[MacPorts] Scripts/testport_script modified
noreply at macports.org
Thu May 24 04:52:04 PDT 2012
Changed page "Scripts/testport_script" by kato23 at mailinator.com from*
Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Scripts/testport_script>
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Scripts/testport_script?action=diff&version=17>
Revision 17
Index: Scripts/testport_script
--- Scripts/testport_script (version: 16)
+++ Scripts/testport_script (version: 17)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
# testport -s clang-3.1
# testport -r openal
# testport -c openal configure.cc='/opt/macports-test/bin/clang-mp-3.1' configure.cxx='/opt/macports-test/bin/clang++-mp-3.1'
+# testport -c -u -l /opt/macports-test-universal
show_usage() {
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@
-p: print PATH variable value
-r: remove / uninstall specified port and exit
-s: build and install from source only
--u: update MacPorts system and upgrade outdated ports (cleans work directories)
+-u: update MacPorts system, upgrade outdated ports and exit (cleans work directories)
-v: enable verbose mode
-l dir: specify dir as location of MacPorts system (otherwise defaults to /opt/macports-test)
@@ -235,6 +236,38 @@
+# make sure the current working directory exists
+pwd -P 1>/dev/null || exit 1
+# prevent idle sleep
+pmset -a force sleep 0 displaysleep 0 disksleep 0
+sleep 1
+unset usr_local_off opt_local_off tmpDir
+usr_local_off="/usr/local-off-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S')"
+opt_local_off="/opt/local-off-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S')"
+tmpDir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/macports.XXXXXX)" || exit 1
+declare -rx usr_local_off opt_local_off tmpDir
+trap on_exit EXIT TERM HUP INT QUIT
+dsclHome="$(dscl . -read /Users/macports NFSHomeDirectory | sed 's/^NFSHomeDirectory: *//')"
+dscl . -change /Users/macports NFSHomeDirectory "${dsclHome}" "${MP_PREFIX}/var/macports/home"
+# make sure /usr/local is not interfering with MacPorts build processes for ${MP_PREFIX}
+[[ -d '/usr/local' ]] && sudo mv -iv /usr/local "${usr_local_off}"
+# make sure /opt/local is not interfering with MacPorts build processes for ${MP_PREFIX}
+[[ -d '/opt/local' ]] && sudo mv -iv /opt/local "${opt_local_off}"
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ $clean_all -eq 1 ]] && [[ $update -eq 1 ]]; then
@@ -255,38 +288,6 @@
-# make sure the current working directory exists
-pwd -P 1>/dev/null || exit 1
-# prevent idle sleep
-pmset -a force sleep 0 displaysleep 0 disksleep 0
-sleep 1
-unset usr_local_off opt_local_off tmpDir
-usr_local_off="/usr/local-off-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S')"
-opt_local_off="/opt/local-off-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S')"
-tmpDir="$(mktemp -d /tmp/macports.XXXXXX)" || exit 1
-declare -rx usr_local_off opt_local_off tmpDir
-trap on_exit EXIT TERM HUP INT QUIT
-dsclHome="$(dscl . -read /Users/macports NFSHomeDirectory | sed 's/^NFSHomeDirectory: *//')"
-dscl . -change /Users/macports NFSHomeDirectory "${dsclHome}" "${MP_PREFIX}/var/macports/home"
-# make sure /usr/local is not interfering with MacPorts build processes for ${MP_PREFIX}
-[[ -d '/usr/local' ]] && sudo mv -iv /usr/local "${usr_local_off}"
-# make sure /opt/local is not interfering with MacPorts build processes for ${MP_PREFIX}
-[[ -d '/opt/local' ]] && sudo mv -iv /opt/local "${opt_local_off}"
if [[ $all_new -eq 1 ]]; then
if [[ -x "${MP_PREFIX}/bin/port" ]]; then
@@ -333,13 +334,15 @@
if [[ $clean_all -eq 1 ]]; then
elif [[ -d "$(port dir "$@")/work" ]]; then
- port -f clean --all "$@"
+ #port -f -v clean --all "$@"
+ port -f -v clean --work "$@"
if [[ $update -eq 1 ]]; then
+ exit
@@ -349,7 +352,12 @@
port -f clean --all "$@"
port -f -v uninstall "$@"
elif [[ -d "$(port dir "$@")/work" ]]; then
- port -f clean --all "$@"
+ printf '\n\n%s\n\n\n' "Removing: $(port dir "$@")/work"
+ port -f -v clean --all "$@"
+ else
+ printf '\n\n%s\n\n\n' "Force uninstalling: $@"
+ port -f -v clean --all "$@" || true
+ port -f -v uninstall "$@" || true
* The IP shown here might not mean anything if the user or the server is
behind a proxy.
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