[116900] users/cal/ports/macports/mpstats/files/mpstats.tcl

cal at macports.org cal at macports.org
Sun Feb 9 13:05:51 PST 2014

Revision: 116900
Author:   cal at macports.org
Date:     2014-02-09 13:05:51 -0800 (Sun, 09 Feb 2014)
Log Message:
mpstats: add documentation for each proc, format JSON to be human-readable for ./mpstats show, make sure only name, version and variants are submitted, print success notice, set exit code, use append instead of set foo "$foo$bar"

Modified Paths:

Modified: users/cal/ports/macports/mpstats/files/mpstats.tcl
--- users/cal/ports/macports/mpstats/files/mpstats.tcl	2014-02-09 20:54:43 UTC (rev 116899)
+++ users/cal/ports/macports/mpstats/files/mpstats.tcl	2014-02-09 21:05:51 UTC (rev 116900)
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
-set VERSION 0.1
 set prefix /opt/local
 if {[catch {source ${prefix}/share/macports/Tcl/macports1.0/macports_fastload.tcl} result]} {
@@ -47,6 +46,13 @@
     ui_msg "Usage: $::argv0 \[submit|show\]"
+# Reads the configuration from the statistics config file at $prefix/etc/macports/stats.conf and the
+# UUID file $prefix/var/macports/stats-uiud. Stores the configured values in global variables.
+# Currently, the follwing configuration variables are supported:
+#  - stats_url The URL that will be used for POST submission of the statistics
+#  - stats_id  The UUID of this MacPorts installation; to be read from the UUID file
+# Prints an error message (but doesn't abort) if the UUID is empty.
 proc read_config {} {
     global prefix stats_url stats_id
     set conf_path "${prefix}/etc/macports/stats.conf"
@@ -67,11 +73,10 @@
         gets $fd stats_id
         close $fd
         if {[string length $stats_id] == 0} {
-            puts stderr "UUID file ${uuid_path} seems to be empty. Abort."
+            ui_error "UUID file ${uuid_path} seems to be empty."
     } else {
-        puts stderr "UUID file ${uuid_path} missing. Abort."
-        exit 1
+        ui_error "UUID file ${uuid_path} missing."
@@ -105,8 +110,16 @@
 ###### JSON Encoding helper procs ######
 # Return JSON encoding of a flat "key":"value" dictionary
-proc json_encode_dict { data } {
+# @param data
+#        the variable name of the dict to encode
+# @param indent
+#        an optional indentation string that will be printed at the start of each new line
+# @returns
+#        the given dict, as JSON-formatted string
+proc json_encode_dict {data {indent ""}} {
     upvar 1 $data db
     set size [dict size $db]
@@ -116,56 +129,79 @@
     set json "\{"
     dict for {key values} $db {
-        set line "\"$key\":\"[dict get $db $key]\""
+        set line "\n${indent}  \"$key\": \"[dict get $db $key]\""
         # Check if there are any subsequent items
         if {$i < $size} {
-            set line "$line, "
-        } 
+            append line ","
+        }
         # Add line to the JSON string
-        set json "$json$line"
+        append json $line
         incr i
-    set json "$json\}"
+    if {$size > 0} {
+        append json "\n${indent}"
+    }
+    append json "\}"
     return $json
 # Encodes a list of strings as a JSON array
-proc json_encode_list { data } {    
+# @param data
+#        the list to be encoded in JSON
+# @param indent
+#        an optional indentation string that will be printed at the start of each new line
+# @returns
+#        the given list, as JSON-formatted string
+proc json_encode_list {data {indent ""}} {
     set size [llength $data]
     set i 1
     set json "\["
     foreach item $data {
-        set json "$json$data"
+        append json "\n  "
+        append json $data
         # Check if there are any subsequent items
         if {$i < $size} {
-            set json "$json, "
+            append json ","
         incr i
-    set json "$json \]"
+    if {$size > 0} {
+        append json "\n${indent}"
+    }
+    append json "\]"
     return $json
 # Encode a port (from a portlist entry) as a JSON object
-proc json_encode_port { port_info } {
+# @param data
+#        the name of the portinfo variable for the port to be encoded
+# @param indent
+#        an optional indentation string that will be printed at the start of each new line
+# @returns
+#        the given port, represented as JSON object with the keys name, version and variants, if
+#        present
+proc json_encode_port {port_info {indent ""}} {
     upvar 1 $port_info port
     set first true
     set json "\{"
-    foreach name [array names port] {
+    foreach name {name version variants} {
         # Skip empty strings
         if {$port($name) eq ""} {
@@ -174,50 +210,69 @@
         # Prepend a comma if this isn't the first item that has been processed
         if {!$first} {
             # Add a comma
-            set json "$json, "
-       } else {
-           set first false
-       }
+            append json ", "
+        } else {
+            set first false
+        }
         # Format the entry as "name_string":"value"
-        set entry "\"$name\":\"$port($name)\"" 
-        set json "$json$entry"
+        append json "\"$name\": \"$port($name)\""
-    set json "$json\}"
+    append json "\}"
     return $json
 # Encode portlist as a JSON array of port objects
-proc json_encode_portlist { portlist } {
+# @param data
+#        the list of ports to be encoded in JSON
+# @param indent
+#        an optional indentation string that will be printed at the start of each new line
+# @returns
+#        the given list of ports, encoded as JSON array of return values of json_encode_port
+proc json_encode_portlist {portlist {indent ""}} {
     set json "\["
     set first true
     foreach i $portlist {
         array set port $i
-        set encoded [json_encode_port port]
+        set encoded [json_encode_port port "${indent}  "]
         # Prepend a comma if this isn't the first item that has been processed
         if {!$first} {
             # Add a comma
-            set json "$json, "
-       } else {
-           set first false
-       }
+            append json ","
+        } else {
+            set first false
+        }
         # Append encoded json object
-        set json "$json$encoded"
+        append json "\n${indent}  ${encoded}"
-    set json "$json\]"
+    if {!$first} {
+        append json "\n${indent}"
+    }
+    append json "\]"
     return $json
-# Top level container for os and port data
-# Returns a JSON Object with three  
+# Encodes the collected statistics as JSON
+# @param id
+#        the statistics UUID for this installation
+# @param os_dict
+#        the variable name of the dict holding statistics about the OS
+# @param ports_dict
+#        the variable name of the dict holding statistics about the installed ports
+# @returns
+#        a JSON-encoded string in the format required by the statistics server ready for submission
 proc json_encode_stats {id os_dict ports_dict} {
     upvar 1 $os_dict os
     upvar 1 $ports_dict ports
@@ -227,28 +282,47 @@
     set inactive_ports_json [json_encode_portlist [dict get $ports "inactive"]]
     set json "\{"
-    set json "$json \"id\":\"$id\","
-    set json "$json \"os\":$os_json,"
-    set json "$json \"active_ports\":$active_ports_json,"
-    set json "$json \"inactive_ports\":$inactive_ports_json"
-    set json "$json\}"
+    append json "\n  \"id\": \"$id\","
+    append json "\n  \"os\": [json_encode_dict os "  "],"
+    append json "\n  \"active_ports\": [json_encode_portlist [dict get $ports "active"] "  "],"
+    append json "\n  \"inactive_ports\": [json_encode_portlist [dict get $ports "inactive"] "  "]"
+    append json "\n\}"
     return $json
+# Helper proc to encode the variants list in a canonical way
+# @param variants
+#        the string of all variants for any given port
+# @returns
+#        a Tcl array object converted to a list where the keys are variant names and the values
+#        are either + or -, depending on whether the variant was selected, or not.
 proc split_variants {variants} {
     set result {}
     set l [regexp -all -inline -- {([-+])([[:alpha:]_]+[\w\.]*)} $variants]
-    foreach { match sign variant } $l {
+    foreach {match sign variant} $l {
         lappend result $variant $sign
     return $result
+# Helper proc to build a list of all installed ports
+# @param active
+#        "yes", if the proc should collect all active ports, any other string to cause the
+#        collection of inactive ports
+# @returns
+#        a list of installed ports chosen according to the \a active parameter, where each entry is
+#        the list representation of a Tcl array with the keys name, version and variants. The
+#        variants value is encoded using \c split_variants, the version entry has the form
+#        "$version_$revision".
 proc get_installed_ports {active} {
     set ilist {}
-    if { [catch {set ilist [registry::installed]} result] } {
-        if {$result != "Registry error: No ports registered as installed."} {
+    if {[catch {set ilist [registry::installed]} result]} {
+        if {$result ne "Registry error: No ports registered as installed."} {
             ui_debug "$::errorInfo"
             return -code error "registry::installed failed: $result"
@@ -258,7 +332,7 @@
     foreach i $ilist {
         set iactive [lindex $i 4]
-        if {(${active} == "yes") == (${iactive} != 0)} {
+        if {(${active} eq "yes") == (${iactive} != 0)} {
             set iname [lindex $i 0]
             set iversion [lindex $i 1]
             set irevision [lindex $i 2]
@@ -270,32 +344,37 @@
     return $results
+# The main entry point of mpstats.tcl. Collects and prints or submits statistics.
+# @param subcommands
+#        The list of commands to be executed by this proc. This list can either be empty, which will
+#        cause printing a usage message, ["show"], which will diplay the JSON-encoded data to be
+#        submitted, or ["submit"] to send the data to the configured statistics server.
+# @returns
+#        0 on success and a non-zero value on error
 proc action_stats {subcommands} {
     global stats_url stats_id
+    # If no subcommands are given (subcommands is empty) print out usage message
+    if {[llength $subcommands] == 0} {
+        usage
+        return 1
+    }
     # Build dictionary of os information
     dict set os macports_version [macports::version]
     dict set os osx_version ${macports::macosx_version}
-    dict set os os_arch ${macports::os_arch} 
+    dict set os os_arch ${macports::os_arch}
     dict set os os_platform ${macports::os_platform}
     dict set os build_arch ${macports::build_arch}
     dict set os gcc_version [getgccinfo]
     dict set os xcode_version ${macports::xcodeversion}
-    # Build dictionary of port information 
+    # Build dictionary of port information
     dict set ports active   [get_installed_ports yes]
     dict set ports inactive [get_installed_ports no]
-    # If no subcommands are given (subcommands is empty) print out OS information
-    if {$subcommands eq ""} {
-        # Print information from os dictionary
-        dict for {key values} $os {
-            puts "$key: [dict get $os $key]"
-        }
-        return 0
-    }
     # Make sure there aren't too many subcommands
     if {[llength $subcommands] > 1} {
         ui_error "Please select only one subcommand."
@@ -319,16 +398,18 @@
     switch $cmd {
         submit {
-            ui_notice "Submitting to $stats_url"
+            ui_notice "Submitting data to $stats_url ..."
             if {[catch {curl post "submission\[data\]=$json" $stats_url} value]} {
                 ui_error "$::errorInfo"
                 return 1
+            ui_notice "Success."
         show {
-            ui_notice "Would submit to $stats_url"
-            ui_msg "submission\[data\]=$json"
+            ui_notice "Would submit the follwoing data to $stats_url:"
+            ui_msg "$json"
         default {
             puts "Unknown subcommand."
@@ -341,4 +422,4 @@
-action_stats $argv
+exit [action_stats $argv]
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