[101355] branches/release_2_1

jmr at macports.org jmr at macports.org
Wed Jan 9 06:08:07 PST 2013

Revision: 101355
Author:   jmr at macports.org
Date:     2013-01-09 06:08:07 -0800 (Wed, 09 Jan 2013)
Log Message:
merge r101313 from trunk:
 don't abort when encountering an unindexed port in rev-upgrade, but just exclude it from the rebuild list from the start

Revision Links:

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Property changes on: branches/release_2_1
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /trunk:91825,91829,91834,92072,92342,92404,92546,92588,92730,92785,92881,92903,92976,93062,93153,93197,93250,93258-93259,93261,93268,93274,93303,93339,93511-93512,93816,93962,95382,95438-95439,95480,95552,95616,95620,95873,96262,96535,97264,97367,97999,98190,98313,99275,99754,99822,99857,100679,100828,101163,101166,101270,101274,101311
   + /trunk:91825,91829,91834,92072,92342,92404,92546,92588,92730,92785,92881,92903,92976,93062,93153,93197,93250,93258-93259,93261,93268,93274,93303,93339,93511-93512,93816,93962,95382,95438-95439,95480,95552,95616,95620,95873,96262,96535,97264,97367,97999,98190,98313,99275,99754,99822,99857,100679,100828,101163,101166,101270,101274,101311,101313

Property changes on: branches/release_2_1/base
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/gsoc08-privileges/base:37343-46937
   + /branches/gsoc08-privileges/base:37343-46937

Property changes on: branches/release_2_1/base/src/macports1.0
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/gsoc08-privileges/base/src/macports1.0:37343-46937
   + /branches/gsoc08-privileges/base/src/macports1.0:37343-46937

Modified: branches/release_2_1/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl
--- branches/release_2_1/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2013-01-09 14:05:39 UTC (rev 101354)
+++ branches/release_2_1/base/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl	2013-01-09 14:08:07 UTC (rev 101355)
@@ -4333,23 +4333,35 @@
         set broken_ports [lsort -unique $broken_ports]
-        set temp_broken_ports $broken_ports
-        set broken_ports {}
-        foreach port $temp_broken_ports {
-            set portname [$port name]
+        if {${macports::revupgrade_mode} == "rebuild"} {
             # don't try to rebuild ports that don't exist in the tree
-            if {${macports::revupgrade_mode} == "rebuild"} {
+            set temp_broken_ports {}
+            foreach port $broken_ports {
+                set portname [$port name]
                 if {[catch {mportlookup $portname} result]} {
                     ui_debug "$::errorInfo"
                     error "lookup of portname $portname failed: $result"
-                if {[llength $result] < 2} {
+                if {[llength $result] >= 2} {
+                    lappend temp_broken_ports $port
+                } else {
                     ui_warn "No port $portname found in the index; can't rebuild"
-                    ui_warn "Either your portindex is corrupt or $portname has been removed; consider uninstalling it."
-                    error "Port $portname not found in index"
+            if {[llength $temp_broken_ports] == 0} {
+                ui_msg "$macports::ui_prefix Broken files found, but all associated ports are not in the index and so cannot be rebuilt."
+                return 0
+            }
+        } else {
+            set temp_broken_ports $broken_ports
+        }
+        set broken_ports {}
+        foreach port $temp_broken_ports {
+            set portname [$port name]
             if {![info exists broken_port_counts($portname)]} {
                 set broken_port_counts($portname) 0
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