[89513] trunk/dports/kde/kdeutils4

nicos at macports.org nicos at macports.org
Wed Feb 1 08:09:45 PST 2012

Revision: 89513
Author:   nicos at macports.org
Date:     2012-02-01 08:09:42 -0800 (Wed, 01 Feb 2012)
Log Message:
kdeutils4: upgrading to 4.8.0 by making a meta-package with sub-ports from former package

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/kde/kdeutils4/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/kde/kdeutils4/Portfile	2012-02-01 15:58:57 UTC (rev 89512)
+++ trunk/dports/kde/kdeutils4/Portfile	2012-02-01 16:09:42 UTC (rev 89513)
@@ -5,51 +5,43 @@
 PortGroup           kde4   1.1
 name                kdeutils4
-version             4.7.4
-conflicts           kdelibs4-experimental
+version             4.8.0
 categories          kde kde4
-maintainers         snc sharky
-license             BSD GPL-2+ LGPL-2+ GFDL-1.2
-description         Useful utilities provided by KDE4.
-long_description    Useful utilities like an archiving tool and a calculator.
+maintainers         snc sharky nicos
+description         Useful utilities provided by KDE4 - Meta package.
+long_description    Useful utilities like an archiving tool and a calculator. \
+                    This is a meta-port containing the components of the former \
+                    kdeutils package
 platforms           darwin
 homepage            http://www.kde.org
-master_sites        kde:stable/${version}/src/
-use_bzip2           yes
-distname            kdeutils-${version}
-checksums           sha1    4630f01f36558eb5494fc562086fbd4e488e411e \
-                    rmd160  24c3af30a407523bdf853059fc38bfbf6e6d4604
+use_configure       no
+extract {           file mkdir ${worksrcpath}/${name} }
+build               {}
-depends_lib-append  port:kdelibs4 port:kde4-runtime \
-                    port:qca port:qimageblitz port:gmp \
-                    port:mercurial port:git-core \
-                    port:kdepimlibs4 port:kde4-baseapps \
-                    port:libzip port:libarchive
+depends_lib-append  port:ark \
+                    port:kde4-filelight \
+                    port:kcalc \
+                    port:kcharselect \
+                    port:kdiskfree \
+                    port:kgpg \
+                    port:ktimer \
+                    port:kwallet \
+                    port:sweeper \
+                    port:kfloppy
+#                   port:kremotecontrol
+#                   port:ksecrets
+#                   port:superkaramba
+#                   port:printer-applet
-patch.dir           ${workpath}/${distname}
-patchfiles          fix-namespace.diff \
-                    fix-filelight-cache.diff \
-                    fix-filelight-mounts.diff
-configure.args-append   -DWITH_SIP=OFF \
-                        -DBUILD_printer-applet=OFF
-if {![variant_isset doc]} {
-    patchfiles-append   patch-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-ark-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-kcalc-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-kfloppy-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-kdf-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-kcharselect-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-filelight-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-kgpg-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-ktimer-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-kwallet-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
-                        patch-sweeper-CMakeLists.txt.diff
+destroot {
+    # Create a dummy file so the port can be successfully activated
+    xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/kdeutils4
+    set docfile [open ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/kdeutils4/README.${name}.txt "w"]
+    puts $docfile "Meta-port for kdeutils4\n"
+    puts $docfile "${long_description}\n"
+    close $docfile
-universal_variant   no
-livecheck.url       http://kde.mirrors.hoobly.com/stable/latest/src/
-livecheck.regex     kdeutils-(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)${extract.suffix}
+livecheck.type      none
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