[123689] trunk/dports/multimedia
mf2k at macports.org
mf2k at macports.org
Tue Aug 12 09:47:13 PDT 2014
Revision: 123689
Author: mf2k at macports.org
Date: 2014-08-12 09:47:13 -0700 (Tue, 12 Aug 2014)
Log Message:
mpv: New port. (#40844)
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/Portfile (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/Portfile 2014-08-12 16:47:13 UTC (rev 123689)
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+PortGroup github 1.0
+PortGroup waf 1.0
+github.setup mpv-player mpv 0.4.2 v
+revision 0
+categories multimedia
+license GPL-2+
+maintainers ionic.de:ionic
+platforms darwin
+description mpv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2.
+long_description ${description} It plays most MPEG/VOB, AVI, Ogg/OGM, \
+ VIVO, ASF/WMA/WMV, QT/MOV/MP4, RealMedia, Matroska, \
+ NUT, NuppelVideo, FLI, YUV4MPEG, FILM, RoQ, PVA files, \
+ supported by many native, XAnim, and Win32 DLL codecs. \
+ You can watch VideoCD, SVCD, DVD, 3ivx, DivX 3/4/5, WMV \
+ and even H.264 movies.
+homepage http://www.mpv.io/
+checksums rmd160 700dc2d620040b9a65fbd57fd9d047d35b8bc4f9 \
+ sha256 948fbfd5d51c69224a39b8030333078c7acfac5bd35b511453797b2989975068
+depends_build path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig
+depends_lib path:lib/libavcodec.dylib:ffmpeg \
+ path:bin/perl:perl5 \
+ port:libiconv \
+ port:ncurses \
+ port:zlib \
+ port:libass \
+ port:libbluray \
+ port:lcms2 \
+ port:ossp-uuid \
+ port:icu
+# Without the OpenGL patch, mpv will sporadically include both <GL/gl3.h>
+# and <GL/gl.h>. This is a problem, as it will disable compile errors for
+# deprecated functions and may lead to crashes in OpenGL mode.
+# This is really a bug in mpv code and should be fixed there, but
+# we'll provide a workaround by making sure <GL/gl3.h> will
+# not be included for the time being.
+patchfiles patch-video_out_gl_common.h-use-OpenGL-legacy.diff
+universal_variant no
+default_variants +bundle +network +osd +mp3 +opengl +dvd
+# Default configuration options. Mostly Mac OS X specific.
+configure.args-append --enable-libass \
+ --enable-coreaudio \
+ --enable-cocoa \
+ --enable-corevideo \
+ --disable-vda-hwaccel \
+ --disable-vda-gl
+# mpv autodetects many support libs. To prevent undeclared
+# dependencies, explicitly disable everything optional first.
+# This list should be expanded each time the port is updated to a
+# new version, disabling any newly added options.
+configure.args-append --disable-pdf-build \
+ --disable-macosx-bundle \
+ --disable-debug-build \
+ --disable-libsmbclient \
+ --disable-libass-osd \
+ --disable-libquvi \
+ --disable-lirc \
+ --disable-dvdread \
+ --disable-dvdnav \
+ --disable-cdda \
+ --disable-enca \
+ --disable-mpg123 \
+ --disable-pulse \
+ --disable-portaudio \
+ --disable-jack \
+ --disable-openal \
+ --disable-gl-cocoa \
+ --disable-x11 \
+ --disable-xss \
+ --disable-xext \
+ --disable-xv \
+ --disable-gl-x11 \
+ --disable-xinerama \
+ --disable-xf86vm \
+ --disable-xf86xk \
+ --disable-caca \
+ --disable-jpeg \
+ --disable-tv \
+ --disable-lua
+# Fix picking up the correct talloc version.
+# -isystem has the added benefit of moving the include
+# directory specified to the end of the include path list.
+# This will help the build system respect custom include
+# paths correctly (i.e., searching them before the MP include
+# directory.)
+configure.cppflags-replace -I${prefix}/include -isystem${prefix}/include
+platform darwin {
+ notes-append "
+ The maintainer ships its personal config file in
+ * ${prefix}/share/examples/${name}/config-maintainer.
+ You are strongly encouraged to copy this file to either
+ * ${prefix}/etc/${name}/${name}.conf (globally for all users of the system) or
+ * ~/.${name}/config (only for your current user)
+ and adjust it to your needs.
+ "
+ # VDA (video hardware acceleration, mostly H264) is only supported on 10.6.3+
+ if {${os.major} > 10 || {${os.major} == 10 && ${os.minor} >= 3}} {
+ configure.args-delete --disable-vda-hwaccel \
+ --disable-vda-gl
+ configure.args-append --enable-vda-hwaccel \
+ --enable-vda-gl
+ notes-append {
+ This config file already defines the necessary video output settings to make
+ use of the hardware acceleration features provided by your operating system.
+ }
+ } else {
+ notes-append {
+ Sadly, your system is incapable of utilizing mpv's hardware decoding features.
+ Please make sure to edit the file after copying and replace the "vo=" line with
+ options suited for your system or mpv won't work as expected.
+ Consult ``man mpv'' for further information.
+ }
+ }
+# Shameless copy from ipe-tools.
+set python.versions {27 32 33 34}
+set python.default_version 27
+# Create python variants.
+foreach ver ${python.versions} {
+ set variant_line {variant python${ver} description }
+ append variant_line " {Use python${ver} to generate man pages}"
+ foreach over ${python.versions} {
+ if {${ver} == ${over}} {
+ continue
+ }
+ append variant_line " conflicts python${over}"
+ }
+ append variant_line " { depends_build-append port:py${ver}-docutils }"
+ eval $variant_line
+# Set default python variant.
+set variant_none true
+foreach ver ${python.versions} {
+ if {[variant_isset python${ver}]} {
+ set variant_none [expr $variant_none && ![variant_isset python${ver}]]
+ }
+if {${variant_none}} {
+ default_variants-append "+python${python.default_version}"
+# Set ${python.version} to the currently active variant.
+foreach ver ${python.versions} {
+ if {[variant_isset python${ver}]} {
+ set python.version ${ver}
+ }
+post-extract {
+ if {${os.platform} eq "darwin"} {
+ xinstall -m 0644 -W ${filespath} config-maintainer ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/
+ }
+post-patch {
+ set python_ver_dot [join [split ${python.version} {}] "."]
+ reinplace -W "${worksrcpath}" "s|'rst2man'|'rst2man-${python_ver_dot}'|" wscript
+pre-configure {
+ system -W "${worksrcpath}" "${waf.python} bootstrap.py"
+post-destroot {
+ xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}
+ foreach etcfile {encoding-profiles.conf example.conf input.conf} {
+ xinstall -m 0644 ${worksrcpath}/etc/${etcfile} \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/${name}/${etcfile}
+ }
+ xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}
+ eval file copy [glob ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/lua ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/*.pl \
+ ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/*.sh ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/*.py \
+ ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/umpv ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/lib] \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}
+ if {${os.platform} eq "darwin"} {
+ xinstall -m 0644 ${worksrcpath}/TOOLS/config-maintainer \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples/${name}
+ }
+ if {[variant_isset bundle]} {
+ xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${applications_dir}
+ file rename ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/mpv.app ${destroot}${applications_dir}
+ }
+# When enabling features, make sure to replace the "disable" flags with
+# "enable" flags in order to make the waf build system error out in case
+# a feature cannot be used/found. Problems like that indicate a missing
+# runtime dependency.
+# libquvi is a special case. We just add libquvi-scripts as a dependency
+# and hope for waf to autodetect this version. Do not explicitly enable
+# libquvi, as mpv supports multiple versions and we don't want waf to
+# throw an error if some other version wasn't found.
+variant bundle description {Enable the optional Mac OS X bundle of mpv} {
+ configure.args-replace --disable-macosx-bundle \
+ --enable-macosx-bundle
+variant screenshot description {Enable optional screenshot support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:jpeg
+ configure.args-replace --disable-jpeg \
+ --enable-jpeg
+variant network description {Enable networking support via libquvi-scripts} {
+ depends_lib-append port:libquvi \
+ port:libquvi-scripts
+ configure.args-delete --disable-libquvi
+variant lirc description {Enable Linux Infrared Remote Daemon support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:lirc
+ configure.args-replace --disable-lirc \
+ --enable-lirc
+variant dvd description {Enable DVD and DeCSS support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:libdvdread \
+ port:libdvdnav
+ configure.args-replace --disable-dvdread \
+ --enable-dvdread
+ configure.args-replace --disable-dvdnav \
+ --enable-dvdnav
+variant audiocd description {Enable Audio CD support via libcdio-paranoia (currently unsupported!)} {
+ #depends_lib-append port:libcdio-paranoia
+ #configure.args-replace --disable-cdda \
+ --enable-cdda
+ ui_error "Audio CD support is currently disabled due to a missing libcdio-paranoia port."
+ error "audiocd variant not supported"
+variant enca description {Enable encoding support via ENCA} {
+ depends_lib-append port:enca
+ configure.args-replace --disable-enca \
+ --enable-enca
+variant mp3 description {Enable mp3 support via mpg123} {
+ depends_lib-append port:mpg123
+ configure.args-replace --disable-mpg123 \
+ --enable-mpg123
+variant pulseaudio description {Enable PulseAudio support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:pulseaudio
+ configure.args-replace --disable-pulse \
+ --enable-pulse
+variant portaudio description {Enable portaudio support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:portaudio
+ configure.args-replace --disable-portaudio \
+ --enable-portaudio
+variant jack description {Enable Jack Audio Connection Kit support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:jack
+ configure.args-replace --disable-jack \
+ --enable-jack
+# TODO: switch that to openal-soft? Leave it as-is?
+variant openal description {Enable OpenAL support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:openal
+ configure.args-replace --disable-openal \
+ --enable-openal
+variant x11 {
+ depends_lib-append port:xorg-libXext \
+ port:xorg-libXScrnSaver \
+ port:xorg-libXinerama \
+ port:xorg-libXv \
+ port:xorg-libXxf86vm
+ configure.args-delete --disable-x11 \
+ --disable-xss \
+ --disable-xext \
+ --disable-xinerama \
+ --disable-xv \
+ --disable-xf86vm
+ configure.args-append --enable-x11 \
+ --enable-xss \
+ --enable-xext \
+ --enable-xv \
+ --enable-xinerama \
+ --enable-xf86vm
+variant opengl description {Enable glx output support. Both the CoreVideo and X11 outputs are supported} {
+ configure.args-replace --disable-gl-cocoa \
+ --enable-gl-cocoa
+ if {[variant_isset x11]} {
+ depends_lib-append port:mesa
+ configure.args-replace --disable-gl-x11 \
+ --enable-gl-x11
+ }
+variant caca description {Enable animated ASCII art video output} {
+ depends_lib-append port:libcaca
+ configure.args-replace --disable-caca \
+ --enable-caca
+variant osd description {Enable onscreen display and TrueType font support} {
+ depends_lib-append port:lua
+ configure.args-delete --disable-lua \
+ --disable-libass-osd
+ configure.args-append --enable-lua \
+ --lua=52 \
+ --enable-libass-osd
+variant smb description {Enable Samba support} {
+ depends_lib-append path:lib/pkgconfig/smbclient.pc:samba3
+ configure.args-replace --disable-libsmbclient \
+ --enable-libsmbclient
+variant debug description {Compile with debugging symbols} {
+ configure.args-replace --disable-debug-build \
+ --enable-debug-build
+variant printable_doc description {Generate printable documents (PDF help)} {
+ # py27-pdfrw and py27-Pillow are needed by rst2pdf.
+ depends_build-append port:rst2pdf \
+ port:py27-pdfrw \
+ port:py27-Pillow
+ configure.args-replace --disable-pdf-build \
+ --enable-pdf-build
Property changes on: trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/Portfile
Added: svn:keywords
+ Id
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/files/config-maintainer
--- trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/files/config-maintainer (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/files/config-maintainer 2014-08-12 16:47:13 UTC (rev 123689)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Write your default config options here!
Added: trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/files/patch-video_out_gl_common.h-use-OpenGL-legacy.diff
--- trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/files/patch-video_out_gl_common.h-use-OpenGL-legacy.diff (rev 0)
+++ trunk/dports/multimedia/mpv/files/patch-video_out_gl_common.h-use-OpenGL-legacy.diff 2014-08-12 16:47:13 UTC (rev 123689)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- video/out/gl_common.h.old 2014-08-12 03:40:56.000000000 +0200
++++ video/out/gl_common.h 2014-08-12 03:41:27.000000000 +0200
+@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
+ #include "video/mp_image.h"
++/* Avoid <GL/gl3.h> on OS X. mpv doesn't use any 3.x features and including it causes the compiler
++ * to not complain about missing functions/errors.
++ */
++#define __gl3_h
+-#ifdef GL_VERSION_3_0
+-#include <OpenGL/gl3.h>
+ #include <OpenGL/gl.h>
+ #include <OpenGL/glext.h>
+ #else
+ #include <GL/gl.h>
-------------- next part --------------
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