[106236] trunk/dports/emulators

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Sun May 19 23:47:05 PDT 2013

Revision: 106236
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2013-05-19 23:47:05 -0700 (Sun, 19 May 2013)
Log Message:
minivmac, minivmac-devel: use `dd` to extract the system images from the container disk image, because OS X 10.8 has trouble mounting the container disk image properly. This also eliminates the `expect` dependency and the shell script used to run it. Also, rename the Disk Tools binary patch file, and apply it in the patch phase, not the extract phase.

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:
    trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff
    trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff

Removed Paths:
    trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff
    trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff

Modified: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/Portfile	2013-05-20 06:46:37 UTC (rev 106235)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/Portfile	2013-05-20 06:47:05 UTC (rev 106236)
@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@
                         sha1    d4c8b8653de9c7a9b2594dd6126ec7120e3e2e9e \
                         rmd160  89fc3780c9c5d575a8da4068dc810c1f56c70211
-depends_extract         port:bsdiff \
-                        bin:expect:expect
+depends_extract         port:bsdiff
 if {${os.major} < 9} {
     depends_extract-append port:macutil
@@ -159,18 +158,41 @@
 extract.asroot          yes
 post-extract {
-    # Decode the system disk container image.
+    # Decode MacBinary encoding of the system disk container image.
+    ui_debug "Decoding ${my_system_disk_container_distfile}."
     my_system "sh ${filespath}/demacbinary.sh ${distpath}/${my_system_disk_container_distfile} ${worksrcpath}"
-    # Copy the Disk Tools image from the container image. The binary patchfile applied with bspatch
-    # places an alias of the output disk at System Folder:Preferences:Gryphel:Build:output.
-    set my_system_disk_container_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container}]
-    my_system "${prefix}/bin/bspatch '${my_system_disk_container_mount}/Disk Tools.image' '${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.dsk' '${filespath}/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff'"
-    my_detach_disk_image ${my_system_disk_container_mount}
+    # Decompress the system disk container image.
+    ui_debug "Decompressing ${my_system_disk_container}."
+    set my_system_disk_container_decompressed "[file rootname ${my_system_disk_container}].uncompressed.dmg"
+    system -W ${worksrcpath} "hdiutil convert '${my_system_disk_container}' -format UDRO -o '${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}'"
+    # The images on the container image. Images we don't need are commented out for future reference.
+    set my_images {
+        {Disk Tools.image}   233472 eb1979132c843560ebab490faeb7520d9a94757ecef3121a21abace8d3ae63ff
+    }
+#        {Fonts.image}       1709056 8b06f086a96b75bd23b16ae018bd334696239cb56e65bfa20166ea00d14cdef0
+#        {Install 1.image}   3184640 8c3ea898eeb88b795041108cd8a09bf4ebdf920d7d4763e4419df14713dbd952
+#        {Install 2.image}   4660224 0fc558475df55f3aed217d2eceebfa29e4a465a795807cd627b258740a9ec55b
+#        {Printing.image}    6135808 246cbf69ad1c2e588ee482fddec781135a67fbfe02734bb0f732eb055faa15fa
+#        {Tidbits.image}     7611392 3e3600bed1b5c7c595bc176b5eaadcc8c1517032489efc548b9b781c0ee1f062
+    # Extract the disk images from the system disk container image. `hdiutil` on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
+    # does not mount this disk image correctly, so extract the files manually using `dd`.
+    foreach {my_image_filename my_image_offset my_image_sha256} ${my_images} {
+        ui_debug "Extracting ${my_image_filename} from ${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}."
+        system -W ${worksrcpath} "dd bs=1 if='${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}' count=1474644 skip=${my_image_offset} of='${my_image_filename}'"
+        if {${my_image_sha256} != [sha256 file ${worksrcpath}/${my_image_filename}]} {
+            return -code error "extract failed"
+        }
+    }
     # Get a large empty disk image to store the output.
     my_system "unzip -q ${worksrcpath}/${my_blanks}/hfs24M.zip -d ${worksrcpath}"
+    # Delete temporary files we no longer need.
+    delete ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container} ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container_decompressed} ${worksrcpath}/${my_blanks}
     # Make the data directory, where Mini vMac looks for the files it needs.
     set my_mnvm_dat "${worksrcpath}/${my_bootstrap_app}/Contents/mnvm_dat"
     file mkdir ${my_mnvm_dat}
@@ -180,12 +202,18 @@
     # Symlink the disk images into the data directory with sequentially-numbered
     # names so Mini vMac will find them and automatically mount them.
-    ln -s "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.dsk" "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk1.dsk"
+    ln -s "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image" "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk1.dsk"
     ln -s ${worksrcpath}/output.img "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk2.dsk"
     ln -s ${worksrcpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.dsk "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk3.dsk"
     ln -s ${worksrcpath}/${my_clipin}/${my_clipin}.dsk "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk4.dsk"
+post-patch {
+    # Place an alias of the output disk at System Folder:Preferences:Gryphel:Build:output.
+    system -W ${worksrcpath} "${prefix}/bin/bspatch 'Disk Tools.image' 'Disk Tools.image.tmp' '${filespath}/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff'"
+    move -force "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image.tmp" "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image"
 pre-configure {
     # Set the name of the bootstrap app in the configure script.
     xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/configure.applescript.in ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript
@@ -363,11 +391,9 @@
 # Mounts a disk image.
 proc my_attach_disk_image {disk_image} {
-    global my_name filespath
+    global my_name
     set mountpoint [mkdtemp "/tmp/${my_name}.XXXXXXXX"]
-    # Use this expect script instead of using hdiutil directly, because the
-    # system disk image has a license agreement we must agree to.
-    my_system "expect ${filespath}/attach.exp '${disk_image}' '${mountpoint}'"
+    system "hdiutil attach '${disk_image}' -mountpoint '${mountpoint}' -private -nobrowse -noautoopen -noautofsck -noverify -readonly"
     return ${mountpoint}

Deleted: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/attach.exp
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/attach.exp	2013-05-20 06:46:37 UTC (rev 106235)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/attach.exp	2013-05-20 06:47:05 UTC (rev 106236)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env expect --
-# $Id$
-spawn hdiutil attach "[lindex $argv 0]" -mountpoint "[lindex $argv 1]" -private -nobrowse -noautoopen -noautofsck -noverify -readonly
-expect {
-	"Software License" {
-		exp_send "q"
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	"Agree Y/N?" {
-		exp_send "y\r"
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	"/dev/" {
-		interact
-	}

Copied: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff (from rev 106234, trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff)
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/Portfile	2013-05-20 06:46:37 UTC (rev 106235)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/Portfile	2013-05-20 06:47:05 UTC (rev 106236)
@@ -91,8 +91,7 @@
                         sha1    d4c8b8653de9c7a9b2594dd6126ec7120e3e2e9e \
                         rmd160  89fc3780c9c5d575a8da4068dc810c1f56c70211
-depends_extract         port:bsdiff \
-                        bin:expect:expect
+depends_extract         port:bsdiff
 if {${os.major} < 9} {
     depends_extract-append port:macutil
@@ -167,18 +166,41 @@
 extract.asroot          yes
 post-extract {
-    # Decode the system disk container image.
+    # Decode MacBinary encoding of the system disk container image.
+    ui_debug "Decoding ${my_system_disk_container_distfile}."
     my_system "sh ${filespath}/demacbinary.sh ${distpath}/${my_system_disk_container_distfile} ${worksrcpath}"
-    # Copy the Disk Tools image from the container image. The binary patchfile applied with bspatch
-    # places an alias of the output disk at System Folder:Preferences:Gryphel:Build:output.
-    set my_system_disk_container_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container}]
-    my_system "${prefix}/bin/bspatch '${my_system_disk_container_mount}/Disk Tools.image' '${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.dsk' '${filespath}/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff'"
-    my_detach_disk_image ${my_system_disk_container_mount}
+    # Decompress the system disk container image.
+    ui_debug "Decompressing ${my_system_disk_container}."
+    set my_system_disk_container_decompressed "[file rootname ${my_system_disk_container}].uncompressed.dmg"
+    system -W ${worksrcpath} "hdiutil convert '${my_system_disk_container}' -format UDRO -o '${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}'"
+    # The images on the container image. Images we don't need are commented out for future reference.
+    set my_images {
+        {Disk Tools.image}   233472 eb1979132c843560ebab490faeb7520d9a94757ecef3121a21abace8d3ae63ff
+    }
+#        {Fonts.image}       1709056 8b06f086a96b75bd23b16ae018bd334696239cb56e65bfa20166ea00d14cdef0
+#        {Install 1.image}   3184640 8c3ea898eeb88b795041108cd8a09bf4ebdf920d7d4763e4419df14713dbd952
+#        {Install 2.image}   4660224 0fc558475df55f3aed217d2eceebfa29e4a465a795807cd627b258740a9ec55b
+#        {Printing.image}    6135808 246cbf69ad1c2e588ee482fddec781135a67fbfe02734bb0f732eb055faa15fa
+#        {Tidbits.image}     7611392 3e3600bed1b5c7c595bc176b5eaadcc8c1517032489efc548b9b781c0ee1f062
+    # Extract the disk images from the system disk container image. `hdiutil` on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
+    # does not mount this disk image correctly, so extract the files manually using `dd`.
+    foreach {my_image_filename my_image_offset my_image_sha256} ${my_images} {
+        ui_debug "Extracting ${my_image_filename} from ${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}."
+        system -W ${worksrcpath} "dd bs=1 if='${my_system_disk_container_decompressed}' count=1474644 skip=${my_image_offset} of='${my_image_filename}'"
+        if {${my_image_sha256} != [sha256 file ${worksrcpath}/${my_image_filename}]} {
+            return -code error "extract failed"
+        }
+    }
     # Get a large empty disk image to store the output.
     my_system "unzip -q ${worksrcpath}/${my_blanks}/hfs24M.zip -d ${worksrcpath}"
+    # Delete temporary files we no longer need.
+    delete ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container} ${worksrcpath}/${my_system_disk_container_decompressed} ${worksrcpath}/${my_blanks}
     # Make the data directory, where Mini vMac looks for the files it needs.
     set my_mnvm_dat "${worksrcpath}/${my_bootstrap_app}/Contents/mnvm_dat"
     file mkdir ${my_mnvm_dat}
@@ -188,12 +210,18 @@
     # Symlink the disk images into the data directory with sequentially-numbered
     # names so Mini vMac will find them and automatically mount them.
-    ln -s "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.dsk" "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk1.dsk"
+    ln -s "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image" "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk1.dsk"
     ln -s ${worksrcpath}/output.img "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk2.dsk"
     ln -s ${worksrcpath}/${my_src}/${my_src}.dsk "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk3.dsk"
     ln -s ${worksrcpath}/${my_clipin}/${my_clipin}.dsk "${my_mnvm_dat}/disk4.dsk"
+post-patch {
+    # Place an alias of the output disk at System Folder:Preferences:Gryphel:Build:output.
+    system -W ${worksrcpath} "${prefix}/bin/bspatch 'Disk Tools.image' 'Disk Tools.image.tmp' '${filespath}/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff'"
+    move -force "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image.tmp" "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image"
 pre-configure {
     # Set the name of the bootstrap app in the configure script.
     xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/configure.applescript.in ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript
@@ -371,11 +399,9 @@
 # Mounts a disk image.
 proc my_attach_disk_image {disk_image} {
-    global my_name filespath
+    global my_name
     set mountpoint [mkdtemp "/tmp/${my_name}.XXXXXXXX"]
-    # Use this expect script instead of using hdiutil directly, because the
-    # system disk image has a license agreement we must agree to.
-    my_system "expect ${filespath}/attach.exp '${disk_image}' '${mountpoint}'"
+    system "hdiutil attach '${disk_image}' -mountpoint '${mountpoint}' -private -nobrowse -noautoopen -noautofsck -noverify -readonly"
     return ${mountpoint}

Deleted: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/attach.exp
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/attach.exp	2013-05-20 06:46:37 UTC (rev 106235)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/attach.exp	2013-05-20 06:47:05 UTC (rev 106236)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env expect --
-# $Id$
-spawn hdiutil attach "[lindex $argv 0]" -mountpoint "[lindex $argv 1]" -private -nobrowse -noautoopen -noautofsck -noverify -readonly
-expect {
-	"Software License" {
-		exp_send "q"
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	"Agree Y/N?" {
-		exp_send "y\r"
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	"/dev/" {
-		interact
-	}

Copied: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff (from rev 106234, trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/Disk Tools.dsk.bsdiff)
(Binary files differ)
-------------- next part --------------
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