[130078] trunk/dports/perl
larryv at macports.org
larryv at macports.org
Fri Dec 26 10:17:43 PST 2014
Revision: 130078
Author: larryv at macports.org
Date: 2014-12-26 10:17:42 -0800 (Fri, 26 Dec 2014)
Log Message:
Create Perl graveyard metaport (#46322)
Since the Perl module ports generally support all versions of Perl, this
graveyard defaults to replacing 5.8 through 5.14, although specific
versions can be listed if desired.
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/dports/perl/p5-graveyard/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/python/py-graveyard/Portfile 2014-12-15 00:26:55 UTC (rev 129507)
+++ trunk/dports/perl/p5-graveyard/Portfile 2014-12-26 18:17:42 UTC (rev 130078)
@@ -3,28 +3,29 @@
PortSystem 1.0
-name py-graveyard
+name p5-graveyard
version 0.0
-categories python
+categories perl
array set replacements {
- 24 27
- 25 27
- 26 27
- 31 34
- 32 34
- 33 34
+ 5.8 5.16
+ 5.10 5.16
+ 5.12 5.16
+ 5.14 5.16
proc unknown args {
upvar 1 replacements replacements
+ if {[llength $args] < 3} {
+ lappend args 5.8 5.10 5.12 5.14
+ }
foreach series [lassign $args port vers] {
lassign [split $vers _] ver rev
if {$rev eq ""} {
set rev 0
set repl $replacements($series)
- subport py${series}-$port {
+ subport p${series}-$port {
version $ver
revision $rev
replaced_by py${repl}-$port
@@ -32,270 +33,8 @@
-abjad 1.1.1_1 25 26
-acor 1.1.0_1 32
-affine 1.0.1_1 33
-alembic 0.6.7_1 33
-amqp 1.4.6_1 26 31 32 33
-amqplib 1.0.2_1 24 25 26
-aniso8601 0.82_1 31 32 33
-anyjson 0.3.3_1 25 26 31 32 33
-antlr3 3.1.3_1 25 26
-aplpy 0.9.12_1 26 32 33
-appscript 1.0.0_1 24 25 26 31 32
-aspects 1.3_1 25 26
-astroid 1.2.1_1 26 32 33
-atspi 0.4.1_1 26
-axiom 0.7.1_1 26
-babel 1.3_1 25 26 33
-beaker 1.6.4_1 24 25 32
-billiard 25 26 31 32 33
-biopython 1.64_1 33
-BitArray2D 2.1_1 31 32
-bitstring 2.2.0_2 26 31 32
-BitVector 3.3.2_1 31 32
-blaze 0.6.5_1 26 33
-blessings 1.6_1 25 26 31 32
-blinker 1.3_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-blist 1.3.6_1 26 31 32 33
-blosc 1.2.4_1 26 31 32 33
-boto 2.8.0_1 25 26
-breadability 0.1.20_1 26 32 33
-buzhug 1.8_2 25 26
-celery 3.1.16_1 26 32 33
-certifi 14.05.14_1 25 26
-cherrypy3 3.2.0_1 24 25 26
-chm 0.8.4_2 24 25 26
-chm2pdf 0.9.1_1 26
-cidrize 0.6.4_1 25 26
-colander 0.9.9_1 26 32
-coverage 3.7.1_1 25 31 32
-creoleparser 0.7.4_1 25 26
-cssselect 0.9.1_1 25
-csvkit 0.4.3_1 26
-curlish 1.22_1 26
-cython 0.20.2_1 24 25 31 32
-dap 24 25 26
-datashape 0.4.0_1 33
-datrie 0.7_1 26 31 32 33
-DAWG 0.7.6_1 26 31 32 33
-des 2.0.1_1 24 25 26 31 32
-distutils-extra 1.91.2_1 25 26
-django 1.5.1_1 32
-django-nose 1.2 25 32
-dns 2.3.4_1 24 25 26
-docopt 0.6.2_1 25 26 32 33
-dsv 1.4.0_2 24
-dynd 0.6.5_1 26 33
-elixir 0.7.1_1 24 25
-emcee 2.1.0_1 26 32 33
-empy 3.3.2_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-enchant 1.6.6_1 31 32
-enum 0.4.4_1 24 25 26
-envoy 0.0.2_1 24 25 26
-epc 0.0.5_1 26 32 33
-epsilon 0.7.0_1 26
-errorhandler 1.1.1_1 25 26
-ete2 2.2.1072_1 26
-exiv2 0.3.2_3 26
-ezodf 0.2.5_1 26 32 33
-fabric 1.6.1_2 25 26
-fancycompleter 0.4_1 25 26
-fiona 1.4.6_1 33
-fixture 1.4_1 25 26
-flask-mongoalchemy 0.5.3_1 26
-flask-mail 0.9.1_1 26 33
-flask-wtf 0.8.3_1 26
-freebase 1.0.8_2 25 26
-gchartwrapper 0.9_1 26
-genshi 0.7_1 25 26 32 33
-geoalchemy 0.7.2_1 25 26
-geohash 0.8.5_1 24 25 26 33
-git-sweep 0.1.1_1 26
-google-api 1.2_1 25 26
-graph-tool 20140913_1 26 32 33
-graphy 1.0_1 24 25 26
-greenlet 0.4.5_1 24 25 31 32
-gsl 0.9.5_2 26
-harstorage 0.6_3 26
-html2text 2014.9.25_1 26 31 32 33
-htmlgen 2.2_2 24 26
-http-parser 0.8.3_1 31 32
-hypy 0.8.3_1 25 26
-icalendar 3.5_1 26
-imdb 4.8.2_2 24 25 26
-imread 0.5_1 26 32 33
-ipaddr 2.1.9_1 25 26
-ipdb 0.8_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-iplib 0.7_2 24
-ipython 2.3.0_2 24 25 26 31 32 33
-irclib 0.4.8_1 24 25 26
-jedi 0.8.0_2 26 32 33
-joblib 0.8.3_1 26 32 33
-keyczar 0.71c_1 25 26
-kombu 3.0.23_1 25 26 31 32 33
-kqueue 2.0.1_1 24 25 26
-LabJackPython 04-24-2014_1 26
-langid 20140819_1 26 32 33
-lepton 1.0b2_1 25 26
-levenshtein 0.11.2_1 24 25 26 33
-libgmail 0.1.11_1 24 25 26
-libnamebench 1.3.1_1 26
-librabbitmq 1.5.2_1 26
-libxml2 2.9.2_1 24 25 26
-libxslt 1.1.28_1 24 25 26
-lightblue 0.4_2 25 26
-llvmmath 0.1.1_1 26 32 33
-llvmpy 0.12.7_1 26 32 33
-logbook 0.7.0_1 26 32 33
-logilab-astng 0.24.3_1 24 25 26
-logilab-common 0.62.1_1 24 25 26 32
-logilab-constraint 0.5.0_1 25 26
-lxml 3.3.5_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-macfsevents 0.3_2 32
-magic 0.4.6_1 25 26 32 33
-mahotas 1.2.2_1 26 32 33
-marisa-trie 0.6_1 26 31 32 33
-markdown 2.4.1_1 26 31 32 33
-markdown2 2.1.0_1 24 25 26 31 32
-matplotlib-basemap 1.0.6_1 26
-mcrypt 1.1_1 26
-metar 0.19_3 24 25 26
-mhash 1.4_2 24 25 26
-mimeparse 0.1.3_1 24 25 26 31 32
-misaka 1.0.2_1 32
-MMTK 2.7.4_3 26
-moin 1.9.7_1 25 26
-medusa 0.5.4_1 24
-meld3 1.0.0 24
-mongoalchemy 0.11_1 25 26
-mpdclient2 0.48_1 25
-mssql 1.0.2_1 24 25
-netaddr 0.7.10_1 25 26 31 32
-networkx 1.9.1_1 26 31 32 33
-nose-progressive 1.3_1 25 26
-nose-skipreq 2.0_1 24 25 26
-nose-testconfig 0.8_1 25 26
-nosexcover 1.0.7_1 24 25 26
-nuitka 26 32 33
-numba 0.15.1_1 26 32 33
-oauth 1.0.1_1 25 26
-oauth2 1.5.211_1 24 25 26
-oauth2client 1.2_1 25 26
-obspy 0.9.2_1 26
-obspy-devel 0.9.2-1322 26
-ode 1.2.1_1 25 26
-openpyxl 2.1.2_1 25 26 33
-osmgpsmap 0.7.3_5 26
-pandas 0.15.0_1 26 32 33
-pandasql 0.6.1_1 33
-paramiko 1.15.1_1 24 25 26 33
-parsedatetime 1.2_1 26 31 32 33
-paver 1.2.1_1 25
-pedal 2.0.0a7_1 24
-pexpect 2.4_1 24 25 26
-pip 1.5.6_1 25 31 32
-pmw 1.3.3a_1 26
-polygon 3.0.7_1 25 26 32 33
-psutil 2.1.3_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-pudb 0.92.15_1 24 25 26
-py 1.4.25_1 25 26 32 33
-pyaudio 0.2.7_1 32
-pydot 1.0.28_2 25
-pyepl 1.0.29_2 26
-pyface 4.4.0_2 26
-pygccxml 1.6.1_1 26 31 32 33
-pygments 1.6_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-pylibpcap 0.6.4_1 24 25 26
-pylint 1.2.0_1 24 25 26 32 33
-pylons 1.0.1rc1_1 26
-pylzma 0.4.5_1 26 33
-pymacs 0.25_1 25 26
-pymongo 2.7.2_1 25 32
-pympler 0.2.1_2 24 25 26 31 32
-pymvpa 0.4_4 26
-pyplusplus-devel 20140721_1 26 31 32 33
-pyproj 1.9.3_3 26 32 33
-pyqt4 4.11.2_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-pyqt5 5.3.2_1 33
-pyqwt 5.2.0_11 26
-pyregion 1.1.2_1 26 33
-pyside 1.2.2_2 26 32 33
-pyside-tools 0.2.15_1 26 32 33
-pysparse 1.1.1_2 26
-pytest 2.6.3_1 25 26 32 33
-python-poppler-qt4 0.18.1_3 26 32 33
-pythonutils 0.4.0_1 25 26
-pyusb 0.4.3_2 25 26
-pyusb-devel 1.0.0a3_1 25 26
-pyx 0.12.1_4 24 25 26
-qutip 2.2.0_2 26
-rasterio 0.15_1 33
-rbtools 0.4.3_1 24 25 26
-redis 2.10.3_1 25 31 32
-regex 0.1-20141009_1 26 31 32 33
-repl 0.8.1_1 24 25 26
-reportlab 3.1.8_1 24 25 26 33
-rfc3339 5_1 25 26
-rfoo 1.3.0_1 24 25 26
-rope 0.9.4_1 25
-ropemacs 0.7_1 25 26
-ropemode 0.2_1 25 26
-routes 2.0_1 24 25 26 33
-rpy2 2.4.4_1 25 26 33
-rtree 0.8.0_1 26 33
-rudolf 0.3_1 25 26
-scikits-module 0.1_1 24 25 32
-serial 2.7_1 26 33
-sfepy 2013.4_1 26
-shiboken 1.2.2_4 26 32 33
-simplejson 3.6.4_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-simpletal 4.1_1 25 26
-sip 4.16.4_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-snmp 4.2.1_1 24 25 26 31 32
-speaklater 1.3_1 24 25 31 32
-statsmodels 0.5.0_1 26 32 33
-stevedore 0.15_1 25 26 31 32 33
-suds 0.4_2 25 26
-supervisor 3.1.3 24
-sumy 0.3.0_1 26 32 33
-sunpy 0.3.1_2 26
-sympy 0.7.5_1 25 26 32 33
-tables 3.1.1_4 26 32 33
-tagcloud 0.3.5_1 24 25 26
-tastypie 0.9.9_1 25 26
-textile 2.1.3_1 24 25 26
-torndb 0.3_1 25 26
-translationstring 1.1_1 24 25 26 31 32 33
-trep 0.92.1_1 26
-trollius 1.0.2_1 33
-tsk 20140320_1 24 25 26
-tstables 0.0.13_1 26
-twitter 1.0_1 24 25 26
-tz-gae 2011h_1 24 25 26 31 32
-uritemplate 0.6_1 25 26 33
-urlgrabber 3.10.1_1 24 25 26
-usadel1 0.2.4_1 26
-virtualenv-clone 0.2.4_1 25 26 31 32 33
-virtualenvwrapper 4.0_1 25 26 32 33
-weberror 0.10.3_1 25 26
-webob 1.4_1 25 26 33
-webpy 0.37_1 25 26
-webtest 1.3.3_1 25 26
-werkzeug 0.9.6_1 24 25 26 33
-whoosh 2.5.1_1 25 26
-workerpool 0.9.2_1 24 25 26
-wtforms 1.0.4_1 25 26
-xattr 0.6.1_1 24 25 26
-xlib 0.15rc1_1 24 25 26
-xlutils 1.5.2_1 25 26
-xmlsec 0.3.0_2 24 26
-yolk 0.4.1_1 24 25 26
-zdaemon 2.0.4_1 25 26
-zen 0.3.2_2 25 26 31 32
-zodb 3.10.5_1 25 26
-zopeinterface 3.8.0_2 24 25 26 31 32
-zsi 2.0_1 24 25 26
+# SUBPORT (without "p5*-" prefix) VERSION+REV REPLACED SERIES (defaults
+# to "5.8 5.10 5.12 5.14")
if {${subport} ne ${name}} {
PortGroup obsolete 1.0
@@ -303,15 +42,15 @@
maintainers larryv openmaintainer
supported_archs noarch
universal_variant no
- description Metaport containing obsolete Python subports
+ description Metaport containing obsolete Perl subports
long_description This is a metaport for collecting obsolete \
- Python subports so they don't cause spurious \
+ Perl subports so they don't cause spurious \
build failures on the MacPorts buildslaves \
whenever their superports are modified. It \
cannot be installed.
pre-fetch {
- ui_error {This is a metaport for obsolete Python subports.}
+ ui_error {This is a metaport for obsolete Perl subports.}
return -code error {non-installable metaport}
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