[MacPorts] KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status modified

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Aug 21 15:57:16 PDT 2014

Page "KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status" was changed by mk at macports.org
Diff URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status?action=diff&version=168>
Revision 168
Comment: rework build environment section
Index: KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status
--- KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status (version: 167)
+++ KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status (version: 168)
@@ -149,41 +149,31 @@
 '' '''Note:''' Currently it seems to be necessary to NOT to install the latest git version on OSX, as this causes [http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-frameworks-devel/2014-August/018457.html build problems for framework kcoreaddons] later on. The version 3.0.x from June 3rd (0ee116b7eb1e65d7e7ae6c13628c57eec038b53d) is working fine so far.''
-== Keeping build environment up-to-date ==
-For KF5 one has to modify the configuration settings by commenting out the kauth dependency on polkit-qt-1,
-since that dependency is only needed on Linux:
-$ cd ~/scripts
-$ ./update-setup.sh
-$ vi config/base/kf5-qt5 
-$ grep kauth config/base/kf5-qt5
-#frameworks/kauth: kdesupport/polkit-qt-1
-Problems appeared for some frameworks since kconfig_compiler_kf5.app doesn't yet get installed on OSX (the build scripts error out with "/Applications/KDE/kconfig_compiler_kf5.app/Contents/MacOS/kconfig_compiler_kf5 as location is wrong"). This can be fixed for now
-introducing a temporary configuration file for kconfig:
-$ cat ~/scripts/config/build/kconfig/darwin-mavericks.cfg 
-which makes sure that the application bundle gets installed below PREFIX/lib/libexec/.
-In order to always have the latest KDE/CI running it makes sense to temporally stash away the changes made locally and upgrade via git
-$ # Check what has changed locally:
-$ git diff
+== Setting up the build environment ==
+The branch 'mp-osx-ci' contains all required configuration settings for OSX. The most important shall be pointed out here:
+ - For KF5 on OSX one has to modify the configuration settings by commenting out the kauth dependency on polkit-qt-1, since that dependency is only needed on Linux.
+ - Problems appeared for some frameworks since kconfig_compiler_kf5.app doesn't yet get installed on OSX (the build scripts error out with "/Applications/KDE/kconfig_compiler_kf5.app/Contents/MacOS/kconfig_compiler_kf5 as location is wrong"). This can be fixed for now introducing a temporary configuration file for kconfig which sets CMAKE_INSTALL_BUNDLEDIR to make sure that the application bundle gets installed below PREFIX/lib/libexec/.
+ - CMAKE_INSTALL_BUNDLEDIR and DATA_INSTALL_DIR need to be set for OSX-like directories.
+ - Disable searching for X11 by setting CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_X11=ON.
+ - Disable running tests for now, until dbus works as expected and test applications can be started normally.
+ - DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH has only temporally been added due to wrong linking of phonon (e.g. for kate and kwrite).
+ - Disable coverage for plasma-framework for now until a coverage tool for clang is integrated.
+$ git diff production config
 diff --git a/config/base/kf5-qt5 b/config/base/kf5-qt5
-index 16abdf6..fff9647 100644
+index 2260aa6..573bc24 100644
 --- a/config/base/kf5-qt5
 +++ b/config/base/kf5-qt5
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ general/vc: -qt5
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ general/vc: -qt5
  general/shared-desktop-ontologies: -qt5
  # KDE Frameworks
@@ -193,7 +183,7 @@
  kde/workspace/plasma-workspace: general/libdbusmenu-qt
 diff --git a/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg b/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg
-index cb62c49..0648464 100644
+index cb62c49..64f14f6 100644
 --- a/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg
 +++ b/config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg
 @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
@@ -208,51 +198,47 @@
 \ No newline at end of file
-diff --git a/tools/environment-generator.py b/tools/environment-generator.py
-index 37dcbae..e46a13c 100644
---- a/tools/environment-generator.py
-+++ b/tools/environment-generator.py
-@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ environment = manager.generate_environment(True)
- neededVariables = [
- ]
- # Generate the shell format environment file, suitable for sourcing
-$ git status
-On branch production
-Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/production'.
-Changes not staged for commit:
-  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
-  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
-	modified:   config/base/kf5-qt5
-	modified:   config/build/darwin-mavericks.cfg
-Untracked files:
-  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
-	build.sh
-	dependencies/
-	kapidox/
-	kde_projects.xml
-	poppler-test-data/
-	prepare.sh
-no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
-$ # Updating CI scripts
-$ cd ~/scripts; git stash; git pull; git stash pop
-'''Note 1:''' It may be that the DATA_INSTALL_DIR setting is actually not needed!
-'''Note 2:''' DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH has only temporally been added due to wrong linking of phonon (e.g. for kate and kwrite).
+diff --git a/config/build/global.cfg b/config/build/global.cfg
+index 4052215..9dbe1e1 100644
+--- a/config/build/global.cfg
++++ b/config/build/global.cfg
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ updateMimeDatabaseCommand=%(updateMimeDatabaseExecutable)s share/mime
+ deployInstallation=True
+ [Test]
+ ctestCountTestsCommand=%(ctestExecutable)s -N
+ xvfbDisplayName=:99
+ xvfbCommand=%(xvfbExecutable)s %(xvfbDisplayName)s -ac -screen 0 1600x1200x24+32
+diff --git a/config/build/kconfig/darwin-mavericks.cfg b/config/build/kconfig/darwin-mavericks.cfg
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..28e02d7
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/config/build/kconfig/darwin-mavericks.cfg
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+diff --git a/config/build/kconfigwidgets/darwin-mavericks.cfg b/config/build/kconfigwidgets/darwin-mavericks.cfg
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..e44ae1c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/config/build/kconfigwidgets/darwin-mavericks.cfg
+@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
++configureExtraArgs=-DDATA_INSTALL_DIR="{instPrefix}/Library/Application Support"
+diff --git a/config/build/plasma-framework/darwin-mavericks.cfg b/config/build/plasma-framework/darwin-mavericks.cfg
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..3d76592
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/config/build/plasma-framework/darwin-mavericks.cfg
+@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

Page URL: <https://trac.macports.org/wiki/KDEProblems/KDEMacPortsCI/Status>
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