[89144] trunk/dports/python
singingwolfboy at macports.org
singingwolfboy at macports.org
Thu Jan 19 14:13:44 PST 2012
Revision: 89144
Author: singingwolfboy at macports.org
Date: 2012-01-19 14:13:43 -0800 (Thu, 19 Jan 2012)
Log Message:
unified py*-pylons and updated to 1.0.1rc1
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/python/py-pylons/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/python/py26-pylons/Portfile 2012-01-19 20:26:01 UTC (rev 89123)
+++ trunk/dports/python/py-pylons/Portfile 2012-01-19 22:13:43 UTC (rev 89144)
@@ -1,42 +1,48 @@
# $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup python26 1.0
+PortSystem 1.0
+PortGroup python 1.0
-name py26-pylons
-version 1.0
-maintainers perry openmaintainer
-platforms darwin
+name py-pylons
+set real_name Pylons
+version 1.0.1rc1
+python.versions 24 25 26 27
+categories-append devel
+platforms darwin
+license BSD
+maintainers singingwolfboy openmaintainer
+description Pylons Web Framework
+long_description \
+ The Pylons web framework is designed for building web applications and sites \
+ in an easy and concise manner. They can range from as small as a single Python \
+ module, to a substantial directory layout for larger and more complex web \
+ applications. \n\n\
+ \
+ Pylons comes with project templates that help boot-strap a new web application \
+ project, or you can start from scratch and set things up exactly as desired.
-description Pylons is a lightweight web framework emphasizing \
- flexibility and rapid development.
-long_description ${description}
-license BSD
-homepage http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pylons/
+homepage http://www.pylonsproject.org/
+master_sites http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/${real_name}
+distname ${real_name}-${version}
+checksums rmd160 1079ef300f4a8839b2ea479163617c001f7278a9 \
+ sha256 d5b643b5021457fe7d2f6bb777c2eae85026e557289ef5421e37ae6f5696da33
-livecheck.regex {/Pylons/(.+)"}
-livecheck.type regex
-livecheck.url ${homepage}
-depends_build-append port:py26-distribute
-depends_lib-append \
- port:py26-beaker \
- port:py26-decorator \
- port:py26-formencode \
- port:py26-mako \
- port:py26-nose \
- port:py26-paste \
- port:py26-pastedeploy \
- port:py26-pastescript \
- port:py26-routes \
- port:py26-simplejson \
- port:py26-tempita \
- port:py26-weberror \
- port:py26-webhelpers \
- port:py26-webob \
- port:py26-webtest
-distname Pylons-${version}
-master_sites http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/Pylons/
-checksums rmd160 7d33c3656096780839ccb723ea2fb9107a82fd63
+if {$name != $subport} {
+ depends_lib port:py${python.version}-distribute \
+ port:py${python.version}-routes \
+ port:py${python.version}-webhelpers \
+ port:py${python.version}-beaker \
+ port:py${python.version}-paste \
+ port:py${python.version}-pastedeploy \
+ port:py${python.version}-pastescript \
+ port:py${python.version}-formencode \
+ port:py${python.version}-simplejson \
+ port:py${python.version}-decorator \
+ port:py${python.version}-nose \
+ port:py${python.version}-mako \
+ port:py${python.version}-weberror \
+ port:py${python.version}-webtest \
+ port:py${python.version}-tempita \
+ port:py${python.version}-markupsafe \
+ port:py${python.version}-webob
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