[122044] trunk/base
cal at macports.org
cal at macports.org
Sun Jul 13 06:19:37 PDT 2014
Revision: 122044
Author: cal at macports.org
Date: 2014-07-13 06:19:37 -0700 (Sun, 13 Jul 2014)
Log Message:
base: Makefiles: Quote DSTUSR/DSTGRP/DSTMODE, INSTALLDIR and RUNUSR in an attempt to fix #43875
Modified Paths:
Modified: trunk/base/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -36,58 +36,58 @@
[ ! -f "$(DESTDIR)${sysconfdir}/macports/mp_version" ] || rm -vf "$(DESTDIR)${sysconfdir}/macports/mp_version"
- $(INSTALL) -d -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m ${DSTMODE} "$(DESTDIR)${datadir}/macports/"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 setupenv.bash "$(DESTDIR)${datadir}/macports/"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $(srcdir)/macports-pubkey.pem "$(DESTDIR)${datadir}/macports/"
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "$(DESTDIR)${datadir}/macports/"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 setupenv.bash "$(DESTDIR)${datadir}/macports/"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 $(srcdir)/macports-pubkey.pem "$(DESTDIR)${datadir}/macports/"
# Only run these scripts when not building in a destroot
ifeq ($(DESTDIR),)
# create run user if it doesn't exist
@if test -n "${DSCL}" -a -n "${DSEDITGROUP}" ; then \
- if ! ${DSCL} -q . -read /Groups/${RUNUSR} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
+ if ! ${DSCL} -q . -read "/Groups/${RUNUSR}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
if test `id -u` -eq 0; then \
echo "Creating group \"${RUNUSR}\"" ; \
- ${DSEDITGROUP} -q -o create ${RUNUSR} ; \
+ ${DSEDITGROUP} -q -o create "${RUNUSR}" ; \
else \
echo "Not creating group \"${RUNUSR}\" (not root)" ; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
- if ! ${DSCL} -q . -list /Users/${RUNUSR} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
+ if ! ${DSCL} -q . -list "/Users/${RUNUSR}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then \
if test `id -u` -eq 0; then \
echo "Creating user \"${RUNUSR}\"" ; \
NEXTUID=501; \
while test -n "`${DSCL} -q /Search -search /Users UniqueID $$NEXTUID`"; do \
done; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} UniqueID $$NEXTUID ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" UniqueID $$NEXTUID ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -delete /Users/${RUNUSR} AuthenticationAuthority ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -delete /Users/${RUNUSR} PasswordPolicyOptions ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -delete /Users/${RUNUSR} dsAttrTypeNative:KerberosKeys ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -delete /Users/${RUNUSR} dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -delete "/Users/${RUNUSR}" AuthenticationAuthority ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -delete "/Users/${RUNUSR}" PasswordPolicyOptions ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -delete "/Users/${RUNUSR}" dsAttrTypeNative:KerberosKeys ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -delete "/Users/${RUNUSR}" dsAttrTypeNative:ShadowHashData ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} RealName MacPorts ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} Password \* ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} PrimaryGroupID $$(${DSCL} -q . -read /Groups/${RUNUSR} PrimaryGroupID | /usr/bin/awk '{print $$2}') ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} NFSHomeDirectory "${localstatedir}/macports/home" ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} UserShell /usr/bin/false ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" RealName MacPorts ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" Password \* ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" PrimaryGroupID $$(${DSCL} -q . -read "/Groups/${RUNUSR}" PrimaryGroupID | /usr/bin/awk '{print $$2}') ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" NFSHomeDirectory "${localstatedir}/macports/home" ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" UserShell /usr/bin/false ; \
else \
echo "Not creating user \"${RUNUSR}\" (not root)" ; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
- if test "$$(${DSCL} -q . -read /Users/${RUNUSR} NFSHomeDirectory)" = "NFSHomeDirectory: /var/empty" ; then \
+ if test "$$(${DSCL} -q . -read "/Users/${RUNUSR}" NFSHomeDirectory)" = "NFSHomeDirectory: /var/empty" ; then \
if test `id -u` -eq 0; then \
echo "Updating home directory location for user \"${RUNUSR}\"" ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} NFSHomeDirectory "${localstatedir}/macports/home" ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" NFSHomeDirectory "${localstatedir}/macports/home" ; \
else \
echo "Not updating home directory location for user \"${RUNUSR}\" (not root)" ; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
if test `sw_vers -productVersion | /usr/bin/awk -F . '{print $$2}'` -eq 4 -a `id -u` -eq 0; then \
- GID=`${DSCL} -q . -read /Groups/${RUNUSR} PrimaryGroupID | /usr/bin/awk '{print $$2}'` ; \
- if test "`${DSCL} -q . -read /Users/${RUNUSR} PrimaryGroupID 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/awk '{print $$2}'`" != "$$GID"; then \
+ GID=`${DSCL} -q . -read "/Groups/${RUNUSR}" PrimaryGroupID | /usr/bin/awk '{print $$2}'` ; \
+ if test "`${DSCL} -q . -read "/Users/${RUNUSR}" PrimaryGroupID 2>/dev/null | /usr/bin/awk '{print $$2}'`" != "$$GID"; then \
echo "Fixing PrimaryGroupID for user \"${RUNUSR}\"" ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} PrimaryGroupID $$GID ; \
- ${DSCL} -q . -create /Users/${RUNUSR} RealName MacPorts ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" PrimaryGroupID $$GID ; \
+ ${DSCL} -q . -create "/Users/${RUNUSR}" RealName MacPorts ; \
fi ; \
fi ; \
else \
Modified: trunk/base/doc/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/doc/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/doc/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
gzip -c $^ > $@
install: all
- $(INSTALL) -d -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m ${DSTMODE} "${DESTDIR}${mpconfigdir}"
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${DESTDIR}${mpconfigdir}"
< prefix.mtree $(MTREE) -U -e -p "${INSTALLDIR}" > /dev/null
< base.mtree $(MTREE) -U -e -p "${INSTALLDIR}" > /dev/null
@@ -42,15 +42,15 @@
ifneq (8, at OS_MAJOR@)
# Tiger's chmod doesn't accept -h
# mtree with umask 0077 doesn't get the permissions of the symlink right
- chmod -h 755 ${INSTALLDIR}/man
+ chmod -h 755 "${INSTALLDIR}/man"
for f in ${CONF}; do \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $$f "${DESTDIR}${mpconfigdir}/$${f}.default"; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$$f" "${DESTDIR}${mpconfigdir}/$${f}.default"; \
if test ! -e "${DESTDIR}${mpconfigdir}/$$f" ; then \
set -x; \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 644 $$f "${DESTDIR}${mpconfigdir}"; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 644 "$$f" "${DESTDIR}${mpconfigdir}"; \
fi; \
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@
for m in ${MAN5}; do rm -f "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man5/$$m" ; done
for m in ${MAN7}; do rm -f "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7/$$m" ; done
- $(INSTALL) -d -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m ${DSTMODE} "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 644 base.mtree "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install/"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 644 prefix.mtree "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install/"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 644 macosx.mtree "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install/"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 port.1.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man1"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 macports.conf.5.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man5"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 portfile.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 portstyle.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 porthier.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 portgroup.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 644 base.mtree "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install/"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 644 prefix.mtree "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install/"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 644 macosx.mtree "${INSTALLDIR}/share/macports/install/"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 port.1.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man1"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 macports.conf.5.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man5"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 portfile.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 portstyle.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 porthier.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 portgroup.7.gz "${INSTALLDIR}/share/man/man7"
Modified: trunk/base/src/darwintracelib1.0/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/src/darwintracelib1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/src/darwintracelib1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
rm -f Makefile
install:: all
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "${SHLIB_NAME}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
Modified: trunk/base/src/macports1.0/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/src/macports1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/src/macports1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
@# creating the directory will fail.
if test -L "${INSTALLDIR}"; then rm -rf "${INSTALLDIR}"; fi
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
$(SILENT) set -x; for file in ${SRCS}; do \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $$file ${INSTALLDIR}/$$file; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$$file" "${INSTALLDIR}/$$file"; \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl ${INSTALLDIR}
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl "${INSTALLDIR}"
include $(srcdir)/../../Mk/macports.tea.mk
Modified: trunk/base/src/package1.0/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/src/package1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/src/package1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
$(TCLSH) $(srcdir)/tests/test.tcl -nocolor
install:: all
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
$(SILENT)set -x; for file in ${SRCS}; do \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $(srcdir)/$$file ${INSTALLDIR}; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$(srcdir)/$$file" "${INSTALLDIR}"; \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl ${INSTALLDIR}
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl "${INSTALLDIR}"
Modified: trunk/base/src/port/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/src/port/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/src/port/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@
rm -f Makefile
install: all mkdirs
- $(INSTALL) -d -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m ${DSTMODE} ${INSTALLDIR}/bin
- $(INSTALL) -d -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m ${DSTMODE} ${INSTALLDIR}/var/macports
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 555 port portindex portmirror ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $(srcdir)/port-help.tcl ${INSTALLDIR}/var/macports/
- cd ${INSTALLDIR}/bin && $(LN_S) -f port portf
- cd ${INSTALLDIR}/bin && $(LN_S) -f ${TCLSH} port-tclsh
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}/bin"
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}/var/macports"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 555 port portindex portmirror "${INSTALLDIR}/bin/"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$(srcdir)/port-help.tcl" "${INSTALLDIR}/var/macports/"
+ cd "${INSTALLDIR}/bin" && $(LN_S) -f port portf
+ cd "${INSTALLDIR}/bin" && $(LN_S) -f "${TCLSH}" port-tclsh
ifneq (,$(findstring darwin, at build_os@))
ifneq (8, at OS_MAJOR@)
- chmod -h 555 ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/portf ${INSTALLDIR}/bin/port-tclsh
+ chmod -h 555 "${INSTALLDIR}/bin/portf" "${INSTALLDIR}/bin/port-tclsh"
Modified: trunk/base/src/port1.0/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/src/port1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/src/port1.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
rm -f Makefile
install:: all
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
$(SILENT)set -x; for file in ${SRCS}; do \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $(srcdir)/$$file ${INSTALLDIR}; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$(srcdir)/$$file" "${INSTALLDIR}"; \
$(SILENT)set -x; for file in ${SRCS_AUTOCONF}; do \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $$file ${INSTALLDIR}; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$$file" "${INSTALLDIR}"; \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl ${INSTALLDIR}
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl "${INSTALLDIR}"
$(TCLSH) $(srcdir)/tests/test.tcl -nocolor
Modified: trunk/base/src/programs/daemondo/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/src/programs/daemondo/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/src/programs/daemondo/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -35,6 +35,6 @@
rm -f Makefile
install: daemondo
- ${INSTALL} -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 555 ${PROGRAM} ${DESTDIR}${bindir}
+ ${INSTALL} -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 555 "${PROGRAM}" "${DESTDIR}${bindir}"
Modified: trunk/base/src/registry2.0/Makefile.in
--- trunk/base/src/registry2.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 12:58:08 UTC (rev 122043)
+++ trunk/base/src/registry2.0/Makefile.in 2014-07-13 13:19:37 UTC (rev 122044)
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
rm -f Makefile
install:: all $(SHLIB_NAME)
+ $(INSTALL) -d -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m "${DSTMODE}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "${SHLIB_NAME}" "${INSTALLDIR}"
$(SILENT) set -x; for file in ${SRCS}; do \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $(srcdir)/$$file ${INSTALLDIR}/$$file; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$(srcdir)/$$file" "${INSTALLDIR}/$$file"; \
$(SILENT) set -x; for file in ${SRCS_AUTOCONF}; do \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 $$file ${INSTALLDIR}/$$file; \
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 "$$file" "${INSTALLDIR}/$$file"; \
- $(INSTALL) -o ${DSTUSR} -g ${DSTGRP} -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl ${INSTALLDIR}
+ $(INSTALL) -o "${DSTUSR}" -g "${DSTGRP}" -m 444 pkgIndex.tcl "${INSTALLDIR}"
-------------- next part --------------
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