[110017] branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0

marius at macports.org marius at macports.org
Sat Aug 24 11:12:31 PDT 2013

Revision: 110017
Author:   marius at macports.org
Date:     2013-08-24 11:12:31 -0700 (Sat, 24 Aug 2013)
Log Message:
macports1.0: fixed output of tests

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/Makefile
--- branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/Makefile	2013-08-24 16:38:17 UTC (rev 110016)
+++ branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/Makefile	2013-08-24 18:12:31 UTC (rev 110017)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 pkgIndex.tcl: $(SRCS)
-	$(TCLSH) test.tcl -nocolor
+	$(TCLSH) ./tests/test.tcl -nocolor
 distclean:: clean
 	rm -f macports_autoconf.tcl macports_fastload.tcl ${SHLIB_NAME}

Deleted: branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/test.tcl
--- branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/test.tcl	2013-08-24 16:38:17 UTC (rev 110016)
+++ branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/test.tcl	2013-08-24 18:12:31 UTC (rev 110017)
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Global vars
-set arguments ""
-set test_name ""
-set color_out ""
-set tcl ""
-set err ""
-# Get tclsh path.
-set autoconf ../../Mk/macports.autoconf.mk
-set fp [open $autoconf r]
-while {[gets $fp line] != -1} {
-    if {[string match "TCLSH*" $line] != 0} {
-        set tcl [lrange [split $line " "] 1 1]
-    }
-proc print_help {arg} {
-    if { $arg == "tests" } {
-        puts "The list of available tests is:"
-	cd tests
-	set test_suite [glob *.test]
-        foreach test $test_suite {
-            puts [puts -nonewline "  "]$test
-        }
-    } else {
-        puts "Usage: tclsh test.tcl \[-debug level\] \[-t test\] \[-l\]\n"
-        puts "  -debug LVL : sets the level of printed debug info \[0-3\]"
-        puts "  -t TEST    : run a specific test"
-        puts "  -nocolor   : disable color output (for automatic testing)"
-        puts "  -l         : print the list of available tests"
-        puts "  -h, -help  : print this message\n"
-    }
-# Process args
-foreach arg $argv {
-    if { $arg == "-h" || $arg == "-help" } {
-        print_help ""
-        exit 0
-    } elseif { $arg == "-debug" } {
-        set index [expr [lsearch $argv $arg] + 1]
-        set level [lindex $argv $index]
-        if { $level >= 0 && $level <= 3 } {
-            append arguments "-debug " $level
-        } else {
-            puts "Invalid debug level."
-            exit 1
-        }
-    } elseif { $arg == "-t" } {
-        set index [expr [lsearch $argv $arg] + 1]
-        set test_name [lindex $argv $index]
-        set no 0
-	cd tests
-	set test_suite [glob *.test]
-        foreach test $test_suite {
-            if { $test_name != $test } {
-                set no [expr $no + 1]
-            }
-        }
-        if { $no == [llength $test_suite] } {
-            print_help tests
-            exit 1
-        }
-    } elseif { $arg == "-l" } {
-        print_help tests
-        exit 0
-    } elseif { $arg == "-nocolor" } {
-        set color_out "no"
-    }
-# Run tests
-if { $test_name != ""} {
-    set result [eval exec $tcl $test_name $arguments]
-    puts $result
-} else {
-    cd tests
-    set test_suite [glob *.test]
-    foreach test $test_suite {
-        set result [eval exec $tcl $test $arguments]
-        set total [lrange [split $result "\t"] 2 2]
-        set pass [lrange [split $result "\t"] 4 4]
-        set skip [lrange [split $result "\t"] 6 6]
-        set fail [lrange [split $result "\t\n"] 8 8]
-        set errmsg [lrange [split $result "\n"] 2 2]
-	# Format output
-	if {$total < 10} { set total "0${total}"}
-	if {$pass < 10} { set pass "0${pass}"}
-	if {$skip < 10} { set skip "0${skip}"}
-	if {$fail < 10} { set fail "0${fail}"}
-        # Check for errors.
-        if { $fail != 0 || $skip != 0 } {
-            set err "yes"
-        }
-        set out ""
-        if { ($fail != 0 || $skip != 0) && $color_out == "" } {
-            # Color failed tests.
-            append out "\x1b\[1;31mTotal:" $total " Passed:" $pass " Failed:" $fail " Skipped:" $skip "  \x1b\[0m" $test
-        } else {
-            append out "Total:" $total " Passed:" $pass " Failed:" $fail " Skipped:" $skip "  " $test
-        }
-        # Print results and constrints for auto-skipped tests.
-        puts $out
-        if { $skip != 0 } {
-            set out "    Constraint: "
-            append out [string trim $errmsg "\t {}"]
-            puts $out
-        }
-    }
-# Return 1 if errors were found.
-if {$err != ""} {
-    exit 1
-return 0

Added: branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/tests/test.tcl
--- branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/tests/test.tcl	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/gsoc13-tests/src/macports1.0/tests/test.tcl	2013-08-24 18:12:31 UTC (rev 110017)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Global vars
+set arguments ""
+set test_name ""
+set color_out ""
+set tcl ""
+set err ""
+# Get tclsh path.
+set autoconf ../../Mk/macports.autoconf.mk
+set fp [open $autoconf r]
+while {[gets $fp line] != -1} {
+    if {[string match "TCLSH*" $line] != 0} {
+        set tcl [lrange [split $line " "] 1 1]
+    }
+proc print_help {arg} {
+    if { $arg == "tests" } {
+        puts "The list of available tests is:"
+	cd tests
+	set test_suite [glob *.test]
+        foreach test $test_suite {
+            puts [puts -nonewline "  "]$test
+        }
+    } else {
+        puts "Usage: tclsh test.tcl \[-debug level\] \[-t test\] \[-l\]\n"
+        puts "  -debug LVL : sets the level of printed debug info \[0-3\]"
+        puts "  -t TEST    : run a specific test"
+        puts "  -nocolor   : disable color output (for automatic testing)"
+        puts "  -l         : print the list of available tests"
+        puts "  -h, -help  : print this message\n"
+    }
+# Process args
+foreach arg $argv {
+    if { $arg == "-h" || $arg == "-help" } {
+        print_help ""
+        exit 0
+    } elseif { $arg == "-debug" } {
+        set index [expr [lsearch $argv $arg] + 1]
+        set level [lindex $argv $index]
+        if { $level >= 0 && $level <= 3 } {
+            append arguments "-debug " $level
+        } else {
+            puts "Invalid debug level."
+            exit 1
+        }
+    } elseif { $arg == "-t" } {
+        set index [expr [lsearch $argv $arg] + 1]
+        set test_name [lindex $argv $index]
+        set no 0
+	cd tests
+	set test_suite [glob *.test]
+        foreach test $test_suite {
+            if { $test_name != $test } {
+                set no [expr $no + 1]
+            }
+        }
+        if { $no == [llength $test_suite] } {
+            print_help tests
+            exit 1
+        }
+    } elseif { $arg == "-l" } {
+        print_help tests
+        exit 0
+    } elseif { $arg == "-nocolor" } {
+        set color_out "no"
+    }
+# Run tests
+if { $test_name != ""} {
+    set result [eval exec $tcl $test_name $arguments]
+    puts $result
+} else {
+    cd tests
+    set test_suite [glob *.test]
+    foreach test $test_suite {
+        set result [eval exec $tcl $test $arguments]
+	set lastline [lindex [split $result "\n"] end]
+	if {[lrange [split $lastline "\t"] 1 1] != "Total"} {
+	    set lastline [lindex [split $result "\n"] 0]
+	    set errmsg [lindex [split $result "\n"] 2]
+	}
+	set splitresult [split $lastline "\t"]
+        set total [lindex $splitresult 2]
+        set pass [lindex $splitresult 4]
+        set skip [lindex $splitresult 6]
+        set fail [lindex $splitresult 8]
+	# Format output
+	if {$total < 10} { set total "0${total}"}
+	if {$pass < 10} { set pass "0${pass}"}
+	if {$skip < 10} { set skip "0${skip}"}
+	if {$fail < 10} { set fail "0${fail}"}
+        # Check for errors.
+        if { $fail != 0 } { set err "yes" }
+        set out ""
+        if { ($fail != 0 || $skip != 0) && $color_out == "" } {
+            # Color failed tests.
+            append out "\x1b\[1;31mTotal:" $total " Passed:" $pass " Failed:" $fail " Skipped:" $skip "  \x1b\[0m" $test
+        } else {
+            append out "Total:" $total " Passed:" $pass " Failed:" $fail " Skipped:" $skip "  " $test
+        }
+        # Print results and constrints for auto-skipped tests.
+        puts $out
+        if { $skip != 0 } {
+            set out "    Constraint: "
+            append out [string trim $errmsg "\t {}"]
+            puts $out
+        }
+	if { $fail != 0 } {
+	    set end [expr [string first $test $result 0] - 1]
+	    puts [string range $result 0 $end]
+	}
+    }
+# Return 1 if errors were found.
+if {$err != ""} { exit 1 }
+return 0
-------------- next part --------------
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