,6 +431,7 @@
+@@ -874,6 +875,7 @@
+ {
+   char *path;
+   FILE *fp;
++  time_t atime;
+   time_t mtime;
+   off_t size;
+   off_t vsize;
+@@ -914,6 +916,7 @@
+   unsigned int quiet : 1;	/* inhibit status messages? */
+   unsigned int collapsed : 1;   /* are all threads collapsed? */
+   unsigned int closing : 1;	/* mailbox is being closed */
++  unsigned int peekonly : 1;	/* just taking a glance, revert atime */
+   /* driver hooks */
+   void *data;			/* driver specific data */
+--- a/muttlib.c
++++ b/muttlib.c
+@@ -1286,6 +1286,8 @@
+ 	  pl = pw = 1;
+ 	/* see if there's room to add content, else ignore */
++        if ( DrawFullLine )
++        {
+ 	if ((col < COLS && wlen < destlen) || soft)
+ 	{
+ 	  int pad;
+@@ -1329,6 +1331,52 @@
+ 	  col += wid;
+ 	  src += pl;
+ 	}
++        }
++        else
++        {
++	if ((col < COLS-SidebarWidth && wlen < destlen) || soft)
++        {
++	  int pad;
++	  /* get contents after padding */
++	  mutt_FormatString (buf, sizeof (buf), 0, src + pl, callback, data, flags);
++	  len = mutt_strlen (buf);
++	  wid = mutt_strwidth (buf);
++	  /* try to consume as many columns as we can, if we don't have
++	   * memory for that, use as much memory as possible */
++	  pad = (COLS - SidebarWidth - col - wid) / pw;
++	  if (pad > 0 && wlen + (pad * pl) + len > destlen)
++	    pad = ((signed)(destlen - wlen - len)) / pl;
++	  if (pad > 0)
++	  {
++	    while (pad--)
++	    {
++	      memcpy (wptr, src, pl);
++	      wptr += pl;
++	      wlen += pl;
++	      col += pw;
++	    }
++	  }
++	  else if (soft && pad < 0)
++	  {
++	    /* \0-terminate dest for length computation in mutt_wstr_trunc() */
++	    *wptr = 0;
++	    /* make sure right part is at most as wide as display */
++	    len = mutt_wstr_trunc (buf, destlen, COLS, &wid);
++	    /* truncate left so that right part fits completely in */
++	    wlen = mutt_wstr_trunc (dest, destlen - len, col + pad, &col);
++	    wptr = dest + wlen;
++	  }
++	  if (len + wlen > destlen)
++	    len = mutt_wstr_trunc (buf, destlen - wlen, COLS - SidebarWidth - col, NULL);
++	  memcpy (wptr, buf, len);
++	  wptr += len;
++	  wlen += len;
++	  col += wid;
++	  src += pl;
++	}
++        }
+ 	break; /* skip rest of input */
+       }
+       else if (ch == '|')
+--- a/mx.c
++++ b/mx.c
+@@ -595,6 +595,7 @@
+  *		M_APPEND	open mailbox for appending
+  *		M_READONLY	open mailbox in read-only mode
+  *		M_QUIET		only print error messages
++ *		M_PEEK		revert atime where applicable
+  *	ctx	if non-null, context struct to use
+  */
+ CONTEXT *mx_open_mailbox (const char *path, int flags, CONTEXT *pctx)
+@@ -617,6 +618,8 @@
+     ctx->quiet = 1;
+   if (flags & M_READONLY)
+     ctx->readonly = 1;
++  if (flags & M_PEEK)
++    ctx->peekonly = 1;
+   if (flags & (M_APPEND|M_NEWFOLDER))
+   {
+@@ -721,9 +724,21 @@
+ void mx_fastclose_mailbox (CONTEXT *ctx)
+ {
+   int i;
++#ifndef BUFFY_SIZE
++  struct utimbuf ut;
+   if(!ctx) 
+     return;
++#ifndef BUFFY_SIZE
++  /* fix up the times so buffy won't get confused */
++  if (ctx->peekonly && ctx->path && ctx->mtime > ctx->atime)
++  {
++    ut.actime = ctx->atime;
++    ut.modtime = ctx->mtime;
++    utime (ctx->path, &ut);
++  }
+   /* never announce that a mailbox we've just left has new mail. #3290
+    * XXX: really belongs in mx_close_mailbox, but this is a nice hook point */
+--- a/OPS
++++ b/OPS
+@@ -180,3 +180,8 @@
+ OP_MAIN_SHOW_LIMIT "show currently active limit pattern"
+ OP_MAIN_COLLAPSE_THREAD "collapse/uncollapse current thread"
+ OP_MAIN_COLLAPSE_ALL "collapse/uncollapse all threads"
++OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_UP "scroll the mailbox pane up 1 page"
++OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_DOWN "scroll the mailbox pane down 1 page"
++OP_SIDEBAR_NEXT "go down to next mailbox"
++OP_SIDEBAR_PREV "go to previous mailbox"
++OP_SIDEBAR_OPEN "open hilighted mailbox"
+--- a/pager.c
++++ b/pager.c
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #include "pager.h"
+ #include "attach.h"
+ #include "mbyte.h"
++#include "sidebar.h"
+ #include "mutt_crypt.h"
+@@ -1099,6 +1100,7 @@
+   if (check_attachment_marker ((char *)buf) == 0)
+     wrap_cols = COLS;
++  wrap_cols -= SidebarWidth;
+   /* FIXME: this should come from lineInfo */
+   memset(&mbstate, 0, sizeof(mbstate));
+@@ -1745,7 +1747,7 @@
+     if ((redraw & REDRAW_BODY) || topline != oldtopline)
+     {
+       do {
+-	move (bodyoffset, 0);
++	move (bodyoffset, SidebarWidth);
+ 	curline = oldtopline = topline;
+ 	lines = 0;
+ 	force_redraw = 0;
+@@ -1758,6 +1760,7 @@
+ 			    &QuoteList, &q_level, &force_redraw, &SearchRE) > 0)
+ 	    lines++;
+ 	  curline++;
++  	  move(lines + bodyoffset, SidebarWidth);
+ 	}
+ 	last_offset = lineInfo[curline].offset;
+       } while (force_redraw);
+@@ -1771,6 +1774,7 @@
+ 	  addch ('~');
+ 	addch ('\n');
+ 	lines++;
++  	move(lines + bodyoffset, SidebarWidth);
+       }
+       /* We are going to update the pager status bar, so it isn't
+        * necessary to reset to normal color now. */
+@@ -1794,11 +1798,11 @@
+       /* print out the pager status bar */
+-      CLEARLINE (statusoffset);
++      CLEARLINE_WIN (statusoffset);
+       if (IsHeader (extra) || IsMsgAttach (extra))
+       {
+-	size_t l1 = COLS * MB_LEN_MAX;
++ 	size_t l1 = (COLS-SidebarWidth) * MB_LEN_MAX;
+ 	size_t l2 = sizeof (buffer);
+ 	hfi.hdr = (IsHeader (extra)) ? extra->hdr : extra->bdy->hdr;
+ 	mutt_make_string_info (buffer, l1 < l2 ? l1 : l2, NONULL (PagerFmt), &hfi, M_FORMAT_MAKEPRINT);
+@@ -1808,7 +1812,7 @@
+       {
+ 	char bn[STRING];
+ 	snprintf (bn, sizeof (bn), "%s (%s)", banner, pager_progress_str);
+-	mutt_paddstr (COLS, bn);
++        mutt_paddstr (COLS, IsHeader (extra) || IsMsgAttach (extra) ?  buffer : banner);
+       }
+@@ -1826,18 +1830,23 @@
+       /* redraw the pager_index indicator, because the
+        * flags for this message might have changed. */
+       menu_redraw_current (index);
++      draw_sidebar(MENU_PAGER);
+       /* print out the index status bar */
+       menu_status_line (buffer, sizeof (buffer), index, NONULL(Status));
+-      move (indexoffset + (option (OPTSTATUSONTOP) ? 0 : (indexlen - 1)), 0);
++      move (indexoffset + (option (OPTSTATUSONTOP) ? 0 : (indexlen - 1)), SidebarWidth);
+-      mutt_paddstr (COLS, buffer);
++      mutt_paddstr (COLS-SidebarWidth, buffer);
+     }
++    /* if we're not using the index, update every time */
++    if ( index == 0 )
++      draw_sidebar(MENU_PAGER);
+     redraw = 0;
+     if (option(OPTBRAILLEFRIENDLY)) {
+@@ -2769,6 +2778,13 @@
+ 	mutt_what_key ();
+ 	break;
++      case OP_SIDEBAR_SCROLL_UP:
++      case OP_SIDEBAR_NEXT:
++      case OP_SIDEBAR_PREV:
++	scroll_sidebar(ch, MENU_PAGER);
++ 	break;
+       default:
+ 	ch = -1;
+ 	break;
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sidebar.c
+@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
++ * Copyright (C) ????-2004 Justin Hibbits <jrh29 at po.cwru.edu>
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Thomer M. Gil <mutt at thomer.com>
++ *
++ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ *     (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ *     GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
++ */
++# include "config.h"
++#include "mutt.h"
++#include "mutt_menu.h"
++#include "mutt_curses.h"
++#include "sidebar.h"
++#include "buffy.h"
++#include <libgen.h>
++#include "keymap.h"
++#include <stdbool.h>
++/*BUFFY *CurBuffy = 0;*/
++static BUFFY *TopBuffy = 0;
++static BUFFY *BottomBuffy = 0;
++static int known_lines = 0;
++static int quick_log10(int n)
++        char string[32];
++        sprintf(string, "%d", n);
++        return strlen(string);
++void calc_boundaries (int menu)
++	BUFFY *tmp = Incoming;
++	if ( known_lines != LINES ) {
++		TopBuffy = BottomBuffy = 0;
++		known_lines = LINES;
++	}
++	for ( ; tmp->next != 0; tmp = tmp->next )
++		tmp->next->prev = tmp;
++	if ( TopBuffy == 0 && BottomBuffy == 0 )
++		TopBuffy = Incoming;
++	if ( BottomBuffy == 0 ) {
++		int count = LINES - 2 - (menu != MENU_PAGER || option(OPTSTATUSONTOP));
++		BottomBuffy = TopBuffy;
++		while ( --count && BottomBuffy->next )
++			BottomBuffy = BottomBuffy->next;
++	}
++	else if ( TopBuffy == CurBuffy->next ) {
++		int count = LINES - 2 - (menu != MENU_PAGER);
++		BottomBuffy = CurBuffy;
++		tmp = BottomBuffy;
++		while ( --count && tmp->prev)
++			tmp = tmp->prev;
++		TopBuffy = tmp;
++	}
++	else if ( BottomBuffy == CurBuffy->prev ) {
++		int count = LINES - 2 - (menu != MENU_PAGER);
++		TopBuffy = CurBuffy;
++		tmp = TopBuffy;
++		while ( --count && tmp->next )
++			tmp = tmp->next;
++		BottomBuffy = tmp;
++	}
++char *make_sidebar_entry(char *box, int size, int new, int flagged)
++	static char *entry = 0;
++	char *c;
++	int i = 0;
++	int delim_len = strlen(SidebarDelim);
++	c = realloc(entry, SidebarWidth - delim_len + 2);
++	if ( c ) entry = c;
++	entry[SidebarWidth - delim_len + 1] = 0;
++	for (; i < SidebarWidth - delim_len + 1; entry[i++] = ' ' );
++	i = strlen(box);
++	strncpy( entry, box, i < (SidebarWidth - delim_len + 1) ? i : (SidebarWidth - delim_len + 1) );
++        if (size == -1)
++                sprintf(entry + SidebarWidth - delim_len - 3, "?");
++        else if ( new ) {
++          if (flagged > 0) {
++              sprintf(
++		        entry + SidebarWidth - delim_len - 5 - quick_log10(size) - quick_log10(new) - quick_log10(flagged),
++		        "% d(%d)[%d]", size, new, flagged);
++          } else {
++              sprintf(
++                      entry + SidebarWidth - delim_len - 3 - quick_log10(size) - quick_log10(new),
++                      "% d(%d)", size, new);
++          }
++        } else if (flagged > 0) {
++              sprintf( entry + SidebarWidth - delim_len - 3 - quick_log10(size) - quick_log10(flagged), "% d[%d]", size, flagged);
++        } else {
++              sprintf( entry + SidebarWidth - delim_len - 1 - quick_log10(size), "% d", size);
++        }
++	return entry;
++void set_curbuffy(char buf[LONG_STRING])
++  BUFFY* tmp = CurBuffy = Incoming;
++  if (!Incoming)
++    return;
++  while(1) {
++    if(!strcmp(tmp->path, buf)) {
++      CurBuffy = tmp;
++      break;
++    }
++    if(tmp->next)
++      tmp = tmp->next;
++    else
++      break;
++  }
++int draw_sidebar(int menu) {
++	int lines = option(OPTHELP) ? 1 : 0;
++	BUFFY *tmp;
++        attr_t attrs;
++        short delim_len = strlen(SidebarDelim);
++        short color_pair;
++        static bool initialized = false;
++        static int prev_show_value;
++        static short saveSidebarWidth;
++        /* initialize first time */
++        if(!initialized) {
++                prev_show_value = option(OPTSIDEBAR);
++                saveSidebarWidth = SidebarWidth;
++                if(!option(OPTSIDEBAR)) SidebarWidth = 0;
++                initialized = true;
++        }
++        /* save or restore the value SidebarWidth */
++        if(prev_show_value != option(OPTSIDEBAR)) {
++                if(prev_show_value && !option(OPTSIDEBAR)) {
++                        saveSidebarWidth = SidebarWidth;
++                        SidebarWidth = 0;
++                } else if(!prev_show_value && option(OPTSIDEBAR)) {
++                        SidebarWidth = saveSidebarWidth;
++                }
++                prev_show_value = option(OPTSIDEBAR);
++        }
++//	if ( SidebarWidth == 0 ) return 0;
++       if (SidebarWidth > 0 && option (OPTSIDEBAR)
++           && delim_len >= SidebarWidth) {
++         unset_option (OPTSIDEBAR);
++         /* saveSidebarWidth = SidebarWidth; */
++         if (saveSidebarWidth > delim_len) {
++           SidebarWidth = saveSidebarWidth;
++           mutt_error (_("Value for sidebar_delim is too long. Disabling sidebar."));
++           sleep (2);
++         } else {
++           SidebarWidth = 0;
++           mutt_error (_("Value for sidebar_delim is too long. Disabling sidebar. Please set your sidebar_width to a sane value."));
++           sleep (4); /* the advise to set a sane value should be seen long enough */
++         }
++         saveSidebarWidth = 0;
++         return (0);
++       }
++    if ( SidebarWidth == 0 || !option(OPTSIDEBAR)) {
++      if (SidebarWidth > 0) {
++        saveSidebarWidth = SidebarWidth;
++        SidebarWidth = 0;
++      }
++      unset_option(OPTSIDEBAR);
++      return 0;
++    }
++        /* get attributes for divider */
++        attr_get(&attrs, &color_pair, 0);
++        color_pair = attr_get();
++	/* draw the divider */
++	for ( ; lines < LINES-1-(menu != MENU_PAGER || option(OPTSTATUSONTOP)); lines++ ) {
++		move(lines, SidebarWidth - delim_len);
++		addstr(NONULL(SidebarDelim));
++                mvchgat(lines, SidebarWidth - delim_len, delim_len, 0, color_pair, NULL);
++	}
++	if ( Incoming == 0 ) return 0;
++	lines = option(OPTHELP) ? 1 : 0; /* go back to the top */
++	if ( known_lines != LINES || TopBuffy == 0 || BottomBuffy == 0 )
++		calc_boundaries(menu);
++	if ( CurBuffy == 0 ) CurBuffy = Incoming;
++	tmp = TopBuffy;
++	for ( ; tmp && lines < LINES-1 - (menu != MENU_PAGER || option(OPTSTATUSONTOP)); tmp = tmp->next ) {
++		if ( tmp == CurBuffy )
++		else if ( tmp->msg_unread > 0 )
++		else if ( tmp->msg_flagged > 0 )
++		else
++		move( lines, 0 );
++		if ( Context && !strcmp( tmp->path, Context->path ) ) {
++			tmp->msg_unread = Context->unread;
++			tmp->msgcount = Context->msgcount;
++			tmp->msg_flagged = Context->flagged;
++		}
++		// check whether Maildir is a prefix of the current folder's path
++		short maildir_is_prefix = 0;
++		if ( (strlen(tmp->path) > strlen(Maildir)) &&
++			(strncmp(Maildir, tmp->path, strlen(Maildir)) == 0) )
++        		maildir_is_prefix = 1;
++		// calculate depth of current folder and generate its display name with indented spaces
++		int sidebar_folder_depth = 0;
++		char *sidebar_folder_name;
++		sidebar_folder_name = basename(tmp->path);
++		if ( maildir_is_prefix ) {
++			char *tmp_folder_name;
++			int i;
++			tmp_folder_name = tmp->path + strlen(Maildir);
++			for (i = 0; i < strlen(tmp->path) - strlen(Maildir); i++) {
++				if (tmp_folder_name[i] == '/') sidebar_folder_depth++;
++			}
++			if (sidebar_folder_depth > 0) {
++				sidebar_folder_name = malloc(strlen(basename(tmp->path)) + sidebar_folder_depth + 1);
++				for (i=0; i < sidebar_folder_depth; i++)
++					sidebar_folder_name[i]=' ';
++				sidebar_folder_name[i]=0;
++				strncat(sidebar_folder_name, basename(tmp->path), strlen(basename(tmp->path)) + sidebar_folder_depth);
++			}
++		}
++		printw( "%.*s", SidebarWidth - delim_len + 1,
++			make_sidebar_entry(sidebar_folder_name, tmp->msgcount,
++			tmp->msg_unread, tmp->msg_flagged));
++		if (sidebar_folder_depth > 0)
++		        free(sidebar_folder_name);
++		lines++;
++	}
++	for ( ; lines < LINES-1 - (menu != MENU_PAGER || option(OPTSTATUSONTOP)); lines++ ) {
++		int i = 0;
++		move( lines, 0 );
++		for ( ; i < SidebarWidth - delim_len; i++ )
++			addch(' ');
++	}
++	return 0;
++void set_buffystats(CONTEXT* Context)
++        BUFFY *tmp = Incoming;
++        while(tmp) {
++                if(Context && !strcmp(tmp->path, Context->path)) {
++			tmp->msg_unread = Context->unread;
++			tmp->msgcount = Context->msgcount;
++                        break;
++                }
++                tmp = tmp->next;
++        }
++void scroll_sidebar(int op, int menu)
++        if(!SidebarWidth) return;
++        if(!CurBuffy) return;
++	switch (op) {
++			if ( CurBuffy->next == NULL ) return;
++			CurBuffy = CurBuffy->next;
++			break;
++			if ( CurBuffy->prev == NULL ) return;
++			CurBuffy = CurBuffy->prev;
++			break;
++			CurBuffy = TopBuffy;
++			if ( CurBuffy != Incoming ) {
++				calc_boundaries(menu);
++				CurBuffy = CurBuffy->prev;
++			}
++			break;
++			CurBuffy = BottomBuffy;
++			if ( CurBuffy->next ) {
++				calc_boundaries(menu);
++				CurBuffy = CurBuffy->next;
++			}
++			break;
++		default:
++			return;
++	}
++	calc_boundaries(menu);
++	draw_sidebar(menu);
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/sidebar.h
+@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
++ * Copyright (C) ????-2004 Justin Hibbits <jrh29 at po.cwru.edu>
++ * Copyright (C) 2004 Thomer M. Gil <mutt at thomer.com>
++ *
++ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ *     (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ *     GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
++ */
++#ifndef SIDEBAR_H
++#define SIDEBAR_H
++struct MBOX_LIST {
++	char *path;
++	int msgcount;
++	int new;
++/* parameter is whether or not to go to the status line */
++/* used for omitting the last | that covers up the status bar in the index */
++int draw_sidebar(int);
++void scroll_sidebar(int, int);
++void set_curbuffy(char*);
++void set_buffystats(CONTEXT*);
++#endif /* SIDEBAR_H */
+--- a/doc/Muttrc
++++ b/doc/Muttrc
+@@ -657,6 +657,26 @@
+ # $crypt_autosign, $crypt_replysign and $smime_is_default.
+ # 
+ # 
++# set sidebar_visible=no
++# Name: sidebar_visible
++# Type: boolean
++# Default: no
++# This specifies whether or not to show sidebar (left-side list of folders).
++# set sidebar_width=0
++# Name: sidebar_width
++# Type: number
++# Default: 0
++# The width of the sidebar.
+ # set crypt_autosign=no
+ #
+ # Name: crypt_autosign
+--- a/imap/imap.c
++++ b/imap/imap.c
+@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@
+     imap_munge_mbox_name (munged, sizeof (munged), name);
+     snprintf (command, sizeof (command),
+     if (imap_exec (idata, command, IMAP_CMD_QUEUE) < 0)
+     {
+--- a/imap/command.c
++++ b/imap/command.c
+@@ -1011,6 +1011,13 @@
+ 	     opened */
+ 	  status->uidnext = oldun;
++        /* Added to make the sidebar show the correct numbers */
++        if (status->messages)
++        {
++          inc->msgcount = status->messages;
++          inc->msg_unread = status->unseen;
++        }
+         FREE (&value);
+         return;
+       }

Added: trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-1.5.21.mp.xlabel_ext.9
--- trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-1.5.21.mp.xlabel_ext.9	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/mail/mutt-devel/files/patch-1.5.21.mp.xlabel_ext.9	2011-03-22 11:33:36 UTC (rev 77192)
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+--- a/copy.h.orig	2011-03-21 18:19:35.000000000 +0100
++++ b/copy.h	2011-03-21 18:20:06.000000000 +0100
+@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+ #define CH_UPDATE_IRT     (1<<16) /* update In-Reply-To: */
+ #define CH_UPDATE_REFS    (1<<17) /* update References: */
+ #define CH_DISPLAY        (1<<18) /* display result to user */
++#define CH_UPDATE_LABEL   (1<<19) /*  update X-Label: 	from hdr->env->x_label? */
+ int mutt_copy_hdr (FILE *, FILE *, LOFF_T, LOFF_T, int, const char *);
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 OPS
+--- a/OPS	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/OPS	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
+ OP_DISPLAY_ADDRESS "display full address of sender"
+ OP_DISPLAY_HEADERS "display message and toggle header weeding"
+ OP_DISPLAY_MESSAGE "display a message"
++OP_EDIT_LABEL "add, change, or delete a message's label"
+ OP_EDIT_MESSAGE "edit the raw message"
+ OP_EDITOR_BACKSPACE "delete the char in front of the cursor"
+ OP_EDITOR_BACKWARD_CHAR "move the cursor one character to the left"
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 PATCHES
+--- a/PATCHES	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/PATCHES	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 commands.c
+--- a/commands.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/commands.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -509,9 +509,9 @@
+   int method = Sort; /* save the current method in case of abort */
+   switch (mutt_multi_choice (reverse ?
+-			     _("Rev-Sort (d)ate/(f)rm/(r)ecv/(s)ubj/t(o)/(t)hread/(u)nsort/si(z)e/s(c)ore/s(p)am?: ") :
+-			     _("Sort (d)ate/(f)rm/(r)ecv/(s)ubj/t(o)/(t)hread/(u)nsort/si(z)e/s(c)ore/s(p)am?: "),
+-			     _("dfrsotuzcp")))
++			     _("Rev-Sort Date/Frm/Recv/Subj/tO/Thread/Unsort/siZe/sCore/sPam/Label?: ") :
++			     _("Sort Date/Frm/Recv/Subj/tO/Thread/Unsort/siZe/sCore/sPam/Label?: "),
++			     _("dfrsotuzcpl")))
+   {
+   case -1: /* abort - don't resort */
+     return -1;
+@@ -554,6 +554,10 @@
+   case 10: /* s(p)am */
+     Sort = SORT_SPAM;
++    break;
++  case 11: /* (l)abel */
++    Sort = SORT_LABEL;
+     break;
+   }
+   if (reverse)
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 copy.c
+--- a/copy.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/copy.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -110,6 +110,10 @@
+ 	  continue;
+ 	ignore = 0;
+       }
++      if (flags & CH_UPDATE_LABEL &&
++	  mutt_strncasecmp ("X-Label:", buf, 8) == 0)
++	continue;
+       if (!ignore && fputs (buf, out) == EOF)
+ 	return (-1);
+@@ -464,6 +468,15 @@
+       fprintf (out, "Lines: %d\n", h->lines);
+   }
++  if (flags & CH_UPDATE_LABEL && h->xlabel_changed)
++  {
++    h->xlabel_changed = 0;
++    if (h->env->x_label != NULL)
++      if (fprintf(out, "X-Label: %s\n", h->env->x_label) !=
++		  10 + strlen(h->env->x_label))
++        return -1;
++  }
+   if ((flags & CH_NONEWLINE) == 0)
+   {
+     if (flags & CH_PREFIX)
+@@ -544,6 +557,9 @@
+     else
+       _mutt_make_string (prefix, sizeof (prefix), NONULL (Prefix), Context, hdr, 0);
+   }
++  if (hdr->xlabel_changed)
++    chflags |= CH_UPDATE_LABEL;
+   if ((flags & M_CM_NOHEADER) == 0)
+   {
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 curs_main.c
+--- a/curs_main.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/curs_main.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -1922,6 +1922,21 @@
+ 	menu->redraw = REDRAW_FULL;
+ 	break;
++      case OP_EDIT_LABEL:
++	rc = mutt_label_message(tag ? NULL : CURHDR);
++	if (rc > 0) {
++	  Context->changed = 1;
++	  menu->redraw = REDRAW_FULL;
++	  mutt_message ("%d label%s changed.", rc, rc == 1 ? "" : "s");
++	}
++	else {
++	  mutt_message _("No labels changed.");
++	}
++	break;
+       case OP_LIST_REPLY:
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 functions.h
+--- a/functions.h	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/functions.h	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
+   { "delete-thread",		OP_DELETE_THREAD,		"\004" },
+   { "delete-subthread",		OP_DELETE_SUBTHREAD,		"\033d" },
+   { "edit",			OP_EDIT_MESSAGE,		"e" },
++  { "edit-label",		OP_EDIT_LABEL,			"y" },
+   { "edit-type",		OP_EDIT_TYPE,			"\005" },
+   { "forward-message",		OP_FORWARD_MESSAGE,		"f" },
+   { "flag-message",		OP_FLAG_MESSAGE,		"F" },
+@@ -184,6 +185,7 @@
+   { "delete-thread",	OP_DELETE_THREAD,		"\004" },
+   { "delete-subthread",	OP_DELETE_SUBTHREAD,		"\033d" },
+   { "edit",		OP_EDIT_MESSAGE,		"e" },
++  { "edit-label",	OP_EDIT_LABEL,			"y" },
+   { "edit-type",	OP_EDIT_TYPE,			"\005" },
+   { "forward-message",	OP_FORWARD_MESSAGE,		"f" },
+   { "flag-message",	OP_FLAG_MESSAGE,		"F" },
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 headers.c
+--- a/headers.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/headers.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -205,3 +205,59 @@
+     }
+   }
+ }
++ * dgc: Add an X-Label: field.
++ */
++static int label_message(HEADER *hdr, char *new)
++	if (hdr == NULL)
++		return 0;
++	if (hdr->env->x_label == NULL && new == NULL)
++		return 0;
++	if (hdr->env->x_label != NULL && new != NULL &&
++			strcmp(hdr->env->x_label, new) == 0)
++		return 0;
++	if (hdr->env->x_label != NULL)
++		FREE(&hdr->env->x_label);
++	if (new == NULL)
++		hdr->env->x_label = NULL;
++	else
++		hdr->env->x_label = safe_strdup(new);
++	return hdr->changed = hdr->xlabel_changed = 1;
++int mutt_label_message(HEADER *hdr)
++	char buf[LONG_STRING], *new;
++	int i;
++	int changed;
++	*buf = '\0';
++	if (hdr != NULL && hdr->env->x_label != NULL) {
++		strncpy(buf, hdr->env->x_label, LONG_STRING);
++	}
++	mutt_get_field("Label: ", buf, sizeof(buf), 0 /* | M_CLEAR */);
++	new = buf;
++	SKIPWS(new);
++	if (*new == '\0')
++		new = NULL;
++	changed = 0;
++	if (hdr != NULL) {
++		changed += label_message(hdr, new);
++	} else {
++#define HDR_OF(index)	Context->hdrs[Context->v2r[(index)]]
++		for (i = 0; i < Context->vcount; ++i) {
++			if (HDR_OF(i)->tagged)
++				if (label_message(HDR_OF(i), new)) {
++					++changed;
++					mutt_set_flag(Context, HDR_OF(i),
++						M_TAG, 0);
++				}
++		}
++	}
++	return changed;
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 imap/imap.c
+--- a/imap/imap.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/imap/imap.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
+        * we delete the message and reupload it.
+        * This works better if we're expunging, of course. */
+       if ((h->env && (h->env->refs_changed || h->env->irt_changed)) ||
+-	  h->attach_del)
++	  h->attach_del || h->xlabel_changed)
+       {
+         mutt_message (_("Saving changed messages... [%d/%d]"), n+1,
+                       ctx->msgcount);
+@@ -1181,6 +1181,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	  _mutt_save_message (h, appendctx, 1, 0, 0);
++	h->xlabel_changed = 0;
+       }
+     }
+   }
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 imap/message.c
+--- a/imap/message.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/imap/message.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -365,6 +365,7 @@
+   IMAP_CACHE *cache;
+   int read;
+   int rc;
++  char *x_label = NULL;
+   /* Sam's weird courier server returns an OK response even when FETCH
+    * fails. Thanks Sam. */
+   short fetched = 0;
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 mh.c
+--- a/mh.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/mh.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:04 2008 -0500
+@@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@
+ {
+   HEADER *h = ctx->hdrs[msgno];
+-  if (h->attach_del || 
++  if (h->attach_del || h->xlabel_changed ||
+       (h->env && (h->env->refs_changed || h->env->irt_changed)))
+     if (mh_rewrite_message (ctx, msgno) != 0)
+       return -1;
+@@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@
+ {
+   HEADER *h = ctx->hdrs[msgno];
+-  if (h->attach_del || 
++  if (h->attach_del || h->xlabel_changed ||
+       (h->env && (h->env->refs_changed || h->env->irt_changed)))
+   {
+     /* when doing attachment deletion/rethreading, fall back to the MH case. */
+@@ -1671,6 +1671,7 @@
+       }
+     }
+     else if (ctx->hdrs[i]->changed || ctx->hdrs[i]->attach_del ||
++	     ctx->hdrs[i]->xlabel_changed ||
+ 	     (ctx->magic == M_MAILDIR
+ 	      && (option (OPTMAILDIRTRASH) || ctx->hdrs[i]->trash)
+ 	      && (ctx->hdrs[i]->deleted != ctx->hdrs[i]->trash)))
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 mutt.h
+--- a/mutt.h	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/mutt.h	Wed Apr 23 18:10:05 2008 -0500
+@@ -729,6 +730,7 @@
+ 					 * This flag is used by the maildir_trash
+ 					 * option.
+ 					 */
++  unsigned int xlabel_changed : 1;	/* editable - used for syncing */
+   /* timezone of the sender of this message */
+   unsigned int zhours : 5;
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 pager.c
+--- a/pager.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/pager.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:05 2008 -0500
+@@ -2629,6 +2629,18 @@
+ 	redraw = REDRAW_FULL;
+ 	break;
++     case OP_EDIT_LABEL:
++        CHECK_MODE(IsHeader (extra));
++        rc = mutt_label_message(extra->hdr);
++        if (rc > 0) {
++          Context->changed = 1;
++          redraw = REDRAW_FULL;
++          mutt_message ("%d label%s changed.", rc, rc == 1 ? "" : "s");
++        }
++        else {
++          mutt_message _("No labels changed.");
++        }
++        break;
+       case OP_MAIL_KEY:
+         if (!(WithCrypto & APPLICATION_PGP))
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 protos.h
+--- a/protos.h	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/protos.h	Wed Apr 23 18:10:05 2008 -0500
+@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@
+ void mutt_edit_file (const char *, const char *);
+ void mutt_edit_headers (const char *, const char *, HEADER *, char *, size_t);
+ int mutt_filter_unprintable (char **);
++int mutt_label_message (HEADER *);
+ void mutt_curses_error (const char *, ...);
+ void mutt_curses_message (const char *, ...);
+ void mutt_enter_command (void);
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 sort.c
+--- a/sort.c	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/sort.c	Wed Apr 23 18:10:05 2008 -0500
+@@ -210,6 +210,36 @@
+   return (SORTCODE(result));
+ }
++int compare_label (const void *a, const void *b)
++  HEADER **ppa = (HEADER **) a;
++  HEADER **ppb = (HEADER **) b;
++  int     ahas, bhas, result;
++  /* As with compare_spam, not all messages will have the x-label
++   * property.  Blank X-Labels are treated as null in the index
++   * display, so we'll consider them as null for sort, too.       */
++  ahas = (*ppa)->env && (*ppa)->env->x_label && *((*ppa)->env->x_label);
++  bhas = (*ppb)->env && (*ppb)->env->x_label && *((*ppb)->env->x_label);
++  /* First we bias toward a message with a label, if the other does not. */
++  if (ahas && !bhas)
++    return (SORTCODE(-1));
++  if (!ahas && bhas)
++    return (SORTCODE(1));
++  /* If neither has a label, use aux sort. */
++  if (!ahas && !bhas)
++  {
++    AUXSORT(result, a, b);
++    return (SORTCODE(result));
++  }
++  /* If both have a label, we just do a lexical compare. */
++  result = mutt_strcasecmp((*ppa)->env->x_label, (*ppb)->env->x_label);
++  return (SORTCODE(result));
+ sort_t *mutt_get_sort_func (int method)
+ {
+   switch (method & SORT_MASK)
+@@ -232,6 +262,8 @@
+       return (compare_score);
+     case SORT_SPAM:
+       return (compare_spam);
++    case SORT_LABEL:
++      return (compare_label);
+     default:
+       return (NULL);
+   }
+diff -r 25ea67e2a1f6 sort.h
+--- a/sort.h	Wed Apr 23 18:08:56 2008 -0500
++++ b/sort.h	Wed Apr 23 18:10:05 2008 -0500
+@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+ #define SORT_KEYID	12
+ #define SORT_TRUST	13
+ #define SORT_SPAM	14
++#define SORT_LABEL	15
+ /* dgc: Sort & SortAux are shorts, so I'm bumping these bitflags up from
+  * bits 4 & 5 to bits 8 & 9 to make room for more sort keys in the future. */
+ #define SORT_MASK	0xff
+--- a/init.h.orig	2010-09-15 17:39:31.000000000 +0200
++++ b/init.h	2011-03-21 18:23:20.000000000 +0100
+@@ -3380,6 +3380,7 @@
+   { "to",		SORT_TO },
+   { "score",		SORT_SCORE },
+   { "spam",		SORT_SPAM },
++  { "label",       SORT_LABEL },
+   { NULL,               0 }
+ };
+@@ -3399,6 +3400,7 @@
+   { "to",		SORT_TO },
+   { "score",		SORT_SCORE },
+   { "spam",		SORT_SPAM },
++  { "label",       SORT_LABEL },
+   { NULL,               0 }
+ };
+--- a/doc/manual.xml.head.orig	2010-08-24 18:34:21.000000000 +0200
++++ b/doc/manual.xml.head	2011-03-21 18:28:37.000000000 +0100
+@@ -5823,6 +5823,18 @@
+ </para>
+ <para>
++You can change or delete the ``X-Label:'' field within Mutt using the
++``edit-label'' command, bound to the ``y'' key by default.  This works
++for tagged messages, too.
++You can change or delete the ``X-Label:'' field within Mutt using the
++``edit-label'' command, bound to the ``y'' key by default.  This works
++for tagged messages, too.
+ Lastly, Mutt has the ability to <link linkend="sort">sort</link> the
+ mailbox into <link linkend="threads">threads</link>.  A thread is a
+ group of messages which all relate to the same subject.  This is usually
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