[108203] users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports
devans at macports.org
devans at macports.org
Mon Jul 15 21:46:21 PDT 2013
Revision: 108203
Author: devans at macports.org
Date: 2013-07-15 21:46:21 -0700 (Mon, 15 Jul 2013)
Log Message:
gnome3-core, gnome3-apps: new top level meta ports.
Added Paths:
Added: users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-apps/Portfile
--- users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-apps/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-apps/Portfile 2013-07-16 04:46:21 UTC (rev 108203)
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name gnome3-apps
+version 3.8.2
+categories gnome
+license Permissive
+maintainers devans openmaintainer
+description The GNOME 3 Apps module set
+long_description \
+ ${description}
+homepage https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.8/
+platforms darwin
+# This is a metaport
+supported_archs noarch
+# The following modules are included in the current GNOME apps
+# module set but have not yet been ported to MacPorts
+# accerciser
+# aisleriot (was part of gnome-games)
+# bijiben
+# brasero (no support for darwin Mac OS X, requires Linux SG or BSD CAM)
+# cheese (requires Video4Linux or V4L2)
+# evolution
+# five-or-more (was part of gnome-games)
+# four-in-a-row (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-boxes
+# gnome-chess
+# gnome-clocks
+# gnome-color-manager
+# gnome-documents
+# gnome-getting-started-docs
+# gnome-initial-setup
+# gnome-klotski (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-mahjongg (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-mines (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-nettool
+# gnome-nibbles (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-robots (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-sudoku (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-tetravex (was part of gnome-games)
+# gnome-weather
+# iagno (was part of gnome-games)
+# lightsoff (was part of gnome-games)
+# nautilus-sendto
+# nemiver
+# orca
+# quadrapassel (was part of gnome-games)
+# swell-foop
+# tali
+# vinagre
+# The following ports are included in the current GNOME apps
+# module set and have been ported to MacPorts but
+# are currently broken and/or need to be updated
+# None at this time
+depends_lib port:anjuta \
+ port:devhelp \
+ port:file-roller \
+ port:gedit \
+ port:glade \
+ port:gnome-devel-docs \
+ port:rygel \
+ port:seahorse
+use_configure no
+build { }
+variant broken description {Build ports that are broken or need work} {
+variant python27 conflicts python31 python32 python33 description {Use python 2.7} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py27-gobject3
+variant python31 conflicts python27 python32 python33 description {Use python 3.1} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py31-gobject3
+variant python32 conflicts python27 python31 python33 description {Use python 3.2} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py32-gobject3
+variant python33 conflicts python27 python31 python32 description {Use python 3.3} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py33-gobject3
+if {![variant_isset python25] && ![variant_isset python26]} {
+ default_variants +python27
+destroot {
+ file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/gnome
+ file copy ${filespath}/README.${name}.txt.in ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/gnome/README.${name}.txt
+ reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/gnome/README.${name}.txt
+livecheck.type none
Property changes on: users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-apps/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-core/Portfile
--- users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-core/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-core/Portfile 2013-07-16 04:46:21 UTC (rev 108203)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+name gnome3-core
+version 3.8.2
+categories gnome
+license Permissive
+maintainers devans openmaintainer
+description The Core GNOME 3 User Experience module set
+long_description \
+ ${description}
+homepage https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.8/
+platforms darwin
+# This is a metaport
+supported_archs noarch
+# The following modules are included in the current GNOME core
+# module set but have not yet been ported to MacPorts
+# ModemManager
+# NetworkManager
+# deskbar-applet
+# baobab
+# cantarell-fonts
+# caribou
+# dconf (not required, GIO (glib2) includes a native gsettings backend for Mac OS X)
+# gcr
+# geocode-glib
+# gjs
+# gnome-bluetooth
+# gnome-calculator
+# gnome-contacts
+# gnome-dictionary
+# gnome-disk-utility
+# gnome-icon-theme-extras
+# gnome-js-common
+# gnome-online-accounts
+# gnome-packagekit
+# gnome-screenshot
+# gnome-shell
+# gnome-shell-extensions
+# gnome-system-log
+# gnome-user-share
+# gnome-video-effects
+# grilo
+# grilo-plugins
+# gtksourceview3
+# libgxps
+# libpeas
+# libqmi
+# rest
+# libzapojit
+# mousetweaks
+# mutter
+# network-manager-applet
+# seed
+# sushi
+# tracker
+# The following ports are included in the current GNOME desktop
+# environment specification and have been ported to MacPorts but
+# are currently broken and/or need to be updated
+# gnome-system-monitor (builds but segfaults on processes/resources -- probably due to lack of support for MacOSX in libgtop)
+depends_lib port:at-spi2-atk \
+ port:at-spi2-core \
+ port:atk \
+ port:atkmm \
+ port:clutter \
+ port:clutter-gst \
+ port:clutter-gtk \
+ port:cogl \
+ port:empathy \
+ port:eog \
+ port:epiphany \
+ port:evince \
+ port:evolution-data-server \
+ port:folks \
+ port:gdk-pixbuf2 \
+ port:gdm \
+ path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \
+ port:glib-networking \
+ port:glibmm \
+ port:gmime \
+ port:gnome-backgrounds \
+ port:gnome-control-center \
+ port:gnome-desktop \
+ port:gnome-doc-utils \
+ port:gnome-icon-theme \
+ port:gnome-icon-theme-symbolic \
+ port:gnome-keyring \
+ port:gnome-menus \
+ port:gnome-session \
+ port:gnome-settings-daemon \
+ port:gnome-terminal \
+ port:gnome-themes-standard \
+ port:gnome-user-docs \
+ port:gobject-introspection \
+ port:gsettings-desktop-schemas \
+ port:gssdp \
+ port:gstreamer1-gst-plugins-base \
+ port:gstreamer1-gst-plugins-good \
+ port:gstreamer1 \
+ port:gtk3 \
+ port:gtk2 \
+ port:gtk-doc \
+ port:gtk-engines2 \
+ port:gtkmm3 \
+ port:gucharmap \
+ port:gupnp \
+ port:gupnp-igd \
+ port:gvfs \
+ port:json-glib \
+ port:libchamplain \
+ port:libcroco \
+ port:libgdata \
+ port:libgee \
+ port:libgnomekbd \
+ port:libgtop \
+ port:libgweather \
+ port:libnotify \
+ port:librsvg \
+ port:libsecret \
+ port:libsigcxx2 \
+ port:libsoup \
+ port:libwnck \
+ port:mm-common \
+ port:nautilus \
+ port:pango \
+ port:pangomm \
+ port:totem \
+ port:totem-pl-parser \
+ port:vala \
+ port:vino \
+ port:vte \
+ port:yelp \
+ port:yelp-xsl \
+ port:zenity
+use_configure no
+build { }
+variant broken description {Build ports that are broken or need work} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:gnome-system-monitor
+variant python27 conflicts python31 python32 python33 description {Use python 2.7} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py27-gobject3
+variant python31 conflicts python27 python32 python33 description {Use python 3.1} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py31-gobject3
+variant python32 conflicts python27 python31 python33 description {Use python 3.2} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py32-gobject3
+variant python33 conflicts python27 python31 python32 description {Use python 3.3} {
+ depends_lib-append \
+ port:py33-gobject3
+if {![variant_isset python25] && ![variant_isset python26]} {
+ default_variants +python27
+destroot {
+ file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/gnome
+ file copy ${filespath}/README.${name}.txt.in ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/gnome/README.${name}.txt
+ reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/gnome/README.${name}.txt
+livecheck.type none
Property changes on: users/devans/GNOME-3/stable/dports/gnome/gnome3-core/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
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