[106300] trunk/dports/emulators
ryandesign at macports.org
ryandesign at macports.org
Tue May 21 19:05:14 PDT 2013
Revision: 106300
Author: ryandesign at macports.org
Date: 2013-05-21 19:05:14 -0700 (Tue, 21 May 2013)
Log Message:
minivmac: update to 3.2.3
minivmac-devel: update to 3.3.2
both ports: Remove all code dealing with mounting disk images, which was problematic. Instead have the MnvM_bld program export the configured source as tarballs to the host machine. Update the bootstrap to 3.2.3, with the new auto-slow feature disabled, and patched to export files to the same directory as the bootstrap app, instead of prompting for a location.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff
trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff
Modified: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/Portfile 2013-05-21 22:57:04 UTC (rev 106299)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/Portfile 2013-05-22 02:05:14 UTC (rev 106300)
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
name minivmac
conflicts minivmac-devel
set my_name minivmac
-version 3.1.3
+version 3.2.3
categories emulators aqua
maintainers ryandesign
license GPL-2
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@
master_sites sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac/${version}:minivmacsource \
sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac-extras/extras6:minivmacextras6 \
sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac-extras/2004.01.24:minivmacblanks \
- macports:${my_name}:macports \
+ http://www.ryandesign.com/macports/distfiles/minivmac:bootstrap \
set my_src ${distname}.src
set my_src_distfile ${my_src}.zip
-set my_bootstrap_distfile ${my_name}-bootstrap-3.1.2_1.zip
+set my_bootstrap_distfile ${my_name}-bootstrap-3.2.3_0.zip
set my_blanks blanks
set my_blanks_distfile ${my_blanks}-0.2.0.zip
set my_icons icnsosx-1.0.0
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
set my_system_disk_container_distfile ${my_system_disk_container}.bin
distfiles ${my_src_distfile}:minivmacsource \
- ${my_bootstrap_distfile}:macports \
+ ${my_bootstrap_distfile}:bootstrap \
${my_icons_distfile}:minivmacextras6 \
${my_blanks_distfile}:minivmacblanks \
@@ -55,13 +55,11 @@
checksums ${my_src_distfile} \
- md5 5243ae167cc00920e03b4abca2b40af5 \
- sha1 b9967ac258baf1a15785e884c306bf0d42097d45 \
- rmd160 2af69ebf5420f8f8d0baece03664dc7326e13e38 \
+ rmd160 24e2a29db9ea54dfc41889ef16184daa3f054ef5 \
+ sha256 f3b8c5dc3f4a48267d0a2666b9c71109a59fd5edf96a6d0ed12158df303c878f \
${my_bootstrap_distfile} \
- md5 65fa9b7fb19a24dc6c9e711387c1bc30 \
- sha1 4ad44559e75894d45e91ae62cc7ddb420062f968 \
- rmd160 58884cac487a537b5d00fc6093fdfecb6ccc5a2f \
+ rmd160 32e803a75d4f9ab6b7dfa5a7b1ec2ef9d3a057c2 \
+ sha256 e6fe692683ab54e08b0350fe9901e872f7bf3c3a62f69b45773254fce45a4fae \
${my_icons_distfile} \
md5 2af006506de7549be14f94317918d59a \
sha1 4ef79bb56b988fedfeb82a8b6cafd8066f5bbab2 \
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@
set my_rom_dir "~/Library/Preferences/Gryphel/mnvm_rom"
set my_bootstrap_app "Mini vMac Bootstrap.app"
set my_rom_file vMac.ROM
-set my_base_options "-maintainer MacPorts -homepage http://www.macports.org/ -cl -eol unx -nex"
+set my_base_options "-maintainer MacPorts -homepage http://www.macports.org/ -cl -eol unx"
set my_archs {}
options my_variations
@@ -103,11 +101,11 @@
{IIx} {-m IIx -mem 8M -hres 800 -vres 600 -depth 3}
-# To build the bootstrap, use "sudo port install bootstrap=yes".
+# To build the bootstrap, use "sudo port install bootstrap=yes +bootstrap".
# The variant is hidden because it is useful only to the port maintainer.
if {[tbool bootstrap]} {
variant bootstrap conflicts unsupported requires universal description {Build the bootstrap version of Mini vMac} {
- my_variations {Bootstrap} {-m Plus -sound 0 -bg 1 -speed a}
+ my_variations {Bootstrap} {-m Plus -sound 0 -bg 1 -speed a -as 0}
depends_build-append port:p7zip
depends_skip_archcheck p7zip
post-destroot {
@@ -202,10 +200,6 @@
post-patch {
- # Place an alias of the output disk at System Folder:Preferences:Gryphel:Build:output.
- system -W ${worksrcpath} "${prefix}/bin/bspatch 'Disk Tools.image' 'Disk Tools.image.tmp' '${filespath}/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff'"
- move -force "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image.tmp" "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image"
# Place an 8192-byte TeachText file called "configure.args" (containing "@START@",
# 8180 spaces, and "@END@") onto the root of the output disk and set the disk's
# window to open when the disk is mounted.
@@ -218,14 +212,9 @@
xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/configure.applescript.in ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript
reinplace "s|@BOOTSTRAP_APP@|${my_bootstrap_app}|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript
- # Copy the large blank disk image to store the output.
- # Use the .img extension so that we can mount it on Mac OS X later.
+ # Copy a blank disk image to store the configure args.
copy -force ${worksrcpath}/hfs24M.DSK ${worksrcpath}/output.img
- # Unrestrict the permissions on the output disk image so the Build program
- # can write its output to it.
- file attributes ${worksrcpath}/output.img -permissions 0777
# Build up the combined configure args for all variations.
set i 0
foreach my_arch ${my_archs} {
@@ -274,19 +263,26 @@
file mkdir ${build.dir}
set my_variation_dirs {}
- set my_output_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${worksrcpath}/output.img]
foreach my_arch ${my_archs} {
file mkdir ${build.dir}/${my_arch}
set my_target [my_arch_to_target ${my_arch}]
foreach {my_machine unused} ${my_variations} {
- set my_src_dir ${my_output_disk_mount}/${version}_${revision}-[strsed [string tolower ${my_machine}] {g/[^a-z0-9_-]//}]-${my_target}
- if {[file isdirectory ${my_src_dir}]} {
+ set my_variation ${version}_${revision}-[strsed [string tolower ${my_machine}] {g/[^a-z0-9_-]//}]-${my_target}
+ set my_src_tarball ${worksrcpath}/${my_variation}.tar
+ if {[file isfile ${my_src_tarball}]} {
set my_variation_dir ${my_arch}/${my_machine}
lappend my_variation_dirs [strsed ${my_variation_dir} {g/ /\\\\ /}]
- # Get the configured source code.
- file copy ${my_src_dir} ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}
+ # Untar the configured source code.
+ system -W ${build.dir}/${my_arch} "tar xf '${my_src_tarball}'"
+ move ${build.dir}/${my_arch}/${my_variation} ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}
+ if {[variant_exists bootstrap] && [variant_isset bootstrap]} {
+ # Change the "export" function so that exported files are written to the same
+ # directory as Mini vMac, instead of prompting for a location.
+ system -W ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir} "patch -p0 < ${filespath}/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff"
+ }
# Use the right compiler.
reinplace "s|gcc|${configure.cc}|g" ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/Makefile
@@ -296,7 +292,6 @@
- my_detach_disk_image ${my_output_disk_mount}
# Set up the global Makefile.
xinstall ${filespath}/Makefile.in ${build.dir}/Makefile
@@ -400,20 +395,6 @@
-# Mounts a disk image.
-proc my_attach_disk_image {disk_image} {
- global my_name
- set mountpoint [mkdtemp "/tmp/${my_name}.XXXXXXXX"]
- system "hdiutil attach '${disk_image}' -mountpoint '${mountpoint}' -private -nobrowse -noautoopen -noautofsck -noverify -readonly"
- return ${mountpoint}
-# Unmounts a disk image.
-proc my_detach_disk_image {mountpoint} {
- my_system "hdiutil detach ${mountpoint} -force"
- file delete -force ${mountpoint}
proc my_system {cmd} {
ui_debug ${cmd}
system ${cmd}
Modified: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/configure.applescript.in
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/configure.applescript.in 2013-05-21 22:57:04 UTC (rev 106299)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/configure.applescript.in 2013-05-22 02:05:14 UTC (rev 106300)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
my menu_file_quit() -- quit
my menu_file_close() -- close Finder window
- my key_code(11) -- "B" -- select the Build program
+ my key_code(46) -- "M" -- select the MnvM_bld program
my menu_file_open() -- open it
my menu_edit_paste() -- paste the configure args into the window
my menu_file_go() -- do the build
Deleted: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff
(Binary files differ)
Added: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac/files/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff 2013-05-22 02:05:14 UTC (rev 106300)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+--- src/MYOSGLUE.c.orig 2011-09-18 23:59:33.000000000 -0500
++++ src/MYOSGLUE.c 2013-05-21 01:53:34.000000000 -0500
+@@ -3410,55 +3410,19 @@
+ #if IncludeSonyNew
+ LOCALPROC MakeNewDisk(ui5b L, CFStringRef NewDiskName)
+ {
+- NavDialogRef theSaveDialog;
+- NavDialogCreationOptions dialogOptions;
+- NavReplyRecord theReply;
+- NavEventUPP gEventProc = NewNavEventUPP(NavigationEventProc);
+- if (noErr == NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&dialogOptions)) {
+- dialogOptions.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal;
+- dialogOptions.saveFileName = NewDiskName;
+- if (noErr == NavCreatePutFileDialog(&dialogOptions,
+- 'TEXT', 'MPS ',
+- gEventProc, NULL,
+- &theSaveDialog))
+- {
+- MyBeginDialog();
+- (void) NavDialogRun(theSaveDialog);
+- MyEndDialog();
+- if (noErr == NavDialogGetReply(theSaveDialog,
+- &theReply))
+- {
+- if (theReply.validRecord) {
+- long itemsInList;
+- AEKeyword keyword;
+- DescType typeCode;
+- FSRef theRef;
+- Size actualSize;
+- if (noErr == AECountItems(
+- &theReply.selection, &itemsInList))
+- {
+- if (itemsInList == 1) {
+- if (noErr == AEGetNthPtr(
+- &theReply.selection, 1, typeFSRef,
+- &keyword, &typeCode, (Ptr)&theRef,
+- sizeof(FSRef), &actualSize))
++ ProcessSerialNumber currentProcess = {0, kCurrentProcess};
++ FSRef fsRef;
++ FSRef theRef;
++ if (noErr == GetProcessBundleLocation(¤tProcess,
++ &fsRef))
++ if (noErr == FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNone,
++ NULL, NULL, NULL, &theRef))
+ {
+ ReportStandardOpenDiskError(
+ MakeNewDisk0(&theRef,
+- theReply.saveFileName, L));
++ NewDiskName, L));
+ }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- (void) NavDisposeReply(&theReply);
+- }
+- NavDialogDispose(theSaveDialog);
+- }
+- }
+- DisposeNavEventUPP(gEventProc);
+ if (NewDiskName != NULL) {
+ CFRelease(NewDiskName);
Modified: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/Portfile 2013-05-21 22:57:04 UTC (rev 106299)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/Portfile 2013-05-22 02:05:14 UTC (rev 106300)
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
conflicts minivmac
set my_name minivmac
epoch 3
-version 3.2.2
+version 3.3.2
+set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
set my_version [strsed ${version} {g/^20//}]
categories emulators aqua
maintainers ryandesign
@@ -38,12 +39,12 @@
master_sites sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac/${version}:minivmacsource \
sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac-extras/extras6:minivmacextras6 \
sourceforge:project/minivmac/minivmac-extras/2004.01.24:minivmacblanks \
- macports:${my_name}:macports \
+ http://www.ryandesign.com/macports/distfiles/minivmac:bootstrap \
set my_src ${distname}.src
set my_src_distfile ${my_src}.zip
-set my_bootstrap_distfile ${my_name}-bootstrap-3.1.2_1.zip
+set my_bootstrap_distfile ${my_name}-bootstrap-3.2.3_0.zip
set my_blanks blanks
set my_blanks_distfile ${my_blanks}-0.2.0.zip
set my_icons icnsosx-1.0.0
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@
set my_system_disk_container_distfile ${my_system_disk_container}.bin
distfiles ${my_src_distfile}:minivmacsource \
- ${my_bootstrap_distfile}:macports \
+ ${my_bootstrap_distfile}:bootstrap \
${my_icons_distfile}:minivmacextras6 \
${my_blanks_distfile}:minivmacblanks \
@@ -63,13 +64,11 @@
checksums ${my_src_distfile} \
- md5 0a6a38ca6bcd42fdfa100a7c0fe276b7 \
- sha1 e60977c9d9a65a51af62b5f7e87b16e708f735f1 \
- rmd160 ab86256d2f3346c4b3fe28f40e174357e6801a0d \
+ rmd160 a8a75847ed43a4d830930a98e3a20a2451144350 \
+ sha256 b5a02693a6106585622f2f928371f160c9b79656b834e7e25519de2d645eb1be \
${my_bootstrap_distfile} \
- md5 65fa9b7fb19a24dc6c9e711387c1bc30 \
- sha1 4ad44559e75894d45e91ae62cc7ddb420062f968 \
- rmd160 58884cac487a537b5d00fc6093fdfecb6ccc5a2f \
+ rmd160 32e803a75d4f9ab6b7dfa5a7b1ec2ef9d3a057c2 \
+ sha256 e6fe692683ab54e08b0350fe9901e872f7bf3c3a62f69b45773254fce45a4fae \
${my_icons_distfile} \
md5 2af006506de7549be14f94317918d59a \
sha1 4ef79bb56b988fedfeb82a8b6cafd8066f5bbab2 \
@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@
set my_rom_dir "~/Library/Preferences/Gryphel/mnvm_rom"
set my_bootstrap_app "Mini vMac Bootstrap.app"
set my_rom_file vMac.ROM
-set my_base_options "-maintainer MacPorts -homepage http://www.macports.org/ -cl -eol unx -nex"
+set my_base_options "-maintainer MacPorts -homepage http://www.macports.org/ -cl -eol unx"
set my_archs {}
options my_variations
@@ -111,11 +110,11 @@
{IIx} {-m IIx -mem 8M -hres 800 -vres 600 -depth 3}
-# To build the bootstrap, use "sudo port install bootstrap=yes".
+# To build the bootstrap, use "sudo port install bootstrap=yes +bootstrap".
# The variant is hidden because it is useful only to the port maintainer.
if {[tbool bootstrap]} {
variant bootstrap conflicts unsupported requires universal description {Build the bootstrap version of Mini vMac} {
- my_variations {Bootstrap} {-m Plus -sound 0 -bg 1 -speed a}
+ my_variations {Bootstrap} {-m Plus -sound 0 -bg 1 -speed a -as 0}
depends_build-append port:p7zip
depends_skip_archcheck p7zip
post-destroot {
@@ -210,10 +209,6 @@
post-patch {
- # Place an alias of the output disk at System Folder:Preferences:Gryphel:Build:output.
- system -W ${worksrcpath} "${prefix}/bin/bspatch 'Disk Tools.image' 'Disk Tools.image.tmp' '${filespath}/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff'"
- move -force "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image.tmp" "${worksrcpath}/Disk Tools.image"
# Place an 8192-byte TeachText file called "configure.args" (containing "@START@",
# 8180 spaces, and "@END@") onto the root of the output disk and set the disk's
# window to open when the disk is mounted.
@@ -226,14 +221,9 @@
xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/configure.applescript.in ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript
reinplace "s|@BOOTSTRAP_APP@|${my_bootstrap_app}|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure.applescript
- # Copy the large blank disk image to store the output.
- # Use the .img extension so that we can mount it on Mac OS X later.
+ # Copy a blank disk image to store the configure args.
copy -force ${worksrcpath}/hfs24M.DSK ${worksrcpath}/output.img
- # Unrestrict the permissions on the output disk image so the MnvM_bld program
- # can write its output to it.
- file attributes ${worksrcpath}/output.img -permissions 0777
# Build up the combined configure args for all variations.
set i 0
foreach my_arch ${my_archs} {
@@ -282,19 +272,26 @@
file mkdir ${build.dir}
set my_variation_dirs {}
- set my_output_disk_mount [my_attach_disk_image ${worksrcpath}/output.img]
foreach my_arch ${my_archs} {
file mkdir ${build.dir}/${my_arch}
set my_target [my_arch_to_target ${my_arch}]
foreach {my_machine unused} ${my_variations} {
- set my_src_dir ${my_output_disk_mount}/${version}_${revision}-[strsed [string tolower ${my_machine}] {g/[^a-z0-9_-]//}]-${my_target}
- if {[file isdirectory ${my_src_dir}]} {
+ set my_variation ${version}_${revision}-[strsed [string tolower ${my_machine}] {g/[^a-z0-9_-]//}]-${my_target}
+ set my_src_tarball ${worksrcpath}/${my_variation}.tar
+ if {[file isfile ${my_src_tarball}]} {
set my_variation_dir ${my_arch}/${my_machine}
lappend my_variation_dirs [strsed ${my_variation_dir} {g/ /\\\\ /}]
- # Get the configured source code.
- file copy ${my_src_dir} ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}
+ # Untar the configured source code.
+ system -W ${build.dir}/${my_arch} "tar xf '${my_src_tarball}'"
+ move ${build.dir}/${my_arch}/${my_variation} ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}
+ if {[variant_exists bootstrap] && [variant_isset bootstrap]} {
+ # Change the "export" function so that exported files are written to the same
+ # directory as Mini vMac, instead of prompting for a location.
+ system -W ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir} "patch -p0 < ${filespath}/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff"
+ }
# Use the right compiler.
reinplace "s|gcc|${configure.cc}|g" ${build.dir}/${my_variation_dir}/Makefile
@@ -304,7 +301,6 @@
- my_detach_disk_image ${my_output_disk_mount}
# Set up the global Makefile.
xinstall ${filespath}/Makefile.in ${build.dir}/Makefile
@@ -408,20 +404,6 @@
-# Mounts a disk image.
-proc my_attach_disk_image {disk_image} {
- global my_name
- set mountpoint [mkdtemp "/tmp/${my_name}.XXXXXXXX"]
- system "hdiutil attach '${disk_image}' -mountpoint '${mountpoint}' -private -nobrowse -noautoopen -noautofsck -noverify -readonly"
- return ${mountpoint}
-# Unmounts a disk image.
-proc my_detach_disk_image {mountpoint} {
- my_system "hdiutil detach ${mountpoint} -force"
- file delete -force ${mountpoint}
proc my_system {cmd} {
ui_debug ${cmd}
system ${cmd}
@@ -436,7 +418,7 @@
livecheck.url ${homepage}develop/index.html
} else {
# Alpha versions:
- livecheck.url ${homepage}alpha/index.html
+ livecheck.url ${homepage}doc-${branch}/download.html
# Beta versions:
#livecheck.url ${homepage}beta/index.html
Deleted: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/patch-Disk Tools.image.bsdiff
(Binary files differ)
Added: trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff
--- trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/emulators/minivmac-devel/files/patch-src-MYOSGLUE.c.diff 2013-05-22 02:05:14 UTC (rev 106300)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+--- src/MYOSGLUE.c.orig 2012-05-27 04:47:25.000000000 -0500
++++ src/MYOSGLUE.c 2013-05-21 06:49:37.000000000 -0500
+@@ -3436,55 +3436,19 @@
+ #if IncludeSonyNew
+ LOCALPROC MakeNewDisk(ui5b L, CFStringRef NewDiskName)
+ {
+- NavDialogRef theSaveDialog;
+- NavDialogCreationOptions dialogOptions;
+- NavReplyRecord theReply;
+- NavEventUPP gEventProc = NewNavEventUPP(NavigationEventProc);
+- if (noErr == NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions(&dialogOptions)) {
+- dialogOptions.modality = kWindowModalityAppModal;
+- dialogOptions.saveFileName = NewDiskName;
+- if (noErr == NavCreatePutFileDialog(&dialogOptions,
+- 'TEXT', 'MPS ',
+- gEventProc, NULL,
+- &theSaveDialog))
+- {
+- MyBeginDialog();
+- (void) NavDialogRun(theSaveDialog);
+- MyEndDialog();
+- if (noErr == NavDialogGetReply(theSaveDialog,
+- &theReply))
+- {
+- if (theReply.validRecord) {
+- long itemsInList;
+- AEKeyword keyword;
+- DescType typeCode;
+- FSRef theRef;
+- Size actualSize;
+- if (noErr == AECountItems(
+- &theReply.selection, &itemsInList))
+- {
+- if (itemsInList == 1) {
+- if (noErr == AEGetNthPtr(
+- &theReply.selection, 1, typeFSRef,
+- &keyword, &typeCode, (Ptr)&theRef,
+- sizeof(FSRef), &actualSize))
++ ProcessSerialNumber currentProcess = {0, kCurrentProcess};
++ FSRef fsRef;
++ FSRef theRef;
++ if (noErr == GetProcessBundleLocation(¤tProcess,
++ &fsRef))
++ if (noErr == FSGetCatalogInfo(&fsRef, kFSCatInfoNone,
++ NULL, NULL, NULL, &theRef))
+ {
+ ReportStandardOpenDiskError(
+ MakeNewDisk0(&theRef,
+- theReply.saveFileName, L));
++ NewDiskName, L));
+ }
+- }
+- }
+- }
+- (void) NavDisposeReply(&theReply);
+- }
+- NavDialogDispose(theSaveDialog);
+- }
+- }
+- DisposeNavEventUPP(gEventProc);
+ }
+ #endif
-------------- next part --------------
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