[124449] trunk/dports/php/php5-http/Portfile

ryandesign at macports.org ryandesign at macports.org
Sun Aug 24 01:58:09 PDT 2014

Revision: 124449
Author:   ryandesign at macports.org
Date:     2014-08-24 01:58:08 -0700 (Sun, 24 Aug 2014)
Log Message:
php5-http: replaced_by php53-http

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/php/php5-http/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/php/php5-http/Portfile	2014-08-24 08:47:30 UTC (rev 124448)
+++ trunk/dports/php/php5-http/Portfile	2014-08-24 08:58:08 UTC (rev 124449)
@@ -2,43 +2,12 @@
 # $Id$
 PortSystem      1.0
-PortGroup       php5extension 1.0
-php5extension.setup pecl_http 1.7.6 pecl
-php5extension.extensions http
+replaced_by     php53-http
+PortGroup       obsolete 1.0
 name            php5-http
-revision        1
-categories      php www
-platforms       darwin
-maintainers     ryandesign openmaintainer
+version         1.7.6
+revision        2
+categories      php
 license         BSD
-description     Extended HTTP Support
-long_description \
-    This HTTP extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful \
-    set of functionality for one of PHPs major applications. \
-    It eases handling of HTTP urls, dates, redirects, headers and \
-    messages, provides means for negotiation of clients preferred \
-    language and charset, as well as a convenient way to send any \
-    arbitrary data with caching and resuming capabilities. \
-    It provides powerful request functionality, if built with CURL \
-    support. Parallel requests are available for PHP 5 and greater.
-checksums       rmd160  bd873c720f36944b219eac8c3b44fa4b9164c21a \
-                sha256  e87207a7dcd713bef0eb3701b552e0d173fbd73dbd52f9d3968851112e899983
-depends_lib-append \
-    port:curl \
-    port:libmagic \
-    port:zlib
-configure.args  --enable-http \
-                --with-http-curl-requests=${prefix} \
-                --with-http-magic-mime=${prefix} \
-                --with-http-zlib-compression=${prefix} \
-                --without-http-curl-libevent
-use_parallel_build  yes
-livecheck.regex {>(1\.[0-9.]+)</a></th>\s*<[^>]+>stable<}
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