[89970] trunk/base/src/port1.0/portmain.tcl

jberry at macports.org jberry at macports.org
Fri Feb 17 10:24:25 PST 2012

Revision: 89970
Author:   jberry at macports.org
Date:     2012-02-17 10:24:25 -0800 (Fri, 17 Feb 2012)
Log Message:
Improve detection and checking for an Xcode installation:

 - If xcode-select is present, verify that its setting is correct
 - If it's not correct, ask the user to select their xcode installation
   using xcode-select, giving them some likely looking possibilities
   found using mdfind.
 - If xcode-select is not present, verify that /Developer looks okay.
 - If not, ask them to install Xcode.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/base/src/port1.0/portmain.tcl
--- trunk/base/src/port1.0/portmain.tcl	2012-02-17 17:54:43 UTC (rev 89969)
+++ trunk/base/src/port1.0/portmain.tcl	2012-02-17 18:24:25 UTC (rev 89970)
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
 namespace eval portmain {
 # define options
 options prefix name version revision epoch categories maintainers \
         long_description description homepage notes license \
@@ -144,10 +146,81 @@
 default compiler.cpath {${prefix}/include}
 default compiler.library_path {${prefix}/lib}
+proc is_valid_developer_dir { dir } {
+	# Check whether specified directory looks valid for an Xcode installation
+	# Verify that the directory exists
+	if {![file isdirectory $dir]} {
+		return 0
+	}
+	# Verify that the directory has some key subdirectories
+	foreach subdir {Headers Library usr} {
+		if {![file isdirectory "${dir}/${subdir}"]} {
+			return 0
+		}
+	}
+	# The specified directory seems valid for Xcode
+	return 1
+proc get_xcode_suggestions {} {
+	# Ask mdfind where Xcode is
+	set result ""
+    if {![catch {set mdfind [binaryInPath mdfind]}]} {
+    	set result [exec $mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == 'com.apple.dt.Xcode'"]
+	}
+	return $result
 proc portmain::get_developer_dir {} {
-    if {![catch {binaryInPath xcode-select}]} {
-        return [exec xcode-select -print-path 2> /dev/null]
+	set devdir ""
+	# Look for xcodeselect, and make sure it has a valid value
+    if {![catch {set xcodeselect [binaryInPath xcode-select]}]} {
+		# We have xcodeselect: ask it where xcode is
+    	set devdir [exec $xcodeselect -print-path 2> /dev/null]
+		# If the the directory is valid, use it
+    	if {[is_valid_developer_dir $devdir]} {
+    		return $devdir
+    	}
+    	# The directory from xcodeselect isn't correct.
+    	# Make some suggestions for the user
+    	set installed_xcodes [get_xcode_suggestions]
+    	if {[llength $installed_xcodes] == 0} {
+    		# No installed Xcodes found
+    		ui_error "No Xcode installation was found; please install Xcode"
+    	} else {
+    		# One, or more than one, Xcode installations found
+    		ui_error "No valid Xcode installation is properly selected"
+    		ui_error
+    		ui_error "Please use xcode-select to select an Xcode version:"
+    		foreach xcode $installed_xcodes {
+    			ui_error "    sudo xcode-select -switch ${xcode}"
+    		}
+    		ui_error
+    	}
+    # xcode-select wasn't found, look for Xcode at /Developer
+    set devdir "/Developer"
+    if {[is_valid_developer_dir $devdir]} {
+    	return $devdir
+    }
+    ui_error
+	ui_error "No valid Xcode installation was found: please install Xcode"
+    ui_error
+    # We return /Developer here even though we know it's wrong. Abort instead?
     return "/Developer"
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