[108380] trunk/dports/science/raxml/Portfile

larryv at macports.org larryv at macports.org
Sun Jul 21 20:48:46 PDT 2013

Revision: 108380
Author:   larryv at macports.org
Date:     2013-07-21 20:48:46 -0700 (Sun, 21 Jul 2013)
Log Message:
raxml: Tweak whitespace and formatting.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/science/raxml/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/raxml/Portfile	2013-07-22 03:17:15 UTC (rev 108379)
+++ trunk/dports/science/raxml/Portfile	2013-07-22 03:48:46 UTC (rev 108380)
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem      1.0
+PortSystem          1.0
-name            raxml
-version         7.2.9
-description     Estimation of phylogenetic trees
-long_description        RAxML is a program for sequential and parallel estimation of\
-        phylogenetic trees written by Alexandros Stamatakis. By default the Pthreads\
-        implementation will be installed, use -pthreads +mpi for the MPI variant.
-license         GPL-2+
-maintainers     gmail.com:mattoates
-categories      science
-homepage        http://sco.h-its.org/exelixis
-platforms       darwin
-master_sites    ${homepage}/software/
-distname        RAxML-${version}
-checksums       md5     028b70c7c96900e1f70cdc2c2acab449 \
-                sha1    a038b72e197434d7fa8a7c35687b70adb4b0750b
-use_bzip2       yes
+name                raxml
+version             7.2.9
+description         Estimation of phylogenetic trees
+long_description    RAxML is a program for sequential and parallel \
+                    estimation of phylogenetic trees written by \
+                    Alexandros Stamatakis.
+license             GPL-2+
+maintainers         gmail.com:mattoates
+categories          science
+homepage            http://sco.h-its.org/exelixis
+platforms           darwin
+master_sites        ${homepage}/software/
+distname            RAxML-${version}
+checksums           md5     028b70c7c96900e1f70cdc2c2acab449 \
+                    sha1    a038b72e197434d7fa8a7c35687b70adb4b0750b
+use_bzip2           yes
-patchfiles      Makefiles.patch
+patchfiles          Makefiles.patch
-use_configure   no
+use_configure       no
 #Strings used by the variant options
 set HPCm ""
@@ -32,33 +32,32 @@
 #Use the MPI implementation
 variant mpi conflicts pthreads description {MPI implementation} {
-        depends_lib-append port:openmpi
-        set HPCm ".MPI"
-        set HPCb "-MPI"
-        configure.cc    ${prefix}/bin/openmpicc
+    depends_lib-append  port:openmpi
+    set HPCm ".MPI"
+    set HPCb "-MPI"
+    configure.cc        ${prefix}/bin/openmpicc
 #Use the pthreads implementation (default)
 variant pthreads conflicts mpi description {Pthreads implementation} {
-        set HPCm ".PTHREADS"
-        set HPCb "-PTHREADS"
+    set HPCm ".PTHREADS"
+    set HPCb "-PTHREADS"
 if {![variant_isset mpi]} {
-    default_variants        +pthreads
+    default_variants    +pthreads
 #For Intel machines add SSE as a variant and use it by default with pthreads
-if {$build_arch == "i386" || $build_arch == "x86_64"} {
-variant sse3 description {Use the SSE3 extended instruction set from Intel since 2004} {
+if {${build_arch} == "i386" || ${build_arch} == "x86_64"} {
+    variant sse3 description {Use the SSE3 extended instruction set from Intel since 2004} {
         set SSEm ".SSE3"
         set SSEb "-SSE3"
+    }
-if {![catch {sysctl hw.optional.sse3} result] && $result == 1} {
-    default_variants-append  +sse3
+    if {![catch {sysctl hw.optional.sse3} result] && ${result} == 1} {
+        default_variants-append  +sse3
+    }
 } else {
     post-patch {
         reinplace "s/-msse//" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile.gcc \
@@ -68,16 +67,16 @@
 #Pass in architecture information
-build.args  EXTRA_CFLAGS="${configure.cc_archflags}" \
-            LDFLAGS="${configure.ld_archflags}"
+build.args              EXTRA_CFLAGS="${configure.cc_archflags}" \
+                        LDFLAGS="${configure.ld_archflags}"
 #Make sure we are using the correct Makefile for this variant combo
 pre-build {
-        build.pre_args  -f Makefile${SSEm}${HPCm}.gcc
-        build.args-append CC="${configure.cc}"
+    build.pre_args      -f Makefile${SSEm}${HPCm}.gcc
+    build.args-append   CC="${configure.cc}"
 #We only need the single raxml binary
 destroot {
-        copy ${worksrcpath}/raxmlHPC${HPCb}${SSEb} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/raxml
+    copy ${worksrcpath}/raxmlHPC${HPCb}${SSEb} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/raxml
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