[99504] trunk/dports/graphics

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Wed Nov 7 16:31:06 PST 2012

Revision: 99504
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2012-11-07 16:31:06 -0800 (Wed, 07 Nov 2012)
Log Message:
graphviz, graphviz-devel: update description

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz/Portfile	2012-11-08 00:17:04 UTC (rev 99503)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz/Portfile	2012-11-08 00:31:06 UTC (rev 99504)
@@ -22,18 +22,15 @@
 dist_subdir                     ${my_name}
 distname                        ${my_name}-${version}
-description                     Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs
+description                     graph visualization software
-long_description                Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and \
-                                Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). \
-                                The package contains: \
-                                    dot    - batch program for drawing directed graphs as \
-                                     hierarchies \
-                                    neato  - batch program for drawing undirected graphs \
-                                     using Kamada-Kawai spring models. \
-                                Users wishing to have only the graph layout \
-                                programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 \
-                                variant to build graphviz without its display routines.
+long_description                Graphviz is ${description}. Graph visualization \
+                                is a way of representing structural information \
+                                as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. The \
+                                Graphviz layout programs dot, neato, fdp, sfdp, \
+                                twopi and circo take descriptions of graphs in a \
+                                simple text language, and produce output in a \
+                                variety of visual and text formats.
 checksums                       sha1    4725d88a13e071ee22e632de551d4a55ca08ee7d \
                                 rmd160  5a5fae7cb1128d4e863b954bee5f2491ff23ada0

Modified: trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-devel/Portfile	2012-11-08 00:17:04 UTC (rev 99503)
+++ trunk/dports/graphics/graphviz-devel/Portfile	2012-11-08 00:31:06 UTC (rev 99504)
@@ -22,18 +22,15 @@
 dist_subdir                     ${my_name}
 distname                        ${my_name}-${version}
-description                     Graph visualization software from AT&T and Bell Labs
+description                     graph visualization software
-long_description                Graph Visualization Software from AT&T Laboratories and \
-                                Bell Laboratories (Lucent Technologies). \
-                                The package contains: \
-                                    dot    - batch program for drawing directed graphs as \
-                                     hierarchies \
-                                    neato  - batch program for drawing undirected graphs \
-                                     using Kamada-Kawai spring models. \
-                                Users wishing to have only the graph layout \
-                                programs (for non-interactive use) can use the +no_x11 \
-                                variant to build graphviz without its display routines.
+long_description                Graphviz is ${description}. Graph visualization \
+                                is a way of representing structural information \
+                                as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. The \
+                                Graphviz layout programs dot, neato, fdp, sfdp, \
+                                twopi and circo take descriptions of graphs in a \
+                                simple text language, and produce output in a \
+                                variety of visual and text formats.
 checksums                       rmd160  1442cabec67722dcc413bae5bca6f026fec3f723 \
                                 sha256  59b2bf1a20b0d28a122a87bce755985f915eb749def4a266d58c96a4d565cebb
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