[104064] trunk/dports/science/gnuradio/Portfile

michaelld at macports.org michaelld at macports.org
Thu Mar 14 06:31:15 PDT 2013

Revision: 104064
Author:   michaelld at macports.org
Date:     2013-03-14 06:31:15 -0700 (Thu, 14 Mar 2013)
Log Message:
gnuradio next and devel:
* update devel to latest;
* add log4cpp as a dependency for logging purposes.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/science/gnuradio/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/gnuradio/Portfile	2013-03-14 13:30:46 UTC (rev 104063)
+++ trunk/dports/science/gnuradio/Portfile	2013-03-14 13:31:15 UTC (rev 104064)
@@ -45,14 +45,16 @@
     long_description    ${description}: \
         This port is kept up with the GNU Radio GIT Master branch, which is typically updated every few days to week.  This version of GNU Radio generally contains fixes to, and its API is compatible with, the current GNU Radio release, and will be incorporated in an upcoming release.  This port may or not compile or function correctly, as it represents a work in progress.  If it does not work, check back in a few days.  Or try deactivating the currently active gnuradio port, cleaning any current builds, and trying again.
-    version             3.6.5_20130310
+    version             3.6.5_20130313
     conflicts           gnuradio gnuradio-next
     fetch.type          git
     git.url             git://gnuradio.org/gnuradio.git
-    git.branch          45f9c0a5792526279ebf5ffa6a4853c7e2de6dd6
+    git.branch          0fb2e888a48c0bd618109c5dd86e570ab93a6ff4
+    depends_lib-append  port:log2cpp
     livecheck.url       http://gnuradio.org/cgit/gnuradio.git/log/
     livecheck.version   ${git.branch}
     livecheck.regex     id=(\[a-f0-9\]+).>HEAD<
@@ -64,14 +66,16 @@
     long_description    ${description}: \
         This port is kept up with the GNU Radio GIT Next branch, which is typically updated every few days to week.  This version of GNU Radio represents the next major release of GNU Radio, and hence its API is likely to be different than that provided by either gnuradio or gnuradio-devel.  This port may or not compile or function correctly, as it represents a work in progress.  If it does not work, check back in a few days.  Or try deactivating the currently active gnuradio port, cleaning any current builds, and trying again.
-    version             3.7.0_20130310
+    version             3.7.0_20130313
     conflicts           gnuradio gnuradio-devel
     fetch.type          git
     git.url             git://gnuradio.org/gnuradio.git
-    git.branch          294a6fd3b811703329eb15ed91d848c65cc6700e
+    git.branch          3e7d338c626a94b9073db3c57b90ab5d9f35b7f4
+    depends_lib-append  port:log2cpp
     variant ctrlport description {Enable control port enhancements (EXPERIMENTAL)} {}
     if {[variant_isset ctrlport]} {
-------------- next part --------------
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