[83747] trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app

hum at macports.org hum at macports.org
Sat Sep 10 08:52:13 PDT 2011

Revision: 83747
Author:   hum at macports.org
Date:     2011-09-10 08:52:13 -0700 (Sat, 10 Sep 2011)
Log Message:
emacs-app: add inline, jpfont and patches variants and patch files from MacEmacsJP; see #30694 (maintainer timeout)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/Portfile	2011-09-10 15:49:19 UTC (rev 83746)
+++ trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/Portfile	2011-09-10 15:52:13 UTC (rev 83747)
@@ -41,6 +41,24 @@
     patchfiles-append patch-fullscreen.diff
+# inline and font patches are fetched from MacEmacsJP http://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/macemacsjp/inline_patch/trunk/, revision 574.
+# patch-macemacsjp-inline.diff <= emacs-inline.patch
+# patch-macemacsjp-jpfont.diff <= font.patch
+variant inline description {Add inline patch from MacEmacsJP} {
+    patchfiles-append patch-macemacsjp-inline.diff
+variant jpfont description {Add Japanese font patch from MacEmacsJP} {
+    patchfiles-append patch-macemacsjp-jpfont.diff
+variant patches conflicts fullscreen inline jpfont description {Add all patches: fullscreen, inline and jpfont} {
+    patchfiles-append patch-fullscreen.diff \
+                      patch-macemacsjp-jpfont.diff \
+                      patch-macemacsjp-inline.diff
 platform darwin 11 {
    patchfiles-append	patch-fix-title-bar.diff patch-src_darwin.h.diff
    configure.cflags-append	-fno-pie -O2

Added: trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/files/patch-macemacsjp-font.diff
--- trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/files/patch-macemacsjp-font.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/files/patch-macemacsjp-font.diff	2011-09-10 15:52:13 UTC (rev 83747)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+diff -pr ../emacs-23.3/src/nsfont.m src/nsfont.m
+*** ../emacs-23.3/src/nsfont.m	2011-01-09 02:45:14.000000000 +0900
+--- src/nsfont.m	2011-03-21 17:11:01.000000000 +0900
+*************** nsfont_open (FRAME_PTR f, Lisp_Object fo
+*** 846,853 ****
+        lrint (hshrink * [sfont ascender] + expand * hd/2);
+      /* [sfont descender] is usually negative.  Use floor to avoid
+         clipping descenders. */
+!     font_info->max_bounds.descent =
+!       -lrint (floor(hshrink* [sfont descender] - expand*hd/2));
+      font_info->height =
+        font_info->max_bounds.ascent + font_info->max_bounds.descent;
+      font_info->max_bounds.width = lrint (font_info->width);
+--- 846,861 ----
+        lrint (hshrink * [sfont ascender] + expand * hd/2);
+      /* [sfont descender] is usually negative.  Use floor to avoid
+         clipping descenders. */
+!     if ([sfont mostCompatibleStringEncoding] == 0x80000001) {
+!       /* If the font is Japanese (Mac OS) encoding, change descender to 2 times.
+!          Because most of Japanese font's decender, such as Hiragino, is 
+!          too short. */
+!       font_info->max_bounds.descent = 
+!         -lrint (floor(hshrink* [sfont descender] * 2 - expand*hd/2));
+!     } else {
+!       font_info->max_bounds.descent = 
+!         -lrint (floor(hshrink* [sfont descender] - expand*hd/2));
+!     }
+      font_info->height =
+        font_info->max_bounds.ascent + font_info->max_bounds.descent;
+      font_info->max_bounds.width = lrint (font_info->width);

Added: trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/files/patch-macemacsjp-inline.diff
--- trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/files/patch-macemacsjp-inline.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/aqua/emacs-app/files/patch-macemacsjp-inline.diff	2011-09-10 15:52:13 UTC (rev 83747)
@@ -0,0 +1,1110 @@
+diff -r -p -x '*.elc' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/lisp/term/ns-win.el lisp/term/ns-win.el
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/lisp/term/ns-win.el	2011-01-27 05:35:09.000000000 +0900
+--- lisp/term/ns-win.el	2011-02-28 13:08:01.000000000 +0900
+*************** The properties returned may include `top
+*** 317,322 ****
+--- 317,323 ----
+  	     (cons (logior (lsh 0 16)  12) 'ns-new-frame)
+  	     (cons (logior (lsh 0 16)  13) 'ns-toggle-toolbar)
+  	     (cons (logior (lsh 0 16)  14) 'ns-show-prefs)
++ 	     (cons (logior (lsh 0 16)  15) 'mac-change-input-method)
+  	     (cons (logior (lsh 1 16)  32) 'f1)
+               (cons (logior (lsh 1 16)  33) 'f2)
+               (cons (logior (lsh 1 16)  34) 'f3)
+*************** The properties returned may include `top
+*** 549,562 ****
+  ;; editing window.)
+  (defface ns-working-text-face
+!   '((t :underline t))
+    "Face used to highlight working text during compose sequence insert."
+    :group 'ns)
+  (defvar ns-working-overlay nil
+    "Overlay used to highlight working text during compose sequence insert.
+  When text is in th echo area, this just stores the length of the working text.")
+  (defvar ns-working-text)		; nsterm.m
+  ;; Test if in echo area, based on mac-win.el 2007/08/26 unicode-2.
+--- 550,579 ----
+  ;; editing window.)
+  (defface ns-working-text-face
+!   '((((background dark)) :underline "gray80")
+!     (t :underline "gray20"))
+    "Face used to highlight working text during compose sequence insert."
+    :group 'ns)
++ (defface ns-marked-text-face
++   '((((background dark)) :underline "gray80")
++     (t :underline "gray20"))
++   "Face used to highlight marked text during compose sequence insert."
++   :group 'ns)
++ (defface ns-unmarked-text-face
++   '((((background dark)) :underline "gray20")
++     (t :underline "gray80"))
++   "Face used to highlight marked text during compose sequence insert."
++   :group 'ns)
+  (defvar ns-working-overlay nil
+    "Overlay used to highlight working text during compose sequence insert.
+  When text is in th echo area, this just stores the length of the working text.")
++ (defvar ns-marked-overlay nil
++   "Overlay used to highlight marked text during compose sequence insert.")
+  (defvar ns-working-text)		; nsterm.m
+  ;; Test if in echo area, based on mac-win.el 2007/08/26 unicode-2.
+*************** is currently being used."
+*** 583,588 ****
+--- 600,606 ----
+  (defun ns-put-working-text ()
+    (interactive)
+    (if (ns-in-echo-area) (ns-echo-working-text) (ns-insert-working-text)))
+  (defun ns-unput-working-text ()
+    (interactive)
+    (ns-delete-working-text))
+*************** The overlay is assigned the face `ns-wor
+*** 604,622 ****
+  (defun ns-echo-working-text ()
+    "Echo contents of `ns-working-text' in message display area.
+  See `ns-insert-working-text'."
+-   (ns-delete-working-text)
+    (let* ((msg (current-message))
+! 	 (msglen (length msg))
+! 	 message-log-max)
+      (setq ns-working-overlay (length ns-working-text))
+      (setq msg (concat msg ns-working-text))
+      (put-text-property msglen (+ msglen ns-working-overlay)
+! 		       'face 'ns-working-text-face msg)
+      (message "%s" msg)))
+  (defun ns-delete-working-text()
+!   "Delete working text and clear `ns-working-overlay'."
+    (interactive)
+    (cond
+     ((and (overlayp ns-working-overlay)
+           ;; Still alive?
+--- 622,700 ----
+  (defun ns-echo-working-text ()
+    "Echo contents of `ns-working-text' in message display area.
+  See `ns-insert-working-text'."
+    (let* ((msg (current-message))
+!          (msglen (length msg))
+!          message-log-max)
+!     (if (integerp ns-working-overlay)
+! 	(progn
+! 	  (setq msg (substring msg 0 (- (length msg) ns-working-overlay)))
+! 	  (setq msglen (length msg))))
+      (setq ns-working-overlay (length ns-working-text))
+      (setq msg (concat msg ns-working-text))
+      (put-text-property msglen (+ msglen ns-working-overlay)
+! 			'face 'ns-working-text-face msg)
+!      (message "%s" msg)))
+! (defun ns-put-marked-text (event)
+!   (interactive "e")
+!   (let ((pos (nth 1 event))
+! 	(len (nth 2 event)))
+!     (if (ns-in-echo-area)
+! 	(ns-echo-marked-text pos len)
+!       (ns-insert-marked-text pos len))))
+! (defun ns-insert-marked-text (pos len)
+!   "Insert contents of `ns-working-text' as UTF-8 string and mark with
+! `ns-working-overlay' and `ns-marked-overlay'.  Any previously existing
+! working text is cleared first. The overlay is assigned the faces 
+! `ns-working-text-face' and `ns-marked-text-face'."
+!   (ns-delete-working-text)
+!   (let ((start (point)))
+!     (put-text-property pos len 'face 'ns-working-text-face ns-working-text)
+!     (insert ns-working-text)
+!     (if (= len 0)
+!         (overlay-put (setq ns-working-overlay
+!                            (make-overlay start (point) (current-buffer) nil t))
+!                      'face 'ns-working-text-face)
+!       (overlay-put (setq ns-working-overlay
+!                          (make-overlay start (point) (current-buffer) nil t))
+!                    'face 'ns-unmarked-text-face)
+!       (overlay-put (setq ns-marked-overlay 
+!                          (make-overlay (+ start pos) (+ start pos len)
+!                                        (current-buffer) nil t))
+!                    'face 'ns-marked-text-face))
+!     (goto-char (+ start pos))))
+! (defun ns-echo-marked-text (pos len)
+!   "Echo contents of `ns-working-text' in message display area.
+! See `ns-insert-working-text'."
+!   (let* ((msg (current-message))
+!          (msglen (length msg))
+!          message-log-max)
+!     (when (integerp ns-working-overlay)
+!       (setq msg (substring msg 0 (- (length msg) ns-working-overlay)))
+!       (setq msglen (length msg)))
+!     (setq ns-working-overlay (length ns-working-text))
+!     (setq msg (concat msg ns-working-text))
+!     (if (> len 0)
+!         (put-text-property msglen (+ msglen ns-working-overlay)
+!                            'face 'ns-working-text-face msg)
+!       (put-text-property msglen (+ msglen ns-working-overlay)
+!                          'face 'ns-unmarked-text-face msg)
+!       (put-text-property (+ msglen pos) (+ msglen pos len)
+!                          'face 'ns-marked-text-face msg))
+      (message "%s" msg)))
+  (defun ns-delete-working-text()
+!   "Delete working text and clear `ns-working-overlay' and `ns-marked-overlay'."
+    (interactive)
++   (when (and (overlayp ns-marked-overlay)
++ 	     ;; Still alive
++ 	     (overlay-buffer ns-marked-overlay))
++     (with-current-buffer (overlay-buffer ns-marked-overlay)
++       (delete-overlay ns-marked-overlay)))
++   (setq ns-marked-overlay nil)
+    (cond
+     ((and (overlayp ns-working-overlay)
+           ;; Still alive?
+*************** the operating system.")
+*** 1267,1272 ****
+--- 1345,1731 ----
+  (add-to-list 'window-system-initialization-alist '(ns . ns-initialize-window-system))
++ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
++ ;;
++ ;; Implementation of Input Method Extension for MacOS X
++ ;; written by Taiichi Hashimoto <taiichi2 at mac.com>
++ ;;
++ (defvar mac-input-method-parameters
++   '(
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.Roman"
++      (title . "A")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.Japanese"
++      (title . "あ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.Japanese.Katakana"
++      (title . "ア")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.Japanese.FullWidthRoman"
++      (title . "A")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Kotoeri.Japanese.HalfWidthKana"
++      (title . "ア")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.kotoeri.Ainu"
++      (title . "アイヌ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Korean.2SetKorean"
++      (title . "가2")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Korean.3SetKorean"
++      (title . "가3")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Korean.390Sebulshik"
++      (title . "가5")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Korean.GongjinCheongRomaja"
++      (title . "가G")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Korean.HNCRomaja"
++      (title . "가H")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Tamil.AnjalIM"
++      (title . "Anjal")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.Tamil.Tamil99"
++      (title . "Tamil")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.VietnameseIM.VietnameseSimpleTelex"
++      (title . "ST")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.VietnameseIM.VietnameseTelex"
++      (title . "TX")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.VietnameseIM.VietnameseVNI"
++      (title . "VN")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.VietnameseIM.VietnameseVIQR"
++      (title . "VQ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM.ITABC"
++      (title . "拼")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM.WBX"
++      (title . "型")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.SCIM.WBH"
++      (title . "画")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.TCIM.Zhuyin"
++      (title . "注")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.TCIM.Pinyin"
++      (title . "拼")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.TCIM.Cangjie"
++      (title . "倉")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.TCIM.Jianyi"
++      (title . "速")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (Cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.TCIM.Dayi"
++      (title . "易")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.apple.inputmethod.TCIM.Hanin"
++      (title . "漢")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.google.inputmethod.Japanese.Roman"
++      (title . "G")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.google.inputmethod.Japanese.base"
++      (title . "ぐ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.google.inputmethod.Japanese.Katakana"
++      (title . "グ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.google.inputmethod.Japanese.FullWidthRoman"
++      (title . "G")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.google.inputmethod.Japanese.HalfWidthKana"
++      (title . "グ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("jp.monokakido.inputmethod.Kawasemi.Roman"
++      (title . "K")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("jp.monokakido.inputmethod.Kawasemi.Japanese"
++      (title . "か")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("jp.monokakido.inputmethod.Kawasemi.Japanese.Katakana"
++      (title . "カ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("jp.monokakido.inputmethod.Kawasemi.Japanese.FullWidthRoman"
++      (title . "K")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("jp.monokakido.inputmethod.Kawasemi.Japanese.HalfWidthKana"
++      (title . "カ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("jp.monokakido.inputmethod.Kawasemi.Japanese.HalfWidthRoman"
++      (title . "_K")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("jp.monokakido.inputmethod.Kawasemi.Japanese.Code"
++      (title . "C")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.justsystems.inputmethod.atok22.Roman"
++      (title . "A")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.justsystems.inputmethod.atok22.Japanese"
++      (title . "あ")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.justsystems.inputmethod.atok22.Japanese.Katakana"
++      (title . "ア")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.justsystems.inputmethod.atok22.Japanese.FullWidthRoman"
++      (title . "英")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     ("com.justsystems.inputmethod.atok22.Japanese.HalfWidthEiji"
++      (title . "半英")
++      (cursor-color)
++      (cursor-type))
++     )
++   "Alist of Mac script code vs parameters for input method on MacOSX.")
++ (defun mac-get-input-method-parameter (is key)
++   "Function to get a parameter of a input method."
++   (interactive)
++   (assq key (cdr (assoc is mac-input-method-parameters))))
++ (defun mac-get-input-method-title (&optional input-source)
++   "Return input method title of input source.
++    If input-source is nil, return one of current frame."
++   (if input-source
++       (cdr (mac-get-input-method-parameter input-source 'title))
++     current-input-method-title))
++ (defun mac-get-cursor-type (&optional input-source)
++   "Return cursor type of input source.
++    If input-source is nil, return one of current frame."
++   (if input-source
++       (or (cdr (mac-get-input-method-parameter input-source 'cursor-type))
++ 	  (cdr (assq 'cursor-type default-frame-alist))
++ 	  cursor-type)
++     (cdr (assq 'cursor-type (frame-parameters (selected-frame))))))
++ (defun mac-get-cursor-color (&optional input-source)
++   "Return cursor color of input source.
++    If input-source is nil, return one of current frame."
++   (if input-source
++       (or (cdr (mac-get-input-method-parameter input-source 'cursor-color))
++ 	  (cdr (assq 'cursor-color default-frame-alist)))
++     (cdr (assq 'cursor-color (frame-parameters (selected-frame))))))
++ (defun mac-set-input-method-parameter (is key value)
++   "Function to set a parameter of a input method."
++   (let* ((is-param (assoc is mac-input-method-parameters))
++          (param (assq key is-param)))
++     (if is-param
++ 	(if param
++ 	    (setcdr param value)
++ 	  (setcdr is-param (cons (cons key value) (cdr is-param))))
++       (setq mac-input-method-parameters
++ 	    (cons (list is (cons key value))
++ 		  mac-input-method-parameters)))))
++ (defun mac-input-method-update (is)
++   "Funtion to update parameters of a input method."
++   (interactive)
++   (let ((title (mac-get-input-method-title is))
++         (type (mac-get-cursor-type is))
++         (color (mac-get-cursor-color is)))
++     (if (and title (not (equal title (mac-get-input-method-title))))
++ 	(setq current-input-method-title title))
++     (if (and type (not (equal type (mac-get-cursor-type))))
++ 	(setq cursor-type type))
++     (if (and color (not (equal color (mac-get-cursor-color))))
++ 	(set-cursor-color color))
++     (force-mode-line-update)
++     (if isearch-mode (isearch-update))))
++ (defun mac-toggle-input-method (&optional arg)
++   "Function to toggle input method on MacOSX."
++   (interactive)
++   (if arg
++       (progn
++ 	(make-local-variable 'input-method-function)
++ 	(setq inactivate-current-input-method-function 'mac-toggle-input-method)
++ 	(setq input-method-function nil)
++ 	(setq describe-current-input-method-function nil)
++ 	(mac-toggle-input-source t))
++     (kill-local-variable 'input-method-function)
++     (setq describe-current-input-method-function nil)
++     (mac-toggle-input-source nil)))
++ (defun mac-change-language-to-us ()
++   "Function to change language to us."
++   (interactive)
++   (mac-toggle-input-method nil))
++ (defun mac-handle-input-method-change ()
++   "Function run when a input method change."
++   (interactive)
++   (if (equal default-input-method "MacOSX")
++       (let ((input-source (mac-get-current-input-source))
++ 	  (ascii-capable (mac-input-source-is-ascii-capable)))
++ 	(cond ((and (not current-input-method) (not ascii-capable))
++ 	       (set-input-method "MacOSX"))
++ 	      ((and (equal current-input-method "MacOSX") ascii-capable)
++ 	       (toggle-input-method nil)))
++ 	(mac-input-method-update input-source))))
++ ;;
++ ;; Emacs input method for input method on MacOSX.
++ ;;
++ (register-input-method "MacOSX" "MacOSX" 'mac-toggle-input-method
++ 		       "Mac" "Input Method on MacOSX System")
++ ;;
++ ;; Minor mode of using input methods on MacOS X
++ ;;
++ (define-minor-mode mac-input-method-mode
++   "Use input methods on MacOSX."
++   :init-value nil
++   :group 'ns
++   :global t
++   (if mac-input-method-mode
++       (progn
++ 	(setq default-input-method "MacOSX")
++ 	(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'mac-change-language-to-us)
++ 	(mac-translate-from-yen-to-backslash)
++ 	(mac-add-key-passed-to-system 'shift))
++     (setq default-input-method nil)))
++ ;;
++ ;; Valiable and functions to pass key(shortcut) to system.
++ ;;
++ (defvar mac-keys-passed-to-system nil
++   "A list of keys passed to system on MacOSX.")
++ (defun mac-add-key-passed-to-system (key)
++   (let ((shift   '(shift shft))
++ 	(control '(control ctrl ctl))
++ 	(option  '(option opt alternate alt))
++ 	(command '(command cmd)))
++     (add-to-list 'mac-keys-passed-to-system
++ 		 (cond ((symbolp key)
++ 			(cond ((memq key shift)
++ 			       (cons ns-shift-key-mask nil))
++ 			      ((memq key control)
++ 			       (cons ns-control-key-mask nil))
++ 			      ((memq key option)
++ 			       (cons ns-alternate-key-mask nil))
++ 			      ((memq key command)
++ 			       (cons ns-command-key-mask nil))
++ 			      (t (cons nil nil))))
++ 		       ((numberp key) (cons 0 key))
++ 		       ((listp key)
++ 			(let ((l key) (k nil) (m 0))
++ 			  (while l
++ 			    (cond ((memq (car l) shift)
++ 				   (setq m (logior m ns-shift-key-mask)))
++ 				  ((memq (car l) control)
++ 				   (setq m (logior m ns-control-key-mask)))
++ 				  ((memq (car l) option)
++ 				   (setq m (logior m ns-alternate-key-mask)))
++ 				  ((memq (car l) command)
++ 				       (setq m (logior m ns-command-key-mask)))
++ 				  ((numberp (car l))
++ 				   (if (not k) (setq k (car l)))))
++ 			    (setq l (cdr l)))
++ 			  (cons m k)))
++ 		       (t (cons nil nil))))))
++ ;;
++ ;; Entry Emacs event for inline input method on MacOSX.
++ ;;
++ (define-key special-event-map
++   [mac-change-input-method] 'mac-handle-input-method-change)
++ ;;
++ ;; Convert yen to backslash for JIS keyboard.
++ ;;
++ (defun mac-translate-from-yen-to-backslash () 
++   ;; Convert yen to backslash for JIS keyboard.
++   (interactive)
++   (define-key global-map [165] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [2213] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [3420] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [67109029] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [67111077] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [8388773] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [134219941] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [75497596] nil)
++   (define-key global-map [201328805] nil)
++   (define-key function-key-map [165] [?\\])
++   (define-key function-key-map [2213] [?\\]) ;; for Intel
++   (define-key function-key-map [3420] [?\\]) ;; for PowerPC
++   (define-key function-key-map [67109029] [?\C-\\])
++   (define-key function-key-map [67111077] [?\C-\\])
++   (define-key function-key-map [8388773] [?\M-\\])
++   (define-key function-key-map [134219941] [?\M-\\])
++   (define-key function-key-map [75497596] [?\C-\M-\\])
++   (define-key function-key-map [201328805] [?\C-\M-\\])
++ )
++ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  (provide 'ns-win)
+  ;; arch-tag: eb138a45-4e2e-4d68-b1c9-a39665731644
+diff -r -p -N -x '*.o' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/Makefile.in src/Makefile.in
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/Makefile.in	2011-01-09 02:45:14.000000000 +0900
+--- src/Makefile.in	2011-02-15 22:24:06.000000000 +0900
+*************** ns_appresdir=@ns_appresdir@/
+*** 545,551 ****
+  ns_appsrc=@ns_appsrc@
+  /* Object files for NeXTstep */
+  NS_OBJ= nsterm.o nsfns.o nsmenu.o nsselect.o nsimage.o nsfont.o \
+! 	fontset.o fringe.o image.o
+  #endif  /* HAVE_NS */
+--- 545,551 ----
+  ns_appsrc=@ns_appsrc@
+  /* Object files for NeXTstep */
+  NS_OBJ= nsterm.o nsfns.o nsmenu.o nsselect.o nsimage.o nsfont.o \
+! 	fontset.o fringe.o image.o macim.o
+  #endif  /* HAVE_NS */
+*************** obj=    dispnew.o frame.o scroll.o xdisp
+*** 583,589 ****
+  SOME_MACHINE_OBJECTS = dosfns.o msdos.o \
+    xterm.o xfns.o xmenu.o xselect.o xrdb.o xsmfns.o fringe.o image.o \
+    fontset.o dbusbind.o \
+!   nsterm.o nsfns.o nsmenu.o nsselect.o nsimage.o nsfont.o \
+    w32.o w32console.o w32fns.o w32heap.o w32inevt.o \
+    w32menu.o w32proc.o w32reg.o w32select.o w32term.o w32xfns.o $(FONT_DRIVERS)
+--- 583,589 ----
+  SOME_MACHINE_OBJECTS = dosfns.o msdos.o \
+    xterm.o xfns.o xmenu.o xselect.o xrdb.o xsmfns.o fringe.o image.o \
+    fontset.o dbusbind.o \
+!   nsterm.o nsfns.o nsmenu.o nsselect.o nsimage.o nsfont.o macim.o\
+    w32.o w32console.o w32fns.o w32heap.o w32inevt.o \
+    w32menu.o w32proc.o w32reg.o w32select.o w32term.o w32xfns.o $(FONT_DRIVERS)
+*************** nsterm.o: nsterm.m blockinput.h atimer.h
+*** 1168,1173 ****
+--- 1168,1174 ----
+    termopts.h termchar.h disptab.h buffer.h window.h keyboard.h \
+    $(INTERVALS_H) process.h coding.h lisp.h $(config_h)
+  nsselect.o: nsselect.m blockinput.h nsterm.h nsgui.h frame.h lisp.h $(config_h)
++ macim.o: macim.m lisp.h blockinput.h termhooks.h keyboard.h buffer.h $(config_h)
+  process.o: process.c process.h buffer.h window.h termhooks.h termopts.h \
+     commands.h syssignal.h systime.h systty.h syswait.h frame.h dispextern.h \
+     blockinput.h atimer.h charset.h coding.h ccl.h msdos.h composite.h \
+diff -r -p -N -x '*.o' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/keyboard.c src/keyboard.c
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/keyboard.c	2011-01-29 05:22:59.000000000 +0900
+--- src/keyboard.c	2011-02-15 22:24:06.000000000 +0900
+*************** kbd_buffer_get_event (kbp, used_mouse_me
+*** 4243,4250 ****
+          {
+            if (event->code == KEY_NS_PUT_WORKING_TEXT)
+              obj = Fcons (intern ("ns-put-working-text"), Qnil);
+!           else
+              obj = Fcons (intern ("ns-unput-working-text"), Qnil);
+  	  kbd_fetch_ptr = event + 1;
+            if (used_mouse_menu)
+              *used_mouse_menu = 1;
+--- 4243,4252 ----
+          {
+            if (event->code == KEY_NS_PUT_WORKING_TEXT)
+              obj = Fcons (intern ("ns-put-working-text"), Qnil);
+!           else if (event->code == KEY_NS_UNPUT_WORKING_TEXT)
+              obj = Fcons (intern ("ns-unput-working-text"), Qnil);
++ 	  else if (event->code == KEY_NS_PUT_MARKED_TEXT)
++ 	    obj = Fcons (intern ("ns-put-marked-text"), event->arg);
+  	  kbd_fetch_ptr = event + 1;
+            if (used_mouse_menu)
+              *used_mouse_menu = 1;
+*************** keys_of_keyboard ()
+*** 12611,12616 ****
+--- 12613,12620 ----
+  			    "ns-put-working-text");
+    initial_define_lispy_key (Vspecial_event_map, "ns-unput-working-text",
+  			    "ns-unput-working-text");
++   initial_define_lispy_key (Vspecial_event_map, "ns-put-marked-text",
++ 			    "ns-put-marked-text");
+    /* Here we used to use `ignore-event' which would simple set prefix-arg to
+       current-prefix-arg, as is done in `handle-switch-frame'.
+       But `handle-switch-frame is not run from the special-map.
+diff -r -p -N -x '*.o' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/macim.m src/macim.m
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/macim.m	1970-01-01 09:00:00.000000000 +0900
+--- src/macim.m	2011-02-28 10:27:05.000000000 +0900
+*** 0 ****
+--- 1,178 ----
++ /* Implementation of Input Method Extension for MacOS X.
++    Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
++    Taiichi Hashimoto <taiichi2 at mac.com>.
++ */
++ #include "config.h"
++ #ifdef NS_IMPL_COCOA
++ #include <math.h>
++ #include <sys/types.h>
++ #include <time.h>
++ #include <signal.h>
++ #include <unistd.h>
++ #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
++ #include "lisp.h"
++ #include "blockinput.h"
++ enum output_method
++ {
++   output_initial,
++   output_termcap,
++   output_x_window,
++   output_msdos_raw,
++   output_w32,
++   output_mac,
++   output_ns
++ } output_method;
++ #include "termhooks.h"
++ #include "keyboard.h"
++ #include "buffer.h"
++ extern Lisp_Object Qcurrent_input_method;
++ extern int cursor_in_echo_area;
++ static Lisp_Object Qmac_keys_passed_to_system;
++ static Lisp_Object Vmac_use_input_method_on_system;
++ void mac_init_input_method ();
++ int mac_pass_key_to_system (int code, int modifiers);
++ int mac_pass_key_directly_to_emacs ();
++ int mac_store_change_input_method_event ();
++ DEFUN ("mac-input-source-is-ascii-capable", Fmac_input_source_is_ascii_capable,
++        Smac_input_source_is_ascii_capable, 0, 0, 0,
++        doc: /* Is current input source ascii capable? */)
++      ()
++ {
++   TISInputSourceRef is = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
++   CFBooleanRef ret = TISGetInputSourceProperty(is, kTISPropertyInputSourceIsASCIICapable);
++   return CFBooleanGetValue(ret)? Qt : Qnil;
++ }
++ DEFUN ("mac-get-input-source-list", Fmac_get_input_source_list,
++        Smac_get_input_source_list, 0, 0, 0,
++        doc: /* get input source list on MacOSX */)
++      ()
++ {
++   NSArray *is_list = (NSArray *)TISCreateInputSourceList(NULL, false);
++   int list_size = [is_list count];
++   Lisp_Object list[list_size];
++   int i;
++   for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++) {
++     TISInputSourceRef is = [is_list objectAtIndex:i];
++     NSString *id = (NSString *)TISGetInputSourceProperty(is, kTISPropertyInputSourceID);
++     list[i] = make_string([id UTF8String],
++ 			  [id lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
++   }
++   return Flist(list_size, list);
++ }
++ DEFUN ("mac-get-current-input-source", Fmac_get_current_input_source,
++        Smac_get_current_input_source, 0, 0, 0,
++        doc: /* get current input source on MacOSX */)
++      ()
++ {
++   TISInputSourceRef is = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
++   NSString *id = (NSString *)TISGetInputSourceProperty(is, kTISPropertyInputSourceID);
++   return make_string([id UTF8String],
++ 		     [id lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
++ }
++ DEFUN ("mac-toggle-input-source", Fmac_toggle_input_source,
++        Smac_toggle_input_source, 1, 1, 0,
++        doc: /* toggle input source on MacOSX */)
++      (arg)
++      Lisp_Object arg;
++ {
++   TISInputSourceRef is = NULL;
++   if (NILP (arg))
++     {
++       is = TISCopyCurrentASCIICapableKeyboardInputSource();
++     }
++   else
++     {
++       NSString *locale = [[NSLocale currentLocale] localeIdentifier];
++       is = TISCopyInputSourceForLanguage(locale);
++     }
++   if (is) TISSelectInputSource(is);
++   return arg;
++ }
++ int
++ mac_store_change_input_method_event ()
++ {
++   Lisp_Object dim;
++   int ret = FALSE;
++   dim = Fsymbol_value (intern ("default-input-method"));
++   if (STRINGP (dim) && strcmp(SDATA (dim), "MacOSX") == 0)
++     {
++       ret = TRUE;
++     }
++   return ret;
++ }
++ int
++ mac_pass_key_to_system (int code, int modifiers)
++ {
++   Lisp_Object keys = Fsymbol_value (Qmac_keys_passed_to_system);
++   Lisp_Object m, k; 
++   while (!NILP (keys))
++     {
++       m = XCAR (XCAR (keys));
++       k = XCDR (XCAR (keys));
++       keys = XCDR (keys);
++       if (NUMBERP (m) && modifiers == XINT (m))
++ 	if (NILP (k)
++ 	    || (NUMBERP (k) && code == XINT (k)))
++ 	  return TRUE;
++     }
++   return FALSE;
++ }
++ int
++ mac_pass_key_directly_to_emacs ()
++ {
++   if (NILP (Fmac_input_source_is_ascii_capable()))
++     {
++       if (NILP (Vmac_use_input_method_on_system)
++ 	  || this_command_key_count 
++ 	  || cursor_in_echo_area 
++ 	  || !NILP (current_buffer->read_only))
++ 	return TRUE;
++     }
++   return FALSE;
++ }
++ void mac_init_input_method ()
++ {
++   Qmac_keys_passed_to_system = intern ("mac-keys-passed-to-system");
++   staticpro (&Qmac_keys_passed_to_system);
++   DEFVAR_LISP ("mac-use-input-method-on-system", &Vmac_use_input_method_on_system,
++                doc: /* If it is non-nil, use input method on system. */);
++   Vmac_use_input_method_on_system = Qt;
++   defsubr (&Smac_input_source_is_ascii_capable);
++   defsubr (&Smac_get_input_source_list);
++   defsubr (&Smac_get_current_input_source);
++   defsubr (&Smac_toggle_input_source);
++ }
++ #endif
+diff -r -p -N -x '*.o' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/nsfns.m src/nsfns.m
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/nsfns.m	2011-01-09 02:45:14.000000000 +0900
+--- src/nsfns.m	2011-02-15 22:24:06.000000000 +0900
+*************** Lisp_Object Fx_open_connection (Lisp_Obj
+*** 103,108 ****
+--- 103,113 ----
+  extern BOOL ns_in_resize;
++ /* key masks */
++ static Lisp_Object Vns_shift_key_mask;
++ static Lisp_Object Vns_control_key_mask;
++ static Lisp_Object Vns_alternate_key_mask;
++ static Lisp_Object Vns_command_key_mask;
+  /* ==========================================================================
+*************** be used as the image of the icon represe
+*** 2632,2637 ****
+--- 2637,2660 ----
+                 doc: /* Toolkit version for NS Windowing.  */);
+    Vns_version_string = ns_appkit_version_str ();
++   DEFVAR_LISP ("ns-shift-key-mask", &Vns_shift_key_mask,
++                doc: /* Shift key mask defined in system. */);
++   Vns_shift_key_mask = make_number (NSShiftKeyMask);
++   DEFVAR_LISP ("ns-control-key-mask", &Vns_control_key_mask,
++                doc: /* Control key mask defined in system. */);
++   Vns_control_key_mask = make_number (NSControlKeyMask);
++   DEFVAR_LISP ("ns-alternate-key-mask", &Vns_alternate_key_mask,
++                doc: /* Alternate key mask defined in system. */);
++   Vns_alternate_key_mask = make_number (NSAlternateKeyMask);
++   DEFVAR_LISP ("ns-command-key-mask", &Vns_command_key_mask,
++                doc: /* Command key mask defined in system. */);
++   Vns_command_key_mask = make_number (NSCommandKeyMask);
+    defsubr (&Sns_read_file_name);
+    defsubr (&Sns_get_resource);
+    defsubr (&Sns_set_resource);
+*************** be used as the image of the icon represe
+*** 2676,2681 ****
+--- 2699,2708 ----
+    defsubr (&Sx_show_tip);
+    defsubr (&Sx_hide_tip);
++ #ifdef NS_IMPL_COCOA
++   mac_init_input_method ();
++ #endif
+    /* used only in fontset.c */
+    check_window_system_func = check_ns;
+diff -r -p -N -x '*.o' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/nsterm.h src/nsterm.h
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/nsterm.h	2011-01-09 02:45:14.000000000 +0900
+--- src/nsterm.h	2011-02-15 22:24:06.000000000 +0900
+*************** typedef unsigned int NSUInteger;
+*** 365,370 ****
+--- 365,372 ----
+  #define KEY_NS_NEW_FRAME               ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|12)
+  #define KEY_NS_TOGGLE_TOOLBAR          ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|13)
+  #define KEY_NS_SHOW_PREFS              ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|14)
++ #define KEY_MAC_CHANGE_INPUT_METHOD    ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|15)
++ #define KEY_NS_PUT_MARKED_TEXT         ((1<<28)|(0<<16)|16)
+  /* could use list to store these, but rest of emacs has a big infrastructure
+     for managing a table of bitmap "records" */
+diff -r -p -N -x '*.o' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/nsterm.m src/nsterm.m
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/nsterm.m	2011-02-09 08:46:22.000000000 +0900
+--- src/nsterm.m	2011-02-15 22:24:06.000000000 +0900
+*************** ns_term_init (Lisp_Object display_name)
+*** 3730,3735 ****
+--- 3730,3738 ----
+    /*   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp
+                                           selector: @selector (logNotification:)
+                                               name: nil object: nil]; */
++   [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: NSApp
++ 					selector: @selector (changeInputMethod:)
++ 						   name: @"AppleSelectedInputSourcesChangedNotification" object: nil];
+    dpyinfo = (struct ns_display_info *)xmalloc (sizeof (struct ns_display_info));
+    bzero (dpyinfo, sizeof (struct ns_display_info));
+*************** ns_term_shutdown (int sig)
+*** 3935,3940 ****
+--- 3938,3955 ----
+      NSLog (@"notification: '%@'", [notification name]);
+  }
++ - (void)changeInputMethod: (NSNotification *)notification
++ {
++   struct frame *emacsframe = SELECTED_FRAME ();
++   if (mac_store_change_input_method_event())
++     {
++       emacs_event->kind = NS_NONKEY_EVENT;
++       emacs_event->code = KEY_MAC_CHANGE_INPUT_METHOD;
++       EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
++     }
++ }
+  - (void)sendEvent: (NSEvent *)theEvent
+  /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+*************** ns_term_shutdown (int sig)
+*** 4488,4510 ****
+               code, fnKeysym, flags, emacs_event->modifiers);
+        /* if it was a function key or had modifiers, pass it directly to emacs */
+!       if (fnKeysym || (emacs_event->modifiers
+!                        && [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] length] > 0))
+! /*[[theEvent characters] length] */
+!         {
+!           emacs_event->kind = NON_ASCII_KEYSTROKE_EVENT;
+!           if (code < 0x20)
+!             code |= (1<<28)|(3<<16);
+!           else if (code == 0x7f)
+!             code |= (1<<28)|(3<<16);
+!           else if (!fnKeysym)
+!             emacs_event->kind = code > 0xFF
+!           emacs_event->code = code;
+!           EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
+!           return;
+!         }
+      }
+    /* if we get here we should send the key for input manager processing */
+--- 4503,4540 ----
+               code, fnKeysym, flags, emacs_event->modifiers);
+        /* if it was a function key or had modifiers, pass it directly to emacs */
+!       /* The function mac_pass_key_directly_to_emacs check special case 
+!          to pass it directly to emacs, such as passwd, read-only buffer, etc. */
+!         if (mac_pass_key_directly_to_emacs ()
+! 	    || fnKeysym
+! 	    || (emacs_event->modifiers
+! 		&& [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] length] > 0))
+! 	  {
+! 	    emacs_event->kind = NON_ASCII_KEYSTROKE_EVENT;
+! 	    if (code < 0x20)
+! 	      code |= (1<<28)|(3<<16);
+! 	    else if (code == 0x7f)
+! 	      code |= (1<<28)|(3<<16);
+! 	    else if (!fnKeysym)
+! 	      emacs_event->kind = code > 0xFF
+! 	    emacs_event->code = code;
+! 	    /* The function mac_pass_key_to_system decides whether it is 
+! 	       passed directly to emacs or not. */
+! 	    if (emacs_event->kind == NON_ASCII_KEYSTROKE_EVENT
+! 		|| !mac_pass_key_to_system (code, flags
+! 					    & (NSShiftKeyMask
+! 					       | NSControlKeyMask
+! 					       | NSAlternateKeyMask
+! 					       | NSCommandKeyMask)))
+! 	      {
+! 		EV_TRAILER (theEvent);
+! 		return;
+! 	      }
+! 	  }
+      }
+    /* if we get here we should send the key for input manager processing */
+*************** ns_term_shutdown (int sig)
+*** 4594,4603 ****
+      NSLog (@"setMarkedText '%@' len =%d range %d from %d", str, [str length],
+             selRange.length, selRange.location);
+-   if (workingText != nil)
+-     [self deleteWorkingText];
+    if ([str length] == 0)
+!     return;
+    if (!emacs_event)
+      return;
+--- 4624,4642 ----
+      NSLog (@"setMarkedText '%@' len =%d range %d from %d", str, [str length],
+             selRange.length, selRange.location);
+    if ([str length] == 0)
+!     {
+!       [self deleteWorkingText];
+!       return;
+!     }
+!   else
+!     {
+!       if (workingText != nil) {
+! 	[workingText release];
+! 	workingText = nil;
+! 	processingCompose = NO;
+!       }
+!     }
+    if (!emacs_event)
+      return;
+*************** ns_term_shutdown (int sig)
+*** 4607,4613 ****
+    ns_working_text = build_string ([workingText UTF8String]);
+    emacs_event->kind = NS_TEXT_EVENT;
+!   emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_PUT_WORKING_TEXT;
+    EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
+  }
+--- 4646,4654 ----
+    ns_working_text = build_string ([workingText UTF8String]);
+    emacs_event->kind = NS_TEXT_EVENT;
+!   emacs_event->code = KEY_NS_PUT_MARKED_TEXT;
+!   emacs_event->arg = Fcons (make_number (selRange.location),
+! 			    Fcons (make_number (selRange.length), Qnil));
+    EV_TRAILER ((id)nil);
+  }
+*************** ns_term_shutdown (int sig)
+*** 4662,4676 ****
+  {
+    NSRect rect;
+    NSPoint pt;
+!   struct window *win = XWINDOW (FRAME_SELECTED_WINDOW (emacsframe));
+    if (NS_KEYLOG)
+      NSLog (@"firstRectForCharRange request");
+    rect.size.width = theRange.length * FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (emacsframe);
+    rect.size.height = FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (emacsframe);
+    pt.x = WINDOW_TEXT_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (win, win->phys_cursor.x);
+    pt.y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (win, win->phys_cursor.y
+!                                        +FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (emacsframe));
+    pt = [self convertPoint: pt toView: nil];
+    pt = [[self window] convertBaseToScreen: pt];
+--- 4703,4725 ----
+  {
+    NSRect rect;
+    NSPoint pt;
+!   //  struct window *win = XWINDOW (FRAME_SELECTED_WINDOW (emacsframe));
+!   struct window *win;
+    if (NS_KEYLOG)
+      NSLog (@"firstRectForCharRange request");
++   if (NILP (Feval (Fcons (intern ("ns-in-echo-area"), Qnil))))
++     win = XWINDOW (FRAME_SELECTED_WINDOW (emacsframe));
++   else if (WINDOWP (echo_area_window))
++     win = XWINDOW (echo_area_window);
++   else
++     win = XWINDOW (FRAME_SELECTED_WINDOW (emacsframe));
+    rect.size.width = theRange.length * FRAME_COLUMN_WIDTH (emacsframe);
+    rect.size.height = FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (emacsframe);
+    pt.x = WINDOW_TEXT_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_X (win, win->phys_cursor.x);
+    pt.y = WINDOW_TO_FRAME_PIXEL_Y (win, win->phys_cursor.y
+!                                        +FRAME_LINE_HEIGHT (emacsframe)+2);
+    pt = [self convertPoint: pt toView: nil];
+    pt = [[self window] convertBaseToScreen: pt];
+diff -r -p -N -x '*.o' ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/s/darwin.h src/s/darwin.h
+*** ../emacs-23.2.94-0/src/s/darwin.h	2011-01-09 02:45:14.000000000 +0900
+--- src/s/darwin.h	2011-02-15 22:24:06.000000000 +0900
+*************** along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http
+*** 163,169 ****
+  /* Definitions for how to compile & link.  */
+  #ifdef HAVE_NS
+! #define LIBS_NSGUI -framework AppKit
+  #define SYSTEM_PURESIZE_EXTRA 200000
+  #define HEADERPAD_EXTRA 6C8
+  #else /* !HAVE_NS */
+--- 163,169 ----
+  /* Definitions for how to compile & link.  */
+  #ifdef HAVE_NS
+! #define LIBS_NSGUI -framework AppKit -framework Carbon
+  #define SYSTEM_PURESIZE_EXTRA 200000
+  #define HEADERPAD_EXTRA 6C8
+  #else /* !HAVE_NS */
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