[MacPorts] KDEPackages modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed Feb 1 19:10:11 PST 2012

Changed page "KDEPackages" by nicos at macports.org from*
Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEPackages>
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEPackages?action=diff&version=2>
Revision 2

Index: KDEPackages
--- KDEPackages (version: 1)
+++ KDEPackages (version: 2)
@@ -19,3 +19,18 @@
  * svgpart: Svg wrap up for KDE
 '''Note:''' The package should also contain kgamma and ksnapshot, but they rely heavily on X11 and are thus left out at this point.
+= kdeutils4 =
+This packages contains the ports which were all contained in kdeutils prior to KDE 4.8.
+ * ark: Handle file archives
+ * kde4-filelight: Understand usage of disk space (the prefix kde4 is due to an existing port filelight for KDE3)
+ * kcalc: Do scientific calculations
+ * kcharselect: Select special characters from any font
+ * kdiskfree: View free disk space
+ * kgpg: Control your GPG keys
+ * ktimer: Execute programs after some time
+ * kwallet: Manage your passwords on KDE
+ * sweeper: Clean unwanted traces from your system
+ * kfloppy: Format floppy disks
+'''Note:''' The package should also contain kremotecontrol, superkaramba and printer-applet, which are left out at this point, due to compilation problems and use of X11 libraries. Ksecrets is also left out as it is at development stage.


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