[91336] trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d

jeremyhu at macports.org jeremyhu at macports.org
Thu Mar 29 19:54:02 PDT 2012

Revision: 91336
Author:   jeremyhu at macports.org
Date:     2012-03-29 19:54:01 -0700 (Thu, 29 Mar 2012)
Log Message:
Xaw3d: Bump to 1.6.2

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/Portfile	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/Portfile	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name            Xaw3d
-version         1.6.1
-revision        2
+version         1.6.2
 categories      x11 devel
 license         X11
 maintainers     jeremyhu openmaintainer
@@ -15,9 +14,9 @@
 master_sites     xorg:individual/lib/
 distname    libXaw3d-${version}
-checksums           sha1    e8da0b904459af6e769b0fb2c9bc34a560126e86 \
-                    rmd160  49a689a449bdcac07dfb261498285f3c4f909d00 \
-                    sha256  9cd43caabb9e17d7d06c6e156cace9f7b7849c60662f61561dbf44c1eea10971
+checksums           sha1    0b1db72e9d5be0edae57cda213860c0289fac12f \
+                    rmd160  0837e67bcae5e7191f1fef5522d572cc3b397d1d \
+                    sha256  b74f11681061c1492c03cbbe6e318f9635b3877af0761fc0e67e1467c3a6972b
 use_bzip2   yes
 use_parallel_build      yes
@@ -31,15 +30,9 @@
 patch.pre_args -p1
 patchfiles \
-        0001-Fix-parameters-of-FloatInRange.patch \
-        0002-Fix-use-after-free-in-DestroyAllIM.patch \
-        0003-Correct-XtNthumbProc-usage.patch \
-        0004-Avoid-integer-overflow.patch \
-        0005-Add-XawTextGetSink-for-compatibility-with-libXaw.patch \
-        0006-Xaw3d-1.6.1-i18n.patch.patch \
-        0007-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch \
-        0008-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch \
-        0009-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch \
+    0001-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch \
+    0002-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch \
+    0003-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch
 configure.args \

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0001-Fix-parameters-of-FloatInRange.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0001-Fix-parameters-of-FloatInRange.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0001-Fix-parameters-of-FloatInRange.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-From 7fd6427bc3016e9666a587386779952cf8979f09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matt Turner <mattst88 at gmail.com>
-Date: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 14:26:06 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Fix parameters of FloatInRange
-Introduced in f6cd786d1.
-Reported-by: Jean-Pierre Demailly <Jean-Pierre.Demailly at ujf-grenoble.fr>
-Signed-off-by: Matt Turner <mattst88 at gmail.com>
- src/Scrollbar.c |    2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c
-index be74ed3..5667327 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c
-@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ InRange(int num, int small, int big)
-  */
- static float
--FloatInRange(int num, int small, int big)
-+FloatInRange(float num, float small, float big)
- {
-     return (num < small) ? small : ((num > big) ? big : num);
- }

Added: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0001-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0001-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0001-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+From f8517736f51320de0b8a02e82c5507a6ea28d407 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
+Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:08:38 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch
+ src/Label.c |   66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
+ 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Label.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Label.c
+index e8743c5..c345573 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Label.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Label.c
+@@ -418,9 +418,16 @@ GetgrayGC(LabelWidget lw)
+ static void
+ compute_bitmap_offsets (LabelWidget lw)
+ {
+-    if (lw->label.lbm_height != 0)
+-	lw->label.lbm_y = (lw->core.height - lw->label.lbm_height) / 2;
+-    else
++    /*
++     * bitmap will be eventually be displayed at 
++     * (internal_width, internal_height + lbm_y)
++     */
++    if (lw->label.lbm_height != 0) {
++	lw->label.lbm_y = (lw->core.height -
++			   (lw->threeD.shadow_width * 2 +
++			    lw->label.internal_height * 2 +
++			    lw->label.lbm_height)) / 2;
++    } else
+ 	lw->label.lbm_y = 0;
+ }
+@@ -446,9 +453,11 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+ {
+     LabelWidget lw = (LabelWidget) new;
++#if 0
+     /* disable shadows if we're not a subclass of Command */
+     if (!XtIsSubclass(new, commandWidgetClass))
+ 	lw->threeD.shadow_width = 0;
+     if (lw->label.label == NULL)
+         lw->label.label = XtNewString(lw->core.name);
+@@ -462,18 +471,20 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+     if (lw->core.height == 0)
+ 	lw->core.height = lw->label.label_height +
+-				2 * lw->label.internal_height;
++			  2 * lw->label.internal_height +
++			  2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width;
+     set_bitmap_info(lw);  /* req's core.height, sets label.lbm_* */
+     if (lw->label.lbm_height > lw->label.label_height)
+ 	lw->core.height = lw->label.lbm_height +
+-				2 * lw->label.internal_height;
++			  2 * lw->label.internal_height;
+     if (lw->core.width == 0)
+         lw->core.width = lw->label.label_width +
+-				2 * lw->label.internal_width +
+-				LEFT_OFFSET(lw);  /* req's label.lbm_width */
++			 2 * lw->label.internal_width +
++			 2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width +
++			 LEFT_OFFSET(lw);	/* req's label.lbm_width */
+     lw->label.label_x = lw->label.label_y = 0;
+     (*XtClass(new)->core_class.resize) ((Widget)lw);
+@@ -551,14 +562,16 @@ Redisplay(Widget gw, XEvent *event, Region region)
+ 	    if (w->label.depth == 1)
+ 		XCopyPlane(XtDisplay(gw), pm, XtWindow(gw), gc, 0, 0,
+ 			   w->label.lbm_width, w->label.lbm_height,
+-			   (int) w->label.internal_width,
+-			   (int) w->label.lbm_y,
++			   (int) w->label.internal_width + w->threeD.shadow_width,
++			   (int) w->label.internal_height + w->threeD.shadow_width
++				 + w->label.lbm_y,
+ 			   (unsigned long) 1L);
+ 	    else
+ 		XCopyArea(XtDisplay(gw), pm, XtWindow(gw), gc, 0, 0,
+ 			  w->label.lbm_width, w->label.lbm_height,
+-			  (int) w->label.internal_width,
+-			  (int) w->label.lbm_y);
++			  (int) w->label.internal_width + w->threeD.shadow_width,
++			  (int) w->label.internal_height + w->threeD.shadow_width
++				+ w->label.lbm_y);
+ 	}
+@@ -648,14 +661,17 @@ _Reposition(LabelWidget lw, Dimension width, Dimension height,
+             Position *dx, Position *dy)
+ {
+     Position newPos;
+-    Position leftedge = lw->label.internal_width + LEFT_OFFSET(lw);
++    Position leftedge = lw->label.internal_width + LEFT_OFFSET(lw) +
++			lw->threeD.shadow_width;
+     switch (lw->label.justify) {
+ 	case XtJustifyLeft:
+ 	    newPos = leftedge;
+ 	    break;
+ 	case XtJustifyRight:
+-	    newPos = width - lw->label.label_width - lw->label.internal_width;
++	    newPos = width - (lw->label.label_width + lw->label.internal_width +
++			      lw->threeD.shadow_width);
+ 	    break;
+ 	case XtJustifyCenter:
+ 	default:
+@@ -747,17 +763,20 @@ SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *nu
+     if (newlw->label.resize && was_resized) {
+ 	if (curlw->core.height == reqlw->core.height && !checks[HEIGHT])
+ 	    newlw->core.height = newlw->label.label_height +
+-				2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
++				 2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
++				 2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
+ 	set_bitmap_info (newlw);  /* req's core.height, sets label.lbm_* */
+ 	if (newlw->label.lbm_height > newlw->label.label_height)
+ 	    newlw->core.height = newlw->label.lbm_height +
+-					2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
++				 2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
++				 2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
+ 	if (curlw->core.width == reqlw->core.width && !checks[WIDTH])
+ 	    newlw->core.width = newlw->label.label_width +
+ 				2 * newlw->label.internal_width +
++				2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width +
+ 				LEFT_OFFSET(newlw);  /* req's label.lbm_width */
+     }
+@@ -766,15 +785,20 @@ SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *nu
+ 	if (checks[HEIGHT]) {
+ 	    if (newlw->label.label_height > newlw->label.lbm_height)
+ 		i = newlw->label.label_height +
+-			2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
++		    2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
++		    2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
+ 	    else
+-		i = newlw->label.lbm_height + 2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
++		i = newlw->label.lbm_height +
++		    2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
++		    2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
+ 	    if (i > newlw->core.height)
+ 		newlw->core.height = i;
+ 	}
+ 	if (checks[WIDTH]) {
+-	    i = newlw->label.label_width + 2 * newlw->label.internal_width +
+-			LEFT_OFFSET(newlw);  /* req's label.lbm_width */
++	    i = newlw->label.label_width +
++		2 * newlw->label.internal_width +
++		2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width +
++		LEFT_OFFSET(newlw);		    /* req's label.lbm_width */
+ 	    if (i > newlw->core.width)
+ 		newlw->core.width = i;
+ 	}
+@@ -845,9 +869,11 @@ QueryGeometry(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *intended, XtWidgetGeometry *preferred)
+     preferred->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
+     preferred->width = (lw->label.label_width +
+ 			    2 * lw->label.internal_width +
++			    2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width +
+ 			    LEFT_OFFSET(lw));
+     preferred->height = lw->label.label_height +
+-			    2 * lw->label.internal_height;
++			    2 * lw->label.internal_height +
++			    2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width;
+     if (  ((intended->request_mode & (CWWidth | CWHeight))
+ 	   	== (CWWidth | CWHeight)) &&
+ 	  intended->width == preferred->width &&

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0002-Fix-use-after-free-in-DestroyAllIM.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0002-Fix-use-after-free-in-DestroyAllIM.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0002-Fix-use-after-free-in-DestroyAllIM.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From c3dd42dbd2aaf95d2a1d08a52d9c2e7056ef7ac9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Matt Turner <mattst88 at gmail.com>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 16:48:23 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Fix use-after-free in DestroyAllIM
-Fixes segmentation fault when closing gv.
-Found at http://gitorious.org/xaw3d/xaw3d/commit/23b3ca50395f180cba4a923eb8827dcc961629da
-Fixes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406487
-Reviewed-by: Jeremy Huddleston <jeremyhu at apple.com>
-Signed-off-by: Matt Turner <mattst88 at gmail.com>
- src/XawIm.c |    2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/XawIm.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/XawIm.c
-index 82a94b1..00562b5 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/XawIm.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/XawIm.c
-@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@ DestroyAllIM(XawVendorShellExtPart *ve)
-     /*
-      * Close Input Method
-      */
--    CloseIM(ve);
-     if (!XFindContext(XDisplayOfIM(ve->im.xim), (Window)ve->im.xim, errContext,
- 		      (XPointer*)&contextErrData)) {
- 	if (contextErrData) XtFree((char *)contextErrData);
-     }
-     XDeleteContext(XDisplayOfIM(ve->im.xim), (Window)ve->im.xim, errContext);
-+    CloseIM(ve);
-     ve->im.xim = NULL;
-     /*

Added: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0002-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0002-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0002-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+From 7fb0cb0670041a2d8c591af2e95ca8c4306d840c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
+Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:09:41 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch
+ src/AsciiSink.c |    2 ++
+ src/Command.c   |    2 ++
+ src/List.c      |    2 ++
+ src/SmeBSB.c    |    2 ++
+ src/Tip.c       |    2 ++
+ 5 files changed, 10 insertions(+)
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/AsciiSink.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/AsciiSink.c
+index c14306e..8465b94 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/AsciiSink.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/AsciiSink.c
+@@ -513,6 +513,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+ {
+     AsciiSinkObject sink = (AsciiSinkObject) new;
++    if (!sink->ascii_sink.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
+     GetGC(sink);
+     sink->ascii_sink.insertCursorOn= CreateInsertCursor(XtScreenOfObject(new));
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Command.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Command.c
+index 18efb9a..685fd16 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Command.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Command.c
+@@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+   CommandWidget cbw = (CommandWidget) new;
+   int shape_event_base, shape_error_base;
++  if (!cbw->label.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
+   if (cbw->command.shape_style != XawShapeRectangle
+       && !XShapeQueryExtension(XtDisplay(new), &shape_event_base,
+ 			       &shape_error_base))
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/List.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/List.c
+index 6b9fe13..c52135a 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/List.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/List.c
+@@ -362,6 +362,8 @@ Initialize(Widget junk, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+ {
+     ListWidget lw = (ListWidget) new;
++    if (!lw->list.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
+ /*
+  * Initialize all private resources.
+  */
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/SmeBSB.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/SmeBSB.c
+index f8bf987..d7c8b9d 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/SmeBSB.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/SmeBSB.c
+@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+     else
+ 	entry->sme_bsb.label = XtNewString( entry->sme_bsb.label );
++    if (!entry->sme_bsb.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
+     CreateGCs(new);
+     GetBitmapInfo(new, TRUE);	/* Left Bitmap Info */
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Tip.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Tip.c
+index 5542fc5..9eeffbd 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Tip.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Tip.c
+@@ -248,6 +248,8 @@ XawTipInitialize(Widget req, Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+     TipWidget tip = (TipWidget)w;
+     XGCValues values;
++    if (!tip->tip.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
+     tip->tip.timer = 0;
+     values.foreground = tip->tip.foreground;

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0003-Correct-XtNthumbProc-usage.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0003-Correct-XtNthumbProc-usage.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0003-Correct-XtNthumbProc-usage.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-From 39e9a67b05d4558c065aedd2ebbe6eb11d0b88de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:07:40 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Correct XtNthumbProc usage
-This ugly piece of magic was copied from libXaw, and now scrollbars
-will work slightly less incorrectly than they did before.
-Found at http://gitorious.org/xaw3d/xaw3d/commit/4ec68aebffbdc406139f880f92b6c18b835af6d4
-Signed-off-by: Jeremy Huddleston <jeremyhu at apple.com>
- src/Scrollbar.c |   14 ++++++++++----
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c
-index 5667327..69c2d54 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Scrollbar.c
-@@ -1054,7 +1054,10 @@ static void
- NotifyThumb (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
- {
-     register ScrollbarWidget sbw = (ScrollbarWidget) w;
--    float top = sbw->scrollbar.top;
-+    union {
-+        XtPointer xtp;
-+        float xtf;
-+    } xtpf;
-     if (sbw->scrollbar.direction == 0) return; /* if no StartScroll */
-@@ -1065,6 +1068,8 @@ NotifyThumb (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
-     /* thumbProc is not pretty, but is necessary for backwards
-        compatibility on those architectures for which it work{s,ed};
-        the intent is to pass a (truncated) float by value. */
-+    xtpf.xtf = sbw->scrollbar.top;
-     /* This corrects for rounding errors: If the thumb is moved to the end of
-        the scrollable area sometimes the last line/column is not displayed.
-@@ -1083,10 +1088,11 @@ NotifyThumb (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *params, Cardinal *num_params)
-     /* Removed the dependancy on scrollbar arrows. Xterm as distributed in
-        X11R6.6 by The XFree86 Project wants this correction, with or without
-        the arrows. */
--    top += 0.0001;
-+    xtpf.xtf += 0.0001;
- /* #endif */
--    XtCallCallbacks (w, XtNthumbProc, *(XtPointer*)&top);
--    XtCallCallbacks (w, XtNjumpProc, (XtPointer)&top);
-+    XtCallCallbacks (w, XtNthumbProc, xtpf.xtp);
-+    XtCallCallbacks (w, XtNjumpProc, (XtPointer)&sbw->scrollbar.top);
- }

Added: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0003-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0003-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0003-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+From 2bf9cbaa9a6398725cf34912314a1d4cdc62a402 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
+Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:10:29 +0100
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch
+ src/Text.c     |   12 +++++---
+ src/Viewport.c |   91 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
+ 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Text.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Text.c
+index b0e7a2c..1b09ba4 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Text.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Text.c
+@@ -495,8 +495,10 @@ CreateHScrollBar(TextWidget ctx)
+ 		    (XtPointer) NULL);
+ /**/
+-  ctx->text.r_margin.bottom += hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
+-  ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
++  if (ctx->text.scroll_vert == XawtextScrollAlways) {
++    ctx->text.r_margin.bottom += hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
++    ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
++  }
+ /**/
+   PositionHScrollBar(ctx);
+   if (XtIsRealized((Widget)ctx)) {
+@@ -519,8 +521,10 @@ DestroyHScrollBar(TextWidget ctx)
+   if (hbar == NULL) return;
+ /**/
+-  ctx->text.r_margin.bottom -= hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
+-  ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
++  if (ctx->text.scroll_vert == XawtextScrollAlways) {
++    ctx->text.r_margin.bottom -= hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
++    ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
++  }
+ /**/
+   if (ctx->text.vbar == NULL)
+       XtRemoveCallback((Widget) ctx, XtNunrealizeCallback, UnrealizeScrollbars,
+diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Viewport.c libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Viewport.c
+index a37a9a1..602449a 100644
+--- libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Viewport.c
++++ libXaw3d-1.6.2/src/Viewport.c
+@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+     XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
+     if (sw)
+     {
+-	pad = 2;
++	pad = 2 * sw;
+ 	arg_cnt = 0;
+ 	XtSetArg(threeD_args[arg_cnt], XtNborderWidth, 0); arg_cnt++;
+@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+     XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNright, XtChainRight); arg_cnt++;
+     XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNtop, XtChainTop); arg_cnt++;
+     XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNbottom, XtChainBottom); arg_cnt++;
+-    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNwidth, w->core.width - 2 * sw); arg_cnt++;
+-    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNheight, w->core.height - 2 * sw); arg_cnt++;
++    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNwidth, w->core.width - pad); arg_cnt++;
++    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNheight, w->core.height - pad); arg_cnt++;
+     w->viewport.clip = XtCreateManagedWidget("clip", widgetClass, new,
+ 					     clip_args, arg_cnt);
+@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
+  * Set the clip widget to the correct height.
+  */
+-    clip_width = w->core.width - 2 * sw;
+-    clip_height = w->core.height - 2 * sw;
++    clip_width = w->core.width - pad;
++    clip_height = w->core.height - pad;
+     if ( (h_bar != NULL) &&
+ 	 ((int)w->core.width >
+@@ -509,23 +509,13 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+     XtWidgetGeometry intended;
+     Dimension pad = 0, sw = 0;
+-    /*
+-     * I've made two optimizations here. The first does away with the
+-     * loop, and the second defers setting the child dimensions to the
+-     * clip if smaller until after adjusting for possible scrollbars.
+-     * If you find that these go too far, define the identifiers here
+-     * as required.  -- djhjr
+-     */
+     if (child == (Widget) NULL) return;
+     XtVaGetValues(threeD, XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
+-    if (sw) pad = 2;
++    if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
+-    clip_width = w->core.width - 2 * sw;
+-    clip_height = w->core.height - 2 * sw;
++    clip_width = w->core.width - pad;
++    clip_height = w->core.height - pad;
+     intended.request_mode = CWBorderWidth;
+     intended.border_width = 0;
+@@ -536,10 +526,8 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ 			     &clip_width, &clip_height);
+     }
+     else {
+         Dimension prev_width, prev_height;
+ 	XtGeometryMask prev_mode;
+ 	XtWidgetGeometry preferred;
+ 	needshoriz = needsvert = False;
+@@ -553,31 +541,25 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ 	if (!w->viewport.allowhoriz)
+ 	    intended.request_mode |= CWWidth;
+-	if ((int)child->core.width < clip_width)
+-	    intended.width = clip_width;
++	if ((int)child->core.width < clip_width + pad)
++	    intended.width = clip_width + pad;
+ 	else
+ 	    intended.width = child->core.width;
+-	if (!w->viewport.allowvert)
+-	    intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
+-	if ((int)child->core.height < clip_height)
+-	    intended.height = clip_height;
++	if ((int)child->core.height < clip_height + pad)
++	    intended.height = clip_height + pad;
+ 	else
+ 	    intended.height = child->core.height;
++	if (!w->viewport.allowvert) 
++	    intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
+ 	if (!query) {
+ 	    preferred.width = child->core.width;
+ 	    preferred.height = child->core.height;
+ 	}
+ 	do { /* while intended != prev */
+ 	    if (query) {
+ 	        (void) XtQueryGeometry( child, &intended, &preferred );
+ 		if ( !(preferred.request_mode & CWWidth) )
+@@ -585,12 +567,9 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ 		if ( !(preferred.request_mode & CWHeight) )
+ 		    preferred.height = intended.height;
+ 	    }
+ 	    prev_width = intended.width;
+ 	    prev_height = intended.height;
+ 	    prev_mode = intended.request_mode;
+ 	    /*
+ 	     * Note that having once decided to turn on either bar
+@@ -600,7 +579,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ #define CheckHoriz()							\
+ 	    if (w->viewport.allowhoriz &&				\
+-		    (int)preferred.width > clip_width + 2 * sw) {	\
+++		    (int)preferred.width > clip_width + pad) {		\
+ 		if (!needshoriz) {					\
+ 		    Widget horiz_bar = w->viewport.horiz_bar;		\
+ 		    needshoriz = True;					\
+@@ -615,7 +594,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ /* enddef */
+ 	    CheckHoriz();
+ 	    if (w->viewport.allowvert &&
+-		    (int)preferred.height > clip_height + 2 * sw) {
++		    (int)preferred.height > clip_height + pad) {
+ 		if (!needsvert) {
+ 		    Widget vert_bar = w->viewport.vert_bar;
+ 		    needsvert = True;
+@@ -629,38 +608,22 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ 		intended.height = preferred.height;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (!w->viewport.allowhoriz ||
+-		    (int)preferred.width < clip_width) {
+-	        intended.width = clip_width;
++		    (int)preferred.width < clip_width + pad) {
++	        intended.width = clip_width + pad;
+ 		intended.request_mode |= CWWidth;
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (!w->viewport.allowvert ||
+-		    (int)preferred.height < clip_height) {
+-	        intended.height = clip_height;
++		    (int)preferred.height < clip_height + pad) {
++	        intended.height = clip_height + pad;
+ 		intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
+ 	    }
+ 	} while ( intended.request_mode != prev_mode ||
+ 		  (intended.request_mode & CWWidth &&
+ 			intended.width != prev_width) ||
+ 		  (intended.request_mode & CWHeight &&
+ 			intended.height != prev_height) );
+-	if (!w->viewport.allowhoriz ||
+-		(int)preferred.width < clip_width) {
+-	    intended.width = clip_width;
+-	    intended.request_mode |= CWWidth;
+-	}
+-	if (!w->viewport.allowvert ||
+-		(int)preferred.height < clip_height) {
+-	    intended.height = clip_height;
+-	    intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
+-	}
+     }
+     bar_width = bar_height = 0;
+@@ -705,7 +668,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ 	else {
+ 	    int bw = bar->core.border_width;
+ 	    XtResizeWidget( bar,
+-			    (Dimension)(clip_width + 2 * sw), bar->core.height,
++			    (Dimension)(clip_width + pad), bar->core.height,
+ 			    (Dimension)bw );
+ 	    XtMoveWidget( bar,
+ 			  (Position)((needsvert && !w->viewport.useright)
+@@ -730,7 +693,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
+ 	else {
+ 	    int bw = bar->core.border_width;
+ 	    XtResizeWidget( bar,
+-			    bar->core.width, (Dimension)(clip_height + 2 * sw),
++			    bar->core.width, (Dimension)(clip_height + pad),
+ 			    (Dimension)bw );
+ 	    XtMoveWidget( bar,
+ 			  (Position)(w->viewport.useright
+@@ -780,7 +743,7 @@ ComputeWithForceBars(Widget widget, Boolean query, XtWidgetGeometry *intended,
+  */
+     XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
+-    if (sw) pad = 2;
++    if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
+     if (w->viewport.allowvert) {
+ 	if (w->viewport.vert_bar == NULL)
+@@ -926,7 +889,7 @@ GeometryRequestPlusScrollbar(ViewportWidget w, Boolean horizontal,
+   Dimension pad = 0, sw = 0;
+   XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
+-  if (sw) pad = 2;
++  if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
+   plusScrollbars = *request;
+   if ((bar = w->viewport.horiz_bar) == (Widget)NULL)
+@@ -997,7 +960,7 @@ GeometryManager(Widget child, XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply
+ 	return XtGeometryNo;
+     XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
+-    if (sw) pad = 2;
++    if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
+     allowed = *request;

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0004-Avoid-integer-overflow.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0004-Avoid-integer-overflow.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0004-Avoid-integer-overflow.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 5d367cd9d0cd8fa5a85ed442e30dab4222824a36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:08:22 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 4/9] Avoid integer overflow
-Found at http://gitorious.org/xaw3d/xaw3d/commit/3ba3e52454bb684a73601ec91e2c274e776f711a
-Signed-off-by: Jeremy Huddleston <jeremyhu at apple.com>
- src/Box.c |    8 ++++++--
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Box.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Box.c
-index 43be5dc..9cf3b5f 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Box.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Box.c
-@@ -351,8 +351,12 @@ PreferredSize(Widget widget, XtWidgetGeometry *constraint, XtWidgetGeometry *pre
- 	else {
- 	    width = preferred_width;
- 	    do { /* find some width big enough to stay within this height */
--		width *= 2;
--		if (width > constraint->width) width = constraint->width;
-+	        if (width > constraint->width/2) {  /* avoid short int overflow */
-+		    width = constraint->width;
-+		}
-+		else { 
-+		    width *= 2; 
-+		}
- 		DoLayout(w, width, 0, &preferred_width, &preferred_height, FALSE);
- 	    } while (preferred_height > constraint->height &&
- 		     width < constraint->width);

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0005-Add-XawTextGetSink-for-compatibility-with-libXaw.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0005-Add-XawTextGetSink-for-compatibility-with-libXaw.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0005-Add-XawTextGetSink-for-compatibility-with-libXaw.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-From bc0db762873b564d50faac4ab1bf1c85ea586d36 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:09:26 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 5/9] Add XawTextGetSink for compatibility with libXaw
-Patch found at http://gitorious.org/xaw3d/xaw3d/commit/ccb1ffde090006f5a715c1e3d4da5f4d6fae05d3
-Signed-off-by: Jeremy Huddleston <jeremyhu at apple.com>
- include/X11/Xaw3d/Text.h |    4 ++++
- src/Command.c            |    2 ++
- src/Label.c              |    2 ++
- src/Text.c               |    6 ++++++
- 4 files changed, 14 insertions(+)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/include/X11/Xaw3d/Text.h libXaw3d-1.6.1/include/X11/Xaw3d/Text.h
-index 42699a7..beef8ab 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/include/X11/Xaw3d/Text.h
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/include/X11/Xaw3d/Text.h
-@@ -242,6 +242,10 @@ extern Widget XawTextGetSource(
-     Widget		/* w */
- );
-+extern Widget XawTextGetSink(
-+    Widget		/* w */
- extern XawTextPosition XawTextSearch(
-     Widget			/* w */,
- #if NeedWidePrototypes
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c
-index 26a40fa..18efb9a 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c
-@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ static XtResource resources[] = {
-    {XtNcornerRoundPercent, XtCCornerRoundPercent, XtRDimension,
-         sizeof(Dimension), offset(command.corner_round), XtRImmediate,
- 	(XtPointer) 25},
-+   {XtNshadowWidth, XtCShadowWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
-+	offset(threeD.shadow_width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 2},
-    {XtNborderWidth, XtCBorderWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
-       XtOffsetOf(RectObjRec,rectangle.border_width), XtRImmediate,
-       (XtPointer) 0}
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c
-index 46b0465..e8743c5 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c
-@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ static XtResource resources[] = {
- 	offset(label.pixmap), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)None},
-     {XtNresize, XtCResize, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
- 	offset(label.resize), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer)True},
-+    {XtNshadowWidth, XtCShadowWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
-+	offset(threeD.shadow_width), XtRImmediate, (XtPointer) 0},
-     {XtNborderWidth, XtCBorderWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension),
-          XtOffsetOf(RectObjRec,rectangle.border_width), XtRImmediate,
-          (XtPointer)1}
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c
-index be4d592..b0e7a2c 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c
-@@ -3312,6 +3312,12 @@ XawTextGetSource(Widget w)
-   return ((TextWidget)w)->text.source;
- }
-+XawTextGetSink(Widget w)
-+  return (((TextWidget)w)->text.sink);
- void
- XawTextDisplayCaret (Widget w,
- #if NeedWidePrototypes

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0006-Xaw3d-1.6.1-i18n.patch.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0006-Xaw3d-1.6.1-i18n.patch.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0006-Xaw3d-1.6.1-i18n.patch.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-From 93306e5b20dd85aeb98d42d06dffefc3c35fe680 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:08:00 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 6/9] Xaw3d-1.6.1-i18n.patch
- src/MultiSrc.c |    1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/MultiSrc.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/MultiSrc.c
-index b53fa50..1ac3283 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/MultiSrc.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/MultiSrc.c
-@@ -728,6 +728,7 @@ SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *nu
-   if ( string_set || (old_src->multi_src.type != src->multi_src.type) ) {
-     RemoveOldStringOrFile(old_src, string_set);
-+    src->multi_src.allocated_string = old_src->multi_src.allocated_string;
-     file = InitStringOrFile(src, string_set);
-     /* Load pieces does this logic for us, but it shouldn't.  Its messy.*/

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0007-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0007-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0007-Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-From c91d30534b2bbca8bdb46cae973efd117a7e7405 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:08:38 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 7/9] Xaw3d-1.6.1-3Dlabel.patch
- src/Label.c |   66 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
- 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c
-index e8743c5..c345573 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Label.c
-@@ -418,9 +418,16 @@ GetgrayGC(LabelWidget lw)
- static void
- compute_bitmap_offsets (LabelWidget lw)
- {
--    if (lw->label.lbm_height != 0)
--	lw->label.lbm_y = (lw->core.height - lw->label.lbm_height) / 2;
--    else
-+    /*
-+     * bitmap will be eventually be displayed at 
-+     * (internal_width, internal_height + lbm_y)
-+     */
-+    if (lw->label.lbm_height != 0) {
-+	lw->label.lbm_y = (lw->core.height -
-+			   (lw->threeD.shadow_width * 2 +
-+			    lw->label.internal_height * 2 +
-+			    lw->label.lbm_height)) / 2;
-+    } else
- 	lw->label.lbm_y = 0;
- }
-@@ -446,9 +453,11 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
- {
-     LabelWidget lw = (LabelWidget) new;
-+#if 0
-     /* disable shadows if we're not a subclass of Command */
-     if (!XtIsSubclass(new, commandWidgetClass))
- 	lw->threeD.shadow_width = 0;
-     if (lw->label.label == NULL)
-         lw->label.label = XtNewString(lw->core.name);
-@@ -462,18 +471,20 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
-     if (lw->core.height == 0)
- 	lw->core.height = lw->label.label_height +
--				2 * lw->label.internal_height;
-+			  2 * lw->label.internal_height +
-+			  2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width;
-     set_bitmap_info(lw);  /* req's core.height, sets label.lbm_* */
-     if (lw->label.lbm_height > lw->label.label_height)
- 	lw->core.height = lw->label.lbm_height +
--				2 * lw->label.internal_height;
-+			  2 * lw->label.internal_height;
-     if (lw->core.width == 0)
-         lw->core.width = lw->label.label_width +
--				2 * lw->label.internal_width +
--				LEFT_OFFSET(lw);  /* req's label.lbm_width */
-+			 2 * lw->label.internal_width +
-+			 2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width +
-+			 LEFT_OFFSET(lw);	/* req's label.lbm_width */
-     lw->label.label_x = lw->label.label_y = 0;
-     (*XtClass(new)->core_class.resize) ((Widget)lw);
-@@ -551,14 +562,16 @@ Redisplay(Widget gw, XEvent *event, Region region)
- 	    if (w->label.depth == 1)
- 		XCopyPlane(XtDisplay(gw), pm, XtWindow(gw), gc, 0, 0,
- 			   w->label.lbm_width, w->label.lbm_height,
--			   (int) w->label.internal_width,
--			   (int) w->label.lbm_y,
-+			   (int) w->label.internal_width + w->threeD.shadow_width,
-+			   (int) w->label.internal_height + w->threeD.shadow_width
-+				 + w->label.lbm_y,
- 			   (unsigned long) 1L);
- 	    else
- 		XCopyArea(XtDisplay(gw), pm, XtWindow(gw), gc, 0, 0,
- 			  w->label.lbm_width, w->label.lbm_height,
--			  (int) w->label.internal_width,
--			  (int) w->label.lbm_y);
-+			  (int) w->label.internal_width + w->threeD.shadow_width,
-+			  (int) w->label.internal_height + w->threeD.shadow_width
-+				+ w->label.lbm_y);
- 	}
-@@ -648,14 +661,17 @@ _Reposition(LabelWidget lw, Dimension width, Dimension height,
-             Position *dx, Position *dy)
- {
-     Position newPos;
--    Position leftedge = lw->label.internal_width + LEFT_OFFSET(lw);
-+    Position leftedge = lw->label.internal_width + LEFT_OFFSET(lw) +
-+			lw->threeD.shadow_width;
-     switch (lw->label.justify) {
- 	case XtJustifyLeft:
- 	    newPos = leftedge;
- 	    break;
- 	case XtJustifyRight:
--	    newPos = width - lw->label.label_width - lw->label.internal_width;
-+	    newPos = width - (lw->label.label_width + lw->label.internal_width +
-+			      lw->threeD.shadow_width);
- 	    break;
- 	case XtJustifyCenter:
- 	default:
-@@ -747,17 +763,20 @@ SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *nu
-     if (newlw->label.resize && was_resized) {
- 	if (curlw->core.height == reqlw->core.height && !checks[HEIGHT])
- 	    newlw->core.height = newlw->label.label_height +
--				2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
-+				 2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
-+				 2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
- 	set_bitmap_info (newlw);  /* req's core.height, sets label.lbm_* */
- 	if (newlw->label.lbm_height > newlw->label.label_height)
- 	    newlw->core.height = newlw->label.lbm_height +
--					2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
-+				 2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
-+				 2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
- 	if (curlw->core.width == reqlw->core.width && !checks[WIDTH])
- 	    newlw->core.width = newlw->label.label_width +
- 				2 * newlw->label.internal_width +
-+				2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width +
- 				LEFT_OFFSET(newlw);  /* req's label.lbm_width */
-     }
-@@ -766,15 +785,20 @@ SetValues(Widget current, Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *nu
- 	if (checks[HEIGHT]) {
- 	    if (newlw->label.label_height > newlw->label.lbm_height)
- 		i = newlw->label.label_height +
--			2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
-+		    2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
-+		    2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
- 	    else
--		i = newlw->label.lbm_height + 2 * newlw->label.internal_height;
-+		i = newlw->label.lbm_height +
-+		    2 * newlw->label.internal_height +
-+		    2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width;
- 	    if (i > newlw->core.height)
- 		newlw->core.height = i;
- 	}
- 	if (checks[WIDTH]) {
--	    i = newlw->label.label_width + 2 * newlw->label.internal_width +
--			LEFT_OFFSET(newlw);  /* req's label.lbm_width */
-+	    i = newlw->label.label_width +
-+		2 * newlw->label.internal_width +
-+		2 * newlw->threeD.shadow_width +
-+		LEFT_OFFSET(newlw);		    /* req's label.lbm_width */
- 	    if (i > newlw->core.width)
- 		newlw->core.width = i;
- 	}
-@@ -845,9 +869,11 @@ QueryGeometry(Widget w, XtWidgetGeometry *intended, XtWidgetGeometry *preferred)
-     preferred->request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
-     preferred->width = (lw->label.label_width +
- 			    2 * lw->label.internal_width +
-+			    2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width +
- 			    LEFT_OFFSET(lw));
-     preferred->height = lw->label.label_height +
--			    2 * lw->label.internal_height;
-+			    2 * lw->label.internal_height +
-+			    2 * lw->threeD.shadow_width;
-     if (  ((intended->request_mode & (CWWidth | CWHeight))
- 	   	== (CWWidth | CWHeight)) &&
- 	  intended->width == preferred->width &&

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0008-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0008-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0008-Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-From c0f4301d0a82481e9ecb9260112692da205a7a2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:09:41 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 8/9] Xaw3d-1.6.1-fontset.patch
- src/AsciiSink.c |    2 ++
- src/Command.c   |    2 ++
- src/List.c      |    2 ++
- src/SmeBSB.c    |    2 ++
- src/Tip.c       |    2 ++
- 5 files changed, 10 insertions(+)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/AsciiSink.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/AsciiSink.c
-index c14306e..8465b94 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/AsciiSink.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/AsciiSink.c
-@@ -513,6 +513,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
- {
-     AsciiSinkObject sink = (AsciiSinkObject) new;
-+    if (!sink->ascii_sink.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
-     GetGC(sink);
-     sink->ascii_sink.insertCursorOn= CreateInsertCursor(XtScreenOfObject(new));
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c
-index 18efb9a..685fd16 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Command.c
-@@ -220,6 +220,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
-   CommandWidget cbw = (CommandWidget) new;
-   int shape_event_base, shape_error_base;
-+  if (!cbw->label.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
-   if (cbw->command.shape_style != XawShapeRectangle
-       && !XShapeQueryExtension(XtDisplay(new), &shape_event_base,
- 			       &shape_error_base))
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/List.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/List.c
-index 6b9fe13..c52135a 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/List.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/List.c
-@@ -362,6 +362,8 @@ Initialize(Widget junk, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
- {
-     ListWidget lw = (ListWidget) new;
-+    if (!lw->list.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
- /*
-  * Initialize all private resources.
-  */
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/SmeBSB.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/SmeBSB.c
-index f8bf987..d7c8b9d 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/SmeBSB.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/SmeBSB.c
-@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
-     else
- 	entry->sme_bsb.label = XtNewString( entry->sme_bsb.label );
-+    if (!entry->sme_bsb.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
-     CreateGCs(new);
-     GetBitmapInfo(new, TRUE);	/* Left Bitmap Info */
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Tip.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Tip.c
-index 5542fc5..9eeffbd 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Tip.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Tip.c
-@@ -248,6 +248,8 @@ XawTipInitialize(Widget req, Widget w, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
-     TipWidget tip = (TipWidget)w;
-     XGCValues values;
-+    if (!tip->tip.font) XtError("Aborting: no font found\n");
-     tip->tip.timer = 0;
-     values.foreground = tip->tip.foreground;

Deleted: trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0009-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch
--- trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0009-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch	2012-03-30 01:54:32 UTC (rev 91335)
+++ trunk/dports/x11/Xaw3d/files/0009-Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch.patch	2012-03-30 02:54:01 UTC (rev 91336)
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-From 4ba59ebe3eb0c8cceb93361ea06602e8c97d0b27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Markus Steinborn <gnugv_maintainer at yahoo.de>
-Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:10:29 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 9/9] Xaw3d-1.6.1-hsbar.patch
- src/Text.c     |   12 +++++---
- src/Viewport.c |   91 +++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
- 2 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c
-index b0e7a2c..1b09ba4 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Text.c
-@@ -495,8 +495,10 @@ CreateHScrollBar(TextWidget ctx)
- 		    (XtPointer) NULL);
- /**/
--  ctx->text.r_margin.bottom += hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
--  ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
-+  if (ctx->text.scroll_vert == XawtextScrollAlways) {
-+    ctx->text.r_margin.bottom += hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
-+    ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
-+  }
- /**/
-   PositionHScrollBar(ctx);
-   if (XtIsRealized((Widget)ctx)) {
-@@ -519,8 +521,10 @@ DestroyHScrollBar(TextWidget ctx)
-   if (hbar == NULL) return;
- /**/
--  ctx->text.r_margin.bottom -= hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
--  ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
-+  if (ctx->text.scroll_vert == XawtextScrollAlways) {
-+    ctx->text.r_margin.bottom -= hbar->core.height + hbar->core.border_width;
-+    ctx->text.margin.bottom = ctx->text.r_margin.bottom;
-+  }
- /**/
-   if (ctx->text.vbar == NULL)
-       XtRemoveCallback((Widget) ctx, XtNunrealizeCallback, UnrealizeScrollbars,
-diff --git libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Viewport.c libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Viewport.c
-index a37a9a1..602449a 100644
---- libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Viewport.c
-+++ libXaw3d-1.6.1/src/Viewport.c
-@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
-     XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
-     if (sw)
-     {
--	pad = 2;
-+	pad = 2 * sw;
- 	arg_cnt = 0;
- 	XtSetArg(threeD_args[arg_cnt], XtNborderWidth, 0); arg_cnt++;
-@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
-     XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNright, XtChainRight); arg_cnt++;
-     XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNtop, XtChainTop); arg_cnt++;
-     XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNbottom, XtChainBottom); arg_cnt++;
--    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNwidth, w->core.width - 2 * sw); arg_cnt++;
--    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNheight, w->core.height - 2 * sw); arg_cnt++;
-+    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNwidth, w->core.width - pad); arg_cnt++;
-+    XtSetArg(clip_args[arg_cnt], XtNheight, w->core.height - pad); arg_cnt++;
-     w->viewport.clip = XtCreateManagedWidget("clip", widgetClass, new,
- 					     clip_args, arg_cnt);
-@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ Initialize(Widget request, Widget new, ArgList args, Cardinal *num_args)
-  * Set the clip widget to the correct height.
-  */
--    clip_width = w->core.width - 2 * sw;
--    clip_height = w->core.height - 2 * sw;
-+    clip_width = w->core.width - pad;
-+    clip_height = w->core.height - pad;
-     if ( (h_bar != NULL) &&
- 	 ((int)w->core.width >
-@@ -509,23 +509,13 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
-     XtWidgetGeometry intended;
-     Dimension pad = 0, sw = 0;
--    /*
--     * I've made two optimizations here. The first does away with the
--     * loop, and the second defers setting the child dimensions to the
--     * clip if smaller until after adjusting for possible scrollbars.
--     * If you find that these go too far, define the identifiers here
--     * as required.  -- djhjr
--     */
-     if (child == (Widget) NULL) return;
-     XtVaGetValues(threeD, XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
--    if (sw) pad = 2;
-+    if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
--    clip_width = w->core.width - 2 * sw;
--    clip_height = w->core.height - 2 * sw;
-+    clip_width = w->core.width - pad;
-+    clip_height = w->core.height - pad;
-     intended.request_mode = CWBorderWidth;
-     intended.border_width = 0;
-@@ -536,10 +526,8 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- 			     &clip_width, &clip_height);
-     }
-     else {
-         Dimension prev_width, prev_height;
- 	XtGeometryMask prev_mode;
- 	XtWidgetGeometry preferred;
- 	needshoriz = needsvert = False;
-@@ -553,31 +541,25 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- 	if (!w->viewport.allowhoriz)
- 	    intended.request_mode |= CWWidth;
--	if ((int)child->core.width < clip_width)
--	    intended.width = clip_width;
-+	if ((int)child->core.width < clip_width + pad)
-+	    intended.width = clip_width + pad;
- 	else
- 	    intended.width = child->core.width;
--	if (!w->viewport.allowvert)
--	    intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
--	if ((int)child->core.height < clip_height)
--	    intended.height = clip_height;
-+	if ((int)child->core.height < clip_height + pad)
-+	    intended.height = clip_height + pad;
- 	else
- 	    intended.height = child->core.height;
-+	if (!w->viewport.allowvert) 
-+	    intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
- 	if (!query) {
- 	    preferred.width = child->core.width;
- 	    preferred.height = child->core.height;
- 	}
- 	do { /* while intended != prev */
- 	    if (query) {
- 	        (void) XtQueryGeometry( child, &intended, &preferred );
- 		if ( !(preferred.request_mode & CWWidth) )
-@@ -585,12 +567,9 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- 		if ( !(preferred.request_mode & CWHeight) )
- 		    preferred.height = intended.height;
- 	    }
- 	    prev_width = intended.width;
- 	    prev_height = intended.height;
- 	    prev_mode = intended.request_mode;
- 	    /*
- 	     * Note that having once decided to turn on either bar
-@@ -600,7 +579,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- #define CheckHoriz()							\
- 	    if (w->viewport.allowhoriz &&				\
--		    (int)preferred.width > clip_width + 2 * sw) {	\
-++		    (int)preferred.width > clip_width + pad) {		\
- 		if (!needshoriz) {					\
- 		    Widget horiz_bar = w->viewport.horiz_bar;		\
- 		    needshoriz = True;					\
-@@ -615,7 +594,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- /* enddef */
- 	    CheckHoriz();
- 	    if (w->viewport.allowvert &&
--		    (int)preferred.height > clip_height + 2 * sw) {
-+		    (int)preferred.height > clip_height + pad) {
- 		if (!needsvert) {
- 		    Widget vert_bar = w->viewport.vert_bar;
- 		    needsvert = True;
-@@ -629,38 +608,22 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- 		intended.height = preferred.height;
- 	    }
- 	    if (!w->viewport.allowhoriz ||
--		    (int)preferred.width < clip_width) {
--	        intended.width = clip_width;
-+		    (int)preferred.width < clip_width + pad) {
-+	        intended.width = clip_width + pad;
- 		intended.request_mode |= CWWidth;
- 	    }
- 	    if (!w->viewport.allowvert ||
--		    (int)preferred.height < clip_height) {
--	        intended.height = clip_height;
-+		    (int)preferred.height < clip_height + pad) {
-+	        intended.height = clip_height + pad;
- 		intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
- 	    }
- 	} while ( intended.request_mode != prev_mode ||
- 		  (intended.request_mode & CWWidth &&
- 			intended.width != prev_width) ||
- 		  (intended.request_mode & CWHeight &&
- 			intended.height != prev_height) );
--	if (!w->viewport.allowhoriz ||
--		(int)preferred.width < clip_width) {
--	    intended.width = clip_width;
--	    intended.request_mode |= CWWidth;
--	}
--	if (!w->viewport.allowvert ||
--		(int)preferred.height < clip_height) {
--	    intended.height = clip_height;
--	    intended.request_mode |= CWHeight;
--	}
-     }
-     bar_width = bar_height = 0;
-@@ -705,7 +668,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- 	else {
- 	    int bw = bar->core.border_width;
- 	    XtResizeWidget( bar,
--			    (Dimension)(clip_width + 2 * sw), bar->core.height,
-+			    (Dimension)(clip_width + pad), bar->core.height,
- 			    (Dimension)bw );
- 	    XtMoveWidget( bar,
- 			  (Position)((needsvert && !w->viewport.useright)
-@@ -730,7 +693,7 @@ ComputeLayout(Widget widget, Boolean query, Boolean destroy_scrollbars)
- 	else {
- 	    int bw = bar->core.border_width;
- 	    XtResizeWidget( bar,
--			    bar->core.width, (Dimension)(clip_height + 2 * sw),
-+			    bar->core.width, (Dimension)(clip_height + pad),
- 			    (Dimension)bw );
- 	    XtMoveWidget( bar,
- 			  (Position)(w->viewport.useright
-@@ -780,7 +743,7 @@ ComputeWithForceBars(Widget widget, Boolean query, XtWidgetGeometry *intended,
-  */
-     XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
--    if (sw) pad = 2;
-+    if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
-     if (w->viewport.allowvert) {
- 	if (w->viewport.vert_bar == NULL)
-@@ -926,7 +889,7 @@ GeometryRequestPlusScrollbar(ViewportWidget w, Boolean horizontal,
-   Dimension pad = 0, sw = 0;
-   XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
--  if (sw) pad = 2;
-+  if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
-   plusScrollbars = *request;
-   if ((bar = w->viewport.horiz_bar) == (Widget)NULL)
-@@ -997,7 +960,7 @@ GeometryManager(Widget child, XtWidgetGeometry *request, XtWidgetGeometry *reply
- 	return XtGeometryNo;
-     XtVaGetValues((Widget)(w->viewport.threeD), XtNshadowWidth, &sw, NULL);
--    if (sw) pad = 2;
-+    if (sw) pad = 2 * sw;
-     allowed = *request;
-------------- next part --------------
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