[116334] trunk/dports/science/openmpi/Portfile

sean at macports.org sean at macports.org
Thu Jan 23 12:11:36 PST 2014

Revision: 116334
Author:   sean at macports.org
Date:     2014-01-23 12:11:36 -0800 (Thu, 23 Jan 2014)
Log Message:
openmpi: tabs should be banned

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/dports/science/openmpi/Portfile
--- trunk/dports/science/openmpi/Portfile	2014-01-23 20:11:33 UTC (rev 116333)
+++ trunk/dports/science/openmpi/Portfile	2014-01-23 20:11:36 UTC (rev 116334)
@@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:filetype=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
 # $Id$
-PortSystem 1.0
+PortSystem          1.0
 # TODO: Improve universal.  The only issue is with ${prefix}/include/openmpi/mpif-config.h
 #       It requires preprocessing, so it will work with #include directives
 #       but not if clients use INCLUDE
 #PortGroup           muniversal 1.0
-universal_variant    no
+universal_variant   no
-name			openmpi
-version			1.7.3
-revision                0
-set branch		[join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
-categories		science parallel net
-platforms		darwin
-license			BSD
-maintainers		mww openmaintainer
-description		A High Performance Message Passing Library
-long_description	Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources \
-			from several other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and \
-			PACX-MPI) in order to build the best MPI library available. A \
-			completely new MPI-2 compliant implementation, Open MPI offers \
-			advantages for system and software vendors, application developers \
-			and computer science researchers.
+name                openmpi
+version             1.7.3
+revision            0
+set branch          [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
+categories          science parallel net
+platforms           darwin
+license             BSD
+maintainers         mww openmaintainer
+description         A High Performance Message Passing Library
+long_description    Open MPI is a project combining technologies and resources \
+            from several other projects (FT-MPI, LA-MPI, LAM/MPI, and \
+            PACX-MPI) in order to build the best MPI library available. A \
+            completely new MPI-2 compliant implementation, Open MPI offers \
+            advantages for system and software vendors, application developers \
+            and computer science researchers.
-homepage		http://www.open-mpi.org/
-set subdir		ompi/v${branch}/downloads/
-master_sites		http://www.open-mpi.org/software/${subdir} \
-			http://www.open-mpi.de/software/${subdir} \
-			http://icl.cs.utk.edu/open-mpi/${subdir}
+homepage            http://www.open-mpi.org/
+set subdir          ompi/v${branch}/downloads/
+master_sites        http://www.open-mpi.org/software/${subdir} \
+                    http://www.open-mpi.de/software/${subdir} \
+                    http://icl.cs.utk.edu/open-mpi/${subdir}
 # keep md5 & sha1 checksums as they are published on http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.7/
 checksums           md5     7d0779f73c43eb1d098ad037d60649bc \
                     sha1    ce61ee466ac2b21024c7d8dabc4f18676b2f1b76 \
                     rmd160  e93b26bbec301aa534d89047c426570423e8cde4 \
                     sha256  438d96c178dbf5a1bc92fa1d238a8225d87b64af26ce2a07789faaf312117e45
-use_bzip2		yes
+use_bzip2           yes
 pre-extract { file mkdir ${workpath}/build }
 # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/39089
-compiler.blacklist	gcc-4.0
+compiler.blacklist  gcc-4.0
 compiler.blacklist-append  llvm-gcc-4.2 macports-llvm-gcc-4.2
-configure.dir	${workpath}/build
-configure.cmd	${worksrcpath}/configure
-configure.args	--enable-mpi-f77 --enable-mpi-f90 \
-		--sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/${name} \
-		--includedir=${prefix}/include/${name} \
-		--bindir=${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin \
-		--mandir=${prefix}/share/man
+configure.dir       ${workpath}/build
+configure.cmd       ${worksrcpath}/configure
+configure.args      --enable-mpi-f77 --enable-mpi-f90 \
+                    --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc/${name} \
+                    --includedir=${prefix}/include/${name} \
+                    --bindir=${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin \
+                    --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
-build.dir	${configure.dir}
+build.dir           ${configure.dir}
-destroot.dir	${build.dir}
-set wrappers	{mpicc mpicxx mpic++ mpif77 mpif90}
+destroot.dir        ${build.dir}
+set wrappers        {mpicc mpicxx mpic++ mpif77 mpif90}
 post-destroot {
-	foreach bin {mpirun mpiexec} {
-		system -W ${destroot}${prefix}/bin \
-			"ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin/orterun open${bin}"
-	}
-	foreach bin ${wrappers} {
-		system -W ${destroot}${prefix}/bin \
-			"ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin/opal_wrapper open${bin}"
-		system -W ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} \
-			"ln -sf ${prefix}/share/${name}/${bin}-wrapper-data.txt \
-			open${bin}-wrapper-data.txt"
-	}
+    foreach bin {mpirun mpiexec} {
+        system -W ${destroot}${prefix}/bin \
+            "ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin/orterun open${bin}"
+    }
+    foreach bin ${wrappers} {
+        system -W ${destroot}${prefix}/bin \
+            "ln -sf ${prefix}/lib/${name}/bin/opal_wrapper open${bin}"
+        system -W ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} \
+            "ln -sf ${prefix}/share/${name}/${bin}-wrapper-data.txt \
+            open${bin}-wrapper-data.txt"
+    }
-	file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/vampirtrace/config.log
+    file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/vampirtrace/config.log
 conflicts       mpich mpich2 mpich3 lammpi mpich-devel mpich3-devel
 variant threads description {enable threads for MPI applications} {
-	configure.args-append --enable-mpi-thread-multiple
+    configure.args-append --enable-mpi-thread-multiple
 variant valgrind description {enable valgrind support} {
-	depends_lib-append    path:${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/valgrind.pc:valgrind
-	configure.args-append --enable-debug --enable-memchecker --with-valgrind=${prefix}
+    depends_lib-append    path:${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig/valgrind.pc:valgrind
+    configure.args-append --enable-debug --enable-memchecker --with-valgrind=${prefix}
 set gcc_versions {4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9}
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
     configure.f90 ${prefix}/bin/g95
-livecheck.type	regex
-livecheck.url	http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.7/
-livecheck.regex	openmpi-(\[0-9\.\]+).tar.bz2
+livecheck.type      regex
+livecheck.url       http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.7/
+livecheck.regex     openmpi-(\[0-9\.\]+).tar.bz2
 # remove -arch from ldflags, ticket #22833
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