[99885] trunk/dports/science

michaelld at macports.org michaelld at macports.org
Tue Nov 20 11:15:08 PST 2012

Revision: 99885
Author:   michaelld at macports.org
Date:     2012-11-20 11:15:08 -0800 (Tue, 20 Nov 2012)
Log Message:
gnuradio :

* upgrade to the latest release (3.6.2).

* Now uses a single Portfile, with subports and variants instead of multiple ports.  This makes GNU Radio easier to maintain on my limited time.

* Variants are for those components with dependencies other than that for gnuradio-core only; the new ports install all components that can be installed without additional dependencies, with variants for the rest.

* set all prior gnuradio-* ports as replaced by gnuradio.

* add subports for gnuradio-devel and gnuradio-next, to gain access to the latest fixes and APIs before they are released.

* addresses tickets #31475, #32147, #35128, #36393, #36595, and #36616.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -1,86 +1,438 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
+PortSystem          1.0
+PortGroup           cmake 1.0
-name			gnuradio
-version         3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
-description		GNU Radio META-port installer.
-long_description GNU Radio META-port installer: \
-Provides every installable package of GNU Radio using MacPorts. \
-This package does not do any compiling or installation itself.
+name                gnuradio
+maintainers		    michaelld openmaintainer
-categories		science
-homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
+description		    GNU Radio Software Defined Radio
+categories		    science
+homepage            http://gnuradio.org/
+license             GPL-3
+platforms           darwin macosx
-platforms		darwin macosx
+dist_subdir         gnuradio
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-atsc \
-                port:gnuradio-audio-jack \
-				port:gnuradio-audio-osx \
-				port:gnuradio-audio-portaudio \
-				port:gnuradio-companion \
-				port:gnuradio-cvsd-vocoder \
-				port:gnuradio-examples \
-				port:gnuradio-gpio \
-				port:gnuradio-gsm-fr-vocoder \
-				port:gnuradio-msdd6000 \
-				port:gnuradio-noaa \
-				port:gnuradio-pager \
-				port:gnuradio-qtgui \
-				port:gnuradio-radar-mono \
-				port:gnuradio-radio-astronomy \
-				port:gnuradio-sounder \
-				port:gnuradio-trellis \
-				port:gnuradio-usrp \
-				port:gnuradio-utils \
-				port:gnuradio-video-sdl
+if {${subport} == ${name}} {
-use_configure	no
-build			{}
-destroot		{
-	xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}-${version}
-	system "echo ${long_description} > ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}-${version}/README.MacPorts"
+    long_description    ${description}: \
+        This port is kept up with the GNU Radio release, which is typically updated every few months.
+    version			3.6.2
+    conflicts       gnuradio-next gnuradio-devel
+    master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
+    distname		gnuradio-${version}
+    master_sites	gnu
+    checksums \
+        rmd160  111ecf4bcdeb0b48be01fd0c9312c60093cedc6d \
+        sha256  4ce84bf9c6591b5ddc2c384e03e40fc2f0cb8cd1add485ee2d6f26052cc6de35
+    if {${configure.compiler} == "clang"} {
+        patchfiles patch-clang.diff
+    }
+    post-configure {
+        # make sure the build depends on the local version of GRUEL,
+        # not any already-installed version
+        if {[file exists ${prefix}/include/gruel/api.h]} {
+            foreach fixfile [exec find ${build.dir} -name "build\.make"] {
+                reinplace "s|${prefix}/include/gruel/|${worksrcpath}/gruel/src/include/gruel/|g" ${fixfile}
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    livecheck.type  regex
+    livecheck.url	http://gnuradio.org/releases/gnuradio/?C=M&O=D
+    livecheck.regex gnuradio-(\[0-9\.\]+\[0-9\])\\.
+subport gnuradio-devel {
+    long_description    ${description}: \
+        This port is kept up with the GNU Radio GIT Master branch, which is typically updated every few days to week.  This version of GNU Radio generally contains fixes to, and its API is compatible with, the current GNU Radio release, and will be incorporated in an upcoming release.  This port may or not compile or function correctly, as it represents a work in progress.  If it does not work, check back in a few days.
+    version             3.6.3_20121119
+    conflicts           gnuradio gnuradio-next
+    fetch.type          git
+    git.url             git://gnuradio.org/gnuradio.git
+    git.branch          afea463f079efe099a2228f0e60f4481e5edcd91
+    if {${configure.compiler} == "clang"} {
+        patchfiles patch-clang.diff
+    }
+    post-configure {
+        # make sure the build depends on the local version of GRUEL,
+        # not any already-installed version
+        if {[file exists ${prefix}/include/gruel/api.h]} {
+            foreach fixfile [exec find ${build.dir} -name "build\.make"] {
+                reinplace "s|${prefix}/include/gruel/|${worksrcpath}/gruel/src/include/gruel/|g" ${fixfile}
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    livecheck.type      none
+subport gnuradio-next {
+    long_description    ${description}: \
+        This port is kept up with the GNU Radio GIT Next branch, which is typically updated every few days to week.  This version of GNU Radio represents the next major release of GNU Radio, and hence its API is likely to be different than that provided by either gnuradio or gnuradio-devel.  This port may or not compile or function correctly, as it represents a work in progress.  If it does not work, check back in a few days.
+    version             3.7.0_20121119
+    conflicts           gnuradio gnuradio-devel
+    fetch.type          git
+    git.url             git://gnuradio.org/gnuradio.git
+    git.branch          c0b35b4ec7c95e9d0e91d91edb81d854db2b2b72
+    post-configure {
+        # make sure the build depends on the local version of GRUEL,
+        # not any already-installed version
+        if {[file exists ${prefix}/include/gruel/api.h]} {
+            foreach fixfile [exec find ${build.dir} -name "build\.make"] {
+                reinplace "s|${prefix}/include/gruel/|${worksrcpath}/gruel/src/include/gruel/|g" ${fixfile}
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    livecheck.type      none
 use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+depends_lib-append	\
+    port:boost \
+    port:cppunit \
+    port:fftw-3-single \
+    port:pkgconfig
+# do VPATH build
+post-extract        { file mkdir ${workpath}/build }
+configure.dir       ${workpath}/build
+build.dir           ${workpath}/build
+# set last configure argument to the reletive path
+# to the top-level cmake source
+configure.post_args ../${worksrcdir}
+# be verbose when building, for debugging purposes
+build.post_args VERBOSE=1
+# shortcut to installing all variants except Python
+variant full \
+    requires docs grc qtgui wxgui uhd volk wavelet jack portaudio swig sdl \
+    description {Enable all variants except python} {}
+# set Python variants
+set pythons_suffixes {26 27}
+global chosen_python_suffix
+set chosen_python_suffix ""
+set pythons_ports {}
+foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} {
+    lappend pythons_ports python${s}
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
+foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} {
+    set p python${s}
+    set v [join [split ${s} ""] "."]
+    set i [lsearch -exact ${pythons_ports} ${p}]
+    set c [lreplace ${pythons_ports} ${i} ${i}]
+    eval [subst {
+        variant ${p} description "Build GNU Radio using Python ${v}" \
+            conflicts ${c} {
+            set chosen_python_suffix ${s}
+            # specify the Python dependency
+            depends_lib-append \
+                port:${p} \
+                port:py${s}-numpy
+            # specify the Python version to use
+            configure.args-append \
+                -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/python${v} \
+                -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${v}/Headers \
+                -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/${v}/Python
+            # check for variants that require Python
+            if {[variant_isset docs]} {
+                depends_lib-append \
+                    port:py${s}-sphinx
+                configure.args-append \
+                    -DSPHINX_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/sphinx-build-${v}
+            }
+            if {[variant_isset grc]} {
+                depends_lib-append \
+                    port:py${s}-cheetah \
+                    port:py${s}-lxml \
+                    port:py${s}-gtk
+            }
+            if {[variant_isset qtgui]} {
+                depends_lib-append \
+                    port:py${s}-pyqt4
+            }
+            if {[variant_isset wxgui]} {
+                depends_lib-append \
+                    port:py${s}-wxpython-devel
+            }
+            # move python scripts from
+            # ${prefix}/lib/python${v}/site-packages/* to
+            # ${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${v}/
+            #   lib/python${v}/site-packages/*
+            post-destroot {
+                xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${v}/lib/python${v}
+                move ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/python${v}/site-packages \
+                    ${destroot}${frameworks_dir}/Python.framework/Versions/${v}/lib/python${v}
+            }
+        }
+    }]
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
+variant docs description "Install GNU Radio documentation" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:doxygen \
+        port:xmlto
+    configure.args-append \
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
+if {![variant_isset docs]} {
+    configure.args-append \
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
+variant grc description "Install GNU Radio Companion" {
+    configure.args-append \
+        ENABLE_GRC=ON
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26
+if {![variant_isset grc]} {
+    configure.args-append \
-livecheck.type  regex
-livecheck.url	http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnuradio/?C=M&O=D
-livecheck.regex gnuradio-(\[0-9\.\]+\[0-9\])\\.
+variant qtgui description "Install GNU Radio with support for Qt GUI" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:qt4-mac \
+        path:lib/libqwt.dylib:qwt \
+        port:qwtplot3d
+    configure.args-append \
+        -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/qmake
+if {![variant_isset qtgui]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+variant wxgui description "Install GNU Radio with support for Wx GUI" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:wxWidgets-devel
+    configure.args-append \
+if {![variant_isset wxgui]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+variant uhd description "Install GNU Radio with support for UHD" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        path:lib/libuhd.dylib:uhd
+    configure.args-append \
+        ENABLE_GR_UHD=ON \
+        -DUHD_INCLUDE_DIRS=${prefix}/include \
+        -DUHD_LIBRARIES=${prefix}/lib/libuhd.dylib
+if {![variant_isset uhd]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+        ENABLE_GR_UHD=OFF \
+        -DUHD_INCLUDE_DIRS= \
+variant volk description "Install GNU Radio Volk component" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:orc
+    configure.args-append \
+        ENABLE_VOLK=ON \
+        -DORCC_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/orcc
+if {![variant_isset uhd]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+        ENABLE_VOLK=OFF \
+variant wavelet description "Install GNU Radio Wavelet component" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:gsl
+    configure.args-append \
+if {![variant_isset wavelet]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+variant jack description "Install GNU Radio with support for JACK audio" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:jack
+    configure.args-append \
+        -DJACK_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include \
+        -DJACK_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/libjack.dylib
+if {![variant_isset jack]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+        -DJACK_INCLUDE_DIR= \
+        -DJACK_LIBRARY=
+variant portaudio description "Install GNU Radio with support for portaudio audio" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:portaudio
+    configure.args-append \
+        -DPORTAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIRS=${prefix}/include \
+        -DPORTAUDIO_LIBRARIES=${prefix}/lib/libportaudio.dylib
+if {![variant_isset portaudio]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+variant swig description "Install GNU Radio with support for SWIG-base Python bindings" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:swig-python
+    configure.args-append \
+        -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/swig
+if {![variant_isset swig]} {
+    configure.args-append \
+variant sdl description "Install GNU Radio with support for SDL-based video" {
+    depends_lib-append \
+        port:libsdl
+    configure.args-append \
+        -DSDLMAIN_LIBRARY=${prefix}/lib/libSDLmain.a \
+        -DSDL_INCLUDE_DIR=${prefix}/include/SDL
+if {![variant_isset sdl]} {
+    configure.args-append \

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-atsc/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-atsc/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-atsc/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-atsc
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		ATSC Component of GNU Radio.
 long_description ATSC Component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides ATSC (HDTV) transmitter and receiver blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build	port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-atsc
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-jack/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-jack/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-jack/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,76 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-audio-jack
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		JACK component of GNU Radio.
 long_description JACK component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides JACK audio source and sink blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core \
-				port:jack
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib \
-				lib/libjack.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-audio-jack
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-osx/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-osx/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-osx/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-audio-osx
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Mac OS X Audio component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Mac OS X Audio component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides Mac OS X native audio input and output blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-audio-osx
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-portaudio/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-portaudio/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-audio-portaudio/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,76 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-audio-portaudio
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		PortAudio component of GNU Radio.
 long_description PortAudio component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides PortAudio audio source and sink blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core \
-				port:portaudio
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib \
-				lib/libportaudio.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-audio-portaudio
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-companion/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-companion/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-companion/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -4,78 +4,26 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name			gnuradio-companion
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		GRC component of GNU Radio.
 long_description GRC component of GNU Radio: \
 GNU Radio Companion (GRC): Graphical interface to editing, \
 creating, and running applications which use GNU Radio.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-wxgui
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--with-gr-wxgui \
-				--enable-grc
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25 \
-					   port:py25-lxml \
-					   port:py25-cheetah \
-					   port:py25-gtk
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26 \
-					   port:py26-lxml \
-					   port:py26-cheetah \
-				   	   port:py26-gtk
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27 \
-					   port:py27-lxml \
-					   port:py27-cheetah \
-				   	   port:py27-gtk
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-core/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-core/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-core/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,81 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-core
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		GNU Radio Core component of GNU Radio.
 long_description GNU Radio Core component of GNU Radio: \
 Core functionality for all of GNU Radio.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-gruel
-archcheck.files lib/libgruel.dylib
-# fix up configure to handle 10.7 and up correctly.
-patchfiles      patch-configure.diff
-# unknown directive .version "01.01"
-compiler.blacklist  clang
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--enable-gnuradio-core
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25 \
-					   port:py25-numpy
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26 \
-					   port:py26-numpy
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27 \
-					   port:py27-numpy
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-cvsd-vocoder/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-cvsd-vocoder/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-cvsd-vocoder/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,75 +2,28 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-cvsd-vocoder
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		CVSD Vocoder component of GNU Radio.
 long_description CVSD Vocoder component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides Continuously Variable Slope Delta Modulation (CVSD) \
 vocoder source and sink blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-cvsd-vocoder
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-examples/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-examples/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-examples/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-examples
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Examples component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Examples component of GNU Radio: \
 Python (GRC and plain scripts) and C++ examples for using GNU Radio.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gnuradio-examples
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gpio/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gpio/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gpio/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,72 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
 name			gnuradio-gpio
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		nomaintainer
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		GPIO component of GNU Radio.
 long_description GPIO component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides GPIO block.
 categories		science
-license			GPL-3+
+license			GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build	port:pkgconfig port:swig-python
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-gruel port:usrp
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-usrp \
-				--enable-gr-gpio
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.python      ${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.python      ${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.python      ${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-grc/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-grc/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-grc/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name			gnuradio-grc
-version			3.2.2
-revision        2
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		GRC component of GNU Radio.
 long_description GRC component of GNU Radio: \
 GNU Radio Companion (GRC): Graphical interface to editing, \
@@ -15,19 +14,20 @@
 please uninstall this port and install that one.\n
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
 platforms		darwin macosx
-use_configure	no
-build			{}
-destroot		{}
+# disable this port
-pre-extract {
-    ui_msg "\n\
-NOTE: This port has been renamed to 'gnuradio-companion'\; \n\
-please uninstall this port and install that one.\n"
-    error "obsolete port"
+replaced_by gnuradio
+livecheck.type none
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gruel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gruel/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gruel/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-gruel
-version         3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version         3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		GRUEL component of GNU Radio.
 long_description GRUEL component of GNU Radio: \
 GNU Radio Utility Etcetera Library - \
@@ -15,79 +13,18 @@
 on the full GNU Radio core or other libraries.
 categories		science
-license         GPL-3+
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-# gruel gets built by the main configure script, which requires a
-# whole slew of ports, included here and then making all other
-# gnuradio ports dependent on this one.
-depends_build	port:gawk \
-				port:guile \
-				port:libtool \
-				port:pkgconfig \
-				port:swig-python
-depends_lib		port:boost \
-				port:cppunit \
-				port:fftw-3-single \
-				port:gsl \
-				port:zlib
-archcheck.files lib/libboost_thread-mt.dylib \
-				lib/libcppunit.dylib \
-				lib/libfftw3f.dylib \
-				lib/libgsl.dylib \
-				lib/libz.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--enable-gruel
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gsm-fr-vocoder/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gsm-fr-vocoder/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-gsm-fr-vocoder/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-gsm-fr-vocoder
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		GSM FR Vocoder Component of GNU Radio.
 long_description GSM FR Vocoder Component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides GSM FR voice encoder and decoder blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-gsm-fr-vocoder
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-mblock/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-mblock/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-mblock/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,13 +2,10 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-mblock
-version			3.2.2
-revision        2
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Message block GNU Radio component.
 long_description Message block GNU Radio component: \
 Message blocks (or m-blocks) are a GNU Radio extension, \
@@ -17,67 +14,18 @@
 will not be updated or maintained past GNU Radio version ${version}.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		3fedcd64c2f51671cc1417b4c1e06834 \
-				sha1	6177d13e42937383e622edadc0b9f06391d0e5fc \
-				rmd160	42d1a496400ebc77e054f59d9f33cc8ba24a4234
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-pmt
-archcheck.files lib/libpmt.dylib
-notes "${name} is deprecated, and will not be updated or maintained past GNU Radio version ${version}."
-# version 3.2.2 requires this; next version won't
-patchfiles		patch-configure.diff
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-omnithread \
-				--with-pmt \
-				--enable-mblock
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-    depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-    depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-    depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-    default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-msdd6000/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-msdd6000/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-msdd6000/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-msdd6000
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		MSDD6000 Component of GNU Radio.
 long_description MSDD6000 Component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides an interface block between the Softronics MSDD6000 and GNU Radio.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-msdd6000
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-noaa/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-noaa/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-noaa/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,77 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-noaa
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		NOAA Component of GNU Radio.
 long_description NOAA Component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides a NOAA POES HRPT receiver / demodulator block.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-wxgui \
-                port:gnuradio-companion
-archcheck.files lib/libgruel.dylib \
-                lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--with-gr-wxgui \
-				--with-grc \
-				--enable-gr-noaa
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-omnithread/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-omnithread/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-omnithread/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,97 +2,28 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-omnithread
-version			3.2.2
-revision        2
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Omnithread component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Omnithread component of GNU Radio: \
 a cross-platform C++ thread library. ${name} is deprecated, and \
 will not be updated or maintained past GNU Radio version ${version}.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		3fedcd64c2f51671cc1417b4c1e06834 \
-				sha1	6177d13e42937383e622edadc0b9f06391d0e5fc \
-				rmd160	42d1a496400ebc77e054f59d9f33cc8ba24a4234
-# gromnithread gets built by the main configure script, which requires
-# a whole slew of ports, included here and then making all other
-# remaining GNU Radio 3.2.2 ports dependent on this one.
-depends_build   port:gawk \
-                port:guile \
-                port:libtool \
-                port:pkgconfig \
-                port:swig-python
-depends_lib     port:boost \
-                port:cppunit \
-                port:fftw-3-single \
-                port:gsl \
-                port:zlib
-archcheck.files lib/libboost_thread-mt.dylib \
-                lib/libcppunit.dylib \
-                lib/libfftw3f.dylib \
-                lib/libgsl.dylib \
-                lib/libz.dylib
-notes "${name} is deprecated, and will not be updated \
-or maintained past GNU Radio version ${version}."
-# version 3.2.2 requires this; next version won't
-patchfiles		patch-configure.diff
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--enable-omnithread
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-    depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-    depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-    depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-    default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-pager/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-pager/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-pager/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-pager
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Pager Component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Pager Component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides FLEX radio-pager receiver / demodulator block.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-pager
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-pmt/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-pmt/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-pmt/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,13 +2,10 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-pmt
-version			3.2.2
-revision        2
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		PMT component of GNU Radio.
 long_description PMT component of GNU Radio: \
 polymorphic types using C++.  In GNU Radio version 3.3, \
@@ -16,69 +13,18 @@
 using the port 'gnuradio-gruel' instead of this one.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		3fedcd64c2f51671cc1417b4c1e06834 \
-				sha1	6177d13e42937383e622edadc0b9f06391d0e5fc \
-				rmd160	42d1a496400ebc77e054f59d9f33cc8ba24a4234
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-omnithread
-archcheck.files lib/libgromnithread.dylib
-notes "In GNU Radio version 3.3, \
-${name} was moved into gnuradio-gruel.  Please consider \
-using the port 'gnuradio-gruel' instead of this one."
-# version 3.2.2 requires this; next version won't
-patchfiles		patch-configure.diff
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-omnithread \
-				--enable-pmt
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-    depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-    depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-    depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-    default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-qtgui/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-qtgui/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-qtgui/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,94 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
-PortGroup qt4 1.0
 name            gnuradio-qtgui
-version         3.3.0
-revision        2
-maintainers     michaelld
+version         3.6.2
+maintainers     michaelld openmaintainer
 description     Qt GUI component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Qt GUI component of GNU Radio: \
 Qt-based GUI widgets.
 categories      science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir     gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname        gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites    gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms       darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums       md5     cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-                sha1    41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-                rmd160  ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_lib     port:gnuradio-core \
-                port:qwtplot3d \
-                path:lib/libqwt.dylib:qwt-devel
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib \
-                lib/libqwtplot3d.dylib \
-                lib/libqwt.dylib
-# fix various 'time' functions that are not on OSX;
-# should be unnecessary in version 3.3.1.
-patchfiles      patch_gr-qtgui_src_lib_highResTimeFunctions.h.diff
-configure.args  --disable-all-components \
-                --with-gruel \
-                --with-gnuradio-core \
-                --enable-gr-qtgui \
-                --with-qwt-libdir=${prefix}/lib \
-                --with-qwt-incdir=${prefix}/include/qwt \
-                --with-qwtplot3d-libdir=${prefix}/lib \
-                --with-qwtplot3d-incdir=${prefix}/include/qwtplot3d
-# Include the Qt framework directory; GNU Radio 3.3.0's configure
-# script ignores this part of the QtCore PKGCONFIG file.
-configure.ldflags-append -F${qt_dir}/lib
-use_parallel_build yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-    configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-    depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-    configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-    depends_lib-append port:python25 \
-                       port:py25-pyqt4
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-    depends_lib-append port:python26 \
-                       port:py26-pyqt4
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-    configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-    depends_lib-append port:python27 \
-                       port:py27-pyqt4
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-    default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-radar-mono/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-radar-mono/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-radar-mono/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-radar-mono
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Radar Mono Component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Radar Mono Component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides monostatic radar transmitter and receiver blocks. \
@@ -16,66 +14,18 @@
 to a file for offline analysis.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build	port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core \
-				port:usrp
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib \
-				lib/libusrp.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--with-usrp \
-				--enable-gr-radar-mono
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-radio-astronomy/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-radio-astronomy/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-radio-astronomy/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-radio-astronomy
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Radio Astronomy component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Radio Astronomy of GNU Radio: \
 Provides Radio Astronomy blocks and scripts.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-radio-astronomy
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-sounder/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-sounder/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-sounder/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,77 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-sounder
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Sounder component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Sounder of GNU Radio: \
 Provides blocks and scripts for determining the impulse response of a channel.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build	port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core \
-				port:usrp
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib \
-				lib/libusrp.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--with-usrp \
-				--enable-gr-sounder
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-trellis/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-trellis/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-trellis/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,74 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-trellis
-version			3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version			3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Trellis component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Trellis component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides trellis-based encoder and decoding blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build   port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-trellis
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-usrp/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-usrp/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-usrp/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,81 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-usrp
-version         3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version         3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		USRP component of GNU Radio.
 long_description USRP component of GNU Radio: \
 Provides USRP input and output blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_build	port:pkgconfig
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core \
-				port:usrp
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib \
-				lib/libusrp.dylib
-# fix #includes for already installed USRP SWIG and C++ headers;
-# will be fixed in 3.3.1.
-patchfiles      patch_gr-usrp_src_usrp_swig_files.diff
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--with-usrp \
-				--enable-gr-usrp
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-utils/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-utils/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-utils/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -4,70 +4,25 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name			gnuradio-utils
-version         3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version         3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		GR Utils component of GNU Radio.
 long_description GR Utils component of GNU Radio: \
 Python-based scripts for plotting and USRP functions.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-wxgui \
-				port:usrp
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--with-gr-wxgui \
-				--with-usrp \
-				--enable-gr-utils
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-video-sdl/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-video-sdl/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-video-sdl/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -2,76 +2,27 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem 1.0
-PortGroup muniversal 1.0
-PortGroup archcheck 1.0
 name			gnuradio-video-sdl
-version         3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version         3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		Video SDL component of GNU Radio.
 long_description Video SDL of GNU Radio: \
 Provides SDL video source and sink blocks.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core \
-				path:lib/pkgconfig/sdl.pc:libsdl
-archcheck.files lib/libgnuradio-core.dylib \
-				lib/libSDL.dylib
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-video-sdl \
-				--disable-sdltest
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append port:python25
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append port:python26
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env      PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append port:python27
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-wxgui/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-wxgui/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:08:03 UTC (rev 99884)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio-wxgui/Portfile	2012-11-20 19:15:08 UTC (rev 99885)
@@ -4,76 +4,25 @@
 PortSystem 1.0
 name			gnuradio-wxgui
-version         3.3.0
-maintainers		michaelld
+version         3.6.2
+maintainers		michaelld openmaintainer
 description		WX GUI component of GNU Radio.
 long_description WX GUI component of GNU Radio: \
 Wx-based GUI widgets, including OpenGL option.
 categories		science
+license         GPL-3
 homepage        http://gnuradio.org/
-# all GNU Radio components come in a single tarball.
-# Reuse this tarball for each Port
+# disable this port
-dist_subdir		gnuradio
-master_sites.mirror_subdir gnuradio
-distname		gnuradio-${version}
-master_sites	gnu
+replaced_by gnuradio
-platforms		darwin macosx
+livecheck.type none
-checksums		md5		cef9ef65d626e1273c6381966ae9d4bc \
-				sha1	41d5c177b173ce73404f5fe539b013c82600f73f \
-				rmd160	ae83bd8a93deaf73d730e2af0d05c9ffc4c98520
-depends_lib		port:gnuradio-core
-configure.args	--disable-all-components \
-				--with-gruel \
-				--with-gnuradio-core \
-				--enable-gr-wxgui
-use_parallel_build	yes
-variant docs description "build documentation for ${name}" {
-	configure.args-append --enable-doxygen --enable-docs
-	depends_lib-append port:doxygen
+pre-configure {
+    ui_error "This port has been replaced by 'gnuradio' with variants; please install that instead."
+    return -code error
-if { ![variant_isset docs] } {
-	configure.args-append --disable-doxygen --disable-docs
-variant python25 conflicts python26 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.5" {
-	configure.env PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.5
-	depends_lib-append	port:python25 \
-						port:py25-wxpython \
-						port:py25-numpy \
-						port:py25-opengl
-variant python26 conflicts python25 python27 \
-description "Use Python 2.6" {
-	configure.env PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.6
-	depends_lib-append	port:python26 \
-						port:py26-wxpython \
-						port:py26-numpy \
-						port:py26-opengl
-variant python27 conflicts python25 python26 \
-description "Use Python 2.7" {
-	configure.env PYTHON=${prefix}/bin/python2.7
-	depends_lib-append	port:python27 \
-						port:py27-wxpython \
-						port:py27-numpy \
-						port:py27-opengl
-if { ![variant_isset python25] && \
-     ![variant_isset python26] && \
-     ![variant_isset python27] } {
-	default_variants +python26
-------------- next part --------------
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