[124009] trunk/dports/perl/p5-module-install/Portfile

devans at macports.org devans at macports.org
Sun Aug 17 03:37:52 PDT 2014

Revision: 124009
Author:   devans at macports.org
Date:     2014-08-17 03:37:51 -0700 (Sun, 17 Aug 2014)
Log Message:
p5-module-install: add mode line and retab, white space only.

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/perl/p5-module-install/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/perl/p5-module-install/Portfile	2014-08-17 10:35:10 UTC (rev 124008)
+++ trunk/dports/perl/p5-module-install/Portfile	2014-08-17 10:37:51 UTC (rev 124009)
@@ -1,38 +1,40 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem            1.0
-PortGroup             perl5 1.0
+PortSystem          1.0
+PortGroup           perl5 1.0
 perl5.branches      5.8 5.10 5.12 5.14 5.16 5.18 5.20
-perl5.setup           Module-Install 1.10
-license               {Artistic-1 GPL}
-maintainers           nomaintainer
-description           Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
-long_description      Module::Install is a package for writing installers \
-                      for CPAN (or CPAN-like) distributions that are clean, \
-                      simple, minimalist, act in a strictly correct manner \
-                      with both the ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build \
-                      build systems, and will run on any Perl installation \
-                      version 5.004 or newer.
+perl5.setup         Module-Install 1.10
+license             {Artistic-1 GPL}
+maintainers         nomaintainer
+description         Standalone, extensible Perl module installer
+long_description    Module::Install is a package for writing installers \
+                    for CPAN (or CPAN-like) distributions that are clean, \
+                    simple, minimalist, act in a strictly correct manner \
+                    with both the ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build \
+                    build systems, and will run on any Perl installation \
+                    version 5.004 or newer.
-platforms             darwin
+platforms           darwin
 checksums           rmd160  f8fbd05110fe29765296c9a1d4711e8aefadc1f9 \
                     sha256  914926d31af1ace14a7670bee6362a2bc47d7c8ec48a3655bc51c6805aa6d51a
 if {${perl5.major} != ""} {
-depends_lib-append    port:p${perl5.major}-archive-tar \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-file-remove \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-json \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-module-build \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-module-scandeps \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-par-dist \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-parse-cpan-meta \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-yaml-tiny \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-test-simple \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-extutils-install \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-devel-ppport \
-                      port:p${perl5.major}-libwww-perl
+    depends_lib-append \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-archive-tar \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-file-remove \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-json \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-module-build \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-module-scandeps \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-par-dist \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-parse-cpan-meta \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-yaml-tiny \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-test-simple \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-extutils-install \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-devel-ppport \
+                    port:p${perl5.major}-libwww-perl
-supported_archs       noarch
+    supported_archs noarch
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