[113672] users/mojca/ports/science
mojca at macports.org
mojca at macports.org
Fri Nov 22 12:51:21 PST 2013
Revision: 113672
Author: mojca at macports.org
Date: 2013-11-22 12:51:21 -0800 (Fri, 22 Nov 2013)
Log Message:
mojca/root: first attempt of a CMake-based Portfile for Root
Added Paths:
Added: users/mojca/ports/science/root/Portfile
--- users/mojca/ports/science/root/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ users/mojca/ports/science/root/Portfile 2013-11-22 20:51:21 UTC (rev 113672)
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+PortGroup cmake 1.0
+PortGroup github 1.0
+github.setup root-mirror root 2db95a32c2
+name root
+version 5.34.12
+categories science
+maintainers hep.phy.cam.ac.uk:jonesc
+license LGPL-2.1+
+description ROOT is a data analysis framework from CERN
+long_description The ROOT system provides a set of frameworks with all \
+ the functionality needed to handle and analyze large amounts \
+ of data in a very efficient way. This version provides a build \
+ of a snapshot of the ROOT 6 development version. \
+ For a stable release install the root port instead.
+homepage http://root.cern.ch/
+platforms darwin
+checksums rmd160 7aecd4a9379255d40563f810ff5e97adcfb625d3 \
+ sha256 d69aed1e4d0b5bd7aff62baa405dec52fe6be97d493b5f4778226c595ace5c08
+configure.dir ${workpath}/build
+build.dir ${configure.dir}
+post-extract {
+ file mkdir ${configure.dir}
+depends_lib port:freetype \
+ port:xz \
+ port:pcre \
+ port:Xft2 \
+ port:xorg-libX11 \
+ port:zlib \
+ port:jpeg \
+ port:libpng \
+ port:giflib \
+ port:tiff \
+ port:gmp \
+ port:xpm \
+ port:expat
+#patchfiles patch-configure.diff
+#patchfiles patch-cmake-modules-FindOpenGL.cmake.diff
+post-patch {
+# reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/cmake/modules/FindOpenGL.cmake
+# reinplace "s|-lfreetype| \`freetype-config --libs\`|g" ${worksrcpath}/config/root-config.in
+# reinplace "s|\"/usr/include\"|\"${prefix}/include/\" \"/usr/include\"|g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+# reinplace "s|/usr/lib |${prefix}/lib /usr/lib |g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+# reinplace "s|/usr/include |${prefix}/include /usr/include |g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+# reinplace "s|\"/usr/lib\"|\"${prefix}/lib/\" \"/usr/lib\"g|" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+pre-configure {
+# configure.args-append \
+# --with-cc=${configure.cc} \
+# --with-cxx=${configure.cxx} \
+# --with-ld=${configure.cxx}
+# if { ${configure.f77} != "" } {
+# configure.args-append --with-f77=${configure.f77}
+# }
+# # the build type (32 or 64 bit) -must- be for first argument
+# if {${build_arch} == "i386" || ${build_arch} == "ppc"} {
+# configure.pre_args macosx --prefix=${prefix}
+# } else {
+# configure.pre_args macosx64 --prefix=${prefix}
+# }
+# I somehow miss (some of) the following variables
+configure.args-append \
+ -Dfortran=OFF \
+ -Dbuiltin_freetype=OFF \
+ -Dbuiltin_glew=OFF \
+ -Dbuiltin_lzma=OFF \
+ -Dbuiltin_pcre=OFF \
+ -Dbuiltin_zlib=OFF \
+ -Dfftw3=OFF \
+ -Dkrb5=OFF \
+ -Dldap=OFF \
+ -Dmysql=OFF \
+ -Dodbc=OFF \
+ -Dopengl=OFF \
+ -Dpythia6=OFF \
+ -Dpythia8=OFF \
+ -Droofit=OFF \
+ -Dssl=OFF \
+ -Dxml=OFF \
+ -Dpython=OFF \
+ -Dfitsio=OFF \
+ -Dgsl_shared=OFF \
+ -Dpgsql=OFF \
+ -Ddcache=OFF \
+ -Dchirp=OFF \
+ -Dhdfs=OFF \
+ -Druby=OFF \
+ -Dminuit2=OFF \
+ -Dtmva=OFF \
+ -Dqt=OFF \
+ -Dqtgsi=OFF \
+ -Dbonjour=OFF \
+ -Dgviz=OFF \
+ -Dsoversion=OFF \
+ -Dcocoa=OFF \
+ -Dc++11=OFF \
+ -Dbuiltin_ftgl=ON \
+ -Dmathmore=ON \
+ -Dgenvector=ON \
+ -Dmemstat=ON \
+ -Dunuran=ON \
+ -Dtable=ON \
+ -DPNG_LIBRARY=/opt/local/lib/libpng.dylib \
+ -DPNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/local/include
+configure.post_args ${worksrcpath}
+# --docdir=${prefix}/share/doc/root \
+# --libdir=${prefix}/lib/root \
+# missing
+# --testdir=${prefix}/share/root/test \
+# missing
+# --tutdir=${prefix}/share/root/tutorials \
+# missing
+# --etcdir=${prefix}/etc/root \
+# -> builtin_freetype, builtin_glew, builtin_pcre, builtin_zlib, builtin_lzma
+# (but there are some other variables: builtin_afterimage, builtin_cfitsio, builtin_llvm, builtin_xrootd)
+# builtin_gsl: excluded with gsl_shared
+# --disable-builtin-freetype \
+# --disable-builtin-glew \
+# --disable-builtin-pcre \
+# --disable-builtin-zlib \
+# --disable-builtin-lzma \
+# -> fftw3
+# --disable-fftw3 \
+# -> krb5
+# --disable-krb5 \
+# -> ldap
+# --disable-ldap \
+# -> mysql
+# --disable-mysql \
+# -> odbc
+# --disable-odbc \
+# -> opengl
+# --disable-opengl \
+# -> pythia6
+# --disable-pythia6 \
+# -> pythia8
+# --disable-pythia8 \
+# ->>> all as expected
+# --disable-roofit \
+# --disable-ssl \
+# --disable-xml \
+# --disable-python \
+# --disable-fitsio \
+# --disable-gsl-shared \
+# --disable-pgsql \
+# --disable-dcache \
+# --disable-chirp \
+# --disable-hdfs \
+# --disable-ruby \
+# --disable-minuit2 \
+# --disable-tmva \
+# --disable-qt \
+# --disable-qtgsi \
+# --disable-bonjour \
+# --disable-gviz \
+# --disable-soversion \
+# -> cocoa
+# --disable-cocoa \
+# -> builtin_ftgl
+# --enable-builtin-ftgl \
+# -> mathmore
+# --enable-mathmore \
+# -> genvector
+# --enable-genvector \
+# -> memstat
+# --enable-memstat \
+# -> unuran
+# --enable-unuran \
+# -> table
+# --enable-table \
+# doesn't exist
+# --enable-fink
+# -Dc++11=ON : requires gcc > 4.7.x or clang
+# -Dlibcxx=ON : Build using libc++, requires cxx11 option (MacOS X only, for the time being)
+universal_variant no
+default_variants +ssl +xml +gsl +minuit2 +tmva +roofit +graphviz +opengl +soversion
+variant soversion description {Build with soversion support} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dsoversion=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dsoversion=ON
+variant graphviz description {Build with graphviz support} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dgviz=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dgviz=ON \
+ -DGRAPHVIZ_INCLUDE_DIR="${prefix}/include"
+ #-DGRAPHVIZ_CDT_LIBRARY="${prefix}/lib/libcdt.dylib" \
+ #-DGRAPHVIZ_GRAPH_LIBRARY="${prefix}/lib/libgraph.dylib" \
+ #-DGRAPHVIZ_GVC_LIBRARY="${prefix}/lib/libgvc.dylib" \
+ #-DGRAPHVIZ_PATHPLAN_LIBRARY="${prefix}/lib/libpathplan.dylib"
+ depends_lib-append path:bin/dot:graphviz
+#variant avahi description {Build with avahi support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-bonjour
+# configure.args-append --enable-bonjour \
+# --with-avahi-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-avahi-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:avahi
+#variant fftw3 description {Build with fftw3 support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-fftw3
+# configure.args-append --enable-fftw3 \
+# --with-fftw3-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-fftw3-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:fftw-3
+variant gsl description {Build with gsl support} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dgsl_shared=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dgsl_shared=ON \
+ -DGSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE="${prefix}/bin/gsl-config"
+ depends_lib-append port:gsl
+#variant fitsio description {Build with fitsio support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-fitsio
+# configure.args-append --enable-fitsio \
+# --with-cfitsio-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-cfitsio-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:cfitsio
+#variant odbc description {Build with odbc support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-odbc
+# configure.args-append --enable-odbc \
+# --with-odbc-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-odbc-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:libiodbc
+#variant ldap description {Build with ldap support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-ldap
+# configure.args-append --enable-ldap \
+# --with-ldap-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-ldap-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:openldap
+variant roofit description {Build the RooFit advanced fitting package} {
+ configure.args-delete -Droofit=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Droofit=ON
+variant tmva description {Build the TMVA package} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dtmva=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dtmva=ON
+variant minuit2 description {Build with minuit2 support} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dminuit2=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dminuit2=ON
+variant opengl description {Build with opengl support} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dopengl=OFF
+ #configure.args-delete -Dbuiltin_glew=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dopengl=ON
+ # -Dbuiltin_glew=ON
+#variant python26 conflicts python32 python31 python27 description {Build with python 2.6 support} {
+# set mypydir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6
+# configure.args-delete --disable-python
+# configure.args-append --enable-python --with-python-incdir="${mypydir}/Headers" --with-python-libdir="${mypydir}"
+# depends_lib-append port:python26
+# post-destroot {
+# set mypylibdir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6
+# set mypysitedir ${mypylibdir}/site-packages/
+# file mkdir ${destroot}${mypysitedir}
+# foreach pyfile [glob ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/root/*.py*] { move $pyfile ${destroot}${mypysitedir} }
+# ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/root/libPyROOT.so ${destroot}${mypylibdir}/
+# }
+#variant python27 conflicts python32 python31 python26 description {Build with python 2.7 support} {
+# set mypydir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
+# configure.args-delete --disable-python
+# configure.args-append --enable-python \
+# --with-python-incdir="${mypydir}/Headers" \
+# --with-python-libdir="${mypydir}"
+# depends_lib-append port:python27
+# post-destroot {
+# set mypylibdir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7
+# set mypysitedir ${mypylibdir}/site-packages/
+# file mkdir ${destroot}${mypysitedir}
+# foreach pyfile [glob ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/root/*.py*] { move $pyfile ${destroot}${mypysitedir} }
+# ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/root/libPyROOT.so ${destroot}${mypylibdir}/
+# }
+#variant python31 conflicts python32 python27 python26 description {Build with python 3.1 support} {
+# set mypydir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.1
+# configure.args-delete --disable-python
+# configure.args-append --enable-python --with-python-incdir="${mypydir}/Headers" --with-python-libdir="${mypydir}"
+# depends_lib-append port:python31
+# post-destroot {
+# set mypylibdir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.1/lib/python3.1
+# set mypysitedir ${mypylibdir}/site-packages/
+# file mkdir ${destroot}${mypysitedir}
+# foreach pyfile [glob ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/root/*.py*] { move $pyfile ${destroot}${mypysitedir} }
+# ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/root/libPyROOT.so ${destroot}${mypylibdir}/
+# }
+#variant python32 conflicts python31 python27 python26 description {Build with python 3.2 support} {
+# set mypydir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.2
+# configure.args-delete --disable-python
+# configure.args-append --enable-python \
+# --with-python-incdir="${mypydir}/Headers" \
+# --with-python-libdir="${mypydir}"
+# depends_lib-append port:python32
+# post-destroot {
+# set mypylibdir ${prefix}/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.2/lib/python3.2
+# set mypysitedir ${mypylibdir}/site-packages/
+# file mkdir ${destroot}${mypysitedir}
+# foreach pyfile [glob ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/root/*.py*] { move $pyfile ${destroot}${mypysitedir} }
+# ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/root/libPyROOT.so ${destroot}${mypylibdir}/
+# }
+variant ssl description {Build with ssl support} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dssl=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dssl=ON \
+ -DOPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR="${prefix}/include" \
+ -DOPENSSL_SSL_LIBRARY="${prefix}/lib/libssl.dylib" \
+ -DOPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY="${prefix}/lib/libcrypto.dylib"
+ depends_lib-append port:openssl
+ # not sure what this did
+ # --with-ssl-shared=yes
+variant xml description {Build with xml support} {
+ configure.args-delete -Dxml=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dxml=ON \
+ -DLIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR="${prefix}/include/libxml2" \
+ -DLIBXML2_LIBRARIES="${prefix}/lib/libxml2.dylib" \
+ -DLIBXML2_XMLLINT_EXECUTABLE="${prefix}/bin/xmllint"
+ depends_lib-append port:libxml2
+#variant mysql conflicts mysql51 mysql55 mariadb percona description {Build with mysql5 support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-mysql
+# configure.args-append --enable-mysql \
+# --with-mysql-incdir="${prefix}/include/mysql5/mysql" \
+# --with-mysql-libdir="${prefix}/lib/mysql5/mysql"
+# depends_lib-append port:mysql5
+#variant mysql51 conflicts mysql mysql55 mariadb percona description {Build with mysql51 support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-mysql
+# configure.args-append --enable-mysql \
+# --with-mysql-incdir="${prefix}/include/mysql51/mysql" \
+# --with-mysql-libdir="${prefix}/lib/mysql51/mysql"
+# depends_lib-append port:mysql51
+#variant mysql55 conflicts mysql mysql51 mariadb percona description {Build with mysql55 support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-mysql
+# configure.args-append --enable-mysql \
+# --with-mysql-incdir="${prefix}/include/mysql55/mysql" \
+# --with-mysql-libdir="${prefix}/lib/mysql55/mysql"
+# depends_lib-append port:mysql55
+#variant mariadb conflicts mysql mysql51 mysql55 percona description {Build with mariadb support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-mysql
+# configure.args-append --enable-mysql \
+# --with-mysql-incdir="${prefix}/include/mariadb/mysql" \
+# --with-mysql-libdir="${prefix}/lib/mariadb/mysql"
+# depends_lib-append port:mariadb
+#variant percona conflicts mysql mysql51 mysql55 mariadb description {Build with percona support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-mysql
+# configure.args-append --enable-mysql \
+# --with-mysql-incdir="${prefix}/include/percona/mysql" \
+# --with-mysql-libdir="${prefix}/lib/percona/mysql"
+# depends_lib-append port:percona
+#variant postgresql90 conflicts postgresql92 description {Build with PostgreSQL 9.0 support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-pgsql
+# configure.args-append --enable-pgsql \
+# --with-pgsql-incdir="${prefix}/include/postgresql90" \
+# --with-pgsql-libdir="${prefix}/lib/postgresql90"
+# depends_lib-append port:libpqxx port:postgresql90
+#variant postgresql92 conflicts postgresql90 description {Build with PostgreSQL 9.2 support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-pgsql
+# configure.args-append --enable-pgsql \
+# --with-pgsql-incdir="${prefix}/include/postgresql92" \
+# --with-pgsql-libdir="${prefix}/lib/postgresql92"
+# depends_lib-append port:libpqxx port:postgresql92
+#variant pythia description {Pythia 8 support for root} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-pythia8
+# configure.args-append --enable-pythia8 \
+# --with-pythia8-incdir=${prefix}/include \
+# --with-pythia8-libdir=${prefix}/lib
+# depends_lib-append port:pythia
+#variant cocoa description {Enables native OSX graphical backend instead of X11} {
+# # Check we are using a clang compiler
+# pre-fetch {
+# if { ![string match "*clang*" ${configure.compiler}] } {
+# ui_error "The cocoa variant is experimental and can currently only be built"
+# ui_error "using a clang compiler. Your current compiler is ${configure.compiler}."
+# ui_error "Please try again using the system"
+# ui_error "clang compiler using configure.compiler=clang"
+# return -code error "Unsupported compiler for cocoa support"
+# }
+# }
+# # Enable cocoa support in configure
+# configure.args-delete --disable-cocoa
+# configure.args-append --enable-cocoa
+# # patch afterimage build to make sure TIFF suport is disabled. Causes problems with cocoa...
+# patchfiles-append patch-builtin-afterimage-disabletiff.diff
+# these options have been added just for the sake of setting the fortran compiler;
+# (testing gcc compiler is left for later on)
+# for g95 compiler one needs to remove a FFLAG from Root sources first
+variant gcc45 conflicts gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49 description {Compile using MacPorts gcc 4.5} {
+# configure.compiler macports-gcc-4.5
+ configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.5
+ configure.args-delete -Dfortran=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dfortran=ON -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=\"${configure.fc}\"
+ depends_lib-append port:gcc45
+variant gcc46 conflicts gcc45 gcc47 gcc48 gcc49 description {Compile using MacPorts gcc 4.6} {
+# configure.compiler macports-gcc-4.6
+ configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.6
+ configure.args-delete -Dfortran=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dfortran=ON -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=\"${configure.fc}\"
+ depends_lib-append port:gcc46
+variant gcc47 conflicts gcc45 gcc46 gcc48 gcc49 description {Compile using MacPorts gcc 4.7} {
+# configure.compiler macports-gcc-4.7
+ configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.7
+ configure.args-delete -Dfortran=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dfortran=ON -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=\"${configure.fc}\"
+ depends_lib-append port:gcc47
+variant gcc48 conflicts gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc49 description {Compile using MacPorts gcc 4.8} {
+# configure.compiler macports-gcc-4.8
+ configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.8
+ configure.args-delete -Dfortran=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dfortran=ON -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=\"${configure.fc}\"
+ depends_lib-append port:gcc48
+variant gcc49 conflicts gcc45 gcc46 gcc47 gcc48 description {Compile using MacPorts gcc 4.9} {
+# configure.compiler macports-gcc-4.9
+ configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.9
+ configure.args-delete -Dfortran=OFF
+ configure.args-append -Dfortran=ON -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=\"${configure.fc}\"
+ depends_lib-append port:gcc49
+#if {[variant_isset qt_mac]} {
+# PortGroup qt4 1.0
+#variant qt_mac description {Build with Qt support via Mac UI} {
+# post-patch {
+# # fix where "qglobal.h" is found in all files that use or reference it
+# foreach tpf { configure graf2d/qt/src/TGQt.cxx } {
+# reinplace "s at Qt/qglobal\\.h at QtCore/qglobal\\.h at g" \
+# ${worksrcpath}/${tpf}
+# }
+# reinplace "/qttestdir/s at Qt@QtCore at g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+# # fix library search extensions to include ".la"
+# # for Qt framework libraries (only)
+# reinplace "s@\\(\\.so \\.sl \\.dylib \\.dll\\.a\\)@\\1 \\.la at g" \
+# ${worksrcpath}/configure
+# }
+# configure.args-delete --disable-qt
+# configure.args-delete --disable-qtgsi
+# configure.args-append --enable-qt --enable-qtgsi \
+# --with-qt-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-qt-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:qt4-mac
+# post-configure {
+# # patch up the Makefile.config to handle the QTLIB frameworks correctly
+# reinplace "/QTLIB\[ \]/s@:= @:= -F${qt_libs_dir} @" \
+# ${worksrcpath}/config/Makefile.config
+# reinplace "/QTLIB\[ \]/s@\\(Qt\[^ \]*\\).la at -framework \\1 at g" \
+# ${worksrcpath}/config/Makefile.config
+# }
+# livecheck.type regex
+# livecheck.url http://root.cern.ch/svn/root/trunk
+#livecheck.regex ${name}_v(\[0-9a-z.\]+)\\.source
+# ========================================================================================
+# The following have build issues, are obsolete or experimental.
+# ========================================================================================
+# Intefers with builtin freetype build (enforced by cocoa variant)
+# Also do not seem to be actually needed any more
+#pre-build {
+# build.args CC=${configure.cc} \
+# CXX=${configure.cxx} \
+# F77=${configure.f77}
+# variant ruby description {Build with ruby support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-ruby
+# configure.args-append --enable-ruby
+# depends_lib-append port:ruby
+# }
+# variant kerberos5 description {Build with kerberos5 support} {
+# configure.args-delete --disable-krb5
+# configure.args-append --enable-krb5 \
+# --with-krb5-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-krb5-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:kerberos5
+# }
+# variant ftgl description {Build with ftgl support} {
+# configure.args-delete --enable-builtin-ftgl
+# configure.args-append --disable-builtin-ftgl \
+# configure.args-append --with-ftgl-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-ftgl-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:ftgl
+# }
+# variant qt_x11 conflicts qt_mac description {Build with Qt support via X11 UI} {
+# # fix where "qglobal.h" is found in all files that use or reference it
+# post-patch {
+# foreach tpf { configure graf2d/qt/src/TGQt.cxx } {
+# reinplace "s at Qt/qglobal\\.h at QtCore/qglobal\\.h at g" \
+# ${worksrcpath}/${tpf}
+# }
+# reinplace "/qttestdir/s at Qt@QtCore at g" ${worksrcpath}/configure
+# }
+# configure.env-append QTDIR=${prefix}/libexec/qt4-x11
+# configure.args-delete --disable-qt
+# configure.args-delete --disable-qtgsi
+# configure.args-append --enable-qt --enable-qtgsi \
+# --with-qt-incdir="${prefix}/include" \
+# --with-qt-libdir="${prefix}/lib"
+# depends_lib-append port:qt4-x11
+# }
+# TODO:
+# -- Found X11: /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.dylib
+# -- X11_INCLUDE_DIR: /usr/X11R6/include
+# -- X11_LIBRARIES: /usr/X11R6/lib/libSM.dylib;/usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.dylib;/usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.dylib;/usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.dylib
+# -- X11_Xpm_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/X11R6/include
+# -- X11_Xpm_LIB: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.dylib
+# -- X11_Xft_INCLUDE_PATH: /usr/X11R6/include
+# -- X11_Xft_LIB: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXft.dylib
+# -- X11_Xext_INCLUDE_PATH:
+# -- X11_Xext_LIB: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.dylib
+# opengl might not compile properly (test)
Property changes on: users/mojca/ports/science/root/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
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