[100612] trunk/dports/archivers/slimdata/Portfile

macsforever2000 at macports.org macsforever2000 at macports.org
Mon Dec 17 13:05:05 PST 2012

Revision: 100612
Author:   macsforever2000 at macports.org
Date:     2012-12-17 13:05:05 -0800 (Mon, 17 Dec 2012)
Log Message:
slimdata: Update to version 2.6.5. Fix linking errors.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/archivers/slimdata/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/archivers/slimdata/Portfile	2012-12-17 20:53:34 UTC (rev 100611)
+++ trunk/dports/archivers/slimdata/Portfile	2012-12-17 21:05:05 UTC (rev 100612)
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                slimdata
-version             2.6.4
+version             2.6.5
+set download_version                  [join [split ${version} .] _]
 categories          archivers
 platforms           darwin
@@ -12,14 +13,22 @@
 license             LGPL
 description         Fast data compression for scientific data.
-long_description    Slim is a data compression system for scientific data sets, a binary and a library with C linkage. Slim works with integer data from one or more channels in a file, which it can compress more effectively and more rapidly than general tools like gzip.
+long_description    Slim is a data compression system for scientific data sets, a binary and a library with C linkage. Slim works \
+                    with integer data from one or more channels in a file, which it can compress more effectively and more rapidly \
+                    than general tools like gzip.
 homepage            http://slimdata.sourceforge.net/
-distname            slim_${version}
+distname            slim_v${download_version}
+worksrcdir          slim_${version}
 extract.suffix      .tgz
 master_sites        sourceforge
-checksums           md5     3b0496709de3a237f8f896dee965b21c \
-                    sha1    b841cde01895342cfe34c18a41cff762a02019c0 \
-                    rmd160  071a30ab10d28007505c026e83987d1287827ddf
+checksums           rmd160  08d2d4ac4bfacdfcd7ab4bded7f921e393816614 \
+                    sha256  07b32a9487dbc955b1385ffd377bc167cdf846132e9493b892686a295a777099
+post-destroot {
+    system "install_name_tool -change libslim.so.0 ${prefix}/lib/libslim.so.0.0 ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/slim"
+    system "install_name_tool -change libslim.so.0 ${prefix}/lib/libslim.so.0.0 ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/slim_dump"
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