[129139] trunk/dports/games/CrimsonFields/Portfile

petr at macports.org petr at macports.org
Sun Dec 7 10:16:05 PST 2014

Revision: 129139
Author:   petr at macports.org
Date:     2014-12-07 10:16:05 -0800 (Sun, 07 Dec 2014)
Log Message:
CrimsonFields: modeline, reformating

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/games/CrimsonFields/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/games/CrimsonFields/Portfile	2014-12-07 18:11:43 UTC (rev 129138)
+++ trunk/dports/games/CrimsonFields/Portfile	2014-12-07 18:16:05 UTC (rev 129139)
@@ -1,58 +1,59 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem              1.0
-PortGroup               app 1.0
+PortSystem          1.0
+PortGroup           app 1.0
-name                    CrimsonFields
-version                 0.5.3
-revision                1
-categories              games
-license                 GPL-2+
-platforms               darwin
-maintainers             phw openmaintainer
+name                CrimsonFields
+version             0.5.3
+revision            1
+categories          games
+platforms           darwin
+license             GPL-2+
+maintainers         phw openmaintainer
-description             Tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
-long_description        Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition \
-                        of Battle Isle, including a map editor and the \
-                        possibility to import the original History Line or \
-                        Battle Isle maps.
+description         Tactical war game in the tradition of Battle Isle
+long_description    Crimson Fields is a tactical war game in the tradition \
+                    of Battle Isle, including a map editor and the \
+                    possibility to import the original History Line or \
+                    Battle Isle maps.
-homepage                http://crimson.seul.org
-master_sites            ${homepage}/files/
-distname                crimson-${version}
+homepage            http://crimson.seul.org
+master_sites        ${homepage}/files/
+distname            crimson-${version}
+use_bzip2           yes
 checksums           md5     9e71bc8c12ddadf42136a3e07ae86a2c \
                     sha1    f71b1fc5eecd262d1e7bdafd259f3b061e6c9477 \
-					rmd160  21a008cfca5afce0df2349ec87bf1550fbb25d3a
+                    rmd160  21a008cfca5afce0df2349ec87bf1550fbb25d3a
+depends_lib         port:libsdl \
+                    port:libsdl_mixer \
+                    port:libsdl_ttf \
+                    port:zlib
-use_bzip2               yes
+patchfiles          tools.patch
-depends_lib             port:libsdl \
-                        port:libsdl_mixer \
-                        port:libsdl_ttf \
-                        port:zlib
-patchfiles              tools.patch
 if { ${os.major} > 11 } {
     patchfiles-append   patch-cf-path.cpp.diff
-configure.args          --disable-sdltest \
-                        --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
-                        --with-sdl-prefix=${prefix} \
-                        --with-zlib=${prefix} \
-                        --enable-cfed \
-                        --enable-comet
+configure.args      --disable-sdltest \
+                    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
+                    --with-sdl-prefix=${prefix} \
+                    --with-zlib=${prefix} \
+                    --enable-cfed \
+                    --enable-comet
-use_parallel_build      yes
+use_parallel_build  yes
 post-destroot {
     file delete -force ${destroot}${prefix}/share/pixmaps
-app.name                Crimson Fields
-app.executable          crimson
-app.icon                gfx/crimson.png
+app.name            Crimson Fields
+app.executable      crimson
+app.icon            gfx/crimson.png
 livecheck.url	http://crimson.seul.org/download.php
 livecheck.regex "crimson-((\\d+(\\.)*)+)\\.tar\\.gz"
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