[89566] trunk/dports/devel/apr0/Portfile

blair at macports.org blair at macports.org
Thu Feb 2 18:10:06 PST 2012

Revision: 89566
Author:   blair at macports.org
Date:     2012-02-02 18:10:06 -0800 (Thu, 02 Feb 2012)
Log Message:
apr0: convert all tabs to spaces.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/apr0/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/apr0/Portfile	2012-02-03 02:08:19 UTC (rev 89565)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/apr0/Portfile	2012-02-03 02:10:06 UTC (rev 89566)
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
 # $Id$
-PortSystem	1.0
-name		apr0
-version		0.9.20
-categories	devel
-maintainers	blair
-platforms	darwin
-description	The apache group's portability library
+PortSystem      1.0
+name            apr0
+version         0.9.20
+categories      devel
+maintainers     blair
+platforms       darwin
+description     The apache group's portability library
-long_description	The Apache Portable Runtime is a library of C data \
-			structures and routines, forming a system portability \
-			layer that covers as many operating systems as \
-			possible, including Unices, Win32, BeOS, and OS/2.  \
-			This is the old version of APR, the newest version \
-			is in the apr port.
+long_description        The Apache Portable Runtime is a library of C data \
+                        structures and routines, forming a system portability \
+                        layer that covers as many operating systems as \
+                        possible, including Unices, Win32, BeOS, and OS/2.  \
+                        This is the old version of APR, the newest version \
+                        is in the apr port.
-homepage	http://apr.apache.org/
-master_sites	apache:apr
+homepage        http://apr.apache.org/
+master_sites    apache:apr
-distname	apr-${version}
-use_bzip2	yes
+distname        apr-${version}
+use_bzip2       yes
-checksums	md5 6dd59a88ee75b8cdf719a90b5a2f2485 \
-		sha1 74e54308cb2f53082eaa040e76ab03c064250ae8 \
-		rmd160 709f81dee6689580765d4a032c327ea783a3d921
+checksums       md5 6dd59a88ee75b8cdf719a90b5a2f2485 \
+                sha1 74e54308cb2f53082eaa040e76ab03c064250ae8 \
+                rmd160 709f81dee6689580765d4a032c327ea783a3d921
-configure.args	--with-installbuilddir=${prefix}/share/apr-0/build
+configure.args  --with-installbuilddir=${prefix}/share/apr-0/build
-test.run	yes
-test.target	check
-test.env	DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${worksrcpath}/.libs
+test.run        yes
+test.target     check
+test.env        DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${worksrcpath}/.libs
 post-destroot {
-	delete ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/apr.exp
+        delete ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/apr.exp
-livecheck.type	regex
-livecheck.url	http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/
-livecheck.regex	APR (0\\.\[0-9.\]+)
+livecheck.type  regex
+livecheck.url   http://www.apache.org/dist/apr/
+livecheck.regex APR (0\\.\[0-9.\]+)
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