[104054] trunk/dports/irc

cal at macports.org cal at macports.org
Thu Mar 14 01:27:28 PDT 2013

Revision: 104054
Author:   cal at macports.org
Date:     2013-03-14 01:27:28 -0700 (Thu, 14 Mar 2013)
Log Message:
new port: quassel, closes #38241

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/dports/irc/quassel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/irc/quassel/Portfile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/irc/quassel/Portfile	2013-03-14 08:27:28 UTC (rev 104054)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+PortGroup cmake 1.0
+name            quassel
+version         0.8.0
+categories      irc
+license         GPL-3
+platforms       darwin
+maintainers     nomaintainer
+homepage        http://quassel-irc.org
+master_sites    ${homepage}/pub
+distname        ${name}-${version}
+checksums       rmd160  413e77a3359aac44f75f0952094fef561f47033d \
+                sha256  a3515bd18e2b100eb9a72480e76b1faefaa5e84cdb236b6af1f05b477a1e9071
+depends_lib     port:qt4-mac
+use_bzip2       yes
+configure.args  -DWANT_CORE=OFF \
+                -DWANT_QTCLIENT=OFF \
+                -DWANT_MONO=OFF \
+                -DWITH_CRYPT=OFF \
+                -DWITH_DBUS=OFF \
+                -DWITH_KDE=OFF \
+                -DWITH_PHONON=OFF \
+                -DWITH_OPENSSL=OFF
+if {${name} == ${subport}} {
+    description \
+        Qt4 IRC client
+    long_description \
+        Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform IRC client. This port installs \
+        the monolithic variant, which does not require a separate Quassel core.
+    configure.args-replace -DWANT_MONO=OFF -DWANT_MONO=ON
+    destroot {
+        xinstall -m 755 -d "${destroot}${applications_dir}"
+        copy "${worksrcpath}/Quassel.app" "${destroot}${applications_dir}"
+    }
+subport ${name}-client {
+    description \
+        Qt4 IRC client - client component
+    long_description \
+        Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client, \
+        meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from \
+        a central core - much like the popular combination of screen and a \
+        text-based IRC client such as WeeChat, but graphical.
+    depends_lib-append port:qt4-mac-sqlite3-plugin
+    if {[variant_isset crypt]} {
+        depends_run-append port:qca-ossl
+    }
+    configure.args-replace -DWANT_QTCLIENT=OFF -DWANT_QTCLIENT=ON
+    destroot {
+        xinstall -m 755 -d "${destroot}${applications_dir}"
+        copy "${worksrcpath}/Quassel Client.app" \
+             "${destroot}${applications_dir}"
+    }
+variant crypt description \
+    {Support per-channel and per-query blowfish encryption via qca} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:qca
+    configure.args-replace  -DWITH_CRYPT=OFF -DWITH_CRYPT=ON
+variant dbus description {Enable dbus support} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:dbusmenu-qt
+    configure.args-replace  -DWITH_DBUS=OFF -DWITH_DBUS=ON
+variant openssl description {Enable OpenSSL support} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:openssl
+    configure.args-replace  -DWITH_OPENSSL=OFF -DWITH_OPENSSL=ON
+variant phonon description {Enable support for audio notifications via phonon} {
+    depends_lib-append      port:phonon
+    configure.args-replace  -DWITH_PHONON=OFF -DWITH_PHONON=ON
+default_variants    +crypt +dbus +phonon +openssl

Property changes on: trunk/dports/irc/quassel/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native
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