[101483] trunk/dports/python
eborisch at macports.org
eborisch at macports.org
Fri Jan 11 11:09:43 PST 2013
Revision: 101483
Author: eborisch at macports.org
Date: 2013-01-11 11:09:43 -0800 (Fri, 11 Jan 2013)
Log Message:
py-spyder-(beta|devel): Move to -devel name; update -beta with replaced_by; Use .zip download from googlecode of revision. Fix 2.6 post-destroot.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-beta/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-beta/Portfile 2013-01-11 18:54:17 UTC (rev 101482)
+++ trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-beta/Portfile 2013-01-11 19:09:43 UTC (rev 101483)
@@ -1,149 +1,23 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# -*- coding: utf-8; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# $Id$
PortSystem 1.0
name py-spyder-beta
-version 2.2.0-dev
-epoch 20111202
+version 1.0
+epoch 20130111
+categories python
-PortGroup python 1.0
+if {${name} == ${subport}} {
+ replaced_by py-spyder-devel
-python.versions 26 27
-python.default_version 27
+subport py26-spyder-beta {
+ replaced_by py26-spyder-devel
-PortGroup qt4 1.0
-categories python devel
-platforms darwin
-maintainers eborisch openmaintainer
-license MIT
-homepage http://packages.python.org/spyder/
-description Spyder is the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
-long_description ${description}. \
- Spyder provides a powerful interactive development \
- environment for the Python language with advanced \
- editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection \
- features as well as a numerical computing environment \
- thanks to the support of IPython (enhanced interactive \
- Python interpreter) and popular Python libraries such as \
- NumPy (linear algebra), SciPy (signal and image \
- processing) or matplotlib (interactive 2D/3D plotting) \
- development environment with advanced editing, \
- interactive testing, debugging and introspection features.
-master_sites googlecode:spyderlib
-use_zip yes
-supported_archs noarch
-#pyNN-scipy doesn't build universal
-universal_variant no
-if {${subport} != ${name}} {
- conflicts port:py${python.version}-spyder
- # Dev repository fetch from rep; no checksum. Current on 2013 01 10.
- depends_fetch port:mercurial
- fetch.type hg
- hg.url https://code.google.com/p/spyderlib
- hg.tag dbfee69d3c04
- # Set the pylint executable name
- set LINT_BIN_NAME pylint-${python.branch}
- set WINPDB_BIN_NAME winpdb-${python.branch}
- patchfiles patch-widgets-pylintgui.py.diff \
- spyderlib_baseconfig.py.diff \
- spyderlib_plugins_editor.py.diff \
- spyderlib_spyder.py.diff \
- spyderlib_utils_programs.py.diff \
- spyderlib_widgets_shell.py.diff
- post-patch {
- reinplace "s|@@WINPDB_BIN_NAME@@|${WINPDB_BIN_NAME}|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/plugins/editor.py
- reinplace "s|@@LINT_BIN_NAME@@|${LINT_BIN_NAME}|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/spyderplugins/widgets/pylintgui.py
- reinplace "s|\"assistant\"|\"Assistant\"|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
- reinplace "s|\"linguist\"|\"Linguist\"|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
- reinplace "s|\"designer\"|\"Designer\"|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
- reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
- reinplace "s|@@APPS_DIR@@|${applications_dir}|g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/utils/programs.py
- # Windows newlines in the file cause compile() (in 2.6) to choke
- reinplace "s|\r||g" \
- ${worksrcpath}/doc/conf.py
- }
- # Bare minimum
- depends_lib-append \
- port:py${python.version}-pyqt4 \
- port:py${python.version}-sphinx
- variant tiny description {
- Remove all optional dependencies for quickest install. Dependencies\
- are detected/enabled at runtime and may be installed separately.
- } conflicts small {}
- variant small description {
- Remove most optional dependencies for quicker install. Dependencies\
- are detected/enabled at runtime and may be installed separately.
- } conflicts tiny {}
- # These add very little to the install time
- if {![ variant_isset tiny ]} {
- depends_lib-append \
- port:py${python.version}-htmldocs \
- port:py${python.version}-pylint \
- port:py${python.version}-pep8 \
- port:py${python.version}-pyflakes \
- port:py${python.version}-rope
- }
- # These add substantially to the install time
- if {![ variant_isset small ] &&
- ![ variant_isset tiny ] } {
- depends_lib-append \
- path:${python.pkgd}/h5py/__init__.py:py${python.version}-h5py \
- port:py${python.version}-ipython \
- port:py${python.version}-zmq \
- port:py${python.version}-matplotlib \
- port:py${python.version}-scipy
- }
- variant pil description {
- Support image objects in editor through PIL (many dependencies.)
- } {
- depends_lib-append \
- port:py${python.version}-pil
- }
- post-destroot {
- if {${python.version} == ${python.default_version}} {
- ln -s ${python.prefix}/bin/spyder ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/
- }
- set OPTCMD [concat "HOME=${destroot}/tmp/spyder " \
- "PYTHONPATH=${destroot}${python.pkgd} " \
- "./spyder --optimize"]
- file mkdir ${destroot}/tmp/spyder
- system "cd ${destroot}${python.prefix}/bin && ${OPTCMD}"
- delete ${destroot}/tmp/spyder
- delete ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/spyder_win_post_install.py-2.7
- delete ${destroot}${python.prefix}/bin/spyder_win_post_install.py
- }
- notes \
-"If you have previously installed ${subport}, be advised that the user's\
-preferences directory has moved from ~/.spyder2 to ~/.spyder2-${python.version}\
-to enable multiple pyNN-spyder installations to work independently. Please have\
-users rename or copy the existing directory to retain preferences if desired.
-### Spyder is launched from the terminal with 'spyder-${python.branch}' ###
+subport py27-spyder-beta {
+ replaced_by py27-spyder-devel
-livecheck.type none
+PortGroup obsolete 1.0
Deleted: trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-beta/Portfile 2013-01-10 21:06:31 UTC (rev 101423)
+++ trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-devel/Portfile 2013-01-11 19:09:43 UTC (rev 101483)
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
-# $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
-name py-spyder-beta
-version 2.1.1
-epoch 20111107
-PortGroup python 1.0
-python.versions 26 27
-python.default_version 27
-categories python devel
-platforms darwin
-maintainers nomaintainer
-license MIT
-homepage http://packages.python.org/spyder/
-description Spyder is the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
-long_description ${description}. \
- Spyder provides a powerful interactive development \
- environment for the Python language with advanced \
- editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection \
- features as well as a numerical computing environment \
- thanks to the support of IPython (enhanced interactive \
- Python interpreter) and popular Python libraries such as \
- NumPy (linear algebra), SciPy (signal and image \
- processing) or matplotlib (interactive 2D/3D plotting) \
- development environment with advanced editing, \
- interactive testing, debugging and introspection features.
-distname spyder-${version}
-supported_archs noarch
-if {${subport} != ${name}} {
- replaced_by py${python.version}-spyder
- distfiles
- depends_lib
- pre-configure {
- ui_error "Please do not install this port since it has been replaced by 'py${python.version}-spyder'."
- return -code error
- }
-livecheck.type none
Copied: trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-devel/Portfile (from rev 101430, trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-beta/Portfile)
--- trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-devel/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/python/py-spyder-devel/Portfile 2013-01-11 19:09:43 UTC (rev 101483)
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name py-spyder-devel
+version 2.2.0-dev
+revision 0
+PortGroup python 1.0
+python.versions 26 27
+python.default_version 27
+PortGroup qt4 1.0
+categories python devel
+platforms darwin
+maintainers eborisch openmaintainer
+license MIT
+homepage http://packages.python.org/spyder/
+description Spyder is the Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
+long_description ${description}. \
+ Spyder provides a powerful interactive development \
+ environment for the Python language with advanced \
+ editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection \
+ features as well as a numerical computing environment \
+ thanks to the support of IPython (enhanced interactive \
+ Python interpreter) and popular Python libraries such as \
+ NumPy (linear algebra), SciPy (signal and image \
+ processing) or matplotlib (interactive 2D/3D plotting) \
+ development environment with advanced editing, \
+ interactive testing, debugging and introspection features.
+master_sites http://spyderlib.googlecode.com/archive/
+distname dbfee69d3c04fdc58aec18aa99c14327e1b4eafd
+use_zip yes
+supported_archs noarch
+checksums \
+ rmd160 a205075633c28d35588b8342e40a35c40fb2696e \
+ sha256 2ae22ced79f1b67142d57d12820e2c0139b7233e5e7d92f85101e0c4480796df
+worksrcdir spyderlib-[string range $distname 0 11]
+#pyNN-scipy doesn't build universal
+universal_variant no
+if {${subport} != ${name}} {
+ conflicts port:py${python.version}-spyder
+ # Set the pylint executable name
+ set LINT_BIN_NAME pylint-${python.branch}
+ set WINPDB_BIN_NAME winpdb-${python.branch}
+ patchfiles patch-widgets-pylintgui.py.diff \
+ spyderlib_baseconfig.py.diff \
+ spyderlib_plugins_editor.py.diff \
+ spyderlib_spyder.py.diff \
+ spyderlib_utils_programs.py.diff \
+ spyderlib_widgets_shell.py.diff
+ post-patch {
+ reinplace "s|@@WINPDB_BIN_NAME@@|${WINPDB_BIN_NAME}|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/plugins/editor.py
+ reinplace "s|@@LINT_BIN_NAME@@|${LINT_BIN_NAME}|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/spyderplugins/widgets/pylintgui.py
+ reinplace "s|\"assistant\"|\"Assistant\"|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
+ reinplace "s|\"linguist\"|\"Linguist\"|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
+ reinplace "s|\"designer\"|\"Designer\"|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
+ reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/spyder.py
+ reinplace "s|@@APPS_DIR@@|${applications_dir}|g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/spyderlib/utils/programs.py
+ # Windows newlines in the file cause compile() (in 2.6) to choke
+ reinplace "s|\r||g" \
+ ${worksrcpath}/doc/conf.py
+ }
+ # Bare minimum
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py${python.version}-pyqt4 \
+ port:py${python.version}-sphinx
+ variant tiny description {
+ Remove all optional dependencies for quickest install. Dependencies\
+ are detected/enabled at runtime and may be installed separately.
+ } conflicts small {}
+ variant small description {
+ Remove most optional dependencies for quicker install. Dependencies\
+ are detected/enabled at runtime and may be installed separately.
+ } conflicts tiny {}
+ # These add very little to the install time
+ if {![ variant_isset tiny ]} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py${python.version}-htmldocs \
+ port:py${python.version}-pylint \
+ port:py${python.version}-pep8 \
+ port:py${python.version}-pyflakes \
+ port:py${python.version}-rope
+ }
+ # These add substantially to the install time
+ if {![ variant_isset small ] &&
+ ![ variant_isset tiny ] } {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ path:${python.pkgd}/h5py/__init__.py:py${python.version}-h5py \
+ port:py${python.version}-ipython \
+ port:py${python.version}-zmq \
+ port:py${python.version}-matplotlib \
+ port:py${python.version}-scipy
+ }
+ variant pil description {
+ Support image objects in editor through PIL (many dependencies.)
+ } {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py${python.version}-pil
+ }
+ post-extract {
+ fs-traverse f ${worksrcpath} {
+ touch $f
+ }
+ }
+ post-destroot {
+ if {${python.version} == ${python.default_version}} {
+ ln -s ${python.prefix}/bin/spyder ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/
+ }
+ set OPTCMD [concat "HOME=${destroot}/tmp/spyder " \
+ "PYTHONPATH=${destroot}${python.pkgd} " \
+ "./spyder --optimize"]
+ file mkdir ${destroot}/tmp/spyder
+ system "cd ${destroot}${python.prefix}/bin && ${OPTCMD}"
+ delete ${destroot}/tmp/spyder
+ delete \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/spyder_win_post_install.py-${python.branch}
+ delete ${destroot}${python.prefix}/bin/spyder_win_post_install.py
+ }
+ if {${python.version} == ${python.default_version}} {
+ set EXENAME "'spyder' "
+ } else {
+ set EXENAME "'spyder-${python.branch}'"
+ }
+ notes \
+### Spyder is launched from the terminal with ${EXENAME} ###
+livecheck.type none
-------------- next part --------------
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