[89328] trunk/dports/net/gpsd/Portfile

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Tue Jan 24 23:54:51 PST 2012

Revision: 89328
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2012-01-24 23:54:51 -0800 (Tue, 24 Jan 2012)
Log Message:
gpsd: update to 3.4

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/net/gpsd/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/net/gpsd/Portfile	2012-01-25 06:46:02 UTC (rev 89327)
+++ trunk/dports/net/gpsd/Portfile	2012-01-25 07:54:51 UTC (rev 89328)
@@ -4,13 +4,11 @@
 PortSystem              1.0
 if {[variant_isset qt]} {
 PortGroup               qt4 1.0
 name                    gpsd
-version                 2.95
+version                 3.4
 license                 BSD
 categories              net
 maintainers             nomaintainer
@@ -23,84 +21,45 @@
                         a well-documented JSON application.
 homepage                http://www.catb.org/${name}/
-master_sites            http://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/${name}/
+master_sites            savannah
-checksums               sha1    af1f575c8ec3a2db7a71c35f2296fd339a4a1ff3 \
-                        rmd160  c9e8d3b7ff73c655d65f0f6e329ca7ff241b10f6
+checksums               rmd160 f7cddc018b5b6834a097bbefbddb2b0a3844b203 \
+                        sha256 79f7de9ead63c7f5d2c9a92e85b5f82e53323c4d451ef8e27ea265ac3ef9a70f
-depends_lib-append      port:ncurses
+depends_lib-append      port:ncurses port:python27
+depends_build-append    port:scons
-patchfiles              patch-Makefile.in.diff
+patchfiles              SConstruct.patch
-post-patch {
-    # fix up configure for LIBUSB variant
-    if {![variant_isset libusb]} {
-        reinplace "s at pkg_failed=no at pkg_failed=yes at 1" \
-            ${worksrcpath}/configure
-    }
+use_configure           no
-# rely on CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH instead
-configure.ldflags-delete "-L${prefix}/lib"
-configure.cppflags-delete "-I${prefix}/include"
+build.cmd               ${prefix}/bin/scons
+build.args              prefix=${prefix} libQgpsmm=no usb=no strip=no
+build.env-append        CC="${configure.cc}" CFLAGS="${configure.cflags}" \
+                        CXX="${configure.cxx}" CXXFLAGS="${configure.cxxflags}" \
+                        LDFLAGS="${configure.ldflags}" \
+                        PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-post-destroot {
-    # fix up Python install egg-info filename
-    set eggdir [exec find ${destroot}${prefix}/lib \
-                    -name "*.egg*" | sed -e "s@/\[^ /\]*\.egg-info@@"]
-    set eggfile [exec find ${eggdir} -name "*.egg*"]
-    move ${eggfile} ${eggdir}/gps.egg-info
+destroot.args           ${build.args}
+eval destroot.env-append ${destroot.destdir} ${build.env}
-variant qt description {Build Qt bindings} {}
-if {![variant_isset qt]} {
-    configure.args-append --disable-libQgpsmm
+variant qt description {Build Qt bindings} {
+    build.args-delete libQgpsmm=no
 variant libusb \
 description {Include support for better USB device discovery} {
     depends_build-append port:pkgconfig
     depends_lib-append   port:libusb
+    build.args-delete    usb=no
 variant dbus description {Include support for DBUS} {
     depends_lib-append    port:dbus-glib
-    configure.args-append --enable-dbus
+    build.args-append dbus=yes dbus_export=yes
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-    configure.python      ${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-    depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-    configure.python      ${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-    depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-    configure.python      ${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-    depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-    default_variants +python26
-# make sure -python26 is not alone
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-    return -code error \
-        "\n\nThe variant -python26 will not work alone.
-Please select one of +python25, +python26, or +python27 as a variant."
 livecheck.type          regex
 livecheck.url           [lindex ${master_sites} 0]
 livecheck.regex         "${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"
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