[112935] trunk/dports/devel/otx/Portfile

g5pw at macports.org g5pw at macports.org
Mon Nov 4 08:10:28 PST 2013

Revision: 112935
Author:   g5pw at macports.org
Date:     2013-11-04 08:10:28 -0800 (Mon, 04 Nov 2013)
Log Message:
  update to r560
  indent description

Revision Links:

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/devel/otx/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/devel/otx/Portfile	2013-11-04 15:55:17 UTC (rev 112934)
+++ trunk/dports/devel/otx/Portfile	2013-11-04 16:10:28 UTC (rev 112935)
@@ -11,12 +11,19 @@
 license             public-domain
 maintainers         nomaintainer
 description         otool's bastard son
-long_description    {otx stands for "object tool extended". otx uses otool(object tool) to disassemble a Mach-O executable file, then enhances the disassembled output. Simple enhancements include adding the machine code of each instruction and the offset of each instruction from the beginning of a function. More complicated enhancements include displaying the names and data types of Objective-C methods even if symbols have been stripped, and adding comments that describe member variables, function calls, static data and more.}
+long_description    otx stands for \"object tool extended\". otx uses \
+    otool(object tool) to disassemble a Mach-O executable file, then enhances \
+    the disassembled output. Simple enhancements include adding the machine code \
+    of each instruction and the offset of each instruction from the beginning of \
+    a function. More complicated enhancements include displaying the names and \
+    data types of Objective-C methods even if symbols have been stripped, and \
+    adding comments that describe member variables, function calls, static data \
+    and more.
 homepage            http://otx.osxninja.com/
 # master_sites        
 fetch.type          svn
 svn.url             http://otx.osxninja.com/builds/trunk/
-svn.revision        556
+svn.revision        560
 # checksums           md5 MD5SUM \
 #                     sha1 SHA1SUM
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