[89059] trunk/dports/net/mldonkey

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Jan 18 19:04:53 PST 2012

Revision: 89059
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2012-01-18 19:04:52 -0800 (Wed, 18 Jan 2012)
Log Message:
mldonkey: update to 3.1.0; ensure we're UsingTheRightCompiler; fix non-portable use of 'echo -n' and 'echo -e' in configure script; rewrite master_sites to avoid redirects

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/Portfile	2012-01-19 01:51:29 UTC (rev 89058)
+++ trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/Portfile	2012-01-19 03:04:52 UTC (rev 89059)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 PortSystem          1.0
 name                mldonkey
-version             3.0.7
+version             3.1.0
 categories          net
 platforms           darwin
 maintainers         nomaintainer
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
                     clients concurrently.
 homepage            http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/
-master_sites        sourceforge
+master_sites        sourceforge:project/mldonkey/mldonkey/${version}
 use_bzip2           yes
-checksums           sha1    5d703f4a35650a8e8512acf44730653faebf843c \
-                    rmd160  37adfaf8012772c2df8f588169501f0515ae1d75
+checksums           rmd160  69c2bf1937bb2a782166a3b08d87e4537ec03eea \
+                    sha256  fd0f132a1bea96c9dfa2f7837278c8ccbbb703efc2c7ac48386b5103a1450308
 depends_build       port:pkgconfig
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
                     port:libiconv \
+patchfiles          patch-Makefile.diff \
+                    patch-config-configure.diff
 # ocaml is not universal
 universal_variant   no
@@ -58,5 +60,3 @@
 configure.args      --enable-gui=newgui2
-configure.cc        gcc

Added: trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/files/patch-Makefile.diff
--- trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/files/patch-Makefile.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/files/patch-Makefile.diff	2012-01-19 03:04:52 UTC (rev 89059)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- Makefile.orig	2011-08-08 00:11:57.000000000 -0500
++++ Makefile	2012-01-18 20:59:40.000000000 -0600
+@@ -5447,7 +5447,7 @@
+ .mlcpp.ml:
+-	@cpp -P $< $(FIX_BROKEN_CPP) > $@
++	@$(CPP) -x c -P $< $(FIX_BROKEN_CPP) > $@
+ %.ml: %.mlp $(BITSTRING)/pa_bitstring.cmo
+ 	$(CAMLP4OF) build/bitstring.cma $(BITSTRING)/bitstring_persistent.cmo $(BITSTRING)/pa_bitstring.cmo -impl $< -o $@

Added: trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/files/patch-config-configure.diff
--- trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/files/patch-config-configure.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/net/mldonkey/files/patch-config-configure.diff	2012-01-19 03:04:52 UTC (rev 89059)
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+--- config/configure.orig	2011-08-08 00:11:57.000000000 -0500
++++ config/configure	2012-01-18 20:52:17.000000000 -0600
+@@ -4198,7 +4198,8 @@
+-echo -e "\n--------------------------------"
++echo "--------------------------------"
+ echo "     Checking system tools."
+ echo "--------------------------------"
+@@ -4667,8 +4668,8 @@
+ echo "----------------------------------------"
+ echo "     Checking system tools finished."
+-echo -e "----------------------------------------\n"
++echo "----------------------------------------"
+ echo "--------------------------------"
+ echo "     Checking Ocaml compiler."
+ echo "--------------------------------"
+@@ -5447,7 +5448,8 @@
+ fi
+-echo -e "\n----------------------------------"
++echo "----------------------------------"
+ echo "     Checking system headers."
+ echo "----------------------------------"
+@@ -6288,7 +6290,8 @@
+ echo "-------------------------------------------"
+ echo "     Checking system headers finished."
+-echo -e "-------------------------------------------\n"
++echo "-------------------------------------------"
+ echo "-----------------------------------"
+ echo "     Checking system libraries."
+ echo "-----------------------------------"
+@@ -8548,7 +8551,8 @@
+ echo "---------------------------------------------"
+ echo "     Checking system libraries finished."
+-echo -e "---------------------------------------------\n"
++echo "---------------------------------------------"
+@@ -10761,17 +10765,19 @@
+ cd ..
+-echo -e "\nBuilding dependencies (if it blocks, try '$GNU_MAKE depend' to see the problem)"
++echo "Building dependencies (if it blocks, try '$GNU_MAKE depend' to see the problem)"
+ $GNU_MAKE depend 2> /dev/null > /dev/null || echo "Building dependencies fails: try: '$GNU_MAKE depend'"
+-echo -e -n "\nConfiguring MLDonkey" $MLDONKEY_VERSION
++printf "\nConfiguring MLDonkey $MLDONKEY_VERSION"
+ if test ! -z "$SCM_VERSION"; then
+-  echo -n " - SCM: $SCM_VERSION"
++  printf " - SCM: $SCM_VERSION"
+ fi
+ echo " completed."
+-echo -e "\nNetwork modules:"
+-echo -n " - eDonkey           "
++echo "Network modules:"
++printf " - eDonkey           "
+ if test "$DONKEY" = "yes"; then
+   if test "$DONKEY_SUI" = "yes"; then
+     echo "enabled (eMule SUI enabled)"
+@@ -10782,119 +10788,120 @@
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - BitTorrent        "
++printf " - BitTorrent        "
+ if test "$BITTORRENT" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - FileTP (aka wget) "
++printf " - FileTP (aka wget) "
+ if test "$FILETP" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - Fasttrack         "
++printf " - Fasttrack         "
+ if test "$FASTTRACK" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - Gnutella          "
++printf " - Gnutella          "
+ if test "$GNUTELLA" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled (warning: this network module is unmaintained)"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled - unmaintained"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - Gnutella2         "
++printf " - Gnutella2         "
+ if test "$GNUTELLA2" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled (warning: this network module is unmaintained)"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled - unmaintained"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - Direct Connect    "
++printf " - Direct Connect    "
+ if test "$DIRECT_CONNECT" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - Open Napster      "
++printf " - Open Napster      "
+ if test "$OPEN_NAPSTER" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled          - currently not usable"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled - currently not usable"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - Soulseek          "
++printf " - Soulseek          "
+ if test "$SOULSEEK" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled          - currently not usable"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled - currently not usable"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - OpenFT            "
++printf " - OpenFT            "
+ if test "$OPENFT" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled          - currently not usable"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled - currently not usable"
+ fi
+-echo -e "\nCore features:"
++echo "Core features:"
+ echo " - zlib (required)   enabled"
+-echo -n " - threads           "
++printf " - threads           "
+ if test "$USE_PTHREAD" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - bzip2             "
++printf " - bzip2             "
+ if test "$BZIP2" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - iconv             "
++printf " - iconv             "
+ if test "$ICONV" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - libmagic          "
++printf " - libmagic          "
+ if test "$MAGIC" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - upnp & natpmp     "
++printf " - upnp & natpmp     "
+ if test "$UPNP_NATPMP" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+ else
+   echo "        disabled"
+ fi
+-echo -n " - graphical stats   "
++printf " - graphical stats   "
+ if test "$GD" = "yes"; then
+   echo "enabled"
+-  echo -n "   - png support     "
++  printf "   - png support     "
+   if test "$GD_PNG" = "yes"; then
+     echo "enabled"
+   else
+     echo "        disabled"
+   fi
+-  echo -n "   - jpg support     "
++  printf "   - jpg support     "
+   if test "$GD_JPG" = "yes"; then
+     echo "enabled"
+   else
+@@ -10905,7 +10912,7 @@
+ fi
+ if test "$LABLGTK_CONFIG" = "yes"; then
+-  echo -n -e "\n - GUI support       "
++  printf "\n - GUI support       "
+   if test "$GUI" = "newgui1"; then
+     echo "GTK1 newgui"
+   else
+@@ -10925,17 +10932,21 @@
+   OCAML_TYPE="- byte code"
+   COMPILE_TARGET=".byte"
+ fi
+-echo -e "\nCompilers:"
+-echo -e " - Ocaml version     $OCAMLVERSION $OCAML_TYPE"
+-echo -e " - $CC version       $CC_VERSION"
++echo "Compilers:"
++echo " - Ocaml version     $OCAMLVERSION $OCAML_TYPE"
++echo " - $CC version       $CC_VERSION"
+ if test "x$CXX" != "x"; then
+-  echo -e " - $CXX version       $CXX_VERSION"
++  echo " - $CXX version       $CXX_VERSION"
+ fi
+-echo -e "\nNow execute '$GNU_MAKE' to start compiling. Good luck!"
++echo "Now execute '$GNU_MAKE' to start compiling. Good luck!"
+-echo -e "\nTo compile a static code execute:     $GNU_MAKE mlnet$COMPILE_TARGET.static"
++echo      "To compile a static code execute:     $GNU_MAKE mlnet$COMPILE_TARGET.static"
+ echo      "To produce a release tarball execute: $GNU_MAKE release.mlnet.static"
+ echo      "To clean the build directory execute: $GNU_MAKE maintainerclean"
+ if test "$DONKEY_SUI" = "yes"; then
+-  echo -e "\nCompiling CryptoPP.cc can take several minutes, on slow machines up to half an hour."
++  echo
++  echo "Compiling CryptoPP.cc can take several minutes, on slow machines up to half an hour."
+ fi
-------------- next part --------------
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