[89949] trunk/dports/science/ompl

mmoll at macports.org mmoll at macports.org
Thu Feb 16 09:38:08 PST 2012

Revision: 89949
Author:   mmoll at macports.org
Date:     2012-02-16 09:38:08 -0800 (Thu, 16 Feb 2012)
Log Message:
science/ompl: update to version 0.10.0

Modified Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/science/ompl/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/ompl/Portfile	2012-02-16 17:37:23 UTC (rev 89948)
+++ trunk/dports/science/ompl/Portfile	2012-02-16 17:38:08 UTC (rev 89949)
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 PortGroup cmake 1.0
 name                ompl
-version             0.9.5
-revision            2
+version             0.10.0
 categories          science
 maintainers         mmoll
 description         The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL)
@@ -15,46 +14,45 @@
 platforms           darwin
 license             BSD
 master_sites        sourceforge
-checksums           md5     8d8553ff36ae7f248c98f38b4a52c858 \
-                    sha1    9b5e8e27ba357b1a212ce8486e1551aab921bf53 \
-                    rmd160  7c657501c3df98111c0a2030ada2b0fc6263abc0
+checksums           md5     85a8804cf3b02ee263c90806933563d1 \
+                    sha1    f5afe8a6deb8cf8462fbbb519a59bc230e7a5876 \
+                    rmd160  468634919783aeb3539a49e654d7f50d8e8da52c
 distname            ${name}-${version}-Source
-patchfiles          patch-src-ompl-extensions-ode-src-ODEEnvironment.cpp.diff
-patch.pre_args      -p1
 depends_lib-append  port:boost port:ode
-test.run            yes
+pre-build {
+    system "cd ${worksrcpath}; ${build.cmd} update_bindings"
-# The +app variant includes all the content of the regular OMPL version, but 
+# The +app variant includes all the content of the regular OMPL version, but
 # adds a simple GUI and an extra library with bindings to the assimp and pqp
-# libraries. The cascade of dependencies due to pyqt4 is rather large, so by 
-# default the +app variant is not enabled. Also, the additions to OMPL in 
+# libraries. The cascade of dependencies due to pyqt4 is rather large, so by
+# default the +app variant is not enabled. Also, the additions to OMPL in
 # this variant are distributed under a slightly different license than the
 # regular OMPL version.
 variant app description {Include GUI and extra demo code} {
     distname            omplapp-${version}-Source
-    patch.pre_args      -p0
+    # Due to an internal compiler error. Seems to be fixed in clang 3.1svn.
     if {${configure.compiler} == "clang"} {
         configure.compiler "llvm-gcc-4.2"
-    license             multiple
+    license             noncommercial
     pre-extract {
         ui_warn "The +app variant causes some extra code to be compiled that is
-distributed under the Rice University Software Distribution License. For 
+distributed under the Rice University Software Distribution License. For
 details, please read:
-    depends_lib-append  port:assimp port:pqp
-    checksums           md5     6cf145389e2d13dea1b0047028a38ade \
-                        sha1    d6c86c0f82d5f921e5457b8b1ce62b114c5735f1 \
-                        rmd160  928d7ed076d22a238f1c90d7dad2690a7a41962c
+    depends_lib-append  port:assimp port:pqp port:libann port:libccd
+    checksums           md5     1a31423551c422e2d256ebbafc0cab06 \
+                        sha1    756c8908a6ab225c8e440fbc989b462efbe45c24 \
+                        rmd160  45bbb3982e1eb1dcda5ee6fb717d33ac099991c6
 variant python26 description {Use python2.6 for python bindings} conflicts python27 {
     depends_build-append    port:py26-pyplusplus-devel
     depends_lib-append      port:python26
-    build.target            update_bindings all
     configure.args-append   -DPYTHON_EXEC=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
     if { [variant_isset app] } {
         depends_lib-append      port:py26-pyqt4 port:py26-opengl
@@ -69,7 +67,6 @@
 variant python27 description {Use python2.7 for python bindings} conflicts python26 {
     depends_build-append    port:py27-pyplusplus-devel
     depends_lib-append      port:python27
-    build.target            update_bindings all
     configure.args-append   -DPYTHON_EXEC=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
     if { [variant_isset app] } {
         depends_lib-append  port:py27-pyqt4 port:py27-opengl
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